romaynevitalis · 6 years
Suspicions | Evie & Romayne
Genevieve Beaumont had been an advocate for the release of Alexandir Godiva from the moment he had been imprisoned. She demanded a fair trial on his behalf; the one he was given had been a sham. Even Romayne Vitalis, who had never once attended an Aragothi trial, could tell that it had all only been for show. The Queen knew that she would declare her uncle guilty before it began. 
The Duke hadn’t a chance of being set free. 
Romanye had watched it all with a sense of foreshadowing: he looked at Alexandir: poor and miserable and helpless and he saw his own future. How long would it be before he was put to death for a crime he did not commit because he had outlived his usefulness to the Queen? 
Everyone seemed a little on edge now, except the Queen herself, who would never show such weakness, even if she felt it (although Romayne doubted that Rowena Godiva would quake in fear in front of anyone, little less her uncle - even if he had murdered Jon Valles). Genevieve Beaumont, however, seemed calm in comparison (especially, Romayne thought, when in contrast with her mother). Part of Romayne wondered if Genevieve had gone to Alexandir Godiva’s aid. Romayne himself had betrayed his own brother in order to do what he thought was right. He wondered if Evie Beaumont had done the same.
Rowena had gathered her family around her this evening in the great hall. For their own protection, she had said, they would all stay near her tonight. When Rowena broke away to speak with Cassius on political matters, Romayne casually left her side and approached Genevieve. 
“I hope you are not frightened,” He said, slipping into the empty seat next to her, “Although ... I confess I would not blame you if you were. The man who stands accused of murdering your brother has escaped from the most secure prison in all the world with the man who kidnapped your sister.” He took a sip of wine, watching her as closely as he could without looking directly at her. “I wonder how they managed it.” 
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dmitreimassard · 7 years
A Dragon Freed | Dmitrei & Evie
He had been roused in the early hours of the morning. 
Hours before his execution, Alexandir Godiva and the small gang of pirates had escaped from the prisons. Only once before had any man managed to break free from that place and that was nearly sixteen years ago when Alaric de Montfort disappeared from his cell as though by magic. (Dmitrei had a sneaking suspicion that Dezód had been behind that one). 
Had he been behind this as well? 
He had not been expecting Alexandir to find a way out, but would have betted that Harrion would. Death did not touch him. He braved even the Isle of the Damned and lived to tell the tale. 
This had been a setback in his plans. He’d meant to do away with Alexandir and Jon (and eventually Arthur, as well) all through that one act. But someone had thrown a wrench in those plans. It did not anger him. In a strange way, it pleased him. The business with Jon Valles had been too easy to execute and he was ready for a real challenge. 
He calmly walked the halls of the palace. The guards had been doubled after the murder and now they had been doubled again. There was a set of guards manning every door and a pair followed him around, even now. 
He stopped when he crossed paths with Evie Beaumont, who was being followed by a tail of guards of her own. “My lady,” He said, bowing his head, “I’m sure you have heard the news? How is your mother?” He asked. He already knew the answer. He had never seen her so angry as she was when she had heard the news. If she was not mad around, this news would certainly drive her to it. She would be even more difficult to deal with, now. 
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helenagodiva · 7 years
Round and Round | Helena & Evie
Helena used to know the palace like the back of her hand, but time had blurred her memory. Since her return home, she spent a good deal of her free time walking from one end to the other, rediscovering old pathways and chambers she had forgotten. Everyday, she grew stronger and more like her old self. She no longer had much patience for sitting still. 
In light of the recent murder, she was unable to go anywhere unattended and while the trail of guards sometimes made her feel claustrophobic, she still felt more free exploring the castle than she did in her own rooms. 
It was growing late and she was thinking of turning back when her cousin unexpectedly turned the corner and greeted her. “I didn’t know you were here!” She exclaimed, pulling her into an embrace. 
“Goodness!” She cried, “What happened to your dress?” She asked, suddenly noticing that her hem was soaked in mud. “It’s not been raining, has it?” She wasn’t suspicious -- in fact, the furthest thing from it -- only curious. She would not have believed you if you told her that Evie had been down in the prisons. 
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alexandirgodiva · 10 years
Fate Has Not Smiled upon You | Evie & Alexandir
He had tried to see her before, but her mother had been rather unwelcoming (to put it lightly). He supposed the extra guards at the gate should have given him pause, but then Avelina always had been an overprotective mother. 
Are we to meet at the alter as strangers? He had asked. The poor girl was to marry a man old enough to be her father and he was a hideous dwarf, as well. Coupled with whatever horror stories her mother had surely told her about him, he couldn't imagine that he was an appealing prospect. Which was why he thought a meeting before they were wed would be good for her. He knew that all the time in the world couldn't make her love him, but it might help ease her fears. 
Still, Avelina would not be swayed and he was turned away. 
And yet, a man such as Jon Valles passes through these gates as though Beaumont was already his. 
He was uncertain as to his own future (should he even live to see the day of their wedding?), but if the gods were willing, he meant to make a good husband and give her a comfortable life (even if she was meant for a better one). 
