#Aichi's famous places
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summary-trivia-jp · 1 year ago
日本のトリビアまとめ #0020
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trivia-jp · 1 year ago
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名古屋城 愛知の名所
名古屋城は、愛知県名古屋市に位置する日本の城であり、重要文化財に指定されています。以下に名古屋城の特徴や魅力をいくつか挙げてみます。 1. 瑞龍の天守閣 名古屋城の天守閣は「瑞龍の天守閣(ずいりゅうのてんしゅかく)」として知られ、金色に輝く龍が特徴的な外観です。豊臣秀吉の命を受けて築かれた天守閣は、美しいデザインと装飾が施されています。 2. 城内の歴史と文化 城内には、歴史的な展示や城の建築技術、当時の生活様式を知ることができる施設があります。また、名古屋城の歴史や築城の経緯などについて学ぶことができます。 3. 周辺の庭園や景観 城内には美しい庭園や堀、歴史的な建造物があります。特に桜の季節��は、桜の花が咲き誇り、城とのコントラストが美しいです。 4. イベントや催し物 名古屋城周辺では、様々なイベントや文化行事が開催されます。季節ごとに、城内外での催し物やイベントが行われることもあります。 5. 周辺の観光地 名古屋城周辺には、栄や大須などの観光地があります。また、名古屋城からは近隣の観光名所にもアクセスしやすい場所に位置しています。
Nagoya Castle Aichi's famous places
Nagoya Castle is a Japanese castle located in Nagoya City, Aichi Prefecture, and is designated as an important cultural property. Below are some of the features and charms of Nagoya Castle. 1. Zuiryu Castle Tower The castle tower of Nagoya Castle is known as the ``Zuiryu no Tenshukaku'' and has a distinctive exterior with a shining golden dragon. The castle tower was built on the orders of Toyotomi Hideyoshi and has beautiful designs and decorations. 2. History and culture within the castle Inside the castle, there are facilities where you can learn about historical exhibits, the castle's construction techniques, and the lifestyle of the time. You can also learn about the history of Nagoya Castle and how it was built. 3. Surrounding gardens and scenery The castle has beautiful gardens, moats, and historic buildings. Especially during the cherry blossom season, the cherry blossoms are in full bloom, creating a beautiful contrast with the castle. 4. Events and Entertainment Various events and cultural events are held around Nagoya Castle. Depending on the season, entertainment and events are held both inside and outside the castle. 5. Surrounding tourist attractions There are tourist spots such as Sakae and Osu around Nagoya Castle. In addition, Nagoya Castle is located in a location with easy access to nearby tourist attractions.
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class1akids · 11 months ago
Class A field trip - Shouto edition
Shouto's Class A field trip was an adorable combo of him eating soba everywhere or being cute and oblivious. Here are all his scenes collected in one place:
Day 1:
Shoto and Koda are in Iwate, where Shoto is doing the wanko soba challenge (it's an all you can eat soba tradition).
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🍰: You can eat as many bowls as you want
🔥: Shotoooooooooo!!!!
🔺: Todoroki!! Your father wants to eat together with you too!!
🍰: The check please.
Day 2
Origin Trio in Roppongi Hills (Tokyo)
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🥦: If I opened a hero agency one day, I wonder if it would be in Roppongi like All Might? What about you, Kacchan?
💥: Whatever. Not decided.
🍰: Are you two starting an agency together?
🥦💥: ?!!!!
Day 3
Mina, Asui, Todoroki and Kouda visiting the Sado island - Rabbit Kannon
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👽: Justice!!! So cute!
🍰: Is “justice” cute? Well then. This Kannon is auspicious for the heroes.
🐸"Cute" is also very deep.
Todoroki and Tokoyami at the Kurobe Dam (the biggest dam in Japan)
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🐦‍⬛: A Torrent of Power, Liberation from Commandments. Those who were once sealed together, have released their powers. Can you feel it, Todoroki!
🍰: Not especially.
The sweet tooth brigade (Sato, Momo, Ochako, Shoto) trying out Aichi's Ogura toast:
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🍬: I've been waiting... This is...
🍑: Yes, it's delicious
🍰: Half-sweet, half-salty...
Day 4
Dekusquad in Awaji island (famous for onions)
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🥦: Heroes don't cry, even when cutting an onion…
🥦: 😭😭😭😭 🍵: Sorry! Challenge failed. 🍰: No, even heroes cry when they have to.
(Reference to Shoto's line from Ch137)
Ojirou, Hagakure and Shoto at Adventure World, Wakayama
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🐿️: Two-tone and popular character... We have someone like that.
🤲We do, don’t we. Just by being there, he brightens the place…!” 🍰: Huh? There’s somebody like that? 🤲🐿️: “IT’S YOU!!!”
(This panda one led to a ton of Shoto + panda fan art on Twitter)
Day 5:
Shoto is eating Yamaguchi green tea soba served on hot stones (so Ochako and Kirishima reference too)
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🍰: Please take your time here. This is from my father. 🦈: awww thanks... 🍵: Todoroki-kun, you should say thank you. 🍰: Thank you very much. 🍵: I meant thank your dad!
Shoto, Tokoyami, Kirishima and Shoji at Shimonada Station, overlooking the Seto Inland Sea at sunset
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🍰: What’s this kind of thing? Are we BFFs now? 🦈: That's right, Todoroki! (bashful)
I saw JPN fandom commenting that Shoto uses the outdated and somewhat girly term (ズッ友) zuttomo - loosely translated as eternal friends/ bffs. Kirishima may be being flustered as a reference to the SF where Shoto told him that he's not here to make friends.
Day 6:
Shoto's third soba-slurping is in Okinawa (with Endeavor and Kirishima)
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🔥: Shoto, how is the soba here? 🍰: Okinawa soba is delicious. 🔥: RIGHT!? SHOUTOOOOOOO!! (happy) 🍰: Quiet. Let me eat.
