#Also yes I did ghost him all day. Not my fault his texts suck
settsplitt · 3 months
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stariwrites · 1 year
Father’s Day
Reader and Endeavor
Warnings: reader has a shitty dad and gets comforted by Endeavor, Angst, Fluff, Reader is GN
Author’s Note: Something that has been stewing around in my brain for sometime. This is self indulgent he’s a shitty horrible dad but he allows his kids to heal in this and if that’s not something I’ve wanted my whole life idk what is. The daddy issues really popped out in this
The sunset was beautiful from where you saw it on the rooftop. Oranges melted with purples and the clouds held a pink hue to them. It would’ve been more beautiful if you weren’t waiting for a text. For what felt like the thousand time you checked your phone.
You scoffed and shut your phone off once more. Of course, today out of all days he would ghost you. Figures.
Before you could revel in the bitter feelings of betrayal, a set of heavy footsteps began to approach you.
If it was a few months ago you might’ve jumped at the sound, but now? You weren’t fazed at all, especially because this was your chosen rooftop to meet up on during patrols.
“Thought you’d be with family, Endeavor.” You said keeping your attention on the sunset. It wasn’t until he took a seat next to you that you glanced over at him.
He was wearing his hero suit, his eyes scanned over the city while his mouth harbored a small frown.
“I figured the same with you.”
You shrugged. “It’s overrated.”
Endeavor studied you skeptically before looking at the sky.
“I had lunch with Fuyumi, but Natsuo, Touya and Shoto didn’t want to see me.” There was a waver in his voice that was painfully sad.
You looked over at him. “Did they tell you that?”
Endeavor nodded, continuing to observe the people below. “It’s just a day and besides I deserve a lot worse than this. It’s their choice.”
“What about you?” He asks.
“Hang on, I don’t think I follow. They said they didn’t want to see you on Father’s Day and you just let them?!”
Endeavor looked at you with furrowed brows. “Yes. I may have apologized but that doesn’t mean they have to forgive me.”
He let out a breath and continued.
“You know I wasn’t a good father. I wasn’t even a good man. I was horrible and I wish I could go back and change it, but I can’t. All I can do now is try to be better, but through that I also have to accept that my family, who I’ve hurt in more ways than I can even say, don’t have to give me another chance. It hurts, but if it’s better for them and makes them happy that’s all I want.”
Your hands shook as you gripped your phone.
Endeavor reached out a hand for you. “Are you alright? I didn’t mean to upset you-“
Before he could touch your shoulder you jerked away, guilt rushed through you at the crestfallen look that overtook Enji’s face.
“You didn’t, believe me. And you’re right You sucked as a dad and I mean really sucked I don’t even think there’s enough words to describe how horrible you were-“
“The point?” Enji asked breaking you out of your ramble.
“Right. The point is after all of that you’re allowing your family to heal. I wish more than anything for my father to sit me down, look me in the eyes and say ‘I’m sorry for what I put you through I was wrong. And if you don’t forgive me that’s okay.’ But the only thing he can do is bail on me and not even send a text to let me know.”
Silence fell between the two of you leaving you to watch the sun disappear from the sky.
You expected Enji to cough awkwardly and leave muttering something about hero work, but instead he moved closer to you causing you to look over at him. The flames had been burnt out and now you were just looking at him not as the hero, but as Enji Todoroki the man who had fucked up on several occasions but kept trying anyway.
He looked you in the eyes and said “For what it’s worth I’m sorry about your father. You’re a wonderful person and for him to not even contact you shows he’s undeserving of your time. I hope you know that it isn’t your fault, it’s his.”
Tears pooled at the corner of your eyes. Before you knew what you were doing, you pulled Enji into a hug. His arms hovered in the air taken aback by the sudden action before his face softened and he held you back.
The two of you stayed like that for a few seconds.
“I’m sorry he sucks,” said Enji causing you to laugh.
The two of you broke from the hug, you wiped your eyes with a small smile.
“Thanks Endeavor. You know for somebody who used to be so bad at interacting with people you’re surprisingly good.”
He nudged you playfully. “Watch it. I’ve had a lot of practice.”
“It’s paid off, seriously though I needed that.”
He smiled. “Me too.”
Before the two of you could say anything else your stomach rumbled.
“You haven’t eaten yet, have you?”
You shook your head. “After I figured he’d ignore me for the day I pretty much booked it up here. Happens a lot.”
Enji pursed his lips into a thin line, saving that information for later. He stood and began to walk towards the door leading back into the building.
“Did you want to go out to eat somewhere? I haven’t eaten since lunch.”
You beamed and began to follow him inside. “I’d love to! There’s this new Raman place that opened, they have a pro hero theme and from what I’ve heard they say that even you can’t handle their super spicy Prominence Burn.”
Endeavor smirked. “We’ll have to see about that.”
You nodded. “Oh and Endeavor?”
He looked down at you.
“Happy Father’s Day.”
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noteguk · 4 years
for science | jhs | m
— summary; in which Hoseok hears through the grapevine that you give one of the best blowjobs ever, and he needs to test it to be sure. 
— contents and warnings; blowjob (duh), dirty talk, praising and stupid pet names, cum eating, deepthroating (the oc has no gag reflex), Hoseok finds heaven, kind of crack? Idk don’t take this seriously, college!au, hoseok x reader (with a mention of past Jimin x reader), studying sessions being interrupted in the name of science 
— words; 5,1k
Requested by anon! 
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Hoseok could be kind of clueless when it came to some science-related things (and his high school biology teacher could attest to that), but one thing he knew very well was the scientific method. All that hypothesis-testing-stuff, or whatever the hell that was (okay, maybe he didn’t know it that well) had taken him out of some trouble in the past. It helped him see some of his decisions in a more experimental light, avoiding the terrible Olympic-somersault-into-conclusions that had gotten so many of his friends into awkward situations. And it shouldn’t even be said that he took quite a bit of pride in that — it made him feel very intelligent and he would take any stroke to the ego that he could get. 
So, when Jimin got a bit too tipsy and started babbling on about how you gave him the best blowjob of his life, Hoseok was, at the very least, cautiously skeptical. 
“You’re such a drama queen.” Hoseok rolled his eyes before chugging down a bit more of his beer. He was nowhere near as intoxicated as Jimin was, and he wasn’t planning on changing that. It was a Wednesday night, for fuck’s sake. He had to leave some thrill to the end of the week. “It probably was like… alright. Good, even. But the best one ever? Please.” 
“It was so much more than alright, dude.” Jimin threw his head over the couch’s back, looking like he just got washed up on the shore. His hair was a mess of clear strands, exploding on his head like a failed science fair experiment. “It was the best suck of my liiiiife. I wish she didn’t hate me so I could have that again.” 
He scoffed. Hoseok had enough filter left in him to avoid telling Jimin that the reason why you hated him was entirely his fault — what did he expect from three weeks of ghosting? Besides, if the head was that good, he would surely stick around for just a bit longer than two months. “Sure. Like the time that you almost died riding a roller coaster.” 
“Hey. I almost did.” Jimin’s eyes opened, presenting his friend with a dazed-out, unfocused brand of frustration. He was getting tired of not being taken seriously — didn’t Hosoek know that alcohol makes you more honest? He wasn’t making things up. Not when they were as serious as the well-being of his dick, or actual death. “It was some Final Destination bullshit, I’m telling you. Pieces of metal flying and everything.”
“Yeah, yeah.” He waved it off, leaning closer to Jimin so he could take the almost-empty can of beer from his clumsy hands, and placed it on the center table. “I think you’ve had enough alcohol for tonight, man. You have a class at ten tomorrow.” 
“I’m serious, dude,” Jimin pressed on. It was past eleven and Hoseok only wanted to sleep, but the other boy was clearly clueless about the lack of mutual interest in that conversation. “Aren’t you two friends or something?”
“Kind of. It’s weird,” Hoseok answered. You two had lingered in a hazy friendship space for a long time now, and he didn’t know exactly how to explain your relationship. He didn’t really consider you two close by any means, but you weren’t strangers or casual friends either. To be honest, he hadn’t thought too much about it until that very moment. “Why? What does that have to do with anything?” 
Jimin sighed, fumbling against the sofa. Much to Hoseok’s delight, he was starting to get sleepy as well. “You could ask her to suck you off,” he mumbled, “then you can feel it for yourself.” 
He laughed at that, unable to believe what he was hearing. “Jimin, you’re out of your mind if you think that’s not gonna backfire.” 
He blinked heavily. “Hm? Why?” 
Hoseok blurted out the first thing that came to mind. “We aren’t that close, and we haven’t done anything remotely sexual before this. It would be super creepy.”
“That’s not true,” Jimin spoke lazily, as if the words were starting to get hard to find. There was a pause so long after his sentence that Hoseok thought his roommate had fallen asleep. “I know you guys made out like at the beginning of the semester. Taehyung told me so.”
He was going to murder Taehyung. “It wasn’t like that. We were both drunk and it was super awkward afterwards.” Hoseok got up from the couch, leaving Jimin to groan and spread out his legs over the cushions. “Listen, I’m glad you two had fun, and I’m sorry you ruined it. But I’m not gonna ask ____ to suck me off just so I can know if you’re being dramatic or not.” 
Jimin smirked wickedly — or at least tried to, because his lack of facial control wasn’t doing him any favors. “Whatever you say,” he teased, “but I think you’re curious.” 
Truth was: Hoseok was beyond curious. The cogs in his head had started to move, and his brain was evoking lewd images of you so fast that he could barely follow. He would be pretending if he said that he never saw you under that light before, but, after the mess that was your makeout session, he had forced himself to jump into the friendzone before he managed to make things worse. 
Hoseok liked you very much, even if you two weren’t particularly close. He enjoyed spending time with you, he found you funny, smart, and way out of his league. But he wasn’t delusional enough to believe that you would actually say yes to sucking him off, especially so out of the blue. 
“I’m not curious,” Hoseok lied through his teeth, and he wanted to change the subject so much that his head was starting to hurt. “You’re gonna sleep here?” 
“Hm… yes… the couch is very comfortable.” Jimin closed his eyes and adjusted his body on the furniture. His baggy shirt was already halfway through his stomach and his pants had ran up to his waist, but the man didn’t seem to notice. “You don’t know what you’re missing out on.”
Hoseok rolled his eyes, moving towards the door. He needed to get Jimin some blankets, because the other was surely not getting up for the rest of the night. It was bad enough to babysit him for those few hours of intoxication, but infinitely worse to make him chicken soup if he got sick. Been there, done that. “I’m sure the couch is great.”
Jimin’s voice was soft and sleepy when he spoke up again. Hoseok was already in the corridor, and he almost didn’t hear him when he said, “I’m not talking about the couch.” 
Hoseok went to Jimin’s bedroom and grabbed his pillow and the blanket from his undone bed. Meanwhile, scenarios ran wild inside his head, having you as the main star. He didn’t know what was taking over him, but he wasn’t so quick to ignore Jimin’s story. Hoseok was faced with a fantastic scenario of a perfect blowjob, and the idea that it was so close to him was making his pulse quicken. Again: it would be absurd to ask you to do that, regardless of the motive behind it, and he knew that it would be awful for your already-strange friendship. 
No, he could never do that. He would not. 
But like… what if it worked, and you magically accepted his request? And what if, by some wonderful moment, some millennial alignment of planets, Jimin wasn’t actually being hyperbolic and you actually had the ability to give incredible blowjobs? Could he really let it pass without giving it a shot? 
He could see it as a scientific experiment, Hoseok thought, as a way to prove a hypothesis. It couldn’t hurt if he just— 
Oh my god, dude, shut the fuck up and forget about this. 
Coming back to his senses, Hoseok strutted out of his roommate's bedroom and walked toward the living room. By the time he came back with the blanket and the pillow, Jimin was already deep asleep.
Against his best efforts, that conversation remained stuck to the back of his mind for the next two weeks. Hoseok would find himself going back and forth on the idea of you having some strange, Marvel-worthy superpower when it came to sucking dick and, worst of all, the idea that his skepticism was making him miss out on it. Jimin was exaggerated when it came to, well, pretty much everything, but that didn’t mean that he would be wrong about that specific subject. That would be a logical fallacy, and that was also something that Hoseok knew very well. Bless his late nights on Reddit for that. 
Yet as the days moved along, and his curiosity was slowly turning into desire, he was forced to revisit the infamous night between the two of you, the one that Jimin had so mercilessly mentioned. Thinking back on it, it wasn’t surprising that your overconsumption of alcohol, added to the way that you two had grown close (both physically and mentally) had ended up with Hoseok laying on top of you, kissing the soul out of you and fondling your breasts in the middle of a party. It wasn’t the most dignified moment of either of your lives, but, well, it happened. 
One way or another, the night didn’t move forward. Even if Hoseok already had a tent in his pants, you two were far too intoxicated to consent, and were quick to fall asleep before the situation could escalate. Bottom line: Hoseok woke up with your tit in his hand, a nightmarish hangover, and the decision that the You-Subject would have to stay on hold for some time. 
And on hold it stayed. For an entire semester. And it would’ve remained that way if Jimin’s stupid mouth hadn’t started talking. 
So after two weeks of self-inflicted psychological torture, Hoseok slipped a hangout invitation amidst your texts. If you saw any second intentions behind his “haven’t seen you in awhile, wanna hangout? ;)” you didn’t let it show. The problem was that you weren’t really in the mood to go out, especially since you had a big exam coming up, so Hoseok ended up convincing you that he would stay quiet if you let him go over to your place. 
It was a bit harder not to notice the desperation in his proposal that time, but you ended up agreeing. Your thought process was that the boy would eventually realize that his hangout attempt was ridiculous and that he would leave you to study by yourself, and the two of you would reschedule that odd friendship session to when you weren’t drowning in textbooks. 
The problem was that you had been stupid enough to believe that your friend would actually keep his mouth shut. 
Hoseok was seated on the edge of your bed for so long that he was sure that his asscheeks were permanently imprinted on your sheets. Because he hated himself, he kept eyeing the digital clock to your right, and he was certain that he had spent the last fifty two minutes and thirty three seconds staring at the back of your head and trying to come up with a casual way to ask for a blowjob. 
He had tried a few times already, and each one constituted of him being unable to finish his sentence, instead looking at you like BooBoo The Fool until you turned back around to face your disorganized desk, sighing and trying to concentrate on your work. 
All things considered, he couldn’t actually believe he had escalated Jimin’s sailor tale to that point. He was out of his mind, that was a fact, and he had absolutely no clue how you would react once he (if he) found the words to ask you to sacrifice your mouth for science. 
God, he was an idiot. 
He cleared his throat and got ready to try one more time. “So… I…” 
You sighed heavily and turned around on the chair. “Hobi, this is the fifth time you’re starting a sentence and not finishing it,” you said, annoyed. “Can you tell me what the problem is? I have a test in two days and you promised you wouldn’t interrupt me if you came over.” 
“I’m sorry,” he didn’t like feeling like a kid being scolded, even if he kind of deserved that. Hoseok guessed it would be better to just take off the band-aid before he made an even bigger fool out of himself. “Let me just, like, explain the context of this. Otherwise it’s going to be even more strange.” 
Dropping your pen, you fully swirled the chair around, crossing your hands over your legs. He wasn’t expecting your complete attention anytime soon, and the seriousness in your stare made his courage falter for a second. It was such a stupid idea, you’d just end up hating him like you did Jimin. “As long as you make it quick,” you told him.  
Hoseok hesitated, running one hand through his hair. “Yeah, okay, so… like, a few weeks ago I was talking to Jimin,” he started, watching your face for any signal of an expression — confusion, disgust, anything. But he found nothing. “We were drunk, and he started talking about the time that you two were together. Like, sexually.” 
You blinked, unfazed. “And?”
“And… he told me that you give, like, the best blowjobs in history,” the words left his mouth before he could fully digest them. This time, he got a reaction out of you — a light raise of your eyebrows. “And, no offense, but I didn’t believe him. You know how extra he is about some stuff. Most stuff.” 
There was a moment of silence as you waited for him to go on, but Hoseok was too busy swallowing his thoughts down and feeling like he would collapse at any given moment. You sighed. “So what? You wanted to tell me that you don’t believe in my blowjob abilities? That’s all? Can I go back to studying now?” 
“No, that’s…” Now, things were starting to get complicated. Just take off the band-aid, Hoseok, don’t chicken out now. “I wanted to know if you could show me. Like, if you could suck me off. So I could... confirm that hypothesis.”
Every part of his brain was suddently hyperaware of how fucking stupid he just sounded. He had expected that another thick silence would follow, but his heart almost leaped out of your chest when you started laughing at him — like, full-chest, eyes closing, head rolling back laughing. “Are you serious?” You asked, taking one hand to cover your mouth before, at last, bursting out again. He felt like his ego was being stabbed with a rusty nail. “I can’t believe you, Hoseok. Took you all this time just to ask me if I could suck you off? For science?”
His mouth felt like it was full of cotton and he had to clear his throat before he found the force to answer you. “Yeah, I mean, only if you’re comfortable with it, of course,” he struggled to say, each word morphing into the next. His stomach had frozen up and the flight or fight response was starting to kick in. Had he really been that much of an idiot? When did his cock start dictating his words? “I… I know this is like, super creepy. I’m sorry. We can forget this ever happened and I’ll never talk to you again. I shouldn’t have said anything.” 
Suddenly sad, he waited as you settled back on the chair, wiping a small tear from the corner of your eye before you stared at him. There was still a smirk crawling up your lips, and he felt like the world was collapsing all around him  as the silence expanded around the two of you. He looked at the digital clock: it had taken him precisely three minutes to ruin everything. 
He sighed, shoulders falling. “Do you hate me? Why are you so quiet?” 
You bit down on your lip, your eyes narrowing as you took his form in. Hoseok was hot: point blank. He was also nice, and respectful enough to realize that he might have overstepped a few lines with his request — and, even if you couldn’t really understand it, you also weren’t bothered by it. And you certainly didn’t hate him. In a way, you were almost flattered. You would’ve been more if the comment had come from anyone else but your Danny Phantom ex. But that was a different story. 
The entire situation was just too funny to let it go. And, besides, you really wouldn’t mind sucking Hoseok off. It wasn’t as if you had never thought about that before. 
“I’m... considering it,” you told him, watching as his face lit up in a mixture of confusion and joy. He looked like a kid seeing Santa for the first time. “If you promise to shut up and let me study, I’ll do it. And if you agree to never talk about it again.” 
Hoseok blinked profusely, his mind short circuiting. “For real?” 
“Yeah.” You raised from your chair, walking closer to your bed. Hoseok swallowed hard and leaned back, placing his hands on the mattress for support. “But do me a favor: if it’s not that good, don’t tell me. It’ll hurt me.” 
“Yeah, alright.” He swallowed dry, every neuron in his brain trying to grasp what the fuck had just happened. His mind was the Spongebob office being set on fire, and he suddenly didn’t know how to deal with the anticipation booming in his chest. “I’m... not hard yet, though.” 
“It’s okay.” You kneeled in front of him, placing your hands on his inner thighs and slightly pushing them apart. Hoseok quickly got the cue, and opened a bit more so you could comfortably place yourself between them. “Just... relax,” your voice was almost a whisper then, and he felt his soul trying to leave him. That was insane. “Let me take care of you.”  
Your words managed to make him relax a bit, then he tensed all the way back at the feeling of your hands fumbling with his button. His breath hitched as you pulled the zipper down, fingers hooking on the edge of his pants before tugging them down his thighs. 
He felt exposed as his pants fell like a puddle around his ankles, his tongue coming out to wet his lips as you leaned in. Hosoek felt like he was dreaming when you started nibbling at his skin, kissing and licking his inner thighs as you slowly made your way closer to his aching member. 
“I can’t believe this is happening,” he barely got out before sighing, the tingles of your caresses on his skin shooting directly towards his cock, already semi-hard. 
You flicked your eyes up at him, humming against his thigh muscles. You were now so dangerously close to his underwear that he thought he would lose consciousness. “Were you daydreaming about it or something?” You teased. 
Maybe in a different position, he would’ve lied about it. But the truth came out before he could hold it back. “Ever since Jimin told me that, yeah,” he said. 
“Hmm… hope I live up to the expectation, then,” you purred, looking up at him with those doll-like eyes. Hoseok suddenly felt like he was losing his balance, his entire body burning in desire and expectancy. You looked like another one of his horny daydreams, but you were kneeling right there, in arms reach, and he didn’t know how he would deal with what was about to ensue. 
Your mouth was hovering above his clothed cock before he could notice and, delicately, you leaned down to place a kiss on it. The touch was tender, almost numb with the fabric standing between you two, and yet Hoseok shivered, biting down on his lip as one of your hands enveloped his erection. He watched, mesmerized, as you started lazily stroking him through his underwear, leaning your head to the side so you could place heavy kisses on him, at times giving his tip a few kitten licks until it was covered by a thin layer of your saliva. 
The sensation left him on edge, silently begging for more. By the time you moved back so you could undress him, Hoseok was a mess of shallow breaths and heavy swallows; his Adam’s apple bobbing up and down as pleasure started to build up at the corners of his perception. Biting back a moan of relief, Hoseok raised his hips as you slowly pulled his underwear downward, allowing for his cock to spring free from its confinement. You had done a good job teasing him, because it was already fully hard when it bounced against his abdomen, red-tipped and leaking. 
His gaze oscillated between your face and his cock, watching for any reaction as you took one hand to his length, squeezing him firmly. “Fuck,” he let out a grunt, his overwhelmed body responding to the smallest of touches. 
You smirked at his reaction, taking a quick glimpse at his devastated features before moving back to what you were doing. Hoseok was so cute, you thought, liking the way he was so responsive. 
A shudder ran up Hoseok’s body when your tongue came out between your lips, placing delicate licks on his base. He loved the feeling of your warm muscle against his hardened member, his mind growing eager as you began tracing a path upwards, flattening your tongue against him. His breathing was ragged by the time that you reached his crown, a hum escaping your throat as you lazily swirled your tongue around his tip, covering him with your saliva. 
You took your time caressing his slit with your mouth, waiting until he was cursing and panting before you finally wrapped your lips around him. At first, you only took his tip in your mouth, sucking so slowly that Hoseok whined and buckled his hips from the bed, trying to make you move faster. 
Wordlessly, you simply placed your palm against his thigh and pressed him back down. Even if that was the last thing he wanted to do, Hoseok accepted your order and settled back against the mattress, grunting as you continued to tease him. 
“Please, put it all in,” he begged, starting to lose his trail of thought. “This is torture.” 
And maybe another day you would have taken a bit more time torturing him, but, that afternoon, you were kind of in a rush to finish studying. So you complied. 
“Oh, fuck, fuck.” His eyes shut and his head was thrown back as you fully sank down on his cock, your tongue flat against him. Before he could stop himself, his hand flew to your hair, yanking at the strands as you moved back up, your hand pumping the parts of him that you couldn’t reach. 
“God, your mouth feels so great…” He moaned, back arching as you reached his tip once again, licking it before sinking back down — you took him just a bit deeper that time, and the motion didn’t pass by unnoticed. He was really starting to believe Jimin, and he wondered if maybe he should’ve been more worried about the entire rollercoaster situation. “Ah, that’s it. Just like that.” 
You moaned around him, the vibrations making him cry out, desperate. Hoseok couldn’t hold himself back from moving closer to the edge of the bed, his other hand clenching your bedsheets between his fingers as you continued to swallow his cock like it belonged in the hot confinement of your mouth. 
“Oh— oh my god, baby,” he grunted, pulling at the strands of your hair. His mind was starting to get hazy, his chest fluttering in a mess of sighs and heavy breaths every time that you sank down on his member; every time you flicked your tongue against his sentitive slit or pumped his base. “That’s really good, you take my cock so well.”
You looked up just to see the mess that Hoseok had turned into. With his mouth parted and eyes glazed over, he looked like he was about to fall apart at any second. He was watching you in complete awe, his eyebrows falling to form a beautiful frown of concentration; tongue coming out to lick his lips. He was so fucked out that you felt yourself getting riled up by his image, a pool of wetness accumulating between your thighs. 
“You look so pretty like this.” He exhaled, unaware of his own words. Hoseok was too busy following your swollen, redden lips as they wrapped around his member, your cheeks hollowing after you sucked him with all that you had. Even the small amount of droll around your mouth was enough to make him throb in your hold, a grunt escaping him. “With these — fuck — those pretty lips around my cock, shit. I could watch you forever.” 
You hummed around his member again at his words, the vibrations shooting directly at his core, where a rising heat had dangerously grown stronger, signaling his upcoming orgasm. Hoseok loved the way you actually looked like you were enjoying yourself, moaning and whimpering around his cock as you took all of him in your mouth, eyes closing every time he throbbed inside you. The eagerness in which you took him in, like you were starving for his cock, was one of the filthiest images that Hoseok had ever seen, and it was one that he knew would haunt his dreams for the years to come. 
When you removed his cock from your mouth with a dirty wet sound, Hoseok was about to complain before he saw you licking down his length, one of your hands holding his cock away from your face as your tongue started to play with his balls. It was an odd feeling, but not an unwelcomed one, and it kept him on edge for a little while longer while you played with him. 
With a timid whimper, you looked up at him as you licked your way back up to his tip. The image was so hot that he almost fainted, a deep moan escaping his throat when you took him back inside your delicious mouth. 
And the truth was clearer than Hoseok had ever expected: Jimin was right. 
“Fuck, babe, how did you get this good?” Hoseok grunted, trying his best to focus on the picture-perfect image of your lips wrapped tightly around his throbbing cock. He could tell that his release was starting to build up at an alarming rate, his thighs growing weaker every time you took him inside you. “Oh my- Ngh! Fuck! Oh my god!” 
Hoseok’s mind was wiped clean when he felt his tip hitting the back of your throat, his hips buckling up as your throat clenched around him. He was pretty sure he was in heaven then — if he focused, he could hear angels singing all around him — , his pleasure overtaking every cell of his body as you continued sucking the soul out of him. 
