#Aleksandra Sende
mattikitku · 2 months
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Aleksandra Mirosław wins gold and Aleksandra Kałucka wins bronze in historic first speed climbing event at the Olympic Games 🥇🥉
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ilinalta · 6 months
i'll just finish this playthrough..... and then i'll do a durge one...... and then the one where i romance someone else..... also then the evil playthrough...... and the shadowheart origin one..... and the evil shadowheart origin one.... and the one where i do the cool build.....the multiclass i came up with.... tHEN.....
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taemcains · 2 months
3 weeks before August update!!!! WE MUST STAY FOCUSED, SISTER!!!!
reacted to this ask like i got shot omfg time flew??? im terrified and very very focused dw we'll get through these three weeks 🫂
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Not fluent in English. 
Please tell me I’m not the the only who noticed that team green characters in the show aren’t allowed to hate team black characters. 
Like Aemond can’t even hate Lucerys for cutting his eye and disabled him for life. 
And Alicent can’t hate Viserys for marrying and gr*ping her and forcing pregnancies on her, even though he have no intention to name any of their sons his heir, and treating her mostly like a caretaker and concubine rather than his lawful wife and the mother of his legitimate children. 
Aegon and Helaena aren’t even allowed to hate Daemon the man who ordered the death of their Son.
Like why??? Why aren’t they allowed to hate them???
Hi aleksandra! You make a good point! I think there are a few things going on here.
For one, I think the writing is incredibly inconsistent across the board this season, and there are a lot of dropped plot threads. Some of it is intentional (like, I do think B&C was deliberately downplayed and undermined so that Alicent could have that Dragonstone scene, more on that in a bit), some of it I think is just bad writing and a kind of ... well, look, I can't speculate as to what goes down in the writer's room and have no idea what their workflow looks like or what processes they follow, but a problem going back to S1 is that characters and dialogue vary a lot from episode to episode. I don't think it's all that normal for a fandom to be concerned ahead of time about which writers will be writing which scenes and which episodes, but with HotD there seem to be huge differences in how each writer interprets the characters. Having worked on OFCIR collaboratively with @aifsaath, we work really hard to make sure the chapters are relatively consistent. I gave our first few chapters to my critique partner for original fiction, a guy who knows my writing inside and out, someone I've worked with for about 6 years now, @theravenpiper, and he could not actually tell which scenes were written by me, and which were written by Aife, which I took as a big complement to our collaborative process, and to our ability to edit to a uniform standard. Now I'm not saying we do it better than the HotD writers, but I do think that there is something missing from their collaborative process that makes the entire thing seem disjointed.
I do not think it is entirely that the whole of team green is not allowed to be angry at team black, although that is part of it, some of it is part of an overall bigger problem where major events are not allowed to resonate across the story, and I chalk some of it up to simple bad writing. Rhaenyra is apparently over Luke's death enough by E3 that she can seek out Alicent for some kind of vague "let's stop this madness" ploy, but still conveniently needs "a son for a son" in E8. Although Rhaenyra is negotiating from a position of power in E8, there was no reason for her to feel so desperate as of E3, when Rook's Rest hasn't even happened yet, that she would set aside her grief and anger and go seek peace. Peace was offered in E10 of season 1 and Rhaenyra turned it down after Luke died, so what has changed besides Rhaenyra's own husband beheading a toddler? Other events happen too and have little or no consequence. Rhaenyra and Mysaria kiss in E6 and it's entirely forgotten by E8, with zero follow up. Criston Cole is brought to his knees by the sight of Aegon lying injured by his dragon, but never even visits his bedside. Gwayne never interacts with anyone aside from Alicent and Criston. Rhaenyra sends her younger children to the Vale and never mentions them again (she is shown looking wistfully at a box of toys), nor does Jace. Laena in a vision berates Daemon for not looking after their girls, but does he ask after them when Broome shows up directly from Dragonstone? I could go on. Events just happening and then never really mattering again is a consistent problem throughout the season, which makes it hard to tell when it is happening deliberately and when it is happening because the writers can't get on the same page.
There are two things I do think are deliberate, however, one of them being the scrubbing of Viserys' image. While audiences loved Paddy's performance, a lot of viewers did pick up on how Viserys played favorites and neglected his sons, and I think when the show decided to switch up Alicent's motivation from "she wants to protect her children and knows they will face the sword if Rhaenyra comes to power" to "she misheard Viserys' last words," they knew that the natural question is, "why should she care about Viserys' last words?" A lot of the immediate feedback about that episode involved how Alicent was stupid for not knowing Otto planned to have Aegon take the throne, and a lot of people didn't think that Alicent (or Aegon for that matter) really believed that Viserys changed his mind, but apparently that was the writers' intention, that Alicent truly believed it and managed to convince Aegon (there's a lot I could say about how they could have included this deathbed misunderstanding into the plot without having it replace all of Alicent's other motivations, but they did not do that). So in order to drive home the point that the whole entire war is being fought due to this misunderstanding, they have to make sure the audience is clear that all of these characters considered Viserys a good king. Even if he was Alicent's rapist. Even if he was a deadbeat dad. Even if he was a terrible husband. We are meant to believe he chose Rhaenyra not because he was playing mindgames or out of guilt over Aemma's death, no we must believe he chose Rhaenyra because he was good and wise and to convince us he was good and wise we have to have the green characters reminding us constantly that things were so much better when Viserys was around, that Aegon is inferior to Viserys, that Viserys' wishes are all that matter. Nevermind that it goes directly against the book, never mind that it's not even a particularly powerful or interesting change, it's what enables Rhaenyra and Alicent's relationship to continue. Because here's the thing-- if Alicent put Aegon on the throne because she felt it was the only way to keep her family safe, and because she feels that law and tradition ARE on her side, and because absolutism isn't good (!!!) then there's no chance for her and Rhaenyra to ever reconcile. These are irreconcilable differences, not misunderstandings. And so the show has to glaze Viserys otherwise the basic reasoning falls apart.
