odrseasonone · 7 months
If we’re having cassius kill himself in order to stop Severax, we should give an example of how that works earlier in the series, in addition to simply stating it so that 1) it’ll feel like ~that’s the death we were foreshadowing w all that talk of it and 2) it’ll stick w them more abd thus maje more sense at the climax rather than just ‘wait why is he killing himself?? Omg abd now severax is dead wtf whyyyy ohhhh wait didn’t they once mention smth abt that’ etc etc so!! Yeahhh someone, say Ivette perhaps, should die/be killed in s2/3/at the v latest early s4, and then we watch her totally healthy dragon die as a result of her demise
Side note: Perhaps given this, to compensate for team heroes ti have a slightly less lopsided situation, Cordelia should have her egg hatch sooner (she does go north and we already have a northern egg — the thorel egg — but no outcome planned for it that i recall so that could be hers potentially if we go this route?) so she can be a dragonrider ~at the final battle (tho idk if we want it big enough to ride it not she’d stay least have magic/be immune to fire etc) and her conflict can be that 1) she’s a dragonrider w/o a master till she hooks up w roran and co at the v end 2) she’s been raised to hate/fear these guys for killing her fam etc and now she ~is one 3) she might not know abt the dragonriders take no part strictures bc she has no one to teach her and thus we can explore what it looks like when a dragonrider ~does try to be a queen even when that person means well etc bc literally flying off isn’t the best way to rule etc and come to an arc of — from having been an arrogant arrington to — (at the risk of quoting Kanye West) no one man should have all that power etc (which would all actually really neatly tie into her character arc too), and ultimately kneeling to Alex as king etc as og planned
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atlasxiv · 1 year
gay, gay, homosexual, gay
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other stats I have
top ten rps based on average # of comments per site:
On the Oceanfront
The Fae Wars
The Long Forgotten Realm
The Valerian Wars
Of Dragon Riders
Folkloric Truths
The Holiday Theme
Uprya Rising
Face Your Fears or Die
Think on Their Sins
top 25 characters based on # of posts:
Dmitrei Massard - OF DRAGON RIDERS
Alexandir Godiva - OF DRAGON RIDERS
Valerie Connors - ON THE OCEANFRONT
Celia Beaumont - OF DRAGON RIDERS
Guin Fontaine - OF DRAGON RIDERS
Arthur Arrington - OF DRAGON RIDERS
Roland Marks - THE FAE WARS
Becca Thompson - ON THE OCEANFRONT
Helena Godiva - OF DRAGON RIDERS
Cordelia Stafford - THE VALERIAN WARS
Cassimir Malconaire - THE LONG FORGOTTEN REALM
Robert Persimmons - THE FAE WARS
Cecily Turner - THE FAE WARS
Alexander Lambton - THE VALERIAN WARS
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d1mason · 1 month
🇺🇦 Балерина в срібній фарбі 📸
My Grand Daughter with Alexandir Provost ❤️!
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sanfranlvrs · 2 years
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doodles of my new owl house oc, Alexandire. theyre a healing coven witch w a curse passed down thru heritage that turns them into a lich when they turn 30. they have 6 years left 😔
their palisman is a raven named Poe
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bickwrites · 7 years
Hello, I just wanted to say that I really love your writing style and how you manage to make all your characters come to life. If it's ok to ask, are you planning to write a piece on Alexander Pavos and his family? I always found him and his family to be interesting people. I understand if you're too busy but I wanted to ask.
No problem, thanks for the ask! I’m glad you’re interested in the Pavoses actually because I do intend for them to take center stage in the third Magus Verse story (which will be a long time coming…but I’m already planning it out hohoho). I also have written a little short about Alexandir and Philomel, which I’m putting below under the cut if you’re interested. ^v^
An energos’ scent stirred the air of the Consort’s Court. The heavy musk cut through the sweetness that normally suffused the air, sharp as a heated blade, but it didn’t stir to life any of Philomel Pavos’ instincts.
Indeed, instead of burning her blood and leaving her weak-kneed, it filled her with a calm reassurance. Why shouldn’t it? She recognized the sharp piney tinge to the scent instantly.
It was her brother.
So Philomel remained kneeling before the low table in the private room, her composure perfectly intact. When the door slid open, she sat further upright and put on a calm smile.
A tall man ducked through the door. He moved with the bold, sleek confidence of an energos, a jarring contrast to the elegant ministra stateliness that surrounded Philomel every day. As her brother went to kneel opposite her, the already cozy room seemed to shrink in size, barely able to contain his presence.
Ever since she was little, this was how Philomel had seen her brother - more a force of nature than a human being, with a natural gift for compelling attention wherever he went. When she was younger, she’d believed he could do anything. Now she knew better, but she still couldn’t help relaxing in his presence.
