#Alfie Solomons x Red (Female Reader)
ryuzakemo128 · 1 year
Peaky Blinders Headcanons
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Pairing: Red x Alfie Solomons
Genre: Fluff
Masterlist: List
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Alfie Taking care of Red when she is unwell Headcanons
Red Sick/ unwell Headcanons:
When Red gets sick with the flu, food poisoning, or a simple cold, she experiences some unique symptoms. Despite not being a smoker herself, her cough sounds like that of a heavy smoker. This peculiar symptom has often surprised and amused her friends, who find it ironic given her non-smoking habits. Red's fever also tends to spike quite high, leaving her feeling flushed and overheated. Alfie, being familiar with Red's unique symptoms, often teases her about her "smoker's cough" during her illness, but he also takes care of her and makes sure she has everything she needs to recover.
During the first stages of her illness, Red prefers to stay in either her bedroom or her small office. She doesn't like being idle and enjoys keeping herself busy even when she's unwell. She spends her time catching up on paperwork, organizing business plans, and drinking larger amounts of herbal tea to soothe her symptoms. Alfie, being the attentive partner that he is, checks in on her regularly, bringing her herbal tea and offering assistance with her work if needed.
Despite Red's preference for staying busy while she's ill, she also understands the importance of rest and taking care of herself. She spends most of her time in either her bedroom or her small office, but she makes sure to take breaks and rest when her symptoms become more severe. She drinks plenty of water to stay hydrated and soothe her throat, often adding slices of lemon or ginger to provide some relief. Alfie, being concerned for Red's well-being, reminds her to rest and takes care of any tasks she would normally handle until she recovers.
Although Red is a responsible and diligent businesswoman, she tends to get sick more often than Alfie. Perhaps it's due to her dedication to her work and the stress that comes with it. Despite regular visits to the doctor, she sometimes falls victim to common illnesses. Alfie, who has a more robust immune system, finds it both amusing and concerning that Red gets sick more frequently. He jokes about her susceptibility to illness but also takes on a caretaker role, ensuring she has everything she needs and reminding her to take better care of herself to avoid future illnesses.
As Red's illness progresses, her symptoms worsen, and she becomes more fatigued. She finds it difficult to concentrate on her work and often experiences bouts of dizziness and headaches. Alfie notices these changes and becomes more attentive, taking on a more nurturing role. He encourages Red to take breaks and rest, insisting that she prioritize her health over work.
When Red is feeling under the weather, Galina, her trusted associate, steps in to handle her responsibilities for the day. Galina is familiar with Red's work and can efficiently manage tasks in her absence. She keeps Red updated on any important developments and ensures that everything runs smoothly in her absence. Galina's presence provides Red with peace of mind, knowing that her business is in capable hands while she focuses on recuperating. Alfie appreciates Galina's dedication and willingness to assist, as it allows Red to prioritize her health without worrying about the business suffering in her absence.
Red wears a bed jacket to bed, along with flannel nightgowns underneath and a pair of socks. Like she would when she was still in Russia. Despite her not living in Russia anymore, she still wears a lot of the more traditional Russian clothing, which includes cozy and warm nightwear. She finds comfort in the familiarity of these garments, and they provide her with a sense of home during times of illness. Alfie finds it endearing and often jokes about her "Russian fashion show" before tucking her into bed, ensuring she's snug and comfortable.
To help alleviate Red's symptoms, Alfie prepares various homemade remedies that he learned from his own experiences with illness and from his eclectic knowledge. He creates soothing herbal teas with ingredients like chamomile, mint, and honey to help ease Red's cough and sore throat. He also prepares warm soups and stews, adding spices and herbs known for their healing properties. Alfie takes pride in his culinary skills, and seeing Red's face light up when she tastes his creations brings him joy.
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When Red is really unwell:
If Red is really sick and her condition becomes more serious, Alfie becomes even more attentive and concerned. He recognizes the severity of the situation and takes immediate action to ensure she receives proper medical care. He arranges for a doctor to visit their home and monitors Red's symptoms closely. Alfie stays by her side, offering comfort and support throughout her illness.
During Red's more serious illness, Alfie takes on a caretaker role, making sure she is comfortable and well-cared for. He arranges for a cozy spot for her in the living room or bedroom, surrounding her with blankets, pillows, and anything else she may need. He sits beside her, holding her hand or gently stroking her hair, providing a comforting presence during her moments of discomfort. Alfie also keeps track of her medication schedule, ensuring she takes her prescribed medications on time and in the correct dosage.
Alfie communicates with Red's doctor and follows their instructions carefully. He asks questions to clarify any concerns or doubts he may have, making sure he fully understands Red's condition and the necessary steps for her recovery. Alfie takes her temperature regularly, administers any prescribed treatments, and keeps a record of her symptoms to share with the doctor during follow-up appointments.
During Red's serious illness, Alfie takes on the responsibility of managing their business affairs. He temporarily steps into Red's role, attending meetings, making decisions, and handling any urgent matters that arise. Alfie understands the importance of maintaining the stability of their business during Red's absence, and he takes it upon himself to ensure everything continues to run smoothly.
Alfie reaches out to Red's close friends and family members to keep them updated on her condition. He understands the value of their support and wants them to be aware of Red's situation. He provides them with regular updates and reassures them that he is taking good care of her. Alfie appreciates their concern and finds solace in their well-wishes and offers of assistance.
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Red Taking care of Alfie when he is unwell Headcanons
When Alfie is unwell:
When Alfie gets sick, Red immediately shifts into caregiver mode. She ensures he has a comfortable space to rest and recover, setting up a cozy spot in their bedroom or living room with blankets, pillows, and his favorite comfort items. Red knows that Alfie tends to be stubborn when it comes to taking care of himself, so she takes charge and makes sure he follows a regimen of rest, hydration, and medication.
Red prepares nourishing meals for Alfie, making sure he gets the nutrients he needs to regain his strength. She prepares his favorite comfort foods, like hearty soups, stews, and warm drinks. Red knows that food can have a soothing effect, and she takes pleasure in watching Alfie enjoy the meals she prepares for him.
Red warns his doctor that Alfie tends to be stubborn when it comes to taking care of himself and emphasizes the severity of his illness. She ensures that Alfie's doctor is aware of any specific symptoms or concerns and asks for clear instructions on how to care for him at home. Red takes note of his medication schedule and sets reminders to ensure that he takes his prescribed medications on time.
Red creates a calm and comforting environment for Alfie to rest and recover. She plays his favorite music softly in the background and dims the lights to create a soothing atmosphere. Red knows that Alfie appreciates a sense of familiarity and security, so she makes sure their home feels like a safe haven during his illness.
 Red would often make traditional Russian foods for Alfie while he was unwell, as she knew his mother is Russian and Jewish.
Red encourages Alfie to rest and relax, reminding him that his health is the priority. She reassures him that she can handle any business matters that may arise and that he should focus on recuperating. Red understands Alfie's tendency to be driven and stubborn, so she gently insists that he takes the time he needs to recover fully.
During Alfie's illness, Red takes on the role of his personal nurse, attending to his needs and providing comfort. She checks on him regularly, ensuring he has everything he needs and offering words of encouragement. Red brings him warm beverages, like herbal tea or honey-infused drinks, to soothe his throat and ease his symptoms. She also keeps a supply of tissues and cough drops nearby, ready to provide relief whenever he needs it.
Red would also make traditional Russian warm drinks to alleviate Alfie's symptoms. She prepares drinks like Elderberry Tincture: Elderberries were used to create a tincture, which is a concentrated herbal extract. Elderberry tincture was believed to have antiviral properties and was used to support the immune system and shorten the duration of colds and flu.
During Alfie's illness, Red takes care of their pets, making sure they are fed, walked, and given attention. She knows that Alfie loves their furry companions dearly, and she wants to ensure they are well-cared for during his absence. Red often brings their pets to visit Alfie in bed, providing him with some extra comfort and companionship.
Red showers Alfie with affection and love during his illness. She holds his hand, cuddles up next to him, and whispers soothing words of comfort. Red understands that physical touch and emotional support can have a healing effect, and she wants to make sure Alfie feels loved and cared for throughout his recovery.
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hottpinkpenguin · 3 months
Hey 😊 if your still taking requests for the peakys. Could I please ask for Alfie Solomons with A "ask me to stay" and D "dark secret" female reader. Thanks 💗💗
A/n: that's a wrap on Peaky Blinders requests from June!!! thx to all the lovelies who participated <3
The Wall Between Them - Alfie Solomons X Fem!Reader
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Word Count: 2362 Content warnings: Domestic violence, reader murders the abuser, abuse, violence, blood/gore, protective Alfie, can't-be-vulnerable Alfie, trying-his-best Alfie, hints of soft!Alfie?
Her hands shook so violently it was a wonder she didn’t drop the pistol. If anyone had been watching the scene before them, they would have credited a guardian angel for guiding the bullet straight to his chest despite the treacherous wobble of the gun. Her eyes were closed when she pulled the trigger, tears streaming down her cheeks and mixing with the blood from her mouth. 
He fell like a sack of bricks. One minute he was lunging towards her, eyes trained on the pistol. A cold fear seized his heart as he saw the terror in her gaze melt away to black rage. All those whiskey beatings, harsh words and hateful years had backfired on him. Then, in the next instant, he died to the ear-splitting sound of a gunshot. 
The silence that followed was so loud she swore it would crush her. The walls around her seemed to be holding their breath. Was he really dead? Did she really pull the trigger? 
She didn’t let herself exhale until she saw a pool of blood - darker than she’d imagined it would be - staining the floorboards underneath him. She dropped the pistol; it landed with a heavy thud at her feet moments before her knees folded on themselves as if made of twigs. She pitched sideways, letting the hallway wall brace her fall as she deflated under the weight of realization. She knew in that moment that it didn’t matter how many times he’d hit her. The ghastly bruises and scars he’d left etched in her skin, the nights her mind had divorced itself from her battered body and wandered the halls like a ghost, the mangled monster he’d grown into… none of it mattered. All that others would see was a dead husband and a living wife with motive, means, and a guilty conscience. Even dead, that horrid man was imprisoning her.
She knew there was only one person who could get her out of this. And so, she wiped the blood from her rapidly swelling lip, picked up the pistol and slipped it into the deep pocket of her apron, and tied up the escaped strands of hair. It had been almost seven years since she’d seen Alfie Solomons, but she still knew exactly where to find him.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
“Boss, there’s a lady here to see you.” 
Alfie barely heard Jack’s murmured comment above the jeer of the crowd. The Irishman was swaying unsteadily on his feet in the pen after taking a nasty round of hits to his right ear. Alfie could see his ear filling with blood. A busted eardrum, likely. Circling opposite him, the burly Hungarian Alfie knew as The Red Devil was snarling proudly as he surveyed his quarry. 
“Fuckin’ finish him!” Alfie called out, lifting a wad of bills in the air like a signal fire. The fight was fixed of course, and Alfie had fixed it. The Red Devil was turning into quite a lucrative investment, but his penchant for theatrics was tiring to Alfie. He preferred a quick win, efficient and clean. 
“Boss?” Jack edged slightly closer, waiting for Alfie’s orders.
“A lady, boss. There’s a lady here to see you. Asked for you by name.”
“Didn’t book a whore tonight,” Alfie replied simply, waving Jack off as The Red Devil moved in on the Irishman, holding the dazed man’s head as he drove his knee up into the exposed forehead until the bell rang to signal the end of the fight. The crowd erupted into a mix of appreciative cheers, boos, and cries to settle up or place new bets as another pair of fighters moved to the edge of the pen. 
“Don’t think she’s a whore, boss. Looks like a respectable lady. Bit beat up though.” 
Alfie fixed Jack with an incredulous stare. He wasn’t accustomed to his men pressing him on trivial issues like this. Especially not on a fight night. Jack flinched imperceptibly; he was well-acquainted with Alfie’s anger and bore a nasty half-moon scar the framed his left eye from being pistol-whipped after pressing Alfie’s limits. Alfie almost moved to strike him, until something about Jack’s words and the odd look in his eyes plucked at something. 
“She give a name?”
Jack shook his head, eyes glued to the ground. “No. All she said was you were ol’ friends. Childhood friends, I think she said.”
It couldn’t be. Alfie shook his head as if trying to shake out the thought. But, then again, there was only one person he’d ever met who’d claim him as a friend. 
“Beat up, you say?”
Jack nodded. “Lip’s split and she got a shiner.”
A memory flickered across Alfie’s mind. He hadn’t seen her in years, but the last time he had, she’d had a ring of purple and green bruises around her neck. She’d tried to hide it under a high collar dress, but Alfie had her pressed up against the wall of his office, their lips devouring each other, and he hadn’t missed the way she winced when he let his hand slide down the side of her neck on its way to undo the line of buttons at the front of her dress. He knew who’d done it and didn’t need her to say a damn thing. If she hadn’t begged him on her knees - her goddamn knees - to spare that pathetic man’s life, Alfie Solomons would have gutted him nice and slow. 
He hadn’t seen her since. She’d stopped writing, stopped answering her own front door, stopped going to the butcher shop below where Alfie kept a small apartment. He’d had her on every surface of that apartment, rabid with hunger for anything she’d give him. Then she’d just vanished. Told him she was due to be married, couldn’t carry on with him anymore. Alfie knew there’d been a silent request buried in her words. He’d heard her ask it with her eyes. Ask me to marry you, and I’ll leave him. Alfie cursed himself every day for letting that moment slip by like water on rocks. He wasn’t any closer to figuring out how to love someone now then he was back then, but in his quiet moments he wondered if maybe he could have figured it out with her, if only he’d been willing to take that chance.
“Boss? Boss, what do you want me to tell ‘er?” 
The sound of the bell announcing the start of another match jarred Alfie loose from his reminiscences. 
“Nothin’. I’ll talk to ‘er.”
Jack eyed him with surprise, but quickly smoothed the spark of interest out of his features rather than risk another scar from his mercurial boss. He’d never known Alfie Solomons to pause his dealings for a woman. Something about her must have been special. Jack followed his boss out of the smoky, cacophonous warehouse and towards the back of the building where Alfie kept his offices. 