🦈: 😲
(Okinawa soba is more like ramen than real soba and the noodles are wheat instead of buckwheat.)
I really enjoyed the scenes they chose for Shouto. Endeavor trying to join the field trip was funny. Shouto just eating soba all over Japan is definitely something I can see happen. And it is nice to see how he's friends with everyone and the whole class kind of adores his airheaded comments, misuse of slang and just blunt cuteness.
10/10 for the promo team.
My Twitter thread of all the scenes
Full translations
A blog archiving all pictures in HQ
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a-forbidden-detective · 1 year ago
Karaoke love
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This is written for @flashfictionfridayofficial with the prompt #FFF238 Take my hand and for @fluffbruary February 2 prompt : engagement | scent | jam
Beware of manga spoilers for the latest chapter. This is exactly 1000 words. I was totally into it at the end. I hope the ending makes sense. Heh!
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Toto takes a shot from his whiskey glass, easing himself up. It’s his turn to sing. The screen monitor shows the song that he’s chosen awhile back. The truth is his singing is only confined to the four corners of the flat and his shower cabin in Asakusa.
Ron mentioned once that his love for singing in the shower is one of the rare times when Toto lets himself go apart from his innate resoluteness. But come to think of it, Ron didn’t say much about the quality of his singing voice, Toto has only been just self-conscious ever since that incident that he never sings anymore whenever he stays at Ron’s apartment.
Who suggested going to the karaoke bar anyway? Ah, it was Kawasemi-san. Today is the last day that he’s going to be in town and coincidentally his birthday that for all intents and purposes, Dr. Mofu asked him what else he wanted to do in Tokyo before going back to Aichi.
They rent a private room at the Karaoke Kan in Shibuya. The shop became famous when it was featured in a Western film in the early 2000s about two Americans, who found each other amidst the backdrop very alien to them: from food to cultural references. The premises have become a Mecca for tourists.
The whole gang is here. Amamiya, who tags along these days, and Dr. Mofu didn’t have the time when they went to Kamakura for sightseeing two days ago. So, they made sure that they were present this time around before sending Kawasemi-kun back to Nagoya. The only one who’s missing is Spitz, who cannot leave London at the moment and is disgruntled with a dash of envy in his body when he finds out their plans.
“Ack, Tototo! I am going to miss your performance. Ron-kun says that he has a rock ‘n’ roll singer living in his house.” Toto laughed when he heard this.
Should Toto stand up?
An arm gathers around him, as if grounding him. While the hand holds his shoulder, firm and yet tender. Toto turns to his left; Ron’s blue eyes confront him. Relax.
“Y-yeah…” Toto has calmed down a bit.
The first notes of a raunchy electric guitar surge, he poses to belt out the text that flashes on the screen.
“I'm an alligator/ I'm a mama-papa comin' for you / I'm the space invader / I'll be a rock 'n' rollin' bitch for you / Keep your mouth shut … Keep your 'lectric eye on me, babe … Press your space face close to mine, love / Freak out in a moonage daydream, oh yeah!”
His friends are fired up, hooting at the way Toto playfully sings a David Bowie song. Chikori-kun’s admiration skyrockets to 200 per cent. Her eyes scream of glowing stars. Kawasemi kun sings along. He knows it by heart and has been a Bowie fan. He’s so glad that Toto made a little research about him. Dr. Mofu’s face breaks into a giggle as she stops conversing with Amamiya, who cannot stop smiling. Toto, gyrating before her very eyes, has transformed into another person. And Ron? He’s looking at Toto with his hungry eyes, his hands won’t stop rubbing his thighs clothed in loose jeans. He then places his right hand into his pocket and reaches for a small box inside, feeling glad that he hasn’t lost the engagement ring.
You deserve all the good things in the world, Toto!
As the Tokyo police officer hits the end notes, Toto bows to the delight of his friends clapping and whistling on his way.
“Thank you so much!”
Ron hands him a glass of water and half-hugs him when he’s already seated.
“You did well, Toto!”
Toto mouths his thanks as he downs another glass when the next song starts to play. Chikori kun can’t stop herself from gushing when he notices that Ron stands up.
Oh, he’s next. Toto is darn curious now. He knows that Ron can sing really well as expected of him.
“Wise men say / Only fools rush in / But I can't help falling in love with you / Shall I stay? / Would it be a sin / If I can't help falling in love with you?”
All of a sudden, the whole room turns quiet. No one claps, nor whistles. As if a magician does his trick enchanting the audience. Everyone is glued watching Ron does his interpretation of a popular Elvis Presley song.
Toto is fastened on his seat, mouth agape. Ron is looking at him, his intentions are clear. His heart beats faster, aware of his surroundings and the four sets of eyes that are focused on them.
“Take my hand / Take my whole life, too / For I can't help falling in love with you…”
Ron sits next to Toto and seizes his hand. He begins to speak.
“I am glad that our friends are here to give me support and witness the promise I will say here today. Too bad that Spitz isn’t around but he already knows my plans.”
Toto’s face is red now not because of the alcohol but specifically because of Ron, who is in front of him, who is now removing an object from his pocket.
“Toto, I know that it is all so sudden. But, after all the things that happened between us, I believe that there is an understanding that we can’t live without each other and instead prepare to die together if we are faced with a choice, are you willing to be my partner for life? Will you marry me?”
Toto’s mouth quiver, why hasn’t he never thought that this day will come? Ah, that’s why he can never be as good as Ron when it comes to sleuthing.
He then grabs Ron’s face and in front of everyone kisses Ron, his fiancé. Without remorse nor embarrassment while their friends say their congratulations.
~ fin ~
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kokiafans · 28 days ago
KOKIA updates: January 2025
Below follows a summary of KOKIA’s activities of January 2025 (including some news entries made in 2024, but promoting 2025 events). For now, this will remain the style of updates of this blog for the foreseeable future - please read this post for a further explanation, and thank you in advance for your continued patience and support.
