#Akashic Tower
teecupangel · 4 months
I don’t know if I sent this ask before but… what if Desmond let the world burn? As a treat? Hehehe! I’m just getting major Dune vibes from this idea.
I know I have a few ideas here where Desmond let the world burn but I cannot find it for the life of me (except this catboy Desmond worship idea XD) so have this
The end of the world was not instant.
It was a slow, agonizing death.
The heat of the solar flare reached them first.
Something was in that heat that served similar to an EMP, taking down every electronic devices that were hit by it.
… life support systems.
Then, the actual flare enveloped the world, burning everything it touched.
Some buildings survived.
Their occupants… rarely did.
While the flare didn’t hit them, the buildings grew too hot for them.
Those who died were the lucky ones.
Those who survived…
They were given the cruel choice.
To do everything that they must to survive.
That was when he appeared.
Clad in pristine white that was clear in this barren desolated world.
He accepted all to his paradise.
He calls it Davenport.
The people call it ‘Eden’.
He was as kind as he was merciless.
Abide by the rules or you shall be removed from paradise.
Only in paradise did flora flourish and fauna roamed.
The sky always held an aurora of gold and white, no matter the weather.
At first, they saw him as a mortal who had been given a boon by some kind of divine entity.
Later, they saw him as their god.
His name was Desmond Miles.
Now, it was simply Desmond.
For gods need not a last name.
“Do you regret it?”
He was the first of many.
The people call them his disciples.
He saw them as ghosts coming to haunt him for the choice he had made.
For his hubris of thinking he could change the future Juno showed him if he let the world burn.
Juno… the devil who tempts humanity to the hell.
Or so these supposedly scriptures say.
She was long gone. Destroyed together with the Grand Temple.
By Desmond’s orders.
It was necessary.
She was able to connect with electronics even though she should be imprisoned.
Before Desmond could start rebuilding their technological advancement, all the old ones must be destroyed.
Including any Isu devices remaining.
Until all that was left was him.
And the golden circuitry running through his veins.
Cursed with the database the Isus called the Akashic records.
And Desmond…
“I don’t.”
Desmond looked at the expanse of the city of Davenport.
New Eden, they call it behind his back.
Born from the ashes of Davenport homestead.
His own lounging, a tower with a manor on the roof, founded where the old Davenport manor used to be.
A manor that houses his most faithful… the ones they call his disciples.
And one ‘heretic’.
His first disciple.
The one who did not see him as a god.
The one he had confessed everything to.
“Maybe my death would have given humanity a better future.” Desmond admitted as he relaxed on his chair, listening to the songbirds that frolicked the small garden in front of his manor, cared for by his third disciple.
“But if I did, all of you wouldn’t have been reborn.” Desmond said with a soft smile.
“This is the only life I ever known.” He reminded him like so many times before already.
Desmond’s smile grew into a grin as he said, “And do you like your life, Altaïr?”
The young man no older than twenty five with golden eyes stared at him for a moment before he turned to look at the sprawling city underneath them.
“Yes.” He answered, “I’m sure all the other disciples would have the same answer if you ask them.”
Desmond closed his eyes as he said…
“Then that’s all that matters.”
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energy Catherine Middleton 10 December
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oracle of energies:
Currently Catherine is surrounded by her close family. She wants to heal from certain emotional wounds. She is aware of certain avenues of reflection against MEGHAN and Harry from a king of denarius (Charles or William)
She's thinking of going on vacation away from problems (I won't be surprised if she goes away in the sun)
She is aware that people are trying to attack her social status because she is associated with abundance.
Akashic tarot: There is an end to the karmic journey in terms of health for Catherine. interesting William and Catherine feel trapped, I explain I feel that they especially want William to fight with Harry but he can't (not the way he wants) Sometimes Catherine, dreams of knowing if she had not chosen this royal path would she be happy too? She relies heavily on her family to help her get through it all. She is very tired of these attacks, she never knows when all this will end == anxiety She recharges her batteries through her own spirituality (I had already made the remark in my readings) she is very focused on these losses, on these doubts, these fears and her attacks.
Surprising that the cards of dead spirits come to speak of his alliance with the universe. His guides remind him to focus on the positive but also on his royal destiny. I don't know who she evokes but she evokes a dead person to guide her. She tries to concentrate on her work. We're still talking about travel.
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there are very intrusive thoughts, there is a decision to take some rest. To see more clearly in your mental health. There is a king of swords who fights against a woman of swords (william or charles) someone has made the decision to create financial and emotional losses. interesting Catherine comes in Empress major arcana.. she is in a juggler's energy = finding solutions, answers, hoping to obtain results linked to the 10 denier = heritage of the royal family. With the King of Fortune card, there is a yes for a stagnant situation. this situation is resolved. She will take care of herself.
start of the year 2024 for catherine. watch out for mental problems for Catherine. she will accept help from someone, she is in her throne as empress. We have the world map, a new cycle with this new year!!! She hopes that things will go well for the year 2024. There is a dynamic between her and a king of denarius (william or catherine) I see announcements or decisions made that are very upsetting because I have the tower then the judgment card then we talk about emotional loss, failure, financial loss we talk about isolation.
This part is not very clear
@is-mayo-an-instrument @houseofbrat @ladykinrannoch
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kaylinalexanderbooks · 3 months
Find the word
Thanks @melpomene-grey here, @drchenquill here, and @awritingcaitlin here!