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Alfie felt his fingers dig into the wood of his desk as she stepped out of the shadowy corner of his office and into the soft halo glow of his desk lamp. Her lip was split, blood dried on her chin, and one of her luminous eyes was swollen shut. Murder ripped through Alfie’s blood at the sight of her. 
“Before you say anything, Alfie, he’s dead.”
Her voice sounded different, thin and strained, like someone had scooped out her soul leaving nothing but an echo behind.
“He sure fuckin’ is.” Alfie was shaking he was so bloodthirsty. He couldn’t look at her and risk losing himself. How could it still be so fresh, he wondered, after seven long years?
“No, that’s not what I meant… Alfie, I-, I killed him. I shot him.”
A different man might have been horrified, or maybe even a little impressed. Alfie was none of that. Instead, he felt himself pitch forward over the lip of a hole of despair. 
His voice cracked when he ordered Jack and the rest of the boys out of the office. Once the door closed behind them, she sank down into one of the leather-backed chairs across the desk from him. Desperate to be close to her lest she splinter to pieces, Alfie rounded the desk to perch against its edge, stretching his long legs away from her in an attempt to give her space. She hardly looked up at him. 
“What did he fuckin’ do to you?” Barely more than a whisper. Alfie was glad the light was too dim for her to see that he was treacherously close to tears.
She looked up at him, shocked. Her one good eye gleamed at him. 
“Alfie, did you hear me? I killed him.”
He nodded, swallowing thickly. Alfie was full of tender urges and gentle feelings, but his mouth couldn’t seem to give them words or noise. All he knew was harshness and violence. It was the same wall that had kept him from reaching out for her hand and telling her all the things he felt the last night he’d seen her. Here he was, so close he could smell her lavender soap but his affection locked away so tightly and deeply that he couldn’t force himself to touch it even if he tried.
“Nothin’ he didn’t deserve,” he grunted brusquely after a few moments. He dropped his gaze, unable to tolerate the sight of her face bruised and misshapen. He noticed her hands were trembling in her lap. “What do you need, darlin’?”
She stifled a small sob at the sound of the pet name he’d reserved for her. 
“He’s still-... the body, I- I don’t know… I guess-”
“It’s done. Write down your address.” Alfie handed her a pen and paper, watched as she struggled to mark the street name and number legibly. Her knuckles were bruised, he noted with a twisted pang of pride and pain. She’d been fighting back, he realized. All alone these last seven years. And he’d let her. He’d stopped fighting to get to her. Let her close herself off to him. Let himself close off to her. And now, it wasn’t until she’d been pushed to the brink - maybe past it - that she’d come to him, and only because she knew that when violence and darkness was needed, Alfie could do it. But he couldn’t do the other things, the harder things. Like love her, protect her, tirelessly fight for her. 
She tore off the page and handed it to Alfie. He took it without looking at the writing, strode over the door and excused himself from the office. He thrust the paper into Jack’s hands. 
“Take care of it, Jackie. No loose ends, you hear me? I’ll fuckin’ rip you limb from limb if it ain’t done right.” 
He didn’t give Jack or the others time to argue or ask questions before he slammed the door as a dismissal and strode back to her. He reached for her, needing to feel her warmth under his fingertips just to prove she was here. She flinched instinctively, sending Alfie deeper into self-loathing.
“Do they know-”
“It’s done, darlin’. It’s taken care of.” 
Alfie poured himself a glass of whiskey, drunk it down in one gulp, and poured another. 
Her voice was so soft and yearning it broke Alfie in two. He turned to face her. Gods she looked perfect. 
“It ain’t fuckin’ happenin’ again.” The most solemn promise he’d ever made. 
She recoiled from him as if slapped. It took him a half moment to process why. 
“I ain’t lettin’ anyone hurt you. Ever again, you hear me? I’ll fuckin’ burn the world and every hateful man with it, it don’t matter.” It was all Alfie could find the words to say. 
Finally understanding his meaning, he watched her relax in the chair. She eyed him without saying a thing, a strange expression on her face. 
“I don’t want that, Alfie,” she replied softly. “I don’t want any more death. I don’t want to see someone hurt ever again. I just… I just want…” 
Her words trailed off into the quiet. Neither of them knew where the end of that sentence would lead. The space between them stretched and morphed until it felt like an ocean separating them. Strange, that two people who both wanted so desperately to be with each other could feel so far away.
“Don’t set any fires on my account, Alfie.” She rose from her chair and walked towards him, taking the glass out of Alfie’s hand and downing the whiskey with a wince. “Just ask me to stay.” 
Alfie felt his heart run headlong into that same old wall that always kept them apart. Here she was, the only woman who’d ever mattered, literally giving him the words she wanted to hear. And all that Alfie’s tongue wanted to say was more promises of vengeance, of violence in her name, of destruction. 
She watched him struggle, her gaze even but tired. 
“Ask me to stay, Alfie. That’s all I need.”
The openness those words threatened to expose in Alfie Solomons felt like a lit bomb nestled in the cage of his ribs. He choked on the air in his lungs. Come on, you fucker, he thought viciously as he struggled to press back on the urge to run. 
She watched and waited. Each moment, her shoulders sagged a bit more.
It wasn’t exactly what she wanted, and Alfie spat the word out as if it had poison between its letters. But was it close enough? 
Her heart thought so. She felt a softness take root there, a shred of hope. 
Yes, it was enough. 
She gave Alfie Solomons a soft smile. The way he crumbled at the sight told her enough about his feelings for her. Even if he couldn’t put them into words, she could see the love that she was so desperate to excavate from wherever he stored away the fragile parts of himself.
“That’s enough,” she told him sweetly, lifting a hand to cradle the side of his face. For the first time in seven years, she let herself relax into a man’s touch as Alfie’s fingers found hers…
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pherelesytsia · 2 years
Who did this to you? - 5
Pairing: Thomas Shelby x female/Reader
Summary: Bruised and broken, Y/N, trapped in a loveless marriage, arrives at her best friend's house, desperately hoping someone will help her, aware she cannot return to the estate of her husband.
Warning: fear, anxiety, Angst, swearing, wounds,
Word Count: 2.3k
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 6
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Faint, scarcely perceptible footsteps resounded throughout the mansion. The world was remote, and the storm had ceased, had travelled across the land, but ruled with an iron fist in her mind. Y/N couldn't find peace, needed a map, a guide to find the trail through the endless labyrinth of greyed memories.
Yellowish shades dimmed the vibrant light of the two lamps in the far corners of the richly decorated room. The walls of wood were silent, did not speak nor chant a forgotten tale of wrath and destruction. Her eyes did not search for the enemy, was safe in the unknown. The heavy curtains touched, forbid curious gazes to fall upon the woman dressed in the tattered and torn garment. The heavy coat caring the smell of alcohol and cigarettes protected her skin painted in wicked colours, deep shades of purple and blue with a hint of greenness, a deep tone of algae swaying in the depths of a raging torrent running wild across the emotionless face of the mountain.
Closing her eyes, Y/N rested her head on the pillow, leaned back, busied herself with her fingers, and played with the hem of the holey fabric covering her frame sparsely. The urge to cover herself, hide to aching wounds, the marks of a fight with the too large coat, at least a dozen of sizes, did not exist. Gazing at the door, she wondered if it was a wicked dream, but steps echoed and Y/N remembered Alfie left to fetch a first aid kit from another room.
Realisation hit her like a wave, a ripple swallowing ships, lonely islands, knew she was safe, and calmness flooded her body and mind. Not a word, not a single prayer, nor a complaint crossed her lips. Memories had fled, failed to overcome the high walls of defence protecting the building, failed to push open the door and shatter the windows.
Floral vines adorned the teapot on the round, dark wooden table. The calmness of his eyes healed the wounds. A friendly, almost encouraging smile graced his lips, partly shielded by the thick, dark beard. The scent of lavender rose and banished the stench of copper lingering in the air into oblivion. Steam was rising from the bowl in his possession. Swiftly, Alfie entered the room and attempted to prevent the warm liquid from spilling over the edge. The dimmed light caressed his features, but fear was beyond the layer of confidence, but Y/N couldn't see it, the fear, agony, and pain.
The hat was missing, revealing tousled hair in the same shade as the freshly trimmed beard. The top buttons of the button-down were undone, like the buttons of the waistcoat. He placed the white ceramic bowl with a golden frame on the table next to the teacup, followed by a bottle of transparent liquid. Alfie didn't push her, didn't ask questions, assumed what had happened, had read the answer her misty eyes carried. He laid the blanket slung around his shoulder on the floor within reach, followed by the first aid kit he had dropped a few times, and dragged the table back. Striding towards the sofa, he rolled the sleeves of his shirt up until the material was above his elbows, accentuating his masculine upper arms. Critically, Y/N eyed him, had heard too much about the ruthless man, but she doubted the accuracy of the unforgettable tales laced in terror, questioned the words, and thought the man was not the feared Alfie Solomons.
Desperately Y/N searched for a way out. Her eyes widened in horror, stared at the man standing right in front of her on the red carpet with the fine black embroidery. His hands were clean, clear of dirt, the marks of a struggle. He dropped to his knees. Flinching she leaned back, pressed herself against the soft material, but she couldn’t escape him. Tears were clouding her vision. He was too close far too close and he placed his hand on her knee, touched her skin in a reassuring gesture, telling her to calm down, not to fear, that everything was alright.
            "May I?" Alfie asked.
An answer was needless, superfluous, wouldn't allow Y/N to close her eyes to find a moment of peace with untreated wounds.
            "You are safe, Y/N/N. I won't call anyone; you can stay as long as you need to heal but it's a matter of time before your husband will search for you and find you.” he breathed.
Bitterly Y/N laughed, was applying pressure to her aching side, didn’t trust her ears, couldn't believe what the man was saying.
            "You foolishly think Thomas is going to set out to find me? Why would he do that?", "He's your husband," Alfie said.
The words sounded plausible, the most obvious thing in the world but not to Y/N. Ashamed, she lowered her gaze and listened to her thoughts, but she couldn’t pronounce the words laying heavy on her heart, unable to say how unhappy she was in the marriage, was longing for love, yearning for someone to let her know she was loved and missed. Alfie wrapped himself in silence, said nothing, watched over the breaking woman, accepted the silence, and moved closer to the edge of the sofa. Wordless the man turned, faced the table, set the ceramic bowl on the floor beside him and dipped a cloth into the warm water.
            "I'm going to undress you." the words shattered the silence.
A cold shiver travelled down her spine and shadows formed into faceless creatures, but they all were grinning, laughing, and dancing around the fire feasting on the wood.
            "Do you think you can undress? If not, I can help you.” Alfie continued.
She did not answer, couldn't, and pressed her lips into a fine line.
            "I wouldn't dare touch you." he clarified.
Faint rivers of crimson escaped the freshly torn open wounds of her lower lip. Self-hatred pulled her into the depths of the sea, hating herself for not being able to speak, for not telling him to finally rip the soaked dress from her skin, free her from her suffering, needed to be naked, didn’t need to be reminded of how weak she was, was a mere woman incapable of defending herself like a boxer facing the opponent in the ring.
            "And not because you are the Shelby's wife, but you are a woman and should be treated as one. I will treat your wounds. Afterwards, I will cook you some food and tea. In the meantime, when you eat, I will set up a bedroom. And as I said, you can stay as long as you need." Alfie explained in a calm voice.
Water dripped and darkened the carpet.
            “I'll wash the dirt and grime off your body and I have got you a shirt and a pair of trousers,” he added.
Patiently the man waited, remained calm, and clasped his hands in a praying gesture on his lap. Y/N consented, had never exposed herself, and he sensed it. She stiffened under his gentle touch. His fingers were rough, seemed as if he had worked his entire life in the depths of the woodland. Like a doll on a thread, a marionette Y/N rose as Alfie demanded it. Heat rose into her cheeks. The clock was ticking. With a thud, the heavy cloak fell from her shoulders and shaped into a pile next to the dark-coloured sofa. The fabric tore. Coldness feasted on her flesh. He undid the brown buttons of the dress, loosened the belt around her waist, and stepped back. Slowly, as if he feared the answer, his eyes slid over her battered body and almost shyly, as if he had never touched a woman, he freed her arms from the dress. Her breasts and intimate area were covered.
The light was not dim enough to make them unseen, to erase them. Like an eagle circling the fields in search of food, he followed the strange trail across her torso, witnessed wounds worse than discolouration's and huffed angered as his gaze fell on the marks around her calves. Marks coiled around her arms, telling a story, letting him know she was being held against her will, forced to stay. Her hands were maltreated, lightly stained with blood, had tried to defend herself from the voracious hands of men. His warm breath brushed her skin. Narrowing her eyes, she remembered who stood before her, but she did not trust the words resounding in her head like a melody. From his trouser pocket, he took out a hair tie, pushed her hair, framing her face like a heavy iron curtain away, and tied it into a loose ponytail at the back of her head. Wordlessly, Alfie pushed her down onto the sofa and lowered himself in front of Y/N, knelt, and inspected the wounds her body bore. He turned to the table and filled two glasses with the very strong liquid. The stench of alcohol filled her nostrils. Y/N wrinkled her face in contempt and turned away.
            "Here drink,” Alfie said.
Brows touched.
            "Seriously, it will help you, believe me," he explained.
Hesitantly, Y/N accepted the glass and guided it to her mouth, but before she could put her lips on the glass, she gagged. Disgusted Y/N turned away, had to collect herself, and she gathered strength, and emptied it. Wrinkles deepened. The taste befuddled her senses, filling her mouth and numbing her tongue. Goosebumps spread over her body like an unstoppable wave. Alfie dipped his fingers into the warm water in the white bowl with the golden frame, took out the cloth, wrung it out and carefully washed her right leg, removing the mud glued to her feet.
            "Do you want to talk about it?", "You don't have to talk about it, but it will do you good," Alfie interjected, sliding his hand carefully over her leg.
Washing the traces of the fight away, he apologised, raised the cloth as he accidentally brushed across open flesh. Gingerly the cloth glided over her body, swept over her calf, but no lust lingered in his eyes, filled with anger and worry, and the very first thing he planned to do during the early hours of the next day was to figure out who had caused the harm.
            "What about your husband?" Alfie asked.
            "If he were my loving husband, then I wouldn't lie on your sofa, covered in blood and grime. He would take care of me instead of you." Y/N whispered, not trusting her voice.
