#American Genocide Magick
battleangel · 3 months
What About Killing Fields?
Michael Jackson literally screamed the title to this blog post in, Earth Song.
Please, go watch the video if youve never seen it before:
Why was Michael screaming the lyrics, literally screaming them, about killing fields trying to get through to us?
Trying to get through to our empathy?
Trying to make us give a fucking damn?
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50k Palestinian civilians have been murdered in the genocide caused by Israel, funded by and weapons provided by the US & Boeing, since last October.
There is a pending famine caused purposely by the genocide that if it is not stopped by a PERMANENT ceasefire agreement will result in millions of deaths, including children.
They could unblock the bridge from Egypt to Rafah today.
They dont want to.
You do know who they is.
They could deliver emergency flotillas to feed all of the starving Palestinians today.
Are you claiming that the US has 4.3 billion dollars a year to fund Israels genocide but doesnt have money to deliver food to a few million starving Palestinians at risk of being murdered by a forced famine?
So, why dont they?
Instead, we have flour massacres (look it up), where starving Palestinians promised aid are literally gunned down by the IDF terrorists for attempting to obtain food that was promised to them.
It has happened again and again.
Palestinian starving civilians promised food and then murdered and gunned down in cold blood the moment they try to obtain literally life-saving food.
Netanyahu is purposely starving them and not allowing food and aid in.
Netanyahu is literally blocking the flotilla, the bridge from Egypt into Palestine and the emergency aid trucks all filled with food just sitting as millions of Palestinians, including children, are forced to literally eat cattle feed to survive.
Its not like dog food.
It is absolutely inedible for humans yet there are videos on social media of children choking down cattle feed.
What about killing fields?
But all Americans care about at a mass level are their 4th of July plans.
Why the fuck would you ever want to “celebrate” the “birth” of a nation that is white supremacist, colonialist, racist, misogynist, fascistic, built off of police brutality, slavery of Africans with no restitution or reparations free slave labor with no wages ever paid to anyone that built this nation, Christofascist, zionist, Greco-Roman, Eurocentric, ancient Egypt denying, Kemet denying, melanin denying, appropriating from Black people our music that we created - country (look it up), jazz, blues, rhythm & blues, rock (not Elvis - look it up), ofcourse hip hop & rap, reggae, soca, etc — our culture, our cornrows, our braids, our dreads, our hair, our Kanekalon, our Senegalese twists everything just becomes a fashion statement for the Kardashians — misappropriation of our culture and constantly stealing from us then lying about it and erasing us from the history — Disney stole designs from a black creator designer & cartoonist who was never credited (look it up) — why do you think there are so many examples of this?
Africa — Kemet which is ancient Egypt — is the birthplace of humanity.
Ancient Egyptians developed roads, highways, infrastructure, irrigation, aqueduct systems, modern medicine (look it up), modern surgery techniques, modern embalming techniques, astrology, math, art, history, astronomy, philosophy all before the Greeks & Romans & “Enlightenment” yet look who gets credited for inventing these things.
Jesus is a bastardized Horus from Kemet from ancient Egypt, it is a 1:1 bastardization and shit retelling, everything from dying and rising again the third day.
Look it up.
They removed all the wisdom, esotericism, knowledge of the self, mysticism, magick and replaced it with fear, dogma, control, a fake white guy with a beard, a Santa Claus in the skies sitting on a fake ass throne judging you for hooking up on Tinder last Saturday.
Yet you question nothing.
They say they dont know how the pyramids were built and that “even today” we do not have the technology the ancient Egyptians had and that the stones of the pyramid were built so close together that you cannot even slide a debit card through them.
Yet you question nothing.
You dont question why the capstone is missing on top of the pyramid or why it is on the back of the US $1 bill, the default global currency, with an eye above it.
Still you question nothing.
Look up the Eye of Ra.
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Go read the lyrics of Earth Song while listening to MJ then come back:
79% of plastic that has ever been made still sits in landfills or the natural environment.
It takes 400 years for plastic to break down in a landfill.
Did you process that?
Every sanitary pad, every pantyliner, every plastic tampon applicator, every plastic utensil, every Red Solo cup, every Dixie cup, every plastic plate, every plastic water bottle, every Ziploc bag, every plastic cap to your toothpaste tube, every plastic potato chip bag, every plastic wrapper, every plastic medicine bottle, every single plastic K-cup for your daily morning coffee.
Every time you use a washing machine to wash your laundry, it causes microplastics that are released and end up in oceans.
Single use plastic is absolutely ubiquitous.
There have been 9.1 billion tons of plastic produced since throwaway culture was introduced in the 1950s and disposable plastic was introduced for the first time.
Plastic is actually extremely durable, they just didnt want it to be.
You do know who they is.
Why the 50s?
Because WWII had just ended and they needed something to mass produce now that they no longer needed to mass produce for the war.
So, single use plastic was introduced and marketed to the masses as convenient, time saving, modern and more hygienic.
Just how retirement was marketed as “golden years” — still pathetically parroted today — by a marketer.
Look it up. Also in the 1950s.
Prior to this marketing campaign, retirement was dreaded as a period of decline in health.
The marketing campaign shifted this to the golden years of your life.
It was a marketing campaign built to push retirement living and communities and it not only worked but the pathetic idea of working your entire life to “finally be able to do what you want for ten years max” is somehow still around today.
Brainwashing, grooming, conditioning, indoctrination centers.
Seductive marketing, hypnotic messaging, brainwashing techniques in advertising.
Same with homeownership being the “American Dream”.
Look it up.
It was started as a marketing campaign at the beginning of the 1900s by a president of a real estate company.
The marketing campaign proved so successful that starting with FDR’s New Deal, the United States government started pushing and promoting home ownership as quintessential to the American Dream.
Today, 94% of Americans believe that owning a home is a quintessential part of the American dream.
Brainwashed. Indoctrinated. Conditioned. Groomed.
Its actually taking on hundreds of thousands of dollars of debt, signing your life away for 20 to 30 years when you have no control over the housing market or economy.
Have you all already forgotten about Lehman Brothers, subprime mortgages and the housing collapse PURPOSELY CAUSED in 2008 by lenders providing loans to borrowers whom they knew would be unable to pay the loans back thus causing a housing market collapse and allowing the same lenders to buy back these subprime loans and pocket billions while the housing market and economy crashed and millions lost their homes and jobs?
Were you alive in 2008?
If not, look it up.
So, its a losing proposition, owning a home.
A HELOC is taking on more debt even if you borrow against the equity in your home in the form of a loan, you will have to pay the loan back with interest.
No thanks.
Even if you are clever and invest in upgrading your home, rent it out, make money off of it as a rental property or invest in it and flip it and profit it off of it or if you pay the loan off over 20 or 30 years, do upgrades to the home, then sell it for a significant profit, so what?
How the fuck is that a “dream”?
You just made money, who the fuck cares?
That doesnt explain the promotion of home ownership as a quintessential part of the American dream.
WHAT American dream???????
Most of the wealth in America is owned by white people as they concentrate the wealth then pass it on to their future generations and bloodline through estate planning and wills that transfers real estate and assets from wealthy parents to their children.
Wash rinse repeat.
How the fuck is that a meritocracy?????
Blacks are 13% of the population yet we make up over 80% of the prison population.
Poverty in America is overwhelmingly endured by Black and brown minorities.
Most of the youth in foster care are Black and brown.
Foster care youth end up houseless and imprisoned at an enormously higher rate.
What leads to being placed in foster care other than racist policies and being Black and brown?
Substance use by parents and parents becoming houseless.
What overwhelmingly causes substance use and houselessness?
Yet we still have never addressed poverty in America.
How hard would it be to take the Earned Income Tax Credit that right now goes to parents with children that own a home, take that money and repurpose it to a Universal Basic Income (UBI) that provides each American adult 18 and over with a $1k a month?
They have done studies that have shown that even $500 a month — and if we have $4 billion to send to Israel every year to kill innocent Palestinian civilians dont tell me we dont have $500 a month for every adult in the US — significantly improved the lives of families in poverty — they stopped skipping meals, they stopped undereating, starving, eating sugar sandwiches and dry cereal for dinner, they stopped avoiding getting needed urgent medical care, they stopped smoking to suppress their appetite (this is well documented, look it up), they stopped drinking as self medication, they stopped eating cheap shitty fast food and frozen meals — and surprise, surprise their quality of life went way up.
For $500 fucking dollars.
And surprise, surprise, they dont want that.
And you do know who they is.
Every year, the world produces nearly 400 million tons of plastic, a 19,000% increase from 1950.
The amount is forecast to double by 2050 and 90% is never recycled.
Over half of the plastics produced are used only once, for things like packaging, utensils and straws.
This is why the fight long termism and they dont want you googling Claudia Karina 2024.
They dont want you thinking 100, 250 and 500 years from now.
Everything is the now, everything is the moment, everything disposable, everything ephemeral, everything throwaway.
Almost 30,000 coffee pods go to landfill each month and take 500 years to decompose.
All that for a fucking cup of coffee?
Be so serious.
The fast fashion industry is the second-biggest consumer of water and is responsible for about 10% of global carbon emissions – more than all international flights and maritime shipping combined.
It’s a form of throwaway culture called fast fashion, which produces 92 million tons of waste annually on a global scale.
All to save a few bucks on a shittily designed outfit on Shein by workers that are underpaid working 12 to 16 plus hour shifts and if they make more than a few mistakes per MONTH, they have their pay docked.
But who cares as long as your fit is cute and cheap, right?
Humans have evolved to live on this planet – life on other planets, while technically possible, is undesirable, unhealthy and constrained.
Which ofcourse is Lord Elon & Lord Bezos’ plan — destroy Earth for Amazon Prime 1 Day Sales & Teslas EVs.
Then on to the next planet after they hump, pump and dump Earth.
Do I really have to tell you that only rich wypipo — who caused the destruction of Earth — will be along for the ride to Mars or wherever the fuck planet these sociopaths are planning to colonize next?
The poor, impoverished, disabled, and especially elderly and ofcourse Black & brown people will be left behind except for those who manage to make a deal with the devil, sell the souls and board the Galaxy Express to the next destination of destruction.
Stop driving your car.
Burning fossil fuels is one of the biggest drivers and contributors of climate change.
Need to drive to get to work?
Look into remote options, freelance and/or start your own business online at home.
Ride a bike or a scooter, walk, take a bus or public transportation.
Or just dont go out.
You dont have to shop, socialize, eat, “hang out”, go to the movies.
Do your hair yourself or shave it bald like I do every 3 to 6 months.
I only paid for the razor, after that it is free99 for me to shave my own head:
If youre a woman or femme and afraid of the reactions, watch my above TikToks.
Question why they are reacting.
Question why you care.
Youve been programmed.
Do it anyway.
If you want color, use chalk dyes as they are temporary and wash out after one use and do not have harmful chemicals dyes and toxins as most salon & store bought vegan dyes do.
Or just slap on a shitty cheap wig if you want some color and variety. I bought a $20 wig two years ago that I wear if I want a colorful lewk.
Thats not wasteful.
Thats not buying a new wig every month or every 3 months. Or going to the salon every month or every 3 months. Or buying hair dyes or getting my hair colored every 3 months.
Deprogram yourself.
Cargill produces 11 billion pounds of beef a year.
11 billion. Every year.
Play Earth Song by Michael again.
Cargill made $170 billion last year.
Nothing is ever enough.
The essence of capitalism.
Nothing is ever enough under capitalism.
They are willing to light the world on fire and watch it burn as long as they can continue to grow faster, bigger, stronger, more acquisitions, more money, more wealth, more employees, bigger share prices, higher on the fortune 500, number one meat processor, made triple what Tyson Foods made, made $60 billion more than second closest competitor.
