meruaccounting9999 · 7 months
Amazon sellers contribute to the platform's extensive product catalog, providing a diverse shopping experience for customers, whether they are individuals, small businesses, or large enterprises.
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Are You Looking For Amazon Account Management
Ready to conquer the world of online retail? Our eTail Amazon Account Management services are here to turn your business dreams into a reality. Step into the realm of Amazon and unlock unlimited growth opportunities.
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drosenkatzen · 2 years
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Muffin lernt mit dem Laptop zu arbeiten - muß vorsichtig sein mit meinem Amazonaccount 😹😹😹
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crestelina · 4 years
How to unblock or reactivate a blocked or suspended Amazon account
As you should know if you read our insights fairly frequently, Amazon is one of the largest and most popular online marketplaces in the world and ... it is very difficult today to do without your own presence on Amazon!
Of course, with this we don't want to tell you that you should give up other sales channels in order to bet everything on what Jeff Bezos offers you. In fact, we believe that it is essential How To Get Ungated In Jewelry to keep up one's “institutional” and commercial website, and to support it with a diversified range of communication, promotion and distribution channels.
However, we also want to remind you that today, due to the way the online retail market is structured, it is very difficult not to think about your active presence in Amazon.
On the other hand, with more and more vendors bringing their business to this gigantic virtual mall, it won't have escaped you that the competition has certainly gotten tougher than it was in the past.
The consequences of such an evolution are numerous. Today, for example, it is increasingly difficult (but not impossible!) To stand out from its competitors. And it is increasingly important to focus one's attention on the right positioning activities within the marketplace and the promotion of one's products on this platform.
But there is another consequence we want to talk to you about. As a result of the multiplication of the number of sellers on its sales platform, Amazon has established increasingly stringent rules in order to defend its credibility.
One of those rules is the one we want to talk about today: Amazon suspends sellers who don't meet company standards. And if you don't meet Amazon's standards, there's nothing worth being surprised if your account gets suspended. But what to do? What are the solutions you could take to put things right?
 Why has Amazon suspended your account?
Before understanding the different ways to revoke the suspension of your account, it is important to know why your account was suspended and your Amazon selling privileges were revoked.
Understanding why Amazon has blocked your account will not only help you find the best solution to solve the situation that has arisen, but it will also prevent you from ending up in the same consequences in the near future. Very often, in fact, the account on Amazon is blocked due to the unaware behavior of the seller, who does not realize that the conduit he has put in place in good faith actually violates the provisions of the rules of the same marketplace.
In short, the suspension of the account on Amazon can be a nuisance, but it can also be a useful moment of growth, given that you could discover previously ignored information, and that will guarantee a more peaceful stay within the marketplace in quality of seller.
That said, there are some assumptions that could lead to Amazon account suspension. Below we wanted to outline the main ones, it being understood that there may be others that, although marginal compared to these, could be for you and constitute the determinant that led your account to suspension.
Performance as a seller is dropping
The first reason that could lead to the suspension of your account is a visible decline in performance as a seller, with the accumulation of poor ratings.
Remember that one of the reasons Amazon is so successful and thriving over its competitors is because its customers believe in its authority and trustworthiness as an online marketplace. No wonder Amazon suspends sellers who threaten its image as a trustworthy company!
And that's why when sellers receive a high volume of negative reviews, Amazon is on high alert to monitor how the seller is really doing and possibly suspend their account in case things get worse.
At this point, if you feel that your account is suspended precisely because your performance as a seller has deteriorated, you should take a further step and ask yourself what are the determinants of such deterioration in the quality of your service.
Again, there is no short and quick explanation. However, the most common reasons sellers fail to keep up with Amazon's sales metrics are:
frequent cancellation of orders;
late shipments;
Negative customer opinions and reviews.
The metrics you should keep in mind don't stop there. However, start with these to make sure you have at least reached the minimum goal set by Amazon, which is:
less than 2.5% for the order cancellation rate;
less than 4% delay in shipping;
Less than 1% defects in the goods.
Having these metrics at hand and constantly monitoring, and avoiding going below the minimum thresholds that are established as quality standards, we are sure that you will be able to protect yourself from account suspensions, at least for these reasons!
Restricted products are on sale
While you can sell tons of products on Amazon, that doesn't mean you can sell everything (quite the opposite). The marketplace has specifically outlined different types of products and brands that are prohibited from their website.
