#Amber couldn't be with him because she had to be with their parents
ghoostrash · 2 years
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Holiday's after the break up
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bookofbonbon · 2 years
love lost - aemond targaryen.
pairing: Aemond Targaryen x reader.
warnings: mentions of rape.
summary: you are forced to see Aemond after six long years much to your dismay after finding out you are still to be wed to him.
word count: 2200+
a/n: reader is adopted by Rhaenyra and Daemon. I personally couldn't force myself to write such direct incest lol.
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gif credit: @useraelin (X)
An incessant ringing sounds in your ears, a mild throbbing in the back of your head signalling the start of an oncoming headache as your mother Rhaenyra reaffirms what you had most hoped no longer stood.
“No, no, no,” you mumble in your seat, shaking your head in denial and pushing your palms into your eyes.
“I thought-,” you cut yourself off, leaning back in your chair and pinching at the bridge of your nose. “I thought when we left King’s Landing that my betrothal to Aemond Targaryen would be null and void.”
“Now, why would you think that?” Daemon raises a barely visible brow at you.
“Because it’s been six years!” you argue, fixing your sharp gaze on your parents.
“Six long years since we’ve left King’s Landing and not once was there mention of my betrothal to him. One would naturally assume that it ceases to exist especially when another was put forward. Albeit he is not longer but, that's not the point. Now, suddenly because we have to go back, I’m to find out that I am still to be wed to that halfwit.”
“That halfwit is to be your husband,” Daemon mocks.
Your cheeks burn in anger, but you say nothing to him, knowing it would get you nowhere. Instead, you intentionally turn your now softened gaze to Rhaenyra in the hopes of garnering some sympathy from her for she knew what it was once like to be in your position.
“Mother, please,” you plead but, your gaze hardens just as quickly as it softened when she’s blocked from your view by Daemon.
“That’s enough. You like your siblings will do your duty to this family. So be it if that duty means marrying Aemond Targaryen then that is your duty and that is the end of this conversation.”
You sigh heavily into your drink, eyes downcast and watching the amber liquid slosh against the glass of your cup as you swivel it around in your grip. The false niceties for the sake of your adoptive…. Grandfather? Uncle? You weren’t sure what to call him since your mother married Daemon but, the false niceties had taken its toll and you simply couldn’t feign friendliness any longer as you sat beside your betrothed who’d been ignoring you all night.
“Is there a problem?” Aemond bites out, head turning to finally acknowledge you.
“Yes,” you sigh dramatically into your drink for what you think to be the hundredth time that night.
Swivelling the cup one last time, you drain it of its remaining liquid then place it on the table, laying your hand flat at its base and looking back at Aemond. You narrow your eyes at him, briefly mimicking the look of annoyance on his face which is met with a scowl. While he scowls at you, you take the time to study his features, observing all the way in which his face had changed since the last time you saw him in Driftmark.
Your relationship with Aemond hadn’t always been like this. There was a time when the prospect of being married to one another was all the two of you had wanted. Of course, things had changed when you had steadfastly stood by your brothers (and at the time, cousins) the night Aemond lost his eye. Perhaps you were to blame for the downfall of the relationship between you two - many did say you should've stood by him. But then you remembered his promise.
“You are the problem,” you groan.
You probably wouldn’t be so bold if you hadn’t been steadily becoming more wine drunk with little to no filter standing between your thoughts and your mouth and if Aemond wasn’t irritated with you before, you were certain he was now. What was otherwise a handsome face marred by the ugly twist of his mouth. If looks could kill…
He says nothing right away, his face relaxing back into the cool expression he seemed to always wear nowadays, and you steel yourself for whatever insult he’s sure to throw at you but, it doesn’t come.
Your… conversation interrupted by a hand being placed over your own on the table, and you sober immediately, skin crawling at the older Targaryen boy. You had made it a point to avoid him the entire night, well aware of his indecencies. But, as Helaena danced with your younger brother, Aegon had you cornered between himself and Aemond and if Aemond’s behaviour towards you tonight was anything to go by, he would be of no help.
“Y/N,” Aegon practically coos at you, and it takes everything for you to stop yourself from vomiting all the wine you had drunk, on him.
“Aegon,” you speak with a clipped tone.
Instead of being deterred by your lack of response, Aegon takes it upon himself to drag his chair closer to you. You don’t realise you were moving too until your chair knocks into Aemond’s, your own knee knocking into his thigh. If Aegon could sense your revulsion, he didn’t show it. Although you were sure the depraved boy was likely finding joy in it.
“It’s been so long. Had I known you would blossom into such a beautiful young thing who enjoyed indulging in the cup as much as I did, I might have asked that your hand be given to me instead of young Aemond’s here,” he caresses your hand between both of his.
“Although I hear my brother is in the business of making people who are not him in your life disappear,” he chuckles, eyes flickering to Aemond.
“And if you were not my brother, I would make you disappear too,” Aemond grins. “Now remove your hands from Y/N or I will remove them from you.”
You groan in disgust, standing abruptly in your chair. Perhaps you should've been grateful for Aemond's defence but, it only served as a reminder of what he had done in the past. The sound of the chair’s scrapes are lost amongst the noise, everyone else too engrossed in their own doings to know what was happening at your end of the table and, you use it to your advantage to sit yourself amongst your younger siblings.
“Seven hells,” you exhale loudly, slumping in your new seat.
“Not having fun, sister?” Luke asks, filling your cup for you.
You nod in gratitude, taking the cup in hand, “oh brother, you have no idea.”
Leaning closer to him, you speak low enough for only your siblings to hear, “let’s just say I would give an eye to be anywhere else but here.”
Laughter erupts amongst you all, catching the eye of Aegon and briefly Aemond but, the night carries on. Everything fine for a few more moments until all hell broke loose with Aemond’s final tribute.
The quiet of the Red Keep during the night is a stark contrast to its bustling nature throughout the day. The only sounds being the echo of your shoes on the stone pavements as you navigate the secret passageways back to your room. The long walk much needed to clear your thoughts after the turn supper had taken and then the argument with your mother and Daemon that followed.
While you thought the obvious outcome would be to call off your betrothal to Aemond after the insults flung at your brothers, your mother thought otherwise with the seeming resurgence of her friendship with Alicent.
The heavy door creaks on its hinges and closes with a dull thud as you try but fail to be quiet, hoping that no one in your family would hear it from their rooms. But that becomes the furthest thing from your mind when Aemond Targaryen is sitting in front of the fireplace of your room.
“I do believe you have a fireplace in your own rooms,” you quip.
Crossing the room to the large bed, you finger at the night gown laid out by your handmaidens – all of them now gone to bed due to the late hour.
“It’s dangerous enough as it is to be wondering the grounds of the Red Keep during the hour of the owl and yet you also insist on doing it alone,” he scolds from where he sits, gaze fixed intensely on the flames and ignoring your earlier comment.
You breathe a short laugh.
“and yet,” you mock. “I wasn’t alone, was I?”
Turning to face him, he’s already looking back at you as your fingers close around the end of the bedframe.
“Mmm… someone has to look out for you.”
“Is that what you call it?” you narrow your eyes at him, fingers now tapping irritably against the wooden frame.
“If you have something to say… say it,” Aemond taunts.
You open your mouth ready to fire back but, hesitate. In your sober state, you were able to actually hold a conversation but, you didn’t hold the same bravado you did earlier in the evening and quite frankly you just wanted to sleep. You roll your eyes, turning your back on him and sweeping your hair over your shoulder.
“Help me undress, my handmaidens have gone to bed,” you call him over.
You wait patiently, tension thickening as he gets closer, each step heavy and purposeful. When his fingers brush at the hair at the base of your neck, goosebumps spread across your skin.
“You anger with me is misplaced,” Aemond mutters gruffly.
He begins to undo the back of your dress, trying to focus on being careful in undoing the intricate design that holds it together and not your exposed skin.
“I hardly think so after what you did at supper earlier tonight.”
“Tonight?” he tuts, his hand pausing to graze the partially exposed skin of your back. “Tonight, is not why you’re angry with me.”
A shiver runs down your spine at his touch. You want to protest but, have no energy to. It would be a losing fight anyway because he’s right, it wasn’t why you were angry with him but, saying it out loud made you feel silly. When you don’t respond, Aemond continues.
“Between the two of us, if anyone should be holding onto anger and grudges it should be me. You did lie about what happened that night Luke took my eye,” he reminds you.
“I made amends for that,” you defend.
“I know. Sapphires. Which I’ve grown quite fond of.”
Sapphires indeed, ones you had sent him in various shapes and sizes in place of his eye. An apology without apologising.
Turning to face him, you place a hand on his chest, the other reaching for his eyepatch. You don’t worry about your dress or dignity, knowing that he hadn’t undone enough of it for it to fall.
You wait for him to pull away from your touch, but he doesn’t. You allow your hand to gently touch the leather eye patch, waiting a beat before finally removing it.  The scar might’ve been hideous on any other face and, it is hideous but, it doesn’t do anything to take away from his appearance. He certainly doesn’t look the beast that so, many claim.
“I loved him truly,” you drop your hands to your side. “the last one that you took from me. He made me happy.”
“Your happiness with him was fleeting,” he utters, eyes trained on you as he tucks a stray strand of hair behind your ear. His hand trails down to your cheek, caressing softly before it continues its journey along your jawline and finally resting at the base of your neck.
“So, you can stop feigning anger with me.”
“How did we get here?” you mumble, searching his eyes.
The tension suffocates the two of you. Aemond’s breath fanning across your lips and, you don’t even know when he got so close. His lips ghost yours and you involuntarily lean into him but, you're held back by his hand that has snaked its way from the front of your neck to the back.
“We loved one another once. We will learn to love one another again,” and with that Aemond closes the distance between your lips.
The kiss is desperate but tender and, he holds you to him like he will never let you go.
For all that he has done, promises that he made to ensure that you would not be happy after undeniably going against him, he still carries a torch for you – his love is not lost and when you kiss him back with as much urgency and fervour, he knows your love for him is not either.
All fics are my own work - I have not posted my work anywhere else.
Disclaimer: I do not own any characters/places mentioned above.
Do not copy. Do not translate. Do not repost.
bookofbonbon 2022. All rights reserved.
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sundrop-writes · 2 months
would you be willing to do a follow up to the teen wolf pregnancy hcs? something with the characters interacting with their kid - can be as a baby or older - just them being parents and adjusting to being young parents.
i love your writing 💗💗💗
Fyi, I was not even planning on working on requests tonight, but this caught my attention so much and gave me such a good idea that I had to do it. I decided to do it with the same characters from the first part, but if you want to see this prompt with other characters, then I would do the 'how they react to finding out that you're pregnant' part first with different characters
My requests for Teen Wolf are OPEN, but please read my Rules before sending in a request.
Part One - How would they react to finding out that you're pregnant with their baby?
How would the pack act as parents?
Included: Stiles Stilinski, Isaac Lahey, Lydia Martin, and Derek Hale.
Warnings: fem reader - uses she/her pronouns and has the ability to get pregnant (she is the one who gave birth to the baby, as in the previous part); Stiles's part is extremely self indulgent and something I have been thinking about since I wrote the last part so bear with me; mentions of breastfeeding, giving birth, teething, and other parenting/baby topics; the baby is a different age and has a different name in each section just for funsies; mention of Lydia and reader's baby having red hair - but I did this to drive home the baby's genetic relation to Lydia and I don't think it has to specify the reader's race (someone with darker skin can still have naturally red hair); Lydia calls the reader 'Mama'; mention of the reader being a werewolf in Derek's part because there is a weird continuity in these reactions (and I should write a full fic about Derek and this reader character cause I am slowly becoming addicted to their story, ngl); I believe that's finally it.
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Stiles was panicking. He was officially the worst parent ever - everything his dad said was right. He wasn't ready for this, nobody should be a teen parent, he was a failure. God, his whole life was crumbling around him...
You were out of town because your sister was getting married. You had been incredibly hesitant to leave the baby - sweet, adorable, nine-month-old Lila Stilinski - but Stiles had insisted that you go on a weekend getaway to your sister's bachelorette party. You deserved it. You had spent nine whole months growing his baby and then you had given birth to her (a bloody, messy affair that made him faint - to nobody's surprise), and you had spent the last nine months nursing her and getting your degree from home after you had fought through your pregnancy taking double courses to graduate high school early. You were a gem, a beautiful, shining gem of a woman and a mother, and somehow - while you were off getting your much needed rest and having fun - Stiles had lost your baby.
His baby - his baby that he loved very, very much.
He had woken up that morning, late, having forgotten to set the alarm, and rushed around the apartment like a chicken with his head cut off rushing to get Lila ready for day care and himself ready for school, and he dropped her off as usual, with a smile and kiss on her big beautiful forehead. And when he went to pick her up that afternoon - she was gone. The day care worker couldn't give him any other news than the fact that she had been 'signed out already', and it left Stiles panicking, thinking about that cult that sacrifices babies every single day.
In his rush that morning, he had forgotten to charge his phone, so he couldn't get his dad on the line - and he was currently running at top, lung-crushing speed toward the police station, running past the deputy on duty at the front desk, who simply shrugged and buzzed him in when she saw his bright red face and his clear desperation.
"Dad, D-dad, you have to-!" He was going to ask his father to put out an amber alert, to call every single one of his deputies back to get them looking, but when his father turned around - that sweet girl with the bright purple bow in her hair was in his arms.
Then, Stiles shifted on a dime from panic to anger.
"Dad, what the hell?" He barked out, struggling to sound as pissed off as he was while still trying to catch his breath.
"What?" The Sheriff shrugged, kissing his granddaughter on the forehead before cooing brightly at her, smiling at her with all the brightness in the world, paying Stiles absolutely no mind.
"You took her out of day care without telling me first?" Stiles gaped, absolutely angered that his father had let him believe for even a moment that his girl was missing.
He knew it was a cruel irony - a blunt kind of karma. All the times he had come home late, all the nights he had snuck out believing that his dad was simply being too hard on him for giving him such an early curfew. Now, in a single crashing moment, he instantly understood why his father had worried so much - why he was so angry every single time Stiles was out of his sight, especially when there was danger around.
"Your phone was off." Noah shrugged, rocking Lila back and forth in his arms, giving her another kiss on the forehead as he began to hum the tune of a lullaby under his breath. "I got bored on my lunch break, and I wanted to see my baby, so what?"
It was the usual for him - any time he was within ten feet of her, she didn't have a moment in your arms or Stiles's. On the day she had been born, he had brought a giant gift basket to the hospital, grumbling under his breath about how he still thought it was 'irresponsible' of Stiles, but demanding to see 'his baby'.
He had burst into tears upon seeing Lila for the first time, and was deeply aggressive about who was allowed to visit and for how long. When she came home, he stood watch over her crib with his gun in hand for multiple days before he finally gave up and went to sleep (and according to you, he admitted quietly that he had done the same thing for Stiles when he first came home from the hospital).
"My phone died." Stiles stressed. "You could have left a note for me at the school or something. You gave me a freakin' heart attack."
"Be more responsible and charge it next time." The Sheriff grinned at him.
"Just - don't kidnap my daughter again!" Stiles snapped. "She is my daughter-" He argued, taking a possessive, protective stance.
"Yeah, well I made you, so I have certain rights when it comes to this little sweet girl." His father said, trailing off into a cooing baby voice as he began fawning over Lila once again. Stiles rolled his eyes. "Besides, ever since the three of you moved out, I hardly get to see my babygirl anymore."
Stiles felt a twinge of guilt at this, but wanted to argue. The three of you needed your own space, and you had moved into an apartment that was less than twenty minutes away from his father's house. He still saw Lila at least once every single day of the week, unless he was busy working.
"Besides, it's not kidnapping if I'm the Sheriff."
"It is so kidnapping! It's kidnapping if I report you."
"Is it still considered an abortion if I terminate you now?" His father glared at him.
Stiles let out a huff.
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Isaac was tired. He knew that being a parent was going to be tiring, but in the six months since baby Leon had been born, this was his first full night alone with his son. His son who was teething, crying incredibly loudly, and in pain because of his little teeth coming in. He wasn't nearly as upset about the fact that he hadn't slept as he was about the fact that his son was in pain and he could do little about it.
He had considered calling you a few times throughout the night when Leon was letting out particularly harrowing cries and Isaac was on the verge of tears himself (especially considering with his heightened werewolf senses, the pain of those cries seemed to pierce through him even more) - but he had agreed to take care of Leon by himself to get him out of the house that you and your mother shared because you had been studying for the SATs and you needed sleep the night before your big exam. So as much as it pained him, he endured alone and ended up crying with his son while he sucked on a frozen teething toy with tears still running down his chubby cheeks.
The sun had come up a while ago and Leon had just fallen asleep, his portable crib set up in the middle of the loft so that Isaac could watch over him - his hair messy and his eyes bloodshot red as he stood at the counter, chugging down a cup of black coffee, trying his hardest to stay away until after your exam was over so that you could take Leon and he could have a nap.
He was not at all pleased when the door creaked open, seeming like the loudest thing ever - alerting him to the presence of Boyd entering the apartment.
"Hey, man-" Boyd greeted him in a usual bright tone, and Isaac cut him off with an abrupt hush. He put a finger to his lips and then motioned to the crib, and Boyd peeked over, nodding once he saw the baby. "You're on Daddy duty again?"
"It's not like it's a hobby or something," Isaac told him tiredly in a hushed tone. "I am a father now." Even with the tense whispering and the tired droop of his shoulders, there was a certain sense of pride in the way he said this.
"Well you-"
Isaac shushed him again, as Boyd speaking in his usual tone was far too loud for Isaac's liking.
"You know, he's gonna have to get adjusted to noise sooner or later." Derek piped up from his place on the couch, where Isaac had convinced him to sit and read a book until Leon had settled to sleep.
"Shh!" Isaac tried to hush Derek into silence, but he glared at Isaac and kept talking at his usual volume.
"Babies born into pack families are brought up co-sleeping, so they sleep through the noise of a dozen family members-"
Isaac crossed the room and put a hand against Derek's mouth, forcing him quiet this time.
"I don't care." Isaac insisted. "Nobody is going to wake up my son now that he is asleep."
"Stop touching me." Derek said, muffled against Isaac's hand.
Isaac backed off, and before Derek could speak up again, Leon woke with a high pitched wail.
"You guys have fun with that." Boyd said, taking this as his queue to leave.
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Lydia was overjoyed. Telling her parents about everything had been nothing short of a confusing nightmare, and after a lot of convincing from Melissa and Noah and a lot of questions without a lot of answers, they had both still been sceptical right up until you had given birth.
The moment they had laid eyes on a sweet newborn baby girl with bright red hair - they were convinced that against all odds, you and Lydia had made a baby together.
That was an entire year ago - and now, Lydia was having the utter pleasure of planning her beautiful Luna Harmony Martin's first birthday party. She was so perfectly in her element - picking out decorations, designing an utterly epic and fabulous birthday cake (including a separate, smaller smash cake that only her daughter would get to touch, because it was only the best for Luna), planning entertainment - a professional princess performer and some magicians (no clowns - Luna didn't need those kind of memories implanted in her psyche this early on), and the best part: picking out cute little dresses for the birthday girl to wear.
Much like her mother, she was a fashion icon, and she would likely need multiple outfit changes for her party - not just with the fact that she would get covered in cake or her own spit-up, but because a proper birthday girl should always be photographed in more than one ensemble.
You weren't surprised when Lydia came home with two large armfuls of shopping bags. You wanted to protest, to tell her that a one-year-old didn't need that many clothes that she wasn't even going to wear, but you knew that Lydia's parents weren't going to take away her credit card anytime soon (and when it came to spoiling the baby, they were even worse) and you also knew that this was one of her ways of showing your daughter love.
So when she came to sit on the cushy foam playmat with you and Luna, dropping the many shopping bags on the cough behind the two of you, you simply let it happen.
"Hello my sweet girl," Lydia said, greeting your daughter in a sweet voice as she kissed her chubby cheeks and pulled her into her lap. "And hello to you, Mama."
Mama. The nickname still made your stomach churn with heat - something that Lydia had gotten into calling you more lately after some rant about how Luna's 'speech centre' was 'rapidly developing' and she wanted to influence what the baby would call you.