Her brother was here. He would make everything all right.
Alexandir Pavos smiled at her with the forest-green eyes they shared. “It’s been a while. Sorry I couldn’t come sooner, Mel.”
“It’s no problem,” Philomel said. “I’m glad to see you, big brother.”
A Silent Servant served them tea and delicate finger sweets, then left the siblings alone. Through the thin paper and bamboo walls, Philomel could hear the muffled sounds from the rest of the Lotus Mansion - murmuring voices, tinkling string music, the rhythmic tread of servants - but otherwise it was like she and Alexandir were in their own world. These private rooms were the only places where ministra could meet their energos relatives within the coral walls of the Consort’s Court.
Alexandir lived at the royal palace but rarely visited her; he trusted her to take care of herself, and he was quite busy with his work on the Circle of Magi besides. But he had come personally today, because the matter was just that serious.
They didn’t talk about it at first. Philomel poured cups of the fragrant jasmine tea for her brother and herself, and they nibbled at the rice flour dumplings and rosewater candies and lightly chatted about their family back in the Forestlands, her lessons, court gossip. Philomel almost let herself get drawn into the simple comfort of conversing with her brother, where she didn’t have to carefully appraise every word she said and observe for signs of subterfuge and deception.
But that wasn’t the way life worked at court. Not even between family members. Eventually, Alexandir set down his cup and looked at her with serious eyes and said, “Mel, I’m so sorry.”
“Sorry for what, big brother?” Philomel kept her voice soft and pleasant, showing the demure submissiveness that had been drilled in her since she had manifested, but her pulse had begun to race. At last, they were cutting to the chase.
“I had no idea….” Sighing, Alexandir raked a hand through his wavy golden hair. “Honestly, that capricious little prince. To think he’d reject you like that - he has no manners.”
Yes, indeed. Life at court, unpredictable as it might be, still followed a basic rhythm. All the players were in tacit agreement of the rules. Until the prince had gone and broken them.
The entire court was still reeling from his announcement a week ago. If Philomel thought too hard about it, the shock stabbed her heart anew, sharp as a bolt of lightning - and just as unexpected. Ever since then, she hadn’t been able to escape the whispers, the furtive glances, the eyes that looked at her with pity.
Philomel couldn’t stand it. She was a Pavos, the most powerful House in Senero. None should pity her.
She kept her rage to herself, of course. It was unseemly for a ministra to display such forward emotions. She must always be pleasant, gentle, kind. All her teachers had taught her over the years. Charm was the weapon of a ministra, and she would use it to ensnare the prince’s heart and advance the Pavos cause. This was her duty to her family, and Philomel had never resented it. Why should she?
Ever since she had manifested as a ministra, ever since her mama had braided the first peacock hairpin into her hair and given her her first set of cosmetics, everyone had told her the same. One day, she would be Royal Consort.
If she was sweet and charming enough. If she practiced her wood magic and became the strongest and most skilled. If she danced with grace and sang with beauty. She would stand above all the ministra and the prince would only have eyes for her. Philomel had never envisioned another destiny for herself.
Often she imagined her bonding ceremony - ministra always did, and many of them imagined bonding with the prince themselves. But while her fellows fantasized, Philomel looked upon them with smug pity because she knew they were just fantasies, while for her it would be reality. It would be her standing beside the prince clad in the peacock robes of Pavos House, the most beautiful ministra in the palace, the most adored, the most fortunate. They would cheer and sing, courtiers, foreigners, and commoners alike, and it would all be because of her.
Now…now it would never come to pass. And she was angry, yes, even though it was unseemly, but more than angry she was disappointed. In her brother, her parents, her tutors, for their blithe reassurances and unshaking faith in her - but above all in herself.
She had tried her best, but it wasn’t good enough.
“Mel.” Alexandir’s voice snapped her back to reality. He leaned across the table toward her, his eyes shining with concern. “Don’t be so depressed now. It’s not over. The prince may have made his decision, but he’s not the only one who gets to choose. The matter of who he bonds with affects all of Senero. Do you think the rest of his family and courtiers will allow his selfish decision to go forward unchallenged?”
“No, big brother,” Philomel said, soft and dutiful.
“That’s right.” Alexandir spoke with increasing energy. “The royal family has always bonded into the Six Great Houses. We are the very foundation of Senero. The Queen and Consort understand this. How could they countenance their heir tying himself to a family of fish merchants? It’s absurd. I have already raised my objections with Her Majesty and Lord Hazan, and I plan to speak to His Highness about it as well.”
“Even so, the decision is the prince’s,” Philomel murmured, gazing at her faint reflection in her half-drained teacup.
“He must take his family’s input in consideration,” Alexandir said. “Mel, have heart. We haven’t lost yet. We just need a new avenue of attack.”
