#Also thank you! Glad you're enjoying my comic so much!
pianokantzart · 10 months
I am now obsessed with the idea of Mr L, thank you so much for your comic bringing his existence to my attention ❤️ Is there any other media for the character you would recommend? (Art, comics, fics, etc)
@cherryfennec is definitely the first one that comes to mind. Their art is S-tier in general, and their Super Paper Mario & Mr. L stuff is no exception.
@jell-o101 also has a couple of comics that focus on Mr. L (Be warned, Jello is renowned for her angst. Guard your heart well, she will do her best to rip it out.)
A user named lethalhedgehogs was the one who first opened my eyes to Mr. L's character possibilities. Unfortunately, they're no longer active :( but if you type "lethalhedgehogs tumblr" into the google image search engine you'll get plenty of links to reblogs of their stuff.
And with that uuuuuuuhhhh I'll hand the baton off to @legobiwan because as far as my dashboard goes, they seem like the most equipped to guide you down the SPM/Mr. L rabbit hole.
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yamujiburo · 7 months
I AM SO OBSESSED WITH YOUR DELIA OMG. Like okay let me gush for a second, you have galaxy brain reads on every pokemon character, they all follow their character notes closely but with like an extra dose of empathy and insight compared to what's in the show, like, "oh, yeah, that IS how they'd be as a real complex person"--like, I love how your Ash is this great mix of the empathy and hopefulness that are his main traits from the show but *also* feels properly like a 10 year old (in a way that respects the intelligence of 10 year olds!!) instead of having the blanks in his personality kind of filled in by the generic rules laid out by "shonen protagonist"
BUT DELIA OMG SHE'S MY FREAKING FAVORITE. I LOVE THE BIT in the cassidy arc where cassidy's like "I see what you're doing" and Delia's like "Shrug! :)" and omg why is that perfect?? Like...one consistent theme you bring out in Delia is that she's so cozy with, and empathetic towards, her humanity. It shows up in her sexuality and how unafraid of it she is and how much she treats it as normal and not-shameful (which I find so healing), and I think what rings with me in the Cassidy bit is that she feels exactly the same way about her being a little catty towards Cassidy. She embraces her own emotional stake in the whole thing with so much love and so much acceptance that it's an okay thing for her to be. I love her. I love your comics. I hope you do lots more.
oh my gosh thank you for such a thoughtful and kind message 😭
I’m so glad you enjoy how I write these characters! I do my best to stay as true to them as possible but it makes me so happy that you also enjoy when I deviate a little bit.
Delia’s such a lovely character and it’s sad there’s so little about her outside of the novels. I’m glad my take on Delia still feels Delia even though I am filling in blanks haha. She definitely strikes me as the type who is ditzy but wiser than she lets on and knows herself, and her emotions especially, very well. She’s kind, and since she’s young, she’s a little naive but not at all a pushover. Idk she’s so fun to write!!
Thanks for reading my little comics 😭😭😭
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loudclan-clangen · 2 months
sort of an out of the blue ask, but I remember when Weed was first introduced, she and Tundrafrost were said to be old friends and they were being pretty touchy and blushy with each other and Chickadeeblur seemed kinda jealous. Did they actually have a thing for each other, or did Chickadee just misinterpret it that way?
…also I can imagine Weed sort of being the wine aunt to Tundra’s kids and that’s cute to me lol
Tundrafrost and Weed did in fact "have a thing" in their much younger years. Tundrafrost and Chickadeeblur didn't grow up in the valley, and throughout their journey to it Tundra had many non-serious flings, of which Weed was one. When Weed was looking for a place to settle down for her old lady years, she reached out to Tundrafrost, whom welcomed her to the clan. Chickadeeblur had no real reason to be jealous, as she has no interest in taking a mate at this age, and the three are very good friends now. You're so right though, they definately do a kid trade where Tundra and Chickadee get to enjoy Cavepaw's baby phase and take him exploring out of camp to get his energy out while Weed settles down to talk Kingfur, Sockeyepelt, and Chumpaw through their standard teenager drama.
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*bonk* *bonk* *bonk* *bonk* *bonk* *bonk* *bonk* *bonk* *bonk*
hehe, love it!
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I try to keep the names the game gives me if it doesn't contradict with the setting. Things like "Owl", "Weed", "Jagged", or "Fierce" while not being Alaska specific are things or ideas that would be accessible to the cats and therefore I leave those. But names that do contradict or just seem boring to me I do try to change to something similar but more specific. Sand -> Silt, Chicken -> Chickadee, Prarie -> Tundra, Dog -> Dogwood, etc. It's not that any of these couldn't exist in nature in alaska, they just didn't feel like they fit the story at this point. In the first couple of hundred moons I tried to make sure that litters were named thematically based off of the oldest kit's name and their parent's personality, but after time this just became too much work and I think the random names are fun too. That's why the Tundra x Chickadee babies are all types of salmon and the healer kits all have long plant names. Some themes are definately looser than others. I do definately change the sillier names and try to balance out the "weird", for example, the fish babies all have pretty plain suffixes because their prefixes are pretty out-there and nothing else seemed to pair very well with them. "Kingflight" is just a little much, to my ear at least. Also the healer kits will have short suffixes because their prefixes are so long and just from a purely mechanical standpoint I can't fit "Dogwoodcaterpillar" or "Rosehiptadpole" in a comic panel.
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Thank you! And go for it! I'd love to see people use my ideas in their own ways! If you want to give a little "insert idea inspired by @loudclan-clangen" I'd appreciate it a ton, (mostly cause I want to go see what you guys are making), but if not that's totally fine. I'm definitely not the first person to do a lineage challenge, but I'm glad that you like my system!
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meanbossart · 3 months
Hello! I really love your art!!! Im a big fan of horror and erotica, do you have any toughts to share about being a horror-orinted artist? Im also an artist and contantly want to draw (and share) some darker stuff but am too afraid of internet judgment i guess (a coward lmao). In your journey on the internet, do you were harassed or something because if your subject? Sorry if it is a weird ass ask - im genuinely curious.
