#Also it’s a 95% sureness of the birthdate being the 19th just cause the numbers were bubbly
cassandracain52 · 2 months
for some reason this question has been killing me this week and then suddenly i realized i should just run to your blog and ask you!! how old were tim and steph when they first met? my brain is giving me fourteen and fifteen but i'm now realizing i could have made that up instead of basing it in comics. (feel free to reply privately or publicly, dealer's choice)
Ah yes, the familiar character ages struggle😂
When it comes to comic characters (DC and Marvel especially) characters ages are rarely ever mentioned and when they are it’s generally extremely inconsistent
That being said, I don’t think Stephanie is even relevant enough for DC to have ever even mentioned her age definitely not that early in her appearances at least :(
However, I think it’s a fairly safe assumption to say her and Tim are the same age and his age is a bit easier to find or at least make an educated guess, and actually you pretty much got it!
Tim and Stephanie meet in Detective comics issue #648 which came out in July of 1992
In Robin (1993) Issue #9 which came out some time late 1993, we see Tim shopping for a car with his dad which implies that he can legally drive as a civilian which means he has to be at least 15 1/2 as that is the requirement in America for a driving permit. This is further supported when in Robin (1993) issue #116 we get to see Tim celebrating his 16th birthday (Which quick sidebar also tells us his birthday is July 19th!)
With that in mind we can reasonably place Tim at around 14 years old at the time he and Stephanie meet since the comics have a good bit of distance between them. And if we assume him and Stephanie are around the same age that would place her in that range as well
So yeah, saying they were 14/15 is a fairly good timeline even if you accidentally made it up😂! Hope this helped!🖤
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