And the second is the events like Luke's death, Blood and Cheese and Rook's Rest come in, events in which the greens or the blacks harm and traumatize each other directly. It is not that the greens are not allowed to hate the blacks, it is that Alicent is not allowed to hate Rhaenyra, and by extension, the people who Alicent cares about are not allowed to hate her (I would argue that Aemond is allowed to hate Luke on screen, he literally murders him, and I don't think the scene with the brothel madame is an expression of true remorse, it's more "I'm kinda sorta sorry there were consequences for my actions."). Alicent cares about Helaena the innocent, and therefore Helaena cannot be allowed to hate Rhaenyra (note Phia Saban's many interviews about how apolotical and neutral Helaena is). Aegon, on the other hand, can be affected by B&C because he is allowed to hate Rhaenyra. In fact, his hate for Rhaenyra puts him at odds with his mother, which is what the show wants. Aegon is gravely injured at Rook's Rest, but good thing Rhaenyra's forces did not cause the injuries, Alicent herself drove him to battle with cruel words, and Aemond burned him, which puts him at odds with Alicent too (and Helaena is allowed to express ire at Aemond by extension). If you look at S2 as an exercise in driving a wedge between Alicent and her family and downplaying what happens to them in order to justify their decision to have Alicent seek out Rhaenyra and surrender Aegon's life, it makes a lot more sense.
The thing is, it still doesn't work. Their efforts are much too transparent and require characters to act in ways that are simply not within the realms of how normal human beings would react to these situations, much less the characters established in S1. There is a twitter user, and I'm so sorry that I can't remember their name at the moment, but I've seen them express the sentiment several times that Alicent's character this season made them aware, in a way that a viewer should never be aware, that these are scripted lines coming out of her mouth. That is, a lot of the characters in S2 do not feel like actual people. Aegon is such a fan favorite this season because he feels real. Alicent garnered legions of fans last season because her struggle felt real, even if we didn't agree with it. She felt like a character who inhabited a quasi-medieval world, bound by restraints we are not bound by, but nevertheless a human with human reactions who had to make difficult choices and persevere through them. And any human would be angry beyond comprehension at Blood and Cheese, would lose all faith in Rhaenyra, would know that there can be no peace if she is ruling with a man that ruthless at her side. If she thinks her sons are devils (and mind, so far as king Aegon's most egregious action is executing a handful of ratcatchers after one of their number murdered his son, whereas Rhaenyra burned about 65 peasants alive in a quasi religious ecstasy-- will Alicent ever find out about that, I wonder?), they are at least the devils she knows. Better they all die than end up in Daemon's hands, surely? And so OP, you're right, they are not allowed to hate each other when naturally you, and many others, feel like they should. That is because they are writer creations who would never do such things as what happen in the books in the first place, acting out plot points of entirely different characters (their book counterparts).
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undiscovered-horizon · 10 months
Hello Sofia! My name is Aleksandra! Just wanted to send a request of Zoro x reader where reader has just joined the crew she is a witch and very strong, sweet, but could be intense (in a good way) as well as mysterious everyone in the crew absolutely loves her but it takes time for Zoro to completely trust her so he keeps his eye on her causing them both to have some tension some days they are arguing over tiny situations some days they are sitting alone together laughing and smiling at one another with feelings building up that they have yet to understand even though they are confused with their feelings their connection runs deeply to the point it drives them insane everyone else in the crew see's this (Besides our dear Luffy.) They try to get them to open up but it's hopeless at times. I was thinking Zoro gets a deep cut during a fight and Reader helps him with his wound this is where they are able to share their feelings and once they deeply kiss they understand how they feel from there.
I hope this is a good one to do! Thank you!✨🌻✨
I would love to be tagged at!💜 @shewalksinanotherworld
This took a little bit longer and I have nothing to say for myself except that my executive function does not, in fact, function. Enjoy! @shewalksinanotherworld Enjoying my work? You can leave me a tip on Ko-Fi | Have a request?
"The way to a man's heart" - Zoro x Reader
[graphic descriptions of open wounds]
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Somebody once said that love and hate are two sides of the same coin - a token of devotion. Like tides of two seas that create storms and whirlpools upon meeting, it is often impossible to determine where one ends and the other begins. Perhaps, these waters have never differed as they are two ends of one river. Both lovers and enemies alike make up the first row of the funeral cortege.
And just like those seas, no matter whether they are the same or two different bodies, Zoro and you seem to be ebbing and flowing across love and hate. Flipping the coin of dedication each day to see where your tense relationship will take you. Sometimes more than once a day, when mere hours separate passionate fights from merry laughter.
But speaking of turning tides and seamlessly flowing waters, wouldn't the seas know each other far too well? What constitutes oceans of hate was once the pond of love. Conversely, the waters of affection had once flown as tides of enmity. If the answer is yes, it would explain quite a lot about the rather inexplicable connection you share with the swordsman. Sometimes not a word has to be spoken but a fleeting gaze exchange for either of you to know perfectly well what the other has on their mind.
To be fair, it's hard for you to put your finger on the why - Why are you and Zoro so strange with each other? The most plausible explanation would probably be his stubborn distrust. He's a very guarded person which, by itself, is not unfathomable considering his journey and livelihood. But it is absolutely tedious when he sticks to his guns against all available evidence. Weeks went by when Zoro was the only crewmember who perceived you in different shades of suspicion, even after witnessing you put your life on the line for your mutual friends. His stubbornness was frustrating, so you gave him as good as you got and well... Here we are, wading in the murky waters of passion, both pleasant and adverse.