My words: water, tower, broken, history, light, need, pressure, time, crack, creak, crunch, crave, click
Your words: air, space, line, write
Tagging @diabolical-blue @space-writes @sarahlizziewrites @sarandipitywrites @tabswrites
TSP intro
TSP tag list (ask to be +/-): @thepeculiarbird @illarian-rambling @televisionjester @finchwrites
@nebula--nix @literarynecromancy @honeybewrites
SOTL intro
SOTL tag list (ask to be +/-): @illarian-rambling @katwritesshit @wyked-ao3
Keep reading for:
The wonderful smell of car exhaust
Ash arrives in Alium
Robbie wakes up
Infodump on chronokinesis
Parker just asked Wade to punch him (he did)
Robbie just had a random thought
Ash is trapped in fantastical plants
Lexi isn't here and Maddie is worried
Liam and Sam do an arm wrestling match
Akash is a tad depressed
Lexi looks for Ash
Jack is tired
Robbie punches Jason
Water - from The Secret Portal Part One (Lexi POV)
“What can I say? I’m observant,” I said as the exhaust from the buses caused my eyes to water. “Ugh, I’ve never been picked up over here before. Why can’t your stepmom pick us up in the parent pick-up?”
Tower(ing) - from The Secret Portal Part One (Ash POV)
I groaned and blinked until my eyes focused. The blur of colors became a bunch of colorful trees towering above me. I pushed myself up to a seated position, groaning, and looked around—I’d never seen trees this color before and wondered if I should be taking notes.
Broken - from The Secret Portal Part One (Akash POV)
A small groan came from behind Gwen as Robbie regained consciousness. His glasses were askew, but not broken. He held his head. “Wh— what the hell was that?”
History - from The Secret Portal Part One
Although chronokinetics were rare, they were the most powerful Alii. Sure there were dimensiokinesis and energy conversion, but there was not enough documented information on a chrono's powers. Not only because they were rare, but too dangerous to test. The best theorists speculated traveling to the future was impossible, as it would take the chrono out of the past, disrupting history’s natural flow. On the other hand, if a chrono could travel back into the past, they could theoretically cause a paradox that unraveled their plane of reality.
Light - from The Secret Portal Part One (Gwen POV)
“Finally,” he said as Wade leapt over the barricade and went to Parker’s side. “Yo, it’s been years and you finally give it your all.” “That wasn't my all,” Wade said, holding his palm over Parker’s face. A white light glowed around his hand. “I’ve tackled people much bigger than your string-bean self to the ground.” “Yeah, but they were wearing football gear.” “Stop talking,” Wade instructed. “You’re gonna mess up the healing.
Need - from The Secret Portal Part One (Robbie POV)
I tapped Akash’s desk and whispered, “We need to watch all the Winnie the Pooh movies.” “I’d love to know how your brain got to that topic. Though I agree.”
Pressure - from The Secret Portal Part One (Ash POV)
Panic built in my chest, almost tighter than the vines. I felt my eyes and sinuses heat up under the pressure—physical and otherwise.
Time - from The Secret Portal Part One (Maddie POV)
“Ash said her stepmom would be here,” said Rose, peeking around the corner to the tennis court, “but I don’t see her car.” “Well, maybe they had to stay after class,” Noelle said. “Or Mary’s stuck in traffic. This is nothing to worry about, Maddie. My mom’s late all the time.”
Crack - from The Secret Portal Part One (Gwen POV)
“Hold on, Robbie!” said a large girl, who strained until the diamond guy’s arm slammed into the table. I winced as I heard it crack under the force. “Haha! I win!” The diamond disappeared, and I realized he was an ordinary guy—about my age but a little taller than Robbie. Both stood and walked over to us.
Creak(ed) - from The Secret Portal Part Two (Robbie POV)
“Akash?” I said, tapping on the door quietly. No response came, so I creaked it open. Akash lay on the bed, but awake, staring up at the ceiling. I let myself in, closing the door behind me. I leaned against it, waiting in the silence until I could think of something to say that wasn't a generic apology or query as to whether or not he was “okay.” Neither of those seemed appropriate at the moment.
Crunch(ed)- from The Secret Portal Part One (Lexi POV)
I looked down to see if there were any imprints where she may have stepped. Most of the ground appeared untouched, but my eyes rested on a patch of flattened red ferns a few yards away. I ran toward them, then kept looking at the forest floor. The colorful leaves covering the ground appeared crunched, like someone had staggered through them shortly before I arrived. I followed the path they appeared to make.
Crave(ing) - from School of the Legends Year One
“Why don’t you get some rest?” Jill suggested. “I’m fine?” “Jack, you look exhausted. And cold.” “Well, I was playing with ice all day.” “Well, you look scarlet. Your cheeks and nose are all rosy.” Jack lifted his hand to his nose--she was right; it was cold. “Y’know, I’m not tired, although I am cold.” He stood. “I’m just craving my bed--this has nothing to do with you.”
Click(ing) - from The Secret Portal Part One (Robbie POV)
I stopped in my tracks and turned to my right. Jason Sturges stood down the hall, clicking his stupid sticks against the lockers. A rush of fury overtook me as I remembered this morning. I didn’t know what I was doing until I was right beside Jason, punching him in the face.
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mosscreektarot · 2 years
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Akashic Records Reading
This reading is an in-depth look at what the Akashic records want to bring forward for you at this time. This may contain indications of your soul’s purpose, your traits, past lives, and lessons you need to learn in this lifetime. Please be aware that this is a general reading, so take what resonates and leave the rest behind.  The groups are as follows: Group 1-Upper Left, Group 2- Upper Right, Group 3- Lower Left, Group 4-Lower Right.
Let’s begin!
Group 1
Queen of Cups, The Tower, 4 of Wands, Page of Swords, The Hanged Man  10 of Wands Rx, King of Pentacles, 8 of Cups Rx
You love water, specifically the ocean. Something about the sand between your toes reminds you of how infinite the Universe is. You are highly passionate but don’t know how to control that passion and may feel aimless or directionless. You are VERY introspective, to the point you sometimes can’t see the forest for the trees. You can be described as “brooding” or melancholy, especially at this point in your life. 
You are heavily guarded by “Angels” or light beings, and may sometimes feel like you are being watched because of this. You may have a connection to the Fae. 
There is either currently or close at hand a highly difficult and chaotic event in your life. You may feel that all is lost and have the desire to let darkness consume you. Black cats may be significant in your life or may appear as a warning in times of trouble. 
