#Alsace and Baden Road Trip
Saturday, 28th/Sunday, 29th September 2019 – Vaals, Aachen, Ghent, Rotterdam, Home
I started Saturday with a run that took in two countries, literally exercising my right to freedom of movement while I still had it. I ran the half mile to the Dutch/German border and then went about a mile into Germany before turning round and running back to the Netherlands. A shower, and a very good breakfast in the Hotel Kasteel Bloemendal, and then we set off to do some more sightseeing, this time by heading into Aachen, which we had visited before but so long ago (1983) that we’d forgotten most of it, and anyway it had only been a fleeting visit. We weren’t due at the ferry, about fours hours away, until 15:00 at the earliest and 19:00 at the latest so we could take a few hours out before needing to head off to the north west.
Aachen (or Bad Aachen) or even Aix-la-Chapelle started out as a Roman settlement and spa, and has, as with most cities we visited in what can best be described as the borderlands, had an interesting history, belonging to different countries at different times, while remaining inherently itself. It’s Germany’s westernmost city, in a former coal-mining area, and now specialises in technology, with the Rheinisch-Westfälische Technische Hochschule (RWTH), and an industrial base that covers science, engineering and information technology, as well as the Klinikum Aachen hospital, one of the largest medical facilities in Europe. Humans have been there since the Neolithic era, about 5,000 years ago, probably because of the warm mineral springs that gave it its Latin name, Aquae Granni (waters of Grannus). The second element, that made it Aix-la-Chapelle, was added after Charlemagne built a chapel built there and then made the city his capital.
Before that, though, there was the 25-hectare Roman spa town of Aquae Granni, which developed after the Roman 6th Legion first channelled the hot spring waters into two spa complexes. There was also an extensive residential area, part of it inhabited by a flourishing Jewish community. Bathhouses sprang up, and the town prospered until the end of the 4th Century when the Romans went home. By 470 the town was ruled by the Ripuarian Franks. Later, Pepin the Short had a castle built in the town, partly for strategic reasons, partly due to the proximity of the hot springs and spent the Easter and Christmas seasons of 765–6 in the town. Its importance grew further when Charlemagne came to spend Christmas at Aachen for the first time in 768. He spent most winters in Aachen between 792 and his death in 814, making it the focus of his court and the political centre of his empire and cementing its reputation. For the next 500 years, after its walls were fortified under Emperor Frederick Barbarossa between 1172 and 1176, 31 kings of Germany chosen to rule over the Holy Roman Empire were crowned in Aachen. The last king to be crowned here was Ferdinand I in 1531.
The city was also of considerable mercantile importance because it was close to Flanders, which enabled it to take a share of the wool trade. As an imperial city, Aachen held certain political privileges that allowed it to sidestep a lot of the trouble in Europe for many years, with it being a direct vassal of the Holy Roman Empire throughout most of the Middle Ages. In addition it was also the site of many church councils, which made it an important source of historical manuscripts. It went into something of a decline after 1598, when Frankfurt replaced it as the site for the Imperial coronations, and was further damaged by both war and the great fire of 1656.
In 1801, Aachen and the entire “left bank” of the Rhine were handed over to France, only to be given to Prussia by the Congress of Vienna after the defeat of Naopleon. In 1838, the railway from Cologne to Belgium passed through the city, and in 1875 the medieval fortifications were demolished as part of an effort to build new, better housing in the east of the city, where drainage was easiest. In December 1880 a tram network was opened, and in 1895 it was electrified, thus making the transport of both people and goods far easier. Prosperity followed, but history wasn’t done with the city by a long way. It was occupied for a decade after the First World War, and pretty much destroyed during World War II when it was the first German city to be captured by the Allies. Just as in Freiburg the cathedral escaped pretty much undamaged though a great deal else was gone, and by the end there were only around 4000 people left in the place, the rest having evacuated the city long since. After the war, reconstruction meant that a lot of what you now see is not original, though you wouldn’t necessarily know it.
We found a parking garage close to the city centre, parked up, and headed towards the cathedral, stopping off at the Tourist Information office for a map and to get our bearings. From there we went straight to the Centre Charlemagne, where the Neues Stadtmuseum Aachen (the New City Museum) gives an excellent overview of the city’s history and is the starting point of the “Route Charlemagne” which will take you round all the key sites including the cathedral and town hall, the Grashaus (the former town hall) and the Elisenbrunnen hot springs, if you have time. We didn’t on this occasion, but may well go back as there is much more to see. A quick detour into the cafe for a coffee while we planned what we would see, based on advice from the people behind the desk in the museum was time well spent as we knew where we wanted to go by the end of it.
