#Also his sons are intimidating and scarily pale
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eloquentsisyphianturmoil · 9 months ago
It’s just that Fingon’s like that stereotypical son who calls his mum and walks old ladies across the street, mows the lawn for his neighbours, brings home nice, pretty girls who want to be kindergarten teachers or something and is really passionate about some niche compassionate topic like children in poverty’s access to multiple sclerosis treatment and who everyone says is ‘such a nice boy’ but then he goes and dates the eldest kid of Mr. Stay Away From My Boys, Son, a flaming ginger who most people haven’t heard speak. And this is hilarious.
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starlight-writes-stuff · 4 years ago
chapter one - the note // light me up : a draco malfoy fic
a/n : hello ! this is chapter one of light me up. it is a bit short- i really want to get outside opinions on what you think ; i hope you enjoy ! seeing as i have exactly 0 followers on this here blog this story will also be posted on wattpad (where i’m known as starlight--writes) . it’s a bit easier to grow on there , but i figured theres always a chance of someone finding this fic on here and falling in love with it . anyways , if you’re seeing this , reblogs and notes are always appreciated . requests are open as well ! k , bye (:
reblogs are always appreciated ! <3
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Charms was your least favorite class of the day. Usually you looked forward to it, eagerly awaiting getting to sit next to your boyfriend, Cedric Diggory, but in the week that the two of you had broken up, it had been torture. You still had to sit with him- the seating was assigned that way, but now instead of kisses when you walked in and holding hands under the table, it was forced smiles and awkward greetings. 
So far, you’d spent the whole class looking down at your lap, tangling your fingers together and trying to take up as little space as possible. Maybe, if you were still enough, he would just forget you were there. You made no noise, no sudden movements; essentially, acting like you didn’t even exist. However, that illusion was broken when Nearly Headless Nick has floated in through the back wall, holding a letter that he handed to Professor Flitwick. He read it over silently, then looked up and directly at you. He cleared his throat and stepped down from the pile of books he stood on, and shuffled over to you.
“Miss Y/L/N, it seems you are needed elsewhere. When you finish, please see me for the homework,” he said with a warm smile, handing you the parchment he was holding. 
You smiled back- Professor Flitwick had always been nice to you- and grabbed your bag without even reading the short note; if it meant not having to be so close to Cedric, you were happy for the excuse. As you got up, you felt a gentle tug on your sleeve and your stomach flew up into your throat. Looking up, you saw Cedric smile and drop his grip on your shirt.
“When you’re done, can we talk?” he asked quietly, trying not to draw any attention to either of you. “I’d like to. I’ll wait in the library after classes.”
You couldn’t muster a vocal response- this was the most he’d said to you in a week, and from the look on his face, it seemed important. You just nodded and fled the room, trying to compose yourself before the pumpkin pastie you had eaten before Charms came back up. 
Once you were in the silent, stony hallway, you took a deep breath. Everything was fine. He probably just wanted his jumper back- it was his favorite, and he’d given it to you for pajamas a while ago. You leaned your head back against the cool cobblestone of the hallway, and retrieved the note from your bag, reading it over twice before you fully comprehended the meaning.
Miss Y/LN, Excuse the interruption of your class- upon review of your marks, it seems that you will be quite alright missing a charms class and upholding your grade. The staff have deliberated the results of your try out for Slytherin House’s Quidditch Team, and we are glad to offer you the position of a back-up seeker. Please meet the current Slytherin seeker- Draco Malfoy- in the dining hall for a private practice. We hope this letter finds you well, Slytherin House Quidditch Staff
You tried to contain your excitement, but couldn’t wipe the grin off of your face as you made your way to the Dining Hall. You had mostly tried out for Quidditch as a one off thing, to get Cedric to shut up about it. You absolutely hadn’t expected to be chosen and assigned a spot, so the letter was the only bright point in your week so far. As you entered the great hall, you saw the white-blonde head you were supposed to be meeting leaned over a roll of parchment, chewing on his lower lip.
                                                      ☁ ☁ ☁
Draco Malfoy was in the same year as you- the same house as well- but the two of you had never talked much. Your social circles weren’t intertwined, and besides the few classes you had with him, you didn’t run into him often. As you walked over to him, you dimly wondered if he even knew your name.
