#Alcina Dimitrescu mentioned
affectionatecorpse · 3 months
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I have no justification for this
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sapphicrow · 2 months
His Better.
(A lil Lady D drabble looking at her past)
Dear Diary,
Today is the anniversary of his death. Of his complete and total departure from my world. Those who remember him perhaps view this day as a day of mourning, though I must confess I feel no such grief. A buzz of vibrant elation hums in my chest. His portrait sits in the main hall once more for today, but if not for Mother Miranda’s command for it to be in such an honorable place it would be fueling the hearth that warms my feet as I indulge in sapphic erotica, plentiful goblets of wine, maybe even a maiden or four on their knees begging for an opportunity to breathe the same air as I. He would call me a heathen and a whore. I shall call him, with phony tears in my eyes, a victim of times of political unrest. Patricide may be the more precise term, but alas, I shan’t spoil my lovely day with scandal. Mother does not wish for the truth to be spoken. I suppose it is a fair wish. I may not speak it, but I find myself needing to release this memory from my head, lest it rot in there and I begin to feel sorry for the bitch.
My father was not a good man. He was barely a man. He was a nincompoop who took advantage of his station, and his staff, and his abundant liquor collection. He was not kind. It is not for this reason I resent him, for I can hardly claim to be kind either. I resent him for his failure as a count, and his confidence in his incompetence. I remember watching his fat, clumsy fingers struggle to button his lavishly crafted waist coat with contempt. I knew from a young age that I was a far better leader than he. That my own hands, nimble and steady from years of the pointless needlework noble girls were expected to do, were suited for the control he fumbled about with so terribly. For holding the throne. I remember being fifteen years of age, watching him bumble about his office in a suit lined with silk he did not deserve the softness of. The war had threatened to touch his territory. Even then I knew that securing assets would be a vital defense for the empire he wished to construct. He did no such thing. He simply ran around like a chicken with its head severed and defiled more maids in his stress. The only measure he took was of how many drinks he could fit in his bulbous stomach. I couldn’t fathom being so irresponsible. If his land in the Carpathian Mountains was threatened, was it not clear as day that he should be worried about finding other means to protect his legacy? I recall creeping into his office in the dead of night to look over the correspondences surrounding the war and his rule and the financials that were spread carelessly about the big oak desk, my heist backed by the erratic growl of his snores. I felt as if I had forged his signature hundreds of times, even if it was my very first act of blatant treachery. It still felt so natural to use his name for my own game. It wasn’t as if he was using it for anything useful. That night he wrote a very fine letter to the duchies nearby asking for an alliance through these trying times, though the recipients would question the flair to his cursive, as well as the fact that there seemed to be a scribbled out A before his signature. I would not let this incompetent fool ruin my holdings. I would have the power that was my birthright.
For years, I would conduct similar such maneuvers. It became a performance of sorts. The key ring would leap from his belt loop to my gloved hand, landing with a graceful turn into the lock of his office. My slippered feet would dance through the slimmest crack of the door so as not to let light from the open curtains spill into the other room. My night gown would sway with me, it became synonymous with the robes of a queen in my mind. I’d Chassé from the doorway to his desk, all too eager to begin my work. The moon and I became partners in this secretive dance, for she was the subtle light I remained loyal to, granting me sight of the papers I now held under my midnight authority. And so began the unofficial, unnoticed rule of the new Dimitrescu, though the old one was oblivious to how he’d been replaced. Thankfully the old fool was a drunkard and simply believed he had managed to make all of these lucrative decisions in his intoxicated stupor.
As if.
Looking back, I cannot help but laugh heartily at how bold I was. I am much too good. But a large amount of my amusement is pointed at the pure egocentrism of the man who named himself my father. How humorous the thought of a drunk man taking the time to send out the decrees I painstakingly assembler was. There was a time when this did not entertain me, however. It was no laughing matter when my father took all the credit for my success. I had heard so much praise on the account of his wise conduct of the county. Barons and dukes and alike bowed to him, preening in his presence as if he exuded some holy power.
I grew bitter.
I was the one making these decisions! I was the one keeping him together! I had created this man’s legacy in the dead of night and neither he nor his adoring fans knew this. It infuriated me. Dear Diary, I am ashamed to admit that even now I’ve cracked the stem of my glass reminiscing upon it. For lack of a more eloquent response to this situation, it just wasn’t fair! Surely if they knew the raven haired girl with his nose and ten times his wit trailing behind him was the one truly in charge, they wouldn’t grovel to him the same way. He would be forgotten like the sorry bastard he was while everyone kissed the ground I walked upon. But they didn’t know. And so I was just his daughter. A material object he constantly strove to rid himself of. It was infuriating, I tell you, infuriating! I could only feed off of second hand acknowledgement for so long.
And so, a plot came to be. Or rather, a hastily conceived idea. I did not spend fortnights planning his death. I did not weave a technical tale of coverups and falsehoods. There was no subtlety. I was sick of hiding. You call it a risk, I called it a need. A need for his blood coating my hands as soon as possible. It was the eve of a grand event- which one it was escapes my memory for there was simply no end to the monotonous parties I was dragged along to - but all I knew was that I couldn’t stand to see him grin so smugly with the acclaim he hadn’t truly earned even one more time.
This night was not a ballet. I did not dance on light feet through the halls. I near slammed the door of my chambers as I tore through the corridors. The moon could not illumine me tonight. She would take no pleasure in seeing him torn to pieces, though I certainly would. I was near frothing at the mouth. One could paint my likeness as the lycans that now hunger in the shadows of the village.
I opened his door and closed it behind me without an ounce of gentleness. Let them hear. My nightgown billowed around me like the dark cloaks death was usually depicted wearing. The old man could not hear me over his snores. I clutched the previously ornamental dagger in my hand and snarled at the sight of his peaceful sleep. I was not going to allow him to slumber through this. In my rage I punched through the glass of his window (I dimly acknowledged it would be a good alibi for the later accusation of assassins, but mostly I just yearned for his terror) to the sound of which he shot up. He looked around frantically and saw the face of his daughter as the blade plunged into him without the courtesy of a warning. It was a wet, nasty slide of flesh around the metal of my blade. It was the sickest form of penetration. It was my finest act of political assistance to his county. I grin now at the memory of his shock. His greedy mouth parted in disbelief. He croaked my name into the night and I twisted the blade deeper. I only remember the sound from me being something between a growl and a triumphant laugh. He tried to cry out and I pulled the dagger from his side and forced it down his throat the same way I knew he had forced his foul chode down the throats of unwilling maidens. His lips curved around it and I looked down at him as his fat body flailed in agony. He deserved this, I had thought as I shoved my hand past his teeth and drug the blade along the walls of his esophagus, he deserves to die. I am greater at thirty than he ever was at fifty. I am not his daughter, I am his better. That was my mantra as I pulled horrific noises from this man. It was the most pleasurable thing I’d ever done. I had expected at least some remorse, but seeing him bloodied and dying brought me nothing but glee. I watched death tear him from his hideous form and I did not relent. I stabbed again and again until I felt calm. I had three decades of pent up anger to get out, so he was long dead before then. He looked like an oversized meatball when I was done, limp in the bed he spent most of his lazy fucking life in.
My white slip was dyed red with vengeance. This was my coronation long before I ever received the crown. I still keep that gown as a momento, though it is now far too small.
Today I contemplate that garment with all its dried blood and crusted on innards. Perhaps I have a wardrobe filled with fine dresses, but none is as fine as that one.
Can a normal dress be stained with the moment you gained independence? Can it tell the story of the rise of House Dimitrescu? Since that day we have done nothing but prosper. Even a century later I do not regret it.
Dear Diary, I am Alcina Dimitrescu. I am a cruel woman. I am power. I am not his daughter. I am forever his better.
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swirlymark · 6 months
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Bonus for my band au
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Raine was so happy to see that Alcina had put some healthy weight back on, and attributes it to Wendy's fantastic cooking. All three girls were home with them, and the mood in the estate had gradually picked back up following the miscarriage.
Raine had actually pulled Dani aside and explained what had happened, and the poor girl had immediately broken into tears, her mood shifting, tiptoeing around Alcina for fear of setting her mother off into a spiral by saying the wrong thing or asking the wrong questions. But Alcina answered every question the newly turned 16 year-old had, saving the details of the D&C procedure for another time.
The two of them were now sitting on the patio, enjoying the calm of the sunset, perfectly content to sit together on the porch swing. Raine had Alcina wrapped up in her arms, a thin blanket wrapped around her wife's shoulders as they settled together beneath the last rays of sunlight.
Raine pressed soft kisses against Alcina's head and shoulders, earning pleased hums from the woman lounging in her arms.
"Keep that up and I'll have to take you inside, darling." Alcina purred as Raine pressed another kiss against the pulse in Alcina's neck, her arms wrapped loosely around her wife's waist, keeping her close to her chest.
"Oohhh, dirty talk love. Don't threaten me with a good time." Raine teased right back, her hands drawn back to rest on Alcina's hips, mindful of any lingering tenderness that remained in Alcina's body.
Alcina fell quiet then, her gaze focused on the vineyard, her arms wrapped around herself as she fell into her thoughts. Raine noticed the change in her wife's mood and pressed another kiss against the back of her head, slowly drawing her attention back to the present.
"Penny for your thoughts, love?"
"Just... Thinking of what they could have been like." Alcina replied, leaning heavier against Raine. "What they could have done. What they would have liked."
Raine hummed in response, her hands gently rubbing Alcina's arms, her chin resting on her shoulder.
"Tell me?" She questioned, pressing a peck against Alcina's cheek, earning a soft smile in response. She didn't mention the taste of salt on her lips from the tears that had dripped down Alcina's cheek.
"If they had been a boy, I think he would have taken after Cassandra... Sports and video games. I know Cassandra would have taught him how to play basketball and soccer, and some silly little dance to make after a successful goal or point."
Raine chuckled at the thought, an image of a little boy dancing with Cassandra after scoring a soccer goal flashing in her mind.
"What if they had been a girl? Think she would have taken after Bela?"
"God no." Alcina chuckled, grabbing Raine's arms and wrapping them around her waist. "She would have taken after me, of course."
"Oh really? Beauty, grace and a smart-ass mouth?" Raine teased, bumping Alcina's temple with her forehead, earning a laugh from the raven-haired woman in her arms.
"You're already catching on, draga." Alcina replied, turning her head to press their foreheads together, breathing in the smell of the flowers blooming in the distance.
She closed her eyes, a sigh leaving her lips as she snuggled closer to Raine.
"I wanted so badly to have them..."
"I know, darling... I know." Raine replied, pressing a kiss to Alcina's lips. "You know that it's not your fault, right? That I don't blame you or hold any anger against you."
"I know..." Alcina replied, her voice a whisper against Raine's lips. "I can't help but blame myself though."
"Hush now. None of that talk, Alcina." Raine replied, her gaze focused on Alcina's, bringing her left hand up to gently cup Alcina's cheek. "You're not to blame, my love."
"But what if-"
"No buts, darling. No 'what ifs', no 'should haves', none of that. You did everything right, did everything you could, did everything the doctor told you." Raine smiled, her eyes glittering in the sunset. "I know you did, I know you tried so hard for us, and I couldn't be prouder of you. Perhaps we were jumping the gun a bit, or perhaps it just wasn't the right time to try, but that doesn't mean we can't try again in the future when we're ready."
Raine pressed another kiss to Alcina's forehead before meeting her eyes once more, her thumb gingerly brushing over Alcina's bottom lip.
"For now, we have three beautiful daughters to spoil, and new business ventures to make. New memories to create." She smiled again, wider this time. "We can try for a baby again, there's nothing stopping us from doing so. For now, I'm more than happy to have you all to myself."
Alcina finally smiled, tears once more dripping down her cheeks as she pressed her forehead against Raine's once more, a wet chuckle leaving her lips.
"You sure know how to make a lady feel special, draga mea... Thank you..."
"Anything for you, my love. Anything to see you smile."
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vamp-galactica · 2 years
Resident Evil Biohazard, Village, and the Cycle of Toxic Family Bonds and Abuse
Resident Evil 7: Biohazard, and its sequel, Resident Evil: Village, revolve around protagonist Ethan Winters as he tries to protect his family from forces he previously had no idea existed. The forces in question are an extended family suffering toxic bonds to each other- bonds both physically and emotionally poison. The core theme of the games is the cycle of toxic familial relationships, and the breaking of that cycle.
To fully understand the cycle of abuse that this story details, it’s important to look at each member of the family. The family tree starts with Mother Miranda, branching down into Alcina Dimitrescu, her three daughters Bela, Cassandra and Daniela, Karl Heisenberg, Salvatore Moreau, Donna Beneviento and Eveline. From Eveline, the family branches off into the Baker Family, with Jack, Marguerite, Lucas, and, by force, Mia. Zoe is still a Baker, but has been ousted from the rest of the family. The Bakers and the Lords are separate and never meet, connected only by Eveline, but it is Eveline who continued the cycle with the Bakers after learning it from Miranda.
Eveline was created as an attempt to bring back Miranda’s deceased daughter, but Miranda rejected her as her daughter because of her obsession with a family that made her violent- refusing to see that this obsession mirrored her own (such as when she was so obsessed with her own plan for her family that she gave up on reviving Eva at the end of Resident Evil Village and planned to just raise Rose as her own.) The flaws in other people were unacceptable, but in herself, they didn’t exist. Her obsessions, her hastiness, her tendency for unnecessary violence were left unacknowledged, but shunned and punished in other people, such as Moreau’s lack of affection in the family due to how deeply he wanted to be accepted, or Alcina being condescended to for warranted anger. Anyone flawed was not her true child, also shown by how she referred to The Four Lords as her false children and thanked Ethan for disposing of them once they were dead.
When her mother hastily disowned her, Eveline sought family in different places. She found it in her handler Mia Winters, and eventually in the Baker Family, overcompensating with a bigger family to make up for the one she didn’t get in the first place. No amount of family was enough for her- despite having Mia as a mother figure, she wanted Marguerite too. After she took the Bakers and had Jack as a father, she wanted Ethan too, and when Ethan arrived he found that she had been orchestrating multitudes of kidnappings via the Bakers to expand the family. Jack, Marguerite and Lucas had their worst traits amplified via an obsession with being Eveline’s family, and due to never having a model for what a loving family should look like, Evie didn’t understand why it never appeased her.
Despite wanting to constantly bring more people into the family to fill this hole, from the very beginning Evie ousted Zoe from the rest of the Bakers by not fully infecting her. She took just enough of a hold on her that she couldn’t leave, but left her consciousness fully untouched, leaving her helpless to watch her family descend into madness. Eveline purposefully set herself up as the family’s golden child and Zoe as the scapegoat. She taunted her and had her face scribbled out in pictures of her around the house, and influenced the other Bakers’ to shun and antagonize her. All of this to punish her for having a family of her own when Eveline didn’t. Zoe was rejected just as Miranda rejected Eveline.
The Bakers as a whole were forcibly cut off from society when infected by Eveline, their neighbors and other relatives having no idea where they went, and while Evie likely didn’t actually learn this act from Miranda, it was her mother who began the cycle of isolation as well. Miranda, however, was much more manipulative and sinister in her methods, whereas Eveline did the only thing she ever knew how to. Miranda forcibly took The Four Lords as her family, and while the timeline is unclear, it’s implied Heisenberg and Moreau were taken as children and Donna and Alcina as adults. All four lords were mutated and manipulated, cut off from any chance at a life outside of her care.
Moreau’s intense mutation led Miranda to be the only one he could possibly rely on, as the other lords thought him too repulsive. He has the emotional intelligence of a child, weeping often and wanting only for his mother to be proud of him due to how Miranda had isolated him from everyone with his mutation, reminiscent of a mother who refuses to let her child leave the nest and shelters them too heavily from the world to create an unhealthy reliance. Moreau has no self confidence and little social skills, and because of his monstrous appearance, he can’t go anywhere else.
