#Also I wonder Nicholas is a fan of bugs
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tropicalcontinental · 2 months ago
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Nicholas and childhood and drawing
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bartoonist · 3 months ago
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Renfield caught Ledian: This is my pencil and colored penciled fan art sketch of the 2023 iteration of Renfield from that one movie I watched last year and enjoyed the two Nicks who played the Vampire prince and his titular Familiar, Nicholas Hoult as R.M. Renfield, and Nicolas Cage as Dracula, they were just fun to watch in that movie, and I do honestly wonder if the Renfield movie from last year is supposedly a spiritual sequel to the 1930s Dracula or a direct parody sequel to the 1930s Dracula film iteration since both that movie and the other movie that came out last year are both distributed by Universal themselves, I mean… did the makeup artists model the 2020s Renfield portrayer: N.H. To look just like the spitting image of the 1930s late Renfield actor: Dwight Frye? Its probably a coincidence, and a strange one at that I’ll say. I enjoyed that action horror comedy flick so much, and Nicholas Hoult’s portrayal of Renfield was just so fun and surprisingly badass, that I honestly thought it would also fun and funny to draw him catching a Bug Pokémon: such as Ledian, and do Toon Link’s Got Item-Pose with a mix of Travis Touchdown’s two best cover poses from NMH 1 & 2 mashed together too. This one was honestly drawn on a made for pencils and crayons only sketchbook instead of the usual mixed media paper sketchbook, yeah sometimes I’ll draw on Pencil Only Sketchbooks on occasions, and that sketchbook is a one year late sketch that I left and in a draft and honestly forgot about last year, but its finished now and I hope you folks like it of course. Update 11-4-2024: I’ve just hand fixed that date which is why you folks now see the miswritten December Date in the 2nd pic of this post now, I tell ya’ folks what.
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adamwatchesmovies · 3 years ago
The Unbearable Weight of Massive Talent (2022)
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The Unbearable Weight of Massive Talent is the unhinged, hysterical, unexpectedly warm film you didn’t even know you were craving. This movie could never be remade because with any other actor, at any other time, it just wouldn’t work.
Actor Nicolas Cage (playing himself… sorta) is not the star he used to be. He’s divorced, can't connect with his 16-year-old daughter Addy (Lily Sheen), and the role he was asking for has gone to someone else. It's time to call it quits but before he can retire, he has some bills to pay. He accepts to attend the birthday party of billionaire Javi Gutierrez (Pedro Pascal) for $1 million - only to be recruited by the CIA, who believe his host is a world-renowned criminal.
Nicolas Cage has acted in every genre. He’s been award-winning good, and so bad he’s become a cult figure. That last one is particularly relevant. It means we have two kinds of Nicolas Cage fans. The first only like him in the likes of Ghost Rider and The Wickerman (2006). The second… just watch movies and remember all the good ones they saw him in. Could be Moonstruck, could be Face/Off.
Whichever team you cheer for, The Unbearable Weight of Massive Talent (fantastic title) has something for you. Want a crazy performance? You’ve got it. More than once, Cage must confront “Nicky”, an imaginary, younger, more successful version of himself. His lines are for the ages. It’s the kind of thing you could never imagine so-called “serious” actors even considering but this man does it with wild abandon. It’s hysterical and uncovers a more serious, meta-level on which this movie can be enjoyed.
This is a fictionalized version of Nicolas Cage. The man does not have a daughter and as far as I can tell, has never considered abandoning the art of acting. This movie is fiction but it’s so fake it becomes real. When we hear him discuss The Cabinet of Doctor Caligari, what he’s saying can’t have been scripted. When he describes why he wants this role that totally wouldn’t fit him, you’re brought back to that time you saw him in Con Air. You wonder if this scene hasn’t played out in real life - albeit a little differently. More than once, the script pokes fun at his career blunders but it’s done with so much affection he must’ve approved it, maybe even suggested it to director Tom Gormican (who co-writes with Kevin Etten). There are so many references to Cage’s past films you'll find yourself looking fondly at his career - warts and all - and falling in love with the man all over again. This Nicholas Cage is passionate about acting. He’ll take a role just because it’s challenging, contains some cool dialogue because it allows him to do some stunt he’s never done before, or reminds him of something he loves.
The plot is wonderfully absurd and completely unpredictable. You think you know where things are headed but then someone will be dual-wielding pistols and you’re thrown completely for a loop. Is this scene real? Is it a fantasy inside Cage’s head? Something else? One thing’s for sure: it’s wonderful and teeming with creativity.
This is one smartly-written script packed with so many details there’s no way you’ll catch them all on a single viewing. Equally surprising are the quieter scenes with Pedro Pascal. He and Cage are so good together you kind of want the opening scene that promises action to just… go away so the whole movie can be about them just hanging out. Can Tom Gormican have his cake and eat it too? Yes. Even better, it then manages to say something about filmmaking without wagging its finger at the audience and also gives us more of that classic Nicolas "Action" Cage we got to love so much in the ’90s.
Wholly original, The Unbearable Weight of Massive Talent has big laughs in all sorts of unexpected ways. It's bug-nuts and if you want funny but not that wild, it's that too. Maybe this is what we wish Nicolas Cage was like. Maybe this is what he really is like. Either way, it's an experience you won't soon forget. (Theatrical version on the big screen, April 20, 2022)
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harry-lloyd · 6 years ago
Geektown: Harry, you’ve had an interesting journey as well, because, although we don’t know anything about Quayle’s counterpart, your character’s turned from being this smarmy privileged guy to somebody for whom everything could fall apart for at any moment. How was it playing the evolution of that character?
Harry: I kind of get the sense that he’s someone who’s never really been out of his comfort zone and now, he’s not only is he out of his comfort zone, but every step he takes he’s fucked. He’s about to lose his life, his privilege, his job, his wife, his marriage, his child. He’s on his own and is a man who’s never really been on his own before. I think we’re gonna learn what he’s made of. I don’t think he knows himself. I don’t think he’s ever really been challenged and so the beginning of Season 2, he’s still trying to have it both ways.
He’s got his uneasy alliance with his wife. He’s trying to make this fake new alliance with the new character that Betty Gabriel plays [a former FBI agent hired to root out moles in the organisation] in terms of finding his wife. He’s stalling for time. He’s pretending to catch Lambert, but he’s not really. All we can know for sure is this is not gonna last very long. Shit’s gonna hit the fan.
Geektown: Do you ever have problems trying to keep the plot line straight in your head because you’re dealing with two different versions of characters? Or, in your case Olivia, three different versions of the character. Do you find it easy to keep that plot going in your head and does it get confusing sometimes on set which versions you’re dealing with?
Harry: When there are lots of different things happening at the same time, I think it was a really good idea for Season 2 is that Episode 1 is totally on this side, then Episode 2 is entirely on the other side. Episodes 1 and 2 are really setting up where we are now, it’s this very uneasy peace. The doors [between universes] are closed, the other side is not acknowledging this body. Everyone knows that Indigo are the antagonists, but no one’s really taken responsibility. We look like we’re on a very slippery slope to all-out war, but no one’s really saying it. And management itself, it seems, can’t be trusted.
We’re setting that up. I think Episodes 1 & 2 very cleverly separates it, and then Episode 3 is where we start linking the storyline, and that’s when the thriller aspect kicks in again. I’ve always just thought Justin’s writing is brilliant in terms of structure. He knows how to write a 10 episode movie, for want of a better phrase. As I thought last year, Episodes 1, 2 and 3 set it up. Episodes 4, 5, 6 are the big twist. Episode 7 was the reveal, then Episodes 8, 9 and 10, were similar but with a different inimicality to it. It’s got a wonderful flow to it when you see it together.
Geektown: You mentioned management there and up until now, we’ve only really seen management as this disembodied set of cameras on this weird device. We are we gonna get to see a bit more of the management now. Do you wanna just talk about a bit about dealing with that side of things?