Heya, glad you enjoy my stuff!
I've never really experienced any harassment because of my art. I've gotten unkind reactions/opinions about it but one individual expressing their dislike for what you do every once in a while isn't really noteworthy enough. I do, sometimes, get the impression that people online are very reactionary about getting negative feedback of any kind, which makes sense with how over-exposed we are to the worse-case-scenarios of true, nightmarish harassment. But, truth be told, MOST of us will A) never make it "that big" B) While it may be kind of rude, receiving occasional negative attention is just a part of the human experience and it will always be sprinkled into otherwise positive feedback. You just have to be okay with that and take it maturely.
I think one of the main reasons why me and my partner never received severe negative attention for our comics (besides for being mind-numbingly boring as people with our internet presence) is because we are explicitly clear about what they are and what they contain. I have seen a LOT of horror/shock-content artists be... Very euphemistic about their work for whatever reason? Like, trying to sell the themes of their work but somehow failing to explicitly disclose the triggering content within it, or they just leave it at "gore/horror" when a more in-depth description of what the work contains would have been necessary. Sometimes, people seem to do this because they are preemptively scared of the backlash they might receive; but other, much more infuriating times they seem to be tricking people into giving them money before being fully informed.
As an example, here's what the content warning for one of our comics looks like:
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Could a "sexual content and assault, death and bigotry" warning have sufficed? Maybe, and at some point I would have argued about the necessity of this level of thoroughness. But nowadays I really think my boyfriend's insistence for detailed TWs are to thank for keeping the people who DON'T want to read about this stuff away, and the people who DO to be able to find it and """enjoy""" it responsibly.
So, be objective about what it is that you're making, not only with others but with yourself. Is there a more complex point that you're trying to convey with your work? Probably. Is being cagey about the work's content and refusing to acknowledge that it may still be triggering, pornographic, repulsive and shocking going to make people see that point more clearly? Absolutely not.
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akanemnon · 3 months
I'm finally putting an ask here, now that it's open.
Anyway, did people often told you that your artstyle was just candy for the eyes? Like, I always use it when I'm blown away by an artstyle, but yours, it's like a visual box of M&M's appeared right before me.
The colors, the facial expressions, the cartoony looks and feeling... I think it's the best comparison I can make. M&M's. And it's a big compliment, I really like it.
Also, Kris being an angry animal with rabies all the time is hilarious. In fact, I would struggle finding a favourite moment because it's just really difficult with everything that is going on.
I love this comic. You're probably among my fav artists, at the moment, I love it, I just reaaaaaaally do!
Ah, yes, people have compared my artstyle to food a couple of times before (or claimed that they wanted to "eat" my art.) Actually hasn't happened in a while. You're the first one to bring it up again.
I'm happy to hear you like the cartoony style a lot. My style wasn't as cartoony before, but I'm glad it evolved in that direction. Even though when drawing other stuff it tends to fall back into my regular style.
This Kris really has become a creature of their own that is almost nothing like the canon version. Which I'm happy about, since it makes it easier to tell that this story is doing it's own thing in some regards. It's gonna make more sense in the end, I promise lol
But yeeeee thank you so much for enjoying the comic!
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idolomantises · 2 months
yayayay your asks are open!! i wanted to say how much i love sorrel, i'm a guy who likes to dress really feminine and it's kind of rare to see characters like that! so he makes me feel seen, yknow? it's awesome. also MAN dot getting bullied and not realizing it is exactly how i was as a kid. wild to see my experiences reflected in a way i don't usually get to see TWICE in the same comic. i'm sad it's ending, but i'm glad you're doing what you want to, and i'm happy you made it at all! i adore bugs, they really deserve the appreciation :D
Thank you! I'm glad you enjoyed it. It's really interesting seeing which characters people relate to.
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factual-fantasy · 1 month
28 asks! Thank you very much!! :}} ✉️
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(Referencing this post)
I was thinking that the world of welcome home and the human world both exist, but they aren't connected by a TV show. :0 The puppet world is very real to them and they are real living people. The thing is is that there's no TV show of welcome home, that's just their lives-
Eddie is from our world/the human world. Which is where his hallucinations of having 5 fingers and human skin comes from-
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@candyglumboy (Referencing this post)
Midori is my Meowscarada! :0 He's friends with Grim and Sylvester :))
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(Referencing this post)
XDD Just a playful NOM
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Yes yes! I screenshot them :00 I then paste them into FireAlpaca and add the watermark :) 👍👍
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@bellanova137 (Referencing this post)
Oh!- In my AU Eddie was one of the most recent neighbors :00 this was his first time at the yearly Christmas party because it was the first one he was around for! <XDD
Thinking he moved in sometime right after Christmas last year. Which gave him and Frank a good year to get to know each other and be on first name basis :0 Which is why Frank doesn't call him Mr. Dear in my comic! :)
(Of course present day is a few years after this comic--)
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Oof, yeahhh that was a comic script that I went to edit but accidentally posted- 💀
Thank you for the name suggestions though! I still haven't decided on what it'll be <XDD
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XDDDD Hurray!! (Sorry!!--) I hope you enjoy your stay in the fandom! :DD
Also thank you so much!!! :)) I'm so glad you've liked my artwork!! :DDD
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It would be watching anyone that repaired it :00
There was actually an idea that back when Barnaby was going to be the second ever neighbor in the neighborhood.. he almost bought home and restored it himself. The reason why he didn't though is because Home was just too small for him. The front door was too short, he'd have to duck though every doorway and the ceilings were too low..
Why would he wanna spend all this time and money on fixing up an old house that's too small.. when he can just spend that money on buying whatever lot he wants and building a house that actually fits him? So that's what he went with..
