#Aly Oswald Smith
nehswritesstuffs · 2 years
Getting the hang of things: 12, Clara and the kids try to take a normal human family vacation together and things don’t go as planned.
Happy Twelve Day, everyone! It’s still 12.12 where I am, so meh this is going up.
2190 words; one of my favorite inconsequential personal headcanons for Coal Hill if Clara continues teaching there is that the Eleven expy coworker eventually becomes headmaster, because why the fuck not; makes mention of the very angsty ch.33 (tumblr/FFN/AO3); sorry I’ve had severe OP brain rot the past half year please take this in penance (though I’ve got a lot more for it than DW coming sorry not sorry); friendly reminder to not interact with wildlife unless you are with an expert and the Doctor does not count as an expert; not really thoroughly beta’d, but if I find something egregious I’ll fix it for now I’m just tired
All Clara really wanted was to go to the seaside. Just a seaside holiday with her husband and children… was that too much to ask?
The first reason it was deemed unattainable, it was because she had her time off request denied. She went directly to the headmaster’s office, as she was not in the mood to do anything else, and confronted him directly. She had the available time, there was no testing or other things going on then, her husband already had his time approved at his work (though, she did not mention that his time was automatically approved being as one saved the ability to tell a minor cosmic deity “no” for special occasions), so what was the problem…?
“Sorry, Clara,” the headmaster apologized. “I thought you knew.”
“…knew what, Adrian?”
“That’s the week of the Year Sevens’ class trip.”
Everything came rushing back to her in a rush of mortification. Yes, the Thursday and Friday she requested was when the Grade Sevens were going to Loch Lomond for a camping and culture excursion. She even was going to chaperone, since her “step-children” were on the trip this year. How in the bloody hell did she forget…? Wracking her brain quick as she could, she tried to think about when she could have possibly volunteer and then immediately forget the entire thing…?
“Did you get me to agree to this… say… late September, early October…?”
“October 3rd, actually. I’ve got the paperwork here.”
“Adrian… you know I’m out of sorts around then,” she groaned.
“I had to get the list of adults ready, you know that,” the headmaster defended gently. He was one of the few who knew of her… particular family situation and all the intergalactic implications involved, and had known from the start. “Any other empty long weekend is yours, no questions.”
“Then I guess I’ll talk with the Doctor when I get home,” she sighed. She rubbed her temples as she felt a headache coming on, her attention stolen when the headmaster placed a couple stacks of papers on his desk. “Adrian Thomas Davies, what the bloody hell is that?”
“Not much,” he shrugged. “Since you mentioned him, we do need to discuss the Doctor…”
The second reason that a regular family holiday was perfectly unattainable was due to the fact that… well… screw it, there was a lot of reasons, and they all kept piling up at a rapid pace.
Missing his tobacco habit for the first time in nearly two millennia, the Doctor stood surrounded by five dozen tweens who were wound up and excited for the fact they were on a trip away from home. He looked over at a pair of fathers who had also come along, envious at their excuse for a smoke break, the act of which brought them more than a few yards away at a designated stand at the edge of the carpark. It wasn’t even something he could magically pick up again for the duration of the trip, because one puff and Clara would be absolutely livid. Instead, he was surrounded by his children’s classmates, nearly all exuding a sort of energy he was not used to encountering, all because Clara accidentally volunteered him.
“Dad?” He glanced over and saw Alison staring up at him. “What's wrong?”
“I don’t know,” he lied. What was wrong was that he was currently risking a lot in order to be there for the trip. He was still taking the time off at the end of the week, but at the same time, he was also currently at the office, helping disassemble some extraplanar tech thanks to the scientific wonder that was the TARDIS. “How’re you holding up, Aly? You and Jim alright?”
“Yeah—he’s over with Auntie Nellie and Mum,” the girl said, pointing vaguely behind him. He turned and saw Clara and an Osgood—the only reason he was able to get away with a normally-contract-breaching use of time travel—as they attempted to corral some of the more energetic students. Although there were still other adults there to help out, there was not much being done to help the general chaos of sixty London-raised children getting ready to spend a week camping in Scotland. James was almost clung to Clara, which made his father chuckle. There was so much happening that it was a bit scary even for him.
“Dr. Oswald-Smith?” The Doctor looked and saw one of the wee terrors staring at him curiously. “When did you move to London from Scotland?”
“I moved to London from Gallifrey about two thousand years ago, in 1963,” he grunted. The tween scowled and looked at Alison.
“Is he going to be like this the whole trip?”
“He gets better,” Alison assured. The student shrugged and went off to another cluster, allowing the girl to glare at her father. “Don’t ruin this for us!”
“Ruin what?”
“Friends!” At that, he knew precisely what it was she meant: they needed to be able to interact with their new peers with little judgement. They had not yet been with these classmates for a year—as “transfer students”, they were on thin ice. That explained her outburst and irritation.
“Don’t worry, kiddo—I’m not looking to ruin anything,” he assured. The Doctor watched as she stormed off and joined her classmates. A pang of guilt struck through him—she was embarrassed by him.
“I see that look on your face.” He glanced over and saw Clara standing there, having abandoned Osgood to be devoured by rabid tweens or whatever was going on over on the other side of the carpark. “Don’t act like you’re surprised or anything.”
“Some normal family holiday this is turning out to be,” he noted. She just shook her head and sighed. “That’s what we wanted, right?” He bent down and they pecked their lips together—can’t show too much affection, after all.
“For the time being, anyhow,” she replied. She handed him a copy of the itinerary; it was decidedly packed with activities for the kids, which meant few breaks for the adults. “Think you can handle our group for the time being?”
“If our group isn’t stolen by the meme master over there,” he said, gesturing over towards Osgood. She and a small child looked like they were having a dance-off, with other adults watching carefully on from a distance. Clara made a note to invite Osgood back if they were running short on chaperones in the future—she was surprisingly good with the kids. “Let’s just get this over with, and then we can go on as normal. It’s only fair.”
“…to whom…?”
“Neither of us, I can tell you that.” Something over on the other side of the carpark caught his eye and he groaned internally. “None of these pudding-brains should know what the mechanics for trimonoclyde fusion is, correct?”
“Considering I have no idea what you just said…?”
“I’ll be right back—watch Osgood’s pockets. I think we’ve got thieves in our midst.” The Doctor went off to where there were some children huddled around a rock in order to confiscate something.
This was going to be a ride, that was for certain.
As it turned out, camping with so many tweens was not a wise idea, both the Doctor and Clara found out. Their children? They weren’t being the best, but they were manageable. It was many of the rest of the children—not to mention a couple of the adults—that grated on their nerves. Between students attempting to run off into the woods and the adults’ inane banter and members of both groups attempting to wander off at different points to find a town (and therefore, wifi), things were beginning to get complicated.
“Remind me to throw your boss into a supernova when we get back,” the Doctor groused as he sat down next to Clara. The pair of them were taking the early watch in their half of the camp, making sure that no one decided to sneak off. All of the tents opened towards them, which admittedly was a big help, but it was still a two-person job at the very least. With the loch to their backs and the other watch pair further off, it could have nearly been considered private.
“You will not be doing anything to Adrian… and no calling in favors on him,” she warned. She poked the fire in front of them with a stick, agitating the logs so more could catch fire properly. “This part’s nice, at least.”
“I thought you hated bonfires.”
“I do—I’m talking about the quiet.” She leaned back and looked up at the stars, the fact they were even there an incredible thing to see for someone who normally lived in London. Smiling, Clara continued to stare as she leaned against the Doctor’s shoulder.
“What are you looking at?” he asked.
“You see them all the time when we’re out in the TARDIS.”
“True, but I don’t often get to see them while on Earth,” she reasoned. “Even now, the village is close enough that we don’t really see everything.”
“It’s a shame, because everything looks amazing from here.” She turned her head to see that he was looking directly at her, without any regard for the sky above or the tents they were supposed to be minding. He leaned down and kissed her tenderly before wrapping an arm around her and tucking her head under his chin. “We’ll have to do this on our own when we’re feeling up to camping.”
“A camping permit for just the four of us?”
“I was thinking a little something pre-permits.” Clara could then feel the Doctor tense. “Did you see that?”
“See what?”
“I think I saw something over by the back tents.”
“A wildcat, I bet.”
“Possibly, but let me see.” He grabbed a torch and stood, heading back over towards the rear of the encampment. Shining the torch around, he didn’t catch anything. “Huh. Nothing. I guess it was my imagin—”
At that, a wildcat did indeed jump out from behind a tent and hissed at the Doctor. The Time Lord stared at it, unimpressed.
“I’d change your attitude if I were you,” he said. “No one’s here to steal your kills.”
A yowl and a hiss escaped the cat, the hairs on its back standing on-end.
“They’re a bunch of kids—kittens, if you will—and although yes I admit some of them are losing that thing that makes them cool, most of them are rather brilliant.” The wildcat did not yield. “Aren’t you the pleasant one?”
“Doctor? Should I get Osgood?”
“Naw—it’s just a cat,” he said.
Soon as the words left his lips, the wildcat attacked. The feline jumped at him, meowing loudly. Other cats then started popping out from the wood, all of them attempting to climb at him and bite or swipe at his ankles and knees. He tried to shoo them away to no avail; they kept coming, somehow all swarming him. Students and other chaperones alike began poking their heads out of their tents to see what all the commotion was about.
“Dr. Oswald-Smith, are you alright?” one of the chaperones asked blearily. The wildcat nearest her hissed violently, forcing her to retreat back into the tent.
“It’s always you getting into trouble like this,” Clara groaned. She suddenly appeared at his side with the broom left to them by the parks people, trying to bat the wildcats away without hurting them. A few got the hint, but most kept attacking. The Doctor made a run for the loch, wading into the shallow bit before the cats began to rethink leaving him alone. One, however, lunged up and at him, knocking him fully over into the water. By now their entire side of the camp was awake and staring at the scene, along with some from the other half, with James and Alison looking on in horror.
“This is an absolute disaster,” James squeaked. The cat that knocked over his father jumped back to shore and bounded through camp and into the wood, disappearing as silently as it appeared.
“Disaster doesn’t even cover it,” Alison groaned. She looked at the three girls that she was sharing a tent with and scowled. “Would you believe me if I said this wasn’t the weirdest thing I’ve seen happen to him?”
“I believe it, Ozsmith,” one of them replied. They watched as the Doctor dragged himself out of the loch, absolutely sopping wet. “Maybe that’s the story behind the monster up in Ness?”
“Knowing Dad? Probably had something to do with it.”
If they asked, then yes, of course he had something to do with the sensation up in Loch Ness. To be honest, he’d had Victoria and Jamie take turns recording the whole thing. Yet right now? In front of most of his children’s Human classmates? In the cold? Under the scrutiny of half a dozen torches? He was just lucky that the TARDIS was able to tone down his cursing over such a long distance.
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antigonick · 7 months
Hi!! Would you happen to have any recs for good retellings of Greek myths? A lot of books I've seen recommended are usually not up to the mark and I trust your taste!
In terms of contemporary fiction retellings, I don't have much to offer; the few I've picked up were always a let-down, and some older ones too (I goddamn hated Mary Renault's). I do have some favourites in poetry or in older books, but they're usually fairly transformative; and I like picking up different translations of the same ancient texts (especially with plays); they offer a new eye on the text every time, and it's usually a more interesting eye than what's huh... going on with the chain-making of Greek retellings going on these days. What I'm interested in is seeing the same story being spun differently again and again. Oh, okay, there are two that I'm excited to pick up though I haven't: Ali Smith's Girl Meets Boy and Chigozie Oboma's An Orchestra of Minorities; but I can't say anything on them yet. Anyway, a short list of options! Alice Oswald, Memorial Rainer Maria Rilke, Sonnets to Orpheus Anne Carson, Bakkhai (verging on adaptation translation) Anne Carson, Antigonick Anne Carson, Autobiography of Red Anne Carson and Rosanna Bruno, The Trojan Women Jean Anouilh, Antigone Jean Giraudoux, The Trojan War Won't Happen Jean Giraudoux, Electra Sarah Kane, Phaedra's Love Jean Racine, Phèdre Jean Paul Sartre, The Flies Bernard Shaw, Pygmalion Seamus Heaney, The Spirit Level C. S. Lewis, 'Till We Have Faces Christa Wolf, Cassandra Louise Glück, Meadowlands Louise Glück, Averno Gregory Orr, Orpheus and Eurydice: a Lyric Sequence
I hope you enjoy these!
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Esta es la imagen y algunos datos (O no) la “Historia” la pones tú ¡La tuya! ¿Lo harás?… Lawrence Schiller (1936)
Lawrence Schiller, fotógrafo y cineasta nacido en Brooklyn en 1936, comenzó con la fotografía en la escuela secundaria de San Diego, cuando recibió su primera cámara.
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Aunque un accidente de la infancia lo dejó con la visión deteriorada en un ojo, se convirtió en un fotógrafo obsesivo, incluso mientras aun asistía al Pepperdine College, sus fotos ya habían aparecido en Life, Sport, Playboy, Glamour y el Saturday Evening Post.
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Los intereses y ambiciones de Schiller pronto se convirtieron en una profesión en el periodismo impreso, documentando historias importantes para revistas de todo el mundo, incluyendo Life, Look, Newsweek, Time, Paris Match, Stern y el London Sunday Times. Sus imágenes icónicas de Robert F. Kennedy, de Richard Nixon, de Bette Davis, de Barbra Streisand, de Marilyn Monroe, de Muhammad Ali, y de señora Nhu, entre otros son tributos a su obstinación, ingenio, encanto así como a su capacidad técnica.
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En noviembre de 1963, mientras estaba en la asignación para el Saturday Evening Post, llegó a Dallas a tiempo para fotografiar a Lee Harvey Oswald. Más tarde, fotografió la entrevista final de Jack Ruby.
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Después de extensas entrevistas con la viuda de Lenny Bruce, Schiller y el escritor Albert Goldman publicaron Damas y Caballeros, Lenny Bruce (1974), y con el fotógrafo W. Eugene Smith, produjo Minamata (1975), la crónica pictórica épica de la intoxicación por mercurio en Japón.
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Schiller se trasladó al cine dirigiendo una parte de Butch Cassidy y Sundance Kid (1969) con Paul Newman y Robert Redford, y Lady Sings the Blues (1972), con Diana Ross.
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También dirigió el documental ganador del Oscar, The Man Who Skied Down Everest (1972); The American Dreamer (1971), una película sobre Dennis Hopper, y después de obtener una cooperación extraordinaria del Kremlin, produjo y co-dirigió Peter the Great (1986), la miniserie de televisión ganadora de un Emmy con Maximilian Schell, Vanessa Redgrave y Laurence Olivier.
Nota: La propiedad intelectual de las imágenes que aparecen en este blog corresponden a sus autores y a quienes éstas las han cedido. El único objetivo de este sitio es divulgar el conocimiento de estos pintores, grabadores, fotógrafos... a los que admiro y que otras personas disfruten contemplando sus obras. No son todas las que son, pero si son todas las que están
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danascully77 · 4 years
Get to know me
I was tagged by @clarke-oswald! Thank you!! <3 
Nicknames: I get called Rach occasionally. I also go by “Psycho” -- it’s a part of my roller derby name. 
Zodiac: Aries
Last thing I googled: Something work related
Song stuck in my head: "Broadcasting from Beyond the Grave” by Motionless in White
Number of Followers: 110! Thank all of you! <3
Amount of sleep: Lol 4? 6? I don’t know anymore. It’s not good.
Lucky number: 15
Favourite song: Oh jeez... I have way too many. I like metal music and crappy pop.
Favourite instrument: Drums and bass! 
Dream job: Ideally, teaching. Dream, something creative. Show business always looks so glamorous. 
Aesthetic: hipster or goth. I vary between the two. Also, pantsuits. 
Favourite author: Ali Smith!! 100%! But I’m also an English professor so I love a lot more.
I tag @midwest-cryptid, @starbuckthirteen, and @horrorshow73 
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moonlit-imagines · 5 years
Fandom/Character List
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(Updated March 8, 2024)
this is a list of all the fandoms and characters I write for, if you don’t see a character you’re looking for on here, feel free to ask about them! (some i forget, some are too obscure to add, but not too obscure to write for, and some i actually don’t write for. i’ll let you know!)
*note that i write for almost any character platonic/familial, even some unlisted characters!
*strikethrough means currently not accepting requests for said character/fandom!
check out my status page to see how far i am in a requestable fandom!
check out my watchlist for my in progress and in line shows/movies!
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American Horror Story
Murder House, Asylum, Coven
Batfamily (based on comics, fanon, and animated movies)
Barbara Gordon/Oracle, Bruce Wayne/Batman, Cassandra Cain/Black Bat, Dick Grayson/Nightwing, Jason Todd/Red Hood, Stephanie Brown/Spoiler, Tim Drake/Red Robin
*i currently do not write for Damian Wayne/Robin romantically
Harley Quinn (Show)
Harleen Quinzel/Harley Quinn, Pamela Isley/Poison Ivy
Young Justice
Artemis Crock/Tigress, Bart Allen/Impulse, Conner Kent/Superboy, Dick Grayson/Nightwing, Garfield Logan/Beast Boy, Jade Nguyen/Cheshire, Jaime Reyes/Blue Beetle, Kaldur’ahm/Aqualad, M’gann M’orzz/Miss Martian, Roy Harper/Arsenal, Violet Harper/Halo, Wally West/Kid Flash, Will Harper/Red Arrow, Zatanna Zatara
Cobra Kai/Karate Kid
Aisha Robinson, Ali Mills, Amanda LaRusso, Carmen Diaz, Daniel LaRusso, Demetri Alexopoulos, Devon Lee, Eli Moskowitz/Hawk, Johnny Lawrence, Miguel Diaz, Moon, Piper Elswith, Robby Keene, Tory Nichols
DC Extended Universe
Abner Krill/Polka-Dot Man, Adrian Chase/Vigilante, Arthur Curry/Aquaman, Barbara Minerva/Cheetah, Barry Allen/Flash, Billy Batson/Shazam, Bruce Wayne/Batman, Cassandra Cain, Cleo Cazo/Ratcatcher 2, Christopher Smith/Peacemaker, Diana Prince/Wonder Woman, Dinah Lance/Black Canary, Emilia Harcourt, Floyd Lawton/Deadshot, Harleen Quinzel/Harley Quinn, Helena Bertinelli/Huntress, June Moon/Enchantress, Leota Adebayo, Max Lord, Renee Montoya, Rick Flag, Robert DuBois/Bloodsport, Steve Trevor, Victor Stone/Cyborg
Barbara Kean, Edward Nygma/Riddler, Ivy Pepper/Poison Ivy, Jerome Valeska/Joker, Jim Gordon, Leslie Thompkins, Selina Kyle/Catwoman, Tabitha Galavan, Oswald Cobblepot/Penguin
Conner Kent/Superboy, Dawn Granger/Dove, Dick Grayson/Nightwing, Donna Troy/Wonder Girl, Garfield Logan/Beast Boy, Hank Hall/Hawk, Jason Todd/Red Hood, Jericho Wilson, Komand’r/Blackfire, Kory Anders/Starfire, Rachel Roth/Raven, Rose Wilson/Ravager, Tim Drake/Robin
DC Movies (Non-DCEU/Animation)
Batman (Keaton) - Bruce Wayne/Batman, Selina Kyle/Catwoman, Vicki Vale
Batman (Kilmer) - Bruce Wayne/Batman, Dick Grayson/Robin, Edward Nygma/Riddler, Harvey Dent/Two-Face
Batman (Clooney) - Barbara Wilson/Batgirl, Bruce Wayne/Batman, Dick Grayson/Robin, Pamela Isley/Poison Ivy, Victor Fries/Mr. Freeze
Batman (Bale) - Bruce Wayne/Batman, Harvey Dent/Two-Face, Jonathan Crane/Scarecrow
Batman (Pattinson) - Bruce Wayne/Batman, Edward Nashton/Riddler, Selina Kyle/Catwoman
Joker - Arthur Fleck/Joker*
*I will not write for Arthur Fleck/Joker romantically!
