#Alcina doesn’t actually care what others think because these are her daughters and she will raise them as she pleases
caitlynmeow · 1 year
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Alcina has a hard time saying ‘no’ to her daughters. Most of the time.
It isn’t a secret that the noblewoman is a very loving and affectionate mother who spoils the fuck out of her daughters. Although, when the time comes and she needs to be more firm than usual, her word is obsolete.
The daughters are used to getting what they want and when they want, there is no doubt about that. When it comes to many things, Alcina is often very indulging.
An example is when the daughters graduated from high school. At around the age of 18 they are eager to get their driving license and pick any car they want. Being filthy rich, Alcina had no limitation when each one of her daughters picked the car that she wanted, even those were custom made to adhere to the daughters’ wishes.
But that isn’t saying that the girls have free reign to do whatever they want without any consequences. Alcina is fair, or so she likes to think. While she gives her girls a lot of leeway, she also has established with them from early on their lives what is right and what is wrong.
While lenient most of the time, Alcina is strict when it comes to breaking rules.
It is simple, it only takes a daughter to cross the line that provoke her mother’s wrath. Alcina is aware that her anger can get the better of her most of the time, that’s why she tries to keep herself away until she can handle the situation. A seething “go to your room” is enough to send the offending daughter to her room without much questioning.
It takes a while, and a few glasses of wine for the woman to calm down enough to handle her misbehaving daughter. When she decided that the daughter in question has been stewing for long enough, Alcina heads to her room and they have a long talk.
The mother talks for the most part, but at the end, she allows her daughter to explain her side, even though it wouldn’t matter at the end. Alcina believes in natural consequences for actions. For example, when Cassandra almost got arrested for racing illegally in some roads, Alcina revoked her driving privileges for six months. During that time, she could only ride with Bela or have the driver take her to wherever she needed.
When things normally get to that point, the offender knows that there is no walking out of such a punishment as soon as mama makes her decision.
Luckily, all three daughters are smart enough not to provoke their mother like that. Although, two daughters (cough CassandraandDaniela cough) tend to think they can outsmart their mother or keep things from her without getting caught.
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blackmistral · 29 days
Alcina Headcanons
Hii! I have a bit of a writer's block at the moment so I don't know when I'll post the fic I'm currently writing, but I did this meanwhile. I think I'll post ten more tomorrow. Love you <3
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1. How do they feel about people shorter/taller than them?     I mean… I think we all have the same thoughts about this. In my opinion, she LOVES being taller than her lover. Besides, she’s so tall that no one can be taller than her anyway.
2. Their sexuality?     She’s super duper gay. Like, we all know she hates men, so she’s definitely a lesbian. 
3. Preferred weather?     I don't think she really cares since she’s she doesn't get out of the castle much. But she likes reading in the library when it rains, though.
4. What’s their sleeping schedule?     Before she has a lover: since she doesn’t need to sleep, I don’t think she actually sleeps every night but when she does, she goes to bed around 10-11pm (because of all the paperwork she has to do) and wakes up very early (5-6am).     If she has one: she tries to sleep at the same time as them, so that depends on when they are tired.
5. Favorite song?     My favorite romantic song is her favorite song guys. ‘At Last’ by Etta James. She also likes Frank Sinatra in my opinion (‘The World we Knew’ precisely). She just loves quiet and old songs (although I think she secretly loves Lady Gaga).
6. How’s their cooking?     One word. Terrible. As she never had to cook because she’s had maids and servants her whole life, she probably never learned how to cook properly.
7. What’s their sleeping position?     100% the (big) spoon. She loves to have her beloved close to her when they are both asleep so they know they are safe with her.
8. Something small that they enjoy?     I don’t know if it’s small but she looooves to know what her lover likes to do or what they did in the day. She’ll just sit and listen to whatever ramblings they tell her because she’s happy that they feel like they can share their day with her.
9. How do they feel about physical contact by others?     It really depends on who. She likes to hug her daughters and beloved but if Heisenberg asked one (which would never happen lol) she would absolutely kick his ass. But like I said, she’s heavy on physical contact witch the people she loves.
10. How well do they take care of themselves?            I’m not sure about this one. Like obviously she never leaves her bedroom without makeup on, but I don’t think she really takes care of herself. The only thing she does to “take care” of her skin is to take blood baths. 
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highlifeboat · 1 year
Cause this AU got me by the throat and I love expanding on ideas with you (going off the assumption this is her more lucid/less violent times):
1. How's Max's mom handle daily life with the Dimitrescus? Her kid just casually having breakfast with cannibals, working for one, trading snide remarks and somehow not getting killed/attacked for it (Cass wants to, Mel just gives her a look to behave more in front of Max's mom - Max may take advantage until his mom scolds him for rudeness, even to a cannibalistic nightmare)?
2. You know the maids have gossiped about Max before, how is his mom handling that? Especially since some is true?
3. (Potentially little angsty) Oh God is Cass gonna tell her about some of the "dumb shit" (in her mind, honestly pretty horrifying for a parent to hear) Max has done while dealing with trauma?
4. Does she ever witness one of the midnight escapades (Mia being feral, group snack time, etc) and how does she respond?
5. Is Daniela trying to become her mother in law's favorite? Is she succeeding?
6. Does Max admit that Mel is his best friend?
Oh, I’m SO GLAD you’re liking this because I’m living for it rn.
1 . It definitely takes a little time before his mom is somewhat comfortable around them, and even then it’s just… bizarre. Everything she knows about the Dimitrescus is that they’re merciless cannibals who will eat anybody that even looks at them wrong but… here they are. Eating dinner together like a normal family, with typical family banter going on. That her own child is taking part in. Him trading snide remarks with Cass especially scares her a little. Daniela tries to reassure her it’s fine “They’ve only fought once in the last month!” This somehow does not help.
Life really isn’t as… wild, as she would have imagined living with one of the Lords to be. There’s definitely moments of things being said/done out of pocket that’s clearly just normal for them, but overall it doesn’t feel any more chaotic than her own family.
Alcina and Mia try to be accommodating, and she actually makes decent conversation with them (dare she say she thinks they could almost be friends). Elena and Melony are both very sweet, she’s still not entirely sure what to make of Bela and Cass, but Bela’s been very polite and respectful, and Cass has been nice, if brutish. Daniela is very sweet. So, y’know, for a family of people eaters and their somewhat normal S/O’s they aren’t bad.
Looping back, Melony is definitely making Cass hold back from saying her usual snarky comments in front of Max’s Mom. On the flip side, his mom is also making him hold back negative remarks because “You shouldn’t be rude.” (Cue the “Sorry, mama…” “Good. Now apologize to Cassandra.” “*....Sorry Cassandra.”, to which Cass would chew him out for later. If Melony didn’t also make her apologize.)
2 . In terms of rumors/gossip, I feel like that’s something she isn’t entirely… surprised by, at the very least. It just largely depends on what type of gossip it is.
Even while living in the Village Max was pretty… not secretive about sleeping around with women, so hearing maids whisper things about him sleeping around wasn’t exactly a revelation. Of course there are exaggerations. Things that are clearly just rumors spiraled out of control. She can deal with those (though it does bring back some… less than fond memories of being harassed for having a “Whore (insert slur) daughter”)
There’s also… other gossip. Debates about his gender, whispers about his mental health, general mutters about his relationship with Daniela (mostly if it’s even real or not), something . Some of those are a little… harder to ignore. But Max seems to simply wave them off because “I don’t care what a bunch of idiots call me.” (which she’s pretty sure he’s said word for word years ago as well). She wants to talk to him about it, because she can tell it bugs him at least a little, but he doesn’t want to and she can’t make him. Even if she is his mom. She just reaffirms how much she cares for him instead.
It still bothers her, in all honesty, but she knows not much can be done about it.
3 . There’s things Max has done that Cassandra definitely classifies as “Just fucking stupid” despite it being part of a series of ongoing problems for him having no self preservation, that maybe she and some others don’t fully realize is super serious. Because not everybody knows how bad Max’s PTSD/trauma is and that it’s part of the reason for why he does certain things.
I can see Cass, when his mom asks about how he’s been doing, telling her about how he once “fell over the banister railing” in the main hall and landed on his face, or one of the many times he was shit face drunk and passed out and they almost thought he was dead, or literally any of the several instances of him getting into an “accident” that “could have killed him”. While his mom just sits there, horrified, and incredibly concerned for her baby boy’s well being.
Bonus points if Max is in the room with them (maybe cause he doesn’t fully trust Cass to be nice), trying to laugh this stuff off as “Haha, yep, I sure am stupid.” but silently freaking out because he can probably count at least 3 of those stories that were actual attempts on his life that he just failed at. But he doesn’t wanna bring down the mood or concern his mom.
I think the two of them have to have a conversation about that.
4 . Once. She’d gone to the kitchen for water, brought a candle for light, walked in on all Mia, Melony, Elena, and her own son all gathered around shoving snacks into their faces. They immediately noticed her, stared, Max said “It’s a coping thing.” Suddenly she wasn’t thirsty, and she turned around and walked back to the guest room with a muttered “That can’t be sanitary.”
They’ve never brought it up after, but she thinks about it sometimes.
She has seen Mia be feral more than once, though. She has no clue what her deal is, because Mia’s pretty normal like 90% of the time (Still a little weird, but normal compared to everything else). And then she’ll just see her perched on a chair devouring a bushel of grapes and a whole loaf of bread or something. At this point she chooses not to question it.
5 . Daniela definitely gets the “Must impress boyfriend’s mom” mentality real fast. Despite Max constantly saying “She already likes you, you’re fine.” Daniela is determined to be the best daughter in-law. She’s constantly trying to help and do whatever she can to stay on his mom’s good side (and maybe doesn’t realize she’s being a tad overwhelming)
To her credit, though, she probably actually is her in-law’s favourite. Cass is too much of a bully towards Max (well, and in general) for his mom to really like her, and Bela is… Bela. She’s very well mannered, but also just kind of awkward and stilted. Daniela is still weird, but she’s much easier to talk and get on with. If she had to rank them favourite to least it would be; Daniela, Bela, then Cassandra.
6 . I like to think the way Max was introducing everybody was like “This is X and she's pretty cool.” or whatever.
And then he gets to Melony, gently puts his hand on her head and is like “This is Melon Ball. You’ll love her. Kind of my best friend. She’s basically a sister to me at this point.” Which is not something Melony has ever heard him say out loud.
His mom thinks it’s cute her son has a little (haha) friend. (She likes Melony a lot more than the people he used to hang out with)
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valleynix · 2 years
NOOO POORRR LUNNY 😭😭 they were just in such a bad environment. I wanna give them a hug
If it isn’t too spoilerly what was lunatics life in their version of castle dimitrescu like?
Lunatic really drew the short stick with their luck 😭
but! i’ll try to talk about it as much as i can :D (i haven’t really fleshed their world out as much as i’d like to)
so, it’s been revealed that C-Daniela (Copy Daniela) is still very sweet at times and adores her family, even if she’s still vile and sadistic. this means she was actually probably pretty sweet to Lunatic throughout their interactions, but maybe just had her moments where she’d threaten to kill them or actually try to
before Miranda showed up, they lived a lot of their life in constant fear. since they’re just Reader but more aggressive/feral, they would often snap back at the C-Dimitrescus, which resulted in them being kept alive solely for entertainment (and because it’d been stated they were off-limits to kill)
still, imagine just trying to live your life (or what you assume is your life) and have to run from C-Cassandra chasing you down halls and throwing sickles and other weapons at you (BARELY missing), or having C-Bela corner you on a weekly basis and try to lop your head off
C-Alcina isn’t really present; she thinks of her daughters as nuisances and doesn’t really care for them (complete opposite of the real one), so wherever they are, she’s not really around. that being said, Lunatic definitely suffered some bites or broken fingers from her after being “disobedient”
then Miranda came, offered them a way out under the guise of protecting them, yada yada, we all know how that’s currently going down. Lunatic does often go back to their stratum in the megamycete, more just because it’s a lot easier to simply exist there than anywhere else, but they hide while there. yeah, they’re now 6’4” and fully mutated and could certainly hold their own against the C-Dimitrescus, but part of them is still fully terrified of them and what they’ve done in the past
(i like to imagine C-Daniela is still sweet on them and has likely invaded their personal space to cuddle with them, even while mutated. might explain why they’re starting to go easier on the real one…)
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shatteredfears-arch · 2 years
actual write up later whennincan think again but: basic thoughts for the post village ‘i do what i want’ thing re cassie;
She probably reforms from the crystalisis in dukes shop, bc he kept all the bodies for a reason, if a duke wants to do a thread w rhay then -fingerguns\ hit me up
Can no longer attack Ethan. At all. Circa 7 when ethan was first infected and couldnt fight elder eveline, but could fight everyone else. hes the host now, she cant do anything to him. I’m guessing it was the same for miranda, so while she was disdainful towards her, and wouldnt have fought her anyways bc momma would be disappointed, she definitely physically cant now. The Mold says no.
