#Allison Hargeeves
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tothosewholisten · 1 month ago
Forever Healed | TUA insert
Chapter: 18
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When I returned to the academy I was greeted with utter chaos. There in the middle of the living room area was Diego, punching Hazel from on top of him with Five on top of both of them holding a glass tray. He then whips the tray back over his head and strikes Diego on his. I started to notice there were cuts all over the taller males from the fighting they must’ve been at this for a while. Once I heard the sound of Diego collapsing onto the floor I made my presence known.
“I was gone for twenty minutes?!” I called out. And as soon as I said that Five blinked back over to the bar to take a sip out of his curly straw. I took that as a sign to check on the now-unconscious Diego. My response to his injury was to let out spouts of gibberish that sounded like ‘What happened’ and ‘Why are you so stupid’.
Five only shrugged. “I draw the line at biting.”
But the real saddest part about this was the fact that everyone seemed to abandon the delicious drinks Five made. I crossed my arms and looked at the exhausted Hazel in front of me. “Why are you here..?” My glare emphasized my words.
“Whatever you came to say I suggest you make it quick. Before she heals him.” Five pointed at me.
Hazel thought for a second before he answered. “I left my partner, quit the commission, and came to volunteer.” He said.
The boy looked intrigued, “for what..?” Five asked slowly.
“To stop the apocalypse.” Five conceals a laugh at the man’s expense, making Hazel frown. “What on earth could be so funny to you right now?”
I looked at the man who was just trying to kill everyone a few days ago, he not only sounded different but his body showed signs of change. A steady heartbeat and a lower blood pressure were the last thing I expected from him. “I'm going to ask a question now. Why do you want to help? You hated us a few days ago, I mean you murdered me.”
He looked at me quickly before looking back at the ground. “For what it's worth, I'm sorry for what I did to you. That was nasty work even for me. But as for my motive, let's just say I have a vested interest in a doughnut shop.”
I said. “It’s fine, you're not the first person to do that.” But in my mind, I was thinking what the hell is he talking about a doughnut shop for?
“I hate to break it to you pal, but you’re a day late and a dollar short. The fact that you're here right now means, without a shadow of a doubt, that the apocalypse is over.” Five cheers.
“That’s one hundred percent true right? Because I don't like our luck streak at the moment.” I whisper to him.
In one rapid motion Five ditches the straw and gulps his drink down, it made me think of how his little body can take all this alcohol abuse. “Well with the mark dead. Oh, we found him this morning Hazel. I can confidently say that you were the last known unknown left in the equation.” His shrugging shoulders didn't convince me.
I mean who's a better expert than the time-traveling kid himself but, this was all too pristine for my liking. Randomly stumbling across the one man we need to stop already dead? It’s just too convenient.
But I'm the odd man out when Hazel is quick to believe his words. “Shit. Really.” He almost sounded like teenage Alison excited for her next magazine shoot. A grown man with this much excitement in his voice couldn’t be healthy.
“Mhm, and if you're out then hellrider ain’t riding.” Five pours another glass for himself and Delores who's on the counter next to him.
I slowly remember who's lying on the floor with some new head trauma as Hazel cheers for the new development and steals my seat next to Five. While letting out a sigh at Diego, I raised my hand and a burst of light surrounded his wounds in an instant. Hopefully, this would be enough to heal him and also wake him up so he can kick Hazel out. But I didn't stick around to see the results of my powers because the sound of Luther wailing my name sent me and my very sensitive ears running up the stairs to the med room..
The sound added sounds of female shrieks caused me to slam open the door so quickly that it was basically off the hinges. I was going to faint, there was Allison awake and communicating with Luther. The results of the serum were better than I hoped. I thought to myself that maybe, if she’s up so quickly in a couple of days she’ll gain the ability to speak. But that was only wishful thinking.
When she saw me, her expression gave me the impression that she wanted to get up and run towards me. “Don’t exert your strength,” I told her while walking to her instead.
Her hands flew to take hold of a blue marker by her bedside, as soon as she grasped it she started scribbling down words. I looked at Luther but he also had no clue what she was writing. Soon after the notepad that she was writing on was shoved in my face.
“You saved me. Thank you.” That is what she wrote.
I looked at her stunned. “I can't take the credit.”
“Why not?”
