#Although the bracelet may play a big role I wonder how much it can help her though
turndon100-blog · 11 months
Surviving Romance? More like surviving through multiple heart breaks and emotional trauma lol
<Possible spoilers ahead>
Aaaaah! Nononooooooo Not My Warrior!!
*Pulls hair and screams in agony*
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A lot of things are happening, a lot ......and still not a single one of them is going as I want 😭😩
This moment brought out a lot of emotions 🥺😭😍🔥
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I hope the author is not giving me false hopes 🙃
It's Okay! I'll now hold on to these little strings of hope even if they are going to turn out false!
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yukiwrites · 4 years
The First Step Towards Their Life Together
For Corrianderweek 2020, Day 2: Coronation Day. This is a sequel to a story I wrote sometime ago, Battle Against What Was Forgotten.
Part 1 - Part 2
One thing that Kamui was absolutely not expecting to happen during the wedding’s preparations was for Camilla to be the one to preside over the dress-making.
It happened a week after they had defeated the Forgotten Dragon -- time during which the groundworks for the double coronation and the wedding ceremony were starting to take shape.
“The time’s finally come!” Camilla marvelled as she twirled Kamui around like she was a little girl. “The dress I’ve been sewing for your marriage will finally come to use, my darling.”
“W-wait, Big Sister?! What do you mean-”
Smiling slyly, the older princess winked before turning around to open the door to her closet. “I have been working on it for a few years now, my precious Kamui. I wanted you to be the perfect bride when the time finally came for you and my brother to wed. Since no one else in the kingdom can appreciate your beauty like me, I naturally had to be the one to sew it!” She walked with light steps towards the mannequin placed right in the center of the small room, smoothing her hand over the flowy and semi-transparent fabric that covered the gown it was dressed with.
Kamui blushed, first from her sister’s compliment and second from placing her eyes on the gorgeous dress. “Camilla! It- It’s wonderful! It looks like a fairy’s dress… Am I really worth such a magnificent thing?” She carefully touched the light blue fabric, her eyes gleaming in anticipation.
“Of course, my dear; you’ll be the queen of fairies, quite literally, on the day you wear this, hm?” Camilla took Kamui’s hand, helping her touch the dress more decisively instead of hesitating around. “I made it with only you in mind, so the more beautiful you find it, the more it’ll suit your natural cuteness! Oh, I simply cannot wait until it’s ready!”
The soon-to-be Queen pressed her lips into a thin line to hide her shy and excited smile, her chest pounding in anticipation. The day she would marry Xander was at last right around the corner; she could scarcely believe it! And she would be so prettily adorned as well, how could she not be excited about it?
There was, however, a point of concern: Kamui’s pregnancy. Despite wanting his betrothed to lawfully become his wife as soon as possible, Xander also didn’t want to put any unnecessary strain on Kamui, especially considering that she had taken a terrible blow during the battle against the Forgotten Dragon. Thus, they all had to take great care of her -- nothing was more important than having her term come to an end as peacefully as possible, after all.
To Kamui, she did not think that it was necessary to wait for Siegbert to be born for them to hold their ceremony -- he was a strong and dutiful baby, who helped her through the last battle just as much as his father did, after all. He would wait for his turn and do his best to not be a burden to his Mommy, of that Kamui was sure.
Thus, they had to hasten all of the arrangements so they could hold both the coronation and the wedding ceremonies at the same day, preferably before Kamui’s stomach started to swell. Since there was no way to tell how long Kamui had been pregnant for, time was of the essence, especially regarding the clothes and footwear she would use on the grand day.
Apart from separating the budget, accepting reports, choosing decorations, personnel, security and delivering the news to the people, there was still the usual workload of being the rulers of a kingdom -- which was now doubled due to Kamui accumulating the role of Queen regent of Valla. The vallites who were living in hiding scattered throughout the Forgotten kingdom had accepted Kamui as their ruler after seeing all of her sacrifices to defeat the One who had brought destruction to their beloved land, so although the coronation and wedding were going to be held in Nohr, Kamui was being effectively crowned as the Queen Regnant of Valla as well.
To summarize: they were busy. Dizzyingly busy, honestly.
