#Aldar Beedo's Podracer
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Sebulba Takes Off
STAR WARS EPISODE I: The Phantom Menace 00:59:58
#Star Wars#Episode I#The Phantom Menace#Tatooine#Mos Espa#Mos Espa Grand Arena#Boonta Eve Classic#podrace#Dud Bolt's podracer#Sebulba#unidentified podracer engine#unidentified podrace mechanic#Aldar Beedo's podracer#unidentified writing system#Vulptereen 327#Sebulba's podracer#control pod#headrest#throttle lever#control power generator#telemetry and control console#repulsorlift generator#Steelton control cable#Mark IV Flat-Twin Turbojet#windshield mount
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I feel some explanation is in order. The one that's always on the left appeared in a Lego Star Wars set from 2000 that came in a bucket and had small scale builds of podracers from Phantom Menace. At the time, it was labeled as "Generic Alien", but in the 2009 Lego Star Wars Visual Dictionary, it was labeled as Aldar Beedo, the one who's always on the right.
All we know about Aldar Beedo in Disney's canon is what he is, where he's from, and that he finished the Podrace where Anakin won his freedom in third place. In Legends, though, he was hired to kill Sebulba. Since Anakin caused Sebubla to crash (something Sebulba survived), I doubt Aldar Beedo got paid for it.
Anyway, the Lego mold with no printing is Aldar Beedo as he appeared in a 2001 Lego Star Wars set. He's just one piece with no moving parts. While he is more accurate to the character in the movie than the one that appeared in 2000 (and he was labeled as Aldar Beedo even at the time), I still feel that it misled me as to what he looked like in the movie. That's why I made the 2001 Lego character as "You" and how he appears in the movie as "the guy she told you not to worry about".
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Wan Sandage was a Devlikk podracer who participated in the Boonta Eve Classic. Regarded as somewhat of a playboy on his home planet of Ord Radama, Sandage was obsessed with defeating Sebulba in a race, going as far as to hire Aldar Beedo to assassinate him. The average Devlikk lifespan was only ten years, which contributed to Sandage’s single-minded devotion to racing.
Source: Star Wars: Episode I Insider’s Guide (1999)
First Appearance: Star Wars: Episode I The Phantom Menace (1999)
Read more on Wookieepedia.
#wan sandage#star wars aliens#devlikk#podracer#ord radama#sebulba#aldar beedo#star wars episode i#the phantom menace#star wars#expanded universe#star wars canon#star wars legends
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How advanced was Anakin when it came to his Force abilities people seem to believe he didn't really care about it nor seem that interested besides power which seems kind of true
He was ‘extraordinary’ :P
Don’t ever feel bad for being extraordinary, Anakin. – Obi-wan Kenobi in Clone Wars Gambit: Stealth by Karen Miller.
He wished he did. If it was a simple matter of Force-leaping the perimeter fence, no problem. But it wasn’t just the fence they had to deal with, it was the laser grid in front of the fence—and more than likely on its other side as well. “You’ll be fine, Anakin,” said Obi-Wan. “I doubt anyone will ever break your Temple leap record.” The one he’d set just over a year ago. The one that had smashed Mace Windu’s leap by nearly fifteen meters. No, probably no one ever would break that. But it wasn’t himself he was worried about.[Karen Miller. Star Wars: Clone Wars Gambit: Stealth]
Childhood in the Temple. Playing hide-and-seek with his fellow students because he was still too young to travel the Republic with Obi-Wan. Vanishing was one of a youngling’s most important lessons—but the Temple Masters hadn’t needed to teach him. He knew that Jedi trick already. Much later, he realized he’d been doing it for years. That slavery had given him this one, priceless gift: the ability to disappear at will. He’d used it to hide from Gardulla—eventually, not soon enough—when she came ranting with her whip. From his mother when he didn’t want to come in to bed. From Watto, when he was tired of chores in the workshop. From Sebulba and Aldar Beedo and Gasgano, when the Podraces’ most vicious pilots were out for blood and fighting them wasn’t an option. He’d even used it twice while racing. Had somehow managed to vanish not only himself but his Pod, startling his targets so badly they’d both crashed out as he zoomed by, laughing. He hadn’t told anyone in the Temple that. Knew they’d never believe him, because that depth of vanishing wasn’t meant to be possible. Certainly not for a child of eight. But it had been. He could do that. So now? A man grown, with the Force obedient to his will? Hiding from a stupid security cam was a piece of poodoo. No sweat. [Karen Miller. Star Wars: Clone Wars Gambit: Stealth]