Alexandir had been (temporarily, of course as his exile to Raimbeaucourt would soon see an end to it) reinstated onto the Queen's council and it was after such a meeting that he saw Evie Beaumont seated, alone, in one of the courtyards. No doubt she had come to visit one of her cousins, he supposed, but 
For all of her plottings to keep me out, she has failed to keep her own daughter in, he thought to himself, allowing himself a smile as he envisioned Avelina's expression should she be there to see him approach her daughter. 
The courtyards were deserted, save for her. She was so still, seated there with a book, that he might have thought she had frozen if he did not see her turn the page. "Forgive me, my lady, I did not mean to startle you, only -- are you not cold?" He asked. She was properly dressed for the weather, still he could see his breath as he spoke. 
He had recognized her immediately: she had the Beaumont coloring and, if his cousins and nieces were anything like they were when they were children, she was the only one who would find that much interest in a book, save perhaps Helena. He was certain, too, that she knew who he was, even if she didn't remember him from the last they met. Rowena didn't have many other dwarves wandering about her castle ... 
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guineverefontaine · 10 years
A Man Without Honor | Guin & Evie
Guin had no great love for Lynessa Beaumont (even for all her sweet smiles), but even though they had never been friends, she felt obligated to warn her of the sort of man she was marrying. She was certain that she must not know (what little she really knew about Avelina Beaumont was that she loved her daughters, beyond anything, and allowing one of them to marry Jon Valles, despite what he had, wasn't something Guin suspected she would do if she knew the truth). 
She didn't expect to break the engagement -- that was not why she had come. But Lynessa Beaumont should be prepared for what was to come. She knew that there would be hell to pay if Jon had found out what she had done, but that didn't matter now. 
Most of all, she worried for Evie, too. She knew all too well Jon's view on how women should be treated. Evie was, without doubt, the sweetest and most naive of the Beaumont women and while she was certain that, even she, would see that Jon was not a man to be trusted, she doubted she realized just how horrible he could be. 
The amount of guards that were posted outside of Beaumont surprised Guin. Perhaps this was only an extra precaution by Lady Beaumont since the disappearance of her youngest daughter. A sign that none of the others would be taken so easily, and yet ... one of them was being married to Jon Valles, a fate that was much worse than whatever was befalling Celia Beaumont, if she had been taken by someone who only wanted the ransom. 
Despite the extra protection, Guin was allowed in with ease and she waited in the hall for Evie. She later found that this was most likely due to the fact that both Avelina and Lynessa were away. Guin suspected that Avelina had no great love for her and she doubted that, despite her intentions, that she would seen so quickly (if at all) if she had been at home. 
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celiabeaumont · 10 years
White Walls | Celia & Evie
Celia's life had become a predictable pattern of the same balls, walks in the gardens, and ten course dinners with the same faces, the same conversations. This impending marriage offered her more than just a chance to start her own life with a man she believed she loved; but also a break from this life, which had been all she had ever known. Her mother hadn't let her go further than half a day's journey from the capital and she yearned to see the world. Celia did not have her sister's patience: and she welcomed the promise of change to break the monotony. 
She had been so concentrated on what she would gain from this new life, that she failed to consider what she would leave behind until she stepped into her chambers the day before she was to leave. Everything had been packed away that was to go with her and the rest had been distributed amongst her sisters and cousins. 
While she had grown bored with the company her cousin's court provided her, she would never grow tired of her family and the sudden realization that it may be months -- years even -- since she would see them again, made her heart ache. 
"It's so bare," She said softly, as Evie stepped into the room. "I don't care what Mother says," She said, firmly with a slightly mischievous smile as she turned to face her sister, "You will come to visit me as soon as I'm settled. That is, if you aren't happily married to Sir William and much too content to leave his side by then," She said, half teasingly, half serious.
She knew that William Caldwell was a shameless flirt, but she had seen him with her sister and of all the ladies at court, she could tell he preferred her sister to all others. She didn't think that his heart could truly belong to anyone else -- certainly not the blacksmith's daughter from the village. 
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sirwilliamcaldwell · 10 years
Dance with Me | Will & Evie
If anything could take his mind off of Rose for a moment, it was a good drink and another pretty face. 
The Queen was so good as to provide William Caldwell with both this evening. There had been sixteen courses and songs and performers to entertain as they ate, all in honor of the return of the Queen' sister. And now, the drink flowed with no signs of stopping and the guests moved on into the hall where there was music and dancing. 
Three dances in and Will noticed that Genevieve Beaumont was sitting by  herself in the corner, watching her sisters and cousins dance. He had always found her beautiful and had, at one time, thought that maybe he loved her, but after meeting Rosaline, he knew better. Still, he liked her and so he sought her out. 
"How can it be that you are sitting over here all by yourself? Don't you know you are too beautiful to pass such a night in your own company?" He asked, leaning up against the pillar as he smiled down at her. "Come, have this next dance with me. If you refuse, my broken heart shall never mend." 
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romaynevitalis · 9 years
The Prince the Raven | Romayne & Evie
A day had passed and still there was no talk, save of the events that had transpired at the wedding of Jon Valles to Lynessa Beaumont. And Romayne believed that it would be weeks, months even, before they all tired of it. A man dies in the hall of the gods: a man who had no want of enemies and all of them had been there that day. 