Diary of a Wimpy Kid
Rodrick Heffley
Disney Animation
Aladdin, Alice in Wonderland, Beauty and the Beast, Brave, Frozen, The Little Mermaid, Moana, Peter Pan, Princess and the Frog, Tangled
*this list is organized by movie as of right now, but I can write for most of the main characters. If you have a question, please ask!
Disney Channel Original Movies
Descendants (might make a comeback pending new content)
Audrey Rose, Ben Florian, Carlos De Vil, Evie Grimhilde, Harry Hook, Jay Max, Mal Bertha, Uma
Teen Beach Movie
Brady Derulo, Butchy Dean, Giggles, Lela Dean, Mckenzie Fox/Mack, Seacat, Tanner Lewis
Cassie Howard, Chris McKay, Elliot, Fezco, Jules Vaughn, Kat Hernandez, Lexi Howard, Maddy Perez, Rue Bennett
Fear Street
Cindy Berman, Christine Berman/Ziggy, Deena Johnson, Josh Johnson, Kate Schmidt, Samantha Fraser, Simon Kalivoda
Chandler Bing, Joey Tribbiani, Monica Geller, Phoebe Buffay, Rachel Green
The Good Place
Chidi Anagonye, Eleanor Shellstrop, Janet, Jason Mendoza, Michael, Tahani Al-Jamil
Harry Potter/Fantastic Beasts
Bellatrix Lestrange, Bunty Broadacre, Cedric Diggory, Credence Barebone, Eulalie Hicks, Fred Weasley, George Weasley, Ginny Weasley, Harry Potter, Hermione Granger, Jacob Kowalski, Leta Lestrange, Luna Lovegood, Newt Scamander, Porpentina Goldstein, Queenie Goldstein, Ron Weasley, Theseus Scamander
*If the character you are looking for is barely in the movies, I don’t write for them. I haven’t read the books so beyond the movies, I have no way of knowing what they’re like.
I Am Not Okay with This
Stanley Barber, Sydney Novak
Indiana Jones
Indiana Jones, Marion Ravenwood, Mutt Williams, Willie Scott
Ben Hanscom, Beverly Marsh, Bill Denbrough, Eddie Kaspbrak, Mike Hanlon, Richie Tozier, Stanley Uris
*Please specify older or younger characters
*I do not write for Bower’s Gang romatically
*IT kids will not be written for romantically, crushes are acceptable
Marvel Cinematic Universe
Marvel Movies
Adam Warlock, Ajak, Alexei Shostakov/Red Guardian, Bruce Banner/Hulk, Bucky Barnes/Winter Soldier, Carol Danvers/Captain Marvel, Clint Barton/Hawkeye, Darcy Lewis, Druig, Gamora, Gilgamesh, Hela Odinsdottir, Helmut Zemo, Hope Van Dyne/Wasp, Jane Foster, Jimmy Woo, Katy Chen, Kingo, Liz Allan, Loki Laufeyson, Makkari, Maria Rambeau, Maria Hill, May Parker, Melina Vostokoff/Black Widow, Michelle Jones, Mobius, Monica Rambeau, Natasha Romanoff/Black Widow, Peggy Carter, Pepper Potts/Rescue, Peter Parker/Spider-Man, Peter Quill/Star Lord, Phastos, Pietro Maximoff/Quicksilver, Sam Wilson/Falcon, Scott Lang/Ant-Man, Sersi, Xu Shang-Chi, Sharon Carter/Agent 13, Stephen Strange/Doctor Strange, Steve Rogers/Captain America, Thena, Thor Odinson, Tony Stark/Iron Man, Valkyrie, Wanda Maximoff/Scarlet Witch, Xu Xialing, Yelena Belova/Black Widow*
*I currently don’t write for Yelena Belova romantically!
Disney+ Originals*
Agatha Harkness/Agnes, Jennifer Walters/She-Hulk, Karli Morganthau/Flag Smasher, Kamala Khan/Ms. Marvel, Kate Bishop/Hawkeye, Kazi Kazimierczak/Clown, Layla El-Faouly/Scarlet Scarab, Marc Spector/Moon Knight, Maya Lopez/Echo, Steven Grant/Mr. Knight, Sylvie Laufeydottir
*listed in this section is any character who has not shown up in movies yet! but other characters like wanda maximoff and sam wilson are still technically in this category depending on the fic!
Defenders - PLEASE DO NOT REQUEST PROMPTS FOR: Iron Fist S2, Punisher S2, Jessica Jones S3 as I have not watched them yet
Claire Temple, Colleen Wing, Danny Rand/Iron Fist, Elektra Nachios, Foggy Nelson, Frank Castle/Punisher, Jessica Jones, Joy Meachum, Karen Page, Luke Cage, Malcolm Ducasse, Matt Murdock/Daredevil, Misty Knight, Patricia Walker, Ward Meachum
Marvel (Non-MCU/XMCU/Games)
Amazing Spider-Man
Curt Conners/Lizard, Gwen Stacy, Harry Osborn/Green Goblin, May Parker, Max Dillon/Electro, Peter Parker/Spider-Man
Into the Spider-Verse
Gwen Stacy/Spider-Woman, Miguel O’Hara/2099, Miles Morales/Spider-Man, Olivia Octavius/Doctor Octopus, Peter B. Parker/Spider-Man
Spider-Man (2002)
Flint Marko/Sandman, Norman Osborn/Green Goblin, Otto Octavius/Doctor Octopus, Peter Parker/Spider-Man
Eddie Brock/Venom
10 Things I Hate About You
The Devil All the Time
Free Guy
Ghostbusters: Afterlife
Jurassic World
The Office
Top Gun
*i currently haven’t specified which characters i do/do not write for in the section above right now, but i won’t mind if you ask!
Musicals + Movies Counterparts
Heather Chandler, Heather Duke, Heather McNamara, Jason Dean, Veronica Sawyer
Crutchie, Davey Jacobs, Jack Kelly, Katherine Plumber, Romeo
New Girl
Aly Nelson, Cece Parekh, Ernie Tagliaboo/Coach, Jessica Day, Nick Miller, Reagan Lucas, Winston Bishop, Winston Schmidt/Schmidt
Peaky Blinders
Ada Shelby, Arthur Shelby, Esme Lee, John Shelby, Lizzie Stark, Michael Gray, Polly Gray, Thomas Shelby
Archie Andrews, Betty Cooper, Cheryl Blossom, Fangs Fogarty, Jason Blossom, Josie McCoy, Jughead Jones, Reggie Mantle, Sweet Pea, Toni Topaz, Veronica Lodge
Shameless (US)
Carl Gallagher, Debbie Gallagher, Fiona Gallagher, Kevin Ball, Ian Gallagher, Lip Gallagher, Svetlana Yevgenivna, Veronica Fisher
Star Wars
Ahsoka Tano, Anakin Skywalker, Boba Fett, Cal Kestis, Cara Dune, Cassian Andor, Din Djarin/Mando, Ezra Bridger, Fennec Shand, Finn, Han Solo, Haja Estree, Hera Syndulla, Jyn Erso, Kanan Jarrus/Caleb Dume, Lando Calrissian, Leia Organa, Luke Skywalker, Nightsister Merrin, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Padmé Amidala, Poe Dameron, Qi’ra, Rey, Rose Tico, Sabine Wren, Trilla Suduri
*I will not write Master x Padawan romantically
*I do not write for Kylo Ren romantically
Stranger Things
Dustin Henderson, Eddie Munson, Eleven Hopper, Jim Hopper, Jonathan Byers, Joyce Byers, Lucas Sinclair, Max Mayfield, Michael Wheeler, Nancy Wheeler, Robin Buckley, Steve Harrington, Will Byers
*Stranger Kids will not be written romantically, crushes are acceptable
*I do not write for Billy Hargrove romantically
That 70’s Show
Donna Pinciotti, Jackie Burkhart, Michael Kelso, Steven Hyde
The 100
Bellamy Blake, Charmaine Diyoza, Clarke Griffin, Echo kom Azgedakru, Emori kom Spacekru, Finn Collins, Hope Diyoza, Jasper Jordan, John Murphy, Jordan Green, Lexa kom Trikru, Monty Green, Nathan Miller, Octavia Blake, Raven Reyes
The Umbrella Academy
Diego Hargreeves, Allison Hargreeves, Klaus Hargreeves, Five Hargreeves**, Viktor Hargreeves (Number 7)***, Lila Pitts
*I will not write number 8!reader x Hargreeves romantically
**I will not write for Five romantically
***Because Viktor (Number 7) is canonically trans now, writing for him is more tricky. Fics written pre-S3 remain unedited. Future fics will follow the timeline and may still address Viktor pre-transition depending on when the fic takes place.
Video Games
Batman: Arkham Series
Gotham Knights
Marvel’s Avengers
Marvel’s Spider-Man
Marvel’s Spider-Man: Miles Morales
Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order
*I write for most characters in these games, I don’t mind if you ask!
Alex Summers/Havok, Charles Xavier/Professor X, Elizabeth Braddock/Psylocke, Erik Lehnsherr/Magneto, Hank McCoy/Beast, Jean Grey/Phoenix, Jubilation Lee/Jubilee, Ororo Munroe/Storm, Peter Maximoff/Quicksilver, Raven Darkholme/Mystique, Scott Summers/Cyclops, Sean Cassidy/Banshee, Warren Worthington III/Angel
Modern Day
Danielle Moonstar/Mirage, Ellie Phimister/Negasonic Teenage Warhead, Illyana Rasputin/Magik, Laura Kinney/X-23, Logan Howlett/Wolverine, Neena Thurman/Domino, Rahne Sinclair/Wolfsbane, Roberto da Costa/Sunspot, Sam Guthrie/Cannonball, Wade Wilson/Deadpool
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imaginesbymk · 5 years
fandom list.
TV Shows
YouTube ASMR Voice Audios (misc.)
* Italics = a character I will only write platonically.
The Maze Runner
Thomas / Teresa Agnes / Newt / Minho / Frypan / Gally / Brenda / Aris / Sonya / Harriet
Janson / Ava Paige
The Hunger Games
Katniss Everdeen / Primrose Everdeen / Peeta Mellark / Gale Hawthorne / Finnick Odair / Haymitch Abernathy / Cato / Clove / Glimmer / Foxface / Enobaria / Johanna Mason / Effie Trinket
Rue / President Snow / President Alma Coin / Cinna
Titanic (1997)
Jack Dawson / Rose DeWitt Bukater / Fabrizio / Cal Hockley / and maybe the ship officers
Triple Frontier
Tom “Redfly” Davis / Santiago “Pope” Garcia / Francisco “Catfish” Morales / William “Ironhead” Miller / Ben Miller / Yovanna
Reservoir Dogs
Mr. Orange / Mr. Pink / Mr. Brown / Mr. Blonde / Mr. White / Nice Guy Eddie
Pulp Fiction
Vincent Vega / Jules Winnfield / Mia Wallace / Butch / Ringo "Pumpkin
Inglourious Basterds
Aldo Raine / Donny Dorowitz / Shosanna Dreyfus “Emmanuelle Mimieux” / Marcel / Archie Hicox / Bridget Von Hammersmark / Hugo Stiglitz
Hans Landa, Major Dieter Hellstrom, Fredrick Zoller (in some cases, I can write implied topics but nothing of my writing condones Landa, Hellstrom or Zoller’s actions as N*zis - in no way am I tangentially condoning their actions in this film - so they are written platonically - preferably as enemies of the reader)
Tommy / Peter / George / Gibson / Alex / Collins / Farrier / Soldier (Cillian Murphy)
Dani Ardor / Christian Hughes / Josh / Mark / Pelle
Heathers (1989)
The Heathers / Veronica Sawyer / Jason “J.D” Dean
Scream franchise
(1996) Sidney Prescott / Billy Loomis / Stu Macher / Randy Meeks / Tatum Riley / Dewey Riley / Gale Weathers
(2000) Roman Bridger
(2022) Tara / Sam / Amber / Richie / Chad
—tv shows
Bruce Wayne / Selina Kyle / Edward Nygma / Oswald Cobblepot / Jim Gordon / Jerome Valeska / Jeremiah Valeska / Ecco / Barbara Kean / Tabitha Galavan / Jervis Tetch / Lee Thompkins / Ivy Pepper (older), Fish Mooney, Eduardo Dorrance “Bane” / Ra’s Al-Gul / Victor Zsasz, Jonathan Crane “Scarecrow”
Harvey Bullock, Alfred Pennyworth, Butch Gilzean
Squid Game
Gi-Hun / Sang-Woo / Kang Sae-byeok / Hwang Jun-ho / Ali Abdul / Ji-yeong
Arcane (League of Legends)
Vi / Jinx / Caitlyn Kiramman / Sevika / Silco / Vander / Ekko / Jayce Talis / Viktor / Mel Medarda / Deckard 
Powder (younger) 
Rue Bennett / Jules Vaughn / Maddy Perez / Cassie Howard / Lexi Howard / Kat Hernandez / McKay / Fezco / Elliot
Gia Bennett / Ashtray
***will not write for Nate, Cal or Aaron Jacobs***
Skins (UK)
Generation 1: Tony Stonem / Sid Jenkins / Cassie Ainsworth /  Michelle Richardson / Jal Fazer / Chris Miles / Anwar Kharral / Maxxie Oliver (no female pairing unless platonic/familial)
Generation 2: Effy Stonem / Pandora Moon / James Cook / Freddy McClair / JJ Jones / Thomas Tomone / Katie & Emily Fitch / Naomi Campbell
Generation 3: Franky Fitzgerald / Mini McGuiness / Alo Creevey / Rich Hardbeck / Liv Malone / Grace Blood
The Haunting of Hill House
Steven Crain / Shirley Crain / Theo Crain / Nell Crain / Luke Crain
Young!Crain siblings, Hugh Crain, Olivia Crain
The Haunting of Bly Manor
Dani Clayton / Jamie / Peter Quint / Rebecca Jessel / Owen / Hannah Grose
Henry Wingrave / Flora Wingrave / Miles Wingrave
Black Mirror
Bandersnatch: Stefan Butler / Colin Ritman
Fifteen Million Merits: Bingham Madsen / Abi Khan
Be Right Back: Ash Starmer
White Christmas: Matt
San Junipero: Kelly / Yorkie
Hated in the Nation: Karin Parke / Blue Colson
USS Callister: Nanette Cole, Walton, Elena Tulaska, Shania
Hang the DJ: Frank / Amy
Kenny (Shut Up & Dance) / Robert Daly (USS Callister)
*I do not write for all Black Mirror episodes*
The Pacific
Bob Leckie / John Basilone / Manny Rodriguez / Lew “Chuckler” Juergens / Wilbur “Runner” / Conley Andrew “Ack Ack” Haldane / Eddie “Hillbilly” Jones / Bill “Hoosier” Smith / Eugene Sledge / Merriell “Snafu” Shelton / Sid Phillips / Jay D’Leau / Bill Leyden / R.V Burgin / Vera Keller / Lena Riggi
Jonah / Amy / Dina / Garrett / Cheyenne / Mateo / Marcus / Bo
Glenn Sturgis
The Queen’s Gambit
Beth Harmon / Jolene / Benny Watts / D.L Townes / Harry Beltik
The Good Place
Michael / Eleanor Shellstrop / Chidi Anagonye / Tahani Al-Jamil / Jason Mendoza / Janet
The Walking Dead (S1-11)
Rick Grimes / Shane Walsh / Daryl Dixon / Carl Grimes / Glenn Rhee / Maggie Rhee / Beth Greene / Michonne Hawthorne / Negan / Simon / Enid / Rosita Espinosa / Yumiko / Magna / Connie / Kelly / Jesus / Siddiq / Noah / Cyndie / Tara Chambler / Dwight / Sherry / Sasha Williams / Eugene Porter / Jerry / King Ezekiel / Abraham Ford
Aaron, Lydia, Judith Grimes, Henry Peletier, Sophia Peletier
Dracula (BBC/2020 Netflix original)
Count Dracula / Agatha Van Helsing / Zoe Van Helsing / Jonathan Harker / Jack
Peaky Blinders (S1-S6)
Tommy Shelby / Arthur Shelby / Ada Thorne / John Shelby / Finn Shelby / Polly Gray / Michael Gray / Grace Burgess / Lizzie Starke / May Carleton / Alfie Solomons / Luca Changretta / Tatiana Petrovna / Gina Gray / Aberama Gold / Bonnie Gold
Brooklyn Nine-Nine
Jake Peralta / Amy Santiago / Rosa Diaz / Charles Boyle, Gina Linetti
Raymond Holt / Kevin Cozner
Clary Fray / Jace Wayland / Alec Lightwood / Isabelle Lightwood / Magnus Bane / Simon Lewis / Maia Roberts / Luke Garroway / Raphael / Jordan Kyle / Seelie Queen / Meliorn / Hodge Starkweather / Helen Blackthorn / Aline Penhallow
Jonathan Morgenstern / Sebastian Verlac (as disguise) / Valentine Morgenstern / Jocelyn Fray / Maryse Lightwood / Max Lightwood / Camille Belcourt
Stranger Things
Steve Harrington / Jonathan Byers / Nancy Wheeler / Robin Buckley /  Eddie Munson / Chrissy Cunningham / Dmitri Antonov / 001/Henry Creel/”Peter” (not writing him as Vecna) / Jim Hopper / Joyce Byers
Eleven / Mike Wheeler / Will Byers / Lucas Sinclair / Dustin Henderson / Max Mayfield
***no longer writing for Billy Hargrove***
—youtube asmr voice audios (misc)
Professor Andrew Marston (Strict Professor series)
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chiefbuttons · 6 years
Happy New Year! Books are the Best!
In 2018 I went to Japan, filled some bookshelves, and read more than the usual amount of literary biographies. In Japan, we navigated the bookstore in which Haruki Murakimi apparently bought his first fountain pen. While there, I bought copies of two of my favourite Japanese books: Kitchen by Banana Yoshimoto, and Book 1 (of 6) of 1Q84.
Japanese books are very beautiful, and all very uniform. There were hundreds of book protectors on sale in every bookshop and stationery shop (we went to a lot of those – the Iroshizuku ink was soooo cheap!), I had to remind myself that books in the UK don’t fit into them to stop myself from bringing them all home. Now that I have at least one  Banana Yoshimoto book in Japanese, there’s more incentive than ever to try and learn the language. I’ve been thinking a lot this year about how much is lost or gained in translation and what that does to a book depending on the language you read. This Little Art by Kate Briggs is a novel-length essay on exactly this topic, and I read it not long after The Idiot in which the protagonist has a crisis about language and how words can lose their meaning. They fit together very well in my head – both asked and tried to provide answers to questions about translation, like why even do it at all if meaning is going to be lost? Having read Murakami’s most recent book, Killing Commendatore, I’m still not sure if the absence of Jay Rubin as translator is responsible for my disappointment with it, or if it was just a bad book, or if Haruki Murakami has never been that great and it was all Jay Rubin all along.