You may have difficulty keeping close relationships or finding long-term partners. You often come off as quite intense and it is your subconscious way of keeping people at a distance. This goes back into your childhood or past lives, and you may feel like you have never seen or experienced a relationship with a healthy foundation. 
You may be an air sign or an air rising sign. You are linguistically gifted and never fail to come up with a comeback or quip. It seems like you are always ready to fight for yourself and loath the idea of giving up or giving in. Full of ideas and logic, but very little experience planning or following through. 
This life you must learn how to find solace in solitude. Meditation is especially important to your growth as an individual and you have the potential to become enlightened should you pursue this path with discipline. 
You may have been a laborer or “work horse” in a past life and often have unexplained pain or soreness that makes you feel older than your years. You easily gain muscle and have a hard time relaxing. 
Material wealth is something you have lacked in this life or past lives and you have a deep seated insecurity when it comes to money, food, and finding stable living conditions. You HATE wasting anything and do your best to live minimally. You are very frugal and find ways to reduce, re-use, and recycle almost anything. 
Your challenge is “staying”. You will leave anything or anyone behind if you feel the slightest inclination. You find it hard to work on relationships or to continue a chosen path, whether that be career, spiritual, or emotional matter. 
Group 2
9 of Cups, 4 of Wands, 6 of Swords, The Empress, Knight of Cups Rx, The Magician, Knight of Swords Rx, The Tower
You are of the stars. Your past life was from a higher dimension and you have a natural easy grace and charm. You are well-suited to manifestation. Very small (usually timid) animals are attracted to you. 
You may have recently found your person, gotten married, or are VERY close to finding true love (or a life-long friend for those of you who are not romantically inclined ;) ! ). This spring, in particular, will be one of the most memorable and beautiful seasons of your life. There is currently someone in your life who needs help and attention–reach out to them. 
The next 6 weeks will have rough waters, and you will need to make sure you are protected. Your guides will help you navigate the uncertainty you face, and you may feel like your strength is gone. Keep your head held high and look to the future. There will be ease and flow once more. 
You are called to children…You may have a child of your own, or feel the need to help guide young ones in whatever ways you can. You are warm and protective, and your nature feels like springtime after a long winter to little ones. You would do well in healing arts, teaching, forest conservation, and have a knack for growing things. Venus may have a strong influence on your birthchart. 
Self-care is what you lack. You are so busy giving your time, energy, and affection to everyone around you that you forget to dote upon yourself. Simple acts of self love like rose-petal baths, self massage, or solving puzzles (seems very specific for some of you) will do wonders for you. 
Your challenge is self-control. You find it difficult to manage your base emotions or may have a blocked sacral chakra. There is a lot of guilt and shame regarding your physical form, sex, or your gender. You are very delicate and sensitive, and cope with the injustices of the world by doing injustice to yourself. You must connect with all elements in order to be balanced; it’s like you have the recipe for life but lack ingredients. 
Things will start to happen for you very quickly once you start advocating for yourself. Reach for your goals and watch them fly to you. 
A warning: The Tower was on the bottom of the deck for this group. Do not take on too much too fast, and say no! You are primed for burnout and it has made you reckless. Listen to your gut at all times. 
Group 3
Knight of Swords, 3 of Pentacles Rx, 2 of Swords, 7 of Wands, 2 of Pentacles Rx, The High Priestess Rx, Ace of Wands Rx, 5 of Pentacles
You’re an enigma. A desert storm. Dreamlike and full of mirrors. You are the culmination of your past, present, and future…full of boundless untamed energy with a clear focus. (Do you ever sleep??) 
It’s time to share your ideas. Stop ruminating about what others will say or think. You cannot act as though your intelligence is weak or ill-gained. Yes, you are mostly self taught but you know exactly what you are doing and have groundbreaking ideas/techniques. It’s time to take action and stop deliberating. You may feel at a standstill but it is because you haven’t made the choice to move on. There is no wrong way. 
Once you act, you will have an endless list of demands and clients/customers/prospects. Your life will become more hectic than ever and it’s important you learn to ground yourself now, in order to avoid hitting the wall. You need to learn to juggle tasks (focus on one thing for a time, then switch to another), as multi-tasking will cause you to mis-step. 
Your challenge in this life is trusting your intuition. You may often classify it as anxiety or run logical circles in your mind to prevent you from making a clear decision. Start focusing on the lunar cycle and how it can help you manifest/banish. Spend time in the moonlight. Amethyst may be a powerful crystal for you. 
You have so much fear your idea will fail, and this is keeping you from even trying. You cannot bring your dreams/manifestations to fruition if you don’t act! You think too much and it is only harming you. You may be bringing ill-will into your life because you ruminate and cannot just let things go or be as they are. If you catch yourself doing this, say to yourself “I release this idea”, and physically DO something else to change your focus. Realize it is only human to have this tendency/intrusive thoughts and that there is nothing wrong with you (barring extreme anxiety/OCD–if you have suspicions of those disorders please see a doctor--there isn't anything wrong with you either, but you may need some outside assistance :) ). 
You may currently be in need of something and have very little hope that someone will help you. Help is around the bend. Your full desires will come to fruition in 5 years or 5 seasons, but the worst will be over after Yule. 
Group 4 
6 of Swords, The World, 4 of Wands Rx, 3 of Wands Rx, 9 of Swords Rx, Ace of Cups Rx, 9 of Wands, 10 of Wands
You have been carried and guided in past lives or this life so much that you are not sure how to stand on your own two feet. You were VERY famous in a past life, and were a prominent historical figure. Marie Antoinette vibes... However, because of this constant pampering and being followed about by “yes men”, you cannot take criticism or be wholly independent. You need guidance, and that’s okay. 
That being said, you continually seek purpose from others, and it’s time you re-evaluate that habit. You need intrinsic motivation and a sense of self-worth before you can find true and lasting happiness in your interpersonal relationships. Worship yourself before you grant anyone access to your temple. 
