#Al/lan’s not one to tear up on the fly
artzybumpkin · 3 months
Ngl I feel like a/llan would bring up Dr. monster again but for his ultrasound 😭
Dr Monster would for SURE be his go to OB! Like to think they're a jack of all trades, including general health care and parental resources (possibly even dentistry, who knows >.>) so it's a one stop shop basically🤣
Also, as he'd be way too curious (*cough*IMPATIENT*cough*) to wait, the gender reveal appointment would be booked ASAP!
And this just in....
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Turns out it's a girl💖🎉
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pakchoys · 4 years
on that note, do you have any edling fic recs? 👀
this would be a lot easier if i bookmarked all the fics i read. huh
i haven’t actively read any since the days when i consumed edling at a horrifying rate to ease the suffering of being fifteen. obviously there are the ones i wrote as noodlebunny on ao3, but those are a dumpster fire, good god
the ones i saved are probably ones you’ve read if you’ve spent any time on the edling tag at all, soooo……… can i interest you in some meagre edling dug up from my old fma files? it’s a modern au where ed adopts nina, alternatively titled Ed Fights A Twelve Year Old Then Meets His Future Boyfriend
Words: 1.6k
TW for implied child abuse
Edward watches Nina from a bench at the edge of the play park. He shifts his grip on his paper cup while Nina moves from the slide to the monkey bars. There was a time where he would have been up there with her, arms raised and ready if she fell; now that Nina’s seven years old, however, she’s a self-proclaimed big girl who can tackle the monkey bars herself. It’s good, seeing her so independent.
If only Ed’s heart wouldn’t plummet into his stomach every time she so much as slips.
It can’t be helped. Al calls him an over protective mother hen; Ed calls himself sensible, thank you kindly.
Nina clears the monkey bars without a hitch. From the top of the unholy metal playpark structure of death, she gives Ed a winning smile and a wave, sending her two braids flying. Ed waves back, adding a thumbs up for good measure.
His phone pings. Ed fishes it out of his jacket.
Al’s texted, Want to see the cat I saw on campus today??? followed by a string of cat emojis dispersed with hearts.
not really, Ed replies, a smile tugging at him because he knows Al knows he’s lying.
Oops, too late, Al says. The cat’s cute, sort of. Ed doesn’t really get the beasts, but Al’s crazy for them and so is Nina, which means it’s such a damn nightmare when Al encourages her.
demon gremlin creature, Ed sends.
He’s so preoccupied with watching the dots as Al types that he doesn’t hear Nina until she’s crying.
His phone is left abandoned on the bench as he sprints towards her, and oh god, she’s on the ground—what if something’s broken? What if she hit her head, what if—what if she’s hurt bad just because Ed couldn’t keep an eye on her, not for five damn minutes—what if they take her away—
Not until he’s stopping next to her does Ed realise that there’s another girl there too. She’s already helping Nina sit up, her crying has already beginning to taper into little sniffles.
“Nina,” Ed says gently, “Are you okay? Where does it hurt?”
“‘M fine, big brother.” She looks up at him through her tears, as stoic as a seven year old in yellow dungarees can be. Too brave, too willing to hide her pain. “I fell off the climbing wall. It’s just a scrape.”
He gingerly checks her knee over and, yeah, it’s just a sluggishly bleeding cut but there’s sure to be bruising. The plasters and disinfectant are all back at the apartment.
“Oh, here, I can help!”
In what Alphonse fondly dubs as Big Brother Panic, Ed had completely forgotten the girl who helped Nina up. She looks maybe a few years older than Nina, but she’s short and her black hair is in two massive buns so it’s hard to tell. Rifling through her pink backpack, she pulls out a box of plasters and antiseptic salve.
“You just carry that around with you?” Ed asks flatly.
The little girl, previously so sweet to Nina, shoots him a cold glare. “What’s it to you, shortie?”
“Wh—Hey! You’re like, ten! Shortie! Shortie?! I’m a damn giant next to you!”