But if Barnaby had bought home and fixed it up. it's be the same thing as Wally... weird insomnia, anxiety attacks.. feeling like you're being watched while you sleep... etc..
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As for their world, I only really had the forest surrounding the neighborhood in mind. Its a HUGE forest that goes on for miles and miles. I haven't decided how far away Julies sisters/brother live but I should really work on them 💀
As for Home, so far Home is the only creature of its kind :0 none of the other houses are alive and it stands as the only strange entity around the neighborhood.
And when it comes to neighborly mysteries and secrets, so far Eddie being human and Julie's secret past is all i got <:///
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Oh yeah for sure! My Barnaby is much more mellow than in canon it seems- in my AU he doesn't butt heads with Julie at all! :0 In fact she's a really good friend of his. She has some pretty flat jokes but Barnaby appreciates her attempts and they usually get a genuine laugh out of him XDD
As for Frank, its like a SpongeBob and Squidward situation. They just have different personalities and different senses of humor.. and that's okay! Barnaby likes to crack some stupid jokes to kind'a poke at Frank for the fun of it, but he never goes too far. And the jokes are never personal or insult his interests. They're just really dumb jokes that make Frank roll his eyes XDD
At the end of the day, Barnaby considers Frank to be his friend. And Frank would never admit it, but he sees Barnaby as his friend too :)
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I had a very small brain moment and only realized just now that I cut out the askers name by accident 💀 my bad!
Also hey these names aren't too bad! <XDDD Abaolson sounds kind'a cool in my opinion! :00
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Oh- well actually I'm only doing Pokémon from the Unova region with a handful of exceptions. So I don't have to worry about Gyarados, Milotic or Onix. At least for now :00 I might make an exception for Gyarados.. so when it comes to long snakey Pokémon I have Serperior and Eelektross to worry about..
As for Ninjask, I imagine I'll do something similar to what I did with Chandelure :00
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(In response to this post)
AAA YES YES! :DD A "I thought I lost you/I could have lost you" hug!! AAAA I'm so glad that translated well! :))
And actually- I began sketching out the comic 👀👀👀 although I got hung up on the battle scene and need to go back for some resketching 😅
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(In response to this post)
Well of course! :D Angst isn't fun if there's no comfort 😌
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Upon googling him, maybe I could! :0 Maybe he could be a friend of one of the neighbors that lives a few neighborhoods over?
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@viennaarttt (The post in question)
Ohhh I see! :0 That was a joke post mostly <XD But if it did happen I can see Barnaby hanging up and calling back to try to wake up Wally 💀
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Awwe <:)) This was very sweet, thank you.. I'm getting a lot of comments saying that people liked my old Gravity Falls stuff. Its helping me feel a bit better about all of it <:)
I will probably keep those posts privated for my own comfort,, but now with no worry of people finding my old artwork,, it clears the way for potential NEW Gravity Falls artwork! :0 This time with better written angst <XDDD
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I've watched all of Markpliers videos on it! :D And I gotta say its.. well its something that's for sure! <:D Its refreshing to see a character with both parents living and in a loving relationship ngl- I feel like I never see that nowadays <XD
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I searched around for a bit and couldn't find much info on this actually <:0 I saw a Wally with red hair and a blond Frank..? Is this like an opposite personality's AU..?
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In my AU Frank and Eddie are just friends :0 mostly because I don't like writing romantic stuff for characters that aren't my own.. plus exploring platonic bonds is much more interesting to me :)
As for Eddie and Home, this comic shows a bit of Eddies problem with it- just like Wally he has the blood chilling feeling of being watched by something..
And even after the party, going near Wally's house makes Eddie feel uncomfortable and anxious.. its just all a matter of feeling you're being watched by something or someone..
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XDD If I had a had a nickel for every time someone told me they were shocked to find out I'm in a fandom they love,, I'd be rich!
Also thank you!! :DD I'm glad you liked it! :DDD
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aw <XD well this is bitter sweet to read since I've privated most of my Gravity Falls stuff.. but its nice to hear that you enjoyed it all <:) Thank you!
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I use FireAlpaca, its in my FAQ in my pinned post! :0
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I'm actually hearing bad things about it believe it or not- talks about Ford acting super out of character and what not.. My curiosity is peaked 👀
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assumptionprime · 1 month
I adore your take on DS2 and wanted to know what ur thoughts were on Elden Ring and/or DS 3!
(also I have been loving ur comics!!!)
First off: Thank you! Glad you like my comics! <3
I mentioned it briefly in the DS2 post, and it's been said by others, but Dark Souls 3 is about ending Dark Souls. And it does that very well. The "time and space is falling apart and that's why the geography is like that" that people sometimes say about DS2 is literally, textually true in 3. The Dreg Heap is a pile of other, older Dark Souls areas collapsing in on each other. This world has been going on and on, repeating and prolonging the Age of Fire that should have ended long ago, and it's just breaking down. You can't keep the same thing going forever, that's true in the universe of the story, and of a franchise of dark fantasy action RPGs.
It's kind of funny and also impressive that Miyazaki and the team hit that point, saying if they keep doing this it's going to fall apart, on game three of the franchise. There's so many series out there that will pump out game after game of the same stuff, to the point they stop numbering them and give them subtitles to hide the fact that they're on game 23 of this thing, and FromSoft said "three's our limit for this one" and gave us the greatest hits final bow before moving on to new different takes on their subgenre of games.
