#Also it's been a hot minute since I've written for these two so apologies if they're OOC
giggly-squiggily · 11 months
Oouuh Squiggly, you must forgive me as I simply couldn't help myself from your invitation to send for the sentence starters! 💕✨
As they've been on the brain for so long --- "Oh, you have the cutest laugh~" for sacredshipping 🫣
*swoons at sacredshipping* Of my dear friend- you never have to apologize for taking an invitation to the fullest! If anything, I should thank you for giving me the chance to write Morty! I hope you like it!
“Oh, you have the cutest laugh.”
A comment like that- from Morty of all people- would normally raise some eyebrows considering the said man considered even the scariest of ghost pokemon “cute”. 
For Eusine however, it was beyond flustering.
“Oohoho hush! It’s not that cute.” He waved a hand, wiping tears of mirth from his eyes as he looked towards his boyfriend. They were taking a break from their Suicune exhibition when they stumbled upon a herd of Shroomish. The way they scattered upon humans arriving had sent the mystical trainer into a fit of giggles, leading to now. “If anything, it’s rather unseemly.”
That earned him a raised brow from the blonde. There was a beat of silence where he didn’t say anything. The next, Eusine found himself pinned on his back with a yelp, Morty’s eyes flashing.
“Unseemly, my behind.” Fingers creeped up Eusine’s sides, pinching along his ribs and sending little shocks of ticklishness throughout his body. “It’s cute- really cute. I wanna hear more of it.”
“Ahehehehahha! M-Mohohohorty, pleahahhase!” The older of the two tried to block his hands, but Morty was far too quick. “Whahahahit juhuhuhst a mihiihihnute!”
“I’ll give you 30 seconds to plead your case.” Morty paused, waiting. Eusine gasped out a shaky breath.
“Ihiihhi…I siiihmply doohohn’t agree. My lauauagh, it’s uuh-EHEHEH!” He couldn’t finish the last part before Morty’s fingers attacked his belly, going right for the soft spots along it. “THAHHAT WAHAHHASN’T THHHIHIIHRTY SEHEHEHEHCONDS!”
“Your time gets cut short every time you disagree.” Morty smiled, an easy expression filled with warmth. “Just admit your laugh is cute and I’ll stop.”
“BUHUHUHUT IIHIHIHIHT’S NOHOHOHOHOT-EHEHEHEHEH!” Eusine all but squealed when Morty dropped his hands back to his ribs, pressing into the backs. “MOHOOHOHORTY!”
“For someone so ticklish, you’re rather stubborn.” The blonde chuckled, relishing the sound of his boyfriend’s mirth. “Don’t worry- we got all the time in the world.”
Send me a pairing a sentence starter and a pairing and I'll write a 300 word dabble for it!
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eureka-its-zico · 11 months
Happy Birthday, Zoro
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Synopsis: Zoro wasn't much for birthday's until he met you.
Pairing: Roronoa Zoro x Reader
Genre: fluffy, friends to lovers, (Zoro and Doc)
Words: 2.5K
A/N: I had to write something for the birthday boy before the day is over. It is probably the shortest thing I've written in a hot minute, but I hope it is still enjoyable. Much love, Jenn.
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He’d let it slip one night while you’d all been celebrating Nami’s birthday. Of course, she’d asked for fireworks and pretty gifts. She’d also asked to play poker, but that was something you and the rest of the crew weren’t willing to talk about. 
There was no way someone won every single time. 
Cheating aside, the one thing that Zoro could agree on was the booze. You’d both been sent out to pick it up. Who better than the resident alcoholic on the ship to know what a good brand was? 
What you hadn’t expected was for him to basically pull you out of your reading nook in the galley. You could still feel the way his fingers had snaked around to grip the inside of your arm. Two seconds later, he was lifting you up and out of your spot with your book almost fumbling to the floor. 
“Come on, Doc, you're coming with me.”
“You could’ve asked!” You huffed. 
You were well aware that Zoro was still holding onto your arm. You were also well aware that he was much closer than usual making it hard for you to remember that you were mad at him. Big mad because you were just getting to the good part in your book. 
“I am asking.”
Gods. He said it like a fact. His face was as smooth as stone and unblinking.
This was your Zoro. Master of having zero tact. 
“Asking is with words, you ass.”
“Yeah, I don’t do that.”
“I’ve noticed.”
And with that, he took it as you conceded to go with him into town. In part, it was probably for the best. Zoro’s people skills were nonexistent and you and Sanji frequently had to apologize for him. 
While the trip to town was enjoyable, what made it the best was the way Zoro changed around you. It wasn’t an astronomical change. He didn’t talk a whole lot more or say fewer things that reminded you he was an asshole (but he was your asshole so…) or be less broody. What he did was smile more. 
They ranged from the small smirks he did when you were talking. Your animated hand movements with every other word as you weave a deep story for him or an excessive explanation on why using chopsticks for hair pins was an ingenious idea. You wondered if Zoro himself even realized he was doing it. But your all-time favorite? 
It was when he smiled brighter than any star in the sky. His entire face lit up and chased back all the broody darkness he usually wore like armor. So, while you were upset to be torn from your book, you knew you would much rather be here in town with him. 
When you arrived at the store Zoro immediately asked for samples. Two of everything. You thought he meant for himself, but felt complete terror widen your eyes when he slid one over to your place beside him at the bar. The only response you got was a raised brow and a smirk he quickly covered with the edge of his glass. 
“What? Can steal a man’s glass from a dinner table but not an offered one?”
“Excuse me. I only did that because I knew you wanted it.”
“Hmmm. So, if I vocally say I don’t want you to drink with me, you’ll drink?”
You took a sniff of the amber liquid poured into the glass and felt your eyebrows curl up in retreat. 
“This smells like regret,” you informed him with your eyes looking over the rim of the glass at his very striking figure. 
This man was insane if he thought you were going to drink with him. You had no control over your mouth once you had one glass too many and you weren’t sure you could take responsibility for whatever your hands may, or may not, do. Especially since he was wearing another one of his gi’s, which suspiciously looked more untucked in the chest area than usual. 
You were going to have to ask Nami if she might have spilled some secrets from a girls' night. 
“There is no such thing as regret. Just a learning experience.”
“Yeah, no. That sounds like regret.”
He let out an annoyed sigh as he kicked back what was left inside the glass. The man didn’t even pull a face. He just casually swallowed it and placed the glass rim down first on the bar. 
“That’s going to be a no.” He hummed to himself before he turned to look at you. “Look, Doc, I just want a second opinion on the booze. It’s for Nami’s special day or whatever.”
He had a point. You didn’t want Zoro picking something that was strong enough to melt the hair off a man’s chest, but you also didn’t want it growing any hair on anyone’s chest, either. 
“Fair point.” 
You took one last look at your glass before grabbing it and slamming back its contents. The regret was instant as it burned its way down your throat and boiled molten in your belly. You couldn’t keep from coughing as you tried to shoot daggers in his direction. 
“You know what you learned there?” Zoro asked.
You were scared to ask but felt yourself coughing, “What?” regardless. 
“You don’t like that one.”
Your hand lightly smacked him in the arm on a whim. You waited for him to turn and give you a death glare from the tap, but you were given a soft smile instead and was that- did Zoro just laugh? 
He was already on his fifth glass and maybe that was why he was being so damn cute. Yeah, that was it. Zoro instantly became a lightweight. 
You knocked back the second one in record time. This time, it didn’t burn as much as the first, but it still didn’t taste much better. 
“I never understood the big deal about birthdays.” Zoro’s voice was deep in thought, his eyes roaming the inside of the empty glass of his sixth drink. “It’s just a day.”
A “Tsk,” pushed past your lips as you leaned over towards him. Your cheek rested on his arm as you looked up at him. It felt like it was taking forever for him to even glance down at you. You were about to poke him in his side to finally make him move when dark eyes fell down on your face.
Gods, you really needed to remember to breathe. 
“It’s not just a day! It’s the day you were born. It’s not just to celebrate but to be grateful that you’re here. I’m grateful you’re here.”
You watched his Adam’s Apple bob in his throat. The way his eyes flashed with something you weren’t used to seeing made a question form on your tongue but before you could ask it, Zoro looked away and back at the table. His hand wrapped around a new glass and quickly emptied its contents. 
“Come on, we still have a lot of booze to get through.”
It wasn’t until the two of you were squeezed into a booth, all of the booze gone, and your head resting on his shoulder, with Zoro’s head resting on yours, that he mentioned it again.
“I don’t think I’ve ever celebrated my birthday before,” he hummed. His fingers were playing with the hem of the pocket on your cargo pants. “But if I did. I want it to be with you.” 
It felt silly that just a few words could make your heart race like it did. It was the booze, you’d reminded yourself. You’d both drunk enough to tranquilize a sea beast. Zoro would never just mumble things like this to you, resting his head on yours like he did. 
That day Zoro didn’t say more than that and you didn’t press him. Not that you could, anyways. You couldn’t even remember the walk back to the Merry. The night of Nami’s birthday, in the middle of the fireworks, you’d both been sitting on the deck. Your eyes cast up to the explosion of color that painted the sky. 
A finger stroked the neck of the bottle he’d been nursing. His wrist found a comfortable spot on his knee as he leaned back on his palm. It was enough to look natural - enough to not bring attention to the fact this position easily put him shoulder-to-shoulder beside you. 
“My birthday it’s…it’s in November. If you are curious.”
July came and went. August and September. You practically counted each day in each month and hated how it seemed to go so fast, but not fast enough. You’d planned and had every idea of how you were going to give him one of the best birthdays ever.
You’d already bought his favorite whiskey and gave it a cute little bow. You’d even asked Sanji to show you how to make a cake. You practiced tirelessly with Sanji watching you every step of the way. So, you couldn’t understand how or why your cake looked like a deflated balloon. 
“Did you overbeat the flour?”
Sanji was leaning back against the counter. A hand covering his mouth because you knew he was either smiling or frowning or a mixture of both. The towel he’d used to clean up your earlier spill rested over his shoulder. 
“I don’t know,” you groaned into your hands. 
“It’s alright. It’s not the time to panic-“
“It is the perfect time to panic! I don’t have time to try and redo the cake, Sanji.”
The day was almost over. Zoro had spent the majority of it out with Luffy. You’d been waiting for them both to come back and when they did, it was night. You weren’t sure how many hours were left in the day for you to do this, but you knew you didn’t have a lot of time left. 
“Can you hand me a cookie cutter?”
“What are you going to do?”
“I’m gonna improvise.”
You used the cookie cutter to find the best part of the cake and cut out a piece. You slammed on maybe too much frosting and quickly went and grabbed your present from your room. It might have been a good idea to change since you were practically wearing most of the cake ingredients on your clothes. 
It was too late to change anything. You were already in front of his door and with the tip of your boot knocked as gently as you could. You could hear the slightest sounds of Zoro moving around inside—a groan and what sounded like a few choice words grumbled right after. 
You weren’t ready for what greeted you. 
Zoro swung open the door and all your brain functions ceased. He was shirtless. The scars Mihawk had given him were fully on display along with every ridiculous muscle definition known to man. His hair was haphazard from sleep, eyes still struggling to focus, with pants hung low at his hips. You weren’t sure if you should be thankful or happy. One thing was for sure. You almost dropped your cake. 
“Oh, hey Doc. What’s up?”
Fuck. Was his voice always so unnecessarily rich like this when he woke up? You weren’t sure why, but you panicked and practically shoved the items towards his face. 
He looked from your would-be birthday cake and the bottle of whiskey with a bow and back to you. 
“What is this for?”
“Your birthday, silly.”
That seemed to wake him up and not in a good way. He quickly reached out and pulled you inside. He shut the door behind you and if it weren’t for the bit of moonlight that showed through his window, you both would’ve been consumed by darkness. 
Zoro moved forward and you remembered you were in a dimly lit room with him. With a tight smile on your face, you lifted the cake and repeated, “Surprise!”
“You said that already.”
“True but this time it didn’t result in you pulling me anywhere. I brought matches too so you could blow out the candle on your cake.”
Zoro took one look at your cake and all that grumpy energy he held from being woken up disappeared. It was replaced with a soft grin as he looked from the cake to you. 
“Why is it in the shape of a Christmas tree?”
“Let's not focus on the details. Oh, and this is for you too!”