“Yeah, next to me.” She rolls her eyes. “Not saying much, is it? And I’m twelve, so watch it, or I’ll cut you down another inch.”
Ed’s in half a mind to pick Nina up and nope the fuck out of here. ‘Roasted by a twelve year old’ wasn’t on his schedule. He does the roasting, dammit.
“Big brother, calm down,” says Nina. “You’re being silly.”
Oh, Ed woes the day this doe-eyed girl wrapped him around her little finger.
“Right. Sorry, kiddo.”
“Anyway, I’m Mei,” says the demon in the body of a girl with a pink backpack. “I’m gonna be a doctor someday, so I can help you out.”
“I’m Nina! This is my big brother, Edward. He’s grumpy right now but he’s really the best.”
“Hm.” Mei narrows her eyes at him. “We’ll see.”
He will not stick his tongue out at a child. He will not stick his tongue out at a child.
To her credit, Mei is efficient and gentle about dressing Nina’s cut. She’s got excellent bedside manner too, and by the end of it Nina’s tears are all gone and she’s warmed to Mei like a new best friend. Not all kids are good with younger kids, and Ed’s silently impressed.
“Are you out here alone?” Ed asks as he helps Nina up. Not that Central in the middle of the day is especially dangerous.
“Naw, I’m with my brother. He went to get us ice cream, and then I saw Nina fall down, so I came over to help.”
“Nice of you.”
“Yeah, I’m a nice person.” Mei shrugs her backpack on. “We can’t all be, I suppose.”
“Hey kid, is that supposed to mean something—“
“Big brother Ed, can we get ice cream?” Nina clings very suddenly to Ed’s automail arm, tugging enthusiastically. She’s always been casual about his prosthetics. It’s nice to have someone who doesn’t give it a second glance, even if that someone is a tiny child begging for more sweets.
“I guess so,” ponders Ed, pretending to debate it. “You have been pretty brave today. And it’s hot out. But try be more careful playing next time, okay?”
“‘Kay! Ice cream?”
“Yay! You’re the best, big brother!”
Ed can’t help but notice Mei watching them strangely. He’s sure they must look strange and not related at all, what with Ed’s Xerxian complexion. Whatever.
“In that case, come meet my brother,” Mei says. “He’s probably waiting for me at the ice cream place. Havoc’s, you know the one?”
“We went there for my birthday!” Nina’s bouncing now. Ed’s whole arm shakes.
“Well, come on then. I have a feeling my bro’s gonna like you.” Mei looks at him funny as she says it. Ed does not like this child.
It’s busy out on such a sunny day. Ed gets a few stares at his arm, and he almost, almost regrets going out in a t-shirt. Then Nina holds his hand tighter, beaming up at him, and he breathes easier.
Now if only he could bring himself to wear shorts too.
“There he is,” says Mei as the ice cream place comes into view. “Ah, jeez, he’s shirtless again.”
“Wait, what?” says Ed.
Mei ignores him in favour of stalking up to a guy about Ed’s age, nineteen or maybe older, who is indeed entirely shirtless. Ed looks furiously away.
“Hey, you dolt!” Mei near-shouts, drawing looks from bystanders. “Put your shirt on in public! You’re so embarrassing, Ling, I can’t believe we’re related.”
“Aw, is my baby sister embarrassed?” Ling chuckles and ruffles her hair, wincing as his hand is slapped away. “It’s hot. I’m just airing out!”
“It’s public indecency, if you’re looking to get arrested again. Where’s our ice cream?”
“Oh, that. It’s a funny story, you know…”
“You ate it?! Again?”
“Buy me another!”
“I would, I would! But that was the last change I had…”
“Ugh! Next time I’m going with Lan Fan and you can’t come.”
“Hey, hey, it’s not my fault you took so long! Chill!”
“I was helping out a girl with a cut knee, so don’t give me that crap.”
Ling seems to notice them, then. He pushes his floppy black hair away and gives Ed a winning grin, sticking his hand out to shake. Ed cringes; he’s gonna have to use his automail hand, and that makes people act so annoyingly awkward.
