#America Slow AF
shadesofecclescakes · 7 months
Are you a big fanfic reader? What have you read lately and what's been your favourite fic so far?
Oh mannnnnnnnn. Why don't you ask me to pick a favourite child while you're at it???
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Just kidding. I don't have kids. But I assume having to pick a favourite would be hard if I did.
So, am I a big fanfic reader? YES. And what haven't I read lately? We are lucky enough to have so many talented writers in this fandom that it's possible to subscribe to numerous multi-chapter fics to the point where you're just constantly getting update emails. Which I do. It's great. It gives me something to do at work aside from, y'know, work.
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*Me at work being smug about being paid to read porn* (Also I just wanted to look at this gif)
So what is currently on my endless update list? Coming up after the cut!
I am an absolute whore for human AU, so if you like that then you will probably like:
The Cure for a Broken Heart by @rofell
a medical student AU based in the Canadian medical system (I'm a Canadian so I was pretty excited about that). It manages to tackle the continued systemic discrimination of Indigenous people in our medical system (and in general), homophobia and the ensuing trauma from those things all while also being informative, funny, sweet, romantic and hot af. Like. It's so good.
Free by @maaikeatthefullmoon
This is another one with with a heavy topic that also does a great job of making sure to break it up with some excellent fluff, hurt/comfort and humorous moments. And it's handled with the sensitivity and thoughtfulness necessary to write something that takes place in a mental health ward and deals with some intense situations. Definitely make sure to read those author notes before diving in. They lay it out very thoroughly.
The Sincere Way by @tsyvia48
A martial arts AU. Crowley is a karate sensei and Aziraphale is his student. Slow burn that keeps you on the edge. The screams I have scrumt at my screen over this one. Plus you learn a lot about karate (but it never gets boring or over-explainey. Excellently balanced) which is pretty cool. Mostly light (there is some angst. This is the Good Omens fandom. I think we are all sad, wet chihuahuas at heart). Funny and sweet.
Terminus by @emotional-support-demon-crowley
Plus One by @caedmonfaith
Astronaut AU. Aziraphale is an astronaut who meets his mission controller, Crowley, over the comms system when he finds himself in need of assistance.
Super cool concept and really well-done in my opinion. Like, I don't do any space or physics-related work (ok I straight-up failed math 9) but I find it entirely believable. And it's well-written which is the entire point. Cute, funny slow burn with an intriguing mystery happening in the background.
Aziraphale has family money but a shitty family (except for Muriel! Never Muriel!) and his shitty brother Gabriel is getting married to shitty Michael, an Earl's daughter.
Aziraphale's family disproves of his entire life pretty much and he has been lying to them about having a boyfriend. Now they are expecting him to bring said boyfriend to the wedding. His famous footballer friend sets him up with their mechanic, Crowley.
It starts as a slow-burn but becomes a hilarious, smutty romp that just gets more and more insane. The chapter titles alone have made me cackle out loud.
Some older human AUs I'm a huge fan of include Old Vines by @sevdrag. Crowley owns a vineyard and Aziraphale is a wine critic. It is so amazingly written. It makes me think of the author Joanna Harris (Chocolat, The Five Quarters of the Orange) because it's SO beautifully, vividly descriptive that I end up craaaaaving wine. So have a bottle on hand if you're giving this a read.
Also the love story in this. My god. I devoured it. The story and the (many bottles of) wine.
There is also Loosely Ballroom by marginalia_device and mortifyingideal. It's a Strictly Come Dancing (Dancing with the Stars in North America) AU and it is so. Fucking. Good.
But it comes with a disclaimer. It's unfinished and looks likely to stay that way. But honestly? Still worth it. It's nearly finished (I think) so you have most of the story. And it's just SO good. It's been a while since I read it but it was one of the first human AUs I read and what got me hooked on them.
If you're still with me...nice! Just know that was me holding back and that isn't my entire list by a long shot. If you want more recs, feel free to message me and also share your own!
I just finished Slow Show the actor AU by @mia-ugly and yes please.
Some serious angst, pining and hot hot smut.
There is another long-form multi-chapter actor au I loooved but I can't remember the name for the life of me. Just that the show they were on was basically good omens and that they swapped roles with great success (inspired by the whole Michael thinking Neil wanted him to play Crowley when he wanted Aziraphale thing).
Thanks for the ask! That was really fun!