Yes, you were nervous. Yes, this was the first time you’d been inside his room like this, but everything was fine. It was fine. So, there wasn’t any real reason why you almost slammed the bottle into his chest. Zoro didn’t seem to mind the small impact as his eyes landed on the label. 
“It’s my favorite one.”
“I know. It took me a while to find it. Come on. Come sit.” 
You moved to sit on the edge of his bed. Your fingers went to dig the matchbox out of your pocket, and as soon as you got it out, strike one to light up the candle. You carefully lifted the plate back up in your hands as Zoro sat down beside you. The soft glow of the candle made all the hardness of his jaw and cheeks appear softer and the plushness of his lips more inviting. Everything about Zoro appeared different in the soft illumination of the candle and you wished you could draw it to memory. 
A smile that was big and genuine lifted the corners of your mouth. Your hands held up the plate at the best angle between you as you softly said, “Happy Birthday, Zoro. Make a wish.”
Zoro tried to shake away the smirk that started to form before he leaned forward and blew out his candle. You turned to place the plate on the barrel beside the bed. 
“Are you going to ask me what I wished for?”
You froze in place. Your heart suddenly beat wildly against your chest as you struggled to swallow past your racing pulse. You hoped when you turned back around to face him you didn’t look terrified. 
“It’s usually bad luck to ask,” you replied.
“What did you wish for, Zoro?”
You weren’t prepared for Zoro to close the last few inches between you. For his hand to weave his fingers into your hair while his other gripped your waist. Those last few moments of sanity you had before he pressed his lips against yours evaporated the minute he touched you. 
Maybe you’d been his true present all along. 
As always, thank you for reading. Comments, reblogs, and likes are always appreciated.
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weirdestcornelius · 2 months
A little Sketchbook fluff fic for all the slappers out there. . .it had to be done, I don't make the rules. It's been a hot minute since I've written anything so apologies if this seems rough lmao.
This whole thing is building off what I said about Sly helping Scrap design a fersona for him to express himself. I accidentally projected onto Sly. Btw. I cannot promise that it won't happen again.
Scrap was laying on the floor of the Comet family's house, as he usually did on the weekends. But this time was quite different; it was the floor of Sly's room rather than Eve's. The bright green fox was sitting close to him, her drawing tablet in her gloved hands.
Scrap knew why Sly wore gloves, he had heard of it in fens mind multiple times. She picked at her nails out of nervous habit, and the gloves were something that she wore to "keep everyone from having something else to pick on me for" in fens own words. Well, thoughts was probably a better way to describe it.
The two had just been sitting in silence for a while, the only noise filling the room being the quiet scratching of Sly's stylist against her drawing tablet. But after a while, Scrap spoke.
". . .what are you drawing?"
That was probably a bit of a dumb question. Scrap already knew a rough idea of what the answer would be. He knew it was something about some sort of fersona thing, but he still wanted to know what it actually looked like; the way that Sly's mind buzzed with happiness anytime she was drawing told Scrap everything he needed to know about the contentment that the character brought her.
Sly's fur spiked a bit at the sudden words, though fen hesitantly looked down at Scrap's lying form. Nobody has ever asked to see her art besides her family, and well. . .that hadn't really gotten fen any nice remarks that really felt nice. Every compliment her family gave her felt so hollow, compared to all of the insults that were hurled at her. Those, fen felt whole and completely. Scrap could hear her mind swimming with negative thoughts, and he couldn't hide the frown under his paper mask.
"I'm not gonna- make fun of you or anything. You know I already know what you're drawing, kind of. I just want to see. If you're comfortable."
Sly exhaled slowly through her nose. Right. It was a bit weird, knowing someone who could read your thoughts. . .but it was also nice in a weird way. Sly had a hard time articulating all her negative feelings into words, but fen didn't even have to do that with Scrap. It was a relieving kind of weird. Besides, Scrap had never made fun of her for anything else before.
"uhm- yeah, okay. It's not that good though, so don't expect an actual work of art or anything-"
Sly nervously turned the drawing tablet towards Scrap, letting him see what she had been drawing. It was nothing fancy, just a few messy sketches of Stroke and some of her friends fersonas. They were a bit rushed, but clear for the most part.
Scrap could already hear Sly's mind going off in all sorts of directions. He almost winced at how loud it was in there.
"oh Tears, is he going to make fun of it? It's stupid, yeah- it's stupid. I'm going to be called something like coxgirl for the rest of my life- he's being quiet because he doesn't like it, isn't he? That was so stupid, so stu-"
Scrap abruptly cut off the flood of thoughts, his ears flicking as he sat up.
"Hey, those are pretty cool! What are their names?"
Good, a distraction was just what Sly needed. The ears of the fox flattened as they tilted back purely from surprise. Most of her family just said "cool" or "cute" in response to fens art. Nobody had ever asked her about it. Scrap kept his smile visible despite the sadness that creeped onto him hearing this in Sly's mind. Jeez, he really needed to get her out of this place someday.
"O-oh- well, the blue one is Stroke- she's my fersona. She's a cox and dragon hybrid, but it was honestly just because I wanted her to have wings- it's a pretty stupid reason, but yeah"
"it's not that stupid, I probably couldn't name a single person who doesn't think wings are cool"
Scrap laid his hands in his lap as Sly's eyes brightened. It was a nice change, hearing good things from fens head rather than just self hatred and dysphoria. Sly hesitated to speak, a smile forming on the corners of her mouth.
". . .yeah-! That was my thought process too! I've always wondered what it would be like to fly, or just have them to use as extra hands- imagine how cool that would be!"
Sly's smile became a bit more solemn as she looked down at her drawing tablet, her gloved hands resting on its corners.
"I could just fly away from all my problems. It's- kind of freeing to have Stroke. It's like I can live my life through her."
Scrap felt a bit bad for Sly for that last sentence- but the bad feeling was much, much worse in Sly's own head. It had already started to swarm with thoughts of all the things Eve has done to her, how it was hard to even live fens real life because of how bad she felt.
But Scrap could fix that. Not forever, but just for a moment. Sly needed- no, deserved even just a moment of content happiness.
". . .What do you think my fersona would be?"
Perfect distraction. Sly's ears perked up almost instantly, fens eyes drifting back towards Scrap instead of staring down at her drawing tablet.
". . .well, you seem like a drat to me- but like, maybe a cyclops drat. Since you have one eye and all-"
Scrap smiled under his mask. Maybe he wasn't able of fixing every problem in Sly's life, no matter how much he so desperately wanted to; but he could make life happier for her, if only for a few moments.
"Really? How would that work?"
Two hours later, Scrap is standing in the driveway of the Comet household, holding a piece of notebook paper with a few doodles of a bipedal drat drawn onto it in blue pen; with one eye, just like Scrap.
He stared at the paper for a moment, the same smile on his face that had been on Sly's own just a few minutes prior. He slowly slipped his backpack off his shoulder, unzipping it to grab the red folder he kept in its large pocket. He opened it, shuffling a few half drawn faces to one side to keep the left pocket empty.
Then, he put the paper inside.
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val-writesstuff · 2 years
Silent song
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Summary: Joining the Avengers isn't something you ever wanted to do, but Fury thinks it'll be a good thing for you.
Words: 950+
A/N: This is sorta a prologue since it's so short. I haven't posted or written in a hot minute so I'm a bit rusty but I hope y'all like this! im gonna try to make this a series, we’ll see if my brain allows that. Also huge thanks and name credit goes to @poetic-fiasco for helping me out
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I shifted the bag higher on my shoulder as I stared up at the imposing building in front of me. Blinking the rain out of my eyes, I decided today wasn't the day and turned around to leave. Unfortunately for me, at that moment a black SUV pulled up and out slid Fury in a surprisingly nice suit. I don't think I've ever seen him in anything other than his huge leather trench coat. I struggled to hold in a chuckle as the large man practically ran to duck under the awning of the building. 
"Who are you and what have you done to the Nick I know?" I grinned and nudged him when I caught up. 
"I have a government meeting today. I only came cause I had a feeling you'd try to slither out of this. Looks like I was right." With a smirk, he opened the front door and shoved me in. 
"I don't slither Fury. I'm not a snake, and you know I think this is a bad idea. Horrible really. My skills won't be helpful to anybody here." I pushed back against his hand and ground my feet into the floor. 
"Listen." He took a step back to look me in the eyes and crossed his arms. "Part of my meeting today is trying to convince ignorant government officials that we don't need a registry for people like you. I really need you to do good here. It'll help my argument." 
"First of all Nicholas, there is nobody like me. You know I've been searching long enough to know that I'm alone in this world. Second, if you getting me to join this team was just to prove something to the government, it was a stupid idea."
"No. I wanted you to join this team because I think it will do you, and them, some good. You need people you can trust to have your back, and they don't know it yet but they need your skills. Now let's go. Try not to seduce anyone."
I let out a sigh as I dropped myself into a chair near the door of the conference room Fury had led me to. Fury had immediately begun whisper arguing with a man easily recognizable as Tony Stark at the head of the table. I took this moment to take a look at the few other people in the room. Across the table sat two men, one was possibly sculpted by gods but he was glaring at me like I did something horrible to him, I mean if looks could kill… 
The other guy seemed to have no clue I existed. He was talking animatedly to the glare master, waving his hands and grinning the whole time. 
I moved my gaze to the only other woman in the room. The gorgeous redhead was watching Nick's argument intently and with a hint of a smirk on her lips. I wondered if that was her natural color. 
I looked back over at where Nick was still arguing with a now red-faced Tony Stark. This conversation about if I'd join had gone on too long, especially since I hadn't been a part of it. I stood up and leaned forward, resting the palms of my hands on the table. “Listen, Fury obviously my being here isn't what anybody wanted.” I shot a return glare at the guy who finally had the decency to turn away. ”Maybe I should just go?”
Fury frowned as he and Stark turned to look at me. “You’re not leaving. Stark here just doesn't like to share his toys with others.”
I batted my lashes and smiled sweetly as Fury's eyes clouded over. “Nick, Let me go. It’s probably better for everybody if I'm not a part of all this.”
Nick stood with a dopey smile on his face for a few moments before he shook his head and frowned at me. “No! You’re part of this team now and that's the end of the story. And what have I said about you doing that to me? Not cool.”
I shrugged an apology and sunk back down in my chair as Fury left. Tony introduced me to the others using weird nicknames. Manchurian candidate, pigeon, and spy. Tony was odd, and not that helpful. After the briefest of intros, he left the room with a half-ass apology about working on something. 
The guy who had been waving his hands while talking earlier had been kind enough to provide me with the three’s actual names. Then he grinned and leaned towards me. "So what are you?”
“Excuse me?” Who the hell meets somebody and the first thing you say to them is what are you? 
“Well, Fury put you here for a reason. We’ve already got gods, a witch, a sorcerer, super soldiers, bug heroes, and assassins. So what are you?” He looked almost as excited as a kid on Christmas.
"If I tell you I'm not human, is that enough?" something about what I said made 'Bucky' scoff and roll his eyes at me. What is his problem with me? And does being human or not matter to these people?
“Mysterious huh? I’m gonna find out what you are, even if I have to steal your file to do so." 
Shit. Was that even in my file? Fury said he'd agree to keep it secret but did that apply to something like this? Maybe it was stamped in giant red letters across the front page. I tried to suppress a shudder as I muttered a sure.   
With that worrisome interaction still on my mind, I quickly excused myself to go in search of my room after a long day. 
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Remember, likes are nice but reblogs/feedback are golden!
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in33d4n4me · 2 years
Berrien Cliane x gn!Reader
Warnings: mildly suggestive
A/n: *rises out of the fucking grave* Wdym I missed berrien's birthday??? Also sorry I've been practically dead, as soon as I got inspo I got insanely busy, so this is rushed and written in like 30 minutes
How did he end up like this?
It was just supposed to be a teasing sort of kiss, how did he get here?
With you pressed oh so close against him, giving him no room to breathe, thoughts hazy and muddled, and what's making it worse is that your lips are pressed tightly to his.
Such an intimate situation, he barely manages to think in his heated daze.
"Berrien sa- I mean- Berrien!"
You're walking down the hall towards him with a bright smile on your face, and his birthday is so much better by just seeing your face.
"Yes master?" Berrien responds with such a sweet smile, it would give you serious cavities.
"Ah! There you are! I have something I want to propose to you!" You tell him with a mischievous smile.
"Oh? And what might that be, hm?" He stares into your eyes, watching your every move .