You couldn't help but to grin as you kissed her too.
"I see you've been shopping." You said, motioning toward the bags.
"A bit." Lydia shrugged. "After I booked the carousel-"
"A carousel?" You questioned. "Lydia, she's a year old. She can't even ride carnival rides - she's not even going to remember any of this."
"It's for the photos. Obviously." Lydia sighed in return, rolling her eyes at you. "The theme of the party is Cotton Candy Princess, what kind of idiot would I be if I didn't include at least one classic carnival ride in my photos?"
"At this rate, she's gonna want a golden pony by the time she's five."
"Then she'll get one." Lydia cooed at Luna, kissing her cheeks again, smearing pink lipstick on her.
You couldn't help but to smile - you knew that this was Lydia's way of showing your daughter that to her, she was the most important little girl in the world.
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Derek was annoyed - not with his son, with you.
Since the moment he had found out that you were pregnant, Derek loved his son more than anything in the world. He loved you just as much, he had right from the moment he had slashed Peter's throat and then turned you where you were dying, bleeding out, and used his newfound Alpha powers to turn you in order to save your life. Because that was the moment he knew he would risk anything and everything in order to keep you alive.
He loved you very much, but he was still annoyed with you.
You were determined not to let Derek sleep with his son - a tradition as old as pack life itself, now being marred by you shoving articles in Derek's face about how co-sleeping was 'dangerous' and how the baby should have his own crib. A baby of only three months old should not be damned to isolation. It made Derek's heart ache just thinking about it. He was used to the comfort of your body - he was used to the sync of your heartbeat, the sound of his voice and Derek's constantly nearby. He shouldn't be off in the corner by himself. You had made Derek feel like some criminal, sneaking out of bed at one in the morning to pluck his son out of that damned crib in order to spend some time with him.
And now, Alexander was sleeping peacefully on his bare chest, skin to skin as nature intended, feeling the peace of his father's heartbeat as Derek dozed into a gentle sleep himself on the sofa himself. He was - until he heard the distinct squeak of the bed springs on your side, a distinct huff from you as you got out of bed.
"Derek," You sighed when you saw what he had done, crossing your arms over your chest - it was an entirely appealing sight; the incredibly small baby perched in the middle of his bare chest, so tiny against Derek's large, muscled frame. But it did make you worry - Alexander wasn't secured in any way - he could fall, he could roll off. Even though Derek was an incredibly capable, loving parent, even in the haze of sleep, he could roll over and crush the baby.
It scared you.
"What - are you gonna take him from me?" He glared at you, deep betrayal in his voice. It was clear that the only thing keeping him from raising his voice further was the restraint not to yell so close to the baby's ear. "Do you honestly think that I would hurt my son?"
You held back tears, hating how much the insinuation clearly pained Derek.
"Never." You told him, your own tears choking your throat. "Derek, I know that you would never hurt him intentionally. But-"
"Exactly." He replied, cutting you off. "And there is nothing that will harm him. I am not going to let it happen."
You sighed, putting a hand to your forehead in frustration.
Derek shook his head, sitting up, putting a hand against Alexander's diapered bum to support him - able to hold nearly the entirety of his tiny body with one hand.
"Didn't you notice that all of those articles you read are written by humans?" He pointed out. "This is something that my family has done for generations. Our senses are honed for stuff like this. The moment that a baby is born, we sleep differently. Haven't you noticed?"
You had noticed - you felt like you had been sleeping with only half your brain, like a shark. You thought it was something your mother had warned you about, how you would never get a full night's rest again after having a baby. But it felt different. You did wake up rested, but you didn't dream anymore. You felt conscious nearly the entire time you were asleep - hyper aware of everything, your body responsive to every single coo, every little noise the baby made. You became hyper aware of the rhythm of his heartbeat while you slept, often using it as a white noise machine while you laid there.
"Yeah." You admitted - Derek gave you a subtle smug grin, and nodded.
"I'm not going to hurt him, not even by accident - because I can't." Derek told you firmly. "I will wake up the minute he cries, and I won't shift in my sleep. And this is healthy for us. Our heartbeats will sync up and this will help him sleep better. Please, just trust me on this."
Derek rarely pleaded with you about things, rather than outright telling you - so you knew that this mattered to him greatly.
"Yes. I trust you." You told him. "Come back to bed?" You posed. "All of us in the same bed."
He smiled, and leaned in to kiss you before he got up off the couch, bringing your son with him.
(When you woke up the next morning, the crib was smashed to pieces, and Derek - who was in the kitchen making breakfast with Alexander still pressed to one shoulder - claimed that he had no idea how it happened.)
Teen Wolf Masterlist
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dee-writes-smut · 2 months
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Learning Love Amongst The Flowers
FEATURING Eris Vanserra x reader
SUMMARY feelings bloom so easily in the safety of your secluded garden, it's a wonder that you and your love can't help but return to it throughout your lives.
CONTENT WARNINGS tooth rotting fluff, mentions of dead parents
AUTHORS NOTE don't fret my loves, Eris is still around, and he isn't going anywhere anytime soon ;)
Special mention to @littlestw01f, hope you enjoy this pure fluff my darling Anna, you deserve it <3
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The sun dipped low in the sky, casting a warm, amber glow over the Autumn Court. Leaves, aflame with the hues of fall, rustled softly in the cool breeze. The air was crisp, filled with the earthy scent of decaying leaves and the faint, sweet aroma of late-blooming flowers. You, an avid gardener with a love for all things green and growing, found yourself exploring a less-traveled path in the dense forest.
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Your heart thrummed with the excitement of discovery as you pushed past the thick underbrush, guided by a sense of curiosity that had never steered you wrong. You had always been enchanted by the magic of the Autumn Court, but today felt different. Today, you felt drawn to something special, something hidden.
After what felt like hours of wandering, you stumbled upon a large, ancient oak tree with a hollow base. Intrigued, you knelt down and peered inside, only to find a narrow passageway leading into darkness. With a determined breath, you squeezed through, emerging on the other side to a sight that took your breath away.
Before you lay a hidden garden, a secret haven untouched by time. Wildflowers and climbing vines wove together in a tapestry of colors, creating a vibrant, living masterpiece. The garden was overgrown, but the beauty of it was undeniable. You stepped forward, your fingers brushing against soft petals and rough bark, feeling a deep connection to the forgotten plants.
Days turned into weeks as you returned to the hidden garden, each visit revealing more of its secrets. You brought tools and seeds, nurturing the neglected plants back to health. It became your sanctuary, a place where you could lose yourself in the rhythm of nature.
As you were carefully pruning a particularly unruly rosebush, you felt a presence behind you. You turned slowly, heart racing, to find Eris Vanserra, the enigmatic heir to the Autumn Court, watching you with keen, golden eyes.
"Eris," you breathed, surprised and wary. "I didn't hear you approach."
He stepped closer, his gaze never leaving yours. "Few do," he replied with a small, almost predatory smile. "What are you doing here, in this forgotten part of the forest?"
You swallowed hard, meeting his intense stare. "I found this garden by accident. It was overgrown, abandoned. I couldn't just leave it like that."
Eris's expression softened, a flicker of something unreadable passing through his eyes. "And why would you care for a place that no one remembers?"
"Because everything deserves a chance to grow," you answered honestly, your passion for gardening evident in your voice. "Even forgotten things."
For a moment, Eris was silent, his gaze drifting over the vibrant flowers and lush foliage. "You have done well," he said finally, his tone thoughtful. "This place was once a sanctuary for my mother. She loved it dearly."
You looked at him in surprise. "Your mother?"
He nodded, a shadow passing over his face. "Yes. She tended to this garden for years, until… well, until she couldn't anymore. I had all but forgotten it existed."
The air between you grew heavy with unspoken words. Eris's usual arrogance seemed to melt away in the presence of the garden, replaced by a rare vulnerability. Without thinking, you reached out and touched his hand. "Maybe we can bring it back together."
Eris looked down at your hand on his, and for a moment, you thought he might pull away. But then, he intertwined his fingers with yours, a slow smile spreading across his face. "I'd like that."
From that day on, the garden became your shared secret. Eris was often busy with his duties, but he always found time to join you in the hidden sanctuary. He proved to be a surprisingly skilled gardener, his hands deft and gentle as he worked alongside you.
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As the days turned into weeks and then months, your relationship with Eris deepened. What started as a tentative friendship blossomed into something more, nurtured by the quiet moments spent together in the garden. There, away from the prying eyes of the court, Eris was different. He laughed more freely, his sharp edges softened by the tranquility of the garden.
As the sun set and bathed the garden in a golden light, Eris pulled you close, his breath warm against your ear. "Thank you," he murmured, his voice filled with a rare sincerity.
You looked up at him, confusion flickering in your eyes. "For what?"
"For bringing me back to this place," he said, his gaze intense. "For reminding me of something beautiful and true. For seeing the parts of me that I thought were long buried."
Emotion welled up within you, and you reached up to cup his face in your hands. "You are more than what you show to the world, Eris. I've always known that."
He leaned down, his lips brushing against yours in a tender, lingering kiss. It was a kiss that spoke of promises and dreams, of a future intertwined with the magic of the garden.
In the days that followed, your bond with Eris only grew stronger. The garden flourished under your combined care, a testament to the love and dedication you both poured into it. Each bloom, each new leaf, was a symbol of the life you were building together.
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One particularly warm afternoon, you and Eris lay on a blanket beneath the sprawling branches of the ancient oak. The sun filtered through the leaves, casting dappled shadows on your faces. You turned to him, your heart swelling with the depth of your feelings.
"Eris," you began softly, "I never imagined I would find something like this. Like us."
He propped himself up on one elbow, his golden eyes filled with a mixture of tenderness and resolve. "Neither did I," he admitted. "But now that I have, I will never let it go."
You smiled, reaching out to trace the line of his jaw. "Nor will I."
As the seasons changed, so did your relationship with Eris. The garden, once a hidden secret, became a place of solace and joy for both of you. You spent countless hours tending to the plants, your laughter mingling with the songs of birds and the rustle of leaves.
But it wasn't just the garden that flourished. Your love for Eris grew stronger with each passing day, rooted in the shared moments and the silent understanding that passed between you. In the garden, you were free to be yourselves, unburdened by the expectations and pressures of the outside world.
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As the first frost of the season glittered on the leaves, Eris took your hand and led you to a secluded corner of the garden. There, amidst a riot of late-blooming flowers, he knelt before you, his eyes filled with a fierce determination.
"Y/N," he began, his voice steady but filled with emotion, "this garden has brought us together, has given us a place to nurture our love. It has shown me the depth of your kindness, your strength, and your beauty. And it has made me realize that I cannot imagine my life without you."
Your breath caught in your throat as he reached into his pocket and pulled out a small, intricately carved wooden box. Opening it, he revealed a delicate ring, adorned with a single, perfect diamond that sparkled in the morning light.
"Eris," you whispered, tears filling your eyes.
He took your hand in his, slipping the ring onto your finger. "Will you marry me, Y/N? Will you stay by my side, here in our garden, and wherever else life may take us?"
Your heart swelled with joy and love, and you nodded, unable to speak. Eris stood, pulling you into his arms and kissing you deeply, sealing the promise of a future filled with love, laughter, and the magic of your hidden garden.
As the years passed, the garden continued to flourish, a living testament to the love and dedication you and Eris shared. It became a place of celebration, where friends and family gathered to witness the beauty of nature and the strength of your bond.
And through it all, you and Eris remained inseparable, your love growing deeper with each passing day. The hidden garden, once a forgotten sanctuary, had become the heart of your lives, a place where you had found not only each other but also a love that would endure for all time.
In the quiet moments, when the sun dipped low and the world was bathed in the soft light of twilight, you would walk hand in hand through the garden, feeling the magic of the place seep into your very souls. And as you looked into Eris's eyes, you knew that you had found something truly extraordinary—an unbreakable bond, a love that would never fade, and a hidden garden that would forever be your sanctuary.
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You and Eris sat on a bench beneath the ancient oak tree, the very tree that had led you to the hidden garden so many years ago. The garden was in full bloom, its colors vibrant and its scents intoxicating. The air was filled with the hum of insects and the soft rustle of leaves, creating a symphony of life that wrapped around you like a warm embrace.
Eris took your hand in his, his thumb brushing gently over your knuckles. "Do you ever think about how far we've come?" he asked, his voice a low murmur.
You nodded, a smile playing at your lips. "All the time. This garden has seen so much of our journey."
He turned to you, his golden eyes reflecting the colors of the sunset. "It's been our sanctuary, our haven. And it's all because of you."
You shook your head, leaning closer to him. "It's because of us. We nurtured this garden together, just as we nurtured our love."
Eris's gaze softened, and he leaned in to kiss you, his lips warm and tender against yours. It was a kiss filled with the promise of forever, a kiss that spoke of a love that had weathered every storm and come out stronger. As you pulled away, you rested your head on his shoulder, contentment washing over you.
The garden was quiet, the world around you slowing down as you sat together, watching the sun dip below the horizon. The hidden garden had become a place of reflection, a place where you could appreciate the life you had built together and the love that had grown stronger with each passing day.
As the stars began to twinkle in the night sky, you and Eris sat in peaceful silence, your hearts beating in perfect harmony. The garden, with its vibrant blooms and whispering leaves, seemed to hold its breath, honoring the love that had blossomed within its borders.
The hidden garden had given you so much more than you could have ever imagined. It had brought you together, given you a sanctuary, and become a living testament to the enduring power of love. And as you sat around, wrapped in the warmth of Eris's embrace, you knew that this garden, this magical place, would always be a part of your story—a story of love, resilience, and the beauty of life.
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sweetmariihs2 · 2 months
My stf controversial opinions (no one asked) don't be mad at me pls don't take me seriously
I see Cedric being more like Sofia's uncle figure than father figure (he's the crazy uncle). Their bond together is definitely sweet but I think Cedric it's not a very parental guy and Roland would find their bond a bit weird since he's Sofia's father now. While Roland takes care of Sofia, Cedric gives her sweets and takes her to crazy places with him (like the sorcerers convention). He's defo the cool uncle for her even though everyone sees him as this weird guy
I don't see the appeal in cedlock but honestly I don't mind seeing stuff about them, it's a funny dynamic (please can someone explain them to me? I'm not joking)
which is funny because I'm so in love with Lorelei, Cedric and Roland's love triangle even though it's 100% fanon and they never appear together in the show at all
I don't shipp any of the children in stf, even though I get why some shipps are famous like Sofia x Hugo or Amber x Desmond, I just can't get used to the idea somehow, I can't see the chemistry, better saying. But it's nice!!! I also see it as a fun dynamic
I can't hate Wormwood, even after betraying Cedric he can't make me mad
The same applies to Cordelia. I think her character is a bit shallow :( we should have seen more of her and her personality through other episodes. I think that us as a fandom need to reunite to give her the development she deserved.
Now please don't kill me but I don't think Ruby and Jade are annoying, they're just immature. I think this can compare to Amber being mean in the start of the show, they're bad in their own ways. The way she treated them poorly since the beginning is just as bad as Ruby and Jade misbehaving!!
I don't like 70% of the two last seasons. Even the episodes where Cedric is in are just weird to watch, they don't pass the Sofia The First vibes at all :( they're nice but they can't even compare to Once Upon A Princess and season 1.
I personally don't like the protectors characters. I tried to, and I honestly don't mind a lot about their presence in the fandom (it's not like those shipps and stuff you roll your eyes whenever you see them, like I do with c*dfia) but I just don't like their presence in the show. Those episodes where Sofia was a protector trainee don't get much of my attention and Chrysta gets on my nerves just as much as Ruby and Jade do to almost half of the fandom. Honestly to finish STF those episodes were a sacrifice to watch. I couldn't pay attention to them and I had to rewatch them more than once. Their character designs also don't look like Sofia The First characters. They're not meant to be in this show.
I hate that Sofia got torn between that new unicorn character and OUR BELOVED Minimus. GIRL, MINIMUS IS A KING. WDYM you can't choose between him and an unicorn you just met. Just by the fact that her long time friend was feeling bad vibes coming from someone she just met is just a good reason to stop and think a bit. And the worst part was that Skye was fully against Minimus and was battling with him to get Sofia's attention. Like don't piss me off you just met her and Minimus watched her grow up. That episode was torture. And in the end Sofia was all "I don't know which one to choose 🥺 I'll just choose both" EXCUSE ME?!?? YOU JUST GOT TORN BETWEEN THIS NEW CHARACTER AND F ING MINIMUS
The merch group also started to make Sofia + Skye merch with him as her new horse friend and stopped making Sofia + Minimus stuff. The whole lesson of the episode was about keeping them both as her friends and you guys just replaced him. That shit pisses me off
I understand that the last seasons are so different from the first ones because the writer, Craig Gerber, had to focus on Elena of Avalor. But honestly, if I could decide between having Elena of Avalor and letting STF last seasons poorly done, or not having EOA at all but having STF as it was always meant to be........ I would have choosen the second option 😶
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i-cant-sing · 1 year
Hey snow I don't know the difference between an ask or a request but yesterday I had my second seizure and was wondering how yanderes from any of your Aus would react to us having a seizure right in front of them like a grand mal seizure if that's ok (I've been stalking you for a while and remember that request for an epilepsy reader!!)
I REMEMBER MAKING THAT POST BUT FORGOT BECAUSE I COULDNT CHOOSE A CHARACTER😭😭 I still cant, but imma go with yandere Surgeon dad Dabi because u can't go wrong with Dabi (plus lawyer Hawks)
Anyways, imagine that after the whole Keigo and Dabi calling CPS on reader's parents and having them arrested, with Keigo pretending to help reader's mom by taking her case pro bono but is actually framing her to be an unstable and unfit mom so that Keigo and Dabi can officially adopt you. Meanwhile, reader is pulling her hair out because her innocent mom is in jail and she's living with practically two strangers whose kindness apparently knows no bounds but there's still a gut feeling that is telling her to leave these guys as soon as possible but with no money and no contacts, she can't bail her mom out unless it's Keigo and his firm who helps her out and sure hes telling her to not worry and focus on school or whatever, but reader can't not worry because everytime she asks about her mother, things only seem to be getting worse for her case so now she is skipping school and lying to Keigo and Dabi about her whereabouts so that she can spend time by herself to work on her mom's case... she just needs one- one evidence to prove her innocence.
Now I imagine that for a teen who's just about to enter into adulthood and can already feel all the weight of responsibilities, she's absolutely stressed af and idk how or what triggers it, maybe she hit her head/was beaten by someone, maybe she forgot to take her meds, maybe she took too much caffeine and has been missing out on sleep for too long, but the seizures occurred... that too at the worst possible time.
Keigo and Dabi had noticed that something was up with you, you looked far too miserable and always had dark circles under your eyes, and when Keigo decided to pick you up early from school one day for a quick lunch with him and Dabi, he was surprised that you had been skipping school for many days. Later that day, when you finally returned home, they decided to confront you.
"So, how was your day?" Keigo approached the gentle approach. You shrugged, just playing with the food on your plate. "Fine."
Keigo looked at Dabi, who was practically watching you like a hawk, gaze piercing as he analysed every movement, every breath you took. He was clearly pissed; Keigo recalled his reaction when he told Dabi about how you've been skipping school for some time. Dabi was ready to send Amber Alert on your ass (he and Keigo both have contacts at the police station) but Keigo was able to calm him down, knowing well that Dabi wasnt truly mad at you, he was just worried. Concerned that you may be hurt, and although both of them care about you, Dabi is a very overprotective type of dad. And since Dabi struggle to show vulnerability, he usually masks it with anger.
"Yeah? School giving you a tough time, hm?" Keigo asked softly, ready to see if you'd lie or come clean. You paused, finally looking up from your plate.
"No... school's fine." You placed your fork down, pushing your seat back. "Can I be excused? I have a test to prepare for-"
"No." Dabi said harshly, and Keigo moved his hand to hold Dabi's, but the latter pulled it away.
You looked at them confused, more so at Dabi's tone. "Um, what?"
"Honey-" Keigo tried one more attempt at gently approaching you, but Dabi had other plans.
"You're lying." He stated, throwing his utensils on the plate. "We know youre lying. Wanna come clean now?" He asked with his arms crossed across his chest.