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Past performances
KOKIA's first performance of 2025 was January 18, for her by now traditional Yatsugatake Kogen Music Hall performance ‘The place where music falls vol. 7’ (ongaku no kudaru basho). Aside from the news entry of November 29, promoting general ticket sales starting the next day and the promotional Instagram image, KOKIA didn't really write a long review on her blog about the performance (aside from a mention at the start of her entry for January 20). She did, however, post a picture of the night sky on her Instagram, thanking her audience and comparing how the stars seem to fall from that sky much like the titular music.
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Once-in-a-lifetime meeting tour 2025
With the new year starting, KOKIA is preparing for her upcoming Once-in-a-lifetime meeting tour 2025.
The first performances will be in the Kanagawa prefecture, at the Yokohama red brick warehouse no. 1 (3rd floor) on January 15 and 16. From her news entry of December 11, general ticket sales started December 27 via Capital Village. In her news entry of January 20 and accompanying blog entry, KOKIA reveals a guest star: Kazuhiro Matsuo will be joining on guitar during these two performances. KOKIA calls him one of her strongest 'sound rangers' who has supported her throughout the years, though it's now been a decade since they've last performed together. She's very excited to have him join! (Promotional image for these performances below via Instagram)
The next upcoming performances are Tokyo (April 13) and Kanazawa (April 19), for which pre-orders for fan club members have been opened now (news entries for January 22 and January 26 mention the MEMBERS page on her website has updated accordingly).
Furthermore, KOKIA announced in her January 31 news entry that her concert tour will be promoted via video on the Starts Vision screen at the famous Shibuya scramble crossing in Tokyo, from February 10 to 16, once per hour from 9:00 to 24:00.
Finally, she lists out all performances in her news entry for January 29:
February 15 and 16, 2025 - Kanagawa prefecture, Yokohama red brick warehouse no. 1 (general sales ongoing)
April 13, 2025 - Tokyo, Nihonbashi Mitsui Hall (fan club member pre-sale)
April 19, 2025 - Ishikawa prefecture, Kanazawa 21st century art museum theatre 21 (fan club member pre-sale)
May 17 and 18, 2025 - Osaka, Nanko Sunset Hall
June 7, 2025 - Hokkaido, Sapporo concert hall Kitara small hall
July 20, 2025 - Saga prefecture, Roman-za
July 21, 2025 - Oita prefecture, BRICK BLOCK
July 26, 2025 - Yamaguchi prefecture, Jazz Club BILLIE
July 27, 2025 - Aichi prefecture, Denkibunka hall The Concert Hall
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Other upcoming performances
In her news entry of January 27, KOKIA reveals she'll make a guest appearance at Yuki Kajiura's LIVE vol.#21~60 Songs~, to be held in July and August. KOKIA will perform on August 1 in Tokyo, at Shouwa's Women University's Hitomi Memorial Hall, on August 17 in Nagoya, PORTBASE, and on August 23 in Omiya, Sonic City.
More information including the other guest artists can be found on the official website.Pre-sales for official 'FictionJunction Station' fan club members will start February 3.
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Promotional events
Spread out over a week, the Asahi Shimbun newspaper Digital Magazine published an interview with KOKIA for Naoko Sakamoto's 'music spirit' segment. The first part, published on January 8, covers KOKIA talking about her new album essence -25th Anniversary All Time best- along with stories about her music. The second part, published on January 15, also talks about her daily life and her feelings about growing older.
The articles feature many new photos, taken by Hiromi Nishida from Victor Entertainment.
(Mod comment: Full disclosure: I hope to one day be able to translate the interviews KOKIA has done lately like I've done before, but I'm afraid that's not going to happen in the short term.)
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In addition, KOKIA continues to make radio appearances. She featured on MUSIC HOT FLAVOR on January 4 (first picture below), on Get Up Kyoto Magunamu Ishii SHOW at KBS Kyoto radio on January 5 (December 2 news entry) and on FM Yokohama's KISS & RIDE on January 21 (second picture below).
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Finally, KOKIA announced on December 28 in her news entry that starting January 6, she's teamed up with ePrint Service for Shopping Mall KOKIA. This means that in convenience stores all across Japan (7/11, Lawson, Family Mart, Mini Stop), you can use their printing service to print out exclusive KOKIA designed items. Currently, there are 2 postcard designs for ¥ 400 and one sticker design for ¥ 600. Both have a cute snake design to commemorate the 205 being the year of the Snake, and the other postcard design is a promotional shot for her album essence. More designs are planned for the future. KOKIA mentions how this way, she doesn't have to worry about high shipping costs for small items.
The current designs can be seen on the official website.
Additionally, fan club members will receive a special code in the next mail magazine, which they can use to print out the seasonal KOKIA newspaper from now on, too.
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lgcmanager · 1 year ago
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SCHEDULE TYPE: TRIMESTER ( PART 1 OUT OF 1 ) SCHEDULE RESTRICTIONS: cannot be paired with another trimester schedule, unless stated otherwise. for reference as to whether your muse is eligible for this event, please click over HERE.
early morning on OCTOBER 16, KIM HYUNCHEOL is already waiting for the girls in the meeting room as they come in. a file folder is waiting for each girl in front of their seats. when everybody has found a place, hyuncheol finally speaks: "good morning. the family concert is now behind us, so we can finally share the details of LGC GIRLS JAPAN's SECOND SINGLE and FIRST LIVE TOUR."
"in front of you, you'll find a file with various lyrics sheets. the first one is the TITLE TRACK of your single, called "FIRE TRUCK". the concept is inspired by the famous SAILOR SQUAD, and each of you have been assigned a member. your hairstyles will be changed or refeshed to relect your assign member:
CHA SORI: SAILOR MERCURY (short black hair)
NOH AREUM: SAILOR JUPITER (long brown hair)
PARK JAEKYUNG: SAILOR VENUS (long blonde hair)
PARK TAEHA: SAILOR MOON (long blonde hair)
YANG AERA: SAILOR MARS (long black hair)
since the release of the single is planned for NOVEMBER 21, you'll have the week to learn and practice the song and will record it next MONDAY. the following days will be dedicated to learn the choreography and the music video will be filmed on OCTOBER 30. then from OCTOBER 31 to NOVEMBER 20 focus will be on practicing for the tour. on NOVEMBER 20, you'll be flying to JAPAN and spend the following 3 days promoting the single at various TOWER RECORDS locations."
