#American Flat Track Season
direwombat · 8 months
tagged by @carlosoliveiraa, @aceghosts, @finding-comfort-in-rain, @cassietrn, @g0dspeeed, and @simplegenius042 for a little oc interview! making this kind of a part 2 to this oc interview i did a while ago.
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“Jesus Christ,” Sybille hisses, sinking into the folding chair set up on the other side of Wheaty’s desk, haggard and weary from six weeks of nonstop fighting. “Are we really doin’ this shit again?”
He regards her, equally exhausted, and sighs. “It’s for morale, Dep. People gotta remember you’re human too.”
“Why?” she scowls. “Aint’ it more inspirin’ if they think I’m Wonder Woman or some shit?”
“Yeah, well, Wonder Woman has literal super powers,” Wheaty says. The attempt at levity falls flat, as Sybille levels him with a glare. “Look,” he sighs, “I know it seems counterintuitive to you, but reminding the people that you’re a person, just like them, will help inspire them to keep fighting against the Cult. Normal life is almost back in the Valley, you know? We gotta remind them that the fight’s still going.” 
She’s silent for a long moment, before ultimately relenting. “Fine. Ask ya damn questions.”
WHEATY: Name? 
SYBILLE: Sybille Marie La Roux. 
WHEATY: Nickname? 
SYBILLE: Was “Sarge” for a while. Mostly just “Dep” or “Syb” these days. 
Editor’s note: Also “Sweetheart/Honey/Jackrabbit” if your name is Jacob Seed. 
WHEATY: Gender? 
SYBILLE: [Rustling of fabric as she shrugs] Female
WHEATY: Star sign? 
WHEATY: Moon and rising?
SYBILLE: What now?
Editor’s note: She’s a Scorpio Moon and Capricorn Rising. 
WHEATY: Personality type? 
SYBILLE: The fuck does that mean?
WHEATY: Y'know. Like. Uh. Your Myers-Briggs or Enneagram type.
SYBILLE: I dunno what any of those words mean.
WHEATY: Y'know what, here. Let me call Xander up and see if he has the quizzes handy.
SYBILLE: The what now?
[A painful half-hour of listening to Sybille take various personality quizzes live on the air]
SYBILLE: [Very slowly] “Lawful Neutral,” “ISTJ,” “Type 8w9,” and “choleric.” [Long pause] Wheaty, all these words are nonsense.
WHEATY: Height? 
WHEATY: Orientation?
SYBILLE: [Muttering] Jesus Christ. [Louder] I’m bisexual and I ain’t lookin’. 
Editor's note: The rest of the county doesn't know she's taken by this point.
WHEATY: Nationality/Ethnicity?
SYBILLE: American. Cajun French. 
WHEATY: Favorite Fruit? 
SYBILLE: [Sighs wistfully] I’d kill for a mango or nectarine. 
WHEATY: Favorite Season? 
SYBILLE: Spring. But since movin’ to Montana, I understand the appeal of autumn. 
WHEATY: Favorite Flower? 
SYBILLE: Hibiscus.
WHEATY: Favorite Scent? 
SYBILLE: Fresh coffee. Pine. Frankincense. Shit, I dunno, it’s hard to pick just one. 
WHEATY: Coffee, Tea, or Hot Chocolate: 
SYBILLE: Coffee. Black. 
WHEATY: Average Hours of Sleep: 
SYBILLE: [Long silence] Not nearly enough.  
Editor’s Note: Between 4-5 on a good day; closer to 2-3 on bad ones. 
WHEATY: Dog or Cat Person? 
SYBILLE: [Rustling of fabric as she leans over to pet Boomer] I like both, but overall ‘m more of a dog person.  
WHEATY: Dream Trip? 
SYBILLE: Shit, it really is a dream trip now, ain’t it? Woulda liked to’ve roadtripped ‘round Australia, but I doubt that’ll ever happen, now.
WHEATY: Favorite Fictional/Real Character? 
SYBILLE: Jesus, I dunno. Trinity from the Matrix, I guess. 
WHEATY: Yeah, I can see that. 
WHEATY: Number of Blankets You Sleep With? 
SYBILLE: Depends on where I end up sleepin’. ‘F I can find a cabin or bunker, then one or two. Otherwise it’s just my leather jacket. 
WHEATY: Random Fact? 
SYBILLE: Was on the track team my freshman and sophomore years of high school, before I had to drop out.
this one has been going around so sorry for any double tags, but, tagging: @marivenah, @corvosattano, @trench-rot, @harmonyowl, @fourlittleseedlings, @purplehairsecretlair, @adelaidedrubman, @socially-awkward-skeleton, @voidika, @locustandwildhoney, @testyfestyenthusiast, @strangefable, @inafieldofdaisies, @alexxmason, @deputyash, @josephslittledeputy, and anyone else wanting to do this for their ocs!
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s10127470 · 4 months
The Best Thing About The Garfield Movie
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So yeah, i just watched The Garfield Movie this past Friday night.
And all in honesty (and you're all probably gonna hate me for this).....I actually really like this film.
The story is solid (but I'll touch on that a little more when I get there).
The animation is really great. I'm always down for CGI animation actually being allowed to feel animated and this is the best the Garfield characters have looked in 3D.
It's basically night and day when you compare it to The Garfield Show and that CGI trilogy from the late 2000s.
Most of the characters are pretty solid and likeable.
My favorites were definitely Odie and Otto.
And the voice acting was actually really good all around.
Yes....even Chris Pratt as Garfield himself.
The movie's not perfect though.
A little bit of the humor can fall flat at times.
The villain is kind of weak despite being a classic, over-the-top villain.
Which is weird given the director's track record when it comes to villains.
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And while Jon was fun to watch, he sadly wasn't around for much of the movie.
But all-in-all, I think this movie is a really good time and I would definitely recommend it for anyone who's a fan of Garfield.
However, if you've seen any of the reception towards the movie (largely from the critics), it hasn't been talked about in a very positive light.
With the biggest criticism being that the movie doesn't feel like Garfield.
Which to that I have to say....
And I feel like the critics saying this are only familiar with the comics strips and not really anything else with the orange cat.
While yes, the movie doesn't quite feel like the comic strips, it does harken more to the adaptations, specifically the ones from his golden age during the 1980s.
The major criticism towards this movie is that it doesn't feel like Garfield, especially with the whole heist plot.
And while that may be the case when using the comics as a basis, but when looking at the adaptations, this actually isn't all that far off from what Garfield usually gets up to.
He's hanged with a tribe of tropical island natives inspired by 50s American culture while having to stop an erupting volcano.
He's had to escape a crew of ghostly pirates on Halloween night.
He's gone to Hollywood.
Yeah, Garfield has been going on exciting and wild adventures for a LONG time.
Hell, look at The Garfield Show.
The fourth season had several story arcs!
These included the likes of Garfield going to a school for witches, having to stop an army of alien robots from invading Earth, and going on an African safari and trying to save a pair of rare white lions from scheming poachers.
Also, that last arc I just mentioned was responsible for introducing us to the man....the myth....the legend himself....
This criticism has also been leveled towards the character of Garfield himself.
And I honestly feel like a lot of critics don't quite get the character of Garfield.
While yes, he's lazy, cynical, sarcastic, gluttonous and mocks just about everyone around him.
But that's not all his character is.
I can't believe I'm actually using him, but The Nostalgia Critic during his review of Garfield & Friends gave what honestly may be the best description of Garfield as a character.
That being while Garfield may enjoy being a lazy pessimistic, that's not what he's really like.
Although he's described as being lazy, Garfield is shown to be surprisingly more playful and energetic than you would think.
And on top of that, he'll usually go out of way to do stuff like creating huge ass sandwiches to eat for himself or think of unique and creative ways to mess with Odie, Jon and Nermal.
And despite the fact that he mocks damn near everyone around him (especially those close to him), he'll actually go out of his way to save them if they're in danger.
Basically, the best way to describe Garfield is that he's a character who ironically works hard to be lazy.
He won't exercise, but he'll dance and play.
He may be lazy, but he'll actually go the extra mile for something he wants.
He mocks people, but knows if they weren't there, life would be pretty boring for him.
And this part allows me to segway into what I think is the best part of The Garfield Movie: it's heart.
Yeah, The Garfield Movie has legitimately heartfelt moments where the characters get to reflect on their emotions towards those close to them.
Like Otto and his unwavering love for his Ethel and more specifically, Garfield and his estranged relationship with his father Vic.
Yes, I am a sucker for stuff like these.
Probably because I just appreciate just how sincere they come off as, and I appreciate them more because they're usually not ruined for a sake of mediocre joke.
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But anyway, these moments really do favors the characters, especially Garfield himself.
One thing I really appreciate about his adaptations is how they make Garfield a little more multifaceted.
While he does still have his trademark traits and quirks, he's allowed to show other emotions as well.
He can be happy, sad, excitable, afraid, downtrodden, caring, angry.
Garfield is able to show that he isn't just lazy and cynical.
And although it was only shown in the beginning montage, I do appreciate that movie does show that Garfield does legitimately care for Jon and Odie, which is something that you rarely see in the comics and even a good chunk of the adaptations.
Once again, it kinda harkens back to the 80s adaptations, specifically the series of specials made between 1982 and 1991.
I guess to give you guys some examples.
In Garfield in the Rough, when the trio find themselves attacked by the panther that escaped from the local zoo, Garfield took shelter up in a tree while Odie and Jon were forced to take cover in the car. But that only got them so far as the panther was able to break the driver-side window. And when Garfield noticed this, he literally jumps from the tree, onto the panther's back, and proceeds to claw and scratch the big cat in a rage!
Yeah, Garfield literally fought a feral big cat for the safety of his owner and dog!
That takes fucking courage man!
Or how about in Here Comes Garfield, where Odie gets sent to the pound. And while Garfield was happy about that, he realized just how empty and boring life would be with Odie. And so, he decides to go rescue him, especially more so after finding out Odie was scheduled to get FUCKING EUTHANIZED!
