#Also ty to my husband for the a+ photography
miidnighters · 10 months
Good morning it is not quite munday anymore (for me at least) but I just re-discovered this photo of me in the days still medicated post-surgery (dare i say, zooted), covered in cats. Enjoy.
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Making a girl happy or miserable?
Our daughter is the most miserable in the world!
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Abdominal pain when "months come", hair is always oily and greasy, lipstick should choose what color, excess fat in unnecessary places, boyfriend's best friend, clothes change according to the season, forever unknown My husband is Song Joongki or Lee Jongsuk, and the wallet is always flat. Having a baby is scary just thinking about it. Being a girl is so hard, everything hurts for the first time, "every month" also hurts, a boy can dream at most, a girl gives birth to a baby, a boy is just waiting to hold a baby. Whether "red light" comes or not is worried. Now people who are so beautiful are equated with having surgery. If you want to be cool and sexy, you will be called a "crystal fox". Even a little bit of beauty is easy to be seen by bad guys. You have to be a good wife and a good wife, and you have to worry about economic independence. Round 1 is too big to blame; Round 1 is small then criticize the airport. Dressing modestly is said to be noble; Dressing sexy is said to specialize in seducing others. If you don't wear makeup, it's bad; makeup is fake face. If you have a stable economic job, you will be told that you go to the back door, and if you stay at home to help your husband teach your children, you will be told that there is no ideal. Women who commit adultery are criminals, men who commit adultery say that men don't. Please, this world treats girls with tenderness, girls don't owe you anything. It's hot, makeup takes 2 hours, 5 minutes to wash off. There is hair everywhere on the floor, combing it all the time. Every time you wash your hair, there will be a pile of hair floating in the bathroom, blocking the drain. Why am I fat? Why am I black? Why do I run out of clothes to wear? With so many clothes, you know what to wear? Why don't I have a boyfriend yet? Why does my boyfriend look so ugly? Why haven't you "had"? "Why is it taking so long this time? Should I buy more lipstick? This is so delicious, can I eat it again? Why am I a girl???? Tie my hair, 2 loops are a bit loose but 3 loops back too tight Want to go crazy!!!!! Buttons backwards, buttoning like crazy. In the morning, thinking about hairstyles and tying it up like crazy, in the morning, I have to go looking for elastic bands, just like looking for opium. Also, should I wash my hair today, should I go out, what do I wear when I go out, I have to change clothes, take a break, stay at home to be healthy. So take good care of yourself girls!
Text and images are owned by newstarphotoaariangucher Any copyright issues will be resolved through: Email: [email protected] Mailing address at: US, Kansas, Wichita © 2023 newstarphotoaariangucher copyright belongs to newstarphotoaariangucher Any copying is a copyright violation!
#photography #copiright #girl #text
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musicals-n-cartoons · 2 years
Thanks to Them Reaction
Couple of days late, but here is my ninth Owl House reaction!
Before the episode
Ok, I confess, I saw the leaked 6-minute preview. I know the crew asked not to put it online, but I'm just weak to new information. Now, the promos and that preview gave the impression that Luz and Hunter would be the main characters, and the other 4 kids were more for comic relief. But then some of the later promos made me think that the other four actually do have their own plot (and Hunter will be there!), while Luz was angsting in school. And a spoiler-free review said that Camila is the MVP of the show! That's exciting. Okay last minute predictions: Luz angsting about staying in the Human Realm, Luz and Hunter grappling with their secrets, with their decision to tell the others being the climax, Camila telling Luz to follow her dreams, they fight Belos again, and if I have to pick an animal, Luz palismen will be a snake.
Ok, time to press play.
The episode
King again :(
guess they really are starting immediately from the end of "King's Tide"
aww, everybody wants to be helpful!
Luz and Hunter are overacting tbh, but "helping find Collector" and believing that you are a clone of a witch hunter were more credible reasons than I was expecting for these two to hate themselves.
oh, the first parallels between Luz and Hunter and the Wittenbane bros. Bingo!
an ominous Belos appears! where do you think you're going, buddy?
Camila put the guys in the basement away from the girls, traditional I see
but why did Amity and Willow attack the alarm
that's a lot of photos on the wall
turning the theme song into a summer montage was a clever way to save time, and it was probably only going to be used once anyway
"hi! I'm bi!" you know, I was thinking that they should have Luz say she's bisexual in this season (especially after a specific Reddit thread about the idea made me mad), but I didn't think Disney would let them say a word that contains the word "sex" in it. turns out, I'm dumb: they can just shorten it to "bi" for the same effect
ooh a shot of Camila's wallet, yeah, caring for six kids would not be cheap
so they can use palismens as a source of magic
I wonder if Luz is jealous of her friends' abilities to use magic
Spanish learning! that's another bingo
it's neat that they created a little clubhouse
also, top student Vee! but Amity's bitter, ha
and a Duolingo reference, classic
"mother of six"
Amity wants to do something proactive
Willow is getting into photography, cool
these five are hanging out while Luz is busy at school, this must contribute to Luz's isolation thing she got going on
Flapjack finds a mysterious box
it's a map!
whoa there Luz, being a little suicidal there
she still got her sense of theatrically at least
two dudes interested in Luz, I'm suspicious
but I mean, people eventually wanting to become friends with Luz was always inevitable, just sucks that Luz is not in the right mood for it
I'm still suspicious of this hayride thing
a deer missing a face, I wonder what Belos is up to?
Hunter's sewing!
and he likes wolfs
that's true, Hunter doesn't have anything tying him to the demon realm like the others, so it makes sense that this is the happiest he has ever been
Gus's getting into sci-fi
ooh, Camila backstory time
no wait that was Luz, here's Camila
her husband named Manny, got it
Luz is here to ask her mom why she doesn't hate her. oh Luz! don't you know the story of the Prodigal Son?
Camila can't really stop Luz's self-hating tendencies, but she can offer her comfort. I should remember to talk about how Luz gets her love communication skills from her mom later
oh Belos is puppeteering those animals
Luz is again busy, this time by hanging out with her mom at the vet clinic
"maybe he already knows" is Gus hinting that he knows about the grimwalker thing?
Belos!? run Hunter!
the gang goes on a exploration montage without Hunter or Luz
new new management, thank god, that creep must be gone
it's that goth friend again!
yes! goth/Vee I knew it! not that I have anything against the cheerleader ship, but I can't help but think that people are just projecting Lumity onto Vee; when the whole point of Vee is that she's not Luz
but wait, does this mean that Vee didn't keep up with her camp friends? that's sad
wow it's like an entire summer vacation show (à la Gravity Falls or Phineas and Ferb) just happen off-screen, I wonder whose fault is that
Luz is making theories about her palismen just like us. I like the idea of an octopus
oh, she made the glyph spark! is my bingo square activating?
I know that this is a serious moment, but I just can't with Luz's little gasp!
mask confidence! but ask for help please
why did I say comic relief, this special is three times the length of a normal one, of course it can handle two different plotlines, what was I thinking
luz call that possum a little angel! she is really showing her animal lover side in this special
"family now" the prophecy is fulfilled, they really do consider themselves like siblings
bro parallels again! but it's Hunter with the Belos horns, interesting
Camila, it's cool, sci-fi is mainstream now. or more accurately, everything is nerdy now
the Hecate to Luz's Azura, guess Amity embraced the fact that she's the Hecate now
"villainous Lucy", wow, subtle
oh she does that hand thing every night
pls don't break up
Hunter's haunted
Hopkins cameo, guess this means he's not going to lead a mob against Belos
"make us cry!" no don't make us cry
is this Caleb lore new to Hunter or did he already learn it from those history books?
you need a name goth pal, but you're absolutely correct
Luz don't do this
I'm thinking that Hunter is following Belos-induced hallucinations
aww, Vee is with Camila
whoops, need to throw out the trash, pause
wow, there are only 12 minutes left
should Camila really be watching this?
"woodland creatures" this is one more piece of evidence for my beastkeeper!Luz headcanon
oh, she just staying in the Human Realm, I was fearing a breakup scene
I knew it, Belos is corrupting Hunter!
oh no, Belos is corrupting Hunter
luz is so smart, she's detecting phenomena via indirect means
ha, privacy schmivacy
oh this place is echoing "Witches before Wizards" to me
brown abominations? makes sense if Amity is summoning from the earth
they killed Flapjack! those theorists were right
Belos would've straight up drowned if it weren't for Camila
who's taking bets that belos just walked into the in-between?
damn, Camila just prevented Luz from announcing her plan to stay in the Human Realm in the best possible way
"no more hiding", will third time's the charm I guess. I know there's the rule of threes, but amity's a saint for putting up with this
on a lighter note, aww, Amity reused Luz's asking-out speech!
Reaction to other reactions
it's true, Willow never was the voice of reason. Luz actually is
oh, their name's Masha, I missed the nameplate the first time
huh, rewatching the historical society scene and Masha said "thank goddess"!
also, I appreciate the irony of pairing a they/them with a shapeshifter
the owl house's trending number 1 at 7000 notes, not shabby
huh, Camila has been researching on how to parent lgbt+ youths, does that mean my bi Camila headcanon was jossed?
I do have to agree, what exactly is Belos planning to do in the Demon Realm
huh the dates of puritan colonialism are wrong, that's a weird mistake to make
wait, the fanfic trope of Eda flirting with Camila is now possible, wild
someone suggested that Belos could be trying to make himself human again with witch magic, possible
Belos using his corpse-hijacking ability on a titan, now that's an idea!
oh, so that's where those new kids went, they were running the hayride puppets. I misjudge you two
huh, Camila and Luz's hair are getting curlier over the seasons
a lot of people are also saying snakes for Luz's palismen
that's right, the biggest disappointment is that Vee never gets to interact with Luz. oh, well, fanfiction must suffice
Predictions for the next episode special
Some people said that the second special might be from the boiling isles inhabitants' pov during the hexsquad's forced vacation on Earth; that sounds interesting, but I'm not sure that's what's going to happen. The show has always been more interested in Luz's pov than Eda's you know? My theory is what's going on in the Demon Realm will remain a mystery to the gang and audience until they find someone to give them some exposition. I give it 50/50.
I do wonder what Eda and the other adults are doing.
King is probably either imprison or desperately coming up with new rulings for the Owl House Game.
You know what would be fun? If everything looks like a normal day at the owl house, except it's the Collector playing the role of Luz, and everybody is on the edge of their seats. Or alternatively, it's a grotesque parody of the Owl House.
0 notes
canary3d-obsessed · 4 years
Restless Rewatch: The Untamed Episode 08 first part
(Masterpost) (Other Canary goodness)
Warning: Spoilers for All 50 Episodes!
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The Jiang kids have some quality time with the rabbits. Initially Jiang Cheng says it’s wrong for gentlemen to hold rabbits, which is definitely in no way related to gay-rabbit-god symbolism, but changes his mind when he discovers how fun men rabbits are to cuddle. 
Jiang Yanli says, in a moment with zero foreshadowing, that if they take one rabbit away from the others, it will miss its family and be lonely. Also if a rabbit were to watch from the rooftop while a mean enemy rabbit poured wine on the corpses of its parents, that would be extra upsetting. For a rabbit. So let’s leave all the rabbits where they are. Check. 
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Speaking of cute fluffy creatures that are upset, we see this distressed look on Wei Wuxian’s face kinda often when he’s talking with Jiang Cheng.  
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There are some sibilng relationships where you will always do anything to help each other because you survived a shitty childhood together, but as adults you find you don’t actually share values, and that your interactions are kinda toxic -- for both of you. This seems like one of those. 
Even though he’s younger, Jiang Cheng is in the role of the elder sibling who is being abused by the parents, and is handing the abuse on down the line to the “younger” sibling, in the form of constant criticism and casual hittings. Wei Wuxian isn’t actually younger, but he is lower ranked because he’s not a blood relation, and he gets plenty of parental abuse as well. It’s...not a healthy family. 
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(more after the cut!) 
Lan Wangji has been lurking nearby during this conversation, and after the Jiangs leave, he looks at the rabbits and says farewell.  He clearly means farewell to Wei Wuxian, or else he has a really unhealthy level of yearning being directed toward the rabbits. At least, for a vegetarian.
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Uninvited Gusu Guest
Lan Xichen is meditating, and because the Director of Photography loves us, we get a bunch of nice closeups of his exquisite face. He hears a noise thing and tells Wen Chao to come in, which results in a dire bird scream and Wen Chao’s muddy feet intruding on his day. Why did Wen Chao bring the bird with him? He’s trying to be sneaky, right? So...ok whatever.
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Wen Chao acts like a dirtbag and menacingly reminds Lan Xichen that his didi just hit the road all by himself. Lan Xichen gets so upset he curls his fingers slightly. His beautiful, beautiful fingers.
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Is it slapping time yet?
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Road Tripping
Fortunately for the Lan brothers, Lan Wangji isn’t going to be alone for long. Wei Wuxian is determined to follow him, and where friend-maker Wei Wuxian goes, an assortment of other helpful cultivators will soon follow. 
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Wei Wuxian leaves a note to say “I’m running away from home with the hot boy I met in summer school” and signs it with a smiley face, the dork. Jiang Cheng is angry, as usual; Yanli has confidence in Wei Wuxian, as usual, and Jiang Fengmian is autocratic and doesn’t explain what he’s thinking, as usual. JF is aware of the Yin Iron, however, so he may understand that WWX will be useful in protecting it on the road.  
Lan Wangji has changed his hair, upgraded his crown, and put on the most absurdly beautiful outfit of the entire show to go on a solo road trip totally without any hot infuriating boys. 
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Quick, Lan Wangji, catch this callback to that time you rejected my advances back in Gusu! This time Lan Wangji catches the offered fruit and keeps it, presumably to consume furtively when he wakes in the dead of night, restless with unslaked thirst for Wei Ying. Or, you know, to have with his lunch while they’re riding on the boat. 
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This is a level of synchronized walking-with-shoulder-contact that would make the Guardian boys proud. Lan Wangji is all touchy feely now that he’s out from under the eyes at Cloud Recesses. 