Donna’s parents committed suicide when she was young, exacerbating her own mental health issues, and this left her already struggling to make connections with anyone. She did, however, have a confidant in her family gardener, who looked after her like a father might. When Miranda mutated her, she gave her the motherly love she lacked and gave her more confidence. With this gift, Donna became reliant on Miranda as her mother, unaware that she only ever intended on using her as part of her research. Donna’s loyalty was ensured in this way, and because she already felt isolated from the rest of the world, Miranda made certain she wouldn’t ever leave her.
Alcina was taken as a fully grown adult- she had a life outside the village, unlike the other Lords. We know this because of the jazz album Ethan has in his home. It’s seemingly inconsequential, but it implies a rich and full life before Miranda. Obviously wealthy due to her Dimitrescu lineage and her music career success, she was set up in style, and no doubt had an active life as a socialite. All of this was taken away when Mother Miranda lured her into the Dimitrescu Castle and mutated her. Obviously unable to rejoin normal society with her new need to drink blood and her intense height, Alcina HAD to rely on Miranda from there on out. Miranda was not her mother, and her parents had died only recently when she was a grown woman, but she had no choice but to stay with her. She clearly made the most out of her life, but often expressed anger over having to play family with the other lords, who were much younger than her. She reads as a put upon eldest daughter by a mother who expects too much- simultaneously expected to be a second parent and treated like a child.
Alcina also continued the cycle of abuse when she frequently lashed out at Heisenberg. It was likely due to resentment over a multitude of things, such as his lack of apparent mutations, being made to play family with him, and being made to go along with him on any plans despite being likely decades older and the only control in her life being her duties as a lord. This also leads back to the Golden Child and the Scapegoat- Heisenberg was a wildcard and a rowdy child who often lashed out, and Alcina was the perfect eldest daughter who did everything for the family even if she didn’t like it. Miranda purposefully created a rift between them with this dynamic, making Heisenberg infuriated by having to show deference to Lady Dimitrescu, and Lady Dimitrescu feeling belittled by having to play equal with Heisenberg.
It isn’t known exactly what Karl’s family situation was prior to Miranda, but we do know that he was kidnapped. Whether he was kidnapped as a child or an adult, he knows he was kidnapped, he knows Miranda’s entire family is fake, and he knows that he hates her. Interestingly, Heisenberg is in a unique position- he doesn’t need Miranda. His mutation is only internal, and just by looking at him you wouldn’t notice he was any different from any non mutated human being. He hates Miranda and doesn’t rely on her emotionally. The only thing stopping him from leaving is Miranda’s physical prowess, and we see him actively trying to circumvent this and escape.
Unfortunately, Heisenberg’s downfall is that he continues the cycle of abuse when he tries to use Rose as a weapon against Miranda instead of trying to protect her, doing the same thing to her that Miranda did to him. He was a weapon, one of her guardsmen, and so it was only logical to him that Rose should be the same, because it was all he knew.
Ethan is ultimately the one to break the cycle. Coming from the outside of this world, or from a different family dynamic, he clearly knows what a loving and functioning family is supposed to look like. He’s appalled by how the family he goes against works- he watches them hurt each other and tear themselves apart both physically and emotionally, and walk it off like it never even happened. Even Zoe’s behavior shocks him. Despite being the most normal of them, she’s fully desensitized to the horror of it all, and laughs when he’s frightened by her family. She doesn’t realize she’s trapped in the cycle too until she’s finally freed from it in End of Zoe, when Joe shows her the first bit of familial love she’s seen in three years. Mia is still trapped in this cycle and nearly pulls him into it with her mistakes (in the literal sense, yes, Mia being forced into playing mom for a bunch of moldy strangers doesn’t seem like her being trapped in a cycle of abuse, but consider it from the perspective of meeting your wife’s family only to wonder why she still talks to any of these people), but he manages to pull her out. The two are still shown to struggle with her secrecy and her avoidance (especially because she didn’t tell him he was dead, and he didn’t realize her hostility was Miranda’s acting), but it’s clear Mia is better off than when she was stuck with the Bakers.
This carries into their daughter- she’s only an infant, but they already want the world for her. Ethan risks everything just to rescue her from people he would likely never dream of facing otherwise. He suffers terrible pain at the hands of the “family” he married into just to save Rose from them, and ends the cycle completely when he rejects Heisenberg’s plan and kills Miranda himself. He sacrifices himself so that Rose doesn’t have to ever be caught in that cycle. It doesn’t matter to him that she has powers, or that he isn’t alive and she came back from the dead, or that his family is absolutely nothing like what he thought it would be. What matters is he loves her, he loves Mia, and he’d love them no matter what. It’s even his love for Rose that inspires her to deny the cycle another start and accept herself as she is in Shadow of Rose. Even if he didn’t raise her himself, he made sure she was with someone who would protect her, and he ended the cycle of abuse started by Mother Miranda before it could ever touch her.
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hellshire-harlot · 1 year
I swear to god the Resident Evil fandom has like. Five jokes total. And we won’t shut up about them.
Jill Sandwich (classic but very overdone)
Seven Minutes (I’m so sick of this line fr)
Chris punching a boulder (we’re right to meme on that honestly)
Lady Dimitrescu (Most of those jokes are pretty gross actually)
Where’s Everyone Going? (Bingo?)
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littlelesbinonny · 10 months
The Devil's Den
Chapter 34:  In Which The Harbinger Brings More Questions Than Answers
!::TW::! this chapter contains mention of a gun, not use of it, but mention. just fyi.
You can read this also on Ao3 at: https://archiveofourown.org/works/46831621/chapters/117962293
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You were missing Alcina fiercely.
It was going on day five of not seeing her and you were, as usual, restless. It didn't always feel this way when she was gone, but the long absences always had you on the edge of your seat; the anxiety and unwanted worry of something being wrong was always poking your mind. You didn't really doubt that most things that involved the underworld and whatever happenings went on there very likely included shit of the dangerous nature, so, you could only give your brain and intuition props for somehow feeling it. Even though it bugged. 
You remembered all too well what Alcina's body had looked like after the more than week-long absence from you. What the fuck she fought with you still don't know, doubted you ever would, so what other information did your mind have to work off of to try and blindly put puzzle pieces together. Yes, you told yourself time and time again she could take care of herself. But. What if one day she couldn't? What would happen if she just stopped coming to see you altogether? Would Angie at least come tell you what happened? Would you just be left to wonder what happened to the woman you loved more than anything for the rest of your days, never to have an absolution? 
And then, there was the matter of that dream you'd had a few nights back. It still sprinkled shivers down your spine. Alcina, tall, gaunt, covered in blood, baring her teeth and telling you she'd kill you too; she was a monster after all. 
A big sighed took pity on you and helped pull you from your funk.
The office was pretty quite today luckily but you were itching to get out of there. Another bit of luck ended with an all-hands meeting for your department cutting short after one of the big-wigs stopped halfway through a sentence, put his palm to the side of his head, complained of a searing pain, and left with a migraine. You don't really remembered what he was drawling on about either, you were focused solely on how much you couldn't stand to listen to him talk and how badly you wanted him to shut the fuck up, therefore you couldn't help but chuckle when he was forced to. No one liked that asshole anyway and everyone was relieved to get cut loose sooner than later. 
Finally the 4 o'clock hour rolled around and you excused yourself early for the weekend, internally wishing you would see Alcina tonight, or at least briefly this weekend. God you missed her.
Today was a calmer, less than frigid bitching bitter cold day. The sun was out and gave everything a little lick of its warmth before disappearing behind the glass and steel columns of the cityscape.
And, there again, was that feeling that something wasn't right.
Caught your attention from above.
"Malka! Malka!"
Here came one of your crow friends, Ebony by the looks of it, swooping around and by you, finally perching on a fence next to you.
Was it saying Malka?
"Awk, awk - Malka - Malka!"
There was no way in hell this bird was shouting 'Malka'.
It began to hop and flutter its wings, dashing to and froe on the sturdy rock ledge, eying you, bobbing its head, cawing and without a doubt saying Malka's name.
"No," you muttered as Ebony took flight into the air, swinging around you to land once more on the fence, "Malka?" you repeated back trying to understand the whole of this.
Ebony cawed long and hard and finally took flight towards that end of the street where Malka's shop resided.
"You gotta be fucking kidding me," was all you managed before you took off after the bird.
The unnerving feeling from before became stronger and stronger as you were approaching the shop, and your mind immediately let your intuition take charge and instead of running around front, you took a sharp turn into the tiny alley behind it and to the back entrance. You keyed in the passcode to the number lock and let yourself in as fast and silently as possible. 
Nothing looked out of the ordinary in the storage room, but suddenly a shout echoed its way through to you. It was a mans voice, no doubt, and carefully you slinked your way from the back to Malka's station behind the counter.
From the doorway and tinted glass, you could see three teenagers on the other side of the counter from Malka; two had knives, one, had a gun.
The utter rage and protective instinct inside of you seemed to emerge from your very veins like a hatchling of a million spiders - you were crawling with energy you couldn't control, everything darkened around you, all you could see was a gun in Malka's face and the three cretins of chaos in front of her.
Fire was not how you would describe this feeling, perhaps the sensation of frost bite would be more accurate of the sensation on your face and in your fingertips. It was as hot as it was freezing cold. It was spreading, covering you from head to toe.
You had lost all control over your body as you began to step from around the barrier, your eyes locked on the teenagers in a blink-less stare.
Each one of them suddenly became impaired, fighting from doubling over, dropping their weapons as they grabbed for their heads and groaned, pained yelps now filling the space that had otherwise been void of all noise at all around you.
By the time you'd stopped not 5 feet from behind Malka, they were screaming and haphazardly trying to run out of the store, knocking several shelves and cases over as they did. 
Malka dropped her arms and turned to find you there still as a statue, face void and eyes paralyzed from any movement or emotion.
"Oh dear... ketzeleh," she sighed, reaching for your arms, tugging at you, "honey, look at me - focus - come back, come back slowly."
You were completely frozen in time, like you were dumbstruck from sleep and barely able to respond to what was happening. You could see Malka, though she was fuzzy, and you could hear her, though it sounded as if you were under water. But when she grasped your hands there was a cool sensation that now washed down your system that seemed to brush off the remaining faded reality you'd been caught in.
"M-Malka," you sputtered, blinking your vision clear, "a... are you alright?"
She nodded knowingly and wrapped your hands up tighter, "yes, yes, come now, sit."
"W-wait, wait, we need to call the cops! We need to get those little fuckers reported!"
The bitterness of the night had now settled in as the two of you spoke to the police. Malka, the quick thinker she was, told them your surprise visit had scared them off, causing them to drop their weapons and run. Even the cops didn't seem to buy it, but trying to explain whatever the fuck had really gone down didn't seem feasible.
As you were pulling your coat around you just a bit tighter, you noticed your family of crows now perched in the tree adjacent the shop. All warm, beady little eyes watching the whole situation. You couldn't help but nod at them gratefully. Had Ebony not come, you'd hoped the worst that would have happened was Malka getting robbed. Another shudder ran through you.
"Alright, well, we'll get their descriptions out and we'll keep you posted," an officer said, "you two ladies get home. We'll take it from here."
Malka brushed them off with a flick of her wrist and grabbed for you, "come, tea upstairs."
You were still caught in a funk. You whole body was just vibrating. You felt calm and energized and anxious and like you were about to spin out of control all at once. It wasn't totally pleasant.
There was a hot cup of tea placed in your hands. You had nestled into the cushy forest green couch and Leo was immediately in your lap, his purrs and mews softening your overall confusion and bafflement as he began making very gentle biscuits on your thighs.
Everything was pretty much a blur. Though as time seemed to creep on it began to become slightly clearer. You remember much more now the physical sensations that ran through you; the burning, the overwhelm, the paralysis, the rage, the need to protect. You remember how something inside you took over, what that something was was about as clear as the rest of it. It was almost as if Alcina herself had imbued you; the protective instincts you'd always had came flooding forth with vigor; blooming, blossoming, pluming, all encapsulating, and it took charge. It felt so similar to her love and protection that it was  like she was there, all around you, helping you, controlling you even. But that simply couldn't be. And it was too familiar to never have felt it before. None of this made any sense. Did you, whatever happened to you in that moment, did you make the attackers crumble and fall away? Run like their lives depended on it? What the literal fuck was going on?
Eventually gazing over to Malka who had perched on her own little rocking chair, you took a small sip and noticed she was watching you very, very closely.
The silence was deafening.
"I uh... don't suppose you know what happened tonight, do you?"
Her eyes glittered, "not all of it."
Not all of it.
Oh. Ok. 
The fuck did that mean???
You slumped further into the couch, "do you know something about me that I don't?" you blurted.
Malka, ever cryptic but warm and knowing, set her teacup down on the saucer and locked her eyes on you, "specifics, no, but you are special, ketzeleh. I knew from the moment I met you, you had a gift; little sparks of an olde world deep inside of you just begging to be shown the light."
There wasn't really any stopping the furrowing of your eyebrows. What the fuck did that mean?!
"Could you please stop speaking on riddles?"
She tsked, "I'm a mad, old Jewish woman, that's my job!" she jested with a grin, "what fun would it be if I spoke as dully as you minnealala's anyhow."
Malka took another sip of her tea nonchalantly and you just stared at her. This afternoon was a bit earth shattering for you and she was sitting there as if it was just another day, just another totally normal incident to have three goons hold her at gun point and the little neighbor gal come by with some sort of witchy powers and send them running off with their tails between their legs.
"Please, for the love of god Malka, what is happening to me?"
She considered your question with more sobriety and placed her teacup on the coffee table as she came to sit next to you, her face softer as she grasped your free hand, "I don't know exactly."
"You said you knew I was special, what does that mean?" you pleaded.
"Let me tell you something that I think you're ready to hear..." Malka began, her voice low yet calm, "I am a mystic, from a long line of Jewish Mysticism; the olde magick, that's what I come from. And we... we sense, we know things, among much much else. And you my dear, I felt your magick from the moment you walked through my shop door for the first time."
"Magick?" you repeated, "what do you mean magick?"
"Do you remember what I said to you the other night?" she asked, waiting for your nod, "your gifts, which I do not know specifics, are finally coming through."
If you hadn't already been in a spiral, you sure as hell were now.
Magick? Gifts? Did this explain so much of the weird ass shit that had been happening to you recently?
"You know," Malka continued, "I have felt your power grow stronger through the last several months... is that when you began seeing this person?"
Your eyes, which had been fixated on the coffee table while your thoughts were going apeshit in your brain, now jerked to look at the old woman next to you and your jaw hung loose.
"How did - ?"
She chuckled, "I know things, remember? Though you all but admitted it to me the other night, I am more or less just curious."
You had to swallow your words as they felt like they were all about to fall out of your mouth, "Uhm, yes... I - I met her in the spring," you managed to say with a breath.
Malka hummed even more knowingly and stroked her thumb over the back of your knuckles, "she is the one you came to get pasta for, mm?"
"N-no, she doesn't - uh - " oh right, how the fuck were you supposed to tell her you were dating a vampire in any sane timeline, but without your permission your big mouth continued, "she doesn't eat. She cooked for me."
The rise of her brows was undeniable even though you had looked away. 
This was absolutely unreal. How was this conversation even happening? But, nothing about life had had any semblance or normality since meeting Alcina, so why should anything following her coming into your life make any more sense than that? Malka was a witch, sure ok, a Jewish one at that. You'd never heard of such a thing. But sure, why not you guess. And you, you were now apparently a witch or some other gifted magickal creature? WHAT. WAS. HAPPENING.