“Holy fuck, do that again,” he begged, his voice much higher than before. You didn’t need to be asked twice, because, within a second, he was crying out at the feeling of your throat wrapping around his cock one more time; his hands holding tightly to the roots of your hair. The only reason why Hoseok hadn’t started fucking your mouth yet was because he wanted to have you in control, giving him the best head of his life without any interruption. “Fuck, fuck— Baby, you’re so fucking good at this, fuck.”
There was a vague raising of his hips to meet your movements, making him hit the back of your throat again and again, the lewd sounds you were making filling the room. Nothing in his life had ever compared to that instant, he had ever felt a pleasure as great as he did at that point, and he knew it was about to snap. 
“God, I’m gonna cum,” he sobbed, finally closing his eyes and letting the pleasure take over. “Fuck, you’re so good, I’m gonna—“ 
Hoseok filled your mouth with his cum, dripping down your throat when you swallowed around him. His head was spinning and his muscles were trembling, and that time he was unable to hold himself back from thrusting up against your mouth, trying to prolong that divine sensation for as long as he could before, at last, collapsing against the mattress with a final, shaky moan. 
He barely heard you when you got up to your feet, his mind floating above his body as he tried to get himself back together. With the little force that he still had inside him, Hoseok leaned on his elbows and stared at you like you were made of gold. “Fuck, ____.” He breathed out, and the only thing he could say was, “What the fuck?” 
You giggled at his reaction, thumb cleaning a bit of cum that had painted the corner of your mouth. “I appreciate your feedback,” you teased, pointing over your shoulder, to where your desk stood, forgotten. “Now that you have your answer, can I study in peace?” 
“Y-Yeah, sure,” he struggled to say. “I’ll... stay quiet.” 
You smiled brightly. “Thanks!” 
He thought about thanking you right back for giving him the best orgasm of his life, but he thought that would make everything much more pathetic. So he didn’t. 
Hoseok eventually found the motivation within him to put his cock back inside his underwear, clumsily pulling his pants back up. He found himself in the same position he was before everything went down: dumbfounded, staring at the back of your head as you worked on your textbook. The red numbers on the clock told him that just ten minutes had passed, and yet his life had completely changed. 
All that he wanted was to return the favor — it was the fair exchange, after all. Hoseok sat up at the edge of the bed and spoke up, filled by a newfound courage. “Wait. Don’t you want me to take ca—”
“Shut the fuck up, Hoseok.” 
His mouth fell shut and his courage deflated just as quickly. Maybe another time.
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kenmasangel · 4 years
Fight ; Ushijima Wakatoshi
characters : ushijima wakatoshi, f!reader
synopsis : you and ushijima had your first real lowkey hardcore fight as a couple
genre : angst, fluff
ps : i am trying my best lol, i am new at this if you any remarks my dm's are open. hope you enjoy <3
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both you and your boyfriend, ushijima play volleyball that is actually what pulled you closer and ushi couldn't be happier
you've always enjoyed playing volleyball; it wasn't your passion and you wouldn't dedicate your life for it like ushijima but you still did your best all the time and you were pretty good
you actually were captain of the team for a while but then just decided to be a normal player
you practiced really hard; you didn't want to disappoint your boyfriend who was a great volleyball player
it really stressed you out though, especially when people would compare you or make really uncalled for remarks (this was maybe even one of the reasons you quit as a captain)
anyway these last days you haven't been feeling really good, the exams were upcoming and you wanted to keep up your excellent grades so you could attend the college of your dream
and not to make things better you had a practice match with you-don't-know-what-team and you couldn't care less
even if you were attending practice you were still kind of lacking, you wouldn't give it your all as usual and your teammates noticed that, you tried conving your coach into keeping you on the bleachers but he just wouldn't give up on you and your amazing serves
so here you were, sleep deprived, stressed out about school work and volleyball and your boyfriend didn't seem to notice anything, he would ask you times to times if anything is wrong but you would brush him off since you knew he was already preoccupied with the nationals
ushijima wasn't dumb though, he knew something was off with you but since you kept telling him not to worry he thought he would give you time unil you feel completely comfortable talking about it
he would kiss your forehead and tell you that he is here anytime
i ship you guys so bad wtf 😔
and as if the universe was against you, the day before your practice match you had an important exam, “at this point i should drop out and become a stripper” you thought to yourself as you were cramming informations into your brain
after your exam you headed to the gym to practice, you and your team stayed until late night and needless to say you only had few hours of sleep because you also had to wake up early to practice your serves, you didn't even have time to see your boyfriend so he could encourage you
you were exhausted, your brain was about to explode and your coach would still not let stay on the bleachers. the only thing positive was that ushijima sent you a good luck text message the night before
the match started, you were trying so hard to stay focused and to fall asleep; your serves were not as sharp as usual, you would miss the ball many times and the coach finally decided to change you with someone else
what you were not aware of is that ushijima and tendou came to watch the match and support you, they were weirded out at the way you were playing, it clearly was not in your habits to play that way
your team won the match but you couldn't care less, you just wanted to go home and sleep for one week straight
there were still a few people in the gym, you were getting ready to leave; you didn't even notice that the trio was coming your way
“y/n!” you heard tendou call you, “oh, hi sorry i didn't notice you were here” you replied, closing your bag “what's up?” you ask
“what's up with you? are you okay?” tendou asks, “what ?” you didn't know they saw everything, you kept staring at them until it hit you “oh, so you guys watched the match”
“yes, and what was all that about?” asked ushijima. “we can't always play well, you know” you shrugged, they were staring at you kind of shocked
“what? y/n did you see your serves ? did you see how many times you missed easy balls? it was almost as if i was watching a beginner! the team almost lost because of you” ushijima replies
“okay and ? i told the coach not to put me on the field yet he did. not my fault” you answered, it stung hearing him say that but it was true and you knew it
“thank god #8 came in, she saved the game ” he adds, what started annoying you. the last thing you wanted was to fight with your boyfriend
“good for them,” you clapped back in a cold tone what sent shivers down tendou's spine. he didn't want to get in between you two and he didn't know how to react since it was his first time seeing you like that
“you are my girlfriend, you know better! you should know this isn't only about others but the whole team! i heard people say stuff i didn't want to hear when you were playing an-” he couldn't finish when you cut him off
“ i know what people say ushijima! i know i am not dumb. and what if i am your girlfriend ? does that make me obliged to be a good volleyball player like you ? volleyball isn't my dream as far as i know i also have other dreams and other goals ushijima, but do you even care ? do you even bother asking me what i am passionate about ? and if you're ashamed of me, the so-bad volleyball player why don't you just go out with other great players ?” you snapped, what made the gym go quiet and all eyes stare at you and your boyfriend.
you gave him a last glance , took your stuff and went home
him and tendou stood there, alone now that everyone have left, still trying to comprehend what just happened, “wow, i’ve never seen y/n-chan like that” tendou broke the silence between him and ushijima. he didn’t answer tho, his mind was still replaying the fight you two had
you never fought; you guys were both mature and dealt with every situation you had to go through rationally so this fight really made ushijima tense up, something that tendou noticed
“ushijima,” tendou started as they were walking back to their dorms. “did you notice that y/n wasn’t feeling good right ?”
“hm? what?” the green eyed boy looked at him confused
“y/n is definetly not feeling good, you could tell just by looking at her face,” he stopped a moment before he continued “you can’t be oblivious to your girlfriend feeling bad, can you ?”
“look, i am not one to tell you what to do ushijima, this is your relationship but take good care of y/n before you loose her. she is a wonderful person and i know people who are just waiting for the right moment to have a chance with her,” he finished, sighing
“i don’t know what to do, we’ve never had a fight like this before and i sure don’t want to loose her,” finally stated ushijima burying his face in his hands, “i know i am lucky to have her, but you know how i suck at this relationship stuff...”
“give her time to cool down, but not too much time too. anyway goodnight” tendou pats ushijima’s shoulder before getting into his dorm
the days after you tried to keep it lowkey; you didn’t go to practice, you’d spend most of your time alone in the library or at home
your friends tried to contact you but you went on ghost mode, ushijima and the vb team too but you didn’t have enough strenght to deal with anyone not even your own parents
yet one night after everyone had finsihed practice you decided to head to the gym, you had so much frustration that you wanted to get rid off and the only thing that could help you was to hit in a ball
so here you are, at 10:30 pm serving in your highschool’s gym with all the power you had
what you didn’t know is that someone was there, watching this whole time hitting them balls with all the power you had wondering if they should come and talk to you or not
saying he missed you be an understatement, he missed your touch, the sound of your voice, your silly fights with tendou over who ushijima loved the most, the way you would hold his hand with no warning, the way you came to his practices and his teammates would all want to catch your attention. he was craving you and he couldn’t do anything but blame himself on how he lacked as a boyfriend
“man up, wakatoshi,” he opened the door yet didn’t catch your attention as you were still serving your mind obviously somewhere else
“uhm, hello?” he clumsily tries to catch your attention, which he succeeded  in
you turn, kind of startled but lowkey relaxing at his sight. “hi,” looking at his face you realized how much you missed him but the fight you had was still replaying in your head. “i was leaving, i just need to clean the gym” you said shaking off your pianful thoughts
as you walked by him he held you wrist making you stop, “y/n, let’s talk it out... please” his face slowly turning around, your eyes meeting his
he was right, you couldn’t just ghost everyone for the rest of the year, you just nodded and looked away
still holding your hand he took you to sit on a bench, facing each other. both of you wondering what will come out of this conversation
“y/n, i miss you, i was a horrible boyfriend i should’ve noticed how bad you were doing and comfort you instead of being a total douchebag, it’s just that...” he stopped for a while, thinking of the right words to say. “i just want the best for you, and i should’ve known vb isn’t your dream but i know how much potential you have and i just want the best for you.”
you couldn’t help but soften and the bluntness of your boyfriend, you knew he was genuine
“i don’t want to loose you y/n, and i promise to do my best to be a better boyfriend. please accept my apology,” you couldn’t help but breakdown infront of him
that’s it, you reached your peak and here you were sobbing in your boyfriend’s arms who was rubbing your back, trying to comfort you
he sure was taken aback when he saw you crying like that, he had never seen you like that and he never dealt with this type of situation but somehow he knew you needed to let everything out
he kissed the top of your head, whispering things like “everything is gonna be fine”
“i just got so stressed out, volleyball, academics, relationships... and i wanted to be the best but i couldn’t handle this much pressure and i should’ve told you how i felt but i bottled up thinking i could handle it,” you managed to say between your sobs. “ i love you too and i don’t want to loose you toshi,” he hugged you tighter after this sentence
“it’s alright love, i should’ve been here for you that’s the point of being together, it’s to lift a certain weight on each other,” he cupped your face in his big hands, wiping your tears, “no more secrets now, we’re here for each other,” you nod and he gently presses his lips against yours
“i love you, and i am here for you, please stop crying i hate to see my s/o this way especially when i suck at comforting you,” he made you chuckle
you’ve never  seen this side of ushijima, you knew he was trying his best right now, but you were glad you saw it today; it proved that he really loved you and you felt happy to have him by your side
“i love you too, toshi,” you hugged him tight and he kissed your forehead
both of you feeling relieved to know that your relationship was strong enough and you’d be able to count on each other and go through anything by each other’s side
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seiyasabi · 4 years
Obsessed With Loving You
(Here’s a Yandere Lucid Narancia x Willing Fem Reader fic! I hope ya’ll enjoy :)) Also, this will take place in the early 2000s, so I will make appropropriate references for the time period. 
TW: Aged up Narancia!, !Consensual NSFW!, praise kink!, Blowjob!, cum swallowing!, !violence (not against you)!, mafia business!, mostly a soft fic, !obsession, !Possiveness, you’re highkey in denial of his unhinged behaviour!, etc..
I’m sorry if this is too OOC) 
Zipping up your cropped Juicy Couture jumper, you look at yourself in your vanity mirror. Your (size) breasts look amazing with your low cut tank top and partially unzipped jumper, and your (thin/thick) thighs look ravishing in your Dior mini skirt. 
Smiling at your cute appearance, you swipe a thin layer of (colour) lipgloss on your (thin/full) lips, before spreading the product out evenly. 
Today, Nara is supposed to take you out, and you’re very excited. 
Plopping down on your vanity’s bench, you buckle a pair of open-toed high heels onto your pedicured feet. Smoothing down any wrinkles on your expensive skirt, you bring out your navy-coloured Nokia, and text your boyfriend that you’re ready to go. Grabbing your cross-bodied purse, you slip it on, and toss your cellphone into its large pocket. 
Within moments of your text, you hear your bedroom door’s locks disengage. Your silly boyfriend is so worried about you, that he put those three high security locks on your door. He says he’s afraid of a rival mafia hurting you, but you always reassure him that you know that he’d save you. After all, he’d brought you to his home so that he’s almost always near you! 
Your eyes land on your curly haired man, his usual attire strapped on tighter than normal, bringing out his lithe, muscular form. 
“Ready to go, beautiful?” You smile and nod, standing to your feet. His purple eyes are glued to your form, taking in how beautiful you look in the clothing he bought you. 
“Mmhmm! I’m so excited to go out with you today,” You hurry up to him, hugging him in a tight embrace, all whilst grinning up at him lovingly. His heart practically combusts at the sight of your cute face. 
“Me too! I have so much planned for us today,” His giddy smile and eager words spur the two of you into motion, his arm tightly wound around your waist and your head leaning against his bony shoulder. 
Once outside your apartment building, he calls over a taxi, getting one with ease. Nara opens the door for you, batting his eyelashes at you playfully. You giggle at his silly actions, and step inside the yellow car. Sitting on the plush seat, you wait for your man to take a seat next to you. Those few moments feel like forever, but when you hear the opposite door open, and you feel his hot hand place itself on your bare thigh, you feel at ease. 
The dark haired man speaks to the taxi driver in Italian, and even though you try to follow their conversation, they speak too quickly for you to understand. That’s the price you pay for living in a foreign country. 
Once the driver knows where Narancia wishes to go, your boyfriend sends you a happy smile, “Today is going to be a good day, beautiful. I’ll make sure of it.” 
The day did, in fact, start out great. 
When the two of you reached Via Toledo, Nara immediately directed you to a plethora of high end stores. He’d picked out multiple cute outfits he thought you’d look cute in, and practically dragged you into the fitting room. The only problem is that you looked good in everything he put you in! He almost allowed himself to become bankrupt by buying you everything, but you quickly stopped him. 
He was upset at first, but when you meekly told him that you didn’t want him to spend all his money on you, his resolve broke. The both of you came to an agreement; you pick out one or two outfits that you like the most, and he’ll buy only the things you chose. This pleased him greatly, because he was still able to spoil you, but you felt too bad to choose anything very expensive. 
So, this ended up with Narancia carrying about ten bags at the end of the day. 
“Are you sure you want to carry all of them, Nara? I can carry something! I don’t want you to accidentally hurt yourself-” 
“Don’t worry about me, beautiful. I can carry everything, and if you want, I can even carry you,” This draws a laugh from you. You hold onto his arm, trying to keep up with his long strides. 
“Thank you for today, I had a lot of fun,” You kiss him on the cheek, making him flush a deep maroon. His russet coloured skin practically glows in the setting sun, making you gawk at him in awe. Your boyfriend is so beautiful. Hearing a love sick giggle come from the curly haired man, you realise that you said your thoughts out loud. 
“It is no problem, (Nickname), all I want is for you to be happy,” He kisses your cheek in return, making you flush as well, “Are you hungry? Fugo told me that there’s a good place-”
“Narancia Ghirga, I’m going to kill you!” A haggard looking man runs towards the both of you, and for some reason, he looks familiar, “Give me (Your Name) back! I know that you’ve brainwashed her!” The man’s outburst causes a lot of bystanders to look in your direction, thus causing a small crowd to form. 
Your boyfriend quickly pushes you behind him, shielding you from the man with his own body, “What the fuck do you want? I don’t know who the hell you are, but you better stay away from my girlfriend,” You have never seen the normally happy go-lucky man this angry, which scares you. 
“You know what you did, and you know who I am! I am Christian Viccio, (Your Name)’s real boyfriend! I’m here to take her back home, where she belongs,” He whips out a pistol, drawing loud yells and gasps from the crowd around you. 
“You’re fucking crazy! Put the fucking gun away,” Narancia quickly calls upon Aerosmith, preparing to kill the man that’s currently threatening your relationship and your life. Nara knows who this man is, of course he does! He’s the man that had stolen you away from him, the man that tried to steal your heart. The dark haired man is kicking himself for not just killing him when he had the chance. But, here is his second chance. 
When the haggard man moves to shoot your boyfriend, he allows Aerosmith to shit him in the head, killing him instantly. The crowd runs and screams after the shot is fired, causing mass panic. You can’t move, you’re in shock at what just happened. It’s as if a sniper just took the guy out in mere seconds. 
Realising your paralysing fear, Nara scoops you into his arms, bags digging painfully into his flesh, and runs in the direction of your shared apartment. 
“-You’re alright, beautiful. That horrible man can’t hurt you,” The purple eyed man soothes, rubbing your sides reassuringly, “I’m sorry that I kept this away from you, but I was scared. I was scared that that obsessed man was going to hurt you and steal you away from me.” You cuddle into your boyfriend’s warm chest, eating his words up without much thought. 
“It’s okay Nara, thank you for saving me. Without you, I surely would’ve been hurt,” He squeezes your body close to his, relishing how soft you feel under his large palms. 
“I’d do anything for you, (Your Name). I’d kill for you, because I love you, just remember that, okay?” You nod, forehead bumping his exposed collar bones. 
“I love you too. Is there anything I can do to repay you?” You smooch the underside of his jaw, making butterflies flutter in his stomach. 
“Just you loving me is enough,” He kisses your forehead, his hands squeezing the fat of your hips. You smile up at him, your hands running through his hick locks, tugging lightly on certain spots. A small moan escapes his lips, showing that he’s enjoying your actions. 
“Please let me do something for you, Nara. Please let me make you feel good,” Who is he to deny your request? Especially when you look at him with so much love and warmth. 
“O-okay,” His voice breaks slightly, causing him to clear his throat, “-I mean, yes, of course,” Giving him one last kiss on the lips, you then push him lightly onto his back, leaving him vulnerable below you. You sit on his legs, trapping him below you. 
“I love you so much,” Your fingers grasp the fabric of his top, signaling you wanting him to take it off. He does so without fault, showing his well chiseled abdomen, “I meant what I said earlier, you’re very pretty, Nara. My pretty, kind, amazing boyfriend,” His cheeks flush, and you can’t help but kiss them in response. 
Your hands ghost over his trouser clad cock, feeling it jump under your soft touch. You shuck the skirt overlaying trousers, before removing them as well, leaving him in his tightening boxers. His purple undergarment shows the outline of his dick very nicely, making your mouth water. 
“I wanna make you feel good, will you let me suck your beautiful cock?” He nods down at you shyly, making you grin in happiness. 
Pulling his boxers off of him causes his hardening cock to smack against his v-line, splattering a small amount of precum on his tan skin. His tip is a dark maroon, whilst his shaft is a little darker than the rest of his skin. The area around his cock and sack is smooth and hairless, all thanks to a waxing salon he visits monthly. All in all, his prick is the prettiest one you’ve ever seen. 
Moving off of him for a moment, you guide him to the edge of your bed, kneeling between his parted legs. His heavy sack hangs below him, but his thick cock bobs straight up. Looking up at his shy face, you take his cock in your dominant hand, and kiss his sensitive tip lovingly. 
He lets out a small, high pitched moan, earning him a second kiss. Narancia lays a heavy hand on the back of your head, signaling that he wants you to continue. You do so willingly. 
Your other hand cups his heavy balls, kneading them softly, whilst your mouth suckles his tip, and your other hand stroked him tenderly. He keens at your treatment, hips bucking slightly. 
“That-that feels so good. I love you so much,” At his words, your hand leaves his shaft, in favour of you taking him deep into your mouth, practically deep throating him. Moaning at full volume, he tries to stay as still as possible, as you suck and fondle him. Squirts of precum shoot down your throat, spurring you to bob your head faster. 
“Fu-fu-fuck! You treat me so well, (Your Name), you suck my cock so-” He cuts himself off with a series of moans. 
You continue to suck and fondle his cock, the back of your throat massaging his thick cockhead. Tears sting your eyes as you hum around him, trying not to gag. 
With every swallow around him, you can feel him swell, showing that he’s about to cum. With one last hard suck, and a particularly hard squeeze of his sack, he creams the back of your throat. 
Narancia falls backwards, his orgasm wracking his entire body. His hips almost jerk away from your mouth, but you dutifully follow, trying to swallow down everything that he’s giving you. Your throat helps milk him of his cum, causing him to become oversensitive very quickly. 
Once you hear his pitiful keen, you release him, licking your lips of any of his escaped cum. Sliding up his legs, you lay your (size) chest against his, smiling down at his fucked out face. 
“I love you, Nara. I’m so happy that you’re the ones who saved me,” Your words are sweet, honest, and innocent, and in his post-nut clarity, Narancia can’t help but feel guilt for lying to you. 
But, since he can see that his brainwashing hasn’t come undone, he says nothing. 
Capturing your lips with his, he holds you close, relishing your weight against his lithe form. 
Nothing can take you from him, no, he’ll make sure of it. 
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Title: Serious Inquiries Only: PART 4
Pairing: dom! yoongi x reader ft. Hobi
Warnings: Talk of sexual favors, flirting, crack, humor, Slight angst, Implied Solo Masturbation (M) (F), Daddy Kink, Hand Job (M) Receiving, Tit Job.
Rating: 18 and over
Hobi shuffles in his bed, rolling about to get comfortable. He rolls towards his bedroom door, eyeing his side table for the time. 5:15am. He sighs, happy that he has nothing planned for the day but sleep. “Hobi.” He hears a growl from inside his bedroom. His eyes pop open, blood going cold as he slowly raises his head from his pillow. “Hello?” He whispers, praying that nothing responds. He blinks a few times, looking about frantically, waiting for his eyes to adjust to the darkness in his room. Suddenly, a dark blurb comes towards him, “Ahh…” His scream cut off by a cold, ringed hand around his mouth. “Quiet!” Yoongi growls, finally coming into view. Hobi’s eyes roll back, relief washing over him. Yoongi releases him, sitting on the end of his bed. “You scared me. I thought…I don’t know what I thought. What are you still doing here?” Hobi whispers, sitting up now. Yoongi stares off in the dark, dropping his head into his hand, saying nothing. “Alright, you’re scaring me again. What’s going on?”
“I’m going to kill you Hobi.” Yoongi lifts his head and states matter of fact. Hobi swallows hard. “Um, why?” “For putting me in this situation where I have to lie to Y/N! She told me she’s seeing someone after we, I, whatever.” “You fucked?” “No, you idiot!” “Come on Hyung, no need for name calling. Clearly you know she isn’t seeing anyone. She must’ve said it because she got nervous.” Yoongi grumbles, running his hand over his face, turning towards Hobi. “Or, maybe, she means Gloss. Which means I have to tell her that I’m Gloss.” Hobi feels his blood drain from his face. “No, come on. You’re overreacting here. She will flip out if she finds out and she will kill us, you and I, leaving you and Gloss with nothing.” Hobi watches as Yoongi contemplates his words, releasing a sigh. “Fine. I won’t say anything…. YET!” He waves a finger at Hobi. “I think that’s best. Maybe interact with her more as Gloss.” Hobi suggests. “She only wants Gloss to feed her salacious cravings. It’s not intimate like with me.” “Hyung, Gloss is you; you are Gloss. Find a way to merge the two.” Hobi urges. Yoongi nods, considering Hobi’s words again. “Where are you going?” Hobi questions when Yoongi stands. “Home. Goodnight.” Yoongi exits and Hobi throws himself back on his bed. “Sleep? Now… never.” Hobi says aloud, tossing the covers off and heading to the bathroom for a shower.
I need more. I need you, to see you. We are coming up on the end of our first month and you mentioned it being a trial period. Well, I want to continue our arrangement. If you agree, you’d make me a happy girl. I miss you. Please send nudes.
“Good morning.” Hobi emerges from his room looking exhausted. “Hung over?” You ask. “No, just didn’t get much sleep. How about you?” “I slept fine.” “No, I mean why do you look like shit?” Your eyes widen, “Uh, I let Yoongi eat me out last night.” You confess, crossing your legs to keep from feeling the intense need growing by just remembering it. Hobi’s brows slowly shoot up, his mouth hangs open for a moment before taking the shape of an ‘o’. “How was that?” He finally asks. You bite your lip, feeling your face flush. “Fucking amazing Hobi. I really like him.” “Wow! That’s great news!” “It's terrible!” You contradict. “Why?” He leans in closer to you. “Because I like Gloss and I know you’re going to say I’m dumb for liking a guy I’ve never seen or met but I can’t help it ok. There’s just something about him that I can’t shake.” “Look Y/N, I’m never going to judge you but what I will say is Yoongi is right here with you in this moment and he really likes you. Gloss, well, he’s there also but not as intimately as Yoongi. He’s not going to be hurt if you ghost him, whereas Yoongi will be.” You grunt in annoyance at the thought of Yoongi being hurt. “I totally kicked him out last night. I don’t know why but I felt like I was cheating. I’m so stupid Hobi.” You whine, tossing your body into his arms. He squeezes you tightly. “It’s ok to be confused. Relationships aren’t easy.” “You can say that again. So, what do I do? Drop Gloss? Keep spending time with Yoongi? See them both?” Hobi shrugs. “Unfortunately, I can’t help you with that one. Only you can really decide what’s best for you. Your online crush or your flesh and blood one?”
You nod, thinking it over. Hobi is right, this shouldn’t be hard at all. You’ve never met Gloss; you have no real attachment to him. Who cares if you ghost him? You should pick Yoongi, he’s right here with you and he likes you with all your craziness. Suddenly as you think you’ve come to a decision your phone buzzes.
Here’s my number xxx-xxx-xxxx. It’s time we spoke in real time. You want nudes? Text my phone, I won’t send them here. By the way, I love the way your cunt sounds for me. I bet she’s the sweetest tasting fruit on earth. Hurry up and text me Goddess, I’m eager to show you just how hard my cock gets at the sound of you. Waiting.