Enter Elden Ring! The game that got me into FromSoft games. Every time people talked about Dark Souls it was always about how hard they were, and the whole "git gud" mentality, which made them seem like they would 100% be not my kind of thing. But I am an absolute sucker for a fantasy open world, so I dipped my toes into Elden Ring, and really enjoyed it! Being able to just go exploring and do something else whenever I got stuck was a huge plus, as are spirit ash summons. The game is hard, for sure, but there's also a lot of ways to ease that difficulty (not eliminate it, but ease it (also there's no excuse to not have a pause button, that's stupid, don't @ me))
As far as lore and storytelling, Elden Ring has a lot of cool stuff (that's my wife Ranni, my cool witch wife Ranni) but I don't know that I have so definite a "take" on its story. It goes back to the Dark Souls 1 and 3 well of "some important shit happened, go kill this list of bosses about it" but I appreciate that you have a lot more choice in regards to your ending. It's not "link the fire or don't" it's "you're creating a new age, what do you want that age to be like?" with a few compelling choices and some evil bastard ones for fun.
Assorted side thoughts:
FP is better than spell uses. More convenient, more flexible, lets you focus on Mind to allow yourself to cast more spells.
All of my first playthroughs were sword and board, both because of caution going in and because I like the "knight with a sword and shield" aesthetic.
Related to the last point, Guard Counters are a great addition in ER, and the "Sekiro style block" crystal tear for the Physick in the DLC should have been a talisman or something permanent, to just make that a play style people can use.
The Alva Armor rules, 10/10 best fit in Dark Souls
I really like Shadow of the Erdtree, but it is the absolute limit on the current version of Souls-game mechanics. Not everyone is Let Me Solo Her, and between both the extremely punishing difficulty and the becoming more repetitive nature of a lot of the boss design, they need to change up the combat to keep things going. Sekiro seems to be a step in that direction from what I hear?
No boss fight in any video game has ever made me feel as cool as Slave Knight Gael in the DS3 DLC. It just worked for me on pretty much every level. The story, the music, the visuals, the difficulty. I can beat him, and it's hard but not a kind of hard that makes me angry at the game. Dodging in and out of his attacks, getting my own hits in, it felt like a kick ass dance of fantasy combat. It's peak.
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burst-of-iridescent · 9 months
I'm writing this as a big Katara stan. I just found out that a new film about an adult Gaang is planned to be released, and Katara, like Aang, will be given a leading role there. I am so excited and glad that finally Katara will be given due respect as a character!
But for some reason, after searching on Tumblr, I saw joy about a new film in the entire Atla fandom except for our zutara community. on the contrary, there is a lot of discontent and bitterness. But why is that? Is it because zutara won't be in the movie? Well, yes, zutara is a fanon ship, it will never be anywhere but our fanfics and fanart. But after all, Zutara is not in the original ATLA show, and we still love it! This is no reason not to rejoice at the opportunity to see our favorite characters on the screen again, to see Katara again (God, I'm screaming with delight😍😍😍😍). Yes, there is a chance that the writing will be bad, but there is always such a chance before the release of any film. I'm just so happy to see Katara again, and the whole gaang too, and her new design for this movie seems so great to mе!
i mean this genuinely, anon: i love that you love katara so much, and i am really happy for you that you're looking forward to the new movie. i truly hope you enjoy it.
i don't want to speak for the rest of zutara fandom, but i can't share your feelings because - to put it point-blank - i don't trust the creators with katara's character. ever since they lost their writing team, nothing they've created post-atla has proven to me that they understand katara's character, or how to create a good arc for her. it's telling that the only post-canon comic featuring a decent story for katara (katara and the pirate's silver) came out in 2020, twelve years after the original show ended (and which was also, notably, the first comic that bryan and mike were not involved with).
i'm sure some people are salty that they won't see canon zutara, but personally i'm relieved that i won't have to see bry.ke ruin romantic zutara like they did with their friendship post-atla. i'm sure they'll do their damnedest to fuck up what remains of zuko and katara's platonic relationship in the new movie, which is why canon ended for me with the final agni kai. no magic pointy rock or canon ships in this household, thank you.
i wish i could share your excitement for the movie anon, but i just don't have faith in bryan and mike to do justice to the characters (especially zuko and katara) after everything they've said and created over the last decade. like really, calling zuko a bad boy in the year of our lord 2023? please watch your own show.
besides, nothing they can do for katara in this movie will retcon what they did to her in LOK. i already know she ends up as a sad, lonely housewife without any real power, impact or legacy; that can't be changed, no matter how they try to "fix" it. it looks like the movie has been delayed so my hope is that it just gets cancelled in production. atla has been milked to filth anyway; leave the og characters alone and do something new with the universe, or just let it rest in peace and find another story to tell.
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How well do the sdv and sve bachelor/ette's flirt, and what styles of flirting do they have in your opinion? Hope you respond and enjoy writing your headcanon if you do :3
Hey hey, dear anon 👋 Thanks for your question! I enjoy writing headcanons and always glad to see you on my blog ☺️❤️
How well Stardew Valley/Stardew Valley Expanded bachelors/ettes flirt with the Farmer:
SDV bachelors:
Flex. A lot of flex. Every time Farmer is around, Alex will lift heavy objects, thus showing off his muscles. Heavy? No, it's not hard for him to hold a huge crate at all! He repeatedly brags about his achievements in sports, but also doesn't forget to praise the Farmer for their hard work and looks. If Farmer gives the 'green light" for his flirting, Alex will move on to more classic things: small gifts, bouquets of flowers, walks on the beach, that sort of thing. Very nice of him, by the way. 6/10 - if he doesn’t praise himself often.
In regards to flirting with someone, Sam gets a bit of a funny situation, which can be described by the phrase "Task failed successfully". Being inexperienced in love affairs, Sam often confuses words when he tries to flirt, or trips over an unfortunate rock in the road when he wants to approach Farmer. The young musician thinks to himself that his flirting is terrible and that he is clumsy. However, after much laughter, the Farmer thought Sammy was a very funny guy who would always make them laugh and they wanted to get to know him better. Task failed successfully! 5/10, although the flirting wasn't very good, it still worked!
