signitt · 2 years
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teethhoarder · 5 months
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Commission for @mysticwaffles Of Furfur and their friend's OC Alzenia! <3
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zoxie8 · 3 months
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Commission for my friend @mysticwaffles! This is a comic of Alziracrow, a rp ship we have! (Alzenia x Aziraphale x Crowley)
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ghostlymatte · 5 months
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Commission for @mysticwaffles <3 Alzenia + Furfur
Thank you again! ^0^)/ <3
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angle0fthegourd · 7 years
36 OC Question Interview
I stole this from @halfblood-fiend and yeeeeeah.
This is for my new D&D character
1. “What is your name?”
Alzenia Flora Jarita
2. “No seriously what is your real name?”
*sighs* Alysia Una Jarita
3. “Do you know why your were called this?
I don’t know.
4. “Are you single or taken?”
I have no time for a relationship.
5. “Do you have any abilities or powers?”
Not to my knowledge.
6. “Stop being a Mary Stu.”
*glares* Excuse me?
7. “What is your eye color?”
My left eye is violet and my right eye is blue.
8. “How about your hair color?”
It is black.
9. “Have you any family members?”
No.*stern gaze*
10. “I see…What about pets?”
I don’t have any…but I wouldn’t mind an animal companion.
11. “Tell me about something you don’t like.”
The faithless fools who control this world!…..And dreams, not because of nightmares. I just have very odd dreams, I once had a dream that I was a druid who was obsessed with snakes…weird right? 
12. “Do you have any hobbies/activities you like doing?”
I actually enjoy ballroom dancing more than I’d care to confess.
13. “Ever hurt anyone before?”
There’s not a person in the world who can claim to have never hurt anyone.
14. “Ever…killed someone before?”
I do what I must.
15. “What kind of animal are you?”
Changeling? I must admit that I don’t understand exactly what you mean.
16. “Name one of your worst habits.”
I do have slight anger issues…*someone snorts in the background, but is silenced by Alysia’s glare*
17. “Do you look up to anyone at all?”
Looking up to people is foolish, we should be our own inspiration.
18. “Sexual orientation?”
I see no reason to chose partners solely on their gender, desires of the heart should be based on the soul not the body.
19. “Do you go to school?”
20. “Do you ever want to marry and have kids one day?”
It is foolish to have such fantasies, I serve the goddess Nadiri and it is likely that I will die doing so. There is no reason to hurt a spouse and children with my passing…Though it would be a lie to say that I never thought of it…*averts gaze*
21. “What are you most afraid of?”
Bears. *shudders*
22. “What do you usually wear?”
I usually wear agile plate and a hooded trench coat.
23. “Do you love someone?”
*pauses* No. But, I did once.
24. “What class are you?” (High/Middle/Low)
I was raised in a High class family, well, as high class as it gets in a village.
25. “How many friends do you have?”
….I don’t have friends per say, but I have four close acquaintances.
26. “Thoughts on pie?”
*gets visibly excited* OH I LO*stops and calms herself down*…I enjoy it.
27. “Favorite drink?”
There was a tavern in the forests just outside of my village that I used visit as a child. The owner always gave me this sweet drink that tasted of vanilla and cinnamon, and those memories have always been just as sweet as the drink. *softly smiles* My sis-*lips turn down into a frown once again and clears her throat*Anyways, I never found out what the tavern owner called the drink.
28. “What’s your favorite place?”
The beach next to my village, I would spend hours swimming in the clear water. I used to try and guess the names of the fish, I miss those days dearly.
29. “Would you rather swim in a lake or the ocean?”
Ocean. I don’t mind lakes, but having growing up in a coastal village gives me a preference for the ocean.
30. “Are you interested in anyone?”
31. What is your dick size?
*rolls eyes and glares at the interviewer until they continue onto the next question*
32. “Well, what’s your type?”
Soft spoken, intuitive, intelligent, and a good sense of humor.
“And, what attracts you?”
Eyes. I truly believe all you need to know about a person is in their eyes.
33. “Any fetishes?”
I don’t believe that is any of your business.
34. “Seme or uke? Top or bottom? Dominate or submissive?”
35. “Camping indoors or outdoors?”
Outdoors, it doesn’t count as camping if you’re indoors.
36. “Are you wanting the quiz to end?”
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signitt · 2 years
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signitt · 2 years
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zoxie8 · 1 year
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This is the attacks I've done so far for artfight. I'm super proud of my work so far, and I feel like I suddenly draw better than usual for some reason lol. People the attacks were for in order : Wish Fox for alexpuffle (@realnourwengal on twitter), Jakobi for PaperbackWolf (@paperbackwolf) and Melon for LaviDragon (@themermaidslagoon) Side note, the purple demon in the second one is mine, it's my sona Alzenia. :> Stay tuned for more!
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zoxie8 · 1 year
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My sona Alzenia has never looked better. I’m so proud of this piece, what a wonderful demoness! 
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zoxie8 · 1 year
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Lil bean of Alzenia, I think this style is super cute. I will make it available in my commissions very soon!
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zoxie8 · 1 year
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Did some doodles of Alzenia. They are very undetailed but I still like them.
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zoxie8 · 1 year
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This was the first time I was satisfied with my sona’s design. This is Alzenia, she is an OC I originally created to be a protagonist in a fanfic, but over time she just became my sona.
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