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rillils · 8 months
how do explain stucky from the moment they met to where they are now (together in each others arms) to my friend who knows nothing about marvel
ohh this is a tough one, honey! i think i've got two options for you:
the short answer:
stucky is a compendium of all the best tropes out there, and i'm sure i'm gonna miss a few:
soulmates? check! star-crossed lovers? check! battle husbands? super check! mutual pining? check! 'and they were roommates'? check! best friends to lovers? check check check! long-lost lover comes back from the dead? fuck yeah, check! temporary amnesia? check! dude in distress trope? check! 'they will always find each other and choose each other in every lifetime'? also check! identity porn? extra check! saved by the power of love? you guessed it: check! slow burn or childhood sweethearts? you decide!!! did they share their first kiss when steve was 16, as per a popular fanon theory? did they only confess their feelings during the war? did they only get together much later, when bucky was healing in wakanda? you can pick literally ANY point in their timeline, and it will still make sense! they're all equally valid! you can even have multiple different headcanons at once, i mean who's gonna stop you??? all you have to do is join in the fun! 💕
the long AF answer, aka:
all right, let's set the scene:
imagine two young kids, let's call them steve and bucky. they meet, they immediately take to each other, they become instant besties! and as they grow up together, facing many hardships, their bond deepens. not only are they best friends; they are also each other's family. they take care of each other, and they both know they can always rely on one another in times of need.
when steve's mom (and only remaining relative) passes away, bucky reminds him that he's not as alone in this world as he thinks he is: bucky will always be by his side. bucky will always love him unconditionally, will always be there for him, for better or for worse, in sickness and in health, for richer and for poorer, and he wants steve to know that.
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in fact, he asks steve to move in with him, thus offering steve both a literal and a metaphorical home.
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and steve says yes!
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SO. they are each other's home, they're living together, they're getting by all right. but then war breaks out, and eventually it reaches their little home as well: bucky is drafted, and steve, due to his many health issues, and despite his best intentions, can't follow the boy he loves onto the battlefield.
it's a very difficult time for them both - so much so that they can't even bring themselves to talk about it.
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they have no choice but to say goodbye for now, knowing that they might never see each other again. but here's something you might not know yet about steve: he's the most reckless, most stubborn fucker america's ever seen. he's not gonna let this stop him!!! instead, he goes and gets a very sweet, kindly scientist to fucking experiment on him, because screw it, he's going to fight in this war if it's the last thing he does. and that's how he goes from Smol Steeb to Lorge Premium Steeb.
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of course, things don't go exactly as he predicted, and steve is made to be the star of a war propaganda-fuelled musical kinda thingie, which he resents (but he looks fucking precious in his costume)
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BUT! he does get closer to the actual battlefield. which is where he discovers that bucky has been captured by the enemy (!!!!!!!) and is most likely dead by now. but steve isn't willing to give up so easily! he'll believe bucky's dead when he sees it with his own eyes. so, he embarks on this suicide solo mission in the attempt to get bucky back, even if it means wandering on his own. into enemy territory. where he would be shot. on. sight. with no protection for his dumb ass except for a bunch of theater props!!! but such is the power of love, y'all.
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against all odds, steve finds bucky very much still alive! and as soon as bucky recognizes him, even as confused as he is, he pulls out this beautiful, ecstatic, angelic-ass smile, like he's just seen god or he got high on some real good edibles or maybe both idk, like my man here was having a serious Religious Experience™ you guys
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and i just wanna say, they could have totally kissed here and it would have made plenty of sense. but that's true of like 90% of their scenes in this franchise, so *shrugs*
ANYWAY steve takes bucky in his arms (well technically yes he does) and brings him to safety, and on their way there, bucky proves once more just how hard he meant that "with you til the end of the line" from before
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afterwards, steve is finally given the chance to fight, just like he wanted.
bucky, on the other hand, could very well leave the war behind and go home; but when he learns that steve is staying, he chooses to stay too, and fight by his side. and he tells steve so in this very intimate, softspoken, delightfully suggestive conversation, which can be summed up like this:
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and so they walk right back into the heart of the fight, only this time together, as they were always meant to be!
but. during an especially tricky mission, they're surprised by the enemy, and as a result, bucky falls to his death into a deep ravine.
steve is devastated. overwhelmed with guilt, grief and rage, he vows to bring down the people responsible for his loss, even if it costs him his own life.
and um, it kind of does? cost him his own life?
victorious after his last vis-a-vis with The Antagonist™, steve still chooses to sacrifice himself to prevent the catastrophe set into motion by the aforementioned Antagonist™. he's flying a jet over the frosty expanse of the atlantic, and you know, from the outside, you could easily argue that he could try to save himself. if he really wanted to. but with bucky dead, and the people responsible for all this pain, either dead or captured, it seems like all the will to fight is gone from steve; and so he plunges the jet straight into the ocean, and himself with it.
is this the end of their story?, you might ask.
the answer is: of course not!!!! the best is yet to come, babes!!!