“Because… because if I wasn't dragged out of bed I don't know what would’ve happened. Thank your brothers instead.” I couldn’t handle the feeling of how my heart would react when someone told me thank you and that I helped them. I was also filled with an overwhelming sense of Deja Vu just because of the fact I hadn’t done the thing I was put on this earth to do since I left the academy. This feeling would come up when I was a nurse a couple of weeks ago, but I haven't felt this kind of heroism since we saved the Eiffel Tower.
All of these waves of mixed feelings came to a halt when I felt her smooth skin wrap around mine, she was holding onto my hand with all of the strength she could muster for someone in her condition. It was like she could sense that I drifted away from the conversation. Allison had always been hyper-aware of everything going on around her, it felt like she was whispering into my ear. “You did a great job.” I was embarrassed at how easily I could crumble at the slightest praise for using my ‘healing powers.’
The sound of the heart monitor speeding up to my right broke me from my trance, Allison was getting anxious about something. “What’s wrong?” I jumped up.
She began to write once again, the words of a familiar name appeared on another page of yellow notepad paper. “Vanya?” She asked.
“We don't know where she is,” I replied sadly. The faint shake of her head signaled that wasn't what she was trying to say.
Luther stared at the paper confused. “Powers? I don’t understand.”
“I do.” Pogo's voice said from the doorway. “It’s time for the last of your father’s secrets to come to light.”
Pogo explained years of lies and neglect in a few minutes. Vanya had always had powers but Reginald deemed hers as too unstable, and the pills she'd been on since practically a child were power suppressants. The only emotion I felt was anger towards the dead man whose secrets still ruin our lives.
“You mean all those years of just leaving her out for being ordinary could’ve been avoided if Reginald wasn't a heartless bastard? Who was he to tell her at like ten she can't have been like the rest of us when he didn't even let her powers grow?”
“Miss Y/n..” Pogo said, trying to calm me down.
“No! Why are we so calm about this? Don’t you guys realize what all of that did to her? How she must’ve felt envying us for having the one thing we all have in common. Of course, her powers were not stable, we were kids Pogo, kids have emotions, kids are wild.” This whole thing made me sick to my stomach.
“Well we're not kids anymore” Luther grumbles. “Look what she did to Alison, Y/n Dad was right to hide her powers.”
Allison didn't say anything to denounce Vanya, even if she got hurt by her hands she still cared about her sister just like I did. “I know what happened, okay? But what do you expect when she’s never learned to control her powers or her emotions? Reginald is still fucking us up from the grave. It’s not fair to put all of the blame on her.”
Luther stood up angrily “You're talking about her like she’s still a kid, she should know not to attack her sister. She’s a safety risk to all of us. What if she comes after you next?”
“She’s not a bomb, Luther. I'm sure we can figure this out without you locking her away in some dungeon.”
“It’s what she deserves.”
That was my last straw, I fully stood up and prepared to leave the room. “I can't deal with your shit. I'll go find her myself.”
He stepped in front of me. “No, you're not, unless you want to get killed by her also.”
I scoffed. “That’s your sister don't forget.”
“And what are you? You never refer to us as siblings and yet you think by your fake sisterly love you can make everything go away?”
“I have a brother and he’s definitely not you.”
“You always thought you were better than us.”
I take a step closer to him, even with his big stature my stance doesn't waver. “You know I actually started to like you.”
“Sit. Down.”
Afraid of something happening Pogo with his cane thumping on the ground rushes over to us. “Children please stop this, I know I'm not your father but I'm deeply sorry for all of this.”
I turned to the old man. “Go apologize to Vanya, you didn't do this to us.”
A sound of fear from Allison met my ears with disdain, it seemed like she didn't want us to argue either. My attention went back to the red-faced Luther. I was quick to revert back to old ways of thinking when I conjured up the idea in my brain, as kids id put Luther on his ass too many times to count. It would be harder to do it now but it was worth the shot. But I'm trying really hard to not be that person anymore.
I let out a sigh. “You're such an asshole.” I went back over to Allison remembering that since now she’s awake I can do my final check up on here and get out of this place. Forever if the world is truly saved from the apocalypse.
“I don’t understand what you see in him, Allison. He has a classic case of leader syndrome. As well as the fact that he’s just rude.” The woman swatted at me with her arm. The two of us seemed to have eons of time to communicate with each other well as long as she had a paper to write on.
“You didn’t mean that.” She wrote.
When I unhooked her from the heart monitor and other medical machines I gave her a look. “Oh fuck yes, I did. Did you hear what he said?”