Yet, neither Kamui nor Xander could feel the exhaustion. They were finally going to be wed; their love was finally going to be accepted and celebrated, as it should have been since the day it started, all those years ago inside Kamui’s tower.
The couple spent most of their free time together -- with Xander usually bringing his own paperwork to Kamui’s study so he could spend more time with her (and check on her to make sure she would take plenty of rest, mindful of her condition).
Time was of the essence, so everything had to be done fast but also carefully -- they had so much to do, they barely noticed as time flew by them.
It was already the night before the big day, and Kamui was so excited she couldn’t sleep. She also felt a bit sick for some reason -- perhaps Siegbert was feeling all of her excitement and was getting restless? -- so Xander spent the whole time with his wife inside his arms, at the ready to jump out of the bed to fetch a medic if needed.
“Mhm, there’s no need for concern, my King,” lightheaded, Kamui rested her head on Xander’s powerful chest as he drew circles with his hand on her back, soothing most of her nausea away. “I think I just got too anxious and it made Siegbert act up, too.”
Hardening his jaw, Xander adjusted his betrothed beside him, softly placing his hand under her chin to make her look up at him. “You are pale, little princess,” he said in a low voice, his frown digging deeper into his brow.
“I just can’t wait ‘till tomorrow, that’s all,” she tried to soothe him, though her partly-clouded gaze and slow speech only made him worry more.
“I shall go fetch a healer-” He meant to get up as he carefully placed Kamui back on the pillows, but her weak grip on his shirt made the soon-to-be King stop in his tracks.
“No, no, please stay with me- with us. Please?” She looked at him from below, almost like a pleading kitty, making Xander’s heart almost make a squeaking sound. Yet, his expression was still hard.
“Kamui, do not be unreasonable. There will be a lot of activity tomorrow -- you must have a restful sleep to recover your strength.” He carefully untangled her fingers from his shirt, unbending in his resolution to make Kamui feel better at all costs. “If something were to happen to you, I-” he choked up, feeling as though needles were piercing into his heart with just the thought of seeing Kamui fall in his arms once again.
Pouting, the dragon princess kept holding her beloved’s fingers whenever he managed to pry them out of himself. “I’m not being unreasonable, Xander… Please? Just stay with us; I’m sure Sieggy just wants to be with his Papa.” She once again looked at him with a kitten’s gaze, making the Crown Prince sag his shoulders with a short sigh.
“That is foul play, little princess.” Defeated, he returned to his previous spot, collecting his small fiancée into his arms, placing one warm and large hand over her stomach. “How are you feeling, Siegbert? Do not strain your mother too much, you hear?”
“Heehee, don’t scold him like that, Xander, he’s just excited like me, it’s all.” She snuggled her face into his neck, breathing in his masculine scent. “We just want to stay like this for a while longer…”
Blinking, Xander tried to look down to his beloved since he noticed how visibly sleepy her voice had started to sound just a moment after he placed one hand over her stomach. Was it truly?
Were she and Siegbert just in need of cuddles?
“Kamui?” Xander called tentatively, in a voice so low he barely heard himself. Yet, he knew there was not going to be a response since he felt Kamui’s rhythmic breathing by his neck -- she had truly fallen asleep. Smiling so, ever so fondly, Xander caressed his betrothed’s stomach more carefully, placing a kiss atop of her forehead. “Good night, Kamui, and see you tomorrow as my beloved Queen.” He whispered by her soft hair, smoothing his thumb over her still flat stomach, wondering when he would be able to feel Siegbert move, “and may you have a restful sleep as well, Son. Be good to your Mother tomorrow, hm?”
The couple woke up at dawn to let the servants get them ready for the day -- because of that, they were separated right before breakfast, only being able to give one another a short hug before promising to meet again at the altar.
Well, technically Xander would be the one to walk Kamui down the aisle, so they would meet at the door to the Throne Room. He would escort his Queen towards the throne by which the bishop would stand to bestow the crown to the both of them before proceeding with the wedding ceremony.
Her heart pounding, Kamui could barely taste the soup they fed her (usually the bride wasn’t supposed to eat before putting on the dress, but since Kamui was pregnant, many details of this process have been changed to accomodate the baby prince), stroking her stomach once she was inside the wonderful gown Camilla had sewn for her.