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He also has upped his troll game, actually smirking after he says “boring” to Wei Wuxian’s declaration of I’m-gonna-come-along-you-can’t-stop-me. 
He also...doesn’t seem angry? Like, he is still seriously on edge, but it feels like he left the boiling rage at home.  Lan Xichen is right; having a friend IS good for Lan Wangji. And for whatever reason, Lan Wangji is ready, now, to accept Wei Wuxian’s friendship.
We Rate Birds
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Wen Chao has the weirdest fucking pet. This bird has a resentful energy problem, obvs, but it also seems to be invisible except for resentful energy, but it leaves random feathers behind at places, and then when Wei Wuxian kills it, it’s a regular bird corpse with a little smoke. “Imbued with Yin Iron energy” seems to be the explanation. But Nie Huaisang said they see a lot of these in their neck of the woods. Did he mean “just a regular bird” and didn’t notice the billowing black visual FX? Either way I want to see a nest full of baby dire Yin birds, I bet they’re hideous cute. 
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Wen Qing has a new outfit and an elegant fiery golden crown. There’s probably some plot stuff happening here. Wen blah blah Yin Iron blah blah. She’s so pretty. I love her ears and her cool double hair parting. The girls’ hairlines are always nice and soft, presumably because they get to wear their own front hair instead of a lacefront like the boys are glued to stuck with. 
I Call it Bondage
After the fun they had in the ice cave, it’s only fair that Wei Wuxian gets to have a turn tying up Lan Wangji. 
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One of the fun things in clipping The Untamed is that the show’s editors generally didn't drop any frames when they intercut the various scenes, meaning that some longer shots can be spliced back together by removing the other camera portions, as with these two string-pulling bits.
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Lan Wangji totally lets Wei Wuxian put a leash on him, quickly declaring it boring and taking control of it, pulling Wei Wuxian along behind him. 
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Incidentally, at this stage about half of Wei Wuxian’s talisman’s are blue. After he loses his core, they are 100% red, but nobody notices that. Well, maybe Nie Huaisang does because he notices a LOT, but nobody says anything. 
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After they play around in the field for a bit, Lan Wangji’s magic bag of plot advancement goes off, sending them to Flower Town. 
He’s Leaving Home Bye Bye
Meanwhile, at Lotus Pier, we get a nice view of the rooftops. I’d hate to be the guy whose job it is to hang up bells and tassels at any of these places. 
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Jiang Cheng sneaks out to go join his brother’s road trip. He gets caught, because his idea of sneaking is to walk out the front door in broad daylight and leave the door open behind him. 
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Jiang Yanli tells him to go ahead, though and he scampers off to have...the last carefree fun of his entire life, actually. Sigh. 
Flower Town
Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji go to Tanzhou and immediately run into Nie Huaisang, because sure, why not. China’s not very big.
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Lan Wangji’s startle response
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Wei Wuxian’s startle response
Nie-Xiong and Wei-Xiong are delighted to see each other, once Wei Wuxian explains that Lan Wangji isn’t there to bust them. 
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While Wei Wuxian and Nie Huaisang squee over each other, Lan Wangji ...tries to deal with that. His reaction is probably a mix of jealousy and social anxiety. This town has got to be overwhelming for him after the order and quiet of Cloud Recesses; he even admits--aloud!--that it’s too crowded for him at one point. Add in his boyfriend’s travel partner’s number one enabler, and it’s not a comfortable situation.
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Oh great now they’re going to want me to get high and make out with them, ugh
However, with Lan Wangji in the mix, the Nie-Wei dynamic shifts away from mischief making, and they very quickly become a friend trio sharing a serious purpose. When Wei Wuxian, in his second life, refers to NHS as “that old friend of ours” when talking to LWJ, he’s not wrong. Nie Huaisang and Lan Wangji become friends during this trip, and arguably remain friends, within the limits of Nie Huaisang’s revenge remit. 
From one point of view, Nie Huaisang is grown-up Lan Wangji’s very best friend (not counting his eventual husband). Everyone in the cultivation world knows what Lan Wangji’s heart desires most, after Nightless City, and Nie Huaisang gives it to him. By, uh, manipulating a crazy guy into ritual suicide. Hey, no gift is perfect.
Continued in Next Post! Soon!
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outofsstyles · 4 years
WHEN IN ROME - part 1
a/n: Ciao ragazzi!! So this is the part 1 of my friends to lovers featuring italy!Harry. Also a special thanks to my dear friend Giorgia for helping me with this, love her very much!! Hope everyone enjoys it!! Pease feel more than welcome to leave feedback (or just chat if you’d like) :)
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Word count: 7k                                  Rated: M,mature
You visit your best friend in Rome and some old feeling may start to resurface.
You struggle with your luggage after one of the wheels got caught on a loose tile, making it jerk across the airport floor. 
The other passengers from your flight stroll along the illuminated hallway, towards the arrival gate exit. Looking around, you notice their tired faces; half-open eyelids and pouted lips, often opening in small yawns. You probably didn’t look much different, considering flying always tends to make you sleepy, which is why you preferred the night ones. 
This one, in particular, was supposed to have landed around sunset, giving you enough time to enjoy your Harry’s company before settling in the hotel room. What no one was expecting, however, was to hear a muffled voice announce through the speakers that your flight was expected to be delayed for about 3 hours. The news was annoying, sure, but you knew there was not much to be done about it. So you simply snuggled further on the uncomfortable metal seat as you rolled your eyes at some angry man who was trying to argue with the poor attendant.
The warm Italian weather was a refreshing change of settings when you finally got to step out of the aircraft, making you take off your cardigan and tie it firmly around your waist. It sent a sparkle of energy down your spine, knowing you arrived after what felt like such a dragged-out flight. But despite your tired state, you feel a warm feeling settling itself in your tummy. One that makes you fight back a smile and jump on your heels in excitement as you walk maybe a bit faster than you should. 
Going through the exit doors, it almost feels as if your heart wants to escape from your ribcage. The nervous anticipation filling every inch of your mind. 
You walk past the group of people gathered around the gate, politely declining the ones who approached you offering taxi rides in a strong accent. Peering around the busy area, it doesn’t take long until you spot the curly mop you were looking for, as he calls out your name.
You don’t hold back the smile that breaks into your face as you watch him approach you with open arms, his dimples marking his cheeks. Not giving a second thought, you let go of the handle of your suitcase, rushing to his direction. You find your place between his arms as he pulled you into a tight hug, arching his back a bit to make your feet leave the ground just barely. 
The scent of his cologne makes your eyes water just slightly, not realizing how much you had missed his presence until that moment. You nuzzle your face deeper into his neck, his arms tightening around you once more.
“Missed you so much, love,” he blurts, his voice muffled as his face squishes into your shoulder blades. 
Placing a quick kiss to the side of your face he pulls away, allowing you to take in his appearance up close for the first time in months. His hair was still short, but longer than it was the last time you’d seen him in person, some locks falling charmingly along with his face. 
You place your hands on his smooth face, rubbing it lightly, “you shaved!” You exclaim, referencing the last picture he had sent you, which showed a scruff growing along his upper lip and jawline. At the time, you were quick to text him to playfully let him know you were not the biggest fan of it. 
He rolls his eyes at you, shaking his head slightly as he pushes your hands away from his face. “‘m very happy to see you too, knobhead,” he mumbles, moving to retrieve your forgotten bag lying on the floor behind you.
“I’m just teasing, silly,” you pinch his chin jokingly as he comes back by your side, guiding you through the airport, “You know I support all your decisions, even the bad ones.”
“Okay, I get it, it’s a no for the beard,” he chuckles, “mum hated it too.”
“I’ve always trusted Anne’s good taste,” you provoke, making him poke you playfully before reaching to put his arm over your shoulder, pulling you into a side hug as you two walk. 
“‘S too bad your flight got delayed,” he says, “was planning on grabbing a bite and show you around fo’ a bit.”
Your heart grows a bit at his words, you reach your arm around his waist as to hug him back. “Yeah, it’s too bad,” you gaze up at him, meeting his eyes for a moment before he looked up again, “sorry for making you wait so long.”
“Stop that, don’t have to apologize,” he assures, “‘s not your fault.” He squeezes you against him gently, “‘sides we have the entire week to make it up fo’ it.”
When Harry broke in the news that he would be moving to Rome to pursue a photography degree you obviously felt heartbroken. You two were inseparable at the time and knowing you wouldn’t be able to see him every day anymore made your heartache. It couldn’t have come at a worse time either, you had just broken up with your boyfriend, and suddenly it felt like you were losing everyone you loved the most at the same time.
But still you swallowed back your selfish feelings to show him your support, promising to visit as soon as possible. 
In your ideal world, you would drop everything and pack your bags with him to start a fresh life somewhere else. But realistically speaking, you had too much tying you up to your home, and not nearly enough money to pay for tickets to Italy every weekend so you could visit your best friend as regularly as you wish.
So you hugged him goodbye with tearful eyes and shaky hands, watching him walk towards the departure gate as he waved back one last time.
That had been eight months ago. 
You never expected to take this long to finally be able to see him again, but life sometimes just doesn’t line up the way you want it to. Harry never let you lose contact, though, and for that, you were eternally grateful. He always made sure to call you at least once a week to catch up on each other’s lives. 
It was the highlight of your weeks if you were honest. Getting the comfort of seeing his face even if it was just to talk about trivial things like his recipe of vegan brownies or a new boutique shop that opened on the corner of your street.
But now you don’t have a screen separating the two of you anymore. You can see his smile without it being a pixelated image. You can hear his voice clear next to you. You can hug him back and feel his arms squeezing your waist. You can smell the faint lavender scent on his shirt, mixing with his cologne.
You definitely missed him much more than you’d realized.
The sound of your alarm clock rang softly through the compact hotel room. You sigh contentedly, reaching to turn it off before rolling on your back and blinking your eyes open with little internal fight. 
It wasn’t often you could feel this well-rested, especially after sleeping on a strange bed. But thinking about how tired you were the previous night, it didn’t take long for you to fall into a deep slumber as soon as you finally got to lie down. 
The sunlight invaded your small room through the cracks of the nearly closed curtains, making you realize you might’ve been too sleepy to bother on closing them all the way the previous night. Usually, in regular days, you’d lay back in bed and steal a few more minutes of sleep, which would eventually lead to maybe another hour or two of snoozing your alarm clock. But this wasn’t just a regular day, you were in Italy, and Harry would probably be waiting for you down in the lobby in just a few minutes. 
He had revealed none of the plans he made for the day, wanting to keep most of the trip a surprise for you. This habit of his of trying to keep a mysterious front usually makes you tease him with a roll of your eyes, but on this occasion you accepted it. You didn’t really care about what activities you’d do on your stay, as long as you can do it with him.
You check your bag to make sure you hadn’t forgotten anything as you wait for the elevator to go down. Running your hands over your summer dress as the doors opened.
Walking into the lobby, you expected Harry to be late, considering he would always be the last one to arrive on any kind of social gathering you’d go before he moved. But to your surprise, you find him leaning against the reception counter, speaking excitedly to the sweet old lady that had welcomed you when you checked in. 
As you get closer to them, you can identify that they’re speaking Italian, making you smile softly at how easily the words flew through Harry’s lips as he speaks.
The lady notices you first, smiling at you as you approach the counter, making Harry check over his shoulder to find you standing behind him. His smile grows, his eyes traveling down your body so subtly it almost felt like your mind was making it up. He greets you with a small hug, looking back at the woman behind the counter one last time and saying something you don’t understand.
“She looks beautiful!” she speaks, her word flowing with a strong accent, “bellissima!” 
You feel a blush creeping to your cheeks as you thank her, wishing her a nice day before Harry and you make your way to leave through the front door. The hotel you’re staying in isn’t the fanciest, but it makes up with the cozy feel and charm you could only find in a small, old building. You chose it specifically for being located just a block away from Harry’s apartment, allowing you two to be closer to him.
“She seems nice,” you say once you turn into the street.
“She’s lovely,” he agrees, shooting you a quick look with a smirk on his face, “was telling me about her husband.”
“Oh,” you say, “What did she tell you?”
“Told me about how they met and all that, they’ve been married fo’ forty years!”
“You love those stories, don’t you?” You chuckle.
He rolls his eyes, “they’re sweet, okay?” he argues. “Not my fault you have a cold heart.”
You gasp, poking him playfully. “I don’t!” you exclaim, earning a knowingly look from him.
You walk a few more blocks along on the small sidewalk; the closeness making your hands brush slightly every so often. The day was nice, ideal for staying outside and enjoying the clear sky. A morning breeze messes up your hair a bit and the sounds of birds singing take over the empty street, along with Harry’s low hums to a tune you’re not familiar with.
He guides you to a small bakery, barely noticeable amongst the surrounding buildings. As you approach the entrance he explains how it’s one of his favorite places to go for what he says is “the best Italian breakfast in Rome!”
Walking inside you are met with the delicious smell of fresh-baked bread. The place is filled with quiet chatter as a few people sit on a long couch located by the back. An older man wearing an apron with various spots of flour on it greets Harry happily as you come in, pulling him into a small conversation you, once again, can’t really pick much of. 
Soon, you two are sitting at a small table by one of the large windows that overlook the street you came from. You bite into the sandwich as a pair of green irises watches you carefully, trying to catch a glimpse of your reaction. 
“So, what are we doing today?” You ask as you pick a few crumbles of bread left on your plate.
“You’re very impatient, haven’t changed a bit,” Harry replies, taking one last sip of his coffee. 
You roll your eyes at him, “you say that as if we haven’t talked in eight months.” 
He chuckles lightly as he leans back on his chair, his arms reaching over his head in a stretch. You try not to notice how his shirt rides up just barely, but enough for your eyes to wander a bit lower than you should’ve. When you meet his gaze again, he has a smirk adorning his face, knowing he just caught you not-so-subtly checking him out.
You clear your throat, praying the warmth you feel creeping on your cheeks isn’t noticeable as you try to think of how to cover up.