EDIT: here is part 2
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bitchyfoxymama · 2 years
NSFW Alphabet - Steve Rogers
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Warnings: its very very dirty, smut, gender and pronouns not used however highly implied afab reader.
A/N: omg Liv is finally posting something that isn't Moon Knight or Bucky related?? Couldn't be!
A = Aftercare (What they’re like after sex)
Ooo Steve is so good at aftercare, he will be at the ready with a warm washcloth to clean you in between your thighs, water and snacks because fucking a super soldier can be tiring. Especially since his stamina is pretty high. 
B = Body part (Their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
His favorite body part on himself is his muscular thighs. He enjoys how he is able to fuck you so deep by hip thrusting into you. His favorite body part on you is your hands, he loves how soft they are and how they feel in his own calloused ones. 
C = Cum (Anything to do with cum basically… I’m a disgusting person)
He loves using his finger to hold his cum inside your aching cunt. He also loves watching it drip out. Will also eat his own cum out of your cunt. 
D = Dirty Secret (Pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
Has a fantasy of fucking you from behind while Bucky takes your mouth. Has told you about it and youve agreed. Now you both want to talk to Bucky about it. 
E = Experience (How experienced are they? Do they know what they’re doing?
He knows exactly what he is doing. This man has being fucking since before he went into the ice so he knows a thing or two for sure
F = Favourite Position (This goes without saying. Will probably include a visual)
Loves fucking you from behind while infront of a mirror, being able to see your face as he takes you from behind.  
G = Goofy (Are they more serious in the moment, or are they humorous, etc)
You both started laughing when you had queefed due to Steve pounding into you and causing you to start to laugh so hardy, which in turn caused him to laugh as well. 
H = Hair (How well groomed are they, does the carpet match the drapes, etc.)
Very well groomed, trimmed. A dirty blond color 
I = Intimacy (How are they during the moment, romantic aspect…) 
When you both had sex for the first time he made it so romantic. Candles, music, brand new comfy sheets. 
J = Jack Off (Masturbation headcanon)
Oh hoe hoe this man's is so dirty, like he will literally keep your used panties to jerk off with. Had yall just had sex in the last couple of hours and he finds your panties you left? Immediately hard and puts them on his face to fuck into his hand. He may look like America's Sweetheart and he is but he's also hella pervy haha 
K = Kink (One or more of their kinks)
This man's has a mommy and daddy Kink. That is all 
L = Location (Favourite places to do the do)
He likes to do it in the training room. The risk of being caught turns him on. Especially if he's fucking you after the both of you have just spared? He loves it, it's almost animalistic how much your sweaty body turns him on. 
M = Motivation (What turns them on, gets them going)
Your natural musk and body scent turns him on to no end. Sometimes after you've trained he will jump your bones(only if you want and aren't too tired). He also loves how domestic you can be with him. When yall move out and get your own place, just the way you act turns him on. You sitting in your corner nook reading a book? Hot af. 
N = NO (Something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
He  like slapping you in the face with his hands(prefers to use his cock), any bodily fluids except for cum and spit those are all hard nos - examples: scat or urine. 
O = Oral (Preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc) 
He is so amazing giving oral. He is like a man starved, you are the oasis in a desert and he is thirsty for your essence. However when you give him oral? He's gone! You literally suck his soul out of his cock. 
P = Pace (Are they fast and rough? Slow and sensual? etc.)
He's likes it's rough and slow, and however you want it. You want him hard he will fuck you from behind while he holds your arms against your back. 
Q = Quickie (Their opinions on quickies rather than proper sex, how often, etc.)
Loves quickies, he's pulled you into many a closet in the compound just to fuck your brains out real quick. Wanda has had many questions as to why your blouse was ripped and your hair a mess when you met her for lunch once. 
R = Risk (Are they game to experiment, do they take risks, etc.)
Was literally in you balls deep when Bucky came to get him for their usual morning run with Sam. Kept fucking into you slowly making your toes curl and your eyes go into the back of your skull as Bucky was on the other side of the door. Super soldier hearing and smell let Bucky know just what his best friend was doing to his best girl. Bucky wants in. 
S = Stamina (How many rounds can they go for, how long do they last…
This man is a super soldier, he can last for a long while. However if you get tired he will infact stop and will help himself in the bathroom
T = Toy (Do they own toys? Do they use them? On a partner or themselves?