As though the marvelous dress itself wasn’t enough, Kamui was adorned from head to toes with many silver jewelry, to complement her hair and blue garments. She wore a two point earring, custom-made for her pointy ear, which depicted a dragon carrying the gem that lay atop her lobe; a festoon necklace that complemented the see-through fabric covering her cleavage; two intricate armbands from which the sleeves of her dress were connected to, both on the same style of the feet bracelets she wore to go with her ballerina flats (there was no way she was going to wear heels, not in her condition, after all).
Camilla also made sure to sewn a transparent cape flowing down off Kamui's shoulders, so the dragon princess truly looked like a fairy Queen, which made her cheeks flush with embarrassment and excitement at the same time.
Xander would be waiting for her by the throne room. How would he react when he saw her? He would always, always, always tell her how beautiful she was, especially during their most heated moments, so Kamui loved to show herself to him whenever she got a new piece of clothing. Just by imagining the surprised and head-over-heels in love look of Xander’s made Kamui wish to dash to where he was immediately.
Still, there was an order to these things, so wait she must, even though she was so excited she felt as though she had actual wings on her back. It was a wonder that the nausea from the previous night was nowhere to be found despite her excitement level being way higher than it was before she fell asleep.
Siegbert was behaving himself rather well, which made Kamui proudly caress her stomach at every opportunity she had to do so.
The final touches were upon her: now she only had to wear a long cloak to cover herself entirely -- the dress reveal itself would only happen after she was crowned, so both Xander and the onlookers could be surprised by their Queen’s beauty all at once. That made Kamui anticipate the moment even more, so she had to stop herself from skipping during the walk towards the throne room.
Her steps couldn’t help but hasten as she approached the corner to the throne room, wanting more than anything to jump into her almost-husband's arms and yell to the world that they’re finally together under the eyes of the gods and of the people. Once she spotted Xander’s tall figure in the distance, her chest started to tighten and her face flushed; it was as though she was about to fall in love with him one more time.
Xander turned his head to the procession accompanying Kamui, his eyes immediately falling on his beloved’s, action of which robbed his breath and took all of the strength he had in his body. If it wasn’t for his sheer willpower, Xander would have fallen to his knees and proposed to Kamui for the second time right there and then.
Once the servants dispersed around Kamui and they were face to face, Xander asked for her hand and brought it to his lips in a genuine action of respect, love and admiration for the one who will always have a hold of his heart.
“Will you do me the honor of being my wife, Kamui?” Xander wasn’t strong enough to resist the urge to propose to her one more time, receiving a bright smile alongside even brighter tears from his beloved.
“Of course, Xander. Yes, yes, yes, I will marry you.” She sniffled, accepting the arm he’d given her so he could start escorting her to the staircase that led to the throne. “I love you so much,” she whispered as the doors to the room were opened, receiving the gasps of admiration of the people that were waiting in there.
Xander walked ahead by pure instinct, his gaze ever glued on his beloved and wonderful -- oh so wonderful -- soon-to-be wife. Likewise, Kamui walked by following the carpet under her feet, her eyes meeting her beloved’s and overflowing with tears that looked more like stars falling from the sky.
It was a day that would never again come; a once-in-a-lifetime event, and yet, they couldn’t stop looking at each other and declaring their love through their eyes. The bishop’s speech lasted too long and too little at the same time, their sense of selves merging with the stillness of the air around them as they simply saw themselves in the entire world.
Soon it was time for Xander to kneel and receive the crown from the bishop, being officially -- finally -- crowned the King of Nohr and Valla. Once it was Kamui’s turn, Xander made sure to place her crown atop her head, adjusting the black pegasus feathers adorned around it only for their wedding.
Once she was back on her feet with a straight back and the weight of being the Queen of two kingdoms hanging upon her shoulders, Kamui undid the knot of her mantle to reveal her dress to the world -- to her King and lover, Xander.
Seeing the mesmerizing sight, Xander widened his eyes as he was overcome with the urge to make her put the cloak back on -- she was so pretty, too pretty, for eyes other than his own to see.