It has some key pieces from the Carolingian era, including Charlemagne’s throne which used to be housed in the cathedral.
There is also a painting of Napoleon styling himself as the successor of Charlemagne in front of the throne at St Mary’s Church, but I couldn’t get far enough back to take a photo of it. It illustrates how, even after his death in 814, Charlemagne continued to influence the history of the city. Legends around the emperor’s grave and the marble throne made the city the venue of choice for coronations throughout the Middle Ages, and the canonisation of Charlemagne on 29th December 1165 only reinforced the “Legend of Charlemagne”, which was often exploited for political purposes. Both Napoleon and Wilhelm II deliberately styled themselves as successors of the Carolingian emperor, Napoleon going so far as the claim “Je suis Charlemagne”. In more recent times, and in the same spirit that regards Charlemagne as the mythical forefather of Europe and the founding father of two nations there is the Aachen Peace Prize, founded in 1988.
There was also information about the Charlemagne Prize. Referring explicitly to Charlemagne as the “Founder of Western Culture”, under whose reign the city of Aachen was once the spiritual and political centre of the whole of what is now Western Europe, it was intended from its foundation in 1950 to promote interest in and support for the process of integration not only among Germans, but also among their European neighbours. The first Charlemagne Prize was awarded to Richard Count Coudenhove-Kalergi, the founder of the Pan-European Movement. Since then, the International Charlemagne Prize has been awarded to the founding fathers of a United Europe such as Alcide de Gasperi, Robert Schuman, Jean Monnet, Winston Churchill and Konrad Adenauer, and to those who have embodied hope for integration such as Edward Heath, Konstantin Karamanlis, and His Majesty Juan Carlos I. As its founder Kurt Pfeiffer put it, “the Charlemagne Prize reaches into the future, and at the same time it embodies an obligation – an obligation of the highest ethical value. It is directed at a voluntary union of the European peoples without constraint, so that in their new found strength they may defend the highest earthly goods – freedom, humanity and peace – and safeguard the future of their children and children’s children”. Given the state of politics in the UK right now, I cannot begin to explain how depressed this made me feel about where we may be headed. On that note we took ourselves outside with the intention of visiting the cathedral, only to find it was closed until later in the day.
We went round the corner and into the sunshine for a few moments before diving into the Cathedral Treasury. This establishment is home to one of the largest – and outside the frankly barking Vienna Treasury Museum – most stunning collections of valuable church objects north of the Alps. Because the cathedral, otherwise known as the Marienkirche (“Church of St. Mary”), was a coronation church for so long, it has in its possession an incredibly rich and varied collection of valuable artworks, including numerous sacred gold and silver items such as chalices, reliquaries and altarpieces. It’s all very shiny and very impressive in there, though of the original treasures of the cathedral only six have survived, and three of them have been moved elsewhere including to Vienna.
In total the collection contains 210 documented pieces form a variety of sources, including Otto III, who donated the Lothar Cross, the Gospels of Otto III and multiple additional Byzantine silks, while Henry II gave gold that was used to make part of the Pala d’Oro and a covering for the Aachen Gospels, and Frederick Barbarossa donated the candelabrum that adorns the dome of the cathedral.
My favourite piece though, as a staunch Ricardian, was the crown of Margaret of York, handed over by Louis XI.
Objects have been donated across the centuries with the most recent work being a chalice from 1960 made by Ewald Mataré. There was also an interesting exhibition of liturgical clothing which would have been even more interesting if anything had been explained in any language at all.
By the time we’d finished and taken a look at the cloisters as well, the cathedral was open to visitors. We battled our way in along with everyone else, and tried to get a good look at as much as possible. There are a lot of guided tours going round because that is seemingly the only way you can get to some parts of the building, and despite the notices requesting silence it seemed the message hadn’t got through. The other message that hadn’t got through was that if you wanted to take photographs you needed to purchase a permit. I did, because I reckoned that bought me the right to ease in front of people who hadn’t bothered to hand over their €2.