He was reassuring her, yet to Philomel’s dismay it didn’t banish the discontent swirling inside her. Alexandir had not brought it up yet - indeed, it seemed he was deliberately avoiding the subject - but they both knew the real reason why the prince had rejected her. In spite of all her hard work, in spite of the path the Pavos family had so carefully prepared for her.
And it angered Philomel that she’d never once suspected, not until it had been too late. Yes, Aramy Basquiale came from the most insignificant of insignificant houses - but there remained the crucial fact that he was an aether magus. The first to arrive in the palace in generations.
Through her multiple dates and interviews with the prince, Philomel had come to understand one thing about him very well. Even if she had never met him, she would know from the rumors alone. He was obsessed with strength. Obsessed with it, and insecure over his lack of it, and Pavos had hoped to exploit this fact to put themselves in an advantageous position once they tied Philomel to him.
They’d been outwitted by Aramy Basquiale’s very existence. Pavos was powerful, yes, but not in the way that mattered most to the prince - the way that could most help him. Money, political power, influence - what did that matter compared to raw magical potential?
Philomel was a strong magus. She prided herself for this. How could she be a Pavos otherwise? From the moment she’d manifested her aura, controlling plants had come as easily to her as breathing. Now, even unbound as she was, she had already learned how to grow trees in quick-time from a single seed. It was only right for the one who would someday be the most powerful ministra in Senero.
When she was little and still living in the Pavos estate, her tutors had rhapsodized about the prince’s skill with water aura, how it would complement her wood aura perfectly. They would be able to cast the strongest spells together, his water feeding her wood. But when she’d met the prince, she came to understand the truth. The prince could barely summon a single raindrop. His strength would not be able to augment hers in any appreciable matter. She would be the stronger one in the relationship. It might be unnatural, but Philomel had told herself it was all right, because it ensured she would hold the advantage. And through that advantage, she would help Pavos House.
But of course if the prince found a way to give himself the power he so desired, he would seize it in a heartbeat. How come it had never once crossed Philomel’s mind?
“I should have seen it, big brother,” she found herself saying. “I knew all along that Lord Basquiale was an aether magus, but I never even suspected  - ”
“That’s right, it all boils down to this Lord Basquiale,” Alexandir said, drumming his fingertips on the tabletop. “I should have kept a more careful eye on him…I met him a few times at dances, and he impressed me with his unusal appearance, but he never stood out to me otherwise. He always seemed like the shy, retiring type. But you surely must know him better than me.”
The worst thing was there was no reproach in Alexandir’s voice; he wasn’t blaming her. It didn’t make Philomel feel any better. “I don’t, really. He was like that in the Consort’s Court, too. He kept to himself. He didn’t seem interested in forming alliances with powerful families. I don’t think I’ve ever exchanged more than five words with him.”
In retrospect, it was amazing how well Aramy Basquiale had managed to hide himself, slipping away so inconspicuously into the background that sometimes Philomel even forgot he existed. Even if he was from a house far beneath her notice, he ought to stand out by virtue of his unusual appearance and even more unusual aura. Instead, Philomel’s main impression of the man was that he tended to spend his time in the library and was a decent nature painter. He’d won one or two poetry competitions, once turned down a bonding offer from Saunt House, and that was about the limit of Philomel’s knowledge of him.
Now it was obvious what he’d been doing. Cloaking himself in innocuousness so as to not appear a threat, only to swoop in at the final moment and claim his prize in a way that ensured the prince would never be able to refuse.
He had outplayed her, he had done it perfectly, and she didn’t know if she could ever recover. She was a Pavos. Destined for greatness. The perfect ministra.
Silly of her. She’d allowed herself to forget. The perfect ministra wasn’t the most beautiful, the most graceful, the most noble, the most magically skilled. The perfect ministra was the one who supported their energos the best. Philomel could never do it; she would always outshine the weak prince.
But a ministra whose aura by its very nature augmented other auras might well make the perfect ministra.
Philomel’s hands started to shake. She mentally cursed her lack of composure and folded them in her lap, hidden away beneath the table so Alexandir wouldn’t see. Even so, the concern on his face was obvious.
She didn’t want him to look at her like that - him, least of all. She’d always wanted him to think of her as capable, one worthy of carrying the future of Pavos House in her hands.
“You know I’m here for you, Mel,” Alexandir said gently. “I will speak to the prince, the Queen, Lord Hazan, the Consort, the vizier - whoever I need to. I’ll learn more about Lord Basquiale, I’ll find a way to defeat him. As long as we don’t give up, the future is bright. I’m your big brother. I promise, I will give you the crown that you deserve.”
“Thank you, big brother.” Philomel lowered her head in a brief, respectful bow. Funny how his words left her completely cold. If anything, the doubt only gnawed a bigger hole into her heart.
