#Allah School in Medina
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fivepercentgodsandearths · 6 months ago
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Credit: HMedinayouthoffice on Instagram
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basicsofislam · 9 months ago
Pride and Humility
TRANSLATION Abdullah ibn Mas’ud, may Allah be well pleased with him, reported that the Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, said:
“No one who has an atom’s weight of pride in his heart will enter Paradise.”A man said, “And if the man likes his clothes to be good and his sandals to be good?” Allah’s Messenger said: “Allah is Beautiful and loves beauty. Pride means to renounce the truth and abuse of people.” (Sahih Muslim, Iman,147. See also: Sunan Abu Dawud, Libas, 26; Sunan at-Tirmidhi, Birr, 61).
Abdullah ibn Mas’ud
One of the leading Companions, Abdullah ibn Mas’ud is among the first
of those to believe.
He is the first Companion to openly recite the Qur’an in Mecca.
Abdullah ibn Mas’ud is the Companion who killed Abu Jahl.
He was a gifted reciter of the Qur’an.
Ibn Mas’ud is one of the founders of Islamic jurisprudence, being of the Companions well versed in the religion.
He is, in particular, the linchpin of the Hanafi school of jurisprudence.
He returned to Medina towards the end of Uthman’s caliphate. Falling ill at age sixty, he passed away in the thirty-second year after the Emigration.
1. Pride refers to haughty self-conceit and refusal to submit to Allah.
The Almighty has cautioned human beings in this regard throughout the Qur’an:
“…Allah does not love those who are conceited and boastful” (an-Nisa 4:36).
Do not strut about the earth in haughty self-conceit; for you can never split the earth (no matter how hard you stamp your foot), nor can you stretch to the mountains in height (no matter how strenuously you seek to impress). (al-Isra 17:37)
While these verses exhort human beings to be mindful of pride and arrogance, another again describes the human attribute of pride as being in actual fact a Satanic attribute and explains that unnecessary pride constitutes an obstacle to submission to the Divine command. For even Satan was banished from Paradise due to his pride:
(Allah) said: “O Iblis! What prevents you from prostrating before the being whom I have created with My two Hands? Are you too proud (to bow down before any created being in defiance of My command), or are you (of those who think themselves) so high in honor (that they cannot be ordered to prostrate before anyone)?” (Saad 38:75)
2. While Allah warns human beings in relation to pride and self-conceit, He has employed verses of encouragement concerning its exact opposite, modesty, and humility, even characterizing such people as “the (true) servants of the All-Merciful”:
The (true) servants of the All-Merciful are they who move on the earth gently and humbly, and when the ignorant, foolish ones address them (with insolence or vulgarity as befits their ignorance and foolishness), the response with (words of) peace, (without engaging in hostility with them) (al-Furqan 25:63).
From this standpoint, those who are proud and obstinate enough in their pride not to prostrate before Allah assume the characteristic not of being the servants of the All-Merciful, but on the contrary, being servants of Satan.
3. The hadith under consideration indicates that a person with even the most minuscule amount of pride in their heart will not enter Paradise.
A conceited person will either face punishment until they are completely cleansed of this affliction and then enter Paradise as a result of their belief or Allah, Who has full power over everything, will forgive that servant and place them in His Paradise with a heart that is purified. We learn also that the desire to dress well is not connected with pride. What can be the wisdom behind a seemingly wicked characteristic being placed in the nature of a human being? This quality has been given to human beings with a view to their protecting the position of Islam, the honor of the Qur’an, religion, their spiritual values, their integrity, and similar cherished things. If a person is to have pride, they ought to have it in protecting these. Unfortunately in our day, however, people have for some reason become rather lax and lazy in protecting these; but they have become quite industrious and even oversensitive when it comes to their personal pride. The Pharaohs, Nimrods, and the Abu Lahabs have lost because of their pride.
4. After all, does Allah not charge His Messenger with humility, through the language of the Qur’an:
“Spread your wings (to provide care and shelter) over the believers who follow you (in practicing Allah’s commandments in their lives)” (ash-Shu’ara 26:215).
There are many such verses in the Qur’an. Moreover, Allah’s Messenger sought the same thing, wanting to be “a Prophet slave” when Allah had asked him. This is why we say, “Muhammad is His servant and His Messenger,” in the Declaration of Faith.
5. Acknowledging all the bounties that Allah has bestowed is a form of thankfulness.
This, in turn, leads to an increase in such bounties. Turning a blind eye to Him, however, is ingratitude; ingratitude necessitates punishment and causes the discontinuance of the bounty. A person must always see everything as coming from Allah and must proclaim, “Everything is from You, and You are the All-Wealthy. To You have I turned my face.” However, a person must not conceal the Divinely bestowed bounties in fear of being arrogant. That is, a person must also know how to announce and testify to Allah’s favors when necessary. So, how is this balance to be maintained? As a case in point, a man gives a coat to someone as a gift. If another man says to the bearer of the gift, who is wearing the coat, “How fine you are,” and he responds by saying, “The beauty is in the coat,” then he would have combined humility with verbal expression and announcement of the bounty.
If pride has reached the point of disrespect towards Allah, the proud person forfeits the chance of entry into Paradise.
People who see themselves as superior to others and are thus haughty and conceited commit a major sin.
A person can dress finely, provided that they are not overtaken
by arrogance and self-conceit.
A person must see their own shortcomings if they wish to free themselves of pride and arrogance. A person who does not see their own faults cannot achieve self-correction.
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onlyhaqq · 5 months ago
GISB in S'pore Part I.
SINGAPORE: GISBH has allegedly operated a 'guest house' in Singapore.
Ms Zainab said she was not a pilgrim or a member of the group and only rented a room at the guesthouse in 2011. "I am not a former Ikhwan pilgrim. As far as I remember, I only rented a room in the house for 2 or 3 months before I went out. I know that they are members of the Ikhwan movement which was previously called Rufaqa," She found out from her friend that there was a room available for rent. "When I came to rent it, I didn't see any abnormalities. When I rented it, I handed over $800 on the first day and everything was as usual," she added.
When she moved into the three-storey house, Ms Zainab said there were already around 25 teenagers and girls living there. "I don't know how many years or months they have been there. What I remember is that I handed over my monthly money to this woman. She is the Head of the Singapore division and a worshipper of the group, but not the owner of the house." "The house is for women including teenagers, children, also wives who are in confinement or wives who come for a while. They were between 2 years to about 16 years old. If there are boys, boys are 2 years old and below. If the husband or men comes to the house, it is during the Maulid celebration or when there is a gathering" explained Ms. Zainab.
During her three months of staying there, she also saw that there were several members from abroad who stayed there. "The function of the 'guest house' is as a place for Brotherhood members in Singapore or from overseas who come to Singapore. They do not need to rent a hotel and can stay in a Singapore guest house," said Ms Zainab.
During the period of renting, Ms. Zainab did not see the children or teenagers living in the house attend school or receive formal education subjects. "When I am not working, I see that they have no formal education. For example, the subject of Geography and others, all of them are absent," she said.
"No one went to childcare centre or to the primary school, there was nothing. Madrasah or secular education does not exist at all," added Ms. Zainab. Ms. Zainab observed they learned more about Abaya, the founder of Al-Arqam Ashaari Muhammad.
Their education is only about Abuya. The akhlaq of Abuya, the specialty of Abuya and where Abuya was born. For me, madrasah education involves the importance of Al-Quran, but they don't learn about the Quran. They have their own books."
During the period of stay in the 'guest house', Ms. Zainab was also invited to participate in the 'religious' sessions of the pilgrims. "I was invited. As tenants, when invited, don't we want to include ourselves? When invited to tazkirah - I inititally joined. But after a while, I feel like something is not right," shared Ms. Zainab. Shee also recounted several incidents that made her suspicious. "The first time I was told to do a Silat movement to combat lust after prayer. Some movement includes jumping. The worshippers after their congregational prayers will give space. They each do it alone."
She added that the member will pray directly to 'Abuya'. "When you pray but do not ask Allah. You pray to Abuya - he is human, just like us. So when you pray (to Abuya), I feel that it is wrong."
"They will hold their heads and pray 'O Abuya, Islam our spirits, O Abuya, Islam our passions'" said Ms. Zainab. In addition to the classes taught there, the congregation at the 'guest house', according to Ms. Zainab, also attended classes online. "Every day after Zohor or Isyak prayers, they will hold live streaming between Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia and Makkah and Medina. They will preach about Abuya, some ask for updates in each country as well," she said.
"I heard the voice of Umm Jah (Abuya's wife) talking about the 'congregation of truth', about how she dismissed the slander or allegations of former members At that time, there were former members who opposed Umm Jah and to them, anyone who opposed them and the group was an enemy of Islam," she added.
Recalling her experience of about three months at the guest house, Ms Zainab said that some of the teenagers in the 'guest house' were working, but not being paid. She was told by one of the teenagers there that they worked at a café on Arab Street. At that time, the teenager was about 16 years old and in addition, there were about 10 other teenagers who also worked at the place.
"She works 10 hours in a café, sometimes 12 hours because if it's Friday, Saturday, Sunday, there are many customers," said Ms. Zainab. "Their leader taught that if you work, don't expect money. Why expect remuneration? Help to be helped - later Abuya will help in terms of sustenance, in terms of children, in terms of getting a righteous husband. That's help. It means that our work will be rewarded but not in the form of money," she explained.
Seeing such things for herself, Ms. Zainab felt uncomfortable and finally decided to move out of the 'guest house'.
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lifeofresulullah · 2 years ago
The Life of The Prophet Muhammad(pbuh): Calling the Tribes to Islam, the Allegiances of Aqaba and Migration to Madinah
Ashab As-Suffa
It was when the Qiblah was not yet changed to the Kaaba.
A shade and a shelter were built from date branches next to the northern wall of the Masjid an-Nabawi. This was named “suffa”. Muslims staying there were therefore named “Ashab as-Suffa (Suffa Companions)”.
These companions who stayed at the suffa of the Masjid had neither a house, a tribe, relatives nor anything else in Medina. They had a life away from their family, free from worldly issues and troubles and totally self-sacrificing. They learned the Qur’an and listened to the Honorable Messenger’s preaches and lessons. They were fasting most of the time.
This blessed group of people, who spent their time at the presence of the Supreme Messenger, was always inspired by the Prophet. They were self-sacrificing, eager-to-learn students who devoted themselves to the Honorable Messenger’s school for the sake of Allah. Teachers appointed by the Prophet would teach them the Qur’an. Those who completed their studies were sent to Muslim tribes in order to teach them the Qur’an and the sunnah of the Messenger of Allah. In this sense, they were called “qurra (readers).” Therefore, suffa was called “Dar al-Qurra (House of the Qur’an Readers).”
These unique companions, whose number was about four hundred or five hundred and who had a moderate yet enlightened life, were an army of knowledge. Although they devoted all their time to learn the Qur’an and the sunnah of the Messenger of Allah, they took part in battles when necessary as well.
The ones who got married would leave the suffa but others would join to take their place.
These unique companions were occupied neither with trade nor craft. Their living was provided by the Supreme Messenger and wealthy companions. Hazrat Abu Huraira, who was one of the outstanding students at suffa, expressed this situation very well in response to those who found the fact that he narrated a lot of hadiths strange: “Do not find that I have narrated too many hadiths strange! As our immigrant brothers were occupied with trade in bazaar and Ansar brothers with agriculture in gardens and fields, Abu Huraira was memorizing the Prophet’s blessed advices. 
The Prophet’s Close Relationship with Ashab as-Suffa
The Supreme Messenger was closely interested in both education and needs of Ashab as-Suffa. He always sat with them, talking with them and listening to their needs. And sometimes he reminded them that their studies are important and blessed to the utmost degree, saying to them: “If you knew what is being prepared for you in the Hereafter, you would like your poverty and needs to increase!” 
The Honorable Messenger himself tried to meet their needs. When necessary, he would put his household’s needs on the back burner.
Once, when Hazrat Fatima asked for a maid, complaining about how dreadful it was to grind flour with hand-mill, the Prophet answered his dear daughter: “My daughter, what are you saying? I have not been able to prepare Ahl as-Suffa’s needs yet!” 
One day, he was with the Ashab as-Suffa to examine their situation. He saw their poverty, troubles they were going through and consoled them saying: “O Ashab as-Suffa! Good tidings to you! Whoever meets me as content with a situation and condition like yours s/he is in; s/he is one of my dear fellows!” 
The Supreme Messenger would ask: “Is it alms or gift?” when he was given something.
If they answered “it is alms”, he would give it to ashab as-suffa right away. If they answered “it is a gift”, he would accept it and give some of it to ashab as-suffa. The Prophet would never accept alms, but only gifts.
One day, a man brought a plate of dates. He asked the man: “Is it alms or gift?