You feel the need to travel or may be very “flighty”. Some may think of you as flakey or withdrawn. You are a strong leader but are out of practice. You may have been betrayed by those around you (Et tu, Brute?), which makes it difficult to see yourself in a position of leadership once more. 
It seems you have personal demons that haunt your dreams and make you feel like you were born unlucky. Cleanse your space (especially under your bed!) and protect it with cinnamon, herb sachets, or even something as simple as salt and see if that clears up some of this dark/heavy energy you have been feeling. 
Your challenge in this life is learning to fill your own cup. You cannot rely on compliments or gifts from other people to make you feel worthy. Make space in your schedule to pick up a hobby, read a book, journal, or take quiet walks. There is more to life than validation. 
You have been building a small empire of side projects and ideas and feel quite worn out by the work you’ve put in. They are slowly growing but you feel wary. Take the time to celebrate how far you’ve come and the milestones you’ve reached so far. There is still much work to be done, but your harvest will be bountiful! Make sure you take breaks when needed. 
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kaleihasmo · 4 months
Mu. Eternal and Unbinding…
Thinking about where I’m at lately… I think like. It’s a matter of “okay, everything up until this point has brought me to here, and here we are now with how I feel about all of it.”
So instead of adding on to and building onto a grid of old energy or old outlooks/perspectives/etc, toss out the old handbook.
Write a new one. Like being involved as long as I was with Zen and Mahayana, that changed my fundamental nervous system to where I could begin to consciously step out of survival mode, recognise it as such, and then move forward from the situation.
But now like. I also face the issue of unconditional love at self-expense. And I can’t solve that issue with the old book.
Just thinking. I’m catching myself more and more recently on certain thought patterns and negative Nancy inner voices that either drift through or are a constant negative motivator that could be relearned.
Lmao hold on. It just circles back to spiritual alchemy. Infinite philosophers stones. Cause like the philosophers stone is a culmination of the journey, which can be reflected upon and used for anything at any given point.
Could also just shelf it once you’re done with it.
I… okay I see. The magus then.
A tower is built to acquire one stone, a garden is created to harvest infinite fruits.
Another thing I’ve began entertaining the idea of is like. The deities and energies I’ve come to understand and work with, yeah I know ultimately it’s just different reflections of the same picture.
But entire process itself, how it’s changed and manifests over time, that is what’s got me so curious.
How such a rich personal story one can write just from observing?
That raises the question, what happens if one drops their Akash?
Heh. Hehehe. What happens? Mu.
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phoenix-flamed · 11 months
Laying in bed on mobile, so you guys get a weird headcanon thoughtdump while I puzzle this out.
Obviously, whether or not other muses know/recognize who Miles really is is still going to vary from muse to muse, same with whether or not he comes forward about who he is to individual muses and when he chooses to do it. This is just kind of like... a generally-speaking thing for my blog, I guess? So that I have a base idea for reference with my muse.
Keep in mind, I still haven't actually played the rest of XVI -- I left Barnabas on Read at the base of his tower, and haven't touched it since lol. So if there's any details from the game that answer or elaborate on any of my questions, please don't hesitate to let me know.
I was mulling over how much Miles would actually know about everything that's going on when it comes to the Mythos thing and Ultima. This is another subject that'll vary based on muses and interactions, but by default, I don't see how or why he would know much of anything about it, to be truthful. Even back when he was Archduke, and despite his ties to and contact with The Undying, he was unaware of the existence of Ifrit. Hell, because he himself had never stepped foot into the Apodytery at Phoenix Gate, he's never seen the mural of the Eikons, and if his father knew anything, he certainly never said anything about it to Elwin. (Though I have always headcanoned that his father was always slightly "off" or behaving "differently" after he'd emerge from communing with their ancestors in there...)
Elwin and Miles never had a reason to research into these matters the way that Joshua did, for example; if he doesn't know there's something deeper going on, why/how would he know to look into it? He vaguely recalls glimpses of Ifrit, particularly in his nightmares, but he has no idea or context for what that being is. He wasn't conscious or aware while Ifrit and Phoenix were fighting.
Which raises the question of, how would Miles get his information about what went on?
Finding out that it was Anabella that betrayed him would be easy enough. I tend to just headcanon that during the first bit of his time in Oriflamme, he was imprisoned until he not only regained consciousness, but had recovered just enough to be Branded and sold at auction as a Bearer. The Imperials who had taken him to Sanbreque knew who he was -- I just assume they probably taunted him with Anabella's betrayal and the deaths of both of his sons.
The rest is based on rumors from around Sanbreque, and things he learns at Hideaway and through missions once he becomes a Cursebreaker.
I do also tend to assume that Miles was liberated at some point before Clive and Jill reunite and meet Cid. How long before? Dunno, haven't figured that out yet. But I mention this because he has no idea that Clive and Jill are alive until the two show up at Hideaway. He also doesn't know that Joshua is alive until the aftermath of Twinside's destruction and Joshua's return with Clive and Jill to Hideaway.
When it comes to stepping forward about who he really is, as much as I want to think he would go ahead and do it once Anabella is gone from the picture, more and more I'm on the fence about it. Specifically when it comes to the boys and Jill... I get the feeling he'd be the most likely to open up to them when Clive, Joshua, and Dion are preparing to confront Ultima. It may very well be his last chance to tell his sons he loves them and has always been proud of them, and to give them a hug, after all. (And among the many valuable lessons Elwin has learned, one is the importance of leaving no words unspoken.)
What else... Oh, how much he knows about the Ultima situation. That depends on how transparent Clive is with the Cursebreakers. Considering the sky is purple, Twinside was obliterated and replaced by Origin, and pockets of aether are opening up across the realm and bringing the threat of Akashic with them, and in the case of the third in particular, the Cursebreakers are helping to combat the threat and protect civilians... They're going to need to know at least a good chunk of info.
Does he know the truth about Ultima and all of that background lore, at that point? No idea, I'm assuming not. But he does know the trio is heading off to fistfight a god, and that there is a fair chance they won't make it back. From a logical standpoint, it makes sense to me that the Cursebreakers would be informed about that, given that Clive is in charge of Hideout. They're going to need to be prepared in the event that Clive doesn't make it back, or worse, in the event that the three fail to kill Ultima.