“Nice fit, by the way,” you motion towards his blue shirt with an imprint of Mickey Mouse on it, to which he matched with floral shorts. 
This was the kind of clothing combination that would most definitely look silly on anyone else, but Harry was the kind of person who could pull off wearing a potato sack. He just looked good in anything, it was almost aggravating if it wasn’t also endearing in a way. But you’d never say that out loud.
“D’you like it?” He asks as he moved his hands to pull at the hem, looking down at it before meeting your eyes with a smug look on his face. “‘S my tourist outfit.”
“Is it now?” You chuckled, “does that mean we’re being tourists today?”
“I mean, you are a tourist, but yes,” he said, “we’re sightseeing, baby.”
Walking around the historical neighborhood in Rome was an overwhelming feeling in every sense of the word. You knew choosing to visit the city at the peak of summer would come with tourist-filled streets so it didn’t surprise you to be met with congested crowds as you got closer to the historical sites. 
But as much as you were not the biggest fan of crowds, you couldn’t even feel bothered in the slightest by the masses of people surrounding you. The feeling of the city itself was ethereal, something that seemed right out of a movie screen. Timeless buildings stood tall above you, with the perfect combination of old-fashioned and modern. 
Harry is having fun with his camera, teasing you at the amazed expressions you made at every corner you turned. But you couldn’t help but feel like that. 
The day only helped to enhance the enchanting feeling of the place. With the sun shining proudly in the clear blue sky, but still catching a light breeze that relieved the heat that formed a light coat of sweat on your body, making you take big gulps out of your water bottle every so often. 
Even the air around you feels different. Something you couldn’t really explain, it was lighter. Harry said it was Italy’s perfect mixture of great food and great people - to which you can’t deny - but you know having him with you is also a big factor.
“Harry, please, I’m scared I’ll bump into someone,” you say,  moving your hands blindly in front of you.
“You won’t,” he replied, keeping his hand firmly above your eyes as he guides you. 
“What if I run over a child?”
“I find your lack of trust incredibly hurtful,” he says from behind, pulling you closer to him. “We’re almost there.”
“Do we really have to do this?” You chuckle.
“Yes, now shush.”
You walk a bit more before he stops. His chest meets your back as he leans in, the ends of his hair tickling your ear slightly. You mindlessly hold your breath, grabbing his wrists anxiously as you wait for him to remove his hands.
“Ready?” He asks. His low voice causing goosebumps to form on the back of your neck.
You nod quickly into his hands, bouncing on your feet slightly as you wait for him to pull out his hands from your eyes. 
It takes a second until your vision can get used to the sunlight after being in the dark, but as soon as you focus on the sight in front of you, it’s like all the air escapes from your lungs. The colosseum stands in all its glory, centered in the open area. A place you have only seen in pages of history books or through a screen. You bring your hand to cover your mouth mindlessly as you gasp at the gigantic monument. 
“How does it feel?” Harry bites his lip, grinning as he gazes quickly at the construction before looking back at you. “Seeing it fo’ the first time?”
“It’s incredible,” you gasp, your eyes still wandering around the sight in front of you. 
“It’s two thousand years old, you know,” he explains. “‘S why it kinda looks like a swiss cheese f’you look at it closely.”
“Oh my god,” you giggle, shaking your head at him. “Did you just compare one of humanity’s most historical monuments to cheese?”
Harry rolls his eyes playfully, “‘s a metaphor, darling, you wouldn’t get it.”
“Of course, I’m sorry for being so illiterate.” You joke, bumping your hip against his.
“‘S fine I’m used to it,” he provokes back. “So, are you just gonna stand there with your mouth open or are we going in?”
Your eyes widen at his question. “Wait.” you grab his arm as he looks at you with the most amused expression.”So we actually get to go inside?”
“Course we get to go inside, love.” He throws an arm above your shoulder, squeezing it gently. “What kind of tour guide d’you think I am?”
It warms your heart how much thought he clearly put into planning this trip for you. Not just planning it, but also making sure you’re enjoying all the aspects that Italy has to offer in your limited time here. Truthfully, the biggest reason that brought you here was him. Getting to visit one of the grandest cities in the world is just a bonus. A wonderful bonus. And you are glad to do it with him.
Okay, maybe you finally realize what people meant when they described Rome as “enchanting, yet congested” on the many traveling websites you had researched before packing your bags.
Harry warned you about it before you entered the small square - that isn’t even that small but the packed crowd makes it seem much enclosed. He keeps his hand holding securely onto your waist, pulling you close as you walk towards the fountain.
The fountain, yes, the whole reason you are here. Fontana di Trevi. One of Rome’s most prized monuments, and just taking one look at it you could see why. It’s gorgeous, not like any other fountain you’ve ever seen in your life. 
That seems to be a repeating theme in this place, finding the beauty in the most minimal details, like the flowers blooming on a building’s wall, but also on the obvious ones, like the carefully crafted statues posing forever on top of the marble stones.
As you get closer, your eyes never leave the artwork standing in front of you. You’re thankful for Harry’s grip on your waist, otherwise, you’d probably trip down the steps as you make your way through the crowd. 
You find a spot by the edge of the fountain surprisingly easily. Harry lets go of your waist to reach into his back pocket, retrieving a few coins and offering to you.
“Do I make a wish?” you asked, picking a couple from his palm.
“No, there’s this whole thing,” he began, “f’you throw one means you’ll return to Rome,”  he held up a coin as he explained, “two, means you’ll get married, and three, s’to get a divorce.”
“Oh,” you chuckled, “that’s a nice way to break the news, I guess.”
You looked down at your palm, quickly picking up a cent and throwing it at the fountain, watching it descend slowly into the clear water.
“Just one, love?” Harry asked, making you look up at him to meet his gaze.
“Don’t really have anyone to get married to, do I?” you joked, “What about you?”
“Already made my wish when I first got here,” he replied, “not gonna risk throwing more.”
“How many did you throw?”
He simply grins down at you, letting your question linger in the air for a moment. You can feel his hand making its way on your waist again, pulling you closer to him.
You’re received at the bar table with excited cheers from the small group already gathered there. 
There’s an already annoying knot settling at the pit of your stomach. It’s something that has been bothering you throughout the day from the moment Harry mentioned you’d be meeting his friends for dinner. Even with his assurance that you’d be fine, telling you how excited they are to meet you, it still makes you a bit anxious. Of course you want to make a good impression, they are his friends after all. His new friends. 
What helps with your nerves a bit, is the fact that it’s not a massive amount of people, in fact, you are a bit surprised to see there’s only four of them. 
They all seem like they’ve just walked right out of a Vogue issue photoshoot, which makes you fidget with the fabric of your dress nervously. Harry keeps his hand placed on your lower back soothingly as he introduces you to everyone.
The two girls don’t even bat an eye in his direction, getting up to make their way directly to you. The first one pulls you into a tight hug immediately, the unexpected gesture causes you to take a second before hugging her back. She’s shorter than you, but she gives you a big smile as she introduces herself as Giorgia with an excited voice. Her look is very classy which stands out from the more laid-back outfits of the rest of the group.
You barely have time to separate from her before you’re being pulled into another hug. 
“I’m Francesca!” She says before pulling back, her blonde hair a bit messy on top of her head. “It’s very nice to finally meet you!”
You laugh softly at the warm welcome, “It’s lovely to meet you too.”
“We were all so excited to meet you,” Giorgia says, as you sit on the chair across from her. “Harry talks about you all the time.”
You glance at Harry who’s pulling the chair next to yours, arching your eyebrows at him. “Oh, does he now?”
“Alright, alright.” He scratches the tip of his nose, letting out a light chuckle. “Knew she’d do that as soon as you got here.”
“It’s my personal job to tease you at any given opportunity, H.” She reaches for the wine bottle, pouring it into a glass and handing it to you.
You give her a slight smile. “Think we’ll get along then.” You chuckle, moving the wine glass to your lips.
“Wait!” Giorgia stops you, “there’s a saying here in Italy that if you drink without toasting, you have seven years of bad sex, so.” 
“Oh,” you move the glass away from your mouth, raising it. “We don’t want that.”
“No, we don’t.” You hear Harry say from his spot next to you, moving his own glass to meet yours in a light click.
The night progresses bringing a warm feeling in all the pleasant ways. 
A light chatter fills the table, mixing with the sound of the other loud conversations from other young groups surrounding you. You risk learning a bit of Italian from the girls, as they tell excitedly stories about Harry’s first months not knowing the language.  It makes you feel silly for ever thinking they wouldn’t welcome you, seeing how they are treating you as if you are friends for years. 
But what makes your heart swell is seeing Harry so comfortable and laid-back amongst them. 
It may be the effect of the alcohol settling itself on your bloodstream, but as time passes, you find it harder to keep your eyes off of him. 
The crinkle in his eyes as he throws his head back with laughter brings an inevitable smile to your face. His hand squeezing your knee reassuringly, every so often, makes your breath catch in your throat. His eyes never leaving yours as you ramble about something you don’t even pay much attention to.
He’s listening closely to the words coming out of your mouth, his own lips forming a soft grin. You can feel your words start to get confusing as you become much aware of the distance between the two of you. It was close enough so you can notice the cloudy look in his eyes, but till not as close as you wish. 
Your mind seems to erase everything around you as you can see his eyes moving down, so quickly it almost seems like it’s part of your imagination. 
“You two look so cute together.” You hear Francesca’s sudden voice from the other side of the table, reminding that you’re not alone. “You’d make such a cute couple”
It catches you off guard, making you glance over to Harry before shaking your head. “Oh, I mean, I- Well- We’re not- We’ve never-”
“Francie!” Giorgia - thankfully - interrupts your nervous stutter, poking her friend gently in the arm. “You don’t just say stuff like that.”
“What? But it’s true!” Francesca says defensively, “they must get this all the time.” She turns back to you.”Right?”
You quickly bring your glass to your lips, taking a long sip as you decide to let Harry deal with the situation. You feel grateful for the dim lighting of the place, knowing it will cover the undeniable blush that you can tell is already covering your cheeks.
“I mean, yeah, we used to,” he begins, wrapping an arm over your shoulder. “But that’s just cause we slept together.”
You choke on your wine at his words, making him laugh at your clear affected state. “Harry!” You exclaim, hitting his chest lightly before gazing at the amused expressions watching the two of you. “We just slept together, literally. As in just sleep. And that was years ago!”
“I feel like I should take offense at your horror,” he teases.
“Wait- No! I- I didn’t mean it like that-” you try to explain.
“I enjoyed sleeping with you. Thought it was special.” He throws his head back dramatically.
You shake your head at him. “You’re having way too much fun with this.”
He looks back at you with a smug look on his face, “maybe I’m just flattered.”
You look away from him, taking a sip of your wine as you hear laughter taking over the table.
“Told you, you are cute!” Francesca says once again.
The walk back to the hotel was filled with giggles and rushed whispers as to not disturb anyone, considering Harry’s warning about the loud acoustic of the narrow streets. Your minds were hazy and your chests warm as you stumbled along the way.
“Madame, you’re home.” He says, motioning dramatically towards the entrance door.
“Well, sir thank you for your company on this dark night,” you giggle, bowing slightly. “Seems like you’re a proper gentleman now, aren’t you?”
“Now?” he questions, an offended look taking over his face, making you giggle again. “Was I not before?”
“I’m sorry! I’m sorry! Of course you were!” you bring a hand over your mouth as an attempt to quiet your laughter.
“Well on that note, I’ll leave.” He turns on his heels.
You reach for his arms pulling him back to you. “No! Stop! I’m sorry, come back.”
He glances over his shoulder, allowing you to drag him towards you. His grin was visible on his face, dimples deep on his cheeks, as he wraps his arms around your waist, drawing you in. Your laugh stops on your throat when you gaze up to meet his eyes, realizing how close you were. 
Even in the poor lighting, you can still see the green of his irises as he brings his hand up to cup your cheek. The alcohol dancing in your mind making it seem like you were watching it from the outside, as you hold your breath, too afraid to make any kind of movement.
Your heart was loud on your chest. You wish you could read his mind, know his next move. His eyes looked at you almost as if they wanted to tell you something, but your head was too blurry to understand it.
You swallow dryly, “thank you for today, H.” You break the silence. “Was really nice.”
“‘F course, love.” He whispers, caressing his thumb gently over your cheekbone. “Should get some rest,” he says, “got another early day tomorrow.”
“Sure,” you breathe. “Good night, Harry.”
He leans in, your breath catching on your throat as he places a soft kiss on your forehead before pulling away completely.
“Gelatto!” You hold up the two ice cream cups before handing one to Harry and moving down to sit next to him on the steps, carefully avoiding the handlebar of your bike laying on the ground.
“Look at you!” He giggles, “by the end of the week you’ll be a proper Italian.”
You chuckle, “I mean, it’s not like this word is not written all over the store or anything.” you lick the ice cream off your spoon. “But I do have the best tour guide in Rome, so that helps a lot.”
“Is that so?”
You hum with your spoon between your lips, nodding at him.
“Should get his number then, heard he’s a pretty cool bloke.” He smirks, “heard he’s quite handsome as well.”
You roll your eyes at him, “he’s got a big head too.”
He scoffs, nuzzling you as you giggle. “You’re a pest.”
“I am?” You raise your eyebrows.
“Yes, you are.” He shakes his head, playing with the spoon on his ice cream before scooping a bit. 
You fall into a comfortable silence enjoying each other’s company with the soft sound of nature surrounding you. 
The day was thankfully cooler than the ones before, allowing you to sit underneath the sun without feeling like your skin was boiling. The light breeze helped to chill your hot skin, caused by all the cycling you did to get to the island.  
“Y’know,” Harry’s voice breaks into the silence. “I’m very happy that you’re here.”
You gaze up at him, smiling softly. “I’m very happy that I’m here too.”
“No, like really I-” he begins, meeting your eyes. “Thank you fo’ coming.”
“Of course I’d come, silly.” You say, “promised I would.”