“You weren’t nice either, no more fighting.” Allison stretched her body when she stepped off the table. “Very cold.” She complained.
My hands went to touch the metal to re-familiarize myself with it. “Yeah, it's very nostalgic to me.
“What do you mean?”
“I mean that I was here a lot, remember when Reginald gave like an hour for us as kids to just run around? Well, I found myself here more times than I can count.”
By the look on her face, it was obvious that she never noticed. My lips formed into a small grin, I didn't want her first day moving to be bummed by more of the sick reality of our lives. It was all in the past anyway, soon when my life would go back to how it was I would never be forced to be back here.
“Come on, you need a new outfit that fits your return to the mortal world. Then maybe we could go look for Vanya? I'm tired of all this mystery.”
The smile on her face could make up for the endless pain and arguing the end of the world caused. I pushed her out the door and took one final look at a place that I hoped I'd never see again. So much pain and too many healed-up scars to prove it.
The two of us only made it halfway down the hallway when the whole house started to shake, it was so abrupt that we went tumbling to the ground. I slowly got up with a groan. During the fall my head slammed hard into the wall next to me. It made me a bit wobbly when I stood up but I could walk. Just the thought of getting a small concussion made me turn to Allison, if I got hurt she could’ve done more damage to her body.
“Allison? Are you okay?” I winced. She gives me a reassuring nod takes my hand and goes to pull her up.
The woman reaches into her pants pocket to pull out her notepad. “Y/n you okay? What was that?”
My head swung in all directions to look for a cause but there was nothing that could’ve caused a quake as big as that. It must’ve run through the whole house if it took us down so easily. “I'm not sure we should find the others,” I told her. What I didn’t mention was the fact that my head felt like it was spinning uncontrollably, like I had a minor concussion. It didn’t bother me that much though, because I've had too many in my life to be worried about them. I also didn’t want to worry the already frazzled woman.
When we reached the bottom of the staircase there was ruin everywhere around us. The mansion was visibly altered, with lots of broken antiques and geared paintings in places they shouldn’t have been in. It was clear that whatever happened must’ve been an earthquake.
“Y/n!” I turned to see Klaus whose body was drenched in a cold sweat. “You gotta- oh my god- Luther’s gone crazy.” I'd never seen the man I grew up with so scared, Klaus had always taken everything as a joke. But now there was a look of maturity and fear in his eyes.
I looked at Allison who was equally as shocked at her brother. “Slow down, okay? What did he do? You're not hurt are you?” My hands went for his shoulders hoping my touch would calm him down.
“There’s no time, listen! Vanya is in trouble.” He didn't wait a second more before speeding off in the direction he came from.
“Vanya’s here?” At the mere mention of her name, my eyes widened. Now I was starting to freak out, maybe I hit my head so hard I lost the ability to sense life forces because I would’ve noticed if she came into the mansion. But before I followed Klaus I turned back to Allison.
“Allison, I know you're worried and you don’t want me to go alone. But I need you to stay here okay? I'm not sure what’s going on but when I do I'll come right back.” She looks hesitant for a second but slowly agrees by nodding her head.
Klaus led me through hallway after hallway and down to a level of the academy I never thought existed. It was a makeshift hallway that probably was a reutilized bunker of some sort by all the rust on the walls. The only light in the hallway came from a row of small bulbs on the roof. Otherwise, you could barely see a single step in front of you.
I relied on my senses and my quick strides to see what could’ve freaked out Klaus so bad he had to run and get me. I felt Diego and Luther’s heartbeats as well as hearing their arguing, Klaus’s weary steps and.. a heart that's barely beating almost like the person was slowly dying.
It was Vanya, in a fucking cage.
“What the fuck is this?” I yelled out to the two men just standing there as she banged on the glass of the small box she was in. It was sickening, she was placed there like she was a mannequin in a store window for them to ogle at.
Luther didn't even acknowledge my existence when he turned to Klaus. “That’s what you meant when you said you’d be right back? You brought her, what the hell Klaus?”
A rage flowed through my veins, a rage I hadn’t felt since I heard the news of Ben’s death. I went up to the tall ape of a man whose name I grew to hate and grabbed him by the hinges of his hideous coat. “Let her out of there now!” My screeching voice rang through the basement.
“You know exactly why I can't do that.” Luther said calmly like I wasn't in a position to pummel him to the ground.