Oh yeah! There was a Garfield adaptation where Odie almost got put down!
You realize how insane that sounds, right?
And despite his best attempts, Garfield ends up getting locked up with Odie.
And in the approaching hours to his demise, Garfield reminisces on the good times he's had with Odie (accompanied by an admittedly sad song).
And when it's finally time and Odie gets dragged off to meet his maker, Garfield actually starts shedding tears.
And finally there's Garfield On the Town, where Garfield gets lost in the big city. And during his journey, he stumbled upon his childhood home (an Italian restaurant that's now abandoned) and more importantly, was reunited with his estranged mother, who he hadn't seen since he was a kitten.
And during this special, we see a much more caring and gentler side of Garfield.
So yeah, that's all I have to see for all this.
Think I The Garfield Movie is pretty solid film overall and I can definitely tell that the people behind it really cared about Garfield and truly understood what makes him such a lovable character.
Unfortunately, I believe this film does have the issue of being obviously more geared towards the fans.
Which is not a bad thing.
But if the reception towards The Super Mario Bros. Movie taught anything, not everybody's gonna appreciate that.
But in all-in-all, I'm kinda glad this movie exists and I wouldn't mind rewatching every once in a while.
And I'm more glad that Mark Dindal has finally returned to directing animated films after not doing so in almost 20 years.
And while it may not be a good as Cats Don't Dance and especially the godsend that is The Emperor's New Groove, for a grand return to animated directing, this ain't half bad.
And even if you don't like this film, I think we can all agree on that it's leagues better than the last film Dindal was unfortunate enough to direct.
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irradiate-space · 1 year
Tuesday Typings
I came back from the North American Science Fiction Convention with so many books. Notes on costume stuff, one giant costume todo list, and recent reads/watches as well.
Books acquired recently
The Archive Undying, Emma Mieko Candon, 2023, bought
This is How You Lose the Time War, Amal El-Mohtar and Max Gladstone, 2020, bought — finished and enjoyed
The Sng of Achilles, Madeline Miller, 2012, bought
Translation State,, Ann Leckie, 2023, bought
Francis: The People's Pope, Ted Rall, allegedly autographed, 2018, bought
The Stars Like Dust, Isaac Asimov, 1996 paperback printing, gifted
The Courier, Gerald Brandt, 2016, free pile
Alliance Rising, C. J. Cherryh and Jane S. Fancher, 2019, free pile
Foundryside, Robert Jackson Bennett, 2019 Broadway promo printing, free pile
Mica, fille de Transyl, Michèle Laframboise, 2012, free pile — I do not read the French; this is going on a gift pile for a Francophone friend
To Climb a Flat Mountain, G. David Nordley, 2009?, bought after the author gave me an answer to a worldbuilding problem
Burning Days, Glenn Grant, 2011, free
This Virtual Night, C.S. Friedman, 2021, free
To Each This World, Julie Czerneda, 2022, free and signed
The Complete Smoke Trilogy, Tanya Huff, 2019, free
She Who Became The Sun, Shelley Parker-Chan, 2021, free
All of the free books are from Pemmi-Con; half are from DAW Publishers who were really, really generous.
Recent Reading and Watching
This is How You Lose the Time War surprised me with the identity of the Seeker; mid-book I thought there might be another operative tailing them, or a Purple child, or a third side to this war. That last prediction was quite close!
Mobile Suit Gundam Unicorn - Bande Dessinee Episode: 0 wasn't particularly thrilling, but I value it because it fills out the characters of Full Frontal and Angelo Sauper, and how the Zeonist public sees things before the initiation of the Third Neo Zeon War, aka The Laplace Incident.
Star Wars: The Clone Wars has been good through season 7; I ned to track down season 8 to see if they later appearance of Ashoka in Star Wars Rebels makes any sense.
Legend of Galactic Heroes: I have finally finished this. RIP to a legend, but we all knew that the death flag for the last person to die was waved at the end of the third season. Rubinsky's end was also fitting: reflecting of how he was no longer part of the plot, he was also no longer part of politics. His last gasp felt irrelevant, and really was.
Pacific Rim: The Black is a 3dcg film that's reminiscent of RWBY and Dragon Prince in style, but with the same Ramin Djiwadi soundtrack, and some neat twists that really delve into the fridge horror of the setting. But this is a kids' show, so there's little blood, the decapitations happen out of frame, and the heads don't roll too far. Episode 7 has a nice "it's dangerous to go alone; take this" moment.
A 2.1A powerbank is not enough to stably power a Pi 1 B+ with a 4.0" square Hyperpixel Touch display and a wireless keyboard. Big Sad. Next question is if a PiSugar 3 battery controller will work with a Pi 1 B+ or if I should splurge $75 on a Pi 4 for this device.
I'd like to have a mobile compute terminal that's smaller than a 13" laptop, but still has USB ports. Scrollwheel and a button to toggle the OSK would also be nice.
Primary nonwork laptop's keyboard continues to degrade; It's becoming a desk item. Its degradation is the primary driver of the new palmtop development.
Actually, wait, I have a spare CM4 from a StereoPi 2 device. I could use that, with a compatible breakout board maybe. Or I could test the Hyperpixel screen on the Stereopi board directly. Then I'd have a 4" touchscreen mated to a … 5" wide board? Well, it'll at least let me test some things, like whether the CM4 works for this use case. Bonus dual cameras is a questionable bonus.
KInda burnt out on crafting, tbh. Last two weeks were full of crunch before Pemmi-Con/NASFiC, which netted me a "Judge's Choice in Novice Class" award and "Best Use of Modern Tech" in the Masquerade competition.
Next up, over @glowingskull, I plan to post rundowns of the stuff I made, and maybe some shapefiles, but there's a lot of work left in this costume and I plan to redo large parts of the headgear.
Because, let's be honest, the post-con todo list for that costume is basically:
Better photographs?
Write up the project
Print off a holder for these parts, because I'm retiring them to mount on the wall
Redesign snout, again, to remove grilles and double-thicken all the parts
Resculpt temples and ears of skull
Put a visor in the eye holes
Eye-lights in visor?
Enclose head: back of skull, ventilation, neck sock
Redo the flame staff's camera monopod mount attachment point for durability (may require welding?)
Sculpt a model for the chestpiece, so it's plastic instead of foam
Sculpt a model for arm bracers
And then on top of that I also want to:
Document the Servicer outfit
Sew on a Masonic patch for the Servicer outfit
Build some DIY NVGs for use in costume projects like this one
Write up the Baba Yaga's Hut costume which won Best In Show
I think my next costume goal, after the revised Turaga Vakama, will be an Earth Federation Space Forces officer uniform, so I can give the planned "WTF is Zeon" lectures in character.
The next head goal will be a Deinonychus head with articulated jaw, which requires advancements in augmented reality. Need to get the StereoPi working, or ditch/sell it and switch to paired NVG monocles.
I think it's time for Pacific Rim soundtracks. Pacific Rim: The Black sounds somewhere between the Pacific Rim movies' soundtracks and the tense violin work from the 2009 Sherlock Holmes movie with RDJ and Jude Law, soundtrack by Hans Zimmer. Not particularly Australian, unfortunately.
Lego Stuff
Gotta merge the two submarine kits, and build the Emperor's Throne Room that I won at pinball at Pemmi-Con.
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anonymousfoz · 10 months
HS Journalism: Good Luck Charlie: It's Christmas Review (Feature)
★★★★☆ (4 out of 5)
Good Luck Charlie is an American sitcom that ran on the Disney Channel from April 4, 2010, to February 16, 2014. The show had four seasons and one movie. The movie, “Good Luck Charlie: It's Christmas!” is not as well known as other holiday movies to watch with family and friends.
The movie follows the Duncan family of six as they plan to spend a Christmas with grandparents in Palm Springs, Ca. It is the family's first Christmas away from their home in Denver. Things go awry when daughter Teddy Duncan (Bridgit Mendler), and mother Amy Duncan (Leigh-Allyn Baker), get separated from their family after Teddy gives up her seat on the plane in exchange for a free plane ticket.
The movie is a delight to watch, however it comes with minor issues. The movie doesn’t truly feel like cinema as it tries to feel like an episode of the show instead of a separate entity. It does take certain elements away from the sitcom formula such as the laugh track and natural lighting. The movie is clearly made for fans of the show as it jumps straight into the movie without introducing the cast to those who haven’t seen the show. The movie is supposed to take place between seasons 2 and 3, which might be why writers or the director chose to tell the narrative that way. It doesn’t truly take away from the experience and provides a unique style of movies that isn’t quite modern anymore.
The biggest issue that stands out is the acting. For example, Baker doesn’t truly have good acting in her role as the mother compared to the rest of the cast. It seems to exaggerate her personality from her show. In the show, Amy is loving and caring about her family while being very overworked. However, at times she is self-centered and does try to be the star of the family most of the time. Yet in the movie she is very aggressive, and her side of being self-centered is over exaggerated at certain points in the movie. Out of all the characters, she feels out of character until half way through the movie.
Teddy’s character seems flat for a movie character up until the end of the second act. While her character is the same as in the show, she doesn’t really progress over the course of the movie other than a few instances of her responsibility, but she’s already a responsible character in the main show. For the main character, you would expect to see her growth throughout the second act, yet that development only really occurs at the end of the second act.
The other characters are the same from their show counterparts, and their characters shine through the side plot to the main story. Their side plot was the enjoyable part of the movie including the climax up to the resolution of the movie. For instance PJ Duncan (Jason Dolley) is the dumb member of the family, yet throughout the seasons, he gets noticeably smarter and ambitious. This does appear in the movie towards the climax.
While the acting is the major negative part of the movie, the positives outweigh the negatives. Certain jokes and minor plot points pay off towards the climax in clever ways. The movie is very unoriginal in certain plot points, yet makes up for it in the creativity and exaggeration in some of the scenes and especially the climax with the male members of the family. Numerous jokes were surprisingly funny considering that the movie is a decade old.
