#Also towards Utterson and Sherlock
lemonadehtwooh · 10 months
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Local Sheep Boy disgusted by romance, momentarily becomes phobic of homes before skipping off to go slay frfr
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toomanyfeelings5 · 5 years
the definitive ranking of pulp! the classics covers and summaries, from worst to best
(Note: Pride and Prejudice was not included in this list, as there were only poster and greeting card options for the work, and not an actual book or summary. Had a book and summary been provided, it would have ranked lowest for unoriginality. It’s literally just 1995 Colin Firth staring moodily at you. The caption is “Lock Up Your Daughters...Darcy’s in Town!” which is just unfortunate, frankly, and honestly laughable.) 
16. Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte 
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You take a novel that’s positively overflowing with drama and give it THIS cover? THIS summary? Absolutely uninspired. 
Here’s looking at you Cathy...
Childhood sweethearts turned star-crossed lovers, fuelled by bitter jealousy and dark revenge. She’s pretty and posh, he’s a moody brooding bastard. Heartbreak, alcoholism and plenty of illegitimate kids – it’s a perfect Northern drama.
Where is the feeling? The screaming violins playing as we read? The moors? The time skips? A hint of the positively bonkers plot that only a Bronte could compose?
15. The Picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde 
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 Oh, the heterosexuality of it all. On an Oscar Wilde novel, no less. 
Hey girl...I’d sell my soul for you!” 
Dorian Gray might be as pretty as a picture, but he's paid a devilishly high price for it. He'll stay drop-dead gorgeous, but there's something nasty festering in the attic...
Pretty as a picture and still lusting after ladies? Please. Pulp! Classics, you can do better. 
14. The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald 
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Again, we must speak the ancient chant: Oh, the heterosexuality of it all. 
When it came to loving...He knew which Daisy to pick! 
Sorry old sport, but Gatsby has a bigger house than you, prettier friends than you and a Rolls Royce to cart them all round in. To a backdrop of popping champagne corks and orchestral jazz, our hero bids to buyout his old adversary, perennial jock, Tom Buchanan and reclaim Daisy, his favourite bit of High Society totty.
Nick Carraway gets not one mention, which is odd given that he’s the narrator, the protagonist, and Gatsby’s most ardent love interest. Also strange is the cover’s insistence that Jordan Baker, known lesbian, would swoon over Gatsby. Doubly strange is how tiny the women are in comparison to Gatsby’s massive frame. What is, again, bamboozling, is how the slogan on the cover seems to imply that Gatsby knows how to pick a woman. He doesn’t know how to choose anyone, let alone love them. All Gatsby truly knows is the desperate pursuit of a fruitless dream. 
13. Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare 
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Romeo looks like he could be Juliet’s father. Juliet looks like an Upper East Side Widow, not at all like the tween girl she really is.
Too wild to live...too young to die!
Romeo, Romeo, wherefore art thou…. Oh wait, he’s hanging around in the garden again. Will young Romeo and his Juliet ever be able to express their raging hormones? Or will their feuding families make this romance blossom into a poisoned flower? Either way, both their houses are totally plagued!
“Wherefore” means “why,” not “where,” though I do have to award points to the summary for placing the blame squarely on the feud and not on these doomed young lovers. Though again, young isn’t the operative word I’d use to describe this version of Romeo and Juliet. 
12. Robinson Crusoe by Daniel Defoe 
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This is what one would expect upon seeing a pulp cover of a classic novel. Not much originality or flair is present, but at least some sense of the story is conveyed. 
Solitude was driving him nuts!
Cannibals! Captives! Coconuts!
One man’s love of the sea leaves him stranded on a desert island with nothing but a few goats, a bible and a parrot for company.
Will he ever escape? Will his new pal Friday learn to efficiently press a goatskin jerkin? Or will solitude send him totally barmy?
WILL Friday learn to efficiently press a goatskin jerkin? One must read to find out, I suppose...
11. Tess of the D'urbervilles 
Marilyn Monroe?????
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She’s...no angel.
The original Wessex girl!
Tess is just a humble milkmaid when the local landowner has his wicked way. Her new beau, the smarmy Angel Clare, is none too pleased when he finds out she’s already been deflowered. What is a girl to do? Bloody revenge of course, and an ending to touch the hardest of hearts.
At least the summary blames the terrible men in Tess’s life rather than Tess herself, unlike the tagline on the cover. And while Marilyn Monroe seductively lounging about with a drink doesn’t recall the faintest essence of Hardy’s novel, one would like to imagine Tess relaxing in whatever clothes she pleased, a straw dangling out of her drink, a smile on her face as she answers to no one and spends her quiet evening in solitude. 
10. Three Men in a Boat by Jerome K. Jerome
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An innocuous cover; the men’s faces hint at the comedic nature of this novel, and yet...something nags the brain upon looking at this.