You do know who they is.
There is no price they arent willing to pay to be number one in a capitalist market, no corner they wont cut, no practice they wont stoop to, no low they wont lower themselves to, no lie they wont tell, no animal they wont mistreat/torture/drug/feed with hormones/breed & impregnate endlessly/crowd in overcrowded pens & stalls/terrify/decapitate while alive due to stun guns not working/decapitate up to six times before it works as it is a machine that is an imperfect process and the cow is alive for each attempt/feed dead cows to living cows to save money on feed/not allow them room to walk or move much less provide them with pastures open air sky sun water land.
What about yesterday?
What about disease?
There is no price they arent willing to pay to be number one in a capitalist market, no corner they wont cut, no practice they wont stoop to, no low they wont lower themselves to, no lie they wont tell, no animal they wont mistreat/torture/drug/feed with hormones/breed & impregnate endlessly/crowd in overcrowded pens & stalls/terrify/decapitate while alive due to stun guns not working/decapitate up to six times before it works as it is a machine that is an imperfect process and the cow is alive for each attempt/feed dead cows to living cows to save money on feed/not allow them room to walk or move much less provide them with pastures open air sky sun water land.
No low is too low when there are profits to be made & shareholders to satisfy.
Trump snorted Adderall during the filming of The Apprentice. Theres actual documentation of this.
Watch the video of Trump with pupils f u l l y dilated and fucking blown like a full out fucking meth head slurring the words, “I love everybody”, and tell me hes not snorting Adderall, doing meth and potentially coke.
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After WWII, between 1945 and 1949, 20 million refrigerators, 21.4 million cars, and 5.5 million stoves were purchased by American households.
World War II had just ended, families had more disposable income on their hands, and more spending power.
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Marketing. Programming. Shiny. New. Ironmen. Fitter. Iron lungs.
There was a huge push from the oil industry to get plastic single-use items adopted widely. For Mobil Chemical (now ExxonMobile), it was all about the plastic bags. During the 1960s they had been patenting all the plastic bag ideas they could. By 1977 they were producing their own brand of plastic bags.
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Exxon Mobil created a Plastic Grocery Sack Council in 1985 to get customers to use plastic sacks widely.
Same with retirement being the “golden years” and purchasing a house “being the American dream”.
94% of adult Americans say they identify home ownership as a quintessential part of the American dream.
So, who created the concept since it is so ubiquitous in American society & culture?
The first president of the US League of Local Building & Loan Associations in the 1890s.
Pure propaganda.
Its literally a hundred fucking years of propaganda.
What about the “golden years” of retirement?
Instead of dreaded years of decline, Del Webb revolutionized retirement in America to be something people desired and longed for.
Through the magic of marketing, retirement no longer only meant the end of work. Del Web cleverly sold retirement as the beginning of a new and even better life.
Ten fucking years of retirement is a “life”?
Youve been programmed.
Del Web was simply marketing his retirement communities and rebranded what Americans thought of retirement as.
Look up “Sun City” communities.
Thats why youre slaving your life away at a job you either dont like, hate, or apathetic about, indifferent to, which is literally designed to overwork you, overwhelm you, shut you down, attack your psyche, attack your aura, energy vampires draining your energy, exhausting you, constant pointless masturbatory meetings, constant slacks, IMs, emails, notis.
Constant demands to break you as a person.
Its mindbreaking.
The 9 to 5.
Look up why cubicles were “invented” in the 1960s.
Wake up.
Freelance. Start your own business. Create social media content.
Do what you want now, not when youre 65.
What happens if you die at 64?
The entire idea people predicate their lives on — that they should study hard get good grades graduate; get a good job work hard save for retirement; ten years max before they die “enjoy their golden years” aka retirement.
Wake up.
Per Google:
• Extreme heat waves can cause mood swingsand other psychological effects that can impact mental health:
• Mood changes: Heat waves can cause irritability, anxiety, depression, and impulsivity.
• Cognitive issues: Heat waves can cause trouble concentrating, memory problems, and slowed reaction times.
• Sleep disruption: Heat waves can make it difficult to sleep, which can contribute to mood fluctuations and worsen mental health conditions.
Its an added benefit for them on top of the record profits that cause the climate change that cause the extreme weather, heat waves & poor air quality.
Its not just bad for the environment.
They are aware of the effects as these studies have been around for years.
They want people disordered, addicted, depressed, anxious, overworked, mind body imbalance, severed from nature, obsessed, stressed, never self actualizing, never ascending.
Watch the Earth Song video by MJ:
Understand why he is literally screaming.
Screaming to get through to us.
Do we give a damn?
Really listen at 2:58.
Hes trying to get through to our collective empathy.
Almost 30 years later after this song and video was released, all of these questions can be posed to us today.
Every issue has gotten worse, not better.
Do we give a damn?
Look at the destruction all around MJ in the video.
Look at the destruction weve caused.
Ecological destruction.
Look at the trees surrounding MJ as he screams for empathy, screams for justice, screams for mother Earth, screams for our humanity.
Do we give a damn?
Are we so cruel, so indifferent, so apathetic, so numb to our own beautiful planets destruction?
Who cares, right? We’ll just go destroy another.
And another. And another…
There’ll always be another Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos, Tim Cook, Trump, J.D. Rockefeller, Ford.
There will always be another leviathan and titan of industry.
Always be more strongmen and ironmen.
Why do you think that is?
Who are the Reptilians?
Who are the inhabitants that live INSIDE the middle of the earth controlling our politics and elections.
Even you are aware that our elections arent actually free or they wouldnt allow them.
Thats why theres never a change.
Trump and Biden again?
The inhabitants of the middle of the planet control the Reptilians — world political leaders and industry titans and leviathans and military leaders.
They ensure that humanitys consciousness never ascends on a mass level and that there is no mass ascension which would lead to a planetary ascension which would remove the grid that the inhabitants of the earth placed there to suppress our mass consciousness and awakening, to keep our third eyes closed and to keep us and our planet from self actualizing from the current third dimension to the tenth dimension.
Do you know who “they” is?
Watch Futurama and actually understand that what is presented to you as “jokes” are the dark entities controlling the dark empaths that currently rule our world.
The Bidens, Trumps, Netanyahus, Blinkens, Jamie Dimons, Elon Musks, Jeff Bezoses, Roger Goodells, Vince McMahons, Tim Cooks, Bill Gates.
All white men — have you ever wondered why that is?
Even Obama descends from the same UK royal bloodline that all US Presidents have descended from.
Look it up.
They’re Reptilian.
The tens of thousands of animal species that WE humans have made go extinct.
1 species — human — is not more worthy than even ONE animal species.
Yet we have made over 75 PERCENT of animal species go extinct with our enviornmentally destructive and capitalist driven practices.
Yet people have the AUDACITY to call ME a terrorist?
Im an "ecoterrorist" because I am for the VOLUNTARY extinction of the human race?
Then what are they when they are okay with the extinction of tens of thousands of animal species by ONE disgustingly destructive species — HUMAN — to the extent that over 75 PERCENT of all animal species that have ever existed on Earth are now extinct because of US, humanity!
THEY are the terrorists, NOT me!
I want the Earth saved and humanity extinct.
They want what Elon & Bezos wants — the destruction of Earth and then humans, just like the Borg, just move to the next planet and fucking destroy it and I dont want that.
There has been no reversal of these consumerist, capitalist, overconsumption, maximalist, climate change causing contributing & accelerating, ecologically destructive, environmentally harmful, rainforest destroying, landfill filling business practices.
THEY are financially rewarded so the practices continue and the Earth continues to die!
Resources continue to be overextracted.
The global south continues to be exploited by the capitalist west as they do not have labor laws, union protections or environmental regulations so cheap stuff is made there, their resources are overextracted, they are overworked and underpaid, they are not given protective gear, they die, they get poisoned, they get sick, women and children working and dying in cobalt mines for iPhones!
Women and children working and dying in cobalt mines in Congo for iPhones!
Women and children working and dying in diamond mines in Senegal for engagement rings!
Humanity in the capitalist west continues to overconsume, be materialistic, wasteful, overspend, to impress others, for clout, to flex, for status, for prestige, for privilege, to “treat themselves”, to “spoil themselves”, to numb themselves, to feed their addictions, to feed their disordered behaviors, to fill their emptiness, to give themselves a sense of identity, in an endless quest for meaning, to overcompensate, because they are depressed, stressed, pressed, obsesed, anxious, bored, listless, lethargic, lack empathy, addicted to shopping, retail therapy, numbing their emotions, adrenaline rush of a new purchase getting something on sale discount rack BOGO FOMO new shoes new dress new makeup new pocketbook for that hit of adrenaline for that instant pick me up.
Instant mood changer, instant happiness, instant smile, instant distraction, instant swipe of the credit card, instant swipe of Apple Pay, instant swipe of your phone, instant rush, instant adrenaline, instant high, instant hit, instant junkie.
Addicted to excess, consumption, consumerism, materialism, shopping, malls, outlets, discounts, sales, department stores, fast fashion, Zaful, Romwe, Fashion Nova, Shein, Forever 21, H&M, Macys, Bloomingdales, Express, Old Navy, Aeropostale, Abercrombie.
Addicted addicts.
Never a thought to the resources used to produce the item being purchased.
Never a thought to the fuel being wasted to deliver the item being purchased to the shopping mall or store or outlet or straight to your home via Amazon Prime.
Never a thought to the climate change impact, carbon footprint contribution, fossil fuels burned, impact to the ozone layer, air quality deteriorating, heat waves worsening, natural disasters increasing.
The earth dying.
Killing fields, Forever 21, forever in a landfill.
Never a thought.
The bible which is bastardized kemet and is used as a tool of control claims that Adam & Eve have “dominion” over the animals and earth and that fake shit has been used to justify everything: throwaway culture & single use plastics on the 50s, fast food in the 50s, fast fashion in the 2000s.
Wear an outfit once, throw it away.
Use plastic utensils once, throw them away.
Use your iPhone once, oh theres a pink one now and this blonde golfer and this couple are telling me to buy it through Tmobile or Verizon, time to trade in my perfectly working current iPhone for a new one because its pink.
I mean, because it has 8 cameras on the back and not 7.
I mean, because it has FaceTime.
I mean, because I want to react “Haha” to my friends texts and I dont want to be left out.
Killing fields.
Electronic waste from discarded iPhones end up in Southeast Asia poisoning local communities, water supply and air quality but it is kept from the American public.
Congo killing mines killing women and children for the cobalt that powers the batteries in iPhones, electric vehicles, Apple watches & TVs are kept from the public.
Genocides & killing fields.
iPhone 15s.
Cruises are allowed to dump their waste directly into the ocean.
Cruisin USA.
Via foe.org:
If you guessed a large portion of it ends up in the oceans, you’d be correct. Sadly, U.S. laws do not do enough to protect our bodies of water. It allows cruise ships to dump waste into the ocean as long as the ships are more than three and a half miles offshore. That means that dirty water from sinks and showers and laundry facilities are discharged into the water. It means that waste from toilets is discharged into the water. And it also means that food waste is also dumped into the ocean. 
What about killing fields?
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transsexual-divine · 1 year
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Hello! Welcome to my Pagan sideblog! I use this space primarily to keep records of my Craft and things I’m studying and/or interested in. I also use this space for devotional work and sharing my own twist on magick!
My mainblog is at @lyriuum - it is mostly for gaming! If you find a gaming blog following and liking you, but a Pagan blog reblogging you … that’s probably me!