Olivia: Who told you that? Are we allowed to talk about this?
Geektown: Well, you do see a bit more of that in the 2nd Episode of the new season. I don’t know…
Olivia: It’s completely brilliantly done and brings in this other generation. I’m 50, and so much of our politics that we’re dealing with now in the world are to do with what my parents did, or what my parent’s generation did. Justin is not intimidated by producers, and is prepared to put octogenarian actors on screen, and have them have an incredibly important role in what happens in this drama and the choices they made. I was in a series with Harry about the invention of the first atomic weapon, about Los Alamos, but what those guys did on that mountaintop 50 years ago has brought us to this place and Justin explores that in this season. I don’t think I’m telling too many spoilers by saying that [laughs].
Geektown: No. I think you’re okay! The production design throughout the show I think is really fascinating because you’ve got our technology which seems a bit more advanced than theirs… But one thing that has slightly bugged me all the way through, which hopefully you can explain… The old office computers on our side of the line – they’re these old, 80’s/90s green text, CRT computers. Is it ever explained why the offices use those sort of old equipment?
Olivia: Yes. Yes! Because every piece of equipment that we have now can be hacked. And, actually, when the American embassy was built in Berlin, they ended up writing to each other on pieces of paper with pencil because the place was so bugged and so completely rigged that no other form of communication could be guaranteed that it couldn’t listened in to. Harry is so desperate to speak to you that he’s snatching the phone out of my… [laughs]
Harry: Also because at the point of departure, when these two worlds kind of split and they ended up forming the office of interchange the technology remained along this baseline, so we still have the same 1989 IBM computers because that’s what we both shared. Since then, they had to spend all their money into distant technology to deal with the flu virus. Our side turned out smart phones and Apple and all that kind of stuff, but in terms of the computers we had the shared files on, it deliberately set pre-split, as it were, which also then gives it this Cold War aesthetic. There is kind of a plot reason for it.
Geektown: Last question. If there was another parallel world you could visit, what’s the one change you’d like to see compared to here?
Harry: World peace, no conflict.
Olivia: Yeah. I don’t know, which invention fucked it up? Do you think it was the atomic weapon?
Harry: I was just thinking about Brexit… we could probably do without that…
Olivia: Actually, can we just do without 2016, I think?
Harry: Yeah!
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fablesradio · 8 years ago
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Fables Radio: Meet the Cast (pt 3)
(written by showrunner Angela McCain, aka @darling-gypsum)
Hello, listeners! In anticipation of the release of Chapter 6, over the last few months, I’ve been highlighting the amazing voice actors who so generously offer their time and energy for this fan production. Just a small (and insufficient) thank you for their continued hard work and talent. And hopefully, some of our listeners will learn something new about our talented cast and continue to follow their careers!
Finally, in alphabetical order:
Griffin Puatu (Bluebeard)
Smooth and sophisticated and scary as all hell, Bluebeard has one of the coolest voices in the show. And that is all thanks to the absolutely fabulous Griffin Puatu. I felt so lucky to find such a talented actor for our ostensible series villain. He’s such an impressive range beyond the menacing lord Bluebeard, ex-legendary serial killer and patron of Fabletown. Please take a listen to his demo reel and feel in awe of this guy’s talent. He’s got a number of video game and media credits for you to take a look at! Thank you, Griffin, for joining us through this production journey, and for being a vital linchpin in our cast.
You can find more from Griffin Puatu at: http://griffvoices.com
 Nicholas Shapiro (Lord Beast (Beast), Taxi Driver)
Nick had a really tough job from the outset of this project: play the role of Lord Beast in mid-transformation. He needed to be just coherent enough for an entirely audio-based performance, but also sound like he had teeth that were too big for his mouth. And boy, he really knocked it out of the park! Nick was kind enough to lend his voice for a second minor but fun role last minute, which Iam very grateful for. His stint as the disgruntled sarcastic taxi driver still makes me chuckle when I hear it on re-listens. Thank you, Nick, for giving life and relatability to Lord Beast and being a really great scene partner.
You can find more from Nicholas Shapiro at: http://www.behindthevoiceactors.com/members/Applehound/casting-call/auditions
 Olivia Steele (Briar Rose)
Oh, this lady’s voice! Olivia did a fabulous job portraying the equally fabulous Briar Rose, aka Sleeping Beauty. I envisioned this high society New York fashionista character, and Olivia really brought that to life. I am also not ashamed to admit that Olivia and Eric’s performances as Briar and Flycatcher fueled the flames of my love of that little ‘ship. They had wonderful ‘on screen’ chemistry, and sold the heck out of their characters enough that I was compelled to write more scenes for them! Olivia, you’re a gem. Thank you so much for being a part of our series and bringing power and candor to the role of Briar Rose.
You can find more from Olivia Steele at: http://oliviasteelevo.weebly.com
 Melissa Sternenberg (Cindy)
I seriously just wanna be besties with Cindy. Her portrayal is playful, sharp tongued, and confident, and brings so much life to our cast. Of our trio of Prince Charming’s ex-wives, Cindy had some dramatic deviations from the text of the original comic. New scenes, shifted storylines, and pushing up the narrative a bit (for those familiar with the comics). And Melissa has been more than up to the task, with a great sense of comedic timing and grasp of her character. Melissa’s also got a number of professional video games and media credits to check out, which I highly recommend. Like so many of the cast, Melissa’s been really down for whatever my scripts threw at her. Whether it was sword fighting or witty banter, she brought such joy to one of my favorite characters in the show. Thank you for all your work, Melissa! The character of Cinderella, and our show as a whole, has been richer with you as a part of it.
You can find more from Melissa Sternenberg at:
IMDB: http://www.imdb.com/name/nm4408448
Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/melissa-sternenberg/melissa-sternenberg-character-demo-reel-2016
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/mippavoices
 Cliff Thompson (Bigby Wolf)
The frickin’ holy grail. Very professional and kind, with a keen intuition for acting and delivery choices, enthusiasm for whatever the script is asking of him, and one of those voices that just settles into your brain as canon. Like, just listen to this guy! Cliff, you legit are the voice of Bigby Wolf forever in my brain. Thank you for taking on so much responsibility and a heck of a vocal workload on this fan project. You were instrumental in bringing this show to life and I will be forever grateful. It’s been a great pleasure working with you on Fables Radio, Sherriff.
You can find more from Cliff Thompson at: http://www.behindthevoiceactors.com/members/Cliff/casting-call/auditions
IMDB: http://www.imdb.com/name/nm4309529
 Angela McCain (Lady Beauty, Mary, & Narrator, Etc)
Well, that’s a wrap on my cast profile pieces! Though I guess I should plug myself a little, since I’m in the cast as well.
By sheer virtue of being the showrunner, I often found the need to fill in for a number of characters who I either didn’t find the right VA fit for, or that I just plum forgot existed (see diner waitress, cell phone voicemail robot, etc). I’m peppered all over the series in little roles, as well as Beauty and Mary, in addition to being the narrator on the front and tail end of each episode. What started as a production necessity turned into a hobby, and I’ve really caught the VO and audiodrama bugs. Thank you to all our listeners and followers for your kind words and encouragement. Not sure if I’ll attempt anything more than amateur work, but I feel so fortunate to have had the experience I’ve had with Fables Radio. This was my very first audio and collaborative project on this scale, and to not only complete it, but to feel so proud and excited by it after over a full year seems to be a rarity in the amateur industry. I threw this little pet project into the ether, and discovered some amazing, generous, and talented people who I am humbled to call my cast and my peers. I am so excited to continue following their careers, and hopefully work with them on other projects in the future!
You can find more from Angela McCain at: http://www.behindthevoiceactors.com/members/singoutlouise/casting-call/auditions
Thank you so much for reading these, and checking out our cast. Our audience has been modest, but very fervent, and we appreciate you all.