However, you'll be wading much different waters, those flowing in the Styx River, if you don't escape now. The Indigo Cross pirates are a little too close behind you. You can almost feel their breaths on your neck as they scream about revenge, bloodshed and defending their captain's honour. Yes, about that... It wasn't exactly Luffy's fault that the man he told to apologize to the tavern waitress was the world's most narcissistic pirate. Alas, the damage is done and so is your chance at a peaceful shore leave.
The Merry Go is but a few meters away. You just have to get to the gangway and run up the stairs so fast your mother would go bald from stress. Just two things, right?
Your foot gets caught the between rotting planks of the pier. The unforeseen obstacle in your escape startles you, giving you barely any time to shield your face from the painful impact of the ground.
"Shit!" you groan to yourself, yanking your foot.
Zoro yells out your name. In long strides, he catches up with you. He manages to rip away one of the mould-covered planks. Despite your foot being set free, the man lifts you to stand on your own.
"You go, I'll hold them back," he orders you as he nudges you in the direction of the ship. Before you can defy him, Zoro is already running towards the oncoming wave of looking-for-a-scrap pirates.
Time seems to slow down as you watch a spear, its polished head shining in the sunlight, fly through the air and pierce Zoro's chest. He stumbles backwards and falls on one knee. With a roar of agony, the swordsman grabs the long shaft of the weapon. A loud snap fills the air as he breaks the wood off. Then, like a phoenix rising from the ashes,, Zoro stands up. Although his legs tremble slightly, he still lifts his swords and fights off the Indigo pirates. Some seem to drop their weapons in surrender, seeing that not even death can grasp this demon of a man.
You want to call for him but Sanji firmly grabs your arm and pulls you on board. "Come on, he can handle himself."
Having hidden on the lower deck, you're not sure what happened on the shore and onboard the ship until you saw none other but Roronoa Zoro, stumbling down the stairs and almost falling on the floor. Luffy, Usopp and even Sanji yell and nag at him to get his wound looked at while Nami keeps calling him different variations of "stupid" but Zoro only curses at them and tells a less savoury "Leave me alone".
Maybe thirty minutes pass by until the emotions die down or are at least well hidden. Your four friends sit around the kitchen, all strangely silent. They all give you a curious look when you let out a heavy sigh and march towards Zoro's room. He's going to die one day, obviously, but it's not going to be today. And definitely not because he put your safety before his own. What kind of rom-com death would that be?
Zoro is facing you with his back when you swing the door open without even knocking first. You seem to have interrupted his rather poor attempt at bandaging the hole in his chest. He looks over his shoulder, his face bearing an expression of annoyance.
"What do you want?"
You toss a handful of medical supplies on top of the chest with his belongings. The fresh dressings, a small bottle of alcohol, a needle and a thread tell quite the story, lying next to the bloodied head of a spear with splinters coming out of where the long shaft should be. It's still hardly believable what he did back there.
"When you get an infection, you green-haired idiot," you speak with your hands crossed on your chest. It's clear as day - you're pissed off, "it will be Sanji spoon-feeding you. I'm sure you'll be having the time of your life then."
Your sarcastic remark doesn't seem to phase him. The wrinkle between Zoro's eyebrows only gets deeper.
"I'm fine. I've been worse," he says with an exasperated sigh. "Just piss off," the man groans in a low voice.
Maybe if he wasn't already injured, you'd punch him straight in the jaw. "Stop being a stubborn ass," you raise your voice, "and let me help you."
Zoro rolls his eyes dramatically. Making a show of his discontentment, he sits on the edge of his hammock. If he was just a few yours younger maybe he'd stomp his feet too, as befits a toddler he seems to have chosen to act like.
Minutes go by in silence as you clean the deep would and do your best suturing it. Meanwhile, Zoro doesn't even wince. He's perfectly calm and collected, almost as though his soul has left his body and gone for a stroll.
By the looks of it, you haven't stitched wounds many times and Sanji would probably be better at this, with his experienced hands and all, but that would require Zoro to be either already dead or at least unconscious. There's no other way he'd willingly let those slimy fingers touch him.
“They say that the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach," you say under your breath as you tighten the knot on the last suture. The last thing you want is the deep wound reopening. "I guess going through his ribs works too.”
"A lot more efficient." The swordsman chuckles but his laughter soon turns into winces and groans. Although he's not going to bleed to death anymore, the rather large hole in his chest is this painful and not something to trifle with.
"A spear nearly pierced right through you and you're having a laugh?" You nod with approval. He's impressed you, you have to give him that. "Roronoa Zoro, you command respect."
A silence falls between you again as you put back the collection of medical supplies you've managed to find aboard. Little do you know, Zoro's watchful gaze doesn't leave you. He seems to be intensely thinking about something.
"Thanks," he finally spits out. "I would rather die than let Sanji spoon-feed me."
It's not the wraith of death that scared him into letting you patch him up - it was the cook in a striped shirt. Really? Roronoa Zoro is a lot of things but "ordinary" or "predictable" is not one of them.
You burst into laughter. "Unfortunately," you manage to breathe out, "I would have loved to see that."
He shakes his head in disapproval but his lips are curved into a grin. "I hate you."
"No, you don't, big guy," you answer as you playfully poke his arm. It's still covered in dried blood and sweat.
His dark eyes stare into yours with a strange glint to them. It's almost like amusement but not entirely - it's deeper, much deeper. "Yeah, I don't," he whispers.