Therefore, as a seller, you would do well to take a look at the items you intend to sell, and try to figure out if they are on Amazon's list of Restricted Products:
Animals and products of animal origin
Cars and motorbikes and sports with motor vehicles
Composite wood products
Cosmetics and skin and hair care
Currency, coins, vouchers and gift certificates
Food supplements
Drugs and devices for the use of narcotic substances
Explosives, weapons and related items
Export Controls
Food and home care
Hazardous materials
Jewels and precious stones
Laser products
Devices for burglary
Medical devices and related accessories
Offensive and controversial materials
Pesticides and pesticides
Seeds and products derived from plants
Electronic equipment recycling
Sexual well-being
Surveillance equipment
Tobacco and tobacco related products
Other restricted products
As you can see, the list of products that are subject to restrictions is quite long.
Be careful though. The fact that your product is among the restricted product does not mean that it cannot be sold. Instead, it means that you have to be very careful to respect the specific rules for that particular category of goods. Do you want some examples?
Let's imagine you want to sell "Tobacco and tobacco related products".
In this case, Amazon does not prohibit you from selling any product that falls into this category, but does allow certain tobacco- related products, as long as they do not have any cigarette or smokeless tobacco brands or logos, such as:
Cigar cutter
Cigarette papers
Tobacco pipes
Collectables that do not contain tobacco
Certain smoking cessation products approved for sale over the counter, such as nicotine gum and patches
Also allowed are “Collectables that do not contain tobacco”and” Certain smoking cessation products approved for sale over the counter, such as gum and nicotine patches”.
On the other hand, in this category are prohibited offers:
Tobacco or any product containing tobacco, such as “Blunt wraps”, Cigarettes, Cigars, Snuff, Nicogel, Smokeless Tobacco, including dissolvable tobacco;
Electronic cigarettes and related products (regardless of the presence of nicotine), such as Electronic cigarettes, Vaporizers not containing tobacco and nicotine (also called "vitamin Vape" and "aromatherapy pens"), electronic hookahs, E-liquid juice, electronic cigarette juice, smoke juice, or similar liquids for refilling electronic cigarettes, electronic pipes, electronic cigars, nicotine nebulizers and similar products;
Accessories for such products, such as new and replacement cartridges, atomizers, batteries, clearomizers, smoke juice or similar liquids for refilling electronic cigarettes, nasal sprays or nicotine inhalers;
Smoking cessation products that have not been approved for sale in the United States, such as Tabex;
Smokeless tobacco products, such as chewing tobacco, soluble tobacco;
Products, including but not limited to hats, t-shirts and lighters with brands or logos of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco;
Devices for the use of narcotic substances.
Now, given that such specific and profound rules apply to each category of product that you can sell on Amazon, we cannot, for reasons of brevity, report all the examples from the list above in this in-depth analysis.
However, we can support you in two ways.
The first is to remember that you will only need to log into Seller Central Amazon and search for "Restricted Products" within the "Program Policies" in the support section, in order to have the details of what you can sell and what you cannot sell on Amazon .
Secondly we want to remind you that in case you want to operate within a restricted category, there are 6 basic rules that Amazon has provided, namely:
before publishing offers in some categories you will need to ask for and obtain a specific pre-approval from Amazon;
for some sales categories you may also be asked for additional information and / or guarantees before the publication of the product sheets;
if you are enrolled in the FBA service, not only do you need to make sure you comply with the restrictions, but you also need to consult the FBA product restrictions page, because not all products are eligible for that service (more on that shortly );
some products are subject to additional regulations depending on the states in which you want to sell;
if you intend to publish international offers, then you must take the responsibility and responsibility of verifying that the products offered comply with all applicable laws and regulations (for this control activity we recommend that you contact a consultant);
If you sell to the US, products claiming to be “FDA Cleared”, “FDA Approved” or products that include the FDA logo in associated images must meet additional requirements.
Considering that we have just mentioned it, allow us a small comment on the problems of inconsistency of the products sold with the FBA service.
In other words, your product may also be eligible for sale on Amazon, but you may not be able to ship it with FBA. Some excluded products are:
Alcoholic beverages (including non-alcoholic beer);
Gift certificates, gift certificates and other instruments of stored value;
Products accompanied by unauthorized marketing materials such as brochures, price tags, or other non-Amazon stickers;
Products that require preparation but have not been prepared in accordance with the FBA Prep and Packaging Requirements;
Batteries in bulk packs;
Damaged or defective items;
Products with labels not duly registered with Amazon prior to shipment or not corresponding to the registered product;
Products that do not comply with any agreement entered into between Amazon and the seller;
Illegally replicated, reproduced or manufactured products;
Products deemed unsuitable by Amazon for other reasons.
A specific mention will then be considered for dangerous goods, which we will discuss in separate detail.