To say nothing of the dog...
Incompetence, embarrassment and general disaster - no it’s not PMQs, it’s a trip down the Thames! Three hapless fellows and a world weary dog decide they need a holiday from their exhausting hypochondria. Hilarious mayhem ensues.
To say nothing of the dog indeed: Why does the dog on the cover have a human face?
9. The Metamorphosis by Franz Kafka 
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All one can say upon viewing this cover is: Jeff Goldblum, is that you?
Change really BUGGED him! 
Poor old Gregor. One day he's depressed about his dreary travelling salesman gig, the next, he's roaching around the apartment and disgusting his family. All that's left is creeping the walls and eating garbage. How's his sis ever going to find a sugar daddy with her grotty bro in tow?
Gregor isn’t grotty, he’s our six-legged hero in this tragic tale. 
And yet in the end, the question that haunts us all echoes in our minds in an unceasing echo: is that Jeff Goldblum? 
8.  Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland 
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Alice as a hippie is eye-catching, but not particularly creative. 
This cupcake was off her head!
What HAS happened to little Alice? Taking 'shrooms, hanging out with hookah smoking ne'er-do-wells and being dragged to court. That's gonna be one hell of a hangover!
As much as I’m intrigued by Alice wearing heart-shaped sunglasses and a peace sign necklace, the summary and the cover consist of one joke and one joke only. 
7. The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde 
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I just like how Dr. Jekyll in this cover looks equally as fucked up as Mr. Hyde. 
No more Mr. Nice Guy... There’s a sinister man about London town with something of the night about him. Mr Hyde is mad, bad and has a penchant for bumping off MPs and other kindly innocents. Will his friend Dr Jekyll be able to stop him? Or is there something more to their relationship than meets the eye…? Only the intrepid Utterson can get to the bottom of this mystery, but what will he find in Dr Jekyll’s lab?
Points to this summary for including Mr. Utterson, and for insinuating that Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde may be clandestine lovers. 
6. A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens 
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Ladies, gentlemen, and otherwise, don’t we love it when a greedy rich man gets bludgeoned by a mace into being more generous and kindly towards others?
This cat was a drag....’til a midnight wake-up call...
Christmas?! What a load of Humbug. Mistletoe and Wine just don't do it for Scrooge; he's a workaholic miser with an attitude problem. If he doesn't change his ways, he'll end up with no friends and Tiny Tim won't last the year. Let's hope some spooky night-time visitors can put the jingle back in his bells!
Ring-a-ling-a-ling, Mr. Scrooge. The mace is raised and the bells are ringing.
5.  Heart of Darkness by Joseph Conrad 
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The tag-line made me, as the youths say, laugh out loud. 
Whoops! Apocalypse....
The horror! The horror!
Kurtz might be the apple of every brutish imperialist’s eye, but his God complex is getting wildly out of hand in the depths of the jungle. What on earth will Marlow find when he finally gets downriver? Devil worship? Savages? Heads on sticks? Or just another nutty white man with his knickers in a twist?
Surprisingly anti-racist summary made this jump to the higher echelons of this esteemed list, though of course that doesn’t excuse this novel’s abhorrent and embarrassing fake-deep racism. It also must be noted that the tag-line should have been “Whoops! White supremacy!” and the text of the novel should have entirely consisted of Chinua Achebe’s essay on the work. 
4. The Hounds of Baskerville by Arthur Conan Doyle
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The cover alone is a winner. A rabid chihuahua out for blood? Inspired. 
A desolate moor, a diabolical dog in need of a muzzle and some inbred locals; Sherlock Holmes is really up against it. With the help of his trusty sidekick Dr. Watson, Holmes pieces together a mystery that has captured the imagination of readers across the decades. All whilst practising a serious coffee and cocaine habit.
The tag-line is fun and catchy, but sadly this summary must be admonished for insisting that Dr. Watson is merely a “trusty sidekick” to Sherlock Holmes. Heterosexuality strikes again, reducing the impact of the striking cover design. 
3. Dubliners by James Joyce 
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Finally! Some style, some panache, some flair to accompany these short stories about being sad and horny in Ireland. 
Stuck in the Liffey with you...
Booze, Sex and Hot Floury Potatoes… Those Dubliners are at it again!
Liars, thieves, whores and priests… James Joyce sure knew how to throw a party! This relentlessly downbeat collection explores the very worst aspects of human nature, and doesn’t leave out the juicy bits. It might not be in the best possible taste, but who doesn’t want to get down and dirty in Dublin?
The summary and cover work in tandem to wholeheartedly convince me that Dubliners is an action-packed, slick collection of stories detailing the wild escapades of a motley cast of ragamuffins, and I gotta hand it to the folks over at Pulp! Classics for injecting some bonafide vintage cool into Joyce’s work.
