#Alastor is a feminist change my mind
allastoredeer · 3 months
its mysogynistic to not wear a dress?.....
Nah, not at all. Anyone should wear a dress or not wear a dress if they so choose. Personally, I don't like wearing dresses. Sometimes I do, when the mood strikes. But typically, I'm a suit guy all the way.
However, the implications that Alastor wouldn't want to wear a dress based on his ego implies some level of looking down on wearing dresses, like it's below him. Like there's some kind of belittlement that comes with wearing a dress. Like wearing a dress would bruise his pride, which does reek of misogyny, as it implies that there is something to be ashamed of in doing so.
And in that case, I find that so...opposite of his character. I mean, the closest relationships he has in the show are with women. Rosie. Niffty. Charlie, to some extent. His mother, based on what Viv has said. Rosie wears dresses. Niffty wears dresses. I'm sure his mother wore dresses. So the idea that Alastor would look down on wearing dresses (as is implied on him not wearing them due to his ego) feels wrong.
I mean, if you wanted to make this a character thing where he has internalized misogyny towards men wearing dresses, that's a different thing. But even then, I just don't see Alastor caring about men wearing dresses. Even if he, personally, just preferred not wearing dresses, I don't think he'd actually care about what anyone else is wearing.
If you mean you just see Alastor preferring to wear suits, as he does in the show, instead of dresses, yeah I agree with you there. I headcanon that while Alastor would 100% wear a dress, he just prefers wearing his suits. It's his style. It's what he feels comfortable in.
Men or masc-presenting individuals who don't want to wear dresses aren't misogynistic.
If the reasoning for that is because wearing a dress would bruise their ego a be a blow to their pride, yyyeeeaaaahh I'm guessing there's some level of misogyny behind it.
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hxzbinwrites · 7 months
Yayyy! Vox was who I wanted to make a request for so I was thinking what if female reader is an overlord who deals with weapons that can kill sinners and hellborn. Maybe she is also an owner of a nightclub? maybe she died in the 1920s and she knew Alastor as well and maybe she’s had a crush on him but he’s not interested in her so then she goes and she dates Vox but then she catches him positioned with Val and she doesn’t know the extent how Valentino is abusing Vox so then fast forward 7 years later and they meet again because she’s helping Alastor and of course that makes Vox jealous and angry and Vox just wants her back and he’ll do anything to show her that he changed and he just wants her back. And maybe he explains how Val treated him and then a happy ending heheh. 🤭 I love your stories. Also maybe reader is badass and is like doesn’t need a man because she got herself but she also loves when Vox protects her? Kinda like that song on TikTok from Olivia Rodrigo that goes “I’m a feminist obviously but I wouldn’t really mind him saving me”
Vox x Fem! Overlord! Weapons Dealer! Reader | Stayed Gone
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(A/n): IM BACCKKKK!!! Sorry this is kind rushed, but it was a really fun write!!! I’m promise I’ll get working on more requests but i’m gonna take it easy to slide back into writing after my little break! Thank you to all of those who supported me through this!! ❤️❤️
Warnings ⚠️: Cussing, Vox is OOC, Cheating, Violence, Short (sorry :( )
“YOU SON OF A BITCH!” (Y/n) said, throwing a wine glass across the room, particularly aiming at the TV who was caught in the act with a certain moth.
“(Y/n), babe, ‘ts not what it looks like I swear-“
“Oh really?” She said, a venomous lilt in her voice,”cause right now it looks like you’re getting screwed by your little business partner? Huh? Am I not right on the money sugar? Oh, but where’s that little sarcastic buzzer now?!”
Vox slipped his pants on, zipping up his fly while trying to walk towards (Y/n)
“I swear, you’ve got it all wrong. I’m..this isn’t…we’re not…”
“Save it.” She said,”This, us, is over. Our business deal is over. And if you even try to negotiate or give me some shitty excuse, this little turf you have will belong to my empire and become my next factory.”