The man said it was alms and therefore the Prophet sent it to the ashab as-suffa right away. The Prophet’s grandson Hazrat Hassan was in front of the Prophet at that time. When he took a date from the plate and put it in his mouth, the Prophet reacted right away and took it out from his mouth. And then he said: “We, Muhammad and his household, do not eat alms; alms is forbidden to us!” 
Moreover, it is said that the Quranic verse “(Charity is) for those in need, who, in God’s cause are restricted (from travel), and cannot move about in the land, seeking (for trade or work): the ignorant man thinks, because of their modesty, that they are free from want. Thou shall know them by their (unfailing) mark: They beg not importunately from the entire sundry. And whatever of good ye give, be assured God knoweth it well” was sent with reference to the ashab as-suffa. 
They would not Miss a Preach or Speech of the Prophet
These unique companions, who devoted themselves totally to the path of Allah, would not miss any of the Supreme Prophet’s advice and speeches. They were always present there and would narrate the speeches to other companions by memorizing them. In this sense, ashab as-suffa had a unique service and job in preservation and narration of Islamic judgments. This great group of knowledge had an important role in the Quran’s light reaching out to every corner of the world in a short time.
Abu Huraira Narrates
Abu Huraira, a good student of suffa, which was a foundation of knowledge, narrates an event about themselves:
“I was lying face down, because of starvation. And sometimes I tied a stone on my stomach.
“One day, I sat down on a path where people came and went. At that time, the Messenger of Allah was passing by. He understood my situation and called out to me: “O Abu Huraira!”
“‘Yes, o the Messenger of Allah!’ said I.
“‘Come on here!’ he said.
“We went together. He entered the house. I asked for permission to enter, too. They permitted and I entered. He found a jug full of milk.
“‘Where did this come from? Asked he.
“‘Such and such person gave it as a gift’ said they.
“Then, ‘O Abu Huraira! Go to Ashab as-Suffa, tell them to come here! Ordered he.
“Ashab as-Suffa were guests of Islam. They had no family, no money and no house. When the Messenger of Allah was given a gift, he would share it between himself and them. He would send all of the alms which was given to him to be given to the ashab as-suffa and would not take anything from it for himself.
“I was upset because the Messenger of Allah invited ashab as-suffa. I was hoping to drink the whole milk in the jug myself and I would live by it for some time. I said to myself: ‘I am a messenger. I will share the milk among the Suffa companions when they come.’ In this case, I knew no milk would be left for me. However, I had no other choice but follow the Messenger of Allah’s order.
“I went and called them. They came and sat after being permitted.
“The Prophet (pbuh) said: ‘Abu Huraira, take the jug and offer them milk’
“I took the jug and started to give them the milk. Each of them, one by one, took the jug and drank until he was full and then passed it to the next person.
“After the last Suffa companion drank, I gave the jug to the Messenger of Allah. He took it. There was only a little milk left inside. He raised his head and looked at me, smiling: ‘Abu Huraira! He said.
“‘Yes, the Messenger of Allah, I said.
“‘Only you and I did not drink milk! said he.
“‘Yes, the Messenger of Allah, I said.
“‘Sit down and drink, he said. I sat down and drank.
“‘Drink some more, he said. I did. He insisted that I should drink more. ‘More, more!’ he said. At last, I said: ‘I swear by Allah who has sent you with the true religion that I am too full to drink any more!
“‘Then give met he jug, he said. I did. He gave thanks to Allah. Then he said the “basmalah” and drank the rest.”
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mmohmedd88 · 1 month ago
The Profound Benefits of Surah Rahman in Your Life
Surah Rahman, often referred to as the “Bride of the Quran,” is one of the most cherished chapters in the Quran. Revealed in Medina, it is the 55th chapter and consists of 78 verses. Known for its lyrical beauty and repeated refrain, “Which of the favors of your Lord will you deny?” Surah Rahman highlights Allah’s infinite mercy and countless blessings bestowed upon humanity and all of creation.
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Themes of Surah Rahman
Allah’s Mercy and Blessings: The chapter opens with a mention of Allah’s attribute, Ar-Rahman (The Most Merciful), setting the tone for the rest of the Surah.
Creation and Balance: Surah Rahman describes the perfect harmony in Allah’s creation, from the heavens and the earth to the balance maintained in nature.
Reward and Punishment: It emphasizes the consequences of human actions, outlining the rewards for the righteous and the punishments for wrongdoers.
Descriptions of Paradise: The Surah vividly depicts the blessings awaiting the faithful in Jannah (Paradise).
Repetition of the Verse
The verse “Which of the favors of your Lord will you deny?” is repeated 31 times in the chapter, reminding humanity and jinn of Allah’s boundless grace and mercy. This repetition invites reflection and gratitude for the countless blessings we often take for granted.
Benefits of Reciting Surah Rahman
Spiritual Healing: Listening to or reciting Surah Rahman brings tranquility and peace to the heart. It is often recommended for those seeking solace and relief from stress.
Gratitude: The repeated refrain encourages a deeper sense of appreciation for Allah’s blessings.
Forgiveness of Sins: Regular recitation is believed to help in seeking forgiveness and attaining Allah’s mercy.
Physical Healing: Many believe that reciting this Surah has a positive impact on one’s physical well-being, acting as a source of comfort during illness.
Strengthening Faith: The vivid descriptions of Paradise and Allah’s mercy inspire hope and strengthen a believer’s Iman (faith).
Lessons from Surah Rahman
Acknowledgment of Allah’s Blessings: Reflecting on the numerous favors mentioned in the Surah fosters humility and gratitude.
Accountability: The Surah’s emphasis on reward and punishment serves as a reminder of the Day of Judgment.
Striving for Righteousness: The vivid imagery of Jannah motivates believers to lead a life pleasing to Allah.
Learning Surah Rahman Through Online Quran Schools
For those who wish to deepen their understanding of Surah Rahman, platforms like Sabil AlQuran offer structured courses tailored to learners of all levels. This online Quran school provides detailed explanations of the verses, enabling students to grasp the profound meanings and apply them in their lives. The availability of such resources ensures that knowledge is accessible to Muslims worldwide, fostering a deeper connection with the Quran.
Surah Rahman is a powerful reminder of Allah’s mercy and the innumerable blessings He has granted His creation. Its recitation not only strengthens faith but also serves as a source of spiritual and physical healing. By utilizing resources like Sabil AlQuran, Muslims can gain a deeper appreciation of this beautiful chapter and incorporate its lessons into their daily lives, ensuring a path of gratitude, reflection, and righteousness.
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zoyahameed4314 · 8 months ago
Is October the best time to go to Umrah?
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Umrah - the pilgrimage to Mecca and Medina - beckons Muslims around the world with the promise of finding their inner peace and connection with Allah (SWT). Deciding when to embark on this journey can make or break your experience. While some months see a flurry of pilgrims amidst the scorching heat, October presents itself as a unique alternative loaded with benefits. This article looks at why October could be the best time to take your life-changing Umrah trip. Search more to discover more. Let's find is performing Umrah in October the best decision.
A welcome respite: beyond the peak season crowds
The month of Hajj (the Islamic pilgrimage) and school vacations typically see an upsurge in the number of Umrah pilgrims. Appropriately sandwiched between both peak seasons, October offers an apparent decrease in population. Short lines form as a result for Tawaf and Sa'i. The practice of these rites can proceed more slowly when there are fewer pilgrims. This increases your time for introspection and strengthens your bond with Allah (SWT) through your Umrah journey.
Appropriate weather: Prevent summertime burns
It may be muggy in Makah and Madinah throughout the summer. October brings a nice shift in weather, with sunny skies that improve the pilgrimage experience. Extreme heat can be linked to bodily loss and a diversion of spiritual attention, which is recognized with the Umrah. In contrast, the mild temperatures in October make it easier to devote your energies to prayer and divine connection, and to other distractions caused by the physical discomfort caused by the weather.
Favorable Shoulder Season Prices: Budgetary Considerations
October doesn't come across as the lowest point in terms of travel costs, but it's an interesting choice for those looking to travel on a budget outside of the peak seasons. Travel and accommodation costs are generally slightly lower than immediately after Hajj or during Ramadan. Some travel agencies may also offer special Umrah packages during this month - look for deals that can ensure a satisfying yet economical trip.
A nature journey that touches the soul: watching the changes in scenery
The beginning of October marks an indication of autumn in the Northern Hemisphere. Although the weather in Makah and Madinah is still pleasant, parts of their surroundings may show a subtle display of the changing seasons. Take this opportunity to observe the beauty of this natural phenomenon - may it serve as a reminder to you of the immense power and creativity of Allah (SWT). A breathtaking view can enhance your Umrah journey by bringing a new dimension peace and tranquility so that you feel at peace within yourself.
How to perform flawless Umrah in October
Planning cannot be neglected if one wishes for a successful journey for Umrah irrespective of the month. Investigate essential visa requirements and ensure early booking of reliable travel and accommodation services. Since it falls occasionally during October, don't forget to pack a light raincoat or an umbrella that you can easily carry. You'll also want to include comfortable walking shoes and light, breathable clothing suitable for the pleasant October climate.
Begin your spiritual journey: an opportunity for reflection
Uncover the treasures hidden within you and remember to share them with the world. Keep in mind that spiritually beneficial Umrah is more than just logistics. Be sure to set your intentions straight for Umrah and make sincerity the pivot around which all acts of worship revolve. Consider volunteering while in holy cities and try to connect with other pilgrims from different cultural backgrounds. When you embark on your Umrah with purity of heart and a keen interest in nurturing your passion, you will find the journey enjoyable, no matter when it is. Keep in mind: that the true experience of Umrah is beyond external factors.
When you review the specific benefits and factors related to October Umrah, it empowers you to choose the right time frame for your Umrah. Take advantage of the favorable weather conditions, moderate crowd sizes, and potentially lower costs that are being offered this month. October not only mark your Umrah journey but also the beginning of a spiritually fulfilling and transformative experience one that will resonate as an important milestone in your journey of faith.
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mohifashion · 11 months ago
The Celebration of Eid across cultures and countries
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Eid ul-Fitr, one of the most significant festivals in Islam, marks the end of Ramzan, the holy month of fasting. In 2024, Eid 2024 date is expected to be celebrated on Wednesday, April 10th, though the exact date may vary depending on the sighting of the moon, which marks the beginning of the Islamic month of Shawwal. This date is subject to change based on the lunar calendar and regional sighting traditions.
Eid ul-Fitr is a joyous occasion marked by various traditions and customs observed by Muslims worldwide. The day typically begins with special prayers known as Salat al-Eid, performed in congregation at mosques or open prayer grounds. These prayers are offered in thanksgiving to Allah for the strength and guidance during the month of Ramadan. After the prayers, Muslims greet each other with embraces and well wishes, saying "Eid Mubarak," meaning "Blessed Eid." Eid ul-Fitr in 2024 is anticipated to be celebrated with great fervor and enthusiasm by Muslims around the world. Some renowned countries are Pakistan, Egypt, Indonesia, Turkey, India, Bangladesh, Nigeria, Iran, UAE, New Zealand, USA and so on
Anarkali Kurtas,  lehengas, Shararas, Suits and Sarees Eid happens to fall in hot Summers and always look for the outfits that looks elegant yet airy and light weight
Eid is the time of the year that brings in new collection launches by several designers across India ,Pakistan and bangladesh. A time for celebration, sweets and yummy offers. 
Eid Festivities in New Zealand : 
New Zealand Eid Day embodies a spirit of unity and joy, drawing together the Muslim community across the country. In 2023, vibrant Eid celebrations took place in Auckland, Christchurch, Hamilton, and Aotearoa, Wellington.
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 Image courtesy: RNZ / Angus Dreaver
Eid, meaning "feast," holds profound significance for nearly 2 billion Muslims worldwide, observed biannually. Eid Al-Adha, also known as the Feast of the Sacrifice, marks the conclusion of the Hajj pilgrimage to Mecca, a sacred journey for Muslims worldwide.
The day commences with morning prayers, followed by an array of festivities at the Eid carnival. Children revel in activities like bouncy castles, cotton candy stands, Quran quizzes, and face painting. Meanwhile, adults can indulge in food stalls, henna art, and ethnic clothing counters.
The largest gathering occurred in Auckland, with over 5000 attendees joining the festivities organized by the New Zealand Eid Day Trust. It's heartening to witness such strong community spirit.
The Muslim community extends a warm invitation to engage with people of all backgrounds, fostering understanding of Islamic customs, traditions, and culture. Together, let's celebrate diversity and stand against hate.
Eid serves as a poignant reminder to spread messages of love and humanity, emphasizing unity in the face of adversity. Let's ensure that compassion prevails over bigotry and division.
It's noteworthy that the United Nations recognizes 15 March as the International Day to Combat Islamophobia, underscoring the global commitment to promoting tolerance and respect for all.