If you think Elliott is going to seduce Farmer like in the book novels, you're absolutely right! But there is a little nuance. Yes, Elliott is a very well-mannered and sophisticated man, so his flirting, gifts and time spent will be the most romantic. However, a life of seclusion in a beach house has also made itself felt, and sometimes Elliott can forget that this is not a romance, but real life. So, let the Farmer get ready for small talk and nice walks in nature. Elliott will try to find an excuse to meet Farmer more often. 9/10, very good!
Oh man, Sebastian's flirting.... is a bit of a mess. The young man was too shy and socially awkward to flirt with his object of affection in any way. He couldn't muster up the courage to show his past affection for Abigail, and it's more complicated than that. More often than not, and unknowingly, Sebby will smile and blush when talking to Farmer, avert his gaze, also more often invite them to his house to play board games or read comics. 3/10, sorry Seb, but that's not much of a flirt.
Yoba witnesses, Harvey tries his best, and, in principle, his flirting with Farmer turns out quite well. Not without flaws, of course, when he got a little nervous and confused, but quite acceptable and very romantic. The local doctor doesn't have much experience in love adventures, but he knows very well that the classics won't let him down if he wants to show his interest in the chaotic Farmer. 7/10, the key thing for Harvey is to keep his nerve (and not offer private medical check-up too often).
Flirting is not Shane's thing. He has pretty low self-esteem and doesn't seem to care what most people think of him or what he looks like. Even if he gets the urge to try and start courting Farmer in some way, he stops himself most of the time. Unfortunately, Shane considers himself unworthy of their attention, like, who would want to socialise with someone like him. So the chicken lover will just throw dreamy glances at Farmer in the Saloon. Although, after a couple of beers, he does manage to flirt somehow (a bit vulgar, but still). 2/10, Farmer needs to make the first move themselves if they're interested in Shane.
SVE bachelors:
No one knows whether it's a natural talent or whether Lance was taught a whole set of rules on how to flirt and behave in society, but this gallant man with a catty grin on his face is just a real master of flirting. Just like a noble knight in shining armour who came out of a chivalric novel. He knows perfectly well what levers to pull in order to gain the goodwill of the person he likes. Even if the Farmer doesn't mind flirting, but are an impregnable fortress, Lance is willing to spend a lot of time to conquer that fortress. 10/10, what a real romantic bastard.
Behold - the smoothest man who can outdo even Elliott in his mastery of romance and very subtle flirting. Though a bit shy and introverted, Victor knows how to make the Farmer blush with a compliment (thanks to the many books on the subject in his personal library). Lots of walks, interesting and not too long conversations, dinner at the Saloon, or even sitting together at the game console. Victor chooses his complimentary words very carefully and watches the Farmer's reaction. If they don't feel uncomfortable, Victor continues. 8/10, this spaghetti man is full of surprises.
Magnus Rasmodius:
It had been a long time since Magnus had flirted with anyone, the last time he'd done so had been when he was younger... So it wasn't easy for him to remember everything he knew about love affairs, though even in his youth there had been only one affair, then marriage, then divorce, then.... Oh, well, that's just the way it is. Magnus is quite a romantic wizard, no doubt about it, but the hardest thing is to start flirting, especially if it's successful. It would help him to spend time together (a.k.a. magic lessons, thanks that Farmer has talent and is no stranger to Magnus). 4/10, c'mon Magnus, we believe in you.
SDV bachelorettes:
Leah's main flirt is praise and shared pastime. Farmer very often becomes her muse for a future painting or sculpture, which, by the way, Leah then presents them. Collecting mushrooms and berries together, where the girl shares her experience in finding the best places with a lot of delicious gifts of the forest, she also repeatedly offers her help on the farm and praises their physical build. Leah is not shy about flirting, and if Farmer is single and doesn't feel uncomfortable during her flirting, the girl will continue until she achieves victory on the love front. 7/10, pretty good and confident flirting.
Penny is a very sweet and kind girl, but she has zero ambition. She blushes too much and she almost always looks away or hides her face in a book if she sees Farmer, so it's an impossible task for a young teacher to approach her object of affection and start flirting. Her trouble is that Penny thinks she's a "grey mouse" who no one will pay much attention to, much less someone like Farmer. 0/10, I'm sorry Penny, but you have no flirting skills at all.
Maru will look for any excuse to fix Farmer's broken appliances to get to know each other better. Broken recycling machine? Maru is already here, always ready to help them. In fact, she's always helped with repairs, but now her visits have become even more frequent. Mostly, the young inventor is a bit shy and rather timid when she tries to compliment the Farmer's appearance or clothes. She is sometimes afraid she might bore them with her chatter about her inventions. But if Farmer enjoys listening to a girl, she'll definitely talk all her ears off about science, and it will be much easier for her to flirt with them. 5/10, not too good but not too bad.
Oh, Haley sure has a few tricks to get Farmer's attention on herself. After all, she was a star in high school and the centre of attention for many of her fans. Flirting is her thing. A subtle hint of wanting a relationship here, a successful praise there, a light conversation afterwards, a "chance" encounter here - it's a whole art for the blonde-haired girl. Also one of her best tactics is to be herself: to be nice, fun, and not to stay under the mask of a slightly spoilt and rude girl. Haley's tactics work, and Farmer has also started to take a liking to her. 8/10, there are a couple of flaws, but overall a quality flirt.
The amethyst lover's hints of flirting almost directly scream that she likes Farmer a lot. Recall at least her post 8 ❤️ event when she says that "Farmer must know what happened yesterday". But Abigail is going to start wooing them anyway, as she's not sure they've realized what happened yesterday after all. Constant compliments from Abby, also one of her main flirtations is her sketches of various fantasy characters, which she gives to Farmer. 6.5/10, not bad in principle but could be better.
Honestly, I'm not sure Emily understands what flirting is at all. Well, she feels sympathy and a love interest for Farmer, but even when the two are officially a couple, Emily thanks them and refers to them as "good friend". "Friend", friendzone forever... Sure, she'll always compliment Farmer on their beautiful looks or their harmonious clothing choices, but it feels like she still refers to them as a friend. 1/10, I love you Emily, but you're not trying at all.