You can find all our fabulous actors in our fanmade audio drama series, Fables Radio!
 Episode 6 of Fables Radio is in production, and will be released soon. Stay tuned!
Ang M
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dingoes8myrp · 8 years ago
A Word on Buffyverse Ships
I've been thinking a lot about the romantic relationships of Buffy, the canon ones and the fandom ones. I've never really committed fully to one ship or another, nor have I condemned one or another. I've watched them, I've analyzed them, sure. But I've never picked one or voted one off the island. I suppose it wasn't the reason I watched the show, so I never saw the point.
Recently, I rewatched both shows as an adult (rather than a teen/collegiate). It's amazing how a few years can bring new perspective to things. Writing my own fanfiction and reading that of others as well as engaging in many wonderful discussions here with other fans has really made me think about which ships I'm really ride or die for, and which I could do without. So, here's my take for those interested (since I've given my two cents here and there in many of your discussions, I'm sure). Please feel free to reply, discuss, or what have you.
I'm going to talk about these basically chronologically (to the best of my memory). I haven't scoured the Internet for every single ship, so these are just the ones I've thought extensively about recently. If there's one I don't mention and you're curious about my thoughts, drop me a line.
Xander/Buffy – A Nice Thought I enjoy the idea of this one in a post-show timeline. As a teenager I think Xander is way too immature and judgmental to be a good fit for Buffy. During the rest of the show's run they're on different pages romantically and don't seem to want the same things, so I don't think there was ever really a right time for them to be a couple during the show storyline. Although when I read the rumor that Sarah Michelle Gellar and Nicholas Brendan pitched the pairing for season six I gushed a little. I do think by the end of the series Xander has displayed a remarkable amount of growth to become a humble, supportive man. He's loyal to Buffy in the way that he's by her side no matter what. Even if he disagrees with her or if he's angry at her, when push comes to shove he's in the fray right with her. However, he's not a yes man. He's not so enamored with Buffy that he doesn't see her flaws, and he's not afraid to call her out (albeit a bit brutally) when he thinks she's making a mistake. He also accepts her for who she is, even the parts he doesn't understand. I don't think these two would work as a lifelong pair, but they'd be an interesting match if the timing was right for them. Ultimately, I think it was a good move that this one remained unrequited.
Buffy/Angel – Meant to Be I have conflicted feelings about this one. I do not think it was a healthy example of a relationship, nor do I think it was intended to be a romanticized thing for people to aspire to. To me, the Buffy/Angel relationship always came off as a cautionary tale. Buffy was young and naïve at the start of their courtship, and the guy had a checkered past. "Oh, but he's different. He's changed." Her mother didn't approve, stating Angel was too old for Buffy (rightfully so). All the iffy red flags were there. I think Buffy was good for Angel, motivating him and helping him grow. But, I think he might have been a hindrance to her, as he always became priority over anything else (like oh, say, an apocalypse). One of my favorite Buffy moments is when she sacrifices Angel to prevent the Acathla apocalypse at the end of season two because she overcame that very issue. As an aside, I think Angel was a bit shady in his relationship with Buffy, knowing it wasn't the best thing for her, that realistically a life with him would mean a lot of sacrifice on Buffy's end. But, he pursued it anyway. The part where he had sex with Buffy and lost his soul is a bit suspect for me. The show seemed to steer us toward the direction that he didn't know exactly what "a moment of true happiness" meant, so that he couldn't really know sex with Buffy would make him lose his soul. But I have to think he knew it was at least a risk or a possibility. In my opinion, he was a bit reckless with that relationship, always going against his better judgment. So, I have my beef with this relationship for sure, and it's not my personal favorite. However, I think Angel is the person Buffy always measures everyone else she dates up to. He's the one for her, and I think Buffy is the same for Angel. Therefore, these two are my OTP, much to my chagrin.
Giles/Jenny – We Hardly Knew Ye This is a tough one. I wish we'd gotten a bit more time with Giles and Jenny because they barely got to be a relationship. Because of that, it's hard for me to land on it. They have kind of a nice bickering Pride and Prejudice thing happening, which is amusing. And it was nice to see Giles have his own life outside of being a watcher and a librarian. I also love Jenny as a character. She was portrayed in a way that I could imagine running into her teaching at my high school. She was a character I could see actually existing as a part of my world. Sadly, I don't see this as a long-lasting relationship. Mostly because they didn't know each other very well and never struck me as madly in love. Had they gotten the chance, I'm not sure it would have worked out, particularly with that slight deception on Jenny's end that put her at odds with Buffy.
Oz/Willow – The One I Want to Want This ship is particularly close to my heart for many reasons. Willow is probably the character high school me could relate most to, and Oz is my all-time favorite Buffyverse character. I can't explain why. He just is. I think for much the same reason I like Jenny. Because he's someone I could have gone to high school with (you know, aside from the werewolf part). This was the relationship I lived vicariously through when I was single or feeling bummed about a break-up. Oz was kind, considerate, quietly charismatic, drily witty, intelligent, and endlessly patient. He wasn't some knight in shining armor, or a smoldering heartthrob. He was just a guy, like any other guy I could have known. The fact that Willow caught the eye of a nice guy gave me personal hope for my own situation. Some days it still does. Oz is the dude I would date, marry, and have little werewolf babies with. Willow is my spirit animal. So, even though these two aren't an OTP for me as a fic writer/reader or a fan, they are my favorite ship. I could go on and on about them, so I’ll keep it short and sweet.
Spike/Drusilla – Eyeballs to Entrails These two are one of my favorite ships on the show. They're dark and twisted and they're both formidable villains when they want to be. But Spike, despite his undeniable edge, is so gentle with Drusilla and so devoted to her, it was one of the first hints of depth we saw in a vampire other than Angel. And Drusilla, despite her timid personality, had so much power in that dynamic. She was a strong woman, a force all on her own. These two are an OTP for me. I think if Drusilla had never left Spike he would have stayed with her forever. If Drusilla managed to get a soul she and soul-having Spike would probably reconnect with interesting results.
Spike/Angel – I'm Sure That's a Thing I don't really see a window for this in the run of the shows, but I totally believed these two were a Louis/Lestat type of thing back in the days of the Whirlwind. I definitely see a lot of subtext there, intended or not.
Cordelia/Xander – Well, There's Something You Don't See Every Day I… don't know where this one came from. When Cordelia and Xander shared their first dramatic kiss I think I laughed. "Oh, what a funny reaction for these two to have in that moment." And then that moment continued into a pretty substantial relationship. I never quite understood why these two were ever a thing. Realistically, yes. I get it. We've all watched two people get together and started taking bets on the date of their inevitable break-up. And on some levels I get the appeal. It's The Shop Around the Corner effect: these two can't stand each other, so naturally they need to be together. I did like the depth this relationship uncovered in Cordelia, but it's not one of my favorites.
Willow/Xander – Ugh. Really? Okay, I'm admittedly biased on this one because I've told you how I feel about Willow/Oz. I also have a general pet peeve when it comes to stories taking two characters who are good friends and deciding they have to pair them. It bugs the crap out of me that a man and a woman aren't allowed to just be friends in anything ever (except for Lucas and Haley in One Tree Hill and I love that about that show). I also can't stand love triangles. In conclusion, I hated this. Blasphemy. Never should have happened. Oz is a saint for forgiving Willow. Cordelia has every right to be pissed off about it. Xander's a dick for having the nerve to pull that Bewitched, Bothered, and Bewildered crap.