"the following pages in the file are all dedicated to the tour. added to the lgc girls japan songs you've already practiced and the new singles songs, are 3 of your suggestions and 2 additional songs picked by the staff, for a total of 10 songs."
1. BREAKTHROUGH (lgc girls japan) - All [ MC 1: Intro ] 2. TOKYO DRIFT FREESTYLE (cover) - All 3. BZZ BZZ (new single bside) - All 4. GIRLS GOTTA LIVE (lgc girls japan) - All [ MC 2 ] 5. LOOK AT ME NOW (lgc girls japan) - Aeri, Areum, Sori 6. JANKENPYON (cover) - Jaekyung & Taeha 7. HEAVY ROTATION (cover) - All 8. CLAP CLAP (cover) - All 9. Idol (cover) - All [ MC 3: Ending ] 10. FIRE TRUCK (new single title track)
all relevant details of the new single & upcoming tour are available HERE
"the tour will have a total of 14 shows. every show will be preceeded by a one hour GROUP HANDSHAKE EVENT with about 100 lucky fans. furthermore, during the period of the tour, you'll be flying to japan on THURSDAY EVENINGS and come back to seoul on MONDAY MORNINGS. since this schedule will be quite demanding, we only ask you an 8 hour of practice during your time in seoul. you may do anything during the rest of your free time. however, i strongly advise that you spend time working on your stamina if you want to get through the tour without any injury or getting sick. your health needs to be a priority."
NOVEMBER 25: Kanagawa (Harmony Hall Zama Dai Hall)
NOVEMBER 26: Tokyo (Line Cube Shibuya)
DECEMBER 2: Miyagi (Sendai Sunplaza Hall)
DECEMBER 3: Iwate (Oshu-shi Bunka Kaikan Z Hall Dai Hall)
DECEMBER 9: Osaka (NHK Osaka Hall)
DECEMBER 10: Osaka (NHK Osaka Hall)
DECEMBER 16: Ehime (Matsuyama-shi Sogo Community Center Camellia Hall)
DECEMBER 17: Aichi (Nippon Tokushutogyo Shimin Kaikan Forest Hall)
DECEMBER 23: Shimane (Shimane Kenmin Kaikan Dai Hall)
DECEMBER 24: Hiroshima (Ueno Gakuen Hall)
DECEMBER 30: Kagoshima (Houzan Hall)
DECEMBER 31: Fukuoka (Fukuoka Sunpalace Hotel & Hall)
JANUARY 6: Hokkaido (Sapporo Cultural Arts Theater Hitaru)
JANUARY 7: Kanagawa (Harmony Hall Zama Dai Hall)
rooming at the hotel during the tour:
ROOM C: PARK JAEKYUNG, ACCOMPANYING STAFF (changes almost every week)
"finally, most of the debuted artists will that part in a RETREAT in december. unfortunately, due to their schedule, NOVA will be unable to attend. instead, their participation will be done through preparing a meal for the company's artists and staff members. considering the group only has 6 members, they are far from enough to be able to prepare LUNCH BOXES for everybody in a timely manner. so it's been decided that the five of you and some LGC SPRING BOYS members will be assisting the girls in their task, on DECEMBER 6." hyuncheol announces. "the activity will be used as content for NOVA's upcoming YOUTUBE SHOW. i expect all of you to be on your best behavior and do your best on this day."
as explained above, the girls will be assisting the NOVA members in making LUNCH BOXES for their seniors. do not worry, staff of the partnered cafe will also be present to supervise and assist the idols and trainees.
the participants will be divided in three teams, each in charge of different parts of the boxes:
SANDWICH & KIMBAP TEAM: seo minseo, yu milan, baek byeongkwan, kwon hyuntae, noh areum, yang aera
GRILLING TEAM: kim nayoung, watanabe miyu, kurosawa akio, xue yichen, park jaekyung, park taeha
SALAD & PLATING/PACKING TEAM: kwon sena, son nabi, han noeul, park seojin, cha sori
TOUR: write a 4 replies (minimum 8 lines) thread with another lgc girls japan member about anything that happened during the tour for +5 POINTS TO DISTRIBUTE ANYWHERE and +6 NOTORIETY !
DVD MENT: write a 300+ word solo of your muse being interviewed and asked about a memorable moment of the tour for +6 POINTS TO DISTRIBUTE ANYWHERE and +3 NOTORIETY ! these interviews will be included in the dvd release of the tour
FREESTYLE: write the 8 lines freestyle your muse performs during the tour (see the tour list for more details) for +6 LYRICS WRITING and +6 NOTORIETY !
OFF DAYS: write a 300+ word solo or a 4 replies (minimum 8 lines) thread with another lgc girls japan member about anything they've done during their off days +8 POINTS TO DISTRIBUTE ANYWHERE and +2 NOTORIETY !
LUNCH BOXES: write a 4 replies (minimum 8 lines) thread with another participant, ideally from your own team, about anything that could be caught by the camera for +6 POINTS TO DISTRIBUTE ANYWHERE and +3 NOTORIETY !
**concerning the lunch box threads: since there are a limited number of participants, please be mindful of the number of threads you take for this event, as you might block others from having partners if you take on more than one or two. also, the show is foused on the nova members, so threads between other participants might not make the final cut. finally, there's currently no air date for this or the lgc retreat, so do not mention any of it in your sns.**
make sure to use the hashtag lgc:lgcgirlsjapan for all of the tasks. you have until JANUARY 6, 2024 at 11:59PM EDT to complete the requirements and validate your points. please submit the following form ONCE on the points blog.