Everything happens so fast: Zoro grabs your neck and pulls you flush against himself, crashing his lips against yours. Involuntarily you yelp, which elicits a chuckle from the man. On one hand, you're surprised with his sudden declaration of passion but on the other hand, you're relieved. Of course, you have joked that Zoro must be in love with you to be so annoying most of the time but rarely did you consider it a real possibility. He just... didn't seem like a man who loves, only desires. But now, when he's kissing you so desperately and eagerly, you feel stupid for ever thinking such thoughts. As his hand roams your body, you begin to wonder whether all of this has always been this funny - every one of your friends already knew the feelings you had for each other, except the two of you. Something so obvious it's easily overlooked.
It makes you think that he was, actually, scared of losing but not his life. He was scared of losing someone.
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moonlightsimss · 1 year
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This is a post for my 1k followers. I hope you will find the links useful. It is this genetics that I use most often. Thank you that I have someone to create this content for. I send much love - Aleksandra.
Skin overlays [1] , [2] , [3] , [4] , [5] , [6] Eyes [1] , [2] , [3] , [4] Birthmarks&Freckles [1] , [2] Facial contours, overlays, details [1] , [2] , [3] , [4] , [5] , [6] , [7] , [8] Eyelashes [1] , [2] , [3] , [4] Eyebrows [1] , [2] , [3] , [4] Hairlines [1] , [2] , [3] Makeup [1] , [2] , [3] , [4] , [5] Presetes [1] , [2] , [3] , [4] , [5] , [6] , [7] , [8] , [9] , [10] , [11] , [12] , [13] , [14] , [15] , [16]
massive thank you to the cc creators ♡ 
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softlyopulent-if · 1 year
Oh ok so i scrolled through all the asks, guess i'm gonna have to send those cliche ones (that I pretend i don't love) MYSELF
1: Mc Freaking the fuck out. Ro's don't know whats wrong at first but then see its a spider, what is everyones reactions and spider tolerance?
2:Someone mentioned arthritis and I have that!! So #disability question: If the MC was disabled/in chronic pain, how far would everyone go to help? I don''t imagine any of the charachters wouldn't be helpful so i mean more, who's constantly fretting after them, who's like oh your in pain? you're not allowed walk anymore, get on my back/orders servants to carry them (LOL), stuff like that?
1.) Spider:
Aleksandar/Aleksandra: A very high spider tolerance. Kills the spider, no problem.
Rhys/Rhea: Low spider tolerance. You’ll have to find another savior because they're getting out of there.
Calix/Calixta: High spider tolerance. They catch it, and probably debate keeping it as a pet.
Mestrn/Mestra: Doesn’t like spiders but is level-headed enough to catch the spider and release it elsewhere.
2.) MC with a disability.
Aleksandar/Aleksandra: You’re in pain? Go to your room and rest, is their mindset. They will make the MC stay in their room until they’re feeling better, and bring them everything they need.
Rhys/Rhea: Will actually try to ignore it. If you're in pain they will worry, but they will do regular things with you as if you didn't have the disability when you're alright.
Calix/Calixta: The hell are you doing walking around like that? They’d carry the MC.
Mestrn/Mestra: Is likely the most worried and is always doting on MC. What do you want to eat for dinner, I added an extra pillow on your bed, things like that.
3.) Boobies.
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islandtarochips · 3 months
The Boys #2
Aleks: I bet they'd never prank anybody.
Jodie: I wonder if they do..
Koa, Vasili and Charles, doing their job with neutral faces:
Adler, steps in but suddenly screeched at the top of his lungs when he sees a snake:
Adler, realised it was a fake one, looking at the three disappointingly:
Koa, Vasili and Charles: HA, GOT 'EM—!
Koa: Did you get that?
Charles: I got that on video!
Vasili: Jodie and Aleks need to see this *laughs*
This is TOO funny, Khushi! I love it how the boys teamed up to go against Adler. And Aleks and Jodie wasn't even AWARE of it!
HAHAHAHA! My babies! Thank you for sending this Khushi! Love ya, pele!
Characters (Left -> Right)
Jodie "Bell" Hall -> @imagoddamnonionmason
Aleksandra Clarke R. -> @alypink
Vasili "Bell" Sokolov -> @welldonekhushi
Charles "Charlie" Moore -> @deeptrashwitch
Koa "Hunter" Nikau -> Me
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garnetbutterflysblog · 11 months
Madonna-Whore Complex: Mahidevran & Hürrem
While I’m sure anyone who reads this post has some idea of what the Madonna-Whore complex is, I am going to give a definition regarding it just to be thorough. Essentially, the Madonna-Whore complex is the idea that people will attempt to categorize women into two categories: the sacred (Madonna) and the profane (the Whore). The Madonna is admired and respected by all yet is not sexually desired while the Whore is deemed vulgar and unworthy of respect but is sexually desirable. 
I do believe Magnificent Century did attempt to subvert this but failed to do enough to successfully undermine the complex in their audience. The show’s main attempt to subvert the Madonna-Whore complex by establishing Hürrem as an underdog. To give credit where it’s due, I will list their attempts to do so. 
Out of the two women, the audience meets Hürrem (then known as Aleksandra) first and is given her backstory immediately to make her more sympathetic. 
Mahidevran’s background is mostly left unexplored with the only exception being that it is established she has been Süleyman’s favorite for some time despite attempts from others to take her place.
It is quickly established that Süleyman has little to no romantic/sexual interest in Mahidevran. (I believe this point may have backfired some as part of the Madonna is her undesirability as a sexual figure)
Hürrem's status as the underdog is further established when Hafsa is led to interfere and send Mahidevran to the sultan’s chambers in Hürrem’s place once Daye Hatun relays Hürrem and Maria’s conversation out-of-context.