Your eyes widened slightly, but you composed yourself. He couldn't- they couldn't possibly know?
You cleared your throat. "I don't know what you're talking about. Now, may I be excused? I need to study-" you started standing up, hoping to leave this interrogation as quickly as possible.
"Sit down!" Dabi yelled, and you immediately sat down. "You've been lying to us! How long did you think you'd get away with it? Did you really think we wouldn't know you've been skipping school?!"
"I- I don't know-" you tried to lie again but Dabi slammed his hands on the dinner table, making you and Keigo jump.
"I swear to god- if you say you don't know one more fucking time-" Keigo sprang up and held Dabi's arm, squeezing it to tell him to calm down.
Dabi pulled his arm away from Keigo, and wagged his finger at you. "One chance- you have one chance to explain. And you better not lie this time."
Realising you had no chance to avoid this, you confessed that you had been skipping school to work on your mom's case, looking for evidence, asking around your alcoholic dad's addicted friends to tell the jury that your father was abusive to your mom both physically and emotionally, basically you were looking for anything that would help prove your mother's innocence.
So... you went back to your old house, the one in the "bad neighbourhood" and even met your dad's even worse friends, endangering yourself.
"Why didn't you just come to us? We would have helped." Keigo asked, brows raising in concern.
You nodded. "I know but I didn't want to- you're doing what you can for my mom, and I just needed to do something. I cant just sit here while she rots in her cell because of my mistake!" You looked at Dabi. "And I found something that could help her! Look, if you just- if you just come to the court and tell them that my injuries were because of some medical condition or some accident, they could potentially throw out the whole case!"
Dabi narrowed his eyes at you. "And your mom would be free."
"And your father would be free too."
You nodded. "I mean, yeah. If there isn't a case, there's. no reason for him to stay in jail."
"Have you completely lost it?! Do you hear yourself?!!" Dabi yelled, pushing away Keigo who was pulling him away from you. "No! She needs to hear this!" He looked back at you. "I dont know whether you've hit your head or if you inhaled something when you met your father's druggie friends, but suggesting to free that piece of shit, TUB OF LARD, WASTE OF SPACE, HUMAN EXCREMENT just so that you can bail schizophrenic mommy out is fucking INSANE!"
Your mouth dropped open as tears welled up in your eyes, your breathing getting shallower as Dabi's words echoed in your head.
"Dabi, stop-" Keigo started, getting in the middle of you two, but it didn't stop Dabi from yelling awful things.
"All she's done by lying to us is endanger herself! Look at her, she's not sleeping, she not eating! And all we wanted was to take care of her! But all she wants is her mentally sick mother, who news flash-! Is still not a good fucking human being! She may have been abused by her husband to become how she is, but she had plenty of time before to leave him and run away with Y/n!" And this time, Dabi looked over from Keigo's shoulder and directly at you. "And I'm not making this up, this is what the psychiatrist said in the court after she had examined your mother! She's just as much to blame as your father, Y/n! They're both shitty-!" He stopped when you broke into a sob, making Keigo turn around as well.
"Y/n, honey-" the blonde came closer, only for you to fall down to your knees as you clutched your head with your hands, eyes squeezing shut. Your breathing became shallower and your body began to slowly shake.
And Dabi instantly knew something was wrong. This was not- this is not some normal reaction to an awful reality check.
"Y/n?" Keigo called softly, pulling your hands away from your head, as you finally snapped open your eyes and they held all the dread in the world.
Dabi realised it before it actually happened.
"She's seizing!"
Your eyes rolled back and your body began convulsing violently, your body falling back, but Dabi rushed forward to catch you before you could hit your head.
"Keigo, grab a pillow!" He ordered as he glanced at the clock and began timing your seizure. Keigo grabbed a pillow and as Dabi lifted your head, he slid it underneath to cushion your head.
Dabi then turned your body to the side, looking over your body going through alternating tonic clonic stages. Your limbs would violently jerk first, your eyes blinking rapidly before falling into the next stage where your entire body would stiffen and your back arches at an unusual angle, your body losing control of your muscles and bowel incontinence follows.
Keigo could only watch in horror as your body went through painful movements and you urinated yourself unconsciously.
"Dabi-" the dread in his voice wasn't missed by Dabi, but the doctor only told him to calm down and wait as he kept looking between you and the clock.
4 minutes. For 4 minutes, you convulsed.
Dabi had already narrowed down the causes for your seizure, as you never had a history of epilepsy, and now you had one episode probably because of all the stress you've been under, coupled with lack of sleep and food and excessive intake of caffeine, making him feel awful for yelling at you instead of-
"Dabi." Keigo called, nodding his head at you.
You slowly opened your eyes, your vision still blurry but you could make out Dabi and Keigo's faces.
From all prolonged contractions, your muscles were now fatigued and you felt extremely tired and confused.
"W-what happened?" You asked, not realising that you were on the floor or that you had wet yourself.
Dabi swallowed thickly, pushing all his concern down. "You- you had a seizure."
"I did?"
"Yes. But you don't need to worry, I'll take care of it. You must be feeling tired, hm?"
You closed your eyes and hummed. You did feel tired.
"Its okay, you go to sleep, then. I'll be here when you wake up, okay?" You only hummed as Dabi leaned down to kiss your sweaty forehead, while Keigo took off his jacket and wrapped it covered you with it.
As you fell into a deep slumber, Dabi collected you in his arms and nodded at Keigo to take the car out. They were gonna take you to the hospital, just to confirm his diagnosis and make sure that you don't actually have epilepsy. And if you do, then get you all the proper medication and treatment for it.
Your cheek rested against Dabi's chest, his heart melting as you nuzzled closer. Keigo broke several traffic laws as he sped through the streets, but he only had to take one look at you to remember how utterly helpless he felt while you seized. To do nothing but wait... until that 5 minute mark hit and realise the danger you were in.
One thing is for sure-
Dabi and Keigo are never letting you out of their sights ever again. Ever.
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winchester-girl67 · 1 year
Raven Eyes
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Summary: Half-Demon and half-angel, the reader struggles to control her outbursts of anger. Until she meets someone who makes her blood boil in a whole other way. She searches for her half-sister, Claire, with the help of the Winchester brothers and finds that, maybe, being human isn't all bad.
Requested by @jesllianaquilesrolonsworld : “Hey can i request a Dean or Sam Winchester x reader where the reader is a Nephalem (half angel half demon) and super powerful because Nephalem are the most powerful hybrid and Dean or Sam fall in loved with her because she is so sweet, shy, etc and in the end they end together? With smut is you want to added"
Pairing: Dean x Nephalem!reader 
Word Count: 11,913
Rating: mature 18+ MDNI
Warnings: not canon, language, mature themes, reverse age gap (kind of), violence/blood (gun, biting, restraints - Claire is tied to a chair), smut (p in v, unprotected sex), brief mention of body insecurity, injury, nightmares, maybe some anger control issues, angst, a little pining, kissing/cuddling, reader has one defining characteristic (raven eyes), star wars trilogy spoilers? (brief mention), mention of Sam and Dean slash fiction
A/N: This really got away from me, especially the word count, lol. The reader has both sweet/shy moments and bold/sassy ones; but I thought it was a good mix of energy for an angel/demon hybrid. Enjoy!
You kicked the empty can under your foot down the dark alleyway. It landed in a puddle with a splash and you growled and kicked the glass bottle next. It shattered against the brick wall at the dead end, scattering into a myriad of pieces that rippled the top of the same puddle. 
Finally, that felt great. 
You just needed to break something. So, you did it again, lining up the next beer bottle. This one, full and unopened. You'd brought it outside with you from the bar you were currently venting behind. 
Alcohol did little to nothing for you, you were pretty sure the only buzz you ever got off it could be chalked up to a placebo effect. 
The bottle hit the wall, popped, and fizzed as it streamed down the bricks. The amber liquid staining a trail to the pavement below. It was somewhat satisfying, but... you wanted to break more shit. 
So much more. 
It was the demon’s blood in you, the urge to create chaos and torment just for fun. Although, ninety percent of the time it lost out to the half of you that was part angel. 
You didn't want to be evil and you didn't want to be good. You were all shades of grey and that was fine because you knew exactly who you were. Sort of. 
You were a Nephalem; half-demon, half-angel. 
Yeah, your parents were a piece of work. Try growing up in that household. Literal definition of having an angel on one shoulder and a devil -or in this case, a demon- on the other. 
But opposites attract, right. 
You never really fit in. As a child or now as an adult. Not with your father's angelic colleagues or your mother's demonic friends. You were one of a kind. 
'Unique. Unlike any other.' Your father would tell you.
'Powerful. A force to be reckoned with.' Your mother would say.
You loved them, your parents. Even if they drove you nutty and pulled at your limbs like some savage game of tug-o-war. Castiel and Meg had good intentions but you needed to stand on your own two feet for the first time.
So, here you were hanging out in the back alley of some highway dive off to the side of some two-star motel. Popping the cork on your own internal bottle of frustrations. The blood in your veins could only be shaken so much before you lost control and that was the point of breaking shit.
To calm your nerves and it usually worked, but not tonight. Tonight was different.
Your -sort of- half-sister, Claire, called you up for some help on a case she was working on. Fucking werewolves. She needed back up but when you arrived you couldn't find her. Anywhere!
When you asked the greasy bartender if he'd seen her and showed him her picture on your phone, all he said was 'I wish I had, damn'. Then he proceeded to shake out his hand as if he'd touched something hot and made a crude face with a little wink added in your direction... you almost ripped his face off right there, but there were too many witnesses.
A waitress flirting with some guy with more hair than a barbie doll and some guys playing pool; one of them obviously hustling the others. He was kinda cute actually -had a nice smile, short dirty-blonde hair and a scruff on his jaw that was way too trimmed to be natural- but you weren't here for that.
You had to find Claire.
You fisted your hands until your fingernails dug into your palms and bleed. Then hissed and watched the skin stitch itself back together under the orange flood lights of the alleyway.
That helped a little. The pain. You did it again, satisfying the demon within and hissing out a breath at the sharp sting each nail made as they buried into your flesh. Then. You breathed in and out like your father taught you. Slow and steady.
Inhale: one, two, three... Exhale: one, two, three...
Then repeat as many times as it takes to appease the angelic grace entwined within your soul.
When your blood was at war it felt like the epic internal battle of a Jedi struggling with the force -you had forced your father, Cas, to watch the recent Star Wars trilogy with you a couple of days before you left to meet Claire and really connected to the Kylo Ren/Ben Solo character and his dilemma of whether to embrace the pull to the light or give into the dark side- but a nephalem didn't have that choice. The only solution was to embrace it all, whatever murky shade of grey that turned out to be. But there were times you still struggled with it, times you wished you had more control over your heart and mind.
Times like now with that fucking bartender. Who even has frosted tips anymore, seriously?! What a douche.
He knew something and he wasn't telling you, you could hear his heart beat just a fraction quicker when he lied.
You let out a frustrated howl and kicked at the puddle, splashing and jumping until your boots and pant legs were soaked. You growled and fisted your hair in your hands and pulled. Frustrated to no end.
"Now that's a losing battle, if I ever did see one." Said a husky voice and you spun around to nothing but shadows behind you at the mouth of the alley.
What? "Who said that?"
"Don't get me wrong, that was entertaining as hell but that puddle's always going to be a puddle." A man stepped out of the shadows with a twisted smirk. "Unless you have the right tools... Maybe a mop and bucket." Oh, he thinks he's funny. You didn't laugh, you glared and he stepped directly under the flood light near the rear door. He pumped his eyebrows once and rubbed the trimmed scruff on his chin. "Geez, tough crowd. Why you so pissy, squirt?"
"Fuck off." Your guard was up.
"Big language for such a little girl. You're trouble, aren't you?" He said with a deep laugh. He fucking laughed. And took a step closer when you didn't respond. "You kiss your momma with that mouth?"
"My mother would rip you to shreds just for sneaking up on me."
Seriously, how'd he do that? You were usually hyper aware of your surroundings... but you were also in your head, duelling it out.
He looked you up and down, his eyes lingering on your wet jeans sticking to your calves. His tongue teased his bottom lip and he met your stare again. You scowled knowing exactly what he was thinking and crossed your arms in front of your chest to obstruct his view.
"You got some fire in you, squirt."
Screw you, pretty boy.
"Call me, squirt, one more time. I. Dare. You." You said through clenched teeth and stepped out of the puddle, bringing you chest to chest with this man.
Okay, maybe chest to chin -you still had to look up at him- but you weren't as small as he made you sound, at least you didn't think so. But one thing was for sure, you were a lot older than you looked, probably older than him... but you were kind of immortal too, so there was that.
You looked near the same age though, for what it's worth, and you felt young. Out from under your parents' -hypothetical for the most part- wing for the first time. No more babysitter.
He looked amused, "Okay, little trouble. Wanna tell me what's got your feathers in a fluff?"
"The hell do you care?"
His expression turned emotionless like a poker face, "Maybe I don't." Then he smiled, "Or maybe, I do."
You knew where you'd seen him before now, playing pool inside, "How'd you do with your little side hustle?"
"Oh, I cleaned up," he smirked, he saw you watching him inside. "I'm Dean, by the way... Winchester. And you are?" He asked, keeping his arms crossed against his chest and mirroring you.
"Leaving," you said quietly and unintentionally shoving your shoulder into his as you walked for the exit of the alley.
Fucking Dean Winchester. You knew exactly who he was, you just didn't know what he looked like, until now. Your father warned you to stay away. Said he was the type to shoot first and ask questions later and if he found out you were a nephalem, that's exactly what he'd do.
"Hold up a second, squirt." He called as he jogged after you and grabbed your arm.
Dean yanked you back and you spun around, twisting out of his hold. You smacked him in the chest and he shoved back into the brick wall. Hard. You always forget how fragile humans were, you didn't spend much time with them after all.
He huffed like the wind had been knocked out of his lungs. His eyes wide and watching you. Yeah, you were strong as hell and that was only ten percent. You felt a little bad for the poor guy but he did ask for it. You clearly wanted to be left alone.
"I told you not to call me that!" You growled, pointing your finger in his face. "I don't have time for this."
"Why? Got some mailboxes to knock over?" He teased and rubbed his chest when you backed off. "Oh, please tell me you're gonna spray paint obscene doodles on the billboard across the street... I'll help. Need a lookout?"
If he was flirting, it wasn't landing and if he was teasing, it was pissing you off. You weren't some teenager tagging billboards, even if that jackass CEO, Dick Roman, deserved it. You didn't know why, you just didn't like him or his cheesy smile, but he'd get his, they usually do. 
"What do you want?" You huffed at him, glancing down at his hands just in case. 
You heard the stories of the Winchester brothers. They weren't opposed to sucker punches, especially with an angel blade. Even if an angel blade could hardly hurt you, your mother trained you to always be prepared, vigilant.
"You were asking around about a blonde girl, Claire Novak, I'm a friend of hers. Actually, more like a big brother and I haven't been able to reach her." He confessed and took a step forward, then another and another until you were the one backed up against the opposite wall of the alleyway. "What do you want with her?"
For a human, you had to admit, he was fucking intimidating. His eyes hooded, nostrils flared and you felt his hand fist the collar of your t-shirt. You could easily push him off if you wanted but the brush of his knuckles over your collarbone made your knees knock together and you practically swallowed your tongue.
The feuding blood in your veins quieted as your heart beat a little faster and sweat broke out across your skin. Your lips fell open and you just stared up at him. At a loss for words.
Was this what it was like to feel... human? Desire? Vulnerability?
But you weren't vulnerable, not physically, your power outmatched that of a nephilim. Nephilim had the inconvenience of having to be half-human where that half of you was all demon. Pure darkness and indignation.
Being a nephalem wasn't easy. Especially being the only one ever known to exist. You had to carve your own path.
You had a conscience about the bad things you did and a will to do good, but nothing was ever that simple. You'd do a good deed to appease the angel grace pumping in your veins but it would always turn out sideways. And when you did something bad -perhaps out of selfishness and greed- you'd feel bad.
Demons had it easy. Do what you want, when you want. Angels had it even better though, their good always turned out good. Despite the fact that not all angels were all that good and not all demons were all bad.
If they couldn't figure it out with one blood line, how would you?
You felt like you were constantly at battle with yourself. But, at least, you weren't human.
Compared to the man in front of you, he was like a fly. A gnat. And you'd toy with him for a bit if he could keep making you feel this way.
The crimson waters in your veins were quiet -for the first time in sooo long- and all you had to do was look into his eyes. They were hooded in the darkness of the night but you felt it, his soul staring back at you. You often wondered if you had a soul.
Probably, everything else seemed to have one.
Perhaps, not everything about being human was terrible. It beat the hell out of the internal anguish, always fighting with yourself, always angry. And suddenly you never wanted Dean to leave. Even if your father did warn you about him.
Maybe humans were powerful after all. Maybe, it was just this one human.
You grabbed his wrist above his watch -his fist still clutching your collar- and exhaled over his lips, only an inch away from yours. His breathing turned sharp too and you smelt whiskey on his breath. Peach whiskey. You gave him a cheeky smile.
That was a chick's drink.
"Why are you looking for Claire?" He repeated, his eyes somehow darker in the shadow of the night.
"She's my friend," you lied, continuing to pretend he had you right where he wanted you.
It was really the other way around.
"You're friends?"
You nodded, "Yeah, some people have those."
You kind of wished Castiel had told Dean about you. It wouldn't come as such a surprise then. Maybe you could hide it, though, and tag along to find your sister. It could be fun to watch the brothers in action. Plus, everything was so quiet around him. Even in his intensity and you didn't want it to stop.
"Claire doesn't have friends." He stated.
"She has at least one."
He didn't need to know that you were kind of related to Claire, just that you didn't mean her any harm. Most of the time. Sometimes she pissed you off and sometimes you pissed her off.
"Wait, friend as in 'friend'?" He said as if he used air quotes but he didn't let go of your shirt collar to actually make them.
What the hell else did 'friend' mean? -Ohhhh... good for Claire. But gross, she was your sister. You had flashbacks to reading fanfics of Sam-slash-Dean online. Your father told you to stay away, but you were curious and although it may not have proven for the most serious intel on the boys, the stories were captivating. 
You scrunched up your face and stared at him. You couldn't tell him you were sisters. So, you just shook your head.
Dean laughed, "Huh, didn't know that kid could stop pissing people off for a second long enough to make a friend."
You nodded but frowned when he released your shirt collar and took away his hand. If you had wanted him to back off, you would've made him. You kept a hold of his wrist.
"Let go, little devil."
If only he knew how ironic that nickname was. You were the daughter of a demon not Lucifer but, same diff; it was close enough.
You let him go. You didn't want to, but you did.
"Do you know where she is?" You asked, both wanting to keep the conversation going and needing the answer.
"Nope. Was hoping you did."
"The bartender knows something." You mumbled.
You breathed a heavy breath, letting the anger from before defuse a little as it tried to resurface. No losing control this time. Your parents weren't here to help you this time. No cleaning up any messes. You were on your own. Like you wanted.
"Let's go talk to him, then." Dean grinned and patted your shoulder.
His hand slid down to the small of your back as he led you back around to the entrance of the bar. Every ounce of anger flushed away with his touch and you no longer felt that inch of demon blood in your veins.
Dean wiped the blood from his knuckles with a rag from the trunk of a shiny black muscle car parked in the lot. You stood next to him and watched stoically as he did so. He glanced up at you and mistook your awe for fear.
"I'm sorry. I should've warned you when someone messes with my family, I get-" He started in a soft voice but cut himself off before he could finish. "Just sometimes, things get... messy."
Messy?! He beat the ever-loving hell out of that bartender when the guy hit on you again and evaded all your questions... Until he didn't.
Dean was just as fucked up as you were. He was angry and at war with himself, constantly, you could see it. You saw that look in the mirror all the time. He took the bloodiest route to being good. He was all shades of grey, just like you. And you had to admire how much he cared about the people he thought of as family.
"Don't ever let a man disrespect you like that." He locked eyes with you.
Something different in his gaze this time. Warmer and intense. Too intense, you had to look away.
You never did let guys get away with it, but you couldn't exactly go all super-girl on the bartender's ass either with Dean watching, now could you? Super-girl was a hero, though... You weren't the villain but you weren't the heroine either. Maybe an anti-hero, actually? Like Ben Solo? You could live with that.