MUSE NAME ∙ LGC GIRLS JAPAN 004  - TOUR: +5 ( skill points distribution ), +6 notoriety  [ LINK ]  - DVD MENT: +6 ( skill points distribution ), +3 notoriety  [ LINK ]  - FREESTYLE: +6 lyrics writing, +6 notoriety  [ LINK ]  - OFF DAYS: +8 ( skill points distribution ), +2 notoriety  [ LINK ]  - LUNCH BOXES: +6 ( skill points distribution ), +3 notoriety  [ LINK ]
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elleofakind · 20 days ago
Exploring Toyokawa Inari: A Sacred Shrine of Fox Spirits and Rich History
Nestled in the heart of Aichi Prefecture, Toyokawa Inari is a striking and sacred site that has captivated both locals and travelers alike for centuries. Famous for its spiritual significance and deep ties to Japanese folklore, this shrine is dedicated to Inari, the deity of rice, prosperity, and foxes. As a place where ancient beliefs meet vibrant culture, Toyokawa Inari is a must-visit…
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quirkthieves · 3 months ago
37! (from any of my guys whoever works!)
The Iron Maiden and The Dreamy Princess by DouwaP ft. Kagamine Rin
[CONTENT WARNING! The song and MV contain flashing images, eyestrain, and animated depictions + descriptions of intense gore (including eye horror) so anyone interested in listening proceed with caution!]
[Geten] is a prince prone to dreaming.
"Hi!" The prisoner was in one of his better moods today. Swaying in his seat, he looks around the room with a placid smile. It could be hard to believe this was a Titan class prisoner. He was small, for one; clocking in at 4'11", with dainty hands and an oval face. Under baggy shirts and pants, however, the dense muscle of a soldier revealed itself, and broad shoulders unfolded when the young man stopped slouching.
[Geten’s] lineage, the [Himura] family, were a noble family. When you trace that bloodline, you find abnormal kin—
In the fluorescent lights, against a background of white walls, he flickers in and out like a ghost. Silky white hair, cut haphazardly, blur his silhouette as the light bounces off of it, and thick white lashes hide eyes with so little pigment they might as well be glass. His greeting and dark clothing is what keeps him grounded in this world, because frost has already started to creep along the chair he was sat in.
"I know of you!" He leans forward, and the guards behind him tense, but he does nothing to leave his cross-legged position. "Re-Destro admired you. You were in jail, but he told me about you. Learning to aim like you from the videos made me stronger." Geten seems absolutely delighted by the individual they've sent to speak with him, and there's no hostility in his voice when he speaks again. "I wonder which one of us would win in a fight. I'd like to see if I really can do it."
Again, the guards shift in place, but it had been long enough that most involved in his case understood that it wasn't a threat. It's simply the only language he knows.
It is an unprecedented tragedy of atrocity.
The recovered footage of the attack on Deika-- unedited-- demonstrated just how long the League of Villains had been getting stronger, just how early on they had been able to unleash hell upon an entire city. But the one who had surpassed the death tolls of Twice, Shigaraki, even Gigantomachia--
{The ground quakes and groans. Roads warp. In less than a minute, dozens of cameras capture the earth splintering apart as peaks of ice emerge, cleaving buildings and turning hoards of clones into mush. Deika City, population of 110,000 people, around 40 sq. miles in size, was torn to pieces along every major water line. Blue flames engulfed blocks at a time, but the ice would continue its slow conquest anyway. The local watershed had almost been destroyed. Wildlife was torn to pieces or flash-frozen as the ice dropped in temperature in order to propagate.}
There were many methods of slaughter,
Power like that doesn't come without experience. The Meta Liberation had its fair share of enemies through the years, both inside and out.
Ice is a great weapon, isn't it? Eventually, it disappears.
chopping off fingers,
Some of the soldiers arrested had missing digits. The wounds weren't fresh, but they were consistent.
tearing out their guts,
Geten is praised for his efficacy in emails between Re-Destro and an advisor stationed elsewhere. Showing lots of promise!
removing their lower jaws,
Shigaraki's destruction has very specific effects; some of the bodies recovered were crumbling to dust-- but they had been mummified for a long time. Temperatures in Aichi don't get cold enough for ice mummies, typically.
Among all the different torture devices, the one that [Re-Destro] loved the most was one famous for its cruelty and unusual shape:
Like any proud teacher, pictures of Geten's sculptural expertise throughout the years were kept by Yotsubashi. Isn't he talented?
"Iron Maiden."
Cementoss was the keystone of the Villa Raid. And he paid the price for that importance. It was a miracle, the doctors said, that his thick skin kept the ice from going a millimeter deeper and puncturing something fatal.
A bizarre stench enveloped the [villa], and whether they excavated the garden or pulled down the walls: corpses, corpses, corpses, corpses.
Without running away or resisting, [Geten] sat innocently in his [cell]. [Atsuhiro Sako] spoke in court several days later:
“It was as if he was an innocent boy who knew nothing of the world.”
[Kiyotaka Himura] was in a dream all along.
"Why'd you want to speak to me? I thought I did the disposition." He's confused his last word-- deposition-- but he's bright eyed and cognizant.
"Have you spoken with Re-Destro? I think you'd like him. He's very smart. If you have more questions, he knows a lot more than I do."
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designobjectory · 3 years ago
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Setogura Museum. Seto Ware Large Ornamental Jar by Kawamoto Masukichi I, 1876
Seto-yaki (瀬戸焼) is produced around the cities of Seto and Owariasahi, in Aichi Prefecture. Seto is one of the Six Ancient Kilns of Japan, along with Bizen, Echizen, Shigaraki, Tamba and Tokoname. The origin of Seto ware goes back to the beginning of the 19th century. A potter from Seto brought the porcelain process from Kyushu back to his hometown. Local artisans then learned the Chinese-style art of painting and developed ceramic painting depicting Seto’s scenery and nature. By the end of the 19th century, Seto ware had become highly prized in the west and even influenced the Art Nouveau movement in Europe. During the Meiji Period (1868-1912), the production of this most valued of Japanese pottery prospered and comprised tableware, tables, lanterns, and flower vases.
