#Alcatraz Versus the Knights of Crystallia quotes
loveinquotesposts · 4 years
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I still felt a little bit sick for needing the help of a Librarian. It was frustrating. Terribly frustrating. In fact, I don’t think I can accurately—through text—show you just how frustrating it was. But because I love you, I’m going to try anyway. Let’s start by randomly capitalizing letters. We cAn SenD fOr a draGOn to cArry us, SinG saId As we burst oUt oF the stAirWeLL and ruSHED tHrough ThE roOm aBovE. ThAT wILl taKe tOO Long, BaStiLlE saiD. We’Ll haVe To graB a VeHiCle oFf thE STrEet, I sAid. (You know what, that’s not nearly frustrating enough. I’m going to have to start adding in random punctuation marks too.) We c! RoS-Sed thrOu? gH t% he Gra## ND e ` nt WaY at A de-aD Ru) n. OnC $ e oUts/ iDE, I Co* Uld sEe T ^ haT the suN wa + S nEar to s = Ett = ING—it w.O.u.l.d Onl > y bE a co@ uPle of HoU[ rs unTi ^ L the tR} e} atY RATiF ~ iCATiON ha, pPenEd. We nEeDeD!! to bE QuicK?.? UnFOrTu() nAtelY, tHE! re weRe no C? arriA-ges on tHe rOa ^ D for U/ s to cOmMan > < dEer. Not a ON ~ e ~. THerE w + eRe pe/ Ople wa | lK | Ing aBoUt, BU? t no caRr# iaGes. (Okay, you know what? That’s not frustrating enough either. Let’s start replacing some random vowels with the letter Q.) I lqOk-eD arO! qnD, dE# sPqrA# te, fRq? sTr/ Ated (like you, hopefully), anD aNn | qYeD. Jq! St eaR& lIer, tHqr ^ E hq.d BeeN DoZen! S of cq? RrIqgEs on The rQA! d! No-W tHqRe wA = Sn’t a SqnGl + e oN ^ q. ThE_rQ! I eXclai $ mqd, poIntIng. Mqv = Ing do ~ Wn th_e RqaD! a shoRt diStq + + nCe aWay a sTrANgq gLaSs cqnTrAPtion. I waSN’t CqrTain What it wAs >, bUt It w! qs MoV? ing—aND s% qmewhat quIc: =) Kly. LeT’s G_q gRA? b iT! ― Brandon Sanderson, Alcatraz Versus the Knights of Crystallia
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RAVENCLAW: "The most important truths can always withstand a little examination." –Brandon Sanderson (Alcatraz Versus the Knights of Crystallia)
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catmint1 · 5 years
I'm convinced that Responsibility is some kind of psychological disease.
Brandon Sanderson, Alcatraz Versus the Knights of Crystallia
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