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neonsunday · 2 months
In human eyes burned a magnificent and rainbow torment. Dragons, forgotten, spiraled in manform to the ground, akashic weapons fell silent without khi to hold them; trillions fell and wept, begging to be put to the sword. Upon a tower, haloed by the dawning sun, a citadel as unassailable as their deepest dreams, they broke. Its spires, like knives, cut away names and ghosts, and slew the gods within them.
Many mankinds offered up their sentience in desperate tribute, to live in searing fear and slavery; billions more died, their last pleading moments a machine-- their ultimate cries, a kingdom.
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lyricalchrysanthemum · 5 months
i havent posted here for a bit . hi
anyways i wanna sinnohpost for a bit i dont mention the fact that the sinnoh trio visit the akashic record in the hisui arc enough. but they do.
if u wanna know what it looks like think the tower from nier automata
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Final Fantasy 1 Overworld Theme in Final Fantasy 16 Represents a Character's Harmful Fantasy (Part 2)
(part 1 here; part 3 here)
As I said in my last post, the FF1 Overworld theme is in FF16's soundtrack. I've posted Part 1, where I discuss the first time it shows up (right before picking up Eikon set #5), and now here are my thoughts on its second appearance, not too long before we pick up Eikon set #6.
Here is the original FF1 music for reference:
Everything else is under the cut because -- once again -- LATE GAME SPOILERS!
(And warnings for some religion talk below for this one -- nothing Earth-based, but there are enough similarities with how a certain character acts that I'm sure it'll set some folks off.)
After listening through the FF16 soundtrack a couple times -- and finding a couple scenes on YouTube where this song plays -- I've noticed it really comes into prominence for 3 characters: Anabella, Barnabas, and Ultima. Their perspectives on life and what they dream of -- or fantasize, if you will -- are why I've chosen to title these posts this way, and I'll explain my reasoning as I work my way through each of them, in order as they appear.
Barnabas' Religious Fervor
Barnabas gets two instances of the FF1 theme. One is called "Mighty Acts of God," and the other is "Salvation." Fitting, considering his mindless, complete obedience to the utter monster that is Ultima.
The first of these two, "Mighty Acts of God," plays when Clive confronts Barnabas on the sea -- or, rather, on the sea floor, after Barnabas has cut the water in two and is trying to prove to Clive that his bonds with others is only going to slow him down. You could argue in this instance that Barnabas is literally an act of god, considering the man is nothing more than a puppet that reacts to Ultima's commands as his master pleases (and oh does that hit a few angsty spots in my brain. If anyone here followed me back when I was deep in Gravity Falls, you know why).
The other song, "Salvation," plays in the scene before Clive has his final fight with Barnabas at the top of the tower of Reverie. It's when Barnabas is waxing poetic about how Ultima plans to save them all, and that the only way for them to be saved is if they give up their free will to the monster. Barnabas has done so himself, leaving him nothing more than an akashic being that feeds on aether and is somehow still able to maintain a human appearance and personality. I called him an energy vampire when I saw him absorbing the dissolving akashic villagers right when Clive arrived at the tower, thinking that was why he was so casual about using his Eikonic abilities and summoning so many Sleipnir-egis. Half-right, that.
But these two versions of the FF1 overworld theme do give us some insight into Barnabas' character -- as much as Sever and The Riddle do, for his boss fight. His fantasy is a cult-like belief that all will be well if everyone believes in his "one true god" and fall into line acting like mindless pawns for Ultima to play with as he pleases. Unlike Anabella's song "Bloodlines," which comes off as desperate and tense as she scrambled to defend herself, "Mighty Acts of God" and "Salvation" are slower, calmer, more sure of themselves -- and more ominous as a result. Barnabas has been moving towards his goal for a long time, and he can afford to wait a little longer for Mythos to come to terms with what must be done.
The problem here from Barnabas' perspective is that humans like their free will, and they aren't going to give it up when a so-called god demands it of them. We value our connections with others, and put our faith in the people around us as much as they put their faith in us. Walking away from that to mindlessly serve a higher power is asking a lot of the people who Barnabas lives with -- severing friends from friends, family from family. And it's asking too much from Clive, who has so much to lose if he follows in Barnabas' wake.
(And I can see some similarities with modern religions on Earth, but I'm not going to bring them up here. What I've said about Barnabas likely has brought up more than enough bad memories for some folks.)
Barnabas' fantasy falls apart when Clive proves that not only can he fight as he is, connections intact, but also as the entire continent of Storm rebels against his mindset and beats back those who have fallen to the best of their ability. They don't plan to fall victim to his mindless mindset -- and neither do we. Barnabas cannot force others to follow in his footsteps, and those who do follow end up pushed past the point of no return, becoming akashic as a means to an end.
If the world is to recover from Origin, there will be an entire continent to repopulate, if the orcs don't take it over first.
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tsckcyomi-archived · 1 year
I've read someone's theory that Barnabas could have created Sleipnir using the soul/aether of someone he's killed before and absorbed their aether (which he seems to be doing with the akashic at the top of the tower in Ash. maybe. idk man), and that is why Sleipnir is the only egi that appears and acts so human. Or that due to his closeness with Ultima he received the power of creation, or some form of it, and was thus capable of giving form to an egi that could develop beyond egis like Chirada and Suparna.