She already understood that she had lost. Alexandir didn’t know the prince like she did - he didn’t see the gaping patheticness inside him, that desperate, floundering desire to prove himself, to be strong. It had always disgusted Philomel, in a faint way, listening to him ramble about his prowess with swords or how he was practicing his rain-summoning spells. The prince should not be like this, she always thought even as she nodded and smiled and flattered him. He should be so assured of his skill that he has no need to speak of it.
Carnelio Azed was nothing like the fairytale prince she had imagined back in her innocent days at the Pavos estate. Maybe he looked the part. Tall, handsome, with intense dark blue eyes that made Philomel feel as though she were falling into the ocean - but when he spoke it was only weak and pathetic words that oozed out. When he smiled it was odious and false. When he kissed her hand it was clumsy, devoid of passion.
When he talked it was only about himself. When he gave gifts he was blustering, overly proud of his magnaminity. The prince of Philomel’s imagination was calm, brave, dashing, gracious. He made her feel safe and protected, loved and cherished, the perfect epitome of energos dominance.
Philomel knew such a prince had probably never existed in real life, but Carnelio Azed was perhaps as far from it as a person could get. She told herself she was fine with it. This was not for her, it was for Pavos House. Even if she loathed him, she would still become Royal Consort. This thought got her through countless awkward dates with him.
Yet even as she dreamed of her bonding day, she never let herself imagine what would come after. Their bonded life. It was too sickening a prospect to face. Most likely it would be just like their courtship, as empty and insincere. She would have to watch every word, take care not to tread upon his fragile ego, while he gave absolutely nothing to her. And she was fine with that, really, except in her heart, she…foolish. Childish. Alexandir would make fun of her for it.
But she didn’t want to spend the rest of her life manipulating her energos. She wanted what her more romantic fellows sighed and pined for. To let herself follow the energos’ lead, to give in to his command, to fall into his arms and never have to think about anything ever again besides being by his side. To experience true submission. How wonderful it would feel. How freeing.
And now her life with the prince might never come to be, and…Philomel did not want to admit it. Especially not with her brother in the room, so determined to continue fighting for her. But a shameful selfish part of her, buried deep inside, was glad that she would not have to bond with the Crown Prince.
Weak. Wrong. She was a proud Pavos and a Pavos could not simply concede like that.
Alexandir reached across the table, and Philomel reached for his hand, and when his warm strong fingers squeezed hers, she squeezed back just as hard. “I promise,” he whispered. “Mel, I won’t stop fighting for you.”
“I know you won’t, big brother,” Philomel said, and she knew he meant it, and she was grateful, but it didn’t stop the faint pulse of sadness somewhere deep in her heart.
Was Alexandir fighting for her, or for Pavos House? They were one and the same, she reminded herself. And it wasn’t like he really knew what she thought of the prince. She had never revealed it - it would be ungrateful. Undutiful. Not after everything her family had done to get her into this position, and not after everything she had done for their sake.
She’d never be free from this, not as long as she was a Pavos. Perhaps for a Pavos ministra, there could never be true submission.
It didn’t matter. She didn’t need an energos to submit to. Not as long as she had a brother who would protect her and care for her. The bonds of blood were thicker than anything else, even the bond of magic.
“For Pavos House,” she said, “we won’t ever give up.”
“Of course not.” Alexandir winked. “That’s what Pavoses do. No little Basquiale will stand in our way.”
They smiled at each other above their clasped hands, and though Philomel’s doubts and fears didn’t disappear, they felt further away than ever.
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odrinfo-blog · 7 years
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ooc | Alexander & Eli
Hello! Alexander despises Eli!!!! so much!!!!!!
He does not deal well with insubordination!!!!! And I can even see where Eli may have overpowered Alexander when he was beating his servant and!!!! omg!!! no!!!!! no one is stronger than Alex so how dare Eli ~pretend (akak prove haha) that he is!!!! Also, not sure if Eli just escaped right after that or if he spent some jail time in Lostaria before escaping (either way, Alex will not deal well with him evading punishment either!!!!!). 