Eid Celebrations in USA : 
Islam is booming in the United States, experiencing rapid growth as the number of mosques across the country approaches 3,000, according to the Institute for Social Policy and Understanding. Leading the pack are states like New York with 343 mosques, followed by California with 304, and Texas with 224.
Muslim Americans eagerly anticipate Eid not only for cherished family recipes but also for the chance to flaunt new attire. Designers such as Melanie Elturk, Lena Aljahim, and Ainara Medina unveil exclusive Eid collections, featuring eco-friendly hijabs crafted from recycled plastic bottles and sustainable bamboo.
Bridging the gap created by painful memories of 9/11, American schools are now increasingly recognizing and embracing cultural diversity. Growing numbers of school districts nationwide are accommodating Muslim students by observing Eid, marking a positive shift towards acceptance and inclusivity.
In 2023, the White House made history by hosting its inaugural Eid al-Adha celebration, highlighting the significant contributions of millions of Muslims to American society. Vice President Kamala Harris and Second Gentleman Douglas Emhoff led the event, emphasizing the invaluable role of American Muslims in fostering diversity, inclusion, and religious freedom.
Chand Raat, a vibrant South Asian Muslim tradition known as the "night of the moon," epitomizes the fusion of religion and culture. This lively celebration occurs on the final night of Ramadan, marked by the sighting of the new moon. Each year, Jackson Heights becomes a hub of festivity as South Asians gather to celebrate Eid, adorned in colorful salwar kameez and intricate gold jewelry while fireworks illuminate the night sky.
Eid Celebrations in India:
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Image Courtesy: PTI
Delhi, the proud capital city of India, draws a multitude of visitors during its festivals. Each festivity in Delhi is marked by a vibrant display of fervor and enthusiasm. During eid in india, people gather at the illustrious Jama Masjid, one of India's renowned mosques, to offer prayers. The streets of Old Delhi are adorned throughout the month of Ramadan, and the popular Gali Kebabiyan near Jama Masjid serves its famous Ramzan special, Haleem. Old Delhi transforms into a mesmerizing spectacle during Eid-ul-Fitr celebration, offering an abundance of delectable food stalls and dazzling decorations, inviting visitors to indulge in mouth-watering delicacies and witness the vibrant celebrations of the Islamic faith. Ramzan special Haleem is also served at the popular Gali Kebabiyan at Jama Masjid.
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Image Courtesy: PTI
In Srinagar, the entire city embraces Eid-ul-Fitr with exuberance and grandeur. Prayers are offered at Aasar-E-Shareef Hazratbal, while locals and tourists flock to various markets to purchase new clothes and culinary delights. Busy hubs like Lal Chowk, Regal Chowk, and Goni Market buzz with activity throughout Ramadan and on Eid day, drawing crowds from all walks of life. Additionally, Eidgah becomes a focal point as thousands gather to offer prayers in this historic location.
Mutton Yakhni is mostly prepared on the occasion of eid festival
A lip-smacking and aromatic dish from Kashmir goes by the name Tabak Maaz; composed of ribs of lamb/mutton.
Rista. Its soup is gravy and red in color, just like Rogan Josh. Rista is spongy in nature. If you like non-vegetarian, give it a try and add to your appetite!
One of the aspects that has changed in Kashmir is the traditional clothes.
For women, there was the “tilla” embroidery, handmade designs of stunning intricacy woven on garments such as the “pheran,” a loose overcoat worn by Kashmiris.
Some of the places to shop for eid are : 
Lal Chowk
Polo View Market
Badshah Chowk
Residency Road
Kashmir Government Arts Emporium
Zaina Kadal Market
Dastgir Sahib Market
Nishat Market
People from many villages come and place orders a month in advance to pick for eid celebrations. There are a lot of offers and collection availability as well at the time of eid. New designs from small boutiques are launched and displayed at varied price points . 
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 Lucknow, renowned for its nawabi culture, celebrates Eid in true nawabi style. The sprawling Aishbagh Eidgah hosts prayers, alongside the popular Asifi Masjid. Visiting Lucknow during Eid is a delight for travelers, as the city exudes a festive spirit that envelops every corner. Tunday Kababi, Galouti Kebabs, and Nihari are among the popular foods enjoyed during the holiday seasons. Shopping in Lucknow for online shopping check Mohi Fashion.
Chowk is renowned for its vibrant shopping scene during Eid festival, drawing crowds with its bustling market stalls and shops. Visitors flock to Chowk to indulge in the traditional shopping experience, browsing through a plethora of offerings including clothing, jewelry, footwear, and accessories. Of particular interest are the traditional Lucknowi treasures like intricately embroidered chikankari outfits, elegantly crafted kurta sets, and beautifully adorned dupattas. The bazaar is highly esteemed for its exquisite zardozi craftsmanship and authentic attar (perfumes), making it a favorite destination for discerning shoppers.
Aminabad, another cherished market in Lucknow, is a must-visit during Eid festivities. Known for its lively ambiance and traditional shopping delights, Aminabad boasts a diverse array of products spanning clothing, accessories, home goods, and electronics. The market shines with its renowned Chikan embroidery craftsmanship, inviting tourists to explore a plethora of shops and boutiques offering finely crafted Chikan creations.
Known as the 'City of Joy,' Kolkata pulsates with enthusiasm during Eid, adorning its Muslim-dominated areas with vibrant decorations. Families and friends gather to celebrate Eid, often visiting famous eateries to savor delectable cuisine together.
Most of the markets in the south, central kolkata extend their hours to midnight during eid every year .Markets on Zakaria Street and Chitpore Road will also remain open until midnight. 
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Image Courtesy: Ease My Trip
Hyderabad, the city of nizams, captivates visitors with its unique offerings during Ramadan. Charminar serves as a focal point for prayers and shopping, while Mecca Masjid and other locales attract worshippers. The aroma of Haleem wafts through the streets, enticing food enthusiasts and adding to the festive atmosphere.Some of the famous places are Madannapet, Mir Alam Tank, Masab Tank, Golcondaidgah and Secunderbad.
Charminar road turns into a paradise for the shopaholics during this festival. Rest Assured you are greeted with a welcoming smile to the shops, food stalls , Do visit with your family and indulge in the culture of hyderabad during eid. Many malls and luxury spots also offer special discounts and events around this time but if you are looking to explore culture , charminar is the place to be. 
In Mumbai, the bustling metropolis, Eid is celebrated with grandeur and excitement. Azad Maidan hosts prayers, while mosques like Minara Masjid dazzle with decorations. Food enthusiasts flock to Mohammed Ali Road to savor a variety of culinary delights, and Haji Ali Dargah welcomes visitors seeking spiritual solace amidst the festivities.
Eid is a window used by many bollywood films to release, people opt to visit at the theaters while many restaurants and clothing brands offer great discounts and new collections during this time. 
Find some legacy ethnic stores in Dadar, Khar west. Vaishali market is known for Eid shopping if you are going affordable and looking for ready made suits. Get a glimpse of chikankari outfits if that is your cup of tea at the linking road market. And ofcourse the Mangaldas market , with a lot of unbranded fabrics, stitched/ unstitched outfits can be purchased on good discounted rates . 
Eid Celebrations in United Arab Emirates (UAE)
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Image Courtesy: Khaleej Times
In the UAE, Eid celebrations are grand and infused with local culture. The streets and homes are illuminated with lights, and traditional meals are prepared. They buy new clothes and visit each other houses to exchange gifts and sweets. Public celebrations often include fireworks, concerts, and various family-oriented activities. Zakat al-Fitr, a form of charity, is given before the Eid ul-Fitr prayer. For Eid al-Adha, the act of Qurbani (sacrificial slaughtering of livestock) is observed, and the meat is distributed among family, friends, and the needy.
Eid Celebrations in Saudi Arabia
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Image Coutesy: Arab News
In Saudi Arabia Eid celebrations start with the sighting of the new moon. This is a time of deep religious significance and community. Prayer gatherings are held in mosques and open spaces across the Kingdom. Following the prayers, people visit relatives starting with the elders to offer greetings, and children often receive money or gifts.  Saudis engage in a host of cultural activities that exemplify their heritage during Eid celebrations, such as the art of falconry, cheering at camel races, and performing traditional dances.. Traditional dishes like kabsa (spiced rice with meat) are savored. During Eid al-Adha, sacrificial rituals are conducted, signifying Prophet Ibrahim's willingness to sacrifice his son as an act of obedience to God.
Eid Celebrations in Turkey
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Image Courtesy: Economic Times
In Turkey, Eid is known as Şeker Bayramı (Sugar Feast) for Eid al-Fitr and Kurban Bayramı (Sacrifice Feast) for Eid al-Adha. Eid starts with a special morning prayer, and people dress in their finest clothes. Children go door-to-door, kissing hands of the elderly and receiving sweets and small amounts of money in return. Families gather for meals, often starting with breakfast, and traditional foods like baklava and halva are enjoyed. Livestock sacrifice and meat distribution among the less fortunate are common practices during Kurban Bayramı.
Eid Celebrations in Egypt
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Image Courtesy: Arab News
In Egypt, Eid is a time for social gatherings, and joyous celebrations. Mosques are filled for the Eid prayers, and people often gather in parks and on the Nile cruises for picnics afterwards. During Eid al-Adha, many Egyptians who can afford it perform the Qurbani and share meat with the poor. Fattah, a dish made with rice, bread, garlic, and meat, is a traditional meal consumed during the festivities.
Eid Celebrations in Indonesia
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Image Courtesy: Emirates247
Indonesia, with the largest Muslim population in the world, In Indonesia, the festival of Eid is known as Hari Raya Idul Fitri. Festivities commence with the takbir, an announcement calling the faithful to prayer, and the communal Eid prayer is typically conducted in expansive open areas. Eid with great fervor. Known as Lebaran, Eid in Indonesia involves a mass exodus from cities as people return to their home villages in a tradition called mudik. Prayers are held in mosques and open fields, and people seek forgiveness from elders, called sungkem. Special dishes such as ketupat (rice cakes wrapped in coconut leaves) and opor ayam (chicken in coconut milk) are prepared.
Eid Celebrations in Pakistan
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Image Courtesy: thestatesman
Eid in Pakistan is a cultural spectacle. The night before Eid, called Chand Raat (Night of the Moon), is filled with people shopping for clothes and bangles and applying henna on their hands. Eid prayers are held in mosques and open areas, followed by a three-day celebration. Sheer khurma (vermicelli pudding with milk) is a staple sweet for Eid ul-Fitr, while Barbeque parties are common during Eid al-Adha to enjoy the meat from Qurbani, the sacrificial offering.
These diverse customs and traditions reflect the rich cultural tapestry of the Islamic world, as people come together in a spirit of joy, reflection, and charity during the cherished time of Eid.
0 notes
pooma-islam · 2 years ago
“A man told the Prophet (saw) that his mother died a sudden death and did not have a chance to leave a legacy in her will, and that were she able to speak, she would want to donate to charity.
He then asked if the reward of charity on behalf of his deceased mother would reach her, to which the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) replied, “Yes.” [Muslim]
Whether a person is living or deceased, you can still make Sadaqah on their behalf. Your loved ones will receive rewards both in the afterlife and in the grave for their good deeds while they live.
The Virtue of Sadaqah on Behalf of Parents
Allah told us in the Quran how important it is to give Sadaqah to people in need and also told us that the most important Sadaqah is Sadaqah Jariyah.
Our beloved Prophet (SAW) told us:
“When a man dies, his acts come to an end, but three, recurring charity, or knowledge (by which people) benefit, or a pious son, who prays for him (for the deceased)” [Muslim].
Giving Sadaqah on behalf of parents or someone else’s virtue’s benefit will go to you and the one you gave Sadaqah on behalf.
The best Sadaqah you can do to someone or offer to someone is Sadaqah Jariyah.
Sadaqah Jariyah is a lasting Sadaqah that stays for a long time.
The best form is that Sadaqah Jariyah is giving water.
The Prophet (SAW) said: “The best charity is giving water to drink”, so giving water is a great charitable act that brings us closer to Allah (SWT).
There are many ways to give Sadaqah on behalf of parents, like building a water well.
Water is the most important thing in the world; it is necessary for everyone, but some people live without it. Building a water well is the best Sadaqah Jariyah because you provide clean water to people who need it.
Building schools is a Sadaqah Jariyah because you are assisting children to gain helpful info, memorize the Qur’an, or understand the Qur’an language through supporting Islamic education. You will obtain a replica of this prize each time the command is carried out, or the learner recites the Qur’an using the knowledge they have learned.
Islam places a mosque at the center of every neighborhood. Mosques are the center of our society and a tangible representation of Islam; Masjids are as old as Islam itself. Establishing a place of worship for Muslims everywhere was a component of the Prophet Muhammad’s (SAW) intention. He even contributed to the construction of Medina’s first mosque as a result.