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alastryona · 8 months
christ did barney turn his whole continent akashic save for like, a ship
why the hell does Odin get to be so powerful who souped this cunt up
a survivor!!!!! God this poor woman
hhhhhhhh I don't like joshua being separated in this dark hallway with no music it's creepy
ough creepy tower
oh damn that's proper shrine to ultima
he's a thrall too, isn't he. he's been high akashic this whole time.
barnabas slain.
oh maybe he wasn't akashic? just boosted up by ultima. oh shit no he was, Odin was the only thing holding him together.
christ things are getting bad out there
dion do not send your boyfriend off just to save him
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sapphyreopal5 · 1 year
Types of Seers
Hello, my name is Ellie. I'm a psychic (specifically a khala seer as discussed in this post what this means) whose methods of divination mainly involve a pendulum and printable ABC chart. The information I present in my posts that aren't readily available through physical means such as scholarly texts, books, etc. I obtain through divination in order to elaborate more on my personal observations, beliefs, experiences, etc. In this particular post, I will discuss different types of seers, how each type receives divine messages (and what kind of information each tends to receive).
Demonic Seers
The most common type of seer and therefore also the most frequently portrayed type. Demonic seers like Khala Seers I discuss later in this post receive divine messages via visions and dreams, "hearing" something in their minds, observing past and present recurring themes in someone's life to predict possible outcomes, etc. They tend to receive bits of information mainly pertaining to names, dates and times, and locations from the Akashic Records.
Examples of Demonic Seers in Popular Culture
Missouri Moseley in "Supernatural"
Pamela Barnes in "Supernatural"
Doris Zander in "Ouija"
Oda Mae in "Ghost"
Cole Sear in "The Sixth Sense"
Anne Stewart in "The Others"
Frankie Page in "Stigmata"
All "seers" receiving death visions in "The Final Destination" movies
The problem with receiving divine messages from demonic seers is they receive only tidbits of information regarding possible future events, people, etc. If a warning message is being delivered, the information the recipient receives will make sense often times when it is too late. A dear friend of mine received a message from a demonic seer years ago while driving for Uber. This woman told him she senses he is looking for his soulmate and that he's been feeling down from loneliness. She told him "So long as you keep the good ol' book in your backpocket, you'll be A-OKay".
A few years later, he starts speaking with a woman online via an online group on Facebook. This woman's first name indeed starts with the letter A and happens to live in Oklahoma. As he starts to speak with her more he learns she has a son named Enoch, which is a Biblical name found in the old testament. He starts to take a liking to her and her with him. Both of their parents were even in the Trucking industry.
Because of what he's been coming across with what the psychic told him in the car those years ago he believes this woman was speaking of this woman. Sounds like this is the soulmate that psychic spoke of and therefore all is well, right? Reality is, he missed many red flags (living with son's father but "we're not dating anymore", ex is verbally and physically abusive, admits she has tried to date others but knows she'll eventually run back to him "that's just how I am").
Eventually, he does fly out to meet her. My hopelessly romantic friend is hoping for them to meet up, she finds motivation to move out from her apartment, they start dating, etc. Things go alright when he's out there but she ended up blowing him off a couple times, due to things like "I can't find a baby sitter", "my son's dad is coming home early", etc. He at one point was also sending Christmas gifts to both her and her son, and her son even started to get excited every time she and my friend would videochat on Facebook messenger.
I gave him a tarot card reading with my Tarot Nova deck. He wanted it to be a love reading. Some of the cards that appeared in my 7 card spread include The Devil, The Tower, The Chariot, The Hermit, and X of Swords. It turns out The Chariot represents a dark Faye name Belial who is a member of The Council of Elders aka The Khala that some people know of, and also know is the top divine council. Coincidentally, Belial is spelt awful similar to the last name of this woman I was giving this reading about.
To summarize the meaning of this warning reading: "My name is Belial, Abbadon's brother and Lucifer's son. I am a member of The Khala that some people who know as The Council of Elders. The reason why he was not able to make pizza with this woman and left her apartment before she returned one night [he showed up and waited for a bit as she was running behind] is because her baby daddy was coming home early that night. It is me who told him to leave the bag of pizza supplies on the door knob and told him to leave NOW. The Devil lives inside those 4 walls. Her son gets possessed by a very hostile demon that sometimes makes him jump up and down while speaking in a strange voice. This woman's ex boyfriend is also a very evil man who is an incarnation of a demon named Magudua. If he returns to see this woman again, he will be murdered by being stabbed multiple times by this man she calls her ex. His body will be thrown down the concrete staircase in their apartment complex building with a concrete foundation. Your friend was meant to hear this demonic seer's message and fly out to meet this girl so he receives this reading and knows who his true friends are and why Ellie is The Prophet".
It also turns out they had an argument earlier this very day I gave my friend this reading where the woman ended up leaving her apartment during an argument with her said ex. He said to her "would you like me to follow you and give you your bag?" She told him "no, I'm afraid you'll push me down the stairs". He ended up throwing her suitcase down the stairs outside of their apartment while she was going down the steps. The images on my Tarot cards also proved to be confirmation for my friend that this reading was also pointing to that argument this woman had with her ex she told my friend about that he indeed should not return to see her again...
Faye Seers
Faye seers primarily receive information through their divine hearing. They often get a lot of "hunches" and "hear" things in their minds. This often results in them sometimes saying random things that might seem out of place but the recipient catches as it meaning something significant, so called keywords. This is also why they Faye seers hear something and suddenly come up with ideas or new understandings and come to new conclusions, even if the context of what they heard doesn't directly connect with what the other person was saying. They also tend to pick up on body language, tone of voice, facial expressions, etc. to know if someone is lying or telling the truth along with their "gut instinct".
Examples of Faye Seers in Popular Culture
Legolas in "The Lord of the Rings" movies
Dean Winchester in "Supernatural"
Michaela Pratt in "How to Get Away with Murder"
Danny Roman in "The Negotiator"
Thor in Marvel's "Thor" and "Avengers" movies
Carter Blake in "Deep Blue Sea"
Danny Rich in "Anaconda"
Anna Milton in "Supernatural"
The Deep in "The Boys"
Divine Seers
Probably the most commonly discussed type of seer but also poorly understood, divine seers receive divine messages through visions, dreams and even receiving so called "signs" (think numerology's angel numbers, recurring signs [animals, insects, plants, colors of a car, etc.). Because pictures can say a thousand words, messages received from divine seers can be missed entirely and dismissed as "deja vu" when they come across a situation or person they learned of through dreams or visions. Divine messages received through visions and dreams also require interpretation and can take time to decipher the entire message. However, taking the time to learn how to interpret a divine seer's message ends up paying off.