As with my personal canon from transferring my Faerie Halfling char into cassie, she still has fae blood which likely was a delicious treat for the good old mold. do w that what you will. but even mutated beyond belief shes still a halfling, but anything regarding that is primarily reserved for persy and owlys threads unless others want to experiment there, and she was just a witchy human in canon compliant verses.
Once she wakes up, she loses the ability to turn into a swarm. all her buggos died off. She’d need to collect an entirely new swarm before she can do it again, but the contrast point there is she can be in the cold again. But, yknow, no buggy power lol.
she’s still violent, but given her entire family is basically dead… she gets a tiny pass for now.
probably the only person shes 100% trusting is the duke (lol 100% more like 50%), and maybe hatter @ owly, but not a lot else. If threads w post village others occur (unkie, auntie, fishy, etc), its a case by case basis. she did actually like her relatives.. mostly. but her momma being gone rly puts a damper on her trusting capabilities.
her hunting skills outside of the bugging are still present please dont think shes easy to hurt now, shes angry and volatile and will stab first think later.
she didnt wake up in her hunting dress. I actually picture it more like how zoe woke up in EoZ dlc, like the crystalisis became her current outfit, and she probably hasnt gotten and doesnt care to get anything else rn. her most important bits are somehow magically covered though so whatever.
she did not have any feelings regarding rose in the first place. she did not care that ethan was looking for his daughter. she doesn’t understand that point of view. while overly empathetic pre transformation, her empathy levels dropped significantly before she even turned, and afterwards she turned almost entirely into a sadist. While her desperate desire for family returns at the loss of her sisters and mom, she had no qualms about any of that before. Her only issues with ethan were that she was told he was her prey, and she wanted to succeed in her kill. Proving herself to Alcina is always her first goal, and ethan killing Bela and making alcina pissed off and cina telling cass to take care of him set her off even further on the hunt. She does not like ethan now because he killed her family, but she can no longer touch him. Probably, considering Rose’s own reality with the mold, she’d at worst consider Rose an irritating pest.. but one her mother tolerated. At best, maybe consider her a form of family because of the mold, but.. dislike her the way the rest of the family hates each other lmao.
her head wound is still there, the tattoo (which in my canon already wasn’t fully formed, because I like how in the concept art the filter makes it look less and less visible on each daughter going down, and i like the idea of bela being the only one with the full tattoo) has faded even more. At this point, it’s mostly just a portion of a rose and the bladed stem, but nothing else.
The dark splotches under her eyes that look like crying mascara stains are still there, not super dark, but there.
her hands still look corrupted and messed up, like if the gloves are off it still looks like gloves ghosting up her arms, thats still there. But the more claw like shape has faded to more proper hand like looks.
eyes the same, one gold one silver, no vision in her right eye. her balance is off because of dyspraxia. shes evil but shes trying be nice
throw ideas at me lets write together when im free from overworked underpaid hell
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heisenberg-simp257 · 2 years
Hello! Would you be so kind as to write some headcanons for the Four overprotective Lords of the village? Thank you very much!
The Four Lords Being Overprotective with You
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Alcina Dimitrescu
-She’s probably the most protective out of the words. This may or not be surprising when you think of the others. But when Alcina cares about someone, she will kill for them. This can be seen with her daughters.
-Alcina sees you as fragile, and therefore perceives everything as a threat. You are not allowed to go anywhere without her unless you run away from her vision or really try hard to convince her.
-Her daughters understand how overprotective she can be, and how overbearing it can get. They will help you if you ever need a breather.
-She kind of gets this attitude of ‘my way or the highway’. Alcina is very defiant in her words and actions, and she can kind of sound angry. However, it just stems from her nervousness of losing you. You know she just cares too much.
-Will never allow you near Lord Heisenberg, who she sees as the worst threat possible. Alcina doesn’t want to see you defiled by a man like that, or any man for that matter. She isn’t afraid to tear him apart if he so much as looked at you.
-She will not be afraid to carry you around so you can’t escape her grasp. Alcina is very controlling in this matter. Because don’t we all feel better when we have control of a situation?
-If you bring up this matter, wanting her to stop, she will feel guilty. However, don’t see her letting up anytime soon. After all, she’s doing this all to keep the ones she loves safe and close to her.
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Donna Beneviento (and Angie)
-Donna is only overprotective on certain occasions. Like if she has a nightmare, or it’s stormy, or if you start to wander farther from her estate. It’s only matters when she’s terrified that she gets scared of losing you.
-She is not a confident person by any means, so her ways of keeping you by her side and safe are subtle. Perhaps offering to have a cup of tea, or admire her new works, or just small talk. It’s subtle, but it makes her feel better.
-You don’t know how she’s feeling because she doesn’t tell you. Donna doesn’t want you to know how worried you make her, so she keeps all her anxiety to herself. Which makes matters worse when you keep placing yourself in what she sees as dangerous.
-It’s Angie who voices Donna’s thoughts on how she just wants to protect you. As expected, you feel guilty for making Donna worry, but it opens the door to talk about the situation.
-Donna doesn’t want to be so overprotective, but she can’t help it. She’s so scared of being alone again after losing her family. You are the one person who has stuck by her side because you care about her.
-But she doesn't want to be controlling or overbearing, so she tries to back off and just let her feelings consume her. You realize that you need to help her out with this matter.
-From now on, you listen to Donna and stick close to her for comfort. Perhaps you offer for her to come with you when you go outside to the gardens. As long as she’s with you, Donna will feel less anxious about losing you.
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Salvatore Moreau
-If anything, Moreau is more overbearing than overprotective, but I guess they can go hand in hand. It all stems from the fact that he doesn’t want to lose someone who actually loves him. He’s worried that you might leave.
-Poor guy probably has little anxiety attacks from thinking on how he can keep you safe without crowding you. This knowledge alludes you because he manages to keep it under wraps.
-Although, you could guess that he’s insecure about himself. And you start to notice all that he does to keep you safe, such as making sure you stay indoors and away from the lycans.
-Moreau starts to slip and get more controlling, saying you need to stay by him at all times. When he notices this, he begins to apologize profusely, thinking he’s made you dislike him for sounding so controlling.
-However, you aren’t swayed by this, understanding he wants to keep you safe. You can imagine how happy he is when learns that his actions don’t upset you, and he can finally stop hiding his feelings.
-Now, all the handholding, keeping you close, and forcing you to watch movies with him 24/7 makes sense. Moreau doesn’t want to lose you, so he goes far beyond what is necessary to keep you safe.
-Still, if you want to do something, he lets you. After all, Moreau is a sweetheart who’s not about to deny your wishes, even if they cause him to absolutely worry. Don’t worry, you always reassure him with a hug.
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Karl Heisenberg
-Right beside Alcina, Heisenberg is probably the most protective. You wouldn’t guess it, but when he finds something to cherish, he won’t hesitate to kill for it. Still, you find him getting overprotective adorable.
-He’s gruff about it for sure, telling you to stay close whenever he’s with you. That, or just grabbing your hand, cheekily saying how he wants to feel your skin on his. It doesn’t come across as overprotective for you.
-However, Heisenberg is like a ticking time bomb with his emotions. Every little thing worries him to the point of him blowing up. After all, this world is very dangerous.
-Unlike the others, you aren’t going to convince him to change. He’s going to be stubborn about keeping you safe, and what you can and cannot do. Everything he does is for your own good, remember that.
-Miranda and the other lords are what really worries him. Heisenberg would never recover if they got to you, so he’s extra cautious when it comes to you. He doesn’t want them finding out.
-The two of you have got into little spats about his actions, and this sometimes leads to him chaining you to the bed. Of course, he releases you almost immediately, but that leads to some other interesting activities.
-If you ever want to calm him down, just give him a hug or run your hand through his hair. Trust me, that will lead to less yelling and more conversation. Also, you can start to understand why he feels the need to be so overprotective. Perhaps he won’t chain you to the bed this time to make him feel better. (Unless you want that (͡° ͜ʖ ͡°))
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homoo-wan-kenobi · 2 years
Lady Dimitrescu Alphabet: SFW Edition
AO3 Link! I know, I know, I said I was going to do the nsfw one, but I'm still working it so you get the sfw one for right now! let me know what you think! and if you'd like me to do the alphabet for another re8 character, let me know! enjoy!
A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
Alcina is very affectionate. She loves putting together little dates for the two of you to go on so you can spend time with each other. Whether they be picnics, bath dates, music dates, or just dinner for two. And she loves, loves, loooooooves buying you things like clothes, jewelry, books, music, etc. The sweetest thing she does is leave you a little note and flower on her pillow for you to wake up to in the morning.
B = Best friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?)
Alcina is the world’s greatest best friend (imo), and she’s always there for you when you need her. She’ll lend you her ear, let you cry on her shoulder, and her castle is always open for you stay in. Your friendship actually starts after you step up to Mother Miranda because she was threatening someone you know and Alcina managed to get Miranda to calm down and spare the both of you. And since Alcina did that for you, you owed her something in return which was mostly just keeping her company during tea time in her garden.
C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
Alcina love cuddling. She loves to be the big spoon, but sometimes she’ll let you be the big spoon while she’s the little spoon. When’s she’s the big spoon, you’ll have your back to her front. But when you’re the big spoon, she’ll usually lay her head on your chest and you’ll wrap yourself around her as much as you possibly can.
D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)
Alcina talks about settling down a lot, actually. She never saw herself as the type of person to just sit around cooking and cleaning and being a good little housewife to her partner, but the more she spends time with you, the more she realises just how much she wants someone to cook for, clean for, take care of. But honestly, Alcina doesn’t clean, that’s what her staff is for. She does, however, cook a lot especially when it’s dinner for two.
E = Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
She’d send you away. Like the night before she’d throw you this big dinner with the girl. There’d be games, lots of laughter, just pure fun. And then she’d like give you something that’ll make you sleep for a while (it’s better than it sounds, I promise), and then Duke would make sure that you get to your destination safely. And then he’ll give you a note from Alcina that explains why she had to do this.
F = Fiance(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)
Alcina is hesitant about commitment. And it’s not that she doesn’t want to do it, she’s just afraid of getting hurt. She’s gone through a few relationships that left her broken hearted so it takes a while to build up trust with her hence her hesitation. With that said, she wouldn’t rush to get married. I mean, after all, she has all the time in the world being an immortal being and all.
G = Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
Alcina is very gentle, surprisingly. She has a tough demeanour, but she’s like a teddy bear. And she’s not one to really express her feelings in front of people who are not you, her daughters, or Mother Miranda.
H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
Alcina loves hugs. Well, she loved to receive them. Especially the ones her little bugaboos (her daughters) give her. But she doesn’t give out hugs of her own often, those are specially reserved for her daughters and her partner.