This Little Art, The Idiot, Shirley and Romantic Outlaws are probably my favourites from this year. Also Daphne du Maurier’s short story The Breakthrough, from Don’t Look Now. Sinister, terrifying, haunting, all words that fall short of describing the atmosphere of that one short story.
I read Shirley after reading Outsiders by Lyndall Gordon. I had tried to read it before and had never been able to get past the first chapter, but something about Outsiders made me want to try again. Reading Outsiders made me realise in a way that I hadn’t before that books written in the last couple of centuries aren’t as far removed from us as I had thought. Previously, when reading books from different time periods, I had become as detached as if I was reading fantasy; I forgot that the stories being told were often very firmly set in social, political and cultural climates that had once existed. It helped me to find ways to empathise with the narrators and the characters, and make them much more human and relatable. While reading Shirley, instead of feeling like the characters and situations were a million miles away, I forced myself to remember that Charlotte Brontë was writing about events that were important to the people in the time she was writing about. Her father witnessed Luddite uprisings. The setting of Shirley with its discussions of workers’ rights and its attacks on mills was as real for Charlotte and her father as Brexit and Trump are for us now.
Turtles All The Way Down – John Green
My Twentieth Century Evening and Other Small Breakthroughs – Kazuo Ishiguro
Manderley Forever: Daphne du Maurier, A Life – Tatiana de Rosnay
Don’t Look Now & other short stories – Daphne du Maurier
Outsiders: Five Women Writers who Changed the World – Lyndall Gordon
Shirley – Charlotte Brontë
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The first time I tried to read Shirley, I struggled to get past the first three chapters. "This is not as good as Jane Eyre or Villette," I thought. And, of course, I was wrong. How did I come to change my mind and try again? It was because I read Outsiders by Lyndall Gordon. It was sometimes difficult to read; lots of what felt like fact-listing, and the events of the five lives studied are not always in chronological order, which would not be a problem if it was made clearer. This made it difficult to get through but did not affect my ability to be grateful for all the new information and the future reading list (I have a charity shop copy of Middlemarch now sitting on top of a book pile, and am searching for some Olive Schreiner). It also provided me with new reasons to persevere with Shirley. Though the Brontë sister included in this book is Emily, not Charlotte, it is impossible to talk about one without mentioning the other. Especially when Charlotte included a characters based on Emily in a novel: Shirley Keeldar and Caroline Helstone. To read someone's fictionalised perception of her sisters' characters, I thought, would be a very strange experience. And it is, it sometimes feels weirdly voyeuristic. In the future we are all in on the secret. A huge theme throughout Outsiders is the rights of women and how their role has changed over time; Shirley is referred to as an incredibly feminist book. And it is. Jane Eyre has nothing on it. Still feminist, but this is in-your-face "what are we supposed to do all day, cook and sew??" "…yes. I hate womenites." So I decided to read it again but placing it as contemporary, rather than viewing it as a relic of the past which I should accept that I can't always understand or relate to. Putting these new perspectives on it has really helped me to get into the book. This is a huge post. Shirley is great. (Also the first time Shirley was used as a female name!) #bookstagram #Shirley #charlottebrontë #outsiders #lyndallgordon #brontë #nowreading
A post shared by Adelle Hay (@chiefbuttons) on Feb 22, 2018 at 1:34pm PST
In Search of Anne Brontë – Nick Holland
Moshi Moshi – Banana Yoshimoto
Asleep – Banana Yoshimoto
Valley of the Dolls – Jacqueline Susan
Eleanor and Park – Rainbow Rowell
Winter – Ali Smith
Banshee, Volumes 2 & 5
My Uncle Oswald – Roald Dahl
Young Hearts Crying – Richard Yates
The White Book – Han Kang
Wuthering Heights – Emily Brontë
The Idiot – Elif Batuman
Emily Brontë Reappraised: A View from the 21st Century – Claire O’Callaghan
A Cup Of Sake Beneath The Cherry Trees – Yoshida Kenko
This Little Art – Kate Briggs
The Lonely City – Olivia Laing
The Diary of a Bookseller – Shaun Bythell
Sputnik Sweetheart – Haruki Murakami
A Cat, A Man and Two Women – Junichiro Tanazaki
N. P. – Banana Yoshimoto
Romantic Outlaws – Charlotte Gordon
The Pilgrims – Mary Shelley
Bartleby The Scrivener – Herman Melville
Behind A Wardrobe In Atlantis – Emma J. Lannie
The Hatred of Poetry – Ben Lerner
Convenience Store Woman – Sayuka Murata
Demian – Herman Hesse
Revolutionary Girl Utena 20th Anniversary companion book
The Penguin Book of Japanese Short Stories – Edited by Jay Rubin, Introduction by Haruki Murakami
The Beginning of the World in the Middle of the Night – Jen Campbell
The Tales of Beedle the Bard – J.K. Rowling, Illustrated by Chris Riddell
We went to a talk given by Chris Riddell at Nottingham Trent University. He was answering questions about his work on the newly illustrated Beedle the Bard while drawing for us live. He signed my copy of The Edge Chronicles Maps, and was generally very lovely.
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Tonight we went to see Chris Riddell speaking with Dr Sarah McConnell at Nottingham Trent University. There were live illustrations, and Shauna Shim did dramatic readings from The Tales of Beedle The Bard. I've been reading The Edge Chronicles since I picked up a copy of Beyond The Deepwoods AT THE LIBRARY (libraries, man!), aged 11, and thought it had the best front cover I had ever seen. Now that I'm older, if Chris Riddell has illustrated something I assume it's good and read it. Thank-you @chris_riddell for staying super late after your talk to speak to everyone and sign everything! @ntucreated #nottinghamtrent #illustration #theedgechronicles #beyondthedeepwoods
A post shared by Adelle Hay (@chiefbuttons) on Oct 3, 2018 at 2:26pm PDT
Ariel – Sylvia Plath
Charlotte Brontë Revisited: A View from the 21st Century – Sophie Franklin
Killing Commendatore – Haruki Murakami
By The Light of My Father’s Smile – Alice Walker
Agnes Grey – Anne Brontë
Rough Magic – Paul Alexander
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A post shared by Adelle Hay (@chiefbuttons) on Dec 21, 2018 at 1:55pm PST
How To Be Invisible – Kate Bush
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Merry Kate-mas =D
A post shared by Adelle Hay (@chiefbuttons) on Dec 25, 2018 at 9:34am PST
Mary Ventura and the Ninth Kingdom – Sylvia Plath
This year I would like to write more about the books I am reading – this blog has been very neglected for the past couple of years! I’ve been occasionally taking part in the Are You Book Enough bookbinding challenge on instagram again. This time last year I was working on the January 2018 theme Darkness. I wrote and illustrated a story called The Black Ribbon. It was inspired by the Tatiana de Rosnay biography of Daphne du Maurier, in which de Rosnay refers to Daphne du Maurier’s depressive episodes as her “black ribbon.” It’s also a tribute to Edward Gorey. I thought his style of illustration would be best suited to the story I was telling, so I had a go at reproducing his style.
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Part 2 of my #AreYouBookEnough January book. Here are all the illustrations and the story I wrote inspired by Edward Gorey, Daphne du Maurier and Tatiana de Rosnay. Please see my previous post for the explanation! #bookart #bookstagram #handmadebooks #illustration #edwardgorey
A post shared by Adelle Hay (@chiefbuttons) on Jan 30, 2018 at 1:43pm PST
Another of the books I made this year was a book in a box for the theme Listen. I chose to bind a book of Kate Bush’s Fifty Words For Snow from her song and album of the same name.
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This is my contribution to the August #AreYouBookEnough bookbinding challenge, #listen . I love to listen to music, and Kate Bush is one of my favourites. Why choose Fifty Words For Snow when I could choose any of her songs? Why does it fit the theme best? The song is a list. It's Stephen Fry reciting fifty words for snow – some made up by Kate Bush, some real. She wanted him to be the narrator because people believe the words he says, he is intelligent and speaks with a quiet authority.  Hearing him speak her fictional words for snow makes them sound real. Snow itself deadens sound but has sounds of its own; one of the words is "creaky-creaky." I hope whoever looks at my book can hear the snow behind the words. This is the first time I've made this kind of box, and my measurements are a bit off (the lid is loose!) but overall I'm pleased and know what to do better next time! The paper is very fibrous, I wanted something that looked and felt like snow. Both the front cover of the book and the lid of the box are padded. The ink I used to write the fifty words is a mixture of two different inks – white calligraphy ink and a Grey Plum Kwiz ink. I'm going to have to find a way to photograph it properly because it is almost pearlescent! If you hold the paper a certain way it disappears. Hold it to the light and it looks like it is glowing. I'll try and get some video footage of it. #AreYouBookEnough #bookart #handmade #katebush #fiftywordsforsnow #50wordsforsnow #listen #books #snow #music
A post shared by Adelle Hay (@chiefbuttons) on Aug 30, 2018 at 12:36am PDT
I will leave you with a picture of the new bookcase. I hope you have an excellent 2019!
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Got a new phone. The cats ran away so I took a picture of one of the bookcases. It's so shiny
A post shared by Adelle Hay (@chiefbuttons) on Dec 6, 2018 at 1:28pm PST
  Books I read in 2018 Happy New Year! Books are the Best! In 2018 I went to Japan, filled some bookshelves, and read more than the usual amount of literary biographies.
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maceikblog · 3 years
Co się dzisiaj działo? #71 12.3.2022
Turniej ITF w Bendigo: Weronika Falkowska/Alexandra Bozovic-Rutuja Bhosale/Ankita Raina 6:4 3:6 4-10
NHL: Penguins-Golden Knights 5:2
Krykiet, mecz testowy, dzień 5
Mecz Indie Zachodnie (373/9 & 147/4, Nkrumah Bonner 123 & 38*, Jayden Seales 4/79 & Alzarri Joseph 3/78) Anglia (311 & 349/6d, Jonny Bairstow 140 & Zak Crawley 121, Ben Stokes 2/42 & Jack Leach 3/57) zakończył się brakiem rozstrzygnięcia
dzień 1
Pakistan (,,Hasan Ali 1/31)-Australia(251/3, Usman Khawaja 127*,)
Indie(252, Shreyas Iyer 92,)-Sri Lanka (,, Praveen Jayawickrama 3/81)
ICC World Cricket League 2: ZEA (348/3, Vriitya Aravind 115*, Ahmed Raza 3/60) pokonało Namibię (305/9, Craig Williams 79, Tangeni Lungameni 1/34) 43 runami
ICC Puchar Świata Kobiet: Indie (317/8, Smriti Mandhana 123, Sneh Rana 3/22) pokonały Indie Zachodnie (162, Deandra Dottin 62, Anisa Mohammed 2/59) 155 runami
Turniej ATP w Indian Wells:
Kamil Majchrzak-Aljaz Bedene 6:1 7:5
Hubert Hurkacz/Łukasz Kubot-Tim Puetz/Michael Venus 2:6 2:6
Puchar Świata w biegach, bieg indywidualny mężczyzn w Falun
34. Dominik Bury
65. Maciej Staręga
66. Kamil Bury
70. Mateusz Haratyk
CAF Liga Mistrzów:
Etoile Sahel-Esperance Tunis 0:2
Mamelodi-Al Ahly 1:0
Horoya-Raja Casablanca 2:1
Petro-Sagrada 3:0
Setif-AmaZulu 2:0
League Two: Port Vale-Crawley 4:1
Bundesliga: TSG Hoffenheim-Bayern 1:1 (gol Roberta Lewandowskiego)
MyGolfLife Open, 3 runda: 27. Adrian Meronk
Challenger w Roseto Degli Abruzzi: Jan Zieliński/Hugo Nys-Roman Jebavy/Philipp Oswald 7:6(2) 4:6 10-3
Puchar Świata w biathlonie, bieg masowy kobiet w Otepie:
11. Monika Hojnisz-Staręga
PDC European Tour w Hildesheim, 2 runda:
Krzysztof Ratajski-Jamie Hughes 6:3
Rob Cross-Martijn Kleermaker 6:2
Dirk van Duijvenbode-Darius Labanauskas 6:3
Damon Heta-Martin Lukeman 5:6
Ryan Searle-Vincent van der Voort 6:4
Dimitri van den Bergh-Alan Soutar 6:4
Luke Humphries-Daryl Gurney 4:6
Joe Cullen-Ricky Evans 6:3
Jose de Sousa-Kim Huybrechts 6:5
Michael Smith-Devon Petersen 6:4
Gabriel Clemens-Dave Chisnall 5:6
Michael van Gerwen-Jose Justicia 6:3
Peter Wright-Martin Schindler 6:4
Jonny Clayton-Scott Waites 6:2
Callan Rydz-Mensur Suljović 0:6
Chris Dobey-Karel Sedlacek 0:6
Mistrzostwa Świata w lotach, dzień 2
11. Jakub Wolny
12. Piotr Żyła
21. Kamil Stoch
24. Paweł Wąsek
Tirreno-Adriatico, 6 etap:
15. Rafał Majka (25 w generalce)
80. Cesare Benedetti (87 w generalce)
130. Maciej Bodnar (125 w generalce)
Turniej WTA w Indian Wells: Marketa Vondrousova-Magdalena Fręch 6:1 6:3
Energa Basket Liga Kobiet: VBW Arka Gdynia-Basket 25 Bydgoszcz 73:58
PGNIG Superliga: MKS Kalisz-Wybrzeże Gdańsk 35:22
Liga Centralna piłki ręcznej: Padwa Zamość-MKS Grudziądz 30:25
1 liga piłkarzy ręcznych: KPR Gryfino-Tytani Wejherowo 26:31
1 liga piłkarek ręcznych: Arka Gdynia-Pogoń Szczecin 24:21
1 liga siatkarek: Wieżyca Stężyca-Zagłebie Sosnowiec 2:3
III Liga:
Stolem Gniewino-Pogoń Szczecin II 0:5
Świt Skolwin-GKS Przodkowo 2:0
KP Starogard-Błekitni Stargard 0:4
Campionato Sammarinese:
Cailungo-Libertas 1:1
Fiorentino-Virtus 1:1
Folgore-Murata 3:0
San Giovanni-La Fiorita 0:3
Futsal Ekstraklasa: AZS UG Gdańsk-Dreman Opole 2:5
Warta-Górnik Zabrze 2:1
Piast-Lechia 1:0
Cracovia-Pogoń 1:1
Fortuna 1 Liga: Odra Opole-Arka Gdynia 1:3
Puchar 6 Narodów:
Włochy-Szkocja 22:33
Anglia-Irlandia 15:32
Ekstraliga Rugby:
Lechia Gdańsk-Pogoń Siedlce 40:12
Posnania Poznań-Ogniwo Sopot 15:31
Arka Gdynia-Budowlani Łódź 26:28
Igrzyska Paraolimpijskie w Pekinie, dzień 8
paranarciarstwo klasyczne, bieg na średnim dystansie
mężczyzn z przewodnikiem
1. Brian McKeever/(p)Russell Kennedy (CAN)
2. Zebastian Modin/(p)Emil Jonsson (SWE)
3. Dmytro Suiarko/(p)Oleksandr Nikonovych (UKR)
11. Piotr Garbowski/(p)Jakub Twardowski
14. Paweł Gil/(p)Michał Lańda
15. Paweł Nowicki/(p)Jan Kobryń
mężczyzn stojąc
1. Wang Chenyang (CHN)
2. Benjamin Daviet (FRA)
3. Cai Jiayun (CHN)
11. Witold Skupień
kobiet z przewodnikiem
1. Linn Kazmaier/(p)Florian Baumann (GER)
2. Wang Yue/(p)Li Yalin (CHN)
3. Carina Edlinger/(p)Josef Lorenz (AUT)
Aneta Górska/(p)Catherina Spierenburg nie ukończyły biegu
kobiet stojąc
1. Oleksandra Kononova (UKR)
2. Natalie Wilkie (CAN)
3. Iryna Bui (UKR)
8. Iweta Faron
mężczyzn siedząc
1. Mao Zhongwu (CHN)
2. Zheng Peng (CHN)
3. Giuseppe Romele (ITA)
14. Krzysztof Plewa
kobiet siedząc
1. Yang Hongqiong (CHN)
2. Oksana Masters (USA)
3. Ma Jing (CHN)
11. Monika Kukla
parahokej, mecz o brązowy medal
Korea Południowa-Chiny 4:0
curling na wózkach, finał
Chiny-Szwecja 8:3
pozostałe konkurencje medalowe
paranarciarstwo alpejskie, slalom kobiet
z przewodnikiem
1. Veronika Aigner/(p)Elisabeth Aigner (AUT)
2. Barbara Aigner/(p)Klara Sykora (AUT)
3. Alexandra Rexova/(p)Eva Trajcikova (SVK)
1. Ebba Arsjo (SWE)
2. Zhang Mengqiu (CHN)
3. Anna-Maria Rieder (GER)
1. Anna-Lena Forster (GER)
2. Zhang Wenjing (CHN)
3. Liu Sitong (CHN)
0 notes
weolcantramp · 7 years
The Midheaven: How You Will Be Remembered
The Midheaven (MC) is commonly thought to describe one’s career path. Although this is a decent indicator of one’s overall path, it can be hard to relate to a specific career so early in one’s life. So, if you don’t relate to your Midheaven like, “Oh, you have a MC in Aries, so you’re probably going to be a police officer, solider, or athlete" then maybe try thinking of the Midheaven as how you will be remembered or what you are generally associated with. (Always trust your dominant sign to describe you the most- *a post similar to this coming soon) ✨No matter what career you decide, you will be remembered by your peers, co-workers, friends, and family by traits from the sign, aspects*, and planets* bestowed upon your 10th House.✨
♈ Aries MC: will be remembered for their courage, boldness, intimidating/unsettling nature, and/or originality. (ex. Stephen King, Meryl Streep, Kanye West, Joan of Arc, Bill Gates, Angelina Jolie, Madalyn Murry O'Hair, Pablo Picasso, Rachel Maddow, Will Smith, Franz Kafka, Tyra Banks, Aleister Crowley, Tina Fey, Francisco de Goya, Julia Roberts, Chris Farley, Joseph Goebbels, Marvin Gaye, Iggy Pop, Kate Moss, Alfred Hitchcock, George Wallace, Hank Williams, Ayn Rand, Rob Zombie, Alexandre Dumas, John Steinbeck, Anne Frank, Twiggy, Jack Black, William Blake, Celine Dion, Galileo Galilei, Al Gore, Emmylou Harris, Las Vegas-Nevada, Manhattan-New York)
♉ Taurus MC: will be remembered for their extravagant style or possessions, their values, and/or “diva” attitude. (ex. Henry VIII, Andy Warhol, Marilyn Monroe, Tina Turner, Pope Francis, Jackie Robinson, Selena Gomez, Drake, Donald Trump, Freddie Mercury, Agatha Christie, Muhammad Ali, Frida Kahlo, O. J. Simpson, Justin Timberlake, Marlene Dietrich, Malala Yousafzai, Christopher Columbus, Michael Bay, Luciano Pavarotti, Nicole Richie, Woody Allen, Marilyn Manson, Maya Angelou, Martin Scorsese, Bernie Madoff, Ringo, Josephine Baker, Andrew Lloyd Webber, Sarah Palin, Josh Groban, Chris Brown, Mary Kate & Ashley Olsen, Norway)
♊ Gemini MC: will be remembered for/through words (writing, phrase, acting, thoughts, speech), their cleverness, and/or mental/emotional detachment. (ex. Jean-Jaques Rousseau, Albert Camus, Madonna, J.R.R. Tolkein, Donna Summer, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Chelsea Handler, Alex Trebek, Kurt Cobain, Julie Andrews, Oscar Wilde, Jay-Z, Richard Nixon, Harriet Beecher Stowe, Tom Hanks, Kris Jenner, Walt Disney, Miss Cleo, Mark Zuckerberg, Steve Jobs, Hugh Hefner, Lizzie Borden, Jane Austen, Charles Dickens, Kathy Bates, Winston Churchill, Melissa Ethridge, Ernest Hemingway, Margaret Mitchell, Paul Simon, Greece, Tokyo-Japan)
♋ Cancer MC: will be remembered for their emotional impact, sensitivity, and/or parental care/control. (ex. Beyoncé, Matamha Gandhi, John F. Kennedy, Venus Williams, Britney Spears, Arthur Rimbaud, Elizabeth Warren, Denzel Washington, Jeffery Dahmer, Sun Yet-sen, Bob Hope, Stevie Wonder, Anderson Cooper, Cat Stevens, Anna Nicole Smith, Joe Jonas, Rock Hudson, Alice Cooper, Woodrow Wilson, Barbara Walters, T. S. Elliot, Coretta Scott King, Albert Schweitzer, Ted Cruz, Monica Lewinsky, H.P. Lovecraft, Anaïs Nin, Katie Couric, Ralph Waldo Emerson, Carole King, Neil Diamond, Harper Lee, Giacomo Puccini, Sidney Poitier, September 11 attacks, United Kingdom)