THE NEXT STORM-shield generator overloaded just as Anakin reached it. He had a split second’s warning, one hammer blow from the Force. The storm seemed to hold its breath— —and then exhaled in renewed fury as the generator erupted in a burning light show of sparks. With a scream like a wounded animal the shield directly overhead collapsed and a maelstrom of theta particles poured through the gap. He acted on instinct—and out of sheer bloody-minded terror. Throwing up his hands he used the Force to hold back the stream of theta particles, and with a shout of rage became one with the storm shield. Rejected the storm. He thought he could feel his blood bubbling. He was losing himself, disappearing within the scarlet vortex of the Force as it consumed him and transformed him into fire. And there was his mother, whispering again. He can help you. He was meant to help you. Furious, Anakin stood alone against the storm. … ON CORUSCANT, in the Temple, Taria Damsin and Ahsoka shadowdance with their lightsabers. Shadowdance within the Force. Open and trusting they swim its light tides—and as one are swept up in a tidal wave of fear. Shock twists them and they stumble, fingers loosening. Lightsabers fall. Shocked younglings whisper and wonder what to do … … as Yoda, in meditation, is shocked out of his communing by a sense of danger sharp as pain. Hand pressed to his head he seeks for understanding, seeks to see what has happened. But the dark side is a jealous shroud. It keeps its secrets close. [Karen Miller. Star Wars: Clone Wars Gambit: Siege]
Mace took a shallow breath and closed his eyes. “Look inward, Anakin.” “I don’t want to,” Anakin said breathlessly, his voice jerking. “I don’t like what I see.” “Is it possible you see nothing more than the tensions of approaching adulthood?“ Mace asked. “No!” Anakin cried. “I see… too much, too much.” “Too much what?” “I burn like a sun inside!” The boy’s voice rang out in the chamber like a bell. [Greg Bear’s Rogue Planet]
“No! Stop it, please!” Anakin yelled. “Help me stop it!” The rumbling of his ascending power drowned out this plea for his master to come and prevent a hideous mistake. I am so afraid, so full of hate and anger. I still don’t know how to fight. […] Anakin raised his hands in the twin and supremely graceful gestures of Jedi compulsion. Pure willful self flooded his tissues. The urge to protect and to destroy became one. He straightened and seemed to grow taller. His eyes became black as pitch. “Stop it, please!” Anakin shouted. “I can’t hold it back any longer!” […] Ke Daiv stepped toward her and lifted a hand. She was almost too afraid to look at his face, but when she did, she screamed. His eyes had turned white, and the flesh around his head and neck had cracked. He was bleeding profusely, and his dark orange blood dripped down over his shoulders. He was trying to say something. Jabitha backed away, speechless with terror. [Greg Bear’s Rogue Planet]
"Could you give us just a little boost. .," Anakin pleaded. "You know, up and out?" Obi-Wan did, and Anakin lit off their jets at the very same instant. The jolt did not distract him from reaching out with out stretched fingers, grazing a curve of worm skin, and grabbing a scale. Somehow they lifted to the first shield and slipped into the updraft of a discharged canister. Spinning, knocked almost senseless, they were drawn up through a port. Obi-Wan felt Anakin's small arms around his waist. "If that's how it's done. .," the boy said, and then something-was it is his Padawan's newfound skill at levitation? — lifted them through the next shield as if they lay in the palm of a giant hand. Obi-Wan Kenobi had never felt so close to such a powerful connection with the Force, not in Qui-Gon, nor Mace Windu. Not even in Yoda. "I think we're going to make it!" Anakin said. [Greg Bear’s Rogue Planet]
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Star Wars Alien Species - Glymphid
Glymphids were a race of aliens that came from the planet Ploo II.
Podracer, assassin, bounty hunter Aldar Beedo, sometimes known as the "Hit Man", lived on Ploo II. He raced in the Boonta Eve Classic.
There were also Quermians living on Ploo II. Ploo II was the homeworld of the professor Murk Lundi.
In 29 BBY, Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker pursued Norval (a dark-haired Human) in the Ploo system. The young man had stolen a Sith holocron and was trying to reach Ploo II, the homeworld of his mentor Murk Lundi. Kenobi boarded Norval's vessel and took the holocron after defeating the aspiring Dark Jedi in a brief lightsaber duel.
A Glymphid messenger tracked down Rebel Alliance pilot Luke Skywalker on Nyemari.
They were tall and thin, with tan skin, long snouts, and suction cup-tipped fingers. The Glymphid had frills on their necks and rounded nodules on their torso.
Examples of Names: Aldar Beedo.
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N64 Games

N64 Star Wars Games Ranked
Just like The Simpsons video games we mentioned in our last article, Star Wars games have found their way onto almost every game console for all generations. Four Star Wars games were released on the Nintendo 64, which is more than its predecessors (3 on SNES and 2 on NES). Of the four Star Wars N64 Games, two revolved around Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace, one around the original trilogy, and one around Star Wars Legends.