Buffy/Faith – Now That You Mention It… A relationship between Buffy and Faith never occurred to me when I watched the show. Then I read some fanfiction and some discussions about some subtext between these two. So, when I rewatched the show recently it was like "Wow, how did I never see that before?" One of my favorite moments in the show is the shared dream between Buffy and Faith at the end of season three. There is so much going on between these two women. I'm not sure the timing for a pairing was ever right for them in the show. Buffy was kind of closed off to Faith in the beginning, threatened by her and distant. Then once Faith went rogue I think she did some pretty unforgivable stuff as far as Buffy's concerned. Faith could say the same. Buffy did try to kill her. I don't think Buffy would ever forgive Faith for poisoning Angel, or for the body swap, but I don't think Faith would fault her for that. And I think Faith could forgive Buffy for stabbing her. I wish there was a window somewhere in the story where I could see this ship happening. Maybe post season seven. I'd have to think on it. However, I think these two women have a unique bond and, under the right circumstances and in the right plot, I could see this happening.
Giles/Joyce – Awkward I'm glad this was just kind of a fun one-time thing because how awkward would that have been? I feel like Joyce is always a bit competitive with Giles when it comes to Buffy. On the one hand, she respects Giles and appreciates how much he cares for Buffy. On the other hand, she resents him at times for endangering Buffy or for taking her away on some level. I think these two would always have a difference in opinion on what's best for Buffy, and that would kill any chance at a relationship they might have. How funny was that Band Candy episode, though?
Xander/Faith – Wait, What Just Happened? Again, I'm glad this was a one-time thing because – wait, what? This struck me as a plot device, a way to show us Faith was more dangerous than we thought. Tough break for Xander.
Xander/Anya – Haha! Oh, Wait… You're Serious? The issue I have with this ship is that it became a running gag on the show that Xander always fell for the monsters or the weirdos. Even when their relationship started, Anya was so awkward and out of place it was comedic. So when they made Xander and Anya a long-term couple I could never really take it seriously. I was always waiting for the punchline. It didn't help that as the show progressed they sort of gave Anya the Eric Matthews treatment and she went from trying to get used to being a mortal to "Who dropped her on her head?" Although they kind of grew on me, I never really considered this a realistic or long-lasting pairing. I did like Anya's arc after Xander bailed on their wedding. We got to see her trying to return to her demon ways and feeling conflicted. We got to see Xander struggle with the idea of a healthy marriage. That was all well and good. I just don't see this as an OTP kind of thing.
Riley/Buffy – A Breath of Fresh Air This is another ship that I personally really enjoy. Riley is a good, solid guy who's a badass in his own right and doesn't mind dating a woman who's independent and badass. I think Riley and Buffy had a healthy relationship, for the most part, until that clunkily executed break-up at the end (I think the show could have written that better). This wasn't quite a relationship I related to or lived vicariously through because Riley's not really my type and I couldn't really relate to Buffy much during this point in her arc. But, I enjoyed watching this ship and I really wanted it to work. It was healthy and safe, and Buffy never has enough of that in her life. However, I think the issues in the relationship were realistic. Buffy got kind of closed off and neglectful, and Riley got insecure and needy. Had that fortuitous and conveniently timed job offer not come along, I think these two could have eventually worked through those issues with some effort and commitment. But, I don't think Riley could ever hold a candle to Angel, so as long as Angel was in the picture I think he was always SOL.
Tara/Willow – You Make Me Complete This ship took me some time to warm up to, mainly because I felt like they wrote Oz out a bit unceremoniously so I didn't quite buy the quick progression to Tillow. However, I think these two had one of the most functional, realistic relationships in either of the shows. I would consider it THE most functional relationship if the whole addiction to magic arc with Willow hadn't happened (but that was a bit manipulative and unhealthy). I think Willow truly became whole as she grew over the course of her relationship with Tara, and I think Tara could breathe with Willow and feel comfortable with herself. I can't picture these two ever being as fulfilled with other people as they are with each other. I would have liked to see more of Willow coming to terms with her sexuality and dealing with that, and I would have liked to see a bit more development with the relationship. But these two are an OTP for me.
Spike/Anya – I Almost Forgot About That I didn't like this either. They just shoved these two together, got them drunk, and had them sleep together. It felt very contrived to me and I wasn't a fan.
Angel/Cordelia – I Guess You'll Do I never quite bought into this. It's very similar to Jenny and Giles for me in the way that it was hinted at that these two might have warm fuzzies for each other, but nothing was ever significantly done with it. For me, I don't know if I see this as a viable relationship. A lot of that is due to Angel being hung up on Buffy.
Cordelia/Doyle – A Face You Could Learn to Love These two had so much potential and I wanted so badly for them to be a couple. Another Jenny Calendar effect here where there was barely anything to suggest a possible relationship. But I think the chemistry between the two characters was spot on from the start. From the second he sees her Doyle's head over heels with the idea of her and she's rolling her eyes all "as if." But then they get to know each other and he genuinely appreciates the person she is. Unfortunately she never really gets to know him at all, so I don't really know how that relationship would have panned out. But I would have loved to see what would have happened.
Fred/Angel – Handsome Man Saved Me from the Monsters I'm glad this never became a full relationship in the show. I like the fact that these two were genuine friends and there weren't any romantic strings attached. Fred had a bit of a crush in the beginning, but I think that was a confusing mix-up on her part more than actual feelings. He saved her, so she automatically developed an appreciation for him. Overall these two had a sweet friendship and, while I think it could have developed into something under the right circumstances, I'm really glad it didn't.
Fred/Gunn – What Could They Possibly Have in Common? I'm not sure how these two ended up together. Opposites attract, I suppose. It just didn't feel like a real relationship to me. I tried to picture these two sitting around bored and talking and I had no idea what they'd possibly talk about. I feel like they'd be having a strike out conversation. "Do you like movies?" "Oh, I haven't really seen too many. I do like some of those old black-and-white romantic movies." "Oh. I'm not much for romance. More of an action kind of guy." "Oh… Have you read any good books lately?" "Uh… Not really. Been a little busy sharpening my knives and stakes." "Oh, right…" *cricket, cricket* It's not quite that I don't like this ship. It's more that I would have liked to have seen more of it, how it developed and how they worked. I didn't really have enough evidence to buy into it.
Fred/Wesley – Too Much Alike I understand the appeal of this ship, but in my opinion these two are too similar for a relationship to work well. I think they're much better as friends.
Buffy/Spike – Love Me, Hate Me I have a lot of personal bias with this one and it brings up some unpleasant feelings for me, so I don't think I could ever fully get on board with it even if I tried. That being said, I could see why this made sense at the time. This was always a relationship I could see happening under the right circumstances. Well, the stars aligned in season six and there you have it. The thing I don't like about this ship is how very unhealthy it is on both sides. It's very manipulative and abusive, and while that would be just fine if the two of them were soulless villains, it felt pretty out of character some of the time, particularly for Buffy. There was always a forced nature to it for me, which maybe was the point. Anyway, overall while I can see how it makes sense and I get the appeal, this isn't one I can rally behind because it makes me feel too icky.
Angel/Faith – Huh. Well, That's Interesting There's a lot of potential here. I think Faith and Angel understand things about one another no one else really could. They've both done terrible things (and enjoyed it), and they're both on sort of an impossible road to redemption. After a certain point, these two quietly became pretty ride or die for one another. And believably so. I didn't really see a place in the show's storyline where their pairing could have realistically fit, but I could see these two being a pair under the right circumstances. I think problems would arise because Angel's OTP is Buffy, and I think Faith would be very troubled by the idea of being compared to Buffy. But, it would be an interesting run while it lasted.
Wesley/Lilah – A Sharp Turn This was unexpected, but very cool. I liked that we saw a darker edge to Wesley and a softer side of Lilah. I also believed this relationship from the start. It made total sense to me at the time even though I didn't see it coming. These two had a mutual respect for each other, and they challenged each other. I also think they were very much in love, but neither of them really wanted to voice it (and I think they understood that about each other). While this relationship wasn't good for the rest of the characters involved because it sort of took Wesley away from the group, I like this ship a lot and it has the potential to be an OTP in my book. I would have needed to see a bit more of it.