“You ok?” Hobi asks and you realize your breathing is heavy. “Yeah, just got a message I didn’t expect.” “Ok, well, I’m going to go for a run, wanna join?” “No thanks.” He nods, getting up to grab his gear. You head into your room, fumbling with your phone.
Me: Gloss?
Gloss: Goddess?
Me: Yes.
Gloss: Hi.
Me: Hi.
You don’t know what to say next instead lying back on your bed, bending your legs, and spreading them wide. You pull your sweater up to reveal your mound and grab it with your free hand, snapping a picture and sending it to Gloss. You wait for what feels like forever for him to respond. Moaning when you get back a picture of his unzipped pants, his shaft visible, but erect cock pressed tightly against the clothing.
Me: Tease.
Gloss: No Goddess, teasing would be me telling you that I’m stroking this fat cock right now to the sound of your sweet cunt.
Me: I wish I was there watching.
Gloss: Sucking me off?
Me: Yes.
Gloss: Naughty girl.
Me: So naughty. So wet.
Gloss: Show me.
You gasp, shedding your panties and spreading your legs again, angling the camera just right to capture your glistening core. Hitting send when satisfied.
Gloss: Fuck, so needy. I wish I was there.
Me: Licking my cunt?
Gloss: Stretching her out.
You moan, unable to take it any longer, rubbing your clit roughly. Your high building quickly until soon your orgasm hits you in waves, your back arching as you cry out Gloss’ name.
Me: I just came.
Gloss: Me too.
You bite your lip at the new picture you receive of white strands of his seed strewn across his black t-shirt.
Me: So. fucking. hot.
Gloss: Wish you were here?
Me: Yes, licking it up.
Gloss: Soon. Talk later naughty girl.
Yoongi sits at his computer desk, set up to film a dual hand kink/ ASMR for his SIO page. He hits record on the camera that is angled at the desk and he places a golden bowl filled with honey beside a left sided ear mic. He chuckles softly into the right ear mic that is beside his mouth, licking his lips. He starts by dipping his left hand into the honey, allowing it to engulf his digits fully, the squelching sound captured by the mic. He closes his fist in the liquid, flexing so his veins pop out, then soon opens his hand, lifting it up and out of the bowl. He allows the honey to drip from the tips of his long slender fingers back into the bowl. As the honey continues to drip down, he moves his right hand under his left, letting the fluid cascade onto his dry hand, soon bringing his right hand into the bowl, capturing the same sound again. Once fully coated in honey, he brings his right hand up, allowing the honey to drip back into the bowl. He brings both of his sticky hands together and begins to rub the mixture around both his hands and through his fingers.
He soon brings his right hand up to his lips and takes his index finger into his mouth, slurping on his digit in the right ear mic. Flashes of his night with Y/N soon flood his mind and he begins to clean each finger slowly and languidly, slurping and moaning gently until each one of his fingers is clean. He rests his now clean right hand on the desk in view of the camera, bringing his left hand up to begin lapping up his mess. His senses soon become flooded with Y/N’s scent and he moans unabashedly into the mic, licking at his own palm wishing it was her cunt. Soon his hand is clean, and he is out of breath. He places his left hand down beside the right to show off his hard work. He chuckles into the mic, wishing his followers a goodnight, turning of the camera. He edits and uploads the video to his SIO page under the title ‘Midnight Snack’.
Before too long its morning and he is headed to the main building Iced Americano in hand, butterflies in his belly, awaiting the arrival of Y/N. He picks at the corner of his weekly assignment, looking at the door every time it opens. She’s never this late. Soon the door opens, and his face drops at the sight of Hobi walking in. “What are you doing here?” Hobi chuckles nervously. “Uh,” He sits next to Yoongi, “I have to drop off Y/N’s assignment before I head to class.” “Why? What’s wrong with her? Is she ok?” Hobi nods, avoiding eye contact with Yoongi. “Hobi.” Yoongi says sternly, causing his friend to look at him now. “She didn’t want to see you ok.” Yoongi huffs, standing quickly as the professor enters the classroom asking everyone to bring their assignments forward. “Don’t be upset ok. She’s still working through her feelings. Relationships are hard for her.” “Whatever. Remind her we have a team project together and she can’t avoid me forever.” “Ah, Hyung, don’t be upset.” “This is actually all your fault. Why did you even give her my code in the first place? I told you I wasn’t her type.” “We both know that’s not true.” “It is!” Yoongi shouts, his voice echoing through the hall, causing Hobi’s eyes to pop open in shock.
“She likes assholes like Trevor and Gloss! Not me.” Yoongi says defeated walking off in a huff. “Hyung!! Wait!!” Hobi runs up behind him, yanking his arm. “Please, look, I gave her your code because I knew she would open up to Gloss. Gloss is all the things she craves, but Yoongi, Yoongi is all the things she needs. The beauty of this is that it's all you. We aren��t talking about two different people here. Cheer up ok. This is all going to work itself out. Trust me.” Yoongi just shrugs, pulling his vibrating phone out.
Goddess: My god Gloss, your video today was insane. I don’t think I will ever get over the sound of you sucking on your fingers. You are so fucking hot.
Me: I was inspired, thinking of just how great you’d taste.
Goddess: I sent over your $1000. I figured you’d send me more than just your shaft.
Me: Naughty girl. Do you think you deserve it?
Goddess: I’ll do anything.
Me: I’ll keep that in mind. Talk later.
“Maybe I’ve been playing this all wrong Hobi. Gloss isn’t in control here, I am. I just need to shift gears.” Yoongi looks up from his phone. “I don’t think that’s a good idea. Just be yourself, don’t change it up.” Hobi shakes his head while saying. “Maybe, we’ll see. Talk later.” Yoongi declares, patting Hobi in the arm with renewed confidence, walking off.
“Well? What did he say?” You ask Hobi as he arrives home. “He was unhappy for sure and said you guys have a team assignment and you can’t avoid him forever.” Hobi plops down on the couch beside you. “He’s right. I am being super childish. I should just talk to him. Explain the whole Gloss thing to him.” Hobi pops up from his leaned back position. “Woah, I wouldn’t do that. I mean just explain that you needed to clear your head. I mean this doesn’t have anything to do with Gloss really. It has to do with you and your crazy brain.” You nod, Hobi is right, no sense in making Yoongi jealous over a guy you’ve never met. “Why don’t you just call him?” Hobi suggests. “I don’t have his number, besides this is a conversation to be had face to face.” “I couldn’t agree more. This Friday is his birthday. I usually go over to his place with a cake, and we stuff our faces and get drunk. You should come.” “I don’t think he’s going to want to see me on his birthday.” Hobi shrugs. “Oh, come on. He will definitely want to see you. Now if you’ll excuse me, I have some special requests to fill. May I suggest headphones, I’m going to be loud.” “Ugh, gross!” You wince as Hobi laughs off to his room.
You head to your room and surf through Gloss’ SIO page, combing through older videos you have yet to watch when you come across the comments on his latest video. One in particular catching your eye.
Misty101: The heavenly sounds of a cunt eating GOD! :-*
Your eyes bulge open at the comment and you feel your face burn as jealousy hits you. You take to scrolling through older comments from other videos, seeing her pop up once again under his Leather or Lace video.
Misty101: That sound, brings back memories. ;-*
“She knows him.” You whisper to yourself. You try clicking on her name, but nothing happens. “Fuck!” You shout. “She knows him.” You repeat over and over, racing to Hobi’s room, busting through the door. “Ugh gross, Hobi, put that thing away!” You groan, shielding your eyes from Hobi’s reddened cock. “What the fuck Y/N? Can’t you knock. I’m filming.” He grumbles, fumbling with the camera, trying to cover himself up at the same time. “You can look now.” He declares.
“Does the name Misty101 mean anything to you?” You ask, wide eyed. “Uh, no, should it?” “I don’t know I guess not. She comments a lot on Gloss’ post.” “So, how many of his followers do that? Why does she matter?” “Because she comments like she knows him.” Hobi scoffs, shaking his head frantically. “No, no, no. Gloss has been anonymous since he started SIO. There is no one on that site that knows him personally. Well, besides me.” “Just tell me who he is Hobi.” You kneel beside your friend pleading at him with your eyes. “Get out Y/N, I’m working.” “Fuck you Hobi. You’re the worst friend ever!” “Yeah, yeah.” He groans.
Back in your room, you comb through social media looking for girls named Misty. After what feels like hours, you come across your friend Steph’s Instagram post with a busty blonde tagged under the username Misty101 and you feel as if you’ve seen her before. You scroll through Steph’s page and find multiple posts with Misty, squealing when you see they takes classes together and seemingly know each other well.
The following day, you head to the main building hoping to “bump” into Misty. As you walk through the halls aimlessly, your eyes pop open at the sight of Misty walking towards you. “Hi, uh, Misty is it?” “Yeah? Do I know you?” She asks with a side eye but keeps walking. “Uh, no but I’ve seen you around with Steph.” “Oh, yeah. How are you? What can I do for you?” “I had kind of a weird question.” She stops walking now and turns to face you. “Like what?” “Like, um, do you know Gloss?” You whisper. She gives you an annoyed look, crossing her arms. “I follow him on SIO, so what? What are you the fun police?” “Uh, no, I follow him too. I meant; do you know him like in person.” She laughs heartily in your face. “You like him huh? I get it. He’s fucking hot. All those sexy videos he puts up online, what a tease. To answer your question, yes, I know him in person and no I won’t tell you who he is. What I can tell you is that you’re violating SIO’s privacy policy by coming to me like this. How you even found me I don’t know but I imagine stalking was involved. Stay away from me psycho and I won’t tell Gloss you’re looking for him.” She turns and begins walking away, leaving your mouth hanging open. “Oh, and since I’m sure you’re curious. Yes, we have fucked, and he is AMAZING in bed.” She laughs again, this time leaving.
You swallow down the lump in your throat and pull out your phone. Texting furiously, tears burning your eyes.
Me: The deal is off. Keep this latest payment as a FUCK YOU!! You’re a liar. You said you’ve never done this with anyone before but that was a lie, wasn’t it? Don’t contact me again!
Gloss: I have no idea what you’re talking about. If you want your money back, you can have it, but I never lied.
You read Gloss’ message and feel the tears stream down your face.
Me: I’m blocking you now!
“Alright guys, good job today! I’ll see you next week and I want to see that you’ve been practicing at home. Have a great weekend!” Yoongi waves off his students, plopping down at a piano and fiddling with the keys. He closes his eyes and begins to play a slow and melancholy tune, releasing the built-up tension from his text conversation with Y/N. He was growing tired of the back-and-forth game of playing himself and Gloss for her. He was ready to confess. “I forgot how talented you were.” He hears from the doorway, causing him to stop playing and open his eyes. He rolls his eyes at the sight of Misty standing before him. “Why are you here?” “We need to talk.” “Do we though?” “Yes, it’s important. You have a stalker.” She walks in, sitting at one of the other pianos. “Clearly.” He notes, closing the cover on the piano keys and standing. “Not me asshole. Some girl. She follows your SIO page and somehow found me and approached me on campus yesterday asking a lot of questions.”
Yoongi begins gathering his things, unbothered by this story, sure the girl was Y/N. “Let me guess. You told her we fucked.” Misty’s jaw drops before forming a pout. “Well, that was after I told her that I wouldn’t say a thing about you. I promised you I would protect your privacy and look I did. Aren’t you happy daddy?” She asks, sliding out of her seat and onto her knees before Yoongi. There was a time this would turn him on, he would happily grip her hair, fill her mouth with his cock and send her off but that time is no longer. Yoongi rolls his eyes again, “No Misty, happy isn’t the word I would use and please don’t call me daddy. I would’ve been happy to know that you had actually said nothing. Instead, you let jealousy get the best of you, didn’t you?” Yoongi moves forward, smirking when her eyes light up then drop as Yoongi walks past her, gathering his sheet music from just behind her.
She lets out a defeated moan. “Yes, you’re right. I’m sorry. She intimidated me, I guess. She’s really pretty and I thought about you touching her the way you used to touch me.” Yoongi chuckles now, throwing his backpack over his shoulder. “Get up,” He commands, “and next time someone approaches you about Gloss, just tell them you don’t know him. Remember, you fucked me, Yoongi, not Gloss. Gloss came into play after you and I were together. I was the fool who thought I could trust you with that side of my life. It seems I was wrong.” “No! Please Dad… Yoongi. I... I’m sorry,” She stands, grabbing Yoongi’s hand, “I didn’t tell her a thing. She knows nothing. I mean, do you know her? Like her?” Yoongi yanks his hand away. “You don’t get to ask me questions Misty. We are far from friends. Now, you need to leave. Thank you for being honest with me but this could’ve been a phone call.” “Look, I know I hurt you back when we dated Yoongi, but I still care about you. I just don’t want you getting caught up on some SIO stalker. Just be careful, ok?” He nods but says nothing else, releasing a held in sigh once she departs. He opens his messages in his phone, reading Gloss’ texts with Y/N, a newfound understanding to her anger.
Yoongi emerges from the shower happy to be home and relaxing. He tries to send a text message to Y/N’s phone.
ME: Good Evening Goddess. I hope you aren’t still upset with me. I’d really love to talk. It’s important.
*It appears this caller has blocked you*
Yoongi grumbles, tossing his phone to the side. He brushes his fingers through his still damp hair, reaching for the remote, when a knock on his door leaves him rolling his head back in annoyance. He hops up to answer the door, yanking it open. “Happy birthday!!” He hears, closing his eyes before the popped confetti can blind him. He feels two people push past him and he stands in the doorway dusting the confetti from his bangs before turning around to face his welcome wagon. “I’ve already ordered burgers, tacos, and pizza.” Hobi explains but it’s Y/N that he can’t take his eyes off. She stands in his kitchen, pulling a cake out of a box, not looking up at him. Hobi is filling the fridge with beer before walking over and hugging Yoongi. “Happy birthday Hyung!” “Thanks. To what do I owe the pleasure.” Yoongi nods to Y/N. “Uh, I’m going to run to the liquor store and grab some whiskey. Be back.” Hobi smiles, tapping Yoongi’s arm and taking his leave. “Happy birthday Yoongi. I told Hobi it was terrible idea to just barge in with cake in hand, but he said he always does this.” Y/N declares, finally looking at him. “Thanks. Yeah, it’s a yearly tradition for Hobi but I am surprised you’re here, especially after what happened between us.” She nods. “I’ve been meaning to talk to you. Explain myself better.” Yoongi waves her towards the couch. “Please do.” She walks over and takes a seat, tapping the couch for Yoongi to join her.
Yoongi sits beside her, resting his arms on the back of the couch, waiting for her to speak. She turns a bit to face him. “First I want to say that you did nothing wrong. I had an amazing time. You were amazing honestly.” She looks down as Yoongi licks his lips. “But.” Yoongi says, amused by his effect on her. “But I was, shouldn’t, have done that with you without telling you that I was talking to someone. It’s not fair to you. So, I want to apologize for that.” Yoongi nods. “Are we referring to the guy whose name you don’t know?” “Please don’t do that that. I know his name I just, you wouldn’t understand. It’s a complicated situation.” Yoongi laughs. “You making up a boyfriend so you wouldn’t have to deal with me? Yeah, that is a bit complicated for sure Y/N. I do, however, get the concepts of one-night stands. We could’ve just fucked and ended it there but to lie about some guy is childish no?” “I’m not lying. I am or was rather, talking to someone.” “Oh, so you’re not now?” “Well, no, we are kind of having a fight.” Yoongi nods, rubbing his eyes. “Well, good luck with your mystery man Y/N. I don’t want to intrude.” “If the circumstances were different Yoongi…” “Don’t do that. I don’t like to play in what ifs. Either you want me, or you don’t because I know what I want.” He declares. She stares at him, her bottom lip tucked in her teeth and Yoongi burns with desire for her. He just wants to confess, tell her everything right there. Scoop her into his lap and ravage her. She wants it too, he can see it in her eyes, how badly she craves him. “So, do you know what you want?” He whispers. “I bought a case. I figure we could use it.” Hobi pants, dropping the case on the counter. “Saved by the liquor.” Y/N whispers to Yoongi, who can’t help but chuckle at her comment.  
“He’s pretty but like hot.” You slur to Hobi, who laughs at you stumbling across the kitchen, cake in hand. “I’m sitting right here you know.” Yoongi drawls, running his hands through his hair to get it out of his face. You feel your pulse accelerate just watching him. “How do you know I’m talking about you?” You smirk at him, placing the cake before Yoongi. “Cause Hobi may be hot but he’s definitely not pretty.” He says while sipping from his whiskey glass. “Hey, people think I’m pretty. Breutiful actually.” Hobi hiccups, his face flushed. Yoongi laughs repeating the word ‘Breutiful’ under his breath. “You’re the most breutiful man I know Hoseok.” You tease, squeezing his cheeks. “Alright, alright, let's do this. 1.2. 1. 2. 3. Happy Birthday to you...” Hobi begins while you light the candles on the Yoongi’s cake, singing along. It goes dead silent as Yoongi smirks at the lit candles, then at you, then back at the cake. You smile at him suspiciously. “Hurry up, make a wish before they all melt down.” You urge. Yoongi tilts his head slightly, closing his eyes, muttering to himself, popping his eyes open abruptly and blowing out the candles. “What did you wish for?” Hobi hiccups. “He can’t say or else it won’t come true.” You scold Hobi, handing Yoongi a knife to cut the cake. “I’m good.” He waves before taking the knife from you. “You have to have cake on your birthday.” You tell him, cutting into the cake yourself. You hand him a slice, cutting a piece for Hobi and yourself after.
“I bet I can guess your wish.” Hobi points his fork at Yoongi. “Bet you can’t.” Yoongi smirks. Hobi just cracks up, slapping his leg leaving you feeling out of the loop to an inside joke. You roll your eyes at them, slowly looking around Yoongi’s place, taking in the subtle details when you notice the closed door beside the bathroom. “So, tell me Yoongi why do you have a two bedroom when you live alone?” You spin around looking down the hall of his apartment. “His office of course. How do you think he gets his work done?” Hobi slurs, sitting up to point at the room. “Shut up Hobi.” Yoongi clips, seeming uneasy. Your eyes light up and you rise from your seat.
“What kind of work?” You tease, walking towards the room. “Don’t.” Yoongi calls out to you sarcastically, completely unbothered by you walking off. “Is it like a 50 Shades Red Room?” You giggle, turning the knob, only to find it locked. “Is that what you want it to be?” Yoongi asks, suddenly behind you, causing you to yelp. “You scared me.” You whine, shoving him. He smiles, moving closer to you, until your back is pressed against the door. You lick your lips, feeling your pussy throb. “I should get Hobi home.” You pant, hearing Hobi grumble groggily from the living room. “Or you guys can crash.” Yoongi offers. Your heart flips at the thought and you chuckle nervously, feeling Yoongi’s breath on your cheek. “Where exactly would we sleep?” “Hobi’s found his spot and as for us, I don’t intend on sleeping tonight. Do you?” You look up into his lustful eyes, your needy moan caught by Yoongi’s mouth as he takes you into a passionate kiss. He wraps his arm around your waist, pulling you close to him, his tongue gliding across your bottom lip as a means of access and you happily deliver. You part your lips for him, giving him full allowance to ravage your mouth. You mewl desperately into the kiss when he expertly swirls his tongue around yours, your need soaking through your panties. “Yoongi,” You whine, breaking away to catch your breath, “We shouldn’t.” He kisses along your jaw and down your neck, suckling at the soft flesh, driving you wild. “If you want me to stop, I will, but don’t give me a bullshit excuse about some guy whose name you don’t know. Just be honest and tell me what you really want.” He whispers into your flesh between kisses.
You stare at each other for what feels like forever, the air surrounding you both being pulled into a black hole of need and lust. “It's not you, really. It’s me. My head is all over the place.” You whisper. Yoongi swallows hard, nodding, and moving away from you. “Are you upset?” You ask him. “Never,” He smiles, running his thumb across your cheek, “I can take the couch with Hoseok. You take my bed.” “No, you sleep in your bed. I wouldn’t feel right taking your bed.” You protest. “Has chivalry died Y/N?” You giggle at your owns words being thrown back at you, shaking your head in response. He takes your hand leading you over to his bedroom, opening the door to reveal his quaint candle lit room. “Sheets are clean, I just changed them today.” He notes. You look over the black bedsheets and smirk. “Black is your color Yoongi.” He hums in response. “Get some rest beautiful. I’ll see you in the morning.” You nod, walking into the room, turning to watch Yoongi leave. Your heart drops in your chest and you feel an immediate loneliness.
You sit on the edge of his bed, looking about, smiling at the bookshelf headboard that surrounds his bed. You read the names of the various books he has stacked and wonder to yourself if he’s read them all. On another shelf he has an alarm clock, a mini globe that you can't help but spin, and a baby photo of himself with what you imagine is his mother. You run your fingers along the shelves, humming in wonder when you feel an uneven ridge in one boxed section. You press on the section, gasping when it clicks to reveal a hidden drawer. You look back at the door to be sure no one is there and pull the drawer open. Inside you find a box of tissues, condoms, fabric ties, and a small black bottle of personal lubricant. “Such a naughty boy Min Yoongi.” You whisper, taking out the lube to read the label. A soft knock on the door startles you and you slam the drawer shut quickly turning to face the person entering. Yoongi enters, “Sorry, wanted to grab a hoodie. It's kind of chilly in the living room. I don’t normally sleep out there.” He chuckles, walking towards his dresser. “You don’t have to apologize, it's your room.” You murmur nervously tucking the bottle of lube under your shirt.
Yoongi looks over at you, hoodie in hand, “What are up to over there?” “Nothing, why?” He tilts his head slightly, biting his bottom lip and pointing behind you. “Find anything you like?” You turn your head and notice the drawer slightly open still. You begin to stutter out an explanation but can't seem to manage one. Soon, Yoongi is hovering over you, pushing the drawer closed until you hear a soft click. “You know, it’s rude to snoop.” He whispers, running his slender fingers along your jaw, turning your face upward to face him. You swallow hard, “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to.” “I know naughty girl but since you did, did you find anything you like?” He looks down into your lap, almost as if he has X-ray vision and can see you fiddling with the bottle in your hand. You nibble your bottom lip, looking down and exposing the black bottle. You hold it up and watch as a sly grin spreads across Yoongi’s face, the candlelight highlighting his full pout. “And just what were you looking to do with that?” He questions. “I was just reading it.” You whisper. “Mm hm and was it an interesting read?” He takes the bottle from you, examining it, and handing it back. “Not really.” You respond breathily, entranced by how he pouts down at you. “Well, if I recall correctly naughty girl, you were not in need of any assistance when it came to getting wet. So, that bottle is lost on you.” You shrug, rolling the bottle in your hand. “Well, I’ll leave you to it naughty girl. Get some rest.” He smiles, exiting the room.
You roll the bottle in your hand, pondering to yourself what it is you really want. You bite your lip, deciding to be brave and give in to your urges. This was Yoongi, not some faceless stranger online. Yoongi would understand, embrace you, make you feel good. You jumped up out of the bed, pulling off your pants and shirt, standing only in your underwear. You walk over to Yoongi’s dresser and grab a shirt from one of the drawers, throwing it over your body. You open the door to his room quietly, peaking out to find him sitting on the couch awake, the light from his phone illuminating his face. You look over and see Hobi still passed out, mouth open, drool hitting the pillow his head is resting on. You smirk to yourself, “Here goes nothing.” You make your way out of the room and towards Yoongi. He sits up immediately, “You ok?” You nod, raising the bottle of lube in your hand. “I was thinking that maybe this is lost on me, but it won't be lost on you. It is your birthday after all. I still owe you a gift.” You look down at him and smile giddily at his widened gaze.
“What happened to your head being all over the place?” He questions, sitting up straight and eyeing you suspiciously. You shrug, removing his shirt to reveal your sheer underwear underneath. “It is all over the place but right now I’m here, in this moment with you.” He shakes his head, his breath quickening at the sight of you half naked in front of him. “Y/N, you're killing me. What do you want? I can't keep up with this back and forth.” “Shh, just let me make you feel good.” You whisper, mounting him and catching his lips in a needy kiss. He growls into your mouth, gripping your hips tightly. You run your fingers up the back of his head, keeping him locked into the kiss, while pressing your chest into his. Soon his hesitation fades and he begins to ravage your mouth with his tongue, pressing his growing erection into your core. You moan loudly when he grinds up against your heat, trailing kisses along your neck. You begin to flick your hips to rub your core along his hard on, needing friction against your swollen bud, crying out when he nibbles on your collar bone. “Fuck, you feel so good pressed against me.” He moans into the flesh of your neck, licking and sucking his way down to your cleavage. “Please god tell me these nipple rings are real?” He groans, suckling on your erect nipple through your sheer bra. You gasp at the sensation that shoots down to your dripping cunt, calling out his name when he grabs a handful of your ass, squeezing tightly, then coming down on the flesh hard with his palm. The loud *SLAP* filling the room.
Hobi groans incoherently across from you both and neither of you can help but look in his direction, just to be sure he’s still passed out. Once you realize he is still fast asleep, you begin grinding into Yoongi’s lap again, the feel of his thick cock driving you crazy. “Maybe we should go to my bedroom.” Yoongi suggests. “No, the thought of getting caught turns me on.” You moan, pressing harder into Yoongi’s erection. He can't help but throw his head back, chuckling loudly, “You never fail to surprise me naughty girl.” “Can I touch your cock now daddy?” You moan, shoving Yoongi back into the couch. His eyes go dark with heated lust and he nods, running his hands down your arms as you reach for his waist band. You keep eye contact with him as you take his length in your grasp, squeezing it and a sweet moan from his throat before pulling it from his sweats. He sucks a breath in through his teeth at the feel of you pumping his cock. “Fuck, that feels good.” “Bet I can make it better.” You say, planting a kiss on his soft pout. You grab the black bottle of lube from beside you and flip the top open, playfully allowing a long spurt to drool down his tip. He groans at the sensation, gripping your hips once again when you grab him with both hands, gliding and twisting your fists up and down his length, spreading the cool liquid about.