Ling just grips his hand without missing a beat, shaking firmly.
“I’m Ling!”
“… Ed. This is Nina.”
“Hiya, Nina!” Ling bends down slightly to wave. “Wow, I love your braids. Stylish.”
“Thanks!” Nina chirps, encouraged out of her shell by Ling’s friendliness. She’s not what Ed would call a shy child, but there was a period where she was so withdrawn Ed worried she’d never recover from what her bastard of a father did to her.
Tried to do.
“Your sister’s right,” says Ed to Ling. “You should put a shirt on.”
Way to make friends, idiot. So friendly and approachable.
Ling stares; Mei snorts. Ed contemplates his own terrible, off putting personality.
Then Ling waggles his eyebrows and says, “What, don’t like what you see?”
“Wh— Hey—!” He’s spluttering and bright red and say something! “No, it’s terrible! I hate it! Put a damn shirt on!”
Not that!
He doesn’t dare look Ling in the eyes as he briskly scoops Nina up, much to her indignation, and escapes into the ice cream parlour. He just knows the shirtless idiot is watching him.
“Big brother, can we see them again? They’re so cool!”
“No, they’re not, Nina. They’re the worst and we hate them. Pick a flavour.”
“But what about Mei? She doesn’t get any ice cream!”
“Too bad.”
Oh, no. He’s done it now. Nina’s eyes begin to water and Ed’s heart clenches, already knowing he’s done for.
“Hey, kiddo, I’m sorry.”
“If Mei doesn’t get any, I won’t have any. ‘S not fair if I’m the only one…”
Ed closes his eyes. His counts to three. He faces the facts.
“If that’s the case…”
Later, when they all have ice cream out of Ed’s pocket and stupid Ling is wearing a stupid shirt, Ed adamantly pretends not to hear Mei lean over and say,
“See, I told you my brother would like you.”
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gumnut-logic · 4 years
When the World Goes Boom (Part 7A)
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I’ve written the first part of Part Seven and decided to share it as it is a decent size and there was a lot of screaming after the last chapter. So here be some more. I’m sorry.
Spoilers & Warnings: Spoilers for season three, angst, hurt/comfort, brothers and family, possible tissue warning, cos I need one, 1063 words
Many thanks to @scribbles97​​​ and @i-am-chidorixblossom​​​ for putting up with my crazy and reading this at random moments.
Part One | Part Two | Part Three | Part Four | Part Five | Part Six | Part 7A
I hope you enjoy it ::hugs::
One moment he was easing himself into the warm blanket of the nerve depressant. The next his nurse was attacking his brother.
His brain was slow, dulled by the medication. It took longer than it should have to connect dots. Virgil was thrown away from the bed, hitting the wall with a skull cracking thud.
His nurse muttered something and reloaded a syringe.
Alan doubted it contained anything good for him.
“Two Tracys instead of one, can’t hurt, s’pose.”
“Al-lan, r-run!” Virgil’s voice was broken and stumbling, but Alan was already moving.
Attempting to move.
Mostly numb but still able to move…just.
He pushed himself towards the opposite side of the bed.
Everything was slow…too slow.
The nurse reached for him and two hundred pounds of pissed off Tracy stumbled past the bed and took the man down. The surgical cart went flying with a clatter of tools and the metal trays.
“Goddamnit! What does it take to shut you up?!”
Alan took the opportunity to fall off his bed.
He hit the floor with a mix of numb and echoing pain. His breath was harsh in his ears as he desperately tried to focus. His body promised some serious ouch later.
His torn out IV dangled on the side of the bed, a single drip of blood staining the white bedsheets.
A snap of metal against bone and across the room the nurse loomed over a half prone Virgil, surgical tray in one hand. A red welt was forming on his brother’s scrunched up face.
The nurse tried to pull away, but Virgil had his upper arm in his fist.
And Virgil’s grip was like a steel trap.