2. Othello by William Shakespeare 
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I have so many thoughts on this. Mr. T. as Othello is fascinating, as is the tagline, “Some kind of Bard...aaaaasss.” Is this a commentary on blaxploitation media? One can’t help but recall Mr. T.’s reasoning behind his mohawk, his gold chains, to honor his ancestors and assert his living, unshakable humanity in a racist society. Is this is a genuine effort on the part of Pulp! Classics to imply that a blaxploitation-influenced adaptation of Othello could reveal deeper truths to the play that we have had yet to glimpse? 
Some kind of Bard... aaaasss
He’s a bardass brother with the love of a fine woman. That is until some cloven hoofed honky starts talking crazy about variously hued sheep tupping the hell outta each other! You gotta pity the fool who gets shafted by the green eyed monster. Let’s hope Othello can work out who to trust before it’s too late…
The fast-paced alliterative language of the summary harkens to Shakespeare’s own wit-fueled dialogue and penchant for creative language. The summary also calls Iago a devil, which is apt, and implicitly criticizes his racism, hinting at the play’s greater tragedies to come. The cover and summary also work in tandem to emphasize Othello’s jealousy and destruction: the “green-eyed monster” is mentioned, and the cover itself is a putrid green. An excellent example of what a vintage cover and summary can achieve. 
1. Frankenstein by Mary Shelly 
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You all knew this was coming. 
This kid was born on the wrong side of the lab...
Frankenstein’s monster is on the rampage; terrorising the locals, unleashing murderous hell… and reading novels in his spare time. Can his petrified creator stop this reign of horror before his girlfriend gets the chop?
A James Dean-inspired creature, thereby making them a queer icon? Masterful. The creature being “born on the wrong side of the lab?” A stroke of genius; that they’re called a kid puts the poignancy of the monster’s plight into even greater relief, while simultaneously emphasizing their tragic charm. The clear distinction between Frankenstein and the creature? Reader, I exhaled in a cathartic release of tension. The loving detail that the creature reads novels in their spare time, like any other leather-jacket wearing, motorcycle-riding ruffian with a heart of gold? Beautiful. 
Truly, the obvious queer energy of this cover and summary highlights an overlooked dimension of Shelly’s great work while also paying homage to what draws us to this Modern Prometheus time after time. Do we care about the petrified creator in this summary? Not at all. He’s not on the cover, appearing both rebellious and gentle. We are here for the creature, in their leather jacket, on their motorcycle, novel sticking out of a back pocket on their jeans, ready to whisk us away to a place where even monsters like us can find solace, and be at peace, and commune with each other. We need only take their outstretched hand, and be willing to leave the mundane world for something better, for the chance to no longer be alone. 
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lemonadehtwooh · 8 months
i doodled @okadaizoirl 's FGO OC (Havisham) interacting with my FGO OC (Utterson) based on This Post uwu
Putting everything under a cut because I typed out some stuff + headcanons ig? Slightly long-medium-ish idk
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Utterson, worriedly: "Please, allow me to help you up, ma'am."
Havisham, taking Utterson's hand: "I am not going to fall apart, Mr. Utterson."
Utterson: "Yes, of course, it's just in my nature to help my friends."
Idk why but I imagine that at first Havisham doesn't trust or have any liking towards Utterson due to his whole "modern gentleman" shtick until she sees that he trips over himself to Help Everyone and is genuine about his intentions
I also just realized that Utterson reminds me of a working dog puppy that's trying to be helpful XD
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Havisham: (About Holmes): "He's going to break your heart."
Utterson, half-listening, completely smitten: "Yes, I know."
Havisham: "He's not a truthful man."
Utterson, still checking out Holmes: "Hm..."
I think if they were in a friendship, Havisham would disapprove of Utterson's and Holmes' romance and verbalize this often (or when Utterson is simping lmao). She has good intentions when she warns Utterson about Holmes so Utterson doesn't follow the same path she did/she doesn't want to see him get heartbroken because. Friendship. Which I think would be an interesting contrast to her book self
On Utterson's part, he doesn't heed the warnings... Usually. I think there's some good Utterson X Sherlock angst potential in which Utterson starts to feel insecure about their relationship (I love hurt-and-comfort lmao)
Btw @okadaizoirl if this is stepping over boundaries or something, i'm fine with deleting this post ^v^ I just think your OC is super cool and my brain decided to Go Feral. Idk I also apologize deeply if this is stepping over boundaries TwT
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lemonadehtwooh · 1 year
Lore about Fgo For Funsies AU Utterson:
and general design concepts and headcanons about him because <3 He's Babygirl. Warning for a super duper long read!