"So, what now?" You asked, sitting on the edge of the open trunk next to him. "We go to this Haden-guy's cabin in the woods? Sounds like a trap."
The bartender said Claire had her eye on some regular guy all night but never talked to him. Though, she did leave right after he did. That was the only lead we had since this shit-hole had no working security cameras.
"Exactly, that's why we're gonna get Sammy first." He said, tossing the bloody rag into the trunk and securing the hidden hatch shut after pulling out a case of silver bullets.
Sammy, his little brother, you knew as much about the boys as every other demon or angel. You just didn't know how being around Dean would affect you.
"Where's Sam?"
Dean gave you a half smirk and a little shrug of his shoulders, then he winked at you. And what the hell did that mean?
Oh wait, you suddenly remembered seeing a walking L'oreal-ad-of-a-man, matching Sam's description, flirting with the waitress before stomping out to the back alley to have your little temper tantrum like a child. You blew off steam though without hurting anyone so you weren't embarrassed. That was a win in your book.
"I'll go get him, you wait here." Dean said, cocking his freshly loaded gun with silver bullets and tucking it into the back of his jeans. "Don't disappear on me, little devil."
You smiled, actually starting to like that nickname as you watched him walk towards the motel across the parking lot. He knocked on room number sixteen and waited a long moment before he pounded harder on it.
You stretched out your legs and pushed up from the edge of the trunk but something kept your ass in place. Like you were frozen, sort of, you could only move further into the trunk.
Something was wrong.
You glanced back quickly before Dean could notice you struggling to stand up like an ordinary human. You twisted in your seat but there was nothing unusual in the trunk, then you looked up at the lid.
Fucking hell.
There was a demon trap on the upside of the trunk lid. You glanced back at Dean who was now striding back towards you on bowed legs.
Shit. You twisted your arm above you and scratched at the edge of the trap. Glad that the front of the car was facing Dean instead of the back. 
"He'll be out in a minute," Dean said, rounding the back of the Impala just as you snapped up from your seat and slammed the lid shut. He narrowed his eyes on you, "Everything all right?"
"Yeah, peachy." You dusted off the back of your black skinny jeans ungracefully.
"O-kay," he stared at you for a moment as you shifted from heel to heel, "Get in the car."
You walked around to his side of the car, knowing Sam probably had dibs on the passenger seat and opened the rear door. You hesitated and looked inside, checking for more demon traps.
"Something wrong?" Dean asked and you noted Sam exiting the motel room, he walked towards you as he buttoned up his blue flannel and straightened his jeans. "Don't tell me you're scared?"
"Hardly," you said unconvincingly and crawled into the backseat when you didn't see any reason not to.
"Don't worry, sweetheart, Baby here is stocked up like a tank, we can take whatever's waiting for us. Trust me."
He was cocky, wasn't he, but it made you laugh. He had even more artillery than he thought, with you around.
Dean shut the door behind you and dumped himself into the driver's seat, Sam joining only moments later.
"Uh, hi?" Sam said to you, half turned in his seat.
"Hi," you waved shyly.
He was a lot bigger in person. The top of his head nearly hit the roof and his hair was gorgeous and thick. You played with the ends of your hair, wishing you had less split ends. Maybe you should cut it. Also, what kind of all powerful nephalem still gets split ends?! Talk about unfair.
"She's a friend of Claire's." Dean said, revving up the engine and peeling off down the road.
You didn't know how he knew where he was going. You didn't look at any maps with him. Maybe they'd been here longer than you and already surveyed the area? Claire probably called them too, you didn't have a cell phone and relied on her praying to you when she needed you. She didn't always trust you'd show up and she wouldn't have told them about you.
"Does 'the friend of Claire's' have a name?"
Sam asked his brother and side eyed you.
"Yeah, of course she does."
"And?" Sam inquired.
Dean hesitated and chewed his lip as he glanced at you in the rearview mirror. He never asked. "What's your name, little devil?"
Sam screwed up his face and mouthed 'little devil' dubiously to himself. You guessed it wasn't a typical nickname he gave women.
You didn't give a last name. You supposed you didn't really have one. Castiel and Meg could never settle on one long enough.
"Y/N," Dean repeated in his deep voice. It felt like wings in your stomach to hear him say your name. "You don't look like a Y/N."
"Well, it's the only name I got." You snapped, a little hurt. You liked your name, it was the only thing your parents ever truly agreed on.
Dean chuckled and glanced back in the mirror again. "You’re cute when you're frustrated, Y/N."
The dork was teasing you. He either thought he was funny or flirting, you couldn't tell which. Maybe both, you didn't like it. It was new territory for you. You didn't often bother with humans, but Dean was different. He was a lot like you in many ways and he was -mostly- adorable. When he wasn't intentionally trying to be annoying. 
You blushed -first time that ever happened- and kept quiet for the rest of the drive. Dean explained to Sam what you were about to walk in on and they already seemed to know it was werewolves so you didn't bother to pipe up.
The woods were dark and the sound of wind eerily howled through the treetops. You'd have shivered if you were scared at all but you couldn't be harmed, not really. Someone would really have to get the drop on you for that to happen. And what else was there to be scared of?
You only worried about Dean. It was nice having him around. You realized now why your father liked him so much. You didn't know Sam all that well, though and he kept giving you ‘off’ glances as if he was trying to figure you out. As if he knew you were hiding something.
Barbie doll was too smart for his own good.
"Here, take this?" Dean said, shoving a silver gun in your hands after he'd parked down the road from Haden's cabin.
"Uh-" you held it between your forefinger and thumb, as if you really didn't want to hold it. You never used a gun before. You never had to and you rather not. "I'm good, thanks."
You tried to hand it back to him before it went off. As if it was that touchy. He just stared at you confused.
"You need something to defend yourself. You have done this before, right? Hunting? You're a hunter?"
"Yeah, totally!" You over sold it.
Sure, you hunted before, but you used your powers and let’s face it, nothing was ever a challenge. Even a pack of werewolves couldn't take you. You could fight and hold your own but you never needed a gun.
But how could you tell Dean that?
You stared at the gun, still holding it in the air between you and he sighed, "Here, hold it like this."
Dean stalked behind you and wrapped his arms around your shoulders. You felt his chest on your back and you leaned back into him. Looking over your shoulder at his face next to yours. He let out a single puff of air, amused, and turned your head forward again with his hand on your chin.
His scruff brushed your cheek as he lined up the gun in both of your hands in front of you. You smelt sweet peaches on his breath again and melted in his arms as much as you could without him really noticing.
"Finger off the trigger. This hand-" he grabbed your non-dominant hand and wrapped it around the other already gripping the gun, "-goes here. Keep your thumb there." He pointed to the switch next to your thumb, "Safety's on," he switched it off, revealing a red dot in its place, "Off. Line up this point with this one." He pointed out the sights of the gun. "Never point it at anyone you don't plan on shooting. Got it?" 
"Got it," you breathed. 
Dean switched the safety back on and let you get used to the feel of it in your hands. You could use this hunk of metal one time, you guessed. 
If a human could then why not? You were superior in every way. Super-powered anti-hero in human disguise to the rescue! 
It was quiet outside in the woods as you inched towards the cabin. And before you knew it, you were inside searching for signs of Claire when you heard the boys bashing around in the other room. Grunting and smashing into things. Glass breaking and shots firing.
You had split up and with no sign of Claire you made your way back to them to help out. Finding Dean pinned by three werewolves while Sam fought off one with another on his back trying desperately to bite his neck.
The pack was bigger than the boys anticipated. And brawling. 
You didn't expect aiming the gun to be so difficult and after missing the first couple shots -hitting the drywall in front of Sam and scaring the shit out of him, which he showed with a glare in your direction and a shout of 'Stop helping!'- you aimed again. At the werewolf on Sam's back and shut your eyes.
You squeezed the trigger fast three times then listened as a body fell to the floor.
You grit your teeth together, hoping and praying and peeled open your eyes.
Sam was still standing. Thank granddad. Dean would've hated you for friendly fire. You aimed at the werewolves standing over Dean next and emptied the rest of the clip into them. 
They fell to the floor and Dean fought off the last one as Sam finished off the other. 
Then things were silent again. 
"Holy shit! Good shootin', little devil." Dean laughed and fell against the wall to catch his breath. 
Sam just clenched his jaw and glared at you. 
What was his problem? Did he know you closed your eyes? You aimed better that way anyways. 
"Where's Claire?" Sam grunted and rubbed his neck where the werewolf had tried to bite him. But his hand was covered in blood, "Dammit."
"What?" Dean asked, standing tall and glancing at Sam's hand. "You're bit?... Sammy?!" 
Dean's hands were in his hair and he spun around on his heel in disbelief. Then stalked over to his brother and pulled aside Sam's shirt collar.
"No. Fuck, no!" Dean shouted and punched the wall next to them. 
Then he threw the only lamp left standing across the room. It shattered in his fit of rage and he pulled down the bookcase for good measure. 
You set down your gun and padded over to Sam. Sam, eyeing you the whole time with zero trust in his stare. You popped up on your tiptoes and pulled him down by his shoulders to whisper in his ear. 
"Close your eyes." 
Sam furrowed his brow while Dean was busy hyperventilating in the corner. Rubbing his hands all over his face and scrolling through contacts on his phone, probably trying to find some non-existent cure.
But Sam was bit and Sam would turn if you didn't do anything.
"Trust me for one minute. What do you have to lose?" You whispered again and Sam let his eyes fall shut.
You placed your palm over the bite and channelled your energy into healing him. A blue light pulsed from your hand and Sam hissed. It probably stung like a bitch. But it beat turning into a werewolf and having to munch on cow hearts just to survive.
You wiped away the blood from his neck with your sleeve, inspecting your work. The skin was perfectly smooth like the wolf's fangs never punctured through.
You smiled, finally something went the way you planned. Doing good felt good, when it went right.
"How do you feel?" You asked just to make sure.
"Better, I guess." Sam's eyes fluttered open and met yours. His gaze of hazel softer than before, though still hesitant. "Thank you, I think."
"No biggie. Just a little spell I picked up over the years." You shrugged. You didn't think the boys noticed the lie.
Them thinking you dabbled in witchcraft was probably safer than them knowing the truth. At least for now.
Dean stood up, hanging up his phone mid-ring and walking over to Sam to check out his no longer existent wound. He glanced at you and you noticed his itchy trigger finger at his side.
"You're a witch?" Dean accused as if you kicked his puppy.
"Bullshit! That wasn't elementary magic, Y/N!" He shouted but still didn't raise his gun.
"Dean, calm down, man. She saved my life." Sam said, stepping partially in front of you. "Just this once, don't freak out how you always do."
Huh, save his life once and the big guy's already on your side. A turn of events you didn't see coming. Maybe there was more to him than just barbie doll hair and fault-finding glares. He knew you were hiding the truth but he didn't seem to care anymore.
"Shut it, Sam." Dean gave his brother a sideways look. "You know how I feel about witches. Blood sacrifices, hex bags and bones everywhere. There's always a price with them."
He gestured towards you and you scowled back at him. Not only a little hurt because you just said you weren't a witch but also because... didn't he feel what was between you, too? Or was it all one sided?
Maybe you should've let Sam die. He'd still think you were human then. You could've hidden that part of you forever. Or, at least, until he started to notice you weren't aging.
But, no, Sam was cool. You were glad you saved him. Maybe you could erase Dean's memory of the past five minutes. You never tried that before but it should be possible, right?
"'M not a witch," you mumbled and watched your boots. "I'm not bad, I want to be good."
That was true. It was the most honest you'd been with a human or anyone ever and you really wanted Dean to like you. Maybe this was the way to go. With honesty.
"I could've hurt you. I could've killed you both." You glanced up and met Sam's hazel eyes then Dean's green ones. "And I wouldn't need the gun to do it."
It was a bit of a threat, but an honest one. And they both seemed to get the weight of your words when neither one of them looked away. They looked anxious like they didn't want to be caught off guard by your next move.
"I'm on your side as long as you're on mine-" you cut yourself off thinking you heard something.
There it was again. Like a banging in the distance. Did they hear it too? You furrowed your brow when you noticed Dean was speaking.
"What do you-"
"Shh," you cut him off and titled your head towards the noise to hear better.
Dean took a couple steps towards you. A glint in his eye.
"Did you just shush me, little dev-"
"Shhhhhh!" You shushed, pressing your palm over his mouth and listening intently.
Dean raised his eyebrows and you felt a smirk tug at his lips, which he clearly failed to hide and Sam huffed out a laugh at the scene.
"Do you guys hear that?" You asked but didn't remove your hand from Dean's mouth so he just shook his head.
"What is it?" Sam inquired.
Dean rolled his eyes and muttered something muffled. You flattened your hand over his mouth more and he groaned but didn't move away. He looked silently amused. Maybe, even... turned on?
"Claire," you said and the boys' eyes widened.
You walked away from them, towards the back of the house and then outside. Sam followed first, nearly tripping over your heels as you led him towards a shed at the edge of the property. Where the banging got louder to the point where you knew they could hear it too.
Dean came up from behind, all man-on-a-mission like, and pushed you both aside. He tried the door knob and when it didn't budge he proceeded to throw his body against the door. But it was sturdy as hell and he was only human.
You put your hand on his shoulder to stop him. Dean puffed hard and gave you a questioning look.
You punched out the deadbolt and twisted the knob until it gave way and the door slowly pushed open.
You smiled up at him and held out your hand as if to say, after him.
Let him go first. Let him feel useful.
He puffed out his chest and squared his shoulders. Silly, little human... but cute, silly, little human.
Dean took the opportunity and entered first, gun drawn. Sam next. Then you padded in afterwards, seeing Claire tied to a chair that was bolted to the ground.
Her wrists were bloody and raw and her nose looked busted. You scrunched up your face, hating seeing her hurt like that and waited for Dean to first untie her before you made your way over to her. 
Claire ripped the duct tape from her mouth, "About time you showed up," she snapped at you. 
"You were supposed to wait for me." You growled back, already feeling that anger bubble up within again. "Ungrateful, little-"
"Thank you." 
She must've seen the surprise on your face and started laughing. 
"It's way too easy to bust your balls, Y/N, lighten up a little, would you?" She smiled and you saw the blood dripping from her nose and staining her teeth. "I'm starving. Got anything to eat?"
Sisters are a pain in the ass. You didn't care if you were supposed to love her. She was beyond difficult and she knew it. But, you did still love her.
You touched her forehead, fingertips humming and glowing blue for a moment as you healed her. You didn't care if the boys saw, they already knew something was up.
And after everything, you wouldn't be so easily dismissed if they decided you were a threat. Dean was yours -you decided- but you wouldn't force him even if you could make his life a living hell if he didn't want to be a part of yours. You needed him to keep those parts of you quiet and he was damaged, too. He could use you, too. You could help him; help each other. You could try. But would he let you? If not, maybe you could be satisfied with just checking up on him from time to time. 
You hesitated a glance up at Dean, expecting contempt in his eyes. You should probably leave, take the memory of the way he calmed you and use that as an anchor, don't sully it with the look he'd give you now. Or when he found out what you were -who you were. But you couldn't stop your eyes from finding his. And you couldn't decipher the look.
"I need a drink," Dean started, "and a burger." He looked at Claire, "I'm phoning Jody." Then back to you, "And we're gonna talk about this. All of it."
You nodded and waited for them to lead the way back to the Impala. You hung back with Claire.
"Do they know?" Claire whispered over to you.
You shook your head, feeling what could only be described as bubbles in your stomach. You decided it must be butterflies. You never had them before now.
What was Dean doing to you?
The more he looked at you the more you felt the way humans were supposed to feel. But you didn't think you were changing at all, not on a molecular level, anyways.
"Are you gonna tell them?" She asked.
You shrugged, you didn't want to talk about it, you didn't want to think about it. Claire didn't seem to understand and continued. As sisters do.
"Do you want me to talk to him? Maybe Castiel could-"
"No." You answered flatly.
Your mess, your problem. You didn't want your father cleaning things up for you again. Although, this time things were different, cleaner. You could keep it that way. You wouldn't hurt them and you wouldn't force them.
You wouldn't use your powers against them at all; you promised yourself.
"Cass?" Dean overheard and turned around to walk backwards. "You know Cass?"
Fucking Claire.
Don't lie. Don't lie. Don't lie... -Okay, little lie. Tiny little white lie. Teeny-weeny. 
"-Yes." Claire answered at the same time as you.
Fucking sisters, you scowled to yourself.
"A little," you corrected yourself.
That wasn't a lie, was it?
"Mmm," Dean sighed and pointed. "No more lying, little devil."
"Oh, for the love of-" Claire exhaled way harder than necessary. She had less patience than you. You would've thought she was half demon. "He's her father!"
"Claire!" You growled.
Don't kill her. Don't kill her. Do not kill her!
You glared.
Inhale. Exhale.
Dean stopped dead in his tracks, you didn't notice until you ran face first into his chest.
"Ouch," you grumbled and rubbed out the pain from your nose.
You were all powerful, sure, but you still felt pain. And your eyes watered.
"Your Cass' kid?" Dean grabbed your shoulders and really looked at you. "How?"
You didn't look much like your father. You had Y/H/C hair and raven eyes. If it weren't for the whites around your eyes you could pass as a demon even when you didn't lose control. That was the main reason everyone was always scared of you. You looked -you laughed at yourself- like a little devil.
You could act like an angel a hundred percent of the time and as soon as they found out you were part demon and nephalem, not nephilim, they'd only see that and scatter.
Bite the bullet. Come clean. But if Dean didn't like you as a witch then-
"Remember Cass had that demon girlfriend?" Claire continued, as always, not minding her own damn business.
"Meg?" Sam asked, he'd stopped too.
The fucking car was right there. Thirty feet away! So close, yet might as well be an ocean away.
"So, you're a nephalem?" Sam asked again.
Did this guy live in a monster library?! Seriously, didn't he know someone with such great hair shouldn't be a total nerd, too. Like give the less L'oreal-inclined a chance, for crying out loud.
You didn't know what to say. You couldn't deny it and you refused to defend yourself to measly humans who'd probably still judge you by your eyes despite anything you said.
So, you nodded. And you realized Dean was still clutching your shoulders, a little tighter now that you noticed.
"Cass and Meg?" Dean said aloud like he was trying to process the information but his brain wouldn't let him.
You didn't dare move a muscle, not because you were scared but because you were scared of scaring them off. So, you just kept your eyes on his green orbs. Willing him to feel anything other than contempt for the demon blood inside you. 
How did puppy dog eyes go again? Castiel taught you it in case you ever came across the Winchester brothers. He said it would come in handy as opposed to using your powers. Not everything had to be taken by force. Not everything had to be a feat of strength. 'Sometimes honey works better than vinegar', he told you.
You ran down the checklist in your mind: (1) tilt your head down, (2) soften eyebrows, (3) look through your lashes, and (4) open your eyes just a fraction more -but not too much or you look surprised, not adorable. We want adorable. Oh! And (5) -this one was optional- pout your lips. This step was always a fail for you, though... you disregarded it and followed through with the rest.
Sam was soulless once and Dean still loved him. You had a soul, you thought, would he see it in your raven eyes?
Claire broke the silence, slicing through the thick air with her loud voice, "She has a temper sometimes, but she's never hurt anyone that didn't deserve it. Can you guys say the same about yourselves?" What was she doing? You knew they couldn't, that's one reason your father wanted you to stay away. "Because I can't."
"So you're part angel, part...?" Dean asked, his hand sliding over your cheek to brush at the skin under your eye.
Puppy dog look was working! That never happened before! You were giddy inside but kept the look, letting him explore the depths of your eyes, letting him see everything.
"Part demon."
"No human?"
"Not enough to count."
There was a fraction of you that was human. The equivalent to a 0.0001 percent on an ancestry test.
When you were a child you wanted to be human, you refused to use your powers even and asked your parents if you could go to school with the other kids. But you grew faster than them so you weren't allowed.
That's partially why it's taken so long to learn your powers, why you stayed with your parents until now and you still struggled with keeping control; because you kept them caged up for so long, like a wild animal and now they raged against you with any strong emotion. Pain, pleasure, fear, anger, anything in excess was a trigger.