Examples of Divine Seers in Popular Culture
Annabelle Wilson in "The Gift"
Scarlett Witch in "Avengers: Age of Ultron"
The Stygian Witches in "Clash of the Titans"
Caleb Koestler in "Knowing"
Raven Baxter in "That's So Raven"
Khala Seers
The rarest type and also the most powerful, khala seers have traits of all the other types of seers mentioned in this post. Khala seers are also able to decipher recurring elements and themes in a person's life. They are able to accurately predict possible future outcomes along with being able to obtain information on what to do when the time comes in these possible scenarios. Small details in certain scenarios can end up stressing out khala seers, as sometimes they are receiving warning messages.
Strange timing of running into common elements and themes happens very often with these types of seers. Impeccable timing as some might say. Khala seers may for example find that a bamboo object such as incense or a plant stands out and decide to purchase it "on a hunch", or at least feel like it will mean something; they may run into another bamboo object or see something bamboo themed in another place where they meet a person, have a significant conversation with someone, etc.
They may also for example get a funny feeling about say a child standing too far from their parents, tell them to move closer, see something that they know is out of place, and then later on that day her an amber alert for a child that went missing not far from where they were when they got this feeling.
Examples of Khala Seers in Popular Culture
Sam Winchester in "Supernatural"
Grace Stewart in "The Others"
William Bludworth "Coroner" in "The Final Destination" films
Luke Skywalker in the "Star Wars" movies
Harry Potter in the "Harry Potter" books and movies
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energy of meghan markle September to December 2023
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oracle of energies: harry and meghan are linked, they cannot communicate about the status of a couple, she would like to talk about it to open doors, there is a lot of reflection on this subject between her and her team. Because she sees possibilities for herself but at the same time she needs money.
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with the oracle of Greek mythology the question is Why is Meghan at Beyoncé's VIP concert:
She seeks protection because Meghan is determined to move forward but she moves forward in the dark. She feels very weakened because she was devoured by vultures (image game with the royal family) I explain: Meghan is like Prometheus, she stole the sacred fire, she went to war with the royal family except that she came out with injuries that she is still paying for. She is looking for a rebirth, a transformation, a change of image in Beyoncé. His relationship is a real challenge, their problem returns with force.
There it becomes interesting: she comes as a Trojan horse, she comes with lies about her fortune, about her plans for abundance. She is waiting for a victory on this new adventure which is Meghan her bloh her Instagram….
Her relationship is undergoing a transformation, she wants to use this as a gift, as a game changer. Like Athena, she wants to build an empire, a community.
She is seeking, with the help of Gaea's energy, a meeting, a real connection with Beyoncé.
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with the Akashic Tarot: the link between Meghan and Hollywood.
Hollywood observes his change of position. Meghan is surrounded by no one in the industry. Hollywood sees that she sold the love story and their children but Hollywood is also aware of the storm in the couple Meghan & Harry.
There is a desire to clear the way for Meghan, so it is not as simple it is rather in transition, it is more complex than imagined and it does not require a lot of work to get to the top of the mountain.
There is also a problem around the children Archie and Lilibeth we cannot write as much because there is protection or prohibitions around them.
There are significant difficulties between two parties (but I don't know who)
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prediction between September - December 2023:
We start with the tower, a change, a movement in our plans, we are obliged to refine, to rework. We must admit that we are currently at an impasse. We cannot deploy our energy as we wish. We have a King of Cups and a Queen of Wands. So it's a king of cups who is able to isolate Meghan, there's a transition here for Meghan, we're starting to find freedom but she's not as prolific.
Lots of difficulty and internal dialogue, despite everything we try to move forward even if it requires a lot of mental effort or ego problem. There will be losses later, we will make a decision because the past comes back, the lies come back. Will we expect clarifications from her?
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her project is her baby, it's something she's always wanted (it could be around children) but it's a wish that comes true. She will soon announce her new project. There is a king of wands here who has worked and refined this project but with the 5 of cups he is losing something and he would like to make it known.
There is disappointment from a king of cups here he feels betrayed.
there are some half-truths here. For her it's a rebirth for her, something that will grow and increase over the years, she hopes in any case
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the energy of beyoncé on meghan: we observe, we take the time, we think, we make measured decisions we hope for great success for her and her family (béyonce wishes the best for people) but she does not forget the past, beyoncé looks at things with her third eye
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kaylinalexanderbooks · 5 months
Find the word
Thanks to @chauceryfairytales here and here!
My words: reflection, drop, glint, slam, rain, thunder, glass, frame
Your words: opinion, dedicate, detail, smile
Tagging @ceph-the-ghost-writer @loopyhoopywrites @i-can-even-burn-salad @talesofsorrowandofruin @mysticstarlightduck @diabolical-blue + anyone else who wants :)
TSP intro
TSP tag list (ask to be +/-): @thepeculiarbird @illarian-rambling @televisionjester @finchwrites
Keep reading for:
Akash's hair
Rose makes an observation
George can learn
Gwen is sneaking
Rose makes the discovery of the century
Jack sees the giant's castle
Kelsey reflects on her powers
Jack inside the giant's castle
Reflection - from The Secret Portal Part One (Akash POV)
I glared at my reflection. My hair wouldn’t stay down no matter what I did. I sighed. If the definition of insanity was repeating the same thing and expecting a different result, I should’ve been locked away years ago. As I fixed my collar, I looked around my new quarters. It was smaller than the room I had at Carmen’s place—this base was tiny compared to Carmen’s, despite its elaborate underground. I didn’t mind, but it would take adjustment, and so far the couple weeks I’d been here, it wasn't quite enough. However, the Baxters seemed like cool people. Chiller than Jedi and Carmen.