The cathedral itself was begun in 796 and by the time the original building was completed it was the largest cathedral north of the Alps. The model for the structure was the Basilica of San Vitale, in Ravenna, though it was also intended to compete with the Lateran Palace in quality and authority. Built in the Carolingian style, with marble covered walls, and mosaic inlays. Charlemagne’s was buried there, although there is some dispute about where exactly he is. It doesn’t matter, because what is there and can be seen in breathtaking.
Needless to say, bits and pieces have been added on, with gables added in the 13th Century, a choir was added in the 15th Century and the dome was rebuilt after the fire of 1656. The church is still the main attraction in the city and was designated a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1978, one of the first 12 items to be so listed.
During World War II, the cathedral’s basic structure survived as did many of the artistic objects, some of which had been removed to secure storage, and some which had been protected within the church itself. The 14th-century choir hall glass, the Neo-Gothic altar, a large part of the cloister, and the Heiligtumskapelle were lost. Reconstruction and restoration took place over more than 30 years, and cost an estimated €40 million.
Most of the marble and columns used in the construction of the cathedral were brought from Rome and Ravenna, including the sarcophagus in which Charlemagne was eventually laid to rest. A bronze bear from Gaul was placed inside, along with an equestrian statue from Ravenna, believed to be of Theodric, and bronze pieces such as the doors and railings were cast in a local foundry.
And then we had to head for the car and set off for Rotterdam! We stopped off in Ghent on the way to go to a Belgian supermarket (Delhaize of course) and then, having stocked up on their white port, we pointed the car towards Rotterdam, arriving there by 17:00 to board the ferry and settle in to our suite. Showered and tidied up we had an earlyish dinner in the Brasserie, watching the lights go by as the Pride of Hull edged out towards the North Sea for the overnight crossing.
We went for the fish sharing platter this time with mackerel pate, cockles, smoked salmon, smoked haddock, ro
llmop herrings and prawns in abundance…
Salmon and sea bream were the order of the day for mains, and we drank a perfectly decent though not thrilling bottle of wine with it.
  We finished once more with cheese, had an early night and a decent breakfast (interestingly the limited and disappointing menu from the journey out was not in evidence so eggs Benedict was back and made a good start to the day). We had a quiet run home and were in the door well before midday, before unpacking the car and trying to work out what on earth we were going to do with all the bottles in terms of storing them at the right temperature. 144 bottles need to be put somewhere while we get round to drinking them.
It has definitely been a successful trip, with Alsace proving to be more than worth a visit, and Baden calling out for a re-run where we spend more time there.
  Travel 2019 – Alsace and Baden, Days 16 and 17, Vaals, Aachen, Ghent, Rotterdam, Home Saturday, 28th/Sunday, 29th September 2019 - Vaals, Aachen, Ghent, Rotterdam, Home I started Saturday with a run that took in two countries, literally exercising my right to freedom of movement while I still had it.
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erfigh · 5 years
Foto: Pixabay
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Friday, 27th September 2019 – Restaurant Hotel Kasteel Bloemendal, Vaals
We had another deal where our dinner was included in our room rate, and so we didn’t need to worry too much about where we should go that evening. All we needed to do was get our act together and wander down to the ground floor, the bar, and the restaurant. We also had two sets of free drink vouchers, one as part of the deal I’d booked, and one set that went with the upgrade, so it would have been churlish not to at least try the hotel bar. A glass of cava went down well, and the we headed into the dining room, not wanting to be too late.
We were shown to our table and found our menu there waiting for us. Now it was just down to what would happen in terms of how good the cooking might turn out to be. When I was working in the Netherlands, on a contract through a third-party company, with Shell at Zaltbommel, back around 2007, I often stayed at the Hotel Vught, simply because I’d reached the point of being unable to tolerate the hotel that everyone else was using near the office, between their inability to turn the tables and keep the breakfast buffet stocked in a morning, and the tendency of the only treadmill in the gym to try and kill me by going from 10kph to a dead stop for no reason and with no warning. So I decamped to the Vught a couple of time, where I was at least guaranteed a good breakfast. They didn’t, however, seem to be able to turn out a good dinner, and I only made the mistake of eating there in the evenings once – and was forced into it by being late on arrival on a second occasion. What I didn’t know at the time was that Van der Valk hotels are franchises rather than a chain in the strictest sense of the term, so the restaurants may well vary. As it turned out, we had no reason at all for concern. Our waitress was slightly concerned that we had the menu in German and Dutch but not English, presumably assuming that as we are English we wouldn’t be able to understand any other language. I reassured her that I was fine with with German, and that I could deal with Dutch as well if necessary. She seemed surprised… I didn’t mention that I’m pretty fluent in menu Spanish, Italian, Portuguese and Danish as well, and that I’m just fluent in French and German. I didn’t want to shake her suppositions too badly!