♌ Leo MC: will be remembered for their theatrics, arrogance/vanity, power, and/or regality. (ex. Grace Kelly, Prince, Isaac Newton, Adolf Hitler, Katy Perry, Charlie Chaplin, Aretha Franklin, Sigmund Freud, Jacqueline Onassis-Kennedy, Stanley Kubrick, Courtney Love, Mark Twain, Chaka Khan, Napoleon Bonaparte, Kathy Griffin, Jim Carrey, Alfred Nobel, Eric Clapton, Annie Oakley, Martha Stewart, Divine, Louis Pasteur, Robin Williams, Ludwig Van Beethoven, Chuck Berry, Vladimir Putin, Clint Eastwood, Missy Elliot, Frank Sinatra, Mel B, Edgar Allan Poe, Los Angeles-CA)
♍ Virgo MC: will be remembered for their scandals/controversy, never-ending toil, physicality/health and/or attention to detail. (ex. Hillary Clinton, Bruce Lee, Kim Kardashian, Ellen DeGeneres, Brad Pitt, Nelson Mandela, Bette Davis, Justin Bieber, Elvis Presley, Erykah Badu, Jimmy Page, Eartha Kitt, Leonardo de Vinci, Bob Marley, Joan Crawford, Margaret Thatcher, Eminem, Friedrich Nietzsche, David Lynch, Chaz Bono, Marlon Brando, Björk, Ozzy Osborne, Emily Brontë, Bernie Sanders, Georgia O'Keeffe, Diana Ross, Kahlil Gibran, Russia, United States)
♎ Libra MC: will be remembered for their inner/outer beauty, adaptability, and/or desire for or appearance of stability. (ex. Elton John, Jane Goodall, Malcolm X, Coco Channel, Kylie Jenner, Ronald Reagan, Princess Diana, Michelangelo, Oprah Winfrey, Bob Dylan, Winona Ryder, Jimi Hendrix, Mother Teresa, Elizabeth Taylor, Cristiano Ronaldo, Angela Merkel, Tom Brokaw, Alan Watts, Charles Darwin, Brigitte Bardot, Patti Smith, Chuck Norris, Linda Lovelace, Ray Charles, Lionel Messi, Eleanor Roosevelt, Lewis Carroll, Noam Chomsky, Lucille Ball, Venice-Italy)
♏ Scorpio MC: will be remembered for their physical attractiveness, taboo activities/topics, and/or natural talent. (ex. James Joyce, Billie Holiday, Taylor Swift, Barack Obama, Carrie Fisher, Jim Morrison, Selena, F. Scott Fitzgerald, Queen Elizabeth II, Ariana Grande, Marie Curie, Anthony Hopkins, René Descartes, Nina Simone, Willem Dafoe, Paul Newman, Mariska Hargitay, Thomas Jefferson, Ray Bradbury, Joseph Stalin, Larry King, Duke Ellington, Joan Jett, Buddy Holly, Megan Fox, Johnny Knoxville, Daniel Day-Lewis, Gwen Stefani, Francis Ford Coppola, Sophia Loren, Marcus Aurelius, China)
♐ Sagittarius MC: will be remembered for their joviality​, reckless/wild free spirit, sense of humor, and/or philosophy/spirituality. (ex. Al Capone, Deepok Chopra, Shia LaBeouf, Audrey Hepburn, Harvey Milk, Johnny Cash, David Bowie, Bettie Page, Pablo Neruda, J. K. Rowling, Christina Aguilera, Michael Jackson, Henry David Thoreau, Adele, Janis Joplin, Maximilien Robespierre​, Ellen Pompeo, Whitney Houston, Paul McCartney, Evel Knievel, Bruno Mars, Jimmy Fallon, Peggy Lipton, Karl Marx, George Takei, Ryan Gosling, Whoopi Goldberg, Vincent Price, Rio de Janeiro-Brazil)
♑ Capricorn MC: will be remembered for their accomplishments/legacy, conquering of odds, and/or persistence. (ex. Martin Luther King Jr., George Washington, Rihanna, Isadora Duncan, Benjamin Franklin, James Dean, Nikola Tesla, John D. Rockefeller, Serena Williams, Joan Baez, Snoop Dogg, Alexander the Great, Barbara Streisand, Ron Howard, Stevie Nicks, Bette Midler, Joan Rivers, Immanuel Kant, Queen Latifah, Johann Sebastian Bach, Walt Whitman, Che Guevara, Liza Minnelli, Amelia Earhart, Mariah Carey, John Lennon, George Lucas, Donatella Versace, Louis Armstrong, Pakistan)
♒ Aquarius MC: will be remembered for their rebellious nature, involvement in a social organization/group​, and/or unpredictability. (ex. Miley Cyrus, Tim Burton, Voltaire, Mick Jagger, Carl Sagan, Rita Hayworth, Neil Armstrong, Amy Winehouse, Pamela Anderson, Carlos Santana, Edward Snowden, Leo Tolstoy, Mae West, Orson Welles, Charlie Sheen, Eva Peron, Miles Davis, Bruce Springsteen, Johann Kepler, Suddam Hussein, Ruby Rose, Gerard Way, Helen Mirren, Howard Stern, Arthur Conan Doyle, Mary Shelley, George R. R. Martin, Kristen Stewart, Jean Piaget, Ronda Rousey, Willow Smith, Florida, India)
♓ Pisces MC: will be remembered for their delusional optimism, supernatural success, and/or they are often idolized. (ex. Vincent Van Gogh, Albert Einstein, Irene Cara, Cher, Salvador Dalí, William Shakespeare, Edie Sedgwick, Fidel Castro, Lady Gaga, Dalai Lama XIV, Steven Spielberg, George Michael, Marie Antoinette, RuPaul, Judy Garland, Michael Phelps, Sally Ride, John Cena, William Faulkner, Victoria Beckham, Lee Harvey Oswald, Douglas Adams, Jean Renoir, Buzz Aldrin, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Farrah Fawcett, Osama bin Laden, Sam Cooke, Michael Jordan, Switzerland, North Korea)
6K notes · View notes
1baddmouthcrown · 7 years
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1900 Booker T. Washington founds the National Negro Business League.
Washington publishes his first autobiography The Story of my life and work editor of the New York Age Timothy Thomas Fortune.
October Washington invited for dinner at the White House by President Theodore Rosevelt.
Du Bois attends the First Pan-African Conference in London drafts letter ”Address to the Nations of the World” to the European heads of states. 
Seay becomes certificate as an educator teaches in Mayan village of Xcalak in Mexico.
1901 Garvey becomes apprentice to printer Alfred ‘Cap’ Burrowes in his native parish of Saint Ann.
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W.E. B. DuBois with his wife Nina and daughter Yolande ca. 1901
Washington publishes his autobiography Up From Slavery.
Washington recieves honorary decorate from Dartmouth College.
1903 Du Bois publishes his 14 essay book The Souls of Black Folk.
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1904 Garvey relocates from his native parish of Saint Ann 25 miles away to Alfred Borrows branch in Port Maria, Saint Mary.
1905 Garvey moves to Smith Village, Kingston at 13 Pink Lane in begins working for P. A. Benjamin and exceeds to the position of foreman.
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Booker Washington and Theodore Roosevelt at Tuskegee Institute, 1905.
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December Du Bois buys printing press and publishes Moon Illustrated Weekly.
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1906 January 23 Washington giving a speech at Tuskegee Institute Silver Anniversary Lecture Carnegie Hall in New York City.
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Du Bois and American Civil Rights activists meet in Canada write declaration opposing Washington's Atlanta Compromise and form the Niagara Movement.
August Second Niagara conference West Virginia Harpers Ferry John Brown raid.
September Atlanta riots 10 thousand whites, 25 deaths.
Du Bois publishes his “A Litany at Atlanta” essay.  
1907 Hubert Harrison begins working at the United States Post Office.
Garvey elected vice president of the compositors branch of the Kingston Typographical Union.
Du Bois publishes The Horizon: A Journal of the Color Line. 
Philadelphia Quaker Anna T Jeanes donates one milion dollars to Booker T washington.
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1908 November 28 Garvey participates in Jamaica Print worker strike.
18 March Garveys Mother Sarah Richards passes away at age 56.
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1909 Washington tours southern Virginia and West Virginia. 
May Du Bois attends the First National Negro Conference in New York where National Negro Committee is created chaired by Oswald Villard. 
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Orientalist Dr. Carl Bezold publishes his edition of the Book of the Glory of Kingswith a German translation.
1910 Du Bois attends the Second National Negro Conference Committee where they create the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP), Du Bois becomes Director of Publicity and Research for editor of its monthly magazine the Crisis.
Harrison writes two letters to the New York Sun critical of Booker T Washington which cost him his job at the United States Post Office.
Garvey travels to Costa Rica where he is employed as a time keeper on a Banana plantation.
20 April Garvey elected first assistant secretary of the National Club and Wilfred Domingo Apprentice Tailor, second assistant secretary. Fortnightly journal Our Own. Garvey and Domingo The Struggling Mass pamphlet.
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Garvey enrolls for elocution lessons with Jamaican Dr. Robert J Love monument George William Gordon.
Garvey publishes three issues of his Watchman journal namd after George William Gordon’s journal the Watchman.
November Du Bois publishes the first issue of The Crisis.
1911 Harrison begins work at Socialist Party of America becoming Americas leading black socialist.
Du Bois attends First Universal Race Congress in London, publishes his Quest of the Silver Fleece novel and joins the Socialist Party of America.
Garvey becomes editor of daily newspaper La Nacionale in Costa Rica and later travels to Colon, Panama.
July 26 Universal Races Congress among its attendees Harry Johnston of the Royal Geographical Society, Sir Sydney Olivier Governor of Jamaica.
April 25, 1911 - The Nation (edited by Marcus Garvey) Cover Page.
July 26 Universal Races Congress among its attendees Harry Johnston of the Royal Geographical Society, Sir Sydney Olivier Governor of Jamaica.
1912 Julius Rosenwald begins serving on the board of directors of Tuskegee Institute.
February 7 Blyden passes in Freetown, Sierra Leone.
Harrison campaigns for Industrial Workers of the World founder Eugene V. Debs, presidential candidate, writes the Negro and Socialism for the socialist newspaper the New York Call as well as the socialist monthly the International Socialist Review, also founds the Colored Socialist Club and speaks at Broad and Wall Street in front of the New York stock exchange on socialism. 
Garvey sails to London where he attends evening classes at Birkbeck College. 
August Garveys sister, Indiana, joins him in London.
Du Bois supports the Democrat Woodrow Wilson in presidential campaign forcing him to resign from Socialist Party of America. 
Julius Rosenwald begins serving on the board of directors of Tuskegee Institute.
1913 Garvey begins working for Dusé Mohamed Ali at the African Times and Orient Review office at 158 Fleet Street as messenger and handyman, in October issue writes The British West Indies in the Mirror of Civilization essay. Dusé Mohamed Ali was also later to become the foreign secretary for Garveys Universal Negro Improvement Association. 
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Garvey travels to Scotland.
Garvey granted month long readers pass to the British Museum library, where he reads Edward Wilmot Blyden’s Christianity, Islam and the Negro Race as well as Booker T Washington’s autobiography Up from Slavery.
Claude Mckay attends Tuskegee Institute.
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W.E.B. DuBois and members of the New York State Commission on the occasion of the fiftieth anniversary of the Emancipation Proclamation in 1913.
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Organizers of the 1913 Silk Strike in Paterson, New Jersey. Front row, from left: Hubert Harrison, members of the Industrial Workers of the World Elizabeth Gurley Flynn, and “Big Bill” Haywood. Back row: unknown, Patrick L. Quinlan, unknown, and unknown. Photographer unknown. Courtesy the American Labor Museum, Haledon, New Jersey, and Jeffrey B. Perry.
Six new small schools in rural Alabama funded by Rosenwald built and opened.
1914 Crisis magazine article 2,732 lynchings from 1884 to 1914.
Marcus Garvey founds the Universal Negro Improvement Association at 12 Orange Street, Kingston.
August Garvey meets Amy Ashwood at the Queen Street Baptist Literary and Debating Society U.N.I.A. moved to 20 Orange Street, Kingston.
October Tsar Nicholas II October manifesto freedom of speech and suffrage.
The Russian army invade Germany.
Alfred Charles Sam Akyem Abuakwa Gold coast Texas, Oklahoma.
1915 Harrison publishes The Black Man’s Burden Rudyard Kipling.
Du Bois publishes The Negro and “The African Roots of the War” essay, Atlantic Monthly and fights with the NAACP to band The Birth of a Nation film, the Crisis magazine also publishes article 2,732 lynchings from 1884 to 1914.
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135th Street Lenox Avenue Harlem speakers corner.
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Tsar Nicholas assumes Commander in Chief.
1916 Crisis magazine April issue lynching of six in Lee County, Georgia and June issue “ Waco Horror” article lynching of mentally impaired 17 year old Jesse Washington in Waco, Texas.
March Garvey departs from Jamaica to New York on the SS Tallac.
April 25th Garvey heads to the NAACP offices at 25 695th Avenue in search of Du Bois.
May 9, Garvey holds his first public lecture in New York City at St Mark’s Church in-the-Bowery where he becomes overwhelmed whilst speaking and falls off the stage.
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The Star of Ethiopia a pageant of the history of black people from 50,000 B.C to 20th century wrote, produced, and directed by WEB Du Bois.
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Lucien B. Watkins poem The Star of Ethiopia.
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December Grigori Rasputin murdered by Prince Yusopor.
1917 Garvey and thirteen others the Harlem, New York branch of the UNIA,
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Asa Philip Randolph and Chandler Owen also found the Messenger monthly magazine, earlier the same year A Philip Randoph had stepped down from his stepladder in Harlem to let Garvey speak.
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March Tsar Nicholas II resigns.
April Vladimir Lenin returns to Russia from exile in Switzerland flee to Finland.
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Harrison founds the Liberty League and Voice newspaper.  
12 June Harrison and Marcus Garvey speak at Harrisons Liberty League of Negro Americans meeting at the Bethal African Methodist Espicopal church.
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July 1 East Saint Louis riots, white drive by and fire shots, journalist and two police men drive by Blacks open fire on car killing one officer, thousand of whites begin rioting. women, blacks lynched Congressional Investigating Committee reports 39 blacks, 9 whites dead although thought to be more like hundreds, 6 thousand Blacks left homeless after their neighbourhood burned.
July 8 Garvey at Lafayette Hall speaks on the East Saint Louis riot The conspiracy of the East St. Louis Mayor Mollman migration riots printed pamphlets.
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July 28 Du Bois and NAACP organise and lead a “Silent March” of 10,000 black New Yorkers down Fifth Avenue to protest the East St. Louis race riot, Du Bois also travelled to St. Louis to report on the riots and publishes the article "The Massacre of East St. Louis" in September. 
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October 16 Lenin returns to Russia.
October 24th/25th Bolshevik Provisional Government Petrograd Soviet.
1918 Garvey on his birthday founds the Negro World weekly newspaper. 
Garvey holds UNIA meetings at Palace Casino Theater 135th Street Madison Avenue.
Harrison works with the American Federation of Labor and serves as chairman for the Negro American Liberty Congress co-headed by Monroe Trotter, the AFL also submits petition to the U. S. Congress for federal anti-lynching legislation.
According to the Hymn From Greenlands Icy Mountains had been adopted by the UNIA and sung at this meeting it is also used by the RasTafarite Ethiopia Black International Congress.
August 4 Randolph and Owen in Cleveland at Social Party leader Walter Bronstrups meeting arrested by Department of Justice official to be trailed on the charge of violating the Espionage Act.
“unlawfully, knowingly and feloniously, the United States being then and there at war with the Imperial German Government, willfully print and cause to be printed, publish and cause to be published, circulated, in a certain language intended to incite, provoke and incur resistance to the United States and to promote the cause of its enemies in a certain publication known as the Messenger.” 
6 October 1918 Amy Ashwood arrives from Panama. 
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According to the Hymn From Greenlands Icy Mountains had been adopted by the UNIA and sung at this meeting it is also used by the Ras Tafarite Ethiopia Black International Congress.
1919 January 18 the year long Versailles Peace Conference is held in Paris France. Treaty of Versallies Germanys possessions Hiltler re militarization June 28 and creation of the League of Nations.
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WEB Du Bois with the help of Senegalese deputy to the National French Assembly Blaise Diagne organized the First Pan African Congress to be held in Paris.
The 20 year old Haitian Elizier Cadet elected as a delegate, interpreter, main negotiator and later high commissioner to the Conference, presents the resolutions of the UNIA that Germanys confiscated colonies be governed by Negroes educated in America and Europe, to the President the French PM Georges Clemenceau, Cadet also camped outside the offices of the Parisian newspapers of the Liberal La Matin editor, as well as the editors of La Presse and L’Instansigeant newspapers who promised to publish the articles.
Ida B. Wells and Randolph were also elected as delegates but were unable to obtain passports and visas.
German East Africa Tanganika designated to Britain, South West Namibia Cameroon, and Togo to France and Britain, Urundi Burundi to Belgium and Namibia South Africa
January 21 Seattle Shipyard Strike 35, 000 workers go on strike. Unions in Seattles shipbuilding industry demand pay increase for unskilled workers, the yard owners offer to give a pay increase to skilled workers, the union reject the offer and go on strike.
February 23 Third Irish Race Convention Philadelphia.
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Soldiers of the 369th (15th N.Y.), awarded the Croix de Guerre for gallantry in action, 1919. Left to right. Front row: Pvt. Ed Williams, Herbert Taylor, Pvt. Leon Fraitor, Pvt. Ralph Hawkins. Back Row: Sgt. H. D. Prinas, Sgt. Dan Storms, Pvt. Joe Williams, Pvt. Alfred Hanley, and Cpl. T. W. Taylor.
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Pvt. Henry Johnson nicknamed “Black Death”.
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Pvt. Needham Roberts.  
Johnson who using his broken rifle as a club and Roberts with a 9 inch bolo knife defeat a 24 German in France awarded.
$10, 000 $35, 000 steam paddle ship SS Shadyside SS Kanawha.
The UNIA  property located at 114 West 138th Street, New York City which had previously been the Metropolitan Baptist Tabernacle and which would now become the first of many of the UNIAS Liberty Halls.