Despite all the jokes, the movie does know how to transition from silly to serious in a way that doesn’t give the viewer whiplash. The movie is great at evoking emotions as the serious moments give impact, though they aren’t as frequent in the movie as the silly moments; they stick out and carry throughout the rest of the movie.
Overall this movie is worth watching as it captures the craziness of the holidays with family. While the movie does have issues and is heavily dated, it is still a blast to watch even as the movie is over a decade old. This movie is still fun to watch with family and friends, especially around the festive time of Christmas.
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mariacallous · 1 year
Just over a week ago, U.S. National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan boasted that, all things considered, things were going pretty well for U.S. foreign policy in the Middle East: “The Middle East region is quieter today than it has been in two decades,” he told an audience at an event hosted by the Atlantic. 
That assertion tracked with the bench of top diplomatic officials focused on the Middle East—or lack thereof. As Washington worked to extricate itself from decades of costly wars in the region to focus on a revanchist Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and ramping up global competition against China, numerous key senior national security posts overseeing the Middle East have sat empty for months or even years. Few in Washington raised alarm bells about it. Those who did were, for the most part, politely ignored.
The massive assault on Israel by terrorist group Hamas—the deadliest attack Israel has faced since the 1973 Arab-Israeli War—has thrust the Middle East back to the forefront of U.S. national security. The Biden administration, caught flat-footed, has leapt into crisis-response mode. But the number of seasoned and Senate-confirmed top officials to lead that response is sorely lacking.
At the time of the deadly Hamas attack on Israel, Washington’s closest ally in the Middle East, the United States had no confirmed ambassadors to Israel, Egypt, Oman, or Kuwait. The State Department’s top counterterrorism envoy position has sat empty for more than two years, the top human rights envoy position—the assistant secretary of state for democracy, human rights, and labor—has been unfilled for the entirety of the Biden administration, and the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) has not had a top Middle East official in nearly three years.
These statistics offer a snapshot into how Washington’s hyper-partisanship is infecting foreign policy and serve as a preview of how numerous empty posts could hobble—though not entirely derail—the Biden administration’s ability to craft an effective response to the developing war between Israel and terrorist groups in the Palestinian territories.
“The State Department isn’t [the Department of Defense]: We don’t have weapon systems; we have diplomats, armed with experience and hard-won expertise,” said Alan Eyre, a retired senior State Department diplomat. “Not having Senate-vetted and -confirmed ambassadors in the field during a crisis is like fighting a battle with needed weaponry sitting in storage.”
The mostly empty bench is due to a nearly broken Senate confirmation process, where nominees have languished in limbo for months or even years due to the “new normal” practice of Republican senators placing sweeping holds on all nominees for different agencies over policy disputes with the administration. On the Pentagon side, hundreds of senior military posts are on indefinite pause due to Sen. Tommy Tuberville’s blanket hold on nominees over the Biden administration’s abortion access policies for the military—including senior officials at U.S. Central Command, which oversees the Middle East. At the State Department, Republican Sen. Rand Paul has held numerous nominees over access to documents on the origins of COVID-19, while fellow Republican Sens. J.D. Vance and Ted Cruz have also previously issued holds.
Republicans, meanwhile, blame the Biden administration for not working to meet them halfway on policy disputes and dawdling on congressional outreach and Senate Democrats for not prioritizing floor votes on national security nominees that could override these blanket holds in an otherwise jampacked Senate schedule.
The end result is an under-equipped team composed of many lower-ranking officials in acting capacities fighting the biggest fire that part of the Middle East has seen in years—a crisis that could derail the Biden administration’s efforts to normalize ties between Israel and Saudi Arabia. In public, administration officials insist their team is well-equipped to respond to the crisis and support Israel. In private, they concede that they’re starting this diplomatic offensive with serious handicaps.
All top Pentagon, USAID, and State Department posts, including ambassadors, require a presidential nomination and Senate confirmation. Unfilled posts are still covered by lower-ranking officials in acting capacities. But those acting officials don’t have the gravitas, legitimacy, or access in foreign capitals that a full-fledged ambassador has, no matter how skilled and experienced they are.
One senior career diplomat with decades of experience compared a well-rooted U.S. ambassador in a foreign capital to a seatbelt in a car: something that’s nice to have in normal times—until there is a major emergency, when it becomes absolutely necessary. On the crisis in Israel, the effects of this empty bench may be hard to discern from the outside but are still likely to gum up the works in Washington’s interagency process and hobble a more effective response in the region.
Sen. Chris Murphy, a leading Democrat on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, decried the lack of confirmed officials. “This is an all hands on deck moment in history, and the administration needs a Senate-confirmed American diplomat present in every capital in the region as soon as possible,” he said in a statement on Sunday.
The House side, which has no say over nominees but outsized power on any new funding the United States could prepare for aid to Israel, is facing a crisis of its own after a small faction of far-right Republicans ousted House Speaker Kevin McCarthy.
“I look at the world and all the threats that are out there. And what kind of message are we sending to our adversaries when we can’t govern? While we’re dysfunctional? When we don’t even have a speaker of the House?” lamented Republican Rep. Michael McCaul, chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, in an interview with CNN on Sunday. McCaul said Republicans needed to quickly elect a new speaker to begin ginning up support—both financial and political—for Israel, in response to the ongoing crisis.
The Senate Foreign Relations Committee, now chaired by Sen. Ben Cardin after Sen. Bob Menendez stepped down amid a corruption indictment scandal, is preparing to rush a confirmation hearing on Biden’s Israel ambassador nominee this week, three Senate sources said, though no official announcement has yet been made. Biden’s nominee, former Treasury Secretary Jack Lew, could face grueling questioning from Republicans on the Biden administration’s policies toward Iran, but Democrats want to expedite his confirmation, nonetheless.
A similar scenario played out more than two months ago when another crisis caught Washington off guard, that time in the restive Sahel region of Africa. In Niger, a military coup in July derailed the West’s burgeoning partnership with a West African government seen as central to counterterrorism campaigns in the region. The U.S. ambassador nominee to Niger, seasoned diplomat Kathleen FitzGibbon, had sat waiting in Senate nomination limbo for nearly a year. In a rare spurt of ex post facto efficiency, the Senate rushed to confirm her, but only after the coup leaders had cemented their grip on power.
Murphy and others in the Senate hope that Congress can set aside partisan politics to confirm senior diplomats for the sake of national security.
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dragoneyes618 · 8 months
Dear Lorne,
A long time ago, you began your career as a television writer for the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, before moving to Los Angeles, and eventually getting a shot at producing Saturday Night Live in 1975. It’s important to remember that the odds of becoming as powerful and rich as you have is a longshot at best. A man who has garnered over 60 Emmys, produces several television shows and films, and has turned names like Sandler, Ferrel, Rock, Belushi, Chase, Radner and Murphy into very rich and famous people says something about your power.
But here’s the thing.
Spider-Man warned us that with great power comes great responsibility.
Now don’t get me wrong. No one loves a hard laugh more than me. In fact, for many years, I was the class clown, making jokes and getting laughs, having spent many hours in the principal’s office or detention. Sometimes, I went a bit far but ultimately, I knew where to draw the line. I’m not so sure that you do.
Last week, former Saturday Night Live star Cecily Strong backed out of playing Representative Elise Stefanik on the show because she was “uncomfortable” with the heavily criticized sketch. You know, the one where you mocked Rep. Elise Stefanik, the one person trying to stop blatant hatred of Jews. You could have mocked and castigated Mrs. “It depends on the context” Magill, the clown who couldn’t say a genocide against Jews constitutes bullying or harassment. Now that, Lorne, would have been funny. But don’t take my word for it. There were many people who were shocked at that decision.
Journalist Jake Wallis Simons asserted, “Can’t believe SNL decided to mock those demanding tougher action on Jew-hatred on campus rather than those making excuses for calls for genocide.”
Meghan McCain mentioned that there is a “400% increase in antisemitic hate crime since October 7th and SNL thinks it’s hilarious…This is vile. Vile.” Dr. Sara Yael Hirschhorn noted, “This is really appalling – [NBC] do you think antisemitism is acceptable as the punchline of a joke about American society? This needs to be investigated by the FCC.” Kevin Haggerty wrote, “The disconnect from humor caused by the ‘woke mind virus’ found Saturday Night Live taking heat for a ‘vile’ skit. This is no longer satire. This is propaganda.” The ADL has tracked multiple ‘Weekend Update’ jokes this season that inappropriately using Jews as the punchline.
In fact, a few years ago during the Corona crisis, host Michael Che “joked” about Israel’s coronavirus vaccine rollout: “Israel is reporting that they’ve vaccinated half of their population. I’m going to guess it’s the Jewish half.” The ADL told Fox News that “basing the premise of the joke on factual inaccuracies and playing into an antisemitic trope inspires the mass murder of countless Jews throughout the centuries.”
Lorne, we all appreciate that ratings are key. But you could have found a dozen things to make fun of, yet instead chose to mock someone who is defending your rights. And Lorne, I think we all know that if the victims of these three morally bankrupt school presidents were not Jewish but black, that skit never would have aired. Even Al Sharpton, hardly a close friend of Jews, agreed and commented that if this vitriol was directed toward the black community, buses and protests would immediately line the streets.
The question that begs to be asked is why? Why do you continually choose to satire and mock Jews when you are one yourself?
The NBC office and the Rockefeller walls are not immune to mobs of terrorists like the ones who ran through colleges chanting “death to Jews.” As history has shown us, Hitler didn’t discriminate between the Jews he gassed.
What’s worse, the humor fell flat and opened the door to more haters of Jews. The only people that should have been mocked were the three antisemites in sheep’s clothing. Instead, your writers castigated the one courageous woman who chose to stick up for Jews when practically everyone else remained silent. And she’s not even Jewish.
Rather than mock her, you should thank her for her courage in fighting injustices.