She was more than a Queen, more than the daughter of a god.
She was a goddess incarnate, the one who descended upon this world to enrapture him and make him the happiest man in all existing realms.
During that single moment, that gaze they shared became their whole world and they forgot they were in the middle of a ceremony. As though under a trance, now King and Queen slowly went into one another’s arms to share a tender kiss, even before the bishop could start the marital speech.
The audience cooed and cheered, touched with their rulers’ display of humanity and love.
Blind and deaf to all else but themselves, Xander and Kamui simply enjoyed sharing their first kiss as (technically) husband and wife.
That was the beginning of the rest of their lives, and they couldn’t be happier to have one another as their life-long companions.
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sanoiro · 5 years
Lucifer 5x06 - BluBallz - Spoilers & Speculation
Warning! There is always the possibility that certain scenes might have been mixed up under their non-respective episodes.
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Written By: Jen Graham Imada Directed By: Richard Speight Jr.
Jen Graham Imada has written/co-written the episodes:
3x07 - Off The Record
3x15 - High School Poppycock
3x25 - Boo Normal
4x07 - Devil Is as Devil Does
Cast: Tom Ellis as Lucifer, Lauren German as Chloe, DB Woodside as Amenadiel, Lesley-Ann Brandt as Maze, Kevin Alejandro as Dan, Scarlett Estevez as Trixie, Rachael Harris as Linda Martin and Aimee Garcia as Ella.
Season 4 Recurring Characters: None Officially Announced Guest Cast:
Andrew Steven Hernandez...Dax
Alexandra Hoover...Belinda Roberts
Alveraz Ricardez...Raul Blanco
Behind The Scenes Videos:
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Marina Del Ray (Different scenes day & night)
WB Jungle Backlot & Neighbourhood Area
Linda’s House
Imada, as you can tell, knows how to reach us at that point where we believe that everything is up to be resolved and for Deckerstar to begin only to be halted mid-way. What you shouldn’t forget is that in 3x25 - Boo Normal this writer introduced us to Azrael and who knows it might be time for Ray Ray to make an appearance again although that’s an extremely wild speculation so treat it perhaps as a wishful thought than anything else. 
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Okay so, the sixth episode of Season 5 is called Bluballz and many may have hinted yet another unsuccessful Deckerstar ‘moment’ yet it is clearly also connected to the case so it is possible to carry a dual meaning. 
First, some had mentioned that it might be a drug and in an episode where a rave happens, it’s true that it would have been a plausible explanation. The other explanation is the crime scene blue led balls. Unfortunately if swallowed they can be toxic but a bts says something about shooting so at the moment no matter of how the title is connected to the episode let’s keep in mind that A) Lucifer & Chloe were not lucky in 5x05 and B) that it’s directly related to the death of this episode’s victim.
As we have several locations to explore I believe for 5x06we need to start from the case and then how the story is progressing through that murder case.
We do know 4 things about the case. 
First, we have the rave at night where the murder happens in the wee hours. 
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Second, almost before the sun is up Ella, Lucifer and Chloe are on the scene asking questions. 
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^As you can see there is some stiffness in both of their bodies and as we know that Ellis and Lauren can act that in a very good way I would assume that they are keeping their distance or they are perplexed. 
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^if you see the video she does not meet and hold his gaze. 
Third, for some reason, LUX is used for a rave party either as a sting operation or most probably because Lucifer decided to step in and help. The other possibility is that the rave at the end happens after the case has been closed but as they were shooting for days and almost 16h per day I would say it most probably be placed in the middle of the episode.
Fourth, the arrest happens back to the Marina Del Ray where everything started so the story of that case comes in a full circle, yet we do not really care about the case itself but how it relates to our main story.
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We have to note that in the bts we have Chloe and Lucifer seem a bit distant during their questioning on the murder scene. Chloe is uncomfortable as is Lucifer and Lucifer is almost too afraid to approach her in my opinion while she does not really hold his gaze. Whatever happened in 5x05 didn’t work on the contrary added a slight tension in Deckerstar. Nothing major in my opinion but it is enough for Chloe to need her space and her friends.
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^Prencinct scenes in between! 