“Shit.” He says under his breath, dropping a hand between your thighs to rub your clothed clit. You moan, bucking your hips at his touch. “Don't, its ok. This is about you.” You whisper to him, dropping your left hand into his sweats to cup his balls, kneading and tugging at them, whilst giving him long languid strokes with your right hand. He’s a panting mess of curses, his head lolling back and forth, unsure if he wants to look down and watch you work, or stare into your eyes. “You like the way I stroke your cock daddy? Am I doing it well?” You tease, knowing the answer from his uncontrollable moans and groans. “Don’t tease, just make me cum.” He growls through clench teeth. You lick your lips happily, using your sticky hands to pull his sweats down. He lifts his hips to assist you, smirking as you gaze upon his fat cock. “Better than Trevor?” He whispers, stroking himself while you stare in awe. You grab the bottle again this time squirting the lube onto your cleavage, moving your breast apart so the cool liquid slides between your mounds. “Oh, fuck.” Yoongi whimpers, watching you drop to your knees in front of him. “Tell me if you want me to stop daddy.” You whisper, taking Yoongi’s cock from him and giving it a few strokes before leading it under your bra and between your lathered breasts.
His head falls back as you begin to squeeze your tits together, rocking your upper body back and forth across his length. “God, shit, fuck.” He chants over and over, dropping his head down to watch the show. “You’re so fucking amazing. God, please don’t stop.” He moans, gripping the couch cushions beside him. “I’m gonna make you cum for me daddy, all over my tits, all over my face.” You tease, picking up your pace, squeezing your mounds around him tighter. His breath quickens with your pace and he leans forward to free your breast, switching between tugging on your nipples and rolling your piercings between his fingers. You moan at the amazing sensation, fucking him faster with your tits, focusing attention on his sensitive tip. His mouth hangs open and soon he covers your hands with his, kissing you hard, swirling his tongue around in your mouth. “I’m gonna cum all over these amazing tits naughty girl. You’re going to look so amazing covered in my cum.” He grunts, squeezing your tits around his cock harder, hitching his hips upwards now. “Cum for me daddy.” “Fuck, fuck, fuck.” He growls, his hot seed shooting out rapidly onto your tits, neck, and soon your open mouth. He sucks in a breath at the feel of you suckle on his tip, cleaning the last bits of orgasm away. “You’re fucking gorgeous.” He chuckles, tilting his head and swirling his cum around on your exposed tits. “Happy Birthday daddy.” You whisper, taking his now dirty hand into your mouth to clean his digits of his mess. “Best birthday ever Y/N.” You smile at him, covering your tits up with your bra again.
“You guys are a bunch of fucking freaks. I’m going to sleep in your room Hyung. Ugh, disgusting. Add this to the list of things I never needed to see.” Hobi grumbles, making his way to Yoongi’s room. You and Yoongi stare at Hobi as he walks away in shock before looking at one another and bursting into laughter. “Please God let him not remember this in the morning.” “I thought getting caught turned you on.” “I said the thought of getting caught, not actually getting caught!” You explain. “Well, come on naughty girl, lets take a shower. I’ll return the favor for an amazing birthday gift.” “Yoongi. That’s ok. I’ll just clean up on my own. I’m still kind of in my head you know. I really like you I just, I’m not ready to be serious with you, at least not till I break things off with the guy I’m talking to.” Yoongi looks at you with pure annoyance on his face. He shakes his head and stands quickly. “I’m gonna go sleep in my office. Feel free to enjoy the couch. Thanks again for the birthday gift or whatever.” He grumbles. “Yoongi please, don’t be upset.” “I’m not mad at you Y/N. I’m mad at myself. I fall for the same bullshit over and over because I actually like you and keep thinking that something will come of this but honestly, I don’t know why? You don’t like me the way I like you. Maybe I just need to take a step back. This is torture you know. For the both of us. It’s not just you though. It’s my fault too, so, I’m sorry. Have a goodnight.” “Yoongi, please.” You whimper. “It’s all good Y/N, don’t worry about it.” Yoongi heads to his office, pulling a chain from his neck and using the key that dangles from it to unlock the door. You stare at him until he disappears completely, dropping your head into your hands once he’s gone.
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joaquinwhorres · 4 years
shots (Diego Hargreeves x Reader)
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SUMMARY ››››› Dating is hard. But it's even harder when you know you're dating the wrong people. The right guy just isn't interested.
REQUEST ››››› ANNA HI HELLO FRIEND. okay, you're taking requests? i'm gonna SCREAM but okay could you do number 45 and diego, please? also i'm gonna look at the thing you sent me last night right now (45. Rubbing the back of their hand with a thumb.) 
WORD COUNT ››››› 3,016
WARNINGS ››››› takes place partially at a shooting range
A/N ››››› I wrote this as a continuation of alone together, but it can really be read as a standalone. I just loved the reader + Diego's dynamic, so here's more.
You've been into Diego Hargreeves since your police academy days, which is to say, a nearly obscene amount of time. It's hard to pinpoint exactly how long it's been, though, because as with most things, falling for him was a rather fluid process. One minute you were reveling in the fact that you were suddenly single for the first time in three and a half years. The next, you were hanging off every word in his tirade about saving teargas for bad guys rather than protestors. And yet, it also felt so sudden. As if he had come out of nowhere and clotheslined you the way he did one of the instructors in restraint training.
And while it's hard to say when you fell for him, why is entirely too easy. You liked him because he wasn't afraid. He was stupid and brash, but he was bold and honest when it mattered. But more than that, you liked how he cared so deeply and passionately about doing the right thing rather than doing things the right way. Even when it cost him. 
Also, his forearms.
You’re watching them now, muscles rippling under his tight long sleeved shirt as he raises the gun, his gaze intensely focused on the target. You hope he doesn’t see you staring in his periphery because it’s pretty obvious you’re not just checking his form. There's a breath and then he fires five rounds into the piece of paper, every shot precise and lethal. 
“That’s how it’s done, baby,” he grins, laying the gun down as he steps back to direct his excitement at you. As if he'd ever done anything less than absolutely perfect at the range. Still, you can’t help but smile back even as you roll your eyes. You love it when he calls you baby. Even though he only ever says it to tease you, it still feels like it's your nickname that he has for you. 
Yeah. You’ve got it bad. 
Which is unfortunate because he simply doesn't. He's never so much as shown a single bit of interest besides the first day he met you, and let his eyes linger on your body a little too long. But after that? Nothing. It soon became clear that he only had eyes for Eudora, and while it was tempting to be jealous it was all too understandable. She was gorgeous and smart and kind and obviously going to make a damn good cop. But even after that imploded, he never seemed interested. You'd come to the conclusion that you were simply too close, which was unfortunate but also fine.
It would be fine.
You just need to follow your friends’ advice and find someone new to focus on. And not just flings. You've tried the "get over by getting under" method and it just doesn't work. You need romance, a good personality, someone you want to see again outside of the bedroom. What you need is a boyfriend. Instead you've gotten:
Ghosted more times than you can count
Four no-shows for dates
One catfish
Five break up texts
Seven dick pics
Six angry men calling you a whore
Three dates that were meant for other people
The most recent of the “oops I texted the wrong girl” dates had been a week ago, and you suspect it's also the reason Diego dragged you out to the shooting range today. Diego doesn't talk about feelings--you learned that real quick--but he is more empathetic than he looks. He just doesn't know how to translate that into words. Thus, shooting range. It's sweet. 
Except for the fact that he's an insufferable show off. That makes it a bit less sweet.
“Yeah, yeah, cheater,” you huff, moving forward to take his spot at the firing line. Obviously you can't tell if he cheated, but his arms had looked a bit too low for one of those shots to be as perfect as it was. You pick up the gun, waiting for his instructions, eyeing the target. 
"Head right 7, body right 9, body bullseye, head bottom 9, body bottom 8," he decides. Of course he gave you more body than head shots. 
It's tempting to insist that he keeps up the pretense that this is an even and fair competition and give you another head shot. But your time is running out, and who are you kidding--you'd like the win. So, you nod to confirm his choices before lifting the gun up and taking a breath in to clear your head of all else, the constant rejection, the unrequited crush, the stress at work, so you can focus. And then, you breathe out.
Your shots aren’t as pretty as Diego’s, but they all hit their marks. 
“Not bad,” he says as you place down the gun and then spin around to grin at him. 
“Not bad?” you echo back, gesturing to the target. “That’s the best all day.”
“That's the best you got all day,” he corrects, smugly. “Not the best.”
The smile vanishes from your face, replaced with narrowed eyes. "You're a dick."
He laughs then as you double check the chamber to make sure the gun's unloaded and ready to be packed up. "A huge dick," you clarify, placing the firearm in its case and turning to follow him out.
"Better than a small one," he shoots back, removing his headphones once the two of you enter the lobby.
If it weren't for range safety and all that, you'd kick him in the back of the knees. Instead, you settle on glaring at the back of his head as he checks the two of you out, stuffing your safety glasses and headphones into your bag.
"I really hate you, you know that right?" you ask as the two of you push through the door and out into the parking lot. 
"Not sure I'd say that if I was the person who needs a ride home," Diego smirks at you over his shoulder as the two of you reach his car. 
"Like there's even going to be room for me in the car anymore now that your head's so big," you say, reaching over to flick him on the side of the head. Before he has a chance to respond you speed walk to the passenger's seat and get in before he can lock you out.
"You're lucky I like you," Diego says, pointing a finger at you before he climbs in, sticks the keys in the ignition and shifts into reverse. You take your cell phone out of your pocket as he pulls out of the parking spot, hand resting on the back of your chair so he can look over his shoulder. You feel your cheeks grow hot and are thankful that his eyes are on the road and yours are on your phone screen. 
There are approximately 16 unread messages.
None of them are good.
In fact, you're feeling pretty crushed as you scroll through them. It doesn't help when Diego withdraws his arm to shift the car into drive. He pulls out of the parking lot and onto the main road, and you try to pull yourself together but end up just wilting into your seat. It's not your friends' fault. Yesenia's babysitter fell through. Galilea was caught up with more work than she anticipated. Lilly probably really did need the extra time to study for her actuarial exam. These were all reasonable excuses. But it still sucked.
"What's up?" Diego asks as you slow to a stop at the red light. 
"Nothing," you say absent mindedly, texting out a message to the group. Life happens 🙃How about next Saturday?? 
Diego's eyes dart to you before going back to the road as the light turns green. "Y/N," he prompts.
You turn off your screen and cast a look at him. "It's really nothing; my friends just cancelled on me tonight." He remains quiet and you try to push out the growing frustration that you've been planning this for a solid week and it's only now, hours before, that all of these conflicts pop up. "We were supposed to go out," you sigh. "You know, do drinks and dancing."
He's silent again, only the sound of the turn signal clicking echoing throughout the car.  "Alright, so what time tonight?" Diego finally asks, pulling you from your thoughts. 
It takes longer than it should to piece together what he's offering, but the thought of Diego taking you dancing is just too much on so many levels. The most immediate level being how absolutely hilarious it would be to see Diego dance. The thought alone elicits a surprised laugh.
"What's so funny?" Diego asks, his brow furrowing. It's clear he wants to glare at you but the car ahead moves, and he takes his chance to make the left turn. 
"You want to go dancing?" You ask, through giggles.
"And?" He sounds offended, but you're still trying to picture Diego on the dance floor and every resulting image is sending you into further hysterics. He catches on, eventually. "You don't think I can dance!"
"Mm-mm," you hum, shaking your head, and there's literally tears coming down from your eyes as you picture Diego doing the Hitch dance at the club. God, he always knew how to pull you out of your spirals. 
His face screws up into a frown, and you can vaguely tell he's annoyed. Unfortunately, you don't care. "I'm a great dancer!" he protests, turning onto your street. 
"Ok, ok," you say, finally calming down enough to stop laughing and wipe away the tears from your eyes. "Meet here at 9 and we'll decide on a place?" you ask as he pulls into a spot near your building.
He nods, still clearly annoyed, but he's a good friend, better than most, and doesn't rescind his offer. In return you give him a beaming smile as you climb out the door. Almost immediately you turn around and tap on the window. He raises an eyebrow and rolls it down. 
"You know you're not allowed to wear that, right?" You check, pointing at his black on black tactical uniform. He looks as if he's a real life Batman. Right now he's giving you the Batman glower. "I'm serious, Diego. Go shopping if you have to." 
"Bye, Y/N," he says, pulling away from you without even bothering to roll the window up. You smile to yourself and walk to your building's front door. You cannot wait for tonight.
  Diego knocks on your door a few minutes after nine. It's tempting to give him a hard time about being late, to tell him that you thought yet another friend had abandoned you in your hour of need, but seeing as he had to rearrange whatever plans he had in order to take you out dancing, you decide to let him off the hook. 
You're kind of glad that you didn't come up with a witty line for when you opened the door because holy shit, he’s handsome.
In a way, he's stuck to the usual uniform. It's black on black, and he clearly has put no effort into his hair or shaving the stubble lining his jaw, but he's missing the usual tactical harness, armguards, and gloves. Instead, his arms are on full display, and while you're able to admire his muscles under his usual tight black shirt, it's nothing compared to what that short sleeved button up is doing for him. He looks broader, fuller, and more human than you've ever seen him.
"Look at you, all cleaned up," you say, allowing your eyes to run over his body under the pretense that you're teasing him. "Do a twirl for me," you demand, spinning your finger. He rolls his eyes, but slowly spins in a circle so you can admire each angle. "It'll do," you say, allowing him into the apartment.
"Glad I meet the standard," he says, coming in further. You're still staring at him and are able to see the exact moment his eyes land on the two shot glasses and bottle of tequila that you've placed out on your kitchen island. His eyes light up and naturally, he makes a bee line for the booze. Even more naturally, you follow him.
"We're gonna have a good time, then?" he asks, eyeing the tequila.
"Oh yeah," you confirm, grabbing the shaker of salt from the table on your way into the kitchen. Diego pours out a shot for each of you, sloshing a bit on the counter as you salt your hand. When you pass the salt over to him, your fingers brush causing a warm and tingling sensation to stir in your stomach. You probably shouldn't have already taken a couple of sips from the bottle. Maybe if you hadn't, you wouldn't be watching him so intently as he licks his hand. You're able to tear your eyes away to grab a lime and place one in front of him as he finishes.
"To a good time," Diego says, raising his glass to yours. You clink your shot glass against his before swiping the salt off your hand with your tongue, following it with the silver tequila burning its way down your throat. Placing the glass down, you grab the wedge of lime and bite into it, allowing the lime juice to ease the sweeten the sting.
"Mm," you hum, taking the lime out of your mouth and placing it on the opposite edge of the cutting board from the rest of the lime slices. Diego places his wedge over yours and looks at you. 
"Another?” he asks, and well, you can’t let the rest of the lime go to waste. Besides, even well drinks are expensive these days. 
After your second shot, Diego moves to clean up the island as you watch. “Taxi should be here at 9:30.”
“You decide on a place yet?” he asks, and you hum a yes, eyes on him as he places the bottle of tequila up with the rest of your alcohol. It's easy to blame the tequila, but you're not sure if that's 100% why you feel the surge of almost overwhelming tenderness for him. 
"Hey, Diego?" your voice comes out a bit smaller than you'd like, and he notices too because he turns to face you immediately, eyebrows raised. "Thanks for coming out tonight."
He relaxes, shoulders dropping slightly, and his smile which always looks like it's caught between being a smirk and a genuine grin comes out. "We're supposed to be alone together, right?"
"Right," you agree, and you're certain he'll see your affection glowing off you like some kind of aura. Except he turns quickly back to dump the cutting board and knife into the sink.
"How's all that going by the way?" he asks, still bent over the sink. He has to mean dating. Or maybe your feelings. You're proficient in Diego-speak but you're not sure if you'll ever be fully fluent. He's hard to read his words; it's much easier to read his face.
"I think I meant what I told you," you say with a sigh. "I think I'm done with all that."
He turns around to face you then, and you can see the concern and sadness on his face. Sympathy is a rare emotion for Diego, and you don't like how it makes you feel. "Look, if you want to find someone, you can't give up."
"It's just hard to put myself out there when I know none of them are right," you say, frustration and an aching loneliness fizzing under your skin. "You know? None of them are you." The words come out too fast to stop, and it takes less than a breath to reach you could grab them out of the air. Your face is growing hot, but you push it back down and quickly try to remedy the situation, “I mean none of them are like you.” 
He seems a bit frozen as well, assessing, and you wish to God that you had another shot of tequila right now to take your attention off of the way his brow creases slightly and mouth turns down. “You don’t want me,” he says finally with a shake of his head. 
You do. 
You really do.
“What’s wrong with you?” you ask, not liking his tone or the way he's still frowning slightly and can't meet your eyes.
He shakes his head again but steps forward to stand across the island from you. “I’m not going to psychoanalyze myself, but I gotta lotta shit. I don’t know if you could put up with two of us. And I'm not letting you throw me away for some guy who came after.”
You sit there quietly, taking in his words and trying to hear what he was saying. What he was really saying underneath and you don't like any of the deductions you're able to come up with. “Y/N?” he asks, tilting his head slightly, and you know you've been quiet too long right after he's been as vulnerable as he can be. 
“You know I don’t consider it putting up with you, Diego, right?” You ask, quietly. It’s important he knows. He has to know at least that. 
He gives an attempt at a smirk, but it doesn't make it to his eyes. “What else would you call dealing with my bullshit?”
You reach out to him, wiggling your fingers in an insistence that he take your hand. It takes a second, and some aggressive eye contact for him to take your hand, but when he does, you fold your hand over his, smoothing over the knuckles with your thumb. There’s scars there. Probably from his childhood. Or last week. “I’d call it returning the favor.” 
He snorts but doesn't take his hand away. Instead he squeezes your hand, and you know he'll never tell you that he loves you, but this feels pretty close. You squeeze his hand back.
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koreanmadeingreece · 3 years
Why, why, why (10)
University student!Yuta x reader
Genre: slight enemies to lovers au, a bit of angst, a lot of fluff, and several mixups
Summary: You just got into uni and decided to move in with your childhood friend!Taeyong at the city where you are going to study. As you’re about to start your new, adult life, you meet his friends, and you realize that not everyone likes you. Nakamoto Yuta in particular almost seems like he hates you.
A/N: In this fic, Jonghyun from NU’EST appears for a while (just to avoid confusion). Also we’re so close to the end guyyyyys!!!!
Warnings: Some making out hiiihihihiihihi (also I think some fu and shi words?)
Word count: 1.7K
Part 10/11 (I think) First / Previous / Next
Taglist: @melitadala @chxotickpoptrash @aiforyuu @fineapplehoe (let me know if you’d like to be tagged!) (also idk a friend informed me that my tags weren't working so I'm redoing all of them in all my posts sorry about thaaat)
During the next few days, you barely went to your classes. You didn’t want to see anyone. You didn’t even spend much time with Taeyong, as he reminded you of what had happened. You took a few days to yourself, just to let yourself calm down after the storm. After about a week, you were ready to come back in touch with the rest of the world.
On Monday, first thing in the morning, you stopped by the café where Jonghyun worked, and got your regular coffee. By some sort of miracle, there wasn’t much work, so he was able to steal a few minutes for you.
“Jonghyun,” you said.
“Yeah,” he replied, noticing how you got all serious.
“I’m sorry.”
“For what?”
“For disappearing this week.”
“It’s okay. It happens. I just need you to be okay and to tell me if there’s anything I can do to help.” He was reassuring towards you, even though you had practically ghosted him all this time. Sure, you texted a few times, but you were never actually there.
“Can you be any more perfect than you already are?” you joked.
“Only when I’m with you.”
It was true that you were dating for almost three months and things had started to get more serious as time went by. For the next few weeks, you tried to spend more time with him, inviting him over to your house when you knew Taeyong wouldn’t be there. Thankfully for you, he had a busy schedule as a third year. Sometimes you knew he went out on purpose, just to leave the house for you. He was the perfect friend.
At the same time, you had started seeing Yuta less and less. You tried not to be home when you knew he’d be there but tried not to be entirely rude and saw him every now and then at uni or sometimes you stopped by when the guys were out. You kept your distance, to keep things from going the wrong way.
You knew that Yuta probably wondered why you stopped seeing him so suddenly. You trusted that it would be forgotten as time went by, and that you’d eventually find a way to casually coexist around each other without fighting or disrupting your well-being. Because that’s what it was, a disruption. Before you even came, he was fine, and you were too. Before you decided to get to know him, things were quiet. Sure, you fought sometimes, but nothing happened.
You had fucked up, and you knew it pretty well. Sometimes you’d see Yuta around uni, talking to his friends or heading to a class, and he’d steal glances from you. He’d slow down his walk to see if you’d talk to him, but you rarely did. You noticed how every time he waited for you, but you never gave him any attention. You hated to do this. You didn’t want to avoid him either. But, with the way things had turned out, you didn’t have any choice.
A few days later, you finished class earlier than usual and found Jonghyun at uni. His classes were over for the day, and you decided to spend some time together. You invited him over, as you knew Taeyong had at least one more class before he headed home. In that way, you’d spend about three hours alone and you’d have the house to yourselves. Both of you wanted some alone time, considering that your relationship was more stable than ever. Jonghyun was happy to follow you home. You opened the windows to get some light in and brought him a cup of his favorite tea. You sat for a while, discussing how your day was, when he decided to put some music on. It was a relaxing playlist with artists that both of you liked.
You sat next to each other on the couch, your legs on top of his lap. When his hands started caressing your legs, you knew it was time for more. In a quick movement, you climbed on top of him, spreading your legs on each of his sides. You placed your lips against his, slowly luring him into your mood.
“Wait, what about Taeyong?” he asked, as you were in the living room.
“His classes end at 8PM. Don’t worry about it.” You continued kissing him and started to grind on his crotch.
He was eager to respond, slowly starting to suck your neck. “I want you, Y/N.” You loved how his voice sounded when he whispered to you. You felt wanted, desired.
You didn’t waste any time and unbuttoned his shirt, seeing his bare body underneath you. You loved the sight of him desperately wanting you, panting from the excitement. You let him take off your shirt as well, and briefly got up to take off your pants as well, staying in your underwear. You sat on top of him again, somehow embarrassed by the way he was looking at you. He glided his hand from your chest to your stomach, admiring how you looked, then went lower, getting it inside your panties. You wanted him, and moaned his name as his body touched yours, his fingers inside you. His lips went from your neck to your chest, sucking your skin. You were ready, and you wanted him. For the next few seconds, all you wanted was him.
~ ☼ ~
Taeyong decided to skip his last class and head home early to rest. “Yuta, are you coming?”
“Sure.” And so, the guys headed home in Yuta’s car, since Taeyong asked him to help with some stuff he needed to carry. Yuta parked in front of the house and got out of the house to help Taeyong.
“I’ll bring the stuff. Can you go unlock the door for me?” Taeyong asked, giving Yuta the keys.
Yuta went ahead and unlocked the entrance door, then went up to your apartment. When he realized what was going on in the living room, it was too late.
~ ☼ ~
You moaned Jonghyun’s name, as his fingers worked magic inside you.
“Y/N are those-” Jonghyun had heard the keys on the door, but the damage was already done. Yuta had walked in, seeing you on top of Jonghyun, him sucking your breasts. He froze. He looked you dead in the eye for a second that seemed like eternity, and walked out of the door, closing it behind him. You immediately got up and put your clothes back on, leaving Jonghyun alone to get dressed too. You stormed out of your apartment, only taking your keys with you.
“Taeyong,” you said as you saw him at the entrance, “where’s Yuta?”
“Y/N what happened? I sent him to help me, and he came back running. He didn’t take his car. I think he left.”
“Fuck, Taeyong.” You went towards the street to find him, but he had already disappeared.
“Y/N, tell me.” Taeyong approached you.
“I screwed up. He saw us, Taeyong.”
“You mean, like, walked in on you?” he asked.
“Yeah. I thought you’d finish at 8. Fuck. I should have asked.”
“Whatever’s done is done now. Go to Jonghyun and I’ll find him, don’t worry,” Taeyong said, giving you his stuff. At that moment, you knew you’d have to give Jonghyun an explanation. You didn’t know what to say though. Why did you storm out? Why did Yuta run off and why did you chase him? Suddenly, it hit you. You were wrong all this time. Jonghyun wasn’t the one who you wanted to spend more time with. Jonghyun wasn’t the man you actually wanted.
You went back inside, determined to clear it all up. It was your fault for not seeing this earlier anyway. “Jonghyun, I need to talk to you.”
“I was wondering how long it’d take you. Apparently around three months.”
“What?” you asked, surprised.
“At first I didn’t know, I noticed it at the movie night, but I wasn’t sure.” He paused. “I brushed it off. I thought I was just misreading things. When you stormed out right now, that couldn’t be my misinterpretation.” He grabbed his jacket and headed to the door.
“I’m sorry,” you said.
“It was amazing while it lasted.”
“Yes, it was. You are perfect, Jonghyun, but I’m not the one you should be with.”
He smiled at you. “I know. I just would have appreciated it if you had told me sooner.” He was right, and he had every reason to hate you.
“I didn’t know myself.”
“More like you didn’t want to admit it.”
“Yeah, that too.” You paused. “I’m sorry. Again.”
“Yeah.” With that word, he left you alone in the living room. You hoped he’d called you names, cursed at you, but he didn’t. That was partly the reason you were more certain than ever about your choices. You weren’t madly in love with each other, and no matter how perfect your relationship was, you couldn’t have stayed together for much longer.
You grabbed your phone. You called him, but he wasn’t answering. You called Taeyong. “Where are you?”
“I went over to Yuta’s. He’s not here.”
“Fuck. I called him and he’s not answering either.”
“I know. I called him too. Don’t call him for a while, and maybe he’ll reach out to me. I’m coming back in a few minutes.”
