#Original Black King Arthur of King Tut Bloodline Intelligences
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harrelltut · 8 years ago
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♀ y’all… er’ body just want 2 BEE Famous like Me [ME = U.S. Michael Harrell = TUT = JAH]… but their Ancient Black Soul is Still Missin’ ♀
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harrelltut · 8 years ago
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♀ I BEE My Heavenly [MH = Empyreal] Father’s ORIGINAL… 360°+ Free Mason of Afterlife [MA] Atlantis… ‘cause of My HIGHLY Elaborate Mental of Astronomical [MA] African Energies that BEE So Pre Historic Congo Afrikkan [CA] American 2 My INNER ILLUMINATED Egyptian Temple [E.T.] Pyramids of SIRIUS Black Energy Transmission [E.T.] Signals I Hieroglyphically Encode [HE = JAH] 2 My HIGHLY Complex Phonetical + Lexicographical + Universal + Technological + Orion [PLUTO] Mental of Afterlife [MA] Atlantis ♀
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harrelltut · 8 years ago
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♀ y’all… I BEE Learnin’ So Much NEW Stuff… even though I Already know a lot of Stuff… but I Learn So Much Moor NEW Stuff… 2 the point I don’t know how 2 not Learn Moor NEW Stuff… ‘cause I can Never Learn 2 Much NEW Stuff… 4 there’s Always NEW Stuff 2 Learn… 2 Add onto the Stuff I Already know… ‘cause the NEW Stuff I just Learned… Made Me [ME = U.S. Michael Harrell = TUT = JAH]… Learn Even Moor NEW Stuff… Follow? ♀
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harrelltut · 8 years ago
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♀ y’all… I knew y’all forgot about Me [ME = U.S. Michael Harrell = TUT = JAH]… but I Biblically + Esoterically + Spiritually [BES = SUPERNATURALLY] Remember I BEE My Egyptian [ME = U.S. Michael Harrell = TUT = JAH] Mama’s… Dually Reincarnated Black Christ [B.C.] Son [Sun]… ‘cause I ALSO BEE My 1st American Rosicrucian Mother’s… 1st Royal Afterlife [RA] Nubian Benin King of Art + Theurgy [ARTHUR]… from Lost Atlantis [L.A.] ♀
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harrelltut · 8 years ago
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♀ y’all heard about My Egyptian [ME = U.S. Michael Harrell = TUT = JAH] Stories from My Afterlife [MA] Visions of King Arthur [TUT]?… ‘cause if did… U would Already know about Our Ancient Afro British Parliaments of Ancient Benin that BEE So OMNIPOTENT 2 My New Worldwide Order [NWO] MONARCHY… I Celestially Aligned [CA] UP ABOVE Compton California… ‘cause Mama T [Queen Tiye] had Already Said Her Very Disobedient Black Christ [B.C. = Dionysus] Son [Sun]… Shall RISE in tha’ West ♀
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harrelltut · 8 years ago
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♀ I BEE So King Arthur [TUT] as I Immortally Recall My Ancient [MA] Royal Afterlife [RA] Names from Ancient Benin’s Original Afro British Royal Administration [RA] 2 Mama’s 18th Egyptian Dynasty Family of PRE HISTORIC… Congo Afrikkan [CA] Americans that Originally Seeded Our Ancient Life-History Black Earth of Preexistent Nubian Afterlife Indians that BEE So Extra Terrestrial [E.T.] 2 the mortals of Temporary genetics WE Energized… AFTER WE Spiritually Fell 2 Our lowest physical dimension ♀
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harrelltut · 8 years ago
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♀ y’all ready 2 Marvel… over Me [ME = U.S. Michael Harrell = TUT = JAH]? ♀
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harrelltut · 8 years ago
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♀ y’all… I BEE So Underworld Hell Famous [UHF]… they gonna have to Survey + Analyze [SA] Our MASSIVE BLACK EGYPTIAN ENERGY [BEE = BYZANTINE] EARTH… then Archeologically Dig [A.D.] UP Our Prehistorically FUTURISTIC Nubian Indian Earth… just 2 Mentally + Artistically [MA] + Philosophically + Academically [PA] Experience Me [ME = U.S. Michael Harrell = TUT = JAH] ♀
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harrelltut · 8 years ago