No one is asking you to give up your $500 million empire. No one is asking you to march in Washington or donate to an Israeli cause. Asking you to stop adding fuel to the fire of antisemitism is not a huge ask.
In many ways, G-d chose to place you in a powerful position to help. To make a difference. But perhaps without intending to do so, you hurt a lot of people who take these threats and attacks very seriously. In fact, we have 6 million reasons to take these actions very seriously. You could follow the lead of other powerful individuals, like Arnold Schwarzenegger, David Schwimmer, Steven Spielberg, Patricia Heaton, Debra Messing, Jamie Lee Curtis, Mayim Bialik, Amy Schumer, Jon Voight, Madonna, Adam Sandler, Michael Rapaport, or the countless others who have chosen to stand up against tyranny and hate. Yet, for some reason, you chose the opposite.
Perhaps the most ironic aspect is that you were born on a kibbutz before your parents emigrated to Toronto.
Imagine if they decided to stay on that kibbutz.
Imagine if your whole family was there on October 7.
Ten to one, I’ll bet it wouldn’t depend on context.
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SAG-AFTRA and WGA Strikes
The Writers Guild of America (WGA) and The Screen Actor's Guild - American Federation of Television and Radio Artist (SAG-AFTRA) are currently on strike against The Alliance of Motion Picture and Television Producers (AMPTP). The strike began in May when over 11,000 WGA members went on strike. Then in mid-July, over 160,000 SAG-AFTRA members joined the strike along side them. The main concerns have been with residual payments during the age of streaming, the use of Artificial Intelligence, higher pay and better working conditions. Currently, there appears to be no end in sight. With many speculating that this strike could easily go into 2024 before an agreement is reached.
How did it come to this?
Over the past 15 year years, there has been a revolution in the consumption media. Cable television slowly faded as the age of streaming services began in the early 2010s. By 2019, streaming services were the majority of how the general public consume television and movies. During the days of cable television, the main revenue for a show or film were commercial sponsors and viewership numbers. These revenue streams are regulated by the The Federal Communications Commission (FCC), which forced cable networks to release accurate viewership numbers and commercial sponsorship values. If violated, the network could face massive fines and could even be shut down. Furthermore, physical media sales and rentals of film and television series was also easily tracked to determine revenue. This caused a steady revenue in residuals for all in production and a consistent work schedule.
Then in 2007, a company called Netflix, released began it's streaming model, moving away from DVD rentals. It was a subscription service, where one would pay a flat fee per month, to watch all the content available on their site with no extra fee. However, in 2013, Netflix changed the game with the release of House of Cards, Netflix's first original series. Which was only available on their streaming platform. Thus causing the streaming wars to being, with numerous production companies launching their own services. These services are not under FCC regulations so their viewership numbers, began to become confusing and conflicting. Which caused residuals to drop dramatically. As well as workers having less consistent schedules now they were only working on 10 episodes instead of 20+ episodes with much longer breaks between seasons becoming a norm.
With the drop in residuals and now work become less common and more inconsistent, many resorted to taking side jobs such as being Uber drivers or waiters to make ends meets. To add to the pain, working now became more difficult and strenuous. With acting, long days with long audition periods were expected. But, with the rise of nepotism and tape/Zoom auditions, becoming a seen actor is now harder than ever. Especially when social media is now a factor to if you get casted. For writers, mini-rooms have become normalized. In a typical writers room, several writers work on creating a series, then pitch the pilot and a handful of episodes to executives to see if it becomes green-lit. If accepted, the series would move forward with these writers involved. If not they started again. In a mini-room it's only three writers plus a showrunner, who write and pitch the show. If the show is green-lit, the writers would most likely not be involved with the show in the future. If the show is rejected, then they are no longer employed. Thus causing, new writers to be stuck in mini-rooms with no potential for growth.
However, the biggest new growth in the industry is the rise of Artificial Intelligence. Over the past five years there has been a boom in the artificial intelligence industry. From Deepfakes, to ChatGDP and AI art, Artificial Intelligences seems to be everywhere despite only becoming public in the past 2 years. Now productions companies have begum experimenting with AI by using it for screenplays, art deign , and background extras. Thus putting workers in these areas at risked of being replaced by AI. Studios are not slowing down when it comes to the use of AI and with no government regulation of AI in sight, many are left pondering if AI will now be the future for not only the entertainment industry, but all industries around the world. You think after numerous cautionary tales such as The Terminator, The Matrix, Westworld, Dune, and many others, you think scientist and companies would stop pursuing AI due to the horrors it can unleash.
Why This Strike is Important.
This strike is ultimately going to determine the future of the entertainment industry for decades to come. If those on strike fail and lose their battle against the AMPTP, the entertainment industry will change forever. Not only will many industry professionals would lose their jobs to AI. There will be a massive drop of quality in mainstream media content. As well a rise of unscripted, reality content. If you think film and television are in a creative ruck right now, it will be nothing compared to if the AMPTP wins this strike. Filmmaking will lose it's status as an art form and will be seen as nothing more than content and clicks to the AMPTP. If you want to see a rise in quality film and television shows, the WGA and SAG-AFTRA must win this strike.
Government Intervention?
Depending on the length of this strike, there is a possibility of the United States government intervening. It has been seen multiple times in US history where the government will intervene in a strike to help bring it to an end or to prevent it. If this strike does go into 2024, I have no doubt that the US government will be brought in to intervene. Especially if it is true that studio executive are planning on starving out the WGA and SAG-AFTRA to the point where they lose their homes. The Department of Justice (DOJ) will immediately intervene if this is the case given that it is illegal in the US to withhold union negations. Furthermore, the US government may possibly regulate the use of Artificial Intelligence. Currently there is a Bill being created "AI Bill of Rights", that will begin government regulation of Artificial Intelligence. However, the biggest intervention that might happen is the FCC overruling its 2018 ruling that streaming services such as Netflix, YouTube, HBO, etc. are not subject to FCC regulations. If this ruling is overruled, than streaming services will be forced to release their accurate viewership numbers. However, only time can till if the US Government will intervene with this strike.
Public Perception.
It is the truth that the public perception regarding this strike has been mixed to say the least. Hollywood is notoriously wealthy, toxic, and being out of touch with reality. This stereotype is true however, it is because a very small vocal minority paints the picture of what society thinks of Hollywood. Many working in the industry are regular folks just working to make ends meet. The strikes have to overcome this stereotype in order to get more of the general public on their side. Furthermore, when these professionals do work, they make really good money. A minimum pay for a staff writer is over $5,000 and over $70,000 for a script for a small budget film. For an actor, depending on the budget for the film, can earn between $2,400-3,700 for minimum pay. These professional do make good money, but only when they work. This is another obstacle that those on strike have to overcome in order to get the public on their side. The last obstacle that the strikers face is how they handle criticism against their shows and films. Over the past couple of years, writers, actors, and directors have been becoming more and more deflective against criticism for their work. They have resorted to the tactic of gaslighting critics by calling them stupid, racist, sexist, homophobic, and patently evil for not liking their film or show. This practice needs to end, and these writers, directors, and actors needs to own up to their work when it is not positively received. They need to stop attacking the audience.
The Future.
Right now the future is uncertain. If the strikers fail, many would lose their jobs and entering the entertainment industry will be harder than ever. If the strikers win, then the landscape of the industry will change and there should be a creative renaissance. However, what is certain is that there is going to be an industry boom in Independent and Foreign Cinema. Both of these have been in a renaissances over the past couple of years. But, now with large budget movies on hold, they now have the opportunity to become mainstream. More of the general public will watch indie and foreign films, which will give birth to a creative golden age. However, those are just speculations. Both the strikers and the AMPTP have a hourglass of how long they can withstand the strike. The question of who will give in first is unknown and only time can tell on who will become and victor and determine the future of the entertainment industry.
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2x09 bounty hunters!
SF, CH, KK, AB, JRr, & DH, that is a lot of people. Six. I won't be able to keep track.
"half pounder" lol
SF "also a fantastic gardener"
(nice car)
"I'm Lindsay Sloan. Not the actress, the network" -Dule Hill 1987 /j
Baby shawn has shawnvision!
Jamocha almond fudge??? THAT'S THAT BLUE ICE CREAM? I would have thought it was fake.
Lol hair
Calls him shawn?
andy "subtle" berman
Why are they talking about hot cream shaves in the psych office circa 1925, what is going on in this commentary, but I haven't seen that deleted scene. The "great north" called & asked NOT to do it in the barbershop as was initially scripted, they asked for it to be .. in the psych office. full face of cream, matching stubble levels, can it be just a gilette, shawn sleeping gus shaving himself, what abt a quatro those are new right, can they be eating shaved ices?
Main requirement for casting: good hair
JRr: We'll just get a women's large
costume shop: bounty hunter costume
Already in s2 they are deconstructing hand to head & they've already abandoned the big song & dance ritual from channeling the cat channeling gus
That's just egg whites on the flat top. Never trust a skinny chef Me: there is no such thing as a canadian accent, we (excluding east coasters who sound very gaelic) sound just like typical americans (by which I mean not east-coast new york, & not southern cowboy)
*jumps on the car*
First & last time they use greenscreen for the car.
DH: He took all my money KK: You take all my money. Tim too. CH: Who is the better poker player lou diamond phillips or W earl brown? DH: wearl Brown JRr: He's a talker, it's part of his game
tinkerbell shawnvision
SF: I worked a jungle cruise boat at disneyland for eight years
SF: Once again, continuing the theme Me: that Henry wears purple? SF: that Henry calls at the worst time possible
go stunt actors
So hard to swim with shoes on
Nah KK is right abt the clothes
It's fun when they are commenting on what's onscreen but it's also fun when they are completely off topic but it's also fun when they stop talking to just watch the show for a bit
KK: Whenever an andy berman episode comes in, chris henze always emails him a picture of edward scissorhands just to know what's in store for this episode
CH: It's fun!
