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skullkxd · 2 years ago
so this morning tumblr glitched out and gave me this and it makes me laugh… tumblr is sponsoring ree…
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eraseur-a · 2 years ago
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no context discord powerpoint night.
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mielmoto · 2 years ago
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@allmighting said:
“All I want these days is to hike through a mossy forest filled with heavy fog and get lost for a while.”
"mmnnhmm. mood." an eloquent response; though the (much smaller) blonde is quick to follow up: "well 'hiking' maybe not so much, but the 'disappearing into the misty unknown' for a while bit is definitely relatable..."
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"though, I'm also pretty sure that huge-hunky-guys like you wandering aimlessly around in a forest is how, like, urban legends get born. is a one-way ticket to unofficial cryptid status a 'pro' or a 'con' in your book?"
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heroesburden · 2 years ago
@allmighting​ asked:
☄ Leaning your head on their shoulder while they talk. for shinsou from toga… 🥺
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Shinsou isn’t really one to judge , as long as she’s not being a brat or trying to kill him he gets the proconceived notion of being evil due to quirks .  Shifting a bit and leaning forward and looks over at her . They’d been talking quietly for quite a while when he felt the pressure of his head against him. Shifting slightly and looking over.  “ My shoulder isn’t the softest . Do you want to lay in my lap? or something ? “ He questions . “Ah , what was I talking about?”
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ofluminance-a · 2 years ago
i’m not usually like this ,  i’m sorry . 4 rhea rose if u wanna!
it was one thing that it was all might that had walked into the hospital today, it was a whole other that he was on her chart & to top it off -- she was nearly floored as he began apologizing!
hugging her clipboard to her chest, rhea tilted her head with a soft smile. what a sweet guy, wow. never in her life had she met him, and now that she has, she feels kinda like a teenager all over again. he was such a sweetheart. no wonder the world loved him & recovery girl never shut up about him during her studies.
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" hey, easy there big guy. there's no need to apologize to me. you're my patient, and i am here to assist and help you in any way that i can. " taking a seat in her rolling chair, rhea rolls towards toshinori's bed, gently reaching for his hand with one of her own to give it a squeeze. " i'm sure recovery girl told you if she placed you on my chart, but -- i'll introduce myself anyway. hi, i'm rhea rose. sensory girl, and i'm going to be one of your new physicians. " with a turn of her wrist, using her quirk, rhea linked them together, and smiled warmly. hoping the effects of her quirk were already beginning to relieve some stress and strain he clearly seemed to be having.
with her sensory link activated, a small heart bracelet slips around hers and toshinori's wrist as she pulls her hand back from his to pick up her pen. " now, why don't you tell me, why you've stopped in today? this, isn't a routine visit.. "
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charlotte-liddel · 2 years ago
@allmighting asked: “I don’t have a circle on mine. Where’s my circle?” he is pouting…
Charlotte chuckles a bit, serving a few other tables nearby with graceful and swift movements as she looks to the man. He was a new customer for certain, but she was getting an idea of what was in his tastes. His harmless little question, which could be taken as a playful complaint, did have her give her attention to him even as she worked.
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"Well I can put more than a circle on that. Want me to get a bit more creative about it? It would be a shame if this is what ruins your experience here at my cafe." She flashes him a smile, clearing one table nearby with a few careful motions to balance the plates on one arm, "Just tell me what you'd like and I'll be back in just a moment with the condiments for it, alright?"
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truexman · 2 years ago
@allmighting​ liked for a starter
“Oh no---” 
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Of all the ways to go, Naomasa wasn’t expecting it to be from getting knocked off of a rooftop after cornering a criminal up there during a chase, but here he was. Hurtling towards the ground. It was only a couple stories tall but a truth telling quirk wasn’t incredibly helpful in stopping the fall nonetheless so he knew it was going to hurt.
So he just curled his arms over his head and waited for impact.
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theboonofchaos · 2 years ago
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    Eris was looking at herself in the reflection of the storefront, humming softly. Around her, small accidents were going off - a car crashing and people tripping. She laughed to herself, scarlet eyes shifting to the person helping the people in the car crash. " He looks fun. " She mused before reappearing behind him, her slender hands on his shoulders. " Who might you be, wonderboy? "
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ofgravitation-moved · 2 years ago
@allmighting said: “I hope it’s not strange for me to ask, but I was curious if you’d perhaps help me learn guitar? Some of the students tell me you’re very musically talented!!” for jirou! / unprompted!
