#Also I'm a picky bitch
kittenadventurous · 1 year
but also still be poly and date and flirt and play with lots of other cute girls, i just really really need an anchor/owner(s)
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hunter-sylvester · 3 months
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i am a grumpy asshole and that is a me-problem
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tonyglowheart · 7 months
I just read a blog of yours mentioning your preference against fics portraying Yan Wuhsi as a softie, and I am interested in reading fics that you did like. Could you kindly share some fics you've come across where Yan Wushi's characterization remains true to his core traits?
I don't remember what exactly I said in that post lmao but I gotta be honest.... I've been super picky about yanshen fics, and yeah yeah bold of me to be so picky when there's so little food (there's literally only 25 pages of EN fic that are over 1k words lmao..), but also. tbh of the fic I did test-run, I only have, like, a handful or so bookmarked, and for the most part they top out at like a 3, 3.5 as far as hitting what I'd want out of a Qian Qiu fic or like, hitting the characterization points I think should be in a good QQ fic
The one fic that I'd give a 4 is so because it's an actor AU and I like those as an indulgence, I wouldn't say it's necessarily THE most in character, but it's sort of like... along the lines of the donghua as far as in-characteredness.
I think the one fic that I feel like (to me!) is the most in character for Yan Wushi is this one:
And, like, it's a Shen Qiao POV fic lmao. But I think it manages to capture something very interesting that, after writing the last two posts I did lol, has also helped me figure out something about how I interpret Yan Wushi vs how I think other ppl do as to defining what it is exactly that I think some people don't "get" about Yan Wushi. (But if I do write more about this in detail, I think it'd probably be in a new post lmao because the paragraph under this is half-typed out before this edit and I think I've already evolved my opinion/how to define my interpretation again lol.)
But yeah- A lot of the other fics to me just like... don't seem to "get" Yan Wushi - if he's too shmoopy or lovey dovey, that's not really his way imo. If there's anything making him feel or express regret, especially for the Sang Jingxing thing, then that also isn't it for me either - because explicitly, he doesn't regret it. (and tbh lmao, I can see why he wouldn't? Like I just pinned down that by Chap 23/24, SQ already has a marked shift towards YWS even if maybe he doesn't realize it, but I think for YWS he's still very much in, like... still in his bonsai-experimenting phase with SQ. Because at that point, SQ still HASN'T fully realized the potential of the ZhuyangCe yet, so he ISN'T (yet) on Yan Wushi's level. Which means that he's not yet Yan Wushi's peer, and at this stage, he's still treating SQ rather more like an experiment to see how far he can push him and where exactly his bottom line might be. (I think, though, unfortunately we'll find that Shen Qiao has perhaps a different bottom line with Yan Wushi than with, say Huo Xijing, but that's yet another matter again.)
(this is the other fic btw lol, where it's like, both a guilty pleasure kind of AU for me and also enough of an AU that I can deal with it being a sort of eau de cologne of characterization vs like a full on parfum if you get my analogy here lmao:
so... sorry, I don't really have a good answer for you here! except that I'm maybe too picky for a fandom with limited food in the Anglophone-sphere lol;;
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Happy STS, Anna!
Tell me about one to three of your favorite names — be it of a person, a place, a chapter, a whole work. How did you pick them, and what do you love about them?
Bonus: Is there any placeholder name that stuck and made it into a finished thing?
Happy STS on time, Elli! lol
Names, huh.
I love Alaia's name. (Ah-lie-ah) I just think it's really pretty.
I think Nykim's name is fun, for something I pulled outta my ass on the fly and stuck on the page, thinking no one would give a shit about him. (🤣🤣🤣🤣 joke's on me, glad the name wasn't smth exceedingly dumb lol)
And... the title to my second book, I really really like. Fractured Pieces of a Shattered Soul. I used it as a chapter title in shattered dreams, pulling it from some dialogue, and it just fit the structure of my novel naming set up from the first book so now it gets to be both :)
Bonus: Is there any placeholder name that stuck and made it into a finished thing?