AB: By the way, not every man who looks like a man in this bar is a man, & not everyone who looks like a woman in this bar is a woman Me: Yeah they're a bunch of rock music loving bikers at a bar at who knows what time of day Me: ...Trans rights
*chooses the thumb to the the first in counting from one to three* *my hoh ass knows basic asl*
First experience in upside-down harnesses (btw how is shawn's shirt still up) "How was it?" "I have a new appreciation for scenes shot upside-down" KK: I remember Andy called in & said John wanted to film this whole scene upside down before they turned over
DH: But it aligns the spine nice
KK: That's all real sweat by the way
KK: That vest we got from the costume shop. James, you WEAR that vest AB I think: That guy was a woman. (The one with the vest I think? In that case, congrats on the gender)
I feel like shawn, as someone with a bike, could be able to make himself blend in.
Gus: Like that couple from open water DH: *doesn't get the reference*
I would have LOVED that shot of the car going by without the car going by
There would also have been a shot of the cops coming to henry bc they found his boat
Another purple shirt
The camp song in the end credits is great. ily andy cohen. SF: We want to broadcast it AC: *horrified*
"I <3 coins"
& look at his hair
*actually ate the steak*
Tancana's actor had a band. "He's too good a singer for this role" DH: You don't need to be a good singer to be in a band. Just look at the friendly indians SF: That's fine dule, but season three episode one: "I'm in a polka dot dress? What?"
"I wasn't even TRYING to get involved
*after touching a dead body*
the wink
whose idea was the wedding march?
SF: Between James & Andy & I there is an obsession with hair on this show that is unrivalled
the bounty hunter walk
KK: I love it when they're like "They should totally kiss they should totally kiss!" & Steve has got this grin on his face like "I'm gonna get them close" & Andy Berman just makes it so hilarious
They're all commenting on the kiss & the chemitry & how well it played onscreen & I love it
AB: If you listen closer you could hear me laugh off camera
samee "hmm" as psy vs psy
"She likes me" "I'm frustrated"
ML learned how to do this
Lalalalala & then the view!
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totalmotorcycle · 8 months
Wally Brown Racing Signs Chad Cose for 2020 Season
CHARLOTTE, N.C. (February 18, 2020) – Wally Brown Racing announces its participation in the 2020 American Flat Track AFT Singles Championship with the signing of Chad Cose as its rider.   Wally Brown Racing is entering the American Flat Track [...] The post Wally Brown Racing Signs Chad Cose for 2020 Season appeared first on Total Motorcycle. http://dlvr.it/T1nPbb
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lunaamorris · 1 year
How to Find a CPA for Tax Services
Finding a Certified Public Accountant (CPA) for tax services is crucial for ensuring accurate and compliant tax filings. To help you in your search, here is a comprehensive guide on how to find CPA services for your tax needs.
Assess your requirements: 
​Determine the specific tax services you require, such as personal tax preparation, business tax planning, IRS representation, or specialized tax advice. This will help you identify CPAs with expertise in your specific area of need.
Seek recommendations: 
Start by asking for recommendations from trusted sources, such as friends, family, or business associates. Their firsthand experiences can provide valuable insights and help you find a reputable CPA.
Utilize online resources:
Take advantage of online directories and professional websites to find CPAs in your area. The American Institute of CPAs (AICPA) directory, state CPA societies, and accounting association websites offer search functionalities to filter CPAs based on location, specialties, and qualifications.
Verify qualifications and credentials:
Ensure that the CPAs you consider are properly certified and licensed in your state. Check with the state board of accountancy or professional licensing authority to confirm their credentials. Look for the "CPA" designation after their name, indicating they have met rigorous education and experience requirements.
Assess expertise and experience: 
Look for CPAs with relevant expertise and experience in tax services. Consider their track record in working with clients in similar situations, such as individuals, small businesses, or specific industries. Their familiarity with tax laws and regulations about your circumstances can be invaluable.
Review reputation and testimonials: 
Research the reputation and credibility of the CPAs you are considering. Read online reviews, testimonials, and client feedback to gauge their client's satisfaction and the quality of their services. Platforms like Yelp, Google, and specialized accounting directories are excellent sources of information.
 Arrange consultations: 
Schedule consultations or phone calls with the CPAs on your shortlist. Use this opportunity to discuss your specific tax needs, ask about their services, and evaluate their communication style and responsiveness. This interaction will help you gauge their professionalism and determine if they are a good fit for your requirements.
Consider the fee structure:
Enquire about the CPAs' fee structure and ensure it aligns with your budget. Some CPAs charge hourly rates, while others offer flat fees for specific services. Clarify any additional charges or fees that may apply, such as for consultations or IRS representation.
Evaluate ongoing support:
Determine if the CPA provides ongoing tax support throughout the year. Having access to professional advice and guidance beyond tax season can be valuable for your financial planning and decision-making.
Trust your instincts: 
Ultimately, choose a CPA with whom you feel comfortable and can establish a good working relationship. Trust, open communication, and mutual understanding are essential factors in selecting the right CPA for your tax services.
By following these steps, you can find a qualified CPA who meets your specific tax needs and ensures accurate and compliant tax filings. Taking the time to research and select the right CPA will provide peace of mind and help optimize your financial situation.
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mcnewscomau · 2 years
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Three huge young talents in the one shot here and if a few cards fall their way this triumvirate are on course to reach for the sky in motorcycle racing around the world. Left of picture holding the phone we have 16-year-old Tom Drane. Tom was not riding at SMP this week and leaves for America on Tuesday to take up a ride with Estonson Racing for the 2023 American Flat Track season. This is a championship that he starred in during some appearances last year and while he has done a fair bit of racing on the tarmac he potentially has what could be a lucrative career ahead of him in the AFT ranks. It will be interesting to watch his career develop from here and see which way it takes him…. In the middle we have 16-year-old Harrison Voight. Harry scored a podium in the German round of the 2022 Red Bull Rookies Cup and will this year have a crack at the 2023 FIM Moto2 European Championship. He dominated the final round of the 2022 Australian Supersport Championship at The Bend and did the same here again this week at the two-day ASBK Test at Sydney Motorsport Park. Quietly determined and motivated Voight sees 2023 as his year to make a statement on the world scene. On the right with his back to the camera is young Cam Dunker. Cam won both the Australian Supersport Championship and YMF R3 Cup in 2022 and this year steps up to 600 Supersport. He is already showing good pace and it is fair to say that this 15-year-old is also going places. 📸 @rbmotolens (at Sydney Motorsport Park) https://www.instagram.com/p/CoJPhEDy-op/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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styledeficit · 2 years
12 December - 17 December weeknotes
Monday 12 December
Wake up to yesterday’s snow. Leave before the sun is up, but it doesn’t matter because the snow makes the most of what little light there is. The woods are black and white. I snap a photo and when I share it later, wonder if people think I’ve used a filter to make it monochrome. I did not.
The path between the fields is perfect; untouched snow rests gently on barbed wire. It’s even on the power cables which glow white against a flat, grey sky.
I think about T and assume he’s working. Once – this year or last – I caught him alone in a field, sizing up a tree. It’s a good tree, actually, although I prefer one further up. Embarrassed, he confessed he’d taken a photo of it in every season, and said he was thinking of getting some prints made for the wall. He waited for me to take the piss. I did not.
I hope he’s managed to get a good picture in the snow.
In the evening we have the band social: a concert for friends and family. Half the band are stuck in the snow and half the audience too. We still manage to make a racket, and the Vicar still plays the massive church organ loud enough to shake the rafters. He’s not in the band, just happy to join in. He helps the kids in the audience light the huge Christmas tree, and switches on a large, glowing inflatable dinosaur. 
Tuesday 13 December
No walk. Publish last week’s weeknotes and start work early.
We watch ‘The English’ in the evening, the BBC series. I can’t stop thinking about when Americans got their accents. Should the ones that do have American accents have them at the time the series is set? 
Let me google that for you:
“According to a linguist at the Smithsonian, Americans began putting their own spin on English pronunciations just one generation after the colonists started arriving in the New World. An entire ocean away from their former homeland, they became increasingly isolated from “England English” speakers.”
Yeah, maybe not yet. Also, the filming is so self conscious. ‘Look at this shot!’ It shouts. ‘It’s beautiful isn’t it?!’. 
Wednesday 14 December
Minus 2 degrees.
The snow is revealing the neighbourhood secrets and alliances. 
There are two semi-detached houses opposite ours. One seems to have great roof insulation and the other does not. One side of the roof is perfectly clear up to a very straight line down the centre. The other is snow-laden. 
On the way to the wood people have cleared the pavement; neighbours helping neighbours. Except the ones that haven’t. 
The wood is extraordinary. Black and white again, but for the red paths running through it. The snow has melted underfoot, exposing the bright autumn leaves underneath. And they crunch under your feet – not because they’re dry, just frozen. 
There’s the strangest sound too: the silent birds hopping between branches are sending showers of shivering, frozen snow. 
Thursday 15 December
Can’t decide where to walk or what to wear. It’s minus 4 degrees out. In the end I head towards the silent wood, and follow the tractor tyres through the fields. One of the big old trees stands broken in silhouette. The branches on one side must’ve all come down in the snow. Put up the hood on my hoodie and plunge my already freezing gloved-hands deep in my coat pockets.
The sky is clear (moon’s still up, and the sun is coming) and all the planes are easy to track. I watch two head north in perfect sync until one veers sharply off like it’s suddenly remembered it left the gas on.
Think about far too many things on the walk back. The world is indeed beautiful, but I am also furious.
Friday 16 December
Went to post Christmas cards. Get to postbox, no cards. Where are cards? Not in the empty pocket of the bag, that’s for sure. Not at home, not dropped on the street. A mystery. Later, after asking neighbours to keep an eye out, unzip other pocket of the bag - the one I never use: cards.
Saturday 17 December
The sun rose at 7:59am this morning. Instead of knitting a temperature blanket, maybe I should make one that charts the rise of the sun? I’ve tracked it for most of the year anyway.
Also: train strike.