"I see," Malka pondered, "she is...?"
No. No, don't ask me that. Please do not ask me that. 
You plopped your cup on the cushion next to you and rubbed your face with your hand, baffled beyond words what to say, if you should say it, and why the fuck not to at this point.
"She's a vampire."
You could not believe yourself. You said it. You actually said it. Out loud!
Malka didn't even seem bothered by this, in fact her lack of response made you look at her with a begging for some reaction. She simply pursed her lips and nodded like it was a normal answer.
"Please say something," you broke the overwhelming silence with, "please?"
Her eyes focused back to you and she tilted her head, "you're frightened, aren't you?" she asked in the most genuine manner you'd ever heard.
Again you swallowed, "I'm terrified. I don't know what's happening to me."
"Ehhh, ketzeleh," she cooed, grasping your hand with both of hers, "there is no need to be frightened. I'm here, I see you, you will be alright. You will come into your own in due time, there is no need to fight it or be scared. This is who you are inside."
"I don't know what that means! I don't know what or who I am! I'm just some friggin' orphan who has been lost her whole life - I - I don't know what I'm doing."
Malka placed a comforting palm to your cheek and looked into your eyes, "you listen to ol' Malka; you know who you are. You are you every day. You grow, you learn, and you will make 'you' more 'you' as you live on. What is inside of you well help, as scary as it might be. These changes are part of you, let them guide you, let them teach you, let them mold you and you mold them. I don't know what exactly you are, my ketzeleh, but I know you are special and you cannot fight that. I will be more than happy to be with you every step of the way, though, as your bubbeh, it is my joy and honor."
You hadn't been on the verge of tears yet, but Malka's genuine words made you feel warm and safe. There was no denying something was changing inside of you, you'd felt it since you met Alcina, and maybe it wasn't so bad, even if you were more unsure about everything than you'd ever been before.
As you sat on your couch, staring blankly into the night, you combed through Malka's words from your conversation over and over. Relived the events of this evening; felt it, saw it, breathed it. What a thought to have; you were special, gifted. Whatever that meant.
Your crows had followed you home, keeping eye and watch over you as you walked much slower than normal, and you half thought that perhaps they were a perk of these 'gifts'. They saw you like Malka did. Felt your power like she did. So then, did Alcina feel it also? Was that was had drawn her to you to begin with? Did she know something about you, too, and not mentioned it?
Fuck, you missed her.
You leaned your head back into the couch and closed your eyes, felt the heaviness of the day blanket you and something akin to sleep began to wrap you up.
You saw her then; Alcina, in all her glory and beauty. She was seated at a desk, one side of her raven hair falling around her face, the other tucked behind an ear as she studied something on the dark red wood. A map, it seemed. She was pensive in thought. Her red lips were pursed ever so slightly as she rummaged through another stack of papers by an old, antique rotary phone, and an ash tray with a smoking cigarette. You couldn't help but smile at this vision, real or not. She was so beautiful. The blouse she wore was the creamiest color you'd ever seen, the fold of the collar sharp, the V-cut of the front was held together by buttons of pearl, giving way to just the bare minimum of cleavage and how you wished you run your hands over her shoulders and pry it apart. But then, something caught your eye; she looked tired, worn, stressed even, as she went back and forth between paper and map. Suddenly her eyes snapped up and at you, and you woke with a start.
Groggy was putting it gently. You felt absolutely drained from today. Rising gingerly you made your way to your bed and flopped down onto it, wishing you had your vampire next to you to fall into, curl up in her arms and feel the safety and love you dreadfully desired in this hazy area of wake and sleep.
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residenteviltimeline · 2 months
February 2021: Ethan makes it to the castle, but is soon caught by a man with some kind of magnetism superpowers and brought to a meeting between Mother Miranda and the four lords of the village, whose names he learns as they argue. The imposing Lady Dimitrescu, a nine foot tall vampire-like woman, has a heated debate with Karl Heisenberg, the man who captured him. Heisenberg appears physically normal, in sharp contrast to the quiet Moreau, a heavily mutated, fish-like hunchback. Donna Beneviento remains concealed behind a black mourning veil, but uses her puppet doll Angie, whom she is able to apparently psychically control, to mock Dimitrescu and Heisenberg as they bicker. All are silenced by the arrival of Mother Miranda, who eventually grants the right to kill Ethan to Heisenberg. He is given ten seconds to run before a small army of Lycans is released to chase him. Evading both the Lycans and a number of death traps Heisenberg has set in his path, Ethan somehow manages to escape, and is freed from the castle. Outside, he meets a mysterious figure who introduces himself as The Duke, a merchant who offers him weapons and supplies in exchange for a currency unique to the village, which Ethan has collected some of in the process of reaching the castle. The Duke agrees that Ethan may be able to find Rose within the castle, and he heads back inside to search for her. Soon, he is captured by the daughters of Lady Dimitrescu, all three of whom are apparently vampires with the ability to become a swarm of flies. They take him to their mother, and he is stabbed through the hands by large hooks on chains and suspended from the ceiling as his captors leave to inform Miranda that he survived Heisenberg’s death game and they have found him. In their absence, Ethan tears his hands through the hooks and escapes, later coming across The Duke, who has set up shop in a room in the castle. Ethan treats his wounds with a bottle of “first aid liquid” from The Duke, and for some reason doesn’t question how this non-descript juice is able to completely heal the massive gashes in his hands. I love this dense Mold boi so much. The Duke suggests that Dimitrescu will be keeping Rose in her private chambers, if she is indeed in the castle. Ethan resolves to make his way there and rescue her. Along the way, he must contend with the daughters of Dimitrescu and a number of zombie-like creatures resulting from the many murders the four women have committed within the castle. Eventually, he is cornered by one of the daughters, and in the ensuing fight shoots open a window. The cold air weakens her, allowing Ethan to inflict meaningful damage and eventually kill her, at which point her body calcifies. When he finds Dimitrescu’s personal quarters, he overhears her on the phone with Mother Miranda, and sneaks in after she leaves. However, she returns soon after, and despite Miranda’s orders to leave him alive, she has resolved to kill him, having found her daughter’s body and deciding upon retribution. She smashes Ethan through the floor, and he falls into the dungeons below the castle. As he attempts to escape, he is once again confronted by Dimitrescu, who severs his hand with razor-sharp claws it appears she is able to grow at will. Managing to evade her, Ethan finds a way out of the dungeons and reattaches his hand using the same first aid liquid from before. Again, he doesn’t question why this works. God, I love this dumbass. As he searches for a way out of the castle, which he is now trapped in, he encounters another of Dimitrescu’s daughters, and manages to kill her by breaking a wall with an improvised pipe bomb to let the cold air in. 
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blood-and-poetry · 2 years
Tumblr media
SO in love with this photo of Helena Mankowska (Alcinas face model)
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tu-sugar-mami · 2 years
The things that could have been (1/3)
You can read part 2 here
Tags: fluff, tooth rotting fluff and so much love, They're married but they don't know it
Warnings: angst, not happy ending and Donna is going to suffer, don't read I just wrote this out of lack of sleep
3,762 words
As always Tumblr mobile won't let me cut this
There was a time where you promised yourself you wouldn't fall for anyone again. Teaching yourself to not be weak against the human desire to find the other half of the soul, for many years you lived prived of any temptations and pushing away anyone who got too close to you. However, despite all your efforts at protecting yourself from the sharp shattered pieces of a failed love, the thick walls around your guarded heart crumbled when you met a certain lady.
Donna Benevento, the matriarch of the only manor at the top of the hill and one of the four Lords ruling over the land. Donna, sweet Donna, was the one whose tender care and delicious food managed to snatch away the vines that you had forced on your heart, and deep inside you knew that it had to be her. No one but Donna.
It all started on an afternoon just like any other. Returning from the forest with a load of freshly chopped wood strapped to your back and your mind wondering what you would have for dinner, you noticed a tall figure waiting outside of your shop. It didn't take you long to discover the only Lord that liked to stroll freely on the village leaning on the doorstep. A mischievous grin graced his lips, and his head tilted playfully to the side before he greeted you, with a hand -a little too harshly- landing on your shoulder.
From his jacket, Lord Heisenberg drew a slightly crumpled envelope and handed it to you. The hand on your shoulder refrained you from taking a step back, instead the grip becoming slightly stronger and forcing you to take the paper with trembling hands, not that you could refuse it anyway, doing so would be a death sentence. When the Lord walked away without any word of explanation, the smirk never leaving his features, you felt the air finally returning to your lungs and your hands stopped shaking. The Lords always meant trouble.
As frightening as the encounter was, you thought later that day, it was even more suspicious that Lord Heisenberg himself would do the delivery instead of sending a courier, but yet again, do any of them really need a reason to do the things they do? Not that is your business anyway.
The wax seal on the envelope was one that you recognized only after rummaging through the mess in your mind, finally managing to identify it as the House Beneviento crest. Humming in thought, you recalled that said Lord didn't have that much presence -aside from rumors- in the village as the other three, probably the reason you struggled to remember that the crest belonged to her. 
Hands worked quickly to release the seal and examine the light brown envelope contents. To your surprise, it was a letter requesting your woodworking services, saying a new customized desk was needed in the manor, and urged you to visit the estate to start with the project as soon as possible. There was no one more qualified to do the job than you, you knew, not after some rather unfortunate events regarding the displeasure of one Lady Dimitrescu left you and your apprentice as the only carpenters left in the village, so in a way you had this coming.
Resigned to your fate, you found yourself the next day with a journal, pen and measurement tools in your satchel ready to venture up the dangerous path in the forest, the thought of escaping the village altogether becoming more tempting by the second.
Of course you had heard many stories, mostly rumors, about the lonely woman living in the house next to the waterfall, and to be honest, who hadn't? The village was so small that gossip spread like wildfire and not even the subject being a Lord could deter the villagers' loose mouths.
During the trip your stomach kept churning due to your nerves, and your mind spiraled in a current of displeasing thoughts. Would you run the same ending as your late comrades if the Lord didn't like your work? At least, you reassured yourself, your apprentice was a quick learner and the young boy had talent, were anything to happen you knew the village would at least have him.
The journey was long and tiresome, but gave you plenty of time to think. What was Lady Beneviento like? It was dangerous to follow the train of thought when most of the stops ended in bad scenarios for you, but you couldn't stop from wondering. There's one thing you were sure about though, whatever happened, you'd be courteous and respectful, but wouldn't stoop to the level of fanatism as the other villagers. The way they fought each other to compliment and pray to Mother Miranda whenever she happened to pass by always disgusted you. 
After the bumpy ride on the moving metal box (what a magical thing, convenient but frightening nonetheless, you thanked the dark god that it wasn't hard to figure out how to use it) you stopped for a moment, both to regain your composure and gather enough courage to hype yourself up, though when you finally looked up and your eyes stumbled upon the towering estate –a beautiful, if slightly unattended, old manor that looked embedded into the mountain itself– your first steps on the porch became hesitant; no one could assure you that you wouldn't fall victim to the horrors that awaited in house Beneviento. Maybe it was because of the accumulated anxiety, but you swore the knocking on the door sounded thunderous, even with the roaring waterfall just next to the cliff to muffle it. 
The Lady, it turned out, was unlike any of the things you heard about her.
There wasn't any overwhelming fear taking over your body just by being in her presence, no feeling of your sanity slipping away from your mind, and you weren't sensing that imminent danger feeling while she led you through her home. Were you a bit wary? Yes, a little afraid even, but who wouldn't be knowing that the woman in front of you was one of the village rulers. Whether she looked the part or not, the Lady had power, and the thought of her using said power on you made you jumpy, hence the hesitation in your stride.
She was… strange, but as far as you could tell she wasn't blinded by bloodlust like Lady Dimitrescu and her daughters were, and she didn't inspire that fear that ushered you to bow to her either. In fact, Lady Beneviento was kind of… awkward?, but not in a bad way, no. Her movements were stiff, and you weren't sure if she was scared of scaring you, or she just wasn't used to dealing with another person's presence. 
You noted her nervousness for sure, if her constantly fidgeting fingers, fists clenching the fabric of her skirt, and uncomfortably straight posture were any indication. 
You had yet to hear her voice, but Angie, her doll who almost gave you a heart attack when she received you at the door, was doing an excellent job at keeping the conversation flowing. The doll even noticed your amazement towards the lamps and was kind enough to show you the wonders of modern day technology , introducing you to the concept of something called 'electricity'.
Listening to Angie talking nonstop made you wonder if the Lady felt lonely, with no one but herself and her dolls to keep her company all the way up there. Then again, there wasn't really anyone with enough courage to try and talk to a Lord, much less having a death wish to try and dare being friendly with one of them, more so with the wild rumors going from mouth to mouth in the village. It must have been hard for her, not to be able to form a friendship with those she was obligated to rule over, the same people who talked about her behind her back. Perhaps that was why her movements were that way, because -and you briefly wondered if she would have your head for wrongly assuming- she was afraid of frightening away someone that has spoken to her and Angie somewhat normally after such a long time. The mere thought brought a heavy weight on your heart, but alas, who were you to voice your unwelcome concerns to her? 
You made it an hour into the house without being driven insane and, blissfully unaware of the chain of events that would follow, you found yourself in the living room sharing your takes on the new desk design with Angie and making adjustments with subtle nods of approval from Lady Beneviento, all while munching on the cookies that said Lady was kind enough to offer you along with some tea; a tea that had been delightful with the perfect amount of sugar for your tastes, before a misstep of Angie got the cup to spill on your chest. The liquid wasn't all that hot by the time the incident happened but you couldn't stop yourself from letting out a disappointed whine, both for staining the only somewhat presentable shirt you owned and for wasting a perfectly good drink. The Lady spur into action, ready to dab the excess liquid with a handkerchief but stopping a few inches from actually touching you when she realized exactly where the tea had splashed onto.
Of course your button up had to be white, and she, a poor sapphic woman, was only barely human. Her eye stopped against her will on your now very visible cleavage, and her face quickly painted a dark crimson before she tried to stare straight (straight, she tells herself) at your beautiful eyes instead.
Unable to find her own, your gaze roamed over the black fabric of her veil for what felt like an eternity, none of you moving, none of you daring to say anything and the atmosphere becoming awkward by the second. Just as you tried to cough to ease the tension, Angie yelled something and the Lady, startled and with a yelp of her own, shoved her fist still with the handkerchief hard against your chest (with a strength you wouldn't address to someone like her, but again looks can be deceiving) effectively punching the air out of you and at the same time pushing you backwards along with the chair.
Of course you did your best to wheeze laugh it off from the ground. It was just a silly incident, right? The quickly forming bruise on your chest didn't bother you that much anyway.
Lady Beneviento was grateful you couldn't see her embarrassed grimace. Angie was delighted and amused.
You ended that day with a new pale purple satin shirt that hugged your frame suspiciously well. In Angie's words; an apology present for ruining your clothes and possibly injuring your ribs.
Though to a villager struggling to survive the day without the convenience of electrical home heating -just like any other- a fabric as fine as the satin you were gifted was outrageous to even dream to own, and you felt the necessity to give something in return. Of course you didn't have riches or anything remotely similar to the value of the shirt, but you had skills and plenty of time. So, for a carpenter, what better to give than something crafted by your own hand? 
Back at the Beneviento estate you had noticed the vast amount of books that packed the shelves. The lady did strike you as someone intelligent, someone that enjoyed an afternoon tea with a good book. You had noticed the worn couch next to the window on the corner, that gave you an idea…
The next day, just after discussing the materials and sizes for the new furniture, you hesitantly asked for the Lady's palm. You were sure it was an imposition, but surprisingly she agreed and held her hand out for you, expectantly. You placed a small wooden box adorned with a simple dark green bow on her hand and waited.