Taeyong opened the door and found you crying on the couch, waiting for him. “I fucked up, Taeyong.”
“No, don’t cry. We’ll find him and we’ll settle it, okay?” he wrapped his arms around you.
“I’m a horrible person. And stupid. It was him I liked all along and I blew my chance.” You leaned on his shoulder and stayed like this until you calmed down.
The next morning found both of you sleeping together on your bed, just so you had company to get through the night. You opened your eyes, your head hurt from all the tears you shed the previous day, and you knew that Yuta would be in a similar state if not worse. You were determined to end this once and for all.
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popculturebuffet · 4 years
The Legend of the Three Caballeros: Shangri-La-Di-Da and Sheldgoose Squaredance Reviews: The Last Ride (Comissoned by WeirdKev27)
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SALUDOS AMGIOS.. THIS IS IT! The finale review of my retrospective on the Three Caballeros THE RIDE OF THE THREE CABLLEROS. It’s the final ride. While there will be, as i’ve said the last few time, a little epilogue to celebrate finishing this, as clocking in at 15 reviews, one best of list coming next week and covering a film, two sizeable comic book stories, and 18 episodes of television, this has been one of my largest projects and one of my proudest. But there will be time to look back next week. For now i’m amped up, excited about this series and excited to finish. So after the cut join me for one last full ride as our heroes face their final hour! 
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Shangri-La-De-Da: Our penultimate adventure begins with the Cabs returning home after training with King Arthur, where they apparently got a years worth of training in a day.. because apparently Camelot is one giant hyperbolic time chamber. But the training’s paid off as our heroes are now at their most skilled and most powerful: As a result Jose skifully and perfectly cuts an orange in seconds, Panchito ropes an apple from a nearbye stand (and the owner’s really cool about it since Panchito gives him the money for it “Thanks magic rope!”) and Donald.. breaks everything but in a really impressive ways. Our heroes are at their best and ready to take on Feldrake when the time comes, while Ari and the Bear.. are hiding what happened last episode with the girls investigating. Hey can’t win em all. Meanwhile Sheldrake is leading Sheldgoose into the Manor.. after a few goofs on him running into the barrier because he’s a petty asshole. They decsend into the depths bellow leaving Leopold to guard. 
Back at the Cabana Donald just wants one more thing... Daisy. 
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I’ve.. gone on about why he shouldn’t do this last time. He deserves better. Xandra is right there and while she’s treated him shabbily from time to time. it’s more human error versus... everything with Daisy just everything. This plot point has been nothing but pain and suffering for me and it’s not changing that track record in these last two episodes, though thankfully it’s barely in the finale, so my own track record of screaming about daisy in text form every time she shows up will also remain in tact. He does this because Xandra offered them a vacation so he won’t be distracted.. again why isn’t she the love intrest? I dunno maybe sh’es more into Jose.  And Daisy sucks on arrival, phrasing, as her response to Donald’s call wasn’t to just.. tell him no but to go to his place to clearly tell him no to his place saying “Let’s recap, you abandoned me in a bad part of town, spent our date in the bathroom all night in a hula skirt, then brainwashed my nieces into helping you trick me with a dummy”. Okay Daisy, you want to recap, you insufferable, pompus, selfish, self absorbed, overly demanding, overly haughty, golddigging rose colored shrew?
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Let’s fucking recap: He left you in a bad part of town because he got FIRED from his job and found out his house burned down, something you REFUSED to let him explain. You found out about this and then proceded to berate him over dinner, saying he couldn’t possibly help people. While he did spend a while in the bathroom with a hula skirt nad never explained it the ONE point you have.. he LEFT to go help his friends, with you once again leaving instead of letting him come back and explain later or leaving but going to his place to hash this out or just dump him. THEN, something you CAREFULLY omitted, you moved on which is fine.. as a way to make him jealous, bringing the guy to his door to rub his beak in your new relationship with not a hint of shame,a nd ran off whie he was fighting for his life clearly. Now seeing things were more complicated, you asked NO follow up questions, imposed a date on him and while he did lie your nieces WERE NOT FUCKING BRAINWASHED. This was of their own free will you unbleivible she demon. You are so up your own ass you can’t even see the obvious. And then you came here JUST to say all this and be mean to Donald one more time. While Donald shoudln’t of called you up it’s not because of all that it’s because your a heartlress, selfish, shrivled husk of a person. You care about NO ONE but yourself, and that includes Donald. Fuck you and the horse you rode in on. 
So Xandra just zaps them away and says she’s perfect for Donald. 
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Donald and Daisy end up in the himlayas.. cue the music. 
Why isn’t this game on Switch? Questions for later. Point is our heroes find a cave to duck in and a yeti.. who after clearing their throat reveals Xandra left them at the entrance for Shangri-La, and the inside is intorduced.. with a very lackluster musical number. A weak note for the songs to go out on but not bad, though Donald is pissed off because that’s his schtick here.. though credit where it’s do: Since I didn’t know everything and hadn’t finished it turns out his anger was delebrate.. but we’ll get to that and why it dosen’t work in a moment.  Back at the Cabana the boys fence with bread before Panchito gets a flash as Sheldgoose puts the first amulet into..some kind of melting pool... and the girls confirm what happened seconds later. Feldrake has the amulets, which were used to seal him last time as revealed in last episode, and is melting them into his own power. The final battle is nigh! So Xandra goes to fetch Donald.. and comes back as she CAN’T. Donald and Daisy signed a contract and they can’t leave till ALL their problems are solved. And given Donald is carried off after his anger issues not only are evident when, given a pillow representing his frustratoins he destroys it, but he DENIES having anger issues, he’s dragged off to some extreme thereapy.. i.e. a Self Reflecting reflecting pool that manifests his anger as a giant, sausgey, pissed off version of himself and he reacts as you’d expect and gets flattned.  Back at the Cabana, Xandra breaks the bad news.. and whie Jose TRIES to reassure them, his amulet is next to go so he gets a flash of it being destroyed and our heroes now have to scramble to take on Sheldgoose.. WITHOUT Donald.  Back at donald’s inner hulk.. man I love this fucking job, Donald is pounding away until his own flash breaks things for a moment.. and sends him into his own head. We’re then treated to an acid sequece, an homage to Donald’s surreal reverire from the original movie that while not as wild, is still gloriously bizzare. Donald rencounters the teapot ghost thing that’s apparently part of his psyche from the first episode that gets him to consider why his life is like this and he goes through a lot of moments of the first episodes.. conviently eddting out daisy’s questionable behavior and the fact some things had actual catalysits.  See the idea of Donald FACING his anger issues and growing from them is fine. But this has two faults. One, it assuems you can just.. cure anger issues. You can’t. Anger is a normal emotion and as someone with them I hope to generally work thorugh mine with a therapist.. but I know they just don’t magically go away and therapy is a process and your mental issues are lifelong things you have to grapple away. It’s not the MOST insulting treatment of emtoinal issues i’ve seen, as Total Drama you know had someone with MPD cured with a fucking button press, but it’s not great.  And the second is this was poorly set up. Donald was an angry asshole all series yes and it was an issue.. but it wasn’t really FRAMED as a character arc. Just Donald being donald. So while having that be the source of his issues is a good idea for a character arc for im it comes off sloppy and forced because it’s been treated more like a joke or a character trait and less like a SERIOUS issue or the problem with him and Daisy. Hell they put the whole Dapper duck thing in there when he was fine that episode and is rightfully angry about that if at the wrong person. This whole thing just feels rushed, forced and unsatsifying and is a hsame for such a good idea
The payoff is good though, as when Donald awakens and let’s his anger wash away.. he just stands as the anger donald tries to beat the crap out of him.. but can’t do anything to him since he’s calm. He’s fine, and he’s released.. and his shock collar is disabled. Good quick gag.  Meanwhile our heroes aren’t sure what to do despite having tons of magical items.. until they think what would donald do.. and he’d just at least try and thus corm a GIANT FUCKING MAGIC CANON OUT OF THEM. Very nice. They blow the doors off.. and through the back.. and into the money bin where we get a scrooge cameo. 
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And he’s voiced by Eric Bauza.. which is sadly not great because it’s far from his best work and dosen’t even really attempt a scottish accent. 
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But our heroes storm the gate.. after Xandra easily disposes of the dog guards.. who Sheldgosoe apparently raised to do this... still not entirely over that. They find the staircase and the triplets op to go back while the rest charge in and prepare to fight leopold. 
Back at the Cabana, Donald and Daisy return via tub and Donald, seeing the swirling vortex of darkness outside sheldgoose manor, tells daisy he has to go his friends need him it’s his destiny, gives her one hell of a kiss she dosen’t deserve.. oh and earlier he told her “Thanks for being patient with me” and she tells him it was worth the wait. Ha ha... I hope you get hit by a rusty tractor you unfathomable blight on duck kind. 
So part one ends with Donald heading for the treasure chamber to armor up. 
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Sheldgoose Square Dance:  Part two begins with Sheldgoose putting the staff in place, and an egg emerging. Weird.. and as a result of that Leopold sense his ‘Daddy’ and leaves, and before the cabs can charge in donald shows up, now confident, at full strength and after tripping as you’d epxct, with the other cabs armor and in his. The guys suit up, and we get to see both jose’s.. amazing.. toned.. stomach. 
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And Panchito’s big belly.. which I have one of those so we’re twinsies. And Xandra of course watches Jose change slyly. Eh i’ts a bit creepy but I can’t blame her for sneaking a peak as long as she didn’t linger. 
So our heroes are suited up, look awesome and have their trademark weapons Let’s fucking go!
Back at the ranch, the Nieces talk to daisy and having grabbed a weird document last time, are trying to piece it together. Daisy.. is suddenly really good with puzzles and helps them with it. They reform it and.. don’t really do much until after the danger has passed and I avoid another cornary yelling innterally at this unpleasant pile of hippo excrement. 
So while the Cabs dash to stop feldrake feldrake awakens.. as a demon baby. And Sheldgoose has about a minute of mockery before feldrake smacks him around with telekensis and agrees while his mind’s affected by his current state, he’s still fully aware and can talk and seeing the cabs are coming gives him a bit of power, i’d say about as much or a little more than what feldrake had as a staff, and sends him after the cabs. 
So we get one of the most awesome moments if not THE most awesome moment in the entire series as something from EVERY episode makes a come back as shelgoose, after trying some zaps, back in full robe and cloak, MAKES HIS OWN ZOOM POINT. Thus it becomes an utterly awesome back and forth as sheldgoose summons one thing from the past and xandra summons another to counter. And it avoids reptititon as the sheer sight of characters from each episode battling it out, and never knowing which ones next, keeps it intresting. 
In order: Sheldgoose summons the moon bots, Xandra summons the roman gods to hack them to pieces, after the boys get some shots in too. Sheldgoose blocks the way with lava lizards, the cabs respond with a goblin army who block the lava river and use a cat launcher against them, courtsey of king vomit. Sheldgosoe unleashes the tengu, the cabs unleash king arthur.. and we get the immortal line from donald “Thanks king arthur!”. Sheldgoose summons his ancestors, the cabs summon the ghost presidents! And in a call back that had me clapping Sheld summons the termintes.. and xandra summons THE MINOTAUR! And Sheldgoose thirsts over him. .huh.. so shledgosoe is bi good for him. And for a final distraction sheldgoose summons.. the dragon.. that was from the adventure they just had he had no way of knowing about. 
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So with that out fo the way our heroes and villians both reach feldrake.. whose awakened and is.. this
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Really.. weird , if still threanting, deisgn aside, Feldrake now at full power turns new quackmore into the psycadelic starry battlefield we saw in the intro to the series and thus the final battle begins. We see the fight from the start.. but it’s now even MORE beautiful and glorious with context. Before we saw three strangers, if ones we knew from other works fighting some evil we never met. Now we’ve seen our heroes grow, both as people, and as heroes, learning from every encounter, getting stronger with every fight and slowly getting noticably more compitent: going from falling all over themselves just to work a ship, to defeating dragons, tengu, and other horrors as a team. And we’ve seen jus thow petty and cruel feldrake is.. and how serious the stakes are and what our heroes tand to loose should they fail. It’s not perfect.. we could stand to loose daisy and new quackmore dosen’t mean much, though Sheldgoose gets to zap regina into a worm, but it’s still AWESOME and feels like a tremendous payoff and Donald’s predator bro fist thing with Panchito has more weight. Our heroes have risen to their peak and now they face one last obstacle to becoming legends.  The fight is fluid, awesome and gorgeously animated and utterly epic in every sense of the word and we catch up to their seeming defeat.. only for something we DIDN’T know about last time to help.. Xandra who gets htem out of the way. It’s a long and fantastic fight, with our heroes eventaully getting knocked over to a pool while Xandra tries her best to hold feldrake off, but is clearly wearing down despite doing her best. 
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Yeah while itw as established Feldrake was melting down the amulets and we saw a pool of resdiual magic, so teh magical pool of stuff the cabs find them at WAS set up.. but what happens next remotely wasn’t. The cabs fall in and commuincate with blazebeak the creator of the amulets who embues them with their power. Where he came from, why he’s just showing up n ow.. I dunno, it comes off as a really badly setup deus ex machina.. but it still dosen’t hurt the finale that bad. A little yes, as everything else is so well paced and feels like so much payoff.. but the awesomeness of our heroes glowing with their signture colors, rushing in to save xandra and then ari, who swiped the rest of the magic goop, giving it to xandra to reivvie her.. overrides it. Sometiems somethings too stupid to be awesome.. and sometimes it’s so awesome it overides common sense. So yeah poorly set up yes.. still fucking awesome also yes. 
Our heroes tear feldrake apart and realize once they see the now empty staff floating in the void they can simply reseal him. Sheldgoose interupts it.. but the nieces arrive riding on humphrey and knock him inot a golden toilet... again I fucking love this job. Our heroes then try ghost bustering him back into the staff and SHeldgoose tries saving him by breaking it.  And it seemingly fails.. new quackmore is restored, Sheldrake’s gone and the town remembered EVERYTHING, cheering at their new heroes and saviors. Sheldgoose finds the staff gone and bemoans his lost master.. and soon looses his presidency as regina strips him of it. With his own powers gone Sheldgoose flees on Leopold, and while Regina tries to take the presdiency for herself.. the girls reveal the document explains if a sheldgoose is absent.. a coot takes his place. And since Donald is the only remaning coot apart from Della and she’s busy actually raising her kids in this continuity apparently, Donald is the new president. While Regina vows to beat him in an election.. our heroes are now happy, with the lawyer from the first episode backing Donald’s claim up. So Donald now has a new job, a new purpose in life, his girlfriend back, which is negiably a good thing, and a new family he dearly loves and tells them as much. Awww. Also he gets the mansion, which our heroes promptly plan to move into. Donald and Daisy fight, of fucking course, our heroes claim roms and Xandra and Jose share a moment. The series gets a truly satsifyign and happy ending.. and a sequel hook as it turns out feldrake is now in sheldgooses body and the tow are going ot have to share it as Sheldgoose has leopold take them to a house with legs.. so the baba yaga then. Sadly we’ll probably never see with this leads.. and this is the end. 
Final Thoughts on the finale two parter: While the first half is a bit weak in the yeti stuff, the rest of it is incredibly strong and Sheldgoose Square Danc,e while having the worst name of the series.. is easily it’s best episode, tying everythign together greatly and being one, tense and epic finale the whole way through. A true masterpiece and a clear sign the series would be even BETTER going forward had it actually been allowed to live and a true shame.. but even with the sequel hooks aside.. it’s still an utterly sastifying, joyous note to go out on and i’m GLAD I saved this one for last, as it provided a great capper for both the series and this retrospective. 
Final thoughts on Legend of the Three Cablleros:
This series.. was excellent. While at first I wasn’t sure it’s rep was warranted, as the first three episodes were good but had flaws and four and five were not great.. everything after that is sublime. The series has it’s flaws, the character devlopment is uneven, the characters can be made into caractures of themselves once in a while and the writing on Daisy is horrid and i’ve said enough on that to last me a lifetime and is easily the worst part of an otherwise fantastic show. But yeah.. as I said OTHERWISE fantastic, as while the daisy stuff is very bad, it’s for the most part in the background of a VERY good show with great voice acting, fun pacing, and beautiful animation.  It’s a loveletter to clasic disney animation, holding tons of mythology gags and refrences and having humphrey as a main character, but with unquie touches like letting the nieces have a starring roll and everything about xandra and sheldgoose. It’s a unique, wonderful and awesome addition to the disney animated canon and deserves a second season or some other sort of revivial. This was a wonderful note to go out on and I’m throughly glad I finally watched it.  So with this the Ride of the Three Cablleros is almost over.. but come back, let’s say next week, for one last party as we count down the top 12 cabs moments and celebrate these happy chappies in matching serapes one last time. Until then.. it’s been a pleasure.. and Kevin.. thank you. 
21 notes · View notes
anika-ann · 5 years
Nothing but the Truth - Pt.8
The Resolution
Pairing: Steve Rogers x reader        Word count: 4070
Summary: A fake dating AU.  You’ve been moping for two days now; despite some surprising visitors in your hospital room, there was one person who haven’t made it yet. It’s just your dumb luck it was the one person that mattered very much.
Warnings: swearing, light angst, brief mentions of violence, fluff, extra dialogue-heavy chapter
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Story Masterlist
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The first thing your foggy brain registered as you woke up was that you must have a flu. There was no other explanation for how you felt.
Every single muscle, every single joint in your body, simply everything hurt and was so, so heavy… confusing images flickered through your mind, images of a dark room and the burning blue of irises, the pain and the poor attempt at a smile, the ring and leather straps, the maniacal grin on the vendor’s face—it was all adding to the splitting headache that was keeping you from opening your eyes; because no, no sharp light, thank you very much-
“Hey there, sleepyhead,” a velvety voice caressed your ears, gentle fingers lightly squeezing your hand. “You had us worried.”
Mind still fuzzy, you groaned, attempting to squeeze the warm hand back, but with zero result.
God, why is it so, so hard to move--
“I’ll call a doctor, yeah?”
Grunting something incomprehensible in disagreement, because fuck it, I just want to sleep, you drifted back into blissful ignorance, not having a care for the world.
When you woke up again, it was to Sam’s concerned gaze and you did not like that expression on his face one bit.
To your utter shock, he was soon replaced by Tony Stark; though Sam still stayed in your corner while the billionaire gushed about how you had led them right to the bad guy.
“He was crazy, alright. His brain was a like bag of cats and that coming from me? Real deal. Anyway… we couldn’t save anyone else. He was… eh, systematic. Putting trackers into the rings, stalking the couples and then he moved onto his mission of testing the true love bullshit and everyone failed, so he had the shocks to-“
Sam cleared his throat meaningfully as you winced, the ghost of the very unpleasant sensation running through your nerve endings, biting chill curling at the base of your spine, flashes of Steve’s face, the mask, the vendor, the chairs and the electricity crackling-
“Sorry. Just wanted to say… you did really great. You saved a lot of lives by helping us to lock him away. You basically entered the hero kindergarten,” Stark announced almost brightly, earning another ahem from your friend.
You smiled at the genius tiredly. “I’m not planning on joining your superhero group, Mr-“ you faltered when he made a face, “-Tony. And… I’d feel better if we could have—if the people who were taken-“
“Hey. Not your fault,” Sam interrupted you swiftly, voice as serious as his face. “You did amazing and I hope you’re never getting into this kind of shit ever again.”
Now he looked like a father torn between being proud of his kid punching a bully to their face and being exasperated because the said kid had earned an exclusion from school for it. To be fair, he possibly felt exactly like that.
“Yeaaaah, I guess that’s my cue,” Tony backed out with an awkward grin, stopping in the doorway to toss few more words over his shoulder. “Oh, I’m sorry for the delay. The deactivated trackers took us a while. Get better, hon!”
You couldn’t but grin at his demeanor, but your mood instantly shifted back to grim when you saw the look on Sam’s face. The air of an overexcited genius which Stark was carrying around was sucked out of the room, suddenly making it hard for you to breathe as the horror images filled your mind once more.
You shook your head and gulped, trying to push them back to the corner, focusing on something else entirely; namely on the black eye which Tony was nursing, one of which had a good idea how happened.
“You gave him the black eye, didn’t you?”
Sam’s furrowed brows rose at the probably unexpected remark, but he didn’t bother lying. “Damn right, I did.”
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Who would have guessed that two days, only 48 hours, could last an eternity?
You would.
You knew; you had your fair share of experiencing that. Still, every hour crushed your chest as Tony Stark visited once more, Sam was at your bedside at nearly all times, Irma came to see you, hell, even Natasha freaking Romanoff stopped by and yet, yet, no Steve in sight.
Sam had told you he was busy; you could imagine. He must have probably been filling out mission reports, recovering himself, had to answer to authorities, to reporters-- and your eyes filled with stupid and pathetic tears when you thought of the reporters every single time.
Recalling your own encounter with the sensation-hungry sharks, the intrusive memory of the interview wormed its way to your brain and more importantly, to your heart; a memory of the time when everything had seemed alright, better even, almost as if there could be something more —and then Steve had said yes--- and then-
Then all you had was a hazy memory of his voice at your ear when you had been pulled out of unconsciousness, a wistful dream, a fata-morgana which you made up to console your mind when your body couldn’t quite comprehend the exhaustion and pain tearing you from your sleep only to slip back again.
He hadn’t come.
For two full days, he wouldn’t as much as shoot you a text, send flowers or something awfully sweet and Steve-like and you were starting to question just how much of what had happened down there you only imagined.
You were almost certain he had said he loved you, you would swear on it even; but if it truly happened and Steve was still not showing up, well… then it opened a whole new number of possibilities of what his motivation could be.
You refused to believe he didn’t care at all. However, you had met Steve a while ago and if you understood something about him, it was that his sense of duty was just a tiny bit inferior to his sense of loyalty. In other words, he would look out for his friends, as much as they would look out for him – more even.
So, even when Steve was supposedly busy – unless he was out of the country, naturally – he would let himself to be dragged out of the gym, out of his office, dragged away from anything that seemed urgent, yet not urgent enough for him to refuse Sam or anyone else who was concerned and insistent enough.
Hence you coming to the conclusion that he simply didn’t want to spent a single second in your presence, because he had in fact figured out that you had been about to confess your feelings to him and now he was doing everything to avoid you, because he had somehow tricked the machine when saying that stupid ‘yes’ and he had no clue how to turn you down gently now-- because Steve was nothing short of gentle.
Yep, that was your elaborate theory.
Say yay for your super-inventive brain, you thought darkly. And try not to choke at the thought of Steve ghosting you for the rest of your life.
Burying your face in the pillow and letting it soak up with your tears, you lulled yourself to sleep, grateful there was no one in your room at the moment to witness your break-down.
You were woken up from your slumber by three swift knocks on your door. It snapped you to full consciousness at instant, mostly because there weren’t many people who bothered to knock; it was quite common for them – and that included the doctors – to simply enter.
That difference in approach was essential, because your mind traitorously drifted towards the idea of Steve finally paying you a visit and it was both exciting and mortifying.
Also, it gave you hope of which you were certain would be crashed the moment the door open, so there was that.
The knocks echoed in the room once more, this time softer, as if the person behind the door worried about intruding your sleep.
Huh. Cute and considerate. How could you not get your hopes up at that?
“Uhm… come in,” you encouraged the mystery person cautiously, your heart nearly giving out when a blond head hesitantly poked in.
Yep, it’s Steve.
Or maybe I’m just high and I’m imagining him.
Hard to tell.
He offered you the weakest of smiles as if he could hear your thoughts and whispered a very shy ‘hi’.
You felt your heartbeat pounding in your temples in panic and excitement.
“Steve… uhm. H-hey. What-eh- what are you doing here?”
You would have been ashamed for stuttering like an idiot, except you were too busy freaking out over looking like a hobo, having red-rimmed eyes and chest filled with dread at this encounter, feelings spoken and unspoken sitting heavily in your ribcage—and well, generally just losing your mind.
Also, Steve was unable to speak like a normal person as well, so that helped. “I-uhm… came to check up on you.”
He stepped fully into the doorway and you expected him to come all the way in. Instead, he wavered there, not quite entering and it only caused your chest to tighten. You swallowed against the lump in your throat, trying your best to seem collected and not like desperately looking for a clue, anything to give away a single of his thoughts.
Was he hesitating because he wasn’t sure if he was welcomed after ghosting you or was it because he wanted to have an escape route open? He was a strategist, after all; it would be wise to have a chance at escaping the moment he sensed the situation going off rails.
A somewhat torn expression crossed over his face, followed by an expectant one, and you realized he must have been waiting for you to lead.
Ever the gentleman.
You would have appreciated it and possibly melt into a puddle of sappy goo, because Steve was a sweetheart always… except you hadn’t a clue what you wanted and where you wanted this to lead—well, you did know, but you doubted that would happen.
Your heart ached, a reminder of his confession possibly not being sincere and you being left on your own in your pining.
Shaking your head to free yourself from the cage of your own mind, you attempted a small smile, one that probably came off as super-awkward.
But he needed to cut you some slack, alright.
“Oh. I’m fine,” you finally said, answering the question not quite asked. “I mean… my head spins a little-“ And you’re not helping. “-but mostly I’m here because Tony Stark is being an overbearing ass. I don’t think he would admit that, but he probably feels guilty.”
It was another conclusion your brilliant mind had come to. You know, apart from the fact Steve was ghosting you because he was waking up in cold sweat dreaming about you being interested in him and all that.
But why were you telling him about Tony? Were you really that desperate to see him for a bit longer that you babbled? So desperately trying to postpone the inevitable conversation for later, because once it happened… God only knew what the outcome would be?
Your ears might have been playing tricks on you, but you would swear you heard him murmur ‘I know how that feels’ under his breath.
“Good,” he stated, nodding his head as if he needed to assure himself that it was indeed good. “Uhm… it’s good that you’re almost fine.”
He was still standing in the doorway and your eyes started burning with unshed tears.
Small talk. Awkwardness. Things unsaid, hanging in the air, heavy and suffocating.
Was this how it was going to be between the two of you now?