Yup. Hidden Depths was a placeholder name that I gave the story at the end of whumptober 22, not wanting to complete the thing without a name but equally so unsure of what I wanted to call it. jokes on me² - it grew on me :)
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medicinemane · 7 months
Anyway... as always I'm just so very very very picky when it comes to horror. I just have this very narrow window of what I personally like, and there's just so many things that just have horror elements rather than being horror to me (and don't even get me started on stuff with a human killer, for me personally that's a thriller rather than horror, and I don't care for it cause sadly we've got plenty of human killers in real life)
It's just so hard to do good horror. It's hard to ride the line between showing too little and showing too much, between building tension and being boring... and dear god is it so easy to trend into being goofy
Then you've got the issue of generally having to come up with something totally new that we don't have in the real world (to please me anyway) and having enough lore that it's actually something... but not talking about it so much that you make it sound stupid or open it up to plot holes
Very very very very tricky genre... I think I still respect bad horror, even though I also have disdain for it and don't like it at all... at least they tried, or... at least... some of them tried (some is just schlock)
#to show just how picky I am about horror; I don't like Blair Witch Project#it breaks my number one rule of no bitchy 20 somethings... they just are all bitching at each other so much it puts me to sleep#I hate low cohesion groups; they just fucking annoy me... once again; I can see that in real life#so... I can't sit through the stuff that builds the atmosphere for it; so the pay off to me is just someone standing in a corner#which obviously isn't what it actually is; but I can't sit through it enough to actually soak up... fuck; don't even know what's going on#nah... hate when likable characters die; but I'd rather have likable people that make the movie watchable#than people snipping back and forth at each other; and they're all just begging to get their hands on a rock to show how brutal they are#also; don't like any found footage because I can't fucking see what's going on#no of this is objectively right; but it is why I'm so hard to please with horror#... like I think there's a lot to like about Until Dawn; but it's not even slightly horror to me#there's barely any monsters; and they're pretty fucking boring for monsters... unnatural things are key to horror for me#cause again; if the killer is a people... yeah; those exist and they suck#I want an unknowable creature; I want something that will reveal to me the unknown tongue; you know?#very very tricky to please with horror; but I am always welcome to suggestions#and if I don't like it; that doesn't make it bad; it just makes it less than nearly perfect
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countlessrealities · 11 months
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@advnterccs sent: Morty fidgeted with his fingers for a moment. "Is... D-Do we need to talk about something? I feel like, y-you know, th-that we need to. Summer said something about it." { To your Morty from my Morty >:D }
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It took Morty a great deal of self-control not to scowl hearing that Summer had gone to talk to his counterpart behind his back. His sister could almost never be bothered to get meddled with others' business, unless she was directly involved, so he didn't understand why she was so suddenly all over her case. Was it because she had witnessed his hasty retreat the day of the picnic? Or had he accidentally pissed her off without realising it and this was payback?
He made a quick mental note to confront her about it later. There was the risk that she would have called him out too, but at least he would have the satisfaction to tell her where she could shove her busybody behaviour.
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"I-I...That's not..." He stuttered, unsure of how to answer.
On one hand, he disliked the idea of lying to his boyfriend. They had always done their best to be honest with each other and Morty didn't want to keep secrets between them. On the other, he couldn't just confess what was wrong with him. He would have just messed everything up.
"I-I don't know what Summer is going about, b-but she doesn't know anything. T-There's nothing to talk about. Uh, I'm fine and we are fine," he claimed, trying without fully succeeding to sound sure of his words. "I-It's probably...you know. She's been a little touchy lately, s-so, uh, don't mind her."
That should have sounded reasonable enough. However, he was aware that his other self knew him far too well to be satisfied with just that. Not to mention that maybe Meg had told him what had happened that one afternoon. He would have to give him something. Without, of course, giving away what was truly troubling him.