"So, 'little devil', huh? You must've had fun with that one." Dean chuckled and you placed your hand over his still cupping your cheek.
His skin was warm on yours but, funny thing was, you never felt cold until you felt him.
"You have no idea." You smiled sweetly.
Again, not the daughter of the devil but demon was close enough. Lucifer was kind of your grandfather by creation, or your uncle? Both? You didn’t know, those things were hard to keep track of and you weren’t on speaking terms anyways. 
"Do you eat?" Dean asked.
You shrugged, "Sometimes."
"But you don't have to, do you?"
"No." You admitted and looked away. "I do love anything with cheese, though. Cheese is the greatest thing your kind ever invented... food wise."
"Really? Not chocolate?" Claire gaped.
"Umm," you thought about it, "it's a close second."
Dean laughed with a warm smile, "Let's get you something cheesy, then."
You beamed.
You honestly didn't expect Dean to react this way. You thought it probably had a lot to do with Castiel being your father. They seemed close, in the past. Or you were getting played, big time.
Let him try something if that's what he was up to. He couldn't hurt you and chances were if he could, he wouldn't know how tonight. They'd have to research since even you didn't know your weaknesses, there wasn't much lore on the matter. 
You wanted to trust Dean and it was kind of fun to play human while you were around them so you tagged along to the restaurant. 
Claire frowned and pouted as she ate her pasta forcefully. You thought she bit her fork once but kept going. There was sauce all over her chin. 
Dean had called Jody on the ride to the diner and Jody chewed her out over not waiting for backup. She deserved it, but it was a little harsh.
Claire saved a couple of kids from that shed before she got nabbed. It wasn't just that she let her guard down. She did good.
You didn't tell her that, though. It would only enable her and if anything happened to her you knew your father would be upset. She was a small human, not incapable but there was an advantage to being either powerful, like you, or big and strong like Dean and Sam.
"Earth to Y/N." Dean waved a hand in front of your face.
You didn't realize you'd been staring at his forearms, the sleeves of his flannel rolled up just enough for you to see his muscles move as he ate his cheeseburger. Sam had a salad, what the hell? Didn't a moose need more fuel?
"How's your poutine?"
"Pure cheesy goodness." You sighed and picked out another fry, twirling the melted cheese onto the end of it and sticking it between your lips.
You hummed at the taste. When Dean asked if you'd ever tried poutine and you said 'No', he completely flipped out and demanded you order it. There were no regrets but your mind was wandering with him sitting right in front of you. There was nowhere else to look and he was a masterpiece. 
Sam had his perks, too, his shoulders were massive and you never noticed things like that on humans before but you think you liked that. Big shoulders. Dean had them, too. Must run in the family. 
You sucked the gravy from your fingers and let out a slow breath with a little sigh. It sounded like a light moan.
"Y/N," Claire hissed and elbowed you and you saw her blush. "Can't you be normal? One time?"
You pouted -not really sure what the big deal was, it wasn't that loud- and picked up another fry. It's been a while since you ate anything, since you didn't really need to eat anything and it tasted really good.
You held up the fry, sticking out your tongue and sucking the melted cheese thread from the end of it into your mouth. You circled the tip of your tongue, collecting the thread until the fry met your lips and Claire jabbed you in the side again. 
You glared at her, muttered a 'What?!' and rolled your eyes. 
"Enjoying yourself?" Dean asked, his gaze heavy and his food left abandoned on his plate as he watched you.
"Mhm. Want some?" You offered innocently and sucked the gravy from your thumb.
"No. I'm having fun watching you, little devil. Keep going." He said and wet his bottom lip.
What did he just say?! You blushed. Hard.
You absolutely loved the butterflies he made come to life in your chest and stomach. Yeah, you were keeping him.
"Here. Just use this," Claire shoved the unused fork next to your plate at you. "And stop moaning, for fuck's sake."
"Sorry," you grabbed the fork and stuck it into a couple of fries. "Happy now?" You asked sarcastically, demonstrating the use of a fork by shovelling it into your mouth like Claire had done with her pasta.
You pouted to yourself, it tasted better with your fingers. That was weird, though, right? Next time you'd get it to go and eat alone in your motel room the way you wanted. 
You'd given up on being normal a long time ago. Weird was your forte. You were Castiel's daughter, after all, and Castiel was the king of weird. He made it cool. 
Your father brought you up to love yourself and Claire was just being Claire. Sometimes you got along and other times, you didn't. You thought having the boys here kind of put her on edge, too. Like she wanted them to approve of her and by extension, you. 
You had an inkling Dean approved of your eating methods, though. Maybe not Sam, even if he was all shades of red right now, and avoiding all eye contact, and he kept shifting in his seat like he was uncomfortable. It was funny. 
Dean refused to stay at the motel near the dive you met him at -the closest motel in town- and instead drove for two hours to the next one. Which didn't look a whole lot better. It could only have, like, maybe half a star more than the last place. 
You had a room all to yourself, as did Claire and the boys shared a room with the two queen beds. In the morning they were set to drive Claire back home to Jody and the others. They wanted to make sure she actually got there and didn't run off again to do something stupid, as usual.
You didn't think it would matter, she would do whatever she wanted as soon as she got the chance. So, why delay the inevitable? As long as she called when she got in a jam and kept someone up to date on where and what she was hunting, you let her do her thing.
Even if the worst were to happen, you could always bring her back. You successfully resurrected a bird last summer. Castiel tried to explain balancing the universe or something but you didn't understand letting things suffer if you could give them a second chance. 
Like the bird who was minding his own business, pecking for worms in the grass in the rain when this plump house-cat came along and snatched him up. That bird probably had a nest to feed and that cat was just bored. You gave him a second chance. How could that be a bad thing?
That being said, you weren't about to take any strolls through the cemetery to awaken the dead. Even you had your limits. But you'd break the rules for the select few you truly cared about.
You sat on the edge of the bed in your motel room, flipping aimlessly through the five channels on TV. It was late, you were bored and you didn't sleep. You should've told Dean not to bother with a room for you but you didn't want to leave them just yet and he didn't ask.
Three quick knocks came at your door and you checked the digital clock on the bedside table.
Three-O-two A.M.
You shut off the TV -not wanting to watch the weather channel anymore, it was boring and repetitive, but you liked the tune they played in the background over and over- and walked towards the door. You undid the locks and opened the door.
You understood why people in horror movies were usually scared if something like this happened, but when you're nearly invincible, nothing like that really scares you anymore. Other things scared you, though, like if Dean left without you in the morning.
Sure, you could easily find him anywhere he went, but if he didn't want you around... that would be scary. Because, you really liked him and you drew the line at actually forcing yourself on him, even in a friendship.
But there he was, standing in your doorway and looking like he'd just woken up.
"Hey," he rasped, "Can I come in?"
"'Course," you stepped aside and shut the door behind him. "Something the matter?"
"Uh," he brushed his bedhead back in an attempt to comb it and glanced around the room. His green eyes settling on your still-made-up bed. "You don't sleep?"
It was more of a statement but you answered anyway.
"Do angels or demons sleep?" You shrugged and he acknowledged with a nod. "Dean? Are you okay? You look frazzled."
He laughed at your term and hung his shoulders as if you saw right through him and he knew he couldn't hide it with you. He sighed and sat on the edge of your bed, head in his hands.
"I had a nightmare." He swallowed like he was waiting for you to laugh, but you didn't. "It's always the same fucking thing." He continued and you stayed silent, crawling into a spot next to him on the bed. He didn't look at you and exhaled again. "I'm back in that house and it's burning, but I can't find Sammy and my dad's... just -gone. I feel the heat on my skin and in my lungs and I can't breathe… and then, I wake up, and I still can't breathe.” He looked up, finally meeting your eyes. "I don't know why or how, but... I can take a breath around you." He lifted his shoulders and turned towards you. "I had to make sure you were still here."
"I am," you nodded and smiled softly, "Is that a good thing?"
He huffed out a laugh, "Didn't you hear what I just said?"
"Yeah, I'm your inhaler."
"Damn, sweetheart, you really do take after Cass, don't you?" Dean smirked.
You were aware of how clueless your father was with pop culture references, it was something you were working on with him. You supposed you took after him a little, you always liked when people pointed out your similarities, even with your mother, too. Not all stuff demon was bad.
"Like father, like daughter." You shrugged. 
When Dean wasn't paying attention -lost in your raven eyes- you hit him in the face with one of your pillows. His face blanched and you giggled and spun away from him. His arms wrapping around your waist before you could hop off the bed.
"Naughty, little devil." He growled in your ear.
You barely hit him! And squirmed against his hold, I'll bet, not hard. You were pretending to be human again. It was nice for a change letting someone else be all powerful. Especially someone like Dean who felt powerless. You could see it in his eyes when he was talking about his nightmare. 
Your back pressed to his chest and you felt his heart beat fast against yours. You liked being in his arms, you never felt so calm with your blood moving as fast as it did. Usually when your heart beat fast it was because you were angry. Demon blood -almost literally- boiling. 
This feeling was so far from that. Your whole body buzzed like it was electrified and tingles curled your toes. Then Dean's palm found the hem of your shirt and snaked up underneath it, laying flat on the skin of your stomach.
Dean groaned and shifted behind you, his bowed legs wrapping around your hips and his arms pulling you with him as he leaned back against the headboard. He breathed hard into your hair and kissed your ear. 
"If Cass knew what I was thinking about his little girl right now..."
"I feel it, too." 
You threaded your fingers through his as he clutched you to him. Dean's grip easing a little as you melted into him. You turned your head to meet him with a slow, soft kiss and then he dropped his forehead to yours. 
You breathed heavy and added, "But stop mentioning my father."
Dean barked out a laugh and turned rosy, "Last time. Promise." And he kissed you again. 
"This is kind of crazy." You panted between kisses, neither of you pushing for more just yet.
"Mmm," Dean agreed, continuing to attack your lips until they felt swollen against his. "Do you wanna stop?"
"Never." You giggled. "Don't stop. Please."
You turned and straddled his lap. Dean brushed the hair from your face as he stared into your eyes. Frozen and lost in their endless depths.
"Your eyes are incredible," he breathed and you shied away. "Don't look away. Look at me."
You exhaled nervously and chewed your lip as you pressed your forehead to his and met his gaze again.
Nobody ever looked at you like that.
His hands on your back roamed up and down, squeezing anything he could get a grip on. His fingertips indenting your skin under your shirt when he held you and shifted his hips down the bed, just enough so you sat in his lap like a puzzle piece, as he leaned his mouth into yours and captured yours lips.
"It feels like you were made for me." Dean groaned and his hands fell to your ass. "We just fit so perfectly together."
He pushed your hips down and his bulge pressed between your legs making you moan softly in his ear. You were both still very clothed but it felt nice to finally fit with someone. Like you knew where you belonged all along.
"I need you." You breathed into his ear, sucking his lobe between your teeth and nibbling. You felt him catch his breath and kissed down his neck. "It feels right with you. Don't leave me, ever."
You knew you were coming on strong but he had to already know what he was getting into. Cass' daughter and a nephalem, stronger than any other being on earth including Chuck. He had to know you weren't some one night thing. He certainly looked at you like you weren't.
"I don't plan to." Dean vowed, tugging the hem of your shirt up.
You let him strip it off of you and he went for your bra next. Covering yourself when he threw the wire beast to the floor. He met your eyes lovingly.
"Don't hide from me, little devil." He murmured and pulled your arms away from your chest. "You're the most beautiful creature I've ever laid my eyes on."
"You really know how to make a girl melt, don't you?" You laughed and hugged him, pressing his cheek to your chest. "Your turn."
You leaned back from him and tugged his shirt over his head. Trailing your fingertips over his anti-possession tattoo while he watched you with lust blown green eyes.
Dean threw you onto your back and climbed over you, ravaging your neck as heat throbbed between your legs. You moaned and felt him pull at your leggings. He tugged them down to your knees and you heard the zipper of his jeans follow.
You pushed the rest of your clothes off with your heels and Dean rid himself of his, then plastered his body back to yours. Feeling every inch of his skin pressed against yours.
He settled between your legs and his green eyes met your raven ones. A smile quirked his lips and he kissed down your chest as he hooked your knee with his arm, spreading you open.
His lips teased your nipple and you whimpered and threaded your fingers through his hair. Tugging when he teased the sensitive flesh with his teeth.
Dean grunted and kissed his way back to your lips. Trailing his moist breath over your skin and sending shivers through your body, down to your toes.
Fuck, he felt good. 
Your body was humming when he nudged between your legs, lining himself up and thrusting inside of you in a single push. You cried out and held his shoulders, feeling him breath deep and his muscles move slowly as he rocked into the apex of your thighs.
Pleasure quickly filled your veins and you latched your ankles around his lower back, keeping him pressed to you. Your breasts flattened against his chest and his thrusts grew faster and stronger as you tried to keep up, moving your hips in time to meet him.
Your hips bumped into his and you felt his tummy tighten against yours as he grew more desperate for you. His hand gripped your ass as he pressed himself more into you and your fingers tangled into his hair at the sensation, pulling the short strands and making him groan.
Fuck, he felt great!
Inside of you, on top of you. You felt grounded like you belonged exactly where you were. Like this was always meant to happen. Like you couldn't contain whatever was building between you. Like you were about to burst in the most unimaginably delightful way.
He grunted in your ear and the heat between your legs blossomed, your eyes rolling behind your lids as you shut your eyes and rode out your orgasm. Holding onto him for dear life.
He was a god among men.
Dean groaned louder, feeling you clench around him as he continued to push into you again and again. Pumping a few more times as he chased his own end and he started to come. He breathed heavy and loud in your ear, burying himself inside you with one final thrust and holding your hip with his hand as you felt warmth spill inside of you.
You didn't know if you could actually get pregnant by being with a human, your body was still flesh and bone to a certain extent, but at the moment you didn't care.
Dean fell onto you, pressing you into the mattress and you held him, tracing circles along his shoulders with your nails and kissing his cheek. He sighed, hot breath in your hair and on your neck and his lips found yours again. Kissing you deep and needy until the urge for air burned your lungs.
"Y/N..." Dean started and puffed against your lips, still trying to catch his breath. "I..."
"It's never been that good."
But he shook his head and kissed you again. His kisses soft and pliant, easing as his heart fell back into a steady rhythm.
You did it again about a half hour later. And showered together as the sun rose, barely getting any sleep. Or Dean barely got any sleep. You were sure today would be one of the lucky days that Sam actually got to drive the Impala and you planned to spend the car ride holding Dean as he slept in the backseat. 
After dropping Claire off with Jody -whom you got to meet and genuinely liked- you tagged along with the boys to a few other cases along their route back to Lebanon. More than one of those cases taking you way out of the way.
The detour was scenic and pleasant and you weren't in a rush for the road trip to end. You weren't entirely sure it ever ended for them. And you wanted to stick around for a while, find your sea legs and stand on your own, but with them by your side. With him.
The infatuation didn't end in that motel room and neither did the sex. But it was getting harder and harder to find time alone and you were ready for some time with just Dean, a bed and maybe some cheese -not in bed but maybe between romps in it.
The Impala -or Baby, as Dean called her- rolled into Lebanon late in the afternoon and up to a red brick building that looked like a warehouse. This must've been the bunker that your father often talked about. And when the car took the road around the back towards the secret entrance to the underground garage, there he was standing guard outside, just waiting.
Your father. He looked angry -his facial expression never actually changed, but you knew his cues after the years- and he held your eyes through the window of the Impala. Shit.
Castiel stood outside waiting for who knows how long. Trench coat blowing open in the breeze and his tie loosened a bit more than usual.
You might've sent him to voicemail more than a couple of times over the past weeks -after Dean insisted you get a phone to keep in touch- and when you listened to the messages, he wasn't all that thrilled about you hanging around with the boys, especially Dean. And especially since he knew how Dean was with women. You liked to think you were different together, though, it wasn't like you had much luck with serious relationships in the past either. So, you would figure it out together.
It wasn't your father's business but it was clear in his eyes when you stepped out of the car to meet him that he wasn't getting that.
"Cass-" Dean greeted as he climbed out of the car with you, a giant smile plastered on his face as he approached his friend.
Cass glared at him and touched his forehead. Dean instantly fell to the ground unconscious before you had a chance to catch him. Luckily it wasn't pavement so it wasn't a hard landing.
"Was that really necessary?" You snapped at your father.
Sam rushed to park the car and jumped out to check on Dean.
"Cass, what the hell?!" Sam growled, kneeling next to his brother and Cass touched his forehead next.
Sam fell over awkwardly on top of Dean and you thought maybe you should push him off but then your father spoke to you again.
"It's time for you to come home. You had your fun, Y/N." He said and stuck his hands into the pockets of his trench coat.
"I don't want to." You glowered. "You're pissed, I get it, but why are you taking it out on them?"
"Dean can't love you," Cass explained and his blue eyes flicked down to Dean's unconscious face, half hidden under Sam's arm. "He won't ever choose you over his family... over Sam. Me and your mother will choose you every time. Come home."
"I don't need him to choose me over his family, I want to be a part of their unit, I want to grow with them-"
"You can't grow with them, Y/N, you'll watch them grow old until the day they die. You could watch a million generations fly by before you even age a second."
"I don't care! I want him while I can have him! As long as he'll have me." You screamed and your chin trembled so you clenched your jaw tight.
"You'll care in ten years when he gets injured easier, twenty when he starts looking more like your father than your boyfriend-"
"And in thirty years, he'll probably be dead, hunters don't last long, Y/N, especially human ones." Your father vented almost like he wasn't just trying to convince you.
Cass and Dean were close, he wouldn't just let him die. He wouldn't just continue on without him. Dean would impact your father on a deep emotional level before his time came, he already did, you saw it as much as he tried to ignore it. Or not think about it.
"Please. Stop." Your voice was quiet now and Dean started to stir underneath Sam's limp body. "If he can't live forever, I want to be human, too."
You looked up at your father with tears in your eyes. You hardly ever cried and Cass steeled his jaw.
"I'll find a way," you promised yourself and wiped away a tear.
Your father's face fell, like he wasn't expecting that response and breathed out a long sigh, "Your mother isn't going to be happy about this." He shook his head and loosened his tie a little more. "But I'll help you, if you're sure. Because I love you."
Your father would do anything for you even if it broke his heart to do it. There were ways to get the best of both worlds, though. You never tried it but if an angel lost their grace, they turned human. You could siphon your grace and store it for the future, then you could grow old with him for as long as it lasted.
The only problem was the part of you that was demon. You didn't know how that would balance out if you lost your grace. But you'd find a way. 
You hugged your father when you saw his heart breaking and assured him that he wasn't losing you. And who knows, maybe you'd find a way to make Sam and Dean live forever instead, and then you wouldn't have to give up anything.
Dean groaned and pushed at Sam's arm, shifting out from under his little brother's heavy body.
"What the fuck, Cass?" He groaned as he checked on Sam and stood up. He saw you hugging and nodded like he understood, "Guess, I may have deserved that." 
"I'll be watching you," Cass said, squinting his steely blue eyes and pointing between them and Dean. A reference to a movie Dean probably made him watch. "She's my baby, Dean, treat her like she's your Baby." 
He nudged his head towards the Impala and you laughed as you skipped back over to Dean and into his arms. You held him tight around his waist and squeezed until you heard him huff in pain and curse.
You loosened your grip but didn't let him go. You have to squeeze adorable things, everyone knew that; Dean was tough, he could take it.
"Fuck. I don't want to be on either of your bad sides." He admitted and kissed your forehead. "You did good, Cass, she's beautiful... and strong as fuck. Shit, little devil, I think you just cracked my ribs."
Cass quirked an eyebrow at the endearment and you laughed at your father's face turning sour. Then Sam groaned from the ground behind you; which was a good thing, because Dean was going to need backup.
_________________________ Dean: @akshi8278 @laycblack @thoughts-and-funnies @mrsjenniferwinchester @crustycheeks @kazsrm67 @sexyvixen7 @lyarr24 @suckitands33  @eliwinchester99 @yvonneeeee @igotmajordaddyissues @djs8891 @leigh70 @globetrotter28
SPN: @hobby27
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ihopesocomic · 7 months
What are some scraped ideas that you had for the IHS comic?