Angel/Darla – It's Complicated I have mixed feelings about this one. While I think Darla and Angel totally miss the mark, Darla and Angelus are a perfect match, much like Spike and Drusilla. I think Angelus and Darla have a mutual appreciation for torturing and ruining others, and I think Darla understands exactly who Angelus is and is content to let him be that. He may not be devoted to her or even in love with her, but she's okay with that. As long as she's a part of the fun and she's in on the plans. It's not like she's entirely loyal to him either. She has her own agenda and likes her independence. However even human Darla and soul-toting Angel didn't really click for me. I think these two only work when they're both soulless monsters.
Connor/Cordelia – Eww, Why is This Happening? This was just gross. Wrong on so many levels. Cordelia was a mother figure to Connor, so her having a romantic thing with him was just icky, amnesia or no. Don't even get me started on the "It wasn't really Cordelia" thing. However, on Connor's end I totally understood it. He never knew Cordelia as a mother figure. She was someone who was in a similar position he was in. They were both sort of lost and out of place, and neither of them trusted the group of people claiming to be their allies. I also think Connor sort of needs something to do or he goes a little sideways. He needs a thing to kill, a task to complete, or someone to protect. Cordelia was a purpose he could cling to, and cling he sure as shit did. However, this is another one I think was blasphemy and never should have happened. It was outright character assassination for both of them.
That's about all the steam I have. If I think of anymore ships I'll do another entry. In the meantime, please comment, discuss, or message if you feel the need.
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silverscreenclassics2016 · 5 years ago
by Paul Batters
Classic film lovers are passionate about the films they love and all share a special feeling for those films with others. The classic film community is one bound by that love for classic film and it is a romance that will not die. If love forever after ever exists, you will certainly find it amongst those who love it and also write about it.
This article will be the first of two parts which will celebrate the films which brought people to love classic film. A number of people have shared how they came to love classic film as well as the film or films which began that journey for them.
John Greco 
Blog – John Greco Author/Photographer
I can’t name just one movie. Each film I watched was like a piece of a puzzle with the right ones fitting the overall picture. It was an assembly of films and filmmakers that gave me inspiration and a love of cinema.
Many noir and crime films were early influences of both my love of movies and in my fiction writing. The first gangster films I remember seeing were “Al Capone” and “Baby Face Nelson.” On television, I discovered “The Maltese Falcon,” “The Roaring Twenties,” “The Public Enemy,” and many others. A bit later, I discovered Alfred Hitchcock’s “Rear Window,” “Psycho,” “North by Northwest,” and many others. After Hitchcock, I started following the careers of film directors, and it was works like Polanski’s “Repulsion” and “Rosemary’s Baby,” John Frankenheimer’s “The Manchurian Candidate,” “Seven Days in May,” Billy Wilder’s “Double Indemnity,” “Some Like it Hot,” “Ace in the Hole” that cemented my love of celluloid. There were plenty of others, Wyler’s “The Collector,” Penn’s “Bonnie and Clyde,” Lumet’s “The Pawnbroker,” Brooks’ “The Professionals,” Kubrick’s “Dr. Strangelove,” and Hiller’s “The Americanization of Emily” were and are influences and all still rank high in my admiration.
Kellee Pratt
Blog: Outspoken And Freckled    Twitter: @IrishJayhawk66
For me, my love for old movies came to me as a child when we lived in Taos, New Mexico. The local art center would screen slapsticks on Saturday mornings such as the hilarious Laurel & Hardy, Our Gang, and Mack Sennett. My maternal grandmother had a love for classic film and considered it a vital part of my education. I recall an early memory of her introducing a certain film being broadcast on tv, “Pay close attention, Kellee. This is an important film.” She was right, I still love WITNESS FOR THE PROSECUTION to this day and I included it in a film course I taught. Classic comedies were an early love in particular. For many of us fans, old movies, especially comedy, is a form of escapism. Some of the other films my grandmother brought into my life: “ THE GREAT RACE,” “IT’S A MAD, MAD, MAD, MAD WORLD,” and “THE QUIET MAN.” That last film mentioned, a John Ford classic, was not just a silly film to her, it was propped up as the family how-to manual in our Irish Catholic family. These films are more than simply entertainment, they actually helped to shape my identity.
Michael W Denney
Blog – ManiacsAndMonsters.com   Twitter: @ManiacsMonsters
As a horror movie fan, I have a deep admiration for the classic films from Universal Pictures:  Frankenstein, Bride of Frankenstein, The Invisible Man, Dracula, et al.  And yet, they were not the gateway to my love of classic film.  Growing up, I regularly watched The Little Rascals, Laurel & Hardy, and The Three Stooges and I am certain that those short films planted the initial seed.  I am also a long-time aficionado and collector of shorts and memorabilia from the golden age of animation and in particular the Warner Bros. cartoons.  Those cartoons further developed an appreciation for the aesthetics, humour, and timing of classic film.  But if I have to designate a single feature film that cemented my love for the classics, I would have to choose the Marx Brothers’ A Day at the Races.  The first time I saw it, I was immediately enthralled by both the slapstick and the clever word play.  The frantic nonsense in the last act as the Marx Brothers do everything in their power to delay the steeplechase and then help jittery Hi-Hat win the race made me a devotee of that era of film making.
Patricia (Paddy Lee) Nolan-Hall 
Blog: https://www.caftanwoman.com/    Twitter: @CaftanWoman
Shane is the movie that made me love movies. I first saw Shane on a theatrical re-release in the mid-1960s when I was around 10 years old.
The enlightening experience began with Victor Young’s score. The music had such power and melancholy that it pulled me into the story. Years later when I read Shane I realized that I lived the movie the way the character of the young boy lived those weeks with Shane – observing, sensing, and understanding. I had laughed and cried at movies before, but never had the emotions felt so crystallized.
Strangely, the experience of Shane wasn’t purely an emotional response. One part of my brain was buzzing with the revelation that movies didn’t just happen. Movies had a how and a why to them. That must be why my dad always made us read credits. A switch was flipped and the whole movie experience became alive. I understood why the music moved me, why Shane was often framed away from the other characters, and so much more. It was all too thrilling. Every movie was better after Shane, but it still stands alone as the movie that made me truly love movies.
Toni Ruberto
Blog – watchingforever.wordpress.com    Twitter: @toniruberto 
My love for classic movies can’t be traced to one film but to an entire genre: horror movies. As a kid, I watched the “old movies” (as we called them) on TV with my dad: Universal Monsters, the giant bugs of the 1950s B-movies, the fantastical creatures of Ray Harryhausen. “Them,” “The Thing” “Tarantula” and are among those we watched over and over again – and still do to this day. I never tire of hearing that screechy sound of the big ants in “Them” or seeing the fight against the giant crab in “Mysterious Island.”
Classic horror movies bring back wonderful memories of sitting on the floor by my dad’s chair as we watched them together. I love to hear similar stories from others who share they also were introduced to the classics by a family member. Because of my comfort in watching the old horror movies, it never bothered me to watch a film in “black and white” like it did my friends. So I kept watching. Thanks to dad and all the creatures who helped me discover my life-long love of classic movies.
Blog – The Classic Movie Muse  Twitter: @classymoviemuse
I fell in love with classic movies before I knew it was happening to me. As a one year old (I’m told) I would watch The Wizard of Oz (1939) repeatedly. It seems that I had a penchant for musicals. When my parents visited a family friend who owned Show Boat (1951), that became my go-to while the adults chatted.
In our home we owned a few Gene Kelly musicals that introduced me to the dancing man and some MGM stars: Take Me Out to the Ball Game (1949), Anchors Aweigh (1945), and Singin’ in the Rain (1952). I also remember watching The King and I (1956) and The Sound of Music (1965) frequently in my adolescence.
In my teenage years I was introduced to Gone With the Wind (1939) and my life changed. I had to know more about this movie, the actors, and how in the world did they make something so grand in 1939? Thus began my endless journey of research and love of this golden era of film.