"Hold on, let's go to my room, I don't want anyone else hearing this," you look around as if to make sure you weren't being tailed.
"I see, well then, shall we go?" Berrien's face looks a lot more concerned now, what could you possibly have to ask him that would require both of you going to your room?
With no one else.
When both of you arrive to your room, you close the door behind you, effectively trapping him in the room with you.
"-Ah, and what might you have wanted to ask of me, master?" Berrien is lightly startled at this, bit doesn't let it show.
"Weeellll, since it's your birthday, I wanted to do something for you, but I just couldn't figure out what to give you, so, I thought I might just ask you myself!"
"Ask me myself?" He's confused, to say the least.
"Mhmmm, so, I'm giving you one free ticket to ask me to do one thing, no matter what it is, just for today!"
"One thing?"
"Yep! Doesn't matter what it is, you could ask me to help with laundry, chores, cooking even! Or maybe just a hug!"
Berrien thinks for a solid minute, and then has his wish, he knows exactly what he wants, what he desires, and he was going to act on it now. If not now, then when? He might never get another chance.
"If I am truly allowed one thing, then may i have this?" He gets closer to your face and uses one hand to cradle the side of it, while brushing his thumb back and forth on your lips.
"Eh? What do you mea- Mng!"
He presses his lips against yours, soft and gentle, just like him. You don't want it to end.
No, you will not allow it.
When Berrien goes to pull away, you grab him by the back of his neck and waist and pull him back on your lips.
He flinched for a second, not expecting you to reciprocate, but he closes his eyes and melts into your touch content with what you're doing to him.
It feels like you've been kissing him for hours now, his mind is nothing but mush, and all he can think of is you. It's crazy to him that he's reduced to this utter mess by your touch alone.
His traitorous mind starts to wander on what it would feel like if you two were to go further-
"Maste- mnh- ple-please, haahh I can't breathe."
You hear his pleas and let go of him, detaching your lips from his after what feels like forever and not long enough at the same time.
You're both panting harshly, faces hot and berrien's face red as can be.
"Ah, haaah, I'm sorry, I didn't notice," you apologize because you really didn't. You were to focused on feeling him against you.
You really shouldn't have to apologize, berrien says in his head.
You just gave him the best gift he could ever ask for..
A/n #2: the ending kinda sucks but I have no clue on how to end first so sue me.
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cypanache · 2 years
okay darling. for the wip ask game that you tagged me in. I know it's been a minute since you posted it, so feel free to ignore, but i'd like to know more about either 'date my wife' or 'raised a sith'– you pick! since I know all about the obidala stuff, and very little about those, i'm curious.
Ugh, I've been so heads down on Countdown, I'm finally getting around to going through my ask box so apologies for the insanely late reply on this.
I talked about the 'date my wife' wip here. So let's do the raised a sith au, because I'm insanely excited about this one, and it even has a title now "Chirality".
So after repeatedly and painstakingly walking back sexual tension in like every draft of every obidala fic I have ever written, because they're just so damn good and they wouldn't, not yet ... I really just wanted to let Obi-Wan and Padme be unrepentantly hot for each. So I asked myself what would it take for them to stop worrying so much about it all and the answer as you so eloquently put it, is 'they could be evil, as a treat'
That's it, that's the fic.
No really. Imagine a world where Obi-Wan got left on Bandomeer by Qui-Gon and then eventually rescued by Dooku and taken as his apprentice and later left the order with him. Meanwhile imagine a Padme who never left Coruscant after her appeal to the Senate in TPM and instead stayed under house arrest while she watched her world ravaged by the Trade Federation with Palpatine stoking her outrage and anger into something truly spectacular. But to the galaxy she still presents as Padme Amidala as we know here during AotC. So drop poor baby Anakin into the events of AotC and The Clone Wars between these two opposing dark proteges who are sort of allies and sort of adversaries, but are definitely obsessed with each other, watch them ruin him.
I honestly feel a little bad tagging this obianidala because its me, so its definitely very obidala focused and Anakin is in way way over his head being manipulated and gaslit at every turn, but it is there at least as an implied future state so there you go. Also its a SithAU so while I don't write terribly explicit or kinky sex, all the warnings for mind games, manipulation, violence, unnegotiated everything, and basically terrible people who should absolutely be kept away from Anakin Skywalker at all costs, but won't be. Sexy, though not explicit, excerpt below the cut:
He’s waiting for her when she gets back to her apartments.  Lounging on the bed like he owns the place. Utterly unconcerned with the fact that in less than a day’s time all of the Senate will be calling for his head along with his Master’s. 
One of her handmaidens comes over to assist her and Padme grits her teeth in irritation as she takes in the blank expression, the clumsy movements.  Oh, she despises when he does this.  True, it was amusing the first time or two.  And she has always had a weak spot for power in all its flavors.  But these days she just finds it tiresome.  They’re utterly useless for anything more complicated than the most basic of tasks for hours after he does this.
Dismissing Eirtae with a wave of her hand she rounds on him in a huff.
“I wish you would stop doing that.  You know you don’t have anything to worry about.  They’re all completely loyal.  I’ve made sure of it.”
Obi-Wan grins, vulpine and vicious and absolutely unrepentant.  “To you.  They’re all completely loyal to you.  I doubt there’s a single one among them who would spare me a second thought.”
“That’s not true, there’s at least three who would strangle their own mother for the opportunity to put a blaster to your temple and pull the trigger.”  Turning, she holds out her arms and then looks back over her shoulder, imperious and expectant.  “Well?  You can hardly expect me to get out of this on my own.”
He doesn’t.  That’s the entire point of this petty little show of his.  He likes the opportunity to undo her, deconstruct the facade she presents to the galaxy layer by careful layer.  Until she’s laid bare in more ways than one.
Coming up behind her, he trails his fingertips up the length of each arm before he settles his hands against the line of the high collar in a way that from anyone else would be a threat.  But he could force choke her from halfway across the room and they both know it.  And they both know Palpatine would make him regret it for the rest of his very long and very painful life if he ever tried.  
She smiles at him in the mirror and presses back a little into the joints of his fingers calling his bluff.  “You know we debated putting a bounty on your head this afternoon.”
He tsks.  “How very uncivilized.”
“Yes, well, attempting to exterminate the entire Jedi Council does tend to provoke people’s ire.”
“Oh, is that the version they’re selling to the Senate?”
She spins in grasp, indignant now, “Don’t be insulting.  You know better than anyone how useless the Jedi are at politics.  It’s the version I’m selling to the Senate.  Very effectively I might add.”
“I’d expect nothing less,” he says, skimming a kiss once against her mouth.  Then deepening it as his hands come up to her headdress and she feels him begin to remove the hairpins holding it in place one by one.  It’s not precisely what she had in mind when she told him to undress her, but Obi-Wan wouldn’t be Obi-Wan if he wasn’t always looking for the loophole and Padme allows it.  It’s been months since she’s been kissed well.  Whatever Anakin’s potential, both as a lover and a darksider, and it is glorious, it’s all raw and unrealized, it will take her years to mold him to her liking.  Pleasurable work perhaps but work to be sure.  Sometimes a lady just wishes to rest on laurels.
Particularly when her laurels are so very, very appealing.
Obi-Wan frowns against her mouth, “Your shields are down.”
“Are they?” She asks innocently, biting at his bottom lip with just a little too much force in punishment for both starting and stopping without permission.  “And did you like what you heard?”
He pulls back.  “You know I didn’t.”
She turns away with a huff, and removes the last few pins herself, running her fingers through her hair to free it and denying him the pleasure.  “Oh yes, you’ve made your feelings on the matter quite clear.  His arm, Obi-Wan?  Was that really necessary?”
“Maybe not, but it was fun.”
Padme scowls at him over her shoulder.
He just laughs.  A cocky, contemptuous sound that sets her teeth on edge and her blood on fire, “Oh dear, are you upset I scratched up your pretty plaything?  And here I thought you were a fan of my work.  I even signed this one for you.”
“And if I thought it had anything to do with me, rather than breaking the boy Qui-Gon Jinn actually wanted enough to take as an apprentice, I might be flattered.  Besides–” she gives him her most petulant pout, “I didn’t even get to watch.  You know that’s my favorite part.”
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So I know I just dropped a WeSam fic over the weekend, but I got inspired to write a Wes x Fem!Reader Smutty/Domestic Bliss one-shot fic so I just needed to get the fic outta my head and on a word doc asap (lol). Hence, why I'm dropping another fic so soon than what's normal for me.
It's been a hot minute since I wrote my last Wes x Fem!Reader smut fic, and frankly I just didn't have another plot idea inspire me or some sort of muse to work off of for this kind of fic style, until now.
I have a hard time writing x reader type stories, only because I would like for the story to appeal to more than just me, and it's harder to do so (well at least it is for me) when I'm writing the "Reader" as a generalized person. And I don't love including the whole "Y/N" stuff into my own x Reader fics (which I know is a popular thing for this genre) because it just throws me off sometimes while reading it (idk if other people feel the same way. maybe it's just me). Maybe one day I'll play around with that aspect and use the "Y/N" google chrome fic extension to help with the flow of the story. So with that being said, as in my last x Reader fic ("Show Me How You Do it" which can be found on AO3 as well as this fic and all my other fics), expect a lot of the use of the pet name "babe/baby" (you👏🏻have👏🏻been👏🏻warned👏🏻).
Also, I want to practice more of my x Reader skills in the near feature. I have some Fred x Fem!Reader and Sam x Fem!Reader fic ideas that I'd like to write soon, so hopefully I can get those out for anyone that may be interested in those two handsome hunks.
For my WeSam (Wes x Sam) enjoyers, don't worry, I still have more ideas for those two down the pipeline. So fear not, I'm not abandoning those two cuties at all. Just wanted to work on my x Reader skills just a bit more is all.
I don't post rambling text posts all too often on this blog (other than my ramblings in the tags), so I apologize if this seems odd for my blog. I just wanted to preface why I'm releasing another fic so soon, and why it's different from my usual RPF-Shipping works. So yeah, there's that.
-Lucy (diving back into the rabbit hole)
P.S. This is the quickest I've ever written a fic (while most people I know are enjoying their hurricane parties/gatherings in the area of Florida where I'm at, I've been hunkered down writing smut. Go figure lol. But in all seriousness, to all my fellow moots in FL and all other southeast US states, please stay safe during this hurricane.)
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My journal friend,
I know that it's been about a week since I've written anything, but I promise that I have a good reason. Before I tell you though, let me fill you in on what's happened this week.
As you know, mom agreed to let Uncle Jeff teach me how to surf, so long as I am uninjured and returned in one piece. Well, that didn't last too long. You see, Uncle Jeff was showing me how to get balanced on my board before we went on the water when all of a sudden someone knocked me over and onto the burning hot sand. The wind was knocked out of me for a minute or two, and Uncle Jeff got snippy with them (it was like he knew the person that had run into me), which made them quickly apologize and run off in the opposite direction. (Real cool Jeff, real cool). It was ok in the end, but I did sprain my ankle, so right now surfing is on hold, which sucks.
When Uncle Jeff and I got back to his place after the ankle fiasco, we saw a moving truck in the driveway of the house next door. It wasn't a surprise for either of us to see because everyone in the neighborhood knew the house had been sold. What did surprise me was Uncle Jeff's reaction to the woman that walked out the front door and to the truck to collect more boxes.
Jeff told me later that evening that the woman, Liz Gilmour, was an old friend of his. Of course, I knew there was more to it by the way he spoke about it. I made a note to ask Mom about him and this 'old friend' when we talked on the phone that night but before I could do that, I had to tell her about my ankle first. Needless to say, she was not happy. I quickly changed the subject to Jeff and Liz and what mom told me was interesting.
She told me that back in the day they were something of an item. She also told me that they had been together so long that they had even talked about getting married. That surprised me because Jeff didn't seem like the husband type. I asked mom why they didn't get married, but she said she didn't know.
Our call went well, but boy was my mind spinning with all this new information.
After mom and I ended our call, Jeff and I decided to order burgers for dinner, and we watched a movie while we ate. The movie we watched was one I hadn't seen before, and I quite enjoyed it.
It was about a brother and sister who make up a plan to set their dad up with a woman. It made me laugh but it also got me thinking how it would work in the real world and this is where my main reason for not writing comes in.
I have decided to play Cupid!