0 notes
think before he cheats trainer ZDRL&
💾 ►►► DOWNLOAD FILE 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 “Before He Cheats” sees Underwood teaching an unfaithful lover a lesson. As the third single from 's Some Hearts, the track became the first country song in. "I took a Louisville slugger to both headlights/ I slashed a hole in all four tires/ Maybe next time he'll think before he cheats.". Carrie Underwood - Before He Cheats (Letra e música para ouvir) - Right now, he's probably slow dancing Maybe next time he'll think before he cheats. Before He Cheats Lyrics by Carrie Underwood from the The Blown Away Tour: Live album - including song video, artist biography, translations and more: Right. 9 It was the fifth release from the album overall. The song became an enormous crossover success, topping the Billboard Hot Country Songs chart for five consecutive weeks, reaching the top five on the Billboard Adult Top 40 chart, and becoming a top ten hit on the Billboard Mainstream Top 40 and Adult Contemporary charts. On the Billboard Hot chart, "Before He Cheats" reached number eight and achieved a longevity of 64 consecutive weeks on the chart, making it the sixth longest-charting single in the history of the Hot chart. It had sold 4,, digital downloads as of May , and was once the best-selling song by an American Idol contestant but is now the third best-selling behind Phillip Phillips' "Home" and Kelly Clarkson's "Stronger What Doesn't Kill You ". The song has received a number of accolades. It received a nomination for the Grammy Award for Song of the Year as well. Carrie Marie Underwood born March 10, is an American country music singer, songwriter, and actress who rose to fame as the winner of the fourth season of American Idol, in Underwood was inducted into and became a member of the Grand Ole Opry in She was also inducted into the Oklahoma Music Hall of Fa… more ». We're doing our best to make sure our content is useful, accurate and safe. If by any chance you spot an inappropriate comment while navigating through our website please use this form to let us know, and we'll take care of it shortly. Forgot your password? Retrieve it. Get promoted. Powered by OnRad. Think you know music? Test your MusicIQ here! In Lyrics. By Artist. By Album. Before He Cheats Listen online. Year: Views Playlists: 3. Carrie Underwood Carrie Marie Underwood born March 10, is an American country music singer, songwriter, and actress who rose to fame as the winner of the fourth season of American Idol, in Style » Country Rock , Pop Rock. Notify me of new comments via email. Cancel Report. Create a new account. Log In. Powered by CITE. Missing lyrics by Carrie Underwood? Know any other songs by Carrie Underwood? Don't keep it to yourself! Add it Here. Watch the song video Before He Cheats. Two Black Cadillacs. Cowboy Casanova. Get Out of This Town. Nobody Ever Told You. All-American Girl. Leave Love Alone. Flat on the Floor. Cupid's Got a Shotgun. I Know You Won't. Browse Lyrics. Our awesome collection of Promoted Songs ». Could This Be. Broken Heart. The Immaculate Crows. Quiz Are you a music master? Get instant explanation for any lyrics that hits you anywhere on the web! Two clicks install ». Get instant explanation for any acronym or abbreviation that hits you anywhere on the web! Don't miss Carrie Underwood's Upcoming Events ». Carrie Underwood - The …. Carrie Underwood.
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think before he cheats work 9MYU#
💾 ►►► DOWNLOAD FILE 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 “Before He Cheats” sees Underwood teaching an unfaithful lover a lesson. As the third single from 's Some Hearts, the track became the first country song in. "I took a Louisville slugger to both headlights/ I slashed a hole in all four tires/ Maybe next time he'll think before he cheats.". Carrie Underwood - Before He Cheats (Letra e música para ouvir) - Right now, he's probably slow dancing Maybe next time he'll think before he cheats. Before He Cheats Lyrics by Carrie Underwood from the The Blown Away Tour: Live album - including song video, artist biography, translations and more: Right. 9 It was the fifth release from the album overall. The song became an enormous crossover success, topping the Billboard Hot Country Songs chart for five consecutive weeks, reaching the top five on the Billboard Adult Top 40 chart, and becoming a top ten hit on the Billboard Mainstream Top 40 and Adult Contemporary charts. On the Billboard Hot chart, "Before He Cheats" reached number eight and achieved a longevity of 64 consecutive weeks on the chart, making it the sixth longest-charting single in the history of the Hot chart. It had sold 4,, digital downloads as of May , and was once the best-selling song by an American Idol contestant but is now the third best-selling behind Phillip Phillips' "Home" and Kelly Clarkson's "Stronger What Doesn't Kill You ". The song has received a number of accolades. It received a nomination for the Grammy Award for Song of the Year as well. Carrie Marie Underwood born March 10, is an American country music singer, songwriter, and actress who rose to fame as the winner of the fourth season of American Idol, in Underwood was inducted into and became a member of the Grand Ole Opry in She was also inducted into the Oklahoma Music Hall of Fa… more ». We're doing our best to make sure our content is useful, accurate and safe. If by any chance you spot an inappropriate comment while navigating through our website please use this form to let us know, and we'll take care of it shortly. Forgot your password? Retrieve it. Get promoted. Powered by OnRad. Think you know music? Test your MusicIQ here! In Lyrics. By Artist. By Album. Before He Cheats Listen online. Year: Views Playlists: 3. Carrie Underwood Carrie Marie Underwood born March 10, is an American country music singer, songwriter, and actress who rose to fame as the winner of the fourth season of American Idol, in Style » Country Rock , Pop Rock. Notify me of new comments via email. Cancel Report. Create a new account. Log In. Powered by CITE. Missing lyrics by Carrie Underwood? Know any other songs by Carrie Underwood? Don't keep it to yourself! Add it Here. Watch the song video Before He Cheats. Two Black Cadillacs. Cowboy Casanova. Get Out of This Town. Nobody Ever Told You. All-American Girl. Leave Love Alone. Flat on the Floor. Cupid's Got a Shotgun. I Know You Won't. Browse Lyrics. Our awesome collection of Promoted Songs ». Could This Be. Broken Heart. The Immaculate Crows. Quiz Are you a music master? Get instant explanation for any lyrics that hits you anywhere on the web! Two clicks install ». Get instant explanation for any acronym or abbreviation that hits you anywhere on the web! Don't miss Carrie Underwood's Upcoming Events ». Carrie Underwood - The …. Carrie Underwood.
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Third Counts
Summary: Kimi’s girl promises to give him anything he wants, so long as he keeps a promise of his own.
Word Count: 2k
Warnings: dom/sub undertones, switch behavior, penetrative sex, greedy!kimi
Translations: I’m American what do you want. Google translate. Kultsi / Gold   Ole Hyva Tytto / Be A Good Girl  
A/N: Brainworms for real. Minors DNI. Yeah, I’m h*rny on main, what are you gonna do about it? I’ve been flat out of shape for a while now, my keyboard and I are going through a divorce, but I am back and sicker than ever. The rest is here.
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They’ve been in the pen for a while now, he’s one of the last to go for his pre race interview. It makes sense, he has the least to say—he’s built a career around the fact. Nonetheless, despite how used she might be to waiting with him, she is starting to grow impatient. Toying with the quilted cotton of his racing suit, she tilts from one heel to the other, trying to stay cool.
It's hot here in Budapest, and humid, her head has started to fog, almost literally. “Be nice, remember your answers about the engine?” The barrier in front of them has been filled in by Sebastian, they’re next, finally.
“I’m always nice.”
“What are you saying about the engine?” She hardly skips a beat on his snarky response, too hot to have one of her own.
“I’ve been working with the guys, we have confidence in our improvements. Pace has improved over qualy, obviously.”
“No attitude on the ‘obviously.’” Laura presses a kiss to his cheek, winding her fingers through the fist he’s curled at his side.
“So bossy.”
“Yeah, thanks, see you all after, hopefully with a win!” Sebastian is grinning, waving to the crowd of journalists hanging on his every word.
“If you’re good, I’ll let you boss me back later.” She nips at his ear when she whispers to Kimi, breath hot against his skin. Laura catches a blush on his cheek before putting a hand on his back and shoving him towards the barrier.
Recorder out to catch his answers, she follows him forward, slinking off to the side to stay out of sight. Be good, she mouths. A flush crawls up his neck as the questions start.
“Hello, always good to see you Kimi. We’ll keep it short. Any thoughts about the race ahead?”
“No. Good track, will be good to drive.” His mouth sets into a line, and he lets his eyes slide towards Laura for approval.
“Ha, right. You’ve had some engine troubles over the season so far, but expectations were high for Hungary, how are you feeling in regards to the improvements?”
“I’ve been working with the guys. It’s been hard of course to keep having such troubles,” His eyes slide, taunting her as he ad libs his way through the question. The quirk in her brow puts a smirk on his face. “It’s about reliability now, we have confidence in the improvements. Pace improved in qualifying, obviously.”
His tone is attitude free at the end, and Laura fights a smirk of her own when he glances at her.
“Alright then, good luck, we’ll see you after, hopefully with a podium of some kind?” Will Buxton looks expectant, offering the mic one last time as if Kimi might transform into a fountain of speech.
“Yeah, okay.” A toothy grin breaks across Kimi’s face as he turns away, arm out to take Lauras as they start their escape back to the garage.
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“You’ll do what I say now, yes?” Kimi has an arm wound tight around her waist as he steers them both into the garage, beelining past the car to press her into a corner.
Bringing a hand up to his collar, Laura lets her back flatten against the cold wall of the garage, trying not to groan as the air conditioning begins to hit them fully.
“Kultsi?” His voice is even, but his face tells a different story. Hands tight on her waist, he drives his hips into hers. Both arms up, hands on his collar, the fabric rippling, she finds his eyes before pulling at the suit. Dragging his head down, she hooks his chin with her shoulder, planting a kiss on a vein that's started to show along his neck.
“If you bring me a trophy,” Laura presses her mouth to his neck, tongue sliding over the tattoo of her name that covers his skin until she lands beneath his ear. “I’ll let you do whatever you want to me.”