Here are the Star Wars N64 games ranked:
4. Star Wars: Shadows of the Empire
Release Year: 1996UPC:
Current Value: $10-$12
Are you shocked that this game is ranked lowest? Although Shadows of the Empire is the most popular and well-known Star Wars game on the Nintendo 64, it was rated the lowest out of the four Star Wars games released, with an average rating of 6.5/10 across reputable review sites.
The game has a great story that’s divided into 4 chapters. The first chapter takes place at the beginning of the fifth Star Wars film – Empire Strikes Back. The second chapter involves a face-off against Boba Fett to save Han Solo. The third chapter has players protecting Luke Skywalker while recovering the secret plans for the second Death Star. And finally, the fourth chapter requires players to rescue Princess Leia from Prince Xizor in order to beat the game.
Unfortunately, the game received its low reviews due to poor controls, awkward camera angles, and mediocre level designs after The Battle of Hoth.
3. Star Wars Episode I: Racer
Release Year: 1999UPC:
Current Value: $6-$8
The first Phantom Menace video game released on the N64 with an average rating of 7.5/10. Based on the pod race movie scene, players must race around different circuits, each set becoming progressively more difficult (think Mario Kart 64). Players can earn money by winning races and can spend this on upgrades for their podracer at Watto’s shop.
The game has 23 playable characters, 17 of which need to be unlocked. Competitive players should note that the best Star Wars Racer character is Ben Quadinaros. Not only is his podracer huge, he also has the strongest and most effective boost in the game.
Star Wars Episode I Racer Tier List
Ben Quadinaros
Bullseye’ Navior
Mars Guo
Ebe Endocott
Boles Roor
Elan Mak
Aldar Beedo
Anakin Skywalker
C-Tier & Lower
Dud Bolt
Ody Mandrell
Ark “Bumpy” Roose
Bozzie Baranta
Clegg Holdfast
Fud Sang
Neva Kee
Ratts Tyerell
Slide Paramita
Teemto Pagalies
Toy Dampner
Wan Sandage
Fun Fact: Star Wars Episode I: Racer had its own limited edition bundle for the N64!
2. Star Wars Episode I: Battle for Naboo
Release Year: 2000UPC:
Current Value: $19-$21
The follow-up to Star Wars: Rogue Squadron, Battle for Naboo follows the events of the film Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace. The game offers 15 levels for players to complete with the following available aircraft: Naboo N-1 Starfighter, the Naboo Bomber, and Police Cruiser. Land and watercraft are also playable on various levels.
The game received positive reviews, with an average rating of 8/10. It’s commonly praised for it crisp controls, addition of ground vehicles (which Rogue Squadron didn’t have), and story line.
1. Star Wars Rogue Squadron
Release Year: 1998UPC:
Current Value: $10-$12
The first installment of the popular Rogue Squadron trilogy, which was concluded on the Nintendo Gamecube. Rogue Squadron was the 2nd Nintendo 64 game to support the Expansion Pak (after Donkey Kong 64).
The story takes place between A New Hope and Empire Strikes Back, and revolves around the missions of Luke Skywalker and Wedge Anitlles to form the Rogue Squadron. Similar to Shadows of the Empire, the game is divided into four chapters. The final chapter takes place six years after the Battle of Endor with Wedge Antilles battling the remnants of the empire; this was the first post Return of the Jedi content in a video game!
The game received great reception with an average rating of 8.5/10 and holds a special place in the heart’s of Star Wars fans. We highly recommend playing this game if you haven’t!