Here be a list:
Carnelian was originally planned to originate from an order of warrior lion mercenaries named after types of weaponry. They were located in an area of the map known as Acacia Grove (which was roughly in the empty territory between the Thundering Mountains and the Kingblessed Coast). We wrote it out because it seemed like a ton of wasted potential. I'm reusing the idea for one of my IHS OCs though.
A couple of things we had planned but changed due to critique from readers include: Hope opting to choose to disown her parents vs. being exiled and Diamond being non-binary trans masc as opposed to a trans lioness. The latter was back when we had them and Wind as our only canon trans characters and yep, we were in danger of falling into stereotyping so kudos to that anon who very kindly pointed it out for us.
Hopeful was originally going to have a broken back leg vs. an undeveloped limb. We changed this so that her disability would not feel like a tragedy hanging over her like it does with Nothing and somewhat switched this circumstance over to Bronze instead, showing that - despite the loss of his limb - he is still capable of carrying out the duties handed down to him but with assistance and accommodation from the other tunnel guards.
We were originally gonna use wc-style names similar to My Pride but that got dropped almost immediately because we wanted to make it easier for prides to be told apart.
We originally were gonna have a tigress character who the girls were going to meet and converse with, to highlight how tigers are critically endangered and how such a thing leads their culture of depending on the self vs. folklore heroes. Unfortunately, we couldn't verify if the South African reserves that house these tigers are managed ethically and we didn't want to promote anything problematic. Thus, she was replaced by a pair of cheetahs instead.
Daffodil was originally a lot older and a minion of Rose's. They were replaced by Heather and made into a reincarnation of Quiet.
We wanted to do a side comic for Careful but soon realised we would not have time for this. It's probable I'll dedicate a written story to her in the future however.
Fade was originally planned to be killed accidentally by Storm.
Diamond was originally going to be a deaf lion known as Zoisite. We changed this due to feeling that we would be unable to properly portray deafness in comic form. Zoisite as a name was retained for Amber's aunt, however.
Zircon was originally known as Topaz. - RJ
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retromotherfuckers · 2 months
If You Win Or Lose
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morgan winchester (OC), john winchester, sam and dean are only mentioned, will mciver (OC)
after the death of the boy she loves, morgan runs away. but nothing lasts forever.
SPN typical alcohol abuse & violence, themes of mental illness, parental abuse, MAJOR gaslighting, character death. please let me know if i missed anything
Word Total:
you don't need to read When The Sun Sets to understand this. this is a one shot within that universe, but it predates that series, and also the show itself
it is of my humble opinion that john was an abuser, even if the show refused to acknowledge that. this is essentially an insight into his and morgan's relationship
so yeah, this one ain't too happy. i don't think i'm capable of writing happy shit 💀
morgan may have fallen in love w a dude but our girl is not straight
italics are flashbacks or thoughts
dean: 19, morgan: 18, sam: 15
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Four fingers of whiskey fill and drain over and over. In the shitty hotel bar, she sat up against the decaying oak wall in a flimsy chair. A hazy world surrounded her, everything moving in slow motion. The few other stragglers had no notion of what was brewing in her mind - the darkness that shrouded her eyes, making colors look muted in the small neighborhood. It seemed no one knew how much she depended on the amber liquid to keep things still.
Morgan had been around people all her life, but she'd never once felt a real kind of companionship with them. She knew her brothers cared because they had to; she knew they tried. She just wished that when they asked if life was okay, they'd somehow know her answer was bullshit. That they'd somehow cut off the lies spilling from her lips and just say that they know.
But Sammy was only fifteen. He wasn't old enough to really be able to tell, and if he could, she was the older sister. What she said was what he believed. And Dean was Dean. Not the best emotional support person.  
They never did catch it, and that was the point. As long as she said she was fine, they believe it because that's what they want to hear. They didn't want to know that she hadn't felt like her home was her home in years. Even if that home was the rumble of an engine and cassettes so loud, she couldn't hear herself think. 
They didn't know that she had done things only the lowest of the low would even think of just to keep moving. They don't want to know that the only reason she got out of bed was so she could ease the hangover from the night before. They didn't want to know how hard it was to ask when it was her turn for anything better than this and to keep getting ignored. They didn't want to know that her real reason for living was gone but that his dying wish was for her to keep going. 
"Just promise me you'll try."
They didn't want to know that sometimes she could hurt so bad that she stopped feeling anything at all. That she knew her heart was still beating, but her lungs had stopped pumping oxygen. That waiting for her eyes to stop feeling so heavy while she watched the world spin was worse than actually being a part of it. And even with all that frigid emptiness, there was a widening hole in her chest where a person used to be. And now that he was gone, the ceiling was about to cave in, and all she had left to hold it up was a little white bag and a bottle.
"Where the hell have you been?" The familiar voice broke her from her thoughts, the same that had been repeating for months, on and off, like a scratched record. She didn't have to look up to see who it was. She knew that voice. It's half of the voices that raised her, but not the one who deserved the credit.
She didn't acknowledge him, stuck staring at her drink. His voice made her shiver, and she was too much of a damn coward to face him. "Around."
"Really?" John said, his tone hardening with her one-word response. "'Cause to me, it looks like you ran away and went missing like a child. For. Two. Months."
She took a large gulp of her drink, almost downing the whole thing in one go. She had rehearsed this conversation countless times, waiting for the flash of civilian life to end and for him to find her. But now that it was happening, she felt like a fishing boat in a storm, tossed around by waves of fear and wrath.
Her father's gaze was oppressive, cold, and unyielding. Green eyes cut into her, making her feel like he was staring right through her. She always felt small around him. He had always known the right words to use to humiliate her.
"Let's go," He ordered, not even sitting down. It was like he knew this wasn't even a discussion to be had. She would obey, and that was the end of it. "The boys are waiting."
"Dad," Morgan began, her voice shaky and horse. "I'm not going back."
She could imagine John's lips curled into a sneer as his eyes bore into her. Daring her to defy him more. "You don't get a choice. You're coming. That's final."
Morgan felt a surge of anger. "Why can't you just let me be? I know what's good for me more than you do."
John stepped closer, his face inches from hers. "You belong with your family, not out here alone when we're not there to protect you. I taught you better than that."
It wasn’t praise. John Winchester wouldn’t know praise if it bit him in the ass. He did teach her better than that, and since she’s deliberately not following orders, she’s less than worthless.
She recoiled slightly, the familiar pang of anxiety twisting in her gut. "This isn't about family, dad, it's about-" She fumbled over her words, unsure if she could say it, but hoping for some surge of courage she hadn't had her whole life. "It's about how you can't stand that I'm walking around without you making my own decisions. You just wanna control me-"
John's hand lashed out, slapping the counter beside her, making her visibly flinch and effectively cutting her off. "After everything I've done for you, this is how you repay me? I don't need to control you; you need me to do it. To keep you alive," he sneered. "And the running away from your shit and pretending we don't exist just proves it."
Morgan's eyes welled with tears, but she refused to let them fall. "Everything you've done," Her voice shook as she spoke. "You've done for yourself and your twisted little fantasy of finding the thing that killed Mom."
He grabbed her wrist, his grip like a vise. "Oh, yeah? And what do you think you can do to stop me?" She yanked her arm free, the skin already bruising. His eyes narrowed, and for a moment, she thought she saw a flicker of doubt. But then his expression hardened, and he took a step closer, his shadow enveloping her. "You're making a big mistake, Morgan. You'll regret this."
She took a deep breath, her resolve wavering. The sooner she got away, the better. "The only mistake I made was not getting out earlier."
As she turned to leave, John's hand shot out, grabbing her shoulder and keeping her still. His voice was low and twisted with fury. The deep growl and the warmth of his breath in her ear made chills run up her spine.
"You think you can just walk away from me?"
Morgan's heart sank into her stomach. It wasn't a threat, but she could feel one coming. Her strength was slipping away, the familiar terror clawing at her mind. She'd never be able to hide from him for too long. Just look at her now, it had only been two months.
She was smart. But John was smarter.
"You're coming home, whether you like it or not." He took her stunned stillness as his queue to spin her around, forcing her chin up to look at him. She'd probably have marks on her jaw from how tight he was holding her. "You're really gonna leave us to fend for ourselves? You're so damn selfish-"
"I haven't been selfish a day in my fucking life-"
Her father scoffed as if that was the most ridiculous thing he'd ever heard. "Well, by your logic, you're picking the wrong time to start." He got closer if it was even possible, and he looked at her like she was the dirt he loved to walk over. "Will's dead, Mo, and it's your fault. I told you not to go on that hunt alone, but what did you fucking do? You ignored me, like always. When are you gonna learn that you need me? Boy-Toy's not coming back, you saw to that. Stop wasting everyone's time and get over it."
Boy-Toy. That's all John saw him as now. Even though he liked to call Will's parents the closest people he had to friends besides Uncle Bobby. 
Will had been with them for a year and a half when his parents died. They were helping him look for his aunt, the only family he had left. Only problem was they only knew her first name and that she was his mother's sister. So Will, Morgan and Sam searched for his aunt, while John and Dean searched for the demon.
For a while, things were okay. John was slightly more neutral when Will was around, starting fewer arguments and hitting them less. But when he walked in on them hooking up, Dean had to haul her father off of the boy. And then off of Morgan, too.
Two months ago, Morgan was desperate to prove herself to her father. Dean had already completed three solo hunts as a trial run. John wanted to see what he was capable of. Dean surpassed his expectations, as he always did. A rougarou, two vengeful spirits and a vampire taken care of in three weeks.
Will hadn't wanted to go on that hunt without help, but Morgan was frantic. She had to show her father what she was made of, but when Will discovered her plans, he was not going to let her do it alone. 
The air is thick with tension, each step bringing them closer to the lair of the wendigo they've been tracking for days. The forest is dense, moonlight barely piercing the thick canopy above. The silence of the night is broken only by the occasional rustle of leaves and the distant hoot of an owl.
"Are you sure about this?" Will whispers, his voice barely audible.
Morgan turns to him, her blue eyes fierce and determined. "Yeah! We can do this, I swear."
They press on, the beam of their flashlights cutting through the darkness. Suddenly, a chilling growl echoes through the trees. Their hearts start racing as they tighten their grip on their chosen weapons. They're close.
The wendigo lunges out of the shadows, its eyes glowing with a malevolent type of starvation. Will fires his shotgun, but the creature is too fast. It knocks him to the ground, claws slashing through his shirt.
"Will!" Morgan screams, rushing to him. He struggles beneath the wendigo's weight, blood pooling from his wounds.
"Go!" He shouts, but his words are so garbled she hears her name, like a plea. "It's too strong!"
And Morgan can't leave him; he knows she would never. She swings her machete with all her strength, striking the creature's back. It howls in pain, momentarily distracted. Will uses the opportunity to push it off him, but the wendigo retaliates with a vicious swipe, its claws sinking deep into his chest.
"No!" Morgan drops to her knees beside Will as the wendigo retreats into the shadows. "No, no-"
Will's breathing is ragged, and he squeezes his eyes shut in distress. "Mo... I'm sorry..."
"Don't talk like that," she says, tears already streaming down her face. "You're gonna be okay, you'll be fine. We'll get you back to Dean. He'll know what to do."
Will reaches up, his hand trembling as he gently touches her cheek. His eyes are wet, too, but he quickly tries to hide the pain he's in. He graces her with a smile, but it's gone as fast as it appears. 
"Remember when Dean was giving me shit for how long my hair is?" He waits for her to nod. It doesn't take her so long to react because she doesn't remember. She takes a few extra seconds because she can't figure out why he's bringing that up right now. "You shut him up so fast," he says with a strained laugh. "You definitely liked me first."
Morgan chuckles through her tears, but the light memory doesn't last too long in her mind.
He's dying he's dying he's dying
"But I love you, Mo...please...remember that."
"Stop it. You don't get to say that as a goodbye," she demanded, but her voice didn't have the force to make it believable. "You're not allowed to tell me you love me and then die. It's not fair."
"I'll be okay," he rasps. "Just promise me you'll try. Promise me…" His voice fades from there. He has more he wants to say, Morgan can tell, but he used up all his strength.
"Will, please," She begs, her words cracking. "Don't-"
But Will's eyes flutter closed, his hand falls lifelessly to the ground, and Morgan screams.
She doesn't have it in her to set up a pyre. Will doesn't want that. He says it feels barbaric to him. He came from a hunting family and knew it was to prevent the possibility of becoming was a vengeful spirit, but he’s never wavered. He wants a real burial, like normal people have. He wants his family and friends there; they don't have to say anything, just be there.
"It just doesn't feel right, you know? We should be returned to the earth and all that crap. It's more…I don't know, peaceful."
Hours later, as dawn breaks, she buries him under an oak tree. She stands alone - yet another way she's letting him down. Her heart and mind are in tatters, her tears mingle with the soot. She can't face her family, not after what just happened. She can't bear her father’s inevitable punishment. Or her brothers’ pity. Or the possibility that they hate her for letting their friend die.
With one last look at the makeshift grave, Morgan turns and walks away, the shadows of the forest swallowing her whole. She doesn't know where she's going, only that she has to keep moving.
She looked into her father's eyes and saw the unyielding force of his will. In that moment, she knew she had lost.
Defeated, she lowered her gaze, closed her eyes and barely whispered, "Okay."
John's grip loosened slightly, a triumphant smile creeping across his face. Harder than necessary, he slapped her shoulder in appreciation. "Good girl. Now pack your shit. We're leaving in a half hour."
As Morgan turned towards the exit, she felt the weight of his victory settle over her like a cloak. The life she thought she might have wanted crumbled away, leaving only the cold, harsh reality of her father's world. She walked slowly, each step feeling like a surrender, her heart heavy with the knowledge that, for now, he had won.
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glowinggator · 9 months
How about Serafine reacting to the reader proposing to her?
I had a lot of fun with this one! Set of HC's, with a little drabble in-between 🖤 Thank you so much for the request!! 🖤
Pairing: Serafine Savoy/Reader (GN)
Content Warnings: Typical Serafine shenanigans, otherwise none!
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Serafine Savoy has been described as many things. Hatchetman, bearcat, witch. But not once has she ever been described as a romantic. 
So if Serafine is with you in the first place… well, it ought to be taken as a point of pride.
Sure, she's had her flings in the past. Plenty of them. But not once has she been in anything long-term. No one's held her interest enough, and no one has ever been able to keep up with her. To even be in a relationship with her in the first place, you must have something special about you. Something that her Maitre Carrefour likes, too. If you've gotten this far, she's certainly a ride-or-die. 
But marriage? Marriage is a whole separate thing. 
She never had the chance to think about marriage as a child. The vague and distant memories of her parents didn't leave a good lasting impression on the concept, and she always found the concept of a ceremony to be, well… boring.
But when the idea of marriage comes up… she gives it thought. 
A lot of which are conflicting. 
She lives an extravagant life -- the closest she's ever been to "settling down" is during the congregation's parties. But that's how she likes it. The adrenaline is what keeps her going, that destructive devotion to the higher power that saved her life is what keeps the blood flowing through her veins. Rifle recoil, ringing ears, and bloody hands are just as important to her as food and water. She couldn't settle down even if she wanted to. 
So really, you can't blame her for wondering: Why? She couldn't be some white picket fence wife, could never give you that life. She can't settle down. And isn't that what marriage is supposed to be about? Settling down? 
But that's the thing: You don't ask her of that. 
You don't ask her to change, to move into some suburban house and leave her life behind. 
You want to marry her because you love her.
You love her. 
Dust and gunpowder settle in the air, heavy with the weight of the shootout just moments before. Serafine laughs, taking your hand as the two of you step through the carnage -- poor bastards couldn't tell the difference between a life and a pretty penny, and in the end it cost them both. You'd say it was a shame, but the adrenaline of a firefight has started to grow on you. 
You'll have to lodge a complaint with the Savoys someday. You can't say you're unhappy, though. Quite the opposite, in fact. 
You look forward at the woman leading you toward the door, admiring her black curls as they start to fall loose from her tight bun. And yet her suit is still unmarred, not a single rip or tear despite the flurry of bullets and claws that had been flying toward the two of you just moments before -- perpetually divine, you've always said. But then your eyes trail further, to your conjoined hands. Little specks of gunpowder dust her hands -- Boudreaux does pack quite a punch after all. 
"Hey, come here" you tug her back gently, squeezing her hand, "Mordecai will have a conniption if we track anything back." 
"Ah, mesye fastidieux," she smiles, "Maitre Carrefour must have chosen quite the path for him. Couldn't have survived a day in the bayou."
You chuckle to yourself, pulling your handkerchief from your pocket to wipe down her hands -- all too aware of the extra weight in your coat. Her hands are soft in your own, even after all these years. 
"Quite the path indeed." 
You look up from your task, catching Serafine's gaze -- Amber eyes already locked on you. Tender, even in the afterglow of such an adrenaline rush. You breathe, shakily, velvet box suddenly feeling like lead. No better time than now. 
"Our path seems rather clear, though." You squeeze her hands, tucking away the cloth before dropping to one knee. Your heart leaps as you watch her face process your actions, eyebrows raising and eyes widening. She stiffens for a moment, but squeezes your hands back. You take yet another shaky breath when she doesn't tell you to rise, and push forward. 
"He doesn't talk to me like he does to you, but I see the fork that he's placed before us. Serafine Savoy, I have no idea what I would do without you. I am changed, wholly and truly, for the better from meeting you. From loving you. Each moment apart is agony, only made bearable with the knowledge that it's only so long before I can return to you. And if you'll have me…" 
You pull the velvet box from your pocket, exposing the shiny gold ring. Her breath hitches, slackjawed for the briefest of moments before smiling. Her eyes crinkle, eyes half lidded as she gazes down at you. 
"...I'd like to dance on the crossroads for you for the rest of my life. Serafine Savoy… will you marry me?"
"Oh, cher," she coos, cupping your face, "You already have me." 
You hop the broom with the congregation at the Maribel in the morning, exchange your vows, and dance until the sky fades to black. But that's where tradition gives out, and your true selves start to shine through
Instead of walking down the aisle the two of you drive down the St. Louis strip, leaving torched cars and fire in your wake in place of rice and flowers. But your joy and laughter rings out all the same, and when the streetlights glint off of your conjoined hands -- stolen gold rings glimmering in the night -- she finds herself smiling brighter than ever before. 