The gasp that followed was so soft that you could have missed it if your anxiety didn't keep your senses on edge. 
Inside the box there was a flat bouquet of flowers with the Beneviento name engraved in golden paint on the bottom, sturdy but no bigger than the half of her hand. The design was beautifully intricate, and the Lady could recognize it as the flower that grew wildly in her garden. The same flower whose pollen she could use to induce her hallucinations. When did you have time to do that? She was positive that the day before was the first time you saw them. That could only mean that you spent the rest of your evening and probably a good part of the early morning finishing it.
The realization hit her as her fingers traced over the carved patterns.
It was a bookmark.
No one, besides perhaps Alcina and on rare occasion Mother Miranda, had been so considerate as to gift her such a valuable present. This particular one though, valuable not for the materials it was made of, but because of the meaning, the intent it posed. Gratefulness.
The bookmark was very thoughtful of you, and a delicate dew blurred her sight for a second. If only Donna had been brave enough, she would have thanked you herself that very second, though it was Angie who voiced her gratitude…
If after that day you found yourself slacking on the assignment and instead spending more time with the Lady, well, could anyone really blame you when Lady Beneviento was so nice to spend time with? It didn't matter to you that taking more than two weeks on a single piece spoke badly of your work professionalism, not when the company was delightful and the ridiculously yummy food made up for the strange look on the villagers faces.
As for Donna, she had what she had been prived of for years. A true friend. 
Donna found someone who finally understood her. Wouldn't the garden look better with some more color? Yes! Donna was thinking the same for ages. Could that main character in the book have avoided all that trouble if they had done this or that? Absolutely! Donna was sure all the drama could have been spared but she recognized it was for the sake of the plot. Didn't the food need something else, a bit more flavor perhaps? Of course! Donna was delighted to learn you enjoyed well seasoned food, not to brag but that was her specialty due to her Italian heritage. Things she mostly disagreed with her siblings or even Angie, you understood and took her side, not because you had to, but because you had said so before she even said anything. Not that she had to say anything, in such little time you had been so observant that you could read the lady like an open book despite her lack of speech.
Though, if you were honest, you adored when she spoke out loud her thoughts.
The Lady's voice was always delightful to listen to. The softness of it when she first talked to you and offered you to spend the night made a tinge of electricity trail from your neck to your lower back. You learned to love that strong tint it had when she got excited and accidentally switched to her first tongue. And you absolutely adored how husky her voice sounded after hours of reading out loud and commenting on a specially good book.
As the weeks went by, even Angie had grown fond of the perky and sometimes strange carpenter. The doll loved how hard you could make Donna laugh, and not just the quiet and almost disheartened laughter she was used to, no, the kind that made Donna's belly hurt and face go red. The first time it happened had been when, kneading some dough on the kitchen counter, you made and absentminded comment on how slap-able the village baker's bald spot on his head was and it took both the Lady and Angie by surprise to have the former howling in laughter in that house for the first time since before Miranda even came to the village.
Angie wouldn't admit it out loud but she was happy you stumbled upon them. She hadn't felt her Don-Don smile that much in ages, let alone have someone Donna felt comfortable enough to use her own voice with. It was… nice, to have the house alive with afternoon chats over tea or lessons on Italian cooking. It felt like an actual home once again.
It took you another two weeks to finish the first intended piece. A desk that by all means was beautiful: Sturdy, wide, embellished with carved details and some silver accents made with the help of the local blacksmith.
The day of the final touches was odd. Maybe it was your imagination but it seemed the Lady was talking about anything and everything but the desk, just like yourself. You knew what it meant to have it finally finished: No more excuses to visit, no more afternoon teas, no more discussing the latest chapter of the book you picked for the day, no more movies in the Lady's projection room, no more reasons to see each other…
It was with a pouch full of lei and a heavy cloud over you, that you found yourself at the doorstep, preparing to leave for good and stop seeing who had been your salvation from the cold and gloomy days in the village. 
Donna could tell that it was as hard for you as it was for her to part ways, and a shimmer of hope glistened in her eye as you slightly leaned forward with a sad smile on your lips and your arms starting to make space for her. She was full on intending to take your offer for the incoming hug -something she would never allow if it were to be anyone other than you-, but as quickly as the motion came something flickered in your face. Something that she, regrettably, knew very well. 
Fear .
After all, Donna was Lord…
The reminder that this gentle woman could destroy you with a snap of her fingers (that first time you visited and she effortlessly sent you and the chair tumbling to the floor was proof) if she so wished shot through your mind like a lightning bolt, and forced your arms to slack down at your sides. 
Lady Beneviento was one of the four Lords ruling over the land. Of course it wouldn't be okay for you to hug her, or treat her as an equal, at that. She was way above you and you needed to show respect… or that was what your mother's words had taught you since you were a kid. To be honest, it was easy to lose track of that authority she held when all you had seen from the Lady was her kind side. You were taught very well too, to not mistake kindness for weakness or mercy and you knew better. Everyone in the village knew better. Wanting to hug her before your departure only showed you had gotten way too comfortable in the wolf's den.
It was well known that the Lords and Mother Miranda herself weren't exactly human. They had been overseeing the village since probably before you were born, but every passing year they all looked the same. Whether it was immortality by divinity or a demonic pact you didn't know and sure as hell wouldn't go about asking. Alas, the four were a force to be reckoned with in their own unique ways, but Lady Beneviento had always been a mystery even for the most experimented, older villagers. As always, people tended to fear the unknown.
And yeah, Lady Beneviento didn't shred you or drive you mad in the time you spent in her estate, but that didn't mean you should test your luck and overstep her boundaries.
With a formal curtsy, like you were taught to do since very young, you thanked her for the opportunity she gave you and closed the door, unknowingly leaving behind a Lady with a heavy heart.
Your sadness didn't last long though, for a few days after, when you returned from an especially harsh battle with the weather inclemencies in the forest, you found yet another letter with a familiar sigil waiting for you at the hands of the same metal Lord. 
You didn't know, but it was thanks to a little birdie named Angie nagging the living cadou out of Donna that the Lady gave in to her doll's demands to make Karl call you once again. Those last days had felt so dull without you, and even when she denied it, your constant visits had become an important part of her day to the point where she would eagerly wait for your arrival with a fresh tray of baked goods and a new idea to spend the afternoon. She hoped you agreed to return.
Back at your cabin, the envelope was held in your fingers, your eyes scanned over a text similar to the last one, and you sighed. Those days by yourself had opened your eyes to something that, with the right company, was very easy to forget. It was only a month and half spent at the Beneviento manor, but it was clear that it had been enough to spark something in you. An unwelcome feeling had started to blossom within you and you felt… scared. If you went back you'd grow even more accustomed to the Lady's presence, you'd get more and more comfortable with her, and that was dangerous. The time you spent with the Lady had been, for the lack of a better word, marvelous. You knew you were enjoying yourself too much, and that comfortableness was something you needed to stay away from, but at the same time, that warmth was addictive and it lured you like a moth to a flame.
You already received distasteful stares and occasional comments from the villagers, if you were summoned again by the lady… Well, you didn't want people to think you were being all buddy-buddy with one of the Lords. It wouldn't end well, you believed, or maybe that inner voice was just you trying to find excuses.
After finishing your long gone cold coffee, you let out a long, tired sigh and went to find the tools to put in your satchel.
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thevillagegay · 1 year
Wishing Out Loud - Chapter 2
Summary: (bitch)Miranda makes an appearance, everyone is pissed, and a plan may be forming.
Notes: SO NEW PLAN! I've gotten a few things on here and tumblr about making alcina a ghost and that just tickled my brain so I'm gonna write that one too. This, however, shall be different fic because I like two different ideas so I'll make a separate fic with ghost!cina for y'all. This was gonna be longer but I need to post something. Go yell at me in the comments because it only gets worse:)
Tags: mentioned character death, miranda because she deserves her own warning in this fic, no gore/violence in this one
In the midst of their grief, everyone still noticed that it took Mother Miranda 2 days to show up to the castle. She claimed that she had other matters to attend to, but the obvious glint of a lie in her eyes shone brightly to everyone present. They all knew she didn’t really care, as much as they wanted her too. They knew she could have stopped the man, knew she probably could have helped Alcina. But she wouldn’t. 
The false deity would leave everyone to wallow in the loss and reap what they sowed. She forced her way through the group to the newly widowed woman, asking her with a sickly politeness in her voice to join her on a stroll.
Almost as soon as they closed the door to the parlor outside her room, Mother Miranda switched as though someone had pushed a button. While she still kept that look and voice, the air had turned positively sinister. The way that she carried herself made her look like someone who had finally won, relishing in the victory and triumph over her enemy. 
Miranda's smug demeanor disappeared when she finally caught a glimpse of the downright murderous glare that the newly widowed woman sent her way. 
"Why the hell didn't you come help her? Why did you let her die." said the angry woman. Her once downtrodden eyes now alight with hate. 
Miranda’s face turned to one of mock-confusion, “I have no possible idea of what you mean. You must be delirious in your grief, we should run some tests.” If it wasn’t already obvious, her eyes betrayed her sinister thoughts, as usual. 
“There’ll be no need for any tests , Mother Miranda,” the younger woman said while staring daggers into the woman's eyes, “I’m sure I just need a few days.” A few days to deal with you, that is.
Had the false prophet been able to read what was going on in the woman's head, she would have struck her down on the spot, had she not needed her for further experimentation. It seemed the only thing that the winged bitch cared about was getting her long dead child back, no matter how many other children and parents she harmed in the process.
“Well, I’ll be taking my leave then. More work has to be done before our next meeting. Do be sure to take care of yourself, child .” Her signature sneer graced her features with the last word, golden clawed hands stretching out in a flourish. Her features twisted further the second she turned to leave the castle
The lords and company were startled by the door being pulled shut to the room, Heisenberg standing up confused as everyone else’s heads darted to the woman in the doorway. 
The distressed woman started rambling the moment the door was closed, her hands coming to her hair, “We need to get rid of her, she’s going to hurt us she’s going to do something she’s got something planned she’s dangerous sh-” 
The woman was cut off by the loud shout from the scruffy man, her hands being grabbed away from her head lest she rip half of it out. Her daughters stumbled from the unmade bed to their mothers side, each getting out of the way for Donna and Moreau behind them. The two maids that had brought food would have left, had the door not been blocked by the family. Instead, they kept to the side as they asked the woman what she meant.
“Calm down, calm down please. What do you mean she’s planning something, what is Miranda going to do.” Donna took her hands from Karl as she replaced his spot, veil long forgotten and voice coming out in a hoarse whisper as she tried to calm the frantic woman. 
“I don’t know, I don’t know but we need to do something . She’ll kill us all. You, me, karl, sal, the girls, hell even the lycans. She’s going to do something either before or at the next meeting and it can’t be good.” Salvatore’s eyes widened at the last bit, having received a schedule from Miranda about meeting times since it was more difficult for him to leave his domain. 
His garbled voice had no help from his anxious state as he breathed out, “The next meeting is in 3 days.” His voice shaking even more than it had previously at the realization that they now had a limit to the days they would have together. 
Cassandra seemed to have lost sense for a moment, as she immediately tried to push her way out the door before Karl and Daniela tried to stop her, each grabbing an arm before she could turn the handle. 
“We need to know what she’s going to do before we run off and try to kill her, she could have traps set out for all of us. She knows what hurts us and how our abilities work so we have to be extremely careful. Emphasis on careful.” Karl hastily said before the middle bug child succeeded in her escape attempt. 
Cassandra stopped pushing herself towards the door, practically falling into Bela’s arms behind her. Her eyes still shone with anger, tears threatening her eyes as her face twisted even more.
A voice reached the family from near the fireplace, “Excuse me, but I believe we may be of some assistance.” Almost every head turned in confusion as the older of the two maids that had been forgotten about stepped forward, head turned up to look between the remaining lords.
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valleynix · 2 years
What do the maids think of reader?
...they're not the biggest fan of them LMAO
actually, most of them are pretty indifferent to the little mutated bird; they don't really care one way or another, but they do recognize their status with the Dimitrescus, so they try to respect that as much as they can
a lot of them actually prefer Reader over the Dimitrescus because they've been shown to be a lot calmer and more "human", and while they're prone to spiraling into their own head, they're still a lot nicer to be around at times 😭 there's really no threat of death or dismemberment for making a mistake, since we have seen Reader even come to their defense at times
that being said... there are quite a few that are now very unhappy with Reader's presence. more specifically, i'm talking about the ones Bela or Dani had slept around with and received bonus lei or weekends off from, and who now don't receive those things because both have their eyes/hearts on Reader
it's typically just the younger ones that would have an issue with Reader, though. the older maids who've been there a while and know the Dimitrescus don't really see them as anything more than another family member to take care of, while the younger ones are jealous of their relationships (because it could mean protection, more money, more days off, etc.) and having to clean up after the little idiot
(no one would dare try to harm them, though, no matter their feelings. it's quite obvious Cassandra is their little (tall and strong) guard dog and has made it very clear they're off-limits, unless someone wants to lose a limb for acting on their upset feelings. satisfying their jealousy/anger is not worth the risk of being harmed by a Dimitrescu)
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thetorturedmusesdept · 7 months
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Was that [EVA GREEN]? Oh no no, that was just [ALCINA DIMITRESCU], a [CANON CHARACTER] from [RESIDENT EVIL]. They are [ONE HUNDRED AND TEN, BUT APPEARS FORTY-FOUR] years old, use [SHE/HER], and [ARE] aware that they are not actually from Washington DC. Too bad they can’t stray from this city for long.
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FULL NAME: Alcina Dimitrescu AGE: 110 but appear 44 SPECIES: Mutant FANDOM: Resident Evil Village GENDER IDENTITY: Cis female; she/her SEXUALITY:  Homosexual NATIONALITY: Romanian ETHNICITY: Caucasian HOW LONG HAS YOUR CHARACTER BEEN HERE?: Two Weeks JOB: Wealthy Aristocrat WHERE HAS YOUR CHARACTER BEEN PULLED FROM IN THEIR FANDOM?: (TW: death, murder) After her part in the game, so she’s technically been brought back to life just like her daughters. HAS ANY MAGIC AFFECTED YOUR CHARACTER?: No, she remembers everything.
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FACE CLAIM: Eva Green SPECIAL / RECOGNIZABLE FEATURES: Dark hair and light blue eyes. HAIR COLOR: Black EYE COLOR: Blue ACCENT: Romanian
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SIBLING(S): None PARTNER(S): None atm. CHILDREN: Bela, Cassandra, and Daniela (adopted) PARENT(S): The Noble Heads of the Dimitrescu House
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- blah - blah - blah - blah - blah - blah - blah - blah
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platonic connections: Alcina is not good at making friends because she feels so superior to most people, to be honest. That being said if you have a fellow Big Bad or Evil charrie maybe they might get along! more platonic connections: Any of the other Lords, especially Heisenberg. Mother Miranda of course. vampires: Fellow drinkers of human blood, hello! Maybe they can bond over something in common. personal assistant: She needs someone to boss around and do her cleaning and laundry and errands. At least you know she’ll pay well if you do good. hook ups/romance: Alcina really is only into women, and usually she likes them to be powerful, too. So she’s willing to keep things light, but if there’s something there then that’s cool too.