Here is a bit about me! -
Leo ☀️ - Taurus 🌕- Aquarius 🌅
Queer (Trans Male, Bisexual, Biromantic)
Eclectic Pagan (Wiccan, Celtic, Eastern European, British, Norse - Lokean, and Indigenous practices are my influences/main areas of study and/or worship)
He/Him pronouns only
BYF … -
I don’t share donation posts that aren’t benefitting trans people (either as a personal fund or as an organization) and/or is helping trans people flee and seek refuge.
I don’t approve of gatekeeping areas of practice, nor do I gatekeep anyone from a practice and/or from an area of study. I don’t support this, and actively rally against this behavior in the witchcraft community.
I am proudly and openly trans, and I put that into my magick and into my Craft. I am also proud of my ancestry, and actively look for ways to add it into my life.
I am newish to Paganism! I’m still learning, but I appreciate all good-faith and good-matured advice.
Bigoted individuals of all stripes. This includes transphobia, homophobia, anti-Pagan beliefs/ideas, anti-Wiccan individuals, classism, and racism.
If you don’t believe that trans genocide is real and happening, if you aren’t fully in support of transgender individuals and their campaigns for equal rights intra-and-extra the Queer community, and if you are hateful of any type of trans identity. I don’t support truscum/transmeds or the rats that call themselves “feminist.” Leave my page.
Christian, Jewish, or Islamic witchcraft and/or witches. Also, no non-Pagan/Wiccan religious blogs in general.
Anti-Wiccan people or people who are overly critical of Wicca while ignoring the same issues in their Pagan faith.
Those who gatekeep areas of practice or study … this is anti-Pagan in nature! Knowledge is key!
Sideblogs! -
@lyriuum — main blog & gaming blog!
Blessed be!
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scrollofthoth · 3 years
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The lines between practicing magick and parapsychological studies have been blurring in recent years. Thanks to folks like Dean Radin, Gordon White, and… me, I guess I’ll take a little credit. But overall, there remains separation. Partially due to a language barrier. A good look around and you’ll find the entire concept of cryptid is mostly an American phenomenon. You don’t hear much about European cryptids, do you? A quick search for “European Cryptid” and one of the first links you’ll come across is a Wikipedia page for “European Legendary Creatures.” Google and Wikipedia are not wrong in this. They’re the same thing. This superficial division is due to several factors.
The beings that have a mixed spiritual/earthly aspect in Europe have the weight history behind them. We have known them longer. Also, by the time our ancestors came to America and “discovered” these beings, our culture had already shifted to an industrial-scientific-mercantile mindset. We were bound to see them in that light. But they are, essentially, the same type of thing.
Why does this concern magicians? Because the magical corpus is replete with sylphs, nymphs, gnomes, “demons,” fairies, and a host of other strange and unique beings. In many systems how the magus interacts with these beings is of primary importance. So why not try to talk to the spirits in your own backyard? Why not deal with Sasquatch, and Mothman, and Thunderbirds?
Personally, I think that it’s a useful, if not vital endeavor for magi in the US. But there will be some massive challenges. Not the least of which being many of these beings met the Native Americans first. Want to talk about cultural appropriation? We’ve stolen everything from them, and it can be said we want to steal their spirit allies now, too. And if you are a follower of the Spirit Model, then you can bet these spirits are not happy with us either for committing genocide on their friends. It’s going to take a lot of dialogue. A lot of careful negotiation and respect for the people and the spirits. Personally, I think it’s important work. We must at least apologize for the horrors our ancestors have inflicted on this land. We must make peace with the land itself. It just may be the only way for us to veer off this path of ecological self-destruction.
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thenightling · 5 years
I give up. Tell me the prerequisite for watching this Witcher thing.
Nothing. I went in fresh and new to the fandom.    But if you want to know the secret of the timeline, the three stories are not happening at the same time.
Episodes 1 through 4:
Geralt (Witcher) = Treat as present.  (i’m using him as a place holder since he is the central character and for most of the series Ciri’s story is happening ahead of everyone else’s.)
Ciri (lost Princess) = at least twelve years in the future. (Possibly thirteen or so)Yennifer (Hunchback and later sexy Sorceress) = Thirty years in the past.
Episode 5:
By episode 5 Yennifer and Geralt are in the same timeline.  And they are now only two years behind Ciri’s story.
Episodes 7 and 8:By 7 we get an alternate point of view of what was happening in Ciri’s story in episode 1 with Yennifer and Geralt on that day of Ciri’s story.
And in 8 they finally sync up with Ciri.  And everyone is in the present.   ________________
There are video games, comics, and a book series, mind you.  The first season is based on the short story anthology called “The Last Wish.”
The setting resembles Medieval Europe, much like Game of Thrones, only magick is more blatant and there are more supernatural beings such as elves and sentient dragons who can take human form.  There’s a lot of human bigotry against magical folk though.   There was even a “Great Cleansing.”  A genocide against elves, greatly diminishing their population.    
The main plot is about Geralt.
Geralt is a magically created mutant (started as a human boy) with the sole purpose of hunting and destroying monsters.  These magical mutants created to fight monsters are called Witchers.  They usually don’t age though they can die from injury if it is serious enough.  There is a lot of hearsay and bigotry about Witchers, such as claiming they don’t feel emotion.  He does feel and in fact refuses to kill monsters he thinks of as benign or intelligent.  He will only kill them if they are immediate threats to the innocent.  He’d rather save lives.
Geralt is good, honorable, and has a code but he’s stubborn and has trouble admitting he needs help or has friends.  Personality-wise he reminds me a lot of how Batman is supposed to be portrayed.    
He has a best friend, a bard named Yaskier (Dandelion in the American version of the games and books).   
Yennifer began as an abused hunchback but becomes a very powerful unaging sorceress.   In the books her mother was an elf and her father was human.  In the show her mother had slept with a half-elf and it’s her stepfather who abuses her instead of her birth father.  (I wish people weren’t so squeamish about acknowledging that birth parents can be abusive too.)
In the books simply being gifted with magick makes you infertile (this includes the small amount of magick used to enhance Witchers too).   But Yennifer’s infertility has a much more graphic and cruel reason in the show.   Her and Geralt can’t have children.
There is a thing called Law of Surprise.  Law of surprise is essentially asking for a boon for having done something for someone else.  But the “Law of Surprise” means the next new thing the person discovers they have (but they didn’t realize they had) now belongs to you.  This can be something significant like finding out you inherited a castle, or it can be something as petty as a new pen.
And the thing is Destiny acts against you if you try to refuse accepting something gained by Law of Surprise, or if the person refuses to give you the item.  In The Witcher Geralt accidentally calls “Law of Surprise” on someone whose wife is pregnant.  When he realizes what he has done, rather than take someone else’s baby, Geralt flees. 
Ciri is a princess with a magical scream that can do harm.  When her kingdom is raided her grandmother tells her to find Geralt and that he’ll protect her.   
Good luck.
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Bobby Hemmitt Book List
Knowledge is Power - Source - SubconsciousCelebrity’s book list: Great work by SubconsciousCelebrity's for compiling this amazing book list from Bobby Hemmitt and other amazing scholars; Bro. Panic, Yaffa bey, Alim Bey, many more etc. This is truly a Great gem. Thank You. - Scroll down below videos for full Bobby Hemmitt Book list -
He who knows One Book Knows None - Pt. 1/3
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Z84AyXEU1o Economic Justice Theory, General Social Structures, Historical References, Kundalini energy, Metaphysics and Mythology, People interactions, Religious Commentary and Opinion, Scientific theoryTagsBobby Hemmitt, Bobby Hemmitt Book List, Dr Alim Bey, Dr Frances Cress Welsing, Neelly Fuller Jr, Neely Fuller Jr The Code Book, The Arch Degree • The Isis Papers - Frances Wesling https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mKEF4HN8R-w
https://youtu.be/atWtqcxjJxE www.hollywooddecoded.com – Ktthearchdegree Youtube More from The Arch Degree – www.ktthearchdegree.com http://amazingthought.net/movies-decoded-arch-degree-interpreting-films/ • The Hermetica - Peter Gandy
The Hermetica: The Lost Wisdom of the Pharaohs - Presented by Peter Gandy - http://www.pentos.tv
[embed]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xYrfPbZRCk4[/embed] • Hermetica - Walter Scott [embed]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FFOkNVLUZkY[/embed] • Hermetica - Copenhaver • Pagan Origins of the Christ myth - John G Jackson (32pages) The Pagan Origins of Jesus Christ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KQpxa32WqEc • The Finding of The Third Eye - Vera Stanley Alder - Support The Show @ http://www.theglobalreality.com/ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-hQHtseNhrA • The Egyptian book of the dead - Muata Ashby The Egyptian Book of the Dead Full Documentary https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dklixqvNcss The ancient Egyptian Book of the Dead, warning to black people https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cKWdCj1CA74 • Legends of the Egyptian Gods- E.A. Wallis Budge - http://www.ReligionBookMix.com This is the summary of Legends of the Egyptian Gods - Illustrated by E. A. Wallis Budge, Matthew Vossler. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ad9VrfO2Gq8 Ashra Kwesi The Truth About the Real 'Gods of Egypt' https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dZ1VbxKhHt4 • The Sirius Mystery - Robert Temple - Energy English https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E1R88bnWjbo • Christianity Before Christ - John G. Jackson https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_tOgUnjXa5o Christianity before Christ Dr. John Henrik Clarke https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NvQldd-McsI • Selected Writings and Speeches of Marcus Garvey https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qEhxtbKPGtw • Things Fall Apart - Chinua Achebe https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ohwdA3xas6I • The ankh: African Origins of Electromagnetism - Nur Ankh Amen https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q5vlZkquIxw • African Origins of Civilization Myth or Reality - C.A. Diop https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lAFXFV62tu4 • Without Sanctuary: lynching photography in America - James Allen https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WphcZ0DVuuc • Why Darkness Matters: The Power of Melanin in The Brain https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W7sy7ogCzeY Behold a Pale horse – William Cooper https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yUbFwqglIaA A detailed research into government corruption, secret societies, conspiracies, and the UFO phenomenon. 