The wood worked, creaked, and sang out.
            "What are you going to do when he calls you?", "What should I do?" he asked.
Pain welled in her eyes, smiled faintly, remembered the unforgettable, the days when he didn't even dignify her with a glance and the touches cold as the unforgiving north, icy and emotionless.
            "Nothing, don't answer the call or say you don't know where I am. I'm sure you'll find a good lie. I can't and don't want to see him." Y/N replied gruffly, couldn't imagine meeting her husband's eyes even in her wildest dreams, knew she would collapse like a house of cards under his stern gaze.
            "Why?" Alfie questioned. "If I had a wife, I would search every house, every forest, and not stop until I find her," Alfie replied.
She was speechless, swallowed, but couldn't swallow the ever-growing lump in her throat.
            "He doesn't love me. He forgot. I waited. He promised to pick me up, but he wasn't there. Thomas was not there to protect me.", "Do you love him?" he questioned.
Do I love him, Y/N wondered.
            "Yes, but he makes it impossible for me to love him. I fell for him when we met. He looked at me differently than the other men who asked my father for my hand in marriage. They all wanted one thing, money, power, wealth, a name many people know, but with him, I had the feeling that he loves me. Me and not the money and all that goes with it, because a Shelby doesn't need even more money. He has everything, money, wealth, all these things a heart desires, and I thought he loved me, but I'm sure he didn't even notice that I am not home, that I disappeared." Y/N breathed.
She was not ashamed of the tears, let them fall.
            "And it's only a matter of time before he finds someone else, someone who can give him what I can't, someone who can satisfy his cravings. Bless him with an heir. A good-looking woman worthy to rule at his side over his empire." Y/N couldn't finish the sentence, couldn't force herself to end it.
            "Why would I do such a thing?" a dark voice asked.
Water dripped down, slid down the darkened coat. The shirt was soaked. The strands of dark hair, dark as nightfall, stuck to his face. His eyes were bloodshot. How long Thomas had been standing in the doorway, Y/N did not know, but she sensed he had heard everything, all the words, the fears and concerns loud and clear, but she was not ashamed of the words escaping her heart.
witchymoonbabe secretdreamlandmentality mysticalpandora kittiowolf210 muhahaha303 dreamy-caramel elinalfrida violet-19999 niyah834 watersquirtpewpewboomm piceous21 elliaze heidimoreton literishdegree99 globetrotter28 thecrazytealady regulusblacksimpsblog torresbarnes nightgirl250 sweet-angely05 hellomyweirdos mysticalbouquetwolf-posts batmanbiersack02-blog fulla02 regulusblacksimpsblog  smile-sugar calsjack muhahaha303   starry-night-reid chlorrox regulusblacksimpsblog 100percentlazybonez kenny-0909 diabolusdevia
stuckinmylittlebubble  hobothejuggalo camomiletangeringe v7nt7 kiara-rose-blackthorn rangerelik abaker74 madsothree kittiowolf210 lucyandersons-world marigold-morelli meyocoko angelicwolfyqueen iwanttohitmyself pennywisesstuff batgurl42 sleepymadmess lolcaca yolobloggers lor-16 randomgirlwriting witchymoonbabe rs-fanfiction-2001 bohemian-lavender-girl woofgocows evilangel1324 mrkdvidal1989 nervousmumbling camomiletangeringe
tommystargirl mysticalpandora toxicenough deadunicorn159 nnercreationflower liar-or-lawyer optimisticsandwichgladiator comfortzonequeen nctma15 banksmars twistxdx inloveppp answer-the-sirens justanotherficreader nunya7394 lovemissyhoneybee lostgirl219 yourbloodyqueen elisa20beth comfortzonequeen khaleesihavilliard horror-eye sometimesvaliantrebel untoldshortsofthefandoms untoldshortsofthefandoms yellowcrowngodess teamfreeavocados justtiasblog thegirlnextdoorssister lizzieolseniskinda
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solomons-finest-rum · 3 years
Hello, i'd have a little request, if you don't mind? Would you consider writing something about a female reader (who is maybe a little on the chubby/curvy side) x Alfie Solomons? Maybe she was Tommys fiance, but he left her for Grace. So years later she is married to Alfie, happier than ever. I would adore some scenes maybe in their home? Just some cozy fluff, i also love Cyril in the mix. She meets Tommy again when he is in a meeting with Alfie and she just decided to come by, because she's on a walk with Cyril? That would be absolutely fabulous and would make me so so happy! Thank you so much in advance if you decide to have a go at it!
“Alfie's Girl” — (Alfie Solomons x fem!Reader)
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SUMMARY — It started with you teasing Alfie mercilessly and thinking you could get away with it.
AUTHOR’S NOTE — Dear Anon, I know you never asked for a smutty fic, I always said I didn’t want to write smutty fics, but the truth is I have been circling around this request for quite some time and then I thought... this is the only thing that fits. Alfie LOVES curvy and plus-size women, that is just a fact ❤️❤️❤️ I figured he would worship you. But again, I am so sorry for the unsolicited steamy action, I take full responsibility if I have accidentally violated your boundaries, please forgive me if that’s the case and feel free to request another fic from me ❤️
TRIGGERS/WARNINGS — While this isn’t explicit content per se, it is quite smutty and NSFW, please read at your own discretion.
WORD COUNT — 1,151
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It started with you teasing Alfie mercilessly and thinking you could get away with it. Not really his girlfriend yet, not really a nobody, you accompanied him to a business dinner that became your personal quest. No, you weren’t ready for any labels and no, you were not about to let this man go either. You wanted everything from him and pretended you cared for nothing.
But. He was a gangster and you knew catching this one required wit and even more determination. Fortunately, you were blessed with both. You wanted Alfie, but you were prepared to be smart about it, too. The dress you chose was carefully selected—crimson red and tight in all the right places. The most important part of the outfit, though, was your attitude.
You practically ignored Alfie all evening—the picture of perfect politeness, of course, but the devil was in the details. You listened to his rivals intently and laughed at their stupid jokes. Not too much, but just enough. The sleeve of your dress would sometimes slide off your shoulder just so and you pretended not to give a damn about that either.
It wouldn’t take a chef to determine Alfie was boiling. You consciously chose to be a bitch to him, but the part that was most fun was that he knew exactly what you were doing and why you were doing it, too.
But when you ordered tiramisu for dessert and took your first spoonful, he couldn’t take it anymore. Not when you licked the spoon like that. Alfie got up, threw money on the table and practically dragged you out, all in one swift motion.
You weren’t scared, not at all. You giggled when he put you in the cab and you let him order you around in short commands until he had you behind locked doors, all to himself, a gift ready to be unwrapped. Yes, it was a calculated risk you willingly took, a bet you wanted to lose.
Only now it was time to pay your dues and you weren’t so sure you could take it.
“Oh, God…”
Alfie took his sweet fucking time to punish you. He let out an appreciative grunt, but said nothing else, too busy between your legs to care about anything. He didn’t let you take the dress off, but he nearly lost it when he saw you had no panties on the entire time. You laughed when he swore under his breath, so angry you could practically feel it, but then he put that tongue to work and you weren’t laughing anymore.
The clock on the nearby church tower struck midnight and with each toll of the bell your breathing got heavier.
That was the case with Alfie—he never half-assed anything in his life. If he ate, he ate well. If he fucked, he took and gave back. “Life’s for livin’, darlin’,” he would tell you and give you a wink that was positively wicked.
Right now, you were at his mercy and you knew he wouldn’t stop until he coaxed the last breath and the last moan out of your throat and left you exhausted. It seemed you went to that dinner with your own bet in mind and Alfie went with his. Which one was losing, which one had won, it was hard to tell anymore.
You moaned again and exhaled when he put more pressure right where you needed him to.
No, Alfie never half-assed anything and his choice in women resembled a wolf’s choice in prey. Carefully selected, dutifully observed, masterfully slaughtered.
Right about now, it really felt like dying. He was relentless and hummed in appreciation every time you tugged his hair. That was just about the only thing you could do, besides closing your thighs tighter and tighter, unable to take this any second longer. “Right, if my skull’s crushed by those magnificent thighs, darlin’, then that’s the way to go,” he’d say and you never believed him—until one day he spent two hours between your legs, leaving you howling.
Another hum and another gentle vibration between your legs, driving you insane. He loved the sound of his name in your mouth, as he never failed to remind you. If this was supposed to be his end, you were pretty sure it would be yours, too.
“Ah, fuck! Fuck! Fucking… Christ!”
He punished you for that last word, you knew he did, because suddenly there were teeth where you really didn’t want them in the first place. But it didn’t matter anymore. It did the job. You cried out and keened when he wouldn’t stop. You needed him to stop right fucking now, but also you didn’t. You craved that extra bit of attention and Alfie, damn him, he knew exactly where your limits were. He would never cross them, but would he ride the fucking edge? Oh, absolutely he would.
He gave you one last lick, that one last bit of attention, but he wouldn’t let go of your hips just yet. You knew they would be bruised the next day, but you couldn’t care less. Alfie worshipped your body and you loved it when he did. Not one inch of you wasn’t sufficiently explored and when he touched, it was always deliberate, always a handful, always more. Was he greedy? Absolutely, he was. But you could afford it, couldn’t you?
His beard scratched your inner thigh when he came out for air and he chuckled at your protests.
“Sore?” he murmured.
You huffed and yanked his head back by the hair. Hard.
Alfie’s grin only grew bigger and he looked at you now like an artist would at his greatest masterpiece.
“Hmm,” he grunted, appreciating all of you. “Yeah… That’s my girl.”
He rested his head on your stomach and your nails gently scratched his scalp just like you knew he liked it. But you knew that peace wouldn’t last. Not when you saw how desperately he throbbed for you. It didn’t take very long for the dress to land on the floor, along with the rest of your clothes.
Alfie had nothing on already, you weren’t really sure when or where he did that, but you knew him well enough to just accept certain things about him. One of them being, if he had a choice between that suit or that shirt, he’d say “fuck it” and go naked.
“Yeah, now these… These are things of beauty, hm?” Alfie grumbled, in all honesty more to himself than to you.
Your breasts had his undivided attention now and it almost made you laugh how much he enjoyed them. But did you care? Not very. Not when he put that mouth to an actual good use and set your soul on fire once more. To be perfectly honest, you were prepared to let him burn the house down, if it only meant you could keep him forever.
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Bitter - Alfie Solomons
Summary: (Y/n) is caught up in the criminal underworld dominated by the Shelbys and Solomons, never quite sure if she picked the right side. (Modern au)
Pairing: Alfie Solomons x Female Reader
Warnings: Michael is a toxic arsehole who mistreats and manipulates the reader. 
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The summer heat pressed close in the crowded room, curling between the corporate flirtations and blatant love affairs, and bringing them to a simmer. Just on the edge of danger as boundaries were prodded and tempers were smothered.
It was co-ordinated disorder as gangsters played politicians and surrounded themselves in the honeyed gold of jewels and champagne only crime could afford.
And in the middle of it all, was (y/n), carving her face into a smile of gratitude as her boss slipped a hand over the curve of her arse. The performance was so ingrained in her muscles, soothed and coaxed to relax under Michael’s touches, that she had to strain to remember what her face looked like before. Had to scrambled to trace the seam between her skin and the gilded mask she concealed it with, desperate to remember there was something human and alive beneath the deceit of it all.
Every action had a purpose.
There was a ladder to be climbed and Michael was merely a rung to propel her upwards. Up and faraway from the pit of petty crime and cooperate backstabbing.
Liquid dribbled down her fingers as Michael jostled the drink in her hand, impatiently knocking his elbow against hers. She hadn’t been paying attention, hadn’t laughed or smiled or breathed at the right time. Every action was choreographed and directed by his impatient desires, possessing her time and her body.
Smile for the camera.
Wear red tonight.
Flirt with Arthur, but not too much.
Christ, she hated him. Would have given anything to smash her glass through the flaxen part of his hair and trace the trails of crimson that would slip from the cracks in his skin.
She couldn’t afford such brashness, however desirable. Michael was a pawn to be manoeuvred. It was only a matter of time. Playing her cards right.
So, instead, she carefully drifted back into the conversation, laughed as Grace prodded Tommy’s pride and concealed a wince as their blatant love chiselled at her loneliness. Flared pain in her chest and brought her glass to her lips. She relished the acidic bite of alcohol on her tongue, let it linger before she swallowed the rum and felt its warmth bloom in her chest.
It was only a few hours. And then she could escape into the haven of her apartment.
(Y/n)’s smile flickered as Michael snaked an arm around her waist, the movement possessive as he anchored her to his side.
Her apartment also meant a respite from Michael. He would never deign to step into a one-bedroom, downtown apartment with peeling paint and a lingering smell of damp. It was perfect.
The ice in her glass clattered before she resettled her nerves, forced her body to recline into his touch. The bow of her head affectionate and caring, if only on the surface.
Provoked by the increased pressure on her hip, (y/n) prompted Grace with questions about her forthcoming wedding – demanding details about the dress, the caterers, the band, anything and everything. She knew how to make herself useful. Tommy would entertain Michael’s presence for as long as it amused Grace.
Still, her eyes wandered around the room, snagging on the open balcony doors and the floor to ceiling windows. Plotting escape routes. The late summer breeze couldn’t reach them where they were positioned in the room, centre stage, leaving the gathered silk of her dress to stick to her skin.
Swallowing her discomfort, (y/n) beamed at Grace. “Who designed your dress?”
The answer was lost to her as the chatter in the room was pierced by a bellow of laughter. It was warm and indulgent. A siren call (y/n) refused to surrender to.
It was Alfie Solomons. Once a friend. Almost a lover. And now, nothing.
They’d burnt that bridge a long time ago.
And yet, there was a magnetic draw to him. Something so alive and bright as he schemed and roughhoused his way through the tedium of cooperate negotiation. He was a trickster and a brute and she longed for him. Desperately. Pathetically.
Her glass was empty when she brought it to her lips, ice clinking against her front teeth.
Shit. Concentrate. Grace. Her dress.
Leaning further into Michael’s hold, she squeezed his hand, slowly plucking his grip from her dress, finger by finger.