I = I love you (How fast do they say the L-word?)
Not very fast. Well, she’ll think it quicker than Sonic can run around the whole galaxy, but Alcina won’t say it directly to you until she’s 100% sure that you’re the one for her.
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?)
Alcina Dimitrescu jealous?? Oh, my! I would never even fathom gifting her with such a ludicrous title, she is anything but jealous!
Okay, now that Alcina has left this part of the alphabet, here’s the truth. She gets mad jealous if someone even breathes in the direction of you. Like if someone even gives you a small smile and wave, she’ll send them straight to the dungeons. Sometimes, they won’t even make it there, she’ll slice them to ribbons right then and there, it’s true! It’s a bit much, yes, but she doesn’t know how to not be possessive over you in every way, shape, and form!
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
Alcina’s kisses can be soft, but sometimes they can be harsh, if that makes sense. If it’s a sweet moment, she’ll kiss you soft and tenderly. But if it’s a passionate moment, your lips are definitely going to be bruised and sore when she’s done. Alcina loves kissing up your arms like Gomez does to Morticia, and she loves kissing your jaw, neck, and back!
Now, where does Alcina like to be kissed?? Everywhere! She wants you to worship her body all over and just cover her in kisses. It’s kind of cute when you think about it because it makes her blush like crazy when you do it. But if I had to narrow it down to one specific place, she loves forehead (and cheek) kisses.
L = Little ones (How are they around children?)
Yes! Three little munchkin gremlins named Bela, Cassandra, and Daniela. (For the sake of this one, you got with Alcina when they were really young). They love you and you love them to death even if they can be a handful!
M = Morning (How are mornings spent with them?)
Mornings are spent trading kisses and caressing each other, sometimes drawing imaginary shapes on each other’s skin. And the two of you usually go over your plans for the day as you lay in bed for just a little while longer.
N = Night (How are nights spent with them?)
Nights with Alcina can get a little.... wild! Especially when the girls spend the night at Donna’s. And when that happens, the party between you just goes all night until well into the morning hours. Which usually results in you sleeping until the girls get back home. Alcina will usually give you cuddles while you sleep, but other than that she helps tidy up the castle after your little rendezvous.
I know this is sfw alphabet so here’s another one. Alcina will usually read to you (the odds of it being a book in Romanian are very high) until you fall asleep. But in some cases, the girls will ask their mother to read them a bed time story and you’ll all fall asleep to the sweet sound of Alcina’s voice.
O = Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)
Alcina’s never really been an open person. It took a while before she trusted you enough to tell you about her cadou transformation. She had no problem telling you little bits about her life before the experiment, but her life after?? She didn’t really like to go into detail about it because she’s not proud of it, not proud of who she was at that time in her life. And it was especially hard for Alcina to tell you about it, and she insisted on it when she felt ready enough because she wanted you to know everything, she trusted you with her life so you deserved to know.
P = Patience (How easily angered are they?)
Alcina gets angered very easily. If she asks someone a question and they hesitate, she will not hesitate to demand an answer from them. And if something isn’t cleaned spotless like her floors, she’ll make you do them all over again. She’ll even break her vases and furniture if they’re not exactly how she likes it, cleanliness wise.
Q = Quizzes (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?)
Alcina has the memory of an elephant so she remembers everything about you. She’ll remember every word that you’ve ever spoken to her, good or bad. It’s very rare that she’ll forget something about you, but when she does, you have no problem reminding her.
R = Remember (What is their favourite moment in your relationship?) (Taken from one of my one-shots)
Favourite moment?? Would have to be the evening Alcina proposed. It was during the time in which she’d take her walk around Castle Dimitrescu and it usually ended in the gardens. Yet, this time, Alcina had something special planned. She’d been acting a bit strange the whole walk, but there was such lovely music playing, and then you’d come across the picnic she had laid out for the two of you. She gave a sweet speech before popping the question, it was completely unexpected. And after that, well, the two of you had a little fun in the bedroom to celebrate.
S = Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?)
Alcina is very protective, that’s a given. She knows that sometimes you can’t stick up for someone when someone is rude to you so she’ll stick up for you and tell them off. And one thing you don’t want to do is piss off Alcina Dimitrescu or anybody that she cares for. And in the case of an attack, she’ll always make sure that you’re somewhere safe so nobody can get to you. And she made sure you know how to defend yourself should anything happen.
As for how Alcina would like to be protected, she’s very persistent that she doesn’t need anybody or anything to protect her, especially out in attacks. But when she’s had a bad day or a horrible conversation with Miranda, you’re always there to comfort her or “protect" her from the negativity from whatever happened, something Alcina is forever grateful for.
T = Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
Alcina puts a lot of effort into her everyday tasks, which is mostly just paper work and going over her experiments for Miranda.
But when it comes to you and her daughters, she’ll throw a grand party for birthdays and re-birth anniversaries. And she’s always showering you with gifts, big and small. The amount of gifts can be overwhelming, but you know Alcina’s heart is in a good place when she gifts you something, especially if it’s something you really wanted.
As for dates, Alcina likes to plan them out to the very last detail. What the two of you will eat, wear, listen to, and even where the date will take place (the dining room, the garden, a picnic on a hill somewhere, etc.). You have no problem letting her plan everything out because it makes her happy to be able to do this for you. Occasionally, you’ll take over the role of planning, but it doesn’t happen often.
U = Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?)
Her temper. It’s bad, like really bad. You don’t want to be in the room when she’s upset lest you want something thrown at your head. She’s also got a bad habit of throwing things like her clothes on the floor when she gets undressed or a napkin when she’s finished with it (seen in the game). Alcina’s staring holes into the back of my head while I write this so let’s move on.
V = Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?)
Not too concerned, I think. Alcina knows that she always looks good no matter what, but she’ll occasionally touch up her make up (mostly her lipstick) throughout the day. But other than that, she’s not too concerned about her looks nowadays, but back in the day she used to be very concerned about them (I was told to add that in, Alcina used to be very insecure about her looks).
W = Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?)
Absolutely. You’re Alcina’s soulmate, the love of her life, her better other half. She’s even told you on multiple occasions that “you complete her” and she’d be in utter misery if you weren’t in her life right now.
X = Xtra (A random headcanon for them.)
Alcina has a sweet tooth! She plays it off like she doesn’t indulge in desserts that get made like the cakes and pastries. But she’ll find herself sneaking to the kitchen late at night When it comes to candy, she only indulges in chocolate (milk and dark). She has a whole stash (of chocolate) hidden in her room so her daughters won’t know about her sweet tooth (but shhh, don’t tell her I told y’all this)!
Y = Yuck (What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?)
In general, Alcina hates pets. And she won’t ever let anyone forget it, especially her daughters. The number of times they’ve asked to keep a stray animal they found are astronomical. And she loathes untidiness in other people, it’s an entirely different circumstance when it comes to her untidiness though.
Z = Zzz (What is a sleep habits of theirs?)
Alcina snores and sometimes she talks in her sleep. She denied it every time you brought it up until you recorded her one night and played it for her. Her daughters tease her about the talking because they found the recording and it was just her mumbling compliments about you a.k.a her praising you during a steamy dream.
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The Four Lords (+Duke) reaction to the adopted daughter!Reader 
💎The Duke💎
• The Duke is quite pleased with how well behaved you’re being during the visits to the four Lords. But in the few months he’s cared for you he’d noticed you were a rather well behaved child. More interested in playing with dolls or reading than getting in trouble. Which was a weight off his mind. He’d be panicked if you’d decided to run off while he was working.
• He’d dressed you in a darling little dress in your favorite color, perfect for the weather. And before he spoke with the Lords he’d given you one of the little dolls and some children’s books to keep you occupied. A bored child is a mischievous child after all. 
• The Duke kept an eye on you regardless of how well behaved you were though. He is confident in his abilities but he’s also very aware of the four Lord’s abilities and refuses to risk your safety by being overly confident in himself.
• Though he was happy to realize that none of the lords had given him any issues regarding his new charge. In fact you seem to have charmed your way into their hearts in one way or another. Though he can’t say he’s terribly surprised. You’re a wonderful little darling <3
🍷 Lady Dimitrescu 🍷
• She’s quite surprised by the sudden introduction of a child from the Duke. As far as she knew the Duke had no children, or a wife to give him such a child for that matter. Though she supposed it wasn’t impossible for him to have found himself a little wife and then ended up with a little one. She supposed stranger things had been known to happen.
• And she offered the same courtesy and hospitality to you that she did to the Duke. You were both guests of Castle Dimitrescu after all. It also helped that you were very polite and looked at her in such awe. But that wasn’t surprising, Alcina was aware that she was rather impressive. So it made sense for you to be in awe of her. 
• When it was time for her and the Duke to talk business she noticed you were sat in a chair in the corner behind the Duke playing quietly with a pretty doll. Secretly Alcina thought you were adorable, in your little dress and with the flower clip in your brushed and styled hair. So when she called for a maid to bring her and the Duke a glass of wine she also offhandedly told the maid to bring ‘the little one’, aka you, a cup of something sweet.
• On your way out the Duke thanked the Lord for her kindness, looking down at you and saying, “And what do we say?”. Making you turn to Alcina and the Dimitrescu daughters before dipping into a little curtsy and thanking them for letting you both visit. Lady Dimitrescu couldn’t hide the small smile the action caused, you were very adorable and it left her in a brighter mood. She just chuckled and replied that it was a pleasure having you and the Duke, and you were both welcome back again.
🎎 Donna Beneviento 🎎
• Donna is more surprised than Lady Dimitrescu had been. Though thanks to her veil there’s no way anyone would be able to tell. But Angie is excited, practically wiggling out of her seat at the introduction of a potential new playmate. Its been far too long since Angie got to play with anyone besides Donna and their other doll friends.
• Before any business talk could be started Angie excitedly asked the portly merchant if she could play with you. He glanced down at you and saw you didn’t look scared of the doll girl, just curious. So he said it was up to you. So Angie asked you if you wanted to play. You happily agreed, not having had anyone to play with in a long time. 
• While the Duke and Donna spoke together you, Angie, and a couple other animated porcelain dolls played together. You had a little tea party and Angie even let you brush her hair. You had a wonderful time and were even happier when Donna offered to make everyone some lemonade with cookies. The Duke said that sounded wonderful while they talked business. And all in all the evening was a delight for everyone.
• But all good things must come to an end and after a few hours it was time for you and the Duke to go. Angie was visibly upset, even getting a little bratty about her new playmate having to leave. The Duke however reassured both Angie and Donna that he would be happy to have him and you return for another visit if they wanted. Before he could even finish his offer Angie was all but squealing yes. So needless to say you were going to be visiting again~
🐟 Salvatore Moreau 🐟
• Moreau is shocked by the sudden appearance of a little girl and also incredibly nervous. But he’s always nervous around new people, the fact you’re a child just makes it worse somehow. He’s aware of his... less than pleasing appearance and he doesn’t want to scare a little girl. In fact he braces himself after catching sight of you, fully expecting you to scream or run or even cry.
• But to his surprise you do none of any of those. You don’t even wrinkle your nose in disgust. Instead you just stare up at him with wide curious eyes, which isn’t exactly pleasant for him either but he understands on a level that you’re just a child and merely curious. And honestly you staring in curiosity is far better than you bawling your eyes out..
• Once the introductions are out of the way Moreau is surprised to see you sitting at the Duke’s side, just reading a little fairytale book quietly while he and your father speak of business. And your distracted state gives Moreau the perfect opportunity to observe you. He hasn’t seen a child in... so long. He actually can’t recall the last time he’d seen a child. What with him isolating himself in the Reservoir and only being given adults to experiment on with the Cadou. Being around children hadn’t exactly been something he’d sought out. 