“Yeah, I know but-” he looks down at his shoes, a frown forming between his eyebrows. “‘S just,” he sighs, almost in frustration, as if he doesn’t know how to say it. “Missed you.”
“I missed you too, H.” Your eyebrows knit together - you can tell there’s something on his mind. “Where’s this coming from?”
“‘S nothing,” he brushes off, still not meeting your eyes.
“Almost fooled me there,” you say, bumping your shoulder on his softly. “You can talk to me, you know?”
“I know.” He looks at you, “was just thinking back to right before I moved. When I told you about it.” He shakes his head, gazing up to the river in front of you. “Felt like the worst friend in the world.”
“What do you mean?”
He sighs, “‘s just-” he begins, his eyebrow still in a frown - as if he’s searching for the right word to say.  “You just were in a bad place back then, felt so bad fo’ just leaving you like that.” He admits, glancing at you. “I’m sorry.”
You can feel your heart sink as the words come out of his mouth, knowing what he’s referencing to. Your breakup. 
It’s something you don’t really enjoy thinking about but still seems to come back to your mind occasionally, as if to haunt you. 
The entire relationship was a mess, to begin with, and it’s something you can only look back now and realize. From the start, you only accepted going out with him as a form of distraction from your genuine feelings - to which you assume now it’s incredibly unfair not only to him but to yourself. Truth to be told, you never loved him the way you were supposed to.
But as the months went by you learned to get used to it, telling yourself that maybe with time you would forget about who your heart yearned for. So you swallowed back that ache.
When it finally happened, it didn’t come as a surprise to you. You felt like it was inevitable that you wouldn’t last. What did surprise you were how harder the aftermath would be when you learned your biggest support was leaving.
So you look at Harry apologizing for it, not knowing how to express in words that the primary reason you were a mess back then, wasn’t because of the breakup at all.
“I’m sorry, shouldn’t have brought it up.” He apologizes after your lack of response.
“No, it’s fine.” You reassure, “just haven’t thought about it for a while.”
You can feel him watching you from the side of your vision.
“It killed me to see you with him.”
The sentence makes you freeze a bit. You’ve always known Harry wasn’t a big fan of ex. It wasn’t something explicit, considering he never spoke about his dislike of him. But you know Harry. You could tell from his dry words and uninterested eyes every time your boyfriend came up, that he disapproved. So hearing him admit it straightforwardly shocked you a bit, to say the least. 
“I-” You begin, but stop, not knowing how to end the sentence.
“‘m sorry, shouldn't’ve said that.”
“No. Harry-” you pause for a moment, his eyes never leaving you as you think how to say it. “He was a dick.”
“Yeah.” He agrees. “He really was, love.” His gaze moves forward, breaking the eye contact. “You deserve much better than that.”
Like who? You want to ask. Even if you already know the answer. Well, you think you know the answer.
The words get caught in your throat, screaming so loud inside your mind you physically shake your head, trying to stop thinking them. It’s that unsaid confession. The one you’ve been meaning to say long before you even dated your ex..
There’s an awkward pause in the air. One you created without even realizing, because of your lack of response. Harry clears his throat, getting up before offering one hand to help you do the same which you take it.
“We should go,” he says, his eyes still not meeting yours. “Still got to return the bikes.”
“Oh, yeah, sure.” 
You let out a content hum as the orangy taste hits your tongue, scrunching your nose slightly at the bitter aftertaste, due to the alcohol in it.
“You don’t like it? Harry chuckles at your expression, pulling his glass back to his side of the table.
“It’s good,” you say, “Just looks like orange soda.”
Harry wraps his lips around the straw, taking a sip. “Suppose it does.”
The sound of a small boat passing by the river next you call your attention, making you gaze at it as it moved lazily across the water. You take a moment to appreciate the view from your table, feeling grateful for finding one right by the edge of the sidewalk, allowing you to look at it without lots of people serving as obstacles.
A pinkish and golden tone paints the sky, as the sun goes down to give space for the nighttime. The sound of someone playing the piano took over as background noise. The lights are already turned on though, reflecting beautifully by the water. You can see the masses of people strolling on the other edge where the expo was set up.
You were there earlier in the day, going through the small businesses and gazing at the artworks exposed on the tents. 
There was a particular rose necklace that caught your eye, making you run your finger through the delicate piece for a moment before deciding it was best to leave it be. To your surprise, a few minutes later, as you stopped to watch someone plays a ukulele version of Riptide, you feel a cold chain being wrapped around your neck. 
You looked back to find Harry smiling at you, muttering a shy “Surprise,” as you reach to your neck, only to find the same necklace you had been eyeing before.
The recent thought brings a smile to your face, causing you to play with the pendant.
“D’you remember,” Harry’s voice breaks you from your thoughts. “When we went to that friend of yours birthday party.”
“I think so,” he says. “That party was shit.”
You laugh, “God, it really was.” You shake your head slightly at the memory. “We left after, like, ten minutes.”
“We did, yeah,” he says fondly. “Went to that petrol station at midnight to get those awful chips you like and ate them at that empty parking lot.”
“The one with the broken sign.”
“The one with the broken sign,” he smiles. “‘S one of my favorite memories.”
“Really?” You incline.
“Really.” He says, “can still picture you laughing at my terrible attempt at making jokes.” He looks down, poking his finger at the tablecloth. “Almost kissed you that day.”
You blink at him. Feeling your heart skip a beat at his confession. His eyes moving up to meet yours with a gleam to them.
Maybe it was the ethereal feeling that had settled into your mind from the first moment you got here. The one that made it seem like you were in one of those cheesy romcoms Harry loves so much. One where you found yourself in a breathtaking place along with your best friend, where you two slowly would come to the realization that maybe you felt like being more than just friends.
You tried your best to keep those thoughts away. Locking them down in the back of your mind and trying to forget they even exist. But like an annoying ich you can’t quite seem to reach, they would come back to you, almost in a provoking way, to remind you you couldn’t get rid of old feelings. No matter how hard you tried.
It was in the small moments when those thoughts came back to life. When he holds onto your waist in a crowded space so you wouldn’t get lost. Or how he always found a way to compliment you. 
Or even when he’s not even doing anything, but the string of lights above you just hit his face perfectly as he looks at you with the most affectionate eyes. His thumb finding your hand over the table, caressing it so gently that brought the most beautiful butterflies on your stomach.
Maybe the wine has gotten to your head but those unspoken words weigh so heavily on your tongue you can almost taste them.
But it was a little voice inside your head that makes you swallow them back. One that screams that this has become something too important to be thrown away in a failed attempt at a relationship. Whatever window that was of becoming more than friends had already been closed years ago. 
And with one look at his glistening eyes, you take a sip of your wine, deciding that those past feelings should stay in the past.
{PART 2}
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jordm · 4 years
Heartland 14x10 - Staying the Course review
So lets pretend I’m not a week late to watch the ep but rather... I just waited to watch in its normal time slot... a week later... okay?
Anyways, the finale - here we go!
How cute was the opening, with Amy riding up as Katie and Lyndy skate on the rink? If any of you have a rink like this in your backyard, I am very envious. Emmy and Ruby really love skating and it shows.
Amy rides to the area where Ty initially set up the jumping course, y’know before they could afford proper jumping gear and we’re treated with another flashback. I wonder how long these flashbacks will last if S15 is a go.
Blonde guy, Cooper? stops by and asks if she wants to work with him at the centre. Amy stops by to look at a horse called Challenge (I swear, I’m paying attention lmao), and her and Cooper seems to have a good rapport. Does this mean I want her jumping into another relationship? No, however, it is good nice to see Amy talk to other people besides her family/Caleb.
Cooper ends up losing his funding before he even begins, and Amy wants to help (with Parker!). So at Georgie’s competition, Parker starts to fundraise and Amy accidentally calls out the donor who backs out. However, this results in the donor reinvesting, so good on them. My question is, does this mean that Cooper and Amy will be in each others circles a lot more next season? I’m all for them being friends, but i’m not entirely sure I want Amy jumping back into another relationship so soon. More friends and exploring more opportunities would be nice though. 
It’s nice to see Amy (6 months later) jumping the course with Shadow because I think this shows real growth and acceptance/moving on from Amy over Ty’s death. Something, that has been a season and change and probably something that may still come up over the years but nevertheless still nice to see she’s slowly healing.
Lou and Mitch is continuing to plan their wedding and everyone they invited said yes... except Peter said no. Now now, Lou, what did you expect? For your ex to be happy to come see you get married to another guy? I know you guys have a good co-parenting relationship but still, wouldn’t that be a lil awks? How does she slip and call Peter her husband? Something tells me this won’t bode well for Lou & Mitch. Aidan has a point.. why does she care Peter can’t attend?
Lou “dreaming” about her life with Peter and Lou via flashbacks, is also not a good sign. Speaking of which, if this wedding doesn’t happen, I will be sad that we missed the chance to see Caleb and Cass at date night. Here’s to more C/C next season (and in particular Cass in person please!)
Peter (with a moustache) facetimes Lou IN THE MIDDLE OF THE NIGHT and says he can’t attend because he can’t just sit there and watch her go off into a new life.... which fair??!? I would not be able to attend my ex-husbands wedding - but then he says he still has feelings for her, something none of us saw coming /s.
So my question is, if we were going to end up with this breakup, why even have them get back together? It could have been explained that they just didn’t work out vs put us through this, but hey, to each their own. I guess they were finally honest about what he wanted. Too bad he didn’t realize it before they had already started wedding planning. It was the right thing to break up if Lou still harbours feelings towards Peter and Mitch wants a family (which Lou can’t provide nor wants) so it only makes sense that they... um, took a break? So they didn’t really break up they just took a break? Is this Rachel and Ross all over again?
Meanwhile, Georgie is practicing for the upcoming competition, when Quinn informs her that a scout for Equestrian Canada will be there. Anyways, not much to say about this but Georgie ends up getting the business card from Equestrian Canada - the road to the Olympics continues!
A side story is Quinn having trouble sleeping after Tim became his roommate and you know what? I can relate. Snoring is hard to sleep with. This leads to Tim crashing back at the dude ranch and meeting Jessica and them having a heart to heart. Jessica was scared that meeting Tim ruined her life changed and Tim just wanted Jessica around. 
The solution? Tim tagging along on Jessica on her photography adventures, and what a great compromise that is. If I am Tim, it sounds amazing. I really like Jessica and Tim together so I am really glad they worked it out and hope it ends better than his other relationships.
A few end notes:
* I’m surprised that Aidan hasn’t had a bigger role in this season, besides being Lou’s sidekick in the mayoral office... maybe next season we’ll see more of him?
* I know Georgie (Alisha) was not in every episode but I didn’t miss her when she wasn’t in like I missed Ty. I think this is because her explanation for being away was a lot more sound, realistic and practical. To me, in my head, her being away to focus on jumping (especially since school is online) just made sense, vs for example Ty being away in MONGOLIA.  Do I wish we got to see Georgie grieve more over Ty and get her perspective between the tiny one we got when she first came back after Florida? Absolutely, but maybe we will see more of that next season. It has, of course been a year and change so its possible we missed it all or only getting muted reactions.
* Lou is still using an older iPhone model. Think it’s time for an upgrade?
* The flashbacks made me realize how much the cast has grown up. Rewatching older Heartland episodes and seeing the glow up is amazing.
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honeyjxsung · 5 years
Stray Kids as your boyfriend
Request:  can u write a reaction for skz as your boyfriend?? please include woojin ONLY IF YOU DONT MIND, its comforting having him there still. ty!
a/n: this is my first reaction lol so pls be kind to me >.< i feel like this was too long so i apologize, but nonetheless Enjoy <33
Tumblr media
Literally a teddy bear
He's so cuddly its crazy
Like he may not seem like it but he really loves cuddling with you
But only when yall are alone
I think he’s moderately clingy(?) 
Like he’s down to hold your hand in front of his members but he gets embarrassed when you kiss him in public
A lot of forehead and temple kisses
Radiates husband energy
Like he's big husband material right there
Many picnic dates or just walking outside by the river
He will use his angelic voice to his advantage
He will serenade you with his guitar or piano
And every single time you melt
Literally gives bear hugs
And not the suffocating type
When he engulfs you into his arms you feel warm inside
And both of you love it
He’s the oldest so he’ll be a bit calm and collected when it comes to fighting
He would want to settle things down completely 
Like there’s no way either one of you is going to bed mad at each other
It just wouldn’t feel right
If it was his fault he’ll quickly apologize and be the bigger person and will make it up to you with a cute gift
If it was your fault he’ll instantly (and reasonably) forgive you and shower you with kisses
He just doesn’t want to fight with you
He’s just the right amount of jealous you feel?
He’ll leave you alone and let you have your freedom
But if anyone gets too close to your liking, you best know he’ll be right by your side
And that’s why you’re so grateful for him
Because he’s always there
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A really caring boyfriend
Always puts you first
Like always
But then again he’s a busy guy, given that he’s a leader of an idol group and all
And you get that
So you’ll normally spend some time with him in the studio
And you don’t mind because you love seeing him be so passionate about something he loves
But he would feel bad for making you stay with him so every once in a while he may take you somewhere fancy
He’s someone to give lots of back hugs
Most of the time he’ll back hug you unexpectedly because he thinks you being surprised is absolutely adorable
And the nicknames oh my god
yALLREADY KNOW about ‘baby girl’
He’s gonna call you that a lot
Fights will mostly be about him and his well being
The fact that he isn’t taking care of himself even if he’s saying he is just makes you a tad bit frustrated
And when you try to talk some sense into him, he also grows irritated because he’s so exhausted with everything
Which is why he may be a BIT stubborn when it comes to arguments
But he’ll later realize how childish he's being
He might unintentionally raise his voice, but will immediately soften up when he sees you tense
Whether or not it’s his fault, he’ll apologize nonetheless
He's a mature guy so he’s good at handling situations like this
But fighting isn’t common so luckily he doesn't have to deal with it often
He will end the fight by pulling you close and kissing you forehead
“Im sorry babygirl”
Ever so often he’ll let you listen to his unfinished works to get your opinion
He just wants you by his side because it gives him a sense of comfort
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He has a lot of difficulties showing his emotions, but he’s really so loving towards the people he loves
especially you
You both tend to tease each other a lot, but that’s just how you guys are
Pda and all that lovey dovey stuff may seem a bit awkward, but when he’s in need of attention, he’ll just cling on to you and not say anything
And you would have to shower him with affection to get him satisfied
And don’t worry, he’ll gladly return the favor in a blink of an eye
He tends to show his feelings physically
Like have you seen him with his members?