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when all might pulls her aside after class, kyouka isn't sure what to think. was she in trouble? did she miss a test or something? already, pre-panicked, kyouka makes her way to the front of the room and for lack of a better term is floored at the question her teacher asks her. shock visible on her face, jirou is stunned as she tried to formulate an answer.
" !! uh-- " she wasn't used to being placed on the spot like this! " i mean.. sure? yeah..? if you really want to learn, i could help you with that. " blinking dark eyes, jirou hesitates with her words for a moment, and then continues. " i'm just surprised i guess, that-- you're asking me, all might sensei. " he was all might, after all! anyone could teach him! probably for free, too! " i mean, even my parents are way better at teaching than me.. "
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kurasutaa · 2 years ago
We’re being wooby todayyy
Aaaaaaaaaa yags. Your such a good noodle and so fun in chat. I love the neverending love you have for toshi and the relationships he has with other muses. There is so much care and thought put into him and it shows. and I love that you put your own funky lil spin on him. He’s just so neat. Plus like dude, the way you don’t seem to really lose steam about him??? Envious.
But also the fact u tolerate my silly little ocs. I am. V appreciative of that. I’m sorry I’m slow like molasses lately and haven’t written anything for them.
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strebcrarchivess · 2 years ago
my toshi is 7'7 LMAO
» send me ↕ + your muse’s height
I will compare your muse’s height to mine using this website.
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skullkxd · 2 years ago
@allmighting liked for a starter!
“… I could have taken them.”
Ree is barely standing as it is though. Gripping their cane in one hand, the other holding against the blooming bruise on their cheek, they’re cautious with this newcomer that jumped in to rescue them. The kid’s Zorua is besides them, watching — careful, just like his master.
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Who is this guy, anyway? A tourist, for sure. Ree doesn’t know from where, but he’s definitely not from around Alola. Tourists are usually cautioned away from associating with Team Skull members, though, and Ree’s in uniform, so…
what gives?
“You didn’ need t’save me,” they add. “It … I don’t wanna owe you anything.”
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primegrim-a · 2 years ago
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      "" why doesn't that surprise me ? ""
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   a small chuckle leaves tainted lips , covering them with her hand a little bit as she gazes at the man . "" did it hurt ? and does your eye by any chance smell nice now , too ? ""
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❝ i sprayed perfume in my eyes earlier. ❞ // @allmighting !
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publicabsent · 2 years ago
@allmighting: “Yeah, but you should see the other guy.” / accepting.
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a sigh escapes her, slightly exasperated but more worried than anything else. (it would be just like her to worry about someone she hardly knows.) annette crosses her arms for just a moment, before her brows furrow & she drops her arms. "s'n-n-not as ... as r-reass-s-suring as you th - think. d'you ... um. n-n-need me t-to ... to c-call som-meone, or ... ?"
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quirkbeat · 2 years ago
@allmighting ♡’d for a starter
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  ❝  Yagi.  ❞
  the words come out slightly gruffer than he’d like, a near low growl in the heteromorph’s throat that would give the illusion he’s angry. he ducks through the doorway of the teacher’s lounge, careful to bend low enough that only his ears brush the top of the doorframe, something that urges him to give an uncomfortable shake of the head before he’s straightening again.
  really, he doesn’t much care for bothering his colleagues during the work day, but sometimes he has to make an exception. he gives a soft grunt, willing his vocal chords to at least attempt to sound friendly before he speaks again.
  ❝  was wondering if I could speak with you.  ❞
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eraseur-a · 2 years ago
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@allmighting​ sent: [ CLOSE ] : our muses are in a position which leads to the sender stepping intimately closer to the receiver.
All he needed was the flour off the top shelf in the cabinet. Maybe standing on his tiptoes and flailing around for a moment wasn’t the most masculine thing he’s ever done but he didn’t think it made him seem so helpless that it warrants this --
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All Might’s entire body pressed flush against his own. Their height difference means that Aizawa’s face has been shoved into the strong man’s chest, and as he’s backed against the counter, effectively pinned and smothered. 
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