Vox was left, standing here, shirt off and wrinkled pants on, watching as the love of his life took the bare necessities and walked out of his life, all while Valentino watched and smirked at the sight.
7 Years Later
“THAT FUCKER IS BACK!!” Vox screamed, his fists slamming down on the table. A month before (Y/n) walked out, the infamous Radio Demon went MIA, and has now returned to the scene, alongside the Princess of Hell, Charlie Morningstar.
“Yeah” Valentino said, in a sultry voice,”I thought he was gone for good too”
“It’s been seven years!” Vox huffed, turning away from the screen, missing a very crucial person who just walked outside to scope the situation of the attack on the hotel.
“You still pissed he almost beat you that time, right before your little angel walked out~?” Valentino teased, rubbing Vox’s digital cheek on his screen, causing a squeegee noise to be emitted
“Uh, fuck you!”
“Just saying!”
“Things have changed a lot since they both left town!”
“That’s for sure”
“I gotta send a message to who’s, really in charge of things now!!”
“Welcome home, I’m gonna make you wish that you’d stayed gone! Say hello, to a new status quo. Everyone knows that there’s a brand new dawn, turn the TV ON!!!”
“Top of the hour, and we’re discussing a certain ‘has-been’ who has been spotted cavorting around town after a seven year absence! Did anybody miss him? Did anybody notice? More on tonight’s program!”
“So the Radio Demon is back in town! Why’s he hanging around? What does that mean for your family? Well handily I’ve got good news, he’s a loser, a fossil, and I don’t mean to sound hostile, but the demon is a coward!”
“You can take that as gospel! Pulling my viewers? Impossible. I’m visual, he’s barely audible! Stop giving him the time of day, don’t listen to a word he’d say! I hope he had a nice vacay, but he should’ve STAYED AWAY!”
“While he rid in radio, we’ve pivoted to video! Now his medium is getting bloody rare!! Hell’s been better since he split! Where’s he been? Who gives a shit!”
“Salutations! Good to be back on the air~!” A familiar, static filled voice responded.
“Yes I know it’s been a while, since someone with style, treated Hell to a proper broadcast. Sinners rejoice!-“
“What a dated voice!-“
“Instead of a clout-chasing, mediocre video podcast-“
“Is Vox insecure? Perusing allure? Flitting between this fad and that, is nothing working?”
“Ignore his chirping!”
“Everyday he’s got a new format!”
“You’re looking at the future, he’s the shit that comes before that!”
“Is Vox as strong as he purports? Or is it based on his support? He’d be powerless without the other Vees!”
“Oh please!”
“And here’s the sugar on the cream, he asked me to join his team! I said no, stole his girl, and now he’s pissy, that’s the tea!”
“Uh oh, looks like the TV is buffering” A new voice said, mocking Vox’s breakdown. Except it wasn’t a “new” voice, it was (Y/n). (Y/n), with Alastor, at the Hazbin Hotel.”
“I’m afraid you’ve lost your signal” Alastor said, taking the mic back before finishing his number.
“Let’s begin~”
“I’m gonna make you wish that I’d stayed gone! Tune on in! When I’m done, your status quo will know it’s race is run! Oh this will be fun!”
Vox could hear Alastor laughing alongside (Y/n) in the background, as his monitors start to flash “no signal”
“FUCK!” He whines
The gang was all downstairs, Charlie explaining what tomorrows fun activity would be when a loud banging was heard on the door.
“A NEW GUEST!!” Charlie squealed, stars in her pupils, as she ran to go open the door, only to be met with a very tall TV Overlord.
Alastor’s antlers shot out of his head while (Y/n)‘s weapons were at the ready.
“I come with no harm!” Vox said, raising his hands, before locking eyes with (Y/n). His digital eyes made little heart pupils before blinking them away, embarrassed.
“(Y/n)…” he breathlessly said,”I-I know you hate me…but please, I-“
“Save it Vox.”
“I wish I could explain to you that night, or even today, but I can’t! This….deal has my lips sealed shut my love-I mean (Y/n). I-I just…I cannot explain myself with this contract I have.”