It may have taken me a couple days after watching that movie to get to this point but with the reaction Jeff gave me that day, let's just say this summer is about to get interesting.
Anyway, I woke up this morning to a note taped to the front of my door from Uncle Jeff saying that he was at the bait shop and would be back later to check on me and make sure that I was ok. He also said that he left the dog at home because he thought I could use the company and because Annie refused to move from her bed that morning.
After reading the note, I hobbled over to Annie to check on her before hobbling to the kitchen to make myself breakfast. Just as I put my hand on the egg carton, I heard a knock coming from the front of the house.
I was hesitant to answer at first but then I heard a female voice say that they had just moved in next door and that she wanted to introduce herself.
I hurried over to the front door as fast as my dumb ankle would allow and when I opened it, I saw Liz. She was smiling warmly at me and properly introduced herself before she handed me a plate of baked goods and crap, did they smell good.
I thanked her for her kindness and invited her in for a cup of tea and a chat. I would have made coffee but since I'm not supposed to have it, I'm not good at making the liquid gold as dad calls it.
While talking with Liz, I learned that she had a little trailer that she turned into a mini bookstore that she was about to open, and she invited me to stop by when I was able to get around easier. I was about to thank her when Uncle Jeff walked through the door.
When Jeff saw us talking, he froze and frowned slightly, making both Liz and I feel awkward. Liz thanked me for the tea and rushed out the door without another word.
I was annoyed at Jefferey for acting so lame when Liz just wanted to get to know her neighbors. We got into an argument and then Jeff stormed out of the house and didn't return until about an hour ago.
I did talk to him about it all when he got home, and he filled me in on so much more than what mom knew and had told me.
Uncle Jeff said that Liz was his person and because of what happened between them, he never got close to getting married after that because he was afraid of getting hurt again. He also told me that he never stopped loving Liz and seeing her now brought back so many memories...Memories that still pained him.
I couldn't blame him. I could see it in his eyes and in fact, the look that he gave me when explaining everything was so sad and I swear it was the same look that Liz gave me when we were talking about friends, boys and the misery of high school.
Personally, I think they miss each other.
All of that said, my mission this summer is to get them together once and for all.
As this mission is so big though, I think I'm going to need Zarah's help; but it's too late to chat now, so I'll have to call her in the morning and begin the planning stages for what I'm going to call Operation Cupid...At least I think that's what I'm going to call it, I'm not sure yet.
Hopefully Zarah can think of something better when I talk with her about everything later.
OK. Bye.
P.S: This mission may be a rocky one, but I think I can do it, especially if I've got Zarah by my side and maybe Mom and dad as well but we'll see about them.
Tag List: @hauntedflamingo
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Hi! This isn't on the fic writer ask game, but I'd been meaning to ask you for a while and this reminded me. I've been reading (more like binging/devouring lol) everlark fics for about a year now, after re-reading it last spring. I'm wondering if you have any fics to recommend that you remember really liking that might be more "off the beaten path/hidden gems" for someone like me. (1/2)
Like it's less likely I'd have come across them on rec lists or old tumblr posts. For example, I read and loved FML by opacity after I stumbled on an old post of yours recommending it. Not saying stories weren't popular when published, just maybe less likely I'd come across them now. No worries about answering if you can't think of any, but I'm always looking for new-to-me stories/authors now that I've read so many. Thanks! :) (2/2)
Hey, love! I'm so sorry it took me awhile to answer this one. I have a crap memory when it comes to things like this, especially since I used to read so much more fic than I do now. But! I managed to think up a few fics and writers that might interest you but you're sadly less likely to see their names here abouts on tumblr within the past two years. My apologies if I'm repeating some of the same recommendations that were on that post you referred to here or if they are ones you've already explored.
@everlarkbirthdaydrabbles This was a project run by @peetabreadgirl, @xerxia31, and @burkygirl. The pieces on it are written by a range of writers who were active several years ago. Some of the names may be familiar, others not so much. They ran it for a whole year, maybe two(?), but it's been a hot minute since the blog was active and I am not sure that everything on there got transferred to ao3 or ff. So Happy Reading!
While you're at it, here are their individual ao3 accounts. They all have a lot of great stuff to read, and they often collaborated on pieces together so odds are good that if you enjoy one of them as writers, you'll love all three.
I highly recommend The Night Belongs to Lovers and The One from Burky.
From xerxia check out For Unto Us and Your Mark on My Soul, both of which are two of my personal faves from her. I also have her fic Flashover on my To Read list. Sadly have not yet had a chance to tuck into it yet.
I'm also going to mention a piece that burky and xerxia wrote together -- The Biggest Fan -- because it is not only squish your cheeks adorable but it is also a fantastic ode to the fandom and some of the fanfiction writers at the time it was written, but I will confess shamelessly that this is not an unselfish recommendation as yours truly (and one of my stories) makes a kind of cameo appearance in it as does @mega-aulover hehehe.
And here is peetabreadgirl's ao3. Personally, I recommend Lost and Found and Writer's Block, but again, there are a lot of excellent fics to choose from her as well.
Another writer who I absolutely love love LOVE, and if you haven't checked out her Everlark, you definitely should. @deinde-prandium. Here is her AO3. In my opinion, you can't go wrong with any of her stuff.
Hurry Hard is *chef's kiss* and I gotta give a shoutout for two of my all time fave drabbles ever, In the Background and The Murder Game. Before you finish scouring her page, read Video Relay/Lost in Translation and pester her for an update.
One more excellent Everlark writer to check out is @peetaspikelets. Ao3 here. Her fic Wanted is one of my all time faves asdafsdhsklgfdkjsngsl. So good. Unf.
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misaverawrites · 3 years
Dyin' Ain't So Bad (Glenn Rhee x Reader)
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prompt: “You came to confess your love to me and I told you that I’m dying” AU" -@dailyau and anon
tags: MAJOR ANGST holy fuck, written gore, dying, reader is bitten and dying, tearful goodbyes and confessions, kissing, mercy killings, reader fucking dies lol.
a/n: uhh... so I've been writing a lot of angst lately, i'm not okay lol.
Your skin burned with a hot vengeance, you remembered when you’d had the flu… before, as a kid. This was worse than any sickness you’d ever had before, you’d been bitten by a walker, on your elbow. You could’ve cut it off if you’d had a tourniquet and someone to help you not bleed out. Unfortunately, you didn’t.
You whip your bag over your shoulder, you could feel the infection spreading, you wanted to do one last good thing, get these supplies to Glenn and back to Alexandria. You went back to where you had been told to meet with Glenn, and waited for only a few seconds, sucking breath in through your teeth. Glenn walks up, he doesn’t seem on edge, he seems happy, unusual on a run.
“(Y/N), You grabbed some stuff?” He asked, oh no, he hasn’t noticed your bite yet. You hum in affirmation, “Yep, grabbed some feminine hygiene products… also grabbed some diapers, formula, bottles, and some food I found in the store.” He smiles at you, he seems nervous… unlike himself.
“That’s good! Now that we’re back, can I talk to you about something?” You’d both been growing closer over the months since you’d joined Alexandria, if he wanted to talk, it must have been serious. “I’ve been… thinking it over and, ever since Maggie… died, I thought I’d never love anyone ever again. Today, I realize that I am so wrong. I love you, (Y/N). More than anything in this world.”
Your heart sank. You don’t want to do this to him, break his heart. He’d kill you so you wouldn’t suffer, you didn’t want him to have to do that… The woman he newly loved. You knew you had to though, to protect him and Alexandria.
“Glenn…” You began, tears already swarming in the corners of your eyes, “I love you too, but, I’m sorry…” You show him your elbow, the flesh is hanging loosely, your skin was red-hot, you felt fainter by the minute, as soon as hit eyes hit the bite, he falls to his knees, wracking his body with silent sobs. “Could we amputate it?”
You shake your head, “We both know it’s too late for that, Glenn, the infection has spread too far.” You feel weak, you sit down and he sits with you, holding your head in his lap. “I don’t wanna turn, Glenn.” Your voice is weak, pathetic. Not the way you want to go out. He didn’t care. He bends himself down to kiss you, even once.
“I won’t let you turn, (Y/N)…” You notice he’s gripping his knife, it’ll be okay. You know it. “I’m sorry to do this to you, Glenn.” Your eyes are wide, scared. You feel exhausted, your body wants to sleep. He holds your hand as your eyes shut.
“Goodbye, Glenn, I love you.” You whisper to him weakly, he waits for your body to stop breathing. He kisses you one more time, his hand wrapped tightly on the hilt of his knife, he plants one swift slice into your brain, stopping your reanimation cycle instantly. His tears fall on your face, he shakes his head, moving a hair from your face, apologizing to you profusely and tearfully. “Oh god, god, I’m so sorry… I love you… I’m so, so sorry..!” He chokes out, trying not to think of all the people he’s lost so quickly, Maggie, Noah, You… fuck.
He takes your bag, taking one last look at your still frame, before walking slowly and solemnly to the car, his face red and tear-stained. He gets into the car and drives away, as you fade into the background, his tears return. He almost wished he hadn’t told you, kept it to himself. It wouldn’t have changed anything, he rationally knew that. All he wanted right now, is for you to be alive.
He knew you wouldn’t want to become a walker, he did what he had to do. All he could hold onto right now is your final goodbyes and all the memories you two made together. It would never be enough.
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HI! First of all how are u? I hope ur days okay because mine is shit BUT ANYWAY I MASSIVE brain rot I feel like I should share this with u.
So what if Chuuya and Dazai's s/o are one a mission and they meet and they have to kill each other because ITS A MISSION AND THEY HAVE TO FINISH IT. The women look hot and cool and bloody but no one's stopping bc the KILL intent is super strong but then after all of that is finish. Their s/o's become RIVALS and FRIENDS at the same time😭 like when they are on the job they are KILLING each other but when their not working they become besties❤✌🏻❤✌🏻❤ kinda like ranpo and poe's dynamic.
Ugh sorry I Talk tooo much and sorry bc its super specified u can just add whatever u want idc!!! I just feel really comfortable talking with you! Bc i feel our connection with our love for a badass reader! I probably have a kink for strong and cool women💃🤦‍♀️ OKAY BYEEE
You're always so sweet so I get so happy when I see your requests!! And yes, strong hot women are the ultimate- yes. They're amazing and I love them and writing them is such a treat. Also the request itself is chefs kiss and there were so many ways I could have written this so I tried my best - please, let me know if I missed somethings, I can always go back and add/revise. Reader can be read as Dazai or Chuuya's S/O so take your pick. Anyway I hope you enjoy, and please reach out to me anytime! <3333
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You loved nights when your job could let you be this way; when good and evil didn't matter;
when the world was subject only to the rules of knife, bullet, and blood.
You heels found the pavement time and time again, rhythmic and cold on the streets while your eyes watched the woman behind you. She'd been tailing you since your departure from the bar. You knew her face, and she knew yours. But you didn't care to know more than that; not when your sole purpose for being out so late, for being alone safe for one another, for leading and following another woman into shadows was for the kill.
She fired first. You heard the bullet before you felt the blood trickle down the soft skin of your outer ear, sliding down the side of your neck as you turned to face your now enemy.
"Good evening," she sang sweetly. Her accent was delicately foreign; you could hear it on her voice just as sure as you knew she would be able to hear yours. "Lovely night, is it not?"
"Indeed," you responded. Despite your hands twitching on the triggers of your guns, your voices were dulcet and calm as two women enjoying a cup of afternoon tea. "I feared we would jump to all the nasty business right away and what fun would that be. Although, far be it a fair play for one to fire when their opponent's back is turned."
"Quite right," she sighed. "And I do apologize. Still, is it so hard to be pleasant before all that nonsense?"
You laughed, "I suppose you mean our respective lovers then? You aren't wrong; the wounds I've had to patch up are...well let's say it's impressive the two of them have survived to go at each other's throats for so long."
"Then let's hope," she murmured, "that they might learn a thing from the both of us."
Had an observer blinked at that moment, they would have lost you. They would have been blinded by the pop of bullets flying round the dark street, pinging off metal pipes and shattering glass windows. As soon as your guns were empty though, no one could expect either of you to waste any time in going for the kill. You simply threw them away, now useless as your abilities roared to life at your fingertips. It had been less than five minutes; and still, you were no longer the idle picture of pristine drama you had been before. Your clothes were now torn from the seconds where bullets had just barely missed your skin, your skin was raw and scraped from diving to the rough ground and both pairs of eyes gleamed hot as the slight scent of blood hit your nose.