I stood there for a second looking for any remorse in his soul, that showed he knew he was doing the wrong thing. And when I didn't find anything, I sent a hook to his nose. Diego and Klaus looked at us with a different kind of reaction on each of their faces.
But Diego was the one who voiced his concerns when he went to pull me off the unbothered Luther. “Okay that’s enough, Y/n.” He yelled. I blew my hair out of my face as I shook Diego’s large hands off my shoulders. My eyes went to Vanya’s more red ones, she was having a full breakdown.
“Let me get this straight.” He starts. “You locked her up because you think she might have powers.”
As Luther stood up and tried to stop the bleeding that gushed out of his nose he replied. “No, I know she does. Pogo explained it to me and Y/n earlier. He’s always known and so did Dad.”
Diego doesn't look convinced by Luther's outlook. “But why would they hide this from us? I mean, I am the only one who didn't know this place existed.”
“Oh come on, it isn’t like this is the only thing he's hidden or the strangest,” I spoke out.
Everyone stared at Vanya, but I couldn’t be farther away if I wanted to. I was so uncomfortable by them not even caring that she was sobbing uncontrollably. Where was their sympathy? Or the ability to reconsider that maybe she’s also scared.
“He hid it because he was afraid.” Luther judged. “Of her.”
By now he’d dropped the whole idea that Vanya was ever his sister. Now that he knew she had powers he was so quick to protect himself from someone who was already restrained.
Klaus scoffed. “That’s ridiculous.”
“Is it? He replied.
I stood in front of Vanya’s cage so I could command attention to myself and away from the looks from the eyes that were quick to judge her without knowing the full story. “Did Reginald himself whisper those words into your ears? He told you that he was afraid of someone who was at the time a little girl.. no? Of course not Luther you weren't there. You don’t have the right to assume anything.”
Luther fought the urge to groan. “Why are you always so quick to defend her?”
“It’s because you don't even think to realize that you could be in there. You're so caught up in the fact that she’s different” I looked around at the faces of the umbrella academy. “Or any of you, be thankful your powers did not cause you to lash out as kids. And maybe I have empathy for the fact that she’s scared and right now you're all looking at her like a pack of wolves.”
“If you have questions, Luther, ask her instead of caging her up. And why not go talk to the people who helped take part in this instead of blaming the hurt?” I ended.
Diego nods his head. “She’s right Luther, the fact that your first thought was to put her here when she came to you. It’s not right.” That’s new to me, but it just makes his actions more horrible.
“You want proof? She cut Alison’s damn neck open and didn't even come back to turn herself in. That’s all the proof you need that she’s right where she’s supposed to be.” He says.
“Why don't we just open the door and ask her?” Klaus’s hands fall on the wheel that twists the door of the cage open but his hands are quickly snatched by Luther’s fuming rage.
“No, she’s not going anywhere,” Luther yells once again. But just like he did when I punched Luther, Diego grabbed the two of them to break them apart.
My brows furrow. “You're sick Luther. You're sick and stupid for not realizing she needs our help.”
Klaus moves back from the cage with his heart full of empathy “Yeah, and for all we know, she might be struggling with this new power. I mean it must be scary, terrifying! Really to discover that you can drop something you never thought you could do.”
“Look, if what Pogo told us was even half true, then she is not just a danger to us she’s a danger to everyone.” He whispered trying to get Diego on his side.
“That’s fucking rich coming from you. When we should be scared of you, you're the one whose only ever bright idea was to stick your sister in a dungeon!” My voice falters at the end of my last sentence. It was just like past me said, he stuck Vanya in a dungeon.
Luther was sick of me and my words when he got in my face. “She could start another apocalypse, listen to me. She could kill us all, Y/n. Stop acting like you can save everyone when we know that's already been proven as something you can’t do!”
The room was silent except for the pounds on the glass from Vanya. He knew he didn't even have to say his name to hint at what he was trying to say.
The insults I had for him dried in my mouth, I could only say. “You’ve lost it.” As I moved out of the way to show him the harsh reality of what he just said. To maybe the only person who still liked him in this house.
Everyone was so wrapped in the fact that Luther was an idiot that no one but me realized that Allison had followed us down here. And she witnessed that last dagger Luther had pushed into my heart. Maybe now she would realize how much of an asshole he truly was.
We were not the only ones to see her through, Vanya stopped screaming when she saw her alive and walking around. From what I could lip read the only words that now came out of her mouth were Allison.