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"I-If this is about...you know, M-Meg and me being a little weird around her, uh, i-it's not a big deal," he added, after a few moments of silence. "S-She told me something I-I didn't know about and...I was surprised. T-That's all. And also, you know, t-there's all this...uh...thing of the two of us t-testing out...romantic chemistry and I get a little nervous."
It wasn't even a lie. Even before Meg told him about what had happened to her parents, he had been all awkward around her. It was hard to say if it was because he liked her or if their peculiar situation was to be blamed.
"M-Maybe it wasn't such a great idea. M-Me joining the...your relationship. I-I mean, she's your girlfriend, I-I should just...you know. G-Give up and get used to it an-and not try to get in the middle of...something that doesn't concern me. I-I have no right to do it..."
{ @shctupmeg - mentioned }
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imwritesometimes · 1 year
when there's only like one fic you vibe with for a super niche ship but you try not to lament too much over it cause you firmly believe everyone should be welcome to the fic table even if it's not something to your liking but you also just wish there were even one or two more fics you could enjoy
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thediktatortot · 2 years
Do I get upset about incorrect depictions of my favs?
Do I talk about how they are in canon and their canon flaws/Strengths, backstories, mannerisms?
Do I project absolutely every thing I want onto my fav because I can and it makes me feel just a little better to know that I can project issues I feel connected with onto something that other people might take the time to understand and thusly understand me in a round about way and say Fuck Canon?
Also yes.
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ishibishie · 1 year
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dog-beast · 15 days
the next scientist to ask me if I've found a job yet is getting bitten
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It really sucks when there's rarely ever content for a character you love that isn't just for a ship you don't like
That is to say, Abbacchio is a major comfort character. Just blocked the Bruabba tag and I'm prepared to never see any posts about him ever again (exaggeration)
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gender-euphowrya · 1 year
endoc told me i should try to lose weight because Apparently since my blood sugar is at near-diabetic levels T can be like. Bad for that so she told me to contact a nutritionist & shit and UGH???
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rueclfer · 3 months
Fake Dating // Bakugou
a/n: hi all, i am back from the dead with this shit that took me DAYS to finish bc my brain is def not used to writing anymore. pls enjoy and maybe keep a look out for PART 2 if people want it !
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You stare at your phone in disbelief. The audacity he had to tell you where to go, how to dress, and to essentially perform in front of everyone for him. Of course this was a mutually beneficial agreement, but at least you only dragged him along to your family functions sparingly.
You two had come to this agreement early last Winter when family members kept pestering you about potentially finding a love interest at your new University, and for him when he couldn't shake off all of the romantic confessions from the students in the other classes.
No one else knew about your arrangement. What made it so much more unbearable was the fact that you shared the same cohort and friend group, so it was a constant facade whenever you're in each other's presence with the others around.
You felt a bit awkward coming to the party alone, and a few hours late. You could hear the bass thumping through the door from the front yard, and from the looks of it, there were far more people than you expected, but on the bright side, it'll be easier to be invisible within the crowd than have to hold up this facade all night.
You approached the front to see Jirou catching a breath of fresh air. She had a drink in one hand and her other interlocked with Momo's
"Are you guys already tapping out?" You asked, taking the steps up the porch.
"Y/N!! For a second I thought you weren't going to make it!" Jirou says, releasing Momo from her grasp and giving you a big hug. "I'm so happy you're here."
"Can't blame me for always being fashionably late” You embrace her back.
"Better now than never." She drunkenly chuckles “Bakugo’s been a moody bitch all night please go contain him”
“Are we surprised?” You roll your eyes and laugh. “Where are you two off to?”
"I'm gonna take Momo out for some air and to maybe vomit, but go inside and I'll find you later!"
“I love you Y/N!! Take a shot for me!!” Momo slurs and blows you a kiss as Jirou drags her away.
"I love you too, Mo! I'll catch you guys inside."