Now we do know that the questioning also led Chloe and Lucifer (Lucifer had his Vette there) at a house at the WB lot yet what is more interesting for me is that they were close to the Jungle Backlot. It’s where the show “The Cabin” was shot in 4x02 but the vegetation is so good that it can be used for other projects as well. For example, if you go to the tour they will always mention that it was used for Jurassic Park :)
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The reason why I’m so interested in the Jungle is because in a bts I saw some props that made me wonder if they were just there because they didn’t have any other space to put them or they mixed shots from the Jungle backlot and the stages. As the camera is turned to that golden object I would be wary and add it in my “They are still searching” speculation. For what you may ask but all I can tell you is that everything is connected. Unfortunately, their quest may turn an unexpected factor to the mix. If my speculation is correct then the “Our Mojo” also involves Charlie.
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Now DB has been very excited with these episodes as I have as well mainly because it seems that Amenadiel is back in the very core of the series as he was in S1 while Charlie is growing and with crawling and teething other things come up as well. Perhaps wings, or powers. Perhaps… both.
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^Linda’s house shooting Kevin is probably the one on the left side. 
The scene though showed that it involved Amenadiel, Lucifer, Dan, Linda and Maze. Maze, as you may have noticed as a character, has remained quite elusive in the bts and the role it plays in this season but Charlie’s existence might be the key there or perhaps the 5x04 is. We shall see!
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Speaking of Charlie we had him in a wonderful lion top and there have been some scenes at Linda’s house. Now while the girls are busy at LUX which we will talk about in a bit, the boys or more specifically Amenadiel and Dan have some scenes together. Perhaps the reason for the bracelet was not Lucifer’s idea but Amenadiel’s and as such you should be prepared on Dan knowing early on that something is off if not the whole truth.
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Now one of the photos that make me wonder is the bts with their director and writer where Kevin has a weird doll on how left shoulder. Somehow it seems that time is running out and that makes sense as like with every other midseason finale or season finale the 3rd episode from the end gives us the route the next will follow. It sets the foundations if you like. Think of 1x11, 2x11, 2x16 or 3x08 & 3x22… The same happens in 4x08. There is always a chain of events that lead to the end and 5x06 will be no different.
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We do know we have some Penthouse scenes due to Rafferty and Graham but the content of these is a bit unclear. During a tour the couch was a bit roughed up with the cushions displaced and all that but we simply have no idea why or what will happen there. Also the book we saw in 5x03 during the Clarkson interview it’s still there on the coffee table so I would once again place my money on that one.
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^ I bet you didn't know that we have a new closet as it seems or even a bathroom as this may be either a towel hunger and to the left the shower curtain or an outfit hanger. I would bet on the bathroom set as for a hanger it seems a bit tall. ;) So... a shower scene is coming our way? Who knows... 
Edit: I was thinking about this and I now believe it’s an outfit valet it’s just that the wall is drilled on is also a hidden door to the penthouse set... 
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Moving on we get to what caught our eye on this episode the Ladies Night Out. It’s the third time we see them getting together and this time they are determined to have fun. The theme seems to be dress as crazy as you can something that is supported by Maze’s choice who perhaps consider Ella a lunatic so she decides to dress like her… I do wonder if they they just went and took everything from Ella’s closet to be honest… Although the net stocking might have been too much for Ella so no idea.
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Yet what would drive Chloe and the girls to go out? I expect that Linda needs a break from motherhood even for one night while Maze explores another side of her. As many may suspect I suppose she is growing a soul there somewhere so keep an eye on her. Now Ella was always quirky if you remember the wigs in S3 so do not see anything wrong there but why Chloe?
Episode 5x05 must have left Chloe with a lot to think about herself. Whether she finds out about her miracle status or not she seems to be in her own path of self awareness and as we have seen the only time she takes rush decisions of that kind is because of Lucifer. So whatever happened in 5x05 as been interrupted but I do expect that by the end of 5x06 she will have reached a decision once again but the timing will not be perfect in 5x07 as more problems arise.