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The Black Star steamshipping line was also established.
Garvey and the UNIA investigated by the FBI then the BOI. Major Walter Howard Loving Negro World Probable Bolshevik Propaganda.
Bolshevik meaning majority, referring to the Marxist majority of the Russian Social Democratic Party of which Vladimir Lenin and Leon Trotsky came into power in October 1917 and the influence of its socialist, communist and Soviet regime. 
Supported by German or Bolshevik money. 
February 4 U.S. Senate votes to Overman Judiciary Subcommittee for more investigation of German spies and Bolshevik propaganda. committee month hearing February 11.
February 6 to 11 Seattle, Washington General Strike. Head of Emergency Fleet Corporation sends telegram mistakenly to Metal Trades Council rather than Metal Trades Association withdraw contracts of any given wage increase, the workers appeal to Seattle Central Labor Council for the strike.
General Strike Committee formed to provide essential services throughout the city during the strike, Army Veterans form Labor War Veterans Guard to ensure order throughout the city although.
“Russia Did It” pamphlet overthrow.
Mayor Hanson police and military order federal troops, stations 950 sailors and marines February 7. 600 hires men to the police force hires 2, 400 deputies.
February 8 The executive committee of the General Strike Committee by AFL and international labor organizations to end the strike at midnight but voted against by the General Strike Committee.
February 9 Mayor Hanson “sympathetic strike was called in the exact manner as was the revolution in Petrograd”.
February 10 The General Strike Committee vote to end the strike the next day.
39 Industrial Workers of the World members arrested ringleaders anarchy.
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April bombs mailed to Government officials, businessmen such as John D Rockefeller, Mayor of Seattle Ole Hanson receives mailed packaged bomb opened at the wrong end by member of his office staff William Langer, who then takes the bomb to the police and notifies Post Office. 
Police officers turn up at the UNIA headquarters with a search warrant after an anonymous tip of that from the office of the Negro World. At Garveys Carnegie Hall meeting agents of the Lusk Committee also turn up with a bomb squad.
J Edgar hoover begins to hold suspicions of the Harlem offices of the Negro World and the Messenger being the Russian organ of Bolshevism in New York. Garvey papers II page 674. 642 of the Russian organ of Bolshevik from one memo J Edgar Hoover special assistant to Attorney General to Frank Burke Washington D.C. August 12 1919 Garvey papers I page 480.
May Day Boston Police attempt to stop unpermitted march, fight for socialist Soviet Union Red Flags, one policeman fatally stabbed, socialist HQ attacked by mob, 114 arrested.
At the Russian Peoples House social club, soldiers burn printed material and force emigrants to sing Star Spangled Banner.
Cleveland, Ohio protesting the imprisonment of Eugene V. Debs and promoting the campaign of Charles Ruthenberg the socialist candidate for Mayor plan march.
Nationalist group Victory Loanworkers try to block marchers, Ruthenbergs HQ attacked by mob, police mount with trucks and tanks, tank driven into crowd, two dead, 40 injured, 116 arrested.
June 2 Bombs judges sentenced anarchist to prison, Attorney A. Mitchell Palmer targeted for the second time, Carlo William Valdinoa editor of Galleanist publication Cronaca Sovversiva Luigi Galleani, delivers the bomb, trips up, the bomb detonates leaving his body parts on Palmers lawn.
Flyer traced to anarchists Andrea Salsedo, who commits suicide and Robert Elia.
June Attorney A. Mitchell Palmer Carlo William Valdinoa Galleanist trips up bomb detonating body parts lawn. 
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Senator Lusk chairman of committee anarchy socialists troops office of Industrial Workers of the World and Rand school for racial propaganda Socialism Imperilled, or the Negro a Potential menace to American radicalism article by Wilfred Domingo editor of the Negro World who worked with Garvey in 1910 at the National Club.
June 2 Bombs judges sentenced anarchist to prison, Attorney A. Mitchell Palmer targeted for the second time, Carlo William Valdinoa editor of Galleanist publication Cronaca Sovversiva Luigi Galleani, delivers the bomb, trips up, the bomb detonates leaving his body parts on Palmers lawn.
Flyer traced to anarchists Andrea Salsedo, who commits suicide and Robert Elia.
July 28 Garvey charged with criminal libel against Richard Warner, Edgar Grey and the District Attorney Kilroe, Garvey incarcerated in Tombs prison and bailed for $3,000.
A Red Summer. 
The Red Summer racial riots were a series of riots 38 which occurred between May and October 1919.
December Crisis issue Omaha, Nebraska.
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Will Brown, Victim of Omaha, Nebraska violence. 
Mary Turner.
May 10 Charleston, South Carolina
May 10 Sylvester, Georgia May 29 Putnam County, Georgia May 31 Monticello, Mississippi June 13 New London, Connecticut June 13 Memphis, Tennessee June 27 Annapolis, Maryland June 27 Macon, Mississippi July 3 Bisbee, Arizona July 5 Scranton, Pennsylvania July 6 Dublin, Georgia July 7 Philadelphia, Pennsylvania July 8 Coatesville, Pennsylvania July 9 Tuscaloosa, Alabama July 10 Longview, Texas July 11 Baltimore, Maryland July 15 Port Arthur, Texas
July 19 Washington, D.C. July 21 Norfolk, Virginia July 23 New Orleans, Louisiana July 23 Darby, Pennsylvania July 26 Hobson City, Alabama July 27 Chicago, Illinois July 28 Newberry, South Carolina July 31 Bloomington, Illinois July 31 Syracuse, New York July 31 Philadelphia, Pennsylvania August 4 Hattiesburg, Mississippi August 6 Texarkana, Texas August 21 New York City, New York August 30 Knoxville, Tennessee September 28 Omaha, Nebraska October 1 Elaine, Arkansas
Elaine, Arkansas, arrested and tried for conspiracy in the Moore v. Dempsey case. 
28 July Garvey charged with criminal libel against Richard Warner, Edgar Grey and the District Attorney Kilroe, Garvey incarcerated in Tombs prison and bailed for $3,000.
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28th September Garvey, Reverend Eason, Amy Ashwood and Henrietta Davis Illinois south for meetings at the 8th Regiment Armoury the home of the all Negro infantry Garvey was arrested by detective George Friend of the Chicago Constabulary on violation of the Blue Sky Law turned out to be a private detective from Keystone Detective Agency who was hired by Robert Abbott editor of the Chicago Defender and taken to Harrison police station. 
September Henrietta Vinton Davis that there were 7, 500 members in New York alone and branches in 25 states of Union.
11 October memorandum from J Edgar Hoover to special agent Ridgely.
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October 1 Elaine, Arkansas 200 African Americans murdered, arrested and tried for conspiracy in the Moore v. Dempsey case.
11 October memorandum from J Edgar Hoover to special agent Ridgely.
14 October Garvey shot by George Tyler, grazed on his temple and caught in the leg. Tyler commits suicide the next day, Tyler was also the only witness for the criminal libel charge against Garvey.
October Garvey speaks at Philadelphia Peoples Church again.
The Negro World seized in British Guiana and Honduras, according to the Saint Vincent Gazette October 1919 anyone bringing the paper into the colony to serve six months prison sentence, possibly with hard labor.
November Second anniversary of the Bolshevik Revolution BOI agents police raid Union of Russian Workers in 12 cities.
Garveys name put forward to Louis F. Post at the Labour Department for deportation on unsubstantiated grounds.
December Du Bois in the Crisis covers lynching in Omana, Nebraska.
December Guianse Edward Green Smith founding member, Secretary UNIA and accountant who previously worked at the ammunition factory in Trenton, New Jersey shot during robbery, pregnant wife dies from shock BSL principal negotiator.
December 25 Garvey marries Amy Ashwood two week honeymoon in Canada Toronto and Montreal.
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Garveys name put forward to Louis F. Post at the Labour Department for deportation on unsubstantiated grounds.
December 1919 Guianse Edward Green Smith founding member, Secretary UNIA and accountant who previously working at the ammunition factory in Trenton, New Jersey employment shot during robbery pregnant wife dies from shock BSL principal negotiator.
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The Belize branch of the Universal African Black Cross Nurses established in 1920 by Vivian Seay.
Seay survey infant and maternal recruits nurse trainees.
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Garvey and Green without Cockburn charter the SS Frederick Douglas at the rate of $11, 000 as opposed to $100, 000 with repairs amounting to $11, 000 and fail to include limited indemnity clause in contract with Green River Distillery making them liable damages to whisky company prohibition deadline 16th January confiscated.
Cockburn receives $2,000 commission from Green River Distillery to load the and sail the ship.
1920 January 15 Frederick Douglas sails from the U. S. to Havana, Cuba with 20, 000 cases of whiskey, 500 cases of champagne and 350 barrels of wine 500 cases of whisky, caught in storm off the coast of Cape May, the cargo shifts in its Hull making its starboard list heavy, tossed aboard in order to prevent it from capsizing and has to be towed back to New York .
neglect to making docking arrangements cargo cant be unloaded because of the shoremans strike, left to face penalty of thousands every day for  32 days. 
Chief Officer Hugh Mulzac and UNIA delgation meet arrive at Havana, Cuba meet President Menocal and are given banquet at his palace.
The SS Frederick Douglass at Colon Panama carries 500 Caribbean laborers to Cuba.
The SS Frederick Douglass makes a ceremonial stop at Bocas del Toro in Costa Rica.
In Kingston, Jamaica the SS Frederick Douglass cargo of 700 tons of coconuts which rot on detour to Boston. 
Du Bois publishes the first of his three autobiographies Darkwater: Voices From Within the Veil containing his “The Damnation of Women” essay as well as The Brownies Book, a monthly children’s magazine co founded by Augustus Granvil Dill and Jesse RedmonFauset.
1920 Du Bois publishes the first of his three autobiographies Darkwater: Voices From Within the Veil containing his "The Damnation of Women" essay as well as The Brownies Book, a monthly children's magazine.
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January Harrison becomes editor of the Negro World and also contributes to the Declaration of Rights of Negro People’s of the World.
August the first UNIA Convention was held for the whole duration of the month of August in Madison Square Gardens, New York City. It was at this convention that the Bill of Rights the Declaration of Rights of the Negro Peoples of the World was drafted and adopted. https://tmblr.co/Z9elId2ORVqcw
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It was at this event where he was duly elected Provisional President of Africa at the convention Garvey reportedly read two telegrams one from Irish Republic leader Eamon de Valera Provisional President of Ireland and the other from Zionist in Califonia Louis Michael.
Are ye not as children of the Ethiopians unto me, O children of Israel? saith the LORD. Have not I brought up Israel out of the land of Egypt? and the Philistines from Caphtor, and the Syrians from Kir? Amos 9:7
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10. We protest against segregated districts, separate public conveyances, industrial discrimination, lynchings and limitations of political privileges of any Negro citizen in any part of the world on account of race, color or creed, and will exert our full influence and power against all such.
12. Against all such inhuman, unchristian and uncivilized treatment we here and now emphatically protest, and invoke the condemnation of all mankind.
17. Whereas the lynching, by burning, hanging or any other means, of human beings is a barbarous practice and a shame and disgrace to civilization, we therefore declare any country guilty of such atrocities outside the pale of civilization.
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24. We believe in the doctrine of the freedom of the press, and we therefore emphatically protest against the suppression of Negro newspapers and periodicals in various parts of the world, and call upon Negroes everywhere to employ all available means to prevent such suppression.
25. We further demand free speech universally for all men.
33. We vigorously protest against the increasingly unfair and unjust treatment accorded Negro travelers on land and sea by the agents and employee of railroad and steamship companies, and insist that for equal fare we receive equal privileges with travelers of other races.
35. That the right of the Negro to travel unmolested throughout the world be not abridged by any person or persons, and all Negroes are called upon to give aid to a fellow Negro when thus molested.
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39. That the colors, Red, Black and Green, be the colors of the Negro race.
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40. Resolved, That the anthem “Ethiopia, Thou Land of Our Fathers etc.,” shall be the anthem of the Negro race… adopted by the RasTafarites Universal Ethiopian Anthem.
Signatories of the Declarations of the Rights of Negro Peoples of the World capture the moment during the 1st International Convention of the Negro Peoples of the World.
Negro World editor William Ferris spots WEB Du Bois at the convention.
18 January Negro World SS Kanawah Antonio Maceo to sail for Bermuda, Cuba, Haiti, Jamaica, Panama. Sir Willocks governor general British Secretary of State for the Colonies Winston Churchill prohibit landing.
Advert Negro World Architects and Contracting Builders to sail to Liberia between January 25 February 20.
1921 Haitian Elie Garcia auditor general produce two reports on Liberia. 
Son of Liberian President Hilary Johnson, Mayor of the Liberian capital, Monrovia, Gabriel Johnson, UNIA Potentate Leader of the Negro Peoples of the World along with George O Marke, Supreme Deputy Potentate in charge of the Sierra Leone division of the UNIA and accountant and stenographer, Resident Commissar Cyril A Crichlow sent to acquire land and property in Liberia 30 40 miles away from Monrovia farm owned by local Mrs.Moort however land quality.
Johnson previously a Brigader, his brother Attorney General, first cousin was also married to the later President D. B. King.
Edwin Barclay Liberia Secretary of Sate French and British bordering colonies of Sierra Leon and Ivory Coast.
February Garvey tours the West Indies and Central America also with the initiative of raising funds.
Hoover alerts immigration in Florida so that the Labour Department ports refuse his reentry however Hoover could not provide them with grounds.
28th February Garvey Amy Jacques and her younger brother Cleveland take the train to Key West where they board the USS Governor Cobb to Havana, Cuba.
7 March Liberia President Charles D. B. King arrives on the USS Panhandle in New York harbor, UNIA delegation meet hom at Waldorf Astoria Hotel.
Charles Latham American consul in Jamaica instructed to refuse Garvey a visa to Panama as well as a reentry visa into America.
Costa Rica 10, 000 people to see Garvey at Limon according to United Fruit company manger G. P. Chittenden one meeting two scrap baskets and one suitcase full of United States gold notes were collected and at another he stood beside a pile of gold notes which reached above his knees possibly as much as $50, 000.
Garvey introduced to President Julio Acosta in the capital. 
Garvey granted visa by Panama visits the cities of Bocas Del Toro and Almirante in Panama although the response he received was not so much of an enthusiastic one but more.
Garvey travels to the city of Colon by submarine where he is greeting by the biggest crowd he has ever seen, they brake the windows of his train carriage and carry him out into a car but there are so many people on top of the car that the tyres puncture and the car has to be pushed.
May 31 June 1 Tulsa, Oklahoma riot Dick Rowland assault elevator in Drexel building, mob jail shots, Greenwood little Africa.
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May June Tulsa, Oklahoma riot Dick Rowland assault elevator Drexel building mob jail shots Greenwood little Africa.
25th May the ship the SS Kanawah/Antonio Maceo, sets sail for Panama. boilers three days Kingston.
Garvey denied reentry visa generals voted counsellor general William Matthews sent to Washington to lobby the state department. staff visa control. Garvey advised by lawyer for the American consul to send a cable to state department requesting a visa in which event the visa was granted.
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At the annual convention in August 1921 literary editor William Ferris and journalist John E Bruce knighted with order of the Nile, George Tobias with the order of Ethiopia and Henrietta Vinton Davis with Lady Commander of the Sublime order of the Nile.
Marcus Garvey quoted Psalm 68:31 on numerous occasions including in his Christmas message to the Negro Peoples of the World December 1921 as well as in his Emancipation day speech made at Liberty Hall New York city on 1 January 1922. https://tmblr.co/Z9elId2OPQ-fq
1922 January Garvey arrested for mail fraud but bailed for $2, 500, Garvey was brought to charge with mail fraud on the basis that the BSL had advertised the ship the Orion as SS Phyllis Wheatley which they did not yet actually own but were still in the process of negotiation for, Thompson, Garcia and George Tobias were also investigated, however, only Garvey was prosecuted.
May 22 UNIA Commissioner Robert Moseley invited to speak at Baptist church’s, arrested and fined for vagrancy in Jacksonville, Texas and separately also taken to the woods and horsewhipped.
Garvey Los Angeles local division and others parade Oakland California Frisco. Commander J.J. Hannigan San Francisco 400 new members.
May 27 Garvey marries Amy Jaques in Baltimore.
June 25 Garvey travels to Atlanta for a meeting with the Imperial Wizard of the Ku Klux Klan.
Garvey meets with and is interviewed by Hutson on his first visit to Belize 5 July Huton sent transcript of the recorded interview to Secretary of the Colonies the British PM Winston Churchill.
July office Harlem building floor above UNIA Publishing and Printing House the Messenger editorial Chandler Owens and A Philip Randolph William Pickens and Detroit preacher Robert Bagnall Garvey Must Go campaign.
Garvey and Amy picture.
May 27 Garvey marries Amy Jaques in Baltimore.
June 25 Garvey travels to Atlanta for a meeting with the Imperial Wizard of the Ku Klux Klan.
Garvey meets with and is interviewed by Hutson on his first visit to Belize 5 July Huton sent transcript of the recorded interview to Secretary of the Colonies the British PM Winston Churchill.
July office Harlem building floor above UNIA Publishing and Printing House the Messenger editorial Chandler Owens and A Philip Randolph William Pickens Detroit preacher Robert Bagnall.
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The Messenger. 6.9 (August 1922). William Pickens NAACP Detroit preacher, Robert Bagnall Messenger.
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August Trinidadian pilot Hubert Fauntleroy Julian dubbed the Black Eagle of Harlem by H. Allen Smith because of his parachute jumps, flys biplane over UNIA parade and becomes head of the organisation’s new Aeronautical Department.
September 5 Randolph at 2305 7th Avenue receives package calls the police bomb squad open package containing a severed human hand.
November 9th Esau Ramus Philadelphia branch UNIA janitor New Orleans William Phillips. 
Reverend Eason Baptist Church, St John 1st Street, shot in the back and forehead, dies from wounds on January 1923. William Shakespeare and Fred Dyer charged with Easons murder. Claude McKay in Kremlin, Russia.
November Max Eastman Fourth Congress of the Communist International Petrograd.
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Otto Huiswould and Claude McKay, two leading early members of the Communist International (Comintern). They both addressed the Comintern in Moscow in 1922.
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Claude McKay with Arthur Holitscher and Clara Zetkin in Russia - December, 1923.
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Claude McKay and International Group in Russia - December, 1923
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McKay with Grigory Zinoviev and Nikolai Bukharin in 1923.
McKay also meets communist Leon Trotsky.
Philosophy and Opinions of Marcus Garvey by Amy Jaques Garvey 1923 Chapter 3 The Image of God
If the white man has the idea of a white God, let him worship his God as he desires. If the yellow man’s God is of his race let him worship his God as he sees fit. We, as Negroes, have found a new ideal. Whilst our God has no color, yet it is human to see everything through one’s own spectacles, and since the white people have seen their God through white spectacles, we have only now started out (late though it be) to see our God through our own spectacles. The God of Isaac and the God of Jacob let Him exist for the race that believes in the God of Isaac and the God of Jacob. We Negroes believe in the God of Ethiopia, the everlasting God — God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Ghost, the One God of all ages. That is the God in whom we believe, but we shall worship Him through the spectacles of Ethiopia. 
Ras Nasibu Emmanuel Oganden Hindenburg Wall Poem.
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Edwin Barclay Liberias secretary of state French and British bordering colonies of Sierra Leone Ivory Coast disapproval. 
Hilary Johnson clerk office Crichlow pulling weight 24 March sent cable ship $5, 000 steamer for sawmill.