“Allison, what are you doing here? you should be in bed.” Luther spoke to her softly like he wasn't just coming for my entire existence.
The exhausted woman grabbed her notepad to write her millionth statement. What she wrote echoed the notion that all of us had had for the past hour or so. “Let her go”
“I can't do that. She hurt you.”
Allison looked ashamed. “My fault.” It made me feel lost, the truth was it wasn't either of the women’s fault. But they still both ended up getting hurt in the end.
“I'm sorry, but she’s staying put.”
Vanya’s pleas became more rampant as Allison tried to force her way towards the cage. She was held back by Luther. His body is as stiff as a brick wall.
“Just until we know what we're dealing with.”
His words and shoves back don't stop her from trying to get what she wants; she gives it her all to get around him but he never budges. Allison crumbles into sobs as she pushes and pushes on Luther.
Klaus and Diego, who had been watching along with me, started to walk down the hallway. I catch up to them and start to shout. “Where are you guys going? Are you gonna let him keep her here?
“I don’t think there’s anything we can do at this point, Y/n. She’s not gonna let us go to her.” Klaus frowns.
My face turns into disgust at his words. It pains me to say it, but the only thing I thought of when I heard that was. “Cowards..” I whispered while stepping back like I was scared. Because I was scared now it seemed like I was the only person who wanted her to get out of there. When I looked back at Allison and Luther, it was clear that he had won and they were going to leave also. “You’re all cowards.”
But then I realized the one person who I think would try to do something about Vanya’s capture. Five. Quickly I push past Diego and Klaus with a shove.
“Five?” I called out to the empty living room. How is it that the one person I need in this academy is not here? And not only was he gone, his “wife” Dolores was gone too. I ran my hands through my hair nervously. What do I do now?
But then I looked down at the floor trying not to cry. Vanya would know what to do.
At the age of sixteen I already had all the life experience someone who was thirty or more would normally have. I’ve helped numerous people, I’ve had articles dedicated to my angel-like powers and personality and lots and lots of fan mail from old men. Most importantly, I’ve also experienced a loved one dying.
The whole week after Ben’s funeral had me at my lowest. I wouldn’t even leave my room despite the lectures and tantrums Reginald would throw. I was over the whole idea of being a superhero and putting my life on the line for people who didn’t even know the real me. They knew what Reginald wanted them to know, “The Gifted” was what the media called me. But my gifts weren’t even great enough to save one fucking person.
That week pushed me to the extreme. The only time I’d get up was to try to force Allison to brainwash me to forget I’d ever existed and also to barf in the bathroom. I’d felt so guilty about what happened to Ben. My body's only response was to be sick. But I wasn’t even eating so whatever I barfed out made me feel even worse.
Not even Klaus would get me out of my funk. Which pissed Reginald off, to say the least. To the point where he just stopped wanting to deal with me. I was informally kicked off the team, and the Umbrella Academy went back to being Number one, Number two, Number three and lastly Number four. But the number who was missing from that list, meaning the only one who was still around, Vanya thought she could maybe make me feel better.
On Thursday of that hellish week, there was a knock at my door. At the time I was wrapped in my new thin sheets because Reginald had just barged so he could change my sheets to something more deserving of someone who wouldn’t get out of bed as he described. He hoped I’d be too cold to stay in the room so that I would hopefully be forced to get up.
Just so he could put me back to work. But I faced it, no matter how cold I was.
So when I was left to my own devices I tried to do something bad. I had my pillow that I had placed over my head to silence my thoughts and my body forever. So desperate for it all to end that I was lost in thought and didn’t answer the door because I thought it was just another genius plan by Reginald.
When I couldn’t bring myself to squeeze that final bit I hugged Benny into my chest as salty tears left my eyes and dripped onto my face. I was just so sad and yearning for Ben to come back just one last time. The soft knocking didn’t stop though, only getting quicker. The sound made me go crazy, to the point where I grabbed that same pillow and threw it at the door hoping that the person outside would get my message.
“Y/n?” Vanya’s shaky voice called out as she twisted my door knob open. Her appearance didn’t make me feel any better though.
“What do you want, Vanya?” I said rudely without looking at her.
I thought my rudeness scared her away at first because she ran back out the door. I laughed at myself, look what you did. You finally pushed everyone away, everyone who’s ever liked you.
That wasn’t the case for the small Vanya though, she re-entered my room with a porcelain plate in her hands. “I’m sorry to disturb you but, I just thought since you’ve been here since Sunday you’d want something to eat."