• But he found he didn’t mind you. You were polite and kind and he thought how you called him ‘Mr. Moreau’ was adorable. The Duke kept you close to him while visiting Moreau, not because he thought the fish man would hurt you, but because of how... unsanitary the Reservoir was. He didn’t want you touching any of the slime that was around the place. But he did allow Moreau to gift you little gold trinkets he said he found at the bottom of the lake. 
⚙️ Karl Heisenberg ⚙️
• Heisenberg is... put off by the presence of a child in his domain. He’s not exactly the most ‘child friendly’ person in a 20 mile radius. In fact, if you ask anyone they’d assume with his rough demeanor that he didn’t like kids. And he’d agree with them in a heartbeat too. And he’d site every shitty thing he could think of about kids with a scoff. 
• “They’re loud, they’re annoying, they piss and shit everywhere, and they can’t even fend for themselves on top of all that. They’re like untrained dogs that don’t even have the bonus of being good guards.”
• But what he doesn’t want anyone to know is... he loves kids. Seeing kids with their parents reminds him of a time in his life, one long before now, where he was actually happy. To him kids meant family. Something he’s desperately wanted, but known he couldn’t have with Miranda around. So seeing you made him feel happy and also very sad. Both of which he avoided confronting so he instead settled on irritation, his go-to.
• And when he demanded to know what this little ‘ankle biter’ was doing in his factory the Duke had just smiled and told him you were his daughter. That’d thrown the metal manipulator for a bit of a loop. But after snapping out of it Heisenberg told the Duke that his factory was the last place a KID needed to be running around and messing with shit. The Duke assured him you would be on your best behavior. Heisenberg begrudgingly let you stay, but only on the terms that you’d stay out of his way, not touch anything, and not leave the Duke’s sight. The Duke agreed easily.
• Heisenberg had two outward moods regarding you. Either he acted like he was annoyed with you or he acted like you weren’t even there. But he never actually spoke harshly to you. Even when you kept asking him questions about the stuff in his factory. After answering half a dozen questions he fired one back at you, asking why you had so many questions. You’d been surprised by his question but just giggled and said because his factory was cool. He’d acted like he didn’t care but after that when he’d come talk to the Duke he’d always bring you little metal figurines that you adored. Heisenberg found you to be a cute little punk, but he’d rather saw an arm off before admitting it.
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darling-i-read-it · 3 years
Karl Heisenberg x reader, Ethan Winters and the other Lords x platonic!reader
Word Count: 2.5k
Warnings: SPOILERS FOR RE8!!, insinuations to smut, talks about having children
Author’s Note: this is so wacky and i just now finished it. Its just for fun and an excuse to write domestic resident evil 8 characters. I had a blast doing it. Also it was loosely influenced by @/nerdymixedpan on tiktok who makes this kind of AU stuff! Highly recommend their tiktoks
Summary: An AU where Ethan didn’t kill any of the Lords and was convinced to stay, leave Mia (the crazy chick who tried to kill him and also worked for a sketchy company prior to that) and raise Rose with the Lords and the reader.
Genre: fluff
I don’t own these characters. They belong to author/director/creator
(not my gif)
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You were walking around Dimitrescu castle, as you often did. You hopped between places when you could. You always went to sleep at the Heisenberg factory but you did get along well with the other Lords and liked to pay them a visit when you could.
It was actually Cassandra who asked for your presence. You had heard of course that the village was being attacked but you didn’t mind too much about that at the moment. Cassandra wanted you over at the castle, to try and talk some sense into Ethan Winters.
You had heard of Ethan at that point, of course. Everyone had. The father of the infamous Rose. But you didn’t think you would get to meet him.
So you came over there and knocked on Alcinas bedroom door. She swung it open, gazing down at you. She was no longer surprised when she came over and usually was quite pleased to have someone to talk to. Rarely did she speak to people outside her daughters and Mother Miranda and she had a responsibility to those people. She didn’t have a responsibility to you.
“What brings you along here? We’re a bit busy. I assume you’ve heard Ethan WInters has escaped Heisenbergs grasp.” You let out a huff of air and nodded.
“Yes, he was not pleased when he came back home. Cassandra called, said I should try and talk to him.”
“Cassandra wants him murdered.”
“Maybe she has some sympathy because of the baby,” you suggested. You gestured to the large castle. “Any idea where I can find him?” She shook her head, exasperated.
“If I had any idea, don’t you think I would have gone to find him already?” You nodded stiffly.
“I will look for him myself then. If you find a short person not in robes, double check to make sure it’s not me before you claw them,” you told her. She gave you a small smirk before you turned around and started back down the stairs.
You had free reign of the castle and had learned its insides and outs at this point. On occasion the girls asked you to stay over and hang out for a little while longer so you had slept there as well.
You started to check a couple of the rooms, walking around haphazardly. It was when you came to a room on the main floor that you found the Duke. He sat there and raised his eyebrows at the sight of you.
“You aren’t Ethan Winters,” he said.
“Ah so you’ve seen him. Care to point me in the right direction?” Duke shrugged a bit.
“He’ll be here eventually if you care to wait.” You let out a sigh. You could go searching but it was a sure bet that he will return to this spot. You pulled up a chair from the table there.
“Alright then. You selling any good food?”
Ethan came running into the room as you were enjoying a nice dish. You stood up quickly, putting your dish down on the table. He had his gun up but dropped it at the sight of you.
“Are you a villager? Do you need help getting out?” he asked, clearly out of breath. You scoffed and shook your head.
“No, no. I’m here to talk to you Ethan.” He was still clearly frazzled. You grabbed your dish and held it up to him. “Care for some food?” you asked, hopefully as a peacemaker. He looked between you and the food and saw that you at least looked human.
He put his gun in his holster and took the food from you.
“Alright. What do you want to talk to me about?” he asked, sitting down at the table. “Who are you anyway?”
“This is Karl Heisenberg's pet,” said the Duke. You scoffed.
“Shush up, you’re not helping.” You sat beside Ethan. “Ethan, I know where Rose is.”
“You know where Rose is?! Where is she?!”
“Shush, let me finish.” You cleared your throat. “This whole thing, all of it, is about Mother Miranda. She took the place of Mia to try and take Rose away. She believes Rose will be a good vessel. Ethan, Lady Dimitrescu, Karl, none of the Lords are your enemy. It’s just Mother Miranda.”
“Well it looks like everyone is trying to kill me.” You shook your head.
“If you helped them kill Mother Miranda, they will let you keep Rose. In fact, I have it on good authority that most of them would love to help take care of her.” Ethan stared at you for a minute and leaned back. He had some food on his chin. You handed him a napkin and he took it gratefully. “And Ethan...Mia told Mother Miranda that you...you’re not exactly human.”
His eyes went wide.
“I’m sorry?”
“You’re mold Ethan.” He was silent for a very long time. Everything raced through his head. Why would he want to stay here? Granted the castle was nice...and these people did know how to save Rose...it would protect him from anything else Chris had planned that he didn’t know about.
And apparently, Mia had been keeping this secret for God knows how long.
It all seemed like too much for him.
“Take a second to take that in. I don’t want to rush you but I have to talk to the daughters about it.”
“You swear they’ll help me with Rose?”
“No one wants her to die, Ethan. We want Mother Miranda gone.” He leaned back in his chair.
“Why should I trust you?”
“I’m human. I’m not mold, I’m not an experiment. Just human. If I could live a happy life here, why can’t you and Rose?”
That made sense. If anything made sense, that did. Ethan took a deep breath.
“Fine. What do you need me to do?”
Some Time After The Death of Mother Miranda
“Have you seen Rose? She’s getting bigger everyday.” Karl was speaking when he walked into your room. You were sitting on the bed, flipping through a book. You looked up at him, a teasing smile on your face.
“What, now that you’ve killed Mother Miranda you’ve moved on to caring about the village baby?” you questioned, putting your hand in your palm. He gave you a look but you ignored him.
“You act as though you don’t want a baby every time you see her,” he commented. You scoffed.
“And it always ends up being pretty pleasurable for you doesn’t it?” You grabbed his hand and pushed him down on the bed so that he was sitting on the edge. You wrapped your arms around him from behind.
“You’re damn right.” He brought your hand up to kiss it. “Ethan’s going to Moreaus today, to swim around with Rose. He invited you,” Karl said. You raised an eyebrow.
“Did he invite me or do you want a nice night again?” He kissed your hand again and then kissed your wrist.
“You won’t know until you get there.”
“Fair point my love, fair point.” You kissed his cheek and got up. “I have lunch with Donna but I’ll try and catch up with Ethan afterwards. I may make it, I may not.” You slid off the bed. “Guess you’ll just have to wait to find out.”
He wanted to get up and drag you back but you were already walking out the door.
Ethan was by the water, holding Rose in his lap. She was truly getting bigger every day. Moreau was standing beside them, dry now. Ethan’s hair was damp. They must have just gotten done swimming.
“Good of you to join us,” Ethan said as you walked over.
“Salvatore, Ethan…” You leaned over Ethan to look Rose in the eyes. “Little Rosey. How was swimming you guys? Sorry it took so long, I was with Donna and lunch went overtime.” You sat down beside them.
“Rose was perfect,” Moreau said. “She’s a quick learner!” You nodded, looking over at her. You brought your finger up to her and she latched onto it.
“I believe it,” you said. Ethan locked eyes with you.
“I wanted you to come because I heard that Chris was trying to get into the factory.” You raised an eyebrow. You wrapped your arms around your knees and leaned against them.
“He’s still trying to get in here? I thought once Miranda was killed he would leave us alone.” Ethan shook his head.
“Apparently he wants Rose because she’s an asset now,” he muttered but he was looking down at his daughter who was reaching up to his face. He sighed. “She’s getting hungry.”
“You should probably take her back to the castle then.” That was where Ethan usually slept with her. He figured it would be easiest to keep Rose safe with four vampires around at all time that adored her.
“Yes my sister will be wondering where you are,” Moreau said. You nodded in agreement.
“I’ll tell Karl about Chris although I don’t think he’ll get past the Lycans. Then he has to worry about the machines that Karl makes and those are a hassle too. Not the brightest, but a hassle,” you admitted, standing. “I’ll walk you back.” Ethan nodded. You turned to Moreau. “I’ll see you later as well. Try to catch up on the TV show we were watching, I don’t wanna miss anything.”
“I will, of course!” he exclaimed. You smiled and then turned back to walk with Ethan and Rose back up to the Castle. You got into the boat.
“Can you hold her while I steer?” Ethan asked. You nodded and took Rose from him, cradling her in your arms. She was looking around, ever the well behaved child. Ethan started the boat and then you were off.
There was a few minutes of silence as he started to catch his bearings and you played with Rose. You and Ethan had grown close over the weeks he had lived there. He rarely knew peace and didn’t trust it that much but you always assured him that it would be alright.
“I was thinking of maybe starting to rebuild the village,” you said, looking up at him. He raised an eyebrow.
“By yourself?” You scoffed.
“No, obviously not. I’d get the help of everyone. Donna and Angie already wanna pitch in and I figure I could guilt trip Karl into helping, with his whole telepathy thing. I think it could be a fun project. Plus if you accidentally lose a hand you can put it right back on.”
He nudged you, laughing.
“I don’t think it’s a bad plan but who will live there?”
“Us maybe. Separate housing of course but it could be a home away from the Lords. And any villagers left stragglers around.”
“I don’t think there are any left,” he told you.
“Well have you checked?” He was silent. “Exactly. Rose may want a place for herself one day, who knows.” You looked back down at her. She was reaching up to play with your ear.
“She’ll need friends her own age one day,” he said, solemnly.
“We’ll see to that when it comes.” He looked back at you.
“Have you and Heisenberg ever talked about kids?” he teased. You laughed.
“We have our hands full with Rose and the thousands of metal children he makes on the daily,” you admitted. You glanced down at Rose again. “But maybe one day. He seems to be hinting at it and I don’t know...maybe it’s not such a bad idea.”
Ethan glanced back at you and then quickly looked away. You looked happy, curious, wondering.