Donate Water Coolers to Mosques and Schools
Donating water for schools and Mosques is not enough, especially in hot and severe weather.
Water coolers are important for children in schools and people who are making prayers in Mosques.
Sponsoring Students, Orphans, or Quran Hafiz
One of the best types of Sadaqah Jariyah is to support a Hafiz student. The donor can receive Allah’s blessings if the donor is alive. If the donor had taught others before passing away, his students would carry on the benefits.
There are many other types of Sadaqah to perform on behalf of your parents, like:
1. Hajj and Umrah
Umrah and Hajj could be done on behalf of one of your parents each time, but if you want to do it on behalf of someone else, you have to do it for yourself first.
2. Perform Udhiyah
When a sacrifice is made on behalf of parents, such as when a man makes a sacrifice for himself and the other family members and includes both the living and the dead in his intentions. The Prophet (SAW) offered the sacrifice on behalf of himself and his family members, some of whom had previously died, and that is the foundation for that.
3. Feeding the poor and needy people
You can share the reward with someone by giving charity on their behalf, whether they are alive or have passed away.
4. Sadaqah Jariyah for Deceased
“When a person dies, all their deeds end except three: a continuing charity, beneficial knowledge, and a child who prays for them.”
The Holy Quran has stated that children are not permitted to offend their parents and that it is essential to uphold their rights entirely, whether living or dead.
“Our duties towards our parents, as we learn from the sources, do not cease with their death; rather, they continue as long as we live. In a report cited by Imam al-Bukhari in his famous work al-Adab al-Mufrad, we read, “A man approached the Prophet asking, “Is there anything I must do in terms of kindness towards my parents after their death?” The Prophet replied, “Yes, there are four things for you to do: Praying and asking forgiveness of Allah on their behalf, fulfilling their promises, respecting their friends, and fostering their ties of kinship….”
▪️பெற்றோருக்கான சதகா ஜாரியா (ஹதீஸ்)
“ஒரு மனிதர் நபி (ஸல்) அவர்களிடம், தனது தாயார் திடீரென இறந்துவிட்டார் என்றும், அவருடைய விருப்பத்தில் ஒரு மரபை விட்டுச் செல்ல வாய்ப்பு இல்லை என்றும், அவரால் பேச முடிந்தால், அவர் தொண்டு செய்ய விரும்புவார் என்றும் கூறினார்.
இறந்த தனது தாயின் சார்பாக தொண்டு செய்யும் வெகுமதி அவர்களை அடையுமா என்று அவர் கேட்டார், அதற்கு நபி (ஸல்) அவர்கள், "ஆம்" என்று பதிலளித்தார்கள். [முஸ்லிம்]
ஒருவர் உயிருடன் இருந்தாலும் அல்லது இறந்து போனவராக இருந்தாலும், அவர் சார்பாக நீங்கள் சதகா செய்யலாம். உங்கள் அன்புக்குரியவர்கள் அவர்கள் வாழும் போது அவர்களின் நற்செயல்களுக்காக மறுமையிலும் கல்லறையிலும�� வெகுமதிகளைப் பெறுவார்கள்.
பெற்றோரின் சார்பாக சதகாவின் நல்லொழுக்கம் தேவைப்படுபவர்களுக்கு சதகா கொடுப்பது எவ்வளவு முக்கியம் என்பதை அல்லாஹ் குர்ஆனில் நமக்குக் கூறியுள்ளான், மேலும் மிக முக்கியமான ஸதகா ஸதகா ஜரிய்யா என்றும் நமக்குக் கூறினான்.
நமது அன்பான நபி (ஸல்) அவர்கள் கூறினார்கள்:
"ஒரு நபர் இறந்தால், அவரது செயல்கள் மூன்றைத் தவிர முடிவடையும்: தொடர்ச்சியான தொண்டு, நன்மை பயக்கும் அறிவு மற்றும் அவர்களுக்காக பிரார்த்தனை செய்யும் குழந்தை" [முஸ்லிம்].
பெற்றோர் சார்பாக சதகா கொடுப்பது அல்லது பிறரின் நற்பண்பு உங்களுக்கும் நீங்கள் சார்பாக சதகா கொடுத்தவருக்கும் சென்று சேரும்.
▪️பெற்றோருக்கான சதகா ஜாரியா (ஹதீஸ்)
நீங்கள் ஒருவருக்குச் செய்யக்கூடிய அல்லது ஒருவருக்கு வழங்கக்கூடிய சிறந்த சதகா சதகா ஜரியா.
சதகா ஜரிய்யா என்பது நீண்ட காலம் நிலைத்திருக்கும் ஒரு நிலையான சதகா ஆகும்.
சதகா ஜரியாஹ் தண்ணீர் கொடுப்பதுதான் சிறந்த வடிவம்.
நபிகள் நாயகம் (ஸல்) அவர்கள் கூறினார்கள்: "குடிக்க தண்ணீர் கொடுப்பதே சிறந்த தர்மம்", எனவே தண்ணீர் கொடுப்பது அல்லாஹ்வின் (SWT) அருகில் நம்மைக் கொண்டுவரும் ஒரு சிறந்த தர்மமாகும்.
தண்ணீர் கிணறு கட்டுவது போன்று பெற்றோர் சார்பாக சதகா கொடுக்க பல வழிகள் உள்ளன.
▪️நீர் கிணறு சதகா ஜாரியா
உலகில் மிக முக்கியமான விஷயம் தண்ணீர்; இ��ு அனைவருக்கும் அவசியம், ஆனால் சிலர் அது இல்லாமல் வாழ்கிறார்கள். தண்ணீர் கிணறு அமைப்பதே சிறந்த ஸதகா ஜரிய்யாவாகும், ஏனென்றால் தேவைப்படுபவர்களுக்கு சுத்தமான தண்ணீரை வழங்குகிறீர்கள்.
▪️கட்டிடப் பள்ளி
இஸ்லாமியக் கல்வியை ஆதரிப்பதன் மூலம் பயனுள்ள தகவல்களைப் பெறவும், குர்ஆனை மனப்பாடம் செய்யவும் அல்லது குர்ஆன் மொழியைப் புரிந்துகொள்ளவும் நீங்கள் குழந்தைகளுக்கு உதவுவதால் பள்ளிகளை உருவாக்குவது சதகா ஜரியாவாகும். ஒவ்வொரு முறை கட்டளை நிறைவேற்றப்படும்போதும் அல்லது கற்பவர் அவர்கள் கற்றுக்கொண்ட அறிவைப் பயன்படுத்தி குர்ஆனை ஓதும்போதும் இந்தப் பரிசின் பிரதியை நீங்கள் பெறுவீர்கள்.
▪️மசூதி கட்டுதல்
இஸ்லாம் ஒவ்வொரு சுற்றுப்புறத்தின் மையத்திலும் ஒரு மசூதியை வைக்கிறது. மசூதிகள் நமது சமூகத்தின் மையம் மற்றும் இஸ்லாத்தின் உறுதியான பிரதிநிதித்துவம்; மசூதிகள் இஸ்லாம் போலவே பழமையானவை. எல்லா இடங்களிலும் முஸ்லிம்களுக்கு வழிபாட்டுத் தலத்தை அமைப்பது என்பது நபிகள் நாயகம் (ஸல்) அவர்களின் நோக்கத்தின் ஒரு அங்கமாகும். இதன் விளைவாக மதீனாவின் முதல் மசூதியைக் கட்டுவதற்கும் அவர் பங்களித்தார்.
பள்ளிவாசல்கள் மற்றும் பள்ளிகளுக்கு தண்ணீர் குளிரூட்டிகளை நன்கொடையாக வழங்குங்கள்
பள்ளிகள் மற்றும் மசூதிகளுக்கு தண்ணீர் கொடுப்பது போதாது, குறிப்பாக வெப்பமான மற்றும் கடுமையான காலநிலையில்.
பள்ளிகளில் உள்ள குழந்தைகளுக்கும், மசூதிகளில் தொழுகை நடத்தும் மக்களுக்கும் தண்ணீர் குளிரூட்டிகள் முக்கியம்.
மாணவர்கள், அனாதைகள் அல்லது குர்ஆன் ஹபீஸ்களுக்கு நிதியளிப்பது
சதகா ஜரியாவின் சிறந்த வகைகளில் ஒன்று ஹபீஸ் மாணவருக்கு ஆதரவளிப்பதாகும். தானம் செய்பவர் உயிருடன் இருந்தால் அல்லாஹ்வின் அருளைப் பெறலாம். நன்கொடையாளர் இறப்பதற்கு முன் மற்றவர்களுக்கு கற்பித்திருந்தால், அவருடைய மாணவர்கள் நன்மைகளை மேற்கொள்வார்கள்.
▪️பெற்றோர்கள் சார்பாக பிற தொண்டு
உங்கள் பெற்றோரின் சார்பாக செய்ய இன்னும் பல வகையான சதகாக்கள் உள்ளன:
1. ஹஜ் மற்றும் உம்ரா
உம்ரா மற்றும் ஹஜ் ஒவ்வொரு முறையும் உங்கள் பெற்றோரில் ஒருவரின் சார்பாக செய்யப்படலாம், ஆனால் நீங்கள் அதை வேறொருவர் சார்பாக செய்ய விரும்பினால், முதலில் உங்களுக்காக அதைச் செய்ய வேண்டும்.
2. உதியா செய்யுங்கள்
ஒரு மனிதன் தனக்காகவும் மற்ற குடும்ப உறுப்பினர்களுக்காகவும் தியாகம் செய்து, உயிருடன் இருப்பவர்களையும் இறந்தவர்களையும் தனது நோக்கத்தில் சேர்த்துக்கொள்வது போன்ற பெற்றோரின் சார்பாக ஒரு தியாகம் செய்யப்படும்போது.
நபிகள் நாயகம் (ஸல்) அவர்கள் தமக்காகவும் அவரது குடும்ப உறுப்பினர்களுக்காகவும் தியாகம் செய்தார்கள், அவர்களில் சிலர் முன்பு இறந்துவிட்டார்கள், அதுவே அதற்கான அடித்தளமாகும்.
3. ஏழை எளிய மக்களுக்கு உணவளித்தல்
யாரேனும் ஒருவர் உயிருடன் இருந்தாலும் அல்லது மறைந்திருந்தாலும் அவர் சார்பாக தொண்டு செய்து வெகுமதியைப் பகிர்ந்து கொள்ளலாம்.
4. இறந்தவர்களுக்கான சதகா ஜரியா
"ஒரு நபர் இறந்தால், அவரது செயல்கள் மூன்றைத் தவிர முடிவடையும்: தொடர்ச்சியான தொண்டு, நன்மை பயக்கும் அறிவு மற்றும் அவர்களுக்காக பிரார்த்தனை செய்யும் குழந்தை."
▪️இஸ்லாத்தில் இறந்த பிறகு பெற்றோரின் உரிமைகள்
குழந்தைகள் தங்கள் பெற்றோரை "ஒரு நபர் இறந்தால், அவரது செயல்கள் மூன்றைத் தவிர முடிவடையும்: தொடர்ச்சியான தொண்டு, நன்மை பயக்கும் அறிவு மற்றும் அவர்களுக்காக பிரார்த்தனை செய்யும் குழந்தைபுண்படுத்த அனுமதிக்கப்பட மாட்டார்கள் என்றும், வாழ்ந்தாலும் இறந்தாலும் அவர்களின் உரிமைகளை முழுமையாக நிலைநிறுத்துவது அவசியம் என்றும் திருக்குர்ஆன் கூறுகிறது.
“நமது பெற்றோருக்கான நமது கடமைகள், ஆதாரங்களில் இருந்து நாம் கற்றுக்கொள்வது போல், அவர்களின் மரணத்துடன் நின்றுவிடுவதில்லை; மாறாக, நாம் வாழும் வரை அவை தொடரும். இமாம் அல்-புகாரி அவர்களின் புகழ்பெற்ற படைப்பான அல்-அதாப் அல்-முஃப்ராதில் மேற்கோள் காட்டப்பட்ட ஒரு அறிக்கையில், "ஒரு மனிதர் நபியவர்களை அணுகி, "என் பெற்றோரின் மரணத்திற்குப் பிறகு அவர்களிடம் கருணையுடன் ஏதாவது செய்ய வேண்டுமா?" என்று நாம் படிக்கிறோம். அதற்கு நபியவர்கள், "ஆம், நீங்கள் செய்ய வேண்டிய நான்கு விஷயங்கள் உள்ளன: அவர்கள் சார்பாக அல்லாஹ்விடம் பிரார்த்தனை செய்து மன்னிப்பு கேட்பது, அவர்களின் வாக்குறுதிகளை நிறைவேற்றுவது, அவர்களின் நண்பர்களுக்கு மதிப்பளித்தல் மற்றும் அவர்களின் உறவை வளர்ப்பது..."