“Wait” Angel Dust said,”You’re Valentino’s little situationship, right?”
“If that’s what you wanna call it….”
“Wait….oh shit” Angel said, walking over to him,”I…I know what it’s like…”
“I know…I see you around his studio…I’m not above owning souls, I have my own, but to work with him…? I’d…..I’d free you all in a heartbeat….”
“Vox?” (Y/n) said,”are you in some sort of deal with Val over your…body.”
Vox could only look at her, not able to give her any conformation.
“Oh Vox…I…I didn’t know…I-“
“I know dear…” Vox said, smiling sadly,”but you have a erm….partner, of sorts, not your finest option but whatever, now and I wouldn’t want to intervene-“
“Oh Alastor? Me and him aren’t in a relationship” (Y/n) replied,”You know him, Mr. Ace in the Hole!”
“A what now?-“
“Ohhhhh, that…that explains so much.” Vox said, looking at the Radio Demon.
“Vox…I-I think we need to go home, talk about this in private….after I squish a bug.”
“Okay…” Vox said, holding (Y/n)‘s hand,”but what about this hotel?”
“I’ll still work here, with everyone, I believe in the cause. I just didn’t think you’d want to.”
“Maybe I can….put some ads on if you’d like-“
Vox smiled, a genuine smile for the first time in a while,”Yeah, yeah I think I need to hang here a little more often…detox a little…”
“Good, I can’t have you stressed out too much, I just got you back.” (Y/n) said, rubbing his digital cheek affectionately,”my little trophy husband”
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🍵🍵🍵🍵 i heard we were here for tea and came as fast as i could
Salty Sunday
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1. Okay this one is a DEEBEEDEE salt 'cause I'm on twitter and life is hell.
It sure just kinda makes me ... :) when I see people talk about Legion and write Susie as like.. A baby girl. Which. SHE IS, MIND YOU. She is a soft baby BUT PEOPLE FORGET... THAT FRANK ESPECIALLY FUCKING BULLIED THE SHIT OUTTA HER. DKFJG Like Susie is baby. But Legion doesn't treat her like it. Frank yelled at her and forced her to stab the janitor. The only one on any good terms with Susie is Julie, and Julie is close to Frank and iirc I don't think Julie stood up for Susie but just kinda agreed with Frank on Susie needing to stab the guy.
People write them as all really close hashtag BESTIES and while some of it is in good fun it just seems people sure forget that they really fucking told Susie she needed to kill a guy or she's a pussy ass coward bitch KAJSDF
2. Mkay I talked about this before but when do I ever shut the fuck up.
SO. SOOOOOO tired of people portraying Angel as basically a sexual assaulter/predator. ESPECIALLY considering the backstory we know now it's just. Sickening and I'm tired of it.
Like. Angel doesn't have boundaries a lot, he doesn't, but he never goes far with it. He hit on Husk, smooshed his face, but that was it. He never tried to grab ass or throw himself on him. It's just relentless flirting. He didn't even flirt with Alastor he was just being a smart ass- KASDJF
Like stop making Angel out to be the guy to grab ass someone or shove porn in Alastor's face or stick his dick in someone's mouth just for the lulz like PLEASE GOD IN HEAVEN I'M BEGGING--
Alright speaking of Alastor being a fucking bitch -- AKSJDF And as I said I've bitched this PLENTY but when will I stop? Never. <3
Fandom GOTTA stop playing this fucking 'feminist Alastor' charade with him because not only is it WRONG but it's SO fucking harmful. And also? As an abuse survivor and someone who has faced a lot of shit from esp men through her life? This just raises serious red flags and makes me physically ill.
Alastor is manipulative. Abusive. Gaslighting. A SERIAL KILLER.
