#Aingeal àrd
lokilickedme · 6 years
I’ve got a chapter of Aingeal àrd ready.  I’ll post it as soon as I sort the art for it :)
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lokilickedme · 7 years
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This woman were awake now.  I knew she'd been sleepin for hell only knew how long, maybe all her life.  But she were stretchin and yawnin in the rising sun that comes up in a soul when it finally opens its eyes and sees the first light of day and realizes it's alive.  And it were happenin in my bed.
It suited her.
Chapter 9 is up!
(will reblog with tags)
*artwork of King and Molly by @vivianstark​ and me, exclusively for this fic
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lokilickedme · 7 years
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She were soft and plush feelin, not thin and hard like some of the women I'd been with.  I could'nae feel a bone in her anywhere, just a soft thickness that made me want to carry her in me pocket so I could squeeze her like one o' those stressy toy things.
But I could'nae deal with the constant yappin that would be comin' out me pocket if I did.
Chapter 8 is up!
(will reblog with tags)
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lokilickedme · 7 years
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She treated me like I were a poor mannered jackass she could barely tolerate.
And fer that alone I liked her more than just about anyone I'd known me whole life.
Chapter 7 is up!
(will reblog with tags)
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lokilickedme · 7 years
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I did'nae know what I'd ever done to deserve the irritation besides committin the sin of bein' a McClary, though I suppose that were enough.
Only I'd walked away from death so many times he stopped even noticin' that I were in the room.
Chapter 5 is up!
(will reblog with tags)
*artwork by me
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lokilickedme · 7 years
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I'm cold was all she said.
Chapter 6 is up!
(Will reblog with tags)
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lokilickedme · 7 years
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"You're in my way, woman."
Chapter 4 is up!
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lokilickedme · 7 years
I went to do edits and King started rambling about candy  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I think it’s ready to go now, if he’s finished being weird.  Just wrapping up the art.  Look for it in maybe a half hour to an hour?  Maybe less, I don’t know.  Things are kinda strange right now.
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lokilickedme · 7 years
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I set meself down on the edge o'the bed, empty headed with a quarrelsome fire in my gut.
I reached under the bed and felt around till my fingers hit the lace, still blank brained and runnin' on a filthy lust that were gnawin' at every bone in me body.
Fuck if they did'nae still smell like her.
Chapter 3 is up!
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lokilickedme · 7 years
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Chan eil dad a 'tachairt gu math nas luaithe na paidhir chasan fada -  Nothing chases common sense off quicker than a pair of long legs.
Chapter 2 is up!
(will reblog with tags) *artwork of King by @vivianstark exclusively for this fic, please don’t use - other two photos edited by me Enjoy my work?  Buy Me a Coffee
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lokilickedme · 7 years
New chapter going up in a few minutes...you guys can read it while I’m sleeping :)
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lokilickedme · 7 years
Tomorrow’s chapter of Aingeal àrd is half complete.  I’ll try to finish it up tonight and have it ready for an early update if I can.
No idea what time it’ll actually go up, but it’ll be there, so just watch for it I guess :)
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lokilickedme · 4 years
It’s official - King is coming back tonight
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Chapter 17 of Aingeal àrd will post later this evening
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lokilickedme · 4 years
Thank you for sharing a new chapter of Aingeal àrd and for sharing your photography. Both are lovely!
Thanks @mollage!  I’d lost track of time entirely as far as updating that fic, I was shocked when I looked and saw it last updated in October of 2019.  I still can’t believe that’s correct but it did motivate me to do something, at least :)  I hope to finish it entirely in the next couple of weeks, there are only three more chapters left on it.
I’m happy you like my photos! - I’m trying to get back into it this year, I guess I lost all my excitement for hobbies in 2020 (a common ailment among most of us, I think).  I have entire folders of thousands of photos I’ve taken since 2016 that I never did anything with.  Get ready for a massive photodump, I guess  :)
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lokilickedme · 4 years
A random bit from a random WIP - this is a scene from Aingeal àrd chapter 17, which takes place the night before Molly left Claighe when King came up to her room at the tavern (this is the part that happened right before Molly came down to say goodbye - in the main story we got her side, but not his):
Why she were wastin' her time with me was beyond me, but I suppose it were more to do with her bein' stuck here with nothin better to do.  The prospect of her usin' me for entertainment were just about enough to make me put my goddamned boot through the window.  But my hand fell to the key on that narrow ledge above the door, and somethin' about the cold iron weight of it in my hand calmed that roilin' beast that were slammin' around inside me.
Keys are a quick way out.  Just put it in the little hole and turn it and you're free. Go through the door an' leave.  Simple.
Or would'a been, if she had'nae come runnin' down the stairs and stopped me.
Jaisus fuck, why could'nae she just let me leave?
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lokilickedme · 5 years
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I wanted it of her, but it were somethin I could'nae do myself.  I had to leave her, I could'nae stay, not while I was hurtin like a cold stone were sittin heavy in my chest crowdin' my heartbeat till it stole my breath with its vicious thumpin'.  I had to go.
I had to get out.
I had'ta get away from her.
Chapter 16 is up!
(will reblog later with tags)
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