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“I think P3 was a realistic ending for you, baby. Two slow pit stops, and that safety car threw everyone off. I think everyone is happy with P3.”
“I’m not mad. P3 is good.” Kimi holds open the door to his motorhome, waving her through with his free hand. “P3 still gets a trophy.”
The door shuts behind him with a dull whistle, locking them in for the first private moment they’ve had all week. Laura can feel her heart skip a beat, and then another when he steps towards her.
“Is that so?”
The heat is starting to affect her vision too, she can’t remember watching him cross the motorhome to stand in front of her, but he is. Looking down his nose into her eyes, smirking as he shifts the trophy into her hand.
“I’m not sure this counts.” It definitely does, it’s a pretty white vase with blue leaves and gold on the trim. It's heavy too, ceramic maybe. She’s not arguing because she disagrees, or even because she wants to stall. Only to rile him up, to make his blood rush, to make him desperate and needy and hungry—hungrier than she knows he is already.
He’s warm, feet planted between hers, hips digging at hers as he tries to maintain his composure. “You promised, Kultsi.” His voice is tight and raspy, frustration evident, just how she likes it. Hands on her waist, his fingers dig into the fabric of her skirt, nails threatening to rip through it completely.
Weak at the first sign of him begging, Laura presses a kiss to his mouth, smiling into him when he moans into her. “Tell me what you want then, baby.”
“I want you to ride me.” He kisses the words into her mouth, tongue sliding across her bottom lip as he speaks. Fingers still rigid, he moans again before clawing fully at her skirt, rushing for the zipper and shoving it down her thighs before its undone properly.
The black fabric is a puddle at her feet, soon joined by a bright Ferrari red blouse. One hand on his tattoo, the other pressed flat over his boxers, she is too busy kissing him to notice as his racing suit is lost in a similar frenzy.
Clothing on the floor, he slides his hands down her back, pulling her up off her feet until he’s holding her up against his chest, guiding her legs around his waist. Cock straining, she can feel the tip of him between her legs as he stumbles towards the back of the motorhome, mouth on her neck as he walks.
They’re a mess, limbs hitting the narrow walls, drool on his lips as he leaves a mark on the twine of muscle between her collar and shoulder. The end of the bed takes him off his feet and threatens to send them both flying to the floor. It’s unmade, a mess from when he woke from his nap earlier in the day. The sheets tangle between their legs as he drags her up towards the headboard.
“Here, Kultsi.” Tucked between a mountain of pillows, boxers kicked off to the floor, he puts a hand out to guide her into his lap.
Laughing lightly, she tugs at the sheet that's caught on her foot before crawling the rest of the way to him. Legs spread across his thighs, she sits in front of him, baited and waiting.
Kimi cups the back of her head with his left hand, wedding ring pressing against her neck, drawing her in so he can kiss her again. “I want you,” His right hand finds her slit, fingers dipping inside as he tilts her head so he can whisper into her ear. “To ride me until you come. And I’m gonna hold you down when you do, until you give me another.”
Pulling his hand from her, he brings it to her mouth, watching closely as she sucks on his fingers. Covered with saliva, he holds her head steady against his, eyes locked on hers. Dropping his hand low he touches himself, wetting his cock with her spit.
There's a moan shared between them when her hips sink low. Lip between his teeth, he lets his eyes shut, falling against the headboard as she starts to rock back and forth.
It’s slow at first, a gentle bucking motion. He’s buried to the hilt, and she lets herself adjust to the sensation before daring to lift her hips. Arms around his neck, Laura holds herself straight until she finds the right pace. He’s quiet beneath her, eyes cracked slightly to watch her.
“Faster, Kultsi.” Pressing his hand against her ass, he lets his wedding band dig into her skin until he’s certain it has left a mark. She strokes faster, hips bucking as she lifts off of him before sliding back down, her pace heightened at his request.
She looks angelic on him, eyes shut, head rolling, her pretty hair fanned over her chest, the roots sweaty. He watches closely, focused on her face as she scrunches her nose. In quick succession, she clenches around him, faltering as she slides down his shaft, leaving him deep inside her as she nears the edge.
Putting two fingers on her lips, he waits for her to part them before dipping against her tongue, letting her suck at them until they’re coated with spit. Satisfied, he lets them drop between her legs, stroking her clit as her legs begin to twitch around his thighs.
“That’s it.” Using his middle finger, Kimi presses against her clit, scraping his nail across the bud gently. “Come on me, Laura.”
There are tears forming in her eyes when it happens, and he pulls her to his chest soon after, planting a string of kisses along the crown of her head. A moment of stillness passes before he shifts inside her, blissfully aware of how sensitive she must be now.
“I’ll do it myself if you don’t.” His thighs move beneath her, and he can feel himself twitching inside her, the head of his cock aching as he strokes into her. She whimpers, her mouth against his shoulder, teeth grazing skin as she tries to sit up.
“Kimi I—”
“Anything I want. One more and I’ll fill you up.” Pushing upwards, he finds a fistful of her hair and eases her back, tugging slightly at her scalp until she’s upright again. “Ole hyva tytto, please.”
It’s quicker than the first. Sloppier too. Her hips throb as she bounces up and down on him, skin slapping loudly as she fucks him into the mattress. His hold on her hair stays, though his arm goes slack when she kisses him, drool passing between the two of them before dripping down her chin.
A wet spot is left on the tattoo on his neck, the faint mark of a shallow hickey over the letter ‘U’ when she finally pulls off of him. All this followed by the slow forming beads of sweat on the crown of her head. She knows they must look filthy, but as a second orgasm nears she can’t bring herself to care.
“Baby, baby I—oh god.” Her back is pin straight as it starts to swell inside her. Laura lets her eyes shut, hands on his chest as the wave begins to roll.
“Good girl, such a good girl.” She can feel him, every inch, inside of her. He’s throbbing, and then, just like he promised, come spills as the wave crashes.
Where she left a mark earlier on his stomach, there is now a puddle, a slick shine across his skin as fluid spreads out over his adonis belt. She crumples almost instantly, collapsing onto his chest, too tired to move.
“Imagine what I'll let you do for P2.” A small laugh falls from her lips, drowning quickly by a gentle kiss as he lifts her jaw between his thumb and forefinger.
“I like it better when you boss me around.”
A/N I need a shock collar. And a leash. Good god almighty y’all. I’ll kiss you on the mouth if you reblog this.
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inkandpen22 · 3 years
The Heiress and the Gangster (1/?)
Pairing: Tommy Shelby x Female!Reader
Warnings: violence, swearing
Word Count: 2.7k
Part Summary: Y/N Adair, an American heiress, is visiting London for the social season with her fiancé Alfred Bamford. Alfie Simmons and Tommy Shelby have formed a plan to kidnap Y/N and hold her for ransom, that is until Tommy changes his mind...
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The car rolls up to the entrance of the race track. My driver, Mr. Richards, comes to a steady halt and immediately hops out of the car.
"Ready, darling?" Al questions with a grin beside me.
I pull back the velvet curtain covering my window to peer up at the arena. "As I'll ever be."
Mr. Richards opens the door and offers me his glove-covered hand. "Miss Adair."
I step out gracefully, my wide-brim hat blocking the beaming sun from my face. Al crosses behind the car to join me. His head finds its way to my back securely. Robert, my main bodyguard, climbs out of his own car with two more security my father hired. Al escorts me inside the stadium to the boxes. Robert leads the way with his two henchmen behind us. It's like being put into a human box.
When we arrive at our box, we're greeted by our friends in attendance. It's rare that we make it over to England, so when we do it's nice to see everyone. Al and I perform our social duties, making small talk and asking about everyone's families as though we all didn't have dinner together last night. It's the same couples in different settings for the entire month we're here.
I watch from one of the pub tables at the top of the box with John as posh folks shuffle in to find their spots. When news broke that Y/N Adair would be visiting London for a month, both American and England were over the moon. The youngest child and only daughter of William Vincent Adair, the richest banker in America. She will inherit a third of his multi-million dollar fortune. It's a known fact amongst the public that's she's the favorite child so the percentage may be greater than just a third. My boys and Alfie's team are banking on that rumor. If she were to be kidnapped and held for ransom by a couple of English gangsters, it's certain her father will pay a hefty sum for her safe return to The States.
John nudges me subtly to avoid attention. "There she is!"
My eyes flicker away from the hustle and bustle of the crowd toward the entrance of the box. A young woman in an all-white lace dress crosses our path. A gentle smile rests across her lips as the Viscount and Viscountess Furness approach her, each greeting her with an embrace. Her Y/H/C hair peeks through beneath her lavish matching hat. For a moment, I experience hesitation. She's not what I expected at all.
John nudges my arm with a snicker. “You alright, Tom? Look as though you’ve seen a ghost.” 
I shake my head, taking a smoke from my cigarette. "No, that can't be her. She's far too young."
"Of course it is!" John argues.
A young gentleman in a brand new navy suit follows close beside her, keeping a protective hand pressed to her back. He shakes hands with his peers, charming his audience as he and Miss Adair are greeted with cheers.
"And her arrogant playboy fiancé, Alfred Bamford." My brother scoffs. "His family owns more railways in the U.S. than any company in the entire world!"
As my brother babbles, I watch closely as Y/N stands beside Alfred with a restrained, but convincing, smile. As he gloats and encourages banter with their fellow posh folk, she's quiet and glancing about the arena.
"Their marriage will create a media frenzy!" John describes in my ear. "Adair Banks and Bamford Rails, it's a match made in posh people heaven. Shame she'll never live to see it," he snickers.
I press my cigarette into the ashtray and turn my body toward my brother. "As soon as the gun fires that's when Alfie's man takes the shot.” I check my watch. “He'll be here in five minutes. That's when you leave and fetch the car. Understood?"
He nods sharply, "right, Tom. Got it."
Anticipating the race, Al and I stand right against the rail with our dainty gold binoculars, searching for my family's horse.
"I need Olympus to win," I worry outwardly. "I need to prove to my father that this trip was worth it."