And what else did you expect it would be like after you pretended to be a couple? After you kissed? And got tortured together, just in the case you forgot about that?
“What about you?” you forced yourself to ask, willing your voice not to crack. “How you’ve been?”
“Huh? Oh, uhm. Good. Yeah, good. Busy.”
“Right. I-- uhm… I bet-“
“No, actually… that’s a lie.”
You blinked, utterly taken aback at the blatant admission. It was so unlike Steve to be this cruelly honest that you barely registered that his words felt like a punch to your face.
Not that you had ever been punched to your face. Only nearly electrocuted. Which you guessed wasn’t any better.
Steve shook his head, chuckling bitterly, still not moving from the fucking doorway and you wished you were in his place, so you could just flee.
“I spent half of the time staring at a wall in my office.”
“Oh… uhm.” And like an idiot, because you were one and you had no clue how to react besides bursting into tears, because he hadn’t come to see you and had been staring at a wall instead, you said: “I mean… I guess Stark Tower has some pretty interesting walls.”
This time when he chuckled, the sound was just as breathless, but lighter. He shifted his weight from one foot to the other and gestured towards the chair by your bed.
“May I?”
No. Nope. You let him in here and the more you look at him and do small talk, the more you’ll want to cry. Tell him no-
Closing the door and finding his seat, he spoke again.
“Thank you. I… I should have visited. But… I spent hours and hours wondering how to apologize, and I know that it isn’t the best excuse, but I- you--“
You tried to blink away your tears, grateful for Steve staring at the bedsheets and not watching your face when talking. That would be pretty humiliating if he saw your awe-struck, humiliated and entirely confused face; this already was enough.
Apologize? For what? For lying and getting away with it? For telling the truth and then ignoring you? For pretending to care? For caring and suddenly not caring enough? Or for what?
What, what, what-  
“-what happened in that basement-“ he continued and the tone he spoke with was already too much to bear— you knew at instant that you didn’t want the answers to your questions.
Not if it meant that you‘d have your heart broken, a wedge driven into the already wide enough raw crack in it.
“I got you hurt. And I’m sorry,” he whispered hoarsely, leaning his elbows onto his thighs, fingers interlacing as his hands hang loosely between his knees. Wait, what? “I am so, so sorry. That never should have happened-“
Your heart skipped a pleased and relieved beat.
You shouldn’t be getting your hopes up just yet – this wasn’t about what you thought it was, he wasn’t telling you he hadn’t been lying down there, but this possibility hadn’t even crossed your mind. It should have, it made perfect sense that he was feeling guilty, because he was the captain of the team, responsible for them—
You were so wrapped up in your own head, clinging to the fact he admitted he loved you (or not, who the fuck knew), that you hadn’t even considered this.
The revelation explained so much and sounded much more like him than you could imagine and your mind started racing with new possibilities. Maybe… maybe he didn’t—or did he- this was far from him denying that he never wanted to talk to you again and had literally nothing to do with your little truth-or-lie issue, yet you felt an enormous weight fell from your shoulders, a blanket of lead that had been lying on your chest for a while now lift.
You wiggled up so you could sit straighter in the bed.
“Steve, that guy was insane. He drugged you with god knows what, he had you-- wired to something-“
“We shouldn’t have been there in the first place.“
Oh. Oh.
You gulped, your head pounding all over again, ribcage constricting.
Yeah. You supposed that was true. It didn’t mean that it hurt less; no, hearing him to say it out loud hurt more, actually, however, you tried your best to focus on the problem at hand, which was giving Steve whatever forgiveness he craved, no matter it wasn’t his fault in the first place.
“Well. I was the first to agree, if I remember correctly and you were radically against. So if anything, I kinda got us into that mess, so-…”
His cerulean eyes bored into yours, sorrow, self-torment and stubbornness incarnated, as he interrupted you.
“Maybe, but I agreed then and I promised to protect you. You trusted me and I failed you,” he accented, anger lacing his voice. He sighed then when he took a note of that and slowly breathed in and out, sounding much softer when he spoke again. “I’m sorry.”
It was as if you hadn’t said a word in the past minute.
“Steve, you’re… you’re just human. Serum or not, you’re- hell, even superman had his kryptonite and he’s fictional. You’re just— what--what he did to me--- after which I’ll be alright, by the way – that happening doesn’t make you any less of a hero,” you explained sincerely, minutely forgetting your weeping uncertain heart. “I know that you did everything you could. You don’t need to apologize for that.”
The implication that there was something else he should apologize for hang heavy in the air.
“I… about what I said down there-“
“Steve, don’t. You don’t need to explain anything. Whatever happened, however you managed to do that-“
“You think I lied,” he stated dully and you avoided his gaze at that.
You didn’t respond.
If you were being honest, you weren’t sure what to think anymore. Everything was just so damn confusing; his yes, his apology, his sorrow, him avoiding you… it was making you dizzy and it all the wondering had you honestly exhausted.
“I’m a coward.”
That got you snap your head back to him, hundreds of question marks in your eyes. “What?”
A humorless chuckle was the answer.
“I didn’t lie. I mean, I did lie down there once, and the machine caught that. And I got you hurt-“
You wanted to protest, because you’d been over this, but his previous words rang in your ears, confusing and disgustingly hopeful.
He hesitantly reached for your hand, gingerly taking it between both of his own, thumbs tenderly caressing its back. You swallowed the choked noise threatening to escape your throat at the soft touch; deliberate, yet seemingly not uncomfortable to him.
“I was forced to admit how I felt right after I got you hurt and I had no single clue what to do with that. Still don’t. I-I spend hours just sitting here and staring, trying to figure out-“
You successfully – ha, you wished – tuned out the first part, focusing on the latter one, not any less surprising.
“You’ve been here?”
He seemed distracted by that question. “Yeah, uhm-“
“Were… were you here when I woke up?” you asked, another foggy memory flickering in front of your eyes, a memory of him in the chair, the concerned frown on his face, dark circles under his dry eyes, raspy voice-
“You… you remember that? You weren’t even conscious for a full minute. You were out again before the doctor arrived, both times.”
‘Both times.’ He had witnessed you conscious twice.
Just how long had he spent here by your sleeping form?
“I thought-“ I though that I dreamed that up. Apparently, you hadn’t. He… he had been there with you. Oh. “I—so you- oh.”
He waited patiently before all of his words registered in your brain; including the ones about-
“You… weren’t lying?” you asked breathlessly, astonished and warmed from inside out for the second time in the past few days as the realization took roots in your brain, finding the remnants of your previous belief and euphoria.
“No. Not when I- when I said-”
“-yes,” you finished for him, your lips parting in amazement, your heart fluttering in joy.
There was no need to specify which question you were talking about – it was clear as day; about the only one that truly mattered.
“And I’m an idiot. I hurt you again, letting you think that I didn’t care at all and I should have come here, but I had no idea what to do next and if you-- what did you think about it- and I got you hurt-“
“We’ve been over this. Not your fault,” you chastised his distractedly, staring at his face because he was breathtaking and he… he-
His Adam’s apple bobbed nervously and you couldn’t but give him the reassurance he was no doubt seeking; you knew you would in his place.
“I… I was about to say yes. And it wouldn’t have been a lie either,” you offered quietly, a slow smile spreading on your lips.
He gave you a watery smile, tears still crinkling in the corners of his eyes as he carefully raised your hand, watching every micro-expression on your face, searching for the tinniest trace of disapproval; finding none, his lips brushed your knuckles with the gentlest kiss.
You melted into the pillow, feeling warm all over, your smile turning goofy as you finally, finally got your answer and wanted to scream it at the top of your lungs, because it was delightful.
Steve loved you.
Steve loves me.
And you loved him.
There was a mess for you to deal with for sure, a lot of explaining ahead, but… what else than the fact that you loved each other was important here?
Nothing. Not really, not at the moment at least.
Something told you this might be the true start of a beautiful relationship.
The non-faked kind.
--and you hunch turned out to be true.
The next day, the very hour of your discharge from the med-wing, Steve was waiting for you; all ready with a car to drive you home, a bouquet of cream-colored tulips in his hand to make your day downright wonderful and for some reason, also with daggers in his glare whenever he sized up the nice doctor who had been keeping you company until Steve arrived.
It earned Steve a kiss on his cheek as he led you to the car with his palm lightly resting on your lower back and if your lips brushed his before you got in, well, no one needed to know.
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“Mr. Wilson, you wished me to tell you when the confessions would be made. They were just now.”
Sam glanced up from the screen and stopped scrolling mindlessly through his phone, letting out a long exhale.
Judging by the not-so-ominous tone of the AI – nope, he would never get over the fact that an artificial intelligence could speak in different ways and be sassy on top of everything – the talk didn’t end up tragically. At least Sam hoped; he didn’t think there had been much space for messing it up worse, to be honest.
“Thanks, Friday. It was about damn time. How did it go?”
A record of the infamous interview, showing his two friends making out on live TV lighted up his phone—fucking rude to hack his phone like this, especially showing him that.
“About like this, Mr. Wilson,” Friday explained nonchalantly as if that fucking thing wasn’t in control of his phone.
Sam breathed through the shock caused by the intrusive AI, focusing on the good news before planning on giving Stark another black eye because what the hell, SOME privacy left would be nice and very much appreciated-
“Didn’t exactly need the visual,” he muttered, adding a louder ’but thanks.’
His screen returned to normal and he found himself too tired to get up and find Stark right now; he could always throw it to his face later.
Speaking of planning on throwing words and things at someone’s faces…
Sam realized he had to stand up anyway, because he had a different job to do, now that the two idiot friends of his finally made it past the mutual pining phase and actually got together.
Shoving his phone to the pocket of his jeans, he went to polish his guns; just in case that the big blond dumbass planned on making Sam’s favorite almost-sister cry again.
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Note: White Tulips – representing purity, innocence, forgiveness and respect, they would be a great flower for a wedding or to give with an apology. (Cream-colored tulips are closely related and have also a meaning of commitment.)
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@mermaidxatxheart​ @bobertswagert​ @kakakatey​ @ccolz88-blog​ @joeyrumlow​ @lovemeterwrites​ @jessyballet​ @bellaireland1981​
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Thank you for reading and leaving likes! You’ve all been amazing :-* Special thanks for commenting and/or spreading my work, it is greatly appreciated ❤️
If you enjoyed, check out my other works and if you by any change wanted to be added to my S.R. fanfic taglist, let me know and I happily will :-*  
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strawberrysoup · 4 years
Thank you so much for the request @ozarkthedog​ I really hope you like it! I’ll revisit your other req soon for sure
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Relationship: Steve Rogers x Reader
Prompts: #12 “We could... take a nap together” & #34 “Will you carry me to bed?” 
It had been so fucking convenient at first. You both lived and worked at the Avengers Compound, your schedule was consistent but flexible which worked nicely with his more sporadic and unyielding one. He was too wrapped up in his own head to accidentally catch any feelings and you had zero intentions of starting anything with someone like him.
Captain America was one of those always in the spotlight kinda guys, famous and intriguing and historically significant. The idea of being seen as Steve Rogers’ Girlfriend was petrifying in at least 5 different ways (+2 damage on specific calendar days: The 4th of July and Valentine’s Day). That wasn’t to say he wasn’t a great guy, because he absolutely was. He was a dream come true in multiple ways.
That was actually the problem, in fact. That Steve Rogers was a great fuckin’ guy. He was kind and thoughtful and sincere, all wrapped up in a beautiful angsty package. He didn’t just remember you offhandedly mentioning how much you enjoyed detailed coloring books and purchase you a couple, he hand drew a 40 page coloring book for you. When you complained the headset you wore at work made your ears hurt, he didn’t just buy you a new pair but he asked Tony Stark to make you better ones.
He also clammed up at the barest hint of emotion, acting like you had shocked him with a damn cattle prod the one time you’d said ‘I really like you Steve’. You hadn’t even meant it like that and he’d started twitching. You weren’t sure if it was a commitment phobia or what but it made fucking him 3 times a week a breeze (3 times a week might’ve been a lowball estimation but you told yourself he was out of town so often it averaged out the weeks where you couldn’t keep your hands off of each other).
Or, it was a breeze anyway. Until he continued to be so fucking perfect. It was inconsiderate of him, honestly, to remember your little brother’s birthday and also your practically excessive coffee order. He should’ve tried being more of a douche bag and then maybe you wouldn’t have started to maybe fall in love with him.
It was his fault, if you really thought about it. He didn’t have to be so kind and gentle and then turn around and plow you through a mattress with a hand around your throat. He really didn’t.
Settling on it being All His Damn Fault made avoiding him easier, for a couple of days at least. But your ire faded while his concerned and sad text messages kept coming and you quickly realized you needed to come up with both a lie regarding why you’d ghosted him and also get a fucking grip on yourself before you saw him again. Because you would of course, still be seeing him. You cursed your apparent penchant for self-destruction.
You worked through the whole day skillfully avoiding him, dodging and weaving almost like a real agent in your efforts to put off confronting him for just one more day. You’d text him in the evening when you got off and face him tomorrow, when you’d had enough time to thoroughly panic and then calm back down.
By the time you clocked off you were very ready to go home and vomit from anxiety before texting him. The door knob to your apartment turned when the built in handprint scanner cleared your identity and you burst in, slamming it shut behind you and dropping your purse in your haste to dash to the bathroom. It was a relief that your hair was already pulled back, you didn’t have the energy to wash your hair tonight.
It took a few minutes for you to realize you weren’t alone, that someone’s hand was on your back. When you built up the courage to look to the side, Steve was sitting there with that concerned puppy expression on his face.
“Is this why you haven’t been answering my texts?” His voice was a low rumble, fingers digging gently into the muscles of your back, “how long have you been sick? I was waiting for you to get home, didn’t expect you to run right past me.”
“I’m fine, sorry.” Embarrassment had settled over your skin like oil, slick and cold and heavy.
“Come on doll, up you go,” his hands came up under your arms and lifted you until you got your feet under you.
“Sorry Steve, I probably won’t be any fun tonight,” you told yourself that omitting the truth of why you’d been avoiding him wasn’t terribly important; he really didn’t need to know.
But you winced slightly and reached up to brush some of the tears off your face, what a thing to say. You hadn’t even looked in the mirror but you knew you looked like a whole ass disaster and it was so humiliating to look like that in front of Steve. He was constantly beautiful, fuck, he was probably pretty even when he was spewing chunks. It would be so much easier to get him to leave than try to explain all the details of why fucking you tonight would be an overall unenjoyable situation.
Plus, Steve rarely stuck around if it was just the two of you for an extended period of time that wasn’t going to result in sex. You couldn’t say for certain, but you were pretty sure he was afraid it might indicate some sort of intimacy. Despite the fact that you fucked, often, he did his best to keep you at a distance (not that it worked, you still fell in love with him—his fault, he should’ve done a better job).
“Oh, I—” He cut himself off, making sure you were carefully leaning against the bathroom counter before withdrawing a step, “well, I actually came over to check on you. I thought maybe I’d done something wrong, I wanted to apologize.”
He better stop being so goddamn concerned and sweet. You bit into your bottom lip maybe slightly harder than was a good idea, trying to reign your brain in from the errant thoughts that swam into your mind at his words. He was so fucking thoughtful, it was like he was trying to get you to suck his dick.
“No, Steve, you didn’t do anything wrong,” you shook your head and sighed, reaching for your toothbrush, “I’m the one who’s sorry, I’ve been ignoring everyone, not just you. I can definitely shoot you a text in a day or two, I’d hate to get you sick.”
An extra couple of days to avoid him sounded like just the trick to eradicate some pesky feelings.
“Well, I know…” Steve rubbed the back of his neck, “I know that usually you’d go to Sharon’s if you were sick, is everything okay?”
Ah yes, you could practically see him vibrating with discomfort as he broached something personal and intimate. It was par the course really and emphasized how important it would be to not fall in love with the emotionally stunted superhero you were fucking.
“Yeah, I just don’t want her to get sick either. It’s been… particularly uncomfortable,” that was actually true, you’d been very uncomfortable for the last few days.
“I don’t get sick you know,” his eyes met yours for just half a second before he looked away, “I could… I could stay with you, so you’re not alone. That’s why you go stay with Sharon usually, right?”
It was, yeah. Being alone while you were ill made you absolutely miserable and you’d cry the entire time, but Steve knowing that was so embarrassing. He wasn’t supposed to know that, which meant Sharon had been opening her big mouth recently. There was no telling the amount of confidential information had been breached at this point and you needed Steve out of your apartment, quickly, so you could phone the blonde and threaten to properly thrash her.
“I know you’re probably really tired, I won’t keep you up or anything,” you couldn’t for the life of you figure out why he was pressing further into not Strictly Booty Call Only territory, “We could… take a nap together? I’ll wake up in an hour or two to check on you, I could call some food up?”
You were quiet long enough to make him sweat, eyebrows furrowed in confusion. In a less serious predicament you might wonder if he’d been body snatched or hypnotized, but Steve was staring you down intently, fully cognizant of the fact he’d just asked to sleep in the same bed as you and have dinner with you later.
“That… sounds nice,” your chest tightened, an emotional war raging in your brain as your stupid crush on him tried to overcome your carefully crafted nonchalant mask, “I… um, I’ll just brush my teeth.”
“Yeah, I’ll be right back, okay?” He took a few steps back, glancing towards the door.
“Uh, yeah, sure thing.” Considering that you and Steve had gotten reasonably comfortable around each other, it was potentially the most uncomfortable conversation you’d had since you initially discussed a no strings attached fucking situation.
He skirted out of the bathroom and you turned your attention to brushing your teeth and washing your face, wincing slightly at the realization that he’d be seeing you for the first time without make up. You looked just a little pathetic when he came back barefoot (of course he’d had to remove his shoes next to the front door before going into your bedroom, it was just so goddamn endearing and polite), patting your face dry and frowning into the mirror.
“Don’t look so sad, you’ll feel better soon,” his conclusion was evidently that you were saddened to tears by your illness—which, depending on the bullshit Sharon had spewed, could potentially be backed up by evidence, “what can I do?”
You made your eyes big, looking up at him through your lashes to play it up, “will you carry me to bed?”
“Sure doll,” he swept you up in his arms with so much ease you could’ve swooned—you were allowed to take advantage of this situation, but only for a little while, you reasoned.
It couldn’t hurt too much to let him take care of you, right? It’s not like you could accidentally fall in love with him more.
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amnachil · 4 years
The College Society Chapter 3 Part 13
The last part of the Chapter ! Some important informations about Liam’s past here. There is also some big revelation for the main plot :)
Damian Nicholas Smith-Carrey Tuesday March 5, in France
It was some sort of joke. Yeah, someone was messing around with him. Why on earth was he doing the shrink for the baboon and his friend all day, all time ? I have others things to do. Like having sex, sex and sex again. After the fatty roommate who fell into the water and the midget who made a little break-down, it was Liam's turn to be depressed. What with this mood ? They can't be happy and healthy like everyone else ? His boyfriend was a real ghost. Not only he was avoiding the Dean's grandson, but he also looked completely elsewhere. I'm not being ignored by him. No way, I'll not tolerate this. My humiliation has gone too far already. Damian Nicholas Smith-Carrey was seriously pissed when he entered his boyfriend's bedroom. He looked at Nate, Nick and Colton angrily.
"You three. Out, now."
He truly didn't care if the Good Samaritan guessed their relationship. He probably already did. They obeyed quietly, and he faced Liam.
"Baboon. I'm pissed. I'm furious. No, I'm raging mad at you. Stop dreamin' and look at me."
The chestnut freshman did as he told him. He had puppy's eyes, but Damian Nicholas Smith-Carrey did his best to ignore it.
"What is wrong with you ?! You told me you would call me for help ! You put this damned condition ! You asked me to be there for you. And when here I am, you don't talk ! This is not fair ! How am I supposed to help if I don't know what is going on ?! Answer, now."
A short blank followed. Finally, Liam came closer.
"I'm sorry." he whispered. "It's... I don't want to lose you. Please, don't be mad."
Too late. But Damian Nicholas Smith-Carrey was already simmering down. He couldn't resent this baboon. I hate myself for being so weak.
"Just talk to me." he grumbled. "I don't want to be laid aside only because it concern your ex."
Besides, I already know the story. Barbara told me months ago. Liam took place on the bed and asked him to do the same. Then, he took a deep breath.
"I started to date Kilian around april in 11th grade. He was my first male partner, and I didn't really know where we were going." he related. "But Kilian's parents are strongly homophobic, and they used to beat him because of that. We were a secret, and we managed to remain like this during ten months. It was a great time... But eventually, they found out. His father was so angry, so mad... I though they would kill him, and me by the same occasion."
Liam made a break. Until now, nothing scary. Stupid peole with stupid habits. Damian Nicholas Smith-Carrey held his comment.
"So I suggested we could run away. Kilian and me, together. I know this is a terrible idea, but at the time, it seemed logical. And so we tried. I tried. But it quickly degenerated. We were lacking of everything after only two days. I was so deseperate to be with him. I thought he was the love of my life..."
Again, a break. Liam was making a real effort to talk. It's not shyness nor idiocy. He hates himself for what happened.
"I proposed to steal some supplies. I know, this is even worst than my first idea but... Anyway, I went in this grocery and... I got caught, we ran. We ran so fast, we were so scared. There was a thunderstorm going on. I'm so stupid. So so stupid. It's all my fault."
"Liam. Look at me."
The baboon obeyed. Damn, stop crying already. He looked so desesperate.
"We were crossing a road and I pushed him ahead, to go faster." he finally said. "A car knocked him over. It wasn't going that fast, and Kilian had only minor injuries but... Still, I almost killed him. His parents sued me for manslaughter. My family went true hell. And they called my father. He came back. He took everything from my mother because of me. Because of my judicial situation. I lost everything. I made my mother lose everything. My siblings, Kilian and his relatives... All our friends... Everyone hates me now..."
He couldn't continue. He cried in Damian Nicholas Smith-Carrey's arms. He was so vulnerable. The junior gently patted him, quiet. In what mess I went with these boys ? Liam, Nate, Nick... Do I want to spend my times with them and their problems ? His heart was pounding in his chest. He wasn't good to feel emotions. He had zero empathy since his own heart had been broken. I'm a god among the hunter, I don't do feelings.
"I don't hate you." he whispered. "And I'm not mad anymore."
His boyfriend's grasp became stronger.
"I'm not boyfriend material Liam, you know that. I suck at all this stupid foolishness."
Why tho ? Why am I so bad ?
"But I love you."
He said it. I said it.
"I can't explain it." he added. "But it feels comfortable with you around. Your body, your insane personality, your delirium and your incredible appetite, I love all that. I don't know why, and I don't care. So please, don't hate yourself and let me love you."
I'm done. It's enough for now. He hugged his boyfriend in the silent of the night, and just waited.
Liam Wednesday March 6, in France
He was surrounded. They were everywhere, chasing him. He could not escape them. With strenght, one of them grabbed him. Liam ended face to face with his hunter, a truly gigantic baboon. This one yelled :
"I love you ! I love you ! I love you !"
The chesnut lad suddenly woke up. Eyes wide open, he looked his surroundings. He was cozily lying underneath his sheets. The warm feeling got the best of him. He moaned with pleasure. He smelled a sweet flavor. Pancake, this is pancake. Did he die ? Was it Paradise ? (It was a logical theory : a wonderful bed, a restorative sleep and pancakes, he couldn't ask for more.).
"Hey, are you awake ?" asked Dami.
Slowly, Liam stood up and looked at his boyfriend. He was wearing an apron and a chef's hat. I never noticed how cute he's. Dami wasn't tall nor ripped, but he had a graceful body. (Now he couldn't ask for more).
"I... We did a breakfast." he announced. "Your friends were worried, so I let them help with the preparation. They're completely duffer but well, at least they think they did something nice. "
Where did they manage to cook ? (Well, Dami was more than capable to have requested the hotel's kitchen). (A true hero.). Anyway, Colton, Nate and Nick entered in the room with trays full of foods.
"I know you like to eat." mumbled Liam's boyfriend. "I thought it would cheer you up to have a taste of my own pancakes."
"It will." quickly answered the chesnut lad.
He rushed Dami and kissed him. (He didn't care about the secret anymore). (Okay, he forgot they were not completely official yet).
"Thank you. All of you."
Without any hesitation, he took a pancake and started to eat. It was so good. Yeah, he definitely was in Paradise.
"Dude, how I am supposed to watch my figure with this amazing food ?"
Liam shrugged. His hands were diligently rubbing his belly. Next to him, Dami was texting, but he was resting his head on Liam's shoulder. It was the best love gesture is was ready to do for now, Liam guessed. Nick, who just complained, was sat in the chair next to them. He was overstuffed. His belly pressured his too tight shirt. The buttons were about to pop. Nate and Colton were cleaning the trays. Best breakfast ever. The chestnut lad could have eat more, but he was satisfied. After all, he had just devoured a dozen of gigantic pancake.
"Your belly is making weird noise." mumbled Dami.
Their friends were leaving to bring back the dishes downstair. Liam's boyfriend took the occasion to rub the bloated stomach himself.
"Thank you Dami. It really hit the spot."
"Well, my cooking is made for that."
They remained silent for a bit. Liam couldn't describe how happy he was, even if it was only for a moment. (It was like the first time he had met the unicorns.) (When magical horses come to you, you sure are amazed.).
"After this week, I'll have to hit the gym." he finally admitted. "I'm gorging myself so much here."
"Don't worry. You'll be back to your silly routine in no time."
Again, the silent came. Liam watched his boyfriend rubbing his belly with dedication. How can I describe it ? It has been a long time since I felt this way. He had noticed his boyfriend was rather reluctant to show any affection, especially when the others were here. But man, he knew how to rub a belly. (Dami had so many talents...).
"Before all." said suddenly Dami. "Look, I don't want to put any pressure on you but... Nate told me you have a meeting with Kilian tonight."
"I'll make everything clear with him." affirmed Liam.
"Which means ?"
"I'm in a new relationship. I'm with you. I'll tell him I'm sorry for the past, and we'll be friends because he's on the good side. The force of evils will lose this time."
