#Akane: -screaming- | Teru: that is mY EAR.
amanitacurses · 10 months
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clanwarrior-tumbly · 4 years
For the word generator I got ‘rhythm’. How about the reader’s reaction to your favorite SDR2 boys getting caught singing to themselves? Thanks in advance!
These aren’t all of my fav bois but they’re the only ones who I can imagine singing to themselves ^^ ..........................
You arrived at the restaurant earlier than anyone else--even Akane. It wasn’t for any particular reason, you just wanted to get up and walk around somewhere.
Though as you reached the top of the stairs, you could hear the voice of someone who was up even earlier than you were--the Ultimate Chef Cook himself.
Aside from the sizzling noises and clanging dishes in the kitchen, the sound of him singing while preparing breakfast reached your ears. It was mostly humming, though when he sang the lyrics, you could clearly hear that adorable southern drawl of his.
You stayed quiet and sat at one of the tables by the window, eating the fruit that was already set out. Then you could hear the kitchen door open and saw Teruteru come out with several plates.
He still sang to himself--only to skid to a stop and gasp as he realized he wasn’t alone. “O-Oh heya, there!!” He stammered. “Uh..I wasn’t expectin’ anybody for a while. What’re you doing up so early?”
“Good morning, Teru.” You chuckled. “I just wanted to see you, but...I could tell you were busy singing your heart out.”
For a moment he was shocked, but then he smiled brightly as he hastily put the food on the tables, stopping at yours last. “You liked it?? But more importantly..you came all the way up here just to see little old me? Alone? I’m flattered.” He blushed.
“Don’t get your boxers in a twist,” you huffed, pointing a fork at him threateningly. Then you sighed, opting to stick it into the pancakes on your plate. “Thank you for making this. Should we wait for the others or-?”
“No, no! Dig in, please!” Teruteru insisted. “I got lots more to make~!” And with that, he skipped back to the kitchen, resuming the song he was singing.
When you arrived to Kazuichi’s workshop, you had no idea you’d be seeing him sitting in the middle of the garage floor--singing his heart out while tinkering with a motorcycle engine.
It was one from a well-known biker gang in Japan that he won at an auction, so he was especially eager to take it apart and see how it worked. He wanted to show you it, too, hence why he invited you to his workshop.
But instead, you were just standing there with an amused smile as he nodded and sang along to whatever song was playing on his pink headphones. It must’ve been some punk-rock song, given how he was silently screaming the lyrics.
As amused as you were, you had to get his attention eventually. So you entered the garage and knelt down in front of him, waving your hand. “Kazuichi?”
You were startled just as much as the mechanic was as he threw his headphones around his neck, eyes wide. “O-Oh!! Shit, [y/n]..you scared me half to death!” He put a hand to his chest, before realizing...
“Say...h-how long were you-?”
“Only a few moments, don’t worry.” You snickered.
Kazuichi’s blush matched his hair as he coughed nervously, turning off his music player. “S-Sometimes I just..lose myself in the music, ya know? As Ibuki always says.”
“Yeah.” With a smile, your gaze went to the motorcycle engine. “Think you could stick this on that bike you were talking about?”
“Oh totally!” His eyes lit up, before he began rambling to you about the different parts and the “brilliant” idea he had for a high-speed bike.
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damedamedame · 4 years
UWU me nervous Never done this. Can we get a Teru X Reader where Reader-chan sings and plays the piano? Just thought it would be cute UWU TYSVM I CHECK IN EVERYDAY TO SEE IF THERES A NEW POST!1
- “An Angel.”
NOTES: heads up that i don’t know ANYTHING about pianos and singing— BUT I REALLY HOPE YOU LIKE IT !!
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When Teru first starts dating you, he didn’t know much about your talent with the piano or the how good you sound when you’re singing.
He’ll def know about your talents, but probably didn’t have the time to check how good you are at it.
He thinks you’re immaculate in everything you do though :’))
One day, Teru finally has free time omg, you were both walking around the mall, chatting comfortably with both your arms linked together.
Just as he was about to mention something about Kou banning him from the kitchen again, he noticed how you were looking at the public piano you both passed by.
“Teru, can we check it out 🥺✨ ??”
“Of course, (Y/N)!”
Teru can’t with your face right now.
You adorable little angel won’t stop making his face fluster. Especially when you just look at him with those doe eyes and he’s just—
*internal screaming*
You tug on his arm, leading him over to the piano.
Just as you take your seat on the bench, he can feel your bubbly aura fade away and turn into something far more serious.
It makes him excited for what’s to come, if he’s being honest.