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likewaterfallz · 2 years ago
Yazeed met his inevitable end on 14th Rabi UL Awal. He was the son of fifth caliph. He was born and raised amidst luxuries. Little is known about his schooling and intellectual upbringing. He frequented hunting and preferred the company of women. Thus his character was shallow and weak. When power falls illegitimately in the hands of such a character then every means however illegitimate and inhumane is utilized to consolidate power. He capitalized on the ill gains of former leadership and advanced his adventurism with altering the religious principles and using coercion, manipulation, and miscommunication as the tactic of rulership.
A lot of people don't know but the most disrespect rendered to Deen under his reign by not only killing the grandson of Rasool Allah (saww) for no reason but soon after Karbala Yazeed attempted to dethrone sons of Zubair from being the custodians of Mecca. Therefore, he waged a ware and in this quest he burnt Holy Kaba. He attempted to plunder Bani Hashim and raided Medina where he allowed horses to be tied in Masjid e Nabwi where they spread feces and untidiness for days. Till date people send curses on his existence and people responsible for creating such existence.
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basicsofislam · 3 years ago
TRANSLATION Abdullah ibn Mas’ud, may Allah be well pleased with him, reported that the Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, said:
“No one who has an atom’s weight of pride in his heart will enter Paradise.”A man said, “And if the man likes his clothes to be good and his sandals to be good?” Allah’s Messenger said: “Allah is Beautiful and loves beauty. Pride means to renounce the truth and abase people.” (Sahih Muslim, Iman,147. See also:Sunan Abu Dawud, Libas, 26;Sunan at-Tirmidhi, Birr, 61).
Abdullah ibn Mas’ud
One of the leading Companions, Abdullah ibn Mas’ud is among the first
of those to believe.
He is the first Companion to openly recite the Qur’an in Mecca.
Abdullah ibn Mas’ud is the Companion who killed Abu Jahl.
He was a gifted reciter of the Qur’an.
Ibn Mas’ud is one of the founders of Islamic jurisprudence, being of the Companions well versed in the religion.
He is, in particular, the linchpin of the Hanafi school of jurisprudence.
He returned to Medina towards the end of Uthman’s caliphate. Falling ill at age sixty, he passed away in the thirty-second year after the Emigration.
1. Pride refers to haughty self-conceit and refusal to submit to Allah.
The Almighty has cautioned human beings in this regard throughout the Qur’an:
“…Allah does not love those who are conceited and boastful” (an-Nisa 4:36).
Do not strut about the earth in haughty self-conceit; for you can never split the earth (no matter how hard you stamp your foot), nor can you stretch to the mountains in height (no matter how strenuously you seek to impress). (al-Isra 17:37)
While these verses exhort human beings to be mindful of pride and arrogance, another again describes the human attribute of pride as being in actual fact a Satanic attribute and explains that unnecessary pride constitutes an obstacle to submission to the Divine command. For even Satan was banished from Paradise due to his pride:
(Allah) said: “O Iblis!What prevents you from prostrating before the being whom I have created with My two Hands? Are you too proud (to bow down before any created being in defiance of My command), or are you (of those who think themselves) so high in honor (that they cannot be ordered to prostrate before anyone)?” (Saad 38:75)
2. While Allah warns human beings in relation to pride and self-conceit, He has employed verses of encouragement concerning its exact opposite, modesty and humility, even characterizing such people as “the (true) servants of the All-Merciful”:
The (true) servants of the All-Merciful are they who move on the earth gently and humbly, and when the ignorant, foolish ones address them (with insolence or vulgarity as befits their ignorance and foolishness), they response with (words of) peace, (without engaging in hostility with them) (al-Furqan 25:63).
From this standpoint, those who are proud and obstinate enough in their pride not to prostrate before Allah assume the characteristic not of being the servants of the All-Merciful, but on the contrary, being servants of Satan.
3. The hadith under consideration indicates that a person with even the most minuscule amount of pride in their heart will not enter Paradise.
A conceited person will either face punishment until they are completely cleansed of this affliction and then enter Paradise as a result of their belief, or Allah, Who has full power over everything, will forgive that servant and place them in His Paradise with a heart that is purified. We learn also that the desire to dress well is not connected with pride. What can be the wisdom behind a seemingly wicked characteristic being placed in the nature of a human being? This quality has been given to the human being with a view to their protecting the position of Islam, the honor of the Qur’an, religion, their spiritual values, their integrity, and similar cherished things. If a person is to have pride, they ought to have it in protecting these. Unfortunately in our day, however, people have for some reason become rather lax and lazy in protecting these; but they have become quite industrious and even oversensitive when it comes to their personal pride. The Pharaohs, Nimrods, and the Abu Lahabs have lost because of their pride.
4. After all, does Allah not charge His Messenger with humility, through the language of the Qur’an:
“Spread your wings (to provide care and shelter) over the believers who follow you (in practicing Allah’s commandments in their lives)” (ash-Shu’ara 26:215).
There are many such verses in the Qur’an. Moreover, Allah’s Messenger sought the same thing, wanting to be “a Prophet slave” when Allah had asked him. This is why we say, “Muhammad is His servant and His Messenger,” in the Declaration of Faith.
5. Acknowledging all the bounties that Allah has bestowed is a form of thankfulness.
This, in turn, leads to an increase in such bounties. Turning a blind eye to Him, however, is ingratitude; ingratitude necessitates punishment and causes the discontinuance of the bounty. A person must always see everything as coming from Allah and must proclaim, “Everything is from You, and You are the All-Wealthy. To You have I turned my face.” However, a person must not conceal the Divinely bestowed bounties in fear of being arrogant. That is, a person must also know how to announce and testify to Allah’s favors when necessary. So, how is this balance to be maintained? As a case in point, a man gives a coat to someone as a gift. If another man says to the bearer of the gift, who is wearing the coat, “How fine you are,” and he responds by saying, “The beauty is in the coat,” then he would have combined humility with verbal expression and announcement of the bounty.
If pride has reached the point of disrespect towards Allah, the proud person forfeits the chance of entry into Paradise.
People who see themselves as superior to others and are thus haughty and conceited commit a major sin.
A person can dress finely, provided that they are not overtaken
by arrogance and self-conceit.
A person must see their own shortcomings if they wish to free themselves of pride and arrogance. A person who does not see their own faults cannot achieve self-correction.
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darakshafatimasstuff · 4 years ago
Imamat is given to Imam Ali (as) by Allah ❤️❤️
Imam or leader is the title given to a person who takes the lead in a community, in a particular social movement or political ideology, or in a scientific and/or a religious form of thought.
Naturally, because of his relation with the people he leads, he must conform his actions to their capabilities in both important and secondary matters.
As is clear from the preceding chapters, the sacred religion of Islam takes into consideration and gives directives concerning all aspects of life for all men.
It investigates human life from the spiritual point of view and guides man accordingly; and it intervenes on the plan of formal and material existence from the point of view of the life of the individual.
In the same way, it intervenes on the plan of social life with its regulations (i.e., on the plan of government).
Thus, the imamate and religious leadership in Islam may be studied from three different perspectives: From the perspective of (1) Islamic government, (2) Islamic sciences and injunctions, and (3) Leadership and innovative spiritual guidance.
Shi`ism believes that since the Islamic society is in dire need of guidance in each of these three aspects, the person who occupies the function of giving that guidance and is the leader of the community must be appointed by God and the Prophet.
Naturally, the Prophet himself was also appointed by Divine Command.
The Imamate and Succession 🖤
Man through his God - given nature without doubt realizes that no organized society, such as a country or city or village or tribe or even a household consisting of a few human beings, can continue to subsist without a leader and ruler who puts the wheel of the society in motion and who will govern each individual's will and induces the members of that society to perform their social duty.
Without such a ruler the parts of this society would disperse in a short period of time, causing disorder and confusion to reign.
Therefore, he who is the ruler and governor of a society, whether it be great or small, if he is interested in his own position and the continued existence of his society, will appoint a successor for himself if he is to be absent from his rule - temporarily or permanently.
He would never abandon the domain of his rule, which would be oblivious to its existence.
The head of a household who bids farewell to his household, upon a journey for a few days or months, will appoint one of the members of his household or someone as his successor and will leave the affairs of the house in his hands.
The head of an institution, the principal of a school, or the owner of a shop, if he is to be absent even for a few hours will select someone to represent him.
In the same way, Islam is a religion which according to the text of its Holy Book and the Sunnah is established upon the basis of the primordial nature of things.
It is a religion concerned with social life, as has been seen by every observer near and far. The special attention God and the Prophet (SW) have given to the social nature of this religion can never be denied nor neglected - It is an incomparable feature of Islam.
The Holy Prophet (SW) was never heedless of the problem of forming a social group - this was so since the beginning of Islam's influence in Arabia. Whenever a city or village fell into Muslim hands he would, in the shortest time possible, appoint a governor or ruler in whose hands he would leave the affairs of the Muslims.
In very important military expeditions - in the Holy wars (Jihad) - he would appoint more than one leader and commander.
In the war of Mu'tah he even appointed four leaders, so that if the first was killed the second would be recognized as the leader, heading his command. And if the second was killed, then the third would be leader, and so on.
The Prophet also displayed great interest in the problem of succession and never failed to appoint a successor when necessary. Whenever he left Medina he would appoint a governor in his own place.
Even when he migrated from Mecca to Medina and there was not, as of yet, any idea as to what would happen; yet still, order to have his personal affairs managed in Mecca for those few days, he appointed Ali (may peace be upon him) as his successor.
In the same way, after his death Ali was his successor in matters concerning his debts and personal affairs.
The Shi`ites claim that for this very reason it is not conceivable that the Prophet (SW) should have died without appointing someone as his successor, without having selected a guide and leader to direct the affairs of the Muslims and to turn the wheels of the Islamic society.
Man's primordial nature does not doubt the importance and value of the society and that the existence and continuation of that society depend upon a just government which agrees to carry out these regulations completely.
This fact is such that anyone possessing intelligence would not neglect or forget it.
At the same time one can doubt neither the breadth and detailed nature of the Islamic Shari'ah, nor the importance and value the Prophet (SW) attached to it; thus, he made many sacrifices for its application and preservation.
Nor can one debate the mental geniusness and perfection of intelligence or perspicacity of vision of the Prophet (SW) (beside, this fact is confirmed by revelation and prophetic narrations).
According to established traditions in both Sunni and Shi'ite collections of hadith (in the chapter on temptations and seditions and others) it is transmitted from the Prophet (SW) that he foretold seditions and tribulations that would entangle the Islamic society after his death and that corruption would penetrate the body of Islam until ( a later time) worldly rulers who would sacrifice this pure religion for their own impure and unscrupulous ends.
So, how is it possible that the Prophet (SW) would neglect to speak of the details of events and trials of years or even thousands of years after him, and yet would neglect the condition had to be brought into being most urgently after his death?
Or that he should be negligent and consider as unimportant a duty that is on the one hand simple and evident and on the other significant to such a degree?
How could he concern himself with the most natural and common acts such as eating, drinking and sleeping and give hundreds of commands concerning them, yet remain completely silent about this important problem and not appoint someone in his own place?
Even if we accepted the hypothesis (which Shi'ism does not accept) that the appointment of the ruler of Islamic society is given by the Shari'ah to the people themselves, still it would be necessary for the Prophet to give an explanation concerning this matter, He would have had to give the necessary instruction to the community so that they would be aware of the problem upon which the existence and growth of Islamic society and the life of religious symbols and observances depended and relied.
Yet there is on trace of such a prophetic explanation or religious instruction. If there had been such a thing, those who succeeded the Prophet and held of power in their hands would not have opposed it. Actually, the first caliph transferred the caliphate to the second by bequest.
The second caliph chose the third caliph through a sis-man council of which he was himself a member and whose order of procedure he had himself determined and ordered. Mu'awiyeh forced Imam Hassan to make peace and in this way carried away the caliphate After this event the caliphate was converted into an hereditary monarchy.
Gradually many religious observances identified with the early yeras of Islamic rule (such as holy war, commanding what is lawful and prohibiting what is forbidden, the establishment of boundaries for human action) were weakened or even disappeared from the political life of the community, nullifying in this domain the efforts of the Prophet of Islam.
Shi'ism has studied and investigated the primordial nature of man and the continuous tradition of wisdom that has survived among men, It has penetrated into the principal purpose of Islam, which is to revivify man's primordial nature, and has investigated such things as the methods used by the Prophet in suiting the community;
The troubles which entangled Islam and the Muslims and which led to division and separtion; and the short life of the Muslim governments of the early centuries, which were characterized by negligence and lack of strict religious principles.
As a result of these studies Shi'ism has reached the conclustion that there are sufficient traditioal texts left by the Prophet to indicate the procedure for determining the Imam and successor of the Prophet.