Hürrem is unfairly imprisoned for disrespecting Mahidevran after being goaded into a fight (where, in a fit of irony, Mahidevran refuses to respect that Süleyman has re-named Aleksandra Hürrem). Hürrem is denied food and water during her imprisonment which is implied to last at least long enough to cause dehydration (24 to 48 hours is my guess) and which would’ve lasted longer if Süleyman hadn’t intervened.
After being severely beaten by Mahidevran, Hürrem is denied appropriate medical care by the harem staff in order to protect Mahidevran until Süleyman intervenes. 
An attempt is made to marry off Hürrem behind Süleyman’s back in the interest of protecting Mahidevran and Hafsa’s anger towards Süleyman’s intervention on Hürrem's behalf. 
Hürrem almost loses her life and that of her unborn child’s when she is poisoned by Mahidevran and then is subject to psychological manipulation by Hafsa to protect Mahidevran. 
While Hürrem is heavily pregnant, Hürrem’s attendant (Gülnihal) is taken away from her side by Ibrahim. Hafsa’s reaction to this is one of approval despite the danger this ended up posing to her unborn grandchild.
After the birth of Mehmet, Hafsa throws undeniably classist insults against Hürrem, further establishing the latter as the underdog.  
After Hürrem slaps Gülnihal for sleeping with the sultan, Hafsa threatens to remove Mehmet from his mother despite having advocated for Mahidevran to remain with Mustafa on two separate occasions. One of those occasions endangered the lives of two dynasty members- the unborn Mehmet and the Sultan himself. 
Hürrem is denied her title as the mother of şehzade after the birth of her son. She is referred to as Hürrem Hatun, the title of a favorite, even after Mihrimah and her second şehzade, Selim are born. 
Hafsa acts on incredibly circumstantial evidence against Hürrem after Ayse Hatun is murdered. Hafsa omits that this evidence is circumstantial when speaking with Süleyman. This results in Hürrem being unfairly separated from her son, Mehmet and exiled to the Old Palace. 
During Hürrem’s time in exile, it is made clear that Mahidevran’s troubles are far from over as she worries over Gülfem being summoned by the Sultan. 
In return for being exonerated, Hürrem is forced to apologize to Mahidevran, who has attempted to kill her twice. 
It is mentioned once or twice that Gülfem was Süleyman’s first favorite and gave him a son. It is further implied that Mahidevran took her place. 
Yet apparently establishing Hürrem as the underdog and establishing that Süleyman no longer had any interest in Mahidevran was not enough to subvert the Madonna-Whore complex as many in the audience viewed Hürrem as a “homewrecker” and “the other woman” in this scenario. I propose this is because the show is making a clear attempt to cast the characters as complex and thus the audience is given reason to sympathize with Mahidevran as well. She suffers a miscarriage and admits she hasn’t been struggling to conceive these last several years (casting her as the wronged woman whose fault (infertility) is beyond her control in this scenario). So what could the show have done differently in order to preserve sympathy for Mahidevran while also ensuring that most audience members would not apply the Madonna-whore complex to the situation the show presents? {the one is bold requires less re-structuring of the show and thus might be the easiest way to do so}
The show could have utilized the one son per concubine rule as would be found historically. Mahidevran would have the sympathy of the viewers for being in love with Süleyman but the fact the system requires this would exonerate Hürrem (hopefully) of wrong-doing.
An impartial Hafsa or at least, a Hafsa who overlooks her personal dislike for Hürrem for protocol and tradition, ensuring she is treated as the mother of a prince. With Hafsa insisting both Mahidevran and Hürrem be respected as their positions demand, there would be one less person whose actions can be interpreted as applying the Madonna-whore complex to Mahidevran and Hürrem in-universe. 
Mahidevran not having the Haseki Sultan title might show a more equal playing field (and give Hürrem back her historical achievement).
Allow Hafsa to be angry at Mahidevran after the poisoning incident (but still advocating for her to remain for Mustafa’s benefit). Hafsa’s and Ibrahim's attempts to brush this under the rug implies that the Madonna-Whore complex is somewhat justified. (IT ISN'T) 
Emphasizing Gülfem and Mahidevran’s history. Let the audience see the cycle and that the blame for both Mahidevran and Gülfem's pain falls on Süleyman. I believe this could happen in various ways.
Hürrem is often told that she will suffer what Mahidevran did (Parallel 1, 2, 3) by Mahidevran and other people. How difficult would it be for Gülfem to confront Mahidevran in a similar manner? I don’t think it would be out of character for Gülfem to remark that everything beautiful has its end and Mahidevran needs to accept that (Parallel 4). 
Hatice’s moment where she defends Hürrem to Mahidevran could also be utilized to this effect. Hatice could point out that she never treated Mahidevran unfairly despite the fact Mahidevran was Gülfem's Hürrem.
Or allow Gülfem to be Hürrem’s friend as historically accurate. She can still comfort Mahidevran when Hürrem is tactless or goes too far, but at least have Gülfem be openly accepting of Hürrem as this is part of the cycle to her.
The parallels are linked to their creator, the lovely @awkward-sultana. I would love feedback on this so I'm tagging @shivrcys, @starbabe569, @mc-critical and @redxluna for their opinions on if the show successfully subverted the trope enough to their liking and to see if they have their own suggestions.
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creepypastabookclub · 6 months
Donate to Palestine Children’s Relief Fund: https://www.pcrf.net/
Welcome to Mal 101 with Jonah, Wednesday and their guest Birdy!
Did you miss the official patreon launch livestream? You can catch the vod here!: https://t.ly/jqhtO
If you have a small horror or web fiction project you want in the spotlight, email us! Send your name, pronouns and project to [email protected].