You were playing something so simple, a rendition of ‘Twinkle Twinkle Little Star’, but the way you played so gracefully and-- gOD HE REALLY IS TURNING INTO AKANE
You even managed to form a small crowd around you >:00 !!
Teru’s just amazed by your performance. clap ! clap ! ces’t magnifique !
May have stayed the entire day in the park with you as you begin with easier ones to accelerating playing really hard pieces.
You are so... captivating in his eyes.
Guess who’s playing for the next events in school that requires singing and a piano???? yOU !! (only if you accept, of course).
Teru also keeps a recording of your performances too yknow !!
He listens to it when he’s studying, even if he might get a little unfocused, or when he’s stressed and needs you but you aren’t available.
You’ll sometimes see him in the crowd, bringing along Kou and Tiara and they all cheer you on and yOUR HEART IS 🥺💞✨
Usually watches you with a dazed look when you’re playing and you’re just b l u s h i n g because of his intense gaze.
“You’re amazing, (Y/N).”
NOTES: this is so late i AM SO SORRY HDBSHSBS
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Hoshi, mondo, fuyuhiko and teruteru’s s/o gets accused and mocked in the class trial (s/o is not the blackend)
Mod Ishimaru again, hope you don’t mind! I’ll be doing them in order of the games they came in. There’ll be a bit of angst and this will be quite long!
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“Wouldn’t that lead the blame to S/O?” Toko looks to you. That smug half smile on her face as her eyes say ‘gotcha’.
It definitely wasn’t you, absolutely not! You were still reeling from poor Chihiro’s fate, who could do such a thing?
You look at everyone pleadingly
“No, please it wasn’t me! I could never!”
“We all know you and Mondo are dating, you could have easily killed Chihiro out of jealousy.” replied Celeste, crossing her arms and tilting her head in a condescending manner.
“What? Definitely not, she was my friend! She was so sweet I would never want to hurt her.”
“It’s not-not like you’re the mo-most attractive! Someone would co-come along and take your place.” Toko remarks.
“I know that, dammit. I know, but I wouldn’t hurt anyone!”
“Surely we should believe them! They looks very sincere!” yells Ishimaru, bringing a clenched fist to his mouth.
“Yes bro! I know they didn’t do it, they couldn’t have!” Mondo exclaims.
“You two should be quiet. Mondo you have feelings for them and Ishimaru is your friend we can trust your objections.” Byakuya booms, staring Mondo down with an accusing glare.
“What ma-master says is right! You two don’t have a right to try to convince us that this prostitute didn‘t kill Chihiro. Especially when they obviously did!” Practically giggling, Toko takes Byakuya’s side.
Mondo looks at your horrified expression, the tears gathering in your eyes and decides enough is enough at this rate everyone will be killed, he couldn’t bear the thought of you dying because he did something he didn’t mean to do.
“No! I have every right, I know for a fact it wasn’t fucking them! I know because I did it! Me, I fucking did it!” 
The room is silent, shocked expressions all around, even Kyoko looks a little surprised at this development.
“Wha-what? Mondo?” You croak tears starting to slip down your face.
“I’m sorry.” He looks down, face hidden. 
“Why? Why did you hurt Chihiro?” There isn’t any hidden meaning in the way you question him, you are utterly baffled by this.
“I-I don’t know. Things were said and I found something out about Chihiro... I thought Chihiro was mocking e so I got angry and I blacked out... The next thing I knew I was standing above the dude with a dumbbell in my hand.”
“You killed Chihiro, and strung her up? How could you do that?” You sob.
“I swear! I never hung Chihiro up like that! I left Chihiro in the girls changing room and left! I fucking promise!”
“... I believe you.” You look him in the eye and he feels slightly more at ease, but he’s devastated that he did this to everyone especially you.
“This is getting boring! Iiiiiiiit’s voting time~!” Monokuma intervenes. 
No matter whether Mondo came clean or not, you couldn’t bring yourself to vote for him so you vote for yourself, tears falling onto your hands.
you get an explanation everything is revealed and you feel even worse than before, free to move about the room you embrace Mondo sobbing about how you don’t want him to go. How this wasn’t fair. 
Mondo is surprised that you still feel that way for him after all of this and almost cries as you refuse to let go until he is forcefully ripped from your grasp. Even then you try to run after him but are grabbed by your classmates. 
It really wasn’t fair.
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How did this happen?
Your classmates, your friends, the people you want to flourish are blaming you for killing Byakuya?
They are about four more sentences from voting and you still haven’t managed to convince them otherwise.
“We’re all going to die if you choose me, please! Reconsider!”
“Of course you would say that you want us to die so you can escape, we’re not stupid!” Kazuichi exclaims, pointing at you.