Once you stepped foot inside, it felt like the air from your lungs were instantly replaced with the thick fog of weed and cigarette smoke. It was suffocating, but all too familiar at the same time. You recognized many of the faces around from campus, but none of which were your close friends.
Before anything else, you decided to stop by the kitchen to pour yourself something to drink. To be honest, you weren't picky with your liquor. As long as it did its job, you weren't going to complain. You grabbed a red solo cup off of the stack and poured in a shot and some change worth of cheap vodka.
Mina has to have some red bull somewhere around here…
You quickly down it and refill another cup to carry around while you look for your ball and chain, Katsuki. You wander around the crowd for a few moments, waiting for someone you knew to catch your attention, but no one did. You decide to take a break to lean against a wall and to send Katsuki a text to see where he was hiding. Before you could even get your phone unlocked, you received a notification from him.
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After he sent the last message, you looked up and searched for his meeting eyes. He said he was looking right at you, but for some reason you couldn't find those fiery eyes.
“Looking for someone?” A low voice breaks you from your search.
You turn to see Katsuki leaning up against the wall right beside you, almost shoulder to shoulder.
“Hmmm yeah I am, actually. Have you seen my boyfriend?” You turn to him fully. “He’s tall, messy blonde hair, kind of has a stupid look to his face, really hot though, trust me, and also like a medium build?”
You catch a glimpse of the smallest smirk on his face.
“Yeah? Well I’ll be sure to keep a lookout for him. In the meantime though, can you keep an eye out for my girlfriend? Angel faced, toothy smile, obnoxious ass laugh though, like if you hear honking, it's probably them.” He retaliates.
You both stare at each other in silence before you break character and playfully punch him in the arm. “Shut up, idiot. I don't honk.”
“You do. Like a goose.”
"You're so good at this flirting thing, Katsuki. Keep it up." You say sarcastically.
"It is my job, after all."
He stealthily wraps his arms around your shoulder, bringing himself in closer to you. He damn near was caging you in against the wall, blocking out the rest of the party with his back.
“So what's the game plan for tonight?” You peered up at his towering figure.
“Hang out for a couple hours, do all that lovey bullshit and then I’ll take you home. Don't get too messy tonight either. I’m not trying to babysit.”
“Worry about yourself, lightweight.” You roll your eyes.
“And is this straight vodka?" He looks into your cup with disgust. "Are you mentally ill?"
“I couldn't find the red bull.” You shrug.
“So it's either that or straight vodka?”
“Yeah and? You have a problem with that?”
“Yeah I actually do. It's fucking insan-” He starts.
“Bakugou!” A voice interrupts behind him. “There you are!”
You two lock eyes for a brief second. Just when you were actually starting to enjoy yourself with annoying Katsuki, you remember that you were only here for one reason. Katsuki's jaw clenched as he turned over to lean back against the wall beside you.
“Oh. Y/N you’re here too.” They say in a deflated tone. “I was just wondering if you could give us a second to chat?” They bat their eyelashes.
“I'm not in the mood to chat.” He says, pulling you closer by the waist.
“We’re actually about to go meet up with the others. Catch him next time.” You smile sweetly, interlocking your fingers with his and dragging him towards the backyard.
To your surprise, your friends were actually all there surrounding the firepit.
Denki was the first to spot you. He gasps and jumps up from his seat.
"You're here!" He nearly trips over his own feet trying to get over to you. He pulls you in a big hug, sweeping you off your feet. "Oh my god Y/N I missed you so much I could cry right now."
He was clearly a drink or two over his limit. His cheeks were bright red and he was already starting to sweat through his shirt.
“I missed you too, Denks.” You let yourself get twirled around by him.
“Finally you're back, I’m tired of holding onto your nasty drink.” Kirishima says, passing a red solo cup to Katsuki once he sat down.
You tried to take the empty seat next to him, but he immediately grabbed your wrist to pull you to share his chair. Your eyes widen at his own, as if you could telepathically curse him out. You clench your jaw as you feel a hot flash across your face.