Jill -Administrator of The Vintage Classics Facebook Page and Group and Instagram.
The films that got me into Classic films were “East of Eden” & “Rebel Without a Cause.” I owe that to my Dad. James Dean played a huge part. My love for classic films has grown so much over the years. I love so many. I prefer the classics to the films of today.
A poster for Nicholas Ray’s 1955 drama ‘Rebel Without a Cause’ starring James Dean. (Photo by Movie Poster Image Art/Getty Images)
Zoe K
Blog – Hollywood Genes
My dad and I were very close when I was growing up. He loved old movies and used to tape a few (remember VHS?) off of TCM for us to watch. The incredibly fun Bringing Up Baby filled with Katharine Hepburn and Cary Grant’s madcap antics was a favorite. Desk Set was another. I would sit at the coffee table while I watched with my dad’s work stationary and the giant pink Electronic Dream Phone (from the Milton Bradley game) in front of me. I mimicked Joan Blondell and her fellow ladies in the research department as I blew the minds of callers with my vast array of know-how.
My dad died when I was 11, but those tapes bearing labels with his handwriting remained on the shelf. I think I clung to them as a way to keep us connected. Though I’ve seen many more classic films since then, Bringing Up Baby and Desk Set remain two of my favorites. Good memories make all of the difference.
  A huge thank you to our contributors for sharing the films that started their journey with classic film. Hopefully we are all inspired by their words to remember the films that also start our own love for classic film.
Tomorrow, we will continue with Part Two of The Films That Brought Us To Love Classic Film.
Paul Batters teaches secondary school History in the Illawarra region and also lectures at the University Of Wollongong. In a previous life, he was involved in community radio and independent publications. Looking to a career in writing, Paul also has a passion for film history.
The Films That Brought Us To Love Classic Film – Part One by Paul Batters Classic film lovers are passionate about the films they love and all share a special feeling for those films with others.
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survivor-themyscira-blog · 7 years ago
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ok so first of all i am sorry for not participating in the challenge !! i had fall break vaca and was super busy but anyways ~ hi im loving this cast so far and i am so glad that i get to play with some new faces! & also some old ones too. im just going to do a brief cast assessment rn so i can record my thoughts on everyone initially:
emily - i love her so much! she is super sweet and i think she is going to be super invested and great at this game which means she could be a potentially strong ally for me moving forward! we have chatted a lot and i really like her andreas - literally havent spoken a word to him yet so we will see .... ian - pharmaCY KING! i was able to bond with him a lot and i think that we have the potential to have a very good dynamic, but it needs to grow organically jordan pines - i have played a few games with him before and he is such an amazing ally as long as he thinks he can beat you in the end. with him i always try to play dumb and act like im bobo the fool [even tho like 50% of the time i actually am bobo the fool so it isnt a full on act] and let him think that he controls my votes so im hoping that works in my favor again lily - no comment honestly i don't care for her and would love to vote her out but idk if i am going to get a wise opportunity for that madeline - she seems super sweet and also she has a really strong personality which i like but we haven't been good about replying to eachother so far so we will see what happens moving forward, id really like to work w her and get to know her better kai - i literally love kai he is so sweet and kind and perfect and i hope we finally get the chance to work together in this game bc we have tried and failed so many times in a row so fingers crossed! rhone - rhone is so fun! i have wanted to play a game w them for the longest time bc they are so iconic and smart strategically. i have hosted and played with them before so i think i have a good insight as to how they play the game. i'd love to work with rhone moving forward toph - toph,,,,ok so coming into this game i was nervous about toph because he is such a crackedt and forward player from past experiences but in my last game i was kind of mean to him so i genuinely apologized to him bc i do feel bad bc im p sure he is much younger than me and honestly i was a little shit when i was his age so if he does decide to forgive me id love to work something out with him the bottom line is that i am down for anything with this game. i always make it my thing to work with people i have never worked with before so hopefully that can happen woo! also i feel like now im an easy vote off since i didnt participate in the challenge so hopefully i can work that to my advantage and make people think im a person who is just a number and a sheep for now. until next time!
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I'm SO ready for a tribe swap.  I like my tribe mates but I'm just wondering how hard they are going to try to go in the future ughhhh
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Alrighty! Im way to tired ro film anything and im watching the office so whoops not my problem! Im just kidding lol! So right now as per usual i feel like my game is going to be extremely paranoid which I learned to from my queen Emily in azore I SEE YOU QUEEN. The last time me and her played together i was way to ott and now im more calm and reserved. I feel paranoid right now as to what the hell this dang twist could be!! And i feel like im at the bottom of the totem pool here on this tribe. I’ve been chatting with everyone which is good but jordan pines scares me so much and i know we have to keep him for awhile, I really don’t know how to feel about other people right now. I like nicholas and i can actually talk to him now since ff but i think if ruthie from there tribe survivers and me and emily survive we could be a killer squad. I think jordan pines is the most scariest things on this tribe every because he is so intense and in your face if  you like it or not and its scary. I feel like there already are alliances formed and im scared as fuck by that. Im just going to keep my foot tapping and praying to the jesus that there are no majority alliances former already. Jordan pines can lead an army and that scares me so if I don’t get close with him im screwed man! Rhone dosnt really respond to me so I kinda feel like he might not like me. Lily seems cool and i really Like madelin but Tophily is here to play and float a bloody way to the end lol! Lying isn’t a strong suit of mine so im going to not lie unless im talking to the person going home. I glad we won immunity because I won’t be going anywhere and not be a first boot. My goal Right now is jury but i have to go one day at a a time and take It SLOWWW! Lol!! With this immunity challenge no one can do it so i think i will have to and im okay with that but if we lose and they start blaming me for losing im sorry I actually don’t have a life to live while you guys do! So im just gonna bite my tongue because i have a shit ton of liquids in my fridge which is a plus for us lol!! My family of 6 is now a blessing? Like what the heck!! So there's my thoughts for today and the past day. Im just going to relax watch the office and wait for my Prince Charming to come out! Lol! Whatever happens in this game. Oh fuck wait! i have some tea to spill and you will be quaking in your loafers! So i was doing the puzzle for the idol ajd Someone already found it! I was shook! And Emily is now getting an advantage while ill be snuggled up like a bug in log that’s being tugged on by a slug! That made no sense LOL! Okay now i think all my thoughts are out for now but who knows ill be screaming in my head about not saying something soon lol! And with that and my future boyfriend goodnight and farwell!