I feel like Alexander possibly even has an obsession with catching him again b/c he’s a witness to Alexander’s failures to defeat an opponent haha and I feel like he’s probably also tied him to a bunch of other crimes that he didn’t commit (like rape and murder and basically anY situation where they have a serious crime and no suspect, Alexander is like “well obviously eli wright is your man!!!!” and is honestly one step away from viewing Eli like Avelina views Alexandir tbh ;DDD) 
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odrseasonone · 1 year
So it occurred to me that…maybe the southern wars should be ongoing until and maybe even into s2. I’ll explain
It would give us a chance to explore aragoth’s over all situation as a country by looking at it from the outside and as a public entity rather than simply seeing it internally
It would give the privy council smth to do and our baddies smth to work towards as well as give the fledgling resistance more cover under which to cement themselves making all groups more active than passive characters and improving the perceived competence of each group
It would give Alex more of a plot line and we could even have him finding spare moments to try and search out aalis — in fact, perhaps he could give all the clues the audience needs to realize it’s valery even if ~he doesn’t have enough info abt a rando pirate girl to know
If we wanted, we could intro the Barrets and maybe the moysaunts (perhaps Alex encounters them continuing their moms work as they can looking out for refugees being nurses whatever — perhaps we even see flashes in the bg of crisana being sweet on e/o etc) earlier, given their huge significance to the endgame (tho I wouldn’t intro much more than that and even them I’m kinda quasi on tbqh — maybe just ned and cris as Alex’s lieutenants and then we could flesh them out in s2)
So those’re some pros, there are cons but the main one I can think of is just that Alex is home for good chunks if s1, but I think we could have him home for part of the season and at war for part easily enough and I think this would be easy to do. So, why is he at the ball? Some potentials!
Helena casually mentioned that she missed him so rowena straight up recalled him to be there fir her (esp since she’s planning his demise she felt she owed it to them both etc etc)
He was injured in some way that he needed expert care and isn’t battlefield ready but can do normal stuff — maybe an arm/leg wound of some kind or even like an internal organ thing idk we could figure this out (since we wanted to change the way he was disabled this could even play into that?)
Alex knows Rowena’s planning to kill him so he took leave to see helena one last time hoping he could do her some real good before going back to war to die (tho spectacular if this could easily go hand in hand w 1 or 2)
Also, if we did this, we might wanna move his engagement to Evie but I don’t see this as much of an issue one way or another. It could up the stakes if we ~do move it since avelina could do smth that causes rowena to retaliate in this way (maybe betrothing lynessa and Jon as in the og plot iirc?) + then we’d have the build up of avelina and Alex’s relationship already done, plus it’d give us an excuse for another big court event (maybe a masquerade? Anyway!) when the isles and defeated, but honestly we could also leave the engagement where it is.
Anyway idK that we’d have much of the war itself on screen unless we wanted to? I feel like we’d probs handle it more like HotD did the war in the stepstones — mostly just character development, smth for them to do when we don’t have a plot in mind, etc. Also we could depict (probs in s2) the end of the war w ivette and Romayne both betraying the southern isles for aragoth etc and get a lil character introduction done that way too etc
Mostly it’d serve to keep Alex and cassius esp but also council lords and rowena from sitting around twiddling their thumbs and thus looking incompetent as the resistance grows etc while also giving us a chance to dissect and evolve their various goals motives etc plus actively striving towards smth always builds character in audience pov — plus it’d give context to the pirates backstories haha but that’s honestly fringe and neither here nor there haha
I also had some other thoughts abt this but I can’t think now but yeah things to consider I suppose!
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teknisyenarif · 5 years
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🌸🌸🌸 ’Var mı Allah’tan yukarı, kabirden aşağı? Boş ver mutlu olmaya bak Bir gün olacak ruhum yukarı, bedenim aşağı 🌸🌸🌸 (BU BİR REKLAMDIR) Özel Turkuaz Polikliniği 2004 yılında "Turkuaz Güzellik Merkezi" olarak faaliyetlerine başlamıştır. Fethiye'de açılan ilk epilasyon merkezidir. 2010 yılında Özel Turkuaz Polikliniği'ne dönüşmüştür, şehir merkezinde sadece polikliniğe ait özel bir binada hizmet vermeye devam etmektedir. 4 farklı lazer epilasyon cihazına (Diode, Alexandirate Hava Üflemeli, Alexandirate Gaz Üflemeli ve Nd YAG) sahip olan Özel Turkuaz Polikliniği, bünyesinde çalışan 9 deneyimli personel ile, Botox, Dolgu, Radyofrekans, PRP, Bölgesel İncelme, Leke/Sivilce Tedavisi, Saç Dökülmesi, vb konularda müşterilerine hizmet vermektedir. 2004'ten beri büyüyerek ve iyileşerek faaliyetlerine devam eden Özel Turkuaz Polikliniği için müşteri memnuniyeti öncelikli hedeftir. İhtiyacı olan herkese tavsiye ediyorum 1* #turkuazpoliklinik 2* #fethiye 3* #reklam 4* #muğla 5* #epilasyon (Özel Turkuaz Polikliniği) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bx5cRYiFJVh/?igshid=1r7of1d0tpkey
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romaynevitalis · 6 years
Suspicions | Evie & Romayne
Genevieve Beaumont had been an advocate for the release of Alexandir Godiva from the moment he had been imprisoned. She demanded a fair trial on his behalf; the one he was given had been a sham. Even Romayne Vitalis, who had never once attended an Aragothi trial, could tell that it had all only been for show. The Queen knew that she would declare her uncle guilty before it began. 