“It sounds beautiful, Grace. Truly you put the rest of us to shame” Grace laughed delicately in thanks as Michael’s gaze cut into (y/n)’s skin, threatening to reveal bone.
She wasn’t meant to leave.
She held his gaze, almost a challenge, a dare to speak out against her. Deny her agency in front of an audience. Withhold anything from his beloved.
She might have been a dog on a leash, but she still had a bite. Michael hadn’t learnt to muzzle her yet. And she would never let him.
“If you’ll excuse me, I need a refill”
There would be no simpering requests for his permission. Thin ice be damned.
Disappearing into the ebb and flow of the crowd of businessmen, crooked politicians, and countless props she recognised as altered versions of herself, (y/n) made for the bar.
It was a thing of beauty; sleek dark wood cut into smooth lines that were accentuated with gilded edging. The swift, almost rhythmic movements of the bartenders were doubled in the mirrors that ran the length of the bar. Jewel toned bottles of liquor haloed the bar, the deep colours catching in the waning sunlight and painting the wooden surface in a dappled swirl. It was dazzling and fluid and exactly the kind of spectacle the Shelbys demanded.
Not that (y/n) cared. A cool box would have served her purposes just as well. Both would provide a respite from the prying stare and the coiling touches of Michael.
Just a few more hours. And then she could forget about Michael. That is, until his next request buzzed through her phone, hollowing her stomach and stealing hours of her sleep.
(Y/n) surrendered to the cool surface of the bar, pressing her forearms onto the carved wood as she bowed her head. Allowing the bar to bear her weight, she stretched her neck, demanding the tension in her shoulders to ease.
It worked until it didn’t.
“Hello, love”
Heat blazed up her spine, singeing her lungs as she pulled in a sharp breath.
Easy now.
Alfie’s features were curved with amusement as she cut him a stern glare. Not that it would do any good. Like Alfie would submit to her cues and behave.
She didn’t have time for this. And Michael would kill her. Alfie was a business associate, but he was also bad fucking PR.
“You look like you’re having fun”
He rubbed his knuckles along his jaw, a jagged map of veins and scars overlayed with ink spanning the back of his hand. There was a twitch of laughter on his lips as he settled closer to her, just on the edge of invading her territory. Close enough to annoy her, but far enough away that she couldn’t justify rebuking him.
Adamant to ignore him, (y/n) signalled the bartender, sliding her empty glass to him and watching as he wordlessly started to prepare a fresh drink. That was one thing about being with Michael; people were forced to pay attention and track your wants. It was a form of power that sat uncomfortably in her stomach, slimy and cold,
“What are we drinking?”
She avoided her gaze in the mirror. Didn’t want to see the longing and frustration warring in her eyes.
Alfie inched closer, his arm pressing into hers as he faced into the room. This close, she could make out the inked scales of the dragon climbing up his neck, past the unbuttoned collar of his shirt. It’s open mouth, erupting with flames, curled beneath the hinge of his jaw. She remembered the day he’d had it done.
What’d you think, sweetheart?
It’s fitting
It’s as monstrous as you
He’d laughed. That intoxicating, free, unapologetic sound rumbling from deep within his chest. It was so familiar, soothing almost, and with the slightest tinge of debauchery that followed Alfie everywhere. She could still feel that ache of something that had snared itself around her ribs, made breathing just a little bit harder.
It was that ache that left her to wonder what it would be like to kiss that fragile skin. If he would sigh. If his skin would burn with that same ferocious energy.
She guzzled her drink as soon as the bartender passed it back to her. She was fucked.
His smile stretched into something devious.
“Don’t you dare”
Alfie brought a hand to his chest, feigning hurt as his smile remained strong.
“You wound me,” For a moment, a smile twitched her lips. The real kind, the kind she’d longed for all night. Until Alfie ruined it. “I would never deign to offend the princeling’s favourite”
He hummed lowly, eyes tracking the miniscule shifts in her expression before it settled back into the refined mask that haunted her. Something burnt in his umber eyes but she couldn’t decipher it.
“How is the princeling?”
The burn of rum offered her a distraction, a moment to pause and desperately attempt to gather her composure.
Their gazes locked. She refused to look away first, to submit to the challenge in his eyes.
Alfie sighed, his jaw twitching as he redirected his attention into the room, following the movements of the crowd.
“Doesn’t look too keen on you associating with us common folk”
(Y/n) shifted her gaze over her shoulder, catching the brunt on Michael’s cold glare. Shit. Fear jostled her nerves, fraying already fragile edges. His expression remained fixed as she offered him a smile.
Anger, cold and uncomfortable, settled in her veins, disrupting the simmering warmth Alfie was distracting her with. Good. Alfie Solomons was the last thing she needed.
“Last I heard, I was part of the common folk”
Michael made sure to remind her daily, even as he twisted her strategies and ideas from her grasp, bled her dry until he got what he wanted. Left her with scraps of dignity and just enough hope to think tomorrow might be different.
It never was.
A beat of silence passed between them; Alfie’s gaze heavy as he traced the bare skin her dress exposed. Not predatory, it was softer somehow. It was admiration bundled up with concern.
His question came as a surprise.
“He treating you alright?”
(Y/n) bristled. It was a dangerous question, one destined to spawn others if she didn’t silence him. “What’s that supposed to mean?”
This time, Alfie held her gaze, easing himself closer. His breath drifted across her collar bones. She shivered even as the summer heat beaded sweat along the nape of her neck.
“It’s just a question, love”
But it wasn’t. It was an invitation. One that she shouldn’t have wanted.
Her teeth cut into her tongue.
“Everything’s fine”
He huffed out a laugh, but it was a poor imitation of the noise that had been beckoning her all evening.
“That why you look so miserable?”
It had to end. She was too far gone to venture down whatever road Alfie was trying to steer her towards.
“Fuck off, Solomons”
His fingers curled around her wrist, branding her with the heat of his skin. She couldn’t look away.
“You know there’s better out there, sweetheart”
Her laugh was cold as she denied the tendrils of desire curling up her spine. “You offering?”
She blinked, startled by the blatant want in his eyes. However necessary, however urgently she needed to, (y/n) couldn’t pull herself from his grip.
“I can’t leave. You know that”
“He’s never going to see you as anything more than a prop”
Alfie’s voice was soft, gentle almost. Coaxing her into opening her eyes and seeing what a fucking mess she’d made. As if she needed his help to do that.
Exhausted, she pulled herself from his hold, levelling his gaze. “Is that so?”
“You know it is, (y/n)”
Bowing her head, she traced the gentle curve of his eyelashes, oddly delicate on his rugged face, instead of acknowledging the desperation in his gaze. Her heart clenched.
It was time to walk away, to end the conversation before he loosened her grasp on her resolve any further. She had fought and sacrificed and bled for her position. There could be no abandoning it now.
“What would you suggest?”
Alfie’s gaze traced her lips, her eyes, the curve of her cheeks. His nostrils flared as he strained towards her, halting himself before retreat became impossible. “Come and work for me”
“Alfie” There was a mere inch of space between them. In a breath, she could have pressed her forehead against his, felt his strength and warmth, curled into the protection he was extending.
“I can give you what you need”
An answer was on her lips, straining to be heard, when a familiar pressure curled around her waist. A breath was forced from her mouth as she was tugged against Michael’s chest.
“Solomons, if you’ll excuse us”
For a moment, Alfie was laid bare. His expression raged with want and horror. All too quickly, it disappeared behind an arrogant smirk as he bowed his head. Theatrical and stubborn at the same time.
“Of course, princeling, of course”
(Y/n) didn’t turn around as Michael led her away.
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hardyslave · 3 years
Pairing: Alfie Solomons x Female Reader
Warnings: Smut. So much smut- not much plot. A little praise kink and a little breeding kink ??
A/N: First time I’ve written smut, go easy on me
Summary: In which Alfie takes out his frustrations by fucking you into his mattress.
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“Mmm.. just like that, pet.”
You were laid down, head tilted backwards, your neck exposed to him as he gently fucked your mouth, bruising the back of your throat.
“Fuckin’ hell.” he grunted, seeing your neck clearly bulge because of his thick cock, drool slipping past your lips— tears staining your eyes.
He was going slow, gentle thrusts that still made you gag because of his size. His left hand now opted to wrap around your neck, right hand reaching forwards to caress your body; from the middle of your breasts to the skin just above where you needed him.
You let out a small whine, the vibrations of your throat making him hiss and close his eyes. “What do you want?” Alfie asked with a low hum, hands now inching a little closer but instead of landing on where you expected him to, he would instead pull away to brush against your inner thigh, teasing you further and making your skin burn against him.
Alfie raised his brows at you but then chuckled, “Ah, sorry. Forgot you couldn’t speak with your mouth full.” He grinned cheekily, before pulling himself away from your mouth.
He watched as your red tinted cheeks came back to their normal size— your stretched out lips, glistening, covered with slick offering him a fucked out grin.
“Tell me what you want.” He said, voice low, eyes staring right at you— still watching, seemingly mesmerized.
“Fuck me, please.” You spoke, breaking the string of saliva that connected your mouth to his cock, voice raspy from the way you took him into your mouth.
You figured Alfie was feeling quite generous that day as he pulled away, crawling in between your legs, not ordering you to beg for him further.
Alfie let himself smirk again as he looked at the wetness that covered your bottom half, dripping and pooling on the sheets, inner thighs glistening.
“Looks like I don’t have to finger you open, hm? All wet and needy for me just by warming my cock in your mouth, yeah?”
“Mhm.” You mumbled, lips pressed against his,
“- just for you, Alfie.”
“That’s right, pet.” He cooed, praises spilling from his mouth whenever you pulled away from his lips.
You moan against him— body going boneless, legs feeling like jelly the more he whispered praises against your mouth. ‘Such a good little whore, yeah? Legs spread open just for me.’
Alfie couldn’t take it anymore— your cunt pressed up against his cock, legs spread wide, head thrown back as you mewled just at the filthy murmurs of praises against you.
He adjusted himself, hands drifting to your legs— lifting them up and pressing them up against your shoulders. Your bare cunt was now on full view, still as wet— No, wetter than before, clenching and spasming around nothing as you waited in anticipation for him.
Lining himself up, he pressed his head in before shoving all of himself inside you— the girth of him overwhelming as your walls stretched to accommodate his size.
He doesn’t let you adjust, the stress and frustration from the events of his day now evident as he fucks all of his tension in your soaking hole— pulling back all the way and slamming right in, his cock filling you to the hilt over and over and over again.
— and you were already gasping, breathless at the fast pace, moaning uncontrollably at the way he nearly splits you in two, hands still forcing your legs open with fingers pressing against you so tightly you were sure you’d have multiple bruises the following day.
“Fuckin’ hear that?” Alfie grunted out— Of course you did, how could you not notice the loud slaps of his skin against you— or the wet squelch whenever you’d swallow him whole. It made your skin grow even hotter against him.
“Yes- yes- fuck. I hear it.”
Alfie angled himself downwards then pounds you into the mattress, he felt you leak against the sheets, the spurt of slick escaping you at the way he changed the position of his thrusts slightly— both of you could hear the squeal of the wooden bed, but you and Alfie couldn’t care less right now.
Alfie pressed himself up against you, breasts now rubbing against his chest— his hot breath was tickling your neck, he licks a full stripe against it then started sucking, biting against your pulse point.
Your nails were raking against his back, surely leaving scratches all over as he rocks his hips deeper— hitting your spot.
“Mm! Alfie, fuck.”
He grinds himself against that spot— hips now losing momentum as he felt himself grow closer to release.
“Alfie please!”
Alfie pulled back, glancing at the place where you both joined— groaning at the way your pussy stretched and peeled around the length of him. Watching you in display for him, hair messy and undeniable tears streamed down your cheeks at the pleasure. He was so fucking close now.
“So fucking tight, sweetheart. Come with me like a good little pet—“
and you both did, both feeling yourselves lost in the pleasure— Alfie staring at your fucked out face, eyes rolled to the back of your head— and you felt him spill himself inside you, the warm seed filling you to the brim and spilling out the corners of your cunt.
Alfie’s chest heaved from exertion, body falling on top of you— cock still inside you as he panted in your ear.
You both just laid there for a few minutes, just feeling the warmth of being joined, your fingers tracing circles around Alfie’s back.
“Want to go again?”
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thebeckyjolene · 3 years
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#dan torrance x reader
My Top Posts in 2021
Reflection (Coming Soon!)
So, there will be a new imagine coming soon, featuring Alex Law from Shallow Grave! I can't wait to write this and share it with y'all!
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6 notes • Posted 2021-11-10 05:37:47 GMT
So, here's a chance to get to know me. My asks are open for you ask me anything about me or my favorite things. Don't be shy, ask as many times as you want! 💜
6 notes • Posted 2021-10-24 04:28:07 GMT
Peter Stone (Law and Order: SVU)
Wanna Vacay?
My Heart Will Go On
Why Hello There!
NCIS (Tim McGee)
I Didn’t Do It
NCIS: New Orleans (Dwayne Pride, Chris LaSalle)
Happy Birthday, Sweetheart (Pride)
Seriously? (LaSalle)
Roses are Red, The Sky is Blue, and Your Pregnant with Baby No. 2 (LaSalle)
Divergent (Eric Coulter)
Beautiful Distraction
Game of Thrones (Jaime Lannister)
It’s Okay to Cry
Peaky Blinders (Alfie Solomons)
Surprise at Work
Doctor Sleep (Dan Torrance)
Never Knew I Needed
Shallow Grave (Alex Law)
There You’ll Be (Tom Hardy)
Always on My Mind (Finn Balor)
9 notes • Posted 2021-11-17 06:27:21 GMT
Is There Life Out There
Based off the song of the same name by Reba McEntire. Rebecca Torrance had the perfect life. A caring, handsome husband. Good friends who are there for Rebecca.
Rebecca is a college student balancing college classes, working in a restaurant part time, and being the best wife, she can and will be. What happens next?
This is dedicated to my dearest friend, @stardancerluv, who has helped me through so much. Thank you for being there for me, listening to me rambling on and on. <3
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Growing up, my parents said anything is possible, as long as you put your mind into it. I grew up in the small town of Fraizer my entire life as the daughter of a truck driver and a housewife. I'm the youngest of 4 daughters, me being the youngest.