“It’s cold. Stay close.” He simply says.
You nervously chuckle. “There's a fire right there, babe.”
“Do it for me then.” He smirks.
You silently groan to yourself as you lean back into his chest in defeat. Luckily, the chair had enough width to allow you to not have to fully sit on his lap, moreso just a leg slung over his own.
“Try this.” He lifts the solo cup to your lips.
You peer down at the dark red liquid in his cup. The smell burnt your nose. You shot him a weary glance before you downed his concoction, having to pinch your nose right after to subdue the burn. The shock of spicy and tangy residue left your throat burning with every inhale.
"What the fuck is that?" You choke out, continuing to pinch your nose.
"Fireball, lemon juice, and OJ." He smiled mischievously. "Thoughts?"
"The nerve you have to comment on my drink after sipping on this bullshit all night? It tastes like piss.”
He shrugs, wearing a lazy smile as he grips the softness of your inner thigh, with his other arm wrapped around your shoulder, fiddling with a lock of your hair.
You were internally screaming. Usually, there would be a hand holding or an arm around the waist or shoulder, but he was never this touchy whenever you had to act like a couple in front of your friends or even in front of the people trying to get at him.
You look around the firepit to see that all of your friends were in loud conversation with one another- laughing, arguing, and definitely not paying you two any attention.
“What are you doing?” You say low enough that only he could hear. “You're like, all up in my shit."
“5 o’clock, babe.” He simply says.
You slightly turn your head to your right to see the person from earlier, trying to not-so-obviously stare at you both.
“Tryna give them a show or something? You roll your eyes.
“Only if you'd let me.” He whispers.
You felt a chill crawl up your spine. God he's being gross. But you liked it. When you first made your little arrangement, you swore to yourself to not to catch any type of feelings for him, but the more time you spent charading around as a couple, the deeper you fell into this infatuation despite how hard you fought against it or played it off as a part of the bit.
“Don’t kill me, okay?” You whisper, meeting his eyes and forcing a smile.
You turned your head to fullyface his own and leaned in. Both of you were caught by surprise- his eyes widening right before you made contact. You two had never crossed this line before, let alone talked about it. It was only ever the unspoken rule of “don't catch feelings” and “no couple shit when we’re alone.”
His lips were soft and swollen as if he spent the last hour biting down on them. Once your lips crashed into his, it felt like your stomach was turning inside out, and a fire lit within.
It's fine, it's for show. It’s fine, you agreed to this. It’s fine, it’s not real.
You were fucked. You hated him, but you liked him. Maybe it was more than like. Maybe like isn't even the right word at all, but all you knew was that you needed to stop and take a second to reevaluate what you were doing with Katsuki.
In reality, the kiss lasted no more than 10 seconds, but it felt like you had fallen into the fire pit and laid in it for hours. Your body was on fire.
Once you broke away, you two stared at each other blankly, blinking away the realization of what had just happened. You didn't know whether to laugh and slap him on the shoulder, or start crying.
“I-I'm gonna go get another drink!” You suddenly exclaim, getting up and leaving him in his chair.
I'm so FUCKED.
You quickly snake your way through the large crowd that had filtered their way to the backyard. You stop by the kitchen to pour yourself a heaping cup of whatever liquor bottle was closest to you, down a large gulp, and take the rest with you to the bathroom.
Your head was starting to feel a bit hazy from the mix of second hand smoke as well as your drinks from earlier starting to settle in your stomach. Did you even eat anything before drinking like this? You weren't really expecting to have anything more than one drink, but after your kiss with Katsuki, you suddenly feel the need to forget it all.
You were sitting up against the bathtub, wallowing in your complicated mass of feelings, and now fully intoxicated. You let your head rest on top of your knees while you replayed every single interaction you've had with him tonight.
Your phone started buzzing on the floor next to you. You opened the screen, eyes squinting to adjust to the brightness.
Of course it was Katsuki.