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1 December UNIA delegation departs for Liberia via Lisbon, Portugal on the Cunard vessel SS Britannia. 
1923 December Mc Kay Arthur Holitscher and Clara Zetkin in Russia. International Group in Russia. Grigory Zinoviev and Nikolai Bukharin.
1924 11th February UNIA delegation meets with President 3, 000 immigrants land in three colonies Cavalla, Sino and Grand Bassa as well as in Cape Mount.
16 March Robert Poston fever lobar pneumonia dies on board SS President Grant. 
April 19 send material artisan technicians carpenter builder and mechanical engineer. 
Seay 24 trained nurses to Belize Town as volunteers parenting teaching, sanitation, midwifery services.
May 19 Du Bois with Professor Wendell Phillips Dabney finally comes face to face with Garvey for the first time at the elevator in Sheraton Hotel, Cincinnati.
11th February meet with President 3, 000 immigrants land in three colonies Cavalla, Sino and Grand Bassa as well as in Cape Mount.
23 June 1923 Garvey sentenced to five years in prison for mail fraud. Garvey spends three months in the Tombs Jail Manhattan detention center and would be bailed for the sum of $15, 000 which was raised in campaign by Amy Jacques by September.
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Bishop Alexander Mc Guire the first black archdeacon of the Protestant Episcopal Church ‘We have reasons to believe that his enforced solitude has clarified his vision’ 'Moses came back to Israel with new Revelation’ 'Negro everywhere will be the beneficiaries of the new ideas he has gained during his vacation’.
16 March Robert Poston fever lobar pneumonia dies on board SS President Grant. 
April 19 send material artisan technicians carpenter builder and mechanical engineer.
Seay Twenty four trained nurses.
May 19 Du Bois with Professor Wendell Phillips Dabney finally comes face to face with Garvey for the first time at the elevator in Sheraton Hotel, Cincinnati.
June 4 mining engineer Wallace Strange. 
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1924 July 4 UNIAS Hubert Fauntleroy Julian to make transatlantic flight from New York to Liberia via Atlantic city, New Jersey and the West Indies. Purchases seaplane christened Ethiopia I, crashes into Flushing Bay after one of the planes pontoons comes off.
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Robinson diploma in auto mechanics, Tuskegee civilian pilot training program there Melaku Beyan Ethiopian Army shot in the arm and exposed to mustard gas.
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10 July Liberia Consul General in US press release stated that anyone from the UNIA in the US would not be allowed to land in the republic of Liberia the Liberian Consuls in the US instructed not to permit them visas. Wallace Strange Monrovia arrested and deported equipment auctioned Chief Justice J. J. Dossen of Liberia President ports refuse entry. given preference to the Firestone Rubber Plantation Company 1 million acres of land 5 to 10 cents per acre.
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The Most Honorable Marcus Garvey is accompanied in the rear seat of his shiny 1920 Pierce Arrow Limousine by the Rev. R Van Richards at the 4th International Convention of the Negro Peoples of the World Opening Parade in Harlem, NY. His Secret Service (aka Knights of the Roundtable) ran alongside the President-General’s parade vehicle. Although its not visible in this photo, Mr. Garvey is also flanked in the rear by a banner reading Parent Body Division. (Negro World August 16, 1924, p.10)
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Uniformed Universal African Motor Corp marching up 7th Ave in Harlem, NY during the opening parade of the UNIA sponsored 4th International Convention of the Negro Peoples of the World in 1924.
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Universal Motorcorp In Parade - 1924
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Executive Council Reviews Parade From Observation Deck and Universal African Royal Guard Parade Drill in Harlem, NY.
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Contingent of the Detroit Division #125 in the opening day parade of the 1924 International Convention of the Negro Peoples of the World, hosted by the UNIA in Harlem, NY. USA. President Joseph A Craigen is seen leading the march with his Red, Black and Green Flag draped over his shoulder.
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Dinner Scene at the Third Royal Court Reception of the UNIA at Liberty Hall, NY (Negro World August 30,1924, p.10)
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Marucs Garvey in 1924 by James VanDerZee.
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Marcus Garvey (right) with George O. Marke (left) and Prince Kojo Tovalu-Houenou. 1924. James VanDerZee (American, 1886-1983). Te Dahomean protonationalist Kojo Tovalou-Houénou declared at the same convention that “your association, Mr. President … is the Zionism of the Black Race.”^ Les Continents, 15 October 1924.
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Big Negro Excursion [January 3, 1925, advertisement in the Negro World announcing the sailing of the S.S. Booker T. Washington to Central America, the West Indies, Panama, and the South of the United States.  
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Amy Jacques Garvey, Henrietta Vinton Davis and Marcus Garvey during the renaming of the ship from the 'General G.W. Goethals’ to the S.S Booker Washington.
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Marcus Garvey (center), President General of the African Republic, leaves court handcuffed to a deputy, Marshal Hecht, at left being taken into custody to begin serving his sentence at the Atlanta Federal Penitentiary on 8 February 1925. 
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African Fundamentalism
From the editorial by Marcus Garvey orinted in the Negro World, 6 June 1925, as a front-page editorial; written in Atlanta Federal Penitentiary. Original headlines omitted. Creed reprinted in slightly revised form, under the title “African Fundamentalism,” as a UNIA poster, sold by mail order through the Negro World by Amy Jacques Garvey, 1925.
Fellow Men of the Negro Race, Greeting:
The time has come for the Negro to forget and cast behind him his hero worship and adoration of other races, and to start out immediately, to create and emulate heroes of his own.
We must canonize our own saints, create our own martyrs, and elevate to positions of fame and honor black men and women who have made their distinct contributions to our racial history. Sojourner Truth is worthy of the place of sainthood alongside of Joan of Arc; Crispus Attucks and George William Gordon are entitled to the halo of martyrdom with no less glory than that of the martyrs of any other race. Toussaint L'Ouverture’s brilliancy as a soldier and statesman outshone that of a Cromwell, Napoleon and Washington; hence, he is entitled to the highest place as a hero among men. Africa has produced countless numbers of men and women, in war and in peace, whose lustre and bravery outshine that of any other people. Then why not see good and perfection in ourselves?
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Marcus Garvey at Atlanta Federal Prison in December 1926.
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Garvey was released in November 1927 and boarded in New Orleans to be deported to Jamaica where he arrived at Orrett’s Wharf in Kingston.  
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1928 October 7 Ras Tafari Makonnen Crown Prince and Regent Plenipotentiary of Ethiopia is crowned Negus (King) Empress Zawditu daughter of Emperor Menelik II seated to his left.
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Julian at the Emperor Haile Selassie’s pre coronation show, parachutes landing in front of the Emperor, the Emperor grants him citizenship, the rank of colonel as well as the highest honour in Ethiopia, the order of Menelik.
Julian at the Emperors coronation dress rehearsal crashes the Emperors personal plane de Havilland Gipsy Moth into a Eucalyptus tree, the plane was given to the Emperor as a gift from Selfridge’s department store in London.
18th August 1930 performance of Garveys play Coronation of an African King, King Cudjoe of Sudan.
These shall make war with the Lamb, and the Lamb shall overcome them: for he is Lord of lords, and King of kings: and they that are with him are called, and chosen, and faithful. Revelation 17:14
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And I saw heaven opened, and behold, a white horse, and He who sat on it iscalled Faithful and True, and in righteousness He judges and wages war.
His eyes are a flame of fire, and on His head are many diadems; and He has a name written on Him which no one knows except Himself. He is clothed with a robe dipped in blood, and His name is called The Word of God.
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And the armies which are in heaven, clothed in fine linen, white and clean, were following Him on white horses.
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November 2 Negus Tafari coronation as Emperor Haile Selassie Time weekly magazine. National Geographic Magazine monthly Volume LIX Number 6 1931 June.
1932 E.A. Wallace Budge publishes his second edition of the Ethiopic Book of the Glory of Kings.
1933 Leonard Percival Howell began to preach about the Ethiopian Emperor Haile Selassie in the parish of Saint Thomas at largely attended meetings accused of ‘Blantant swindle selling pictures at 1s per piece to boost the sale of King RasTafari of Abyssinia son of King Solomon by the Queen of Sheba. Howell held meetings in Trinity Ville and Seaforth of 300 and in 1934 was trailed and sentence for two years sedition and even blasphemy and Robert Hinds ‘his disciple’ led astray by evil doctrine sentenced to one year at the Saint Thomas Circuit Court in Morant Bay by Chief Justice Robert Lyall Grant.
Du Bois resigns at The Crisis to work at Atlanta University.
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Meanwhile the second ItaloEthiopia war began over the Italo Ethiopia Treaty of 1928 similarly to the first ItaloEthiopia war in 1895.
The Italians built a military post on within the border of Ethiopia in 1930 which caused the WalWal incident in 1934.
The members of the League of Nations especially France and Britain failed to comply with Article X of the covenant and did not act to assist Ethiopia under Italian aggression, they wanted Italy as an ally against Germany, it was Italys plan to make Ethiopia an East African colony along with Eritrea and Italian Somalian.
1935 January Pierre Laval and Benito Mussolini sign the Franco Italian agreement which gave Italy a part of bordering French Somliland (now Djibouti) as part of Eritrea as well as the Aouzou strip in French Chad in Italian Libya.
Du Bois publishes his Black Reconstruction in America.
During the Ethiopian Crisis people from all other the world rallied support for the Emperor including The International African Friends of Ethiopia among whos members included Amy Ashwood Garvey, Jomo Kenyatta, C. L. R. James and George Padmore.
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The Honorable Amy Ashwood Garvey speaks before a London crowd at Trafalgar Square, denouncing the Italian invasion of Ethiopia.“No race has been so noble in forgiving, but now the hour has struck for our complete emancipation. We will not tolerate the invasion of Abyssinia.“ Mrs. Garvey said: "In this struggle, the black women are marching beside the men. You white people brought us out of Africa to Christianize us and civilize us, but all the Christianity and civilization you gave us for 320 years was slavery. You have talked of ‘The White Man’s burden.’ Now we are carrying yours and standing between you and Fascism.” She warned the British Government that if this became a struggle between the “Blacks” and the “Whites” that three quarters of the people of the Empire are colored. Jamaica Gleaner, September 11, 1935.
August 12 Ethiopia also pleads for the embargo to be lifted.
October 5 Italian I Corps take Adigrat.
October 6 Italian II take Adwa.
October 15 General Emilio De Bono forces advance from Adwa occupy Axum Bono loots Obelisk.
October Saint Lucia Clarkes Theatre International Friends of Ethiopia Foreign Enlistment Act.
November The League of Nations places sanctions.
December Samuel Hoare Pierre Laval Pact was secretly agreed to sign OgadenTigray and Southern parts of Ethiopia away to Mussolini when this was found out they were forced to resign.
December 30 Red Cross unit at Dolo bombed, Egyptian ambulance at Bulall attacked, Egyptian medical unit at Daggah Bur.
1936 January 12 to 16 Battle of Genale Doria.
January 20 to 24 First Battle of Tembien Ras Kassa Phosgene gas makale.
February 10 to 19 Battle of Amba Bradam Ras Mulugeta.
February 27 to 29 Second Battle of Tembien Ras Kassa and Ras Seyoum.
March Red Cross camp Quoram.
Hitler militarisation of Rhineland.
March Battle of Shire Ras Imru. 969 Italian
March 22  Regia Aeronautica bomb Harar.
March 26 March of Iron Will Dessie to Addis Ababa.
March 31 Battle of May Chew.
Stresa Front.
April 4 mustard gas Lake Ashangi Regia Aeronautica.
April 14 Graziani Ras Nasibu Emmanuel Battle of Ogaden.
May His Imperial Majesty boards the train from Addis Ababa to Djibouti, with the gold of the Ethiopian Central Bank. According to Barker, A. J. (1971). Rape of Ethiopia, 1936. New York: Ballantine Books, Graziani suggested to Mussolini that he have the train bombed which however he didn’t see fit to do so.
The Emperor and hunting party in Ethiopia before the Italian invasion drove him into exile. It was taken on the Addis Ababa to Djibouti railway line in the early 1930s just after he’d been officially crowned as Emperor.
May 4 H.I.M. sails from Djibouti in the British cruiser HMS Enterprise.
May 5 Addis Ababa taken.
May 8 arrives at Haifa.
from Mandatory Palestine sails to Gibraltar on the way to Britain.
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May 5 after the fall of Addis Ababa the sanctions are dropped.
Benito Mussolini also used poison gas and mustard gas which were exposed by International Red Cross.
June 30 The Emperor himself addresses the League of Nations in Geneva, Switzerland.
Howell marries Teneth Bent.
Du bois visits Nazi Germany, China and Japan.
July 4 The League of Nations votes to lift sanctions imposed against Italy.
July 15 Sanctions lifted.
Mussolini and Hilter become allies during the Spanish Civil War, Mussolini declares war on Britain and France attacks British in Egypt Sudan, Kenya, British Somaliland.
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1937 the Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters and the pullman company enter contract together.
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Marcus Garvey (seated in dark suit with fan) and the Port of Spain Trinidad City Council, 1937. Mayor Alfred Richards is to Mr. Garvey’s right.
Tubal Uriah Buzz Butler strike policeman set alight and died colleagues riots. George Padmore International African Service Bureau C. L. R. James author of The Black Jacobins
1938 January strike for higher wages at Serge Island in the parish of Saint Thomas 1, 400 workers, armed 24 injured, 60 arrested.
April 29 Westmoreland strike 4 killed, 13 injured and 105 arrested.
May 23 Kingston strike.
Howell sent to Bellevue Asylum.
1939 April Howell founds the Ethiopian Salvation Society and purchases 485 acres in the hills of Saint Catherine, 5 miles on the road to Sligoville,  the free community founded by English Reverend Baptist Minister James Mursell Phillippo in 1843, named after the 2nd Marquess of Sligo, Governor of Jamaica, Saint Catherine also being the parish with the most number of active sugar plantations at the time Howell established this settlement which became to be known as Pinnacle.
1941 July 14 Pinnacle raided for first time 72 arrested.
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Randolph Madison Square Gardens.
July 24 Howell arrested sentenced to 2 years released 1943 April.
December 23 Howells Wife Teneth Bent Howell dies, Howell accused of murdering her and arrested but is acquitted 1944 April 6.
1948 Ganja Dangerous Drugs Act began to be used against Rastafarite.
1948 January 8 Howell 6 months in prison.
1950  Randolph, Roy Wilkins, Executive Secretary of the NAACP, and, Arnold Aronson, of the National Jewish Community Relations Advisory Council found the Leadership Conference on Civil Rights (LCCR).
1951 January 18 Howell sentenced to 2 year in prison for Ganja.
1954 April Howell arrested for illegal practice of medicine. May two of Howells adolescent sons arrested under false pretense. May 27 biggest Ganja raid as of that time £3, 000 seized.
1957 Randolph Prayer Pilgrimage for Freedom with Martin Luther King Jr.
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1958 Pinnacle burnt by Police members disburse.
Randolph Youth Marches for Integrated Schools in Washington, DC.
1960 Howell arrested for Ganja Tredegar Park and sent to Bellevue.
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1961 21 April Bob Marleys teacher Nyahbinghi elder Mortimer Planno visits Ethiopia meets His Imperial Majesty Emperor Haile Selassie, April 26 visits Nigeria meets NnamdiAzikiwe, May 10 visits Ghana meets Kwame Nkrumah, May 16 visits Liberia and May 21 visit Sierra Leone meets I.T.A. Wallace.
12th April 1963 Bad Friday Coral Gardens Massacre.
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May 25th the Organisation of African Unity was formed with the Emperor Haile Selassie as its chairman and its headquarters in Ethiopias capital Addis Ababa.
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1966 April 22nd Groundation day Haile Selassie Jamaica visit H.I.M. with Mortimer Planno.
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December 22, 1967 Kampala, Uganda- The heads of state and the leaders of governments of East and Central Africa are pictured prior to the opening of their summit conference. Standing in the front row are (L-R): Mr.Kayibanda, President of Rwanda; Mr. Jean B. Bokassa, President of the Central African Republic; Emperor Haile Selassie of Ethiopia; Dr.Jomo Kenyatta, President of Kenya; Mr. El Azhari, President of the Sudan; and Lieutenant General Joseph Mobutu, President of the Republic of the Congo.
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Nigeria & Tanzania reconciled at Africa Hall.
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Mediating between Senegal & Guineain Monrovia, Liberia.
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Settling differences in the internal crisis in the Sudan.
1978 March arrested for Ganja.
1979 Gunmen terrorize Rastafarites at Pinnacle.
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1980 April 18th Bob Marley performs his Zimbabwe song in Zimbabwe at the Independence celebration in Rufaro Stadium Harare.
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1986 July 14th - 27th Ras Boanerges Rastafari Focus Conference at the Commonwealth Institute in London.
6 notes · View notes
nehswritesstuffs · 2 years
Getting the hang of things: Clara is out for the week and it falls on daddy 12 to give the twins “The Talk”. He calls Clara to ask him for advice and he makes some notecards and it goes about as awkward as you would expect. When Clara gets back the kids have far more questions than before based on some interesting things that daddy 12 decided to add onto “The Talk”. Later 12 and Clara have a laugh before “turning in for the night”.
I absolutely love this because it is so mortifying there is no option but failure.
2331 words; makes use of some of the more infamous EU canon; I feel like if Twelve and Clara were raising kids like this, that this would be just absolutely blown-out-of-the-water awkward or not at all, only because you have two very different species you’d be dealing with even if on the surface their physiologies have minimal deviance from each other’s norms; no matter what, we’re dealing with Human/Extraterrestrial hybrids, so jury’s out as to what in the hell’s going on anyhow, so, yeah, your mileage is supposed to vary
It was a very normal day within the TARDIS as the Doctor carried his daughter like a sack of potatoes into the learning docks. She had long ago let her body go limp, having given up against her father’s iron grip. James followed close behind, as he was unsure of the situation—should he follow his father, or help his sister escape?
“If you don’t get in there, you’re never going to be where you need to by the time Mam puts you in school,” the Doctor scowled. He placed Alison on the floor and saw that her expression nearly matched his own in irritation. “What’s with that face?”
“We’re already ahead of where sixth-formers are, and we’re only eight,” Alison argued. “Can’t we go and ignore the learning docks for a bit?”
“No—you’re well beyond sixth-form in basics like maths, sciences, language, and the like, but you’re not going to be in subjects that are decidedly Earthen in nature.”
Her obstinate ways knew no bounds… but then again, it wasn’t as though he could complain, since she learned from the best after all…
“History and literature, for two,” he reminded her. “As much information as I programmed into the docks, there’s only so much knowledge that I can give it. You need the perspectives of a variety of Earthen sources to be well-rounded in those topics, which is what you’ll get when you start at Coal Hill. In the meantime…”
Alison groaned loudly as she dramatically flopped down on the chair and sourly turned on the equipment. The Doctor then turned his attention to his son, with the boy fidgeting nervously.
“What’s the matter now?” he asked, trying to be as gentle as possible. James shrugged.
“There’s not a lot of sciences either,” the boy stated. “Biology has lots of gaps.”
“Nonsense—what kind of gaps?”
“How more animals happen,” James said. “The docks will tell us about an animal’s behavior and its habitat and its diet, but nothing about baby animals without anything about the replication mechanisms. Why is that?”
Both of the Doctor’s hearts skipped a beat and he tried not to outwardly grimace. “I’ll make sure to look into it—must’ve been something that got jumbled between you and the last person who used it.”