He will be all up in your face
Will love laying on your lap
Or he’ll just try to purposely annoy you because that's how his brain supposedly works
You guys would bicker a lot, and you wouldn’t really have actual fights, but there would be times when it would get serious
The cause would either be because of jealousy or he has been neglecting you
By neglecting you, i mean him not really showing any emotion toward you
It may take a while, but he will apologize
When he’s forgiven hell jump into bed with you and just hold you tight
If it’s you who’s apologizing, he wouldn’t really ‘say’ that he’s forgiven you
He would silently pull you close and kiss you
But that action alone will say a lot
Once again he's a jealous boy, so don’t be surprised if he holds onto your waist a bit tighter than before and clenches his jaw when you walk by some guys
Or a guy
Really he wouldn’t explicitly say that he’s jealous
He’ll just drop subtle hints
“That guy had big muscles don’t you think?”
But in the end you always tell him you love him and it makes him feel a whole lot better
But other than that he can be straightforward with other things
That’s why his members call him a statue
Because he tends to be soulless and poker-faced most of the time
Even when he’s trying not to be
But deep down you know how much of a softie your boyfriend can get
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He’s honestly such a cute bean
Will try to act all tough and ‘tsundere’ like but you both know he can’t keep that up
He’s actually really cheesy and clingy
And sometimes he can be a handful, but it's alright
He always gets picked on by his members about his height
So if you are shorter than him he is not going to let that opportunity of teasing you pass
He will snicker as he compares your heights
But of course you can’t let his cockiness get the best of him
So the other 8 members have your back and torment the poor boy
‘Wait that’s not even fair i'm being outnumbered!’
‘y/n, you were supposed to be on my side!’
He wants to impress you so he’ll invite you over and flex his rap skills
And 100% of the time he succeeds
Because you can never get over his flow
This guy is also really insecure so he’ll be pretty jealous and that’s mostly the cause of your fights
He’s afraid that he isn’t good enough and that he doesn’t deserve you
And that is absolutely not true
He’ll mostly cry only because he hates fighting with you
But of course he’s not gonna show it
He is someone who needs to recollect himself and will probably need some time by himself
And that’s when he’ll let it all out
He’ll feel embarrassed if he cries in front of you
So he tries his best to not cry when you’re near
When he’s calm he’ll apologize
And you give in quickly
Thank goodness
He just wants a bit of attention
Ok maybe a lot of attention
Because as much as he says he loves dark
Hes babie
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Your typical ulzzang boyfriend
He’ll take you to cute cliche dates
Cute walks at the park with ice cream
Also we all know how much he loves photography
He will take so many selfies with you and him
His phone is just filled with him and you doing stuff together
And occasionally some kkami pics
But mostly you two
He’ll bring you to the practice room and show you his dance moves
And possibly he’ll teach you some too
When he’s all sweaty he’ll tease you and try to hug you but you’ll run away from him
And most of the time it’ll end in play fighting
He’s gonna hug you either way and you start hitting him
But then again he can’t help it
Because he’s also really clingy and in need of your touch 25/8
Alright so ALL know hyunjin can be a petty bITCH
no cap 
He fights with his members so there will be times where he may fight with you
But obviously it’s not as violent you know
Nothing physical 
What yall are fighting about is probably stupid or small
He just tends to over exaggerate things which makes it become serious
And when he’s mad he can get pretty sarcastic and it gets kinda scary
Will most likely roll his eyes and give you the cold shoulder
You normally have to apologize first or make a move in order for him to apologize back
Almost all the time he’ll feel bad ignoring you so he’ll end up crying when you go up to him
He’ll spend his entire week not leaving your side
As a way to make it up to you
Did I mention he was clingy af?
Likes to wrap one arm around your shoulders
Doesn’t really say it out loud but he loves the height difference
He’ll subtly make things harder for you just to see you slightly frustrated
He finds it cute
Like he’d put things on the top shelf so you can call him to get it
“Babe can you please help me?”
“I don’t know, can I?”
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A cheeky mf
Loves to go out on dates, but if it’s anything scary, he’s gone
Expect many karaoke dates
He’ll try serenading you singing all up in your face
But you’ll just roll your eyes and laugh at how cringy he’s being 
Cuddles for days
He loves to show affection and get attention so he’ll always be with you so you can drop small compliments to make him happy
And it does
He’s really good with his words so the sweet nothings he’ll tell you often make you blush
And it’s surprising how quickly he makes them up on the spot
His freestyle skills are being put into good use am i right?
Once again he craves for attention so give him lots of praise
Oh and he keeps saying he’ll protect you or whatever but if you take him to a haunted house or anything related to that, he’ll hide behind you the entire time
He’s just a wimp
Likes to give you pet names
“Baby” is a regular though
Just somewhere along those lines
He tends to lay on your lap so you can play with his hair
If he falls asleep you normally take your chance and braid his hair so he wakes up looking like a 5 year old girl
Petty bitch #2
Just like hyunjin, jisung doesn’t really let his guard down
Because he’s good with words it’s difficult to win an argument with him
Even if he knows he’s wrong he’ll try his best to make him sound right
His pride tends to take over him and he’s aware that it’s a bad habit
He tries to fix himself because he doesn’t want to hurt or scare you
But when he’s really angry he will go oFF
He’s one of those types to realize what he’s done right after he’s done it
He’s quick to regret
So unlike changbin, if he ever scares you, he’ll immediately run up to you
He’d carefully hold you and repeatedly apologize
He’s a big cryer as well
Even if it’s in front of you his eyes will be bawling
And of course you forgive him
Yall will just end up on the couch or in bed holding each other but not utter a word
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Ok this boy is the sweetest 
He’s extremely caring and gentle to all
He tends to show his love physically 
Whether it’d be hand-holding, kissing, hugging, touching you in general, you name it
It explains why he's so mf clingy 
And you mf love it
Every once in a while he’ll give you gifts for no reason
Such as a promise ring
He has one to match as well 
He wears it everyday and gets all giddy when he sees you wear it too
Staying up to watch him play games is a regular
He always keeps the spare controller open because he wants you to join
And you do
Except most of the time you don't know how to play
At first he’d laugh at how terrible you are and would kill you every game to see you pout
But when he sees that you actually wanna play for him he gets soft and eventually teaches you the controls
Will die on purpose to see your face light up
Okay lowkey this guy can be scary 
He tries not to raise his voice, but his deep tone still sends shivers down your spine
Fighting may result in him cursing loudly in english (assuming yall are speaking korean)
But not at you
Never would he curse at you
Just out of frustration
When he sees you tear up he calms down a little and sighs
Without speaking he’ll open his arms out to you and will embrace you tightly
He’d say sorry and will try not to cry in front of you to stay strong
But if he does he won’t show it 
So he’ll bury his face in the crook of your neck so you won't see his tears
He just really hates fighting with you so it makes him sad
but don’t worry, fighting is a rare occurance
he’s really energetic most of the time, so be prepared
will love running around and yelling
he’s like a hyper 12 year old
and its cute
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Oh this guy
He’s a bubbly boyfriend
You’d describe him as a hyper puppy and the name fits him well
His face lights up when he’s with you and it’s so cute
The members are lowkey freaking out because the boy acts so mean to them 
They literally think he’s a different person when you’re around
It’s because he acts as if you’re made of glass
Like anyone can tell that you’re so precious to him
Seungmin’s wardrobe is literally full of hoodies so you have a great amount of them
Like when he’s sorting his clothes, he’d have a separate pile for you
It would be all the clothes he’s willing to lend to you
Similar to hyunjin, his camera roll would be full of you
But the thing that makes him and hyunjin different is that it won’t be selfies
It's just pictures of you and the scenery
But he knows you’re the real view (gag) 
The candid photos are his favorite because it really captures your natural beauty
He can stare at your pics for hours as creepy as it sounds
You get embarrassed but he hypes you up and calls you beautiful
And unlike han, the boy doesn’t really get scared easily so he can ACTUALLY protect you if yall are doing something slightly terrifying
But that’s after he laughs at your scared reaction
Which brings me to my next point
Occasionally he likes to tease you 
A little pranks here and there
And he’s so glad that you can take a joke
Because you’ll always get your revenge
Which is why there’s never a day when your relationship gets boring
Honestly I can't picture having a major fight with seungmin
But it would probably because he did or said something that really crossed the line
He’d get very defensive with hints of sarcasm
He wouldn’t necessarily yell or scream
He’d slightly raise his voice, though, to get his point through
When he gets to his boiling point, however, he would leave the room to blow off some steam
He’d use the time to really reflect what he’s done
When he comes back he’ll immediately go to you and hug you
He hates when you fight
He would very much prefer the small bickering any day
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Oh this precious gem
You and i.n would be in the honeymoon stage but not really
Like you guys are very comfortable with each other, but you are still lovey dovey, you feel?
But of course he won’t do the cute stuff in front of the members
holding your hand is an exception, but that’s it
He’ll get too flustered in front of them and he doesn’t want to be teased
He’s super cuddly and cuddles will often result in play fighting
He’s also super super giggly 
You live for his laughs
It just brings an immediate smile to your face
Like who doesn’t adore him?
Dates are either really exciting or really chill and relaxing
Like amusement parks and karaoke rooms on one hand and staying inside to sleep or play video games on the other
But if yall are inside it’ll either be at your place or at his when the members are gone
He’s just way too shy
Hoodies for days part tWO 
He’ll be the type to give you his baggy clothes
The way you look small in them makes him feel a bit more manly as if you’re his responsibility
He’s so used to being baby-ed that he wants to be the man for once
You have an unlimited supply of his hoodies
Its great
Plus jeongin loves when you give it back and your scent just marks the entirety of the fabric
It smells like home and he finds comfort in it
Just like how you find comfort when you can smell his cologne
Seriously it sounds weird, but trust me it’s cute
Obviously, he won’t tell you that he loves your perfume because he thinks he’ll make it awkward
But it's just something he looks forward to when you’re exchanging his hoodies
Even though he is the youngest, jeongin tries to be mature
He’s very understanding so fights will be rare
But then again he’s also extremely reserved
He’ll keep his negative feelings bottled up until he can’t take it anymore
He won’t really yell, he’ll just keep talking and talking
And he won’t let you interrupt because this boy has a lot to say
Arguments usually happen because he takes his anger out on you unintentionally
So he’ll apologize when he sees your widened eyes
He’ll soften up and will say sorry quietly before kissing your forehead
He might cry as well because he will feel so bad 
But you hush him as you hug his body tightly, telling him that it’s okay
Everything is okay.
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palomvs · 4 years
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𝐏𝐀𝐋𝐎𝐌𝐀 𝐕𝐈𝐃𝐀𝐋 + google search results !
about 16,500,000 results ( 0.45 seconds ) 
PALOMA VIDAL IS GROWING UP — THE NEW YORK TIMES search result for: paloma vidal + parents
     paloma vidal , recently cast by streaming giant netflix , is far from being a complete NOBODY. her father is cristian vidal , hollywood’s comedy king , whose name prominently features in the credits of wildly successful comedies like “ bridesmaids , ” and generation-defining series like “ freaks and geeks. ” 
     and her mother is alina vidal , the award-winning actress-turned director , who starred in several of her husband’s films , before taking her own seat behind a camera. she has since gone on to direct her own box office FAVORITE , “ booksmart , ” a coming-of-age story brought to life by beanie feldstein and kaitlyn dever.
( source : nytimes.com )
‘ THE VILLAGE ’ : NETFLIX CASTS FRESH NEW FACES AND ... — VARIETY search result for: paloma vidal + the village netflix
     currently shooting in new york , the series is directed by ben pemberton , whose credits include several other projects for netflix. pemberton cites his own experiences around new york university as his inspiration for the show. the cast , which was revealed earlier today , features a STAR-STUDDED emsemble , including harvey strathmore , kaia burke , francesca archer , william lawton , naomi ahn , gabriel alexander , payton james , honor clarke-montgomery , jude madsen-wells , and yang jaebin.
     actors paloma vidal and atlas greene make their silver screen DEBUT along this cast , all of whom star as freshmen at new york university. the series is set to premiere in new york in early may , with episodes releasing immediately on netflix.
( source : variety.com )
PALOMA VIDAL IS THE BREAKOUT STAR OF THE SPRING — ELLE search result for: paloma vidal + valentina romero
     she was in the midst of her advanced acting class when she received the script for “ the village , ” as an attachment in an email from her agent. “ i kind of brushed it off at first , because i was in class and i was really trying to be present and pay attention , ” vidal says , “ but then , i read it and immediately wrote back in all caps that i absolutely needed to play VALENTINA. ”
     after weeks of traveling between the east and west coasts for auditions and classes , vidal finally landed her dream role : nyu’s smart blonde. “ i loved that she was described as this beautiful girl , but then had all these incredible LAYERS. she could easily just be pretty , but instead she’s consistently giving zoey a run for her money gpa-wise. and without even really trying too ! ” she says.
( source : elle.com )
PALOMA VIDAL — IMDB search result for: paloma vidal + imdb
paloma vidal was born on september 15 , 1999 in los angeles , california , usa as PALOMA ISABELLA VIDAL. she is an actress , known for the village ( 2020 ).
see full bio »
born : september 15 , 1999 in los angeles , california , usa
more at imdbpro » contact info : view agent , publicist , legal on imdbpro
( source : imdb.com )
THE VILLAGE OUT OF CONTEXT’S TWEET — “HUGH JACKMAN’S ... search result for: paloma vidal + hugh jackman
     @thevillageupdates hugh jackman’s paloma’s godfather she’s said it in multiple interviews and on social media before !!