Drop - from The Secret Portal Part One (Lexi POV)
“See you in gym!” I waved goodbye and bolted to the Music Wing to drop off my violin before sprinting across the school—yelling hello to Lucy Day—the best I could with a giant backpack. I shoved the darn thing into the tiny alcove of my locker, pulled out my English notebook, school laptop, colored gel pens, and day planner, then dashed to class. I arrived panting, collapsing into my seat at the table with my friends Gwen and Rose. “You made it,” Rose observed.
Glint - from The Secret Portal Part One (Ash POV)
“Okay, one more question,” said Lexi, deciding to ignore what a bearfalo was, “what powers do y’all have?” “Actually, I have a second one,” I interjected finally, sitting on this for a while. “What powers do we have?” “To answer your question first,” George said to me, “we don’t know. We do have a machine to test your blood, but I’ve never used it. You may be on your own.” He got a glint in his eye. “I can learn.”
Slam - from The Secret Portal Part One (Gwen POV)
Taking a deep breath, I slowly moved my right foot down the side. When I didn’t slip, I moved my left foot. I moved my right hand, then left hand. Right foot. Left foot. Right hand. Left hand. Right foot. Left foot. Right hand. Left hand. Right foot. Left— My left foot slammed into a vent cover, knocking me off balance and causing my butt to slam against the cover, knocking it off. I fell through the hole and somehow managed to grab the edges of the vent. I heard the cover crash onto the floor below me as I dangled from the ceiling.
Rain - from The Secret Portal Part One (Maddie POV)
As we came closer, I could see a rock about two feet in diameter. Metal by the look of it. Only, it didn’t seem rusted at all, which was strange, unless it didn’t rain in this field. “Great,” Noelle said. “A rock. Discovery of the century.” She cupped her hands to her mouth. “Ladies and nonexistent gentlemen! Rose Hernandez found a rock!”
[Technically, oxygen causes stuff to rust, and there is clearly oxygen here. I've been debating changing this line because on one hand Maddie likes science and may know this, on the other hand she's like a month into sixth grade and leans more toward engineering. I'll figure it out, but the point is this is the only time I mention the word rain. I think I need to change the weather more often.]
Thunder - from School of the Legends Year One
Jack scrutinized the castle before him. It stretched up, up, up into the sky--and as they were already in the clouds, Jack didn’t want to know how high the tallest tower was above the ground--how he wouldn’t like to be the poor bloke who was defenestrated from it. The castle was made of some sort of dark stone, giving it the unsettling feel of a haunted house. There was the cobblestone path, yes, but on either side of it, Jack realized that yes, they were still on clouds, though where the castle was, the clouds were dark and gray, and when Jack listened closely enough, he realized that there was a booming irregular pulse of thunder that shook the ground ever-so-slightly, enough to cause the stone beneath his shoes to rattle.
Glass - from The Secret Portal Part Two (Maddie POV)
“And… I broke a lot of glass.” “Whaddaya mean by ‘a lot’?” I asked. “Just the glasses we were drinking out of during dinner,” Kelsey said, her eyes becoming fixated on her hands. “Deanna got some stuck in her hand.” “Oh,” I whispered. “She’s okay, now,” Kelsey said. “But that didn’t matter.”
Frame - from School of the Legends Year One
As the side table was pushed up against the recliner, and at about the same height, crossing from one to the other did not require a stalk. Thankfully, the top of the table wasn't bare, and Jack, Jill, and Beau could hide behind the objects. At the very least, it made Jack feel a lot more comfortable than as exposed as he was climbing up the recliner. There was a picture of the two giants in a nice frame--the two smiling at the camera; such a juxtaposition to their stoic single photos on the mantle. Maybe these two were just normal folks, Jack thought. But every time the male giant sniffed the air, Jack wondered if maybe they were normal giants who ate humans. He hoped not for his, Jill, and Beau’s sake. There was a candlestick centered on the table behind the picture, a flame flickering at the wick. A little old-timey, but at the moment, the only thing Jack really cared about was their shadows not being cast on the giants.
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arandomtimeofday · 1 year
Backlog of games (WIP)
1931: Scheherazade at the library of Pergamum
Absolute alchemical potion
Akash: path of five
The amazing shinsengumi: heroes in love
Anicon -Animal Complex- Cats path
Anicon -Animal Complex- Sheep's path
Backstage pass
Ballads at Midnight
Blood code
Blue rose reprise
Blush blush
Cafe 0 ~the drowned mermaid ~
Cafe 0 ~the sleeping beast~
Cafe rouge
Cardinal cross
Cinderella phenomenon
Cliche -critical change
Dandelion ~wishes brought to you~
Dangerous relationship
Deliver us from evil
Destiny's princess
dUpLicity ~beyond the lies~
East tower Akio
East tower kuon
East tower kurenai
East tower takashii
Errant kingdom
A foretold affair
Hatoful boyfriend
Hatoful boyfriend holiday star
The heiress of sorcery
High school otome
How to fool a liar king
How to take off your mask
I live you Colonel sanders
Let's not stay friends
London detective mysteria
Long live the queen
Love ritual
Lucky rabbit reflex
Magical diary horse hall
Magical otoge ciel
Memories on the shoreline
The men of yoshiwara: Kikuya
My Butler
My lady
Nekopara -catboys paradise-
Never forget me
Never give up
Office lovers
Paper Shakespeare
Pink rage
Psychedelica of the ashen hawk
Psychedelica of the black butterfly
Pub encounter
Quantum conscience
Red strong of fate
Reflections ~dreams and reality~
Royal alchemist
Secrets of me
Signed and sealed with a kiss
Sounds of verity
Sword daughter
Sword of asumi
Tailor tales
Taisho x Alice
Theory of fear
These nights in cairo
This world unknown
Ture lovers knot
Witches x Warlocks
XOXO blood droplets
Amnesia LaterxCrowd
Arcade Spirits
Ayakashi Romance Reborn
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akashbansalnoida · 10 months
Akash Bansal & Co. - Your Trusted Chartered Accountant Firm in Noida! ��
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