“Draco? I’m supposed to meet with you, right?” you asked, timidly. He looked up from his books to meet your eyes. 
“Oh, right. Sorry, I’m trying to get this Potions work done, but…” he tapered off, shaking his head. “Anyway. Sorry- but yes, Flint asked me to meet with you. Y/N, right?”
“Right,” you said with a nod, “Yeah. And I have the answers for the Potions homework, if you want them.”
Draco gathered all his things, shoving them into his bag and asked, “Really? Oh. Wait. Aren't you in my potions class?”
You nodded, and went to fish the paper out of your book, wondering why you’d offered in the first place. You weren’t one to let others copy. “Yeah. I finished it last night, so you can look over it, if you want to,” you replied, handing him the parchment. He took the roll from your hand, giving you a half-smile. 
“Thank you. I can’t seem to understand Potions, like, ever, so I appreciate it. I promise, this will only take a couple minutes; I’ll have you out on the field right after.”
You settled beside him and pulled out your Charms book- might as well finish reading the chapter while you have the time. You could hear Draco muttering the words under his breath as he scratched them down with his quill, and found that oddly endearing. Besides him being the seeker for Slytherin, and his constant feud with Harry Potter, you really didn’t know much about the tall boy sitting next to you, so that fact that you knew how he took notes seemed almost… intimate. Like something you shouldn’t know, but you did. As you pondered on this, you started to wonder what else you didn’t know about him. You referenced the general knowledge of him you’d picked up over the last six years.
Name- Draco Malfoy (son of Lucius and Narcissa Malfoy, who were well known in the wizard community. Kind of a dark family, though.)
Year- 6
Position- Seeker
Attributes- tall, handsome, good Quidditch  player, constantly nagging at harry potter for reasons unknown, friends with Crabbe and Goyle, mumbles while taking notes. Had never had a girlfriend, to your knowledge, but had many hookups. Quiet and brooding and slightly scary. Very intimidating, and taller than you’d think. He smelled good, like citrus and musk and old parchment, and his hair looked soft. He was a pretty boy, really. Scarily pretty. 
You were still trying to think of anything you’d heard about him, other than the general assumptions of him: good looking, but a woeful git to just about everyone, when he shut his book and slid the roll of parchment back over to you.
“Thanks, again. So you’re gunning for my spot on the team?” he asked, packing up his things. You felt your face flush, and didn’t know how to respond when he chuckled and spoke up. “I’m kidding. It’s always good to have backup players, for when we get hurt. You must’ve really impressed Flint- he was going on and on about the ‘new girl’ at practice.”
Your cheeks got hot again as the two of you walked out of the dining hall and through the passages leading out to the field. “I guess so. I really didn’t think anything would come of me trying out.”
Draco ran a hand through his hair and walked out into the courtyard. “Really? What took you so long to try out, if you don't mind me asking? We’re always looking for new talent.”
You looked up at him out of the corner of your eye, and saw that he was waiting on an answer. “Um- I really didn’t ever think about playing, honestly. Over last summer, I was dragged into a game by a couple of friends, and they told me I had a knack for it. Then Cedric wouldn’t stop bugging me about trying to join the team, so I did.”
“That’s right. Isn’t he your boyfriend?”
You felt your heart pang at his words, and gave him a tight lipped smile. “He was. We aren’t really together anymore.”
“Oh. I’m sorry, I didn't know. I’ve just seen you two around, so I assumed…” he trailed off, looking down at you with sympathetic eyes.
“It’s fine. It was pretty recent that we,” you hesitated, almost choking on the words. “It was recently that we split up. No one really knows yet, besides close friends.”
Draco nodded, pulling a key out of his pocket. He unlocked a door on the side of the castle that you didn’t even realize existed, and walked into the cramped room. It was full of Quidditch  supplies- practice jerseys, brooms, and the trunk that held all the equipment. He picked it up, and you could see the muscles in his forearms flexing and shifting under his pale skin as he held the heavy trunk. 
“Well, I won't tell anyone. I’m sorry, I know how that can be. Will you grab two of those?” he asked, nodding at the wall behind you. Multiple brooms were mounted on it, and you grabbed two, following him out of the room. You replayed his sentence in your head. ‘I know how that can be.’ and wondered if you had missed something. You’d never seen Draco with a girl, much less a girlfriend. But maybe he was one to keep his relationships quiet. It made things much easier when you broke up if no one knew you were dating anyone in the first place.