'Behold a pale horse' We are Multi-Dimensional Cosmic Beings (With a Galactic Heritage) From The Mother Land to the Mothership – Shurlene Wallace https://youtu.be/0zhskk1uEk0 We as the original woman and man are galactic beings with a presence throughout the cosmos. Economic Justice Theory, General Social Structures, Historical References, Kundalini energy, Metaphysics and Mythology, People interactions, Religious Commentary and Opinion, Scientific theoryTagsBobby Hemmitt, Bobby Hemmitt Book List, Dr Alim Bey, Dr Frances Cress Welsing, Neelly Fuller Jr, Neely Fuller Jr The Code Book, The Arch Degree http://amazingthought.net/9-areas-activity/ • The Isis Papers - Frances Wesling • The Hermetica - Peter Gandy • Hermetica - Walter Scott • Hermetica - Copenhaver • Pagan Origins of the Christ myth - John G Jackson (32pages) • The Finding of The Third Eye - Vera Stanley Alder • The Egyptian book of the dead - Muata Ashby • Legends of the Egyptian Gods- E.A. Wallis Budge Ashra Kwesi The Truth About the Real 'Gods of Egypt' • The Sirius Mystery - Robert Temple - Energy English • Christianity Before Christ – John G. Jackson Christianity before Christ Dr. John Henrik Clarke • Selected Writings and Speeches of Marcus Garvey • Things Fall Apart – Chinua Achebe • The ankh: African Origins of Electromagnetism – Nur Ankh Amen • African Origins of Civilization Myth or Reality – C.A. Diop • Without Sanctuary: lynching photography in America – James Allen • Why Darkness Matters: The Power of Melanin in The Brain • Behold a Pale horse - William Cooper • From The Mother Land to the Mothership - Shurlene Wallace • Secret Source - Adam Parfrey • Earth pleiadian keys to the Living Library - Barbara marciniak • Who’s who in Egyptian mythology - Anthony Mercatante • Psychic Self-defense - Dion Fortune • Conflicting Genes Nuetranoids and Genocide - Amun re sen Atum re
 (brother Polight) • Gnosis - Philip Gardiner • Gnosis - Kurt Rudolph • Yurugu - Marimba Ani • 1984 - George Orwell • Cosmic Voyage - Courtney Brown • The Martian Chronicles - Ray Bradbury • The island of Dr. Moreau - HG Wells • The Alchemist - Paulo Coelho • The Art of War - Sun Tzu • The historical origins of Christianity - Walter Williams • Metu Neter Vol. 1- (ALL) - Ra un nefer Amen • Ma’at Philosophy - Muata Ashby • Ancient egyptian light of the world -
Gerald Massey • Pregnant Darkness Alchemy and the rebirth of consciousness - Monika Wikman • The Sufis - Idries Shah page 245 and 255 - Baphomet equals Black male and/or Black Female • The historical Jesus and the mythical Christ - Gerald Massey • The Coming Race - Baron Edward Bulwer Lytton • Saturn: A new look at an old devil - Liz Greene • Book of the Beginings - Gerald Massey • The way of Hermes - Clement Salalman • The book of the law - Aleister Crowley • The Rosicrucian Cosmo-conception 
- Max Heindel • The God Genes - R.a. Waldron • The kemetic Tree of life - Muata Ashby • Echoes of an Old Darkland -Charles Finch • Atlantis and Lemuria - Rudolf Steiner • The Third Eye - Sophia Stewart • Supreme mathematic African Ma’at 
Magic • Lost cities and ancient Mysteries of the south - David Hatcher Childress • Lost Cities of North & Central America - David Hatcher • From Fetish to God - E.A. wallis Budge • The Africans who wrote the bible -Nana banchie Darkwah • Medical Apartheid - Harriet Washington • The Conspiracy to Destroy Black Women - Kevin Mcnutt • The Name Negro - Richard B Moore • Phlilosophy and opinions of Marcus Garvey - Marcus Garvey • The Womans Encyclopedia of Myths and Secrets - Barbara G Walker • The Women’s Dictionary of Symbols and Sacred Objects - Barbara G Walker • The first Americans were Africans - David Imhotep • The Immortal life of Henrietta Lacks - • Making sense of the Madness - Joseph Chippalone • Melatonin: your body’s own wonder drug - Russel J. & Jo Reiter • Armegddon Now: the end of the world A to Z - Jim Willis • Basic Magick: a practical guide - Phillip Cooper • The Modern Alchemist - Richard Alan Miller • African Origin of Biological Psychiatry - Richard D King • Melanin: key to Freedom - Richard D. King • The Diloggun: Orishas, proverbs, sacrifices - Ochani Lele • Ancient Christian Magic - Marvin Meyer • The Historical Origin of Islam - Walter Williams • Spiritual Cleansings & psychic Defenses - Robert Laremy • Lakshmi : the goddess of wealth and fortune - devdutt pattanaik • Dark light - Edward Bruce Bynum • Cosmic memory - Rudolf Steiner • Atlantis the Antideluvian world - Ignatius Donnelly • Astral Dynamics - Robert Bruce • Temples of Light - Danielle Rama Hoffman • Dirt: Social history…abuses of dirt - Terence McLaughlin • Elixer of Immortality - Robert E Cox • The Destruction of Black Civilization - chancellor Williams • The secret books of the Egyptian Gnostics - Jean Doresse • The Astral Body - A.E. Powell • The Metaphysics of Sex - Julius Evola • The Theology of Time- Elijah Muhammad • Other Tongues Other Flesh- George Hunt Williamson • Stolen Legacy - George G.M. James • Three Initiates: The Kybalion -Dover publications • Kundalini for the New Age - selected writings of Gopi Krishna edited by Gene Keiffer • The Confessions Nat Turner- William Styron • Ruled By Secrecy - Jim Marrs • Biographies of the Great Kings and Queens of Africa and Notable Black Men and Women - Lee John Smith/Deanna Williams • The People Could Fly -Virginia Hamilton • The Kybalion A study of he Hermetic Philosophy of Ancient Egypt and Greece • The Serpent Grail - Phillip Gardiner • Circle of Isis - Ellen Reed • A People’s History of United States -aka-(white people ruin everything) - Howard Zinn • Cosmic Trigger - Robert Wilson • The People of the Secret - Ernest Scott • The Ancient Power of the Flower of Life - Drunvalo Melchizedek • Simulacra & Simulation - Jean Baudrillard • Tales of the Cthulhu Mythos - H.P. Lovecraft • Sun Gods in Exile - Karyl Robin Evans • Oracle of the illuminati - William Henry • The Perfect Sermon or Asclepius • Angels Demon & Gods of the New Millenium - Lon Mili Duqquette • The Golden Fleece and Alchemy - Antoine Faivre • Vril, The Power of the Coming Race - Edward Lytton • Gospel of The Zodiac - Bill Darlison • Lucifer Dethroned- William Schnoebelen • Hermetic Magic- Stephen E. Flowers • The Gnostic Scriptures- Bentley Layton • Nag Hammadi Scriptures- James M. Robinson • Basics of Magic -Chic Cicero • The Golden Dawn Journal - Chic Cicero • The Virgin Of The World : hermes trismegustes • The Goetia - S.C. McGregor Mathers • Universe Earth and Man - Rudolf Steiner • The Cup Of Destiny - Trevor Ravenscroft • The Apocrypha of Jannes and Jambres - Albert Pietersma • The Astral Plane - C.W. Leadbeater • The Solar System - A.E. Powell • The Egyptian Mysteries - Arthur Versluis • The Secret Teachings For All Ages- Manly P.Hall • The Monuments of Mars - Richard C. Hoagland • The Tree Of Life - Israel Regardie • The Fall Of America - Elijah Muhammad • Brave New World - Aldous Huxley • Two Thousand Seasons - Ayi Kwei Armah • Civilization or Barbarism -Cheikh Diop • Ancient and Modern Britons - David Mac Ritchie • The Diplomatic Relations Of The United States - Ray Irwin • Encyclopedia Of Spirits- Judika Illes • Trance : Formation of America - Cathie Obrien • The Great Cosmic Mother - Monica Sjjoo • The Gnostics - Tobias Churton • The Cube of Space - Kevin Townley • Meditations on the Cube of Space- Kevin Townley • The Anatomy of the Body of God - Frater Achad • Astral Travel - Gavin & Yavonne Frost • Mind Power into the 21st century -John Kehoe • Lucid Living - Timothy Freke • The Hidden Creator - Hilton Hotema • Secret of Regeneration - Hilton Hotema • The Great Red Dragon - Hilton Hotema • The handbook of Yoruba Religios Concepts - Ifa Karade • Yoruba legends - M. I. Ogumifu • Wise Women of the Dreamtime - Langloh Parker • Astral Travel - Robert Brute • Siva : The Erotic Ascetic • Daimonic Reality - Patrick Harpur • The Dream And the Underwolrd -James Hillman • The Archetypes and the Collective Unconscious - Carl Gustav Jung • Mysterium Coniunctionis - Carl Gustav Jung • Aeon - Carl Gustav Jung • Psychology and Alchemy - Carl Gustav Jung • The Presence of Siva - Stella Kramrisch • Hebrew Myths -Robert Graves & Raphael Patid • The Black Sun - Peter Moon • Equinox of the gods - Aleister Crowley • Necronomicon - H.R. Giger • What dreams may come • Spiritual Technology of Ancient Egypt - Edward Malkowski • Gnosticism - Stephen Hoeller • The Devil - Jeffrey Burton Russel • Cosmic Science of the Ancient Masters - Hilton Hotema • Satan: the early Christian Tradition - Jeffrey button Russel • Dictionary of Symbolism - Hans Biedermann • Encyclopedia of Gods - Michael Jordan • Dictionary of Deities - Patricia Turner • Hindu Deities a Mythological Dictionary - Margaret Stutley • Signs and Symbols of Primordial Man - Albert Churchward • Gods of love and Ecstacy - Alian Danielou (shiva & Dionysus) • Vodou Visions - Sallie Ann Glassman • A Textbook code/system/ concepts …Victims of White Supremacy - Neely Fuller • Palo Moyombe -Congo initiation spirits… - Carlos Montenegro • Seth God of Confusion - Herman te Velde • The Ancient Egyptian Buddha -Muata Ashby • Enuma Elish - L. W. King • Mornings of the Magicians - louis Pauwels • Powers of the Orishas - Migene Gonzales-Wippler • The Souless One, Cloning and Counterfeit Creation - Mark L Prophet • The Egyptian Elements of the Old Testament - Amin Sharif • The Souls of White Folk - Veronica Watson • Ancient Sungod - Hilton Hotema • The Black Goddess and the Unseen Real - Peter Redgrove • Godwin’s Kabbalistic Encyclopedia - David Godwin • The Book of The Sacred Magic of Abramelin the Mage - S.L. Macgregor • God Wills The Negroe - Theodore P. Ford • 5/5/2000: Ice The Ultimate Disaster - Richard W. Noone • In Search of the Dream People - Richard w. Noone • The Book of the Goetia of Solomon the King - E. Crowley • The Lesser Key of Solomon - Joseph H. Peterson • The Pale Fox - M. Griaule • The Serpent Shakti - Asha Auset • The Greatest Story Never Told - Lana Corrine Cantrell • The Rebirth of Pan - Jim Brandon • International Meat Crisis - Harvestime Books • The Call of Cthulu and Other Weird Stories - S.T. Joshi • The Warlocks Book: Secrets of Black Magic - Peter Haining • Encyclopedia of Black Magic - Cassiel • Atlantis - Aleister Crowley • The Sword and the Flute: Kali and Krsna - David R. Kinsley • White Supremacy and Negroe Subordination - John H. Van Evrie • Encounters - Edith Fiore • Spirit Rapping Unveiled - Hiram Mattison • Ego and Archetype - Edward F. Edinger • Theosophia: Hidden Dimensions of Christianity - Arthur Versluis • Kundalini, Evolution, and Enlightenment - John White • The Opening of the Way - Isha Schwaller de Lubicz • Tantric Visions of the Divine Feminine - David R. Kinsleu • Sex Magic, Tantra, & Tarot - Lon Milo Duquette • The Moses Mystery - Gary Greenberg • Moses and Akhenaten - Ahmed Osman • The Serpent Grail - Philip Gardiner • Paralell Myths - J. F. Bierlein • Wonderful Ethiopians of the Ancient Cushite Empire - Drusilla Dunjee Houston • The Emerald Tablet - Dennis William Hauck • Scales of the Black Serpent Basic Qlippothic magick - Michael W. Ford • The Soul’s Secret - Hilton Hotema • Nightshades - Jan Fries • Typhonian Teratomas - Mishien Linden • Qabalah, Qliphoth, and Goetic Magic - Thomas Karlsson • The Biography of Satan: Exposing the Origins of the Devil - Kersey Graves • The Chicken Qabalah - Lon Milo Duquette • Hanuman, an Introduction - Devdutt Pattanaik • Qliphoth, Esoteric - Edgar Kerval • Drums and Shadows: Survival Studies among the Georgia Coastal Negroes - Georgia Writers Project • Myths & Legends of Babylonia and Assyria - Lewis Spence • The Mysterious Sphinx - Hilton Hotema • Alchemy of the Soul - Lee Irwin • Isis Magic: Cultivating a Relationship With the Goddess of 10,000 Names - M. Isadora Forrest • The Golden Ass - Penguin Classics • Time and the Technosphere - Jose Argüelles • Magical Child - Joseph Chilton Pearce • Infancy in Uganda - Mary D. Salter