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https://m.popkey.co/8a68bf/Ao9Xg_s-200x150.gif It's probably a good thing that I have the super idol. Literally no one is talking to me. I'm a little annoyed because I've done pretty much nothing wrong, except not submit for the challenge?? I guess Jack's influence that not doing a challenge is pretty strong over this tribe. Hm. Although I have this idol, there's no guarantee that I'll ever have to use it, and honestly if I go to tribal it's probably best for me that it doesn't become a priority to play it. I really don't want to play it if I don't have to, because the tribe could easily just vote me out the next chance they get. I also told Raymond about the "regular" idol hunt I did today, where he could jump off the cliff and get a number or whatever it was that I did exactly, and he was like "LETS GO ON CALL" but like... I was playing Roblox so Skype 10/10 wasn't gonna let me do a call properly. So I was like... sorry bud but just go search anyways! And he never messaged me back, so I have no clue whether he did or not. Right now, I trust Raymond a lot. I don't know how I feel about Madison or Dan. Amanda is a nice woman, I really wish I had a better relationship with her though. I don't trust Logan (and I know Logan doesn't trust me) and I don't like Jack all that much, unfortunately. I figure that someone is gonna go after me -- potentially Logan. Logan and I have a history of playing games together and while I never once wronged him (at least not by my knowledge?!) he doesn't ever want to trust me in games. There's literally no point in even bothering playing with him because he doesn't like playing with me all that much. But I know Logan would be united against players that I don't get along with, like Nicholas and Jordan Pines. Those two would be my most desired boots from the other tribe just because there's no chance I'd ever align with or trust either of them, plus Jordan has made the end of this series so many damn times already and it's maddening. My personal goal this season is to make it to 9th place. I got 11th last time but I want to break into single digits, a very rare occurrence for me. Like obviously I'm winning this season, but I wanna set some small goals just to make the journey to finals a little less treacherous. Anywho, I think this confessional is long and boring enough. I'm gonna go talk to Jack and see if anything happens. Maybe I can try to understand him a little better, lol
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Sorry I've been a bit quiet so far uni took over but it's the weekend and I can catch up. The tribe seem ok, really quiet though not really what I am used to. I found the challenge hard as I didn't really have any time and there was like nothing DC around, guess the UK is a marvel fan! I'm shocked that JG had to go, I love him to bits and was looking forward to working with him but he has his reasons. Hopefully the next challenge will be better for us
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Heyyyy sunshines~~~ Just a quick one. I still don't know a bunch of people on my tribe, but I got to chat a bit with Madeline and Tosh. Life is good. I'm pretty sure that somebody already found an idol inside a library book, but I can't tell who it was so whatever :) I can't participate in the next challenge sadly, but that's life. I am taking the social game a lot slower this time around and I feel much better as well now. There's no need to try too hard. I am a bit concerned that I am in touch with too few people, but we shall see about that. JG got eliminated, which makes me sad. Not much to talk about rn. Cya soon!
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This game has been pretty exciting so far! It hasn't been like most survivor games where I'm in a rush to talk with everyone in case they decide to murder me in cold blood, so that's nice. I still feel like I'm going to get murdered in cold blood, but it's whatever. My tribe is pretty nice so far, though I'm not the biggest Toph fan and Nicholas seems to be nonexistent. Everything's great otherwise, though. My one idol search had me getting caught by the guards, and I'm honestly not too eager to go out and search again. It'd arouse too much suspicion towards me.
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I hate you Charlotte for what you made me do. Not drink those drinks, but that was my last snack pack! You owe me pudding. My fellow competitors Madeline and Toph have earned so much of my respect for doing that challenge too!
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If someone has already submitted this then just ignore me It’s the anti-antilopes vs the lit hippos
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Okay, real confession. I think Billy might come for me, but he won't if he's smart. I'm good at contributing to challenges in the tribal phase. Don't fucking touch me. That being said, I don't want billy out. I think Jaiden should go. He won't be helpful, he's not social, I'm not into it. I love him, I do, but as long as he's here, we might as well keep losing. The other option is Amanda. While she's sweet, she's never online, which is understandable, you know? She has kids, she has uni, etc, but that's... not valuable to me at this point in the game. I need to win, I need to escape this tribe alive, I need to not be seeing the VL again ANYTIME soon.
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Okay so here’s the deal, I like everyone on our tribe. I guess. Billy can be annoying but he’s going through a lot so I can’t ask people to vote him out. Idfk, all I know is these basic hoes couldn’t win this damn challenge? Worse has been in my mouth than honey, bbq sauce, and water and I wasn’t complaining!!!!
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I’m Logan talking in the tribe chat but flat out ignoring my messages. Yeah, I think I might get votes tomorrow, but the only way it’ll come out is if myself or Billy receive the majority. The reason why I’d play it on Billy is simply because I feel like I can trust the guy, and not to mention he also has been preoccupied with a freaking funeral, like... what heartless monster votes him out after that? Hopefully I DON’T have to play it, but I’m ready and willing to play it if I have to.
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thanks JAIDEN for saying you didn't know I was in this game why would you do that. You make me look either inactive or like I'm stuck up or something UGHHHHSDFJSLDF
can i just...idol abbey out of this CHAT?
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We Hippos won immunity, Yay. It's good because I haven't quite found my footing in this tribe, I didn't want to compete but everyone was asking to not compete so I might as well step up and do it, I'm not one to shy away from a good challenge, especially when people are, should give me staying power right? At least I did it. I digress, A swap is coming in the next round or two, I can feel it. I need to continue to play as my sweet friendly self, cause deep down I am that guy. My main worry is that when the swap happens I might get targeted buy members of that damn Antelope tribe. My plan to remain consistent but not over the top in challenges might have gotten a little hindered by this on since I did compete. Raymond needs to be premerge booted, the guy killed it in this challenge and we don't need a comp beast going forward. I'll cross my finger he gets got soon. As for life on the Hippo Tribe, I have still kept my clue to the idol secret, if I happen to find it then I might share the clue with someone. If I find it, I sooo want to idol out the person I shared the clue with, this hero archetype player can be a villain given the opportunity. Madeline is cool, she's nice, but she is a talker. Talkers make me hungry, I think my game can benefit by keeping her close and dropping her when I need to. Rhone is cool, started talking to me about sports but I'd vote him out. Nicholas is probably on the menu for our first boot at tribal cause he's MIA at the moment but I want to keep us immune until I have a chance to work with him. Toph, I could take or leave, same with Emily. They don't impress me much. Kai and Andreas, I love ya dudes but you do seem like sheep for the slaughter this game, Andreas less so. JORDAN PINES PUBLIC ENEMY NUMBER 1. I am curious to see how far this snake can go or if I'm a mounted trophy on his wall or if I can mount him on my wall.
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OHHHHHH FUCK ME SIDEWISE, I accidentally sent the real clue to Madeline instead of the fake one I had written up.
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Oh god I'm making meninist moves and a meninist alliance. The VL is going to hate me
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Okay this is a proper quiet tribe you've got here, so not used to this! So I am going to have to do what I didn't want to do and take control of tonights vote... wish me luck.
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Amanda about to get her ass beat by this vote. I'm a rat, I'm a snake, I'm a roach. But her ass is grass WHEW. I just don't want Jaiden to go because I actually talk to him. This is MENINISM, but *SHRUGS this is TRUMP'S AMERICA
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Okay Amanda got to go tho, this hoe is messaging me saying all this shit about how Jaiden isn't going home because of some advantage he has. Bitch you're the one going home so I'm confused. I'm just gonna sit here with Cheetoh dust on my fingers and watch this all go down. I mean I could for sure go home, which would be so fucking funny, but like I'm just gonna be #Confident, thanks Demi Lovato
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OKAY I KNOW THIS IS LIKE THE THIRD ONE IN 15 MINUTES BUT AMANDA IS ON TO ME, AND NOW I'M SHOOK. I talked to way too many people about this plan and I think it's backfiring lol Oh well, I think she'll be going tonight regardless, if not it's been real lmao
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So my name has come up, but I also have a little trick up my sleeve called the Themyscira Oasis! Basically, I’m telling Amanda that I’m going to be playing my Oasis on myself tonight in order to avoid being voted out. Then she spills literally all the insight behind alliances, inner workings of multiple relationships, and so on, just so she can blow her game up on her way out the door. However, I don’t WANT Amanda to go home. In fact, I’d rather blow up my own game in order to ensure that someone in my corner stays in the game. Amanda is actually trying to save me, regardless of if I use the oasis or not tonight. I’m telling her that I’m using it no matter what, when in actuality I don’t have it to begin with. My target right now is actually slowly shifting from Logan to Dan, because I just don’t have a whole ton of trust with him just yet. I’d rather keep the devil I know (Logan) around because I can always prepare for what he’s gonna do next. I can’t predict anything with Dan because I’ve never met him before. As Amanda pointed out, Dan herself and Ruthie are clearly working together because they had a “group think” moment where they came up with my name as the vote to go home. She didn’t say specifically who brought my name up, but that it was a process of elimination which makes sense imo. Anyways I was mid-way writing everything and Logan and Dan called me stupid and crazy, and that’s the story of how I told Amanda they were gunning for her. So now I’m going to blow everything up, publicly, because I have nothing left to lose. I said I wasn’t gonna be a mess this season but I’m back into my old habits, I suppose 🤷🏼‍♂️ Sound the alarm, Hurricane Jaiden has made landfall!
