darlin-collins · 2 years
So before i joined this god for saken hole of tumblr that made my Darlin more depressed my Darlin's hc was
• he/him
• has homo parents that love and care for them
•all of the family are shifters
• And all of them love E n E games and attended it every year (for awhile)
•same age as david and ash (24)
•best friends with Arden
•hate christian's guts
•Quinn wasn't their bf, he was a friend in a friend group with that unempowered friend too
In gonna stick by this for this hc
So i said that the whole family loved the E n E games and attended it every year
And Sam was turned in 2010
And Darlin was born in 1998
So how about when Darlin was about 4-6 years old their all time favorite E n E player was and is N.54 which is Samuel Collins
And they met him once and took a picture with Sam using magic to make Darlin fly so he's in eye level with them, they didn't know his name was Sam they never used names so they always used 54 when talking about him
Years later after Sam met Darlin's parents and all that and he's comfortable with them and Sam know how they loved E n E before but then they stopped going to it and all that
Darlin asked Sam if he would feel comfortable to watch a 2004-2005 game with all of them
When Sam agreed and all they sat there amd Watched together all four of them
Until n.54 showed up
Darlin said to Sam "n.54 was and is my favorite player, i wouder where life had take him... "
Sam wide eyed stared at Darlin, their eyes forced in the screen
It took them a while, but then they looked at their boyfriend, and then at the screen, over and over before
"don't tell me that's you over there"
"i won't tell ya"
And when Darlin's parents realized that one of them jumped up and brought a picture
The picture that Sam and Darlin took together 20 years ago...
Needless to say Sam got a new nickname
Ya but all this is down the trash can now
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alextales709 · 3 years
Seeing you two sisters (I'm talking about you and @kuvvydraws here) have dates with Boss is really cute! But my real question is, how Boss survives you two chaotic sisters BTW?😂
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Am I right sis? 
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alexisdrawstrash · 4 years
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Please refer to the information provided. Here’s a transcript of additional information:
◘ Prices are in USD.
◘ Commissions take around 2-14 days AFTER payment to be finished. If you paid for an illustration, you will receive a sketch before I proceed with the coloring stage to add or remove anything you like.
◘ Payment information is to be discussed through email.
◘ I am in my right to deny any commission if I am uncomfortable with the request.
Thank you for considering commissioning me! I truly appreciate it!
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So for context my sister doesn’t care about Dan and Phil. I’m the one who likes them.
We are in the car and she randomly asks to see a photo of modern Phil (no emo hair) and I say on and show her a photo. Her response?
He looks like a mole rat.
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alexjosten · 6 years
AFTG AU where everything is the same except instead of saying “I’m fine” Neil says “We gucci”
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alexson467-blog · 5 years
Family be like :
* neglects you *
* neglects you *
* neglects you *
* neglects you *
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alexsfictions · 6 years
Anyone who watches under nineteen?👀
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spidey-girl62 · 6 years
TV Tag Game
Rules: post 10 gifs of your favorite TV Shows without the titles, then tag 10 people
I was tagged by @fallingforparker <3 
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I tag: @starkravingparker @spideycity @hazandholland @fyeahmarvel @spidermenace @dailyspiderman @runawaysource @cendaya @cosmetologynerd @epic-sky
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alexstfuistg · 2 years
// going to use this blog for RBs and random talking-to-myself moments! don't mind me //
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angstytodd-inactive · 6 years
Hey buddies, so obviously I haven’t been posting and I’m not really as active as I’d like to be.  But have no worries I’m still working on all the requests I have and I haven’t forgotten about them at all.  That being said I’m going to be stretched thin this year bc I was dumb and signed up for three AP classes and totally forgot marching band was a thing.  So it’s gonna take a while for me to completely finish any requests that I’m working on.  
Thank you for being patient and please continue doing so.  I wish all of ya’ll in school luck and to have a good rest of the day. Love ya’ll!
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castielsan · 2 years
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I'm still working on this week haha made by the lovely @zu-is-here
I want to talk about a condition that is important to talk about it bc some people may have it without diagnostic
I took my time to have my own diagnostic who is : Allodynia
In fact for me, my skin is really painfull to touch, temperature and pressure, contact so a basic shower can become painful like being stabbed by many needles or my own clothes are really painfull every day against my skin..
Here more about it with the wiki : here
Pain is never easy to live with but they're solution for it hopefully
I wish you a good health and a happy life 💞 but please talk about it around you for more visibility about this condition 🧡 Thank you !
Btw I'm working on a TikTok for this drawing haha a little speedpaint
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the jojo fandom (mostly the dudebro side but i see it in the gay side as well) has a big issue with sexism and generally just being the worst towards the female characters in the show
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alextales709 · 3 years
fedora papayrus is what papyrus almost was in the undertale games
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No wayyyyyyyyyyyy?!?!? 😳😳😳
Thanks buddy, for I know the truth now.
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alexisdrawstrash · 5 years
ya’ll, i apologize for not hurrying up with this comic
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Honestly I just need content
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alexjosten · 5 years
i know multiple people, myself included, who need "a break" from AFTG right now, and i wonder if that's because of our fandom's inability to go two weeks without kicking up some sort of dumb drama
it's real disappointing to see content creators who've done nothing wrong being pushed out from this site and our fandom.
please consider the impact of your actions. your "call out" post might be intended for one person, but its negativity will spread to the rest of our small community and it gets exhausting to read and be on the periphery of constantly. if someone has done something wrong, approaching them with kindness and careful explanation of the issue is the best way to resolve things peacefully. i know this is exhausting when you seem to be surrounded by people making mistakes. if aggression is the only answer then perhaps you need to take a step back and just block and not engage.
i come to tumblr and to fandom to relax and disengage after working a high stress job during the day. if every time i come here all i can see is people making posts about "oh welp there's more drama again" then it just keeps my anxiety levels up. it's not healthy. so i need a break. i'm really sorry to readers who have been patiently waiting for the next chapter of HDS, i'll need some more time before i feel ready to come back to it.
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