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You sat and stared at your feet for a few minutes until you heard pounding on the door. Judging from the force of it, it was either a fucking SWAT team or Katsuki.
You grab a hold of the side of the bathtub to hoist yourself up, stumbling a bit while doing so and unlocked the door. Of course behind it was the latter.
He lets himself in and shuts the door behind him, leaning back on it.
You were wildly embarrassed for a multitude of things. You were on the verge of messy drunk, your face was stupidly hot and flushed, you kissed your fake boyfriend and ran away, you're swallowing down your feelings, and now here he is to reprimand you for all of it.
"Water as per requested." He pops open the cap of a fresh water bottle and hands it over to you.
"Thanks." You mutter and drink the water in silence.
"So are you upset at me?" He finally asks.
"And why is that?" He cocks his head to the side.
You were drunk, no doubt about it, but this unserious playful tone in his voice that pissed you off was clear as day. Why were you the only one freaking out? Did he not care? It surely confirmed that he does not and never have felt the same as you and truly did think of your "relationship" as nothing more but a transaction.
You purse your lips and remained silent.
"Because... you kissed me?"
You nodded.
"So you're upset at ME... because YOU kissed ME..." He states once more.
You were on the verge of tears. He loved making you look stupid but this was tenfold now. Not that he was wrong, but you weren't in the mood for it.
"So what if I am?" You choke out, tears now brimming over.
Katsuki's eyes widened, clearly not expecting you to break down so easily after a couple of harmless questions. You steps towards you and grabs your shoulders, not quite sure what to do or how to react.
"Hey hey hey, what the fuck? Why are you crying all of the sudden? Seriously, Y/N it's not a big deal."
"It is." You whine. "It is and you don't even care!"
He finally pulls you into him, letting you sob into his shoulder. His hand caressing your back in comfort.
"You idiot." He says after a moment of silence. "You're such an emotional drunk. This is why I told you not to get messy." He scolds. "I do care. But I won't if you don't want me to."
"I do want you to care. I want you to like me. Not just like me, but like-like me." You confess.
You feel him stiffen under you. Clearly your drunken state had forced you to say the wrong thing, but you didn't care.
"But do you like-like me?" He asked back, pulling you back to look at your tear stained face. "Drink some more water and sober up a bit before you answer okay?" He brings the water up to your face.
"I don't want anymore water!" You push his hand away. "I like-like you and I hate being your fake girlfriend and lying to everyone and myself about it!"
His smile grew, but he shook his head. "Okay angel face, let's talk about it then." He moves his thumb up to your cheek to wipe away stray tears.
"You're so wasted, you may not even remember this for tomorrow. But I think you're the coolest person on this fucking block, okay? And I like being around you even though you annoy the shit out of me sometimes. So stop crying and feeling bad. We're fine."
"But we're not! I don't want you to be my fake boyfriend anymore. I think you're cool too and you make me laugh and feel stupid in the heart and I fucking hate you for that, so that's why we shouldn't do any of this anymore."
He doesn't reply, but instead looks down at your sad face, lip still quivering, makeup smudged around your eyes. His hand continued to cup you cheek, forcing you to look back up at him.
Katsuki leans down and presses a kiss to your forehead, letting it linger for a second longer.
"That's okay. We can do something about that when you're sober. If you even remember any of this, anyways. Let's get you home."
He grabs your hand and swiftly leads you out of the bathroom. You wonder what you had just done, whether it was going to blow up in your face (if you even remember the next day) or work itself out? Would it even matter?