Music Credits: https://patriciataxxon.bandcamp.com/
The Story: http://thesickland.blogspot.com/2013/03/last-day.html
Our Tumblr: https://creepypastabookclub.tumblr.com/
Our Twitter: https://twitter.com/CreepypastaBC
Featuring Hosts:
Jonah (he/they) (https://withswords.tumblr.com/)
Wednesday (they/them) (https://www.instagram.com/xx_wormsday_xx/)
Birdy (any)
Works Cited:
Recreation Watch: https://retractionwatch.com/
Museum of the Vanishing Dog, Episode 6: The Immortal Canine; https://open.spotify.com/episode/0buq8ilZlyl5iCN7Qu0qbz DFTD: https://nre.tas.gov.au/conservation/threatened-species-and-communities/lists-of-threatened-species/threatened-species-vertebrates/save-the-tasmanian-devil-program/about-dftd
Call of Cthulhu TTRPG: https://www.chaosium.com/call-of-cthulhu-rpg/
Brian Wansink: https://www.npr.org/sections/thesalt/2018/09/26/651849441/cornell-food-researchers-downfall-raises-larger-questions-for-science
Seven Sisters: https://medium.com/@myf.amra/the-seven-sisters-could-be-the-oldest-story-in-the-world-ed0ce8442c28
Ancient Viruses: https://www.the-scientist.com/ancient-viral-dna-plays-a-role-in-human-disease-and-development-70656
Further Reading:
Bear, Jonah, “EverymanHYBRID Unboxed: Unpacking the Psychology of EverymanHYBRID”;
Boyczuk, Robert, “Cure For Cancer”,https://creepypasta.fandom.com/wiki/Cure_for_Cancer
Chambers, W. Robert, “The King in Yellow”, 1895; https://www.gutenberg.org/files/8492/8492-h/8492-h.htm
Demidova, Aleksandra; Strugatsky, Boris; Strugatsky, Arkady; et al; “Stalker”, 1979; https://www.criterion.com/films/28150-stalker
George, Jean; “My Side of the Mountain”, 1959; https://www.goodreads.com/en/book/show/41668
Lovecraft, H.P.; “The Colour Out of Space”, 1929; https://www.hplovecraft.com/writings/texts/fiction/cs.aspx
Mikaelsen, Ben; “Touching Spirit Bear,” 2001; https://www.benmikaelsen.com/touching-spirit-bear
Paulsen, Gary; “Hatchet”, 1986; https://www.goodreads.com/en/book/show/50
Rettner, Rachel; “Tapeworm Spreads Deadly Cancer to Human”,https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/tapeworm-spreads-deadly-cancer-to-human/
Strugatsky, Arkady; Strugatsky, Boris; “Roadside Picnic”, 1972; https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/331256.Roadside_Picnic
VanderMeer, Jeff; “Annihilation” & The Southern Reach, 2014; https://www.goodreads.com/series/112239-southern-reach
Wojcik, Jonathan; “Bogleech’s Coolest Parasite Eve Monsters”, 2011; https://bogleech.com/halloween/hall11-parasiteeve
Wojcik, Jonathan; “Bogleech’s The Flawless Bestiary of PARASITE EVE,” 2015; https://bogleech.com/halloween/hall15-parasiteeve
Questions? Comments? Email us at: [email protected]
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kurocookieemi · 11 months
Good vibes treatment (Hello Killer)
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based off this video:
after watching that video, i had the idea of Ren Hua sending her rivals, Brittany and Aleksandra, to get the good vibes treatment because of all the bad things they’ve done to others. even though i could only fit Ren Hua, Yoko, and Patrick in the bottom panel, i imagine that more people would be there, like Samantha, Julia, Ruzena, Yu Zi, Meng Yao, etc. also, i know that Kai’s holding the guitar in the video, but i decided to draw it on his back here cuz why not
Ren Hua‘s dialogue before the treatment starts:
”thank you so much for agreeing to do this, my good sir. those two leeches absolutely deserve it for all of their tomfoolery. i have an entire essay on all of their actions, but i shall try my best to keep it short and sweet.”
*after telling Kai about Brittany and Aleksandra’s wrongdoings* ”now that you and i are on the same page, i shall let you work your magic now. now…. *waves her fan and her sadistic side comes out* entertain your queen. *her sadistic side goes away* oh! apologies…. things like that happen to me sometimes…. now, please go ahead.”
Ren Hua’s dialogue after the treatment is done:
*she taps Kai on the shoulder* ”a fine humiliator you are, my good sir! i simply cannot wait for this to go viral! and then their reputations will tank even further and they’ll be eternally known as the complete garbage failures they are! by the way, you remind me of a dear friend of mine. i think you two would get along just swimmingly if you met, i should have to introduce you! now, for your troubles….”
*she gives Kai a stack of cash, since she’s rich and she wanted to repay him for his work*
Ren Hua Kuang, Yoko Asahina, and Patrick Davis belong to me
Kai belongs to Odd Nation Cartoons
Brittany Gabor belongs to @askkassandragf-v-2
Aleksandra Nowak belongs to @pinkyberet
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no-passaran · 2 years
September 25th, 2022
The cries for help of Russia's national minorities: "We will stop existing"
"In small villages, with two or three streets, they have taken all the men" • Putin's draft mobilization punishes regions like Yakutia, Buryatia and Dagestan.