Ainsworth • Yakub: The Father Of Mankind - Elijah Muhammad • Melanin the Chemical Key to Black Greatness - Carol Barnes • The Golden Age of the Moor - Ivan Van Sertima • The Worlds Sixteen Crucified Saviors - Kersey Henry Graves • Holy Harlots: Femininity, Sexuality, and Black Magic in Brazil - Kelly E. Hayes • Aleister Crowley: The Nature of the Beast - Colin Wilson • Who is This King of Glory? A Critical Study of the Christos Messiah Tradition - Alvin Boyd Kuhn • Darkness Visible: Awakening Spiritual Light Through Darkness Meditation - Ross Heaven • Aghora, at the Left Hand of God V.1 - Robert Svoboda • Aghora II: Kundalini - Robert Svoboda • The Science of the Dogon: Decoding The African Mystery Tradition - Laird Scranton • The Cosmic Serpent: Dna & The Origins of Knowledge - Jeremy Narby • Angels, Demons, & Gods of the New Millenium - Lon Milo Duquette • The Road From Orion - Judy Kay King • The Isis Thesis - Judy Kay King • The Book on Palo - Don Demetrio (original publications spiritual books and supplies) • Spirits of the Night - Selden Rodman • Voodoo Charms & Talismans - Robert W. Pelton • Voodoo Shaman: The Hatian Way of Healing and Power - Ross Heaven • Complete book of Voodoo - (original publications spiritual books and supplies) • Voodoo in Haiti - Alfred Metraux • Voodoo Rituals: A Users Guide - Heike Owusu • The Voodoo Quantam Leap: Alternate Realities, Power, & Mysticism - Reginald Crosley • Polaria , The Gift of the White Stone - W.H. Muller • Sexual Alchemy: Magical Intercourse with Spirits - Donald Tyson • A New Orleans VouDou Priestess: The Legend and Reality of Marie Laveau - Carolyn Morrow Long • Brazilian Palo Primer: Kimanda Recipes to Make You Win at Love, Money, Business, and Life - Robert Laremy • Blood Magick - Seth • Rituals and Spells of Santeria - Migene Gonzales-Wippler • Egyptian Erotica: The Essence of Ancient Egyptian Erotica in Art & Literature - Joseph Toledano • Egyptian Magic - Joseph Toledano • Black and White Magic - Marie Laveau • Wicca Candle Magick - Geri a Dunwich • Cunt Coloring Book - Tee Corinne • Secrets of Magical Seals - Anna Riva • Creating Magical Entities - David Michael Cunningham • The Magic of Believing - Claude M. Bristol • The Wise Wound: Menstruation and Every Woman • Mysteries of the Dark Moon The Healing Power of the Dark Goddess - Demetra George • Taboo: Sex, Religion & Magic - Christopher S. Hyatt • Dragontime Magic & Mystery of Menstruation - Luisa Francia • Star Walkers and the Dimension of the Blessed - William Henry • Cosmic Radiation - Hilton Hotema • The Great Law - Hilton Hotema • The Way of the Orisa - Philip Johm Neimark • Encyclopedia of African Religion - Molefi Kete Asante • African Folklore An Encyclopedia - Philip M.Peek and Kwesi Yankah • The Intellectual Adventure of Ancient Man - Henri Frankfort • The Serpent Power: Ancient Egyptian Mystical Wisdom of the Inner Life Force - Muata Ashby • Egyptian Hieretic texts transcribed - Alan Gardiner • Ecstasy through Tantra - John Mumford • The Gnostic Religion: The Message Of The Alien God and The Beginning of Christianity - Hans Jonas • Apocolypse of The Alien God: Platonism and the Exile of Sethian Gnosticism - Dylan M. Burns • The Serpent Power - John Woodroffe • The Teachings of PtahHotep: The Oldest Book in the World - Hilliard III Asa • The Acid- Alkaline food Guide - Larry Trivieri • The Mahabharata • Mysteries of the Mexican pyramid - Peter Tompkins • Man’s Higher Consiousness - Hilton Hotema • We Do Not Die - Hilton Hotema • Ancient Secret of Personal Power: Tetragrammaton - Hilton Hotema • The Magic Wand : The Caduceus - Hilton Hotema • Ancient Future - Wayne Chandler • Symbols Signs & Signets - Ernst Lehner • Ancient Astrological Secrets of the Jews Revealed - Rueven Shomroni • The Great Initiates - Edouard Schuré • Synchronicity: Science, Myth and the Triskter - Allan Combs • Interpreting the Eclipses - Robert Jansky • Sexual Astrology - Marlene Rathgeb • Planetary Symbolism in the Horoscope - Karen Hamaker • In Search of The Medicine Buddha - David Crow
Bobby Hemmitt
Economic Justice Theory, General Social Structures, Historical References, Kundalini energy, Metaphysics and Mythology, People interactions, Religious Commentary and Opion, Science Theory - Bobby Hemmitt, Bobby Hemmitt Book List, Dr Alim Bey More from SubconsciousCelebrity's: Foods that Look Like Body Parts They're Good for http://subconsciouscelebrity.tumblr.com/post/82607350226/luna-patchouli-sage-mode-bblackgoldd List of Spells http://subconsciouscelebrity.tumblr.com/post/82236200668 Vivien Thomas gifted hands movie http://subconsciouscelebrity.tumblr.com/post/82159243462/algietheminer-black-history-month-vivien Economic Justice Theory, General Social Structures, Historical References, Kundalini energy, Metaphysics and Mythology, People interactions, Religious Commentary and Opinion, Scientific theoryTagsBobby Hemmitt, Bobby Hemmitt Book List, Dr Alim Bey, Dr Frances Cress Welsing, Neelly Fuller Jr, Neely Fuller Jr The Code Book, The Arch Degree
Bobby Hemmitt Book List
Knowledge is Power – Source – SubconsciousCelebrity’s book list: Great work by SubconsciousCelebrity’s for compiling this amazing book list from Bobby Hemmitt and other amazing scholars; Bro. Panic, Yaffa bey, Alim Bey, many more etc. This is truly a gem. Thank You. • The Isis Papers – Frances Wesling • The Hermetica – Peter Gandy • Hermetica – Walter Scott • Hermetica – Copenhaver • Pagan…
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On The Topic of Cursing Dumf Toop
Before I begin, I want everyone to know that I am 100% curse-positive. Nobody has the right to tell you what you can or cannot do with your craft and I've slung a few hexes of my own. However, I'm personally against cursing the tangerine shitball. While he's president, anyway. Why? It's not because I like him. No, quite the contrary, I violently hate this smoking ball of feces America allowed to sit in the Oval Office. It's not because I'm against cursing, either. It's for the same reason I don't curse my father, as much as I want to. I am dependent on him. If something were to happen to him as the result of a curse, the resulting situation would be worse. It's the same with Dolly Trash. As much as we hate him, and justifiably, our wellbeing directly rests on him. And while we all know that things are going to be BAD during this presidency, Toop himself has the self-control of a baby. If you... say, jinx him with bad luck for a few days. He trips and falls, loses a 200$ watch. He will be angrier. He will absolutely grumble, go to his room, and start writing up an executive order to further limit civil liberties Things will get worse. Nothing good can come out of it from my perspective. (Side note: please don't take this as an attack on those cursing Duck Tarp. I am 100% for them doing that and I have nothing against that. This post is meant as an alternative set of ideas+a personal opinion you don't have to subscribe to. Also, once he leaves office I'm cursing that fucker till I turn blue.) So let's say for any number of reasons, you also aren't okay with cursing His Fallacy, Mr. Tuna. What can you do instead to help the cause? Well... Witchy things! ⛥Cast luck and visibility spells on allies! ⛥Cast money spells on non-profit organizations! ⛥Cast any sorts of helpful spells on minority groups! (POC, LGBT+, Jews, etc). ⛥Cast visibility spells on facts Turd doesn't want people to know! Honestly just get creative with it. And of course, just doing magick isn't going to cut it, so... ❤Be an ally! Be visible! If you're privileged, like I am, use that platform to do good! If you're not, keep fighting the good fight, we're with you! ❤If you can, DONATE DONATE DONATE!!! Do research into the organizations you give your money to to ensure it's benefiting people in need. ❤If you can't donate but you have time, volunteer! Oftentimes organizations need volunteers just as much as they need money. ❤If you can't donate or volunteer... spread the truth! Expose news stories Toof doesn't want the American people to know. Scream statistics until people hear you! And finally... ❤⛥DON'T LET NAZIS THINK THEIR GENOCIDE IS A POLITICAL OPINION!!!⛥❤
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An Addendum; Of Charr and Natives
So I want to revisit my last post with a greater degree of depth and just speak up about some niggling things that have been nagging at the back of my mind ever since I wrote that article. I'm going to start off by using some arguments against the charr of Guild Wars 2, arguments used to justify clinically insane hatred against a fictive species that I've seen neurotypicals use on forums countless times.
I want to respond to some of those arguments in order to make a point, it's absolutely a point that needs to be made. So as much as I dislike doing so, what with extraverted arguments just being specious, speculative, and manipulative, let's take a look at some of the 'completely valid and real justifications for hating the charr.'
The charr stole land from the Forgotten!
This simply isn't true. The human war god, Balthazar, sent the Forgotten to Tyria to 'prepare the land and its native people for the arrival of both the humans and their gods.' This involved teaching the natives of the 'innate superiority' of both the humans and their gods. Some of the natives were having none of this, including the charr who'd evolved from a feral race on Tyria much as we have from apes on earth. Their claim to that world was ancient, the Forgotten were the new kids on the block.
Furthermore, the Forgotten never actually occupied charr lands, for a period of time they held some ground on the borders of what would be Ascalon but eventually they were forced out by the charr. This, of course, implies that the charr had been there first. A few things people forget when talking about the Forgotten is that whilst, yes, they're an ancient race, they aren't one that's natively from Tyria. They were an alien life brought to that land by the human war god in much the same way as humanity itself.
Another factor people seem to forget is that people don't suddenly pop into existence, the charr didn't appear from a magical puff of smoke just to rile up the Forgotten and steal their lands. This is very silly and entirely contrary to all the lore we're aware of, as even Guild Wars 2 itself tells us that the lands that became Ascalon were ancestral charr lands. The charr didn't suddenly 'appear' out of thin air, they'd always been there as properly native inhabitants of that world.
The Forgotten were like missionaries sent by the human god to convert everyone to human faith and thinking, which the charr didn't appreciate as it was an attempt to undermine their very culture. Which is a rather poignant point we'll come back to later, but for now I just want to make this obvious. The Forgotten weren't natives, they were invaders. So sez the lore.
The charr are nomadic and thus had no claim to the land!
There are two very troubling, problematic issues with this statement.
The first of them is that we don't actually know that the charr were nomadic, there's actually no evidence of this whatsoever, it's just another fabrication used to justify hate against the charr. So as such we've no evidence that the charr had no permanent fortifications or residencies on their lands, either. I've searched for any evidence that the charr were wholly nomadic and built no lasting structures and found none. The Citadels of the charr seem to paint a different picture, too.
Even if, however, this were true and the charr were nomadic? Then that's a bloody funny thing to say about nomadic peoples, isn't it? I mean, gosh, that's precisely the justification used by white supremacists against Native Americans to claim that the people indigineous to those lands had no real claim to them. Which was my point all along, that people have some worrying, troubling, even insane viewpoints out of prejudice.