Wine had flowed like a river and tempers ran high. None quite so high as the queen’s uncle and his disagreement with Jon Valles had been noted by everyone. And while many seemed to think that he was the murderer (this outburst alone seemed enough to drag him away in chains), Romayne himself was doubtful. Still, he had yet to decide who were his friends here -- if he had friends at all -- and who was the most likely to be able to help him, so he said nothing.His opinion here mattered less than nothing, regardless. Rowena Godiva had made that clear on more than one occasion.
The weather was warming and for that, Romayne was grateful. He walked in a slow aimless circle around the castle’s gardens, enjoying the warmth of the sun. This would be considered a cool day on the Isles, but it would serve. 
It was then that he noticed Lady Genevieve Beaumont cutting across the courtyard. He wondered if she was here to visit her cousins in their comfortable apartments or her future husband in his dark cell? 
“Ah,” He grinned, “We have not been formerly introduced, you and I. But I know who you are and I trust you know me, all the same. I would have thought to have met all of the Queen’s family yesterday when we were all gathered together but ... “ His voice trailed. It seemed that that wasn’t the only thing that hadn’t gone as planned. “Tell me, little one, are all Aragothi weddings quite so ... eventful?” He paused, grinning, “Murdering a man at his own wedding ... “ His gaze shot upwards as he looked at one of the Godiva banners blowing in the wind, the black dragon staring down at him with much the same expression his wife to be often used, “ ... that is a crime fit for a dragon, yes. But do you think it truly was the imp?”
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dmitreimassard · 9 years
Good Feeling | Dmitrei & Evie
“You will want to know about your sister,” He said, eyebrow raised as she approached him. He knew that it could be nothing else with that look. The last time they had spoken, she had asked about Celia, but Dmitrei had only relayed as little as he might “Your mother will have told you by now?” He paused, “I have no more news than I did when we last spoke,” He began, although that was a lie. They had at least made it as far as Vysco, he knew. It would not be long now before they returned: and Dmitre was eager to see this man for himself and confirm his suspicions as to his true identity.
“I cannot promise you that your sister is safe, any more than I can promise that you that I will come to see the dawn. Your mother may wring her hands and pace the floor with worry, but I will say this to you: I believe she is safe and that no harm will come to her. This man who took her from her men must be a great swordsman indeed if he could accomplish such a thing. So what better traveling companion could she hope to have? Oh, I’m sure he is rough around the edges, but he will see that no harm comes to her. He surely knows who she is and what is she worth. All he wants for your sister is gold so he will return her in much the same condition as she was found.” 
He took her arm, “I know this will not cease your worrying, my lady, but hopefully it will ease it some. At least long enough for you to enjoy this most happy occasion. For now you have a brother,” He said, motioning to where Jon Valles was sitting next to his new wife. 
He cracked a slight smile, “Are you disappointed with him?” He asked. His voice was low: he did not want anyone to hear. “I had a brother once,” He began, “Not a brother by blood, but a brother all the same. I was rather let down by him as well. In the end, he died. But then the south is a cruel place. Say what you will about the capital: there aren’t as many funerals.” He couldn’t resist taking one more look at Valles. 
He smiled again, a small one out of the corner of his mouth, “You mustn’t listen to me, sweetling. I’ve had too much of the wine. There are happy things to talk of: for all of his many faults, your sister looks happy with him, does she not?”
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romaynevitalis · 10 years
ooc | Romayne & Evie
ugh poor evie is just a pawn in everyone’s game of thrones and i’m so sorry but hi here’s another potential husband for you?????? 
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helenagodiva · 10 years
Two Hearts | Evie & Helena
Helena did not understand: wasn't everything all but settled between Evie and Sir Caldwell? The letters she had received from her cousin had described such behaviors from him that it was impossible to think he was not going to make her an offer!
And while her uncle was certainly the better match, on paper, couldn't they see that Evie and Will loved each other? And wasn't the bond between the Godivas and Beaumonts strong enough without it? She was certain her sister had not known that Evie was almost spoken for and was only eager to bestow her uncle with her favor upon his return. Otherwise, she surely would have considered Lynessa or even Avelina (hadn't Helena heard that they almost married each other once, before?) for the match. 
As soon as she heard the news, she went straight to her cousin's chambers, certain that her cousin must be suffering from a broken heart. 
Knocking softly on the door, she asked, "Evie, dearest, may I come in?" 
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alexandirgodiva · 10 years
ooc | Alexandir & Evie
another classic example of beaumont girls expectations vs. reality 
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helenagodiva · 10 years
ooc | Helena & Evie
UGH IT MAKES ME SOOO HAPPY THAT EVIE WROTE HER LOTS OF LETTERS. I feel like Celia always meant to, but she probs only wrote a few times a year and probs less and less as she got older until it was once a year .... ooops. 
But that meant a lot to her and I actually feel like Evie might have written her the most letters of anyone?? B/c I think she def has the most patience/free time of the ppl who would have written her and THANKS EVIE YOU KEEP HELENA SANNNNEE. 
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