SVE bachelorettes:
Have pity on poor Sophia, she's having a hard enough time socialising as it is, and then there's the need to flirt! She has a very similar case as Penny, but unlike the red-haired girl, Sophia makes more attempts. Watching anime together, chatting about new manga, the latest from the video game world, etc... She also shares the most delicious snacks and sweets with Farmer, which is a big step considering how shy she is. This sort of thing comes across as just a friendly hangout, but Sophia tries to hint that she wants more than friendship. 4/10, she's really trying her best.
Need to say - Olivia is a bit of a contradiction in terms. This woman was a masterful flirt when she was younger if she really liked someone, and her skill hasn't faded over the years. The problem is simply that she's a widow, hasn't had a relationship since her husband's death, and feels that her flirting with someone (especially a younger person like Farmer) would constitute a betrayal to her late husband. If Olivia and Farmer work it out, the woman will quickly show the object of her affection what sophisticated and professional flirting is all about. 9/10, mommy- *ahem*, Olivia knows how to wow Farmer.
Due to the fact that Claire is a rather quiet and shy girl (not as shy as Penny or Sophia) and her constant fatigue at work at JojaMart, flirting with Farmer is not easy for her. On the other hand, the young girl always feels a rush of energy when she sees her close friend (who has become her object of admiration). Claire doesn't have too many tricks in her flirting arsenal, but compliments and spending time together are assured. 5/10, not too bad, actually.
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deoidesign · 1 month
Hello! I just discovered your blog and I immediately became captivated by your webcomic, but I'm unsure where to read all of it. I know it's on Webtoons, but I can see it hasn't been updated for a while, and you still post about it.
Are your physical novels just prints of the webcomic? Are they a continuation? Is the story complete? Thanks in advance!
Hi there!
Glad you found me and are enjoying my comic!
It's only on webtoons, and the story is not complete yet! We're 2/3 of the way through right now. It's currently on hiatus, and it's scheduled to come back in about 2 months!
I'll explain why it's been so long if you're curious, but also for my followers who might also be wondering about it under the cut. Sorry, it's pretty much just me complaining haha
I took a month off I took 2 months to get the books printed I took a month to prepare my next comic and I took 2 months to write the rest of the series (I knew the character arcs I wanted, but not the time periods or mysteries!!!) I've been working on actual episodes since then
I had to take some time off because of some pretty extreme burnout due to the sheer amount of work it was to draw over 800 pages and write 6 complete stories in a year and a half... I was getting sick almost weekly due to the overwork, it was really really bad honestly. I was having to work 60+ hours every week just to keep up...
The nature of the comic itself is also difficult... Each of the arcs is a complete, self contained story which can be read (ideally) without context, and my arcs need to be about 10-13 episodes each... And since I have an exact number of episodes to work with, it's even harder.
It takes a ton of planning and a ton of refinement, and working week to week with no breaks I was forced to put out second or even first drafts, so I just wasn't happy with the work I was doing... And to do that for the rest of the series? I wouldn't be proud of the work I did.
Plus... To be entirely honest, webtoon has treated me quite badly IN MY OPINION... They deprioritized me before I launched (I had to beg for more promotion, I'm not exaggerating), they outright denied me the opportunity to even ask for a raise, I don't make any money on fast pass and they pay me less than my partner makes working at trader joes. My first editor left me completely hanging, my second editor (who I loved) was fired... And they told me I wouldn't get a third season before my first season even finished. So it was just repeatedly completely demoralizing.
I'm sorry it has taken so long, it'll have been 10 months by the time I come back. But I realized... I won't get promotion either way. I won't get more episodes either way. I won't get more money either way. So to finish everything, to make it feel good, to make it something I'm proud of, I chose to take longer to make it better.
I am fully aware I will lose a significant amount of my readership for this and it might genuinely affect my career moving forward. But it's what I had to do! So I'm sticking to my guns on it, and I'm confident long term it'll be worth it. It never could have been this good if I didn't take this much time.
#asks#steakandpeanutbuttersandwiches#I'm SO sorry youre new and you asked me such a benign question and I responded with... this... LMAO#I swear to god I tried to make it as short as possible#theres just a lot auauuaghkhgjk#basically. way too much work. not enough money.#so it either is gonna be good and take longer or be worse but come back faster#and I chose to take longer#so.#I'm really sorry and I wish that this decision didn't also come with the... pretty much guarantee that it will negatively impact my career.#I will lose readers. I will lose potential readers for my future work. it looks bad on me as a creator to take such a big break. etc. etc.#but it's good. it's so good. you have to trust me it's like the best stuff Ive ever written#it. ok well to be honest#it'll probably feel extremely simple and extremely natural#but it's been SO much work LMAO#I am not exaggerating I have written over 200 pages of scapped ideas to get to where it is#I'm sure it won't make sense why it took so long while reading but you gotta trust me LMAO#ideally it doesnt even 'feel' different right. cause its gotta be cohesive with the whole thing#but there is SO MUCH TO WRAP UP#THERES SO MUCH#and to make that feel natural in this little space oh my GOD it is so hard#ok omfg I'm doing it again I'm going on way too long again IM SO SORRY#YOURE NEW HERE AND IM DOING THIS IMMEDIATELy#this is like 90% for my followers who I know are curious about this and I'm just using you as a jumping off point to talk about it#cause I don't really like to make standalone posts very often#I likely will make some kind of official announcement about it when the date is extremely set in stone#right now I think it's still only tentatively scheduled so it could still change#and I'll say something more... refined and restrained... then.#but for now this is like. actually everything. I think#I'm sure I forgot something but whatever lmfao
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angelpuns · 2 months
Did someone paint the stripes and details on L330-N?? Or did he do it himself, thinking it was important? And, in relation to them, does he ever think about where they came from?