Then as I got older, I decided to attend college classes at the local community college, studying business management. Cheering me on during my studies was my beloved husband, Dan. We met and married when I was twenty, he was 36.
Dan and I met when he first moved to Frazier. Actually, he and I met through my friend, Billy Freeman. Billy and I each took turns helping operate Teeny Town when either of us were free. Dan also entered Alcoholics Anonymous and Billy helped Dan get a job at the local hospice as an orderly.
My favorite music to listen to in my spare time is country music, especially Reba McEntire. She has always been my favorite female singer of all time.
Also, I work as a part time waitress in the local cafe in town, to help with my college classes and tution. Working late hours sometimes keeps me away from spending time with my husband, which breaks my heart sometimes. Usually, Dan and Billy come in from time to time while I'm at work, either to eat or just to have some coffee. Also working with me is my best friend Rachel, who is so amazing and has an adorable bulldog named Toby, who I spoil endlessly with treat everytime I see him.
But lately, I haven't been just feeling myself. So I happened to turn on the song, Is There Life Out There by Reba. The lyrics hit deep within me while I was working on a paper for one of my college classes.
She married when she was twenty
She thought she was ready
Now she's not so sure
She thought she'd done some living
But now she's just wonderin'
What she's living for
Now she's feeling that there's something more
Is there life out there
So much she hasn't done
Is there life beyond
Her family and her home
She's done what she should
Should she do what she dares
She doesn't want to leave
She's just wonderin
Is there life out there
She's always lived for tomorrow
She's never learned how
To live for today
She's dyin' to try something foolish
Do something crazy
Or just get away
Something for herself for a change
Is there life out there
So much she hasn't done
Is there life beyond
Her family and her home
She's done what she should
Should she do what she dares
She doesn't want to leave
She's just wonderin
Is there life out there
There's a place in the sun that she's never been
Where life is fair and time is a friend
Would she do it the same as she did back then
She looks out the window and wonders again
Is there life out there
So much she hasn't done
Is there life beyond
Her family and her home
She's done what she should
Should she do what she dares
She doesn't want to leave
She's just wondering
Is there life out there
Is there life out there
So much she hasn't done
Is there life beyond
Her family and her home
She's done what she should
Should she do what she dares
She doesn't want to leave
She's just wonderin
Is there life out there
Dan's POV
I came home from work one night when I found my beloved wife asleep at the kitchen table while working on her paper for her one college class. I know it's been rough for her and that she hasn't been able to spend a whole lot of time with me, but I completely understand that being a waitress, a college student, and a housewife all in one takes alot out of Rebecca.
But in the end, loves wins and always prevails. Like in Rebecca's favorite song, is there life out there? There's so much she hasn't done, is there life beyond me and our home? Honestly, to me, Rebecca thinks is there life out there for everyone.
10 notes • Posted 2021-11-23 06:24:30 GMT
Never Knew I Needed
Based off the song of the same name by Ne-Yo. Dan and his beloved Y/N are dancing at their wedding. Lots of fluff and song lyrics included (just a fair warning!) in this imagine.
This is dedicated to the amazing and one of my greatest friends, @stardancerluv. Thank you so much from the bottom of my heart for inspiring me to write this.
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''Ladies and Gentlemen, Mr and Mrs. Daniel Torrance will now take the dance floor for their first dance as husband and wife." Billy said, who was the good friend of Dan and Y/N.
For the way you changed my plans For being the perfect distraction For the way you took the idea that i have Of everything that i wanted to have And made me see there was something missing (oh yeah)
For the ending of my first begin (Ooh yeah yeah)(ooh yeah yeah) And for the rare and unexpected friend (Ooh yeah yeah)(ooh yeah yeah) For the way you're something that i never choose But at the same time something i don't wanna lose And never wanna be without ever again (oh oh)
You're the best thing i Never Knew I Needed So when you were here i had no idea You're the best thing i never knew i needed So now it's so clear i need you here always
My accidental happily (ever after oh oh oh) The way you slime and how you comfort me (with your laughter) I must admit you were not a part of my book But now if you open it up and take a look You're the beginning and the end of every chapter (oh oh)
You're the best thing i never knew i needed (oh) So when you were here i had no idea You're the best thing i never knew i needed (that i needed) So now it's so clear i need you here always
Who'd knew that I'd be here (who'd knew that I'd be here oh oh) So unexpectedly (so unexpectedly oh oh) Undeniably happy (hey) Said with you right here, right here next to me (oh) Girl you're the.
You're the best thing i never knew i needed (said i needed oh oh) So when you were here i had no idea You're the best thing i never knew i needed (needed oh) So now it's so clear i need you here always Baby baby Now it's so clear i need you here always
At the end of the song, Dan dipped his wife while he also kissed her. Everyone was cheering and Y/N smiled with happy tears.
''Y/N, you are the best thing I never knew I needed. Thank you, sweetheart, for being there always.'' Dan said as he kissed Y/N one more time before everyone else came onto the dance floor to dance the night away.
15 notes • Posted 2021-11-10 01:21:00 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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sopxhiea · 4 years
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Alfie Solomons x Reader
| Prompt
“That smile is going take you places.”
Same universe, different story
He walked in before you did.
There was no telling of his emotions, a few grunts were all you could get from the built man as he walked in front of you. The distillery had the usual smell of rum and sweat around, it didn’t have the initial effect on your senses anymore. You were used to the looks given from the workers as well as the drenching scent of the place.
Nothing fazed you anymore.
There’d been one too many insane situations you’d been in from working with such men around London that things started to feel normal after a while. You knew killing men or threatening to do it because you needed a piece of paper to be signed was not normal but it was the way of this world you chose to live in.
You followed his figure, door after door opening the minute he was standing in front of it. You watched his broad back move under the light when you entered his office, his face had the same expression when you’d come in, it was a look of apathy.
There were times, you were sure, you’d seen a glimmer of emotion in his blue orbs, swimming away from the cold person he tried so hard to be. He was heartless for the most part, he needed to be if he wanted to keep the position he had but something made you think that he was actually softer than he looked, just not allowed to show it.
You sat down on the chair in front of his table after he did. You didn’t see Ollie today, it was only him and a couple workers. You wondered about the holidays he celebrated, maybe it was an important day for the community but you had no idea.
He was the one who called you in anyway.
You didn’t know what the whole meeting would be about, maybe it was just to give you a warning to keep away from Sabini after what happened or maybe, he needed your cooperation on something. You hadn’t asked, not until now since Alfie was the most reasonable person you knew.
He looked at your small form in his chair. There was a spark you seemed to carry with you, he didn’t know if it was his old eyes creating illusions or if everyone else saw them, too. He didn’t care, really. 
Ignoring the warm feeling spreading through his limbs at the sight of you, he shuffled some papers in front of his desk, you watched him like a hawk as he moved.
He had no reason to call you in.
He needed some company, that was it. He knew calling you was the least smartest choices he could’ve made but he decided that he didn’t want company if the company wasn’t you. He didn’t quite know what the feeling was but giving into him provided him with some excitement. Like he was young again.
He knew he felt something, he had told himself it was adoration and amazement for a long time. That was true, he found you to be one of a kind in this hell of a place but with time, things started to feel different. 
He found himself searching for you and you only. He’d spent many nights with the image of you in his mind but there’d be another lady in his arms. He knew it wasn’t fair, but he never played fair when it came to feelings.
He wasn’t so daft as to think you felt nothing towards the man. He saw the lust in your eyes when you’d stare, you weren’t the one to shy away because he’d caught you, either. He was well aware of the looks you often gave him, even though he tried not to make things out of it.
But it was too late.
You cleared your throat, telling him to speak with your body language as he stared at you. He smiled, it was low and you’d miss it if you hadn’t memorised the lines of his plump lips.
“You got a new offer for me, Mr. Solomons?” you asked, you didn’t really call him by his last name anymore. Mostly because you had seen way too much of him to be having a formal relationship and also because you enjoyed the way his ears would turn red at the words.
And they did.
A soft smile found your lips at the sight, it was easy to affect him with the sound of a couple words. You’d done it far too much, anyway. There had been too many cocktail parties and business meetings late at night where you’d test his self control by seductive remarks. 
He’d resisted, till now.
“I do, yeah.” he said, finding a piece of paper from the very end of the pile.
He was going to call you in next week for the proposal but seeing as he was not able to contain himself and you were sitting right in front of him, he decided to do it now. He watched you lean forward and take the paper in your delicate hands.
He knew they were soft from that time you’d prevented him from blowing a man’s face. It had been a tiring job for the both of you and when the other party had made some silly remarks, he’d almost pounded on the small man but you’d held him by his fists and calmed him down.
He smiled at the memory.
He watched you skim the page, face unimpressed like you usually were. A glint of amusement swam in his orbs as he watched you. You put the paper in his desk not too long after, leaning back on the chair with no particular expression on your face.
You weren’t impressed.
“It’s a very small deal, you know that?” you spoke not too long after. This was supposed to be a day off for you but there you were, doing business with the one man you actually wanted to see.
After the first three times of conducting business with Alfie, you’d decided that he was pleasant to have around. He minded his own business and was the only person able to fight your witty remarks unlike the rest of the businessmen around. He wasn’t too bad to look at either, so you didn’t mind him at all.
He nodded at your words, finding you very lovely this time of the afternoon. He watched as you took a look around. He knew you’d realised just how deserted the place was, he had given the workers a day off to blow off some steam.
“No Ollie?” you asked, he didn’t like the question.
Ollie had the tendency to flirt with females, particularly young ones who’d come around the distillery every now and then. Seeing as you regularly visited Alfie and were one of the very few women who was in this line of business, he flirted with you too.
It was clumsy and entertaining to see him try to flirt with you. He was the tall guy standing next to his built boss, making small remarks and trying to get the girl. It usually worked since he knew that women didn’t prefer Alfie for how scary and dangerous he was known to be.
But that wasn’t the case with you.
“No fuckin’ Ollie today.” he said under his breath, he liked the boy, just not when he flirted with you.
The blame could be made on Alfie. He could tell the boy to stop the bickering, let him know that he was going to pursue you and he knew Ollie would immediately stop but his want to go after you was something still secluded, something he barely admitted to himself.
He watched you nod, your eyes met his gaze but you knew he’d been watching for a while. You enjoyed the sentiment, it made you feel like an actual woman and not an object to be bosses around like most men did around here.
“I’ll do it.” you spoke, nonchalant about the idea of the deal since you knew this wasn’t why he called you in.
He could’ve easily sent this to you with Ollie or some other errand boy. It was only one piece of paper anyway which meant that it wasn’t all that important. The deal was still to be constructed with all the other parties present and it would be a big contract by the end but it was only a small one for now.
“Alright.” you listened to the sound of his voice, you enjoyed his accent a little more than you were willing to admit.
He waited for you to stand up and leave. Maybe kiss his cheek like you did sometimes, just to get him riled up but you sat still, looking directly at him.
Were you waiting for something?
You looked around for a while and he started to get some work done. He was alone in the distillery and you knew that he let very few people in his life. If Ollie was not there, the man would be absolutely lonely and you weren’t very fond of that idea. It wasn’t like you had someone waiting for you anyway.
You knew that he slept around with women, they found him to be enchanting and you would admit, they were right but they didn’t want anything to do with him after spending one night. It was almost like a mystery, the man he was. You knew for a fact that he was a loner for the time being, you’d met his mutt before but Cyril could only do so much to keep Alfie company.
There was a voice at the back of your mind telling you to keep him company. If you left, you’d be alone much like he was in your own office and your workplace was a little far so you didn’t want to go through the hassle of traveling back. The man wanted company and you were more than willing to be the one providing him that.
He watched as you got up and took one of the books from the many shelves he had around. You sat down in one of the larger sofas and started reading, he was a little surprised as he watched you.
The relationship you had was strictly business, at least up till now. You’d only seen him in professional setups and parties around but there had been no occasion in which you were there to simply be there, next to him.
You sensed the sentiment from his part, his stare was lingering more than usual so you assumed he was happy which made a smile form on your lips as you stared at the pages of the book in your hands.
You didn’t know that he was still watching.
“That smile is going take you places.”
You looked up from the book at his words. There was a hint of playfulness you rarely saw in his orbs, it made your heart jump in circles and you hated your heart for betraying you. You’d spent too long ignoring his charm.
A small hue of pink spread through your cheeks but you kept up your usual attitude. You gave him a smile and closed the book, putting it next to you on the sofa and putting your hands on your lap instead as he watched your body react to his intoxicating words.
“I think it already has.” you spoke and it just made him melt.
The fire within you was the reason he was so drawn to you. You didn’t shy away from his gaze and had no intentions of playing nice, ever. He’d seen you handle men like an expert and he loved to see your petite form order man thrice your size around, including him.
“True, that ‘s.” he said, chuckling as he spoke. You watched him light up like a small kid as he shook his head to the words.
You smiled, a foreign feeling in your gut as you got up and wore your coat. His eyes started going into their initial expression as he realised you were leaving, or getting ready to do so. Even though it had been so pleasant.
He thought that the feeling was probably not mutual.
You raised your eyebrows at him, standing in front of him fully dressed in your attire when he leaned back on his chair. You scoffed and walked towards the hanger, getting his coat not too long after as he watched in confusion.
You threw his coat on the table and spoke, a bossy tone to your voice.
“Let’s get something to eat.” you said, hands on your hips as you spoke. It wasn’t a suggestion, more like an order and it made him blush for a split second.
He loved this bossy attitude, but he wasn’t the one to be ordered around.
“Luv, I-” he spoke but you cut him as you opened the door to his office, waiting for him to put his coat on.
“I didn’t ask if you wanted to..” you spoke, a daring look in your eyes that made him wonder what you’d look like after he would have you right there and then. “...I’m hungry and you’re coming with me.” you spoke, eyes stern as you looked at him.
It took him a couple minutes but he shook his head and stood up. He chuckled, he was being ordered around by a thing half his size. You watched him as he got dressed and put on his hat. You flashed him a bigger smile than usual as you walked out the distillery.
Your arm found his, searching for warmth that his body was more than willing to provide. He watched as your small form came closer to his as you both walked towards the car arm in arm. Your fingers brushed against his not too long after when he helped you into the car, the action made him all pink as you smiled at his state.