"You're a wonderful fighter," she called.
You bowed your head, the movement almost indistinguishable from the distance at which you stood. "A fighter is only as good as her opposite."
"Then we understand that the toying with one another ends here?"
You dual smiles were nothing short of wicked; perfectly dangerous, inviting as only the thrill of a life on the line can be.
"Oh my dear, who on earth said I was playing?"
The raised tone of your voice, the slight cock of your head, was a challenge. She took the bait. In fact, she snapped at it, ready and willing to sink her teeth into you.
The world could have ended around you from there; you could have ended it and neither one of you would have ripped your eyes from the other. One second her shoulders were under your hands and your body was pinning hers to the ground, the next your body was the one flying against the wall with a dull thud and the sharp crack of bones. You felt your hand connect with the fawn-soft skin of her throat, leaving a thin line of gorgeous crimson in it's wake and immediately after felt her hand close around your own and squeeze until you managed to throw her from your shoulders. Your victory didn't last long, however; only seconds later you felt your body meet the ground right at her side. Your heads were next to each other, blood painting the walls, the ground, your hands and the rest of your exhausted bodies as your eyes fluttered shut to the sight of the night sky.
You didn't know how you made it to the safety of your apartment that night; only the man you loved and the most deadly of all his rivals knew that. Only they knew how they had stumbled upon your unconscious bodies after you had failed to return home that night and dared not waste a second fighting each other when it was clear you had both met your match in one another. You took new notice of her whenever you saw her; mutual enemies of yours had luck that was parallel to that of Dazai's enemies if not worse. Whenever your lovers would notice your small smiles, your gentle war, whenever they would ask what in hell had happened in that alley, your answer was dual and matched as every other aspect of you both:
"That alley stays secret. It lives and dies with us."
And your twin smiles kept that secret locked in the cage of your teeth, shrouded in the curtains of lips so sweet one who didn't know better could never guess all the the things the two of you could be hiding.
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Just Fishing
Anthony Mackie X Daughter!Reader
Summary: You didn't know you were making memories. You thought you were just drownin' worms and killin' time nothing too ambitious.
Warnings: Fluff, mediocre writing(happens everytime I start writing for someone new oof)
Song: Just Fishin' by Trace Adkins
A/n: It's been a hot minute since I've written a song fic. Also I haven't written for Anthony that much but I saw the interview where he talks about liking fishing and wanting to take Sebastian fishing so I felt this song is perfect.
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I'm lost in her there holdin' that pink rod and reel
She's doin' almost everything but sittin' still
Talkin' 'bout her ballet shoes and training wheels
And her kittens
Your 5 years old, no siblings just yet but you couldn't find a care. You had all of your dad's attention, especially when the two of you went fishing.
"Daddy, can you teach me how to ride my bike without training wheels?" You asked sitting on a dock, in a fold-up chair in your favorite color, and holding a Cinderella fishing rod.
"Of course pumpkin." Anthony smiled at you. Anthony hoped you never grew up, stayed his little girl, that you'd never stop wanting to go fishing with him. He couldn't stop looking at you as you shuffled int our seat rambling about the new kitten you friend got, or how much fun you had in your ballet class yesterday. He hung onto every word knowing one day you'd grow up.
"Daddy! I think I got a bite!" You said pulling and reeling in the fishing rode. It snapped him from his thoughts as he helped you reel in the fish.
And she thinks we're just fishin'
"Good job pumkin" He smiled having you up the fish so he could take a photo to show your mom. Then he helped you release the fish back into the lake.
"Thank you daddy."
I say, "Daddy loves you, baby" one more time
She says, "I know, I think I've got a bite"
And all this laughin', cryin, smilin' dyin' here inside's
What I call, livin'
"Daddy loves you munchkin." He smiled at you. You looked up at him with a smile.
"I know!" You said happily as you leaned back in your chair. Your answer incited a chuckled from him.
"Oh you know that do you pumpkin?" He smiled at you.
"Yep! You've told me like a gazillion times!" You laughed. He smiled ruffling your hair making you glare at him. "Your messing up the pigtails mommy did for me!"
"I'm sorry will you forgive me." He asked you and cheeky smile on his face. You looked at him suspiciously for a second.
"Fine." He smile at you.
"Come here Fishy." He patted his lap. You sat on his lap and he smirked hugging you tight and messing with your hair again.
"Daddy!" You whined slapping his hands away pouting. He smiled apologizing again before handing you your fishing rod again so the two of you could keep fishing.
"I love you pumpkin."
"You just said that daddy." You giggled.
And she thinks we're just fishin' on the riverside
Throwin' back what we could fry
Drownin' worms and killin' time
Nothin' too ambitious
"Get your stuff we're going fishing." Your dad said to you from where you were sitting in your room playing with toys. You perked up immediately, you quickly ran to you closet to get a pair of worn out tennis shoes that it wouldn't matter if they got muddy.
"Ready!" You said you had the biggest smile on your face and were holding your fishing rod. He smiled at you taking the fishing rod and tossing it in the trunk of his car. He helped you into your car seat before.
"Bye babe!" He waves to your mom who was standing outside the house, she's five months pregnant so Anthony is trying to spend as much time with you before the baby is born. He knows it'll be hard on you when the baby is born since you're currently an only child
"Bye, mommy!" You waved to her. She smiled waving back. Soon you were at your favorite fishing spot. He set up the chairs and put the bait on your fishing rod.
"How's school been lately?" He asked you. You were 6 years old so you were in first grade.
"It's great! Next week is show and tell! I want to bring my teddy bear." You told him keeping your eyes on the lake.
"That's cool." He smiled.
"Yeah. My teacher Mrs. Kenneth is really nice! She gives us candy!" You said excitedly. "We have a class pet named Chip! He's a hamster but he's never awake during class."
"I think hamsters are nocturnal."
"Nocter- what?" You looked at him confused.
"It means they sleep during the day and are awake at night." He explained.
"Like bats! Cool!" You said happily.
"Yeah like bats." He chuckled patting you shoulder.
She ain't even thinkin' 'bout
What's really goin' on right now
But I guarantee this memory's a big'in
And she thinks we're just fishin'
"Hey pumpkin! Do you mind if Sebastian comes fishing with us today?" Anthony asked walking into your room. You were digging through you closet trying to find your fishing rod.
"I don't care." You said not looking up. You couldn't believe you lost a fishing rod that's the same height as your 5-year-old brother. Your six years old than him, so eleven.
"Your fishing rod is already in the car kiddo." He assured you. You looked at him and glared.
"And you didn't tell me! Meanie." You pouted grabbing sunglasses and walking past him to where Sebastian was waiting in your living room. "Seb dad is meanie! He didn't tell me he put my fishing rod in his car! I thought I lost it." You told your dad's best friend as you pouted.
"Anthony! Why didn't you tell her?" Sebastian feigned offense making you laugh.
"Woah now your teaming up against me?!" Anthony frowned.
"Yep." You smiled. Anthony laughed ruffling your hair.
"Dad." You scolded fixing you hair.
"Come on let's go fishy." Anthony smiled as you blushed from the nickname.
"Daad." You drew out the word.
"Well are we ready now?" Sebastian asked.
"Yeah!" You said happily.
She's already pretty, like her mama is
Gonna drive the boys all crazy
Give her daddy fits
And I better do this every chance I get
'Cause time is tickin'
(Yeah it is)
He sat outside your school. He's been away filming for a little while so you have seen him in quite some time, other then on video calls. You didn't know he came home today he was surprising you. You were talking to who he assumed to be a friend. Until the other kid leaned forward moving your hair out of you face. He saw you giggle and blush. He sighed now realizing just how much you've grown. Having crushes and not even noticing he's waiting for you.
"Y/n!" He shouted you turned your face lighting up seeing him. You ran over hugging him, your friend making their way over. "Hey pumpkin how was school?" Anthony asked you.
"It was great! This is my friend Cameron!" You told your dad smiling.
"Nice to meet you!" Cameron said smiling.
"Nice to meet you too kid."
"I thought you were filming?" You asked smiling.
"Finished early so I came straight home to take you fishing!"
"Cool! Can Cameron come?" You asked not noticing how his gaze faltered. You used to hate people coming with on your fishing trips, your brothers, mom, Sebastian, and Chris being the exceptions.
"It's fine with me, we just have to ask their parents." Anthony decided. You and your friend squealed happily before running over to who he had to assume to be Cameron's grandma.
"Gram can I go fishing with Y/n and her dad?"
"Pretty please!" You added.
"As long as it's alright with her dad." She smiled.
"It's fine with me." Anthony agreed.
"Well, I don't see why not then! Let's trade numbers, cause I only have your wife's number right now" the grandma said smiling.
And she thinks we're just fishin' on the riverside
Throwin' back what we could fry
Drownin' worms and killin' time
Nothin' too ambitious
You sighed looking at the framed photo on the wall of your dad's home. It was of you and him the biggest smiles on your faces as you help up your very first fish. You were probably 4 in it, it's been about 13 years since then, so your almost 17. You haven't gone fishing in a while but then again it was only March so it was a bit cold to fish any way.
Anthony left last week to film a movie but you left your favorite hoodie, and your brother left a book he needed for school at his house the week before. Luckily you had a key so you stopped by. The walls were covered in photos of you and your brothers, a few of him with friends or his parents. You smiled looking at a photo of you and your brothers by the river bed, your youngest brother had insisted on using your old fishing rod despite your dad buying him a brand new one just the day before. Your oldest brother was in the background of the photo about to fall of his chair because of a fish.
You went up the stair peeling your eyes from the wall. You made it to your room grabbing your hoodie from the chair before hurrying to your brother's room. Grabbing the book before you ran down the stairs straight to the kitchen. You peaked in the fridge grabbing soda then you went to the cabinet to grabbed some cookies. Your phone rang and you looked ddown seeing it was your dad. You forgot he had cameras set up, so he was probably watching you.now the cameras are only in the main living areas, living room, kitchen, dining room, hallway. The usual places.
"Hey dad." You said happily.
"I saw you were stealing my oreos." Anthony said with amusement clear in his tone.
"Is that why you have cameras to make sure no one steals your oreos?" You asked laughing.
"That and to make sure you don't try throwing any parties." He teased causing you to roll your eyes .
"Mhm. I miss you." You said closing the cupboard and making your way to your car.
"I miss you too munchkin but I'll be home in just a couple of months!" He assured. You mumbled incoherently. "Fishy don't cry." He teased.
"I'm not gonna cry." You laughed starting your car.
"Liar. Did you remember to lock the door?"
"Yeees." You said hurrying out of your car and to the door locking it.
"I saw that."
"Creep." You scoffed getting back into the car.
"Okay I got to get back to filming Kiddo, tell your brothers I said hi." He said.
"Bye dad I love you."
"Love you too, drive safely."
But I guarantee this memory's a big'in
She ain't even thinkin' 'bout
What's really goin' on right now
And she thinks we're just fishin
Ah college the time for growing up and being away from your parents. You've been there a month and you were homesick. Nothing you loved was here, no fishing, no little brothers who you used to claim you hated, no dad to cheer you up when you were sad, no mom with great advice.
Sure you were sharing a dorm with your best friend, and you called your family every night but you were counting down the days until Thanksgiving. Your phone began ringing, you looked at the textbook you had been studying then at your phone. Your dad's smiling face was on the screen. You yawned answering it.
"Hey munchkin!"
"Hey dad I'm studying but I guess I'll take a break for you." You said dramatically.
"Just for me! Oh thank you." He joked.
"Whatever. How are you dad?"
"I'm doing great! How are you pumpkin?"
"I'm okay. I really miss you guys though." You mumbled in the phone resting your head on the desk.
"Good news for you I'm filming a movie close by!" He said happily.
"Really? Your not just messing with me?"
"Nope I'll be there in a couple weeks!"
"That's amazing!" That day, even after you got off the phone with your dad, your smile couldn't be broken. True to his word he was in the next city over in two weeks. It definitely made you less homesick.