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suhlogic · 17 days
paradise [kim mingyu x fem!oc]
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summary: going to la union for a temporary escape from your busy city life was supposed to just be all about you, not until you meet a hot stranger at a bar and things escalate quite interestingly for the week.
warnings: slight age gap, dom!mingyu, sub!reader, unprotected sex, choking kink, creampie, size kink, praise kink, dry humping in a semi-public place, biting kink (slight), cum-eating
your city life proved to be exhausting, still navigating everything at 21 despite being independent and already moved out of your parents' house but the corporate life was a bitch to deal with on top of your mother nagging you to fulfill your filial duties as the eldest child to provide when they are still fully capable of supporting themselves and your younger sibling. so here you were, driving alone in your car on the way to la union to unplug for a week. the car ride was boring and tiring since your friends were all busy and you didn't want to ride a bus alone. finally, you arrived at your hotel early morning and got everything settled before you slept to make up for the exhaustion.
after a good few hours of decent sleep, you decide to get ready for the beach and put on a light red bikini that was just held together by strings that was properly showing off your huge tits. you also put on a skirt and a thin knitted coverup while your hair was up in a cute claw clip and grabbed your small tote bag on your way out to have some fun while the sun sets. as you reach the seaside, you decided to lay your towel on the sand and put your bag on it as you enjoyed swimming in the water basking in the sun. while being alone with your thoughts and letting your worries be washed away by the refreshing saltiness of the water, you couldn't help but wonder if you were going to get some action tonight— after all, it has been a while since you've gotten laid. many men have come and go but not one has actually ever fully satisfied you. it's not that you were the problem but you were extremely picky with men and rightfully so.
after washing up back at your hotel room to grab dinner at the bar, you put on a pink dress with a thigh-high slit that was backless with just a pair of lace panties underneath. as you make your way into a chair by the bar counter and order your food, you mind your own business. after all, the fun doesn't start until the alcohol gives you enough courage to get fucked by a handsome stranger.
sipping on your cocktail was already affecting you and noticed that a tall handsome guy, with sharp gentle features and a short cropped haircut was eyeing you. his sun-kissed skin looking perfect under the strobing lights, athletically built body showing off through the shirt he's left the few buttons open with biceps practically begging to rip through its sleeves. but you weren't going to make it easy for him, catching his stares and waving back at the mystery guy. luring him to come over to your spot, and it fucking worked like magic.
his aura was intoxicating. the moment he leaned in to whisper something in your ear, he immediately had you hooked. "so what's a pretty girl like you doing in this place?" he smirked. you felt taken aback by his deep voice, his breath being minty with a hint of the gin and tonic he was drinking earlier. "just looking to have fun,although i've heard the real fun starts in the bedroom" you bite back with a smile from your pink glossy lips. he laughed at the smooth rebuttal and reached his hand out to introduce himself, "feisty, i see...it's so rude that i didn't introduce myself. i'm mingyu by the way," he said. "and i'm _____," you shake his hand. "you know, i could show you a fun time what do you say?" his huge hand grabs the small of your back, the tension and close proximity making you yearn for his touch. the flashing lights and the music thumping on full blast against the speakers felt so right under the hot twinkling stars on a summer night,
"don't worry baby, they're too busy to care about what we're doing" he whispers as he holds you tighter and grinds his clothed member against your ass harder, "fuck, let's get out of here...my room." you whine as you begin to face him and grab his hand, leaving after paying your tabs.
once it was all settled, you and mingyu began to walk back to your hotel with hands intertwined together no one but the stars and the waves crashing against the shore witnessing romance brewing between the two of you as the music began to fade into the distance. the walk back to your place consisted of laughter and getting to know each other more, you began to learn that he was also getting away from the chaos of the city—family stuff, in his own words. not long after, the two of you made your way inside the elevator and pressed the floor where your room was.