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me after that blow up made absolutely no sense but I’m still working it https://78.media.tumblr.com/5d766478fb350acbddd66160284749ba/tumblr_o7887f1gRR1sdmszbo1_400.gif
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Apparently Logan thinks he's in danger? And so does Jaiden? But everyone's voting Amanda? God I hate premerge.
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today has been so wild all I know is that this ENTIRE TRIBE is full of snakes and I have to watch what I tell ANYONE cause it will get back to the other people.  Amanda told Jaiden that Dan and I said his name but UMM, she gave us TWO OPTIONS. but now things I'm telling Jaiden are getting back to LOGAN and Dan is going around telling Billy everything I say and this is just wild these people are crazy and no one knows how to keep their freaking mouth SHUT! I want to find a ride or die I can tell anything too but that can't happen if they're going to keep comparing notes.
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So I trusted Jaiden and voted Dan. Is that a bad thing? Probably not considering I heard he was throwing my name out there. I'm kind of glad he's gone, he always does well and then never wants to work with me. So bye :* time to get serious, I need to prove to everyone I'm here to play this time.
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NOW THAT'S A FUCKIN' TRIBAL! Super good for my game, even though I would've kind of liked to work with Dan, because Amanda still remains a major target, and now Jaiden has made himself a much bigger target. Combine that with me getting closer to Raymond and Logan because of this? A big win in my book.
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"Actually, wait... I am gonna play my super idol on Amanda" https://thumbs.gfycat.com/SnarlingDarkLarva-max-1mb.gif Oops, sorry Dan
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WHAT THE FUCK, JAIDEN?  WHAT? WHAT WAS THE POINT OF THAT. I keep telling him 'ooooh hehe it's fine, it's fine' but like WHAT now Amanda is going to hate me, and just ugh I hope the announcement is a tribe swap get me away from these people they talk about what each other say too much. I can see why he wanted to use it but WHY DAN?
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Jaiden has thrown that shade stick out and I'm very cautious about him now. Tho he tells me that it wasn't an attack to me or anything but like...if we're close why wouldn't you tell me what you're going to do. Low key just bummed out. That bastard.
0 notes
rageworks · 7 years ago
In 1997, Matt Stone and Trey Parker gave us South Park. The wildly inappropriate misadventures of four third grade boys has become a phenomenon that has bridged generations and continues to entertain today. Obviously, someone other than the creators and Comedy Central would try to cash in on this. Many games have been made over the years with varied success. In 2014, Ubisoft brought us South Park: The Stick of Truth – the first game to make players feel like they were actually in a South Park episode. Its success has led to the release of South Park: The Fractured But Whole. Time to see if Coon and Friends are worthy of the franchise they seek.
Inside South Park: The Fractured But Whole
Our game starts after the events of Stick of Truth. The New Kid (aka Douchebag aka YOU) is the king of Kupa keep and must defend it. Suddenly, The Coon (Cartman) appears and says he is from the future. He has to assemble Coon and Friends to save a cat named Scrambles to get money to start their film franchise. The Freedom Pals, led by Mysterion (Kenny), stand in their way to said franchise. Other obstacles include the indomitable villainy of Professor Chaos and an unknown mastermind spreading real crime throughout the town. Will Douchebag (now known as The Amazing Butthole) along with the rest of Coon and Friends be able to rescue Scrambles and save South Park? Only time will tell.
‘Member When Gameplay Was Engaging?
You have installed South Park: The Fractured But Whole and are ready to play. It’s South Park, so you never know quite what to expect. You took a dump (not kidding), chose your hero class and got your first mission from The Coon. Everything is great and you are legitimately laughing and having a good time. Everything would be great save for one nagging issue. The gameplay is extremely basic. The main characters of the game are all fourth graders, but (most of) the people playing the game are adults. Considering that Stick of Truth was originally going to be a Skyrim clone, we deserve better from its sequel.
You see in the image above the different hero classes available to your character. As you progress you’ll be able to simultaneously wield up to four of those power sets, each having its own super attack. Of those forty total attacks, you get to choose three regular and one ultimate. Summons and fart powers allow you some extra variation but the game is so simple that a fourth grader (who shouldn’t be playing this) can master it. I played the game on mastermind (highest) difficulty and aside from roughly three boss fights, nothing is remotely difficult. At times the game throws sheer numbers at you to compensate.
Your cell acts as a menu and is way more complex than it needs to be. The inventory quickly clogs with random items you will never need, distracting from those you do. Costumes are plentiful but largely uninspired. A costume creation system would have been awesome. Leveling up is almost useless; instead of improving your stats it unlocks artifact slots and these give you stat boosts. Ultimately, you will breeze through most of the game if you just max out your character’s might stat.
 Cartoon Clarity from ‘The Coon’
The graphics of South Park: The Fractured But Whole are nowhere near worthy of the platforms they are on but they are perfectly true to the television show. Creators Matt Stone and Trey Parker were adamant about both this game and Stick of Truth keeping true to the show’s visuals. Fortunately, that only adds to the title’s charm. Imagery like stuffing hamsters up your butt and a certain prison boss fight would be downright obscene with today’s graphics. Everything would be great if not for random glitches in animation like broken items appearing to be fixed, slowdown and long load times. This is what I personally experienced but results seem to vary from one player to the next.
With a show that has aired for two decades and a video game history nearly as long, one would expect a lot from South Park: The Fractured But Whole in terms of sound. In combination with the story, this is where the game truly shines. Every character, down to random NPCs are fully voiced and stores feature music from all over South Park history. The original music for the game is equally as impressive. You have an “ending theme” for when you die that sounds like something you’d hear after a major death on The Walking Dead. Bosses have their own themes including a special polka instrumental of “Kyle’s Mom Is a Stupid Bitch” for the Mrs. Broflovski fight. Top that with the entire (current) voice cast of the show and you have a winning recipe in the sound department. Unfortunately, just like with the graphics, the game is plagued with audio glitches. I ran into multiple instances where the audio for items and individuals no longer on screen continued to play. There were also random voice sync issues. Thankfully, these were much less of a problem than the graphical bugs, but you would think these things would be cleaned up before release.
 Verdict: Just How Fractured is The New Kid’s Butthole?
It seems silly to say that this game is a must for South Park fans when you probably would skip this review if you weren’t one. The thing is that it is an RPG and I have to grade it as such. If you are a fan of RPGs but not a South Park fan then this game is absolutely not for you. The gameplay itself is subpar by almost any console standards. NES RPGs had deeper combat than this game (not to down those titles). Fortunately, the writing, voice acting and music of the game cover for its major shortcomings. South Park: The Fractured But Whole, as it is, should have been a movie instead of a game. It is heavy in its social commentary on race and that may turn off some fans, but the story is clever, even by South Park standards. The fan service covers nearly every season of the show with nods to everything from Mecha-Streisand, Fishsticks and beyond. As for a purchase I would recommend picking this up on Black Friday; by no means should you pay full price.
  Scott Malkinson
St. Nicholas
They worship the devil
Kyle 2
professor Chaos’ true form
Ummm… what the sign says
Jennifer Lopez, aka Mitch Conner
Wonder who that fish is?
“He’s still lookin’ good”
Craaaaaaaaaab People
Butters will be grounded for this
The Raisins Girls don’t play!
Raisins on a rampage!
Smack them hoes!
So uh, you have to perform a lapdance
Slick’s Nit-Picks: South Park: The Fractured But Whole In 1997, Matt Stone and Trey Parker gave us South Park. The wildly inappropriate misadventures of four third grade boys has become a phenomenon that has bridged generations and continues to entertain today.
0 notes