This conclusion is supported by Quranic verses and hadiths which Shi'ism considers as sound, such as the verses on walayat and the hadiths of Ghadir, Safinah, Thaqalayn, Happ, Manzilah, Da'wat-i'ashirah-i aqrabin, and others.
But of course these hadiths, most of which are also accepted by Sunnism, have Otherwise the whole question of succession would not have arisen, Whereas these hadiths appear to Shi'ites as a clear indication of the Prophet's intetion in the question of succession, they have been interpreted by Sunnis in quite another way so as to leave this question open and unanswered.
Quranic Verses about Imam Ali's Imamat ❤️
To prove the caliphate of Ali ibn Abi Talib, Shi'ites have had recourse to Quranic verses, including the following: "
Your master [wali] can be only Allah; and His messenger and the those who believe, who establish worship and pay the poor due, and bow down (in prayer) [or, and this reading is accepted by 'Allamah Tabataba'i: "... pay the poor due while bowing down (in prayer)"]" (Quran, V, 55). Shi'ite and Sunni commentators alike agree that this verse was revealed concerning Ali ibn Abi Talib, and many Shi'ite and Sunni traditions exist supporting this view.
Abu Dharr Ghafafi has said: " One day we prayed the noon prayer with the Prophet (SW). A person in need asked people to help him, but no one gave him anything.
The person raised his hands to the sky saying, 'Oh God! Bear witness that in the mosque of the Prophet (SW) that no one gave me anything.' Ali ibn Abi Talib was in the bowing position of the prayer.
He pointed with his finger outwards towards the person, who then took his ring and left. The Prophet (SW), who was observing the scene raised his head toward heaven and said: ' Oh God!
My brother Moses said to Thee, "Expand my breast and make easy my tasks and make my tongue eloquent so that they will comprehend my words, and make my brother, Harun, my help and vizier" [cf. Quran, XXVIII, 35]. Oh God! I am also Thy prophet; expand my breast and make easy my tasks make Ali my vizier and helper.'" Abu Dharr says, "The words of the Prophet had not as yet finished when the verse [cited above] was revealed."
Another verse which the Shi'ites consider as proof of the caliphate of Ali is this: " This day those who disbelieve in despair of (ever harming) your religion; so fear them not, fear Me! This day have I perfected your religion for you and completed My favour unto you, and have chosen for you as religion AL-ISLAM" (Quran, V,3).
The obvious meaning of this verse is that before that particular day the infidels had hopes that a day would come when Islam would die out, but God through the actualization of a particular event made them lose forever the hope that Islam would be destroyed.
This very event is the cause of the strength and perfection of Islam and of necessity could be a minor occasion such as the proclaim of one of the injunctions of religion. Rather, it was a matter of such importance that the continuation of Islam depended upon it.
This verse seems to be related to another verse which comes toward the end of the same chapter: "O Messenger! Make known that which hath been revealed unto thee from thy Lord, for if thou do it not, thou will not have conveyed His message, Allah will protect thee from mankind." (Quran, V,67). This verse indicates that God commanded a mission of great concern and importance to the Prophet (SW) that if not accomplished would endanger the basis of Islam and prophecy.
But, the matter was so important that the Prophet (SW) feared opposition and interference and in awaiting suitable circumstances delayed it - until there came a definite and urgent order from God to execute this command without delay and not to fear anyone.
This matter also was not just a particular regligious injunction in the ordinary sense, for to preach one or several religious injuncations is not so vital, that if a single one of them was not preached it would cause the destruction of Islam.
The Prophet (SW) of Islam did not fear anyone in preaching the injunc- tions and laws of religion. These indications and witnesses add weight to the Shi'ite tradi- tions which asset that these verses were revealed at Ghadir Khumm and concern the spiritual investiture (walayat) of Ali ibn Abi Talib.
Moreover, many Shi'ite and Sunni commentators have confirmed this point.
Abu Said Khudari says: "The Prophet (SW) in Ghadir Khumm invited people toward Ali and took his arm and lifted it so high that the white spot on the armpit of the Prophet (SW) could be seen. Then this verse was revealed: 'This day have I perfected your religion for you and completed My favor unto you, and have chosen for you as religion Al-ISLAM.'
Then the Prophet (SW) said, 'God is great (Allahu akbar) that religion has become perfected and that God's bounty has been completed, His satisfaction attained and the walayat of Ali achieved.' Then he added, 'For whomever I am the authority and guide Ali is also his guide and authority.
Oh God! Be friendly with the friends of Ali and the enemy of his enemies. Whoever helps, help him, and whoever leaves him, leave him.' "
In a summary, we can say that the enemies of Islam who did everything possible to destroy it, when they lost all hope of achieving this end, were left with only one hope.
They though that since the protector of Islam was the Prophet (SW), after his death Islam would be left without a guide and leader; and thus, definitely perish. But, at Ghadir Khumm their hopes were brought to end as the Prophet (SW) presented Ali as the guide and leader of Islam to the people.
After Ali, this heavy and necessary duty of guide and leader was left upon the shoulders of his family.
Ali the magnificent vol. 01 page 564
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lifeofresulullah · 8 months ago
The Life of The Prophet Muhammad(pbuh): Calling the Tribes to Islam, the Allegiances of Aqaba and Migration to Madinah
Ashab As-Suffa
It was when the Qiblah was not yet changed to the Kaaba.
A shade and a shelter were built from date branches next to the northern wall of the Masjid an-Nabawi. This was named “suffa”. Muslims staying there were therefore named “Ashab as-Suffa (Suffa Companions)”.
These companions who stayed at the suffa of the Masjid had neither a house, a tribe, relatives nor anything else in Medina. They had a life away from their family, free from worldly issues and troubles and totally self-sacrificing. They learned the Qur’an and listened to the Honorable Messenger’s preaches and lessons. They were fasting most of the time.
This blessed group of people, who spent their time at the presence of the Supreme Messenger, was always inspired by the Prophet. They were self-sacrificing, eager-to-learn students who devoted themselves to the Honorable Messenger’s school for the sake of Allah. Teachers appointed by the Prophet would teach them the Qur’an. Those who completed their studies were sent to Muslim tribes in order to teach them the Qur’an and the sunnah of the Messenger of Allah. In this sense, they were called “qurra (readers).” Therefore, suffa was called “Dar al-Qurra (House of the Qur’an Readers).”
These unique companions, whose number was about four hundred or five hundred and who had a moderate yet enlightened life, were an army of knowledge. Although they devoted all their time to learn the Qur’an and the sunnah of the Messenger of Allah, they took part in battles when necessary as well.
The ones who got married would leave the suffa but others would join to take their place.
These unique companions were occupied neither with trade nor craft. Their living was provided by the Supreme Messenger and wealthy companions. Hazrat Abu Huraira, who was one of the outstanding students at suffa, expressed this situation very well in response to those who found the fact that he narrated a lot of hadiths strange: “Do not find that I have narrated too many hadiths strange! As our immigrant brothers were occupied with trade in bazaar and Ansar brothers with agriculture in gardens and fields, Abu Huraira was memorizing the Prophet’s blessed advices. 
The Prophet’s Close Relationship with Ashab as-Suffa
The Supreme Messenger was closely interested in both education and needs of Ashab as-Suffa. He always sat with them, talking with them and listening to their needs. And sometimes he reminded them that their studies are important and blessed to the utmost degree, saying to them: “If you knew what is being prepared for you in the Hereafter, you would like your poverty and needs to increase!” 
The Honorable Messenger himself tried to meet their needs. When necessary, he would put his household’s needs on the back burner.
Once, when Hazrat Fatima asked for a maid, complaining about how dreadful it was to grind flour with hand-mill, the Prophet answered his dear daughter: “My daughter, what are you saying? I have not been able to prepare Ahl as-Suffa’s needs yet!” 
One day, he was with the Ashab as-Suffa to examine their situation. He saw their poverty, troubles they were going through and consoled them saying: “O Ashab as-Suffa! Good tidings to you! Whoever meets me as content with a situation and condition like yours s/he is in; s/he is one of my dear fellows!”
The Supreme Messenger would ask: “Is it alms or gift?” when he was given something.
If they answered “it is alms”, he would give it to ashab as-suffa right away. If they answered “it is a gift”, he would accept it and give some of it to ashab as-suffa. The Prophet would never accept alms, but only gifts.
One day, a man brought a plate of dates. He asked the man: “Is it alms or gift?
The man said it was alms and therefore the Prophet sent it to the ashab as-suffa right away. The Prophet’s grandson Hazrat Hassan was in front of the Prophet at that time. When he took a date from the plate and put it in his mouth, the Prophet reacted right away and took it out from his mouth. And then he said: “We, Muhammad and his household, do not eat alms; alms is forbidden to us!”
Moreover, it is said that the Quranic verse “(Charity is) for those in need, who, in God’s cause are restricted (from travel), and cannot move about in the land, seeking (for trade or work): the ignorant man thinks, because of their modesty, that they are free from want. Thou shall know them by their (unfailing) mark: They beg not importunately from the entire sundry. And whatever of good ye give, be assured God knoweth it well” was sent with reference to the ashab as-suffa. 
They would not Miss a Preach or Speech of the Prophet
These unique companions, who devoted themselves totally to the path of Allah, would not miss any of the Supreme Prophet’s advice and speeches. They were always present there and would narrate the speeches to other companions by memorizing them. In this sense, ashab as-suffa had a unique service and job in preservation and narration of Islamic judgments. This great group of knowledge had an important role in the Quran’s light reaching out to every corner of the world in a short time.
Abu Huraira Narrates
Abu Huraira, a good student of suffa, which was a foundation of knowledge, narrates an event about themselves:
“I was lying face down, because of starvation. And sometimes I tied a stone on my stomach.
“One day, I sat down on a path where people came and went. At that time, the Messenger of Allah was passing by. He understood my situation and called out to me: “O Abu Huraira!”
“‘Yes, o the Messenger of Allah!’ said I.
“‘Come on here!’ he said.
“We went together. He entered the house. I asked for permission to enter, too. They permitted and I entered. He found a jug full of milk.
“‘Where did this come from? Asked he.
“‘Such and such person gave it as a gift’ said they.
“Then, ‘O Abu Huraira! Go to Ashab as-Suffa, tell them to come here! Ordered he.
“Ashab as-Suffa were guests of Islam. They had no family, no money and no house. When the Messenger of Allah was given a gift, he would share it between himself and them. He would send all of the alms which was given to him to be given to the ashab as-suffa and would not take anything from it for himself.
“I was upset because the Messenger of Allah invited ashab as-suffa. I was hoping to drink the whole milk in the jug myself and I would live by it for some time. I said to myself: ‘I am a messenger. I will share the milk among the Suffa companions when they come.’ In this case, I knew no milk would be left for me. However, I had no other choice but follow the Messenger of Allah’s order.
“I went and called them. They came and sat after being permitted.
“The Prophet (pbuh) said: ‘Abu Huraira, take the jug and offer them milk’
“I took the jug and started to give them the milk. Each of them, one by one, took the jug and drank until he was full and then passed it to the next person.
“After the last Suffa companion drank, I gave the jug to the Messenger of Allah. He took it. There was only a little milk left inside. He raised his head and looked at me, smiling: ‘Abu Huraira! He said.
“‘Yes, the Messenger of Allah, I said.
“‘Only you and I did not drink milk! said he.
“‘Yes, the Messenger of Allah, I said.
“‘Sit down and drink, he said. I sat down and drank.
“‘Drink some more, he said. I did. He insisted that I should drink more. ‘More, more!’ he said. At last, I said: ‘I swear by Allah who has sent you with the true religion that I am too full to drink any more!
“‘Then give met he jug, he said. I did. He gave thanks to Allah. Then he said the “basmalah” and drank the rest.”
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iamkhange · 4 years ago
Why is Israel a developed country, and why are we still developing?
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I am not a very good writer or author. But one day, I sat down to write my thoughts,
Think about it, some irrelevant ideas and questions are starting to get very annoying these days, like:
· Why is Israel a developed country, and why are we growing?
· Why does he have so many resources that he is selling the world and we are just borrowing?
· Are they still a chosen nation, and our share is limited to the "promise of intercession"?
When I started drowning in these and many other questions, I resorted to Google, proving to be very strong.
Many things between the Jewish nation and the Muslims
Like meet
Both are Abrahamic religions
Believe in one God
To worship him
To be cleansed
make ablution
To do charity
Slaughtering and eating animals
Don't eat pork
Believing that jinn are God's creation
Considering Satan disobedient
The act of considering the people of Lot a sin
Don't recognize a relationship without marriage
On the coming of the Messiah before the resurrection
Believing in the reckoning on the Day of Resurrection
Thinking in the same way of being resurrected after death (being made back from the tail bone)
Witt: The practical methods of all these ordinary things are different; for example, they call Allah by another name, the practise of ablution and prayer is different, their Messiah is different, etc.