She ain't even thinkin' 'bout
What's really goin' on right now
But I guarantee this memory's a big'in
And she thinks we're just fishin'
Yeah, aw, she thinks we're just fishin'
We ain't only fishin'
(This ain't about fishin')
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Anthony Mackie Taglist: @high-on-darren-criss
If you don't want to be tagged in song fics please let me know! (This goes for all of my taglists except the ones for a series)
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rinharu-purple · 3 years
Emmm 👉👈 can i request Gavin's spring festival date analysis?! Ehem especially when Gavin said "I've waited a long time for today.." 💙
But Of course if you're not busy.. I'll wait patiently.. I just.. love read your analysis 💙 like i can feel your love and dedication for Gavin.. a lot of Gavin stan is very smart and loyal.. just like Gavin itself
Hello nonny and of course you can! Thank you for your lovely ask and reading my posts. It makes me really happy to hear this 💞 I can also double up what you've said, Our birdcop is smart and loyal and I really love being a part of Gavin-standom which includes so many talented writers, artists, analysts and it has @cheri-translates! There are so many great posts from various accounts and one can feel the love, passion and loyalty towards Gavin in all of them! 💫
An analysis on Spring Festival date is so overdue, so it is me who should apologize for not having written this before. I will more than gladly include your request scene, I hope you enjoy it ^_^
MC Testing Waters: Spring Festival Date
At the beginning of the game, MC is a young woman with lots of love in her heart, however without much experience in love. Fortunately this starts to change when she meets LIs as adults.
Spring Festival Date takes place after Firework Date and before the Romantic Date, although the timeline is quite messy, which I will come to by the end of this analysis.
If you look closely, you can see MC checking Gavin's romantic feelings towards her by using this "boyfriend game" and also uses the opportunity to get beyond his hardened exterior and touch his vulnerable side 💗
Spoilers start below this line
This date comes to, because MC lies to her aunt about having a boyfriend to avoid arranged blind dates and even promises to visit her on New Years with her boyfriend. Speculatively it seemed like a solid play, until...the time literally came.
Thinktanking about a way out of this with Kiki and Willow, they weight different options as to tell them she broke up with him, leave the city or call in sick but then the best wingman on earth Minor saves the way and suggests that she just takes a "fake boyfriend" with her, surely enough with Gavin in his mind.
MC goes through her contacts list to search for a suitable candidate, but her heart Whispers her the answer by skipping a beat as her fingertips scroll down to one name.
... Gavin
As such... MC has chosen her player for the game and Gavin's Heart Trial with MC's family commences...
---Press Start---
Creativity Test
Unluckily Gavin actually shows up for this highly important date late, with his phone off! From the storyline he arrives a couple of minutes late to MC’s aunt's place, thus starting the game one point behind. He was late because he was buying presents for the whole family! With the spot on gifts which are well received by the family because they're expensive, imported goods, limited products, cute and thoughtful he makes up for the lost points.
But it's just the first stage and he has 3 more stages to clear, the pressure is slowly rising.
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This gray suit has a lovely story behind it, which you can find by the end of the story.
Decision Test
Gavin has passed the creativity test with flying colors, but in the second stage more challenging questions are on the menu. The eldest aunt wants to know Gavin's age, occupation, salary(?!) and possessions(?!). The last two questions are fairly over the line and is a no-no in my country. Asking people about their financial status as well as bragging about it is perceived as rude and insolent, that's why the way Gavin answers these questions skillfully without bragging about his wealth adds just another brick on my Gavin-temple.
Age: 24
Occupation: Police Officer
Salary: Covers the bills
Possessions: A flat in the city and a motorcycle.
In my Prank date analysis, I've mentioned about Gavin's ability to deal with impertinence and also here, he stays friendly, but only answers the questions necessary to get through with the situation. MCs family is checking whether he's wealthy enough to take care of MC (which is sad that in the 21st century that in some countries women need to be financially secured by men). So Gavin just gives them just the right enough of information to pass the test and pass he does.
There is another aspect to his way of answering though. You see, Gavin is an unmaterialistic man. He doesn't care about money or any other meta. He doesn't touch upon the fact that he's coming from a wealthy family, or that he inherits his grandparents house or that he can afford designer dresses, overseas travels or gems without giving a second thought. That shows just how humble Gavin is and I love him for it. What defines him is not his wealth, nor does he allow anyone define him on his financial status. It's his character, the values he stand for, the vision he embodies, the way he treats MC.. Ehm.. And.. His champion body and drop dead gorgeous looks (comes as an extra;))
But the game is far from over, because the family council is now going to challenge him on...
Affinity Test
This is where things get rosy as the family would like to know how they've met and whether they've been together since high school.
Look, Gavin is actually not playing a game, but living the moment. He is well aware of the fact that once he and MC become an official pair, he will be standing on the same spot a year later. He is serious...
So when they ask about their affection, he gives them his genuine answer and confesses his crush on her during high school and says that they've been going out since fall. This dazzles MC, as if she hasn't been dazzled enough lol.
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The three glasses of drink he gulps surely has a role in this sincerity and taking three glasses of a drink as a punishment also becomes a tradition for MC and Gavin in the future.
And so, he proudly passes the Affinity Test with flying colors, effortlessly. Only one more stage and he's done it!
Execution Test
Every hero has his moment, when the fight takes a gloomier turn against his favor and the odds don't look good as before when he gets a strong blow, that is when the family hits him with the question "Don't you get alone well with your family?".
This is Gavin's weak spot, his cryptonite, his bleeding wound and MC's family just pressed on it. What makes this scene so heartbreaking is not just the topic itself and we know why it is a sensitive topic for Gavin but also that Gavin actually tries to signal them that this is not his favorite topic. He tells them he doesn't go home for holidays (friendly warning number 1), the aunties pushes by telling him to take some meal with him to which he replies "Thanks, but that's okay. I've been away for a long time" (friendly warning number 2) the family pushes further and as a one last resort he tells them that during college he rarely went there and spent holidays working afterwards (friendly warning number 3). Sadly the auntie than ignorantly ask whether his family doesn't worry about him and now because he's given three fair warning shots which, he downright gives them a brief and resolute answer:
- No.
That's usually the latest where people with common sense stop digging in further. Unfortunately then the auntie asks whether he doesn't get along well with his family to which Gavin no longer responds. This is the perfect way of dealing with such people and Gavin has a very intuitive talent for dealing different people from different mindsets. Give them three friendly and fair warnings, still pushing? Then give them a last chance by one final brief and to the point answer, they choose to ignore the signal? Stop interacting, you can only waste time beyond this point.
The only problem with this situation here, is that these people are not just somebody, Gavin wants to win these people over, so he cannot just ignore them. But also he cannot do it without a timeout, so he goes to grab some wine. (God it makes me so sorry everytime he has to face his family drama or is misjudged. I just wanna hug him bring him hot cocoa, give him a backrub and bring spicy food for him. Luckily he has MC ^_^)
But let's not talk only about about Gavin, because MC is struggling too. And we should recognize her stick up for him with the most cherishing words:
-Auntie, you got it wrong. He is a decent and pure man and has come to my aid many time and in quite dangerous circumstances.
When she comes back however cannot find Gavin, once she does, a heartwarming moment blooms between them.
This scene is very crucial in Gavin and MC's relationship because this is the first time MC sees Gavin tired and flustered. She feels sad for him but also happy for herself, for she feels as though she gets closer to him, thus seeing the real Gavin. By the way she show him her genuine care, Gavins heart melts and kisses the back of her hand as a gesture and so the first intimate moment involving them having a kiss ensues. Furthermore, they show each other their mutual care, which brings them one step closer and this gives Gavin the only courage he needs to tackle the situation.
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When our hero gets the courage and the stamina he need from his girl, nothing can stop him now. Having gatherer his strength, Gavin returns to the dinner table:
“I am so happy to be here with you all today. In fact, I haven't felt this atmosphere of family in a long time. I have a very strict father and a brother I seldom see...I don’t even know when I turned into such a loner. Eating alone, sleeping alone, doing everything alone...until I met her. It was a beautiful autumn day. The gingko leaves were floating in the wind. I was also going through a pretty dark time. But she saved me before I hit bottom...It’s she who told me I could live a stronger life. And it’s also she who told me I could live a more tender life. I never felt lonely before, until I met her. I started to get used to star-gazing with her, having dinner with her, spending the New Year’s with her. In the future, I'll give it my all to stay with her, to take good care of her and love her. I wanna make up many times over for all the times I wasn't there”
MC’s heart stopped, aunties eyes teary, the elder Aunt want his actions to back up these words and thus Gavin has a pass from MC's family. Now that he's won the game, it's time to collect his prize.
After they leave MC's aunt's house, our lovebirds walk together in the night full of fireworks and Gavin tells Mc that Minor has mentored him on being the perfect son-in-law, hence he was late. He also asks her what she would do if he didn't show up, to which she says that her intuition says that he won't fail her and he murmurs quietly:
- I've waited a long time for today.
Of course he doesn't repeats himself when MC asks him about what he just said. But that's what kept him going all night long.
He has waited for six whole years to meet her again, to stand by here, take good care of her and love her. Tonight, he could do them all by being her "boyfriend", giving his word to her family and having their blessings. He could see that she also cares a lot for him, worries about him and wants to be there for him. He landed his lips for the first time on her delicate skin and could give her warmth.
He could finally confess his feelings for her and say the genuine things he will only say to her.
So yes, he has waited for a long time for this moment to come and when it came, he made sure to grab it tightly.
Timeline issues:
- The order of the dates in the game doesn't always reflect the real course of events. The grey suit that Gavin wears is actually bought after Romantic Date, which takes place after this date.
-Even though MC plans this whole game to avert blind dates, but she still gets set up later on a blind date by another aunt lol.
Thank you once again for your patience nonny and I hope that the analysis proves to be worthy of your wait 💗
For MC's confession let me take you here
For Gavin and MCs relationship milestones here
For a fun trivia about this date you can click here
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ginnyweasleywannabe · 4 years
Last Morning Alone
Written for Blackinnon Week 2021
This is the first fic I've ever written so I hope everyone likes it. I also haven't re-read or edited it because I just wanted to get something out there for the week so I do apologize for any mistakes or weird wordings. I have another blackinnon story for blackinnon week but this week has been unexpectedly busy so it might not get written during the actual week.
Last Morning Alone
Marlene was beautiful when she slept, or at least he thought so. Watching her sleep was one of his favorite things to do. The war had taken its toll on him and he didn’t sleep much so he was always up earlier than her. He would wake from his minimal sleep and turn to look down at her and just think “holy shit.” This morning was no different. If he had known it would be their last day and night alone together he night have done things differently, made love to her, made she knew how much she and she alone meant to him but he didn’t so he just watched with silent adoration.
Marlene hated that he watched her. She knew it wasn’t her best look. Marlene slept like a bear in winter, she always had. He used to tease her about falling asleep all over the castle. Sirius thought Marlene was beautiful when she slept. She looked so peaceful. Ok so maybe peaceful wasn’t the right word. She was sprawled out on her back, hands above her head, mouth wide open with a little drool. He was just happy she was sleeping, she had been having trouble the past few weeks. Marlene normally slept on her stomach, mouth closed and that’s when she was peaceful, undisturbed, like a bear in winter. But she could no longer sleep on her stomach, not with the rather large now bump that was holding his most precious little boy or girl. So she slept on her back mouth open with loud snores. A particularly loud and harsh snore pulled him from his inner monologue. She had woke herself up. Stretching her arms up and blinking a few times she came too, seeing Sirius watching her.
She hated that he watched her. She looked over and there he was just like any other morning, smiling that same stupid grin that she fell in love with. She wanted to be mad and fuss at him but she was really too tired and her back hurt. Besides it never worked because there was no real anger behind the words.
“Whatcha you looking at?”
“Some girl I brought home from a bar once and she just can’t take a hint, she just won’t leave”
Marlene let out a laugh at that. “Oh yeah, see I remember some guy practically begging me to go home with him, look where that got me” She said gesturing to the bump giggling.
Sirius rolled his eyes but reached over and pulled her closer. “Any day now you know”
“I know, believe me I literally can’t forget”
“Your back?”
Marlene just nodded and snuggled closer but Sirius was already starting to shift them so that she was sitting in front of him and he could rub he back.
These were the moments Marlene loved. Just the two of them, when he would do something so sweet without prompting. Had you asked her a few years ago if she ever saw womanizer playboy Sirius Black rubbing his wife’s back because their unborn child was making hard to sleep she would have laughed and hard. If you had asked her if she was going to be said wife she would had told you that was just impossible because she was never going to fall in love with Sirius Black. Although deep down she knew that was a lie, it had been a lie since second year but she would never admit that to anyone, not herself, and definitely not him.