“If it’s any help...I’m glad I had her. Even if she got me into this whole mess,” he said laughing a bit. You smiled up at him as he pulled into the dock.
“You want a little Heisenberg running around?” Ethan scoffed.
“I wouldn’t mind a little you. Rose could have a friend.” He got out of the boat and you handed him Rose. You got out as well.
“We’ll see. Karl may be banking on it.” You both started to walk back into town. At the castle entrance you had to part.
“I’ll see you tomorrow, if your legs still work.” You gasped, shoving him.
“You have a mouth on you Ethan Winters for living in a house with four other grown women,” you said. He laughed and went into the gate without saying anything else.
The walk back to the factory was a pleasant one. The sun was setting and the breeze was nice. Not too hot, not too cold.
You made it back to Karl in record timing. He wasn’t in the room so you went looking for him. He was in one of the work rooms, leaning over one of his new inventions. You walked up behind him and leaned over the head of the machinery.
“Hey there kitten! Back up, it might come alive at any second,” he muttered, moving you back. You nodded, stepping away from the table. He turned off his recording and turned around to look at you.
“Well how was swimming with Moreau?”
“And Rose and Ethan. I caught the tail end. She had fun though. You’re right, she is growing everyday.”
“I take it by you referencing our earlier conversation you remember how it ended.”
“I’m not doing it if this machine will come alive half way through and kill us.” Karl scoffed and took your hand.
“Up to the bedroom it is kitten!” You scoffed but let him drag you along, giggling the whole way up.
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I love your writing.
if it's not too much trouble may i make a request? I'm thinking the Dimitrescu women meeting and/or courting a fellow immortal.
the circumstances of the immortal's powers and possession of immorality are entirely up to you. I just like the idea of them meeting someone they could literally spend forever with...because they deserve it ❤
I wasn't sure if you wanted a story or headcanons? I went with HCs, here, but if you wanted more of a drabble or whatever just lemme know and I'll write something like that.
Also, I got excited and carried away so this has the whole Dimitrescu family, plus shorter ones for both Mother Miranda and Donna. Admittedly Alcina's is also a little on the shorter side? I tried to write everything that came to mind, but I am kinda tired right now, sorry. Might reblog this and add some more later.
(Under read-more for length)
Tries (and fails) to hide her excitement. Mortality is one of the bigger things that has made her keep her distance to others, at least in the past. Every Maiden she’s ever been the slightest bit smitten with, up until this point, has been incredibly fragile. Seeing as she’s not exactly the softest person, one can easily imagine why that would be a turn off for her. But now that’s no longer a problem!
On the other had… having an immortal partner gives Cassandra pause. Why? Because what if they breakup? Normally, she can just, ahem, “dispose” of any exes (regardless of how much it hurts) so she doesn’t have to see them/deal with them anymore. If that’s not an option, she’ll definitely take longer than usual to do anything about her feelings. She wants to be sure, 100%, before she gets in over her head. Chances are she won’t hold back for as long as she wants though.
Likely to have a loud, messy confession. She’ll have been avoiding you for a few days, always ducking out of whatever rooms you enter, leaving you both hurt and confused. After enlisting the help of her sisters, you’ll be able to corner her outside. She’ll tell you, under no uncertain circumstances, to leave her alone. But you’ll refuse, demanding an explanation.
“I thought we had something. I thought you cared,” you’ll snap, eyes watering. “If that’s changed… if I was wrong, just tell me. I’ll leave and I’ll never come back.” Cue thunder and raining (because tropes) and Cassandra dramatically pulling you into a kiss, holding you so tightly you think you might bruise. Then she’s demanding that you stay, refusing to apologize but making it clear just how much she does care.
Being immortal, you’re not as defenseless as some of Cassandra’s past interests. Naturally, she doesn’t get quite as protective as she normally would. She’ll still have your back no matter what, ready to fight by your side against any foe, and will probably consider doing so a “fun bonding activity”. Oh, some lycans are encroaching on Dimitrescu territory? Time to go destroy them, as a power couple!
Despite having all the time in the world, Cassandra won’t change much of her actual courting behavior, nor the rate at which things advance. She’s still gonna get handsy fairly early on, still gonna “rah!” at you in the hallways, and still going to struggle with her jealousy.
Immortality Compatibility: I can see Cassandra going for another vampire (or vampire adjacent) creature, or someone demonic. She likes her lovers a bit rough, with some nice bite to their personalities. If you’ve got sharp teeth, or claws, or glowing eyes? Oh boy, she’s gonna be making heart eyes at you all the time.
If your immortality isn’t immediately obvious, Bela is over the moon with joy when she finds out. Her eyes will go wide for a moment, before she tries to seem calm (so as to not freak you out), but her heart is pounding. This is what she’s been hoping for. As much as Mother Miranda has done for her family, there’s no guarantee that she’d be willing to give more. Even if Miranda granted Bela’s lover her “gift”, there was no telling what the results would be, or if the lover would survive. Now that there’s no need for such a transformation, it’s far easier for Bela to imagine herself in love (and eventually be in love).
Slow-burn romance over a decade or longer, oops. Doesn’t even necessarily mean to take things so slowly, just doesn’t feel a need to rush things, preferring that they develop organically. With both of you having unlimited time, you’re both used to working on a very large timescale. Maidens watching the two of you probably place bets on how long it’ll take you to hold hands for the first time. Everyone knows it’s coming, but no matter how much Cassandra and Daniela complain, Bela refuses to jump into things. By the time the two of you are officially together, you’re probably madly in love with each other.
More protective than Cassandra, if only because she knows just how rare you are. Immortal or not, you likely still have a weakness, and Bela will do everything in her power to make sure no one else knows what it is. If applicable, she will also ensure she has a countermeasure readily available. For example: If you were weak to fire, she’d make sure that the castle keeps extinguishers handy, just in case. Though they should probably already do that. Not that the Dimitrescu family cares much for OSHA compliance.
Somehow grows more in love with you with every passing year, and makes sure that you know this. Whether you’ve been together for one year or one century (because in this house we ignore canon), she’s always performing little acts of love, giving constant reminders of how strongly she feels. Gifts, special dates, book recommendations, etc.
Immortality Compatibility: Bela seems like the type to go for someone with a calming presence, and perhaps somewhat of a contrast to herself. I can picture her with someone somewhat angelic, or druidic, someone very in tune with nature. She’d love to feed deer with you and relax in the forest! Or lay against a tree by your side, listening to you talk about various microorganisms for hours at a time.
Practically tackles you when she finds out/connects the dots. This is just like one of her romance novels, where a lonely (attractive as fuck) immortal spends years in isolation before finally meeting the love of their life, who they get to spend the rest of eternity with. Absolutely ecstatic about the whole situation. Won’t stop kissing you and pulling you close, rambling about how great it’s gonna be to spend your lives together. Honestly? Kind of overwhelming. You might have to remind her a few times that you don’t have to rush into things, considering you have all the time in the world.
Introduces you to people as her “super cool/rad immortal life partner”. Genuinely cannot bring herself to not brag about you. If her sisters haven’t found someone like you yet, you can bet that Daniela will tease them about it all the time (much to their annoyance). If Momma Alcina doesn’t, though? Dani will keep her thoughts to herself, thank you very much (being grounded at her age does not impress the s/o).
Tries not to show it, but she’s actually very nervous. You’re immortal! You’ve probably seen a lot of shit (she certainly has)! Worries about keeping you interested in her, though she would never admit it. This tends to lead to her performing ridiculous acts to showcase her affection, regardless of the cost or, like, whether or not you’d even enjoy whatever she has planned. In order to counter her anxiety, you’ll want to reassure her whenever you can, and give her plenty of “I love you”s.
Strikes a decent balance between Cassandra’s nonchalant attitude and Bela’s protectiveness. Will defend you if you need it, playing up the romantic aspect, but also entirely willing to hide behind you in a scary situation.
Immortality Compatibility: Having probably read Twilight… Dani would date a werewolf, as long as they weren’t the smelly kind. Also interested in a sort of “magical”/elemental type, especially if their powers are influenced by emotions. In other words, if someone flirts with her in front of you, and your response is to subconsciously light your hands/the other person on fire? She thinks that’s hot, pun intended.
“Oh? Interesting,” she’d say, smiling softly (and trying to ignore the heat rushing to her face). Similarly to Cassandra, she’d try to play it off, not wanting to seem too excited. And, well, she’s not as excited as any of her daughters are. After all, she’s had more time than them to “get used” to the idea of outliving any potential romantic interests. So, she’s not exactly desperate for a relationship, even with someone she could spend an eternity with.
That being said, if she is romantically interested in them, she’s very relieved. Outliving a loved one can be incredibly traumatizing (fuck you c*pcom, you know what you did), and knowing that you’re safe (or at least safer than most) brings her no small amount of comfort.
Also, just glad to have another person close to her age around. Her daughters are somewhat stuck as young adults, and I imagine Alcina would want someone who gained immortality a little later in life, such as herself, as opposed to, ya know, reminding her of her children. That probably goes without saying. Hopefully.
More so than her daughters, Alcina would change her level of protectiveness depending on her s/o’s power level. If you’re a shapeshifter who can also turn into a big ass dragon? Then she’s not going to coddle you. If you’re immortal but still vulnerable, then she’s going to do her best to keep you safe, even going so far as to enlist the assistance of her daughters. “If you see a single Maiden growing mistletoe, or bringing some in from the village, let me know immediately,” or something like that, depending on your weakness.
Immortality Compatibility: Definitely would want someone in a situation similar to herself, having once been truly human, only to be “elevated” by something. Bonus points if you’re another disciple of Miranda, double bonus points if Miranda specifically “made” you to be Alcina’s boo/honey/darling/dear.
Bonus! Mother Miranda:
Oh god finally someone who won’t leave her (can’t leave her). No one can take you away from her, and that’s a relief that she’s been craving for over a century. Even if romance isn’t high on her priority list, she welcomes it with open arms, glad to have someone by her side through all of life’s chaos.
Admittedly slow to trust at first, probably just using you as a tool at first. But prove yourself enough, show that your devotion is more than just misdirected self-interest, and she’ll start to warm up to you. Forming a real relationship would likely take a couple decades, similar to with Bela. Once you are together, however, the two of you are inseparable in all matters.
You’d be her #1 follower, most trusted adviser, and the only person allowed to understand 100% of her thoughts and motives. While Miranda wouldn’t allow you to be seen as the same level as her (sorry), you’d still be a legend among the villagers. To them, you’re Mother Miranda’s champion, the epitome of a devoted follower that they all aspire to emulate. Not that they know the two of you are a couple, though.
Immortality Compatibility: No gimmicks, no cheap tricks, she wants (and respects) a fellow scientist, someone who clawed their way through adversity and forged themselves into something indestructible. Double the interest if you did so for a similar cause to her own, as she would appreciate your ability to relate to her suffering.
Bonus! Donna:
Someone to play with! FOREVER! No more losing people she cares about, no more accidentally breaking people, no more people scrambling to leave. Now that she has you, she can finally spend some quality time with another (living?) person. Honestly her dolls (or at least Angie) are just as excited as she is. Regardless of her relations with the other three Lords, Donna much prefers the company of a lover.
For real though she’s shy as hell and you might not even realize who’s pulling the strings until you’ve been in her house for over a year. She’d probably use her powers to trap you inside, at least at first, though they’d be nice hallucinations. You’d have to treat the dolls nicely, especially Angie, before she’d let you interact with her.
Eventually you’d be allowed to leave, and you’d be given a key to return whenever you wanted to. Assuming that you do, in fact, come back, the two of you would have a very, very slow romance, if only because of Donna’s anxiety. Hand holding makes both of your faces turn beet red, seriously.