"I’m certain William will be pleased no matter the outcome."
"You don't know my father then," I chuckle.
"Excuse me!" A voice announces over the chatter of the box.
I glance over my shoulder as a well-dressed middle-aged man hurries up to my security. His brow is sweaty and his white suit wrinkled. He rushes out words to Robert before being escorted over to me.
"Welcome to Ascot, Madam," he welcomes, gesturing to the large building. "I'm John Wilkson and I'm a partner at the track. May I get you anything before the festivities?" He rubs his hands in circles nervously.
I offer John my hand with a warm smile. "Pleasure to make your acquaintance. If possible, I would like a pot of Earl Grey."
"Oh yes! Yes, definitely!" The man gushes as Robert leads him toward the door. "Right away, Madam!"
"Thank you!" I nod, maintaining my smile until he's out of view.
Al chuckles beside me at the man’s expense as he rubs his palm up and down my spine. "How are you enjoying it so far, My Dear?"
"I don't see what all the fuss is about," I remark. " It doesn't appear any more luxurious than Arlington Park."
"You are far too difficult to please, darling," he teases, scooping up my glove-covered hand and planting a kiss to the back of it.
"Welcome ladies and gentlemen to today's festivities..." the announcer begins, causing widespread cheering across the crowd.
Al and I clap our hands along with our friends.
"Your tea, Miss Adair, a young waiter informs me as he sets down the set on a side table by our chairs.
I thank him quietly before he dismisses himself.
"Don't forget, tonight is the dinner with Prince Albert and Lady Elizabeth," Al reminds me.
"Aw yes, thank you!" I express with relief as I step back to pick up my teacup and return to my spot beside him. "They're quite lovely, aren't they? Their engagement is such delightful news." I bring my cup to my lips for a sip.
"I'm certainly looking forward to the wedding, it'll be a spectacle." He smirks. “Another excuse to return in the spring.”
I narrow my eyes mischievously, sharing the same agenda as him. "They can be the social event of the season in England, but we shall claim America."
Two of Miss Adair’s men are positioned outside while his Head stands against the far wall, just a few feet from her. Alfie's hitman enters the tent without suspicion, dressed like a posh race-goer and his gun well concealed. He glances in my direction, giving me the signal to release my brother. I give John a brief nod and he disappears through the opening in the curtain.
"Jockeys! Prepare your horses!" The announcer declares, marking the start of the races.
I clap along with the crowd. Everyone in the box is zoned in on the gates where the jockeys are mounting their horses. Alfie's man claps as well, keeping his eyes on the horses to blend in as he continues toward Miss Adair and Mr. Bamford. He stops in the second row, just behind the couple.
My eyes flicker to Y/N. A glowing smile forms across her face as she switches her sight away from the gates toward her fiancé. Her eyes glimmering with optimism and excitement. There’s a youthfulness in her I haven’t seen in anyone since the war. She has no idea that the man behind her has been sent to point a gun at her head and kidnap her. Her attention travels about the box, at her friends and peers. Her eyes glance in my direction, her soft Y/E/C eyes meet mine. Her radiating smile softens as her hands slows to a steady halt. Then, something in me just... snaps.
My attention changes to the man on the field lifts his gun into the air. At the same moment, Alfie's man reaches into his coat pocket.
"No! Wait!" I shout, knocking the table out of the way. "Everyone down!"
I leap over the chairs and tackle Alfie's man. He sets off the gun as we stumble to the floor, chairs flying all about. Screams ensue as we wrestle on the floor. A man I recognize as the Head of Y/N's security steps on Alfie's man's hand. With a hiss, he releases his fist around the gun and the security knocks it away. I rush to my feet to inspect the damages, to see if Y/N was hurt, but I see no sign of her. Where did the bullet hit? A hanging bit of cloth that was once the awning answers my question. The arena is in chaos as people travel upstream toward the exists. People are being trampled and pushing each other about.
I work against the traffic down toward the railing to where I last saw Y/N. I shove people out of my way in a hurry. Then, that's when I spot her hat, squashed flat on the floor. I lean down to pick it up and that's when I finally find her resting against the wood base of the rail, holding her head with a bloody hand.
I remove my hand from my stinging forehead to see my once white-glove soaked in blood. One minute I was scanning the reaction of the crowd behind me, then there was a shout. The shot for the race to begin rang and I was knocked forward. My head hit the metal railing and I fell to the floor. My forehead was stinging and I realized I was bleeding. Then, I swear I heard another gunshot. I've tried to stand up, but everyone’s scrambling to get out. Plus, my head is throbbing
Suddenly, a man appears hovering above me. He stares down at me with a clenched jaw and a look of determination. He leans down, scoops up my unscathed hand. Before I utter a word, he begins to usher me through the chaos. My feet shuffle across the floor briskly to keep up as he grips my hand tightly. People continue to shout and scream for their loved ones, frightened.
"Who are you?" I ask loudly over the noise.
He ignores me, guiding the way through the arena. People rush down the closest stairs, eager to reach one of the main exits. This man, however, avoids all the staircases and remains on the walkway of the top floor. I sense he's leading me to the furthermost end and hopefully to an emergency exit.
"Answer me this instant!" I demand, attempting to yank my hand free. "Do you know who I am?"
"Yes, Miss Adair, I do!" He finally answers and whips his head around to meet my gaze. "Now, if you wish to not get shot, I suggest you follow me!"
I check over my shoulder for Al. "But my fiancé-"
"They're not after him," he states turning his attention back ahead.
My stomach drops. "You mean you know who's behind this?"
"I know enough..." His answer is vague and it worries me.
"Why do they wish to hurt me?"
"Your family is the wealthiest in the United States! You should really travel with more security," he suggests over his shoulder.
My prediction was correct, the man takes me to the furthest end of the platform to a fire escape of sorts behind a curtain. It's much less hectic than the main stairwells other than some workers attempting to escape. The man never releases my hand as he leads the swift way down the metal stairs. Once we're on solid ground, we weave through various parts of the arena. Booths and vendors scatter the area. The man seems to know this well, making a bee-line for a large white tent tucked away near the main staircase where Al and I first entered the race track.
When we rush into the tent, I first note a series of telephone booths, the dirt floor, and the absence of any of else. The man releases my hand and starts marching around. I assume checking to make sure we're alone. I spin around, checking my surroundings, frightened that one of these men this stranger speaks of will attack me suddenly.
My head is pounding and I can feel the warm blood twinkle down my cheek. My hair must look a fright. Who am I kidding, my white dress is covered in blood and dirt, every part of me is messy.
Y/N and I both struggle to catch our breath. I double-check that neither Alfie nor any of his men are hiding out in here. "We should be safe in here," I announce.
"Don't you think we should fetch a car or something!" She rushes out worriedly. “My car is parked just-”
I shake my head, moving back toward her. "No, not yet. They'll be expecting that."
Now that her hand is away from her head, I can inspect her injury properly. A minor gash above her brow. It doesn't appear awful, won't need stitches, but she has significant amounts of blood down the side of her face and cheek.
"Here." The man reaches into his pocket square and pulls out his handkerchief. He brings one hand behind my head and the other presses the fabric to my forehead. "We'll have someone look at this once everything is settled."
I nod, still a tad dazed to say the least. "Thank you," I mumble as my eyes fall to his tie directly ahead of me.
For a moment, despite the chaos outside the tent, there's a sense of peacefulness as the stranger pats my cut.
"So, you know my name, what's yours?" I ask. Considering he saved my life, I don't think we should be strangers anymore. “Since we were in the same box, I suspect you’re friends with the Bowes-Lyons.”
"Thomas, Thomas Shelby," he answers directly without much emotion.
"Well, despite the circumstance, it's pleasure to make your acquaintance, Sir. I'm surprised we've never met before considering we share friends."
A faint snicker escapes him as a smirk creeps onto the edge of his lips.
I grin. "What's so funny?"
"An heiress calling me "sir," he chuckles, glancing down from my forehead to meet my gaze. "It's not exactly something I thought I'd ever hear."
My brows scrunch together in confusion. “But aren’t you-”
"Tommy!" A voice calls from behind me.
Frightened, I rush to stand behind Mr. Shelby. My hands wrap around his bicep as I peek around his shoulder. His arm reaches around to keep me close to his back.
"In here Arthur!" He hollers.
Wait, he knows the person?
Suddenly, a lengthy man with a mustache marches into the tent. When his eyes land on us, his brows scrunch together. "What's this? What happened to-"
"Change of plans," Mr. Shelby states, physically relaxing at the sight of him.
The man switches his sight between me and Mr. Shelby. He rocks on his heels nervously. He steps to the side to get a better view of me. "Oh uh... hello then... Miss Adair. Nice to meet ya," he greets.
"And he's a friend?" I ask Mr. Shelby quietly.
He chuckles. "Yes, he's my brother. He's safe."
I step out from behind him hesitantly. I redirect my attention to Arthur and remove my glove to offer him my hand slowly. "Pleasure to meet you as well."
His brows rise at the sight of my hand, but he shakes it nonetheless. He chuckles. "She's awfully friendly," he tells his brother.
"Did you happen to see my fiancé? Alfred Bamford," I ask, growing worried that Al may have been hurt.
"He was escorted to your car I believe by one of your security."
"And the others?" I press urgently. “Are my friends alright? What about Lord and Lady Elphinstone?”
His features fall. "I lost them in the crowd, Miss..."
My eyes grow wide. "I should go find them!"
I go to head back outside, but Mr. Shelby grabs my wrist and steps to block my path.
"The men trying to harm you may still be out there," he warns.
"But my friends! Alfred!” I argue. “They’re probably worried sick! I’ll find my car and have them take me back to the hotel!”
"They'll be searching for you there! I'm sure they already have it staked out."
I huff. "Then where do you suggest I go?"
His eyes flicker to his brother and it's evident a thought has crossed his mind.
"I have an idea..." he states vaguely.
Oh no...
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