He loves those remote control toys. Like he will use them on you while you're out with the rest of the gang on an outing. He'll use it on you. When it's just you and him in the bedroom he will get a vibrating cock ring and use it.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
This man will edge the fuck out of you. Will tease you until you have tears falling down your cheeks. He will make it worth in the end as described in previous parts. 
V = Volume (How loud they are, what sounds they make)
He gets loud. So loud infact that it made Tony sound proof everyone's bedrooms just so they could all get a good night's sleep and not have the image of Steve pounding you into the mattress. 
W = Wild Card (Get a random headcanon for the character of your choice)
Won't admit to it but has jacked off to the thought of Bucky fucking you while he watches. 
X = X-Ray (Let’s see what’s going on in those pants, picture or words)
BIG. DICK. ENERGY. and it's correct. This man is thick, and long but not to long, just above average. He hits all the right places when he's fucking into you. He fills you up so nicely. 
Y = Yearning (How high is their sex drive?)
The last time this man's fucked was back in the 1940s, his sex drive is so high especially when it comes to you! Get it baby 
Z = ZZZ (… how quickly they fall asleep afterwards) 
He will literally wait until you have fallen asleep before he even thinks about sleeping himself. He's a gentleman like that. 
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pastelsugar6w6 · 6 months
You think America and England argued over the redundancy of bows when guns exist? Like America saying a bow is slow and cumbersome af he can totally catch an arrow mid air or matrix out of the way. England offers to test that theory. Long story short, America is sitting in an emergency room with an arrow in his shoulder and England is with him looking smug
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heterosexistly · 7 months
Any book or show recs for the sleepover asks? <3
heyyy k!!!!!!! (hugs i get the feeling stupid thing im here for you if u need to vent)
i haven't read a book that wasn't on ao3 in a long while so show reccs!!!
blacklist- is great if you love political dramas @eddiediazisascorpio and me freak out over it always
b99 - im sure everyone but me has seen this but its so funny i can hardly breathe from all the laughter @gayhoediaz put me on
bcs- the prequel to brba and its better than brba, saul is my baby ad he shouldnt even be in jail
ugly betty - the slow burn between betty and daniel is mwah, the telenovella drama is hilarious and also america ferrera
blue eye samurai - animated, queer af, gore in all the right places
sending love your way < 33333
sleepover weekend
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sitp-recs · 2 years
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Happy happy birthday @cavendishbutterfly! I still remember the excitement and blissful joy of finding your writing through Bridges, which remains one of my favorite Drarry oneshots to this day! I’m so happy to share this space with someone as talented and cheerful as you. Your fics have brought me comfort and warm, fuzzy feelings when I needed the most, and I love your supportive and positive energy towards fandom and your friends. Here’s a humble Cav reclist to celebrate your birthday and spread some love for my favourite gems. Check out that range with so many comfort tropes and ratings, plus the sexy healing and evocative atmosphere we deserve. From short shorts with beautiful prose to an 80k 8th year epic, this list has everything you need to get through one more week. And btw, Cav was incredibly prolific last year and I think everyone should go check their full catalogue right away. Then join me to add your own favorites 🎉🎉🎉
Windy City (T, 1.6k) - one of my earliest faves, such gorgeous prose and a sharp sense of place, the melancholy urban atmosphere is breathtaking. And journalist Harry as a treat!
Harry works hard at this whole journalism thing, even when they send him abroad to do his investigating. He'd just rather be home.
In The Wings (T, 1.6k) - this short is so gentle and healing I could cry, I’m enchanted by Draco’s soft pov and those vivid ballet descriptions, so very dreamy!
Ballet has been a path to healing for Draco after the war. Now, it's his final performance in the starring role, and his boyfriend is in the audience for the first time.
To Make A Way (E, 5.4k) - the fuck buddies cinema AU you didn’t know you needed! Sexy af mixing casual and sweet, organic slow burn and a gorgeous contemplative tone underneath. It’s about the aching!
When Harry finds Draco in the back row of the cinema, he doesn't mean to accidentally befriend him. Or fuck him. Or catch feelings. The thing is, Draco only does casual.
Glowing (T, 9.7k) - the softest vampire cottagecore domesticity you’ll read today, this made my heart melt. So darling and intimate, it felt like I was right there beside them. Flatmates by Cav just hits differently, I’m telling you!
Harry's lived alone and vampiric in his cottage for ages, until a long-lived Draco Malfoy suddenly shows up to answer an advertisement Harry had practically forgotten he'd put in the Prophet. Cue soft blood drinking, quiet nights of reading and crocheting, and Harry thinking that maybe--just maybe--he might not be so alone anymore.