On the day after declaring partial mobilization in Russia, a member of the Duma [Russian Parliament] and ex-mayor of Jakutsk, in Siberia, protested that the number of reserves that each region has to send to the front [of the war in Ukraine] didn't match. She asked why regions like Novosibirsk only mobilize 0.27% of the men between ages 20 and 59 and, at the same time, Yakutia has to mobilize 1.66%. In addition, she added, why are precisely the most disadvantaged towns of the north of Yakutia where the proportion of men called to war is higher? "In villages of the Artic, with 300 inhabitants, they take 47 men. I know what it means to live in the north at -55°C [-67°F] and, without the men, families will have a very hard time. What is the logic behind these numbers? What kind of proportionality are we talking about?"
Yakutia, located north of the permafrost and almost 8,500 km away from Moscow, is a land rich in natural resources (diamonds, uranium, hydrocarbon...) and the immigration of workers for the extraction businesses has left Yakuts and Evens, the indigenous peoples, as a minority in the cities of the centre and south of the Republic. On the other hand, they are the majority in the towns of the north, from which they are now being sent en masse to the frontline.
We have talked to Aanis, a girl from a town of 500 inhabitants where 35 men have been called to war: "They've taken almost all young men from the town, of local ethnicities (Evens and Yakuts). It was very unexpected, nobody could have seen something like this coming. Before the mobilization, people from the town were not interested in the war, it's hard enough to survive. We were worried about everyday problems: hunting, how the vegetables were growing... Now everything has changed, we are shocked."
Nikolai, a man from a village in the north of Yakutia, answers resolutely when we ask what has happened: "We had never seen before what is happening now, not even in the Second World War. They have sent all the native men to the front." I ask him for more details: "My village is inhabited only by Yakuts and Evens. We're less than 500 people, out of which only 154 are of working age, including women. They have called to the front 65 people, almost all the men between ages 18 and 60." He adds that families don't know how they will survive this winter. "It reaches -60°C [-76°F], and we don't have centralised heating or water pipes. We use ovens to warm up and it's usually men who take care of that. We live from hunting. Who will hunt now? What will we eat? Nobody knows."
I ask him why does he think the authorities have decided to take them and not others: "Because we live in remote and very small villages, with no Internet; there are no lawyers here or organizations that defend us. Many of us don't speak Russian or English. They probably calculated that mobilizing us would have little repercussion: very few people would notice the absence of some minorities, even if they disappear completely. In fact, there's already few of us left.
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Poster calling for a protest of the Free Yakutia Foundation: "Yakutia! Don't cry! RESIST!"
In Yakutia, women have taken the streets to protest. They stand their ground. And they have done so, shouting "no to genocide!"
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General mobilization in Buryatia
In Buryatia, a republic in the south of Siberia, bordering Mongolia, with a 35% native population of Mongolian origin (Buryats), their situation is just as harsh. "The mobilization in Buryatia is general, not partial", declares Aleksandra Garmazhapova, founder of a local NGO. Viktoriya Maladaeva, coordinator of the Free Buryatia Foundation, confirms it: "They're not calling up only reserves: they mobilize students, disabled people, and people who have never had any relation with the army. In small villages, with only two or three streets, they have taken all the men. There are families where they've called up the fathers and sons." She explains that many men were taken to the recruitment points during the night: "Then people started calling each other, and those who could drove their car to Mongolia. Others have hidden in the forests, in the taiga."
To answer to this situation, the ex-president of Mongolia (2009-2017) Tsakhiagiin Elbegdorj published the following message: "I know that since the beginning of this bloody war, the ethnic minorities that live in Russia are the ones that have suffered the most: the Mongols of Buryatia, of Tuva and Kalmykia have suffered. They have been used as cannon fodder. We, the Mongols, will welcome you with open arms and hearts. Our borders will stay open."
To the question of why she thinks Buryatia is disproportionately affected by the mobilization, Maladaeva answers without a doubt: "Because we are an ethnic minority and for Putin we are worthless [...] And that's the same in other "ethnic republics": right now we're getting calls from activists from Kalmykia, Chuvashia, Yakutia, Tuva... On the contrary, in the Irkutsk region (where there is a Slavic majority without notable minorities), there's silence, even though it borders us. Why?"
Dead in combat
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"Russian victims in Ukraine". Data compiled by Mediazona.
We must highlight that, until Putin signed the decree to mobilize reserves last Wednesday, going to fight in Ukraine was voluntary and paid. Those interested signed a contract with the Russian army and got paid a monthly salary between 130,000 and 200,000 rubles, depending on the region.
These salaries might not be much in Moscow, but they are a fortune in the most deprived areas. In the Russian capital city, the average monthly wage is about 115,009 rubles, three times the average monthly wage in Buryatia. If we look at unemployment rates, we see how it's 1.5% in Saint Petersburg while in Northern Caucasus republics, such as Ingushetia, it's as high as 30%. In the context of these economic inequalities, a result of highly centralized policies that center the economic wealth around the cities where political power resides and regulate the periphery to misery, it's no surprise that Buryats and Caucasians see an opportunity in an army wage, and knowing that in the worst of cases, if they die in combat, their families will receive (in theory) a compensation of 7 million rubles and a pension.
These economic reasons explain, in part, why the two regions with the most soldiers who died in combat in Ukraine are Buryatia and Dagestan (in the northern Caucasus). According to official data compiled by the Russian news portal Mediazona, 6,219 Russian soldiers have died in total in the war in Ukraine. From Buryatia, 256 have died (out of a total of 1 million inhabitants), and from Dagestan, 292 (out of 2.5 million inhabitants). These numbers contrast highly with the 17 dead soldiers from Moscow (12 million inhabitants) or the 49 deaths from Saint Petersburg (5 million inhabitants).