“What do you want for breakfast, I think we might have some eggs” Sirius didn’t sound very confident in this statement.
“You know we’re about to have a kid, we really need to get better at stocking the pantry and stop ordering take-out”
“No” Sirius whined “This kid cant take Foo Lin’s from me, babes everyone says we have to stay true to who we are before the baby came. Look at James, He wouldn’t even get a beer with me last me week”
“Take-out and going to bars are two very different things, so I think your Foo Lin’s is safe. Besides James didn’t go out because the next morning was Harry’s first day at pre-school and you boys went out the week before.” Marlene looked back at him
“Well I’ll go check on the egg situation and you can just have a lie in” With a quick kiss, too short for his liking but he heard her stomach growl he was out the door. Returning just a few minutes later, a sheepish smile on his face.
“We’re out aren’t we?” Marlene groaned, she really was hungry.
“Bakery on 7th?”
The suggestion was music to her ears. Her whole face lit up. She hoped from the bed with a newfound energy and began waddling around to get ready to leave. Sirius just laughed at his wife’s antics. If you had asked him a few years ago if he would be a mix of excitement and nerves for a baby on the way, he would have laughed and hard. If you would have told him that the mother of his child would be spitfire Marlene McKinnon he would have called you crazy. Although he had known he was in love with her since the first moment he saw her talking to James on the platform September 1st before first year, before he knew what either of them would mean to him but he was never going to admit that to anyone but her.
He quickly dressed and helped her put on her shoes. A routine that perfected, her refusing to ask for help and attempting to reach down or bend them up to her and eventually pretending to get distracted with the paper and sit down while he would put them on without a word about it. After a satisfactory amount of time she would pretend she was done with the paper and walk to the door.
She had almost made it out the door
“Hmm” Marlene would hum pretending she didn’t know what he was about to say
“Don’t you think you’re forgetting something”
“Oh sorry babes!” She leaned gave him a hearty kiss hoping to distracted him from his original thought. It had almost worked, I mean who could blame him, his wife was hot if she wanted a snog he couldn’t refuse a pregnant women. It had almost worked. Almost.
Pulling away he softened his face “Marls…”
Huffing she reluctantly sighed out a “fineee” and held her arms up. Still as stubborn as always
Sirius began to bundle her up, a heavy coat, a scarf, and topping it off with a beanie and quick kiss to her forehead.
Rolling her eyes but still leaning her head in so he could kiss it she huffed once more as he wrapped his arms around her shoulders and they exited the flat.
“You know you’re the one who keeps bring up how we shouldn’t change because of the baby and yet you treat me like I will break at the slightest chill. I’m a Scott for sakes, we can handle this London ‘fall’…. Weak city boys” Mumbling the last bit under her breath.
Sirius just listened and nodded knowing she wasn’t truly upset. I mean she was carrying precious cargo, she was precious cargo so yeah he was going to keep it up. They continued to walk to the bakery. It was a nice morning, not too cold and he had probably over done the layers but too late now.
They had entered warmth of the bakery. She was so happy to smell the blueberry muffins. Marlene kept rocking on her heels, antsy to order and get some food.
“Finally…” she mumbled and was quick to order her muffin and a coffee.
“Fine. Change the coffee to a decafe”
“Marlene…” She was eight months pregnant, he didn’t think he was being unreasonable.
“Foo Lin’s, Sirius. And its small” She turned around to pay with a satisfied smirk. Marlene knew the threat of no more take out would shut him right up.
They began the walk home, her happily munching on a muffin and his arm slung over her shoulder. As they rounded a corner he felt a splash. They stopped and he began inspecting himself wiping the wet area on the bottom of his pants
“Marlene, did you spill your coffee?” She had stopped a few feet behind him as he walked forward.
“Marlene?” He turned around expecting her to be crying. This had happened before, she would spill a drink or food and just burst into tears but he turned around and she was just standing there wide eyed and panicked.
“Sirius, that wasn’t my coffee…”
Sirius could see the wet all down her pants and it all clicked it was happening, it was really happening. He quickly closed the distance between them scooping her up and jogging as smoothly as possible to St. Mungo’s
Regulus Michael Black was born 13 hours later.
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snapdragon-mina · 4 years
Sunflowers and Snakes
Pairing: Dabi x Reader x Hawks
A/n: Written for the Bnha spring time event. Hi @amaamajiki , I'm your anon! I really hope you like this lmao.
Word Count: 2.25k
Warnings: Sorta spoilers for bnha, swearing, blood mention, Suggestive themes(Very very minor)
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For the first time in about a month, You could go home on time. The restaurant you worked in constantly asked for you to work overtime. The only reason you continuously agreed was for that sweet sweet paycheck. Fortunately, everyone else was at work and did their jobs, so you were free to go home and cuddle the shit out of your dog. 
When you got home, all you could hear was the sound of paws on wood before your life flashed before your eyes. Seems your dog missed you a little too much because he pounced, knocking you off balance, and eagerly started licking your face. 
"Okay! Okay! Hey let's make a deal. If you get off of me, I'll give you a surprise?" You held your dog away from your face with one arm, while wiping off the sheer amount of dog slobber that was on your face with the other. The dog paused as if he were thinking before moving off of you and sitting down with a sharp bark. 
"That's a good boy." You smiled at him before turning on the TV for background noise. You walked into the kitchen to fix your dog's food. After pouring the food into the bowl, you stuck a lil treat in there. Boom! Recipe for a happy Schnauzer. The moment you sat the bowl down, he shot forwards and barely gave you back out of the way. 
Shaking your head, you walked back into your living room and sat on the couch. Moments of complete peace were hard to come by. After the fall of All Might, nobody was really safe. I mean, Endeavor doesn't give a shit about his fans, so why should you trust him to protect you? 
From what you gathered, the number two hero, Hawks has actually started searching for his soulmate. When asked to show off his tattoo, he refused. Something about "The thrill of the hunt". 
Tattoos are typically two of a kind. Only two people would have the same tattoo. Speaking of soulmate tattoos, Yours was a Snake winding around a single sunflower. It was actually huge, since it covered your entire left arm. It was a really cool design when you think about it.
A small whine managed to shake you out of your thoughts. You got up, grabbed the yellow leash, and hooked it to the matching yellow collar your dog wore. "Come on pretty pup, it's been awhile since I've had time to go on a walk, huh?"
He barked in response as his stubby little tail wagged rapidly. You opened the door and locked it behind you before letting yourself be led by your dog. Around five minutes into the walk, you felt your arm grow warm. Apparently your soulmate was close. It was like a game of hot and cold until you bumped into a guy with a black trenchcoat. Your arm felt extremely hot, so you looked at him. 
"You gonna apologize? You were the one that bumped into me." He had a relatively bored tone of voice. He was eerily calm for someone to be in this scenario. It felt like his eyes were staring deeply into your soul.
"Yeah uh, sorry… But-" You couldn't even finish your sentence, because he walked off with a dismissive wave. You wanted to follow after him, but your dear dog had decided he wanted to shit right then and there. You were forced to wait on him to finish. 
After cleaning up and disposing of the waste, you just decided to go back home to get some much deserved rest.
Two weeks later, you had a day off and it was really nice outside, so why not go for a walk through the forest? You went through your typical morning routine and got dressed. You fed your dog and took him out for a bit. "Alright pup, I'll be back soon, okay?" You blew a lil air kiss and left the house. 
After roughly 15 minutes, you reached a clearing in the forest. It was peaceful and nothing seemed to be out of place. There was a river a few steps away from you, and all sorts of flowers blooming. The trees actually provided very nice shade. You wouldn't mind living out here or at least somewhere just as peaceful as it was out here.
You took a deep breath and sat on a nearby stump, just taking in nature. You didn't get to enjoy the peace for long, due to the sudden burn on your left arm. Your soulmate was quickly approaching your location. You glanced around, but didn't see anyone. Yet your arm was getting warmer and warmer. 
Suddenly, a voice spoke out. "You're the person from that night, right?"
You recognized that voice. You focused on where the sound came from and fixated on where he was standing. He was leaning against a tree with his arms crossed. "Yeah, I am. Hey can I-"
"I'm not your soulmate." He interjected. You shot him a confused look. There was no way you were wrong about this. "Don't believe me? I don't even have a tattoo." He held up both of his scarred arms. 
This only served to confuse you more. "Yeah no, I'm right. There's no fucking way I'm wrong." You shot back. He raised an eyebrow at you. 
"Are you sure about that? People are born without soulmates, y'know." He said.
"Let's say you aren't my soulmate. Why the hell did you follow me here?" You sighed, already annoyed that he ruined your perfectly peaceful moment. 
"Because I know who is." 
"Why would you help me? You don't seem like the type to help someone just out of the kindness of your heart." You narrowed your eyes and he laughed. He laughed at you. 
"Oh trust me, I'll be getting a pretty little payment for this," His eyes shone with amusement. "Follow me."
He walked off. Bold of him to assume you were gonna follow him. You stayed put for a moment before ultimately realizing it was useless. You had to speed walk to catch up to him. He walked out of the forest and towards a building that was pretty much hidden from view. 
Your arm was still extremely warm, due to you being close to the strange man. Hold on. You don't even know his name and yet you followed him to some secluded building where he's probably gonna-
The statement broke you out of your train of thought. That was… weirdly coincidental. He suddenly announced his name just as your mind began to wander. "Yeah… I'm Y/l/n Y/n…" 
He just hummed in response, as he continued to lead you through the strange building. Eventually the two of you came to a stop. The both of you stood in front of a door that had been painted red. He didn't even bother knocking and simply opened the door, revealing none other than the number two hero. 
Hawks' head perked up at the sound of the door opening and grinned lazily. "Hey, thanks again for bringing her." He had a glint in his eyes. Like he knew something you didn't. 
"Mhm. I'm expecting my… you piece of shit." Dabi trailed off before there was suddenly emotion in his voice. It definitely wasn't a good one. Had something happened between the two of them? Should you leave? Yeah… you definitely should. Dabi seemed extremely hostile and you were getting bad vibes. You went to take a step back but paused when you felt a hand tightly grip your wrist. 
"You aren't going anywhere" His eyes were still focused on Hawks. Nobody moved for a moment before suddenly, the hostility drained from the air. Dabi let go of your wrist and walked out of the room. 
"Call me Keigo."
"Okay, Keigo… can you explain to me why I'm here?" The past like 5 minutes was a trip from start to finish and you really wanted answers. Keigo patted the spot next to him, so you took a seat and waited for him to start. 
"Your arm still feels really warm despite Dabi no longer being in the room, right?" His feathers ruffled slightly as a breeze drifted through the window. You nodded, unsure of what to think before it hit you. His grin got wider and he removed his jacket. "Well, Y/n, we're soulmates." He held out his left arm for you to see. Low and behold, The exact same tattoo was covering it. 
You felt extremely happy that you'd found your soulmate, but still extremely confused. How did your tattoo still burn in Dabi's presence if Hawks was your soulmate? It didn't make sense. 
"I should probably explain Dabi since he won't do it himself, and you're probably hella confused. Dabi is also our soulmate." 
That… that actually makes sense. You nod as Hawks explains everything and suddenly he gets to a topic that you'd been curious about for a while now.
"Because of his scarring, he no longer has the tattoo. But nature had him covered because he developed a telepathic connection to both of us. Aka, he can very easily read our minds."
That made even more sense. But that doesn't explain why he refused you as a soulmate. You shook off that thought and decided to get to know Hawks a little better. Eventually the two of you came to an agreement. Since you liked to cook, and he liked eating, sometime this month, you'd bake or fry chicken for him. 
It was starting to get dark and your dog probably missed you, so you decided to try to find Dabi. 
Dabi did not want to be found. It took you 30 minutes to finally get to him, and when you did he ignored any small talk you tried to initiate. Eventually he grew tired of your shit. "Look, I'm not your soulmate. Leave me alone."
"Yeah? Bullshit. Hawks explained everything to me. Why are you brushing me off?" 
"I don't fucking need a soulmate. Certainly not someone like you or Hawks." He snarled, turning on his heels to walk away. 
"I don't care about what you think you need. You need us, you can't deny that!" You argued back. You were really starting to get sick of this.
"I can and I will." 
And with that, he walked away. You balled your hands into fists tightly. You would've stayed, but your dog needed someone to take care of him.