Did the Native Americans not own the lands they roamed? I'd say yes. I definitely think that this is something that white supremacists should learn about before they jump to wild conclusions about what constitutes land claims and ownership. Just because a peoples are nomadic doesn't mean they can't lay claim to their lands.
And if the humans in Guild Wars had done no wrong, why would you be trying so very hard to defend them and justify their evils? This smacks of some powerful cognitive dissonance to me.
The charr marched on unaffiliated Orr!
It has to be pointed out, here, that the charr were a different species. They weren't merely a different political affiliation of humans. Some of you might have already guessed where this is going, and if you did then you've earned yourself a gold star. For those out there whose prejudice keeps them back, I'll explain. The charr have no concept of how human politics work. To them, humanity was a threat and thus they sought to occupy all human city states to remove the threat.
They had no idea that the peoples of Orr weren't affiliated. If those of Orr had tried to explain themselves instead of blowing up their own city (a point we'll come back to), then that might've gone better. When the charr tried to occupy norn lands being unable to tell the difference between norn and humankind, they quickly came to realise they'd made a mistake and ended up staunch allies to the norn. Imagine that! The charr were able to step back, realise they'd made an error, and capitulate.
If only the humans could've done that, eh? Which brings us to the next argument.
The charr tried to commit genocide against the humans!
Ascalon? Not so. The Searing was meant to demoralise, it never caused mass death. In fact, all of the named NPCs the player had met before the Searing were alive after it, along with the same population numbers we'd witnessed as well. So, who died? The truth is, looking at the evidence, simply that the Searing wasn't meant to cause death, it was designed to demoralise by scorching the land and damaging structures. The charr always sought to occupy, never to slaughter.
Furthermore, the Searing was something that happened when the entire charr species were enslaved to one particularly human-like, toxic caste that believed in magicks and gods. One that objectified women and did all other manner of terrible things to the charr peoples, there was a lot of internal strife required for the charr to throw off the chains of their oppressors, and once they did they sent the Flame Legion into exile (a point we'll come back to later, as it's all relevant).
So the Searing itself was caused by he corruption of the Flame Legion's god. And even still, it looks to me like the charr tempered its effects since -- as I'll continue to point out -- the Searing didn't even kill anyone. Even the young girl Gwen, whom we'd assumed might've been a victim to it, had simply ran off and gotten herself lost. Gwen, like every human in the Guild Wars Universe, was never particularly bright.
But what about all the ghosts?
The human king did that, didn't he? Bloomin' nutjob. Yes, when the charr turned up at the gates, king Addlebrain -- errr... Adelbern -- cast a spell so evil that it's beyond compare, a spell of pure xenophobia. He was so desperate not to let the charr occupy Ascalon (which was all they were trying to do) that he was willing to turn every living Ascalonian into an undead slave, bound to his will for eternity to fight an unending war of attrition against the charr. So Adelbern did that, the charr would've happily accepted their surrender, of course.
Orr? When the charr marched to occupy Orr, we saw another case of human genocidal idiocy that was not unlike Addlebrain's. The vizier of Orr chose to sink the city to stop the charr from occupying it, which killed every Orrian citizen in the process. I wish I were joking about this! It's all there in the lore, the charr would turn up and the humans would just commit genocide against themselves rather than surrender.
Though this madness wasn't the fault of the charr. As I've pointed out, all the charr ever wanted was their land back. Once they'd occupied Ascalon they didn't even destroy Ebonhawke, which I find to be quite telling. You see, Ebonhawke is this walled human city state near Ascalon where the humans were smart enough to stay behind closed doors rather than committing suicide or trying to invade the charr. All the charr did was test the occasional new weapon on their walls to remind the Ebonhawke humans tha tthe charr were still there.
The charr didn't invade Ebonhawke. With all the military prowess at their disposal, they could've done so easily. They could've steamrolled those walls with massive tanks. The only reason that didn't happen is obvious, the charr weren't interested in conquest. They simply wanted their ancestral home back.
The charr are evil, they hate everyone!
Do they? That's funny. According to the lore, the charr were the first species to open the doors of their city to the other races. This is why you see a ghetto in the Black Citadel. Anyone can enter the Black Citadel, and even ask for asylum there to stay and live. Outsiders will be granted the lowest rank -- plebeian -- whose basic needs would be attended to though they wouldn't be granted any luxury. In charr society, there's room for advancement if any citizen proves their worth to the charr.
Furthermore, it was actually the Iron Legion Imperator, Smodur, who reached out to the human queen initially to talk of peace. As I've pointed out time and again, the charr never wanted to commit genocide, never wanted to slaughter, they only sought the return of their ancestral grounds where their old burial sites were. In Guild Wars 2 we even see charr mingling with the Ebonhawke humans, and the charr are far kinder to humans who're visiting the Black Citadel than charr who're visiting Divinity's Reach.
There's actually a scene involving a charr police officer who protects and defends a group of human tourists. They comment that they'd never have believed the charr would look out for a human. The charr cop shook her head and said, quite simply, that the law is impartial. All those within the Black Citadel must obey its laws, which obviously includes the charr. Concepts such as prejudice aren't nearly as important to the charr as order and law. The charr are very egalitarian.
Furthermore, the charr are allowing the asuran peoples to examine their metalworking processes. If they hated the asura and had any plans to wipe them out, it wouldn't be at all strategically sound to share what would be your leading edge in a war against the asura. You see, lore dictates that the black iron of the Black Citadel is largely impervious to magicks, so magical entities like ghosts cannot pass through it.
For what conceivable reason would the charr share this obvious strategic edge wiht the asura if they had any intent to invade them?
We also see that the charr are very friendly with all norn, they're staunch allies so this notion of the 'the charr hate everyone' leaves me a little cold when cast against the evidence we see of the charr in Guild Wars 2 itself. Do the charr hate humanity? There are humans living in the Black Citadel and teh charr are interacting in a genial, friendly way with the peoples of Ebonhawke, plus they were responsible for initiating peace talks. Do the charr hate the asura? They're sharing their secrets, why would they do that if they thought they'd ever go to war with the asura?
Do the charr hate the sylvari? No. Even in the Heart of Thorns expansion where it's revealed that the sylvari are dragon minions, the charr are obviously suspicious and wary of the sylvari as they don't want another magical race trying to enslave/commit genocide against them, but at the same time they're very open to the possibility that the sylvari can resist the call of their evil dragon overlord.
And as I pointed out, the charr and norn are very, very friendly.
I'm sure the idea that the charr hate everyone makes for a nice narrative to back up prejudices and cognitive dissonance, but it fades in the light of facts provided by both the lore and content within Guild Wars 2 itself. If, when presented with new facts, a person sticks with their original bias? That's a very neurotypical problem revolving around tribalistic thinking, one even proved by a recent study. And it's a point I'm using the concept of the hatred of fictive creatures to prove, as it's very silly.
So  let's continue on, shall we?
The Black Citadel is an ugly, militarised warzone. Their culture is toxic!
First of all, the Black Citadel is made from black iron to halt the ghostly invaders who we even see trying to invade the walls of the Citadel at the Western edge of the Black Citadel (where we actually find a ghost and, as a charr, tell them that we hope they find peace by the way). As for why it looks like a military camp? The charr have to fight every day just to survive! All they wanted was their ancestral lands back, and they're not going to give them up now that they've come home.
Sadly, they're facing threats from the Flame Legion armies, the vast armies of human ghosts, the human Separatist army, the corrupted armies of one of the evil dragons, among other, smaller threats like skritt, dredge, and harpy invasions into their lands. Whereas the humans have it cushy in Kryta with but a handful of centaurs and bandits to deal with, enjoying a charmed life in a very tame region of the world, the charr are always, continually under siege by one army or another.
The charr continue to have to fight for survival which is why they've lost much of their cultural heritage. We saw in Guild Wars 1 that the charr had much more of a sense of cultural identity then that they do now, and much of that is how they're currently having to fight for each and every new day. There are charr warbands dying all the time just to stay alive in their own homelands, so it's not easy for them and they've had no real choice but to become an organised, militarised state just to survive.
However, despite all of this, the charr still try to create works of art from iron and decorate their machines and surroundings to look like things, the way I've heard this argument is as though the Black Citadel is soulless. Yet the charr tanks have lion motifs, there are lion or other, similarly fanciful motifs found in many places -- on charr architecture, weapons, artillery, and so on. Not only this but they've managed to erect statues of remembrance to their greatest heroes.So even amidst all this death the charr still have the urge to expresss themselves artistically.
Do the guns of the charr snipers guarding the main entrance of the Black Citadel look like they were made by a soulless peoples? Frankly, the real world weapons used by humanity today have far less artistic flair and character than those weapons do, so what does that tell you? The charr are more artistically inclined at war than we are. And we never fancied up our real world tanks with artwork and motifs, did we?
So this view of the Black Citadel is a very prejudiced, tainted, flawed one that's incredibly self-serving and designed to demean and belittle the charr. Like with any prejudice, though, these views simply aren't true. There's nthing factual about any of these views.
But the charr are evil and I want to kill them all!
Which brings us to our conclusion. At the end of the day all arguments devolve into this, that those who hate the charr just believe the charr are evil without any actual foundation. They're projecting, of course, as the only relevant evil in the fictive world of Tyria was that of humanity and their vile war god Balthazar. I've tried to keep this light on the fantasy names so it isn't something that's just too terse to be read by anyone who might be unfamiliar with the lore.
It's just fascinating that years later, almost thirteen years later, there are still people who hate the charr because... reasons??? The lore continues to point out that the humans were the primarily evil party, that they were the ones in the wrong, acting at the behest of a thoroughly terrible, corrupt, vile god. One that, I might add, is going to be fought as part of an upcoming Guild Wars expansion. In Universe, the Krytan humans can actually recognise the evil of their own, even of their own god.
The players who played Guild Wars 1, of course, cannot. The most vexing and bemusing part of all this is that I hear Guild Wars players say things like ArenaNet betrayed them by not painting the charr as evil, that somehow they ignored what their consumers experienced in the first game as though it were... oh god, merely a video game. It's worrying, to say the least. It's exceedingly typical, though. Very neurotypical. This tribalism is exactly what I've come to expect, this... hatred.
The tribalistic thinking of neurotypicals results in passionate, real hatreds against even fictive peoples in a fictive scenario, in a bloomin' video game! I can't stress that enough. This was a video game and they hate the charr this much, still. I remember when in Guild Wars 1 they were prepping for the release of Guild Wars 2 by expanding on the lore, they added Pyre Fierceshot as a rebel who was trying to undermine the Flame Legion so that he might free his people from oppression and tyranny.
I recall at the time people saying things like 'Stupid ArenaNet, a charr can't be a hero character.' I remember how I tasked them with 'Why not?' and never got one good answer out of any of them.
Why do they hate the charr so much? Why does any neurotypical hate anyone? Why are neurotypicals so prejudiced and hateful in general, eh? That's because they can't stop themselves. I think it's something to do with the interplay of how extraverted brains function on dopamine (opposed to acetylcholine being the primary motivator of the introverted brain), and how its interactions with oxytocin create a comorbid effect.
Oxytocin was once described as the 'love hormone,' though what was revealed was that whilst it did actually mildly increase the appreciation of one's own 'tribe,' it also vastly (and disproportionately) increased the bitter, unreasonable hatred and prejudices against anyone not of that tribe. This is something that's been well studied and documented at this point, so oxytocin is as much the hate hormone as it is the love one. Depending on whether you're of the tribe or not, of course.
So the extraverted brain rewards hatred and prejudice via this comorbid effect. The introverted brain does not as dopamine is barely present, and in both introverted and autistic brains the levels of oxytocin are notably lower. In the case of introverts, they rely more on logic and introspective empathy to figure out whom they should care for and how much, this is why introverts and autistic individuals are often aseen as being more genuinely caring, versus the glib, facetious 'care' of extraverts.