( source : twitter.com )
PALOMA VIDAL , FROM THE VILLAGE , IS ONE TO WATCH — REFINERY29 search result for: paloma vidal + scad
     senior year , vidal was accepted to the savannah college of art and design ( scad ) , following a LONG stretch of career uncertainty. it was her starring role in her high school’s production of little shop of horrors which pushed her to follow in her parents’ footsteps.
     vidal notes that , prior to scad , she’d remained relatively far away from the spotlight which shone on her parents , unsure that a career in the arts or a life of fame were really for her. “ compared to several of my cast mates , i feel like i grew up as a sheltered loner ! ” she jokes. but , she doesn’t strike me as aloof or untouchable at all. she is as much of an OPEN BOOK as one can be in an interview with a journalist. she never second-guesses or backtracks her answers. she never minimizes her success in the humble-brag way most of us have come to hate.
( source : refinery29.com )
MEET THE 2017 ROOKIE CLASS — SURFER search result for: paloma vidal + surfer
     a few years ago , a young paloma vidal told her local newspaper , “ i feel like i’ve got what it takes to be a world champion , and i just want to get to that level already. ” after taking that positive affirmation to the next level , vidal has officially cemented her name in the class of WORLD-TOUR surfers , and she’s technically one step closer to achieving that goal of hers. we got to see a lot of her this year , as she competed for the majority of the season , and made the finals at the roxy pro event in oahu , proving she’s more than comfortable competing on the big stage.
( source : surfer.com )
PALOMA VIDAL STARTED PHOTOGRAPHY AFTER AN INJURY — NEW YORK TIMES search result for: paloma vidal + photography
     but she also has an instagram on the side where she posts her photography , which has grown an audience of its own. for a while , vidal even considered a career in photojournalism. “ i picked up photography during a random summer in high school. it’s a funny story , actually , ” vidal says. “ i fell pretty badly while surfing , and was out of commission for a couple of weeks , but KEPT going back to the beach to watch my friends. and then i thought i should probably document everything i was seeing. the rest of the story’s pretty obvious. ” 
( source : nytimes.com )
PALOMA VIDAL ( @PALOMA ) • INSTAGRAM PHOTOS AND VIDEOS search result for: paloma vidal + instagram
     PALOMA VIDAL ( @paloma ) • instagram photos and videos
( source : instagram.com )
PALOMA VIDAL : BIO , HEIGHT , AGE , MEASUREMENTS ... — CELEBFACTS search result for: paloma vidal + eye color
     paloma vidal is an AMERICAN ACTRESS. she is best known for playing the character of valentina romero in netflix’s original series the village. born on september 15 , 1999 in los angeles , california , she became interested in acting after performing in her high school’s rendition of little shop of horrors. she was in a relationship with ty sheridan. their relationship lasted until october 2019.
paloma vidal personal details :
date of birth : september 15 , 1999 birth place : los angeles , california birth name : paloma vidal zodiac sign : virgo occupation : actress nationality : american race / ethnicity : white religion : unknown hair color : blonde eye color : hazel
( source : celebfacts.com )
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saintlavrents · 5 years
Probably [h.o]
Pairing: Harrison Osterfield x Reader
Warning(s): Angst, Swearing
Prompt: “If I didn’t have to hate her, I’d adore her.”
Summary: In which not every story ends like a fairytale.
Words: 1,442
A/N: im back with an entry to @lovestrucktom​ and @peeterparkr​‘s writing challenge lmao n i havent been writing much since im on like school break and all i do is sleep all day n whatnot so yeah im sorry if this is like bad.
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Y/N opened the door to the sight of Harrison standing in front of the mirror, trying to figure out how to tie his bowtie.
“Need some help with that?”
“Oh god, yes.”
She let out a small laugh at the desperation in his tone as she walked towards him. She tugged on the ends of the tie, pulling him slightly closer, before working on it, looping and tying around until the bowtie is formed.
“There.” She said as she finished.
“Thanks.” He responded while turning his back to her as he looked at his reflection in the mirror for the millionth time that day, since he wanted to look his absolute best on his big day.
“So, how do I look?” He asked with a smile playing on his lips.
“Eh, you look alright. Like a div, but alright.” She said with a straight face, before breaking into a huge grin, giving him two thumbs up.
“Thanks. You look great too.”
“Thanks.” She responded and with that, he turned his attention back to the mirror, yet again.
There was a silent pause between the two, as Harrison adjusted a few things on his suit, whilst Y/N looks at her best friend’s reflection in the mirror and she swore that in the 10ish years she’s known him, she has never seen him this happy before.
“So, what are you doing here?” He asked her, looking at her through the mirror as he still has his back to her.
“Oh, so you don’t want your best friend to attend your wedding?” She replied with a fake hurt tone, pretending to be offended.
He chuckled, turning to face her, “’Course I do, smartass. What I meant was, why did you come in here?”
“I wanted to check on my dumbass best friend. I didn’t want him to get cold feet, shit his pants or anything.” She responded with a cheeky smirk.
“Oh, that’s very kind of you.” He pouted in a mocking way, “But, I’m good. I’m not shitting my pants or anything. I’m excited but slightly nervous, but who wouldn’t be, right?”
“And I also want to tell him good luck, just so he doesn’t trip on his way to the altar or stumble on his words during the vows.”
“Thanks. By the way, have you seen Elle? I haven’t seen her in like a day since her parents are big on the whole ‘No seeing the bride before the wedding, that’s bad luck’ thing.”
“She’s fine. You’ll get to see her in a bit. And don-“ She was cut of by the door opening and Tom walking in, which made both their heads turn to the door.
“Mate, I- Oh, hi, Y/N.”
“Hey, Tom.”
“So, what are you doing here?”
“I just came by to check on him and make sure he’s not shitting his pants. What about you?”
“Oh, I got some best man stuff.”
“Okay, then. I should probably leave you guys to it.” She smiled at the two of them and left the room.
Y/N walked out of the church and went to the side of the building, where it’s sort of deserted and whipped out her cigarettes and lighter from her purse, taking long drags of the cigarette, letting the burning sensation take over her chest.
“Hey, Y/N, you alright?” Harry’s voice startled her.
“Yeah, yeah. I’m fine. Why’d you ask?”
Harry pointed at the cigarette resting between her pointer and middle finger, “You only smoke when you’re stressed out.”
“Oh, yeah. It’s just some work stuff.” She responded and took another drag of the cigarette, looking away from him, but Harry can see through her lie.
“Is it because of Harrison?”
“What?” Her head snapped towards him.
“We all know you’re, like, in love with him ever since high school, Y/N.”
She lets out a sigh, “Is it that obvious?”
“Maybe not to him.” Harry shrugged.
Y/N offered him the cigarette, in which he declined, before taking another drag for herself.
“You should’ve told him.”
“It’s too late now and I couldn’t possibly ruin his wedding, Harry. He’s never been this happy or excited before.”
“You should’ve told him right from the start.”
“I couldn’t. I didn’t want to lose him as a friend.”
Harry couldn’t respond to that and she was right, it was way too late now, and she couldn’t jeopardize his happiness for her own. It sucks, sure, but if he loves Elle and not her, what can she do about it?
Harry sighed, “So, what’s going to happen?”
Y/N shrugged, taking yet another long drag from her cigarette, “I’d probably just be happy for him.”
He nodded, before letting her continue, “God, and you know what the worst part is? She’s just so perfect in every way and honestly, if I didn’t have to hate her, I’d adore her.”
Harry felt bad for not having a proper response to that, since it’s true. Elle is one of the sweetest people he’s ever met and that makes it so hard to hate her.
“We should probably go in.” Y/N sighed, putting out her cigarette with her foot.
The pair walked into the church together and sat next to each other on the fifth row, right behind Sam and his parents. Harry had originally planned on sitting with them, but he felt bad for Y/N, as they’d also been good friends ever since they’d found a common ground in photography and videography years prior.
So, he decided to sit next to her in hopes of being able to comfort her and a row behind his parents just so both him and Y/N could avoid questions from his parents, if Y/N were to cry or something.
The organ started playing the wedding march and everyone stood up as Harrison entered and walked down the aisle. He was visibly nervous, but everyone could definitely see the excited beam in his eyes as he awaits his bride from in front of the altar.
Elle soon appeared on the doorway and strutted down the aisle gracefully, with her dad beside her, looking as stunning as ever in her wedding dress. Harrison was visibly tearing up at the altar and it wasn’t long till Elle’s dad had handed her over to Harrison and the both of them crying out happy tears at the sight of each other on this big day for the two of them.
The guests soon sat back down as the preacher started off the ceremony with some prayers and words, but all of it just seemed to go by like a blur to Y/N as she was trying her best to act normal.
“…. Speak now or forever hold your peace.” She heard the preacher say, but she knows she couldn’t do that to him. He deserves to be happy, even if it’s not with her. So, she decided to forever hold her peace.
“I, now, pronounce you husband and wife. You may now kiss the bride.”
The guests clapped and Harry had wrapped an arm over Y/N’s shoulder, trying to comfort her as the wedded couple walked the aisle towards the car that’s going to take them to the reception venue.
“You okay?”
Y/N couldn’t even utter a single word response in fear of bursting into tears right then and there, so she just nodded in response.
At the end of the night, the wedded couple were happily dancing on the dance floor of the ballroom, surrounded by everyone. Y/N had gone out of the ballroom, standing by the window, looking at the night lights of the city with a glass of red wine in her hand. It’s probably her fourth glass of the night, and she’s pretty sure that she’s going to need some more but she’s trying her best not to get drunk.
After emptying the glass in her hands, she decided to go back into the ballroom, so that no one would ask any questions. The atmosphere of the ballroom was full of love, laughter and happiness. But is she the only one in there who feels neither of the three?
Harry noticed her coming back into the room and walked up to her, offering her a dance, just to blend in with all the people who’re dancing along with the happy couple, which she accepted. Plus, since her seat was on the table in front, it would just be too noticeable if she just sat there. Harry soon showed a look of concern towards her and she puts up the fake smile act and told him that she’s fine.
She should be, right? Maybe not right now. But she will be. Probably.
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kweebtrash · 5 years
Idk if you’ve ever answered this, but I’m curious, why do you bias Johnny so hard? Messy actually made me start paying attention to Johnny more and I don’t regret it lol so thanks.
Ok so I have answered this before but I can't for the life of me find where I put it in my asks so I'll just rewrite my essay here. Bare with me it's long lmao. I remember I wrote about some physical stuff I like about him but let's take it from the top lmao.
SO I went to kcon ny 18 and I was a avid listener of NCT but I didn't really know any of the members by name or face or anything. And of course Johnny was one of the hosts because he speaks English and I was trying to find my bias and I thought maybe I would like taeyong (ppfffttt lmao) but my friends friend (who is a very toxic and gross and mean to other idols/groups) is a ty Stan and basically said "no he's mine. You can't have him. Go after Johnny or something." And I DEADASS SAID "NO HES UGLY"
Yah I thought my whole ass man was uglee 😂😂😂😂
So anyway I think around Sept or October my friend was really into NCT and was helping me to learn them and I don't remember what made me love Johnny so much specifically but it just kinda clicked.
So after that I just started biasing him so hard, he became my ult bias, and I flew all the way to Chicago for the concert just to see him cry.
So the reasons why I like him include:
Physical: BIG TOL BOIIIII. I have a thing for tol dumb goofy idiots with deep voices and big hands. A lot of my biases are like this lmao. But also BIG HANDS. His voice isn't super deep but I find it to be a nice tone in his own way. He has this cute overbite also?? Like idk why it's cute but I think it is and it makes him suck in air alot when he talks and it adds to his little lisp. (Don't @ me, I have an oral fixation ok) his smile is the cutest and makes me seo soft UM THOSE LIPS??? HI HELLO. His big ass broad shoulders??? HIS CUTE LIL PEACH BUTT??? THOSE THIGHS???? He competed with shownu on lipstick prince in a thigh separating contest and they tied one to one and shownu said it was kinda hard to beat him so this boy got STONK THIGHS. CHERRY BOMB EMO UNDERCUT JOHNNY BEING THE SUPERIOR JOHNNY??? His eyes are the most gorgeous things ever and he's made me fall in love with brown eyes. His hair always looks so floofy and soft. (Also we cannon him as having a big dick so)
Personality: A BIG ASS FUCKING AQUARIUS. so he's basically a big soft teddy bear thats extremely goofy and klutzy (which is also a majority of my biases). He puts his heart and soul into dancing on stage and masters choreography so damn well but when he dances on his own he's just...a white suburban dad trying to fit in with his teenage sons. It's soooooo bad. I am in a constant rotation of disappointment, second hand embarrassment, soft gushy lovey dovey feelings, and horniness when it comes to Johnny Suh. He's so awkward and weird like all the time and im just like WHY ARE YOU LIKE THIS PLEASE STOP. He's the most extra person and can't do anything normally and with all of that he never fails to make me laugh. He's the biggest dork to exist. Also he has the best duality of man ever. On stage and in super modelesque pictures and some MVs he looks like a daddy that will tear your ass up in a heartbeat and other times he's just like (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*.✧ and the best uwu bean. He's literally so sweet and caring to people and so passionate about his hobbies (although he really like photography he's the worst fucking videographer ever and can't keep a camera still to save his life). He's a really great leader and his relationship with the others are so cute. Marks his brother, taeils his husband, Jae's his best friend, haechan and chenle are his sons, ten and ty have big ass gay love crushes on him (same sis). And it's all so precious. He's a big ass fucking Mama's boy and his relationship with his mom is the cutest thing ever. She loves her big ass baby so much and ME TOO MRS SUH ME TOO. He'd be the sweetest and dorkiest boyfriend ever and would always try and make you feel better when you're sad and make you laugh and give tons of hugs,kisses, and affection. And even tho us sluts categorize him as a big ass Dom he'd be really sweet in bed irl. He's just too much of a goofball to be any other way.