Fake products are for sale
Another very serious reason for suspension of your account is related to the sale of fake products. Counterfeit products are a serious blow to Amazon's image as a reliable marketplace. From DVDs to beauty products, from electronics to shoes, Amazon wants to sell only original products. So, if you are selling (even unwittingly) counterfeit products, it is reasonable to think that sooner or later your account will be suspended.
For some time, however, Amazon seems to have taken its problems with counterfeit products seriously, and has repeatedly revised its policy in this regard.
Today the marketplace claims that
It is the responsibility of each seller and supplier to purchase, sell and manage only authentic products. Prohibited products include illegal copies and pirated copies of products or content, counterfeit items, illegally replicated, reproduced or manufactured products, products that infringe the intellectual property rights of other parties. Sellers and vendors of inauthentic products will incur suspension or removal of the Amazon selling account (and any related accounts).
Not only. In fact, if you resort to FBA, know that
Amazon also reserves the right to destroy any unauthentic product stored in its fulfillment centers at the seller's expense.
You have two accounts
Another reason for account suspension that many users are unaware of is related to ownership of two accounts.
Duplicate accounts are not tolerated on Amazon. Furthermore, the company does not allow users to create a new account when the original one has been suspended, as this would be too easy to circumvent market obstacles.
It is also for this reason that for some time Amazon has introduced an algorithm that can detect this particular activity, and which in turn can help deactivate the "secondary" account.
Anyway, this is the "basic" rule. It is however possible Amazon agrees to two accounts, but it is good that this exception is expressly approved by the marketplace with express authorization. Additionally, Amazon only gives the green light to two accounts if:
in the request, include the commercial reason for which you need another seller account in addition to your first one;
have a separate bank account for each Seller Central account, with Amazon clearly stating that it does not approve multiple Seller Central accounts that use the same bank account within the same country;
if you are selling in multiple countries (e.g. Europe and the US), then you can use the same bank account for your Seller Central accounts, as long as the accounts are linked through Amazon Global Selling;
each account has a separate email address;
the products and services sold in each account are different;
Performance metrics are in good standing.
Once authorization for a double Amazon account has been requested, the marketplace will provide a response within 2 to 3 business days.
How to reactivate your Amazon account
Now that we've briefly summarized the main and possible causes of suspension, it's time to take a look at the steps you need to take to get your account back up and running.
It is certainly good to remember the fact that there is no single path to reach the "goal". And precisely for this reason it might be advisable to make direct contact with the Amazon staff and, perhaps, get a good consultation from a specialist.
In any case, below we wanted to summarize what we believe may be the main steps you should take in order to reactivate your account on Amazon.
Find out the reason for the suspension
Knowing the root of the problem so that you can get to the right solution is certainly the first step you should take in order to be able to take a profitable path that, in the end, can really lead you to the reactivation of your Amazon account .
To do this, we advise you to read the suspension notice that will have been sent to you by Amazon: within it you should find useful content to be able to determine what went wrong and, from here, you could certainly understand what you could do to be able to correct the shot.
Reading the note that Amazon has sent you will not always be a sufficient element to be able to have all the clarifications you need, but we still believe that it is quite useful to get the first cues on what you need to do.
Generate an action plan
Once you understand why Amazon has suspended your account, we recommend that you… don't get discouraged. We know very well that having your account suspended is certainly not the best thing that can happen to you, especially if a large part of your business is linked to Amazon. And even if you don't have all of your turnover (or a good part of it) focused on Amazon, we are also sure that you will certainly not be pleased to have had such a negative "evaluation" from the marketplace!
It is precisely for this reason that, after digesting the regret of having seen your suspended account, you must regain your strength and move on to the counterattack. You must let Amazon know that you are a trustworthy seller. This is how you structure your action plan, which should state the following:
the main clear and practical steps on how you intend to address the problem;
a strategic plan showing how you will prevent this from happening in the future;
A list of positive elements that show why your role is important within the marketplace.
In short, try to structure a real plan, with which you intend to demonstrate your credibility and your reliability and, recognizing the error or conduct that led to the suspension, undertake some design steps to suggest that you will no longer fall into the incongruity that led to the suspension of your account.
Make a request to Amazon
Once you have a good plan of action in place (it is essential to do this in a timely manner, but do not rush - if you have any doubts, have someone more experienced than you read it and, perhaps, a consultant who specializes in these situations) you can send a request to Amazon to get your account restored.
Your request to Amazon can be made through several basic steps.
First of all, go to the Seller Central section of your account, navigate to the performance tab and choose notifications from the drop-down menu. Then, locate the suspension notice you received and click on the "appeal" button, which will allow you to send a request to Amazon, with which you want the marketplace to view your position and your "defense thesis”.