Who hasn't been on the receiving end of half-hearted, half-arsed extraverted 'kindness?' I know I have. They get bored pretty quickly, and then move onto whatever their next project is. They're never really invested in anything for the long haul.
Coming back to the topic of Native Americans, I'd like to think about why they reacted so differently to the Europeans. Let's look at one particular interaction between Columbus and one tribe, which isn't that different from any other but it deals with a famous, well known figure. In this instance, when Columbus ended up beached on the American shores, the native peoples brought them food, hides, and helped with the healing, nurturing, and well-being of their crew.
They even helped to repair the ship, too. They worked hard without expecting any pay or recompense. Columbus was so impressed by their selfless kindness that he sent them to work in a gold mine, that selfless behaviour could be repurposed to make him a profit! He'd never do that to his own 'tribe,' of course, but since these other people weren't of his 'tribe,' it was perfectly justifiable to do whatever to them.
This 'Us' versus 'Them' can be seen in any war scenario, too. With extraverts conditioning themselves to hate one another. You have white supremacists and Muslim extremists who've taught themselves to hate, in a very absolute way, the people of the 'other tribe.' This is a painfully neurotypical behaviour, this tribalism. And this is why I don't see neurotypical minds as being especially evolved.
And this is why I've used this fictive scenario to paint this picture for you. It's detached enough from things you might be passionate about enough that you might actually become aware of it, it may give you a spark of the self awareness that autistic and introverted people enjoy on a daily basis. Nothing would make me happier, believe me. The Alt-Blight political movement would have you believe that the Native Americans were evil and deserved everything they got, in much the same way as fans of the first Guild Wars game feel about the charr.
And that's why this is so perfect just to illustrate for you how pervasive, toxic, cancerous, and ubiquitous and issue this is. Effectively, if you're neurotypical then you absolutely cannot stop thinking in terms of 'Us' versus 'Them.' And whilst, yes, this can affect introverted and autistic minds just as easily, it's much, much more easy for us to overcome as we don't have the dopamine-focused conditioning which rewards us with good feels for prejudiced thinking in the way that neurotypicals do.
You might've noticed I use extraverts and neurotypicals interchangeably, yes? Same thing, really. I've posited many a time (and this idea is now gaining traction) that introversion is simply the non-clinical end of the autistic spectrum. If that's the case, then the only 'neurotypicals' are extraverts, really, since other kinds of brains are also a spectrum -- Williams, as one example.
So why does 'neurotypical' exist? Extraverts are tribal, domineering, and aggressive. And even though their numbers aren't that much greater than those of other spectrums, their naturally confrontational, nasty, and manipulative nature means that it's easy for them to place themselves on top, to come out head and shoulders above everyone else by ensuring that they get there by hurting everyone else they perceive as being beneath them.
It's unusual for an extravert to be submissive, for example. Often they'll only be so on the much lower end of the affiliative scale, where the traits of the extraverted brain are at their weakest. Usually, extraverts will be much more confrontational, argumentative, manipulative, and biased. They'll keep bringing up ill-conceived arguments designed to undermine people no matter how much you ask them not to.
I had an extravert acquaintance as a bit of an experiment for as long as I could tolerate them, not so long ago. I was very up front with them about my feelings, so they understood. I told them that I didn't want them to be manipulative with me, nor did I want them to bring their political or religious views to my doorstep. In return, I wouldn't do that to them. It was okay, for a couple of days, but they simply couldn't resist trying to bring up arguments with me.
What I found in dealing with them -- like any domineering, aggressive, chest-thumping neurotypical I've ever dealt with -- is that they wanted to convert me, to 'win,' to defeat me and condition me with their opinions. They wanted me to agree. Early on, they'd start off with comments regarding how they must be explaining something wrong, or I'd certainly agree with them. Over time, this became more insidious, vile, and surreptitiously sly as they'd try to undermine me instead.
They'd imply the reason I didn't agree with them was due to a lack of intellect, reading comprehension, or other factors. I would try to bring reasonable discourse to them but they weren't looking for that. It was a fight they wanted, they sought to dominate, to win. They were looking for nothing short of an absolute victory. Very often I'd ask them if we could simply agree to disagree, but they'd keep derailing topics into their political views to try and convert us to their way of thinking.
You see, when two introverts or autistic individuals debate, the way they do it is very different than when two extraverts debate. And this is why with a room of five hundred extraverts you'll eventually be presented with one solution to a problem, whereas with a room of five introverts you'll instead be presented with fifty solutions each with their own list of potential boons and caveats.
Extraverts debate to win, to convert, to condition others into thinking like them. This is why they're so interested in memes and other ways of spreading information in a viral way, and it's why extraverts are so effortlessly good at marketing (even though it doesn't work on introverts and autistic people). So one has to submit and bow down, eventually a sole idea rises to the top through the victories of debate.
When two introverted people discuss something, they do so to 'fill in the blanks.' It's a much more compelling experience for me, personally, as I'm not the kind of domineering, aggressive person that extraverts seem to enjoy being. To the contrary, that terrifies me and leaves me being nauseous. I'm rattled whenever I raise my voice and just happen to sound angry to myself, that's the kind of person I am. And that's fairly common for introversion and autism.
We discuss to find out other perspectives, then we assimilate those perspectives internally into ourselves as new information to flesh out what we know and strengthen our knowledge without it being undermined. I find that extraverts hate this, as their poorly considered arguments only tend to strengthen what we know, and the questions we then ask from that knowledge leave them flustered, and clueless, and angry.
Extraverts want to convince you of things -- Focusing outward. You see? Introverts want to learn all of the things -- Focusing inward. That's the differentiation between the two, extraverts force their information outward in an attempt to destroy all other forms of information in order to spread their own opinion as propaganda. Introverts are more coy, sharing as they need to to acquire more information.
That isn't to say that we won't share, but rather we do so when asked rather than invading another person's space and demanding that they're going to listen to us. Either that or we keep private journals tucked away for others to read whenever they might want to, inoffensive and hidden away until it's discovered and read. Hello, this is my journal! I'm not looking to brainwash anyone, I'm just sharing.
Part of the reason why I share is in the hopes that I can learn more. I personally find that thoughts are ephemeral things, so I type them out. If I'm going to do so, there's no reason to not put my thoughts online, really. I'm just not going to run around linking them to others. What I will do is allow others to come here of their own volition, to discover it, and then if they desire, to read it of their own accord. This is very different than the bombastic, aggressive, domineering approach of extraverts.
Let's look at this symbolically.
Introvert: They quietly and kindly offer you a book from their collection, and ask if perhaps they could read one of yours in return, eventually. Extravert: They burn all of the books in your library, then force upon you their gospel and demand you read it or there'll be consequences.
This is how it's always been. This is why I see neurotypicals be insidious, parasitic, cancerous, and dangerously warlike. I don't see them as the 'default state' at all. To the contrary, that's horse shit. I don't think there even IS a default state. Autism isn't it, either. Nor is Williams syndrome (though that one might come closer for me than most). Neurotypicals simply are another kind of brain with their own set of problems.
Problems which I've outlined here through the point of fiction. An extravert wants to dominate, overrule, and replace. An extravert fears nothing more than being dominated, overruled, and replaced. This is why extraverts reacted this way to the charr being an accepted player race in Guild Wars 2. And this is why the Alt-Blight kicks up a fuss about the entirely nonsensical proposition of 'white replacement.'
White replacement is a fallacy, just by the by. And a very silly one at that. It's also why they have these prejudices in the first place. It's why they enjoy their privilege gleaned through being so aggressive, manipulative, and domineering. As I said, the extravert loves nothing more than dominating, overruling, and replacing.
Introverts seek something much more egalitarian. Largely we keep to ourselves as singular units, we don't really fit into tribes. And this is true for autism as well, of course. It's also true for the Williams syndrome brain as well. Only the neurotypical brain seems to function on this passionately  tribal basis, where there's the 'in tribes' and the 'out tribes.' Like I said, there may be hints of that in other brains as we're all of precisely the same root species, after all. It's just that it's a background noise in other brains versus a clamouring din to be obeyed in neurotypical brains.
Why do Guild Wars players hate the charr? NT tribalism. Why do the Alt-Blight believe in white replacement? NT tribalism. Why do the Alt-Blight believe women are innately inferior? NT tribalism. Why do Alt-Blighters believe blacks are innately criminal? NT tribalism. Why do the Alt-Blight want to deface Native Americans? NT tribalism. Why would an Alt-Blighter drive a car into a crowd of pacifists? NT tribalism. Why would the Alt-Blight praise Nazi ideologies? NT tribalism. Why did Brexit happen? NT tribalism. Why do TERFs exist? NT tribalism. Why do straight gays hate flaming gays? NT tribalism. Why do some transgender people hate transspecies? NT tribalism. Why is the world so divided and warlike, today? NT tribalism.
I don't want to say neurotypicals are the cause of all of our problems but... Well, neurotypicals basically are the cause of all of our problems. Without their tribal prejudices and biases, there would be no war. Could you imagine a world without war? Lennon could. I can. Can you? I'm hoping eventually we can leave neurotypicals behind and find our own world, without war, without aggression, without manipulation, and thus devoid of evil. I do think that neurotypicals are the root of all evil on earth, I'm sorry. I just keep finding more and more evidence of it all the time.
I'm aware that I might have biases, I'm a bloody introvert/autistic person. Of course I'm aware that that might be a factor. So I've been trying very hard to counter my own views, I've been asking people to challenge me or present me with counterpoints or well reasoned arguments to the contrary and nothing has really stuck. Indeed, it just adds more evidence to the pile that this is a truth. Even my own attempts to interact with neurotypicals have shown this to be a truth time and time again.
Just because some neurotypicals have managed to -- through great effort on their part -- convert themselves to align with more ethical, positive perspectives doesn't mean their underlying problems of being tribal, domineering, and aggressive don't still exist.
This is something that neurotypicals need to be educated about from a very young age. It's a pathological issue with neurotypical brains that they all need to be made aware of.
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harrelltut · 6 years
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卍 JEHOVAH Occult Witness Me [ME = U.S. Michael Harrell = TUT = JAH] from Inner Earth’s [HADES] HIDDEN Underworld [HU = HURRIAN] Military Installation [MI = MICHAEL] Unit [MU] of Biblically Black [Ancient] FUTURISTIC PANTHERS who got FULL ACCESS [FA = FANTE] II My QUANTUM HARRELL TECH® WEAPONRY of MASS DESTRUCTION I Mathematically ENGINEERED [ME = U.S. Michael Harrell = TUT = JAH] 4 mankind’s Last Days on earth… MU:XIII Occult Tech Illuminati 卍
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harrelltut · 8 years
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♀ as I Mentally Enforce [ME = U.S. Michael Harrell = TUT = JAH] My Excalibur [ME = U.S. Michael Harrell = TUT = JAH] Sword of King Solomon [King Arthur = King Tut] Magick… I BEE Magically + Lordly Killin’ [MLK] ALL of humanity as I Silently Cast My Most HIDDEN… Unseen Sentient [U.S. = Invisible] Black Occult Weapons of MASS DESTRUCTION… now Politically + Religiously Study My Most Authoritarian [MA] Government Empire [G.E. = Byzantine Dynasty] of SIRIUS Black Occult Technocratic [O.T.] POWERS ♀
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harrelltut · 7 years
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☥ I BEE So Cryptically POWERFUL ABOVE [PA] earth as I Mentally Encode [ME = U.S. Michael Harrell = TUT = JAH] Inner Earth’s [HADES] QUANTUM Black Airwave Earth [BAE = COSMIC] Energy Intel [E.I.] of HARRELL that Algorithmically Identify [A.I.] My Most Secretive Apocalyptic [SA] Egyptian Plots II Eradicate ALL powerless TELEVISED govments of fallen america… off the Face of Our Primitive Ancient [PA = SUPERNATURAL] Yoruba Earth of Lost America [L.A. = NEW Atlantis]… MU:XIII Occult Illuminati ☥
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harrelltut · 7 years
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☥ I got So Much Moor Egyptian [ME = U.S. Michael Harrell = TUT = JAH] FAITH in Me [ME = U.S. Michael Harrell = TUT = JAH] ‘cause I BEE So Consciously Aware [CA] of My Biblically Black [Ancient] BYZANTINE CHRIST [B.C.] Prophecies that Shall Politically + Technologically + Financially [PTF] Bring Ruin II fallen america [SODOM & GOMORRAH] since I BEE A HIGHLY AGGRESSIVE [HA = HARRELL] WARLORD of Triple 666 [ROYAL] Black SATANIC Occult Powers from Inner Earth [HADES]… MU:XIII Occult Illuminati ☥
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scrollofthoth · 6 years
I am not a Thelemite, but I love Thelema
To paraphrase Crowley, I’ve never hated the Law of Thelema. I have only hated Horus because war gods are dicks.