“Yeah. It’s been… it hasn’t been fun. But, anyway, I really tried out because of that. When I didn’t hear anything for a bit, I figured that I hadn’t made it.”
“Yeah, the review takes a long time. Snape has the whole team review tryouts, then selects certain people to start training. Just about everyone was impressed with yours, though.”
“Well that’s good, right? I mean, if I’m being trained, I assume that I made it.”
Draco smiled down at you, dropping the trunk on the grass. “Welcome to the team. Let’s see what you can do.”
                                                       ☁ ☁ ☁
After a few hours of flying about Draco started packing the trunk back up, strapping the snitch back into place. The curls that had previously adorned your head had fallen limp from flying, and you were out of breath as the two of you walked back to the supply cabinet. 
“I can see why Flint was so impressed. You really could take my spot, if you wanted it,” Draco said with a smile, unlocking the hidden door once more. 
“I don’t think so. But thank you.”
He placed the trunk back on a shelf, and turned to you, crossing his arms. Again, you watched the muscles ripple under his skin and tried not to flush. “You really are good. Maybe not better than me, but good,” he said, and you could feel his eyes on you as you returned the brooms to their wall mountings. 
“I’ve seen you play, Malfoy. If you can take the snitch out from under Cedric’s nose, then I'm not sure I'll be put to much use.”
“Oh, please. Cedric isn’t what I would call competition’” he joked, locking the door behind the two of you. “And if you were watching Cedric play, how would you know if I’m any good?” he raised an eyebrow at you, and your heart fluttered in your chest. 
You’d always known Draco was good looking- it was hard not to notice that- but he was also wickedly funny, and quick witted. You felt better than you had in a week for the first time today, and you didn’t doubt that some of it had to do with the blonde boy beside you. 
“Just because I was dating someone in a different house doesn’t mean I ever stopped rooting for ours. I know where my loyalties lie.”
He gave you a sweet smile, and the two of you continued walking back to the castle in comfortable silence. When you ducked back into the bustling hallways from the courtyard, Draco cleared his throat, stopping in the small alcove. 
“So. Um, I think we should probably do this again. You did almost all solo flying today, but you need to feel the pressure of racing against someone as well. That’s half of being a seeker, is racing your opponent. Do you have a free period sometime this week?” he asked, and you felt your heart stir again- while you might’ve needed more training, you had a nagging feeling that it was a little more than that. The two of you had a good time, and you hadn’t seen Draco smile that much in the whole six years you’d been at Hogwarts with him.
“Sure. I have two on Thursday. Just let me know when you’re free; I’m in the common room a lot, so I should be easy to find.”
He grinned down at you, his blonde hair flopping down and over his forehead and cleared his throat. “Okay. sounds good. I’ll see you later, then?”
You nodded, and gave him a smile. “I’ll see you around.”
                                                       ☁ ☁ ☁
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dontcallmecarrie · 7 years ago
Yes It’s Another 3 AM Thing
[I’m a night owl, what can I say. Also, technically, it’s closer to one, on my end.] 
Under the cut, because this time it’s a bit scattershot and I had a few things in mind and RIP mobile users otherwise:
Of Ideas Turned to Dust:
So, years back, back when CA2 first came out and I saw it, I had a very nebulous fic idea seedling, that I’m sure others would’ve had because of the very obvious way it explained just why Tony didn’t bring up the ‘hey so you guys are basically Nazis’ thing during the first Avengers movie. 
Specifically, a vague idea for a HYDRA!Tony fic, if it weren't for the fact that, y’know, fuck HYDRA. [Not a fan of Nazis. Or stuff coded as anything of the sort. Sorry not sorry.] It would’ve been one hell of a mindtrip, too, because as is I can barely manage dubious morality and the closest I can get to a villain!Tony is, at best [I mean, at worst], MorallyGray/Semi-Mercenary!Antivillainish!Tony. 
Of course, then HYDRA!Cap made its rounds on Tumblr, and the entire clusterfuck that was 2016, and turns out that we’re still dealing with this bullshit in real life so fuck that noise. If it’d been AIM that secretly infiltrated SHIELD, or something, I have the makings of a possible alternative with that same premise, but as it is writing fic’s supposed to be for fun so that’s one idea I’ll never write. 