Bridges (E, 16k) - ultimate comfort read with travel roommates exploring Budapest, Harry exploring his sexuality, soft contemplation and poignant conversations. I love how easily this fic flows and the atmosphere is 👨‍🍳💋
Harry and Draco are on a trip to Budapest to help with Kingsley's re-election, but that's the boring bit. More interesting: Harry Potter is changing his Tinder preferences to include men.
The Hardest Hue To Hold (M, 17k) - another incredible love story set outside the UK with a charming academic background and fascinating characters. I love how Cav included different mythology references, and the honest, delicate take on Harry’s trans journey.
Harry needs to get the hell out of England. So he sets up a teaching assistantship in America, hops on a plane, and heads off to a fresh start. Except there’s a familiar face among the university faculty, and it’s really not the familiar face that Harry wanted. Or at least, it’s not who Harry wanted at first.
Inertia (E, 83k) - almost 100k of delicious 8th year enemies to friends to lovers, I live for the angsty slow burn and the exquisite coming of age vibes. Soft and healing and full of hope!
It’s three months after the war. Harry has already mucked up all his plans. Draco is no longer the prince of Slytherin house. And they sure as hell didn’t both mean to go back to Hogwarts at the same time. Cue snarking, long conversations…and unexpected snogging.
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sliceocheese · 1 year
depressing af post kind of a vent
Hey guys idk who’s gonna see this but I have to put it somewhere where someone can see it.
I have this little problem called I think to much (now this ain’t a bad thing but it is when you do it like me) I love thinking. It’s like my favourite pastime other than gaming and drawing. And my most thought about thought is my future. What are you gonna do tomorrow, how are you gonna spend you money, when am I gonna get a girlfriend/boyfriend/partner, will I ever have kids, what will life be like I once I’m 18, will things be better? Will I be able to walk out of the house happy? Will I be alive then? Will I survive until then? Will I survive another year? Another month? Another week? Another day? Will I be killed for being me? As you can see it goes south kinda quick.
but if I’m being honest, my train of thought is logical. America is not walking, running toward fascism, there are armed conflicts everywhere, people can get killed legally for dressing the way they want to, homelessness, the price of living is going up so quick I’m not going to be able to go to college much less buy and keep a car running, the world is literally and metaphorically on fire and we can’t fix it, the people in charge of us don’t care for us they only care for themselves, we are speeding toward a brick wall and can’t slow down.
and that shit terrifies the legit fuck out of me. I’m not going to see my grandchildren because a some old white dudes wanted to play god.
and idk what the point of anything is anymore it’s meaningless because many people have tried to fix the problems we are currently facing but they get shot down, literally sometimes
so yea… idk the point of this rant but I need to tell someone
there is no moral I just can’t think positively anymore
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eve-is-a-terf · 11 months
single issue voters>>>>
abortion over anything else tbh, because bodily autonomy is the most fundamental right there is.
i'd rather vote for joe biden and be mildly disappointed with his policy than ever vote for a republican. i will never forgive my generation of democrats if they let america down and don't vote (or vote for trump) and give us another few decades of a conservative judicial system hellbent on destroying abortion access. bc that shit outlives us.
joe biden isn't my ideal president either but he'd be president for 4 more years vs a whole generation of judges and justices.
whatever you disagree with biden on (too moderate on israel, environment, lgbtq+, too old, too slow, whatever) do you really think trump is better? he's more conservative, just as old, stupid af, a legally recognized sexual predator, and an insurrectionist. say what you want about biden but appoint people who protect abortion
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stele3 · 7 months
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bandzboy · 4 months
This just means we gotta find a way to increase the HYBE protests somehow. The question is: how?
While it seems like HYBE is already in hot water for other things (all the Min Heejin stuff for example), if looking at SM is any hint, it might be slow. Perhaps there's a way to speed things up?
At this point, if more HYBE artists would say something—even at a risk—that would mean a lot. Preferably the bigger the name, the better. A bigger artist would probably have more impact if they say something (especially if multiple artists speak), and it'll cause a lot more commotion and backlash if HYBE tried to punish them for it. They don't have to be BTS-big, but the bigger the better.