Alan knew that from experience.
Get help!
His hand automatically went for his comms and Thunderbird Five.
He wasn’t wearing his comms.
His response to that was violent.
Across the room, the nurse grabbed a scalpel off the floor and slashed at his brother’s arm, attempting to get free.
Virgil didn’t let go, but the sound he made…Alan screamed at the top of his lungs.
“Brie! Security! HELP!”
His body shook with the effort, but it gave him the result he needed.
Brie burst into the room followed by Jeremy.
And Joe stabbed his brother.
Both security officers converged on the struggling nurse who still hadn’t managed to get free from Virgil’s grip.
Virgil was limp on the floor, his body at an angle against the wall.
So much blood.
And Alan couldn’t reach him. “Virgil!”
No response. Jeremy was yelling into comms.
Virgil still hadn’t let go of his attacker. The guy was struggling against the large security officer, who had wrenched the man’s free arm around his back.
Brie ended the situation by subduing him with a fist to the face. Jeremy pried Virgil’s hand from the man’s arm and he was forcibly and thoroughly restrained.
Like steps in a play, Kayo then tore into the room. Her eyes caught Alan’s under his bed before bouncing to Virgil.
A quick hand signal and Brie was directed in Alan’s direction.
Brie’s approach blocked his view of his big brother as Kayo converged on the fallen man. Alan attempted to move, but his body was having none of it.
“Alan, are you injured?”
He looked up into Brie’s kind eyes and shook his head. “Virgil?” His voice broke and he realised he had tears on his face.
Brie didn’t answer him. “We need to get you back on your bed so the doctors can check you over.” And there were doctors and nurses in the room.
He suddenly realised Jeremy was counting out loud.
He knew that pace. He knew that beat.
His hands were slow to respond, but he forced one to try and move Brie out of the way.
But another nurse appeared. Kelly. Her name was Kelly and Kayo had personally vetted her.
But Kayo had vetted Joe as well. Joe who was going to play video games with him later tonight.
“Take a deep breath for me, Mr Tracy.”
Alan turned to the Kelly nurse, but his brain jammed. A single slow blink.
“The doctors are with him, Alan.” It was Brie who answered. “Let’s get you on the bed.”
There were hands and they were lifting him. He rose above the bed and finally he could see his big brother on the other side of the room.
Virgil lay pale, blood spattered and flat on his back. Jeremy was doing regular compressions on his chest, numbers falling from his lips as one of the nurses provided manual respiration with a bag.
A hover gurney was rushed into the room. People moved and surrounded his brother blocking him from sight again.
Kayo stepped out of the crowd and took charge of the person responsible for her brother’s injuries. The man she dragged off the floor, still covered in their brother’s blood was not Joe.
Alan blinked moisture from his eyes. Brie and the nurse were still fussing around him, but he ignored them.
The numbers on Jeremy’s breath hurt.
But there was something about not-Joe. “Kayo, can you bring him over here?” Alan was surprised at the sound of his own voice.
Green eyes snapped to him. “Alan, I want you secured immediately. Back to the room with Scott until I can arrange safer accommodation.”
“Kayo, I know him.” His bed began to move and Alan fumbled at Brie’s arm. “Brie, I know him!”
The bed stopped.
The numbers did not.
Kayo frowned and raised the man so Alan could see his face.
He knew him. But he didn’t. His brain teased. “Disguise?”
Kayo poked the man’s clothing. “Holonet. Alan-“
“He was there.” The words came unbidden. “He was at the reclamation plant. I saw him carrying a case of radioactive materials.” The image fuzzed in and out of his mind, thwarted by the explosion that had rendered him unconscious, but the more he stared at the man…put a helmet on him… “He was there before the explosion.”
Kayo frowned at her prisoner.
The whole room shuddered as a bolt of electricity hit flesh.
Alan gasped in a sob.
Kayo’s face was stone, but she reached out and touched his leg before directing Brie to take him from the room.
The last Alan heard before he was whisked away was Jeremy swearing.
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