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I should also mention that the setting of this episode does suggest that whatever Amenadiel, Lucifer and Kevin are up to is probably not known by Chloe and possibly by the rest of the leads aside perhaps Maze and even that is a big if. The reason of perhaps excluding Maze is because of a tangible connection that may aid or disrupt their plans yet that’s once again a speculation, yes based on actual spoilers but still a speculation on how an act will affect the rest of that plot. It is also why I connect in this episode Amenadiel with the Jungle set as well as with that set prop.
And finishing 5x06 it is funny as by the end of it a new set of problems will have begun and that includes of course a new threat. One supernatural in nature and the other as mundane as Earth killers come.
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^Last but not least up to 5x06 the Hell set was still standing so they have plans for it... For which episode we simply do not know but always keep it as a Joker card and you never know in which round it will drop... 
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^I do love Rafferty! 
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pinktiger501 · 6 years
They call him ‘Devil’ (A  Donghae fic): Prologue
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This is a gang/mafia au, set in the 70′s with a black reader cause I felt that we needed a hookup! Also I haven’t written a good piece in a while so excuse the rustiness.
Song recs: Rhiannon by Fleetwood Mac & Boss by James Brown (trust me they fit so well)
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You never meant for it to get like this. You never thought you’d end up binded to a lifestyle of drugs, money laundering, lying and other things needless to say. Guess it was part of the package. It wasn’t like you…but you can’t say you didn’t get accustomed to it quickly. It was exhilarating. Although there were hardships, there was luxury in return. To everything negative you had to face, you were rewarded with new clothes, jewelry, and all the wining and dining a girl could ever want. But most importantly, the full security and ongoing success of The Glass House, your night club. Compliments of him.
   You were the moon and stars to his darkest hour of midnight. Lee Donghae was a businessman. A kingpin, if you may. Clients came with requests, needs, tasks, and he got them done. He was a master at his craft, and a regular at your little shindig. He would treat your club as his bank and you were the teller. He’d run cash by you to keep for him, and you’d help make drug transactions with high end regulars. You don’t know what pulled you to him, but there was something about that man that was mysterious and dark.
  You instantly felt a jolt in your bones the first time he stepped into your club with his little entourage. In walked an oriental man wearing a crisp burgundy suede suit, paired with a deep navy blue button up shirt that was undid by three buttons at the top to expose a cuban link chain with the crucifiction cross that rested perfectly on his bare chest. With his side-parted brown hair capturing the shimmering light that the turning disco ball rained down on the club goers. He was truly a sight for sore eyes. His sunblockers resting ever so comfortably on the bridge of his nose. He looked deliciously irresistible. You just had to cross paths with this man.
    “Maybelle, take over the inventory check.” you handed your assistant the pen and pad in which you were jotting down bar items that needed restocking, “Sure thang y/n” she responded back, but you were already halfway gone and too distracted to hear, whisking through the club and perching in high standing areas so you could somehow get a closer look at the man. The crew of men that he arrived with scattered around the club, chatting. Mingling. But there he was, seated at a rounded booth with his arms resting spread out on it just taking in the view of the club.  His shades had been retired from its place on his face and was now hanging on his coat pocket.
   Now being able to see his full face, you must’ve been staring an awfully long while because you both locked eyes for what to you sempt like an eternity. It was you that broke the gaze. Looking over your shoulder as if to check for dirty tables. His glance never faltering. You suddenly felt the heat. As if one of the bright club lights shined in your direction. You suddenly began to worry about how you dressed for the evening. Now, if there’s one thing you always did, it was exude confidence.
   Keep it real, you owned the best nightclub around, the least you could do was dress like so. And that you did. Tonight, you had on a mustard colored satin halter top midi dress that hugged your curves in all the right places putting your figure on full display. Cut right at the curvature of your calves, with a slit that trailed it’s way up to your mid thigh so that when you walked, just the sight of your leg alone could capture the eye of President Nixon himself. Your mink coat hung off your shoulders to act as a fur shawl, but you abandoned it in your office earlier as you emerged to supervise the house and workers. Your natural hair had been blow dried to achieve length, no hot comb, no flat iron. Tonight you opted for a simple yet chic afro puff ponytail. You left your golden hair pick in your puff and it served to look like a little tiara. For jewelry, a skinny diamond choker that brought just a hint of attention to your bosoms, but not too much. Earrings and bracelet to match. Golden pedicure and manicure. Completed with a gold pair of chunky platform heels that were more than comfortable enough to stand and walk around for hours on end. He noticed these things. Every detail.