In the meantime, I'm still thinking about those letters that one pro-Pal MOA gave TXT. Something to let them know about the situation and where MOAs stand. Even if the direct purpose of the letters wasn't to get them to speak up, I hope the letters do help in other ways. And if we could extend that to other HYBE groups, that would be neat.
i think there are plans of there being another protest in front of hybe america again (idk when since i think it's still being planned) but if there is a confirmation i will let everyone know of that and also with what happened today and his stupid statement i feel like a lot of people will be moving
i will be sincere, i kinda gave up on asking idols to speak up. even tho yes, it would be amazing but as someone who was working TIRELESSLY to get any sort of sign or response for a while i just felt embarrassed and a lot people that participated and i have talked with on twitter on my boycott gc felt the same thing and unfortunately, at this point, my expectations on that are very low and i've talked about this many times but there might be two things as to why this is happening it's either 1) they are being silenced for real (wouldn't be a surprise however i don't wanna weight on that too much) 2) they just don't give af and truly are fine with being silent and it's a very hard pill to swallow and probably hard to accept. that's why my bigger goal is to fight against zionism on that company while keeping a safe distance from the people i stan and i hope that is understandable why. a lot has happened in the past few months and the silence is unbearable and i just feel embarrassed to beg grown people to speak up about a genocide. there was one day where i was just sitting in my bed and thinking like damn i just feel like we are all embarrassing ourselves to get nothing in return. these idols might even support palestine but even if they were being silenced they should try everything to make it know that they do support it and getting absolutely nothing is just wild you know what i mean? i hope i conveyed this well and i hope it's understandable. it's always valid to question the morals of people that i have supported for a very long time and have wasted my love and energy on! with that being said, idk what to do regarding that but i decided that is best to focus on what is more important which is talking about palestine, fight against zionism and support palestinians! i was hoping that idols would use their platforms because it's what they should do but i don't wanna waste my time on that regard anymore
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harrelltut · 1 year
Hollywood script writers for NASA graphics & SpaceX CGI sky alien illustrators [a.i.]... WE ARE WAITING!!!
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this better be some good 1999 y2k 2000-2023 american 9/11 cgi space alien invasion [a.i.] program technology from 2001!!!
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are the greys related to the nordic aliens?!?!?! [insert evil evil laugh emoji]
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isthisrealliiife · 5 months
It Me!
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I'm still sick;
I'm finishing the last project of my last class for grad school;
should be back to working on aeas on a regular basis in about two weeks, give or take.
OK so I think about an echo a stain a lot, particularly because it's been over a month since I last updated. My history as a writer and a human compel me to update y'all probably as much for my own sake as anyone else's because I think most of the people who read aeas are out here on Ao3 with their notifications on loool (I wish there were a way to make like, an author post to update people there that wouldn't make me look like an asshole chapter tease loool.) ANYWAY real quick, in case you were wondering which one or two of you might be! 1. I'm still sick but I think I'm actually getting better. It's slow and it's hard. And part of why it's slow and it's hard is because 2a. I'm actually trying to finish the final project of the very last course of my MLIS*, which was delayed enormously because I was sick lol.
2b. It is the worst assignment I have ever had to complete for any program of any kind ever. I am still sick, and so every iota of my energy is going into this monstrous thing that just won't end, and until it's done I just do not have a scrap of energy to spare. I'm not even playing BG3 right now just shaking my fucking fist at the PWI gods, eating, sometimes kinda sleeping and staring at visual novels braindead af
OK and also following this wild-ass chisme with Kendrick and Aubrey because OMFGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG Y'ALLLLLL A MINORRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR LOOOL OK sorry. Anyway, I swear to the baby jesus once I finish this project which like -- it's not only that it's tedious it is a thing I must do that scrapes against the core of my very being, it is everything I hate about society, institutions, America, late-stage capitalism, white supremacy -- EVERYTHING.
But it's the very very very last thing and I'm so so close to being done after having had to delay for soooooo long can't stop won't stop so I will be running myself into the ground for the duration of this endeavor, then I'll probably take some time to recover, and then yes, I will finally, thankfully, be back on my aeas bullshit. in the meantime, if you want some little aeas / Astarion or ZeetheBee / my Tavvy treats, just shoot me an ask. It might take me a couple of days to get to it but I will probably spin you a whole fuckin drabble or even a short one-shot because despite my commitment to this project I do love an excuse to abandon it from time to time OK I'mma take my livejournal energy out of here to the two of you who made it to the end literally dm me with a parameter for a drabble I'll make you one you'll probably get it by July OK bye *(YES I am going to be a librarian and YES I am hype and YES it is one of my career goals to host a drag story hour)
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firsttarotreader · 5 months
Chris has done some cute romantic comedies. "What's your number" is adorable. He carried Captain America and has good comedic timing and is charming AF (I know you don't like marvel movies but a lot of people do. They're fun). I'm looking forward to seeing him with Pedro and I can't wait for the press. Dakota is like plain white toast, she's so bland, but she was watchable in the Persuasion movie she did recently. I'll be seated. Past Lives was a gorgeous film. Slow, yes. Beautiful, fuck yes. All my own opinions and I don't expect people to agree with me. Just offering a different perspective.
