#Also sorry if I misunderstood that last paragraph I think you swapped a name around someplace
bonefall · 2 years
Regarding the Blackstar Sol situation being moved to OOTS, I was thinking this could actually be the perfect way to characterize Flametail and have the setup to his death that he has in canon without him needing a POV. Have it so Flametail is vehemently opposing Sol because he's really hardcore about StarClan and ends up getting driven out for it, so he stays in ThunderClan for a decent part of OOTS while Sol is in power, and like in canon he gets very stressed out trying to contact StarClan trying to figure out what's going on and what Sol's planning. Maybe his sisters are with him in ThunderClan, giving more development to the DovexTiger relationship and we get to see from them how Flametail seems to be changing from his normal shy but fun-loving personality. And rather than just him getting vague messages going nowhere and StarClan wanting to split the Clans for no reason, he's actually starting to figure out what's going on with the Dark Forest as well as important details about the gods, leading to them trying to kill his spirit later on (instead of him being just a random cat they choose to kill because they are evil). Maybe he becomes paranoid (rightfully, they really are conspirators in the Clans and Sol really is doing all sorts of tricks) and rather than demanding the Clans split he's demanding increasingly extreme measures to find and punish these DF apprentices and get rid of Sol. Which leads to Dawnpelt convincing him to relax and his death, except here it's in ThunderClan territory so Jayfeather has an actual reason to be there.
So when Jayfeather lets him die on Rock's behest his wanting to kill Jayfeather isn't merely being petty or ungrateful but about his suspicion regarding the prophecy, that Jayfeather has strange powers and is in league with some other force beyond StarClan - Rock is a god too, he might be just like Sol, and he LET HIM DIE to save Jayfeather for some prophecy? Maybe he knows about the three and he didn't want to turn against Jayfeather since they are close to each other and still see each other as cousins, but then Jayfeather lets him die because of his horrible prophecized destiny and he feels these cats (Sol, Rock, the three, the Dark Forest) are all the same, cats that would subvert the Clans and StarClan). Which could tie nicely into him being a hardliner StarClan cat who ends up initially siding with Ashfur, since they both feared the Three for the prophecy.
I see a lot of opportunity here! Adopted the following:
Flametail, Dawnpelt, and Tigerpaw come to ThunderClan during OotS. Sol's takeover of ShadowClan now comes after Russetfur's death, completely moved out of Po3.
Allows Dovepaw and Tigerpaw to do some more organic bonding, while Flametail and Dawnpelt can work with Jayfeather and Lionblaze to piece together the Dark Forest's effects in the real world
Flametail starts to uncover the plot, prompting the Dark Forest to crack the ice and try to kill his spirit. Jayfeather is stopped from saving him; it may be because of Rock's influence, but it could also be because a Dark Forest warrior stopped him.
Other things I'm taking note of, but I'm not sure what to do with yet...
There is a bit of a parallel here between the two older siblings and Tigerpaw training in the Dark Forest, and Lionblaze and Jayfeather sending their daughter/niece into the Dark Forest.
Lionblaze sent Russetfur into orbit and sort-of caused this whole mess; how do the Tigerkin feel about this? I need to consider that.
Applefur, Redwillow, and Ratscar are currently running ShadowClan right now with no one to oppose them.
I need to make that choice on which of the four Gods Jayfeather is connected to... the obvious choice seems to be Rock; but I want Rock's ancient avatar to die at the lake. Is this protectiveness a reason why Rock stops Jayfeather? Like he knew they would both just drown if he tried?
Hollyleaf needs to return to put an end to Sol's games. This is the moment she should come back, staying consistent with how the ending of Forgotten Warrior has her confronting Sol.
Hollyleaf is Fallen Leaves in my rewrite... must think about how the physics of this works. Is Sol still using the body of Cinders/Harry or did he steal hers?
I'm really feeling like this is one of the last plots of Bonefall OotS and I need to keep that in mind. Either second to last or third to last; the Great Battle is not far behind.
To that end I think Apple, Red, and Rat get exiled for how they opportunistically took over while Blackstar was being manipulated, and ran the place like TigerClan. Ratscar can redeem himself; but Apple and Red are Dark Forest hardliners.
Those aside...
IMPORTANT: How exactly do they restore Blackstar's faith? I can't imagine this will be made easier by Flametail's death; may be worth it to shuffle it to AFTER ShadowClan reforms.
For newcomers; Blackstar and his friendship with Russetfur was a major motivating reason why he improves after TPB. After she's killed in that battle, he feels there's no one to keep him in line and is consumed by his guilt, which Sol exploits.
I'm not really fond of StarClan coming out of heaven to just fix it by revealing themselves to him, or being tricked by a false sign. I think what restores him as a leader should be deeper than that; some kind of assurance that everything he's done in his life has been worthwhile. That it wasn't JUST for Russetfur; his Clan loves him, and needs him.
What sort of situation can I construct to show him that? I'll chew on it.
And lastly,
A few things though that I'm either vetoing or have frayed thoughts about;
I will be making a point out of the Tigerkin and the Firekin not seeing each other as family because of Bramblestar's huge public disowning back at the end of Po3, but affirming that they value each other. (I need to make sure TigerDove is not weird; Dovewing is Lionblaze's child now)
I don't mind Bonefall Jayfeather not being the hardline StarClan supporter he is in canon, since he fights an angel and everything. It doesn't really feel right for canon anyway and I've only ever seen his zealousness met with fandom annoyance; I think he'll work better as more StarClan-neutral. He thinks they are important but questioning them is good and necessary. It'll make good drama for TBC too, since he can get exiled before Alderheart for undermining his leader.
I think it'll be more heartbreaking for Jayfeather and Flametail to always be close, even when he is forced to let him float away. I'm thinking that however it happens, either a Dark Forest cat separating them or Rock telling him that they will both drown if he doesn't let go, it should be something beyond Jay's power.
In fact it would make a good beat for this to make Jayfeather appreciate StarClan, thinking that Flametail will be going there.
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