3 more sentences
“You weren’t in the room when Byakuya was killed and you didn’t say anything during the blackout why should we ever believe you weren’t the one who went under the floorboards?” Nagito inquires, giving you a condescending glare that you wouldn’t have expected from him before the trial.
Teruteru looks incredibly unnerved and worried
Why isn’t he saying anything to defend you? He knows you went for a nap before the dreadful end of the party
2 more sentences
 He’s clenching and relaxing his fists, eyes flitting over the rest of your friends in a panicked glance. You also look to everyone, anyone, looking for a sign of doubt that they may defend you, but no-one meets your gaze
“Do you have anything else to say?”
“It wasn’t me! I swear, I went for a nap under the desk in the reception area I’m telling you, Teruteru can back me up he walked me there!”
1 more sentence
“But he wouldn’t have seen you leave if you went to the storage room when he was back in the kitchen.”
“They didn’t do it!” Teruteru roars in an unfamiliar accent
“I love you mama, but I can’t let them die, I thought I would be ready when the time came but I can’t let them die.” He murmurs under his breath
“They definitely didn’t do it!”
“Upupupu, what’s this interesting development?” Monokuma coos
“Teruteru, what are you doing?” Nagito asks looking at him suspiciously 
Teruteru takes a deep breath and looks at you
“I did it, it was me, not S/O. I killed Byakuya, I thought he was Nagito who was trying to kill someone so I did it.” You cry, you haven’t cried in a long time but his startling confession drew it out of you
The trail continues, but he speaks no more words, he just looks down only occasionally glancing up at you
He’s crying too, fat droplets dripping down his face in a torrent, but he makes no sound
Everyone starts to figure it out and all too soon it’s voting time
You’re numb, you can’t press any buttons, Monokuma starts to become irritated and warns you of the consequences
“It’s OK cher, you can vote for me.” Teruteru whispers
But you don’t, instead you vote for Nagito, Teru teru said it himself he was going to kill him because he was going to murder someone else, from the positioning it may have been Hajime
It stems back to being Nagito’s fault and you grow a contempt for the boy as you mash your finger onto his option
Obviously, you’re outvoted by everyone else but knowing you had voted for Nagito made you feel only slightly better
Teruteru is devastated of course, he is about to die, and he has hurt his S/O terribly, he feels so awful he almost wishes he had let you all die
But he would never wish that upon you he wouldn’t be able to live with himself, if he had known that sooner he probably wouldn’t have gone through with it
Before he dies you cry that you still love him and how much you’re going to miss him, how much you don’t want him to go
you plead with Monokuma to stop, trying everything your despair riddled mind can come up with
You’re on your knees by the end of his execution refusing to look but the sounds alone make you cry and scream, he must have been in so much pain
They have to drag you out of the court room kicking and screaming, hating everything and seething to the brim with the world everyone is living in you don’t remember much of the days that follow other than your pain, sorrow and grief.
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“Then what about the sword!? It would’ve been left in the shower room and she wouldn’t have been able to recover it, dumbass!”
“F-Fuyuhiko... why do you even care?”
“Sh-shut up! Just shut the fuck up and answer me! If you have an answer then fuckin’ give it to me! If she used the bamboo sword as a stepstool, it would’ve been left behind!” Hajime looks surprised and even a little hurt.
“Maybe he’s right actually! How would she have gotten the sword?” Akane chips in. You stand there confused yourself, surely Peko wouldn’t.
“I agree, it has to have been someone else!” Peko looks shocked that you would defend her, she wasn’t as close as you were with Fuyuhiko so she didn’t think you would care enough to defend her.
“But who?” Nekomaru booms, slightly unamused. Peko sees her opportunity, if she can get the blame to fall on you then, you will be executed and she can protect Fuyuhiko.
“That is because it was S/O.” Both yourself and Fuyuhiko gasp, both for different reasons.
“Wha-what? No Peko you’re wr-”
“Peko what’re you doing?!” Fuyuhiko yells.
“I’m not the killer because she is. It is as simple as that.”
“No Peko! It can’t have been me! You know that!”
“Peko, don’t do this!” Everyone is stumped about this little argument between the three of you. They didn’t understand what was happening.
“I have to, after all she killed Mahiru.”
“No, she didn’t, I won’t stand for this!”
“I have to, you must survive.”
“But Peko, I would never kill anyone, I wouldn’t be able to let everyone here die!”
“Peko, I’m warning you, stop it!”
“Stop blaming the killer? I’m afraid I can’t do that.”
“What’s happening?!” Akane roars.
“You all need to shut up! We need to find poor Mahiru’s killer, you dummies!” Hiyoko squeals.