Immortality Compatibility: *chanting* GHOST GIRLFRIEND GHOST GIRLFRIEND POLTERGEIST PARTNER POLTERGEIST PARTNER WOOHOO! Something with a flexible, only-sometimes-tangible form, who absolutely could have left at any time but didn’t because they wanted to stay.
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caitlynmeow · 6 months
How is wife as a parent, as a daughter-in-law, as a sister-in-law ? I NEED TO KNOW MORE ABOUT HER !!! My brainrot is back 😅. Also have a good week-end
no worries anon!! i got you with some headcanons :D
i hope your weekend was a good one too!! <3
As a parent:
unlike Cassandra, she doesn’t come from a big close knitted family but she sees how close Cass is with her mom and sisters and she got used to it
Sure, when she proposed, she was fully expecting to have children because she’s also all about starting a family with the woman she loves.
She was absolutely sick with worry when Cass was pregnant because she couldn’t see her feeling so sick and tired all the time.
She did extensive research on every single week because while she wasn’t pregnant she wasn’t going to let Cass go through this on her own, she read about every single detail and was ready for everything and provided Cass with as much comfort as she could offer
She is very involved with her children although she has come to accept some things she wasn’t sure about at first.
She thought she’d take and watch her kids play soccer because this is what little kids do but by the age of ten Aurelia had done nothing related to sports and Adelina, being more adventurous tried to play some soccer with a coach and wife realized that her eight year old has never kicked a ball before this moment and she can tell because her daughter didn’t have a single clue how to kick the ball but she kept trying anyway
She loves taking her kids to other activities though, she loves watching them do other things (ballet, gymnastics, and figure skating) she scored herself points when her daughters showed interest in water and she totally used their giant pool to teach all three how to swim and dive.
She spoils her kids but also knows when a line needs to be drawn. She’s less prone to exploding like Cass does but even she has her limits that her children try to avoid pushing.
She is super involved in their lives and regularly attends school meetings with other parents (Cass thought she’d do it but she can’t control her mouth around other parents so it was decided that she is not suited for playing nice around others who piss her off)
She didn’t think she’d get like that, but wife knows the names of all of her daughters’ toys and who’s having beef with who
Tea parties? Sure, she’ll force her 6’3 body into folding in a toddler dining table set because her children went out of their way to make her a handwritten invite and there is no way she’s going to reject that.
She loves reading bedtime stories to the little tots and even when they got older they still loved listening to those stories
She isn’t above dad jokes which always gets her eye rolls and groans from her victims
Daughter in law:
she knew if she wanted to get anywhere with Cass she needed Alcina on her side because Cassandra adores her mom
Luckily, under all of the hard exterior, Alcina is a very loving mother and she’s very warm and affectionate with her daughters.
Also, Cass is very close with her mother so being on Alcina’s good side is a must if she wants to have this woman
It wasn’t very hard, actually. Alcina was doubtful of her, but wife is confident and assertive, she doesn’t care how it sounds, if Alcina wants to know her intentions, she will declare them loud and clear
Actually, she and Alcina see eye to eye in a lot of things and Cass often hates it and throws in “Are you on my side or her side?” But wife is there to remind her that her safety and well-being are of utmost importance and this is how it’s going to be
Thanks to her being part of House Dimitrescu, wife soon got accustomed to drinking wine (because Alcina would have disapproved of her if she didn’t drink the beverage)
She’s assertive and isn’t afraid of Cass at all which is why Alcina knows her daughter is in good hands because someone is there keeping an eye on her and not taking any of her complaints seriously (to a degree at least)
Cassandra knows it's very suspicious when her wife and mom are together talking because she’s seen this enough times to know it’s not always a good thing for her (because they're always plotting against her which is not fair)
Alcina actually likes wife; she believes she’s the right person for Cassandra and she can see how happy and content her daughter is with this woman.
When wife wanted to come to propose she told Alcina first. She told her where they were going and what she was doing and the entire thing seemed to be planned with Cassandra in mind because it was very private and intimate and that’s when Alcina knew this woman was the one for her daughter because she knew Cass so well (she didn’t show it tho because gotta keep wife on her toes)
All in all, Alcina loves her daughter-in-law because she can see the happiness on her daughter's face and she knows that she’s the right person for Cassandra and she is happy with that. Alcina might be dramatic but she can totally accept a lover who makes any of her daughters happy and wife is no exception
Another thing that Alcina noticed is that whenever wife is staying out of town, she always always drops Cass off at the castle because she doesn’t want her to be alone in their house (even after having kids this one thing never changed) because there is no way Cass is going to be left in her own in a big house nope nope nope she’s going to stay with her mama and sisters and when wife comes back she will pick her up and they go home together
Sister in law:
generally, she gets along well with Bela and Daniela.
She respects Bela and they get along surprisingly well
They also see eye to eye on some things so there is very little conflict
When she is unsure of something, she always runs it by Bela and takes her feedback into account (especially when it comes to Cassandra)
She views Daniela as the annoying little sibling who gets a kick out of being a pain in everyone’s ass
Daniela is actually a pain in the ass most of the time
However, Daniela is the one who schemes and plans for things.
During the few hiccups early on in their relationship and their near breakup twice? Daniela plotted on how to bring Cass and wife back together again.
Because Daniela is a hopeless romantic reading countless novels in the genre has given her IDEAS.
That’s why wife can’t really be too annoyed at her and lets her get away with A LOT.
Daniela LOVES being annoying, she really does get a kick out of it.
Wife is actually glad that Cassandra is close with her sisters because if Cassandra is happy, then wife is happy.
As with Alcina, wife is spending a lot of time in the castle being around everyone, and with time she gets used to it.
Because loving Cassandra and wanting to be with her forever means being around her family and they’re not bad at all.
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schneesisterss · 3 years
I have Cassandra Dimitrescu brain rot and it literally Won’t Leave Me Alone so here are some headcannons:
she’s mean as FUCK bc she doesn’t know how to deal with her emotions in a healthy way
very mean to her sisters too but like... (affectionate)
also she’s the only one that can bully them, if anyone other than herself even LOOKS at them funny, that person will definitely go missing
“nobody bullies my siblings, except for me”
has Protective Older Sister vibes even though she’s not the oldest and is extremely protective of her family
particularly when it comes to Daniela. Cassandra has like a sixth sense where she can tell whenever her younger sister is in danger and goes RUNNIN to check on her.
Cassandra, weapon drawn: “DANI WHATS WRONG ARE YOU OK??”
Daniela, swinging from the ceiling by her foot: “Oh, hello sister. It seems I have stepped on my own trap.”
Cass, exhausted, pinching the bridge of her nose: “Daniela. What the fuck.”
Cassandra gets her down and smacks her on the back of the head (but not before subtly checking her for injuries)
she has a very hard time opening up to people bc she feels weak when she does and she HATES feeling weak
the only person she has ever cried in front of is their mother
and speaking of Alcina, Cassandra definitely gets her protectiveness from her mother. those two turn into a pair of rage monsters whenever someone they care about gets hurt.
one time Bela got severely injured by a lycan and Cassandra was like: “Those stupid mutts, i’ll kill them all, I swear!” and moves to leave but her mother stops her, “Hold on daughter, it’s quite rude of you not to extend the invitation.” and they both leave, eyes completely black with rage and murder. Daniela stays with Bela but waves them off happily in the background. “See you soon! Bring me back a lycan heart!”
does not know how to deal with her anger and sometimes has to punch the brick walls in the basement just to release some of the energy
her knuckles are almost always cut up and bruised bc of this
Alcina has walked in on more than one of her outbursts. She takes her daughters arms so she stops punching the walls, and pulls her into her chest. Cassandras breathing is erratic and she’s shaking violently with rage.
“Shhh my love, breathe.” Cassandra exhales in a way that Alcina can’t tell if she’s crying or seething. “What’s happened?”
Cassandras breathing speeds up through gritted teeth and she pulls against her mother, as if trying to get back to the wall. “I d-didn’t know what else to do.” her voice is hard like she was stating a fact.
Alcina strokes her pinky finger down her daughters nose, a trick that’s always worked for keeping her angriest at child at bay, and holds her there until she’s calmed down.
Afterwards, they don’t talk about it. Alcina knows Cassandra is already too embarrassed so she only wraps up her knuckles and says, “I think I heard Daniela call out for you a little bit ago, she had that tone of voice she gets whenever she’s in over her head.”
Cassandra just scoffs, “She’s just an idiot.” but moves immediately so go check on her younger sibling. She stops just before she’s out the door, “Mother I....” Alcina sees the hidden gratitude in her daughters eyes. “I know, dear. Go.” And her middle child nods and bursts into a cloud of bugs.
so.... there’s that.
I may be projecting but who knows.
can throw a Wicked punch
very competitive and a sore loser
her competitiveness comes out the most when Bela is involved
Cassandra thinks Bela is their mothers favorite and that creates a lot of tension between the two of them bc Cassandra low key looks up to Bela (but will never tell her that) and wants to please mother just like she does. She feels the anger under her skin whenever their mother praises Bela instead of her
(Cassandra craves praise just as much as Bela but will NEVER show how the lack of it effects her)
Mean Lesbian™️
so, so touch starved
when anyone outside of her mother or sisters touch her softly she snaps bc a) she’s not used to it and b) she get filled with complicated and confusing emotions that she doesn’t know what to do with
quickest to yell at a maiden whenever they mess up
when she’s in a good mood she can actually be very playful and teasing (“rawr! >:D”)
hums to herself when she’s bored and sometimes (rarely) sings when Bela is playing the piano
the best at makeup out of the three daughters
Daniela always begs her to do her make up for her and Cassandra just pretends to be annoyed and does it anyway (she secretly loves it)
Bela also tentatively asked one time and Cassandra was shocked because Bela never asks for favors
they sit in silence while she applies Belas makeup but eventually asks “Why ask me to do this now? There had been plenty of other opportunities before.” her voice comes out more defensive than she wanted it too, but she leaves it be.
Bela studies her with calculating and knowing eyes before looking away and opening her mouth “You love doing this. I can tell.” Cass stops moving her hand. “I see the proud look on your face when Dani runs to show Mother your work. I just...” Bela shrugs, “want to be a part of that too. For you.” She glances back to her dark haired sister and shifts in her seat.
Cassandra didn’t know how to react, let alone respond. The lump in her throat was wide and pushed against her windpipe. Her and Bela had never really gotten along, but hearing this from her older sister felt like a small weight was lifted from her shoulders. It felt like acceptance. She cleared her throat and gently grabbed her sisters chin to pull it back into place. “Well maybe if you stopped squirming, i’d be able to get it done faster.”
Bela shoots her a very small, understanding smile, it was more of a smirk really, but it got the point across. I love you. No matter what. and Cassandra felt like she could finally breathe.
(I love sibling dynamics leave me alone)
claims she’s a top, is actually a switch
impatient as hell
Smooth Talker
her ability to talk her and her sisters out of sketchy situations has saved their asses more than once
“Hey Cassandra, would you punch Uncle Heisenberg in the face for $100?”
“I’d roundhouse kick him in the face for free.”
cue Alcina spitting up her wine.
probably swears the most too lol
*stubs toe* “Son of a mother fucking bitch that shit HURT.” Alcina: *raises eyebrow* “Well I certainly didn’t teach her that vile language.... Heisenberg.” Heisenberg: ......
knows how to wield a butterfly knife like a complete badass
Cassandra: *instant fear*
uhhhh that’s it. did I go overboard? probaby. do I care? absolutely not and i’ll most likely be doing this again very soon lmaooo.
also p.s. send me more headcannon requests for Cassandra and i’ll answer them!
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highlifeboat · 2 years
“Girls, I have a question for you.”
“Of course, Mother! What is it?”
Alcina looked over her daughters for a moment, all lined up in front of her, eager for whatever  she deemed important enough to call them for. She had to admit, she felt silly pulling them in to discuss something as mundane as personal relations. “How does one tell when they… admire someone? Romantically.”