The rest of the evening was spent in a secluded booth in the restaurant you took him. You laughed the day up as he told you stories of all sorts, making you feel various things as you stared deep into his blue orbs. You drank a little as he watched your charm work his though exterior with the passing minute. His work was long forgotten.
You made a couple snarky comments, making him shake his head with a chuckle. He told you about his life, his deceased family and the mutt he cherished and you did the same, telling you about the forgotten family you had and how you’d gotten involved in this line of business.
He walked you to your house, amazed at the massive size of the space which earned a small chuckle from you. You kissed his cheek, letting go of his hand as he found it hard to say goodbye. He stole a promise for you before leaving, telling you to come see cyril when you wanted. You found yourself smiling as you made your way into the bath, he was beautiful.
You were more than happy to be his company.
Tagging: @parkbearum​ @sourirez​ @clairecrive​ @bicevans​ @mollybegger-blog​
a/n: This isn’t even a prompt it’s more a like blurb bc i was having way too many brain malfunctions while writing it but i hope you enjoyed it :)
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murswrites · 4 years
Insane ⎯ John Shelby One-shot
Pairings: John Shelby x Solomons!FEM!Reader Fandom: Peaky Blinders MASTERLIST Word Count: 1.7k (ish) Warnings: Cursing, drinking, description of puking  SUMMARY: When you and your best friend go out for a drink at an unfamiliar pub, you run into John Shelby. A man who you just happen to “hate”.  Request from @encounterthepast​: If requests are still open could I go for John with "He’s driving me crazy” and “Have you totally lost your mind?” ... ? Thank you!! (Also I'm loving your social media AU)
A/N Hi! Thank you for requesting!!! It means a lot & I’m glad you’re enjoying SBE <33 I’m really proud of this? I actually thought about what I was going to do b e f o r e writing it... which is new to be quite frank. Y/F/N means “Your friend’s name” & Y/F/E/C means “your friend’s eye color.” I tried to keep them gender neutral since I made the reader female :D, enjoy!
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Y/N Solomons was a name many knew. It was one many feared, except for John Shelby, of course. That sarcastic little fuck was always flirting and trying to hook up with Alfie Solomons’ sister. The fear that surrounded her, was due to her brash and no-nonsense attitude. Y/N, apparently wasn’t that way when she was young, she was sweet and wholesome. The war changed her, many say. But Alfie and John knew otherwise.
The fact that they were in the war beside (not literally) her, gave them a perspective many didn’t have. Alfie hadn’t wanted his little sister to be a war medic, but she was adamant about helping. The war didn’t change her, for say, it just caused her to grow up at an alarming rate. She went from the ripe age of twenty-four to practically forty in those long four years during the war. Being in your twenties usually meant partying and doing illegal things.
For Y/N, it was quite the opposite. She went through so much, trying to save so many lives, and losing so many due to the lack of supplies. It was hard, but she made it through by becoming numb to it all. And John Shelby seemed to be the only bloke able to get through her stoic surface. Managing to make her irritated with a smirk or snarky compliment. 
“Look, it’s that angry woman.” John would sometimes say, or he’d say something that held a double meaning. “I bet you like being in control everywhere, love.” The pet names were annoying enough as it was. Y/N hated and loved the attention in a strange way. She never got the attention of men anymore, it surprised the younger Shelby boy. Y/N’s beautiful, everyone knew that.
Everyone also knew that she was Alfie’s sister and that often scared men away. But not John, John’s adamant. He’s insistent that Y/N has feelings for him too. So he tries, for months he tries to woo her in any way possible. Little does he know that it is in fact working. Y/N took a long time to master appearing unamused and uninterested. It was hard work, but holding her angry resting face became a habit, a mask… hell, even protection.
Showing no emotions gave her an advantage. When all others showed everything with their faces and body language, she was left to read them like books. John Shelby was one of those people, he was young and she knew that. Along with reading him like a story, she could tell that he wasn’t pulling her leg. That he actually found her to be interesting and he wasn’t interested in forming a contract between them too. One to mutually benefit the Solomons’ and the Shelbys. 
Y/N wouldn’t lie, he intrigued her. How he blatantly flirts with her even with Alfie present. It entertained her, watching Alfie lose his shit over harmless flirting. “I don’t like that boy one bit.” Alfie often spat out while stroking his beard thoughtfully. 
 “He’s driving me crazy,” You mumbled while holding your head in your hands. Y/F/N and you were out drinking, it had been a long day with Alfie moaning and complaining about everything under the sun so Y/F/N thought it’d be nice to forget it all for one night.
Y/F/N turned to you, a drink in hand, and raised an eyebrow, “Alfie?” You chuckled, that was a reasonable question. All damn day, your brother had been cursing up a storm and complaining about everything in sight. 
“No, John fucking Shelby,” The annoyance in your voice was clear as their eyes widened. You haven’t ever openly complained about John’s pestering, perhaps it was the alcohol pushing your thoughts out. You picked up the full glass– it was whiskey, Irish, your favorite –and downed it in one go. “Always askin’ me out and fucking flirting with me… it’s annoying as fuck.”
“Maybe if you sleep with him, he’ll stop?” The slap you sent to Y/F/N’s arm startled them, your eyes were cold and hard.
"Y/N Solomons doesn’t lie with any man, especially not a fucking Shelby.” You spat your words out bitterly, tapping your glass on the counter to let the barman know you’re empty. The bar that the two of you sat in, wasn’t the usual place you chose to forget in. It was dark and kind of gross. But that didn’t matter, the alcohol was making your brain fuzzy, that was what mattered. All that mattered was that John’s taunting was forgotten.
But it seemed like the original plan was stunted, the many memories of John giving you a cheeky grin or saying something obscene surfacing in the presence of the shitty alcohol. “Now that’s not a very nice way to talk about me.” Immediately, at the sound of hearing the bastard’s voice, you groaned loudly. 
“Just my fuckin’ luck. Where are we Y/F/N?” Their Y/F/E/C eyes looked toward the floor sheepishly, they planned this. “Of course.” The sound of your voice made your best friend flinch, expecting an outburst. John Shelby stood behind your chair, you could feel his presence easily. Since he often made an appearance during the meetings between Alfie and Tom, you saw John frequently. It was annoying, not enjoyable. 
You turned in your chair at the feeling of John’s hand on the back of it, raising an eyebrow in question. “Why, you’re at The Garrison, love. Best dam pub in Small Heath.”
“That’s debatable.” Y/F/N muttered under their breath. John calling you love was a normal occurrence, something he often did. You never paid any mind to the flirtatious comments that often left his lips. For some reason, tonight, the name caused heat to spread throughout your body. Your nose, ears, and cheeks felt warm. The thought of John seeing the blush oddly worried you. As if seeing you react would only entice more flirting. 
The pub was growing hot and you suddenly felt the urge to vomit. You quickly grabbed your purse and practically ran from John and Y/F/N, clutching a hand over your mouth on your way out. Thankfully the night air of Small Heath was cold and bitter. It helped you as you nursed the vomit from your bowels violently. It felt like you puked for hours before you walked away from the bush and leaned on the brick wall in an alleyway. 
“Jesus.” John’s voice brought you from your thoughts, why was he here? “Are you alright, love?” That stupid nickname… you cursed under your breath as John took a swig from a flask. He held the silver flask out to you and you gladly took it. The taste of vomit making your stomach churn even though puking now would only cause pain.
The alcohol burned your throat, but you welcomed the pain since it tasted better than the puke. “I’m fine.” You wiped your mouth with the back of your hand, itching to get away from the young man. It wasn’t that he disgusted you or made you want to punch him (although he often did). It was the feeling that your lack of sobriety made you feel with him standing there, with that shit-eating grin like he knew what you were thinking without even knowing.
John wasn’t ugly, you knew that, he even knew it. He annoyed you to no end, constantly flirting and trying to gain a reaction from you. The pet names, the jokes, the sinful glances… it wasn’t like you didn’t secretly crave the attention. You were beyond touch starved and you knew it was your fault. From being a blatant bitch to downright turning men down, soon they stopped trying. Add being Alfie Solomons’ sister to the mix and you’ve got the potential for a natural disaster.
Shelby’s and Solomons’ don’t mix. Everyone (not everyone. Those in the Peaky Blinders and Alfie’s boys knew)  in both Camden Town and Small Heath were aware of the icy slopes that the businesses were on. That any rock in the boat could shoot everyone off-board and into the murky water of the cut. These thoughts are the reason why you hesitated when John fucking Shelby kissed you with enough force that you had to grab the lapel of his suit coat. 
It was why your eyebrows screwed in confusion before you realized what was happening, right before you melted into his touch, you pushed him back harshly. John’s breath was ragged and fast, like he’d just been underwater. “Have you totally lost your mind?” You spoke over one another, “That was amazing.” 
John caught onto your words, his pale blond eyebrows also furrowing. “What–” 
“This would never work.” Your voice was stoic, John sighed as he realized that you retreated back into yourself. He saw the real you for only a moment it felt like, but it was a wonderful moment. When your hands held onto his suit and pulled him in. How heavenly your lips felt against his own. 
He nodded, jaw twitching, “We could make it work, Y/N. You and I– we’d be the most powerful couple in all of England.” You scoffed dryly, of course, he was thinking of business.
“And here I thought you actually liked me–”
“What? I do! No– that’s not what I meant, I meant that nothing could stand in our way, we’d be dynamite.” A laugh forced its way through your rouge lips, how hilarious… you thought to yourself. He was worried about his image and not how he truly felt. John’s cheeks were surprisingly red as he rubbed the back of his neck, this was an odd sight to see. The flirtatious Shelby boy… all meek and shy.
It made you feel powerful, like you held the strings that controlled him. You knew it wasn’t true but it was quite the sight to see, him blushing before you. All because you tripped him up with your confidence, so you did the one thing you’ve been forcing yourself to not imagine for the past few months. You grabbed the lapel once more, only this time, you were initiating the contact. 
John replied immediately by holding your cheek and neck lovingly as you two kissed passionately in the dark alleyway. The feeling was strangely euphoric, the adrenaline rush high, and your hands moving across one another’s bodies. Trying to feel every part of them. Soon though, you had to break apart for precious air. Your hair felt a mess and John’s cheeks were even redder than before, if possible. He had a smile on his face and you had half the mind to smack it off.
“You’re insane, John Shelby.” You whispered into the night, enjoying the feeling of his embrace.
“Says the Solomons girl.” John quipped back.
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dyns33 · 5 years
Flufftober 2021 (Michael Langdon, Loki, Geralt, Adam and Eve, Sherlock, Dream) 
Flufftober 2022 
Most of the stories are about female readers
Michael Langdon and Cody Fern’s character : 
Stories with Reader and one of CF’s boys 
Stories with Reader and more than one boy (Threesome and more) 
Stories without Reader 
Sherlock (Enola Holmes) : 
The woman : my first (and only ?) Sherlock (Enola Holmes) x Reader fanfiction. I had no idea where to put it... 
Simple thing : second Sherlock story. Like for the Rook, it’s just a phase, don’t mind me 
Virtuous : Last  Sherlock story
Tom Hiddleston characters
Loki (Marvel)
My Fair Lady 
The Kid 
Double trouble 
Snake and Lizard  (Wizard Y/N x Loki) 
Accidents  (Wizard Y/N x Loki)
Mister President ? 
Raining cats and dogs 
Dreamcatcher (Wizard Y/N x Loki) 
Little Star (Prince Jotun Loki x Y/N)
Little Nightmare (Prince Jotun Loki x Y/N) 
The Prince and the servant 
Magical science (Wizard Y/N x Loki) 
Imagine and quotes : 
Dark AU 
Jotun Loki 
Agent Y/N 
Wizard Y/N 
All the imagines 
Loki x Michael Langdon x Reader 
The Arrangement 
Eve x Adam x Reader  (Only Lovers left alive movie)
Only Lovers Left Alive  / Only Lovers Left Alive 2  (complete)
Incorrect quotes 
Tom Sturridge characters
Dream of the Endless x Reader (Sandman DC Comics and Netflix series)
Young God 
Wonders (Dream x OC) 
Morpheus x Hob!Reader: Part 1  -  Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4 - Part 5 - Part 6 (complete)
Upon a dream 
The Debt 
The basement 
The God of nightmares
Good uncles  /  Prequel  / Sequel (complete)
The ruby
Sentimental weather
The first (Daniel Hall x reader)
True love kiss
The Temple
Feeling rainy
A Silly Dream
For a smile
A story of witch
In the stars and the Book 
Nigel Colbie x Reader (Like Minds - Murderous intent) 
My beloved sweet heart : Part 1     Part 2    Bonus (complete)
The Surgeon
Young Carl x Reader (The Boat that rocked) 
No girl on the boat 
Lord Byron x Reader (Mary Shelley) 
Hours of Idleness
Unknown love
Hidden in plain sight
Jon Dondon (Velvet Buzzsaw)
Burning love
The Corinthian (Sandman)
Tom Hardy’s characters
Venom x Eddie x Reader 
The Miracle   (and imagines) 
The Secret 
Bane x reader (The Dark Knight rises) 
Down the Pit - Part 2 - Part 3 - part 4 - 
Rafiq alruwh
Alfie Solomons x reader (Peaky Blinders) 
Family business / Family honor /  Family respect /  Family language /  Family trust / Family house /
Eames x reader (Inception) 
Vaas Montenegro (Far cry 3) x Reader 
The tiger and the rabbit  (and imagines) 
Vaas and the little pirate imagines   - Chico 
Vaas and the nurse imagines 
Fucking Fate   Part 2   Ending 1   Ending 2 (complete)
Rook College 
Homelander (The Boys) x Reader 
Perfectly happy 
Imagines - Catlander 
(Team Red /  matt x reader x wade / Deadpool  )
No Fear
The Best Friend 
Charlie Cox characters
Matt Murdock (Daredevil) x Reader 
Moment of doubt 
Little Devil 
My Fellow Devil 
The Big Day 
Devil Inside 
The Thief 
Good boy 
The Devils Kiss
The Test 
Grandpa Sidney 
First day of April
Dream job
The Contract 
Hellfire (Dragon Matt) 
Truth and Dare(devil)
The Moms / The Moms 2 / The Moms 3 / The Moms 4 (Matt x Frank x Reader) (complete)
The Punisher, the Kingpin and the Darling (Murderdock x Frank x Reader) 
The Devil and the Angel (College Dark Matt) 
The Murdock boy (College Dark Matt)
His (College Dark Matt) 
Earth 65 (Dark Matt) 
Flower arrangement   / Stealing perfume
Inseparable pair / Inseparable pair 2 (Dark Matt) (complete)
Soulmate AU (Dark Matt) - Scared  - Enough  - Obvious (complete)
Murderdock and the Nice Lawyer (Dark Matt) 
Promise / Promise 2 (Dark Matt) (complete)
A chaste meeting
The Roommate (Dark Matt) 
His little secret (Dark Matt) 
Walkind Dead (Dark Matt) 
Unexpected proof (Dark Matt)
Lost (Dark Matt) 
The Devil and the Cat (Dark Matt) / The Devil and the Cat 2 
- The Devil’s lawyer 1  - Part 2 - Part 3  - Part 4 - Part 5 - Part 6 - Part 7 - Part 8 - Part 9 - Part 10 - Part 11 - Part 12 - Part 13 - Part 14 - Part 15 - Part 16 - Part 17 - Part 18 - Part 19 (ending) 
  Bonus part  1 - Bonus part 2 - Bonus part 3 - Bonus part 4  - Bonus part 5  - Bonus part 6 - Bonus Part 7 - Bonus Part 8 - Bonus Part 9 - Bonus Part 10 - Bonus Part 11 - Bonus Part 12 - Bonus Part 13 - Bonus Part 14 - Bonus Part 15 - Bonus Part 16 - Bonus Part 17 - Bonus Part 18 - Last Bonus Part 19 (complete)
Henry (Eat Locals) 
Eat Locals / Eat Locals 2 (complete)
Old and Stupid 
Philip Duke of Crowborough (Downton Abbey)  
Two Swallow made a Summer (Philip x Thomas x Reader) 
Happiness and responsibilities (Philip x Reader) 
Owen Sleater 
The Office 
Littes Vulcan Owen  / The Bond (complete)
Jon Bernthal characters 
Frank Castle (The Punisher / Daredevil) 
The Big Nice Punisher 
Without warning 
Shane Walsh (The Walking Dead) 
Dead man walking
Communication issues
Mistake  - Part 2 (complete)
All fine
Julian Kaye (American Gigolo) 
Wanting something  /  Wanting more  (complete)
Pedro Pascal characters
Din Djarin (The Mandalorian)
The way to communicate 
The Mand’alor (happy Pedro day !)