And, to add, does he know (or did know) that he was built to replace someone? Did he react to it at all?? Does ninpō spirit leo think its kinda weird that he has a robot counterpart just a-wandering about or is he just kinda in acceptance that his brothers are shit at coping with loss?
For Kid Leo AU, how is big Leo doing? I get that theres only so much that a younger splinter can do with their limited resources and I do kind of wonder how Leo and Splinter interact. Is it awkward? Does Splinter accidently infantilize him at all (either due to the fact he showed up in such a sorry state or the fact that it's still his baby blue and he doesnt know what else to do)? Does Leo lash out at him at all, either for that or just in general from trauma? And, vice versa, does Splinter bark at him at all when he's stressed or overwhelmed and treat him like an adult when he's still just a teenager (notably a seriously traumatized one, but i imagine going from movie star to coliseum fighter to sewer dweller isnt a walk in the park either..)? Idk im thinking thoughts.
Anyways love your art style and comics and I gobble them up every opportunity i get. Love youuu!! ♥️♥️
I couldn't draw a ton of stuff for this one, so I decided to just answer with text!
Donnie actually painted the stripes on L330-N, since he built L33 to hopefully get Leo back :)
I think L33 probably does think about where they come from when he is able to see them. He's only been able to look in a mirror a few times before, but he's always very fascinated by them!
He doesn't have any memories of 'before'. All he knows is one day he woke up and found himself in an apocalyptic world, and he THINKS he's looking for someone.
I can't say much about the Hamato spirit Leo, cause that'd be spoilers ;)
I assume by big Leo you mean the spinoff Leo :) I haven't thought much about him tbh, though I imagine things are pretty awkward. On one hand, Leo would be glad to see his dad and his family looking healthy and safe and not yet traumatized by the Kraang, but he'd also be sad because he's the only 'broken' one. He and Splinter probably would end up having a heart to heart and its all fine in the end or smthn. I haven't thought much of the spinoff since i haven't really had any ideas for continuing it, especially since its not canon :/ though I'm glad that people enjoy when I do post about it :)
Thank you so much! I'm glad you're enjoying my art <3
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drenched-in-sunlight · 2 months
anon's dumb as hell and i wanted to say i purchased the very last paradiso art book and it's literally one of my most prized possessions now. i don't know much about dark souls specifically but malenia/gwynevere has started living rent free in my brain LOL. i also adore your take on messmer, one of my favorites out there !! and your design and hcs for rellana are SO compelling, im looking forward to all of your art/learning more in bits and pieces :D
wow thank you so much for your support !!!
with the speed im drawing for the DLC now i think another book for just the ER dlc alone is possible in the future, but i'll have to choose between which AUs or stories i want to spin into a whole comic....... decisions decisions 😭
that Rellana design came for my throat fr ....... i drew all that in 7 hours on a sunday, she demands to be known right away 🤣🤣 im glad you're enjoying my takes on these characters!!
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yeehawpim · 9 months
hey feel free to answer privately if you so desire but I wanted to ask what the artistic meaning behind the printer comic is because a friend and I got into a deep philosophy about it.
Did you intend just what's directly interpreted here, about it not being the printers' fault for being made to fail within months of purchase, or was there also the deeper meaning intended that this could be applied to a lot of things, while using planned obsolescent printers as a vehicle?
Either way, hope you're having a lovely day and never stop making art.
I feel like this is kind of tricky to answer because I don't think the artistic meaning is solely decided by the artist. But I can tell you what I was thinking when I made it!
The comic was mostly inspired by this post and a post I can no longer find where a person talks about their experience fixing their printer (the part where there's a fake sticker about USB compatibility and screws being different sizes was smth mentioned)
So the part with a bunch of printers and ink cartridges and dollar signs was defs intended to be about planned obsolescence. The printer thanking the person was supposed to be a kind of thumbs-up to the right to repair.
But people in the tags have talked about relating to the printer directly which I never expected but found really touching. Like yeah, maybe if you've experienced feeling like a burden and broken in some way, the little printer can speak to you that way too! And some people saw the little paper catchers as feet, which was an accident but I thought was very cute and kinda anthropomorphizes it.
Thank you very much for sending in this ask and reading my stuff though, I'm glad you enjoyed it and talked to your friend about it! If you like philosophy here is a cool video I watched a while ago that talks more about artistic meaning by philosophytube
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meanbossart · 6 months
A long over-due ask compilation (Art & Music)
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It's vaguely based on a short story from the book "The Consumer" by Michael Gira, specifically "The Boss". I think it came up in conversation with a friend or something when I was picking a new username, so that's how we arrived at it - this was almost a decade ago so, my memory on it is a little hazy!
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HAHA thank you so much!!! Glad you enjoy what I do 😎🍻
I BELIEVE this little guide I put together over here might be helpful to you, also! I touched on pretty much everything you brought up.
As for reference material when it comes to facial expressions, I have a mirror next to my desk which I glance at often and make weird faces at LOL and for consistency, it's really a matter of learning to dissect and remember facial structure. It's just something you end up developing an eye for when you've done it for long enough! Naturally, if we're talking about drawing existing characters, it's always helpful to just look at some pictures of their mugs and take a minute to define what features about them make their faces recognizable - I touch on this at the link above as well!
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I do plan on making a "drowstarion" (love that, by the way LOL) playlist eventually, life's just been kicking my ass and I hardly have the time 😭and when I do, I just wanna draw.
Otherwise I don't have any other playlists floating around at the moment, BUT the one my boyfriend made for his Vellioth comic can be found here, and it might scratch a similar itch!
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Thank you! I believe this was in reference to this post. Something like that takes me about... An hour??? If we're talking just the colors, at least. Though that's a really rough estimate because I take a lot of breaks, so my sense of time when I work ends up pretty skewed. Even if the application of the colors themselves took less than 20 minutes I probably spent 2 hours just staring at it LOL.