“Peko please!”
“I can’t take this! Peko come clean! I’m sorry, I can’t let you do this!”
“Young master!” Peko looks surprised.
“Do it! I told you I wouldn’t stand for this, I’m sorry Peko, I really am but I can’t allow this any longer, not when S/O is in danger.”
Peko looks disdained but does as he says and you can’t believe your ears. The trial ends in a whir and you can barely catch your breath.
“How could this happen?” You stare at Monokuma as he slams his gavel down. There’s nothing else you can do but cry, joining Fuyuhiko in tears.You’re so numb as you watch her be taken to her death, you are completely unprepared for Fuyuhiko to leap into the fray you scream his name as he is slashed by Peko’s bamboo sword.
You are held back by the others as you have to watch it all happen, even as the ambulance drives in. You don’t even remember anything from the time between losing Fuyuhiko and finding him again in the hospital after Peko’s execution. 
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“I doubt Shuichi is the culprit, he had no reason to do it. Well, no more reason than the rest of us to and he was with Kaede the entire time!” You reason.
“Shuichi would never do that. Right, Shuichi.” Gonta confirms.
“Oh don’t tell me you’re going to plead the fifth now.” Mutters Hoshi.
“Hoshi please, this isn’t getting us anywhere!”
“It’s not like him saying nothing is helping either, S/O.”
“Even so!”
“Why are you fighting so hard to say he isn’t the culprit, there’s no proof, unless... You are the culprit, huuuuh S/O?” Kokichi sing-songs mockingly. A bit surprised at this suddenly being aimed at you, there is a stumble and suddenly everyone is upon you.
“Actually, that makes sense, you seem the most adamant that Shuichi isn’t the killer, what makes you so sure?” Kiibo inquires, honestly baffled.
“Well-well, I just don’t see him being a killer, but that doesn’t mean that I killed poor Rantaro!”
“I dunno~ You seem pretty suspicious right now S/O~” Kokichi chimes in.
“So not cool man.” Hoshi perks up staring down the grinning prankster across from him.
“Aww~ But I’m just playing with S/O.”
“Well don’t.” Hoshi’s tone demands no more discussion on the topic and you send him a relieved look. He nods back to you and the discussion continues on to a drawn-out heartbreaking end.
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siccko · 4 years
Watch "LiSA - Gurenge, Kimetsu no Yaiba Opening Song. Cover by Rainych(Lyrics Terjemahan)" on YouTube
Anime Kimetsu no Yaiba opening theme song
Aku tahu mengapa aku bisa menjadi kuat, bawa aku bersamamu
Hati yang penuh kekuatan dimuakkan oleh lentera berlumpur
Ada sesuatu yang ingin kuambil dengan tanganku yang gemetar, hanya itu saja
Dalam aroma malam (aku akan menghabiskan seluruh 30 malam) bahkan jika aku di udara (Menatap langit)
Hanya diriku sendiri yang bisa ku ubah, hanya itu saja
Aku tahu mengapa aku bisa menjadi kuat, bawa aku bersamamu
Apapun yang terjadi!
Aku tidak bisa menghentikan mimpiku, aku tidak bisa berhenti sekarang
Jika aku bisa menjadi kuat untuk seseorang
Terima kasih, kesedihan
Aku tahu apa artinya dikalahkan oleh dunia
Mekarlah bunga lotus merah! Terangi takdir ini
Suara kilatan petir menembus telingaku
Apakah ada sesuatu yang bisa dilindungi hanya dengan bersikap baik? Aku tahu
Baik dan jahat terjerat dalam air, hukuman ilahi yang dapat melihat jelas kemunafikan
(Katakan padaku mengapa, katakan padaku mengapa, katakan padaku mengapa, katakan padaku... Aku tidak membutuhkanmu!)
Satu bunga yang terus berjuang untuk mekar itu lebih indah daripada bunga permata
Jalan yang penuh dengan duri yang tajam
Hanya akan muncul untuk diriku yang bersungguh-sungguh
Jangan mudah menyingkirkan mimpimu, bahkan impian yang tidak bisa dilingungi sekalipun
Hati lotus merah ini berakar dan hidup dalam darah ini
Rahasia yang tersembunyi akan lenyap karena tersebar
Jeritan angin memilukan yang merobeknya
Bayangan tawa dan tangisan seseorang
Semua orang menginginkan kebahagiaan
Apapun yang terjadi!