   He was captivated by such devine and melanated beauty that made every other woman in the room seem like women of the night. You, were a sight for sore eyes. He watched distinctly as you made your way over to his booth. Even through the bumping of the funk music and grooving spirits, he was able to hear the clicking of your heels against the checkered floor crystal clear. You were now standing at his booth, leaning against the chair cool and collectively mustering up the will to speak, “You must be the head woman in charge.” but he beat you to it. You let out a light chuckle taken by surprise from his quick initiative. “You are correct I am indeed.” you smiled at him, “What lead you to that observation?” you asked seeing if he’d offer up a clever response, “The aura you carry with you as you walk,” he looked as if he was studying your features, “with such pride and grace, surely you’re not here to attract a spazz who isn’t worthy. You’re a businesswoman. At the end of the day, you’re here to acquire your money. I respect that. It’s radical.” A smile formed on his face as he hit the nail right on the head. That was a clever response. “Right on.” you say, feeling more relaxed around him.
  His voice was so buttery and smooth it’d be impossible not to fall asleep during a late night of phone chats with him. He gestured for you to slide in the booth, and you did just that. The funk that was playing in the club, changed to a mellow jam. “Let me buy you a drink.” He offered still admiring your put together, “Slow your role now, you’on even know my name,” you say with a slight playful grin creeping on your face, “My bad, may I have a name of the host who is servicing me tonight?” he said as he turned himself ever so slightly to be facing your direction. You look down to catch yourself from smiling too hard then up again, “It’s y/n.”, “y/n?” he repeats, “What a beautiful name. Y/n. I like it!”. “Thank you,” you laugh while saying. “And yours?” you now shift in the booth to face him. “I’m Donghae. Lee Donghae.”, “Well, it’s nice to meet you Donghae!” you put your hand out to shake his, and like the gentlemen that you already assumed he was, he took your hand in his and kissed it. “So, Donghae, what do you do?” you asked immersed in y'alls conversation. By this time the drinks had came and you two were both very well acquainted, “Well, likewise I am a businessman myself,” he took a swig of his rum & coke, “just under different circumstances.”
  After that first night. He’d regularly pop in just to see you. And then it got to the point where you’d both meet outside of the club in casual conditions. Until after awhile you two became more than friends, then sensual conditions. You started to notice marks and scars that he’d regularly get. It worried you. Especially since he never told you completely what his profession was. He said he wanted to keep you safe, and you trusted him. Sometimes people that didn’t seem like regular club goers and partyfolk would come to The Glass House and you’d feel uneasy. It got to a point where you had to move in with Donghae. He didn’t live half bad. He had a luxurious home. Sometimes you wondered why he needed that big of a house if he lived alone.
  Everything sempt okay for a while until one night when the club was closed, you were the only one there and found Donghae on the ground at the entrance with gunshot wounds. Luckily the bullets didn’t hit any vital organs. You wanted to call the police and that’s when he insisted and had to come clean. You thought he was talkin jive, you thought it was all a hoax, but then again, you were in the bathroom of your office treating your man’s bullet wounds. He didn’t want you to experience the hardships, he wanted to leave you, keep you out of harm’s way. But if you being safe meant, you couldn’t see him again, then harm’s way can come knock on your front door.
  You told him to teach you the trade. And he did. And you learned quick. You had to. Where you grew up, your life depended on you learning quick. You grew up fighting to survive, cause that’s just the world you lived in. Now you’re stepping into the world he lives in. Fear has no place there. Your club became more of a territorial ground. And since It’s your club. What you say goes. He loves that about you. You’re loyal.
  But there’s one thing you realized about him, he trusts his crew and only his. If anyone messes with them, they mess with him. Everyone feared him. Except you. Because you’re his love. You call him Lee Donghae. But them? They call him Devil.
So! You don’t know HOW LONG it took me to get my mind in the right head space to write this oof. Should I write more? I kinda want to but I have another prologue to work on for yet another fic so bloop!
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