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riptidesblog · 9 months
Ninjago hcs
Kai's(Smith-Jiang family's) eye color hcs:either amber,brown or sea-green eyes just like Maya's,while Nya has brown(I think this one is canon) and Ray has amber/brown eyes
After unmerging with the sea Nya's eyes started changing colors to match the nearest body of water:sea-green when near the ocean,grayish when near something like a bottle of water or sink water and etc.They will also turn glowing blue when she uses her powers on a large scale (they once turned blood-red bc she was treating an injury and blood has water in it)
Post-Crystallized:sometimes parts of her body would turn into liquid during the adjusting to being a human again(during which her eyes would be white like the foam)
After unmerging with the sea her powers became even more stronger and easier to control.After all,Nya was one with them for an entire year
The reason Nya couldn't get out the water in Jay's lungs during Seabound was because all of it kept responding,including blood and the water in Jay's body and she couldn't risk drawing out too much water and/or blood to help Jay
Pixal has Jay saved in her contacts as "extra charger"
The pink clothes Nya wore during Prime Empire shorts were given to her by Cole(they used to be Lilly's)
Nya makes the best coffee,not even Zane can match her skill there and surprisingly enough, Cole is a close second when it comes to drinks
The public didn't know Nya used to be Samurai X until a new one showed up and ninja had to answer some questions during interviews
Kai is a history nerd
All the ninja know basic first-aid,though Nya and Zane are the best medics.Kai is/was good with taking care of dragons
For a while after he learned that he was a nindroid,Zane didn't know how his body functioned beyond the basics.It's after HoT that he started learning more about himself instead of relying on Pixal,Jay or Nya all the time
All the ninja wear a bracelet that is made of interwined threads of their colors (gray for Nya,purple for Pix,gold for Wu and the rest are obvious)
Nya loves animals(this one is based on Wu's teas ep and how she seemed to like Zippy in the Island)
All the ninja+Pix see Wu as a father figure(even if some of them already have fathers)
Same with Misako
Mrs.Benedict constantly scares Lloyd by appearing out of nowhere in the weirdest places
Mrs.Benedict loves Nya and Pixal the most out of the entire group
After Seabound-Crystallized Nya always smells like sea and the salty air of the beach
Wu and Misako are best friends(the love triangles/angles in ninjago are a pain,so I'm ignoring them),but when it comes to history they're rivals worse than Oni and Dragons,FSM and Overlord combined.It's always fun for the ninja to watch their debates(especially when Misako is right bc those are the times when Wu says that he was there when the events happened)
Garmadon and Maya were best friends,same with Ray and Wu
Wu is Kai's godfather,Garmadon and Misako are Nya's
Wu anonymously helped Smith-Jiang siblings when he heard that their parents were gone,but he didn't take them in for two reasons: he wasn't doing well after Garm's banishment and he didn't have a legal identity to prove that he could take the siblings(not that it would have stopped him,but the first point stands)
Jay and Nya weren't in a relationship until s6, they weren't a couple during or before s3,but did go on dates or hangouts
Nya has a green burn-scar thing from Tiger Widow venom
Nya misses being a part of the sea and hates herself for it
Zane sometimes missed the cold of the Never-realm and how close he was to his element as Ice Emperor
Nya still has marks all over her body from merging with the sea and sometimes they glow
Elemental masters are naturally more durable and stronger than humans(the reason Cole managed to survive the Oni clouds) and once they master their powers,they age slower too (they look younger than they actually are)
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fairykazu · 10 months
ice skating ft. childe, ayaka & amber
cws: dating: childe & ayaka, est. relationship: amber, fluff, mild cursing, implied fem bodied reader for ayaka and amber, wc for each: 1.7k, 3.3k, 1.5k
mlist | based on headcanons
if you had told your past self that you're going on a date with the infamous sweetheart, ajax, you would be thinking you were going crazy. maybe even a tad delusional. but here you are sitting down on one of the wooden benches as childe helped you lace up your skates. "name, is this too uncomfortable?" he scooted back letting you wiggle your foot.
"no, it's as snug as a bug!" you replied, watching him have a sigh of relief. "okay, let me lace up the other one. is it too tight or is it okay like this one?" he pointed at the already-laced shoe.
"it's fine! are we able to be on the ice now?" you asked. ajax looked at the rink, walked to the ice and pretended to pull out a detective magnifying glass, before confirming a 'yes'. he likes to call himself the ice inspector because he was considered the best of doing so. or at least that's what his parents had told him. when he was little.
you guys were finally on the ice. unlike the girl in blue skating on the ice like she was born to and dancing so gracefully, you were like bambi. childe was teaching you to push on the other sides like a zig zag and as you were attempting just that. you lost your balance and fell on the ice. it hurts like hell but hey at least you have ice under you. "that was not as 'easy' as you made it sound, ajax." you huffed out, dramatically crossing your arms.
childe tried not to laugh as he took off his scarf and wrapped around you, you were snug again. "don't be so butthurt. it's easier for me because i grew up with it. take my hand and i'll guide you through it, okay?" he offered his hand to you, and you took it just before you two ended up interwinted on the ice. childe couldn't just help but laugh just a little bit and you joined in too.
"let's skate for real this time."
you giggled with glee when you called your friends for a debriefing session as soon as possible. it was morning at the cat's tail with kaeya and nilou. "guys, i have a date with THE kamisato ayaka." you said, sipping your coffee. nilou gasped as kaeya rolled his eyes,
"did you really or did you have another dream again?"
"NO. it's for real this time, kae! kamisato and i. on an ice-skating date. this afternoom." you replied smugly. of course, it gets oddly silent whenever you say something big to your friends which only means one thing. they are second guessing you.... again.
nilou quirked a brow, "ice skating?" you hummed in confirmation, "yes, lulu, ice skating!" she stirred her hot chocolate with a stick as kaeya sipped his orange juice loudly, drawing your attention to him, "name, do you even know how to ice skate? last time we ice skated together, you hit the crevice of the rink, fell to your face and cried."
"in my defense, i was four when that happened. annnd yes, i do know how." nilou and kaeya shared a knowing look together before looking at you. "okay, i don't! but i kinda sort of lied to ayaka and said i do have experience with it..."
"oh my god." kaeya said with desperation as nilou pinched her nose bridge. "what if i ball it and she would never know."
nilou replied, "miss kamisato is really talented in that field, name. she would definitely know."
"for real?"
it was noon, you still don't know how to skate, and you don't know how to tell ayaka that you were lying to her. thank god, the rink was inside a building instead of being outside. in a corner you saw a ginger offering his hand to his date, giggling, and you pray to have a moment like that with ayaka. across from that couple was ayaka, dressed in baby blues and whites, skating gracefully like a princess. you glanced at her in awe, she is so pretty. the word 'pretty' couldn't describe ayaka as her beauty can be like the fresh snow or something. you aren't really a person with good words but gosh, ayaka is so pretty.
you called out her name as she was twirlling on the ice, she stopped with a clean finished, specks of ice flew off her white ice skates. she saw you and smiled, skating her way near the rink, "hello, name, are you ready?"
"not quite, um, can you help me with my shoes?" you asked as she nodded. "it would be my pleasure." she opened the gate and walked with you to one of the benches stationed outside of the rink. you opened your bag and realized, you forgot kaeya's your shoes! ayaka noticed you looked lost while looking in your bag, "did you not bring your own shoes, or did you forget since you had have skated before?"
shit, you forgot you lied that you were the better ice skater than kaeya even though it was the opposite. "um, i forgot, i haven't skated in a while and my skates were pretty old and tarnished-" you started to whisper, "-because kaeya keeps stealing it."
she chuckled, "really?"
after ayaka helped you lace up your shoes, it was time to shine. but also known as, time to ball and hope ayaka doesn't notice. however, little did you know that ayaka already knew you didn't skate. especially when kaeya was one of her ice-skating buddies in the club. it didn't matter though since she was finally able to have a date with you despite your obliviousness to her advances.
when amber said, "i know a place.", you didn't expect her to bring you into an excluded place in dragonspine that wasn't overran by abyss mages and other mobs. it was cold for sure, and you weren't sure how amber wasn't cold in her mini skirt. the evergreen trees were reaching for the skies and there was even a rock shaped like hearts. amber picked it up and said, this is us. you laughed and agreed.
once you guys ended up at the right place, a frozen over pond about 2 times bigger than the ponds you had seen in mondstadt. she pulled you into a hug and then told you a disclaimer, "by the way, babe, there is a teensy minor chance the lake might crack so if it is, i'll sacrifice my life for you. but seriously if it does crack, yell my name and we'll go the cat cafe and get coffee instead."
you exhaled a laugh, "okay, amber."
"awesome! now since that's said and done, let's party! but first, we need to have safety." she pulled out of her tote bag, knee pads, a helmet, another helmet, leg warmers and most importantly, pocket hand warmers. "wait, you know how to skate right? not in a kamisato ayaka or eula lawrence way but in a way where it's average but not too little like klee."
"yes, i promise you that i'm experienced in this."
"okay! we don't need the helmet then, i'll wear mine because it's baron bunny inspired, see?" she showed off the red helment with bunny ears. you nodded to gesture "yes, i do see it."
you and your girlfriend went off to skate and thankfully, no cracks in sight. it became a yearly tradition to go this specific place together.
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pickledpascal · 11 months
Killer Queen
Chapter One: Good Old-Fashioned Lover Boy
Warnings: Slurs, blood and gore, violence, soldier boy is like barely in this because it's the first chappie and i wanted to flesh out amber more as a character
Word Count: 3.1k
Killer Queen Masterlist
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It was peacetime. Or, at least, that's what most people thought it was. Supe's collateral damage was at an all-time low, partly due to the Department of Superhuman Affairs and Congresswoman Nueman and Hughie. 
Amber could not believe Hughie was working with the government and was technically Butcher's boss now. She had known the Boys for a while, helping them out on a few missions because she had a personal vendetta against Vought. Nothing too horrible, she was just naturally an anti-capitalist because of her parents. Vought had way too much power for any one company to hold. 
Especially since they had Homelander. Whoever came up with that name? Amber thought it was a bit funny. Homelander. She had a feeling he'd crumble if they'd ever met but he didn't get outside much.
There was a knock at her front door. Amber glanced up from her TV and set the remote down, answering it. "Well, hello." She leaned against the door frame.
None other than Billy Butcher stood in front of her. "Hello to you too, love." He hadn't changed in the time they hadn't seen each other. Still had that shit-eating grin on his face.
"Need something?" Amber left Butcher at the open doorway and sat back on her couch.
Butcher stepped inside, closing the door behind him. "Where's the kid?" He glanced around the house, seeing no sign of Ryan. 
Amber and her roommate, Eden, were more than fit to take care of Ryan. Eden was a Supe and… well, Butcher didn't know exactly what Amber was but he knew for sure Compound V was not flowing through her veins. 
"Eden took him out." Amber could see Butcher take in a breath to start berating her about the dangers of Ryan being seen in public. "Don't worry, Butch. Eden's careful. They're probably at some random park where she knows there ain't any cameras nearby." She thought for a moment, pursing her lips. "Unless you count game cameras but, y'know."
Butcher shook his head and waved her off. "Yeah, I know. Look, mate, that's not why I'm here anyway." 
"Okay," Amber said carefully, crossing her legs on the couch. "Wanna explain?" 
"There's this weapon. Something that took down Soldier Boy. And me and the Boys have a means of finding it." Butcher explained. His hand twitched slightly at his side. Amber waited for the catch. "But, it's at a Russian base." And there it is. "And while we could get in there ourselves, would be nice having someone watch our backs." 
Amber sighed, brushing a hand through her hair. She could tell he wanted to use it on Homelander. For Ryan. For Becca. His perfect revenge. And, to be honest, Amber couldn't blame him. 
"What do you need me to do?" 
Getting to the Russian base sucked. She had to wear a janitor's jumpsuit and it itched in all the wrong places. She had to adjust the fabric on her crotch a few times. Amber leaned against their truck while Kimiko talked with her.
Your hair looks pretty, Kimiko signed with a smile. Amber's hair was thrown into a ponytail much like hers but, from the last time Kimiko had seen her, some pieces of deep blue framed her face.
Amber smiled softly at Kimiko. "Thank you." She talked as she signed before she heard a crackling of electricity. It must've been Butcher fucking up the power box. 
They all made their way inside the main lab area, Frenchie and Kimiko began looking through files while Marvin, Hughie, and Butcher just looked around for anything that could even resemble a weapon. Amber was more interested in the strange pod that stood in the middle of the room. She tried to take a look inside the small sliver of glass but it was way too frozen over for her to see anything. Her curiosity died. 
As Amber started to look through a desk, the alarm went off. The whole room, and possibly the entire building, was drenched in red light. "Shit." She ducked down as she heard the door get slammed open. 
All or nothing, huh? While the Boys had guns and Kimiko had her powers, their ammo was limited and even Kimiko didn't always like using her powers. Plus, they were outnumbered. As always. 
Amber grabbed a nearby man and punched him so hard that his helmet broke, she broke his arm for good measure. He screamed in pain. She stomped on the floor causing the ground to rumble as a perfectly shaped block all of a sudden lifted to send another man flying through the ceiling. Amber punched in the air, a fire emitting from her fist that caught a Russian on fire. She swept at his legs and stomped on his chest, wiping her boot on the ground afterward.
"Oi, cunts!" Butcher lazered someone behind her. Amber stood back, surprised. When did Butcher become a Supe? Either way, she was glad he got that guy for her.
Once the henchmen were all dead, Marvin and Butcher had a little lover's tiff about Compound V. Amber didn't really pay attention. But they hadn't found any Supe-killing weapon yet. Her eyes shifted back to that pod. She could feel the water pumping into it, freezing something inside. At first, she didn't really care but if it was what they were looking for….
"Woah, we don't know what's in that." Hughie reasoned as Amber stepped closer. 
Amber looked at him sharply, "Do you want to come up empty-handed?" Hughie didn't have a response to that. "Didn't think so." She held out her hands in front of the pod, feeling for any way she could open it without completely breaking it.
"I know, she's hot when she's angry." Frenchie whispered behind her, likely because Kimiko said something.
When Amber found no proper way to open it, she put her fingers in the edges of the door and completely pulled it off its hinges. She threw it to the side and stepped back. There was a hiss of steam, too great for her to even see through but it went away over time. Revealing a face. Who was very much alive.
"Soldier Boy." Butcher whispered beside her. He was shocked but it didn't show on his face. It showed on Marvin's face. 
Amber had heard of Soldier Boy before. Of course she had. But, like everyone else, she assumed he died in the '80s. Due to saving our country from nuclear holocaust? She wasn't so sure. But there he was, in the middle of a Russian lab very much alive.
Soldier Boy stumbled out of the chamber, breaking free from whatever bound him to it in the first place. Firstly, Amber noticed his large beard and then that he was completely naked. She looked away, covering her mouth with disgust. Until she noticed rubble was gravitating towards Soldier Boy. And his chest was starting to glow. 
Amber knew she'd be able to withstand whatever blast he made but what about the others? She opted to guard Marvin while Kimiko dove to protect Frenchie. Except Soldier Boy hit her right through a wall, causing a large piece of metal to wedge itself in Kimiko's leg. And she wasn't healing. 
Frenchie ran over to her, Soldier Boy was long forgotten. Who the fuck cared when the love of his life was in danger? Blood was seeping out of her and Kimiko had a hard time staying awake. They were able to get her into the truck, Marvin flashed a light in her eyes to try and keep her eyes open. 
"Hey, you have water right?" Amber asked Butcher, slapping his shoulder as he drove to the nearest safe house they had. 
Butcher nodded, throwing a water bottle in the back. She caught it with ease and broke the seal.
Amber waved her hand and the water flowed out and onto Kimiko's wound. "Frenchie, I'm gonna say three, two, one and I want you to take that out of her, okay?" Frenchie was frantic and Amber couldn't help but feel for him. He nodded, tears drying on his face as he gripped the metal piping. "Three. Two. One."
Frenchie ripped it out and Kimiko's head lulled as Amber got to work healing her as best as possible. She wasn't the best at water-healing but she'd been working on it. 
At the safe house, Frenchie set Kimiko in her own makeshift hospital room with gauze around her thigh. Amber and Marvin sat in the garage, watching some tapes they took from the lab. Tapes of Soldier Boy getting AK-47 rounds down his throat, scalpels to the eye, and all kinds of other shitty stuff. 
Amber pursed her lips. They had done some sort of nuclear testing on an already very powerful Supe. That wasn't good. Well, maybe it was for Butcher. Kimiko was normal now. As normal as she could be. 
"Did you really think this was a good idea?" Aang had a hand on his forehead. 
When did Amber slip into the Spirit Realm? She didn't do it intentionally. But, then of course, there were times Aang or Roku wanted to tell her how disappointed they were in her so they'd drag her into it.
Amber glanced around, her world was paused as Aang's spirit stood in front of her. "Soldier Boy is gonna be our weapon. We just gotta find him." She crossed her arms, staring back at Aang. 
When she was younger, she revered Aang. Avatars weren't taught in schools anymore and there were barely any relics of the time. Benders of any kind were thought to be killed off or simply non-existent anymore. Supes kind of replaced them. Until Amber came along and she had visions of a land that did not look like the one she was brought up in. She was young when she first met Aang, he was similar to a father figure and guided her through the stages of life and taught her how to be strong. 
Except Amber was naturally strong already. As far as she knew, her physical strength exceeded any other Avatar before her. She wasn't sure why. Perhaps it was the Avatar running through her that knew she'd have to be stronger if she was going to exist in a world overrun by Vought. 
"He doesn't seem stable. You need to keep him under control." Aang advised, careful not to make his tone too pointed, or else Amber would happily make her way back into her body. 
"She's not an idiot, Aang." Korra chimed in. As Amber grew older, she realized she had a lot more in common with Korra than Aang. 
He let out a sharp breath. "She's still young. And has a lot to learn." 
Amber was twenty-five, a grown adult with a house. And while Aang was right to an extent, Amber had been fighting for her life nearly every day since she was born. It was hard to keep her bending hidden from Vought but she was careful and so were her parents. Real peace was never in the cards for her. 
Letting out a breath, Aang and Korra disappeared and she was back in real life. She opened her eyes with a hand on her shoulder. Marvin. "You alright? Your tattoos were doing that glowy thing again." 
Amber gave Marvin a polite smile and nodded, rubbing her hand up her arm where a few tattoos were. "I'm good. Had a little convo with my ancestors. Y'know, the usual." She stood up and went to the bathroom, locking the door behind her.
She wanted to scream. Amber leaned over the sink and looked at herself in the mirror. Aang had saved the world at twelve. Korra had saved the world multiple times over a year or two and what had Amber done? Nothing. She killed a few Supes, a lot more non-supes, and nothing life-changing happened because of it. She was the Avatar. The savior of the people. And what saving had she done? Kimiko was struggling to stay alive, her parents were dead, and everyone Amber had as a mentor nearly died as well. And they weren't saved by her hands.
Amber took in a shaky breath as she stared at herself. Her emotions were becoming too much. Her eyes started to glow blue. No. She shook her head and took a deep breath. Eden. She willed herself to think about that instead. Eden was still alive. Her only friend that wasn't connected to the Boys. Or, the only friend she had made outside the Boys. Eden had a thing going on with Hughie. And Starlight. Amber didn't question it. 
"Is she gonna have a meltdown?" Hughie asked in a whisper.
Butcher glared at him. "Shut the fuck up." He had a bit of a soft spot for Amber. They both had people they loved taken away from them, not to mention they felt the overwhelming need to do anything it took to get revenge on whoever took it away from them. 
Back in New York, a bunch of shit went sideways. Soldier Boy went nuclear in front of some random building but Marvin made the connection he was likely going to the Legend. 
"Do you think this is even gonna work?" Amber crossed her arms. Butcher had just drugged Marvin and set him as gently as possible on the ground. 
Butcher cocked an eyebrow at her. "Doubting me now, love?" He asked with a small laugh. 
Amber heard footsteps on gravel, causing her to look in the direction they came from. Sure enough, Soldier Boy rounded the corner of a beat-up car in his suit. He'd trimmed his beard and hair. He looked a lot better than he did at the Russian base. Amber narrowed his eyes at him, ready to fight in case that's what he wanted.
"You two… you're from the lab." Soldier Boy's eyes studied the two of them. They stayed a little longer than necessary on Amber. She had a feeling as to why but he didn't voice it so neither would she. "Why are you here?"
Amber could ask the same question but she already knew the answer. "We want to come to an agreement. Of sorts." Butcher smiled wickedly. "You can call this…" He waved to the trailer behind him. "A gesture of good faith." 
Soldier Boy narrowed his eyes ever so slightly. They were going to let him kill the Crimson Countess. He stepped closer, making his way inside and they made no move to stop him. But Avery could hear the conversation from outside. 
It was hard not to feel a little bit of sympathy for the man. The Crimson Countess called him Ben. He was captured, experimented on, shot full of nearly any chemical they had in the compound all because of her. But Amber also felt for her as well. Soldier Boy got all the glory and she assumed he had the ego as high as a mountain, knowing him to some extent would be hell. It sucked that Amber was going to be in that hell.
And then the trailer blew up. She thought she was gonna see it coming. She didn't. Amber was flown a good ten feet away and landed on her stomach. "Fuck me…" She groaned as she rolled onto her back. 
Hughie and Annie came running, only to see Amber on the ground and Butcher carrying Marvin. "What happened? Is he hurt?" Annie's eyes were wide at the sight.
"No need to worry about him. Just four or five milligrams of Rohypnol." Butcher shrugged.
Annie's eyes started to glow. "You fucking roofied him?" 
The trailer behind them was in shambles, smoke everywhere but Amber could hear someone coming out from the rubble. Soldier Boy with not even a scratch or hair out of place. Annie's eyes shifted to him, prepared to fight.
Hughie stepped in front of her while Amber did the same. She let them have whatever talk they were gonna have, glancing back at Soldier Boy. He didn't want to fight them. The Countess was the only thing he came for. Amber narrowed his eyes at him. 