The Duke hadn’t a chance of being set free. 
Romanye had watched it all with a sense of foreshadowing: he looked at Alexandir: poor and miserable and helpless and he saw his own future. How long would it be before he was put to death for a crime he did not commit because he had outlived his usefulness to the Queen? 
Everyone seemed a little on edge now, except the Queen herself, who would never show such weakness, even if she felt it (although Romayne doubted that Rowena Godiva would quake in fear in front of anyone, little less her uncle - even if he had murdered Jon Valles). Genevieve Beaumont, however, seemed calm in comparison (especially, Romayne thought, when in contrast with her mother). Part of Romayne wondered if Genevieve had gone to Alexandir Godiva’s aid. Romayne himself had betrayed his own brother in order to do what he thought was right. He wondered if Evie Beaumont had done the same.
Rowena had gathered her family around her this evening in the great hall. For their own protection, she had said, they would all stay near her tonight. When Rowena broke away to speak with Cassius on political matters, Romayne casually left her side and approached Genevieve. 
“I hope you are not frightened,” He said, slipping into the empty seat next to her, “Although ... I confess I would not blame you if you were. The man who stands accused of murdering your brother has escaped from the most secure prison in all the world with the man who kidnapped your sister.” He took a sip of wine, watching her as closely as he could without looking directly at her. “I wonder how they managed it.” 
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rp-comments · 6 years
Kate AA | Of Dragon Riders
LAST UPDATED: 05/08/18 @ 10:30AM EST
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dmitreimassard · 7 years
A Dragon Freed | Dmitrei & Evie
He had been roused in the early hours of the morning. 
Hours before his execution, Alexandir Godiva and the small gang of pirates had escaped from the prisons. Only once before had any man managed to break free from that place and that was nearly sixteen years ago when Alaric de Montfort disappeared from his cell as though by magic. (Dmitrei had a sneaking suspicion that Dezód had been behind that one). 
Had he been behind this as well? 
He had not been expecting Alexandir to find a way out, but would have betted that Harrion would. Death did not touch him. He braved even the Isle of the Damned and lived to tell the tale. 
This had been a setback in his plans. He’d meant to do away with Alexandir and Jon (and eventually Arthur, as well) all through that one act. But someone had thrown a wrench in those plans. It did not anger him. In a strange way, it pleased him. The business with Jon Valles had been too easy to execute and he was ready for a real challenge. 
He calmly walked the halls of the palace. The guards had been doubled after the murder and now they had been doubled again. There was a set of guards manning every door and a pair followed him around, even now. 
He stopped when he crossed paths with Evie Beaumont, who was being followed by a tail of guards of her own. “My lady,” He said, bowing his head, “I’m sure you have heard the news? How is your mother?” He asked. He already knew the answer. He had never seen her so angry as she was when she had heard the news. If she was not mad around, this news would certainly drive her to it. She would be even more difficult to deal with, now. 
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bickwrites · 5 years
First post of the new year are some silly character facts/headcanons.
Singing As a general rule, ministra are trained to sing because many of their spells require it. Therefore very few are actually bad singers, but some are more talented/passionate about it than others.
Kestrel is a terrible singer; he rarely does it willingly and if he’s forced to do it, is the type to yell or belt very loudly to cover up his complete inability to carry a tune. Most of his experience involves being roped into joining bawdy drinking songs as a cadet
.Aramy is a decent singer, above average for a ministra, but not especially talented. His voice is nice and clear, but not very memorable. Outside of casting spells, he sings poetry sometimes.
Ilya is only about as good of a singer as he absolutely needs to be, and even then he rarely performs singing spells (he can get away with it because they mostly involve buffing, which doesn’t work for his and Dracen’s relationship where he does the bulk of the fighting). In a modern day setting he’d be a great emo punk rocker, but he’s near hopeless with the sweet, delicate style expected of ministra. 
Dracen is actually quite a good singer, with a smooth and mellow baritone. He’s good at holding notes, too. He’ll hum to himself and sing for Ilya’s sake, but doesn’t do it often in public except at occasions where it’s expected like hymns and at ceremonies/festivals.
Carnelio can’t sing for crap--it’s not a skill needed of a prince, after all. And he chauvinistically views it as something “for ministra.”
Terry is a great singer and she’s quite passionate about it. She has a strong mezzo soprano--I imagine her to sound like a symphonic metal lead singer. Very virtuosic with her voice and able to hit extremely high notes. She enjoys opera and likes to sing her favorite arias. Mato is pretty much tune deaf.
Alexandir is an average singer. Unusually, wood energi are taught some singing spells, so it would have been a basic part of his education. He and Euthymius are of a musical bent and often duet together while playing instruments. In fact, Euthymius was considered the best singer in the Consort’s Court.