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♀ y’all… I BEE So U.S. Black OCCULT [Ancient Egyptian Astronomy] Illuminati as I Spiritually + Astronomically [SA] Freestyle My HIGHLY Cryptic North American + South American [NASA] Afro African Constitution [A/C] of Mama’s Afterlife [MA] Afro African Atlantis [AAA] Energies that got Me [ME = U.S. Michael Harrell = TUT = JAH] Moon Walkin’ ABOVE My Heavenly [MH = Empyreal] Underworld Egyptian Tomb [E.T.] Pyramid [Throne] of JIZEH [JEEZEH = GIZA = JESUS] ♀
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harrelltut · 8 years ago
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♀ I BEE 2 HIGHLY Evolved 4 the low 3rd Dimensional [3D = Dead] TELEVISED govments 2 constantly keep track of… ‘cause of My HIGHLY Complex Cosmic Algorithmic [CA] Computation [Compton] Labyrinth Mental of JUPITER [UTOPIA]… POLITICS… from My HIGHLY Complex Phonetical + Lexicographical + Universal + Technological + Orion [PLUTO] Linguistics of Afterlife [L.A.] Atlantis… now Biblically + Artistically + Scientifically [BAS = SPIRITUALLY] Study Me [ME = U.S. Michael Harrell = TUT = JAH] ♀
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harrelltut · 8 years ago
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♀ Mama Hittite’s [MH’s] ORIGINAL Black Esoteric Society [BES = Matriarchal Familia] of American Egyptians [Typhonian Royals]… Telepathically Speak Our Pre Historic Afterlife [HA = HARRELL] Linguistics that Phonically Sound like My 1st American Rosicrucian Mother’s Afro [MA] Gullah Ebonic [G.E. = GREEK] Slang She Biblically Taught 2 Her Antediluvian [HA = HITTITE] Daughters of Virgin Mary’s Louisiana Afterlife [L.A.] MELanin that Immaculately Created Me [ME = U.S. Michael Harrell = TUT = JAH] ♀
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harrelltut · 8 years ago
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♀ I Rediscovered My Afterlife [MA] Julius Africanus Hèrmés [JAH = RAMSES] MENTAL of Golden Auditory [GA = ROMAN] Brainstem Response Energy Intel that Electrophysiologically [Spiritually] Produce Many Uncountable [MU] Golden Black Electric Khemical Signals that Ancestrally Transmit HIGHLY ILLUMINATED LIGHT ENERGIES 2 My Golden Afterlife [GA = ROMAN] Ancestors that SEE ME [King TUT]… from My NEW… Afterlife Julius Africanus Hèrmés [JAH = RAMSES] Soul Body of U.S. Michael Harrell ♀
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harrelltut · 8 years ago
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♀ when I Energetically Translate [E.T.] My HIGHLY Structured Sentences about My Magical King Arthur [TUT] Afterlife Lore of Emperor TUTANKHAMEN… My Official [MO’] Afro Roman~British Ancestors from Mama’s Ancient [MA] African Benin Empire Familia of SIRIUS Black & Golden California Afterlife [CA = Camelot] Energy Intel BEE Telepathically Talkin’ 2 Me [ME = U.S. Michael Harrell = TUT = JAH] ‘cause I got WORLD SUPREMACY POWERS that BEE So Unseen + Sentient [U.S. = Invisible] 2 the naked human eye ♀
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harrelltut · 8 years ago
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♀ when I Lay Me [ME = U.S. Michael Harrell = TUT = JAH] 2 Sleep [Die]… I Auto Direct [A.D.] My INNER Telekinetic Senses of HIGHLY Evolved Parallel Afterlife [PA] Intel 2 My Otherworldly Technological [O.T.] Visions iSEE when I Magically Enhance [ME = U.S. Michael Harrell = TUT = JAH] My 1st Egyptian Eye of HERU [HARRELL]… now Academically Study Me [ME = U.S. Michael Harrell = TUT = JAH] as I Magically Unveil [MU] My Bizarre 18th Dynasty Name of EGYPTIAN TUTANKHAMEN [E.T. = AMEN]… ASHÉ! ♀
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harrelltut · 8 years ago
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♀ Let Me [ME = U.S. Michael Harrell = TUT] Universally Decree My Ecclesiastical [ME = U.S. Michael Harrell = TUT] KINGSHIP of New World Order [NWO = Imperial] Powers of Parallel Black Egyptian Earth [BEE = Byzantine] Empires that BEE So Unified + Victorious + Fearlessly [UVF] Energized… My Labyrinth Mental of Byzantium’s INNER Black Crystal [B.C.] Christ Cities 2 Our Golden Energy Temple [E.T.] Wealth BEE Heavily Guarded @ ALL Times in Our Ancient Black Roman Empire Mythologies of Atlantis [MA] ♀
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