“Ace, right?” James asked. “If she was like your daughter, did you adopt her? Does that make her our sister? Is she our sister? When can we meet our sister?”
“We’ll talk about that once you get to temporal schisms and their relationships with the fifth dimension,” the Doctor insisted. He guided the boy over to his learning dock and sat him down. “It’s way too complicated an answer for me to tell you before then, and I don’t want you to feel bad because there’s something you don’t understand, or that there is an additional concept that needs explaining with varying amounts of other context. You’re not stupid, and explaining now when you don’t have that foundation might risk you feeling that way.”
“Are you sure this isn’t you avoiding the topic?”
“I’m sure; now get in.” The Doctor helped his son turn on the learning dock and he left the room, heading back to the study where he had several books waiting for him.
Ah, yes, books—that would certainly distract him from the matter at-hand. It was true that he needed to make sure that the docks were in full working order—what else did his demolitions-daughter put behind a firewall—but at the same time…
…he needed to have The Talk with his children.
They were bright, clever, brilliant wee things, so there was the chance that they somehow figured it out already, but at the same time, there was nothing telling him that they had either. It was a thing that he dreaded, and hoped that at least the learning docks would take care of, or—if anything—Clara would be there to help. He tried distracting himself with a book and it simply wasn’t sticking… he needed to talk to Clara. Pulling the mobile from his pocket, he fired off a text, hoping it was well-received.
A moment passed and the mobile rang, the sudden noise causing the Doctor to fall off the couch.
“What’s going on?” she wondered on the other end of the line. It sounded like she was echoing in the mobile speaker—she must have stepped into a stairwell. “All you said was ‘it was asked’ and that was it. That’s cryptic, even for you.”
“The learning docks have apparently been withholding information about animal reproduction from the children, and I just got asked why. Blamed it on Ace for the time being, but I don’t know what to do about it now that it’s out.”
Clara chuckled on the other end. “So what you’re saying is that you stumbled into needing to have The Talk with the kids?”
“Do I have to?”
“You’re the parent that ended up getting asked, so you’re the one who needs to follow up,” she replied in bemusement. “I can help with anything else from a Human perspective when I get back, but otherwise you’re on your own. Chances are they won’t wait until Mum’s home to start asking more questions, and we want them to feel like they can go to either of us for answers or advice, right…?”
“…but Clara…”
“What…? Is the big, bad Time Lord afraid of some birds and bees? I’ve helped teach sex ed—it’s not that bad.”
“Then can it wait until the weekend?”
“Don’t be so terrified—they won’t bite.” The Doctor placed one of the throw pillows from the couch over his head and audibly groaned. “Stop being such a baby… you can make flashcards for this, you know. It won’t be that bad.”
“I wasn’t the one to do it before,” he replied quietly. “The Academy took care of that. This isn’t exactly something that I’ve had a lot of practice in.”
“…despite the very sexy Dad Skills…?”
“Yes, despite the terribly sexy Dad Skills.” He shifted onto his side and curled up. “I’m scared, Clara. What if they don’t wait until you’re in for the weekend?”
“You’ll be perfectly fine,” she assured him. “In fact, I’m sure you’ll be nothing short of brilliant. I wouldn't trust my children with anything or anyone less.”
The Doctor stayed silent for a moment, taking strength from the fact that they were, in a way, together in that moment. That was right; she never would be with him, never leave the twins with him, if she didn't trust his judgement explicitly.
“I’ll report back tonight, yeah?”
“There’s a good lad—I’ll call you then.”
The call ended and the Doctor felt as though he was going to be sick—he wasn’t prepared for this in the slightest.
“Hey Dad… did you look into the learning dock programming?”
The Doctor glanced across the dinner table at his son and felt a shiver go down his spine. He was hoping that the boy had forgotten their conversation from the morning, but it was not meant to be, apparently.
“What about specifically?”
“You said you were going to look into why it doesn’t show anything about baby animals,” James noted. Alison gasped.
“We can learn about baby animals?!” she gasped. “I love baby animals!”
“About that…” The Doctor began to rifle through his pockets, searching for the flashcards he’d just made up that afternoon. “In order to learn about baby animals, we need to first talk about how baby animals are made.”
“Well, yeah, we know that,” Alison scoffed. Her father almost dropped his pile of index cards onto the floor.
“...you do…?”
“Of course we do,” James said. “When a Mum and Dad love one another, she eats a lot and gets a big belly and then that becomes a baby.”
“Yeah, though sometimes it’s two mums or two dads, and when that happens, they either find a kid to adopt, or they go to a house where there are spare babies for sale,” Alison added. “Is that where loom-born come from?”
The Doctor suddenly knew he was in way over his head. “How do you know about the loom-born?”
“Sometimes the learning docks mention that someone from Gallifrey was loom-born,” she shrugged. “That’s how you get adopted babies, right? Have them loomed instead of growing it in a lady-person?”
“Have they made looms big enough to make twins like us or are they all one at a time?”
“Do people start off having a mum and dad, but then one of them regenerates and then there’s two? Does that turn them into loom-born? How can you tell the difference from someone who was grown from their mum and someone who came from a looming agency?”
“How do babies come out? Do they come out of the belly button? Is that what it’s for? Why do you have a belly button if we came out of Mum? Is it a vest… vemst… vemstigimul…?”
“...vestigial, son…”
“Yeah! A vestigial thing!”
“That’s like Mum’s appendix, right?”
“Okay, okay, enough, enough,” the Doctor sighed. “Now listen: there’s a lot of things we need to go over when it comes to this, so let’s clean up our plates and head on over into the study. I’ve got slides for this.”
“A slideshow?!” the kids gasped.
“Yeah… a slideshow…” The Doctor felt a weight drop in his stomach as the twins hurriedly finished their food and began clearing their dishes. He had been hoping that there wouldn’t be any questions for him until Clara got back, and yet… no such luck.
It was time to talk about baby animals, he guessed.
A few days passed and Friday eventually came. Clara stepped into her flat after work to find that the TARDIS was already there, silently keeping watch in the corner of her sitting room. She gave the wooden door a respectful pat before pushing open the door, heading inside to find her family. Once divested of her marking in the console room, she began to wander the corridors in search of her trio of extraterrestrials, popping her head into individual rooms for a bit before glancing up at the ceiling and frowning.
“Okay, I give up: where are they?”
The TARDIS hummed and acquiesced, guiding Clara to the classroom. The learning docks were empty, though it did not mean that the room was unoccupied, as the twins were sitting at their desks while the Doctor was at the chalkboard, a diagram of the cross-section of a chicken egg having been hastily drawn upon it.
“How are my favorite primary-schoolers?” Clara chuckled. Her family all snapped their attention towards her, the twins rushing up to her for hugs while their father breathed a sigh of relief.
“Mum! We’re learning about baby animals!” Alison squeaked.
“Yeah! The learning docks had a malfunction, so we’re learning about them from Dad instead!” James added. “He showed us Gallifreyanoids first, and then other animals like kittens and puppies, and now we’re learning about lizards and baby chicks!”
“That sounds like a lot of things to learn,” Clara noted. She glanced at the Doctor, who was getting pink in the face. “Have they been good students?”
“Good enough to where I think they’ve earned a break while Mam and Dad put dinner together,” he replied. The kids both gasped in excitement and ran out of the room, determined to get in as much as they could before dinner. This left their parents alone, their mother approaching their father, putting her arms around his waist in a hug as he leaned into her.
“See? Was that so bad?” she chuckled.
“Clara, my blood pressure is high enough as it is—I didn’t need to do that by myself.”
“...but it wasn’t something they simply let sit until I got back, now was it?”
“No… you’re right…” He kissed the top of her head as he returned the embrace. “I don’t know how much more of that I could have done.”
“You make it sound like it was one of the most difficult things you’ve ever done. I know it’s hard… but…” At that point, Alison poked her head back into the classroom, cutting her mother off. “Yes, Aly?”
“I have a question about when Dad was telling us about Gallifreyanoids and how they make babies,” the girl stated. Clara let go of the Doctor and gave their daughter her full attention.
“What’s that?”
“I need to know: do people on Earth have looms too?” Alison wondered. “Dad said that Humans don’t have looms, but I want to make sure that it’s just not something he doesn’t know about, since he knows a lot, but not about everything.”
“Looms…?” Clara glanced at the Doctor, who looked like he was going to faint in mortification. “There are looms on Earth, but they’re the kind for making cloth, not the kind for creating babies.”
“Oh…” Alison seemed to ponder that for a moment before nodding. “I didn’t think so. That means that when Madam Vastra and Missy Jenny want to raise kids, they have no choice but send Mister Strax to the baby store and find one on sale, right? Mister Strax loves things on sale.”
“...if Madam Vastra and Miss Jenny want to even raise children at all,” Clara explained. “Sometimes, people don’t want to raise children, or they can’t afford to do so, or they would much rather be sitters. There’s lots of ways that can happen.”
“I guess…” Alison shrugged before turning around and running out the door, presumably to wherever it was her brother had run off to, leaving her parents alone again. Clara looked at the Doctor again and chuckled.
“At least it happened this way instead of them walking in on us turning in for the night,” she reminded him. He shuddered at that and followed her out into the corridor—anything but that.
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Esta es la imagen y algunos datos (O no) la “Historia” la pones tú ¡La tuya! ¿Lo harás?… Lawrence Schiller (1936)
Lawrence Schiller, fotógrafo y cineasta nacido en Brooklyn en 1936, comenzó con la fotografía en la escuela secundaria de San Diego, cuando recibió su primera cámara.
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Aunque un accidente de la infancia lo dejó con la visión deteriorada en un ojo, se convirtió en un fotógrafo obsesivo, incluso mientras aun asistía al Pepperdine College, sus fotos ya habían aparecido en Life, Sport, Playboy, Glamour y el Saturday Evening Post.
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Los intereses y ambiciones de Schiller pronto se convirtieron en una profesión en el periodismo impreso, documentando historias importantes para revistas de todo el mundo, incluyendo Life, Look, Newsweek, Time, Paris Match, Stern y el London Sunday Times. Sus imágenes icónicas de Robert F. Kennedy, de Richard Nixon, de Bette Davis, de Barbra Streisand, de Marilyn Monroe, de Muhammad Ali, y de señora Nhu, entre otros son tributos a su obstinación, ingenio, encanto así como a su capacidad técnica.
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En noviembre de 1963, mientras estaba en la asignación para el Saturday Evening Post, llegó a Dallas a tiempo para fotografiar a Lee Harvey Oswald. Más tarde, fotografió la entrevista final de Jack Ruby.
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Después de extensas entrevistas con la viuda de Lenny Bruce, Schiller y el escritor Albert Goldman publicaron Damas y Caballeros, Lenny Bruce (1974), y con el fotógrafo W. Eugene Smith, produjo Minamata (1975), la crónica pictórica épica de la intoxicación por mercurio en Japón.
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Schiller se trasladó al cine dirigiendo una parte de Butch Cassidy y Sundance Kid (1969) con Paul Newman y Robert Redford, y Lady Sings the Blues (1972), con Diana Ross.
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También dirigió el documental ganador del Oscar, The Man Who Skied Down Everest (1972); The American Dreamer (1971), una película sobre Dennis Hopper, y después de obtener una cooperación extraordinaria del Kremlin, produjo y co-dirigió Peter the Great (1986), la miniserie de televisión ganadora de un Emmy con Maximilian Schell, Vanessa Redgrave y Laurence Olivier.
Nota: La propiedad intelectual de las imágenes que aparecen en este blog corresponden a sus autores y a quienes éstas las han cedido. El único objetivo de este sitio es divulgar el conocimiento de estos pintores, grabadores, fotógrafos... a los que admiro y que otras personas disfruten contemplando sus obras. No son todas las que son, pero si son todas las que están
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deniseyallen · 7 years
137 Economists Support GOP Tax Reform
In an open letter to Congress today, 137 economists backed the GOP tax reform effort, saying:  “Economic growth will accelerate if the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act passes, leading to more jobs, higher wages, and a better standard of living for the American people.”  Senator Portman echoed this point on Fox Business earlier today, saying the Senate’s Tax Cuts & Jobs Act “will generate more jobs and higher wages because of the increased investment and productivity.”
The full letter is below and at this link.
An open letter to Congress signed by 137 economists supporting GOP tax reform bill
November 29, 2017
Dear Senators and Representatives:
“Ask five economists,” as the Edgar Fiedler adage goes, “and you'll get five different answers.”
Yet, when it comes to the tax reform package aimed at fixing our broken system, the undersigned have but one shared perspective: Economic growth will accelerate if the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act passes, leading to more jobs, higher wages, and a better standard of living for the American people. If, however, the bill fails, the United States risks continued economic underperformance.
In today’s globalized economy, capital is mobile in its pursuit of lower tax jurisdictions. Yet, in that worldwide race for job-creating investment, America is not economically competitive.
Here’s why: Left virtually untouched for the last 31 years, our chart-topping corporate tax rate is the highest in the industrialized world and a full fifteen percentage points above the OECD average. As a result of forfeiting our competitive edge, we forfeited 4,700 companies from 2004 to 2016 to cheaper shores abroad. As a result of sitting idly by while the rest of the world took steps to lower their corporate rates, we lowered our own workers' wages by thousands of dollars a year.
Our colleagues from across the ideological spectrum – regardless of whether they ultimately support or oppose the current plan – recognize the record-setting rate at which the United States taxes job-creating businesses is, either significantly or entirely, a burden borne by the workers they employ. The question isn't whether American workers are hurt by our country's corporate tax rate – it's how badly. As such, the question isn't whether workers will be helped by a corporate tax rate reduction – it's how much.
The enactment of a comprehensive overhaul – complete with a lower corporate tax rate – will ignite our economy with levels of growth not seen in generations. A twenty percent statutory rate on a permanent basis would, per the Council of Economic Advisers, help produce a GDP boost “by between 3 and 5 percent.” As the debate delves into deficit implications, it is critical to consider that $1 trillion in new revenue for the federal government can be generated by four- tenths of a percentage in GDP growth.
Sophisticated economic models show the macroeconomic feedback generated by the TCJA will exceed that amount – more than enough to compensate for the static revenue loss.
We firmly believe that a competitive corporate rate is the key to an economic engine driven by greater investment, capital stock, business formation, and productivity – all of which will yield more jobs and higher wages. Your vote throughout the weeks ahead will therefore put more money in the pockets of more workers.
Supporting the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act will ensure that those workers – those beneficiaries – are American.
Sincerely, James C. Miller III, Former OMB Director, 1985-88 Douglas Holtz-Eakin, American Action Forum Alexander Katkov, Johnson & Wales University Ali M. Reza, San Jose State U (Emeritus) Ann E. Sherman, DePaul University Anthony B. Sanders, George Mason University Anthony Negbenebor, Gardner-Webb University Arthur Havenner, University of California, Davis Austin J. Jaffe, Penn State University Barry W. Poulson, University of Colorado Boyd D, Collier, Tarleton State University, Texas A&M University System (Emeritus) Brian Stuart Wesbury, Joint Economic Committee Carlisle E. Moody, College of William and Mary Charles W. Calomiris, Columbia University Christine P. Ries, Georgia Institute of Technology Christopher C. Barnekov, FCC (Retired) Christopher Lingle Universidad Francisco Marroquin Clifford F. Thies, Shenandoah University Daniel Fernandez Universidad Francisco Marroquin Daniel Houser, George Mason University David H. Resler, Chief US Economist, Nomura (Retired) David Ranson, HCWE & Co. Dennis E. Logue Steven Roth Professor, (Emeritus) Tuck School, Dartmouth Colleges Derek Tittle, Georgia Institute of Technology DeVon L. Yoho, Economist Ball State University (Retired) Donald J. Oswald California State University, Bakersfield (Retired) Donald Koch, Koch Investments Donald L. Alexander, Western Michigan University Donald Luskin, TrendMacro Douglas C Frechtling, George Washington University Douglas Kahl, The University of Akron Douglas O. Cook, The University of Alabama Kingdon Hurlock Jr., Calvert Investment Counsel Edward M. Scahill, University of Scranton Eleanor Craig, University of Delaware Owen Irvine Michigan State University (Emeritus) Farhad Rassekh, University of Hartford Francis Ahking, University of Connecticut Frank Falero, California State University (Emeritus) Gary R. Skoog, Legal Econometrics, Inc. Gary Wolfram, Hillsdale College Gene Simpson, NPTC, Auburn University George Langelett, South Dakota State University Gerald P. Dwyer, Clemson University Gil Sylvia, University of Georgia H Daniel Foster, HDFCO Hugo J. Faria, University of Miami Inayat Mangla, Western Michigan University Edward Graham, UNC Wilmington Jagdish Bhagwati, Columbia University James B Kau, University of Georgia James C.W. Ahiakpor California State University, East Bay James D. Adams, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute James D. Miller, Smith College James F. Smith, EconForecaster, LLC James Keeler, Kenyon College James M. Mulcahy SUNY - Buffalo economics department James Moncur, University of Hawaii at Manoa Jeffrey Dorfman, University of Georgia Jerold Zimmerman, University of Rochester Jody Lipford, Presbyterian College John A. Baden, Chm., Foundation for Research on Economics and the Environment (FREE) John C. Moorhouse Wake Forest University (Emeritus) John D. Johnson, Utah State University John H McDermott, University of South Carolina John McArthur, Wofford College John P. Eleazarian, American Economic Association John Ruggiero, University of Dayton John Semmens, Laissez Faire Institute Joseph A. Giacalone, St. John's University, NY Joseph Haslag University of Missouri- Columbia Joseph S. DeSalvo University of South Florida - Tampa Joseph Zoric Franciscan University of Steubenville Kathleen B. Cooper, SMU's John Tower Center for Politico Science Kenneth V. Greene Binghamton University (Emeritus) Lawrence Benveniste Goizueta Business School, Emory University Lawrence R. Cima, John Carroll University Leon Wegge, University of California, Davis Lloyd Cohen, Scalia Law School Lucjan Orlowski, Sacred Heart University Lydia Ortega, San Jose State University Northrup Buechner, St. John's University, New York Maurice MacDonald, Kansas State University Michael A. Morrisey, Texas A&M University Michael Connolly, University of Miami Michael D Brendler Louisiana State University Shreveport. Michael L. Marlow, Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo Moheb A. Ghali, Western Washington University Nancy Roberts, Arizona State University Nasser Duella, California State University, Fullerton Nicolas Sanchez, College of the Holy Cross, Worcester, MA (Emeritus,) Norman Lefton, Southern Illinois University, Edwardsville Paul H Rubin, Emory University Pavel Yakovlev, Duquesne University Pedro Piffaut, Columbia University Peter E. Kretzmer, Bank of America Peter S. Yun, UVAWISE (Emeritus) Phillip J. Bryson Brigham Young University (Emeritus) Ashley Lyman, University of Idaho L. Promboin, University of Maryland University College (former) Richard J. Cebula, Jacksonville University Richard Kilmer, University of Florida Richard Timberlake, Prof. of Econ., Univ. of Ga. (Retired) Richard Vedder, Ohio University Robert B Helms, American Enterprise Institute (Retired) Robert F Stauffer, Roanoke College , (Emeritus) Robert H. Topel, University of Chicago Booth School of Business Robert Heller, Former Governor, Federal Reserve Board Robert Sauer, Royal Holloway University Robert Tamura, Clemson University Roger Meiners, University of Texas-Arlington Sanjai Bhagat, University of Colorado Boulder Scott Hein, Texas Tech University Seth Bied, New York State Tax Department Stan Liebowitz, University of Texas Stephen Happel, Arizona State University Craig Tapley, University of Florida Thomas H. Mayor, University of Houston Thomas J Kniesner, Claremont Graduate University Thomas M. Stoker, MIT (retired) Thomas Saving, Texas A&M University Timothy Mathews, Kennesaw State University Tomi Ovaska, Youngstown State University Tony Lima, California State University, East Bay Victor a Canto, La Jolla economics Vijay Singal, Navrang Inc Wallace Hendricks, University of Illinois Ward S. Curran Trinity College Hartford Connecticut (Emeritus) Wayne T. Brough, FreedomWorks Foundation William B. Fairley, Analysis & Inference, Inc. William Buchanan, Valdosta State University William McKillop, Resource Economics (Emeritus) William R. Allen UCLA Department of Economics William S. Peirce Case Western Reserve University Wim Vijverberg, CUNY Graduate Center Xuepeng Liu, Kennesaw State University Yuri N. Maltsev, A.W. Clausen Center for World Business, Carthage College
  from Rob Portman http://www.portman.senate.gov/public/index.cfm/press-releases?ContentRecord_id=0407B2E2-F566-4B88-BC06-FE84678C8E52
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ntrending · 7 years
137 economists sign open letter to Congress supporting GOP tax reform bill
New Post has been published on https://nexcraft.co/137-economists-sign-open-letter-to-congress-supporting-gop-tax-reform-bill/
137 economists sign open letter to Congress supporting GOP tax reform bill
Our colleagues from across the ideological spectrum – regardless of whether they ultimately support or oppose the current plan – recognize the record-setting rate at which the United States taxes job-creating businesses is, either significantly or entirely, a burden borne by the workers they employ. The question isn’t whether American workers are hurt by our country’s corporate tax rate – it’s how badly. As such, the question isn’t whether workers will be helped by a corporate tax rate reduction – it’s how much.