The characteristics of Seto ware are its white unglazed pottery and its dyed and refined designs. Local raw materials are used: motoyamakibushi clay, motoyamagairo clay and sanage feldspar. The use of dyeing techniques for undercoating is a characteristic feature. Dye is applied directly on ceramics and painted designs are placed onto the unglazed pottery. The most famous dye is asbolite, an indigo blue paint.
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yuzu-all-the-way · 3 years ago
Nagoya news - 28.06
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Transcript of translation below cut:
Q: What does Nagoya remind you of?
A: Chicken wings. I rather like chicken, so I'd like to have chicken wings, & miso-katsu (deep-fried breaded pork cutlet with miso sause). I like "katsu" (also means "to win") but I don't think I can eat that until the show's finished!
Q: There's another episode in Nagoya
A: There was a time I went into a good old-fashioned cafe in Nagoya & I was the only customer inside (lol). I remember clearly that I had "Kishimen" (flat udon noddles, like fettuccine). I think I was still a junior high school student then, when I wasn't as famous. So I simply went inside, ate it like nothing had happened & left.
MC: It would be a big deal now!
A: Hehehe!
Q: Your impression of Aichi?
A: It's like a training ground for Japanese figure skating. Midori Ito, Mao Asada, Shoma-kun & Kagiyama-kun are working hard. I myself have attended training camps at a rink in Chukyo University since I was a junior competitor. So I have an image (Aichi being) a place that's raising the standard of Japanese FS.
Q: So how do you feel about doing ice shows in Nagoya?
A: I'm nervous, extremely nervous. The audience in Nagoya are discerning - that's my impression. So I feel I have to perform well.
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megurodivision · 3 years ago
Yeong's Thoughts on Shizuoka Division
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Hojo Kanon
"Woah... is it weird to say that this woman scares me, yet... also brings something out of me? She's insane, that's for sure. You have to wonder exactly what Chuohku does to these people once they're in their clutches. It makes me think about..." Yeong stops himself, and shakes his head, getting back on track.
"Anyway, this woman screams dangerous. If we're to face her and her team, we'd better be careful. She seems even more dangerous than the scary-spider woman from Shinagawa. And that's saying something!"
Aichi Reika
"Ah, the famous and rich widow, herself, Reika Aichi. I don't know why it took so long for people to realize that she was responsible for the murder of her husbands. I mean, her first husband should have been a major hint, especially since the guy was responsible for Reika's mom's death. Turnabout is fair play, as they say.
"But still though, what the hell was the deal with the rest of your spouses, lady? Were you that eager to get in their pockets? Or was the money just a bonus and you have a thing for killing men? If so, Chuohku might just be the place for you."
Kito Sakura
"Ah, Ms. Sakura. I didn't think I'd have to see that ugly mug of yours again... especially after I delivered a nice roundhouse kick to it. No wonder she hasn't been seen back here in Meguro!" Yeong laughs at this. "Sorry sweetheart, but you only had yourself to blame for that! Meguro is DSC's territory. My territory. And if you want to take it, you'll have to pay for it. And I'll tell you now, we aren't cheap." Yeong laughs again.
"Ahh, I kill myself..."
Silent Tragedy
"Silent Tragedy, huh? Not the most unique of names out there, but it kinda fits with these three, don't you think? Well, whatever. I'm not eager to face most teams, but these guys... yeah, I'm definitely looking forward to facing them, partially because I have a good feeling about the outcome."
"My superiors don't care much for this team... at least as far as Reika Aichi and Kito Sakura are concerned. ...However, they have asked me if I'll make contact with Hojo Kanon, for reasons unknown. Seesh, I have to wonder what those bald SOB's are thinking half the time..."
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ducktoonsfanart · 10 months ago
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Ducktales, Quack Pack and Dragon Ball - Scrooge, Fethry, Dugan, Huey, Dewey and Louie Duck with Master Roshi, Gohan, Goten, Trunks, Krillin and Oolong - Duckverse and Dragon Ball Crossover - Tribute to Akira Toriyama and Dragon Ball - My version
Even though I'm late, and to make it easier for you to refer to your crossover, I'll post one drawing each so you know what it's about.
Yes, and in honor of Akira Toriyama, in honor of one of my favorite manga and anime even though the action takes place in China and certainly dedicated to the 90th anniversary of the creation of the best Disney duck, Donald Duck. I drew three separate drawings of the crossover Duckverse and Dragon Ball characters and combined the various Duckverse and Dragon Ball variants into one. I wanted to add more, but not all characters would fit, so I’ll post it separately another time. I mean especially the villains.
Akira Toriyama was born on the same day as me, April 5th, but in a different year, which is 1955 in Kiyosu, Aichi, Japan, and he started his career in 1978 working for a Japanese magazine and later published the manga Dr. Slump continues to write and draw the Dragon Boy manga after 1983, so that from November 1984 he writes, draws and publishes the famous Dragon Ball, which will later become very popular and even the most popular in the world. He was particularly inspired by Osamu Tezuka, who created Astro Boy and is the father of manga. In 1986, the Dragon Ball series began airing and it would become one of the best anime I could enjoy. Yes, it will come out through various series like Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Z, Dragon Ball GT, Dragon Ball Z Kai, Dragon Ball Super, etc. Unfortunately, Akira Toriyama left us on March 1, 2024, and many were affected by this, including me that this happened. Thank you for everything, good man that you have done for all of us! Rest in peace, amen!