Career wise: well this one's hard because johfam suffer a lot when it comes to Johnny's talents. He's completely overlooked and forced to get one or two lines or some hype up chorus shit and it's really annoying but we find time to support him anyway. He has a really sweet soft voice and doesn't really have a big range like taeil but it's really nice none the less AND THEN THEY SLAP AUTOTUNE ON IT AND MAKE HIM SOUND FAKE. (See highway to heaven) he can play piano/keyboard and he's so good at it and I was at least happy that at their concert Johnny had a mini solo for the transition into regular where he got the spotlight and got to play the keyboard (cries forever). THEY DONT LET HIM DJ ANYMORE AND I DONT KNOW WHY HES SO CUTE WHEN HE DJS. BRING BACK DJ JOHNNY. Also he's supposed to be a rapper? Never raps? Supposed to be a lead dancer? Gets center for like 10 seconds. One day I hope he expands into other stuff though sm doesn't really let their idols do anything else (much). Like I think he'd make a good model. He knows how to take pics well. He walks well in heels believe it or not so maybe he won't completely fall on his face on the runway. Anyway let Johnny Suh have his moment to shine and showcase his talents bc sm thinks he ain't got any and wants him to suffer.
In summary he's just really sweet, kind, funny, and caring and hes talented but overlooked so we try and give him a lot of love and support.
Tl;Dr: Johnny's great. Stan Johnny.
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checkmctes · 5 years
manu   rios.   twenty   one.   cismale.   he/him.   conan   gray.   |   i   can’t   believe   i   just   saw   DRACO   MATEU   walking   out   of   cadence   records.   they’re   a   single   INDIE   POP   artist   who’s   been   in   the   industry   for   ONE   YEAR.   the   tabloids   love   to   focus   on   their   FATALISTIC   nature   ,   but   they’re   also   pretty   VEHEMENT   and   they   seem   to   give   off   a   vibe   that   reminds   people   of   WRITING   LITTLE   MESSAGES   ON   FOGGY   GLASS,   MYSTERIOUS   BRUISES,   SKIN   SPECKLED   WITH   TINY   TATTOOS   &   IMPISH   SMIRKS.   
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                     𝒊𝒔𝒔𝒂   𝒎𝒆   !   in   case   u   missed   daphne's   intro   ,   i'm   𝒔𝒐𝒑𝒉𝒊𝒆   ,   i'm   20   ,   &   i'm   currently   sipping   my   morning   coffee   as   i   write   this   intro   feeling   V   productive   .   without   further   ado   ,   i   introduce   to   u   :   my   gloomy   son   .
pinterest  :   ★
*   𝐒 𝐓 𝐀 𝐓 𝐈 𝐒 𝐓 𝐈 𝐂 𝐒   ;
𝐅𝐔𝐋𝐋  𝐍𝐀𝐌𝐄  :  damian  ‘ draco ’  ricardo  mateu  . 𝐀𝐆𝐄  :  twenty  -  one  . 𝐁𝐈𝐑𝐓𝐇𝐃𝐀𝐓𝐄  :  april  1st  ,  1998  . 𝐙𝐎𝐃𝐈𝐀𝐂  :  aries  . 𝐒𝐄𝐗𝐔𝐀𝐋𝐈𝐓𝐘  :  bisexual  (  male  preference  ) 𝐇𝐎𝐌𝐄𝐓𝐎𝐖𝐍  :  madrid  ,  spain  .  (  born  )  ,  moved  to  los  angeles  at  the  age  of  twenty  . 𝐕𝐎𝐈𝐂𝐄𝐂𝐋𝐀𝐈𝐌  :  conan  gray  . 𝐀𝐏𝐏𝐄𝐀𝐑𝐀𝐍𝐂𝐄  :  ex.  (  x  )  curled  hair  that  shadows  the  eyes  ,  a  scorpion  imprinted  on  his  upper  forearm  among  other  tattoos  ,  a  nose  ring  that  is  rarely  worn  ,  a  facetious  smirk  ,  blatant  eye  rolls  &  a  lanky  form  .
*   𝐁 𝐀 𝐂 𝐊 𝐆 𝐑 𝐎 𝐔 𝐍 𝐃   ;
𝒂𝒑𝒓𝒊𝒍   𝟏𝒔𝒕.   𝒎𝒂𝒅𝒓𝒊𝒅.   draco's   conception   was   unexpected   yet   highly   anticipated   ,   though   nobody   could   expect   the   tragedy   that   would   mark   his   birthday   .   isabella   mateu   passed   away   during   childbirth   ,   leaving   her   less   than   stable   husband   to   raise   their   son   alone   .   draco's   childhood   was   tainted   with   poorly-disguised   resentment   ;   that   a   child   that   hadn't   even   been   planned   had   taken   away   paulo's   only   love   .   
eventually   it   became   evident   that   draco   was   not   safe   in   his   father's   care   ,   &  his   grandfather   earned   custody   .   draco   &   his   abuelo   had   a   strange   bond   ;      their   communication   often   limited   &   littered   with   sarcasm   ,   but   draco   has   never   loved   anyone   more   .   
his   singing   career   began   online   ;   he   started   a   youtube   channel   at   sixteen   but   it   didn't   really   pick   up   a   following   until   he   was   almost   twenty   .   shortly   after   his   birthday   ,   his   grandfather   passed   away   &   without   anything   else   tying   him   down   to   spain   ,   he   made   the   big   move   to   the   states   .
*   𝐃 𝐑 𝐀 𝐂 𝐎   ;
*   𝐅𝐄𝐑𝐕𝐄𝐍𝐓   ;   draco   is   very   determined   &   passionate   about   his   career   &   ...   pretty   much   everything   .   he's   an   all-or-nothing   kinda   guy   .   some   may   say   dramatic   &   ?   i'd   agree   .   he   is   v   in   touch   with   his   emotional   side   .   
*   𝐅𝐀𝐓𝐀𝐋𝐈𝐒𝐓𝐈𝐂   ;   he   can   be   a   lil   bit   of   a   debby   downer   at   times   ,   &   holds   the   view   that   eVeRyThInG   hApPeNs   FoR   a   ReAsOn   which   sometimes   holds   him   back   from   pursuing   things   he   wants   .   he's   not   so   much   miserable   ,   but   a   lil   gloomy   .   
*   𝐏𝐄𝐓𝐔𝐋𝐀𝐍𝐓   ;   he   can   be   a   lil   sulky   when   he   doesn't   get   his   own   way   bc   he   gives   off   Huge   Baby   vibez   .   
*   𝐂𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐕𝐄   ;   his   biggest   passion   is   his   music   ,   but   he's   also   super   into   art   &   photography   :-)
roomie from when he first moved to america
best mate/s
song writing buddy
his muse :~) 
ex partners / flings 
will they won’t they
str8 up enemies !
somebody he helped eXpErImEnT with their sexuality 
bad / good influence
sibling like bond
his inspiration :’)
a n y t h i n g !
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douxreviews · 5 years
The Handmaid's Tale - ‘Unfit’ Review
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"I've never seen anyone so devoted."
Like the Canadian story line, the flashbacks in this show are often a welcome relief from the horrors of present day Gilead. This time, not so much.
Let me start by saying that Ann Dowd is absolutely awesome as the fearsome Aunt Lydia, and a flashback to her past should have done more to explain her character. Instead, even in her past, Lydia was taking children from their mothers while pontificating about her good intentions. She is just as conflicted and confusing as she always was. Maybe there's just no explaining people like Lydia. Or anyone who fits in Gilead.
Lydia Clements was a fourth grade teacher who used to work in family law. She went from judging Noelle, a poor young mother with a bad job, to helping her financially and giving her emotional support (which was lovely), to initiating legal proceedings that successfully took Noelle's son Ryan away from her. A remarkably bad thing that followed a remarkably good thing, and note how Lydia's clothing and hair style changed from loose, comfortable and attractive to a Gilead-like shapeless outfit and restrained bun.
This was tied in to Lydia's possible new boyfriend, Principal Jim. Lydia and Jim seemed so well matched: both were single again with careers in education, and clearly religious since they both quoted the Bible in casual conversation. Jim even said grace in the karaoke bar before they ate. (Karaoke "Islands in the Stream." Too cute, and adorably out of character for Lydia.)
Why would their aborted lovemaking on the couch push Lydia over the edge into such overwhelming shame, into violently destroying her own image in a mirror? Was it because she finally allowed herself to acknowledge her own sexual needs, and being rejected was too heavy a blow? For that matter, why did Jim stop? His wife died three years ago. Was it really too soon for him, or did her aggressive move on the couch turn him off? And why did this incident make Lydia turn on Noelle? Because Noelle had encouraged her to date again, had given her makeup?
Tying this into our lead character, we've all been wondering how June is still alive considering how badly she's been acting. I think June is too angry right now to be frightened of what could happen to her. Maybe Aunt Lydia sees June the way she saw Noelle, as someone she would try over and over again to push in the right direction – until she didn't. This doesn't bode well for June.
I enjoyed the three gossipy aunts around a table matching Handmaids to Commanders more than the flashbacks. This was background that we needed. Aunt Lydia complained about June's misbehavior, but then she talked about June being misled. "We never had issues with Ofjoseph before the Waterfords. A problem household, to say the least. And she was there for all that business with Emily." Aunt Elizabeth added, "And Lillie." It's an explanation for why June is still alive and undamaged. Not a great one, but an explanation.
During the almost comical testifying scene in the gym, June did acknowledge that Frances' death was June's fault, and that Hannah would suffer for what June did. And then June took that opportunity to turn on Ofmatthew, saying truthfully that Ofmatthew didn't want her baby. We learned that Ofmatthew thought her baby was going to be a girl this time, and she didn't want to bring a daughter into Gilead. I so can't blame her.
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During their shopping trip to Loaves and Fishes, June smiled as Ofmatthew snatched the guardian's gun and went on her desperation spree, and then she nodded when Ofmatthew was aiming the gun at her. I think June was ready to die. When Ofmatthew changed her target to Aunt Lydia, I was yelling, "Kill her!" Sadly, no. The death of Ofmatthew and her possibly female fetus, along with the death of Ofandy's baby girl, felt like a metaphor for the murderous sickness of Gilead's culture.
Racism in Gilead
This is the second episode in a row that featured the horrible death of a black woman. It's also the first time race was so much as mentioned. During that fascinating scene with the Aunts and the sherry and the files on the lazy susan, Aunt Lydia said that one of the Commanders didn't want a Handmaid of color. Racial prejudice exists in Gilead, but it is kept on the down low. Under the table, pun intended.
Critics of this show talk a lot about intersectionality, how jarring it is that Gilead is all about the misogyny while racial issues don't seem to exist, and really, I totally get that. It's a major change from Atwood's book. In reality, a fascist, misogynistic society like Gilead would almost certainly be deeply racist as well. I initially thought I understood why the producers made this decision. They wanted the focus of this fictional dystopia to be the oppression of women, period. There is also the practical consideration that if they had adhered more faithfully to the source material, the entire cast of this series would be white.
While I was thinking about what I would write about this episode, I realized that I hadn't thought through that assumption. They could have kept Gilead logically racist by having Handmaids of color while all of the Commanders and Wives were white. White slave owners in the past often raped and impregnated their black slaves, didn't they? And of course, June could have still had a black husband and daughter. I wonder why they didn't go that way? It would have made a lot more sense.
More glowing comments about the photography
As usual, the photography in this episode was spectacular. I was particularly struck by the from-above shot of Handmaids circling Ofandy with comfort and hugs, June in the snow with a red umbrella on her way to Loaves and Fishes, and the camera attached and moving with Ofmatthew's gun. The most striking was the line of red blood on white tile as Ofmatthew's body was dragged out of the store; it reminded me of the red ropes they use for hanging.
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And the flashbacks were so pretty that they often looked unreal – the diffused lights on the Christmas tree, the sparkling clothing and hangings at the nightclub, the New Year's Eve glitter. I'm sure that was on purpose. The unreality, I mean.
Do they celebrate Christmas in Gilead? Has it been mentioned? It seems unlikely. But I didn't think they would have dancing, either.
— The name of Hannah's Martha wasn't mentioned in the previous episode, but here, the very first scene started with June talking about Frances, and what an ordinary life she led before Gilead. Much like Lydia.
— Janine was kindness itself toward Ofmatthew, and when Ofmatthew lost it in Loaves and Fishes, she beat the crap out of Janine. It would have made more sense if Ofmatthew had attacked June, instead.
— During the birth scenes and the testifying, the Handmaids were acting a little like a bitchy high school clique. "Crybaby! Crybaby! Crybaby! Crybaby!" actually made me laugh.
— June told Joseph Lawrence that he wasn't protecting Eleanor, he was suffocating her. Lawrence didn't take the bait. I'm starting to think the Lawrences are in danger. Gilead turns on its own on a regular basis. No one is safe.
— The Lydia/Ryan twenty questions scene that opened the flashback began with Ryan asking, "Am I alive?" I wonder. Is he?
— Gold acting stars for Ashleigh LaThrop, who played Ofmatthew. I wish we'd known her character's real name. Maybe we'll find out what it was at the beginning of the next episode.
Aunt Lydia: "Tell your friends to cool it." June: "I'm sorry, Aunt Lydia. I don't know what you're talking about. You want to take my tongue out? Burn my arm? Better hope they don't need me on TV again for Nichole."
June: "How did that rhyme go? The one we'd jump rope to? Tinker, tailor, soldier, sailor, rich man, poor man, beggar man, thief. A game to tell what our children would grow up to be. The list is a lot shorter now, especially if it's a girl. Martha, Jezebel, Handmaid, Wife." What about "Aunt"?
Noelle: "You're a fucking coldhearted bitch!" Lydia: "I forgive you."
Aunt Lydia: "Sometimes it's the apple, and sometimes it's the barrel." Aunt Lydia has decided it's the barrel this time. She wants to transfer June to another household. Uh oh.
June: "I hurt her. and I enjoyed it. The wives and aunts, too, grieving over Ofandy's dead child. And Lawrence. They all deserve to suffer. It's an acquired taste, seeing others in pain. Like that smoky scotch Luke got as a gift once. I grew to like that."