Just because he was 'gentlemanly' to Charlie at some points doesn't mean shit. Don't forget him laughing in her fucking face and trying to trick her into making a deal with him and ALSO trying to isolate her one fucking beacon of support and sense of fucking voice of reason, Vaggie, from her. Speaking of, Remember how he sexually and physically assaulted her? Constantly berating her? He SAW her give ONE sliver of weakness and he fucking POUNCED ON IT like a hungry fucking animal.
Just because he is friends with Rosie and was nice to the ladies in CANNIBAL TOWN by saying fucking 'hello' and saving that lamb demon doesn't mean SHIT.
Alastor has a moral code, that's it. It wasn't because the lamb was femme coded it wasn't because he is a 'vigilante hero' or some shit. It doesn't change shit.
Like I can go on and honestly I'd say it's cause I don't think I have to, but obviously I do, but I won't because it's just exhausting and redundant. KASJDF
I never wanna hear the term 'elevated horror' ever again. AOSDKIFJ
LIKE WHO GIVES A SHIT I DONT WANT ALL MY HORROR TO BE SYMBOLIC AND 'ARTFUL' and also having such a high up fucking nose being like: heem heem this is beneath me kinda shit with horror like oh my god come on. OASKDJF
Like I'm so tired of the idea horror has to be like. metaphorical or artful or polished to hell and back to even be considered a good movie or anything worth of a viewing or even recognized as an art form.
like if you think you're too good to watch a NOES movie or a Saw movie because you only watch shit like 'Midsommar' and fcking 'Get Out' then I want nothing to do with you. KSDJF
Mind you also. I love these movies!
But jesus christ the fact the narrative of horror having to be NOTHING but this is so ... :|
I haven't seen a good slasher film come out in years.
The closest I can think is 'Hush' and while it was good it just. Doesn't hit the same like Halloween or Scream or NOES or something like I miss it.
And I'm tired of pretentious art assholes coming into this genre with their high horses. OASKDJ
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weaselbeaselpants · 4 years
Rewritten Alastor notes (TW: NSFL, Cannibalism, Vore, animal abuse)
This is unexpected I know, but I’m suffering from a major headache and I need something to do.
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Alastor the Radio Demon in my non-existent Hazbin repaint. Things he has in common with his canon self:
Human soul of a man who died in the 1930s. Was a cannibal in life.
Tried (and succeeded) to corrupt a bunch of lesser demons. 
Respected by the big-bads of Hell, like Valentino and Vox. Feared among them as well because he creeps even them out.
Deer + wendigo motif still very much still at play.
Still asexual, though I wouldn’t recommend putting him on any pride flags.
Gets along with Charlie and loves antagonizing Vaggie.
Treats Nifty and Husk as goons and/or pets.
His weird hair tufts emote along with him like ears. I don’t know if they are ears though. I think Viv has the right idea not confirming what the frack is up with his anatomy.
Can’t ever stop smiling. Ever. That aspect of Al’s design is something real special that I think Viv has the right idea implementing. A character who can not stop smiling makes for a lot of terrifying and hilarious reactions. Just look at Sans near eternal smile. 
Inexplicably likes pineapple pizza. Funny out-of-character gag.
Changes made to his character:
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I do not mind Hazbin being crass and vile and offensively-over the top as long as it has a good grasp on what the joke is (like Helluva Boss :>). My Hazbin thesis is that all of the characters are “demons” in as much as they’ve done bad things or were bad people, but are not maniacal or sadistic + there’s hope for some of them. THEN there’s Alastor who absolutely lives up to the demon-reputation and did genuinely evil things in life. Alastor’s the kind of person who absolutely should be purged but has escaped because those who are supposed to be for justice aren’t threatened by him.
He isn’t involved in voodoo or has any affluent Creole background. With all do respect that aspect feels just a little too lifted from Dr. Facilier. My Alastor’s background is American “mutt” with an Algonquian-native grandmother.
His sin in life - and in Hell itself - is Gluttony. Taking a page from the OG Wendigo mythos, which describes them more as pulsating, gorging Elderitch abominations, Al’s MO in the show is to consume everyone and everything there is. 