This drawing I drew shows other male characters and boys with other Dragon Ball characters, like Ducktales and Dragon Ball. Scrooge McDuck is with Master Roshi (I don’t have to say why), Fethry Duck is with Krillin, Dugan Duck (Fethry’s nephew) is with Oolong Pig, Huey Duck is with Gohan (Goku’s older son), Dewey Duck is with Trunks (Vegeta and Bulma’s son) and Louie Duck is with Goten (Goku’s younger son). Scrooge McDuck is similar to Master Roshi because he is like an advisor, and who influenced Goku and Donald the most, and they are quite comical and love women, Huey is similar to Gohan because he is the oldest, and they are often both rebellious, Dewey is similar to Trunks because he tends to stand out and be alone, but also because of the similarity of his hairstyle, Louie is like Goten because he is the youngest, but prefers sports and they have a good heart, Fethry is like Krillin because they are clumsy and are often with Goku, that is, with Donald and Dugan is similar to Oolong because they are smaller in stature, although both have a strange energy. I definitely drew them wearing Dragon Ball clothes (as in the previous drawing) since they are in China practicing martial arts.
Yes, I combined from the comics Donald Duck, Duck Avenger (PKNA), Double Duck, Darkwing Duck, Three Caballeros and Quack Pack into one along with various Dragon Ball variants in my own way and drew them to wear the same clothes as in Dragon Ball. I hope you like this idea and this crossover. Feel free to like and reblog this and if you support this idea feel free to say so, just don’t use my same ideas without mentioning me. Thank you! Also, happy 90th birthday to Donald Duck as well as 40th birthday to Dragon Ball and Goku himself! I hope you like this drawing and this idea!
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lebomboniere06 · 3 years ago
The September issue of 25ans magazine has a short article detailing Eiji, which was written by a screenwriter named Mihoko Yamada.
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Beautiful People Collection The reason why that person in season is wonderful ikemen
Mihoko Yamada Essay This month's person Eiji Akaso When the intellectual "seasonal actor" who has a high elegance and affinity is on the cover, it moves That's right. "Said by a female editor of a weekly magazine. "Moving" means that the number of copies is sold out and the sales increase.
"He" is Eiji Akaso, the "seasonal actor" who won first place in the "20s actor soaring ranking" of the "Talent Power Ranking" in August and November 2021. he looks young because he has a baby face, but he is 28 years old.
His name spread to young people in the drama "Cheri Maho","It seems that you can become a witch if you are a virgin until the age of 30" (TV Tokyo series). In Wich starred for the first time alone ,It seems that it was "SUPER RICH (Fuji TV series)" were he played the role of Noriko Eguchi's husband that was "discovered" by the adult women in Japan. Eguchi who played the executive career woman was straight with clear eyes. Mr. Akaso, who is a super young husband who supports with such thoughts and played a business partner. I am not the only one who inflated my delusion how wonderful it would be if such a man supported me both publicly and privately.
In order to unravel the "beautiful person" with Elegance and affinity by 25ans magazine of this month I dig in
Mr. Akaso, the familiar "Elementary school town" in Nagoya" will be the most important. After all, Mr. Akaso was born in Osaka prefecture and is from Aichi prefecture. Because was a member of idol group of "IKEMEN ☆ NAGOYA". As a member of a local male idol group that will be renamed to "BOYS AND MEN" later, Eiji Akaso has appeared in stage performances and variety shows in the three Tokai prefectures since his teens. There is a "past" that was willing to respond to the "much swing" unique to local stations.
With such a flow, the roots are gradually known, but the most famous is that the father is a linguist (English studies), and now the president of Nagoya Gakuin University, it must be Mr. Haruyuki Akaso.
Akaso Eiji San says he has taken a lecture from his father because he is from the same university. "I spent my father's job in Wisconsin, USA until I was three years old." "When I was two or three years old, I was taken to an overseas academic conference," he said in an interview. That's why Twitter is flooded with English sentences and fans from overseas sometimes send comments in English. And my mother is a piano teacher. Akaso san, who learned the piano from the age of 3 to junior high school and was entrusted with the accompaniment in the chorus contest when he was in elementary school, is definitely a thoroughbred and can be said to be the most handsome guy who has a high affinity with the Elegance group of "25ans" readers. Probably.
After winning the Grand Prix at Samantha Thavasa's "Men's Model Audition" in 2013, he has belonged to the same office as Shun Oguri, Kei Tanaka, Shotaro Mamiya, Kentaro Sakaguchi, and younger people. It continues to the present as the first. I often hide my eyebrows with mashed hair, but the points are the thick and powerful "male eyebrows" and the eyes that tend to have brown/honey colored big eyes. The shape of the chin is also popular as "sexy". Eiji Akaso is appearing in July with Kasumi Arimura and Tomoya Nakamura in the role of a clumsy, serious and kind-hearted young man in "Ishiko and Haneo.
Let's enjoy the latest ikemen together!
PROFILE Yamada Mihoko Born in Setagaya-ku, Tokyo. While working on variety programs such as "Dancing! pacific saury Goten!" (NTV), "A Story I Don't Know About One Round" (NTV), "Dodesuka" "!" "Up!" Me-Tele) Also active as a commentator for "Sunday Japon" (TBS series).
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btzone · 4 years ago
Commonality of Buck-Tick member names
I was thinking that if you’re not Japanese, you might not know how common or rare the various Japanese names are. For Buck-Tick, the names of the band members are fairly common first names and surnames, not really anything unusual happening there. No native speaker should have trouble reading their names. However, the most interesting thing to note is that Hisashi’s kanji is not usually how one would think to read that name, which is how it ended up that on their very first release on an independent label, his name was typo-ed as Kotobuki instead of Hisashi. (To keep that kanji and reading, it is likely to add one more kanji to make Hisashi, much like how Atsushi’s name is 2 kanji.) Our Hisashi Imai is not the only one with that kanji and name reading, but it’s not the default way to read it. This is why when you fill out forms in Japan, you not only write your name’s kanji but you also write down how to read it because you never know what combos a parent came up with.