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What do you think about a threesome with lady lesso and lady dimitrescu🤭🤭🤭😫
Yes yes yessss. This one is Larissa xLady Dimitrescu. Lady Lesso and Lady Dimitrescu to come… 😏This is a collar with @scream-queenlover !!! I thoroughly enjoyed working together on this with you, love 💞💞💞 One Alrissa xReader threesome Coming up… ♥️
Fabulous Night to Remember ~Larissa Weems xAlcina Dimitrescu (Alrissa) xFem Server!Younger!Reader
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Mommy… Master List
Requests & Prompt-List
Warnings: NSFW, 18+!!!, implied age gap (all legal), threesome, smut, sex, implied face riding, shapeshifted dick, fingering, ass grinding, pussy grinding, p in v, double entrance fucking, blindfolds, body adoration, begging, teasing, edging, kissing, marking, praise, praise kink, biting kink, begging kink, implied bondage kink, marking kink, blindfold kink, ma’am/sir kink, pet names, daddy kink, pet kink, etc.
Enjoy (;
Three years. It had been three years now. Three years ago, Larissa had met the love of her life. Alcina. And two years ago, Alcina had asked Larissa to marry her. It was a fever dream.
But it was all very real. For their anniversary, the two had picked a restaurant known for their wine, as both women had a sweet tooth for a glass of red. Larissa had to work that day, and so she and Alcina had agreed to meet up at the restaurant at 6. Alcina pulled up to the restaurant and saw that Larissa’s car was already there.
Of course, the blonde was already here…
Alcina chuckled to herself as she got out of her vehicle and entered the restaurant. She was used to the stares, hell, so was Larissa. And so both women just ignored it. Alcina found Larissa already sitting and looking at the menu. As Alcina’s eye caught the distinguished, blonde’s, Larissa set down the menu and smiled lovingly towards her wife.
“Good evening, why is such a pretty lady sitting all alone in such a fine restaurant?” Alcina flirtatiously said to the blonde.
The blonde gave the tall, handsome woman a teasing look, but played along with her, feigning innocence.
“May I join you?” She said with a smirk.
The blonde put on an innocent face “ I shouldn’t do that.. you know I am married and if my wife were to find out…”
They both shared some laughter after their cringy and flirty exchange, and Alcina took a seat at the table, facing her wife and taking the menu in her hand, studying it intensely
You scanned the restaurant and the tables you were responsible for this evening. You had brought a tall, blonde lady to Table 7 with two menus, and she had stated that she was waiting for her wife and if you could come back when she arrived. You nodded politely, agreeing pleasantly with the statuesque woman. You went back to the bar where some drinks for your other tables were waiting for you. You couldn’t help but let your eyes wander back to table 7 every now and again…
The blonde was absolutely stunning and she had already caught your eye when she entered the restaurant 10 minutes ago. She was tall, beautiful and elegant, you assumed she must be in her early to mid 40s. Her British accent sent you almost to your knees. You had a weak spot for older, more mature women and when they had an accent, it just was the cherry on the top. When she mentioned she had a wife, your mind absolutely lost it and went straight to the gutter.
“Good Evening, my name is Y/N, and I will be serving you tonight.”
You blushed slightly at your own choice of words, and the raven haired woman’s smile was simply ever so entrancing. Snapping back to reality, you took both women’s orders. They were starting with a bottle of sparkling water and a bottle of Chianti. You nodded as you jotted their order down and left them to run over the menu. You gave them a fluttering glance as you entered in their drink orders, blushing once more at their ethereal beauty as the two were passionately in discussion.
“Darling…? You wouldn’t happen to fancy that pretty, little waitress, would you…?” Larissa presumptuously purred, pretending to eye her menu while actually fluttering her gaze to and fro Alcina.
Alcina was more than happy to play along.
“Dearest Wife…! I’m simply stunned that you would ever suggest such a thing!” She exclaimed in a hushed tone, feigning surprise and disappointment.
At this, both women chuckled.
“Besides, I’m not the one who called her ‘pretty’, am I…?” Alcina teased the blonde, eliciting a light blush from Larissa.
The two women began having a deeper conversation about their time together and their lives before each other. You brought over their drinks, setting them on the table, flipping their glasses over, opening their bottle of water, and then pouring them both a glass of the red wine. You did all of this with two pairs of watchful eyes on you, which only made your hands shaky and your face blooming a darker red. Both women had forgone their menus and conversation, happily taking their glasses of red from the pretty, little waitress.
You then took out your notepad to take their orders, but the blonde reached out and lightly grasped up your wrist, stopping you. You looked at the woman in awe and shock. She was touching you. You wanted more. Her touch was so soft yet so direct.
“I… Ma’am…?” You choked out, your cheeks blushing a deep fusia.
“We’re not quite ready to order yet, Darling…” The blonde purred, her eyelids batting at you playfully and her glimmering blue eyes staring you down with intensity.
“I— No problem…” you stuttered, your eyes fluttering over to the other woman, who was watching the show intently and with a smirk on her face, “I can… come back in… in a few minutes…”
Then the blonde let you out of her light yet direct hold. The trance broke.
“Wonderful, thank you, Darling…” she purred.
You gulped and nodded, walking away completely stunned and at a loss for words. Both women turned their attention back to their menus.
“My ‘Rissa, Don’t you think it’s a little cruel to be messing with the poor girl…?” Alcina chuckled.
“Oh Alcina… I love you dearly, but it’s not cruel, when she is practically begging us to… Watch her actions. The way she stumbles over her words, the way she blushes, the way she responds like such a good girl…” Larissa teasingly hums.
“Careful… Don’t get ahead of yourself there, Dearest…” Alcina purrs.
“What? Are you telling me you are not interested in the girl, Darling…?” Larissa challenged, putting down her menu as she had now chosen what she wanted.
Alcina finally looked up from her menu to meet the blondes gaze.
“Of course I am…” she admits with a light chuckle, also having decided on her meal putting her menu down.
You were standing at the bar, cashing up your last table that just asked you to pay. You made your way to said table, letting the guests know what they had to pay, they left a generous tip and thanked you for your great service. You sincerely thanked them and turned around to go back to the bar, when you noticed the blonde and ravened hair couple signaling you that they were ready to order. You slowly walked up to their table.
“I assume you two have decided..” your voice was trembling slightly which wasn’t unnoticed by the two goddesses sitting in front of you.
“Oh yes Darling, we are very sorry to have kept you waiting. Your menu is just so extraordinary that it is too hard to decide. I think we both agreed on a Main course but is there anything you can suggest us for an appetizer?“ The blonde woman spoke.
Me… I would just suggest you take Me…
You shook yourself, trying to tame your thoughts.
“Well.. I.. I mean.. I would suggest the Baked Brie Platter with Assortments. It will compliment your wine perfectly…” your eyes were glued to the table, you were afraid if you looked into their eyes too long, they could read your dirty thoughts that were poisoning your professionalism.
You felt the two pairs of eyes wandering over your body as you waited for their final order. “Mhhm.. that sounds perfect Dear, you certainly know your wines don’t you…” the raven haired goddess spoke.
“Thank you ma’am.. I’m just here to please..” you could’ve slapped yourself again for the choice of words, making your face burn with heat again.
Both women had the biggest smirks on their faces which you saw in the corner of your eyes.
“Oh I am sure that you will serve us well” the taller woman commented, and with that sentence you felt a hand on the back of your thigh pulling you a bit closer to the table.
“If you don’t want this darling, let us know now and we will stop and nothing else will happen…” the woman assured you.
You felt a deep trust radiating from her and the only thing you felt you could do was nod.
“Sweet girl, we will need you to use your words…” the blonde woman softly demanded.
“I will let you know if I feel uncomfortable.” you breathed out.
That was the first time tonight that your voice seemed strong and confident. The hand on your thigh started to caress your leg and you dared to look up finally. Your eyes were met with the most shimmering, yellowest eyes you have ever seen, they intrigued you. As quickly as her hand was on your thigh, the quicker she took it away, leaving you squirming on the spot.
You took the rest of the order, the blonde woman ordered a Beef Wellington and the dark haired woman ordered Steak done Bleu. You made your way back to the bar, where you tried to comprehend what just happened.
Once at the bar you tried to get a hold of yourself and the situation you had gotten yourself into now. You had a strange feeling in your gut... excitement mixed with nervousness mixed with… you couldn’t quite wrap your head around it... you had no idea who those women were, no name, age or anything... but somehow you trusted them and you felt safe.
You tried to get your mind clear by focusing back at work, waiting tables, cleaning off and setting the table for new guests. You heard the familiar ping of the kitchen's bell, that the food was ready to be served and you went to the kitchen window to pick up the orders. A Beef Wellington and a Steak done Bleu... suddenly the feeling got back paired with something new... arousal... you could feel it build up in your abdomen, you could feel it pooling in your knickers... you were aroused and somehow you knew that this would not get better… no it would get wetter… the stupid pun left you grinning like an idiot, and so you tried to compose yourself. So you grabbed the two plates and made your way to table 7. On your way to the table it suddenly hit you, you forgot who ordered which Main. When you arrived both women had their eyes glued on you again.
“Beef Wellington.” you said, trying to seem professional… emphasis on trying...
“Oh Dear… Don’t tell us you forgot who ordered that... Did you forget…?” The dark haired woman mockingly said.
“I... I... well…” you stuttered, as you tried to clear your throat.
“You seem distracted… Y/N.”
You’d never heard your name being said so seductively…
“Tell us, Darling, what is going on in that pretty head of yours?”
It was just too much… the teasing, the names and the compliment...
You let out the smallest whimper… No one else in the restaurant would have noticed but the two women in front were clearly aware of what just came out of your mouth.
“What a pretty sound... I wonder what else we could get out of her... what do you think Rissa, my dear?”
“I think… we are going to have so much fun with her darling.” The blonde affirmed. “I ordered the Beef Wellington sweetheart. We don’t want to distract you more from your work, so please continue.”
You set the plates in front of the women and you couldn’t help yourself just to leave back to the bar and tell your colleague that you needed a 5 minute break. You went into the Staff bathroom and looked at yourself… your pupils were blown out, your face had a deep blush and you were sweating. You tried to calm your nerves with some cold water you splashed on your face and dried it off.
Larissa and Alcina both chuckled while watching you almost running away from their table.
“The poor girl, she has no idea…” Larissa chuckled, smiling at her wife.
“She seems so innocent… It's just so much fun to play with her.” Alcina claimed with a devilish grin on her lips.
“Are we sure about this?” making sure her wife is comfortable with everything that might be happening.
“Alci, I think she is perfect...” the blonde hummed.
Alcina’s smile widened and she leant over the table to give her wife a passionate kiss. They both raised their glasses and cheered the night away. When they settled their glasses, both of the women started eating their respective meals and continued with a bit more casual dining conversation.
You brought the two stunning, tall women another round of drinks, and as the night went on, the blush on your face only got darker. By the end of the night, all of your tables were cleared except that of the two women. They were having a good time, savoring the last bits of their wine, having finished their meals. All you had to do was give the women their check, process their form of payment, and then you were done for the night.
“I’m sorry, but the restaurant is closing in a few minutes…” you whimpered, placing the check on their table.
Both women stopped drinking their wine, and their gazes fluttered to you.This time it was the blonde who placed her hand on your arm. Your breath hitched.
“No worries, Darling. In fact… We were wondering if you’d like to come home with us for the night…?” She purred.
Your heart race tripled and your eyes frantically fluttered from one tall woman to the other.
“I…” you tried to speak, but your throat was hoarse and choked up, so you nodded instead.
“Use your words…” the raven haired goddess hummed wickedly.
You felt the blondes hand begin to wander teasingly.
“I— Yes! Yes please…” you stuttered with a flushed red face.
The poised, blonde then removed her touch, leaving you craving only more.
“Excellent. We’ll meet you out front in 10 minutes?”
“Yes…” you whimpered.
You left their table, scurrying to do your closing duties, and then clock out. You change out of your uniform and exited the restaurant with bated breath, only to be met by the two stunning women, having hailed a cab and waiting for you with shimmering eyes and smirking smiles. The blonde got in the cab first, and then the raven haired woman lended you a hand into getting in next, before getting in after you and closing the door. The woman gave the cab driver the address of the couples shared mansion in the mountains outside of Jericho, and the three of you were off. The little contact alone made you shiver, but now you were thigh to thigh with both giant goddesses. The blonde placed her hand right in the middle of your thigh, squeezing lightly.
“I’m Larissa by the way, Darling…” she purred.
You shuddered at the close proximity, how you could practically feel her breath on your neck. You then felt the other woman hand on your other thigh, hers much higher up.
“And I’m Alcina…” the woman on your right wickedly cooed.
You nodded breathlessly, clenching your thighs mindlessly. You blushed as Larissa’s fingers teasingly drew circles on your thigh, while Alcinas fingers edged closer and closer to your core. They were driving you crazy, and they knew it. You wanted to say something, anything. But not a single coherent sentence managed to come out of your mouth. Fuck, they had made you so needy and desperate. It was embarrassing honestly…
At one point, Alcina’s wicked fingers started to draw your thighs apart. You whimpered slightly, but embraced the touch and happily opened your legs as much as possible, so that your thighs were flush against either side of the woman.
Your eyes widened and you audibly gasped as you felt the blonde’s hot mouth nipping at your ear. Your face flushed darker than you would ever think possible, and your head instinctually swiveled to meet Larissa’s gaze. Her passionate, intent eyes met your needy and desperate ones. Her gaze flickered down to your lips and then back up to your eyes. All the while, Alcina is was still relentlessly teasing your thighs, getting closer and closer to your core.
“I’d like to kiss you, Darling. Would that be alright?” Larissa gently purred.
You gulped and nodded eagerly. The blonde cocked an eyebrow at you.
“I… yes please I’m sorry— yes…!” You stammered.
Larissa hummed in delight at your response. She closed the gap, her lips connecting to yours in a slow, direct, and passionate kiss. She tasted like fine wine, fresh mint, and oaky wood. A breathy moan escaped your throat which Larissa’s lips happily swallowed with a hum. Alcina’s fingers finally grazed your clothed core, causing you to buck your hips, leaning forward, desperate for more contact, causing both women to chuckle wickedly and pull back all together. You whimpered at the complete loss of touch.
Suddenly, you felt the raven haired goddess’s fingers, directing your chin to swivel to meet her gaze. But before she could say anything, you lunged forward, crashing your lips into hers. Alcina happily met your passion in a fiery, lustful kiss. Her lips tasted like bloody wine, musky rosemary, and tangent iron. But she also pulled away, this time with a wicked smirk on her face, leaving you a needy, whimpering, desperate, thigh clenching mess.
Once you had arrived, the women led you to the front gates of a cozy mansion, perfectly hidden in the mountains of Vermont. Your breath fled, as they guided you through the front gates, the courtyard, and up the front steps of their home. And the inside… it was marvelous… Your jaw dropped at the whole ambiance of the place. Larissa took your hand, squeezing it lightly, and bringing you back to reality.
“In here, Love.” She purred, leading you into their bedroom.
Alcina locked the door behind the three of you. And now both women stood tall, towering above you, as you backed up and hit the edge of their massive bed. Your eyes frantically looked from one woman to the other once more. You whimpered as their gazes raked up and down your frame. You were their prey. You had been from the very moment they set their eyes on you.
“You’re so cute, Baby…” Alcina wickedly cooed, cocking her head to the side slightly in amusement.
Both women came closer to you.
“But you’re going to have to use your words, sweet girl…” Larissa tauntingly purred.
Your breath hitched. Your knickers were completely soaked through. You were dripping. They were now both flush up against you, their lips each grazing one of your ears.
“Do you want me to fill your needy hole…?” Alcina wickedly cooed.
“Maybe I’ll ride your face until all you can think about is me…?” Larissa tauntingly purred.
“Is that what you want…?” The raven haired woman taunted.
You gulped and nodded vigorously.
“Then be a good girl for us and beg…” the blonde lustfully purred.
Good girl... Oh how those words made your legs tremble and sent your thoughts right back into the gutter.
“Please... U…use me…” you stammered, your hands starting to shake.