"You're so weird."
To be honest, Liam was only pretending. It was so easy to appear brave in front of his loved one. But in truth ? Could the unicorns send help ? A massive disaster, a flue, anything which would prevent him to meet Kilian ? But no, the evening came anyway. They had made great progress for their group project, despite Rebecca and Barbara's rudeness. And now here he was, right in front of Kilian, at a terrace in town.
"You look nice today." smiled his ex.
Liam quickly drank his orange juice. (Yes he was still using the straw, so what ?).
"So... It's nice to see you're still friend with Nate. You two are really soulmate."
Liam was sweating. He looked right in front of him. He pictured an angry Dami telling him to man up, but it only made him chuckle. Kilian looked at him, a bit confused.
"And you're in the same university than Barbara. That's cool." he continued. "She told you why she left in 11th grade ?"
"What ? No. We're not talking these days. She blames me for... you know, stuff."
Oh my god, I'm ridiculous. (Yes, he was often ridiculous, he didn't have pride anymore but still).
"You're not friends ?" wondered his ex. "I thought though. Anyway, Liam, I have something important to tell you."
Don't kill me please. (Yes, it was a bit overestimated, but Liam was still convinced his ex resented him for everything). (And yes, he was very scared : Kilian became so tall and strong ! He looked just like his father now...).
"I missed you." confessed the blond lad. "I... I still love you. Barbara told me some creepy guy were using you but I can be there ! I can come back to America with you."
Not what I planned. Not at all. Send help. Was it a tricky joke of the unicorns ?
"I'm not being used." Liam replied. "Dami is my boyfriend. Sorry I didn't say it earlier..."
"Your what ? He was sleeping with my cousin not two night ago ! Liam please, I can tell he's not sane. Don't fall for it ! He's a psycho who will hurt you. I can go to the United State with you ! I can..."
"Kilian stop."
Liam's tone surprised both of them. It was more serious, more mature than everything he ever did. Now I'm here, so let's go for it...
"You do have a special place in my heart." he admitted. "And I thank you for everything. For the ten months we spent together, for your kindness and even for this two days with you around. I deeply respect you, and I want the best for you. But Dami isn't a psycho. He had done so much for me, I won't let you disrespect him. You're right, he has his own problems but... look at us and tell me : are we saner than him ?"
His ex remained silent for a while. He lowered his eyes, seemingly disappointed.
"You really love him right ? Well, so I guess I don't stand a chance ?"
"I'm sorry..." whispered Liam. "But I spent a very long time trying to move on and now I feel I've finally succeeded thanks to Dami. I can't go back."
"In that case, I honestly hope everything will work between you two. I want the best for you too Liam."
"Thank you."
Barbara Thursday March 7, in France LAST PART
Now she started to get pissed. She had worked for years in order to be perfect. Grades, sports, reputation, family, she had mastered everything. So why all her plans were failing anyway ? Why this vulgar king and his pathetic queen were always beating her ? Kilian was supposed to make a move, but nothing happened yet. And here she was, in this stupid group for a stupid project.
"I think we should insist on their labors relations." announced Colton next to her. "It's very known French people have a different connection to work than us american."
"Yeah, that's right." approved Nick. "Everyone agrees ?"
Rebecca and Liam nodded. But the short girl ignored them. Her ally wasn't much useful anymore. Nick had been humiliated, and some people continued to tease him, but it wasn't much. At deseperate time, deseperate moves. She had read in a war manual that it was sometimes necessary to take huge risk for a huge profit. The same applied for economy, and for human's relations. I'll end all of this myself.
She waited until the end of their meeting. Then, she followed Colton while he was going to the restaurant. She hailed him when they were alone.
"Hey hon', I think we need to talk."
He followed her, a bit surprised. You're right, this is not an silly conversation between friends.
"Look, I have right here a video of our first time when you moaned Leila's name instead of mine." she claimed. "You have two choices. Either you do everything I demand, either I post it on internet and everyone will discover you pathetic secret. Your call."
Colton looked at her, stunned.
"I never did such a gross thing..." he whispered. "Why are you so... so... Why are you doing that ? What happened since last year ? I've always been nice to you, havn't I ? But you broke my heart and... and now that ? I don't understant what I've done wrong ?"
"Don't look down on me." she retorted. "Nothing special happened, I just want to be a the top. You can't be perfect without sacrifice. Now, will you listen to me ?"
He didn't hesitate long. Apparently, he was really scared for his reputation. You're such a lame.
"What do you want ?"
"Now I must be fuckin' dreamin'." swore a voice she immediately recognized. "You must be kiddin' me. What a bunch of retards."
Slowly, Barbara turned towards Damian Nicholas Smith-Carrey, surprised to see him here. He wasn't supposed to show up. Dismayed, she noticed Matthew right next to him. The sophomore was smiling from ear to ear.
"Little roach, what did I just hear ? You were about to blackmail the guy ? For fuckin' real ?"
"And what ? Don't tell me you had never been dirty ?"
"You jackass. I'm only having sex idiotic moron. And with consenting people, dumbass. Yeah maybe I'm hurting some feelings in the process, but I'm not doing any illegal stuff you cunt."
The blonde girl understood something wasn't right. Why Matthew brought him here in the first place ? The swimmer was so proud of himself. It hid something.
"Doll Man, come here. You don't have to listen to this idiotic bitch."
"One second Damian Nicholas Smith-Carrey." she said. "What is all this ?"
For a second, everyone remained silent. Then, a voice came through the Dean's grandson phone.
"Barbara Henrion ? Hi. I'm D.R. The head of the women defensor club, and also the head of the hunters."
The what ?! The freshman froze, astounded. Tell me that's not true.
"By trying to blackmail a student of the university, you contravened to the rules of the college, and also the hunting code. We also made some investigations about you."
"What ? Wait a second. Who are you ?"
"She's the so-called queen you were so eager to replace, stupid." explained Damian Nicholas Smith-Carrey. "Now hurry up, I don't have the whole night to lose."
"Sure thing, sorry." D.R continued. "So, we found out you and Roberto Rios had deliberately damaged the university's facilities. You realise you could be expelled for this ? We could call the police straight away."
Barbara didn't reply. She didn't know what to do. I'm in a real mess. What went wrong ? How did they know all that ?
"However, this is your first misdemeanor, so I'll be merciful." decided D.R. "I'm speaking in the name of the Dean. You are dismissed from all your responsabilities in the student union. You'll be placed under the surveillance of Matthew Davos. I'll send you two the detail. Are we clear ?"
Is it even possible ? Was I wrong all along ? She fighted Summer with so much application. All that for nothing ?
"I repeat, is that clear ?"
"I... I understand perfectly well." Barbara finally spilled.
She wasn't stupid. She could recognise when the war was lost. And her defeat was complete.
To be continued in Chapter 4
So much in one chapter !
Damian said the three words. He admitted his feelings for Liam. And that’s good news ! Plus, they finally get rid of Barbara, who met the infamous head of the hunter, D.R !
So yeah, Liam was naive when he was young. He tried to run away, and it failed. But considering how dangerous are Kilian’s parents, that’s not so surprising. Let’s hope things will be better with Damian. At least this one provides food ;)
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thealphabetmurders · 6 years
If you still want a prompt maybe human analogical coffee shop au?
Hello, @potater420, thank you so much for your prompt, I really appreciate you sending one in. 
I want to preface this with everyday I want to fucking die, so incredibly badly. For multiple reasons, but one of them being I am bad at being a writer. Mainly, because of the fact that I cannot do anything short. Coffee Shop AU’s are a fairly simple prompt, so I thought to myself “easy, I have got this under control”. Nevertheless, I messed it up and now it is a 10k+ word monster. I am appalled with myself. So, once again, I am breaking up what was supposed to be a short one-shot into a multi chaptered fic. I hate myself. 
Virgil is a barista who has been working at Humes’s Coffeehouse and also a regular smoker who has been doing so for 8 years. He meets Logan, an attractive (soon to be) Doctor of Addiction Psychiatry, who implores him to stop smoking in the most fanfiction way possible. Please enjoy. 
(Read on AO3)
Everyone had their vices nowadays. Information and ideas are conveyed too fast and quickly for anyone to stay sane without a little outside help. There are healthier coping mechanisms than others, some more effective than not, and Virgil has tried pretty much them all, and he has more shit to deal with than most. So whilst many found solace in sex, Smirnoff, and santa marta, Virgil was still smoking in 2019.
It was not his fault. He began smoking when he was 14 when it was 2012 and still semi cool. If he could turn back time and refuse that first cigarette from someone who’s name escapes him now, he would, but for now he has to indulge to keep himself sane.
He used to smoke a lot more, at least a pack and a half a day. Now, on a bad day, he smokes 15 cigarettes; on a good day, he is down to 8; an average day has Virgil fall somewhere between 10 and 12. 
It is never enjoyable to stand outside, by yourself, and just smoke, but without the nicotine, he get extremely jittery, anxious, and irritated. The weather doesn’t let up for anyone slowly destroying their body, but it does allow him to have extra breaks from work. Not that he particularly minds working at Hume’s Coffeehouse. The owner is good and his day manager, Roman, can be bothersome, but is good company. And it is just a short walk to his flat with his roommate Patton. Yet, there were still days when customers were just… So dumb. Such unbridled, unfiltered, idiocy.
So, that is why Virgil is standing out front for his second time that hour, slowly milking his Marlboro Lite outside the doors to the shop. Normally, he has to smoke out back on the patio, but there were guests outside and Roman did not want them to be disturbed. So, he told him to zip up his hoodie over his uniform (as to not give the company a ‘bad image’) and to go smoke out front.
It was a warm day in April, warmer than Virgil’s liking for having a hoodie on, the sun shining on his right arm, holding the lit cigarette in his left hand. Virgil kicked a few pieces of concrete across the wide, jagged sidewalk as he took a deep breath in the afternoon air. It was a few minutes past 4 o’clock, Virgil thankful that he gets to leave in less than an hour and go work on a graphic design project for school. The rush had died down exponentially, no one had come in the building for the past 10 minutes. A white car pulled up to the front spot in the parking lot, and Virgil internally groaned and took another drag of his cigarette, knowing that if someone was coming in, he would have to go back inside to help (seeing as it was just Virgil and Roman there).
The car door opened, and a young man who appeared to be a tad older than Virgil himself exited and slammed the door closed with his foot, carrying a laptop on his hip, a satchel under his arm, a binder in his left arm (that looked about 5 inches wide), whilst texting on his cellphone with his left hand. Virgil had seen all types of university kids come into their quaint little shop in his time working there, but he had never seen one try to multitask before even getting in the building. This one, in fact, seemed even less aware of his surroundings than most.
He walked a few paces across the pavement (never looking up from his phone) until he made his way to the sidewalk. The jagged, uneven sidewalk that one in every three people trip over because of a particularly nasty snag on the pavement.
“Dude, hey!” Virgil called out, trying to get the young man’s attention, “Watch out, you’re gonna-” The man looked at Virgil over his glasses, his eyes filled with hurry and confusion, until his black converse caught onto that crack in the sidewalk, and he came crashing down.
Virgil doesn’t think he has ever cringed more on behalf of another person before; but watching a cellphone with no case an a Macbook fly through the air as papers from the thickest binder any man has ever seen fluttered on top of the sidewalk, like sprinkles on the worst sundae ever, made for a spectacle like no other.
“Holy shit, man!” Virgil yelled, throwing his cigarette to the ground and quickly stomping it out before running to the aid of the other. “Are you okay?”
The other man groaned and picked himself back onto his knees. His once professional demeanor was quickly ruined by the his now disheveled black hair and the scrapes on his cheek.
“Oh, that is unfortunate,” The bespectacled spectacle looked down at the long sleeved sweater he was previously wearing, now sporting a hole in the elbow, which was bleed as well, clashing with the navy blue color he had on.
“You got fucked up,” Virgil said, tapping his fingers rapidly on his thigh. He moved down to his knees and began gathering the papers before they began to blow away, “Let me help you gather all this up. You seemed stressed enough,”
The man chuckled, running his hands through his hair, attempting to tame it once more, “I suppose I am more stressed than was I was previously aware of,” He leaned to his left to grab his phone and inspected it for a few moments, fiddling with the buttons before smirking, “No cracks,”
Virgil scoffed, “You are so jammy, my phone would be dust if that happened, and I have an Otterbox,”
He shrugged in response, “It is because I have an Android,”
The Macbook, however, did not fare so well. He opened it, adjusting his glasses, and cringed. Virgil moved behind him and couldn’t help but suck in a breath at seeing the laptop ink inside the machine spill and move around the cracked areas.
“Yea, that thing is toast,”
He just shook his head, “Nonsense. I just have to get the screen replaced. I have the 2 year warranty after all. I just will not be as productive when I start working,” He closed the laptop and put it in his messenger bag as Virgil ogled at him.
“After what just happened, you are still going to do work? I don’t think I would work for a week if that shit just happened to me. I would take that as a sign from the universe to take a break,”
The other just scoffed at that, pushing his glasses further on his face. “I have not taken a break in 24 years, one broken Macbook is not going to change that streak for me,” He smirked at the other, but then contorted his face up, wincing slightly and touched the wound still present on his cheek. “Do you think that you could help me and gather the rest of my papers? You do not have to of course, but since you are already helping. I would like to run to my car and get some medical supplies to treat my wounds.”
“Yes, yes, of course,”
The man smiled at him gratefully and slowly jogged back to his car. Virgil began gather the papers that were littered with chemistry and medical notations that he had no clue about. He picked up a page full or writing, presumably the center of an essay and looked at the corner which read ‘Arias 3’.
The man, Arias, came back with a small first aid bag slung over his shoulder just as Virgil finished putting all of the papers back in the binder. He picked up the binder and the satchel but did not hand them to Arias quite yet.
“I will bring these in for you, I do not want you tripping and falling again,” Virgil explained, and Arias groaned in feign vexation, a smile ghosting his lips, “Do you need any help with your wounds or anything?”
Arias shook his head as they made their way into the shop, Virgil holding the door for them, “I am in my second to last year of my medical school program, I believe I can handle a few cuts and bruises,” He set down his bag on a table and Virgil followed suit with the rest of his items, “But I sincerely appreciate the offer,”
Virgil bowed a little which made the other chuckle slightly. He looked behind him at the counter to see Roman standing there, staring at him with his hands on his hips. He shakes his head and taps his wrist and Virgil rolled his eyes, “I should get back to work, my manager is going to yell at me soon,”
Arias’ eyebrows raised slightly, “You work here? Did you just begin?”
“No, I have been here for about 7 months now,”
He frowned in response, “I frequent this location often, why have I never seen you,”
Virgil shrugged, “I normally leave at 5 o’clock, so what time-”
“Ah,” Arias pointed a finger at him, “That must be it. I come in here at around 6 o’clock most weekdays. I am familiar with some of the staff… Including Roman,” He gestured his hand a little past Virgil, who turned around to see his manager walking towards them, a grin plastered on his face.
“Hello again, Logan. I see you have become acquainted with Virgil now,” Roman grinned and placed an arm around Virgil shoulders, sighing a bit with relief to finally know the other man’s name.
Arias- Logan, must have had the same line of thinking, “We haven’t had a proper introduction, but, I suppose now his a good time.” He held out his hand to Virgil, “I am Logan Arias,”
Virgil took his hand, “Virgil Kosa,” The shook for a moment, Logan’s grip was professional and firm and then they parted.
Logan directed his attention to Roman, “Yes, Virgil here helped me after I tripped and fell over that dreaded sidewalk,”
Roman groaned, “That sidewalk is the bane of my existence. It is now evident that you lost that fight with the sidewalk,” Roman loosely pointed to the wounds on Logan’s face, which prompted him to pull out the bandages, rubbing alcohol, and cotton rounds from his bag.
“I also lost my Macbook in the process. It succumbed to the harsh concrete, but I have the warranty for it. Thankfully Virgil here was there to help me gather my items that were lost from my fall.” He smiled softly at the dark cladded man, “I am quite grateful,”
Roman gave a hearty laugh, “Well, it is good that I let you go on that smoking break then,”
Virgil smirked, “I guess today smoking is going to save lives,”
Logan’s face contorted, but before he could say anything the chime went off in the store and they saw two people standing at the counter. They bid their short farewell to Logan and made their way around the back of the counter.
They had a mini rush, an influx of students from their college town came in, ordering everything from black coffee to frivolous frappuccinos. Roman took orders while Virgil blended, shook, and spun the orders ‘round. He didn’t mind the work. It was mindless and it allowed his thoughts to drift a bit. He thought about Logan a bit more, his eyes trailing to the black haired man who was studying diligently, flipped through flashcards faster than Virgil could probably read them. Logan adjusted his glasses and Virgil smiled, taking in his sharp features and intelligent sense of dress. He noticed the blue bandage he had on his cheek and the medical bag was on the chair opposite to him. Virgil stared longer than he should have and Logan turned to him, catching his eye. He waved curtly at Virgil, grey eyes flashing with bemusement and he flushed in response, opting for a two fingered salute towards Logan, hoping he didn’t notice his blush.
The rush eventually died down and Virgil was wiping down the machines when Roman came up behind him, straws in hand. He grinned down at Virgil as he stocked the dry goods, the other attempting to ignore the chuckles and giggles coming from the taller man. Eventually, Virgil turned to raise an eyebrow at Roman, who was filling the creamer with a cheeky expression.
“Can I ask you a question, V?”
Virgil nodded, prompting the other to continue.
“So, you’re gay, cachai?” Roman purred, the rhyme flowing effortlessly off his tongue.
Virgil made a smacking noise with his mouth and shook his head, wiping down a counter area that was already clean, “You can’t ask me that, Roman,”
He rolled his eyes, “But I am correct, yes?”
Virgil groaned, “Yes, you are. Is this relevant?”
Roman danced in placed, spilling droplets of creamer on the ground, “I want to set you up with Logan,”
Virgil groaned, “No, I do not want to be set up with anyone. I barely know him,”
“You kept giving him eyes on the line, I was watching,”
“He is cute, yes, but that whole med student thing does not exactly appeal to me, seeing as I am the least healthy person I know,”
Roman decidedly ignored the last half of Virgil’s statement and made undignified, offended gasps at Virgil, “Cute? You have got to be kidding me, weon,” Roman ruffled his dark curls after discarding the gloves he was wearing, “He has that sexy librarian thing going on, how can you not be into that?”
If you’re so ‘into that’,” Virgil quoted “Then why don’t you date him?”
Roman protested, “You would think I would, but, I am still trying to take a bite of your adorably delicious roommate,”
“Ah, right,” Virgil remembered, “That’s a fun thing to hear from your boss,”
Roman groaned dramatically and Virgil just raised an eyebrow at him, “Just go ask him out, I promise you will not regret it,” He sung that last bit, and Virgil only rolled his eyes. He did a quick sweep of the line and made sure to diligently wipe down the blenders to avoid going out into the lobby to wipe down tables.
“I am leaving now, Roman,” Virgil’s eyes trailed to the front counter to where he heard Logan’s voice, seeing the med student talk to his manager, “I will see you tomorrow, most likely,”
“Ah, that you will, weon. I hope you get your laptop fixed, promptly,” Roman flailed his arms in standard dramatic fashion and Logan shook his head at him, exhausted.
“Virgil,” Logan called out to him, a ways away down the line. He beckoned Virgil forward and he rushed forward, standing next to Roman, the two were stark contrasts of each other, “I just wanted to let you know I left something for you written on one of the napkins on the table,” Logan motioned towards his table, and sure enough, Virgil spotted a napkin and a pen left there. Virgil said nothing in response and Logan took this as an opportunity to take his leave and bid the other two a quaint farewell.
As soon as Logan was out the door, Roman began squealing with delight as Virgil turned completely red to his roots.
“Looks like Logan had the hots for you too!” He followed Virgil out into the lobby where he went to Logan’s seat and snatched up the napkin with the pen. He looked at the napkin, expecting to find a phone number or an email.
“What is it?” Roman asked, and Virgil read the napkin over again, groaning.
Virgil frowned at Roman, and read the napkin out loud:
“Smoking is the leading cause of preventable disease. Frequent smokers die 10 years earlier than non-smokers.
-(soon to be) Dr. Logan Arias, Addiction Psychiatrist”
Roman snatched the napkin away from Virgil’s grasp to read it for himself, and began laughing.
“Great, not only do I have my coworkers and housemates bother me about smoking, now I have random attractive men doing so?”
Roman continued laughing, “Si, po. Si,”
“This is why you don’t fuck with med students,” Virgil spat, bitterly.
Roman said nothing but snickered a bit more before following Virgil to the back where he pulled out his phone.
“It is not an incorrect fact, I just checked,”
“I didn’t think it would be, weon,” Roman pinned the napkin to their corkboard in the back, “Soon-to-be Dr. Logan Arias said so,” He quoted and giggled a bit more as Virgil made a grab for the napkin, but Roman deflected it.
“You suck, Roman, I want you to know that,” Virgil looked at the clock, “I was supposed to get off 45 minutes ago, can I leave?”
Roman nodded as Virgil unplugged his phone charger and grabbed his lighter (he always carries two) and inspected the note once more, “It is odd that he didn’t leave a number or anything, just a fact,”
Roman shrugged, “Maybe he will give one to you once you make an effort to stop smoking,”
Virgil barked laughing, “Fat chance,” He made a beeline for the door.
“No one wants to kiss an ashtray!” Roman called.
Virgil pushed open the door with he back as he yelled back at Roman, “I am not asking anyone to!”
He put in his earbuds and began walking with purpose back to his apartment. The walk was an easy 10 minutes where he could just block out the world and succumb to the lyrics of his Walking/Daydream Playlist.
He reached his apartment and threw his keys in the bowl at the front door. He greeted Patton and made his way to his room and looked at the time. It was only 6 o’clock, so he decided he had time for a nap before dinner. Virgil closed his eyes and fell asleep to visions of steel grey and cigarette smoke.
I made Roman Chilean in this fic (gee… I wonder why), so some of the italicized words are Chilean slang that I will define here: 
santa marta - Not a Chilean slang word, but slang for marijuana in Latin America (according to the Internet). 
cachai - Do you get me?/ Y’know? / Yea? At it’s core, it is essential just asking if they are on the same page. 
po: Just used for emphasis when speaking.
weon: This is the most commonly used slang word in Chile. It’s meaning can range from ‘dude’ or ‘man’ to as a term of endearment, greeting to idiot or worse. The meaning all depends on context and emphasis. I am being serious when I say Chileans say this in every other sentence. 
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Christmas Shouldn’t Be Lonely
Christmas Shouldn’t Be Lonely
Member: BTS’ Hoseok/Jhope
This is for @longknj , I was your BTS Secret Santa from @bts-secret-santa . I hope you enjoy the story and that you had a wonderful Christmas and very Happy New Year. Also, I apologies for it being late, I got sick over Christmas, it took all my energy and I wanted this to be perfect! 
Dread filled him as he saw the text message sent from his manager. This couldn’t be happening, he thought to himself. He had already given his promise and now he would be forced to break it. Granted this wasn’t really his fault, he had no control over when the company decided to add an extra show or interview to BTS’ already busy schedule. With their popularity rising, they had to do all they could right now to satisfy the fans hunger for them at the moment. There was no way to know when it would subside and a new group would take their place.
 Still, this sucked and he had no other way to describe it.
 “Hoseok? Hey, are you paying attention?”
 With a quick shake of his head, he looked over at Namjoon. “I’m sorry, what?” he asked.
 “I was asking if you got the text message about the new dates.” Namjoon said. “But you kind of looked like you’d seen a ghost. Are you okay?”
 “I thought we were promised to have Christmas time off.” Came the slightly annoyed response.
 A bit surprised at the tone, Namjoon gave a small shrug. “Well with all the recognition the group is getting, more shows are wanting us to perform.” He gave a smile. “That’s a good thing, though. All our hard work is paying off.”
 “I made plans for this time already.”
 “I’m sure your family will understand. I have to tell mine the same thing, that I won’t be able to see them for Christmas. As will the other guys, not just you.”
 “It isn’t my family I have to tell.”
 A frown touched Namjoon’s face. “Who else would you…. Oh.” His eyes widened at the realization. “Oh! I didn’t know it had gotten that serious with her. Is it really?”
 “Kind of…” Hoseok said as he rubbed his forehead. “This time off, I was going to find out for sure. Now I doubt that will even happen. She probably won’t want to see me after this.”
 “Then she isn’t…”
 He waved his hands at Namjoon. “No, no, it isn’t like that. She’s been very understanding with me and my career. More so then I have ever seen. It’s just… she asked me to never make a promise I couldn’t keep. I haven’t made her any promises because I couldn’t count on keeping them for sure. And the one time I was so sure I’d be able to keep it, I made the promise with all my heart.”
 Namjoon noticed the way Hoseok lit up as he spoke only to grow sad once again. While some only saw him as JHope, Army’s Hope and BTS’ eternal sunshine, Namjoon knew better. He knew that Hoseok was just really good with his feelings and kept them hidden well. And when he’d met this girl, he thought that maybe his friend would be able to relax a little, not have to always be on so to speak.
 “Talk to her.”
 “Easy for you to say,” he muttered as he stared at the text message again.
“Jagi, I am really sorry,” Hoseok said into the phone.
 “It’s fine.” Her voice was soft and calm.
 That should have comforted him, but instead it made him panic.
 “I honestly had no idea they’d do this,” he said in a rush. “They just told us all today!”
 “You don’t have to shout, Hobi,” she said softly.
 He sighed heavily, his shoulders slumped forward as he sat in the chair. He was alone in the living room; the rest of the members had left to give him some time alone for this call. Tears filled his eyes as he heard her say she understood.
 How could she? He’d broken the first promise he’d ever given to her! This wasn’t right, he was horrible at these things called relationships. He should just accept the fact she’d never want to see him again and be done with it. He’d grow old with Yoongi and that’d be that. Well, he’d probably have to deal with Jin at some point, but at least he’d always eat well.
 “Hobi? Are you still there?”