She'd heard stories about him from the Legend seeing as he was the only one she knew that had ever met Soldier Boy before. Amber knew that whatever beta Compound V they gave him made him stop aging past forty, that he was a grade A Playboy, and was involved in quite a few cover-ups over the years. Whatever Soldier Boy was pumped full of in those early days of Vought, Amber thought Homelander needed it. She counted quite a few wrinkles on his face that Soldier Boy didn't have. 
Yeah, Amber had to admit the guy was attractive but she'd never say that to his face. While Soldier Boy seemed a little… emotionally stunted at the moment, she had a feeling that'd change and he'd go back to his ways the moment they got out of there. 
And she was right.
Amber nearly had to throw up while Butcher and Hughie tried talking to him. The man had only a robe on and was in the middle of trying to fuck someone. He hadn't even bothered to lock the door. 
"I think it would be a good idea if you stayed with Amber." Butcher suggested. 
Amber had checked out for most of the conversation until that. "Wait, the fuck?" She shook her head. "Butch, I'm not taking care of…" She waved in the general direction of Soldier Boy, still not wanting to look at him. "That." 
Ben wrapped his silk robe around his body and cocked an eyebrow at her. "What are you? Some kind of fag?" He stood from the bed, tilting his head. Hughie's eyes widened while Butcher just looked amused. "You're tall enough to be a tranny so I wouldn't be surprised." 
"Yeah? And I bet you'd just love having my cock in your mouth to shut you up." Amber countered with a glare, finally looking Soldier Boy in the eyes. Butcher let out a loud laugh, turning away from the two of them.
He had nothing to stay in response, staring at her with hard eyes. "You're a feisty one, I'll give you that." Ben tilted his head slightly. 
Butcher turned back and shook his head, motioning with his hand. "Whatever the fuck this is, you're gonna have to get along." He faced Amber, "I don't like it as much as you do, love, but we both know you're the safest person he," Butcher jutted his head in the direction of Soldier Boy. "Can be with." 
Amber's jaw clenched, looking from Butcher to Ben. She had a feeling Eden wouldn't like him living with them but, hopefully, it wouldn't be for too long. "Fine." She stepped closer to Ben, fists at her sides. "You get out of line, you're fucked." 
"I plan on it." Ben smirked.
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bonefall · 1 year
BB!Acorn Fur -> Acorn Swoop
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[ID: The Better Bones version of Acorn Fur, now called Acorn Swoop. She is a sleek, chestnut-brown cat with smooth, round accents, scotty-dog whiskers, and amber eyes. She's running and giving the camera a salute.]
One of Thunder Storm's greatest allies, a loyal childhood friend with a penchant for always showing up in the nick of time!
When Clear Sky rejected his son Thunder Storm, infuriated by his missing hind leg and the gall of the ancestors to try and challenge him, Tall Shadow broke off her supporters in protest to this continued cruelty. Hawk Swoop and Jackdaw Cry were with them, giving birth to their children in Shadow's Clan.
Acorn Swoop, Lightning Cry, and Thunder Storm grew up together. A little trio of terrors, always getting underfoot. Even though Thunder Storm's path eventually drove him to investigate SkyClan to learn from Clear Sky, he always knew they would welcome him back when he came home.
Acorn Swoop was there, watching in horror, when Turtle Heart died in the attempt to retrieve her kittens from Tom. It only became worse, when she returned home with the children, to find that Tall Shadow had decided Bumble was no longer welcome without her mate to hunt for her.
But even Bright Storm, closest friend of the deceased Gray Wing the Wise, was accepting the ruling. She felt her rage drain away, replaced by self doubt. Was this right? It was true that Bumble couldn't hunt or care for herself...
Thunder Storm returned shortly after, having seen the truth about Clear Sky, shocked into fury. When Bright Storm tried to explain everything to him, she was cut off. "I didn't think I'd come home to find another Clear Sky!"
Acorn Swoop couldn't believe she'd ever believed such a thing! That moment was the birth of ThunderClan, breaking away from ShadowClan to charge into the woods, their mission; find Bumble. Some say it was a stroke of great luck that they found her just as Clear Sky did, intercepting his thrashing. Acorn would gleefully counter with, "A swoop always arrives in the nick of time!"
After her death, she is hailed as a Patron of Prra, an untranslatable Clanmew concept roughly meaning "promptness" or "good timing." She's invoked for hunting, humor, and for things to begin and end when they should.
Alignment: Proto-ThunderClan
Family: Swoop & Cry
Time Period: Dawn Era
Relations: Hawk Swoop & Jackdaw Cry (parents), Lightning Cry (brother), Red Claw (mate), Shell Claw & Sleek Swoop (children) Lightning Storm & Feather Cry (nespring)
More changes below the cut!
BB!DOTC has a brand new naming system! Ancient Tribe cats have a last name system, arbitrarily inherited from the mother or father.
So Swoop and Cry both have their parent's last names! Hopefully this will help everyone not forget they're siblings. I did consider calling her Acorn Cry, but I think the Swoop Family is a really cute one.
Unlike canon, Bright Storm is one cat, and she is a major part of the story. Thunder Storm considers Shaded Flower his adopted father.
Gray Wing the Wise was the first cat to die during the Sun Trail.
Acorn and Lightning are not Thunder's adopted siblings in any way.
Thunder and Lightning become mates by the end of DOTC, making Acorn his sis-in-law.
In-canon she's described as being short and stocky and kinda cutesy. That doesn't quite fit what I mean to do with her, so Acorn Swoop is gangly and leggy.
In a more anthro universe I feel like she would be a great mailman, somehow
Because Moth Flight's Vision is now Moth Flight's Vow, and a completely different story with a new reasoning behind the Cleric's Vow, Acorn Swoop does not have the canon conflict with StarClan trying to shame her choosing medicine or marriage.
And, because I refuse to magically conjure up characters to be convenient mates for the main characters, Thunder's canon litter has been split in 2.
Shell Claw and Sleek Swoop (prev. Sleek Fur) belong to Acorn Swoop and Red Claw. Lightning Storm and Feather Cry are born to Lightning Cry and Thunderstar.
But, I'm not sure yet if this is before or after Thunderstar's Justice. I do know, however, that Lightning Cry doesn't live to see his children.
Acorn Swoop is very close to them all as a result, plus her children being the same age as her nespring. She's always been there for Thunderstar in the past, and that's not about to stop any time soon.
You may eventually notice some similarities between her and Sharpclaw when we get there. That's intentional! She is one of his distant ancestors!
By extension, she is the ancestor of Hawkwing, Violetshine, Twigbranch, Rootspring, and Needleclaw.
She also has some descendants in most Clans just by virtue of exponential ancestry, but it's uncanny for the Sharpkin.
In terms of personality, she's cheerful and daring. Acorn takes pride in herself and her family, but can still doubt herself at times. She's a fantastic hunter, and catches well above her share of food to provide for the Clan. Thunderstar is beyond grateful to have her on his side.
In the Modern Era, many of the cats of BB!DOTC have long since been venerated. By now, Acorn Swoop has become an ancient and powerful Patron of Promptness. We might consider her a sort of god of 'chance,' but to Clan cats, "Prra" is a virtue that's hard to translate.
It's perfect timing. It's prey who only looks up when it's already too late. It's a friend of another Clan whose patrol happens to sync up to yours. It's primroses that poke through the melting frost just as you believe winter will never end.
She's invoked when you're stuck anticipating, or when you have to time something just right. It's perfect moments and comedic timing, things that can't just be replicated on a whim.
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wanzerous · 3 months
you were out of this world. literally. you crashed in mondstat with no recollection of yourself. your name? you didn't know it. your birthday? nothing. all you had were the clothes on your back. completely defenseless, you were approached by the knights of favonius who brought you in for interrogation. and before you knew it, you were questioned by a guy with a careful demeanor and another with a love for 'subjects'. kaeya x fem!reader x albedo.
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.☆。• *₊° 004 - 𝙳𝙸𝙰𝙼𝙾𝙽𝙳 𝙸𝙽 𝚃𝙷𝙴 𝚁𝙾𝚄𝙶𝙷
your meeting with venti left you in a bit of confusion and haze. but you tried not to let it affect you too much. after all, he was just a drunk bard. he could be talking about anything! and, besides, maybe he mistook you for someone else. that happens ... so you hoped it was just that. but even so ... he thought he got rid of someone. did he just confess to a murder of some kind? 
it didn't matter. you didn't know him. and so, you wanted to assume that it was just his drunkness taking over. 
right now, you were walking a bit behind kaeya and amber; the two seemed to walk swiftly to return to headquarters. they were long ahead of you, while you lingered a bit more to the back you were nearly knocked over by someone much smaller than you were. thankfully, you were able to ground yourself even a little bit, but the poor child took the blunt force of the impact. 
" ow! " the child cried, falling completely on their rear with a thud. you blinked once, then twice, before quickly kneeling down to aid the young girl in red, " i'm sorry ... " you quickly apologized to the adorable young girl who seemed to pout. she had elf-like ears, and a bag that weighed more than her it seemed. even though she was in a bit of pain, the unnamed girl smiled and shook her head, " it's okay! " she had such a soft voice, and you smiled kindly at her. 
" are you hurt at all? " you asked her further, pulling her up off the ground where she began to dust off the bit of dirt from her dress, " nope! i'm fine! " she grinned, and you couldn't help but nod. that's good to hear ... but isn't she a bit young to be roaming around all by herself? you furrowed your brows, ready to ask her where her parents were until she gazed into your eyes, 
a-alien!? you took a bit of offense to that! " i don't think i've ever met you before, and i know everyone here in mondstadt! " she placed her finger under her chin to take a thinking pose, " and i heard big brother albedo mention something about a strange person. was it rude of me to call you an alien? " she seemed apologetic quickly, " i'm really sorry if i made you sad! i'm sure that was mean ... " she sighed softly, and you shook your head. you couldn't be upset or anything really ... she was a kid after all. 
but big brother albedo? did that mean she was mister albedo's younger sister? it would be pretty cute if it were true. " my name is klee by the way! spark knight klee of the knights of favonius! but you can call me klee! " she placed her hand over her chest as she puffed it out. she was pretty cute, and you playfully bowed your head at the energetic child, " it's nice to meet you, klee! " she seemed proud of herself, and you found her energy to be quite refreshing.  " my name is --  "
and you suddenly recalled that you did not know of your name. ever since you were saved, you were nameless.
klee must be an observant girl, because she noticed your hesitation and your sudden frown. you looked defeated, and she gave a pout, " you don't remember your name? " she asked, " its okay! it'll come back to you, i'm sure of it! your name is super important! " klee lifted your spirits, " and when you remember it, can you tell me then? " she wasn't pushy at all, and you nodded quickly, " i can do that. " you agreed, until amber called out to you, " hey! you're getting left behind, come on! " her and kaeya were already far ahead, and you took a step forward.
but what about klee? as you were ready to ask her, she was already latching onto you, " i figured we can go back together! i was planning on seeing albedo anyway! " she grinned, soft freckles coating her adorable cheeks. fine with that idea, the two of you walked beside one another to catch up with the other two. 
you were welcomed into the headquarters and led inside of jean's office. the same familiar faces, plus klee, but this time albedo was nowhere to be found. " huh? lisa, you couldn't find albedo again? " amber scratched her head while kaeya chuckled, " my, my. he's most likely locked himself up in the mountains once more. " 
master jean sighed softly, " it will be fine. kaeya, i entrust this information to be delivered to him later. " klee hummed and walked around to sit on the nearest couch, swinging her feet. and then suddenly, your eyes met with jeans. you blinked, and then took notice of everyone else almost sheepishly looking at you. 
" this is a meeting strictly for knights, " jean cleared her throat, " is it okay if you wait outside for a moment? " ah, that's right! how could you be so dense!? you nodded, before scrambling out of the office in a bit of embarrassment. the door was shut behind you, and you sighed softly. what could you do to pass the time? you didn't want to just linger here ... would it be okay for you to look around a bit more? looking behind you at the dark wooden door, you convinced yourself it would be fine, and began to exit the large building. 
and then you wondered about this mountain that kaeya spoke of ... the one that albedo may be hiding away at right now. he was a strange man from what you could pick up ... but your curiosity grew and you wanted to see this very mountain. but you had no leads, so what could you possibly do? seek out information from the young lady that helped you before .... barbara, was it?
· •.              •.   ✶                 * .  •
" oh? you want to explore dragonspine?! " barbara exclaimed worriedly, " i do not think that is the best idea! it's a very dangerous place, and you know nothing about it! " she frowned, hoping to convince you. " how ... dangerous is it? " you pushed. you weren't taking no for an answer. you wanted to see albedo, for some strange reason. " w-well , " she started, " the climate is extremely low there! without a heat source, you'll freeze to death! that's only for starters, but -- "
she sighed, " i just ... don't want you to get hurt or anything, that's all. i'm ... sure you have your reasons, but you shouldn't go alone. " 
from the shadows emerged a tall, curvy woman with pale grey skin. her hair color resembled a wine color, short and choppily cut too. the bags under her eyes clashed with her equally reddish eyes, and she crossed her arms under her large bust. 
" sister rosaria! " barbara called out, seeming to be thankful that she came to the rescue. 
" what's your business up there? i know you aren't exactly familiar with this area nor dragonspine, but you should listen to what she's saying. you are not qualified. " rosaria shook her head at you, before looking at barabra. it didn't matter, because you were going anyway. they told you plenty of information, so you felt like you could handle it. besides, how bad could it possibly be!? 
you were so confident, that you began the small hike with nothing but the clothes on your back. no weapon, nor food ... nothing. while you were thankful for their warnings, you helped yourself outside the gates of mondstadt. 
the breeze grew heavy, and you wondered if it was pushing you out the gates completely.
you passed the gates, and the large bridge, and found yourself under the tree in windrise once more. it seems like the damage here was minimal now, but it still amazed you by how far you've come. while you did have a lot to discover, you never imagine you'd be taken in by knights and nursed back to health. the windwheel aster's danced in the wind, followed by the tall grass and fluttering crystalflies. 
that is until you noticed the large mountain in the distance, where the clouds hid the mountain top and some glowing pillar levitated with ease. so that was dragonspine? you hoped you didn't run into any knights; you didn't want to be marked as a criminal. but you were excited to explore the unknown and remeet with that strange albedo. 
you took the path quickly, sneaking past a few hilichurls that didn't attack you. then again, you kept a fine distance from these creatures you weren't familiar with. and then you walked into the camp where people stood and chat around. in the distance, you can see the snowy mountain, and how the environment changed. 
" hey! you there! are you sure you'll be alright? you seem very underdressed for the weather! " a woman with glasses called out to you, and you nodded your head shyly. " oh ... alright then! good luck out there! " and that's when you continued fourth; and the snow began to trickle. the ground was covered in fleets of snow, and you took a deep breath.
your eyes widened at the scenery before you ... snow was so beautiful! you never encountered it, but it was such a lovely feeling! that and ... barbara was overexaggerating with the weather! it was a bit cool, but it wasn't anything you couldn't handle! or so you thought. 
the fatui didn't spot you, and since you were unarmed, you were glad. they seemed like they weren't going down without a fight. but you continued further into the mountain, no longer really following the trail, until you noticed patches of red snow, and what resembled bones; a rib cage, maybe? you were hesitant, but you followed through with your investigation. 
you inched closer and closer, until your body froze at the sight of something red, and pumping. you couldn't bring yourself to enter the cave ... no ... your body simply wouldn't allow it. it wouldn't move, and your eyes focused on the glowing red orb that seemed to ... terrify you ... !
you began to grow cold.
" hm? what are you doing here? " there was a distant muffled voice before the snow crunched behind you. you couldn't turn around, " are you alright? can you hear me? " the voice called out until a hand was placed on your shoulder. your trance was broken, and you turned, pushing the hand from your chilled shoulder. 
you gazed at the person who successfully pulled you from your haze. your body trembled, and your breath created a cloud of fog. it was safe to say you were surely at risk of hypothermia. 
" did you travel here alone? " albedo asked, looking in the small bag he wore, " quite dangerous it was. if i did not spot you, you would have been in serious trouble. " he grabbed a warming bottle and prepped it, " why are you here in the mountains anyway? " he didn't really get a good look at your face, but it was safe to say you had a few tears.
you were silent for a time, wiping your eyes with your freezing hands. " hm ? " albedo hummed, wanting an answer out of you as the bottle created a comfortable heat. albedo, looking at you and offering the bottle toward you finally took notice of you ...
and the diamond in your left eye that wasn't there days prior.
[ when stars align. || kaeya x fem!reader x albedo ] [ 2146 words ] previous chapter, chapter three [here]
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lionydoorin · 1 year
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Got any Tamber headcanons? :3
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you know i do!
they met when tara was seven and amber was six, right before tara was held back a year again. they were waiting for their parents together on the sidewalk, sitting side by side, not really talking but fidgeting and smiling at each other from time to time. tara saw amber pull a psp out and start playing a game she was interested in, and amber, noticing it, asked if she wanted to play, as well. time didn't seem to pass after that; they waited for hours before sam finally got out of class and amber's parents finally remembered they had a daughter to pick up, and parted with waves and smiles, not even knowing each other's names.
they become best friends, though, after tara's parents divorce and she's held back another year. the kids bully her because tara's older but she's smaller and why is she studying with them? is she stupid? and amber beats the hell out of a kid that says that loud enough for tara to hear. after that, they're stuck to each other like glue.
tara dictated everything she did based on amber's wants and needs. not necessarily because amber required her to, no, but because she felt she needed to in order to keep her close. amber loved it, though.
their first sleepover is after sam doesn't come to pick tara up for the sixth consecutive time after class. amber always waited for sam to show up before she walked home, not wanting to leave her friend alone; after three hours watching the street, she stood up, stretching her hand out for tara to hold. come on, she said, you're sleeping at mine's today.
(it becomes a daily thing. they never ask their parents about it — no one cares, in reality. they're all too far gone into work and alcohol to care.)
amber was always kind of bossy, even before she lost her mind. she always took the lead in their friend group, and despised if anyone tried to prove her wrong. tara's admiration for her stemmed from that at first – that, and the fact amber protected her, amber stayed with her.
so, she didn't care if amber was a little aggressive sometimes. she didn't care if there were things her best friend wouldn't let her do. she thought that was what love was about.
when sam left? tara called her in tears, locked inside her room, scared out of her mind because her mother wouldn't stop yelling at her like it was her fault and she had broken the kitchen's glass table in rage. amber talks her through her panic attack on the phone, and promises her she'll let her stay for the rest of the week, if tara wants to.
(she was so glad sam left, so glad her biggest competition was gone. she could never tell tara, though.)
amber hates wes. we all know that. it all started when they were fourteen and wes called her out for not letting tara befriend a new kid from their class, simply because she was jealous. he said it didn't make sense and that tara wasn't her property. she all but needed to prove him wrong.
because tara was hers. only hers.
their first kiss happens when they're fifteen, sleeping over at amber's, a slasher playing on the background. i could elaborate but i'll leave that for a separate post, maybe :3
tara gave amber the necklace after said first kiss. she knew it was a gift her father apparently wanted to be given to her when she was fifteen, something he bought years before the divorce and told christina to wait for her sweet quinces. tara couldn't bear the idea of keeping it, instead wanting to give it a new meaning. something that could symbolize maybe, just maybe, amber was hers as much as she was (undoubtedly) amber's.
they never really dated. it was complicated. they were so much for each other but never verbalized nor made it official – for everyone, it was only "tara's amber" and "amber's tara", if that makes sense.
okay so. amber dies. it's complicated. we don't know how much she actually felt. this thought plagues tara forever.
when she goes to bed, she sees amber's eyes. hears her voice. feels her touch. it's all too much, it has always been too much, but now tara simply doesn't know how to handle it.
she doesn't sleep. she doesn't eat. she fears the possibility of seeing her in the shadows, and once she does see her, it's like a ghost keeping her soul trapped to amber's.
the voice talks to her. it tells her things she always wanted to hear, and things she never wanted to think about. how much she meant to amber. (you were supposed to be my perfect opening kill, baby.) how much amber wanted to be with her. (if only you had let me finish this. we could be together. forever.)
tara hates that she loves loved amber. hates the idea of ever having missed her. she misses her.
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