You weren’t exactly innocent when it came to sex, but you hadn’t ever had a threesome, nor had you ever encountered a single woman as gorgeous and intimidating as the two in front of you right now. Larissa noticed the small tremor in your hands.
“Oh Baby, do we make you nervous…?” she purred, while taking your hands into hers.
You nodded slightly.
“If at any point you want us to stop, say Pinot Noir, it will be our safe word.”
You smiled when you heard the safe word… Pinot Noir… the second wine they ordered a few hours ago and you brought to their table.
“I will.” you reassured her, and she started smiling.
“So now, how about we help you ease the built up tension…”
Her hands started to travel up your arms, feeling the fabric, traveling up to your shoulders to the collar of your blouse.
“Is it okay if I undress you, Darling?” Larissa asked seductively.
“Yes please…” you almost moaned.
She began unbuttoning your buttoned down shirt, button by button. It was agonizingly slow and instead of helping to ease up the tension, it built up even more. You suddenly felt another pair of hands on your shoulders.
“Shh... Babydoll, relax, we are not going to bite... without your consent of course…” Alcina chuckled and started massaging your tensed up shoulders.
You hadn’t noticed her behind you. When you felt a little bit calmer you let your head fall back slightly, and Alcina let it rest against your shoulder. She let her mouth get closer to your neck and started placing light kisses over your neck, traveling up to your ear and back down to your shoulder. She started sucking on your pulse point at which you let out a soft moan, that just made her more eager to suck, lap, lick, and kiss. You were certain that it would leave a mark but you couldn’t care less at this very moment.
When Larissa had unbuttoned your blouse completely she let it slide down your arms and threw it to a nearby armchair. You mindlessly tried to cover your exposed body with your arms, which was not in the interest of the blonde goddess in front of you.
“Tss tss… don’t you dare cover up that beautiful body of yours… You don’t want us to tie you up, now do you…?“ she said, scolding, but with the most beautiful smile.
She looked you in the eyes and there she saw the answer, you had to say nothing, your pupils blew out even more and the blush on your cheeks was back again.
“Oh my… we have a kinky one…!“ Larissa exclaimed, but this time she was not looking at you, she gave her wife, who was still plastering kisses all over your neck, a vicious smile.
“Do we, now…? Seems like we hit the jackpot... My my, what are we going to do now…?” Alcina said between the kisses.
She let go of your neck suddenly.
“I have an idea... Stay like just that baby…” She purred into your ear.
You heard her heels walking away from you and a drawer was opened. The need to turn your head was growing bigger and you slightly let it wander, but a hand on your chin was stopping you.
“Ah..ah.. don’t peek.” She lustfully tutted, “It will ruin the surprise… and the only thing we want ruined tonight is you…” Larissa cooed and gave you a small kiss on your lips.
Alcina got back to the both of you and placed herself behind you again. She lifted her hands around your body and in front of your face, in her hands was a black satin scarf. Her hands stopped right before your eyes.
“We are going to take one sense away from you, so that your others will be heightened…”
And with that everything went black. It was not the first time you were blindfolded but still it made the pooled arousal in your knickers grow even more.
“Perfect... Now, where were we…?” Larissa chuckled.
Now two pairs of hands started to explore your body, the sensations incredible and all you could do was let out your pathetic soft moans and whimpers.
“Hmmmmm, your sweet sounds are just so enticing… Let’s see what other noises that pretty mouth can make…” the woman behind you lustfully commented.
With that, you felt her hands travel back to our bra. With one swift motion she opened it and your bra slid down your arms, exposing your perky breasts to the nippy air. It wasn’t terribly cold, but the air still gave you a shiver and made your nipples erect. One pair of hands found your breasts and softly massaged them, some of her long fingers found your stiff nipples and they rolled them between two fingers. The sensation made you moan out loud, and your hips rolling forward in a sudden jerk of pleasure.
“Mhh… you like that baby girl?”
Your mind was flooded by arousal and the only coherent thing you could do was again nod. This time it was not met with understanding words but with a pinch and tug to each of your nipples, which made you suck in a sharp breath.
“Good girls use their words…! Don’t make us say it again or we’ll have to punish that beautiful body of yours…” she said with a stern but soft voice.
“Yes ma’am, I like it very much…”
You had no idea why you chose ma’am but it just felt right in the moment and if you weren’t blindfolded you would have seen what impact it had on the woman you had just called that. Larissa’s own arousal was covering her thighs and the name calling was only intensifying it…
“Good Girl… I knew you had manners… Keep that up and you will be rewarded, sweet girl…” she said, while caressing your nipples.
While Larissa was taking care of your nipples and breasts, Alcina's hands traveled from your back to your front, finding the buckle of your belt and she started to open it, slowly taking out the belt from its loops.
“If you don’t keep it up, I will get to use this belt…” She whispered into your ear.
The shiver that was sent through your body made both women chuckle. You heard your belt being aside on the bed, and the pair of hands found their way back to your pants. She opened the button and zipper and let your pants slide down your legs, her hands exploring your now bare legs.
“Step out of your pants and kick off your shoes as well.”
You did as you are told.
“Oh wait… Why don’t we lose those knickers well…?” The blonde seductively noted, more to her wife than to you.
One swift motion of whoever’s hands made your knickers meet the floor just like your pants did moments before. Both women saw how drenched the fabric was and gave each other a hungry look, you were obviously not aware of that, but the silence was suspicious enough. Without a warning one hand of each woman found your core, one from the front and one from the back and their slender fingers were exploring your drenched folds.
“Oh Baby... Is that all for us…?”
“You are soaked... so delicious.”
Both women started kissing your neck, chest, back, shoulder… everywhere.. all while their fingers explored your core. You started to moan and whimper, one pair of fingers found your clit and started circling it tediously slow. Your breathing got unsteady, your hips were involuntary bucking forward. A strong hand held a tight grip at your hip and stilled your motion. You were not in charge, not that this was news to you but this small motion reminded you of that.
“Thank you…” you breathed out and you earned yourself a string of mhhs... and uhhs...
Both hands from your core were slowly retracted and you whimpered from the loss of contact, the hands left trails off your wetness on your skin and they started to explore your body even more. You lost yourself in the moment when you suddenly heard the sound of two lips meeting next to your right ear, the wives found each other and were now connected in a heated kiss, you could merely imagine the sight of it, the sounds were pornographic enough to send waves of arousal down to your core. They were both lost in each other, exploring their mouths, tongues fighting for dominance, moaning into each other's mouths, all while their hands were still on you.
They broke the kiss and exchanged a look that spoke more than words needed to. You heard zippers opening and fabric was falling down the floor. Your hands were taken by two soft, strong hands, leading you onto the bed.
“Come onto the bed with me sweetheart… We are about to give you a night you won’t forget…” Larissa promised you, and you followed her lead, crawling onto the bed.
You assumed Larissa stopped at the headboard because you couldn’t feel her movement anymore. You held your position and waited for your next order. You were met with a pair of hands, holding up your face and your lips were met with Larissa’s, her kiss was passionate and heated, you could taste her distinct flavor mixed with Alcina’s taste and it was the most wonderful mixture you had ever experienced. After a minute Larissa broke the kiss.
“Now, I want you to turn around and lay your back against me, make yourself comfortable between my legs.”
“Yes ma’am…” you answered while fulfilling her wish.
You slowly turned around, laid yourself down and rested your back against the tall woman’s torso, her breasts pressed against you. She intertwined her legs with yours to open you up for her wife and whatever would come next.
You twitched slightly as you could suddenly feel her hard, erratic breathing as well as her cool, slick cunt against your ass. The blonde then took your hands and held them behind your back. You moaned slightly at your vulnerability. You could feel the shift in the bed as the raven haired woman crawled towards you. Crawling all the way up to you, until she’s flush against you, trapping your body between the two wives. Alcina’s hand snaked its way down in between your legs, making you shudder and let out a guttural moan, as her fingers teasingly circled your bundle of nerves.
“Tell me… And be honest.” She breathed down your neck, “What do you want…?”
Your breath hitched as her hot mouth connected to your neck, biting and marking you as she awaited your answer.
“I want you to… use me…” you whimpered.
Alcina slapped your pussy in response, eliciting a breathy yelp from your lips, which quickly turned into a whimper.
“The truth…” she wickedly reminded you.
You gulped and nodded, panting heavily.
“I want… I’m…”
Her fingers quickened their pace of circles around your clit.
“Oh God!!— Please I’m so stressed and needy…! Wanna be taken care of and fucked ‘n overstimulated till… till I forget everything but your names Ma’am please!!” You mewled.
Both women hummed in delight at your honest response. Your clit was still being teased so relentlessly that your legs were starting to tremble.
“I think we can manage then, hmmmm love…?” Larissa spoke into your ear, directing her words to her wife.
“Hmmmm, we certainly can…” Alcina cooed wickedly, moving her lips off of your neck.
You mewled and jerked against the women’s hold, as Alcinas fingers kept working your clit. Your core was aching and knotted, your need growing more and more. As you grinded the best you could against the teasing fingers, the woman behind you began grinding her core against your ass. Alcina’s tongue found a home on and around your perky nipples, as she playfully licked, sucked, and nipped away at them. You breathily moaned out at the newfound friction, eagerly bucking your hips and arching your back to meet both women’s pleasures.
You felt a tongue run up and down your neckline, making you whimper even more. Your hip jerkings were becoming more erratic and sloppy, as the raven haired goddess’s fingers continued to work your sensitive bud. Incoherent murmurs and whimpers began pouring out from your lips, your eyes rolling back. You could feel your body tensing up and then detensing in an agonizing way. You needed to be filled… Your pussy was clenching around nothing… And as if the woman could read your mind…
“Poor Baby… Your pussy must be fluttering like crazy… Clenching around nothing…”
Your eyes were screwed shut tight, and you nodded vigorously. You felt so empty… Yet the heat and tension in your body kept growing… And then fading… But everytime it came back, it came back stronger, pushing you to the edge more and more… And Larissa’s grindings against your ass, only made everything feel more sensual…
“Are you going to cum from just some clit play, sweet girl…?” Larissa chuckled, nipping at your ear.
“Yes yes yes Ma’am—!! Don’t stop please please don’t stop…!” You groaned.
Alcina’s other hand snaked its way around your throat, squeezing lightly. Your eyes rolled back and your mouth opened wide as a strangled scream escaped your throat. At your reaction, the hand around your neck only tightened. Larissa’s grindings were getting sloppier and her breathing in your ear was labored with groans escaping her lips.
“Oh Alci… I’m gonna… cum…!” The blonde pantingly moaned out.
“Baby, grind that ass against Larissa’s wet cunt…” Alcina instructed you.
“Yes… Ma’am…” you choked out, grinding back into the blonde as best as you could.
Larissa let out a breathy groan right by your ear, sending shivers down your spine and to your core. All the while, Alcina’s fingers continued their administrations and her hand tightened around your throat. All your whimpers and moans being stifled by the raven haired woman’s hand only made your pleasure grow trifold.
“Doing such a good job, Baby…” Alcina purred, while speeding up her circlings on your bundle of nerves.
You cried out in response, but your strangled moan was overridden by Larrisa’s leud moans as she crashed over the edge. She bit down on your neck, convulsing behind you, and this only sent you closer to your edge. Your hips grinded back forth quickly and sloppily.
“Wanna… cum—! May I cum…? Please ma’am…!!” You choked out.
“Alright…” the raven haired woman wickedly purred, “Cum for us, dear…”
“Yes Ma’a—Fuck GOD—!!” You let out a strangled cry, convulsing against the two women.
Your constricted throat spewed moan after moan as you crashed over the edge. Your whole body trembled as the waves of pleasure washed over you, and your walls clenched around nothing. Alcina continued to circle and stimulate your sensitive clit, helping you down from your high. Larissa had started kissing where she had broken your skin, and Alcina leaned over and licked up your oozing blood with a hum of delight. Their mouths met by your ear, and you whimpered at the pornographic sounds of them kissing and breathing down your neck.
When they separated, everything went silent. You waited with baited breath for either of the next woman’s moves. Suddenly you felt the blonde move out from behind you, as the raven haired goddess guided you to lean back on the headboard. You heard and felt the bed shift as both women sat in front of you, taking in your needy form. And then they came closer, each tall goddess taking a side of yours to come up flush against.
What we’re they up to now…?
“God…” Larissa lustfully groaned out, “I need her little heat cunt split open on my cock now…”
“I need to fuck her till there's no doubt in her mind who she belongs to…” Alcina wickedly husked.
Shivers ran through your body, and your breath hitched for the upteenth time. You whimpered and spewed a couple of “please pleases…” but that didn’t stop the two. You could feel a whole new wave of arousal slathering your cunt. Your brain was malfunctioning, was this real…?? Oh, it most definitely was… It was as real as the blonde’s breath on your neck, as real as the raven haired goddess’ teeth marking your collar bone, drawing blood once more.
“I need her to be a writhing mess covered in our cum, the taste of me stuck in her mouth for the rest of today…” the blonde breathily purred.
“I want her to daydream about me ruining her constantly…” the raven haired woman lustfully cooed.
Your body was now trembling with need, your brain short circuiting. Your hands began to wander… But both women quickly caught them, placing them above your head. You whimpered slightly, bucking your hips forward desperately. Your slick was collecting around your thighs as you tried to clench them, but were once again stopped by a pair of strong hands. So your waves of arousal started dripping onto the bedsheets… Fuck… Your mind was so frantic and needy. It spiraled with the dirtiest thoughts of what these women could do to do… And the scariest part was, you knew that they would do all of it. Once. Twice over. Until you were a mindless sex puddle. Their little toy… To do with as they please…
“I wanna fry that precious little slut brain so bad…” the tall goddess wickedly hummed.
“I want her to be in a heap for the rest of today and all she can do is let me hug and kiss her while her puppy parts shiver…” the taller goddess wickedly purred.
Then suddenly all their touch was gone. Nothing. They went silent. Except their heavy breathing. You could hear their panting. And you could feel their starring. Your own chest heaved up and down, as you squirmed, waiting for them to make their next move.
You kept your arms over your head even without the touch of any of the women. They both moaned in approval and you started to blush even harder. Suddenly two hands started to caress your upper body, agonizingly slow creeping up to your breasts, each hand finding one of your nipples and they started playing with them, first slow and soft touches, then getting rougher, pinching, pulling, and flicking your sensitive buds. The wives found your neck again and started to kiss and suck like you were the sweetest meal. You were certain that there would be more than just a few hickeys and marks leftover the next day. The fact that they were marking you as theirs made you even wetter, and you let out a string of moans which only spurred them on even more.
“Mhhm, your pretty sounds are divine…!” Alcina moaned into your ear, making your whole body shudder.
“So Pet... I have a surprise for you. It’s a bit of a secret… And I want you to feel it...” Larissa seductively moaned into your other ear, slowly taking one hand you had over your head.
The nickname puts goosebumps across your skin. She leads your hand down her body, brushing over her own breasts. You felt her nipples were perky and hard, and she let out a soft moan when your hand brushed past. Her hand led yours into her crotch and you couldn’t believe what you were feeling… The throbbing slick pussy that was grinding against you moments before, had now switched into a throbbing, thick cock.. Your brain short circuited to understand how that was possible, but nevertheless, it made you incredibly aroused and hungry for much more.
“Oh Pet... This is all for you. Feel me throbbing for you... I want to feel your tight walls clench around my dick… !”
She took your hand in hers and you both gripped her strong member. Alcina’s hand found you both and joined your slow stroking. The three of you kept stroking the hard cock and Larissa was overwhelmed with overstimulation mixed with a new wabre of feral arousal. You must have looked dumbstruck with your mouth left open, drool pooling up in your mouth which made you swallow hard.
“Plea—…ease.. Please… fill me up ma’am…?” You stammered out.