We took a look at the wine list (and noted some Dutch wines on the list which could have been interesting) but decided we would trust the wine choices that had been made for the dishes. Our waitress clearly understood the wines, and the wine list, and might actually be the sommelier as well. We never did figure out quite who was in charge of the wines, but she was certainly incredibly well-informed, even if she couldn’t taste any of them any more because she’d just found out she was pregnant. We were brought an amuse-bouche and this being the Netherlands it was a croquette. This one was made with “old” cheese so I assume they mean matured Gouda. It was good, cheesy and crisp, and very, very Dutch, but in a good way – Dutch cuisine often leaves a lot to be desired, is all I’m saying, but when it is good, it’s very good indeed. I put most of it down to their dour, Calvinist history which means you’re not supposed to take pleasure in anything. They do seem to be getting over it now.
The first course proper, was a rillette of cod with Dutch shrimp, a spring roll of oriental vegetables and a sesame cream. It was light and delicious, and the cod really was the hero ingredient, coming through as tiny soft layers with in the rillette. The shrimp were good too, salty and providing some structure to the dish, and there was a lovely crunch to the spring roll. The pace was good for us too, not too fast, possibly because there was a wedding party going on in one part of the hotel, and a birthday party in another. Whatever the reason, it worked well for us.
We were next serve a pumpkin soup with a toffee of pumpkin and shades of lime, or at least that was how they described it. The toffee and the lime came as tiny gel mounds in the bottom of the soup bowl, carefully laid out and with herbs decorating the space between. The soup arrived in a separate jug and was poured in, leaving us to decide whether we wanted to chase the gels individually or give the whole thing a vigorous stir to blend the flavours through the soup, and give the whole thing a massive kick. I stirred it. The sweetness of the toffee contrasted with the lime “shades” and added depth to the already deep flavour of pumpkin in the soup. It was probably as good as the soup we ate in Breisach.
After refills of our wine glasses (they were not at all stingy with the wines) our main eventually arrived, a portion of loin of veal with a cauliflower and miso creme, green herb gnocchi and a balsamic vinegar sauce. I am definitely over my fear of veal these days. This was really very good, more steak like than anything else. The cauliflower and miso puree was rich and umami packed and I am so stealing that idea, and the gnocchi were light as a feather. It wasn’t the best meal of the holiday (that accolade goes to Raben) but thus far it was right up there.
We hit dessert about two and a half hours after we initially sat down, and it didn’t disappoint. As we often do, when faced with a choice between cheese and something sweet, we opted for one of each. And thus we ended up with a very pretty plateful of sweetness, in the form of a white chocolate and apricot tartlet with structures of yogurt. Actually that’s far too simple a description of what was in front of us. The “tartlet” was soft with layers of creamy fruit and soft sponge, and it came with a dramatic and delicious ice cream combining apricot with chocolate in a way that suggested the pastry chef was very skilled. There were crumbs of “soil” and curls of tempered chocolate and the whole thing was really well done and really impressive.
The cheeses were nicely kept too, and went well with the 10 year old tawny port we were served with it. The menu simply said “Cheeseplatter (selection of 5 cheeses)” which probably didn’t do it justice in any way. The cheeses may not have been local, but the bread and the chutney and the membrillo that were also on the plate went down really well, as did the cheese.
We went back to the bar afterwards and used our second lot of bar tokens, and then retreated to the third floor in search of sleep.
Food 2019 – Alsace and Baden, Day 15, Restaurant Hotel Kasteel Bloemendal, Vaals Friday, 27th September 2019 - Restaurant Hotel Kasteel Bloemendal, Vaals We had another deal where our dinner was included in our room rate, and so we didn't need to worry too much about where we should go that evening.
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Wine 2019 - Alsace and Baden
Wine 2019 – Alsace and Baden
Friday, 13th September 2019 – Sunday, 29th September 2019 – Alsace and Baden (with a side order of the Mittel Rhein)
I’m well aware that a lot of people won’t want to read this, so I’m basically posting it entirely for my own reference with regard to what we bought on the latest road trip. Please feel very free to ignore it!
From Boppard (Mittel Rhein): From Matthias Muller:
3 x Matthias Muller…
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