Maybe since Pedro is doing Eddington he decided a romantic comedy was a better choice. Ari Aster has made two of my favorite horror films. I'm really excited about Eddington. Pedro loves working with and supporting his friends and hyped Past Lives like crazy. It's obvious he really genuinely loved the film. Doing a film with a fellow Marvel actor? He's close with Mark R. So many reasons for him to make choices, none of which we may know. But he's smart and does what makes him happy. I'm really excited for him and hope he enjoys every second. There will always be disappointments. The cards tell us that 😉
Again, all my opinions only. I appreciate you 💜
You have the right to your opinion on that, of course. 😄
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anonil88 · 1 year
Me watching younger and older YJ fans push for less adult storyline and knowing to keep ratings the writers may just do that.
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But, fr fr I'm a little sad if that does happen, we finally get adult queer representation that isn't one note and people aren't so here for it. I really hope the next season is more balanced of slow to fast and visually more horroresque. Still it was personally refreshing to see someone with a black queer family and think that could be me in 20 years sans the sleepwalking cult stuff. Then to see a full ensemble of women in that age range struggling to hold their trauma in broken pots is nice. Especially because the show is not a dramedy like Hacks or a limited series like Mrs. America. This show is sits very in between Desperate Housewives and Castle Rock/Penny Dreadful. Which is a great space that needed more interest but those aspects may get shoved to the back of the freezer along with some of the more interesting adult plots. The story does need more room to breath and for other characters to get a starter course in the wilderness. Which may be the right move IF they don't get a full 10 episodes or more, but that doesn't mean it won't suck for a trade off to keep the seasons coming.
I love the 96/97 timeline I really do and get the need for it to take focus as were really in it now. Just would hate for that part of the story to completely wipe out the older storyline or postcrash and it turn into a Riverdale or Stranger Things type of show which it was not marketed as. The writers got me fully on board with more teen (and adult) Van going forward cause her role in the chaos is getting interesting af same for Akilah. But, as I get older, i am 27 now, I naturally am starting to find it harder to relate to the younger counterparts. Which is a little scary, but I think its majorly because that market of tv is saturated in a thats all we get. Everything feels a little like we jump from one show to the next and there is no reprieve or space from teenage angst or the pitfalls of youth. The shows not focused on that arent promoted as well or focus on things personally idgaf about like gold panning. Fountain of youth focused shows should exist and are important i usually advocate for them, but I just hate that studios might make it all the tv we get so that they can make money. With the strike going on we have 0 clue what will come out or be greenlit but with so much cancelled that cover the older age range, queer people, etc. and isn't business background i am a bit like hmm about where the tv market will go. The TV market often bends to the loudest voices and the biggest wallets.
Post strike and fair wages being given, a market that solely appeals to the younger market and those who don't want a deep plot is kinda terrifying. Amp up the action, visuals, and drama but delete the expose and complexities entirely because it will keep viewership is such a luke warm take. And im seeing a lot of that in fan spaces in general but currently online for yellowjackets. A tv formula like thatvfeels very hamster on a wheel to me. I settle for established older women and a wrench of trauma thrown into their lives, especially with queer non cis-men rep, cause there's not much for my age range that's specific to that age range. I don't think I could settle for "wilderness baby" theory 4000 and "Laura lee is alive" theory 700 for a full 3 more seasons with 0 Shauna playing frogger with her minivan.
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lady-raziel · 2 years
tell me about the brotherhood of steel in your head please i want to know so badly
ok so there's a chapter of the brotherhood of steel that exists in the rocky mountain region that split off from the western chapters many years ago and was successful for a while but has been in a slow decline and the nail in the coffin was when caesar's legion rolled into the area and essentially killed the chapter off. most of the remaining members have either been killed or wandered off to other parts of the wasteland. those that stayed with the chapter officially, only a handful, got caught in a radiation storm that lasted for weeks, and it irradiated them so bad they, guess what, got ghoulified. but the brotherhood hates non-humans so they had to do some serious soul-searching and realized that in the beginning when the brotherhood was founded it was more about preserving technology to keep humanity from falling into the dark ages again and preventing another nuclear war. the surviving members of the rocky mountain chapter realized they could continue this mission and further the goals of helping people rebuild even as ghouls.