“Oh sweet Pet, call me Daddy…” Larissa cooly demanded and it made your eyes roll back.
“Please Daddy… will you please fill me up…?” You begged her.
“How can I deny such a well trained pet …? Turn around.” she said with a sweet but stern voice and slowly pushed you around so you were straddling Alcinas lap.
“I love to fuck my pets from behind… like the horny bitches they are…” Larissa commented from behind, making herself comfortable behind you and lining up her girthy member with your entrance.
Alcina was caressing your body and just enjoyed the show that was presented to her. Her hands wandered over your whole body, every inch of your skin was touched, her nails carefully scraping over your body, leaving red trails and goosebumps all over you. She suddenly grabbed your chin and led it closer to her face.
“I want you to moan into my mouth when Daddy enters you, sweet slut…”
And with that Larissa entered you without warning and made you moan the most pornographic sound into Alcinas mouth and she happily swallowed your lewd noises, kissing you deeply and exploring your mouth with her tongue. Larissa slowly pulled out and pushed her shifted member right back into you, making you moan out relentlessly. She repeated this slow act a few more times, before she found herself a steadier rhythm which made you moan out in the same rhythmic pattern.
Alcinas right hand found your clit and was drawing slow circles with her long digits, all while her other hand found her own core, collecting some of her own slick and presenting her fingers to your open mouth. Graciously you took the fingers in and started sucking on it like your life depended on it. The dark haired goddess drawed the fingers from your mouth with a pop and went in for a heated kiss tasting herself on your hot tongue.
“Please…Daddy…more…!!” you cried out, when you parted for air.
“Oh we have an eager one… Is Daddy not filling you up enough, slut…? Is your aching cunt desperate for more…?” Alcina concluded with a lifted eyebrow.
You were not able to form any coherent words anymore.
“Please... I just need more... Ohhh GOD—!! please..!” you begged, turning your head to meet Larissas hungry lips.
Alcina’s hand that had been circling your clit, while her wife was merciless filling you up from behind slowly moved towards your entrance where she was met with her wife’s throbbing member. Larissa stilled her movements to feel Alcina pushing two long fingers slowly into you, stretching you out to the maximum and also brushing past her hard cock. You both shivered from the new sensation and you grabbed after one of Larissa’s hands and intertwined your fingers with her.
“Oh sweet girl… You’re so tight… Filling you up so much…'' Alcina commented before curling her fingers and hitting the spot inside you that she was looking for, while Larissa started her thrusting and finding her pace from before again.
Your moans could not be contained anymore and your body slumped forward, pushing yourself against Alcinas big breasts. Now it was you that was sucking on her neck, leaving small bruises and hickeys, your free hand was searching for something to grip, slightly scratching her back. Alcinas let out the sweetest moans while she felt you losing yourself in arousal. The wives felt your walls clenching mercilessly around their respective member and fingers, they found each other's eyes and were lost into each other with arousal and deep intimacy and trust. Larissa leaned forward to give her love a deep and heated kiss. You heard the kissing sound and it made you bite down onto Alcinas shoulder a bit harder.
“My oh my… What a kinky pet we have… Bite harder, dear…!” She assured you and you obeyed, sinking your teeth into her while letting out your symphony of moans.
“Oh god… please… Daddy...Ma’am...I’m so close… please…!! I… I cum…? please…?!” You begged with all that was left in you.
“I don’t think our sweet slut has begged enough… What do you think, my love…?” the blonde goddess was asked by her wife.
The raven haired goddess then suddenly pulled her fingers from your stuffed hole. You let out a desperate mewl in response.
“No… I think she needs to earn it…” Alcina mused to her wife before turning her attention to you, “Make me cum and then you’ll be allowed to cum as well.”
All this while Larissa was still pounding into you. You drunkenly nodded, your hands stammering to the raven haired woman’s core. Alcina opened her legs for your access, and she led you to slip two fingers into her wet cunt. The woman sighed out in pleasure. You then began sloppily pumping and curling your fingers inside her, having real difficulty as the blonde was still fucking you to the edge over and over again. The squelching of your fingers swiftly and sloppily fucking Alcina’s core only added to erotic environment, making your need to cum only grow.
“That’s it, sweet pet…” Alcina groaned in encouragement, bucking her hips into your hand.
Your mind was fogging up and slipping more and more. You were getting extremely desperate. Everytime the blonde brought you right up the edge, she pulled out just enough to stifle your release. Meanwhile, you desperately continued to finger fuck the raven haired goddess. You could tell the woman was getting closer and closer to her edge. Finally, the raven haired woman came with a sinful cry, her walls clenching around your fingers. The woman then pulled your fingers from her drenched cunt and stuffed them into your mouth, making you moan. Suddenly, you felt two sharp smacks to your ass. That was your tipping point.
“Please please OH GOD please!!!” You screamed.
Alcina’s hand expertly snakes to your clit and began teasing it relentlessly, while Larissa continued to pound into your from behind.
“Come for us, Sweet girl…” the blonde purred.
You crashed over and into your orgasm at the blonde’s words. Larissa’s orgasm came right after yours, as she squirted ropes of hot cum into you. Massive waves of pleasure crashed into you, making your body tremble harshly. Screams left your lungs, and your head lolled back against Larissa’s shoulder. The women kindly helped you down from your massive, intense high, Larissa carefully pulling out of you. They caressed your sweaty and sticky frame lovingly, kissing away your little tears of overstimulation.
“Such a good pet for Daddy…” the blonde breathlessly purred.
“Hmmm, you did so good, little one…” the raven haired woman agreed with a hum.
A wave of exhaustion and satisfaction hit you hard. You collapsed back into the blonde. The two women then began lovingly and gently loving on and caressing you with light kisses and lingering touches. You felt a hand slip off your blindfold with ease. Your gaze met Alcina’s stunning frame. You nearly choked on your own air. She was gorgeous. At your reaction, the woman chuckled.
“Let me go get us some things to clean up…” she mused, getting off the bed and disappearing into another room.
You then became very aware of the blond goddess behind you who was pressing her lips up your spine. You sat up slightly and turned around, and your jaw dropped once more. She was stunning. Your eyes flickered down to where the blonde’s member had been, and you found that it was once more her slick cunt.
“Like something you see, Darling…?” Larissa lightly teased you.
You nodded sheepishly, making the tall blonde chuckle slightly. Larissa then scooped you up with ease and brought you to lean against the headboard next to her. The taller woman then returned with three washcloths, two damp and one dry, as well as three waters. She handed out the waters to the two of you, keeping one for herself. She then sat herself in front of you two.
“Drink. And open your legs.” She commanded.
You both opened your legs without a second thought, making Alcina hum in satisfaction. She then proceeded to clean both your legs, thighs, and around your core with the damp washcloths. She used the dry one to pat the sweat away from your figures. When she was satisfied with her work, Larissa came to her and cleaned up her wife in a similar fashion. You took that time to drink some water. The two wives then looked back to you, each woman coming to sit side by side with you.
“You did extremely well, sweet girl.” Larissa cooed, caressing your cheek.
“Amazing.” Alcina added on, squeezing your shoulder lightly.
Alcina leaned in to give you a sweet and soft kiss and you felt your heart beat faster, there was a warmth radiating inside you. Larissa was caressing your body and you felt yourself slowly drifting off. Alcina layed down your head on the pillow and snuggled you up against her front, while Larissa spooned you from behind, the two wives interwined their hands with yours and they shared a loving and sweet kiss over your body. When they broke the kiss, they both layed down on the pillow next to you and drifted off as well.
“I Love you Alcina” the blonde said with a sleepy voice.
“I Love you too Draga mea” Alcina answered her wife.
The next morning you woke up with two pairs of arms and legs tangled around your body and keeping you in place. The last night came back into your head and you first thought it was a wild dream, but you slowly realized it really happened and buried your face into the pillow. The smell of sex was still lingering in the room and it made your face blush in a deep red. You couldn't believe that you really went with the two goddesses. Your movement woke up the blonde woman behind you.
“Good morning, beautiful. How are you feeling?” she asked softly, placing a kiss on your neck.
“I’m… I’m feeling good…” you stretched your body a little bit “ maybe a little bit sore” you sheepishly admitted.
The dialogue causes the raven haired woman to stir awake.
“Why don’t you try getting up, hmmm…?” Alcina cooed wickedly, dancing her fingertips up and down your legs.
You cocked an eyebrow over at the woman.
“What, you think I’ll fall? I walk for a living, it takes more to make me fall.” You snorted in giggles.
Your reaction caused both women to chuckle and then burst into laughter.
“Hey!!” You exclaimed, playfully swatting both women.
Determined to prove them wrong, you crawled out of bed and went to stand up. You were extremely wobbly, but you managed to carefully make it all the way to the bathroom door. “See!” You looked back at the women with a shit eating grin.
But you were met with Larissa’s intense and determined stare and Alcina’s wicked smirk and a light growl.
“I think our pet hasn’t had enough…? Don’t you, Dearest?” Larissa purred, while staring you down.
You gulped.
“Oh I agree…” Alcina chuckled.
Both women then scurried out of bed, stripping themselves, taking your hand and leading your naked body into the bathroom.
“We’re not done with you until you can’t walk, Darling…” Larissa wickedly purred, backing you up against the large shower wall. The wives start to attack your sore body with their hands and with kisses, replaying the night before.
Oh what had you gotten yourself into…
Larissa Weems Masterlist
Alcina Dimitrescu Masterlist
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cillivnz · 8 months
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a good host [k. heisenberg]
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TROPE — DBF! [here, mother’s friend, no really close relation] WORD COUNT — 2469
WARNINGS — NSFW. 18+. fem!reader. f!masturbation, usage of sex toys, virgin!reader, voyeurism, hefty age-gap (reader is in early 20s, Karl is in his 50s), vaginal fingering, innocence/corruption kink, cursing, pet-names (bunny, little girl, etc.), slight degradation (he calls you a whore), slightly mean!Karl, orgasm denial, dacryphilia, squirting, overstimulation, clit-play.
A/N — i just think heisenberg would be a good fuck, that’s it— that’s what motivated this. i’m slowly rising like a phoenix out of the fires of writer’s block, so, slowly but surely i’m trying to get back on track with my requests and works. though, a full comeback might take a few months. no mention of Alcides [ gender-bent Lady Dimitrescu ], didn’t want to jinx the two verses, so Alcina is Alcina.
more from my ‘resident evil: village’ world.
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“FUCK,” YOU GROAN as you shut the door to your chambers behind you.
you’d excused yourself for the umpteenth time, now inconsiderate of how rude you would seem to the man you’ve been leaving all alone in the cold and empty dining room of your manor.
well, your mother’s.
and a friend, too.
well, not a friend.
Karl Heisenberg and Alcina Dimitrescu would prefer the term, “(unfortunate) associates”, but manners run well in a noble’s blood so it’s natural for the two to try and be cordial.
and it’s the same manners, the same etiquettes instilled in you that have put you in this state.
flushed, embarrassed, and wet.
you couldn’t bare to look Heisenberg in the eye while he made small talk with you in your home.
his round, black glasses were perched on the tip of his strong nose, his hat, like a loyal companion, sat next to him on a wooden chair, his greyed hair, out and frisky. his overcoat had been long abandoned, perhaps, at the very entrance to the castle, so his beige undershirt, clasped around his big broad muscles and softer belly didn’t go unnoticed by you.
fuck, the more you took in his appearance, the hotter became the air in the room, your ability to breathe and the more frantically you’d rub some friction between your thighs.
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YOU’VE FOUND KARL HEISENBERG INSATIABLE since you were a little girl, which you still were in his eyes, as he painfully reminded you every time by referring to you by that and nothing else. as of lately, your urges around him have worsened.
since your eighteenth birthday, Heisenberg’s began to look at you a little differently.
he listens carefully to the squeaky little bunny that’s lately got the balls to interrupt her own mother and company, correct them in political matters. yeah, Heisenberg’s began to notice you. earlier, your greetings would be dismissed with a nonchalant wave in the air, but now? heisenberg could hear you talk for hours, so desperately wanting to hear the sultry tone of your voice that he’d ask to hear the same story about your earliest memory hunting, over and over again.
so, to say he felt appalled by your frequent exits from your evening together— an evening he had committed to your mother, had Alcina been home— was an understatement.
after the third time you had left him alone, his impatience and ego got the best of him, though there was an undertone of curiosity there, too. so, he, sly as a fox, followed you to your room.
your back was pressed against the door, muffling your cries while you rubbed your clit down with a toy. you were in a trance, mind fogged with painful lust that drove your legs on its own fervour. you sink into your bed, ripping your dress off of yourself in a swift motion, and hiding your bare skin with a poor excuse of a duvet.
your toy was swimming in your slick with every rub against your cunt.
“fucking hell,” you moaned when the tip of the toy nudged your slit, massaging your hole, easing in only to pull out immediately.
while you edged yourself, thoughts of Karl crawled in, like their usual tendency. you fantasised about his big hands, how they were resting on your knee for a brief second, before continued sipping on his earl grey tea.
you sighed when his name escaped your parted lips. you wanted nothing more than to be split open on his cock, at his mercy. your mother would be so ashamed if she ever finds out one of her most disliked friends is the prime source of your infatuation.
you think about his lips on yours, your breasts, his fingers inside you, on your clit— you whined, “this so wrong, but fuck me,”
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admiring you from afar, he couldn’t help but feel a twitch of arousal in his pants. he is no damn saint, but he knew it was wrong of him to enter your room without permission. not his fault, your moans sounded like cries, so you worried him, he just wanted to make sure you’re okay. and his reason for staying to watch the show? well, like i said, he’s no goddamn saint. he just wants to make sure you’re really okay.
“so this is what you keep hopping off to do, little bunny.” his thunderous voice roared in the quiet of your room, the transatlantic accent deeper once laced with lust and mischief.
you jolted upright, “L-Lord Heisenberg!” you clutched the duvet to your chest, failing to cover a breast, still, and his eyes were quick to catch your mistake.
“please, call me Karl.”
“you seemed to have no problem in moaning it.”
you froze, clenching involuntarily around the the length of your penetrating toy.
“shh, it’s okay.” your stammering was interrupted by a single step taken by Karl closer to you.
“i don’t mind, bunny.” he cooed, softly.
he took this moment to admire you.
you looked like a deer caught in headlights. your doe eyes, furrowed brows, plump, parted lips, the subtle perspiration settled on your collarbone, the duvet clinging to your cleavage and your pebble-like nipples peaking through it.
“i’m just mad you had to hide the show from me.” by the time those words leave his mouth, he’s on the foot of your bed. “thought Mama Dimitrescu would’ve taught you better, sweet girl.” he ‘tsk’ed.
“A GOOD HOST LETS THE GUEST JOIN IN ON THE FUN,” he says; nods convincingly. a gentle hand inching towards your blanketed body, ready to peel the duvet off and expose you in all vulnerability.
he eyes you for a moment, face searching for any sign of hesitation or discomfort, but was pleased to see you rip all coverings off yourself on your own, grabbing Karl by the hand and pulling him towards you.
his face was so close to yours, you felt heat emitting from your body onto his.
“now, little bunny, are you sure yo—”
you cut him off by placing a kiss of fervency on his lips, giving Heisenberg the answer to questions he was yet to ask.
he let you enjoy the lead for a brief moment more, before taking control. laying you down, Karl was quick to climb on top of you, his hands not wasting a minute to feel your body beneath him.
“i’d be lying if i said i didn’t want this, too, little bunny.” you gasped at the confession, Karl using your parted lips as an opportunity to slip his tongue in your mouth.
you were kissing your mother’s friend, holy fuck.
“tell me, baby,” he pulled away, eliciting a whine from you. he now laid besides you, relishing the warmth of your bare body.