Alastor’s demonic powers are presented as a wave of high frequency radio static that messes with a demon’s psyche so much it physically hurts them. Al then scoops up his victim’s souls to power his microphone and everything that demon had in it’s possession beforehand crumbles or becomes his.
Angel is afraid of him. Unlike in the canon cartoon, Angel is the one who recognizes Alastor and knows he’s dangerous, not Vaggie. Turns out, Angel had a run in with the Radio Demon sometime during the mid twentieth century (so when they were both pretty young in demon years). Angel tried to steal Al’s microphone but Al flung a nasty radio-frequency in Angel’s face, taking out one of his eyes. Angel was present during Al’s first attempt to take over Hell, so he immediately knows Al’s bad news and Alastor never misses the opportunity to mess with Angel in season 1.
Alastor is a shape-shifter. In what is probably the most grizzly detail about my take, he technically self-mutilates in order to re-imagine himself ala the Hellraiser Cenobites - which he does quite a bit to hide from Charlie’s parents.
Technically, Al is naked. What looks like a suit is actually his flesh. Look closely at you’ll see that he’s all stitched together like a crude taxidermy piece. Beneath his “skin” are his bones; which all look like mechanical radio parts and move independently of another. Sometimes Al tears them out if he thinks his “wiring needs to be reworked”, which is Al for ‘feeling an emotion’ and he doesn’t like that.
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The motif my Alastor is supposed to invoke is everything about him was “stolen” and crudely pieced back together: he collects and traps other demons inside his microphone; he eats by unhinging his mouth and swallows in one gulp. Alastor’s anatomy invokes a lot of vore imagery as well as Ero Guro. Despite being ace, there is a sexual (but not arousing) edge to his character, which leads to a lot or horror and humor.
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Alastor does not like that he was human. He’s even in denial of it and insists “I was always a demon. I simply had a nightmare that I was a man. Now I’m awake and the nightmare is long gone”.
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Alastor’s human name was Edward; he was a sad, pathetic little man whom everyone walked all over. Edward wanted to be a radio host but was denied that position cause he ‘couldn’t smile’. Edward was deeply disturbed and fixated on ingesting human meat (a condition called ‘wendigo psychosis’). Despite committing murder and then eating all his victim’s bodies, he can’t recall most of the process and was frightened by his behavior, knew what he was doing was wrong. BUT he never went about treating his addiction with meat; he’d have “cold periods” where he didn’t kill and thought he was ‘fixed’ only for his psychosis to resurface.
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Alastor’s demon self aims to be all the things that he wasn’t in life: happy, fulfilled, complete, confident, cheery, and satisfied. Al relishes in his self-made creepy image and no doubt took his demon name from a famous Alastair from his youth. 
Al’s character arc throughout the ‘show’ (there is no show, why am I treating this like genuine pitch bible blah) goes as follows:
For the first season leading up the the finale and beginning of season 2, Al pretends to be Charlie’s friend until he backstabs her and takes over her hotel to harvest the ‘redeemed’ souls so he can restart his broadcasting-takeover that was just barely stopped years before. Charlie, Vaggie, and Angel intercept him however and destroy his microphone - which holds all the souls - causing him to loose his power. Charlie personality terminates his physical form leaving only his ‘heart’, which Lucifer makes Charlie eat so that Alastor will forever be under her control. The downside to this is Al’s soul+heart+person exists within Charlie now, and he of course speaks to her within her mind, trying to discourage, belittle, threaten or taunt her plans and feelings throughout the second season. Season 3′s opening would be about the main cast trying to get Vaggie out of Heaven once they learn it’s as corrupted as Hell. Charlie needs Al’s expertise, so she vomits him up. Al agrees to help her but is obviously not happy and vows to get his freedom back. In the second half of season 3, the main characters have to lay low while the angels partake in spiritual warfare against Lucifer. So Charlie and co. escape to the human world disguised as humans. Though an agreement, Alastor comes along and aquires a foreclosed motel for the demon’s to live (he intends to trap mortal souls while he’s there, though Charlie intercepts this too). 