The three women looked at one another quizzically, then back at their mother, as if deciding if that was a real question or not. Bela, who was normally very quick to answer any question, stayed silent, fidgeting with the sleeves of her dress. Cassandra shifted on her feet. Alcina didn’t miss the hint of pink tinting the middle daughter’s cheeks.
“Well, in my experience, they usually make you really giddy.” Daniela answered. “You know, you’re happy to see them all the time. And you get this warm feeling inside when they’re around. They’re the highlight of your day and all that.” 
Her sisters both gave soft “Oh…”s as Daniela’s explanation, while Alcina mulled over her youngest's answer.
Only to get her thoughts immediately interrupted. “Wait! Mama, are you in love?!”
Alcina, taken aback by the question, looked owlish for a moment. “Well, I…” She cleared her throat, all three girls staring at her, waiting for her answer. The mother inhaled, her face suddenly becoming hot. “...I may have… taken a liking to someone.” She admitted quietly.
Her daughters all seemed to have vastly different reactions to the news. Bela pursed her lips, looking indifferent to it. She still said nothing, though, trying to give a supportive smile that mostly came across as awkward. Cassandra simply seemed surprised, and Alcina could see the gears turning in her head. The brunette eventually went wide eyed, then gave her mother a knowing smirk. Alcina had no time to think on that, however, because Daniela, arguably the most excited at the news, suddenly took her by the hand, a huge grin across her face.
“Mama, that’s wonderful!” The youngest bounced, and Alcina couldn’t help but smile. “Who is it?!”
“Oh, I don’t know if-”
“Isn’t it obvious?” Cassandra snickered. “Mother likes that maid with the baby.”
Daniela audibly gasped. “You like Mia?!”
Alcina inhaled like she was going to deny the accusation, but Cassandra wasn’t wrong. Mia had somehow wormed her way into Alcina’s heart. What had started out as Alcina keeping the maid around simply to make sure no harm was done to the child had turned into Alcina actually wanting Mia around. The woman was almost pleasant to be around now that she’d become a little more comfortable, she was even funny. Their conversations, while mundane, were becoming the highlight of her day. Alcina hadn’t felt this strongly about a woman in quite a while, especially not one of her staff.
Looking back at her daughters, she gave a slight nod. “Yes, I believe I may… like Miss Winters.”
“Really?” Bela wrinkled her nose, speaking for the first time in the conversation. “Her? Why?”
Everyone looked to the eldest. “...I’m not sure.” Alcina admitted. “She’s full of interesting facts, much smarter than she looks. She’s very kind and very clearly cares for her daughter. I just think she’s very admirable. You seem to get along just fine with her when you two talk about sciences.”
“But she’s-” Bela cut herself off. “...She doesn’t seem like your type. That’s all.”
Alcina shook her head. “I wouldn’t say I have much of a type, darling. She’s kind, she makes me happy, what else do I need?”
“Nothing, mother, I’m just-”
“Bela’s just jealous because nobody likes her.” Cassandra teased, poking the eldest in the side. Daniela giggled along with her sister as Bela swatted Cassandra’s hand away.
“Fine, forget I said anything.” The blonde mumbled.
Daniela looked back up at her mother. “Are you going to tell her?”
Alcina’s face suddenly got hot. She hadn’t considered the fact she may actually need to confess her feelings. She was used to it being the other way around. “I… supposed I should….” She mulled over the idea. “But, perhaps it’s better to test the waters, so to speak? I’ll give her hints as to how I feel and see how she responds to them.”
All three of her daughters shared a look.
“Mama, I think you overestimate how smart Mia is with context clues….” Daniela warned.
“Nonsense, I’ll make it obvious for her.” Alcina waved a hand, dismissing the youngest’s statement. “I appreciate this talk, girls. You may return to your activities.”
Begrudgingly, the three left their mother to think of some form of plan. They continued to share wary looks once outside the closed door, until Cassandra suddenly laughed.
“This is going to be a goddamned dumpster fire.”
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movedtodykedvonte · 3 years
We know the lords can't be injured easily due to their regenerative powers, but can they get sick?  Drown?  Get an infection, or something?  If so, how do you think they'd handle it?
fSo I’ve thought I’d this and I imagine they can die but it isn’t permanent if it’s not the case like when they crystallize in game. It’s just like a long coma. While I do think they can get sick, I doubt it’s in any natural way or has regular symptoms:
Alcina Dimitrescu
Gets sick the least out of the lords actually. It’s mainly due to how strong her regenerative abilities are but also she rarely interacts with others outside her daughters and meals.
Though when she does get sick, it’s bad. Mainly because it only happens when she hasn’t been able to feed
Mix the headache and stuffy feeling of a bad cold and insatiable hunger. Her eyes would be blood shot and dull, skin cracking like before her boss fight, maybe a little clogged sinuses.
It be super easy for her to transform at this point so her mood is even more shit. Snappy and cruel, rude and impatient even to her daughters
She feels bad about it when it’s towards her girls but Momma’s having a rough time rn.
Needs to feed A LOT during this time to feel remotely better so they lose a lot of staff.
Probably one of the only times you’ll see her in down clothes and casual attire as getting all pretty is too taxing
Donna and Angie
Surprisingly gets sick the most out of all of the lords. This is mainly because she’s always had a weak immune system and the cadou didn’t do much to make it better. Also she makes tea outta of not necessarily edible flowers
Most human so she get the most normal symptoms, but they are super intense. I’m talking bad headaches, upset stomach, dizziness, the poor girl can barely get out bed.
Angie takes care of the house and dolls during this time and goes as well as you expect, but she’s trying. Doesn’t help as the cadou messes with Angie and all the dolls. The dolls act sick like Donna and Angie can barely move around.
Sometime when it’s really bad Angie calls Moreau and Alcina. Moreau was a doctor so he would know what to do and Alcina has the physical capabilities to help. Also Angie can’t make food without burning it.
Because of this Donna tries to hide whenever she is ill or feeling bad, hides behind her veil more wears gloves to hide how pale she’s getting, attends more meetings and such. She doesn’t want to be a burden. This all stopped after an incident in which she passed out on her pin cushion.
Since she tries to hide it, it takes her a lot longer to recover as she starts to medicate for it later. Only time the other lords show compassion to one of their own (Donna is the most helpful and least annoying)
When she gets better she makes little dolls for the other Lords as a thankyou, only Moreau keeps them all but Karl and Alcina would never let her know they get rid of them.
Salvatore Moreau
The lord that gets sick the least. Yes, he constantly vomits and has various physical complications but when it comes to colds, flus, or whatever happens to him rarely happens between all the lords.
When he does start to get sick, he barely notices it as it just feels like when his cadou is acting up on a bad day. However, when he finally realizes, after too many bad days in a row, absolute dread and despair washes over him
Being sick for Moreau is a deeper ring of hell in his already torturous existence. His tumor growths become enflamed and more sensitive to the point a gentle wind feels like agony. He loses immunity to his acid bile and it burns his throat raw along with him in general. He feels weaker and this it is harder to move with the weight of his parasite.
Cries a lot. Not necessarily over the pain (he’s used to that) but just the extra reminder of how fucked up he is, is never good for his psyche.
He hides away both to avoid something hurting him as his body is super sensitive now and to avoid his family picking on his further. Donna knows the signs of a sick Moreau and will bring him herbs and teas for him to make medicine (I like to think they care the most for each other)
Also stays in his fish format the bottom of the reservoir most of the time as the pain is more disbursed and the water feels better on his enflamed tumor eyes
Gets better over time but always forgets how bad it is, so he’s never prepared for when it happens again, smh.
Karl Heisenberg
The biggest baby about being sick because he refuses to do the right things to take care of himself. Like he starts getting sick and purposely over works himself out of spite.
When he gets sick his electric organs go into overdrive so he kinda has to leave his factory if he doesn’t wanna get magnetized to a wall for like a week.
Randomly gets shocked by his own ability and hates it. Not to mention he has regular cold symptoms like blocked sinuses and a cough. Still tries to smoke his cigars, hacks up like half a lung.
Hates how the medicine makes him feel and tastes. Tastes like ass and makes him feel loopy, out of his element which he hates. The other lords have to hold him down just to give him a single dose.
Over heats super easy and has been found in his factory slumped over something. Donna and Moreau have to beg him to rest just because Mother would be very unhappy if her “favorite” died
Huffs and whines the whole time, “Its too hot.” “I don’t want that.” “This tastes like shit.” The other lords are tempted to just let him suffer, but he’ll whine even more.
Gets better fast and honestly shouldn’t complain as the other lords are literally in pain due to how their cadou fuck up their symptoms but he has a flare for the dramatic.
Fuck this post and fuck google for making me write it over and over again.
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dragongirl642 · 3 years
I really love your writing and noticed your asks are open (i think). And, I checked your masterlist and didn't see RE8 listed as a universe you write for, so you can ignore this if you want. But, could I request Heisenberg, Donna, and Lady Dimitrescu reacting to a male dragon-shifter reader who has decided to make the character's residence their hoard, and as such, going to extreme lengths to protect them and the residence?
OOOHHH 😮😳 How did you know dragons (and by extent dragon shifters) are my favourite things in the whole wide world!!!!!
As a treat, you get all four of the Lords' reactions. 😎
For extra drama, the dragon-shifter (you) basically crash land nearby (after a loooooonnnngggg flight) and decide to take up residence in the nearest abode while you rest, and end up getting comfortable and liking the area so decide to stay.
You have a full human form, fully dragon form, and an in-between form.
Also, you have like saintly levels of patience.
It takes him a minute of staring to figure out that the giant dragon in the factory, is not a hallucination, induced by either the drinking he was doing the night prior, or a trick of Mother Miranda's trying to destabilize him mentally.
However this quickly turns into a lot of yelling "what the F are you doing in my factory!" and "What the F are you!" while chucking metal at you.
You melt the more dangerous pieces and yell at him to "Cease this nonsense! You can't hurt me like this."
Heisenberg.exe has stopped working.
He's partially re-evaluating his life like...did I just get sassed by a giant lizard.
You take the initiative to tell the small angry man telekinetically chucking metal around to chill. "Listen, I'm just going to rest here a few days then leave. You leave me alone, and I won't Incinerate you."
He quickly weighs up how much he doesn't want you here vs how much it will piss Mother Miranda off if he uses the giant dragon crash landing in his factory as an excuse to do absolutely nothing for her.
He's a bit annoyed about you taking up all the room by the forges so he can't make new soldats but...
Hate for Miranda wins!
He actually uses this as an excuse in his next report and Mother Miranda comes to 'get rid of the problem herself since Heisenberg cannot'...you almost incinerated her and she checked out. (He's putting that down as one of the best days of his life).
Since he now has nothing better to do he either leans on a nearby balcony or stands on a floating gear and starts trying to get your attention.
Will ask you everything from your name and where you came from to your favourite colour and if you have a specific favourite scale on your body.
You're distrustful and annoyed at first but soon warm up to this obviously lonely man.
You get so comfortable you decide you just might never leave.
The first time you feel comfortable enough to shift back to your human form Heisenberg is like (o_o) hot person! Two for one deal, annoying Mother Miranda plus Eye Candy!!!!
Makes a joke about having you turn into your dragon form again so he can keep making excuses to Mother Miranda. Which gets you curious and you ask about her, and he explains about the cadou, the experiments, and what she did to him.
He will make a bunk for you, so he can get back to work and you can stay near the heat of the forges, (absorbing the energy from the flames speeds up recovery and/or keeps you charged at 100% so you're always ready to burn a b1tch...specifically Miranda).
You both talk about whatever while he works. Lots of late night chats. One time he accidentally doused the forges and you just blew into the chamber and they re-lit immediately. (Mechanical Heart Eyes)
Since you start considering the entire factory to be your hoard, sometimes you claim a random object as your specific favourite piece for the day, maybe one of his tools or a specific piece of scrap. If he needs to use it, you won't let him and a small argument can be had. A solution is soon found though, you can't have a conflict of interest if your favourite item is him.