"We are the empire's trash"
Another factor that deepens the marginalization of minorities in Russia, that could have contributed to their disproportionate enlistment, is the prevailing racism in Russian society. Maria Viushkova, analyst of the Free Buryatia Foundation, declared in an interview: "The best alternatives in Buryatia for finding a job are either emigrating to South Korea or joining the army. For us, it's difficult to find work in other regions of Russia, where Buryats have to face discrimination and racism: they don't hire them, they don't house them, they limit their education. Often, Buryats who have tried their luck in other regions of Russia are forced to come back."
Aslan is a man from Kabardino-Balkaria, near Dagestan. He confirms that racism towards Caucasians is noticeable in Moscow, where he worked in some years: "It's constant. At work, first they looked badly at me, it took them a while to trust me. And when they knew me well, sometimes they spoke badly of Caucasians using a slur that they use to define us, "chernojopie" (black butts), not even realising I was there. In the subway, I have had problems with nationalists because of my looks. And my child has had quarrels with his friends for not being "Russian".
I ask him why he thinks it's them and Siberian minorities who are the most affected by this war. He's resolute: "Because we are the empire's trash to the Kremlin, and this is a way to get rid of us." And he adds: "But I don't understand why the Northern peoples don't rebel against Moscow, the empire has also wanted to destroy them. I think mobilization hasn't been as numerous in our republics in the Caucasus as it has in the Far East because they don't dare to, they know we'll stand up to them."
Aslan is probably right. The Caucasus is a potentially explosive region, where there was for years a Jihadist armed group made of young radicalized people with no hopes for the future. Authorities are not interested in feeding discontent and rage among these young people.
But in the Far East and in Siberia the situation is different, and the natives make a request of us. When I asked Nikolai, from the village in Yakutia that has been left with no young men, how could we help them, he said: "Please, report about the minority nations. If all men go to war, the genetic reserve of our people will be gone. In 20 years, or 40 years, our language will also go extinct. We will stop existing."
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ilinalta · 7 months
I didn't chose to be a tes blog but I guess here I am
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midwinterspringwrites · 11 months
WIP Tag Game
Tagged by @van1lla-v1lla1n
RULES: post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! and then tag as many people as you have WIPs.
Rey bleeds her saber
Before a day's deliverance-the wonder in your eyes morning after
Ludarklina winter fete bingo
Aleksandra Battle of Sodden
Drag You In
Stalker (Tarkovsky) AU
McMansion Hell AU
To Love Shadows and Marvels (partially posted)
Children of the Revolution (you can't fool us) (partially posted)
took the stars and made a map (partially posted)
Tagging @bearholdingashark, @goatsandgangsters, @eirenare, @misscoppelia, @radioactivesaltghoul, @briarlily, @inkbugfic, @randombks, @politicalmamaduck, @frazzledfishnun, and anyone else who wants to play!
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taemcains · 3 months
I know this is so random but the male LIs in HSR are pretty kinky. Cain with the whole blood ritual. Dmitry with his obsession of punishing and chaining MC. Greg's reaction if we told him about the or*gy and his diamond scene in chapter 3 was hella physical. These dudes are whores lol. I don't think I will be prepared for season 2 and 3 lmao.
nsfw /
please think about the person behind the screen when you send things like this do i seem remotely normal about any of these men. greg replying with 'how sweet' to lane telling him ab the orgy... i need to be put down.
terrified bc aleksandra can and WILL go there. rc is about to witness some of the most insane sex scenes published yet in s2 and s3
(i have to give her her flowers though bc men being whores is peak character design)
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lgbtqjockshowdown · 1 year
Our Competitors!
Hello and welcome to the LGBTQ Jock Showdown! We have 104 individual competitors, so we'll have 52 brackets! To prepare for our brackets, I wanted to show y'all who you'll have to look forward to. Under a readmore because it's a Lot(tm). Also you're more than welcome to start sending in your propaganda.
Achilles Adora Aiden Kane Alex Alex Claremont-Diaz alex price Ander Muñoz Andrew Minyard aoi asahina Basilton Grimm-Pitch sakura ogami Bobby Drake / Iceman Boris Bram Greenfeld Brittany S. Pierce Caleb Michaels Chad Danforth Chandlo Funkbun Charlie Spring Colin Hughes Connor "Whiskey" Whisk Dana Fairbanks Danny Mahealani Eli rodriguez Emily Fields Eric 'Bitty' Bittle Garroth Ro’Meave Gideon Nav Grizz Haruka Ten’oh Harvard LeeIlya Rosanov Jack Zimmerman Jess Bhamra Jess McCready Jock Jock Girlfriend (Alex) joe / kojiro nanjo Jules Paxton Julian Bashir Juri Arisugawa Kent Parson Kevin Day kineshi hairo Korra Lukas Rivers Lukas Waldenbeck Luke Sunborn Lupe Garcia Megan Bloomfield Missy Pantone Mitch Mondo Owada Morgan Nao Neil Josten Nicholas Cox Nick Nelson Nicky Hemmick noelle holiday Pat Napat Jindapat Jeremy Harkiss Peppermint Patty PHINEAS / FINNY Prince Amir Prince Henry Fox-Mountchristen-Windsor Prince Wilhelm Prince Zagreus Ragh Barkrock Rawhide Kid/Johnny Bart Renee Walker Riku Riley Stavos Ronnie Lee Santana Lopez Sarawat Seiji Katayama shane hollander Simon Eriksson Smith Parker Soren Souta Steve Palchuk Taissa Turner Tanaka Issei Tangmo Thun Thunyakorn Troy Barnes Turbo undyne Utena Tenjou Van Victor Nikiforov Victor Salazar Viola Hastings Win Phawin Wanichakarnjonkul Xena Yang Xiao Long yasmina fadoula Yuuri Katsuki Zane Park zarya (aleksandra zaryanova) Zero
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