Of Old And Half-Forgotten Conversations:
Speaking of fic ideas others’ve probably had: my brother and I sometimes play the ‘what-if’ game. We rewatched The Avengers, the portal scene came up, and then came the inevitable ‘what if the portal had closed before Tony made it through?’
Apparently, however, my brother’s better at being evil than I am. Because he managed to take that question, and tweak it some more: what if Thanos had found Tony afterwards?
It’s a possible fic idea, and if my evil, evil [I’m so jealous] sibling has his way, angsty as all get out. 
Because it’d be Tony just drifting aimlessly in the void, running out of air...only to be captured by the leader of who he’d just fought.
And it’d feature an exchange that’d be something like this:
“They abandoned you. You saved them, sacrificed yourself to save them, and this is how they thank you.”
because Thanos may have lost an Asgardian prince, but now he has another dark-haired genius who’s skilled with words at hand, and he’s a Midgardian so he should be easy to break, right? 
Hmm...more on this later. Because I can think of at least 3 different ways this’d go down, and while I’d lean towards how it happened in a shatterpoint where Ultron managed to get his hands on Tony, but I can also easily see...well. Depends on how evil I feel like being, because even if Tony’s immune to the Mind Stone [which, by the way, I feel would have impressed Thanos], I don’t know if he’d be so resistant to other stuff. 
And, with the speculation going around of the Time Stone giving Tony a look at his past, imagine tweaking that so Thanos shows Tony memories of a possible future where everyone he cares about is either dead or gone? [aka canon] And the fallout from that? 
Is it original? Probably not. Is it something I now am interested in approaching sometime in the future? dammit brain. [Yes.]
Daemons On The Mind:
Saw a daemon AU a while back, and because my brain likes to take stuff and run with it, I now have a few headcanons as to how it’d look like with my approach to characters:
Howard Stark’s would be a wolf. 
During World War II, she’d look elegant and act warm, treating Steve and the rest as pack. 
The more time goes on, though, and after Steve goes in the ice, she’s sharper and more vicious, and as he gets more alcoholic she’s growing more haggard. 
Her Settling into a wolf was a boon, because being intimidating is a plus when it comes to weapons manufacturing, and iirc wolves’ association with war means that overall, Howard has a fairly easy time of it.
Maria Stark neé Carbonell’s would be a swan. 
Elegant, graceful, mates for life, and liable to fuck shit up if you look at him wrong.
Of course, the press focuses on the beauty and grace part, rather than the implied threat that comes with a nine foot wingspan. 
In LTTR, his Settling would’ve been during the Time of Knives, and the town would’ve just leaned back and gone “I knew it” or cursed because a wolf or bear would’ve been easier to deal with. [Maybe the Carbonells tended to have bird daemons and it’s unusual to see them outside of Night Vale?]
In other AUs, Maria would’ve been complimented but also had to deal with people looking at her oddly because she had a bird daemon, was she a witch? [which, since it’s been years since I last touched the books, I don’t know how to approach off the top of my head]
Tony Stark’s would be a crow, or a raven.
Unusual, what with being a bird daemon, but associated with intelligence, etc. Scarily smart, good with faces, weird sense of humor/self-preservation skill intersection [Exhibit A: tail pulling]
Plus, also associated as an omen of death, which leads to him being named the Merchant of Death even earlier than canon. Overall, good for business. 
And would’ve caused a rift between Howard and Tony because having his son’s daemon settle into a bird is like writing Tony takes after his mother more than him, in all caps, 72-point font. 
Not that the rest of the world sees it; they’re going ‘like father, like son’ because of the death imagery. 
I’m kinda torn as to how’d Afghanistan would look like.
I mean, I really like the idea of his daemon nearly getting Severed, or even partially Severed, only for Tony to copy the Panserbjørn and forge his arc reactor with it. 
Or maybe he sent her away, and Tony may be stuck in a cave, might be tortured, etc., but they can’t do a thing to his daemon even though she’s in hiding and he won’t break.
In the LTTR AU, or whenever Tony sets foot in Night Vale, everyone takes one look at his daemon, pales, and goes ‘you’re Maria’s spawn, aren’t you’ before he can even get a word out. 
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