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Angel and co. end up discovering Al’s human identity (something he tried to cover up any evidence of having in Hell) and invite his now elderly human daughter to the motel. It works too well however, and the fright of seeing his daughter again triggers an all out anxiety attack in Alastor causing him to merge with the motel. Charlie has to traverse his insides to try and get to his crumbling psyche which would be very Akira-inspired.
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Meanwhile, inside Alastor’s mind we see his demon form finally baring a frown and freaking out as the pathological spirits of his victims sing to him in a radio booth about the life he’d chosen and the lives he took away from them. (Yes, this is absolutely taken from Bojack Horseman)
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Once Charlie cuts to his core+Al faces the fact that there never was another demon responsible for his actions, it was always just him, Al relinquishes his hold on that motel and his physical form become that of a baby deer, whom Charlie nicknames ‘Deerlastor’. Deerlastor doesn’t appear to have any of Al’s powers, memories, or personality but Angel and the other demon’s Al’s abused insist on killing it, sure that this is just another one of Al’s weird forms. Because of Alastor’s absence, it takes a lot longer and harder for the main cast to get back to hell and help Charlie’s dad’s stop the (previously human) angels who want to wipe purge ALL of hell.
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To take out the main ‘enlightened’ angel that’s in the middle of trying to purge ALL of Hell, the demon’s need a power of their own. Deerlastor agrees to sacrifice its body and because of that, Alastor pops out from the deer’s body and head on collides w. the big bad angel-villain, eliminating both their souls. Alastor gets no proper redemption arc kids, he just gets to be the one to take out the main villain.
Edward/Alastor’s daughter’s name was Lavinia and she was the closest thing to genuine ‘love’ he had in his life and the only person who obviously looked up rather than ignore or abuse Edward. When Ed was arrested and confessed to his crimes, his daughter wasn’t allowed to see him and the knowledge that her father was a cannibalistic serial killer haunted Lavinia all her life.
His crimes were not sexual. This is NOT AN EXCUSE for what he did though because - 
- two of his victims were children. Yep. 
Unlike the rest of the filth-spewing demons, Al doesn’t appreciate racism or sexism. He thinks himself a feminist for his day...despite also having killed women and children. Keep in mind he’s also from the 30s, so he’s as “progressive” as people could be for back then, AND he believes that his partial native ancestry means it’s okay to call himself a ‘wendigo’.
In reference to an oooooooooooold ref sheet Viv made for Alastor back in the day, Deerlastor gets shot in the head and dismembered a lot but always gets up like nothing’s wrong.
Alastor does not like electroswing. He likes jazz, doowop, twist, show jingles, and lots of American Folk ballads. You know, the stuff they’d jam the radio’s with back in the 30s.
Big influences on my Alastor are They Shoot Horses Don’t They?, American Murder Song, My Friend Dahmer (a graphic novel), Llamas with Hats and Haunted by Chuck Palahniuk. 
(Ima thinking of renaming my Hazbin gang to better distinguish them between the canon. Alastor’s the only one who won’t be renamed though, just probably spelled a different way. (Alystar, Alaster, Alastar))
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Tuesday’s Treats is a weekly blog post dedicated to newly released books that I’m most excited for. (Books are in no particular order.)
All books featured this week will be released: SEPT 5th (Part 2)
1. Girls Made of Snow and Glass: Melissa Bashardoust (goodreads) (book depository)
Mina’s heart has never beat because her magician father cut it out and replaced it with glass, but she thought her non-beating heart was normal. When she moves to Whitespring Castle, Mina concocts a plan to win the heart of the king (and learn about love herself). But, ignorer to do that, she must become a stepmother too. Lynet, on the other hand, looks exactly like her deceased mother (a magician created her out of snow in her mother’s image), and she lives with that shadow every day. She wishes that she could be as strong as her stepmother, and she gets her stepmother starts seeing her as an enemy once Lynet is named queen of the southern territories. Now, Lynet must decide if she should succumb to the only mother she’s ever known, or stand up to her once and for all.