you grab him by this nape and pull him in for a kiss, tasting your sweetness on his tongue and glistening pink lips which turns heated the moment your hands travel down his toned abs and into his boxers, feeling up his manhood—lengthy, thick and hard. you pull his pants down along with his underwear as his dick springs free slapping against his stomach past his belly button. "will it fit?" you give him your best doe eyes as you begin to jerk him off, spreading his precum around the slit of his bulbous mushroom tip. "don't tease me, i need to be inside you now." he moans, the lust in his eyes darkening as he takes his dick in his hand and rubs it up and down your wet folds before inserting it slowly. his tip feeling hot and heavy against your wetness, moaning at how his dick feels inside you. "am i hurting you?" he says gently, leaving soft kisses on your forehead down to your neck to ease the pain as he slowly inserts his manhood deeper as you two find a good pace. "no, it's okay...you can move," you say as he's fully sheathed inside you, feeling him go slow and deep as he kisses you once more while you grab his hair. your bodies in sync as your heart beats faster with every thrust and moan you let out screaming and worshipping his name like a god. "you're so tight and wet, so pretty like this..." he moans as he plays with both of your tits thrusting into you faster, his huge biceps shining with sweat as you beg for mingyu to give you your release. "daddy, please go faster...i'm close," you whine out as you grab his hand wrapping it around your neck. his tip repeatedly hitting your cervix as his pace becomes sloppier and rapid, "such a nasty girl, wanting her daddy to choke her...huh?" he smirks, showing off his canines as he nips at your jawline while thrusting faster inside you and all you could do was moan and whine at the intense roughfucking. "i'm cumming...where do you want it, princess?" he says in between breaths, sweat trickling down his forehead. "cum inside me...please, i need you" you whine, completely high on him blinded by pleasure. after a few more thrusts, the two of you both reach your orgasm together as he creams your pussy, his cum and yours leaking out of it— he doesn't hesitate to go down and eat you out, his warm tongue adding to the overstimulation you've been feeling as he makes figure eights with it while he holds you down by your thighs. the sight of a handsome guy like mingyu in between your legs making you cum for the nth time tonight was unexpected but you needed this, as you tug on his messy hair, he looks at you while eating you out like a starved man and once he licks you all clean, he leaves another kiss on your forehead.
"didn't expect to pick up a hot stranger like you tonight..." you smirk, shifting to sit up on the bed while he grabs a towel to clean the both of you up and runs a bath. "i've had my eyes on you since you walked into the bar , i'm glad the night ended with you under me," he teasingly winks as he motions for you to come sit in between his legs and starts to wipe you down. but mingyu couldn't help leaving slow and soft kisses down your cheeks and down your jawline as he cleans you up, "babe... don't start now, i can barely walk," you laugh, trying to suppress your moans. "i can carry you anywhere, don't worry," he whispers as you lean your neck to face him and pull him in for another kiss. after cleaning the two of you up, mingyu carries you in bridal style into the bathroom and helps you get into the bathtub and follows suit behind you and engulfs you in his warmth, his biceps hugging you flush against his chest as you grab on his forearms biting at it softly and kissing it. you don't know if he''ll remain a stranger for the night or someone you'd be spending the rest of your life with but surely you hope it's the latter. he smirks at your antics and kisses your cheek, "happy 2nd anniversary, my love."
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countlessrealities · 1 year
16 / 17: Favourite and least favourite tropes!
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16: Favourite trope? I have a few, but if I had to pick one (or well, two, because I can't really choose between them) I'd say found family and enemies/rivals to lovers. And one of the beauties of those two tropes is that they can easily coexist xD I enjoy them because they offer plenty of chances for characters development and relationship development, and you can end up having all the sorts of dynamics, which is extremely fun to write and see how it plays out. Not to mention that you can write every sort of situation within them. From slice of life to adventures and horror. From fluff and humour to heartbreaking angst.
17: Least favourite trope? I'm not sure of how to call it, or if it's an actual trope, but I tend not to enjoy much human / non magical / "normalised" AUs of characters who aren't humans or who have special powers of sorts or that have a background that, for some reason, doesn't fit stuff you could find in every day life. I'm not saying that they can never be good, but they just aren't my cup of tea. Plenty of times my interest towards certain characters is also rooted in who they are in their specific canon background and if you take away the core points? They lose part of their appeals for me. I still write them for some specific muses, in universes that allow me to keep most of those core traits / peculiarities.
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