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My friend, I have no idea. I'm in a constant battle between "I want to draw more realistically" and "I want to simplify my art so I can draw more/faster". What you see is the result of that ongoing brain-tug-of-war.
Also, just the way I assume everyone else develops theirs - they see stuff they like and emulate it until their art is Frankensteinish enough to be it's own unique thing!
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I'm far from a Type O Negative buff, BUT I'm happy to share some of my favorites with you! They're quite scattered across a couple of their albums so I'm not sure I have a favorite, but I would say October Rust is a good starting point.
In no particular order, these are my most listened tracks of theirs: -Love You to Death -Black N.01 -Haunted -She Burned Me Down -Can't Lose You -I Don't Wanna Be Me -Be My Druidess -September Sun -Tripping A Blind Man
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Alas, I was one of those people who was already drawing in kindergarten 😅 though I would say I only started taking it seriously when I was around 15-16 years old. As someone who has tried their hand at several other hobbies since reaching adulthood, I get what you're saying that it can kinda feel like... You missed the wagon? I've felt that way about all kind of things lol
That said, I've seen adults managing to develop their art skills extremely fast and effectively before. Understanding where and how you need to improve, and how to follow lessons/guides best is something that is vastly improved by maturity and knowing how to best hone your time, attention, and resources - and those are skills we completely lack as children. So, I sincerely believe that as long as you commit yourself, you can definitely get to a point that you're happy with in a couple of years if not less.
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JUST DO IT BUDDY we are all just people looking through a screen and you won't ever see, talk, or meet 99% of the folks who ever clap eyes on what you post. Whenever you start getting nervous about sharing something, take a minute to ask yourself why you're nervous, and if none of the reasons have any genuine substance besides being afraid of what people "might think", just go ahead and post it. You're no mind-reader after all, and if you are, I doubt you can hear what a guy from Argentina or wherever is thinking about the art you made.
Point is, nobody online can touch you 🤷and if someone doesn't like what you do, they can simply choose to not interact with it, and if they do you can block and move on. There are zero reasons for you to feel "bad" about putting up a doodle when our experiences on the web are so easily curated nowadays.
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factual-fantasy · 3 months
28 asks! Thank you!! :}} 🟩
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Well as a beginner beginner I used MSpaint XDD But you don't have to start out that simple or primitive in your digital art journey-
The second program I started using was FireAlpaca, and I've used it ever since I first downloaded it years ago! Its a free program that's easy for beginners to learn but also has a lot of tools for the pros!
Keep in mind though that it can be a biiiit buggy at time and has some odd quirks you'll have to learn how to work around.. <XDD Other than that, I recommend it!
(Also thank you! :DD I seem to be approaching another art block but I'd like to post again soon! :)) )
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Upon googling it, it looks familiar... but I'm afraid I don't really know what it is <:((
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@ibelieveinahappilyeverafter (In response to this post(?))
XDD Thank you! I'm glad you liked it! Also sorry/you're welcome for the curse! XDDD
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Cool lizard! But if I saw it in real life I'd probably freak out XDD my brain would register that lizard as "Yup! That's a giant spider/creepy crawly and it will scurry towards your feet and crawl up your legs if you get too close". You know?? XDD
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ARENT THEY?? I'm gonna keep mine as a little golden Nugget for a looong time. Probably forever tbh <XDD
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XDD I get that a lot about the submas twins
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I had plans to make a follow up comic that ends with Emmet finally having a genuine smile.. (and Ingo having a genuine frown..? 👀👀) But man, I got kicked in the teeth with art block suddenly 💀💀
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I already knew about the scene before watching it, so it didn't effect me too much..
But dang, I love that scene. If I hadn't already seen it beforehand I probably would have started crying.. 🥺😭😭💞💞💞
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I have seen them in meme compilations.. but that's all I know of them. :((
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I haven't decided if there will be a scar or not..
Also its kind'a the opposite. Its not looking at Ingo that reminds them of the separation.. is not looking at him that brings the anxiety back..
If Elesa goes too long without seeing or hearing from Ingo, she'll start to feel uneasy and anxious. Only feeling better when she gives Ingo a call and hears his voice..
For Emmet, if Ingo is out of his sight for more than 30 minutes or so, anxiety will start to creep up his spine. Getting more and more anxious until he is physically reunited with him.
Sometimes even needing a hug or a gentle hand on the shoulder to physically ground him and remind him that Ingo is home now. he is safe..
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I do not.. <:(((
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I played Splatoon 3 for a time! :DD And I made some ocs for it! Though I never posted their refs.. at least I made some doodles for them! <:D
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Wait!! Did it taste good at least??
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1: Gregory might be a little spooked by Glamrock fredbear at first, considering he's so huge! :0
2: They would probably be afraid of somehow getting the virus too.. they'd stick close together and hide away from the animatronics..
3: They are either friends or acquaintances with the other animatronics. But their friendship with each other is most important :00
Also thank you!! I'm glad you like them! :))
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XDDD I'm glad you seem to like my slime rancher stuff! :)))
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(Humanoid slime rancher combo post)
AAAAA THANK YOU SO MUCH!! :DD I'm so glad you liked them!! :}}
And I'm not sure about the stan twins and the train twins,, Maybe Emmet and Stanley could be chaotic together? XDD
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I've never heard of outer wilds.. <:00 It looks beautiful though! :))
Also the "Snort Parmesan" was what got me XDDD
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I've never heard of it.. <:0 But upon googling it, it looks really pretty! :))
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Thank you <:}}
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Oh boy, that would probably go poorly <XDD
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I've seen the first one, and have heard a lot of chatter about the second one.. perhaps I should give it a watch! :000
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Probably the moment when him and Seafoam got their pirate ship! :00
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:DDD Thank you!! :}}}
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XDDD These are great
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