Following the intertwining stories of fifteen year-old Lynet and her stepmother, Mina, Girls Made of Snow and Glass is a story about two women destined to become rivals from the beginning, unless they can figure out a way to change the narrative.
Honestly, this book had me at feminist Snow White and that was good enough for me.
YA Fantasy, Fairy/Folktale Retelling; Hardcover (US)
2. They Both Die at the End: Adam Silvera (goodreads) (book depository)
On September 5th, both Mateo and Rufus learn that they’re going to die today. Determined to make the most of their End Day, both boys set out to make a new friend to spend their last hours with, and turn their worst day into their best day.
After reading both More Happy Than Not and History is All You Left Me last year, Adam Silvera has easily slid onto my auto-buy author list, and They Both Die at the End just sounds incredible. I cannot wait.
YA Contemporary Fiction, LGBTQIA+; HarperTeen/HarperCollins, Hardcover (US)
3. Tower of Dawn (Throne of Glass: 6): Sarah J. Maas (goodreads) (book depository)
To be quite honest, I’m not as excited for Tower of Dawn after reading Empire of Storms as I was for other Maas books. But I’m still going to read it because I’m deeply invested in this series at this point, and I do love Chaol. Fingers crossed.
YA Fantasy; Bloomsbury, Hardcover (US)
4. Genuine Fraud: E. Lockhart (goodreads) (book depository)
Because of the nature of this book, I know really next to nothing about it. All I know is that Genuine Fraud follows Imogen as she continuously reinvents herself in order to lead a charmed life.
I’ve heard mixed things about this book, but I did like Lockhart’s We Were Liars, so I’m going to give it a try with an open mind. If mysteries are your thing, though, I certainly would suggest checking it out.
YA Mystery; Delacorte Press/Random House, Hardcover (US)
5. The Dreadful Tale of Prosper Redding (The Dreadful Tale of Prosper Redding: 1): Alexandra Bracken (goodreads) (book depository)
When it comes to family, Prosperity “Prosper” Redding has chosen the short straw. His great-great-great-however-many-grandfather made a deal with a demon to bring success to his family, and then broke the contract. Now, stuck with the repercussions, Prosper is now the host to a vengeful demon named Alastor, who is hellbent on destroying Prosper’s family. With the help of his estranged uncle and cousin, the three try to figure out a way to expel Alastor from Prosper before it’s too late. But little do they know that Alastor’s control over Prosper’s body grows more with every day, and there’s a lot about the demon world that Alastor isn’t telling them.
Middle Grade Fantasy; Disney-Hyperion, Hardcover (US)
6. Godsgrave (Nevernight Chronicles: 2): Jay Kristoff (goodreads) (book depository)
Okay, so I still haven’t read Nevernight (I know, shame on me), but I’m still ridiculously excited for it’s sequel Godsgrave. Stories following assassin’s are always so interesting, and I have no doubt Jay Kristoff’s Mia Corvere is a brilliant one. I can’t wait to binge read these two books and wait impatiently for the third.
Fantasy; Thomas Dunne Books/Macmillan, Hardcover (US)
7. Feral Youth: Shaun David Hutchinson (goodreads) (book depository)
One of my book weaknesses is obscure classic retellings, so as soon as I read that Feral Youth is inspired by The Canterbury Tales, I was hooked. Told by ten different authors, Feral Youth follows a group of teens enrolled in Zeppelin Bend, an education program meant to turn troubled teens’ lives around, after they’re dropped eighteen miles away from camp in the middle of the woods. Compelled to tell their stories with the promise of cash, each teen tells a story or two that, no matter how it’s told, reveals a bit about the storyteller.
This book just sounds so interesting and unique, Feral Youth is certainly one to keep an eye out for.
YA Short Story Anthology, Retelling; Simon Pulse/Simon & Schuster, Hardcover (US)
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