I sat up from my pity party. “I’m good. Thanks.”
“Please, you need to eat something. Mom and everyone else is worried. She told me to bring you something you would eat. So I had the perfect thing in mind.” She walked closer to me to sit on the end of my bed. Vanya placed the plate in between us and lifted the cover on it.
I let out a small gasp. She brought me a peanut butter and marshmallow sandwich, just like the ones she would make for Five. “How did you-“
“You think I don’t realize it’s you and Pogo eating the sandwiches that are supposed to be for Five.” She smiles.
That could’ve brought me to tears right there. Just the idea of someone truly noticing the real me. I was still a bit hesitant but with encouragement from the girl sitting on my bed, I took a few bites out of my sandwich. The taste instantly brought me back to when I first joined the academy. It was far from perfect but anything was better than how it felt to be here now.
“Thank you, Vanya, I'm sorry for being mean earlier.” I lowered my head while still biting into my sandwich. I didn’t apologize for much back then, but I realized I had no intention of being mean to someone who was not to blame for anything.
“It’s okay. A lot has happened in the past few days. I don’t blame you, I just wanted to make sure you were alright. The last time anyone has heard from you is when you begged Klaus to bring Ben back. And that was on Tuesday..” She frowned.
Oh yeah. I almost forgot about how hysterical I’d been when I ran into Klaus who was smoking in his room. Even if I couldn’t see any smoke or smell it I knew something was wrong with him because he kept looking behind me and talking to someone who wasn’t even there.
“Not my best moment,” I say to be frank.
She reaches out for my hand. Suddenly I felt the warmth that I craved in my covers. “I’m here for you. I know I don’t have the same experience as maybe Allison but, I’m a great listener.”
At first, I thought I had nothing to say to her, and she recognized that so she started to change the topic to just typical things that have been happening around the house.
“Diego stole Luther’s hair brush and he freaked out yesterday.” She giggled.
I belted out laughing. “They are so stupid.”
But then I had stuff I wanted to talk about. Like how I never got to say goodbye to Ben before the mission and how mad I was at Reginald for not letting me go on it. She tried her best to comfort me during my ramblings and cries. Soon minutes turned into hours and before I knew it we spent the whole day together talking about our feelings but also lighter things like what things the siblings do to piss us off.
I’d never laughed that much before since Ben was buried. It made me sad again though, because I remember how happy we were the day before the mission. And how he said he had something to tell me as we sat on the rooftop like we often did. Just the two of us, it didn’t matter what was going on around us. As long as we were together everything would be okay. And now he was gone and I thought to myself nothing would ever be okay again. But I still have more people around me who love me and want to see me happy, like Vanya.
A reason Luther could never understand was because he wasn’t close to anyone like that. So yes, I’d do anything for Vanya. She helped me at my lowest.
Two things caused me to stop thinking about how life used to be. First, a loud bang broke me from my thoughts. Then second, the room started shaking and made me jump up to look around. Something wasn't right..
Authors note:
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puke-ur-gutz · 7 months ago
gerard is allison. gerard is mother war. gerard is the girl. gerard is violet. gerard is casey.
*leans into the mic* gerard is lola. gerard is vanya. gerard is maya. is this thing on
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pluviophiles · 7 months ago
i think we all collectively agree that the only thing the writers did right in tua s4 was brisket five
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cosmicstxrdust · 7 months ago
I'm writing two s4 Five Hargreeves FFs at the same time and I've come to the realization that their vibes are VASTLY different. On one hand, we have emo!Five who's lost his wife and everything is shit, while on the other we have fluffy!Five who gets everything he wants 🤣. Here's a visual representation of them (yes, I know this is a very outdated meme.):
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lilacspider · 7 months ago
TUA should’ve ended after season 2
i am just so kriffing disappointed in this final season. i am disgusted. steve blackman has absolutely zero regard for these characters, their development, and the story. he has no respect for the ACTORS. he threw the entirety of these past three seasons in the trash in just one season. they had so much opportunity and yet he chose to make it a fetish-filled, scandalous, and completely lazy season.
all the vomitting???????? klaus being force fed marigold (which dare i say might’ve made a good storyline for him IF HE WASNT PIMPED OUT AND THEJN NESRLY BURIED ALIVE????) which in turn made him into an alcoholic???