Aurent is a good singer with a strong voice. Sorcery spells often involve more singing than chanting, so it’s viewed as a necessary skill to have. They sing in ceremonies as well and even in their daily lives to pass time; they’re a very musical people.
Terl can play a few instruments all right, but he’s completely unable to sing. It sounds like a dying cat, to put it generously. He’s embarrassed by this.
Jessam is a good singer, but not nearly as good as he thinks he is.
Heron is an absolutely amazing singer--all of Ophiant’s dolls, even the Rooks, are designed to be, since they’re birds after all! His voice is high, clear, and sweet, enchanting all who hear it.
Ophiant can’t sing--he’s actually physically incapable of raising his voice enough to do it, thanks to all the Black Sting messing with his throat. This affects his entire vocal range: he can’t yell either. When he does sing, the most he can do is hum quiet, monotonous tunes.
Renna may not have much talent, but makes up for it with enthusiasm. What’s the point in being a pirate if you can’t bellow sea shanties with the crew?
Rhynan isn’t terrible at singing, but does it rarely as he just doesn’t “get” music. He may also have a bit of a “it’s for ministra” attitude. On the other hand, Loni is a talented singer with a sweet, bubbly voice.
Kahar is good at the kind of husky throat-singing her people do, but has no talent for or interest in standard Seneran-style music.
Amani only sings for spells (then again, she only talks for spells too). Her singing voice is adequate, but nothing remarkable. It was never her best suit even back when she did talk.
Alisdair is surprisingly good at singing. He’s had plenty of time to practice all by himself over the years, after all. His repertoire is limited to Heathlander folk songs, though.
Facial hair
Whether men grow facial hair as a matter of course depends on the region and whether they’re energos or ministra. In the Midlands and Forestlands and court, all men are expected to be clean-shaven. In the Flamelands and Mountainlands, it's expected for male energi to grow facial hair, but not ministra. In the Coastlands, it's generally acceptable for male ministra to grow facial hair. In the Heathlands, regardless of caste, older men will usually wear some light, carefully tended facial hair.
Kestrel grows facial hair quickly and a lot of it. He prefers a stubbled look because it requires minimal tending. After leaving court, he becomes determined to grow a beard like Aurent has. He and Aramy have lots of fights about it but eventually Kestrel wins.
Aramy is physiologically incapable of growing facial hair, an effect of his Ahui blood. He's lucky to have eyebrows as a matter of fact. He doesn't mind as he finds facial hair ugly.
Carnelio could grow a big long curly beard, as some male Azeds historically have had, but since facial hair isn't the current fashion at court, he doesn’t even consider it.
Dracen can grow a beard with little effort, but keeps clean-shaven due to court convention. His facial hair grows darker than his head hair, so he doesn't like it because he thinks it looks messy.
Ilya didn't need to shave until he was like 19, and even now it'll take him about half a year to grow a few scraggly chin hairs. Not that he'll ever let it progress to that point. He makes a big show out of shaving every day (despite not needing to) because he views it as a sign of manliness.
Mato shaves regularly. According to Heathlander custom, he isn’t yet old enough to wear permanent facial hair, but in the future (as in by Curseborn’s time) he probably has a little neat mustache.
Alexandir would probably rock a van dyke and goatee. But again, convention keeps him clean-shaven. Ditto for Euthymius.
Aurent and sorcerer men in general like their thick, full beards. He’s where Kestrel gets his hairiness, after all.
If left unshaven, Terl can grow a scraggly mustache. He hates the look of it so he shaves regularly.
Jessam hasn’t started shaving yet, and won’t ever consider having facial hair.
Heron is a doll so will not ever have facial hair.
Ophiant was probably once capable of growing facial hair, but has lost that along with any of his body hair. Somehow, he still manages to keep his head hair.
Rhynan can grow this weak pale little thing, and probably thinks he looks good with a small goatee, but Loni firmly disagrees. Anyway since he's dyeing his hair black he's not allowed to grow a blond beard.
Alisdair was not old enough to wear permanent facial hair when he committed the massacre, and now he keeps clean-shaven as a prisoner.
I’ll probably do more of these because they’re pretty fun. And easy, haha. I already started doing one for how well the various characters handle spicy food, of all random things.
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xavier-lamont · 4 years
What have these protests accomplished so far?