Jack ‘Whiskey’ Daniels (Kingsmen : Golden Circle) 
The Agency 
Oberyn Martell (Game of Thrones) 
Of Snakes and Kitten (Oberyn x Reader x Ellaria) 
Worst in life
The little angel 
Maxwell Lord (Wonder Woman 1984)
The Wish 
Javi G. (The Unbearable weight of massive talent) 
Never meet your idols
Private life
Simple mission
Reed Richards (Fantastic 4 first step) 
Elastic heart
The Batman 2022 / Bruce Wayne 
The transfer 
Oscar Isaac characters
Poe Dameron (Star Wars) 
Miguel O Hara (Spiderverse) 
The Big Cat 
The Scar
Nathan Bateman (Ex Machina)
The Smile
The stupid genius
Moon Knight 
Shielded by the moon   - Part 2  (complete)
Brad Pitt’s characters 
Bullet Train (Ladybug x reader) 
Fight club (Tyler Durden x reader) - Part 2  (complete)
Snatch (Mickey O Neil x reader) 
Eyeshield 21 
Agon (Agon Kongo x reader) - part 2 (complete)
Spot the difference (Agon x reader)
The Ghoul / Cooper Howard (Fallout) 
Only wastelands (Cooper x reader) / part 2 / part 3 / part 4 / part 5 (complete)
Strange way of life 
Feyd Rautha Harkonnen (Dune part 2)
The Fall of House Harkonnen (Feyd and reader, platonic, fraternal love) 
His Dark Sun 
Halloween (rz version) 
Halloween (Michael Myers x reader)
The Collector/The Collection (movies) 
Firefly (Asa Emory x reader)
Jarod (Road 96) 
On the road
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shad0wcast · 6 years
New acquaintances | Chapter 2
I’m so so so sorry for the delay of this (and for how short it is) but my body was on lockdown the past 2 weeks, which is why this chapter is so short.. I’m not super happy with it but I didn’t want you to wait any longer so I decided to upload what I had written so far. Anyways, I hope you’ll enjoy this (very short) 2nd chapter ♥
Alfie Solomons x Reader
Chapter 1 
You fell asleep right after going to bed - today was exhausting after all.
The next morning you stayed in bed until it was almost noon. The sun was shining through the curtains of your window and you felt safe here at your friends place. You decided to finally get up and do something. Ollie was at work and you had time to sort out your dirty clothes and think about what you will do for a living now that you’re back.
Before you left, you’ve been working as a maid for an old wealthy lady, but you didn’t want to be someone’s servant anymore. You wanted to do something exciting, something tabooed.
During “breakfast” you read the newspaper Ollie left on the kitchen table. There were quite a few job offers in there but you weren’t really interested in any of them. While eating your rye bread, you started thinking about last night again. Alfie was a really handsome man and seemed to like you but the rumours were hard to ignore. You actually hoped to get to know him better and form your own opinion.
After cleaning up Ollie’s kitchen and your room you put on your coat to go for a walk. You missed London. It was about to get dark and you noticed that there were even more night clubs than before and thought that maybe a job at one of them was what you needed. Asking around for a while, you found out that a newly opened cabaret club was still looking for employees. 
It took you about 20 minutes to walk there and when you finally arrived and stepped inside, you were blown away by the atmosphere. The girls were performing on a stage which was outlined by light bulbs and had a curtain out of red velvet on each side and the orchestra was playing an upbeat tune. The guests were cheering, drinking and flirting. Everyone seemed so carefree and playful. Exactly what you needed. You asked a barmaid where you could find the owner of the club and were directed upstairs. 
Making your way up, you stopped for another minute to watch the show. After the girls were done, you continued your way upstairs and knocked on the door. “Come in.” you heard a female voice call. Stepping inside the room, you spotted an elderly lady behind a large wooden desk. “Good evening, Mrs. My name is Y/N Y/L/N and I’ve heard you’re still looking for employees.” you said in a calm voice. You didn’t know why you were so relaxed. Usually you wouldn’t be able to form a proper sentence in a situation like this. “Good evening, sweetheart. I’m Mrs. Cowell, but call me Arlene. Have a seat.” the lady answered. “Thank you.” was all you said before taking a seat in front of her desk. “You don’t strike me as a performer so I assume you want an honest job?” Arlene asked with a wink. She seemed to be a really lovely lady. Her hair had an auburn colour and fell loosely on her shoulders. She was wearing a red blouse and lots of jewelry. “Yes, an appropriate job would be preferred.” you giggled. You already liked Arlene and were happy that she was the owner of this club.
“Well, we’ve got enough bar staff but I could offer you a job at the entrance of the club as a ticket vendor - a great view of the stage is obviously included.” she said as she got up to get 2 glasses from behind her. “That’d be amazing, Arlene! When can I start?” you cheered, barely believing you found a job already. Arlene pushed a glass of gin to your side of the table and told you that you can start next week.
 After some chit chat and talking about some job details you made your way back home. By the time you were back, Ollie already went to bed but left a little note for you. 
“Hey Y/N, hope you had a calm day today. I sadly couldn’t stay up until you’re back but I just wanted to let you know that my boss asked if it was possible to talk to you next weekend (I don’t know what he wants). Just let me know when Alfie can meet you next time we see each other. -Ollie
You read the note multiple times to make sure you didn’t imagine things. Alfie wanted to meet you. The problem was that you had to work next weekend so you sadly had to cancel for now. You’d tell Ollie over breakfast tomorrow because now, all you wanted was to warm up in bed. The night was cold and you didn’t wear a proper coat for the cold English weather. After your night routine, you found yourself in bed - restless, because you were so excited about the job at the cabaret. You’d have to go buy some proper clothing for the place soon though.
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ryuzakemo128 · 1 year
Four Horsemen
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Chapter Seven: A house to call my own.
Pairing: Alfie Solomons x Red (Female Reader) Genre: Modern, sci-fi, mystery Trigger Warnings: Graphic Scenes Mention of violence and criminal activities Cursing, Swearing Rating: MA15+
Masterlist: Link
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[Red's Point of View]
The circular bathtub, made of exquisite black and gold marble, took pride of place in the center of the spacious bathroom. It was a drop-in style tub, seamlessly integrated into the smooth floor. Its large size provided ample room for indulgence, allowing one to sink into the depths of relaxation.
The surrounding tiles, a rich obsidian black, adorned the walls, reflecting the gleam of the candlelight that danced throughout the space. Their glossy surface added an air of sophistication to the room, while also creating a sense of depth and mystery. It was as if the tiles held secrets within their dark embrace.
A magnificent window, framed with elegant curtains, overlooked the enchanting woods beyond. Its generous proportions allowed streams of sunlight to filter into the room, casting a warm glow upon the luxurious surroundings. Nature's artwork became an ever-changing backdrop, with dappled light and swaying branches, offering a serene connection to the outside world.
Nestled near the window, on a small table, sat the silver incense burner. It took the delicate shape of a lotus flower, its petals gracefully unfurling, symbolizing purity and enlightenment. Fragrant smoke curled upward, carrying scents of sandalwood, lavender, and other calming essences, infusing the air with tranquility.
Adjacent to the bathtub, a shelf held an assortment of bathroom amenities, neatly organized. Shampoo, conditioner, and various oils awaited their turn to pamper and nourish the body. The bottles glistened in the sunlight, their labels a promise of luxurious self-care. Black towels hung on the towel warmer, I had a large de-humidifier inside the bathroom and another one just outside the bathroom to ensure air remains dry.
On the sink in a medium sized glass jewelry casket for my rings like my diamond and fire opal ring, my brass pair of cufflinks with several myriad amber stones, a gold pendant with several myriad diamonds given to her by several exes in the past.
There was an hourglass with white sand which timed how long I was in the bath for, the light red curtain for the large window and the midnight blue walls of the bathroom. I have several small velvet purses filled with coins in case I needed them, along with a small ceramic dish held my favorite blood red lipstick along with my favourite palette of neutral eyeshadow shades and jet black liquid eyeliner.
My pair of crimson silk slippers are always outside the bathroom to put on after having a bath. I kept a hairbrush with an ivory bone handle to brush my hair before I go to bed, usually keeping it in the end table drawer beside my bed. I lived far away from the hustle and bustle of the city, in a large cottage surrounded by a forest behind it.
Steam rose from the scalding hot water from inside the bathtub, the warmth embraced my body as I stepped into the tub sinking further into the water. Letting it envelope me, a sigh escaped my lips as the tension left my body, the pure bliss I felt. My friend was staying over for the night, she wanted to see the place for herself and she planned on taking me to an art auction in town the next day.
Adeline was visiting for two days and planned on staying over for two nights at the very least. She wasn't too sure about me living on my own for a while, stating she was afraid something could happen to me while I lived in a secluded area. I assured her every precaution was put into place long before I moved in.
She walked into the bathroom fifteen minutes after I started bathing to tell me what she was going to do while she was here, interrupting my moment of tranquility. Adeline was a lively and inquisitive woman, always eager to explore new adventures. Her vibrant red hair and mischievous smile were a stark contrast to my own calm demeanor.
"Red, darling, have you decided what you'd like to do tomorrow?" Adeline asked, her voice echoing in the marble bathroom.
I leaned back against the edge of the tub, allowing the warm water to support my body. "I was thinking we could start the day with a visit to the art auction in town. You know how much I adore discovering new artists and their creations." she continued.
"As much as you enjoy baking that's for sure." I replied thinking about it further, "Anything you wanted to do tomorrow? I assume the auction would be held during the night,"
Adeline replied, "Well, during the day, I thought we could take a stroll through the local market. They have a wide variety of fresh produce and unique crafts. It's always a treat to explore and support local businesses. And perhaps we could grab lunch at that charming little café we passed by last time."
A few hours later, we both went to bed, Adeline stayed in the guest room with her fiancé, James. Unlike them, I have dated around since I was 18 and never found someone who captivated my heart. It came close though, timing was never right and it was often due to them falling out of love first.
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peakyxshelby · 8 years
Brummie girl Camden Town
Alfie Solomons x reader
Request: Could I request #3 with Alfie Solomons??
Author’s note: I’m sorry this was so rambly :( I hope you still enjoy and please give me feedback.
Not many people left Small Heath to go pursue education, you only knew of a handful of people that had and only one of which was another women. She pretty much inspired you. You always excelled in class and when it reached the time of finishing school you decided you would apply to university. You applied for the University of London and a month later you were packed up and moving down to London to study Accountancy and English Literature. The whole of Small Heath was buzzing that one of their own was going off to bigger and better things. Luckily for you, your childhood friend John and his brothers were in London quite often so he assured you and your mum that you would be well looked after. You moved into a small apartment on the edge of Camden town.
The next three years flew by and sure enough, the Peaky Blinders were never too far away if you needed them, and as your last term of your last year was finishing up you and your friends had taken it upon yourself to show London how to have a good time. It was the last night of your week bender before you went back to Birmingham. The drinks were well and truly flowing as you rode out your high from the snow your friend had given you. You entered the club and the atmosphere hit you like a ton of bricks. The music, the drinks, the men. Everything about it was lavish. You had been here a couple times before but had been advised by John to stay away. Tonight you didn’t care, it was time to let your hair down and have real proper fun after three years of hard work. You and your friends hit the dance floor almost straight away. After a while of boogying around and attracting some male attention while you did so, you decided it was time for a drink stop. You headed to the bar and threw yourself down on a stool still panting as you gave the barman your order. As you finished small talk with the man behind the bar a man emerged from the back door beside where the barman was standing. He was tall and extremely muscular, with a thick beard. You locked eyes with this stranger before looking away nervously tucking your hair behind your ears. As the barman started loading up your drinks on a tray for you the man was beside you.