June: "I finally know how Oflgen felt, what made her put on that bomb vest. […] And I know how Emily felt, right before she stuck a knife in Lydia's back." Again, it sure sounds like June is ready to die.
This is the second episode in a row that I didn't much like. Two out of four smoky scotches.
Billie Doux loves good television and spends way too much time writing about it.
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reddielibrary · 6 years
We’re behind on fic-finding asks so we’re going to put a few in here to see if anyone in the fandom can help us out. There are a lot more under the cut so please check it out and see if you recognize anything. They’re all numbered to make it easy for you to respond.
1. Hi! What the fic where Richie moves away from derry and runs away bc he misses his losers (he is dating eddie ik for sure its a reddie fic) ty ahead of time!!!
whisper the answer - @lo-v-ers
2. hey do you know the fic where basically richie loves eddie and they promise to go to the same college or something but then in high school eddie stops talking to the losers and richie is all sad and eddie ends up going to college somewhere else. it's not a full length or anything, it's pretty short. thanks!!
3. Hi! I’ve been looked but for this one fic where all the losers hotbox in bills garage and Eddies Asthma interferes so Richie helps him but inhaling it and blowing it in eddies mouth and in the end there just kissing each other I thought I saved it somewhere but I can’t find it please help!
Lips Like Fire - yallreddieforthis
4. Do you know the fic where Eddie uses Mike (Wheeler) to make Richie Jealous and then Richie confesses his feelings for Eddie and then they get together?
5. hi! there’s a fic somewhere where basically eddie and richie start sexting accidentally bc richie starts it and they’re too stubborn and competitive to stop
The Power of Sexting - piginawig
6. um okay i really want to find this one fic where bev and richie accidentally make eddie crash his mom’s car and when he’s like apologizing to owner of the car she tells him he should get new friends and he ends up listening to her and stops hanging out with the loser’s club and he joins the mathletes again and it’s based of a Freaks and Geeks episode. if you could find it would be lovely. please help me,thank you.
7. Do you know this fic? I think it’s 2 parts: the first one richie takes Eddie on a road trip before college and proposes? The second part is at college and Eddie doesn’t treat richie that well because he’s stressed out. Richie doesn’t go to college, he stays in Eddies dorm and he smokes all the time and is sad. Eddie realizes he’s not treating his ‘husband’ right and does something sweet for Christmas I think?
8. what’s that fic where richie and Eddie are both actors and they are playing each other’s love interests in a new movie and eddie is like a method actor so eddie like moves in with richie for a bit?
A Memory of Love - stellarbisexual
9. i read this one reddie fic a while ago and it was a reddie au where richie's parents were abusive when he was like 5-7 years old? and eddie proposed to him and it was really soft but i can't find it now
10. i was wondering if u could help me, ive been looking forthis fic forever: where richie and eddie have been together forever and they live together. mrs k is talking to eddie on the phone and being her usual self so richie takes the phone and confronts her while opening a can of soup??? lmao sorry if i explained that bad, thanks so much!!
Home - mischiefmanager
11. hey, i’m looking for a fic that i saw a while ago on archive of our own. in it, richie worked in a tattoo shop across the street from the flower shop eddie worked in. i think they knew each other as children in it and then met again once they were adults and working in the shops. i also think that eddie was ftm transgender in it. i hope you can help me find it! ♡
12. Hello, a long time ago there was this reddie fic “my gears they grind” but I can’t find it anywhere. Does anyone knows the username of the author? 0: or does anyone remember this fic at all?
13. Do you know the fic where reddie is in college and they don’t know each other and Eddie is a photography major And sees Richie and asks him to be his model? And they hang out that day and Eddie takes pictures of richie?
Pure Art -  marianhenryk
14. can you help me find a fic? it’s one where richie is a prostitute and eddie hires him for cuddles
Young, Dumb, & Broke -  AnxiousBich
15. this is kinda vague but do you guys know of a fic where Richie and Eddie are secretly together and are sneaking around to try and have alone time but keep getting interrupted by the other losers?? ahhhh sorry I don’t remember much about it, thank you
16. Argh what’s that reddie fic where richie has DID and Eddie is a psychiatrist?? I can’t find it and I just really wanna read it
17. Do any of yinz know the fic where Eddie speaks in a club about his childhood (an excuse to shit talk his mom) and ends up reuniting w/ Richie? I read it recently but I forgot to reblog it and I can’t find it now
Mortified - richietoaster
18. i’m looking for the fic where richie goes to hawkins over the summer and brings eddie but richie keeps going off with will and eddie is getting close to mike but they don’t understand
19. can u please find that one fic where every year on halloween richie sneaks eddie out of his window thank u <3
I Was Out On The Town (So I Came To Your Window) - mrs_vh
20. Do you know that one fic where richie likes eddie and richie is trying out for a play or like a musical or something and he sings Take Me To Church by Hozier and eddie crys ???? Sorry its very litle info.
Bright as yellow - speakslow
21. hi, i'm looking for a fic where richie gets an invitation to eddie's wedding with myra, and richie basically writes a really sad letter to eddie but never sends it.
22. what’s that one fic where they’re outside in richie’s car and he asks eddie if he wants to smoke weed and he says no bc it’s too difficult, and then richie says that they can shotgun instead & they end up kissing as well
23. hey do you know a fic in which richie is sentenced to five years in jail and eddie loses his shit????
Everything Comes Back to You - oldguybones
24. hi, I need help finding a fic but this description is gonna be pretty vague sorry,,, I just remember that Riche and Eddie are together and richie is latino and speaks spanish and Maggie and went are neglectful,,,,also the losers spend New Year's Eve together and richie leaves before midnight to sit alone on this cliff ashkssjdj sorry that's all I remember
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craftycatshrooms · 4 years
Northern Blossom Flower Farm through Storms and Pandemics
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Northern Blossom Flower Farm is a tourist attraction in Benguet since 2018. It showcases numerous varieties of flowers imported from Japan. The farm is one of the best sites for Eco-tourism in Benguet. The eco-tour last approximately 2 hours where in the guests tour the 3 hectare farm filled with flowers whilst looking at the beautiful mountains including Mt. Pulag. Most of the flowers are plants that are suited for cold weather and the most popular flower in farm are the cabbage roses. Cabbage roses are unique variety of cabbage that exhibit color when the environment reaches very cold temperatures. Many people come to see these color changing cabbages and on a good day the farm can receive 200 to 300 groups of guests. Northern Blossom flower farm is a breath of fresh air that allowed its guests to escape the hustle and bustle of city life. The gorgeous mountainous views, the beautiful exotic flowers coupled with the crisp cold northern air offers the experience so far removed from the usual Tropical weather, flat lands and white sand beaches. The farm presents an unprecedented experience as no one expects to see imported flowers in this small distant village in a place called Atok. This makes people wonder as to how exactly did this tourist spot came to be.
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The tourist spot may have started recently in 2018 but most people do not know that the farm has been around for a very long time. The flower farm first operated solely as a supplier for its flower shop with the same name, Northern Blossom Flower Shop. The shop was founded in 2002 located in Maria Clara Street, Sampaloc, Manila which is very near the infamous hub of flower shops Dangwa. The shop sold wholesale flowers to successful florists like Allen Uy, Hizon, Tecson, Cyrus and events like SM Baguio’s impressive floats during Panagbenga. The flowers from Northern Blossom Flower Farm are seen in the covers of magazines, the hallways of five star hotels and the weddings of famous celebrities. They are also a staple purchase during notable events like Valentines day, Mother’s Day, all Souls and Saint’s Day.
 This lucrative business is the brain child of the business owner Mellany C. Ganayan. The farm is managed by the Mrs. Ganayan along with her husband Mr. Leonardo Ganayan. Like all farmers in Benguet, the business started as a vegetable farm. They planted different vegetables like radishes, cabbages, carrots and many more. While the couple worked on the farm, the husband Mr. Leonardo took a second job as a driver. He is tasked to deliver vegetables from Benguet to Manila. As he delivers these vegetables, some relatives asked him to sell their cacti and calla lilies in Dangwa while he stays in Manila. At this point, Mr. Ganayan is juggling the responsibilities of farming, selling cacti and delivering vegetables. One day Mrs. Ganayan asked to come with him to Manila in order to sell some of her cacti collection. Once in Manila, she noticed that there is a profitable market for flowers and cacti plants sold faster than expected. This experience gave her the idea of selling flowers.
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(Mrs. Mellany on the right with the white Jacket)
The idea first started small. They started selling local flowers like calla lilies, hydrangeas or million flowers, different varieties of cacti and succulents and siastas. Then they started looking into other varieties of flowers that can grow in the cold weathers of Atok, Benguet. Mrs. Ganayan first inquired in Sunrise, the surplus store for seeds and farm supply. The store had limited varieties to choose from but they were kind enough to give the contact number of a company that sells imported varieties of flowers. Mrs. Ganayan met with the company located in Cubao and was offered a brochure of flowers she has not seen before. The name of the company and their supplier will not be disclosed as per request of the business owners. Mrs. Ganayan bought the seeds and started on the process of cultivating them. What followed was a series of trial and errors. There were series experiments as to how to cultivate and propagate these flowers. As well as investments in buying imported seeds and bulbs that may not return profit or worse they may not grow at all. Greenhouses were built in order to accommodate the growth requirements of different flowers and fifteen years later there now stands eleven greenhouses.
“We had no choice but to become a tourist destination” 
Through the years, family, friends and acquaintances have come to visit this quaint farm in Atok but there was one guest that brought impact that changed the course of the business. Enters Ms. Ollen Co. Ms. Ollen Co is a friend of a mutual friend and had been visiting the farm for a while. She has a talent and an interest in photography. She posts her beautiful photographs in Facebook. She featured the farm in numerous occasions, capturing the serene imagery of the farm during sunrise and the milky way at night. A lot of people are in awe of her photographs and are curious as to where these sceneries are. Captions and tags are present with the photos. it came as surprise when people started to inquire about garden tours and accomodations. After a while. people come out of nowhere asking at the doorstep about this flower farm seen in Facebook. Mrs. Ganayan welcomed these surprise visits and allowed allowed the visitors to tour the farm and take pictures for free. The images made their way into Facebook further solidifying the Farm as a go to destination for the perfect Instagram picture. This free publicity gathered the attention of the Department of tourism of Benguet. They asked for a tour which was immediately welcomed. Afterwards, they presented a request to advertise the farm as one of the Eco-tourist spot in the province. Mrs. Ganayan was adamant at first. She was concerned with the requirements in order to qualify as tourist spot like cemented trails, hand rails in the farm, reception area and clean functioning toilets. All of which would cost money in order to construct. In the middle of considering this life changing decision, visitors and tourists would still come and request to see the flowers. Mrs. Ganayan would allow these tourists to enter and often times there are those that walk on flower beds, some who pick and snap flowers and others that leave rubbish all over the place. This is not to say that all of them do it but there is always that one person. With people coming every now and then, Mrs. Ganayan said that “we had no choice but to become a tourist destination.” She does not have the heart to turn these people away and with the expenses and damages incurred from these untimely visits she thought that it would not be a bad idea to at least profit from it. Renovations was in the works and by 2018 Northern Blossom Flower Farm was open for business.
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Northern Blossom Flower farm operated as both a supplier and a tourist destination. They have set an appropriate entrance fee of 250 pesos per head with discounts for senior citizens and children. Some complained about the expensive fee for just viewing flowers but as the owner has stated “the fee covers the loses from stopping harvests and allowing the flowers to just bloom in the farm.” Instead of harvesting some of the flowers, they are left in the farm for the tourists to see and the fee covers for the profits lost from not selling them. All was well and good until the unexpected year of 2020.
“The virus has affected the business in more ways than one”
 When the virus hit the Philippines, it affected people across the country. A lot of businesses went bankrupt, schools were canceled and a lot of people feared the spreading pandemic. After the long community quarantine, people tried pick up the pieces of what’s left from the wreckage caused by the pandemic and others tried to adapt to this “new normal.” Even with all this problems people still strive to make the best out of the situation, with new business flourishing online, jobs allowing people to work from home and people starting to take part in online classes. According to Mrs. Ganayan “ the virus has affected the business in more ways than one.” The current situation has affected both businesses. Due to the quarantine many flowers and vegetables have not been harvested and most was reduced to waste. All tourist attractions have been closed and the flower shop has also been rendered almost obsolete. The new normal further affects the state of consuming cut flowers. The prohibition of large gatherings like weddings, funerals, birthday parties and other functions have eliminated the need for flower décor and arrangements. With this problem, the owner Mrs. Ganayan sees no other choice than to get with the times. Instead of planting flowers, the farm has reverted back into planting edible produce like vegetables. For the past months from July to September, the farm has been planting cabbages, Chinese cabbages/wombok, carrots, broccoli and green ice lettuce.
“ It is not the first typhoon to destroy my greenhouses and it won’t be the last. In cases like this we do what we have always done, we replant and rebuild”.
Disaster strikes in one way or another and at times there is just no other way to avoid them especially if the disaster comes in the form of a typhoon by mother nature. With the series of typhoons passing through the Philippines, Mrs. Ganayan has taken an extra precaution of tying the greenhouses down especially with the news of the super typhoon Rolly. What happened next came as a surprise when the most damaged incurred was caused not by Rolly but by the typhoon that preceded it, typhoon Ulyses. Only two out of the previous eleven greenhouses survived the raging strong winds and one of them actually got uprooted and moved. With the decline of the business caused by the pandemic coupled with the damages from a slew of typhoons, one would feel that the situation has proved hopeless. Regardless of the situation, the owners of the Norther Blossom Flower Farm decided to stay positive and to keep on trying. Mrs. Ganayan continues to plant seeds for next year and has decided to plant flowers again in the hopes of producing enough supply for the coming 2021 Valentines Day. In her own words “ It is not the first typhoon to destroy my greenhouses and it won’t be the last. In cases like this we do what we have always done, we replant and rebuild”.
Irsle Fernel Ganayan - CAS 101
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