well then fallout new vegas happens and caesar's legion gets the axe. suddenly the rocky mountain region is up for grabs again. the rocky mountain chapter realizes that in order to have stability in the region, they need to gain control of the area so another caesar doesn't show up and the land doesn't fall to raiders again. they've also heard rumors of a place called vault 0, which was the command center for all the vaults and used to be NORAD, america's missile command bunker. all they know is vault 0 is they key to securing the remaining missiles in america's arsenal and that the place is rumored to be held by the enclave. caesar's legion tried to breach the vault but never succeeded. but the rocky mountain brotherhood realize that if they open their chapter to anyone who wants to join and make a difference, they might have a shot. so they start recruiting ghouls and wastelanders, and even a few supermutants (they build custom power armor for the super mutants, because i think that would be sick as fuck). They even get a few synths who have escaped the institute.
so with their brand new recruits they uncover the enclave and take vault 0 and basically gain control of all the remaining operational nukes and then nobody wants to fuck with them, which is actually fine because they're super chill and interested in actually helping people in the rocky mountain region. but fast forward to them wanting to reconnect with the other chapters of the brotherhood of steel which are either 1) at war with the ncr or 2) asshats. They're basically like "roger maxon didn't die for you to perpetuate the same bullshit that got us in this nuclear mess in the first place" and "not being assholes and racist actually works well in your favor, actually" and decide that with their nuclear arsenal and planes salvaged from the enclave, they're gonna take control of the rest of the brotherhood and put a stop to this nonsense.
so then they show up in Boston and basically tell Arthur Maxon that he's a little racist baby bitch and to sit the fuck down because elder Lyons actually was dope af. and he'd be super disappointed in you if he were alive and hadn't disappeared under mysterious circumstances, arthur. There's also a whole subplot in my head about how arthur got to the east coast from the west coast brotherhood that involves a lot of attempted murder and a hot air balloon but we don't have time to get into that right now.
anyways the rocky mountain brotherhood mary-sues their way into the fallout 4 plotline, defeats the institute with the help of the sole survivor, frees the synths, and makes the eastern brotherhood look like racist fools. which makes them then question everything and makes arthur maxon realize that everything he thought he stood for was a total lie.
idk there are more pieces and it's all very long and complicated and somewhat based on tidbits of lore from things i've read on the fallout wiki and very much existing in my head
but, you asked.
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starzzyeyed · 1 year
9 (shit nine?) People you'd like to get to know better.
Thank you for the tag @domestikhighway58, let's see if I can figure out tumblr enough to complete this <3
Also, no way you watch call the midwife??? Ahhh, that's my favourite comfort show. I'm a whole season behind because life stuff got in the way but I can't wait for September/October to come around so I can sit and restart my weekly tradition (with my mum shh) of watching ctm in the run-up to Christmas
last song: After All by Cher
favorite color: Green or Blue
currently watching: Criminal Minds (slowly), The Mentalist (also slowly), The Sixth Commandment
last movie: Emily The Criminal not at all because I'm in love with Aubrey Plaza
currently reading: This list is too long to fit here because I am a slow af reader (thanks dyslexia) but a quick rundown of fanfics are: Hide and Seek, and Fortunate Fool by highway58. Rescue Dog by Jason_Silver and Star Power, and Homewrecker by goobzoop & darkbluedarkblue.
Non fanfic is also far too long to write but the book I picked up most recently to try to finish is Call Me By Your Name.
sweet/spicy/savory: Sweet all the way. I love spicy and savoury things too, but I'm much more fussy about those than I am sweet stuff!
relationship status: Single. And hopelessly in love with a friend.
current obsession: Besides Hotchreid? Uhhh.... Criminal Minds in general? Fic writing? I also really like baking, but that's not really a 'current' obsession, more a prolonged interets.
last thing i googled: do any zoos in america have honey badgers - for one little scene in a fic I was writing. Before that it was 'summer fruits pavlova recipe' because I have a shit ton of eggs to use haha.
currently working on: Fanfic wise I'm trying to finish Close Ain't Close Enough (a/b/o) and an untitled wip set at the end of the CM episode Psychodrama. Non fanfic - The Highway Code. Haha. Theory test revision takes all brain power at the moment.
zero pressure tags: @spencer-reids-adventures @hotchxreid @thefandomlesbian @starrr-dusttt @gay-in-a-jar @panevanbuckley
@sirmatthew1972 @a-potato-wearing-plaid @observaureium @goobzoop
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