Now the surprise increased from here that despite so many similarities and similarities, how did they move forward? While here (God forbid), religion has become a chain of feet, the children graduating from our madrassas are seldom integrated into the outside world, and in the modern lifestyle, they are barely visible, any skill anyway. It is not part of our education system that the child is still "reading" (why it is inappropriate for us to teach skills while learning).
We have included religion only in everyday life till the azan at birth and the funeral prayer at death. The rest of it has been left in the niche. The two are not conceived at the same time. Yes, some schools or madrassas are now promoting religious and scientific education together, but on the one hand, their number is like salt in flour; on the other hand, their fees are out of the commoner's pocket. And if the money came in the bag and then the education system of London, Europe and America would look fine, then very few children are getting an education from these modern madrassas.
After madrassas, school and college education is also in an awful condition in our country. An example of our education system is termite infested wood. We memorize it. But the same child cannot write 5 to 10 lines on any subject other than these.
Curriculum and the practical world are two different things; there is no match between them; education is so expensive that if one leaves with a degree, he is worried about "recovering his investment" first.
And after all, the sad thing is that 44.5% of children go to high school; 55 out of every 100 children do not go to school.
Beloved God, the Prophet (peace be upon him), prioritized the gathering of knowledge and education over the meeting of remembrance and supplication that I was sent as a teacher (Ibn Majah).
And more than 25 million children in Pakistan do not go to school ... (These are pre-Corona statistics)
In Israel, schooling is free and compulsory, as well as skills and practical business training, paid for by the school/government, and the dropout is skilled. Yes, and also business, he also bears and collects the cost of his further education. Thus, the country's economy is also strengthened, and the expenditure incurred on the child's teaching also starts coming back.
There was no oil in the house at the Prophet's death, but three swords of personal use were hanging on the wall.
On the occasion of the trench warfare, the Muslims dug a fifteen-mile long trench in fifteen days with stones tied to their stomachs and defended Medina on an empty stomach.
Referring to both incidents, Israel's defense minister bought heavy weapons from the United States in the 1973 Arab-Israeli war, saying that even if it provided the nation with only one loaf of bread for 20 years, the world would see only a winner after the war. Not empty stomach
In 1973, we lost Bengal, and Israel increased some of its territories.
There is no water in Israel, they make seawater usable, grow crops from it, drink it, and now they have become so skilled that they are selling the world, even purified water, to purify it. Plants, crops grown on them, animals raised on them and their milk/meat,
Despite being the most extensive canal system, it is sometimes time to import wheat and sugar (which are among our significant crops) despite being primarily an agricultural country.
The Hour will not come until the Muslims fight the Jews and kill them until the Jews hide behind a rock or a tree.
“O Muslims! This Jew is behind me. Come and kill him, except for the tree of Gharqad, because he is one of the trees of the Jews” (Sahih Muslim).
Despite being the world's technology hub, Israel has grown the most trees in the last 50 years. While the number of trees in the rest of the world is declining, Israel is the only country growing.
He (the Antichrist) will come to the babe Lud in Palestine. Jesus (PBUH) will have descended, and here they will kill him ... Hadith
Today, Israel has a military airport in Lud and has excellent security.
So, sir, the thing is that religion is not a chain of feet, nor does a large population hold anyone back. On the contrary, the most vital factor that hinders progress is mental retardation, the thought of not moving forward.
If our prime minister said that women's clothes cause mischief, he would also give some ugly justification for the crimes committed against older women, boys, girls, dead (dead bodies). But in our country, Islam starts with a woman's clothes and ends with four marriages of a man. There is no rule of training or justice, no control of the self and no control over the eyes. There is no question of passing any verse of knowledge, of discovery,
Well, this is a collective matter, which we all blame the government and its policies and acquit our political party and ourselves, but our role as individuals is no more negligible.
We never try to pick up a loser, but we call him so bad that he loses confidence in his return. To get a chance to hit a woman,
Mobile has become very popular; about 30 million people in Pakistan currently use smartphones, but sadly, the top trends in search are cricket series, cricketers, political scandals, controversial and bold actors, education, health. We have nothing to do with research and knowledge. Thanks to Corona, the only "Google classroom" in terms of education is still in trend in 2020.
The epidemic is also considered a "business season" in our country, and things are expected at 4 to 6 times higher prices, oxygen cylinders are missing from the market, and a simple mask is available at 20 to 25.
Of course, not everyone is like that; many people are doing perfect things, retail shops deliver rations to needy homes, schools give free education to poor children, etc.
But all this is not enough. It is like salt in the flour. For development, we all have to move forward, so whatever you are, whatever your status, think of collective benefits, your neighbor, partner, house. Help, employee, friend, brother, make encouragement a motto in every relationship, encourage them to move forward, ignore their mistakes and shortcomings, guide them according to their talent,
We are a very talented nation, and the world is buying our talent ... Via the same mobile, laptop and computer,
Anyone around you has any talent, provide information to sell on the net, guide them on how they can make money by selling this skill, don't limit the intake to yourself, because stagnant water, no matter how good and abundant it is, rots, it becomes impure, so keep sharing, knowledge, conveniences, sweet words, whatever is available to you,
Believe in everything you can get money need a little research, information, so do not use your mobile phone to wait for the magic by writing five in the comments it is a great power you can use it; ideally, you can earn money from it, you can strengthen your family, your nation ...
Rise and do your part to move beyond Israel and developed countries like this so that our next generation can breathe in a developed Pakistan, do your part to make this country safe because
ہیں ہے ناامید اقبال اپنی کشت ویراں سے
ذرا نم ہو تو یہ مٹی بڑی زرخیز ہے ساقی
Pray for progress
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(via 'Something New Under the Sun': Part II; Revealing the 12 Spies of the Kingdom of God and the 2 Beasts)
The Coming of the Beast of the Earth: the Dabbat al-Ard
Muhammed spoke of my coming when all would doubt the Word of Allah and His Prophet in these Last Days: and now we stand at the Last Day; when Noah shut the Door before the Flood: and this is indeed where now all mankind is gathered.
      I stand before Islam, Christianity and Judaism as that "beast" Muhammed the Blessed said would appear at the End with the Staff or Rod of Moses and the Ring of Solomon; and that is indeed what I was given by the Sufis through Khidr Rumi when they Illuminated me as to my true identity: the Rose; for the Rose is Solomon himself. This is written of in the Holy Qur'an at an-Naml 27:92; and at the Hadith written of by Sahih Muslim "Kitab al-Fitan" #6931; to wit;
        (The Hour) will not come until you see 10 Signs:
          (1)         The Smoke
 ( as of the Smoke that went up when the 2 Towers fell on 9-11 in New York )  
(2)          the ( Masih ad-) Dajjal
( who is Osama bin Laden as I know because I can read the name "Kafir" on his forhead as Muhammed said even the illiterate who cannot even read Arabic shall see; for those who cannot recognize him take a look at "the Old Man of the Mountain" that was the childhood friend of Omar Khayyam' and he was he who promised his assassins Paradise for killing those he decided were apostate to his school or "brand" of Islam; promising them the virgins of Paradise if they were killed; and if this does sound familiar then you are deaf as well as blind)
  (3)        the  Beast  ( of the Earth)
( who is myself as the one led out of the Abyss where I fell as Solomon whose number was 666; as I Solomon was given the 666 talents of gold in one year that is written of me at the Bible at I Kings 10:14; even as I then foreknew was I was foretold would arise by Muhammed when the Sufi Michael Beebe of the Suhrawardi Path awoke me in the City of St. Francis;  so that realized that Fame and Fortune for which I and all of My Generation in the West had fallen as they all strove for before I was awakened from the Dust of Musallah: for now I see that "Fame and Fortune" are but the "Name and the Number" of the Beast; which I was before I was raised in the name of Jedidiah by the Mercy which Allah promised to David before he died.)
 (4)  the rising of the sun from the West
( this is the unveiling of the Sun of Mary of Fatimah; which from Mecca is indeed "west"; and it is the Miracle of the Sun of Fatimah which shall show the world what the nature of the Salvation of Allah shall be; as the "Pearl of Great price" is the "irfan" of the 3 Children of Mary of Fatimah seen as "One Child"; the "Hidden Imam" in his return as the Pearl of Great Price is that from which is made "the Gate of Heaven" as of the Door on the Ark of Noah which had 3 tiers or "heights".)
(5)  the descent of Jesus the Son of Mary
( as I have said the "Greater Jesus" came forth from the "Greater Mary" who is Maryam al-Kubra; as "the Son of David" I therefore show that the 'Sun of Mary of Fatimah" is seen as the Three Children of the Sun of Fatimah; as symbolizing One Child; and that Child is therfore "the Son of Mary' who I as the Wrath of the Lamb symbolize; as having the Seal of the Living God; which is that of Khidr Rumi as of which the Work of the Sun of Tabriz is seen by those who know the Elect; the Sun of Faith has now been revealed; although few will believe; just as the Jews believed not and failed their Test in their Day; as few will Pass in this Day in Islam or Christianity once again. But this is why the Mahdi and the Messiah are revealed together).
    (6)   Gog and Magog
( Iraq and Iran; "the Shia of Khomeini in the House of the Shia" as present day Iran; Alexander as "Dhul-Qarnain" forged a "plug" in the "Wall" of what was the ancient Wall of China; and the vision he was given was of the Mongol hordes of Central Asia; who at that time were firmly entrenched in present day Iran all the way to Mongolia)
   (7)    and (the) Landslides and Earthquakes in three places: one in the East; one in the West and one in Arabia; at the end of which fire would burst forth from the Yemen, driving people to the place of their Assembly ( at the Last Hour).
                                (7) The Earthquake in the East
The News that Osama bin Laden is the Masih ad-Dajjal; and is now dead from Barack Hussein the blessed
  (8) The Earthquake in the West
                                         The News that Osama bin Laden was the Antichrist
(9)  The Earthquake in Arabia
The Earthquake has to do with that one when Mecca fell spiritually by Osama bin Laden sitting on the throne of Mecca to Judge the West as the "Great Satan"; and as then carrying out his "judgement" as if he were "Allah" himself. For this we have to look at he who was there at the Earthquake of Arabia written of in the Acts of the Apostle's as when Saul the Persecutor of the Believers who became Paul the Defender of the Believers; that Great Earthquake felt on the Road to Sham he fell off his mount; and his companions scattered; as on the Road to Damascus in Syria; that is written of in the New Testament.
[caption id="attachment_12496" align="aligncenter" width="500"]
.............The Origin of the Chart in Divine Principle: by Baek Kim Moon[/caption]
This is the Testimony of the Light of Damascus
At II Thessalonian 2:4-5 is written of the Last Day coming; to wit;
"Let no man deceive you by any means:
for that Day shall not come except that  there be a falling away first,
and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition;
Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God,
or that is worshiped; so that he as God sitteth in the House of God,
shewing himself that he is God."
Thus is the Man of Sin the Kafir Osmaa bin Laden the son of Laden the One-eyed Dajjal from Yemen ( actually a one-eyed bricklayer ) revealed!!
   (10)   The Fire bursts forth from the Yemen
Remember that the fire which bursts forth from the Yemen has to do with the uncovering of that saying of Muhammed the Praised One as when he said that "Nine- tenths of all the evil in the world would come forth from Yemen"; which refers to the "One-eyed Yemeni bricklayer Laden" himself who produced Osama bin Laden; the Son of Perdition.
This "fire" means Laden and his satanic son is the one who pursued the things of this world by selling his soul for them; and this in Islam is therefore seen as how laden produced the "man of Lawlessness" known as the Antichrist written of in II Thessalonian 2:3-4 by St. Paul as of the Light of Damascus; as from Sham where the Light of Allah converted Saul to Paul with the Word of Allah; which is why Muhammed said that Damascus is Sham; Mecca and Medina would be the 3 Cities of refuge; Sham being Syria; but also referring to the White Minaret where the Descent took place; as Paul said he had 'Christ in Him".
This was Written: so do not fear; but come forth and Enter the Reward of the Believers in Allah and His Mercy in this;
the Last Day By restoring Solomon the Sufis joined the Work of the Word of Allah who was His Mercy by bringing back to life one who fell into utter corruption as having been seduced by Iblis long ago;
and if you have a Bible you will see that the Man who has the number 666 is Solomon; at I Kings; 10:14;
where it is written that Solomon received 666 talents of gold in a single year.
"I Solomon was given a kingdom to rule because I worshiped Iblis and was given power over the fallen spirits of the Jinn; and was therefore transformed into the angel of the Abyss; whom the Greeks called Apollo; but the Jews Appollyon; the Destroyer of Souls.''
Yet few know that the Shadow of Solomon is Apollo; as fallen he is the last of the gods of the fallen angels; and his sister Diana is the Rose of Sharon; the Rose of Sharon being the spirit of my soul: Sharon herself.