five and lila????? they scrapped fives motivation of saving his family and keeping them together because of his LOVE FOR THEM, all SO HE COULD HAVE A RELATIONSHIP WITH LILA????? that is probably the biggest mischaracterization altogether. lila would never cheat on diego. they are married. THEY HAVE CHILDREN TOGETHER. it’s NORMAL to have arguments and trouble in a relationship but by no means does it mean there’s room for affairs as a result. it just makes me mad. ritu has known aidan since he was 15, like this is so nasty.
diego being the stereotypical “bad father” for lack of better words because he apparently has no consideration for his family which is NOT TRUE AND IS A HUGE MISCHARACTERIZATION!!????
luther going back to being the guy that no one really listens to because they feel he has nothing of value to offer (it wasn’t super evident but i noticed it which made me sad bc we made so much progress with his character!)???
allison becoming a single mom whose husband, RAYMOND, walked out on her??? that literally makes no sense for raymond or her, yes allison is a strong and independent character but it feels like it’s just stereotype after stereotype.
viktor becoming a womanizer and LEAVING HIS FAMILY BEHIND! all viktor has ever wanted since childhood is to be apart of his family, and they take that away this season??? makes no sense.
dont even get me started on sparrow ben. i have never liked his character he is wayyyy too much of an asshole, but your saying he can’t have common sense??? they turn him into a criminal who is contaminated by this essence that is meant to end the world and ends up making him insanely attracted to the one consistent mystery in this entire show (jennifer/the jennifer incident) and then throw away the entire plot line to just have them end the world. **and then making him and jennifer overly sexually attracted to each other was just straight up weird, where did that even come from?? i had to skip those scenes because it was so kriffing cringe.
because out of no where, abigail had a change of heart. and reginald is somehow one of the only mentally stable characters this season which is new!??? jean and gene were completely and utterly useless. they had no point, the only five i liked in this season is brisket, newspaper, drunk, and season one five. CIA five can leave.
one of the only redeemable moments of this season is the flashback of our brellies. that was good. there were other parts that i liked but that is first that comes to mind. **and the birthday party scene where they reunite. very cute and family vibes. sucks they couldn’t all be together because viktor was straight up kidnapped by some crazy.
and then the subway to different timelines. that could’ve been such a freaking awesome idea and would’ve made a great plot device IF THERE WASN’T ONLY SIX EPISODES AND SOMEONE ELSE WAS PUT IN CHARGE OF WRITING. like why are five and lila the only ones who are aware of this?? this couldn’t have been utilized earlier?? also can we talk more about how ben is an asshole, people focus too much on the attractive aspect of his character (which no offense, i see no appeal to bc the personality is just awful—NO HATE TO JUSTIN H M, he’s fantastic it’s just we did not lose brelly ben for this), like he force fed/tricked EVERYONE into consuming the janky marigold. except klaus because he’s the only smart one there. also good on him for trying maintain sobriety. but still. that is so messed up???? if he had never given anyone the marigold, everything could’ve been fine. they could’ve lived long happy lives in this timeline reggie made.
and then they had david cross, pitch perfect 2 ref, iconic man, play an irrelevant character. i’m so mad. wasted potential right there.
AND! it’s a crime that there is no family dance montage/scene like past seasons. it hurts. **oh and also there being like zero MCR songs is such a slap in the face because if the producers and directors actually listened to the fans opinions and ideas every once in a while, they would know that we’ve been hoping for an MCR song to be included as an homage/reference to Gerard Way.
and then that ending. where they just accept death???? choosing that the world is better off without them??? that is such a lazy end. if they had ten episodes and let gerard way have some sort of say in the writing/directing process, we could’ve had something so good. something so creative and fun and fulfilling. but no. they die and come back as marigolds. **which i personally really liked, out of everything this season i’m not sure why so many people hate the fact they kind of turned into flowers 😭😭 the ending sucked cause it’s so obvious it wasn’t given much thought but it was still sad and seeing the eight marigolds was sweet and gave closure in a sense. as much as it could i guess. **also, the farthest marigold is ben regardless bc brelly ben is dead and sparrow ben doesn’t really consider the brellies as his family. it is not five or klaus or whoever, it is ben. it has to be imo. the two flowers closest together are lila and diego. fight me.**
another thing, all the bad guys having a happy ending? irks me. like they were iconic, but why them and not the brellies? **(while i still agree with the idea of why couldn’t the brellies be happy too, i actually liked the fact that the main villains or side characters had completely different lives had the umbrella academy never existed. like that’s actually crazy sad and really interesting. also two things: is detective patch in that last scene? i’m not sure if she is. and second: why is grace like alive? like she would still be alive, but she was alive in the sixties, so wouldn’t she be like super old by that point in time?? why is she still young? and having kids? the inconsistency is realll)** also i liked the version of i think we’re alone now they used but i think it could’ve been better if they used the tiffany version again 😞
anyway—thank you for reading my rant because i am just so baffled by how horrible this season was. i feel so bad for the cast because even they knew that this season would not be it. that not one true fan of TUA would like it. and it’s sad because this has been such a huge part of their lives and careers as actors. so they did great with what they were given and for that they have my respect.