The enactment of a comprehensive overhaul – complete with a lower corporate tax rate – will ignite our economy with levels of growth not seen in generations. A twenty percent statutory rate on a permanent basis would, per the Council of Economic Advisers, help produce a GDP boost “by between 3 and 5 percent.” As the debate delves into deficit implications, it is critical to consider that $1 trillion in new revenue for the federal government can be generated by four- tenths of a percentage in GDP growth.
Sophisticated economic models show the macroeconomic feedback generated by the TCJA will exceed that amount – more than enough to compensate for the static revenue loss.
We firmly believe that a competitive corporate rate is the key to an economic engine driven by greater investment, capital stock, business formation, and productivity – all of which will yield more jobs and higher wages. Your vote throughout the weeks ahead will therefore put more money in the pockets of more workers.
Supporting the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act will ensure that those workers – those beneficiaries – are American.
James C. Miller III, Former OMB Director, 1985-88
Douglas Holtz-Eakin, American Action Forum
Alexander Katkov, Johnson & Wales University
Ali M. Reza, San Jose State U (Emeritus)
Ann E. Sherman, DePaul University
Anthony B. Sanders, George Mason University
Anthony Negbenebor, Gardner-Webb University
Arthur Havenner, University of California, Davis
Austin J. Jaffe, Penn State University
Barry W. Poulson, University of Colorado
Boyd D, Collier, Tarleton State University, Texas A&M University System (Emeritus)
Brian Stuart Wesbury, Joint Economic Committee
Carlisle E. Moody, College of William and Mary
Charles W. Calomiris, Columbia University
Christine P. Ries, Georgia Institute of Technology
Christopher C. Barnekov, FCC (Retired)
Christopher Lingle Universidad Francisco Marroquin
Clifford F. Thies, Shenandoah University
Daniel Fernandez Universidad Francisco Marroquin
Daniel Houser, George Mason University
David H. Resler, Chief US Economist, Nomura (Retired)
David Ranson, HCWE & Co.
Dennis E. Logue Steven Roth Professor, (Emeritus) Tuck School, Dartmouth Colleges
Derek Tittle, Georgia Institute of Technology
DeVon L. Yoho, Economist Ball State University (Retired)
Donald J. Oswald California State University, Bakersfield (Retired)
Donald Koch, Koch Investments
Donald L. Alexander, Western Michigan University
Donald Luskin, TrendMacro
Douglas C Frechtling, George Washington University
Douglas Kahl, The University of Akron
Douglas O. Cook, The University of Alabama
Kingdon Hurlock Jr., Calvert Investment Counsel
Edward M. Scahill, University of Scranton
Eleanor Craig, University of Delaware
Owen Irvine Michigan State University (Emeritus)
Farhad Rassekh, University of Hartford
Francis Ahking, University of Connecticut
Frank Falero, California State University (Emeritus)
Gary R. Skoog, Legal Econometrics, Inc.
Gary Wolfram, Hillsdale College
Gene Simpson, NPTC, Auburn University
George Langelett, South Dakota State University
Gerald P. Dwyer, Clemson University
Gil Sylvia, University of Georgia
H Daniel Foster, HDFCO
Hugo J. Faria, University of Miami
Inayat Mangla, Western Michigan University
Edward Graham, UNC Wilmington
Jagdish Bhagwati, Columbia University
James B Kau, University of Georgia
James C.W. Ahiakpor California State University, East Bay
James D. Adams, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
James D. Miller, Smith College
James F. Smith, EconForecaster, LLC
James Keeler, Kenyon College
James M. Mulcahy SUNY – Buffalo economics department
James Moncur, University of Hawaii at Manoa
Jeffrey Dorfman, University of Georgia
Jerold Zimmerman, University of Rochester
Jody Lipford, Presbyterian College
John A. Baden, Chm., Foundation for Research on Economics and the Environment (FREE)
John C. Moorhouse Wake Forest University (Emeritus)
John D. Johnson, Utah State University
John H McDermott, University of South Carolina
John McArthur, Wofford College
John P. Eleazarian, American Economic Association
John Ruggiero, University of Dayton
John Semmens, Laissez Faire Institute
Joseph A. Giacalone, St. John’s University, NY
Joseph Haslag University of Missouri- Columbia
Joseph S. DeSalvo University of South Florida – Tampa
Joseph Zoric Franciscan University of Steubenville
Kathleen B. Cooper, SMU’s John Tower Center for Politico Science
Kenneth V. Greene Binghamton University (Emeritus)
Lawrence Benveniste Goizueta Business School, Emory University
Lawrence R. Cima, John Carroll University
Leon Wegge, University of California, Davis
Lloyd Cohen, Scalia Law School
Lucjan Orlowski, Sacred Heart University
Lydia Ortega, San Jose State University
Northrup Buechner, St. John’s University, New York
Maurice MacDonald, Kansas State University
Michael A. Morrisey, Texas A&M University
Michael Connolly, University of Miami
Michael D Brendler Louisiana State University Shreveport.
Michael L. Marlow, Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo
Moheb A. Ghali, Western Washington University
Nancy Roberts, Arizona State University
Nasser Duella, California State University, Fullerton
Nicolas Sanchez, College of the Holy Cross, Worcester, MA (Emeritus,)
Norman Lefton, Southern Illinois University, Edwardsville
Paul H Rubin, Emory University
Pavel Yakovlev, Duquesne University
Pedro Piffaut, Columbia University
Peter E. Kretzmer, Bank of America
Peter S. Yun, UVAWISE (Emeritus)
Phillip J. Bryson Brigham Young University (Emeritus)
Ashley Lyman, University of Idaho
L. Promboin, University of Maryland University College (former)
Richard J. Cebula, Jacksonville University
Richard Kilmer, University of Florida
Richard Timberlake, Prof. of Econ., Univ. of Ga. (Retired)
Richard Vedder, Ohio University
Robert B Helms, American Enterprise Institute (Retired)
Robert F Stauffer, Roanoke College , (Emeritus)
Robert H. Topel, University of Chicago Booth School of Business
Robert Heller, Former Governor, Federal Reserve Board
Robert Sauer, Royal Holloway University
Robert Tamura, Clemson University
Roger Meiners, University of Texas-Arlington
Sanjai Bhagat, University of Colorado Boulder
Scott Hein, Texas Tech University
Seth Bied, New York State Tax Department
Stan Liebowitz, University of Texas
Stephen Happel, Arizona State University
Craig Tapley, University of Florida
Thomas H. Mayor, University of Houston
Thomas J Kniesner, Claremont Graduate University
Thomas M. Stoker, MIT (retired)
Thomas Saving, Texas A&M University
Timothy Mathews, Kennesaw State University
Tomi Ovaska, Youngstown State University
Tony Lima, California State University, East Bay
Victor a Canto, La Jolla economics
Vijay Singal, Navrang Inc
Wallace Hendricks, University of Illinois
Ward S. Curran Trinity College Hartford Connecticut (Emeritus)
Wayne T. Brough, FreedomWorks Foundation
William B. Fairley, Analysis & Inference, Inc.
William Buchanan, Valdosta State University
William McKillop, Resource Economics (Emeritus)
William R. Allen UCLA Department of Economics
William S. Peirce Case Western Reserve University
Wim Vijverberg, CUNY Graduate Center
Xuepeng Liu, Kennesaw State University
Yuri N. Maltsev, A.W. Clausen Center for World Business, Carthage College
For more insight from CNBC contributors, follow @CNBCopinion on Twitter.
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tortuga-aak · 7 years
An open letter to Congress from over 100 economists: Pass tax reform and watch the economy roar
Carlos Barria/Reuters
Dear Senators and Representatives:
"Ask five economists," as the Edgar Fiedler adage goes, "and you'll get five different answers."
Yet, when it comes to the tax reform package aimed at fixing our broken system, the undersigned have but one shared perspective: Economic growth will accelerate if the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act passes, leading to more jobs, higher wages, and a better standard of living for the American people. If, however, the bill fails, the United States risks continued economic underperformance.
In today’s globalized economy, capital is mobile in its pursuit of lower tax jurisdictions. Yet, in that worldwide race for job-creating investment, America is not economically competitive. Here’s why: Left virtually untouched for the last 31 years, our chart-topping corporate tax rate is the highest in the industrialized world and a full fifteen percentage points above the OECD average. As a result of forfeiting our competitive edge, we forfeited 4,700 companies from 2004 to 2016 to cheaper shores abroad. As a result of sitting idly by while the rest of the world took steps to lower their corporate rates, we lowered our own workers' wages by thousands of dollars a year.
Our colleagues from across the ideological spectrum — regardless of whether they ultimately support or oppose the current plan — recognize the record-setting rate at which the United States taxes job-creating businesses is, either significantly or entirely, a burden borne by the workers they employ. The question isn’t whether American workers are hurt by our country’s corporate tax rate — it’s how badly. As such, the question isn’t whether workers will be helped by a corporate tax rate reduction — it’s how much.
The enactment of a comprehensive overhaul — complete with a lower corporate tax rate — will ignite our economy with levels of growth not seen in generations. A twenty percent statutory rate on a permanent basis would, per the Council of Economic Advisers, help produce a GDP boost "by between 3 and 5 percent." As the debate delves into deficit implications, it is critical to consider that $1 trillion in new revenue for the federal government can be generated by four-tenths of a percentage in GDP growth.
Sophisticated economic models show the macroeconomic feedback generated by the TCJA will exceed that amount — more than enough to compensate for the static revenue loss. We firmly believe that a competitive corporate rate is the key to an economic engine driven by greater investment, capital stock, business formation, and productivity — all of which will yield more jobs and higher wages. Your vote throughout the weeks ahead will therefore put more money in the pockets of more workers.
Supporting the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act will ensure that those workers — those beneficiaries — are American.
  James C. Miller III
Former OMB Director, 1985-88
  Douglas Holtz-Eakin
American Action Forum
  Alexander Katkov
Johnson & Wales University
  Ali M. Reza
San Jose State U (Emeritus)
  Ann E. Sherman
DePaul University
  Anthony B. Sanders
George Mason University
  Anthony Negbenebor
Gardner-Webb University
  Arthur Havenner
University of California, Davis
  Austin J. Jaffe
Penn State University
  Barry W. Poulson
University of Colorado
  Boyd D, Collier
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nehswritesstuffs · 3 years
Whouffaldi parents prompt: Daddy 12 takes his turn watching the kids and he plays dress up and has a tea party. Mommy Clara comes home to see Daddy 12 dressed up like a fairy Princess and singing Disney songs.
1520 words; takes place in the Getting the Hang of Things ‘verse; since this particular storyline has Twelve as a stay-at-TARDIS dad for the first eleven years of the kids’ lives, this isn’t necessarily his “turn”, but more “business as usual” and although some of the stereotypical “mom comes home to find the house reigned by chaos” is at play in this, it’s definitely more of just that anything Time Lords do involves chaos and little else
It was the third week since Clara had begun going back to work.
The first week was easy and felt like one of her holidays, where she’d go back to Earth and see a few people and prove she was still alive and not dead in some countryside ditch. Surviving the second was a bit rougher, as she had only returned for the weekend, and it was rare that she’d done that. They’d all been a bit clingy that Monday morning, but they knew that they had to let her go.
When they reached the third week, however, it felt as though it was never going to end. The Doctor was sitting on the steps in the console room, tuning his guitar as the twins colored quietly, hoping quietly for the sweet release of Clara’s presence to arrive sooner than he thought. It was only Thursday, which meant that there was still a whole, entire, excruciating day left before Clara once again walked through the TARDIS doors.
“Daddy… where’s Mummy…?” whined a voice. The Doctor had less than a second before his daughter draped herself over his shoulder, impeding his ability to tune the guitar. “Why has she been gone for so long?”
“She’s at work,” he explained. Another weight dropped on his other shoulder and he knew that James had joined them. “Mam isn’t the kind of person to stay at home all the time. She needs to be able to talk to other people and see other things or else she’s liable to go absolutely mental.”
“You aren’t the kind of person to stay home all the time either, ‘cause you’re already mental,” James pouted.
“...and how would you know that?”
“Mummy said so,” the boy stated.
Of course… somehow, he couldn’t be cross at that admission.
“She needs to be here,” Alison groaned.
“Yeah,” her brother added. “We want to have a tea party, and Mummy makes the best tea.”
“Is this to say that I don’t make a decent cuppa?” the Doctor asked.
“It means we want Mummy to do it,” Alison insisted. “We want to have a tea party with Mummy.”
“Well, Mam’s at work, so Dad’s going to have to do,” the Doctor said. He stood up, allowing the preschoolers to cling to his shoulders as he placed his guitar back on its stand and started to head towards the kitchen. The kids slid off his back and dropped to the corridor floor, bouncing along as they followed their father through the inner workings of the TARDIS.
“You mean, you’re gonna have a tea party with us?!” Alison gasped.
“Of course! I thought you liked tea parties with Dad.”
“I don’t remember having a tea party with just you, only you and Mummy,” James noted.
“Well, go set up now!” the Doctor insisted, shooing the children down the corridor. “I want the table to be ready when I get there!”
The pair of three-year-olds rushed down the corridor to the nursery, arms extended like airplanes as they sputtered towards playtime. Their father shook his head and chuckled, stepping into the kitchen to make the aforementioned tea. He got together a whole pot of decaffinated Earl Grey tea, along with a plate of Jammie Dodgers, a plate of windmill spice biscuits, and three stroopwafels. Once everything was on the tray, he carried it out of the kitchen and down to the nursery, where James and Alison were finishing setting up the low-sitting play table with their toy tea service. Both of them lit up in excitement when they saw their father, jumping up and down as he placed the tray down.
“Alright,” he said, sitting down on a cushion. “What’s the plan?”
“Daddy, you can’t sit down,” Alison insisted. “You need to be propertly dressed first.” He glanced down at his t-shirts, jumper, and hooded sweatshirt combo and raised his eyebrow. “I can’t believe that you want to have a tea party and aren’t going to be propertly dressed.”
“Aren’t you a little young to be worrying about being properly dressed?” he fired back.
“It’s the rules!” his daughter insisted, smacking her tiny fists on the table. “Daddy, you’re embarasstming. If you don’t follow the rules, then tea will be ruined”
The Doctor swallowed hard as he realized that there was no escape—he was going to have to comply with The Rules. Not made by him. For once. Rassilion curse him.
It had been a long four days in when Clara finally returned to her flat that Thursday evening. Setting down her keys in their dish and kicking off her shoes, she felt more tired than she had in a long time. Getting back to work properly again was really straining her, which she had a feeling was going to happen, just not to the degree to which it was knocking her directly onto her arse. It was worth it, though, as she was getting reacquainted with her chosen profession and catching up with not only a bunch of her former coworkers, but seeing the progress that some of her students had made since before she went on her “sabbatical”. She shuffled into her slippers and picked up a small device from next to the dish her keys sat in, pressing the button. It whirred softly, glowing a gentle green, and she put it back, carrying her marking further inside the flat as she went towards her bedroom.
There, in the corner, the TARDIS was materializing. She was hoping that she would catch her family by surprise, that her children would squeal in delight, while their father would start planning for later on that night when they were alone again. Entering the ship, she noticed that the console room was decidedly empty—the only evidence that anyone had been there recently was some abandoned coloring books and errant guitar picks.
“Doctor? Kids? Guess what? There’s a fault with the toilets at work—we’re going to be closed for a week…” She began to investigate into the whereabouts of her family, cautiously going through the corridor. They weren’t preparing dinner, nor were they in the library, or the study…
Ah, she found them! They were in the nursery, huddled around the short play table in the middle of a presumed tea party. Clara couldn’t help but laugh as she saw the Doctor sitting there, translucent costume wings strapped to his back, while he wore on his top half one of his frilly shirts from his dandy days and the patchwork-colored jacket from another time she knew he’s rather forget. All three were alerted to her presence at the sound of her laughter, the children elated whilst the Doctor was mortified.
“Mummy!” Alison and James exclaimed as they scrambled to their feet and began to run towards her. Their own play-costume wings flapped as they bounced across the nursery, not caring about the state of anything anymore, all because Mummy was home. They both crashed into her legs as they clung to her, not wanting to let go now that they had her again.
“So here is where you are,” she smirked. “I was wondering what was keeping you.”
“Aren’t you back from work early?” James wondered.
“I am, but that’s because there is an issue with the building I work in,” Clara explained. “The issue is so bad that I can’t go back for a week.”
“Did someone get hurt?” Alison squeaked.
“No, no—just some toilets began to explode and they’re going to need to completely redo the plumbing,” Clara said. She popped up on her toes as the Doctor came over and bent down, pecking her on the lips. “Admit it: I’ve seen you in worse states.”
“Yeah, you have,” he agreed, face tingeing pink. “How about if Mam finishes up the tea party, while Dad starts to put together dinner?”
“Yeah.” He patted the twins on the head and gave Clara another kiss before walking towards the door. “I’ll let you know when dinner’s ready.”
“Nuh-uh—you won’t get off that easy,” Clara insisted. She pulled the Doctor back towards the table and had him sit down, the grin on her face absolutely insufferable. “Sit, sit… tell me about your week.”
“Mummy, you need to be dressed propertly too!” Alison gasped. She somehow pulled a fourth set of wings from the closet and handed them to Clara, who put them on as one would a backpack.
“Now all the Royal Faeries are here,” James stated. The boy placed a couple biscuits on a plate and put it in front of his mother. “Her Lady the Faerie Queen has joined her family for tea!”
“Does that mean then that you are the Faerie Prince and Princess?” Clara asked. The children nodded excitedly, and she turned towards the Doctor. “That must make you His Regal Highness, the Faerie King.”
“What else would I be?” he shrugged, sipping on his own cuppa in an effort to seem nonchalant. “It was part of the rules, right kids?”
“That’s right!” Alison said. “Rules are rules!”
At least there were worse rules to have to follow.
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