Aku tidak bisa menghentikan mimpiku, aku tidak bisa berhenti sekarang
Jika aku bisa menjadi kuat untuk seseorang
Terima kasih, kesedihan
Aku tahu apa artinya dikalahkan oleh dunia
Mekarlah bunga lotus merah! Terangi takdir ini
I know why I can be strong, take me with you
A heart full of strength is laden with muddy lanterns
There is something I want to take with my trembling hand, that's all
In the scent of the night (I will spend all 30 nights) even if I'm in the air (Staring at the sky)
Only myself can I change, that's all
I know why I can be strong, take me with you
Whatever will be!
I can't stop my dream, I can't stop now
If I can be strong for someone
Thank you, sadness
I know what it means to be defeated by the world
the red lotus flower blooms! Light this fate
The sound of lightning pierced my ears
Is there anything you can protect just by being nice? I know
Good and evil are entangled in water, divine punishment that can see clear hypocrisy
(Tell me why, tell me why, tell me why, tell me ... I don't need you!)
One flower that continues to struggle for blossom is more beautiful than a gem
Road full of sharp thorns
It will only appear for me who means it
Don't easily get rid of your dreams, even dreams that can't be protected
This red lotus heart is rooted and lives in this blood
Hidden secrets will disappear because they are scattered
A heartbreaking wind scream that tore it apart
A person's laughter and cry
Everyone wants happiness
Whatever will be!
I can't stop my dream, I can't stop now
If I can be strong for someone
Thank you, sadness
I know what it means to be defeated by the world
the red lotus flower blooms! Light this fate
0 notes
Voices - 2 Feb 2020
“Lo itu orang jahat” “Lo enggak berhak seneng” “Usaha lo enggak akan pernah cukup” “Lo itu sampah” “Lo mati juga enggak ada yang peduli lif” “Yang lo rasain di Hidup lo ini enggak ada apa- apanya dibanding orang lain” “Gimana kalo besok semuanya jadi lebih parah dari ini?” “Semua ini salah lo” “Gara- gara lo gak bener kuliahnya, lo ga cuman ngancurin idup lo doang” “Lo egois.” “Lo gak pernah mikirin orang lain” ”Lo itu enggak berharga” “Lo enggak berhak hidup lagi”
Kayaknya kalo gue tulis semua suara yang ada di kepala gue selama beberapa tahun terakhir, enggak bakalan ada habisnya. Bahkan gue enggak inget apa aja yang suara- suara itu pernah bilang. Gue enggak bisa inget jelas kapan pertama kali suara- suara ini muncul, tapi tiba- tiba mereka ada aja dan selalu ada. Mau gue tutup kuping, dengerin lagu, teriak atau berusaha sekeras apapun buat enggak dengerin suaranya, mereka selalu ada. Kadang suaranya pelan, bisik yang nyakitin banget. Kadang suaranya kencang, teriak didepan muka gue seakan maksa gue buat yakin kalo yang suara itu omongin itu bener.
Suara ini sering keluar kalo gue lagi mau tidur biasanya. Waktu gue nutup mata, suaranya mulai ngomong. Biasanya mulainya pelan, bisik- bisik. Terus lama- lama jadi kenceng banget, susah buat enggak dengerin suaranya. Dan berakhir gue enggak tidur sampe pagi. Gue enggak tau itu suara siapa. Gue enggak kenal suaranya. Mungkin, gue enggak kenal suaranya siapa karena itu suara gue yang emang enggak mau gue dengerin. Suara gue yang enggak mau gue percaya. Suara gue yang gue enggak mau orang lain denger, yang orang lain tau. Suara gue yang enggak siap gue hadapin. Suara itu... Gue sha. Tapi bukan gue yang lo kenal dari dulu, bukan gue yang ketawa sama lo, yang ngobrol sama lo, nemenin lo kalo lo sedih. Bukan. Tapi suara itu, suara gue.
Sad thing is, these voices doesn’t go anywhere sha. I still hear ‘em whispering and screaming in my ears. The only difference is they don’t talk that much anymore. But they’re there. I know it. Why?
Bcs they’re a part of me. I’m trying my best to accept that these voices that makes me feel like shit is a part of me.
Sekarang gue belom mampu buat beli-- bukan beli sih, dapet kali ya? Bantuan yang ril. Ke psikolog, ke psikiater... Itu semua mahal. Psikolog yang di Puskesmas juga cuma bisa diajak ngobrol doang, enggak bisa ngasih obat. Lagian juga, gue enggak mau tergantung obat- obatan lah untuk berfungsi normal buat hidup.
Semoga nanti pas kita ngobrol lagi, suaranya udah makin jarang gue denger ya.
Gue sayang lo sha, sukses terus ya!
ps. today i found out u have a bf and u got a pretty nice job as mt! Congrats! I’m happy for u. Hope this bf doesnt suck as like ur last one ;P
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