Almost a month had gone by since that argument, between you and Dabi and you hadn't heard from him since. Hawks moved in and actively bothered the hell out of your dog. He would complain about him biting his feathers, but you would often catch him sleeping with y/d/n curled up at his side. 
You were in the middle of baking cookies when a crash could be heard from within the house. You grabbed a kitchen knife and went to investigate the sound. It couldn't have been the dog, he was asleep when the crash was heard. Silently walking into the room the sound was heard from, you were kinda shocked to see him. 
He had numerous cuts in various sizes on his body. All of them were bleeding. "I just need somewhere to lay low for a bit, I'll be gone by morning." 
"Dabi…" Your heart ached at the sight of him, but you refused to be someone he could walk all over. "Get out."
It seemed like he was too preoccupied to listen to your thoughts, because your words shocked him. "...Out? Y/n, it's me." 
"I know. But you said you didn't need us, yet here you are." You stood your ground and he stared up at you for a moment. He was analyzing you, seeming like he was studying you for a weakness he could exploit. 
He let out a sigh and spoke under his breath. You raised an eyebrow at this and he cleared his throat before speaking up. "...I'm sorry. I just… don't want the two of you dragged down with me."
"Elaborate." You demanded and he nodded. 
"I'm a villain, you're a civilian, and Hawks is the number two hero. Being associated with me is like killing your chances to actually do something with your life." He hissed out. Seemed like the pain from his wounds was getting to him. 
You helped him up and led him into the bathroom. There, you cleaned up and bandaged his wounds. He studied your face carefully and you worked. "No hard feelings?" 
"No hard feelings. But Keigo should be getting home soon, so you're gonna have to relay your little speech again." You snorted as you finished up. He stood up and walked out of the bathroom with you trailing behind him. 
The two of you walked into the kitchen. You pulled the cookies out of the oven and offered one up as a peace treaty. He rolled his eyes and pecked you on your lips as a peace treaty. 
A minute or so later, Hawks walked in. He noticed Dabi sitting on the counter with a chamomile flower crown on his head. How you managed to get him to wear that is unknown to humanity. 
"Yeah, I'm gonna live here from now on. And no, you won't be topping."
Hawks rolled his eyes as you laughed. "At least you're not being a pussy about soulmates anymore."
"Fuck you too."
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acciocriativity · 4 years
The First Meeting ||Harry Potter
Pairing: Harry Potter x You
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Summary: Your life takes a 360º turn when you discover that you are a witch and that you are going to study and live in a world completely different from yours. In the midst of so much change, you meet a boy who is feeling the same. 
Word Count: 2.4k
N / A: This is the first fanfic that I am posting on Tumblr, so it would be very important to me if you leave your opinion here and also English it's not my first language, if I made a mistake, I'll like to know and correct it.
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 The day started rainy, which is not surprising considering that I am in England, more specifically in the city of London. However, I, as an immigrant from hot lands, consider rainy days bad luck, because something always happens wrong. 
And to my despair, today was supposed to be perfect. 
It was only a month ago that I discovered to be a witch and for my happiness, it has nothing to do with pointy noses and pure evil. Apparently the only similarity is the hats, since in the two moments I was around real wizards, I saw several people wearing them.
 My family, for the most part, being a completely devout Catholic, did not accept my new reality so well, not to say it was hell on Earth. In short, if I went, I wouldn't be able to set foot in the house again, as they weren't going to house a sinful witch. 
That bearded gentleman was kind enough to help me find another place to stay, while my parents would think better of it. Although I was unable to thank him or at least speak after being expelled from my home, or old home.
I've been staying at the Leaky Cauldron ever since, but because of the latest events in my life, I just went out to buy the materials. Being a witch had cost me a lot and I wasn't ready to face that until yesterday. It took me a long time to decide whether to go to Hogwarts or not, but now the certainty that I made the right choice was growing in my chest. 
 Right after having breakfast at one of the bar tables, I waited seated by the person in charge who would accompany me to Kings Cross station, where I was supposed to catch a train. I knew about it the same day that I discovered the magical world but only today I was anxious for that. I must admit that I imagined that we would fly, obviously all the stories lied to all the non-magical children on Earth.  
A few minutes later, a man in a turban appeared through the door and walked towards me, his expression showing no particular emotion when entering or even seeing me sitting, but what scared me was the fragility and fear in his voice.
- Miss Garcia, good morning, are you ready to leave? - He leaned on one leg while looking around worriedly. 
- Yes sir .. is everything ok ?? The bathroom is on that side - I knew it was inconvenient but I couldn't hold my curiosity as I watched his expression change.
- It will be a short trip but we must go now, to not risk losing the train, let's go - his posture was suddenly rigid and his face looked shaken but this time, I kept my thoughts to myself.
 At least he was kind enough to help me with the two suitcases, which were quite heavy due to the amount of books that were inside, I got some History of Magic extra books to learn more about that world. 
And he was not wrong, the path was fast despite the light rain and wet streets. We didn't talk beyond the formalities, I just found out that he is one of my teachers that year, Professor Quirrel and nothing else.
As soon as my feet took a step into the station, the man said goodbye with a nod and left to go his own way with a weird expression, but I didn't care about that for more than 2 seconds. 
I took a deep breath and started to walk following the small crowd of people who would possibly go to work in another city, since I didn't know the way to the platforms. Honestly, I didn't think it would work until I saw the license plate numbers, and I quickly hurried on, because mine was ahead. 
- 7 ... 8 ... 9 ... 10 ?? - I stopped walking at the same moment I realized that mistake, there was nothing between 9 and 10 - I don't believe it ... 
 I stood leaning against a wall looking around as if looking for someone, but in fact I wanted to find a miracle or at least an angel who could tell me what to do in that situation. 
Millions of thoughts crossed my mind within 2 minutes, most of them negative, until something drew attention out of my despair, or rather, someone. A red hair had just gone through the wall, it was so fast I could hardly believe my own eyes. 
Two more people did the same before I managed to close my mouth and walk over there, in shaky, uncertain steps. They hadn't noticed me and I thanked them mentally for it, because I wouldn't be able to pronounce a single right word. The good news is that they were certainly wizards, by the way they dressed and the most logical conclusion is that they would know the right way. 
 I waited for everyone to cross to get closer to that wall, I couldn't hear the conversation but I noticed that the right way to enter is to run. Again I took a deep breath and looked around to see if anyone was noticing me, with the station full, my answer came as a quick no. 
 I closed my eyes and ran about three short steps until I felt a sensation unlike anything I had felt so far. The stone wall seemed to have turned into a wind wall and I easily managed to get to the other side. I immediately opened my eyes after hearing the sound of a train and when looking to the side, there he was. The Hogwarts Express was written right in front of the locomotive.  
 It only took me 10 seconds to notice the difference, the clothes were definitely different and there was an absurd amount of children and teenagers, as I was walking closer to the train entrance, more people were showing up, in a way I didn't know how to explain.  
 The trip was smooth to Hogwarts, I found an empty car as soon as I arrived but soon the seats were being filled and I ended up sharing my cabin with two more girls, I soon noticed that they were sisters and that was the initial topic of our conversation. They were nice and helped me get into the current context of the wizarding world, explaining the basics about Hogwarts as well. 
- And he's here, the boy who defeated you-know-who's going to study with us! - the oldest of the brunettes spoke excitedly with a huge smile on her face. 
- One of my friends told me earlier that she met him in the hall, what is he like? - the youngest asked even knowing that none of us would know the answer. 
 This topic remained for a while, until they decided to take a walk on the train while I read, enjoying some quiet time. Honestly, I wouldn't like to be in this boy's shoes, not only because of the tragedies in his life, but also because of the amount of attention, comments and theories about him.
But I cannot deny it, I would like to meet him, who would not be curious after everything that was being commented on? 
 People got in and out of the car where I was sitting and I tried to have a decent conversation with everyone, but then when two older students came to tell us that we should change clothes, as we were arriving. I preferred to wait because a hurried crowd of students wanted to go first, so I ended up being one of the last to get dressed, but one of the first to leave the train. 
 All the way the view had been impressive but nothing had prepared me for the vision I had when I approached the lake, where we were supposed to go. It was dark and it wasn't raining, the moonlight reflected on the water of the Black Lake like a mirror and I was almost sad to see that we were going to cross by boat, because that image would be blurry. 
I could only see the outline of the huge castle on the other side, but it was enough to see all the splendor of that place and for a few seconds I was paralyzed absorbing the beauty of everything around me, until a voice brought me to reality. 
- Only 4 people on each boat, kids! - I glanced at the giant man, who was talking animatedly to some students, before I sat down in an empty space.
 As soon as we reached the other side, we gathered in a small group on the castle entrance stairs to hear one of the teachers. I remained behind and silent as I was paying attention, until I saw someone passing by and right after I felt a foot stepping on top of mine for several seconds. 
- Hey! Can't you see I'm here ?? - I said indignantly but as low as possible looking at the red-haired boy beside me.
- I ... I'm sorry, I didn't see you - he replied without even looking at me, his face turning as red as the color of his hair.
 I thought about replying but as the teacher was still talking, I just preferred to nod, accepting the apology. Only then did I realize that I caught the attention of two more students, a curly haired girl who cast a disapproving look at the redhead but smiled at me gently and at another dark haired boy, who noticed my gaze and shifted his look to the other side immediately. 
 It didn't take more than 15 minutes before we were inside that incredible hall, instead of a concrete ceiling just like outside, above my head was the most beautiful starry sky I have ever had the pleasure of seeing, with floating candles to complete the view. To my relief, it didn't seem like a common thing for most first year students, who talked quietly among themselves so I didn't look like an idiot admiring alone. 
We were instructed to stay in a queue, I had no idea what was going to happen so I was distracted looking at the stars, which never seemed so achievable until that moment. I wish I could go up there and take at least one, but it would be impossible. 
 We walked slowly until we stopped in front of the other students, who were spread out over 4 tables, my eyes never left the illuminated sky and as a result, I didn't notice that I was too close to the boy in front of me.
I got my first embarrassing moment of the year in less than 10 minutes, because I stepped on the cover of the boy in front of me. All the consequences of that went by very quickly before my eyes. In a second I was out of balance and fell, but that's not the worst part. I accidentally pulled his cloak back, the boy fell out of balance and fell with me, his back to me. It hurts, too much. No more than the weight of my humiliation and shame, but it still hurts.
 My face took on a pinkish tinge as I silently prayed that no one noticed, but that's not what happened. Today was definitely not my lucky day. I could hear half the room laughing and half whispering, so I knew for sure that I had made a big impression on people and a bigger one on the Hogwarts floor. 
- Sorry ... I was distracted - I spoke as quietly as possible looking at the ceiling and again at him.
 He didn't look at me for more than 2 seconds before looking away in that same direction and back to me again. His nod was minimal but noticeable and he soon stood up, which I had forgotten to do in those few seconds.
 What surprised me more than anything in the last month was his hand extended to help me, it didn't take me long to accept the help and so I got up and straightened my clothes trying not to show shock. This was an act of kindness that I couldn't expect from my brothers, considering how angry they would be in a situation like this, but other than shame, I couldn't see a hint of anger in his green eyes. 
- I'm really sorry ... - I said again, loud enough that only he could hear me. 
 The director had called everyone's attention, so most had stopped laughing although that redhead from before just stopped after the mini punch that the brunette gave him. 
- It's okay, it will just be another reason for people to talk about me behind my back - he gave me another small smile on the side but his tone was not the happiest. 
- And why?? I don't know who you are - I was curious because I had not met anyone important in the magical world until then.
 I could see a flash of surprise in his expression but before he could answer me, the names started to be called and little by little the children walked to the stool, where the hat was placed on their heads. After that he didn't answer me, no one else had the courage to say a word because they were very anxious to get their turn and also curious, like me, to know which house the famous Harry Potter would go to. 
- Potter, Harry - called the teacher with a serious but serene expression and a different look in her eyes. 
 From then on, the students' not-so-low whispers started again and I, who was already at the Hufflepuff table, could only be surprised to notice that the boy I dragged to my shame was actually Harry Potter himself. I didn't have the courage to look at him for more than 5 seconds, because again the embarrassment consumed me but this time harder. I only looked at him again when the Gryffindor table radiated in cheers and laughter as soon as he was drawn there and then our eyes met for the last time that night.
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Harry Potter Masterlist
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