“‘you ever put a real cock in there?” his hand grabbed a hold of the toy, easing in the tip into your slick folds.
your mind went blank, grinding your hips slowly into the sudden intrusion. “when i ask you a question, little girl, you answer it.” Heisenberg’s voice deepened in dominance. “n-no, sir.” you shook your head.
Karl groaned in arousal.
the thought of stripping away your innocence was so intoxicating.
“of course not. that brute dame knows better than to let you out of this shithole.” he scoffs, evidently insulting your mother, for reasons he named himself, “the minute you ought to step out, men would be pouncing on you like rabid dogs.”
he didn’t stop pumping the toy inside you, agonisingly slow, leaving you whining and begging for more.
“you want more, huh, bun?” he spoke so gently. you nodded, unable to form words because of the aching sensation between your legs.
“okay, i’ll give you more.” he lifted you up like you weighed a feather, placing you between his legs. his own were positioned between yours, so all it took for him to have you spread out was just a nudge of his knees.
“there we go, now spread that pretty pussy for me.” he rested his head on your shoulder, watching eagerly while you hesitated a little to comply.
he put his hands on yours,
and they fit like pieces of an intricate puzzle.
enveloping your smaller ones completely, his hands guided yours to spread your pussy open. the cold air of your room hit your leaking slit, causing you to shudder in his arms.
“look at you glistening, baby.”
“my god,” he groaned, rubbing your hand (and his atop) into your slick.
you sighed into the feeling of your soft hands, mixed with his large, rough ones.
“show me how you please that little pussy.” he whispered in your ear, kissing your lobe.
you nodded, biting your lower lip at his vulgarity.
a lord, yet so crude.
you began toying with your clit, rubbing figure-eights on the swollen bud. Karl’s hands wasted no time in fondling your breasts— groping, squeezing, twisting your nipples, tugging at them— only adding more pleasure to the sensation.
“ease one in.”
you weren’t sure what he mumbled until he decided to take matters into his own hands (literally) and rubbed a finger against your slit.
you swore you forgot how to breath when the sharp sensation of the digit penetration was felt.
“Karl…” you moaned, relishing in the feel of being stretched open.
“what do you think about when you touch yourself?” he asked, velvety voice dripping honey on you.
simply answered, “you.”
he kissed your neck, “i know, bunny. but what in specific?”
“tell me.” he grunted, pushing another finger inside.
“y-your hands… i think about your fingers… inside me.”
you mewed hearing him groan in your ear, the subtle nuzzle of his head into your neck urged you to continue. “‘want nothing more than your cock pounding me— wanna be at your mercy, Karl!”
“fuck, baby,” Karl groaned at your vulgarity; even you were surprised at the profanities leaving your lips but the lust hazed cloud in your mind burst with rains of arousal.
“i’ll give what you want for being such a good girl.” he purred in your ear, discarding the drenched toy. your whine at the loss of contact turned into a gasp when he so carelessly threw away your toy to the corner of the room.
you looked up at him through your lashes, feigning faux offense at the abandonment of your favourite companion on a lonely night. “don’t worry,” assured Karl, grinning.
“you won’t be needin’ that no more.” he grinned, plunging two of his thick digits right into your core.
you were stretched like a spring at the hands of this rugged noble. he nuzzled his head into your collarbones, the rugged stubble adorning his handsome face prickling your soft flesh.
Karl bit, licked, sucked, and nibbled, while you writhed, moaned, shivered, and cried in ecstasy.
“such a naughty girl— ‘acting so noble and sophisticated all the time, but when Mama’s friend comes in sight, you start cussing like a sailor with the libido of a pervy sleazeball.” he chuckled at his own descriptions of you, while you hadn’t registered a word he said, simply clenching and unclenching around his experienced fingers, moaning his name with every haggard breath.
“c-close!” you hiccuped, tears staining your rosy face.
“god, you’re so beautiful.” Karl groaned, licking the shell of your ear. you shuddered, not knowing if it was at his lewd actions or the mere compliment.
Karl breathed in your scent, your sensual oud suppressed by the sweet fragrance of your arousal.
he pulled out his fingers.
you began crying.
“why…?” you sobbed, “because,” he explained.
“you’ve not been a very good host, baby girl— leaving your guest waiting like that. only fair you don’t get release this soon, hm?”
he cooed his justification and you weeped like you had committed the most heinous crime.
your hole fluttered around the damp, chill air of your room. gaping around the new nothingness that replaced the stuffed fulfilling treatment you were receiving prior.
“please, i’m sorry— i’m… i’ll do better next time—”
“next time?” Karl was quick to intervene.
“what makes you think there’ll be a ‘next time’?”
your glassy eyes widened, “please, Karl, i’m begging you.”
“hm…” he hunched over your shoulder, chin prodding into your shoulder blade while he looked over at you, nonchalantly. not even an ounce of remorse, amusement, if anything.
“okay. since Mommy taught you manners,”
he rammed his fingers back into your cunt, a look of devilish glee spread across his face.
in and out, in and out, in and curl.
you screamed when he hit that spongy spot inside of you, dead-on. Karl was quick to cover your mouth.
“now, now, we don’t want sweet ol’ Pasha hearing us, do we?” he slowed, referring to the chamberlain that’s often posted right outside your door. you shook your head, urging him to go faster like he was.
“good fucking girl,” he groaned, feeling you pulsate around his wrinkled fingers.
“give me a show, host. make it worth the hours you kept me waiting. ‘dry and hangin’.” he nudged your legs wider, further apart with his knees. the hand that covered your pretty lips now wrapped itself around your own hand.
a sweet moment that lasted mere seconds, he took your interlaced fingers and placed them on your clit, shaking your hand fervently.
your brows furrowed, vision blurred as you peaked. afraid you can’t let go, but he’ll make you.
he’ll make you lose control, just like he’s made you his.
with one last push, or shove of his fingers, he quickly pulled them out, and broke the dam of pleasure.
your slick gushed out of your drooling cunt, drenching everything, including the two of you, nearby.
Karl chuckled, triumphantly. still rubbing fervently at your overstimulated clit, urging more of your juices to squirt out.
“now, that’s a show, darling.” he chuckled, grabbing your flushed face by the chin and connecting your lips to a passionate, chaste kiss.
when you closed your legs, he slapped your thigh, causing you to wince and jerk them open.
“—the hell are you doing?” he asked, seemingly offeneded.
“are you kicking me out?” he raised a brow, a sarcastic smile threatening to break on his face.
“b-but i thought we were—”
“done? oh, no, baby. you left me alone in that dining room thrice this evening.”
“this was just the first of three.”
“now, ass up, face down.” he manhandled you in the blink of an eye.
“your guest’s gotta entertain himself.”
he chuckled, and you nearly choked when you felt something mean, and thick prodding at your abused folds.”
you were in for a long night with your guest.
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pt. II. main masterlist. blog directory. COCKUETTE MASTERLIST.
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Can i get Sugar mommy Alcina? 😭🙏
Reader found her profile and fell inlove instantly, (because who wouldn't) and idk you can do whatever you want with the rest 😗
Thanks and loveeeeee your work so much!💞💞
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𝐖𝐡𝐲 𝐍𝐨𝐭? [𝐀𝐥𝐜𝐢𝐧𝐚 𝐃. 𝐱 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫]
❥warnings: smut, sugar realness, public sex
❥note: I am so sorry darling it took me so long to upload this, I gotta say, writing smut is so hard(I get all hot and bothered) on my knees to all smut writers, thank you for feeding us. And thank you anon and I hope you enjoy this filth<3
❥note: request is open<3
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You had no intention of diving into a sugar relationship, but curiosity got the best of you one late evening as you scrolled through various profiles on a niche site. You weren't even seriously looking until she appeared on your screen.
Alcina Dimitrescu.
It was impossible to ignore the immediate impact she had on you. Her profile was captivating, her beauty mesmerizing, and her wealth? Well, it was obvious she didn’t need to flaunt it—her elegance spoke volumes. Standing taller than any woman you’d ever seen, her striking dark hair cascading down her back, sharp cheekbones that could cut glass, and the grace in her piercing gaze made you pause. The way she carried herself, even in a few photos, was magnetic.
A playful grin tugged at your lips. Why not? You thought as you typed a message, half-expecting not to hear back. But, to your surprise, it took mere minutes before a response pinged in.
"You’re quite bold to approach me, darling. Care for a drink tomorrow night?"
Your heart nearly leapt out of your chest as you read it. Tomorrow? Alcina Dimitrescu wanted to meet you tomorrow night? The thought was dizzying.
The next evening, you found yourself dressed in your best, standing nervously in front of one of the most luxurious hotels in town. The butterflies in your stomach only worsened when a sleek black car pulled up, and the driver opened the door to reveal her.
Alcina stepped out gracefully, her figure impossibly tall, dressed in an exquisitely tailored black dress, her red lips curled into a knowing smile. You felt your pulse quicken as her golden eyes swept over you.
“Well, aren’t you just darling?” she said, her voice smooth like velvet, with an edge of amusement. “Shall we?”
You nodded, speechless, as she offered you her hand—cool, strong, and commanding. The touch sent shivers down your spine as she led you into the hotel, whisking you away to a private lounge that screamed exclusivity.
Conversation flowed easily, and though Alcina radiated power and grace, she was attentive, never making you feel lesser despite her imposing figure and wealth. There was undeniable chemistry—her eyes never straying far from yours, her voice laced with quiet seduction as she inquired about your life, your interests, all while making her intentions clear.
After that night, Alcina kept her promise, sweeping you into her world of luxury. But each encounter revealed more than just opulence. With every passing day, you started to see behind her controlled exterior. At first, she showered you with gifts—lavish dinners, designer clothes, and trips to private locations. Yet, amidst the grandeur, something in her softened.
Months passed, and your relationship with Alcina grew more profound and passionate. She wasn’t just spoiling you with her wealth anymore—though she did love to see you dressed in the finest clothes and accessories—but there was a deep connection between you two that transcended the material world. Her affection had shifted into something tender, something that felt like home. She had started trusting you with more of her personal life, and her once-impenetrable walls had crumbled in your presence.
One afternoon, Alcina decided to take you shopping in one of the most exclusive boutiques in town. She had mentioned a gala was coming up, and of course, you needed to be dressed to perfection for the event. As you entered the store, you were greeted by the staff as if you were royalty. Alcina’s commanding presence made it clear that this was no ordinary shopping trip—she wanted to spoil you, and nothing was off-limits.
Her eyes scanned the racks of elegant dresses, pausing at a sleek, black gown that immediately caught her attention. She turned to you, a smirk tugging at her lips. “I think I’ve found the one for you, darling,” she purred, holding the dress up for you to see.
The gown was stunning—long, with a dangerously high slit on one side that promised to show just enough to make hearts race. You could already feel Alcina’s eyes tracing the path that the dress would reveal.
“I’ll try it on,” you said, your heart already pounding.
The boutique’s fitting rooms were just as luxurious as the rest of the store, complete with velvet curtains and gilded mirrors. As you slipped into the dress, you could feel the fabric hugging your body in all the right places. It was a perfect fit—sensual and elegant, just the kind of look Alcina loved on you.
You stepped out of the fitting room to show Alcina, her gaze locking onto you immediately. Her golden eyes darkened with a familiar, smoldering intensity as she drank in the sight of you in the dress.
“Turn around for me,” she said, her voice low, but there was a fire beneath it.
You obliged, slowly turning so she could see every angle. The slit of the dress revealed the smooth curve of your thigh, and you could feel her gaze lingering there. The air between you grew thick with tension as she stood up, her towering form moving closer.
“You look exquisite,” she murmured, her fingers lightly brushing against the exposed skin of your thigh. The simple touch sent a jolt of heat through your body, and you swallowed hard, trying to focus.
Before you could say anything, Alcina’s hand slid to your waist, pulling you closer. Her breath was hot against your ear as she whispered, “I can’t resist you like this.”
Her lips ghosted over the curve of your neck, and a shiver ran down your spine. You tried to keep your composure, but her proximity, her scent, the way her hands caressed you—it was overwhelming. The fitting room suddenly felt far too small for the desire crackling between you.
“We’re in public,” you managed to whisper, though your voice was shaky with need.
Alcina chuckled softly, her lips brushing against your earlobe. “Then we’ll just have to be quiet, won’t we?”
Before you could protest further, Alcina was guiding you back into the fitting room, pulling the curtain closed behind her with a swift motion. The space felt even more intimate with her towering figure crowding you against the mirror. She tilted your chin up, her golden eyes locking onto yours with a hunger that made your knees weak.
Her lips crashed onto yours, and all thoughts of resistance vanished. The kiss was deep, demanding, and you melted into her touch, your hands gripping her shoulders as if to steady yourself. Her hands slid down the curve of your waist, fingers grazing the slit of the dress as she traced the bare skin beneath.
The heat between you was undeniable. Alcina’s touch was firm yet gentle, her lips moving against yours with a raw passion that sent waves of desire coursing through you. Her hands explored your body with practiced ease, and it wasn’t long before you were both lost in the moment, the world outside fading away.
Her lips left a burning trail down your neck, her fingers slipping beneath the fabric of the dress as she whispered against your skin, “I want you, here and now.”
Your breath hitched, and you nodded, unable to form coherent words. You didn’t care that you were in a fitting room, or that anyone could walk in at any moment. All that mattered was the way Alcina made you feel—desired, cherished, and utterly consumed by her touch.
As the intensity between you deepened, her lips found yours once again, and you surrendered completely to the moment. The fitting room became your world, and Alcina was all you could think about—her touch, her scent, the way she made you feel like you were the only person that mattered.
Finally, after what felt like an eternity of waiting, she move your lacy panties to the side, teasing your clit with her feather like touches.
"I know, sweet girl." She coos as you whine at her teasing, she made sure you were nice and wet for her. She coats her fingers with your juices before finally inserting her fingers into your aching hole.
Her hand pat your head as you rest your forehead on her shoulder, biting your lips as you contain your moans and whimpers. “Shh, darling,” she whispered soothingly. “We wouldn’t want anyone to know, would we?” she gently pull your hair back as she asked you, all you could do was gave her a nod as another whimper escaped your lips.
"Leg up, sweet girl." she wrap your leg around her waist, giving her better access and her fingers going deeper, your head resting against the mirror as her fingers continued to thrust sporadically against your walls.
Eyes closed, lips bitten, strained moans and whimpers
This woman knows what she's doing and she does it so well.
"Everything alright in there ma'am?" Your body jolts in shock as the staff knocks on the door, Alcina immediately brings her hand around your mouth. Her fingers thrusting faster and curling simultaneously in that spot, she smiled as your eyes widen then rolled back.
"Everything's all good." She answered the woman calmly as you fell apart against her fingers, Alcina kiss your forehead as the woman kept talking.
"Alright ma'am, if you're settled with your dresses just come to the cashier and we'll assist you." The woman said, unaware of what's happening just a few steps from her. Sweats are forming on your forehead as you feel your whole body warming.
"We're definitely coming." Alcina removes her hand as the oblivious woman walk away. "Come for me darling." With that your whole body follow her sweet words, trembling against her fingers, high-pitched moans and whimpers left you while your cum drips down her fingers.
Legs shaking as she let you rode your orgasm before pulling out, stroking your hair as you catch your breath. Alcina whisper sweet words and encouragement to you, kissing you as she muttered how good you are for her. You rest your head on her shoulder, nuzzling your face on her neck as she stroke your back.
The world outside could wait. Here, in this moment, it was just the two of you, tangled in a web of desire and affection that felt both overwhelming and perfect. And as Alcina whispered your name against your skin, you knew that this was more than just a fling, more than just a casual romance.
This was something real. Something powerful. And you were all in.
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