#N64 Games#Star Wars Games#N64 Star Wars Games#Sell Video Games#Get Free Video Game#video games#gamex
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Sebulba Leads the Pack
STAR WARS EPISODE I: The Phantom Menace 01:01:05
#Star Wars#Episode I#The Phantom Menace#Tatooine#Boonta Eve Classic#podrace#Ebe Crater Valley#Sebulba#Mars Guo's podracer#Ratts Tyerell's podracer#Elan Mak's podracer#Aldar Beedo's podracer#Mushroom Mesa#telemetry and control console#windshield mount#Plug-2 Behemoth#Scatalpen#KRT 410C#Mark IV Flat-Twin Turbojet
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Hot Pursuit
STAR WARS EPISODE I: The Phantom Menace 01:01:25
#Star Wars#Episode I#The Phantom Menace#Tatooine#Boonta Eve Classic#podrace#Desert Plain#Teemto Pagalies' podracer#Aldar Beedo's podracer#Sebulba#Sebulba's podracer#Ben's Mesa#mini-intertial compensator#control power generator#Steelton control cable#Plug-F Mammoth#Split-X turbojet engine#Collor Pondrat
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Beggar's Canyon
STAR WARS EPISODE I: The Phantom Menace 01:01:07
#Star Wars#Episode I#The Phantom Menace#Tatooine#Boonta Eve Classic#podrace#Beggar's Canyon#Ben's Mesa#landspeeder#skyhopper#Sebulba's podracer#Elan Mak's podracer#Ratts Tyerell's podracer#Aldar Beedo's podracer#Mars Guo's podracer#Plug-F Mammoth#KRT 410C#Scatalpen#Mark IV Flat-Twin Turbojet#Plug-2 Behemoth
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Across Ebe Crater Valley
STAR WARS EPISODE I: The Phantom Menace 01:01:02
#Star Wars#Episode I#The Phantom Menace#Tatooine#Boonta Eve Classic#podrace#Mushroom Mesa#Aldar Beedo's podracer#Ratts Tyerell's podracer#Sebulba's podracer#Ebe Crater Valley#Elan Mak's podracer#Slave Quarters Row#Mark IV Flat-Twin Turbojet#Scatalpen#Plug-F Mammoth#KRT 410C
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Aldar Beedo Rockets Past a Salvage Droid
STAR WARS EPISODE I: The Phantom Menace - Deleted Scene: Extended Podrace Lap Two 00:22
#Star Wars#Episode I#The Phantom Menace#deleted scene#Extended Podrace Lap Two#Tatooine#Boonta Eve Classic#Mushroom Mesa#unidentified salvage droid#P-100 salvage droid#ventral hatch#repulsorlift#re-grav plate#Manta RamAir#Aldar Beedo's Podracer#MARK IV Flat-Twin Turbojet
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Sebulba Races Through Arch Canyon
STAR WARS EPISODE I: The Phantom Menace - Deleted Scene: Extended Podrace Lap Two 00:18
#Star Wars#Episode I#The Phantom Menace#deleted scene#Extended Podrace Lap Two#Tatooine#Boonta Eve Classic#Arch Canyon#Sebulba's Podracer#Aldar Beedo's Podracer#Teemto Pagalies' Podracer#Plug-F Mammoth#Sebulba#Split-X turbojet engine#energy binder arc#Split-X repulsor housing#Split-X stabilizing vane#lower Split-X air intake#IPG-X1131 LongTail#MARK IV Twin-Flat Turbojet
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Ill-Fated Gorg
STAR WARS EPISODE I: The Phantom Menace - Deleted Scene: Complete Podrace Grid Sequence 06:46
#Star Wars#Episode I#The Phantom Menace#deleted scene#Complete Podrace Grid Sequence#Tatooine#Mos Espa#Mos Espa Grand Arena#Boonta Eve Classic#Jabba's Royal Box#gorg#Gasgano's Podracer#Dud Bolt's Podracer#Aldar Beedo's Podracer#Anakin Skywalker's Podracer#Sebulba's Podracer#Ratts Tyerell's Podracer#Jabba the Hutt#Jabba Desilijic Tiure#Ord Pedrovia#Radon-Ulzer 620C#Vulptereen 327#MARK IV Flat-Twin Turbojet#Plug-F Mammoth#Scatalpen
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[ Angry Jabbering ]
STAR WARS EPISODE I: The Phantom Menace - Deleted Scene: Complete Podrace Grid Sequence 01:50
#Star Wars#Episode I#The Phantom Menace#deleted scene#Complete Podrace Grid Sequence#Tatooine#Mos Espa#Mos Espa Grand Arena#Boonta Eve Classic#unidentified Podrace mechanic#Mars Guo#VargeCorp#polarizing field insulator suit#Lana Dobreed#Dud Bolt's Podracer#Vulptereen 327#Aldar Beedo's Podracer#MARK IV Flat-Twin Turbojet#Press Building#Anakin Skywalker's Podracer#control pod#Anakin Skywalker#Jar Jar Binks#Qui-Gon Jinn
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Anakin Rushes Past Aldar Beedo
STAR WARS EPISODE I: The Phantom Menace 01:03:52
#Star Wars#Episode I#The Phantom Menace#Tatooine#Boonta Eve Classic#podrace#Aldar Beedo's podracer#Anakin Skywalker's podracer#thrust ring#energy binder arc#turbine#spill air door#Radon-Ulzer 620C#Mark IV Flat-Twin Turbojet
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Aldar Beedo Speeds Past Jabba's Box
STAR WARS EPISODE I: The Phantom Menace 01:02:46
#Star Wars#Episode I#The Phantom Menace#Tatooine#Mos Espa#Mos Espa Grand Arena#Boonta Eve Classic#podrace#Jabba's Box#Jabba the Hutt#Jabba Desilijic Tiure#finish line#Aldar Beedo's podracer#dwarf nuna#Mark IV Flat-Twin Turbojet
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