5/26 - 4 officers fired for murdering George Floyd
5/28 Univ of Minn cancels contract with police
5/28 3rd precinct police station neutralized by protestors
5/28 ATU Local 1005 refuses to bring police officers to protests, or transport arrested protesters
5/29 Activists commander hotel to provide shelter to homeless
5/29 Officer Chauvin who killed Floyd arrested
5/29 Louisville Mayor suspends “no-knock” warrants in response to polices 3/12
5/30 US Embassies across Africa condemn police murder of Floyd
5/30 MN AG Ellison takes over prosecution of the murdering officer
5/30 TWU Local 100 bus operators refuse to transport arrests protestors
5/31 2 abusive officers fired for pulling a couple out of car and tasing them
6/1 Minn public schools end contract with police
6/1 Confederate Monument removed - Birmingham, AL
6/1 CA prosecutors launch campaign to stop DA’s from accepting police union money
6/1 Tulsa Mayor Bynum agrees to not renew Live PD contract
6/1 Louisville police chief fired after shooting of David Mcatee at BBQ joint
6/1 Dems and reps begin push to shut down a Pentagon program that transfers military weaponry to cancels contract with police
6/2 Minn AFL-CIO calls for the resignation of Bob Kroll, the president of the Minn police union (Bob Kroll is a vocal white supremest)
6/2 ATU Local 85 announces refusal to transport police officers or arrest protestors
6/2 Racist Ex-Mayor Rizzo statue removed
6/2 6 abusive officers charged for violence against residents and protestors - Atlanta, GA
6/2 Confederate soldier statue removed - Alexandire, VA
6/2 Robert Lee statue removed
6/2 Civil Rights investigation of Minn Police Dept launched
6/2 Resolution to prevent law enforcement from hiring officers with history of misconduct announced by San Fran DA Boudin and Supervisor Walton
6/2 Survey indicating 64% of polled sympathetic to protestors, and 47% disapprove of police handling + 54% think burning down of precinct fully or partially justified
6/2 NJ AG announces policing reforms
6/2 Minn City Council members publicly call for disbanding the police and replace safety and outreach capacity
6/3 1 officer fired for tweets promoting violence against protestors - Denver, Co
6/3 Minn Institute of Art, First Avenue, Walker Art Center end use of MPD for events
6/3 Officer Chauvin charged and taken into custody
6/3 Officer Chauvin charges upgraded to 2nd Murder, ad remaining 3 officers also charged and taken into custody
6/3 VA Gov announces removal of Robert E Lee statue
6/3 Richmond VA Mayor Stoney announces RPD reform measures: establish "Marcus" alert for folks experiencing mental health crisis, establish independent Citizen Review Board, an ordinance to remove Confederate monuments, and implement racial equity study
6/3 County commissioners deny proposal for $23 million expansion of Fulton County jail
6/3 Minn Parks and Rec cut ties with the Minn Police Dep.
6/3 US Army tells soldiers to disobey any orders to attack peaceful protestors - nationwide
6/3 LA Announces $100-150 million cut from LAPD budget, Reinvested into communities, moratorium on gang database, sharper discipline against abusive cops, in effect immediately
6/3 Seattle changes mind and withdraws request to end federal oversight/consent decree of police department
6/4 Breonna Taylor case reopened?
6/4 Portland schools superintendent 'discontinues' presence of armed police officers in schools
6/4 MBTA (Metro Boston) board orders that buses wont transport police to protests, or protestors to police
6/4 King County Labor Federation issue ultimatum to police unions, to admit to and address racism in Seattle PD, or be removed
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odrinfo-blog · 7 years
The Southern Isles: These Are Desert People; They Value Water, Not Gold
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the southern isles is considered to be a “savage” land in comparison with aragoth
for more about their religion/customs, you can click on the main religion/marriage/funeral etc. links and there is stuff for them as well as aragothi info
The Southern Isles are desert islands
Like the South of Aragoth, theses islands are frequently plagued by hurricanes
The Vitalis family has ruled the southern isles for as far back as their records goes
The Southern Islanders have always looked to Aragoth with a jealous eye
They want the land for their own, but they’ve always lacked the men to oppose them, so they’ve settled for raiding the Southern borders
After Rowena became Queen and there were no longer dragonriders protecting the southern borders, the Southern Islanders declared war on the south and, for years, fought with the south for their land
The Queen didn’t consider them a threat and didn’t do much to aid the south, save send a small army with her uncle at the head to defeat them
She had hopes that her uncle would tragically die in the wars and rid her of having to do away with him herself, but in the end, Alexandir Godiva led his troops to victory and the Southern Isles now belong to Aragoth.
Romayne Vitalis’ brother was king until he was killed when Aragoth finally conquered the Southern Isles
Romayne ultimately helped the Aragothi in removing his brother from power
He hoped that his aid would earn him the crown or, at the least, the opportunity to be warden of his homelands
Romayne loved his brother, but he knew him to be cruel and unjust.
Romayne also wished to abolish the Southern Isle practice of owning slaves (mostly Aragothi who were kidnapped and sold into it)
Things didn’t go as planned for Romayne, for Rowena placed an Aragothi warden in charge of the Southern Isles and means to make Romayne her king consort.
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