** signify edits i made — mostly grammatical and clairty edits, and a few of my opinions updated or added on to now that i have had time to really think about what occurred this season.
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hargreevesenterprises · 4 months ago
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Umbrella Academy Logos [TUA Comics]
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Guess who's watching all 3 seasons of Umbrella Academy again
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hushker · 6 months ago
My Umbrella academy hc endings
----- SPOILERS!!
Since we know that Victor can take marigold out of someone, as seen in season 3. I though he would have been able to take the marigold out of his siblings and sacrifice himself. It would still be quite tragic (I do love angst) but it would be better than have them all die. (Another punch to the gut if they don't remember him). I could also totally see Victor doing this, as he has screwed up multiple times throughout the seasons, and this was him "making up for it".
Another ending I thought of would be, that they somehow travel back into the original timeline, through the trains. We saw Lila and Five in the og timeline through the subway, and I figured maybe they take the other siblings there and travel back in time. This one is more far fetched, but maybe they just accept that the world will end. And like future Five said, they dont try to stop the world from ending and instead just enjoy their last few days on earth? ( "as the world caves in" playing in the background)
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idoridiculousstuff · 5 months ago
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frozenwafflesagain · 2 years ago
In honor of March 24, aka “Five Returns Day,” I present my weeklong project: Allison Dresses as TUA!
I’ve been closet cosplaying over the last few days and it has been a BLAST! I did not intend for my Five Fit to align with March 24, but I’m definitely not mad about it
Hoping to do the rest of the Academy (+ Lila and Sloane and maybe Grace) in the new few days!
(Also!! Face reveal I guess! This is my face! Hi! 👋)
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tothosewholisten · 7 months ago
Ik people hated the umbrella academy ending, but if you had a choice how would u make it go? Plsss write in the comments I'm curious how I end my story without it being shit
And add anything from the whole season u would change
Here's my story if u wanna read it so far!
Forever Healed | TUA insert
I'd start by saying like, Viktor can clearly take out marigold, if he had taken Ben's out wouldn't Jennifer have nothing to cling on to? Idek
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allthehumanflaws · 7 months ago
The Umbrella Academy S4 SPOILERS!!
Hey so if you haven't watched it till the last episode don't read further. Don't think hey I started so i can read noh... please dont
So the ending huh I don't even know what to say. I don't know what that was. Was it just me or did someone else also presume that Viktor would be the one dying?? I mean we kind of started solely based on his storyline.. he was neglected. He was the reason for the first apocalypse. It was about him, and as much as I would've hate to see him die... it kinda would've been a full circle. Also, if he was willing to take the Durango from Ben, and he is capable of pulling it out of the others, wouldn't it have been fitting if he took it from all his siblings and only he died? Look at it this way, he always just wanted to be part of the team. Just wanted to help, he would've done anything to be part of the team and that's how he goes. Finally a part of the team and then he took one for the team. Finally an Umbrella. Come on-
please someone agree with me on this
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pluviophiles · 7 months ago
i love that the people who were unhappiest with the ending of umbrella academy was the cast themselves
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stvrlvghtwrites · 7 months ago
the umbrella academy 😨😨😨😨 SEASON 4 ENDING WHAT WAS THAT
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cosmicstxrdust · 7 months ago
I've been entertaining myself at work by coming up with funny/creative insults for how bad TUA s4 was:
Dumpsterfire is too nice of a word
They committed such atrocious character assassination that the writers should be charged with first degree murder
The lack of creativity/skill from the TUA writers made that one Australian breakdancer from the Olympics look like a professional
Let me know what yours are in the comments/tags!
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imperfectfantasys-blog · 6 months ago
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My Newest The Umbrella Academy Fanfiction now posted on Wattpad.
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