 “Yes, yes I’m sorry. I know I messed up, but I will make it up to you.” He said. “Please give me a second chance at least.”
 “There is no need, this wasn’t your fault,” she said in an attempt to placate him. “This was out of your control. I know that. We can plan something together next week.”
 “Really?” he said, his emotions shot right up with happiness. “That would be amazing. I do want to see you as soon as possible. Maybe we can take a day trip somewhere.”
 Her soft chuckle made him feel calmer then he’d felt all afternoon. “Yeah, that sounds like fun.”
 Hoseok grinned as he pulled his cell from his hear, hitting the speaker button as he did. “Y/n, I have you on speaker. I'm going to put your name on in my calendar. That way if anyone asks, I know it is a no.”
 “You are so silly sometimes, Hobi,” she said with a chuckle again.
 He smiled again, even though she couldn’t see it. She had this way to make him feel so calm, nervous and happy all at once. This was all new for him, so naturally, he was terrified of screwing something up. With his career, relationships in general were tough. Even more so when they have to remain secret. Yet she had been a trooper through all this. She didn’t complain when he couldn’t come see her or when he was out of the country on tour had limited time to talk.
 He didn’t want to lose this one. He had a feel she was the one!
 As he thought all this, he looked through his calendar. His heart sank as he saw that once again, he was booked solid. The end of the year, why did he think he could have some time alone with her when it was the end of the year?
 A heavy sigh slipped out. “Maybe we can see each other the weekend after next?” he whispered, his tone a mixture of sadness and hopefulness.
 “Oh…” she said softly, the first sign of sadness she’d expressed during the conversation. “Yeah, sure. Just let me know. Um… I have to go now; my lunch time is almost over.”
 “I understand,” he replied. Boy did he ever.
 As they said their goodbyes and hung up, he leaned his head back against the wall. Why did things have to be so tough sometimes, he wondered. He was a young man; did he really have to choose between his career and his happiness? Was that how life was going to be? Couldn’t he have both? He’d worked so hard for this, but did that mean this would be his only love in life?
 Christmas Eve
 Hoseok was sitting on stage, his bright smile slapped onto his face. Here he was JHope and he represented BTS with the other guys to perfection. No one saw the war going on inside. No one caught the fleeting sadness that passed through his eyes. No one could tell he felt a horrible, gut wrenching sadness as he spoke about the amazing year the group had or what hopes they had for the new year.
 Well, no one expect his brothers in the group. Suga had been passing him things all morning; a bottle of water, a cookie, a piece of candy that he had no idea what kind it was. Jin had almost tried to force feed him breakfast this morning when he’d only picked at it. Jimin, the worrier he was, had teamed up with Taehyung and both were constantly giving him hugs or pats of affections. Around the time they were getting their hair and makeup done for the show, Jungkook had realized he hadn’t been his normal upbeat self, that’s when he tried to make him laugh with some sort of new expressions he’d been practicing on.
 Hoseok couldn’t help but to be thankful for each and everyone of them. They had done their best, however it still hurt not to see her when he had wanted nothing more.
 “The guys are starting to worry,” Namjoon said as they walked off stage to get ready for their performance.
 “I know, I heard Jin say he’d tie me to a chair at lunch if I refused to eat like this morning,” he muttered to the leader. “I’m doing my best though.”
 Namjoon nodded his head. “I know you are. Come on, let’s get through this performance and we can go back home.”
 With a nod, he headed with him to the dressing room. As he entered ahead of Namjoon, he noticed the strange way the other members suddenly turned to them, huddled together. A look of surprise filled their eyes, as if they hadn’t expected to see him. He had to get ready for the performance just like them…
 “What’s going on?” Hoseok asked confused.
“Nothing, Hyung,” Jimin said a little too quickly.
 “Why do you think somethings going on?” Jin asked at the same time, that windshield style laugh of nervousness slipped out.
 “Because you guys are standing together, facing me, with surprised looks on your face,” he pointed out then watched as they all started to smile. “And now you all have strange smiles on your face.”
 “Can’t fool you, Hoseok-hyung,” Jungkook said with a chuckle. He glanced at the others for help, as if he had no idea what to actually say to him.
 Yet the others seemed as lost as the youngest member. That really made him wonder. What could possibly be going on? He hadn’t been that much out of it, had he? No way, Namjoon would have said it was worse earlier and not just the guys were starting to worry.
 With his brows brought together in confusion, he looked at each one of them. “Are you not going to tell me what’s going on?”
 “We know you’ve been sad because you can’t see Y/N,” Taehyung said, a soft smile on his face. “So, we thought we’d give you a little surprise.”
 Hoseok look confused until the members stepped aside to see a giant bear behind them. He was just like any teddy bear, but with a red bow tie around his neck. It might have seemed strange, but for the fact he had gotten a smaller version of the same bear for Y/N for their… was it their anniversary? Could he call it that? They had known each other at least for six months when he gave it to her. That could be an anniversary… right?
 “We helped her get this sent to you for Christmas,” Jin explained. “Not easy lugging this giant around.” His thumb pointed at the bear.
 “Yeah,” Jimin said with a laugh. “Y/N told us it had to be this one. She sent every single one of us photos too. She said it had to match the one you got her a few months back. We thought this one should have a blue bow instead, you know to be a little different, but she insisted that it have a red one like hers.”
 A small smile touched his face, “Thanks guys. That’s really sweet of you all.”
 “Did they already give you the bear? I told them to wait for me.”
 With a snap of his head, Hoseok turned to the door behind him to see Y/N there. She smiled brightly as she saw him. He blinked, quite certain he that he was in a dream. He hadn’t heard her walk up, though from the grin on Namjoon’s face, he had known. But she hadn’t told him she would be here! They talked last night and he would have remembered that part of the conversation.
 “I guess they just can’t keep a secret, huh?” she asked, while the guys chuckled.
 “What… How…. When…” he stuttered about confused.
 “You were sad we couldn’t see each other like you promised, so Joonie thought it would be a great for me to come surprise you today. Since I thought it was brilliant idea, here I am. Surprise!”
 With a grin, he rushed to pull her into his arms and hugged her tightly. With a laugh, she wrapped her arms around his neck to hug him back, all the while the others made awws and laughed.
 “Okay… okay… I know you missed her, but we do still have a performance to do,” Namjoon spoke up, the voice of reason once more.
 Hoseok pulled back. “Right, I do. But you’re not going anywhere right? You’ll be here once I finish on stage?”
 Y/N gave a shake of her head. “Nope, I am here to celebrate Christmas with you. You’re stuck with me.” The smile he loved settled on her lips as they stared into each other’s eyes.
 “I can live with that,” he said, his own bright smile came out for real, unlike the interview.
 “Good,” she said giving him a gentle kiss. “Merry Christmas, Hoseok-oppa.”
 “Merry Christmas, Y/N.”
 The End
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truemanblack · 6 years
A/N: I’m speedy since I’m chilln’ so here’s part one in full!!! I really really like this idea so - thanks! 
📍 Location: Amelia Ellis dropped a pin in Santa Monica, California (GMT -08:00)  ‘You're the one that's always running through my day dreams, I I can only see your face when I close my eyes’ - PROLOGUE 
I was back at work, I was tired, sunburned and still thinking about Harry. I had no fucking idea why I was still letting him run through my mind, I wondered if he was getting tired. I hadn’t told my friends, thought they were eyeing me every time I would giggle at my phone or started blushing at phone screen. I hated Los Angeles, I hated the scene, the idea of having to become a star. Maybe I just hated downtown LA, not all of it, because there are some good spots. I was telling Harry about a place in the fashion district that has the best pasta.
Amelia: It’s the best, sadly their menu is seasonal, so my favorite thing is in the summer only. Harry: That’s no good, you’ll have to take me sometime. Amelia: I keep talking about food, sorry. Harry: It’s okay, it’s not like my normal texts I receive. Amelia: What’s a ‘normal’ text to you. Harry: Asking me for something, usually. Amelia: That sucks, what do you do? Harry: I’m in music. I wondered what type of music he played, I didn’t want to pry too much since I only told him I was an artist – he hadn’t asked to see my work, so I’ll wait until he asks me. It was lunch, I saw that I missed a few texts from him. We were raving about our favorite things, from flowers, chocolates – to now talking about the correct things that go on a hamburger.
Harry: Bacon, but the bacon I’m used to – not what you Americans are. Harry: Good cheese too, I love a good cheese. Harry: Are not replying because you agree or because you’re busy? Harry: I sound needy, sorry ‘bout that.” Amelia: Sorry! I was working lol. Harry: I forgot you were working, my fault, love. I’ll let you get back to it. Amelia: I’m on lunch, so I’m free until I ghost you. Harry: Don’t joke about ghosting me, I enjoy talking to you. Amelia: How’s Jamaica? Harry: Harry dropped a pin in New York City, New York Harry: Not there anymore. Amelia: Wow! World traveler, you are. Harry: Ha! I wish it was for pleasure. Amelia: Still more fun than Los Angeles. I’d love to live in New York, can’t bring myself to move away from my family.
I had found my favorite food truck up the street, I’d been tracking them for the last month and they were gonna be right by the museum. They made these fancy sandwiches, always toasted, always fresh bread – couldn’t resist. Harry was good at texting, there were times we’d ghost each other, but usually he would make it up to me. Our time zones were so far apart so calling wasn’t an option. Though, I would love to hear his voice again – northwest was where his accent was located. I had spent about an hour listening to the accents of England, which was weird for me – I’m just used to Americans. It could be why I was very light on the subject of calling him, once and while he would send me a voice memo – usually at night. He made it a ‘thing’ for us. I would send him one usually me saying ‘goodnight, Harry. Sweet dreams.” And he would send one back, longer, telling me about the moon outside, or give a pause and let me hear the ocean against the phone. I had a feeling he was romantic, I didn’t hate it. He was in music. I wondered what he did, if he was a singer, couldn’t be drums – his hands were too soft. His fingers were a bit callused, so maybe guitar.
Harry: I get what you mean, I hate being away from my family. Amelia: Tell me about your family. Harry: My parents are divorced, I’m really close to my mother. I have a sister, I’m close with her too. My mother is remarried to an amazing man, love him to bits. Amelia: I don’t get how people can’t be close to their families. Harry: I agree, what’s your family like? Amelia: I was adopted as a baby, so I have two amazing mothers, and our dogs. If I could say my animals are my siblings, I would. Harry: Ha! Cats would be my siblings. Amelia: Cats are sneaky, but I like that about them. Harry: Right? They surprise you with affection. But look, I’m going to ghost you for a bit. I’m sorry. Amelia: It’s okay! I’m going back to work anyway.
I felt like the work day went by quickly, usually I took my lunch as late as possible, so I could only have a few hours left until I needed to leave. I bid my goodbyes to my coworkers before dealing with the traffic. I lived in Santa Monica, I loved it, it was the busyness of the city but with a more relaxed vibe. I lived above a restaurant (very fitting of me) in a loft. Unfinished artwork cluttering the living space and my bed taking up the corner by the window. I liked waking up the crashing of the ocean, the sunrise being my personal alarm clock. I was making myself some dinner when a dig went off.
Harry: How was work? Amelia: It was work. How was work for you? Harry: It was also work. Are you free to call? Amelia: Yeah!
I ran to find my headphones somewhere in this apartment. I could hear my phone ringing. I answered it before my headphones where untangled.
“One second,” I huffed as I set the phone down on the counter and finished getting the knot out. I plugged it in and tried to compose myself as I tucked my phone into my pocket. “Sorry about that!”
              “It’s no problem.” He chuckled, I liked it. I liked actually hearing him rather than a ‘lol’ or a ‘HA!’ as he liked to send. “What are you doing?”
              “I’m cooking dinner, what about you?” I suddenly felt nervous, it was just a phone call. We’ve been texting for the last two weeks. I knew a lot of the surface things about him, we’d only really get intimate on the audio messages he’d send me. I was trying not make too much noise as I was cooking, quietly cutting carrots putting everything in bowls so I can have one loud part of the call.
              “What are you cooking? It’s about six for you, right?” He ignored my question which was funny to me, he really didn’t like talking about himself, he always wanted to know what I was doing, how I slept, but I wanted to know the same things.
              “Stir fry with noodles, and yes it’s about six thirty. What are you doing?” I asked again, I wanted to mostly hear him.
              “That sounds delicious. I just got back to my hotel.”
              “Hmm, how’s the big apple treating you?”
              “Crisp. Very crisp.”
              “Sounds like a good apple to me.” I tried to quietly cook food in a pan hoping it wouldn’t bother him too much. “I’m sorry it’s so loud.”
              “It doesn’t bother me, not one bit.” Of course, it doesn’t, I felt like I was apologizing too much.
              “Okay good, what did you do today. And before you ask me, I just worked. I was thinking later about riding my bike down the pier.” I heard him chuckle, I really liked hearing that.
              “I had a few business meetings about my album, mostly. I had lunch with a few friends.”
              “Where did you have lunch?”
              “Some café, I can’t be bothered with the name, it wasn’t that great.”
              “I’m sorry your lunch sucked, ruins the day until dinner.” I was finally done cooking and was sitting down to eat. I felt more uncomfortable about eating on the phone. The idea that the microphone was right by my mouth, and I was eating noodles and it was going to be slurpy, I hated it. “Did you still want to stay on the phone with me even if I was eating?” I was hoping for a no, then he would call me back or something.
              “I’m fine with that.” Oh, fucking Christ. I hummed into the phone and I could hear a creek from his side. “Sorry, I just needed to lay back, didn’t notice how loud the bed was.” We both laughed, and my mouth was full of food, so I was trying not to talk, or chew loudly. “I’ll talk while you eat. I know you live in California since you use that stupid ‘find your friends’ app and your location is shared with me. I’ll be coming out in a few days, I was thinking we could do something together, something low key.”
              “As long as you don’t stalk me anymore, I’ll do it.”
              “I can’t help that iPhones share your every move with me. I had to turn mine off, I had it on that night in Jamaica because I wander when I’m drunk.”
              “I can see that; my friends and I use it for tinder dates.”
              “Are you on tinder?” I coughed from laughing. “I’m taking that as a no, you don’t seem the type.”
              “I’m not, my friends just go on these random dates and it’s easier to get a location and a codeword rather than just guessing.”
              “I’m assuming you save everyone then?”
              “Sometimes, I’m usually have more free time than them.” I shrugged, he wouldn’t see it. My friends were very much actively dating, while I just liked to sit and talk with people before dating them. Though, I feel like Harry just asked me on a date, or did he ask me to hang out. “Did you ask me on a date or to hang out?”
              “Shit, I’m sorry I shouldn’t have asked that.”
              “It can be a date if you want it to be.”
              “No, I just. It’s not that I wouldn’t want to go on a date with you, it’s just I’d rather hang out first.” He was laughing, like a really deep laugh. I remembered he had dimples, and I imagined them being there while he was laughing. “God, I’m nervous talking to you if you want me to be honest.” I was putting my bowl in the sink.
              “I would like for you to be honest with me.” I started slipping on my shoes, I figured that I could go on a walk while were on the phone. It was better than doing random shit around the house while we were on the phone. “I’m quite nervous too.”
              “Why are you nervous?” I heard him exhale and suck on his teeth. “I’m nervous because I haven’t been, I guess I would use this word, intimate with a man in a while. Women? All day, but it’s different with a man.” I tended to enjoy the company of a woman rather than a man, I was a bit more masculine than most women, just my mannerisms, the way I dress, how I deal with things. It was hard finding a man who was fitting for the femininity I was searching for and always found in other women.
              “Hm, I guess the best way to put it is, you make me feel so normal. You probably think you bore me with your little mundane updates, but I quite enjoy them.” It felt good to know I didn’t bore him. “Do you prefer only women, I don’t mean to pry.”
              “No, I don’t really have a preference.”
              “Me neither, I think the idea of knowing someone completely and fully before even getting intimate.”
              “Me too,” We were in silence for a bit, I was walking around the pier. “What do you do, I know you’re in music, but what do you do?”
              “I was in a band, I’ve gone solo now.”
              “What band, if you don’t mind me asking.” I heard a chuckled from him.
              “You really don’t know, do you?”
              “Should I really know? I’m shit at listening to new music.”
              “No, no, I love that you don’t know.”
              “Are you going to tell me?”
              “One Direction.” I couldn’t help but to laugh, I couldn’t place him in a boy group like that. “What’s funny?”
              “I’m more of an N*Sync girl myself. I was placing you in an entire metal band.”
              “Sorry, I was in Nine Inch Nails,” He laughed, and I couldn’t help but laugh with him.
              “I’m more of a Deftones fan, but that’ll work too.”
              “I’m shocked you don’t know. I loved being in that group, it was amazing, but having people who just have no idea who I am is great.”
              “I’m still listening to Celebrity by N*Sync, so I’ll make some room to fit your music into there.”
              “Tell me what you think, honest opinions only.”
              “I’ll put in on my work playlist.”
              “What do you do at work?”
              “Oh! I restore paintings. Like old paintings.”
              “That’s cool, so you work at the museum or this a private practice.”
              “Well it’s a private practice so I’m contracted by the museum, mostly.”
              “That’s quite a cool job, do you do your own art?”
              “Yeah, I mainly post it on Instagram.” I started to find my way back home, the sun was going to be setting soon and I would rather be in my loft watching it. Harry hadn’t responded for quite some time, but I saw that he was still on the phone. I suddenly got a notification.
@harrystyles started following
“How’d you find that so quickly, oh my god?”
              “Your phone number you, nut.” I laughed, mostly because I’ve called him a nut a few times, to hear him say out loud was hilarious to me.
              “Don’t call me a nut, you’re a nut.” I giggled, there were a few times we’d just sit in silence on the phone, I didn’t mind it at all. I’m not a huge fan of talking on the phone, my moms would always call me on speaker when they were cooking or watching TV, or Lucy would call me when she’s rushing around her apartment asking me if I was coming out or not. Harry just wanted to talk. So, we did, we talked until the sun went down. I’m assuming it’s still sunny for him. We talked about how we were in high school, I was just a year younger than him. He was way more successful than I was. We talked about the music we liked, and got on the subject on best rapper which we had an agreement it was Kendrick, all the way.
I told him about the time I went to Coachella and saw him, he asked if I wore a crazy outfit – which I didn’t. We walked more about our families, about how we both have a mother named Anne, his was Anne, mine was Ann. He told me about his sister, and the article she wrote about him.
              “I was bursting into tears, I really did.” He told me.
We were talking about movies, he told me he was in one that should be coming out soon – though, he couldn’t give me the details about it. We talked about our pets, his cat dusty. He told me how we wanted a hairless cat, which I told him was an awful want. It was around nine for me, and I was growing tired, still from the trip, and knowing that I was going to be up at six am.
              “You’re yawning,” He hummed into the phone, he’d just finished dinner, a burger, with fries, all the extras on the burger. “I should let you sleep,”
              “Ugh, I’ve just enjoyed talking to you,” My phone was dying, and I was trying to rush to my bed to put it on the charger.
              “I’ve enjoyed talking to you too, nut.”
              “Hey, now, I can take it all back.” He was chuckling. I imagine him laying back on these big fluffy pillows, the sheets were probably all white. I imagined him in jeans, maybe a white tee. He smelt good the night I met him, very expensive. It was weird how it was all coming back to me. I was looking up at the ceiling, I bet he was doing the same thing. We both were breathing on the phone, maybe he was thinking about what I was doing too. “What are you thinking about?”
              “I had dream last night, about Jamaica, I was very drunk the night I met you, but I could remember your face. I’m just trying to piece it in my head, it’s been awhile.” I hummed, that was too sweet.
              “I was drunk too, I remember the way you smelled, which is weird.”
              “S‘not weird, s’not at all.”
              “You have dimples right, I’m not just making that up?”
              “Yeah, you want me to take a picture of myself and send it to you?”
              “No, I’ll ruin the excitement until I see you again.”
              “I like that idea.”
              “I won’t even look at your Instagram, I don’t have photos of myself on there, so you can look at mine.”
              “No listening to my old band, the covers have me on it.”
              “Deal.” I hummed and closed my eyes. I could see us, dancing and giggling. It was really hot that day, it rained the next. I could smell the ocean, maybe it was because my bed was next to the window.
              “I’m going to be honest with you, Amelia.” He liked calling me that instead of Aimee, he said it suited me. “I’m scared once you find out all about me, you’re not going to want to hang out with me anymore. I’m scared once we start hanging out, the media knows your name, the internet knows this sweet little woman – they’ll rip you apart. You’re so normal and I want that, but that’s not me. I’m actually quite jealous. You can get gas on your own, you can grocery shop without anyone bothering you.”
              “I guess there’s upsides to being a nobody. But don’t envy me, green doesn’t look good on you.”
              “How would you know, green looks great on me.”
              “Shut up, oh my god.” We were laughing again. “I’m tired.”
              “I know you are, and I’m being selfish by keeping you on the phone.”
              “Shush, I’m going to hang up, we can do this again tomorrow. I promise.”
              “Okay, Amelia.” I hadn’t hung up, I was hoping he would hang up on me, maybe end this. I didn’t want to be the one to hang up. “Neither of us are going to hang up? Hm, I can’t wait to see you, you pick the time and the place, and I’m all yours. I can pull some strings to get some privacy.”
              “Hmm, you said you’re here next week?” I was rolled up in my bed, I could knock out any second. “How about next Thursday, one of my favorite days of the week.”
              “Thursday is your favorite day of the week?”
              “Friday Eve.” He chuckled.
              “Okay, I’ll be there, Petal, Thursday, pick a time. But sleep first.” I hummed into the phone. “Sweet dreams, Amelia.”
              “Sweet Dreams, Harry.”
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Why Men Disappear When It Gets Serious
You meet a guy who seems perfect.
Things are chugging right along and then one day, out of the blue…
He’s gone.
Either he ghosts or tells you he isn’t looking for a serious relationship.
You’re left heartbroken and confused. Why did he date you if he was just going to dump you?
The simple fact is: some guys aren’t looking for a serious relationship. 
It’s not you. Really.
It’s them.
Watch this video to understand why guys disappear when things get serious, and what to do to avoid that situation.
Your Coach, Adam
P.S. My Casual to Committed online training program is exactly what you need after watching this, so check it out!
  Summary –
There are men out there who are not actively looking for a serious relationship.
They might think that they’re open to a relationship if the right girl were to come along, so they date women like you who clearly are looking for something more long-term.
A guy like this meets a fantastic woman, takes her out, and before he knows it, he’s meeting her parents.
Then they go apple picking.
We all know, once you go apple picking (or any other very domesticated activity), it’s over.
But still, in his head, he’s still thinking that this isn’t a serious relationship.
For you as the woman in this scenario, you start to develop serious feelings for this guy. After all, you’re a sexy confident lady who wants a great relationship in her life, and you want this to be that great relationship.
At the same time, he’s thinking, ahh, I’m not so sure if I want this.
And then, as you start to have more real conversations with him about the things that you want in a relationship, he gets really scared…
And he peaces out.
Why Does This Happen?
Unfortunately, this is a very common situation that happens to women. Quite frankly, the same thing also happens to men. This is a natural part of relationships, and while it sucks, it does happen. So just realize that you’re not alone.
Next, remember this: it’s not your fault. Don’t blame yourself. It happens to people in dating. It happens in certain times of your life. It’s so easy to look at yourself in the mirror and think that it was all your fault, that you should have seen all the red flags. But you need to allow yourself to forgive him and forgive yourself, and just  move on. It has nothing to do with you most of the time.
Most of the time it happens because, from the very beginning, he just didn’t want a relationship. It comes down to one word:
Men have a lot of fears when it comes to long-term relationships, and there are a few different reasons why.
For starters there’s a fear of change. Now as they say, change is hard at first, messy in the middle, but gorgeous in the end. And you know that when you get into a new relationship, yes, change might be a little bit hard, but you welcome that change because you’re looking forward to that beautiful relationship in the end. But a lot of guys have that fear of change.
They don’t want to change their ways.
They don’t want to change their lifestyle.
Maybe they like going out. Maybe they like going on dates. Maybe they like meeting a lot of women. And they don’t want to change, or they’re afraid of what this might mean for their life. And if that happens, what are you going to do? He wasn’t able to see how beautiful the relationship would be in the end, and that is completely his loss.
Next, there’s the fear of commitment. Now, men have had a propensity to fear commitment for all of human history, but this seems to be getting worse in the 21st century. One of the biggest challenges that people are facing in dating now, and this is probably a challenge you might be facing as well, is that there are so many options out there.
He can swipe left.
He can swipe right.
He can go online.
He can go out with one person.
Then another.
And before he knows it, he’s texting with eight women and can’t decide who he wants to commit to. And science shows that when humans are presented with too many options, we find it very difficult to actually make a decision. So rather than commit and move forward with you, sexy, single lady, he decides to wait on the decision until it ultimately just dies out.
And lastly there is a fear of intimacy. He’s been burned in the past. And the last time he opened up his heart to a woman, she completely broke it. Or maybe he’s just never been able to actually show any type of emotional side to him, and he’s afraid that the more that he goes down this road with you, the more he’s going to have to show some of his flaws.
Some of these reasons men disappear are legitimate and you can help them overcome them, and some of these fears are just complete bullshit and he’s just being a baby. And it’s ultimately for you to decide whether it’s worth the effort or not. But if you are at a time in your life when you are emotionally mature and ready for a real relationship, then you know that you need to leave your heart open to guys who are also open to those real relationships.
Who aren’t running and hiding.
Who are willing to invest themselves and their emotional energy into you.
If you aren’t finding men like that, and a guy does disappear, just remember that you’re better off it ending now then finding yourself five years from now, realizing that he was never really committed to the relationship.
So let me ask you: has a man ever disappeared when things started to get serious? Leave the comment right there below.
  get pulled dating, he disappeared, online dating guys disappear, why do guys pull away and then come back, why do men pull away, why do men pull away and then come back, why he disappeared, why men come back after you ignore them, why men disappear when it gets serious, why men pull away,
The post Why Men Disappear When It Gets Serious appeared first on Sexy Confidence.
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