When you protect him, he's super flattered and hypes you up.
Cue him on the sides cheering you on.
If you two have started dating he will definitely yell "that's my boyfriend!" and gush about you to whoever happens to be standing next to him. (Bonus points if it's any of the other Lords. Especially Miranda, she is dying!)
Definitely makes a sign saying 'Beware of Dragon' to put on the fence.
Sometimes you jump to his defence even when he's in the middle of handling the threat. He gets huffy, saying he can take care of himself. You respond by telling him you won't let anything harm what's yours and once again, Heisenberg.exe is experiencing an error.
Alcina Dimitrescu
She is absolutely dismayed and angry at the giant lizard that barged its way through the doors and took up residency in her hall. It's tracking in mud and snow, burned the curtains, and took a good chunk of the wall, (letting in the cold).
Her daughters can't handle the cold, damn you!
Tries to fight you...fails. Turns out she's not immune to incineration and loses quite a few limbs (they grow back...eventually).
When she sees you shift to your human form, she's doubly-incensed...not only did you barge into her home but your also a D I S G U S T I N G M A N T H I N G !
You shift back whenever she tries to kill you so eventually she just gives up. (According to her she's waiting for the right opportunity NOT giving up.)
Wants to kill you, calls Mother Miranda for help and well, the same thing happens if you had crashed in the factory...she checks out!
Refuses to leave the castle for any reason, she's not leaving you along with her daughters.
Resigns herself to yelling insults at you from the balcony.
You respond in kind and it slowly devolves into a competition to come up with the most creative insults.
Your dragon form radiates heat...like...a lot. (Even counteracting the cold coming through the hole in the wall, which you attempted to fix.) This of course attracts the Dimitrescu daughters to the hall (against their mother's will).
If Alcina sees you lying their in dragon from, her three hive-mind children chattering away happily with you encouraging their curiosity, (Bela is half-asleep by your side, Daniela is complimenting your claws and asking about your bone structure, while Cassandra proudly proclaims her mother's are better than yours), she partly reconsiders her stance on you being a filthy, horrible, disgusting lizard man thing to just a filthy lizard man thing.
Seriously, your filthy, take a bath.
You quite enjoy all the little luxuries that can be found in the castle and decide to stay. Alcina almost shreds her hat in exasperation.
You get more comfortable and she starts to tolerate your presence, although she will take a swipe at you if she thinks she has a chance at killing you in your human form.
Jokes on her you can partially change and still fit through the hallways.
You never told her you've claimed the castle and the Dimitrescu family as your hoard but she does notice you being oddly friendly to her and she is "suspicious!"
You've met a few vampires and have a few suggestions for a more sustainable food source (buying blood donations from villagers instead of killing them). She's skeptical but considers it.
The first time you defend her is actually against Mother Miranda...over the phone. You have sharp hearing...and you don't like what you're hearing.
She's both flattered you would defend her so, and disgusted with herself for accepting a man thing's help.
When she realises she likes having you around, she starts to rationalise to herself that you're not just any man thing, you're her dragon man thing and therefore okay.
Gets more comfortable with leaving you with her daughters. You treat them well and keep them entertained?! That's a free babysitter if ever she's seen one.
When she sees the more extreme lengths you will go to protect the castle and her family, she is impressed and flattered and a little scared, and acts like it was her idea to have you stay.
"Oh, haven't you heard, that's the Dimitrescu Dragon."
Definitely rubs it in Heisenberg's face that she has a dragon and he doesn't.
Donna Beneviento
What are you!?!?!
To protect Donna, Angie is ready to fight you or die trying!
Just kind off avoids you and sends the pollen at you to make you leave.
The only one of the four Lords most likely to actually defeat you.
When you speak though, telling her to "release (your) mind, witch, or (you'll) incinerate everything", she's surprised and scared enough to actually do so.
Asks if you'll be her friend. Angie is cussing you out.
You see how scared and lonely she is and just *adoption mode activated*.
You only need to rest a few days, why not do so on friendly terms with your host. (keep telling yourself that).
It takes a day for you to shift to human form, partially because you don't want to have your measurements taken because Donna wants to make you a giant bonnet, (You reason it's a waste of resources, you'll only be here a short while).
Jokes on you, this is your home now.
You've never hoarded dolls before, but there's a first time for everything.
You will spend most of your time in human form since your dragon form kinda scares her.
Even though she's still scared of it, Donna does find your dragon form interesting and will ask to sketch you (from a distance...no fire please).
Make various over-exaggerated poses and joke about "draw me like one of your french girls" and she will laugh, (even though she doesn't get the joke).
She makes a plush doll of you. It turns inside out to shift between human and dragon.
The first time you protect her, she's scared. The flames take her straight back to her childhood, she's crying and she hides. You shift back to human form very quickly and find her, holding her close and apologising for scaring her over and over.
Will tear a man apart in human form to avoid this (or almost human form).
She slowly works up to being comfortable in your dragon form, the first time she falls asleep against your side is a good day.
You start insisting on accompanying her to meetings and escorting her whenever she has to meet another Lord. They start talking sh1t, they get hit (or burned...you let Donna choose).
Angie cheers you on.
Salvatore Moreau
He is terrified of you when you first show up.
You basically tear your way into the mines for shelter and he is frantically plugging the entrance to his home with the enzyme to hide.
Calls for "mother" to save him and that's how you find him.
You see this small deformed fish man crying in the mine and think, "i'm not gonna ask."
You settle in the slightly larger chamber and just lie down for a rest.
He soon realises your not going to attack him and ventures out to stare at you. He just keeps staring at you for like an uncomfortably long time, peeking around a doorway.
Eventual you snap and ask him to stop staring.
He slowly comes out of hiding and starts asking the basics.
"You can talk?" "Who are you?" "Why are you here?"
Seeing no reason not to, you tiredly answer all his questions.
Hearing about your long journey has him curiously asking about the places you've been to.
He quickly figures out you must have some sort of human form since you end up on the topics of favourite foods or movies and your favourites are all distinctly human. (He's the fastest at figuring this out and the least surprised when you shift).
Terrifying (hideous) creature going through an unnerving transformation into a humanoid form...he can relate. Although he's slightly jealous of how 'normal' you look when you shift to human form.
You two have a movie night where he proudly shows of his collection. It is in the middle of him analysing the context of THAT ONE SCENE that you decide, Yes...This one is mine.
The entire reservoir and mine is your territory and if anything comes anywhere near it they will be ash in 30 seconds.
When you protect him from danger, he's shocked that someone cares enough about him to f-ing incinerate a lycan for even looking at him weirdly.
You act like its natural and eventually he starts to get used to you.
Has self doubt and questions your motives...you tell him he's worth it or that he's your jewel.
Starts talking back to the other Lords when they insult him. It's easy with you hovering menacingly behind him, veins glowing with barely contained R A G E.
One source of friction however, is the fact that he doesn't like that you keep trying to kill Mother Miranda and he will latch onto you sobbing until you agree to spare her (for now...you'll get her when he's not around).
However, the longer you two know each other, the more self-confidence he gains and the more you talk through what Mother Miranda did to him and why he deserves better, (pointing out her manipulation, analyses whether she's ever 'cared' about him, etc...), the less bothered he gets. (Give it a few years, he'll cheer you on alongside Heisenberg).
The second you see Mother Miranda...it is on sight. (Especially if you know what she did to the Lords).
Cue you shifting to dragon form and preparing to unleash a volley of flame, "I smell the blood of children on you."
You may be comfortable(ish) with the actions of your housemate but you have STANDARDS.
Alright 😊 Hoped you like these headcanons, jaychirps. They were really fun to write and grew quite a bit. 😅
(I feel like Moreau's a bit ooc but I don't know enough about him to dispute that claim....)
Oh and p.s. ... asks are open.
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heisenberg-simp257 · 3 years
Hello ! Can I please request how the four lords from RE8 would react to their S/O being a large werewolf that has some control over the other lycans? If not I understand, please and thank you for your time!
Sure thing! No problem!❤
The Lords with their S/O being a Large Werewolf 
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Alcina Dimitrescu
-Dimitrescu would be kind of disturbed by the fact you look like a large wolf. Only because I see her as being more of a cat person than dog person, if any kind of person.
-However, she appreciates how well you take care of yourself.
-You understand that she is a lady who likes a clean environment. So, you make sure to keep your fur off any of her clothes or furniture.
-Also, you know she despises the lycans, so you use your dominance over the beasts to keep them away from her castle. Maybe send them over to someone she despises *cough* Heisy *cough*
-Werewolf cuddles with her daughters are a thing.
-She makes sure that you get well fed. Maybe a couple of the maids who displeased her. After all, you are the only dog she cares about.
-If this was Mother Miranda’s doing, Dimitrescu might start to have some mixed feelings about her. I mean, she might’ve appreciated you more as a human than a werewolf.
-However, she still loves you, and makes sure you are pampered. Gives you baths all the time.
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Donna Beneviento (and Angie)
-Donna would be weirdly chill about the whole thing. You’d think she’d be afraid of a large werewolf, but that’s something she’s actually into. A secret passion of hers, large scary monsters.
-You were also quite a good dog, and Donna loved having you around for company.
-She would grow all sorts of flowers for you to enjoy, given your highly keen nose. And, werewolf or human, she would definitely try to braid some flowers through your hair/fur.
-You manage to keep most of the lycans away, maybe also killing a few that disobey. The lycans scare Donna, and you don’t like seeing your lady scared.
-Catch Angie trying to ride on your back at least once. It’s like watching a bronc at the rodeo.
-The only time she got mad at you is when you accidentally chewed apart one of her dolls. Angry Donna is a horror show that you never wish to see again.
-She makes you the absolute best food and gives you plenty of pets.
-Werewolf cuddles with her are a big thing. Donna just grabs a blanket and you both just nap by the fire.
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Salvatore Moreau
-Moreau would find you as a large werewolf to be absolutely incredible. For starters, you were a lot better looking than most of the lycans. (Also, props to Moreau is he was the one who managed to turn you because you are a fine specimen).
-Good thing you are intelligent because he’s not the best of taking care of things. After all, he doesn’t like having to feed things.
-You make his lycan experimentations go so much smoother because of your dominant position among the lycans. You are able to keep them under control.
-Lucky for him, you love the water. This means big fish Moreau vs. werewolf you in an epic splash fight.
-Honestly loves to pet you fur. I canon Moreau to have a passion for soft things, so he just loves to feel your soft fur. Also, brushing it is a big thing.
-Movie time is when he can really have some wolf cuddles.
-He treats you so kindly, so you vow to protect fish boy at all costs. The carnage you leave some lycans in is horrifying.
-Moreau brags about you all the time to the point where even Dimitrescu is ready to carve him into sashimi.
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Karl Heisenberg
-Heisenberg absolutely loves the fact that you are a large werewolf. Heck, he’s probably the closest among the Lords to being near what you are in terms of the lycans that is.
-Understands that even though you can be human, you still have some wolf needs. Gives you a big wrench to chew on.
-Okay, some of the stuff he does, like the one above, is kind of like a tease. He’s knows you are competent, but can’t help but smirk while treating you like a good loyal dog.
-Definitely would say “good boy” or “good girl” or something along those lines to tease you slightly.
-Unlike the other Lords, he has you call in the lycans because he wants his experiments to fight them. Sometimes, Heisenberg will also use you as a final test if you are okay with it.
-He hopes one day he can rally his metal army and you can rally the lycans, and the two of you can go kick Miranda’s ass together.
-As a werewolf, you give him lots of puppy love. I mean a bunch of licking, nuzzling, and tail wagging. He would try to push you away and pretend he doesn’t like it.
-Keeps you a secret from the others and Miranda if he can. You are his and his alone.
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