“Many would also argue that we just haven’t given Horus a chance. All this bloodshed is just the growing pains of a new aeon. We only have to wait a bit more before his illumination shines upon us.
I’m sorry. I just don’t trust a warrior god, especially one with his numbers. No aeon in our history directly coincides with its revelation. The prophecy either comes before or after the event. In this case, The Book of the Law comes woefully too late to act as a warning. It is only an explanation, a window into a change of gestalt towards infantilism. Only this child does more than pluck the wings off butterflies. 
Hindsight pegs the start of the Aeon of Horus at the Enlightenment. An age that culminates with the rise of Napoleon, who introduces us to the citizen army, so that whole nations can participate in the orgy of bloodshed. Since then we have had:
The Napoleonic Wars: 3.5 million dead. The American Civil War: 750 thousand dead. The Russo-Japanese War: 136 thousand dead. The Franco-Prussian War: 167 thousand dead World War I: 16 million dead. World War II: 60 million dead.
And the accompanying Holocaust with over 10 million dead. None of this includes the colonial genocides of indigenous people or all the other wars before, between, or since. This is not a hiccup. These are not growing pains. This is a record indicative of a world gone mad. While war was certainly a constant in the ages before, seldom were they mass slaughter. Ancient wars are characterized by ceremonial combat and fighting between the warrior classes, with the occasional sacking of a city. The main characteristic of modern warfare is the deliberate targeting of civilians for strategic purposes. From those filled with the bloodlust of the Falcon of War, no one is safe.”
Threskionis, The Babalon Current in Modern Magick
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harrelltut · 7 years
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♀ I BEE A HIGHLY Legendary Afterlife [L.A.] Nubian Underworld Lord [LUCIFER] of SIRIUS Black Afterlife Death [BAD = SATANIC] Sorcery as I Magically + Atmospherically [MA] Conjure UP A Silent but Deadly Black Virus that BEE So Unseen Sentient [U.S. = Invisible] like FUKUSHIMA Radiation on ALL mentally unconscious [Dead] humans on earth ‘cause I ain’t got No Moor Consciously Awake [CA] Time 2 waste on this long dull uninteresting dimension of earth ♀
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harrelltut · 7 years
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♀ I betta Not have 2 Mentally + Atmospherically + Ritualistically + Spiritually [MARS = SUPERNATURALLY] Invoke A Holy Black Christ [B.C.] War like I Already Demonstrated [A.D.] ALL UP IN:side My Native Black American Spirit [BAS = ORISHA] Indian Land Territories of IN:land Empire… ‘cause if I Do [I.D.]… I’mma Presidentially Invoke A Deadly Apocalyptic [DA = DAHOMEY] Genocide Curse on you… then I Shall Magically + Lordly Kill [MLK = SHADOW GOVERNMENT] you ♀
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harrelltut · 7 years
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♀ I Arrogantly Commit [A/C] SIRIUS Black Occult Crimes when I Magically Invoke My Most Heinous [MH] Mental of Evil [ME = U.S. Michael Harrell = TUT = JAH] Actions that Lead 2 Mass Murders… as I Mentally Assassinate [MA] anyone who Dare Challenge [D.C.] My MOST HIGH [MH = JAH] GOVERNMENT EMPIRE [G.E. = BYZANTINE DYNASTY] of SIRIUS Black Occult Technology ‘cause I BEE A Non Forgiving Black Christ [B.C. = SATAN] wit’ Magical + Lordly Kill [MLK = SHADOW GOVERNMENT] Powers ♀
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Human Supremacy; Evidence in Fiction
We can learn so much from fiction.
I really do hafta hope that one day these words will be read as I feel I'm coming so close to understanding something very important, primal, a crux of the human condition itself. Perhaps the most confounding question of all: Why are humans like this?
Alright, so today I'd like to look at Guild Wars and the charr race, as with them ArenaNet managed something profoundly astounding, they managed to produce proof of the not quite that elusive concept of 'fantastic prejudice.' You see, prejudice doesn't just have to be race, gender, culture, creed, health, body shape, or financial status. Oh no, humans are able to travel so far beyond this to considerations so pointless, so arbitrary, that it lays the painful flaws of the neurotypical mind bare. How can something like fantastic prejudice exist?
It's only a game, isn't it? It's only a story, is it not? And even more compelling than that is what if the story depicted a schism between humankind and another species? And if our role in that history wasn't what you would call morally superior? What then? This is why the reaction to Guild Wars is so remarkably unfathomable and yet, strangely cathartic for myself as it does so much to offer the most damning kind of evidence. Hatred over something that simply doesn't matter. A blind, seething, boiling, broiling hatred over fiction.
Dear reader, I shit ye not. I bloody well wish I did.
You see, Guild Wars players despise the charr. It's not merely a dislike, oh no. It goes even beyond hatred. Usually I find that 'hate' is a loaded word as people throw it around casually but it's apt, here, and yet not powerful enough. The word I would use is loathe, they despise the charr, they are so actively repulsed by the charr, they find the charr to be so thoroughly, scurrilously, irredeemably repugnant that they can do nothing but thrash and writhe in their oils. The charr, to these people, represent all that is sick and wrong. So much so that they'd invest a great deal of time spreading misinformation and lying about the game's lore in a base, vain effort to defame and deface the charr. They're rabid in this task, a restless Inquisition that smites anyone who'd ever dare speak the truth.
And the truth isn't that hard, really, now is it? All you have to do is cite some bloody official sources. They seem to forget it's a video game. A video game. A point I cannot stress enough, a point that I will belabour until the cows come home. Lads, ladies, it's a video game. The information is freely available, your mad quixotic quest to smite anyone who'd disagree is already undone by freely available lore that anyone can read. And yet, they try! Why? Truly, why do they try? Why is it so important to spread these lies? Why is their seething hatred overriding beyond the point of any reason?
Guild Wars depicted human suffering.
And that's it, innit? Specifically, it depicted the suffering of healthy, beautiful, cis-gendered, Caucasian people, the Aryan icons of ideology that the neurotypicla mindset holds so very near and dear. That's all it took. Yes, the charr waged a bloody war against the humans, invading their lands and striking fear into the hearts of every last one of them. At this point, some context is probably just a little bit important, eh? So let's have a sprinkling of scrumptiously helpful context.
The humans weren't originally from the same world as the charr, they were lead there by their god of war; Their god of war put tthem up to this world hopping, a point that the other human gods sorely disagreed with, but since war god was the most powerful of the pantheon there wasn't really much they could do about it; I'll point out again that their war god did this; The charr occupied the lands before the humans arrived, those lands were their ancestral homes and where all their burial sites were; The charr initially tried to make nice with the humans, but the humans were ordered by their god of war to wipe out the entire charr species -- mercilessly cutting down even women and children alike -- as they were 'mere animals' and undeserving of the lands; The charr eventually managed to form a resistance and retalliated, eventually they even turned the tide against humankind with their homefield advantage, being familiar with the lands they'd lived in so long; Then the human god Balthazar blessed a human assassin with godly power so that they might kill off the charr leadership, sending them into disarray; A campaign of genocide was enacted against the charr, and they were driven far to the north away from their ancestral lands; The charr turned to magicks and deities that they never had before in a desperate attempt to reclaim their lands, the resting place of their mothers and fathers, but that turned sour; One charr faction was corrupted by a deity and enslaved the rest of the charr; That faction then united the charr and mounted a retalliation against the now fortified human city state of Ascalon, though they wouldn't exactly succeed; They made some powerful weapons and did some damage, though they didn't exactly cause a great deal of loss of human life, the sole cause of the greatest loss of human life would be the human king himself; You see, the human king was a bit barmy, a tad touched, and just utterly bonkers if I'm being frank and instead of surrendering he cast a spell to curse every living human with eternal unlife as enslaved guardians of Ascalon, effectively commiting genocide against his own people.
So you see the problem, yes? Humankind in this scenario represents a morally inferior position, grossly unethical, one might even go so far as to say 'evil.' Certainly every bit as bad as we treated the Native Americans, I'd say. Oh, wait! Aren't there white people today who're trying to deny that with lies and misinformation? Funny that, funny. Real funny. A funny coincidence, really. And that's because neurotypicals are like this, they have this incontrovertible flaw.
It could be due to oxytocin, it might be due to a lack of empathy, it could be down to an overall absence of self-awareness... I can't say for sure. The realisation here, though, is that they're bound to tribalistic thinking. That any tribe outside of their own must be in the wrong regardless of the facts at hand, their tribal bias is overwhelmingly powerful. And that means, then, by proxy that any tribe that isn't their own must naturally be in the wrong, due to precisely those selfsame tribal biases.
In this scenario, if the positions of humankind and the charr were reversed, do you believe the players would be behaving any differently today? All that would do is present the charr as actually evil, rather than as the victims of a regime. It's intereting though that even in a fantasy setting, neurotypicals will blame the victim if it means siding with their own tribe over that of another. Human supremacy, in this fantastic sense, is really no different than white supremacy in the very real sense that we see it in our world today.
And we can tell from this brave social experiment of ArenaNet's that neurotypicals will always have these tribal biases, leading to prejudice. It's these tribal biases that create prejudice. And what I find is that, for whatever reason, other kinds of brain (like the autistic brain, the Williams syndrome brain, among others) simply aren't shackled with this tribalistic way of thinking. It fascinates me. Since neurotypicals are supposedly the default state, the Überstamm, so to speak?? You'd think that this would be a flaw that the subhuman states who aren't neurotypical would possess, and yet this flaw is present in every neurotypical brain as a set-in-stone feature. Is tribalism really indicative of an evolved mind?
And indeed, to hate the charr for being the victims in this scenario just because they were able to score a few against the evil human regime? That's evidence that this tribalism extends even to fantasy. It's as baffling as it is vexing, and I love it! I love it because it's something no one can deny. Try to refute this and I could find a thousand examples more in other fictive works or historical documents. The pathology of tribalism is a neurotypical dilemma.
In case anyone might think I'm pulling their leg, here, in that people have shown very real, true hatred for the charr? Just have a good scroll down this. Just keep in mind that if people hadn't created content to fill out that search, the results wouldn't be nearly so juicy. It's sad, isn't it? That's neurotypicals for you, though. Doomed to be bound to tribalistic thought for the rest of eternity, it seems. And I've tried to raise awareness of this in so many ways...
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