Originally he was a Caster Class but due to a suggestion from a friend, he ended up becoming an Archer class with a gun (the same friend also suggested what type of gun he thought was the "most gentlemanly" for the design). Utterson originally was designed to have a book/magic spells as a weapon instead, similar to Andersen, and would have been a support more than a damage dealer. Even now my headcanons for his skill set is based more on art-card support than buster damage (I headcanon his NP would as well be an art card)
Utterson's monocle represents "Looking through rose-tinted lenses", as Utterson's main flaw in the original novella is his blind faith in his friends, constantly believing in Jekyll and seeing the good in him despite Jekyll being very,,, Not Good. The poor man even loses sleep WORRYING about Jekyll TwT I love him. His monocle, curiosity, and deep love for his friends are the main components of his Noble Phantasm. The pearls connected to the chains are suppose to represent how he was more on the wealthy side in the novella
Utterson's main motives for how he acts is that he "wants to be a modern gentleman" and as well as he wants to help others
Utterson was originally going to be a grey monochromatic color scheme, however I thought it would be a lot funnier if he had a lot of purples and pinks. I like to think his first thought about what he is wearing would be "Oh dear!" and he would be shocked about all the color he wears. He eventually gets used to it, but it's very funny to imagine his surprise!
His Noble Phantasm is called "If he be Mr. Hyde, I shall be Mr. Seek" due to his quote from the novella. This quote also is the inspiration for For Funsies Utterson's obsession with puns and jokes (which also ironically contrasts his serious nature)
Sherlock X Utterson had originally started off as a joke due to Sherlock's design being similar, but unfortunately I got really attached to the concept and actually started shipping it. I personally headcanon Sherlock as potentially being gay asexual in my AU. He as well figures out Utterson's feelings before Utterson realizes them and proceeds to just Watch and study Utterson because of this XD. They also share the same "detective" type motives (albeit, Utterson's is less prominent)
The idea for specifically pinks and purples being his main colors sprouted from the idea of Utterson having an "opposite" color scheme from Jekyll. The green accents are as well a reference towards Jekyll and the similarities he and Utterson shared in the novella. This is also why Lanyon's eyes are pink
I headcanon Utterson to know German and Latin. Potentially some Greek as well. He just has These Vibes (also he's a lawyer)
More about Sherlock and Utterson, their dynamic is something of Sherlock absolutely enjoying watching Utterson and Utterson being a flustered mess due to never experiencing romance (headcanon due to the fact that in the novella he's mentioned to be a bachelor). It's not like Sherlock doesn't participate in their relationship (in fact, in canon Fgo, Sherlock is pretty much pointed out to be a mischievous dude, therefore I believe he would definitely tease Utterson and make insinuations that cause Utterson to pause or perhaps even stammer), Sherlock just enjoys watching the dude and seeing how Utterson reacts. Basically he lowkey forces Utterson to take lead, which Utterson wouldn't mind so much if it wasn't so fluster-causing to him. Utterson also confesses in the most DRAMATIC way possible for such a modest man (to be fair, most of the situation wasn't in his control... But still XD)
I think I mentioned it in a post before, but in my AU, Utterson is rather terrible at socializing due to how intimidating he can come off as. He's trying REALLY hard. I also think his serious attitude doesn't help
instead of "Master", Utterson uses the terms: "My friend" or "dear friend". Romeo, his Master in my AU (who is also my OC), loves this
I don't think he would like modern music... except for potentially musicals. Also a reference to the novella
His bisexuality is also a lowkey reference to the novella because 🤨 bachelor? At 50? In that time period? Okay... 😏. This is also headcanoned into the AU that he sorta just repressed his attractions so much that he completely thinks everything he feels is platonic until he starts researching about relationships in the modern era. And then the realization that he has the fattest crush on Sherlock hits him like a sack of bricks in the middle of him reading. I imagine he would even drop his book in shock. He then proceeds to deny this obvious fact until Jekyll and Lanyon are like " D U D E . " I also headcanon he had a crush on Jekyll at some point but it had faded rather quickly and he brushed it off as he just was feeling those "platonic" emotions deeper than usual.
His grey streak in his hair represents how OLD he was in the novella. Same with Lanyon and Jekyll (I haven't posted my redesign of Jekyll with the grey hair added yet RIP)
Despite Lanyon's usual hugs, Utterson is still rather touch starved and represses himself from giving (and sometimes even receiving) physical affection. He sometimes gets emotional over Lanyon and Jekyll hugging him to the point he gets to the brink of tears thinking about it. This is later figured out completely once he starts dating Sherlock and slowly gets comfortable with touch (especially handholding), and this realization also hits him like a sack of bricks
I imagine if he was given Summer wear, aka a swimsuit, each ascension he keeps covering up due to embarrassment until he is wearing one of those full body, red and white striped swimsuits. His card art would be of him in the original outfit, but his avatar would be covered up. He's a modest man!
He has that Catholic guilt fr. it's obvious and doesn't really need to be said But. *Gestures at him* You can't tell me he doesn't.
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