It is this where the gods caused Israel to fall when I fell and was followed into the Abyss by Ephraim; the Northern Kingdom of Israel, to my undying shame: but now I have redeemed; and stand here where men will see I am no beast; but a man whose fallen nature was the Beast until I repented; as the Prodigal Son; and returned; as the Lost Sheep of Israel; and will restore all things; as when the Fire from Heaven lit the Altar when I dedicated the Temple: and thus shall I redeem my people."
The Verse of the Beast of the Earth
"For that mankind did not believe with Certainty in Our Signs" ( Sura 27:82 An Naml )
" It is I who was destined to divide mankind into the Two Camps; those who can read the name "Kafir" on the forehead of Osama bin Laden as the Masih ad-Dajjal and those who cannot; even though I cannot read Arabic; and would therefore be considered "illiterate" by most Muslims.
Those who can see that Osama bin Laden is the Antichrist will be those who hold their books in their right hand; and those who cannot will hold their books in their left hands. The believers of the Miracle of the Sun of Fatimah will enter the Barque of the Sufis which is the Ship of the Sun of Righteousness as the Ark of Salvation; the unbelievers will not believe in the Miracle of the Sun of Mary of Fatimah and will proceed into the Lake of Fire which is the Second Death. "
The Baraka of Khidr Rumi and Fatimah al Zahra; the Virgin of Light
As the least in the kingdom of heaven I stand as he who is greater than Sun Myung Moon;
who is John the Baptist: no matter how he denies it publicly.
To those who have confided to me that he admits it privately I will soon publish to be seen in my book,
in which I have his testimony firsthand from former members of his church. Inshallah; let the Work begin!
In these last days I have written much of the Sealed Book which I unsealed with the help of the Servant of Allah that mankind will find is His Servant John; the Greatest in Kingdom of heaven.
Yet no one would believe that I was sent by the Most High so now it is to Islam that I will now reveal myself even as it as Written.
I brand or "call" they who are the "believers" as those who can see that Osama bin Laden is the Masih ad-Dajjal by being able to read the name "Kafir" on his forehead; and those I brand or call "unbelievers" are those who cannot "see" that Osama bin Laden is the ad-Dajjal.
The Further Proof of Our Signs
It is the Sufi Sayed Hisham Kabbani who said that Abu Hurayra these words related in the hadith confirmed by Tirmidhi and Musnad Ahmad this saying of Muhammed about the Beast from the Earth; to wit;
"The Beast of the Earth will emerge, and will have with it the rod of Moses and the ring of Solomon"
The Rod of Moses is therefore seen as the Rod of Aaron: the Rod of the Regeneration; as when Isa raised Lazurus from the Grave even though he had decomposed and had begun to rot: thus I was raised by the Servant of Allah whom men will know as His Servant John the Divine; who wrote down the Revelation of Jesus Christ that is the Last Book of the Bible.
The Rod of God was then seen as that one by which the dead are raised to life even if they have decomposed; as few believe this possible; but those who saw Lazarus come forth certainly did believe; as when they rolled the stone away from the tomb of Lazarus the stench cause people to retch. The Sealed Book of Illiyun ( " El Elion": the Most High ) which is revealed in the "Revelation of Salvation" that I wrote after being instructed by the angel of John the Divine for 21 years is this book of the Lamb which I unsealed with my own ring that the Sufis returned to me along with my shoes and my garment that Isa took from me when he despoiled me of all my powers and goods I had gotten from Iblis when I had worshiped him to gain all the kingdoms of the earth and what I thought was eternal life.
It was I who was the one that tempted Isa when I opposed him in the Wilderness for 40 days when he defeated me: yet in my repentance and returning to restore all things I have begun to Redeem myself and save those who were lost; for the Ring of Solomon is the Gift of Prophecy."Inshallah; Peace be unto thee; the Envoy of the Word of Isa: the Word of Allah The Wrath of the Lamb;
the Offspring of David;the Lion of the Tribe of Judah  The name that Nathan the prophet of David gave me is the one new name by which I was led out of the Abyss; and it is the new name written in the White Stone of Ephraim that Joshua holds with the Black Stone of Mecca; as the Lot of the Breastplate of Aaron: for as Lot was led out of Sodom so was I led out of the fallen City of St. Francis to New Hope; as Zoar;
"the little one"; yea;
"...and a little one shall become a thousand...".
even  Jedidiah;
"The Beloved of Allah"
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holyhousehold786 · 5 years ago
Did Allah tell Muslims follow the Quran and Sunnah or the Quran and Ahlul-Bayt ????
Based on a parallel (Mutawatir) tradition upon whose authenticity all Muslims agree, the Messenger of Allah (pbuh) informed his followers in several occasions that he would leave them two precious weighty things and that if Muslims adhere to both of them, they will never go astray after him. They are the Book of Allah (Quran) and the Members of the House of the Prophet (Ahlul-Bayt)
It is narrated in Sahih Muslim as well as many other sources that:
Someday (after his last pilgrimage) the Messenger of Allah (PBUH) stood to give us a speech beside a pond which is known as Khum (Ghadir Khum) which is located between Mecca and Medina. Then he praised Allah and reminded Him, and then said: "O' people! Behold! It seems the time approached when I shall be called away (by Allah) and I shall answer that call. Behold! I am leaving for you two precious things. First of them is the book of Allah in which there is light and guidance... The other one is my Ahlul-Bayt. I remind you in the name of Allah about my Ahlul-Bayt. I remind you in the name of Allah about my Ahlul-Bayt. I remind you in the name of Allah about my Ahlul-Bayt. (three times)."
Sunni Reference: - Sahih Muslim, Chapter of the virtues of the companions, section of the virtues of Ali, 1980 Edition Pub. in Saudi Arabia, Arabic version, v4, p1873, Tradition #36. - And many others such as Sahih al-Tirmidhi, Musnad Ahmad
For the English version of Sahih Muslim, see Chapter CMXCVI, v4, p1286, Tradition #5920
As we can see in the above tradition in Sahih Muslim, not only Ahlul-Bayt has been put beside the Quran, but also it has been mentioned three times by the Prophet (PBUH). Despite the fact that the author of Sahih Muslim and many other Sunni traditionalists have recorded the above tradition in their authentic books, it is regrettable that the majority of people are unaware of its existence at the best, or deny it at the worst.
Their counter argument is that the most reliable tradition in this regard is the one recorded by al-Hakim in his al-Mustadrak, on the authority of Abu Huraira, attributing to the Messenger of Allah saying:
"I leave amongst you two things that if you follow or act upon, you will not go astray after me: The Book of God and my Sunnah (traditions)."
There is no doubt that ALL Muslims are required to follow the Sunnah of the Prophet (PBUH&HF). However, the question remains that which Sunnah is genuine and which one is invented later and was falsely attributed to the Prophet.
On tracing the source of this report of Abu Huraira which states "Quran and Sunnah," we found out that it has NOT been recorded in any of the six authentic Sunni collections of the traditions (Sihah Sittah).
Not only that, but also al-Bukhari, al-Nisa'i, and al-Dhahabi and many others rated this report (Quran and Sunnah) as weak because of its weak Isnad. It should be noted that although the book of al-Hakim is an important Sunni collection of traditions, yet it is ranked inferior to the six major Sunni books. This is while Sahih Muslim is in the second rank among the six Sunni collections of traditions. al-Tirmidhi reported that the "Quran and Ahlul-Bayt" version of the tradition is traced to 30+ companions. Ibn Hajar al- Haythami reported that he knows of 20+ companions witnessed that also. This is while the "Quran and Sunnah" version reported by al-Hakim has only one source!
Thus we must conclude that the "Quran and Ahlul-Bayt" version is much more reliable. Moreover al-Hakim has also mentioned the "Quran and Ahlul-Bayt" version in his book (al-Mustadrak) through several chain of authorities and confirmed that the "Quran and Ahlul-Bayt" version of the tradition is authentic based on the criteria of al-Bukhari and Muslim.
Moreover, the word "Sunnah" by itself does not serve the purpose of knowledge. All Muslims irrespective to their persuasions claim that they follow the Sunnah of the Prophet (PBUH). The differences among Muslims come from the transmitted Prophetic traditions through different avenues. Such traditions serve as explanatory means of the Holy Quran upon whose authenticity all Muslims agree. Thus divergence in the transmitted traditions, which in turn has led to differing interpretation of Quran and the prophetic Sunnah, has created numerous versions of Sunnah. All Muslims, as a result, splintered into different schools, groups, offshoots, which is believed to add up to seventy three groups. All of them are obeying their own version of Sunnah which they claim to be the true one.
Which of these groups follow the true Sunnah of the Prophet? Which one (out of 73 groups) will be the prosperous one, and will survive?
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likewaterfallz · 3 years ago
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The person who could call upon anyone from the Universe for help, had called Habib Ibn e Mazahir (as) for help.
He was one of the oldest companions of AHL Al Bayt (as). He was a son of Sahabi e Rasool (saww). He was old but he was strong. My mind wonders as to why Imam Hussain (as) wrote letter to Habib (as) and required his presence on Ashura (what is hikmat in this act iof his?). Perhaps many reasons but also because:
- He was a son of Sahabi e Rasool (saww). He was an eye witness of every merit Rasool (saww) had associated with Ahl Al Bayt (as) especially with Imam Hussain (as). His credibility was unmatched and so was his wisdom.
- He was a son of Sahabi. A lot of sons of ashabs including the prominent and accursed commander of yazidis were compelled to spill the blood of the progeny of Rasool Allah (saww). Perhaps the presence of a Sahabi himself would have brought some shame in those killers to prevent them from killing. It didn't happen of course because the killers were shameful. To Quote Al Quran, "It is not the eyes that are blind but the hearts!"
- He was a son of Sahabi. So the proceeding generations might try to put off the relevance and essence of Karbala by misleading people and saying that it was a conflict between two alpha prince. The presence of Sahabi on Hussaini side (as) proved that this notion is falsehood because a Sahabi reciting merits of Imam Hussain (as) in the battlefield tells who is the prince and who is not even worth mentioning.
- He was a son of Sahabi. In future people perhaps would accuse the Hussainis for ignoring the merits of ashaab Karam (Ra). The SALAM of King Hussain (as) and then the wail of Lady Zainab (as) for Habib (as) establishes how our school of thought renders due respect to the companions of Rasool Allah (saww).
- He was a son of Sahabi. Someone might have said that Rasool (saww) naozubillah was not clear while telling the ranks and merits of his progeny in particular Imam Hussain (as). The presence of Habib (as) shows for eternity that Rasool (saww) was very clear but those who took the guise of religion to advance their tribal, political, and personal interests put his teachings under the back burner and we're compelled to kill and humiliate Rasool (saww) off springs.
- He was a son of Sahabi. So Imam Hussain (as) knew that there would come a time when people would forget prominent ashabs who remained devoted to Rasool e Kareem (saww) and fight about the relevance of one over the other. The presence of Habib (as) on Ashura shows the bench mark of how to know who is a true sahabi. One who never leaves the progeny of Rasool (saww) alone. One who never forsake the merits of Rasool (saww). One who does not leave the progeny of Rasool (saww) in distress no matter how many stand in against. One who knows that life without Rasool (saww) progeny especially without Hussain (as) is not worth living.
- He was a son of Sahabi. Perhaps Imam Hussain (as) knew that in future there might come a reason that those sons of ashabs could not reach to assist or defend Imam against Yazid was because the political situation was constricted to them to provide any form of support. Habib's presence on Ashura shows that whether there is a Universal embargo IF HUSSAIN (AND HUMANITY) IS BEING OPPRESSED OR IF HUSSAIN CALLS, will and love of Rasool (saww) is needed to reach the stand epic. Negligence, laziness, self interests would lead to yazidi sentiments.
(There was a search ongoing for Habib by the then governor of medina but Habib had pledged to reach Hussain (as) or die. He used to travel at night along side the bank of the river and hide in day time from the hounds of Yazid. He reached Imam because he wanted to. He wanted to condemn the government and it's blatant use of religion as a tool only!)
- Last but not the least, he was a son of SAHABI. His presence in Ashura indicates that Ashaab are never against the progeny of Rasool (saww). And the character of ashaab is pious to the scale of the piousness of Habib (as) that the Imam and grandson of Rasool (saww) calls him to himself and cannot stand to be apart from the Sahabi e Rasool (saww). Thats the standard. Anything subpar that standard deserves questions.
Habib Ibn e Mazahir, a childhood friend, a son of Sahabi e Rasool (saww) who was present in Karbala to show that, a father who is a Sahabi e Rasool (saww) with marifat raises a son who is Sahabi e Hussain (as). This raises deep questions on those companions who raised killers.
Assalam O Alaika Ya Habib Ibn e Mazahir (as)
- زہے نصیب یہ انعامِ نصرتِ شبیر ع
حبیب ابن مظاہر ' سلام زینب ع کا
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