“What table is this for?” You looked up at the man and then pointed over to your group of friends laughing amongst themselves. “And which one's yours?” You picked up the whiskey from the tray, as he took it and ordered another man to deliver the tray to your table. You cocked your head looking at the man, confused at to why he had stopped you. “You awrite there love? I’m Alfie.”
“(Y/N),” you say straightening up and holding out your hand to shake his, he takes it in both of his and kisses the back of your hand making you smirk.
“Now you, you look lovely.”
“Thank you,” You blushed. “Now what were you doing behind those doors?” He looked into your eyes, intrigued by your bluntness and curiosity.
“Well aren’t you nosy,” he grunted, you thought maybe you had pissed him off. “I own this club Miss (Y/N). I can go wherever the fuck I want.” You look at Alfie in awe and then looked around at your surroundings.
“Well, you did a pretty damn good job,” you tell him nodding in approval at the club.
“You having a good time?” he asked you, as you tilted your glass to peer over it, the look you gave Alfie let on that you were having more than a good time. “I’d like to show you a better one.” You spent all night laughing and speaking with Alfie. Everyone seemed afraid of him or treated him like a king, kind of how they used to treat the Shelby’s back home. At the end of the night, you went back to his and had one last night of wild cockney passion and then it was back on the train to Birmingham.
“(Y/N)!” John shouted over waiting as he stood on the platform waiting for you to get off the train. “How does it feel to be back?” He asked as you approached him, taking the bags from your hands.
“Weird, a good weird, though.” you both hopped in the car and he started to drive you home, he started slowing down outside the betting shop.
“Woah, you blinders have fairly upgraded since I left town,” You say staring into the newly refurbished building with offices and all sorts on the inside. “What am I doing here anyway?”
“Tommy had the business he wants to talk to you,” You groaned immediately.
“I’ve been back five minutes and he wants to talk business,” you moaned dragging yourself out of the car.
“I know but he insisted,” John said sympathetically. “Plus there’s someone I want you to meet.” You entered into the shop and saw a young man standing with Tommy and Finn around a table.
“Well look at that, (Y/N) (Y/L/N) back where she belongs.” Finn laughs as he walks over to give you a hug. You hadn’t seen Finn in about a year since he had last been in London and he had taken a massive growth spurt now towering above you.
“What have they been feeding you? When did you get so ridiculously tall?” You both laugh but are shortly interrupted by Tommy clearing his throat.
“Nice to have you back (Y/N),” you smiled at him, Tommy has always been a man of very few emotions. “And this is our newest blinder, Michael.”
“Nice to meet you,” he says holding out a hand for you to shake.
“He’s Polly’s son,” John chipped in.
“No fucking way, You’re a Gray?” He nodded his head looking a little bit nervous. “Well, you’ll fit in just fine won’t you.” This made him smile, looking a little less nervous now.
“John!” You heard a female voice shout as a women came down the corridor. John wrapped her arm around her shoulder.
“(Y/N), this is my wife Esme.” You clasped your hands over your mouth as you gasped, walking over to her and looking her up and down with the biggest smile.
“It’s so lovely to meet you,” You say feeling very emotional, you were happy that John had found another woman. She smiled shyly in return as you turned to John slapping the side of his arm. “And you? You didn’t tell me you were getting married!”
“Well it wasn’t exactly pre-planned,” John said glaring at Tommy who just laughed.
“(Y/N) a word?” Tommy said walking away down the corridor.
You stepped into his office admiring the empire Tommy had built.
“So, we want to hire you.”
“No Tommy we already spoke about this, I’m not cut out to be any type of blinder.”
“(Y/N), whilst you were away we have had a lot more legal sides to business, we are doing very well.” You nodded in acknowledgment as you can tell. “We need someone to really handle the books, read the small prints and handle documents. The pay is good really good in fact and you don’t have to get involved in any legitimate business if you don’t want to.” Tommy slid forward a contract and a pen, as you skimmed through it, you saw how much he was paying and decided there was not a chance you could turn it down.
“Fine, I’m in.”
Three months later the boys were taking a trip down to London to meet with a Mr. Solomons as well as some other business. You had convinced Tommy to let you go with them to visit your old friends. But the condition was you had to sit in on the meeting with Mr. Solomons. As you entered “The bakery” as the boys called it and walked along, all eyes were on you. They must not get many women in here that often.
“Ok, I need you to act as professional as you always do,” Tommy ordered you. You straightened up as a man held the door open for you and Tommy. You both took a seat as Mr. Solomons was looking about in a drawer yet to look up at your faces.
“Now, Now Shelby I told you to come alone.” You recognised that voice, you weren’t sure where from yet.
“(Y/N), is here with me to go over all the legal stuff, the papers.”
“(Y/N),” The man said looking up from whatever he was doing. Alfie. You blushed immediately and looked down at the pen you were playing with in your hands. You had snuck out on the man three months ago and hadn’t seen him since. You could feel your cheeks going red and Aldie hadn’t taken his eyes off you since he said your name, his jaw practically hitting the floor. Tommy looked at you to Alfie puzzled at what was going on.
“Am I missing something?” He asked as Alfie began to clear his throat, you interrupted him.
“I went to his club a couple of times when we lived down here, I recognise him from always being up in the VIP section.” Technically that wasn’t a lie but you knew how unimpressed Tommy would be anyway. Alfie nodded his head still not taking his eyes off you.
Tommy continued on talking about business and you wrote down what you had to and explained to alfie what you had to, and when the meeting was done you and Tommy got up to leave.
“I was just wondering Thomas if I could have a quick word with (Y/N), I have some applicants for my own assistant you see and well it looks like she knows what to look for.” Tommy turned round and nodded his head.
“Yeah that’s fine, I’ll be off to Ada’s so whenever you're done just come by, we will be leaving sharp tomorrow morning.” Tommy reminded you before heading out the door.
“Well hello,” Alfie said as the door shut behind Tommy.
“Fancy seeing you here,” You joke to him, but he wasn’t taking you on.
“You ran out on me,” he hissed in an almost scary way. “No one runs out on me.”
“I didn't run,” you try to explain, “I had a train back to Birmingham and you’re a heavy sleeper.” He laughs in agreement and then you both sit there in silence for a moment.
“So where are the applications you want me to look at?” You asked him.
“There is none.” he said whilst standing up and leaning on the desk.
“Well then, I guess my assistance is not needed.” You started towards the door.
“Sit down,” Alfie grunted bluntly as your hand was on the door nob. You pulled the door open a crack and he repeats himself. “Sit down.”
“Make me,” you whisper not turning around to look at him. All of a sudden a strong hand slammed the door closed and turned you around pushing you up against it.
“Oh sweety I will,” He started kissing your neck as you ran your hand through his hair. “I haven’t gone a day without thinking about you, you know.” he rested his forehead on yours breathing heavy whilst staring into your eyes. You grab his face and pull him into a heated kiss. He pulled back quickly panting. “No running away again?”
“Agreed.” You laughed.
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ryuzakemo128 · 1 year
Four Horsemen
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Chapter Six: Don't Tell Me The Odds Part 2 Pairing: Alfie Solomons x Red (Female Reader) Genre: Modern, sci-fi, fantasy, fluff, mystery
Masterlist: Link
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Trigger Warning: Implication of smut
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[Alfie Solomon's Point of View]
Red was all I could think about, I only met her once and she left an impression on me. One I couldn't shake off. Her fiery red hair, her piercing gaze, her charcoal grey eyes holding a lifetime of secrets. During my search to find more information about her, the more I looked the less I found, she was like ghost or a phantom somehow. It only fueled my desire to know more about her, to uncover the secrets and mystery around her.
Days turned to weeks, those weeks turned into months, there was no trace of her history or background anywhere. It's like no one knows anything about her, her real name or her history before she came to England. The dream I had last night was vivid, almost real. In the dream, I woke up next to her in her home. We were lying in bed, our bodies entangled, and she was smiling at me. I reached out to touch her face, but then I woke up.
This dream was almost real, by the time I sat up I was awake. She wasn't there and I was alone in my bedroom, breathing heavily, feeling a mix of both disappointment and longing. The dream was my safe way of getting to know her without the fear of being rejected, without any risk of losing her or her disappearing like ash in the wind.
I continued to think of the dream I had throughout the day, it was so intimate and tender. The warmth of the embrace still lingering as if it actually did happen that morning. In my dreams I have found solace in the dream world where Red and I were together. Unbothered by the risks and uncertainties the world had outside.
I couldn't help but wonder what her life must have been long before she came to England, what she did before and how she manages to move around so fast. As the days go by rumors of her being a spy to being an assassin started to occur.
Aleksandr her younger brother, he usually helped out when it came to work and business matters. Even he didn't know much about her and their mother is the only person that does.
"My mother knows more than I do, whenever I asked her about her past she never said much about it. Although I can tell you one thing, her real name is Oksana Volkova." Aleksandr stated one afternoon.
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ryuzakemo128 · 1 year
Four Horsemen
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Chapter Five: Don't Tell Me The Odds
Pairing: Alfie Solomons x Red [Female Reader]
Genre: Modern, sci-fi, fantasy, fluff, mystery
Masterlist: Link
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Trigger Warnings:
Mention of possible mental illness and nightmares
Authors Note: Longer chapter this time around. Sorry for the wait, I hope you like this one. The next one might come out the same day, but that all depends on what happens after doing stuff outside of the house.
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[Red's Point of View]
Nightmares of the past and the things I have done in the past, the insomnia crawling over like a cosmic horror threatening to devour what little sanity I had left. Memories of bloodshed and other horrifying things I done, staying up late into the night. Distracting myself with the designs I wanted to in place my house I was building, sleep sung like a siren's call both tempting and alluring. Plans to look over, to distract from the lull of a sleep where night terrors waited for me like a predator lurking in the darkness.
After staring at the plans for the past three and a half hours, she got up and started to get ready for her morning bath, lighting candles smelling of lavender and jasmine, hoping to create a soothing yet calming ambiance to settle back into a lulled sleep. Putting Epsom salts into the hot water to ease my tired muscles, as the bathtub fills up with hot water.
I turned calming sounds of the ocean rushing on the sandy beach and rushing back, and I started to undress, shedding the weight of yesterday. Along with my clothes I was sleeping in from the day before. Tension started to dissipate as I stepped into the bath, the sweet smelling candles and the sounds of the ocean calmed my mind. As if it scared off the horrors of my nightmares and thoughts of yesterday drifted away, like a boat in the ocean.
Warm water embraced my body like a warm hug, soothing my bones and muscled. The bathroom was dimly lit as I haven't replaced the blown out bulb just yet, the flickering flame making shifting shadows against the walls of the bathroom. Almost like they were dancing.
The nightmares were all the same, only the people inside of them change with each one.
"I'm so tired of these nightmares," I said to myself as I sank further into the salty hot water. "I just want to sleep soundly for one night."
I looked over at the clock again, it was already 4:45am, dawn will come in the next five minutes and the day will finally start. After having a bath, I felt warm and relaxed, ready to get back to working on my house. The cellars were in place and the base foundation was complete.
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After the walls were put into place, the cottage started to take shape and my vision is coming into reality the more work is done into it. The more work I put into my home the more of my dream home came to life. I wanted to make it perfect, I wanted to make sure it had everything I needed and more. After the structure continue to come together, the more time I spent living in my friend's home and I felt bad about it, despite them being fine with it.
As the details were added, one by one, the crimson red roof tiling, the wooden carvings on the front porch with the rocking chair on the front porch covered by a thick knitted blanket in time for winter's cold breath. The front door had stained glass in the middle of the door, depicting a red rose in the middle.
The windows of the house were done to able to look outside and to make sure no one could look inside, providing both privacy and a view. Interior design a blend of industrial and gothic styles, the exposed brick walls, ornate chandeliers hanging from high ceilings. Furniture mix of both antique and modern pieces.
The polished black wooden flooring throughout the entire cottage, sleek and sophisticated looks. The two skull planters outside the front door with black Baccara Roses inside the two of them. I could finally move into my home as the main parts came together after five months.
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ryuzakemo128 · 1 year
Four Horsemen
Chapter Two: The Enigmatic Connection
Pairing: Alfie Solomons x Red (Female Reader)
Genre: Modern, sci-fi, fantasy, fluff, mystery
Masterlist: Link
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Chapter Summary: Intrigued by the alluring Red, Alfie delves into the enigmatic woman's past. Her captivating presence and piercing eyes hide a depth of secrets. As whispers of her involvement with the Russian intelligence agency and connections to the criminal underworld circulate, Alfie becomes consumed by curiosity.
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(Alfie's Solomons point of view)
As I observed the woman calling herself Red, I couldn't help but be intrigued by her. Her presence is mysterious and alluring. There were sharp features and piercing charcoal grey eyes that carried a sense of depth, containing a host of experiences I could only imagine. Her thick Russian accent adds exoticism to her alluring, captivating persona. 
I had only heard whispers in the underworld and in the Jewish community about her, and I was only aware of rumors about her. In this part of the world, rumors like these spread like wildfire. In my opinion, the rumors did not do her justice as she seemed to exude an aura of power and intelligence which should have been worthy of respect, despite all of the rumors. I didn't know what to say to her at the time. She was gone in a matter of moments, and I was left to wonder who she was.
It is impossible not to be curious about her, to want to know what lies beneath the facets of her and what hides beneath her personality. "Who was that?" I asked Katya in response to my question. Having both a sense of suspicion and a sense of curiosity at the same time. 
"That was Red, my friend. She's an engineer and tech expert who moved to England recently. She's been assisting me with the setup of my company's network. I've known her for quite some time now, and I have found her to be trustworthy and skilled." Katya replied, looking at me with a narrowed gaze. 
As I raised my eyebrows, my interest was piqued even further. There is something about her that intrigues me, so I would like to know more about her. What else can you tell me about her?"
The moment Katya considered the amount of information she should reveal, she hesitated for a moment. It wasn't until she had shared a bit more information that she decided to share more. There is much more to Red than just being an engineer. There is a history of Red with the Russian intelligence agency the FSB. Although her departure from the agency was a mystery, it was well known that she was a formidable operative. She is highly skilled and has a reputation for getting things done. I have heard whispers about her being connected to the criminal underworld as well."
My question to her was, "What do you mean by that?" 
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