It is very important that, by filling in the form in question, you can clearly indicate what your action plan is (see the previous paragraph). So try to summarize what happened, and how you plan to stop it from happening again. Once you are convinced of what you are about to do, send the request by clicking on the confirm button.
Before proceeding with the final phase of our in-depth study, allow us to open a small parenthesis: Amazon receives many requests to restore the account, and therefore is ready to read anything and ... it has become increasingly selective in choosing what to readmit to reactivation and what not.
Therefore, your goal in this case will have to be to make your appeal stand out through some peaceful trick that will prevent your request from being considered as that of everyone else and, in particular, that of sellers who have less credibility and reliability of your facility.
But what are these "tricks" you should adopt in order to improve your chances of success?
In the first place, to ssicurati to indicate the reason for the suspension. Do this clearly and explicitly, avoiding beating around the bush or not addressing the problem. Only in this way does Amazon know that you are fully aware of the problem and that you are ready to take all responsibility for it. If, on the other hand, "pretend nothing happened", be vague or, even worse, write a reason for the suspension that is different than what was actually indicated by Amazon as the cause of the suspension itself, it is possible that Amazon is not worthy of particular attention your request.
The second piece of advice that we want to give you is to and lencate the good results of sales that you've got. In this way you will help to paint a solid picture in your image as a seller and… you will also generate the impression of a good convenience to reconnect on the part of Amazon. Remember that when you get more sales, Amazon gets more sales too. Therefore, if you list the good results you have achieved, you will certainly put yourself in a better light in the eyes of Amazon.
The third tip I want to share is to be very direct as you outline your plans for how to provide Amazon customers with a better shopping experience in the future. Again, it is good to be direct, specific and very transparent. It is good that Amazon has in mind that you are clear about what you want to do and how you want to achieve the results you have set in your head to achieve. In short, don't expect Amazon to do the evaluation and analytics work for you. It is you who will have to propose solutions to Amazon, and certainly not ask Amazon to formulate them for you!
A fourth idea you find on this page is related to the style you will have to adopt. Always try to be clear, direct, decisive and professional, but always keep a positive tone. In the conversations you will have with Amazon, try to be proactive, never aggressive or too defensive. A neutral and encouraging tone of exposure will certainly help to be able to find a full harmony with the marketplace and with its team that takes care of evaluating the requests for reactivation of the accounts present in it.
Finally, we recommend that you ask for help. Even if many entrepreneurs, and especially those who manage small business ventures, believe they can do everything themselves, you will soon realize that even for less structured and less complex e-commerce, time is never enough. Why, then, try to find collaborations?
It's very simple! Our experience suggests that, unfortunately, many of the account suspensions that we have been able to evaluate occur for the simple reason that the entrepreneur underestimates certain aspects of his business, such as the need to be punctual and timely in every informative contact or device. With its customers (and we are not referring only, therefore, to the need to ship the goods on time).
Therefore, consider hiring a virtual assistant to help you keep track of your emails, page content and social media profiles. The good news is that there are many credible companies where you can get virtual support for cheap, and so you won't have to worry about Amazon suspension at all, at least as far as customer service issues are concerned.
Speaking of customer service, also remember to consider the possibility of signing an agreement with Amazon for the FBA service. In this way, some of the more complex and energy-intensive activities, such as those related to logistics and customer service, will be incorporated directly into the marketplace and you will have more time left to dedicate to your core business!
Hoping that the above information will be useful to you in order to improve your relationship with Amazon when it comes to account suspensions, we can only leave you reminding you that being suspended from Amazon can be difficult to digest, but as a good entrepreneur as you are, you should take the bull by the horns and react in a positive way, going to take this unexpected event as a useful element to improve your business.
Rather than pester yourself that you were suspended from Amazon, and rather than deal with how much revenue you are losing as a result of that decision, ask yourself if your company has what it takes to get back into the game. So ask yourself, making a full examination of conscience, if Amazon actually "did well" to suspend you and what are its reasons. And, above all, try to understand how you can run for cover by showing the marketplace a serious plan of action with which you will make Jeff Bezos' company understand that you have learned from the mistake and that you want to get back on track with renewed authority and credibility. Within its own platform.
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What Is Amazon Accounting: Amazon Seller Accounting Software
These are tips, tricks, and techniques utilized by several prosperous Amazon sellers to assist change their accounting processes. We cannot offer specific accounting recommendations. Please work along with your certified public accountant or tax lawyer for acceptable tax, accounting, or legal recommendations.
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How To Reinstate Amazon Seller Account
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