Some basic info about their surnames, such as how common it is and where in Japan is it most common. Excluding Hokkaido and Tokyo as the majority of people who live in those two places are “immigrants”, so to speak, and not native for several generations. (If you meet someone from those 2 places, ask them where their grandparents are from.) I need you to be able to track your family history in that general area for at least 150-200 years in Japan to call you a native of that region, sorry. (If you can’t claim that you’re the 19th generation descendant of so-and-so, what is your worth?) This sort of tracking is quite easy to do in Japan because we have family registry books that note the genealogy (patriarchal because who needs to remember the names of women) and also serves as a way of establishing citizenship. It’s also fairly common IMHO for the history of a surname to be like, well 1000 years ago this person did something good for the emperor/king so they were granted a gift and the gift was this name and some land. But, I digress. (Trust me, this whole paragraph is hilarious if you’re Japanese with a sense of humor because it’s true.)
Focusing on family names here. No info on their first names as I looked up what were the most common names given to boys in the years the members were born and though their names are common enough, only one of the members have a name in the top 10 most popular boys names for the year they were born. Takashi (same kanji as B-T member; real first name of Toll) was the 9th most common name given to a boy in 1962 (same year as Takashi the drummer). Yutaka gets an honorable mention. Yutaka (same kanji as B-T member) was the 3rd most common name given to a boy in 1962 and 1963; the 6th most common name given to a boy in 1964; the 7th most common name given to a boy in 1965 (Yutaka the bassist was born in 1967). Minor note: though the kanji is different, Atsushi was the 10th most common name given to a boy in 1968 (Atsushi the singer was born in 1966). To the rest of the band members, don’t feel so bad as my name isn’t in the top 10 either! And who can even read child names today. It’s crazy, right? (mic check, um, can I get a chuckle?)
What is not so commonly shared and do not expect to ever know this stuff is the family crest. The family crest is VERY specific to the son that you descended from. Japan be like, “We can’t have each of George Foreman’s kids named George AND have the same family crest!” This ain’t no google search thing. This ain’t no ask a librarian. This is in the family genealogical book and the only people who get to see that is family. Sure, there’s crests online. But don’t think that’s your crest or your favorite celebrity crest. That’s just some common crest that made it’s way to a scanner. Also, if you study a craft, it could be that craft is from a “school” that passes on a pseudonym once you’ve mastered the craft, complete with kanji and crest so unless you know the master’s birth name, you’re not even looking in the right direction. Example, one year someone with the same family name and kanji as mine got really famous in Japan and even made international headlines. Like, you’ve probably heard of this person famous. My mom was curious if we’re related (internet says there’s only 5400 of us so maybe) and while she was visiting relatives, happened to find out that we have different family crests, thus she gave up the search and declared we are not related. (She did not want to bother to go back 19 generations or so to the story of the king who passed out names.., see paragraph 2 above.)
On to the names! For reference, all Buck-Tick members are from Gunma prefecture. Japan has a population of 126,476,461 people. The most common surnames are Satō, Suzuki, Takahashi, Tanaka, Itō, Watanabe, Yamamoto, Nakamura, and Kobayashi. Each of those surnames have over 1,000,000 people with that name residing in Japan. What’s a rare surname? Something with either 1 or 4+ kanji. (Except Hayashi.) They exist but. Really rare surnames? Well, those would be the names the Japanese government declared cannot exist anymore so those names tend to exist only outside of Japan. (Happened to one part of my family so I know this shit exists. Only 460 left. How did they get away with it? And how can I get hanko with this?)
Name info source: https://myoji-yurai.net/
桜井 (sakurai) literal meaning: cherry blossom-well (like a water well) This kanji for Sakurai is ranked #106 for most common surnames in Japan. This is the most common kanji for Sakurai. It is commonly found in Kanagawa, Saitama, and Chiba prefectures. (Kanto region) For cities, Takasaki, Gunma and Uonuma, Niigata have the most people named Sakurai. Roughly 172,000 people in the entire nation are named 桜井. In Gunma, almost 5% of Kanna town has this surname. Other famous Sakurais? Argh, someone in The Alfee. Better than that, Ao from Cali≠Gari.
櫻井 (sakurai) Same name as above, just different cherry blossom kanji (older version). This kanji for Sakurai is ranked #813 for most common surnames in Japan. It is commonly found in Kanagawa, Aichi, and Chiba prefectures (Kanto and Chubu regions) For cities, Takasaki, Gunma and Akashi, Hyogo have the most people named Sakurai. Roughly 23,600 people in the entire nation are named 櫻井. (The people who couldn’t be sussed to simplify their kanji.) 
今井 (imai) literal meaning: now-well (like a water well) This kanji for Imai is ranked #75 for most common surname in Japan. This is the most common kanji for Imai. It is commonly found in Kanagawa, Saitama, and Aichi prefectures. (Kanto region) For cities, Gero, Gifu and Ichinomiya, Aichi have the most people named Imai. Roughly 212,000 people in the entire nation are named 今井. In Gunma, 20% of Ueno village has this surname. Other famous Imais? Miki Imai, singer, wife to Tomoyasu Hotei. 星野 (hoshino) literal meaning: star-field This kanji for Hoshino is ranked #147 for most common surnames in Japan. This is the most common kanji for Hoshino. It is commonly found in Gunma, Saitama, and Kanagawa prefectures (Kanto region). For cities, Kiryu, Gunma and Nagaoka, Niigata have the most people named Hoshino. Roughly 137,000 people in the entire nation are named 星野. In Gunma, almost 36% of Katashina village has this surname. Other famous Hoshinos? Gen Hoshino wrote a song during the pandemic that got very popular and even Hisashi Imai posted a video of him playing along to that song.
樋口 (higuchi) literal meaning: gutter-mouth This kanji for Higuchi is ranked #132 for most common surnames in Japan. This is the most common kanji for Higuchi. It is commonly found in Fukuoka, Osaka, Niigata, and Kanagawa prefectures (Kansai to Chubu regions) but it’s safe to say it is common throughout all of Japan except for Okinawa. Roughly 146,000 people in the entire nation are named 樋口. In Gunma, there’s roughly 1,000 people named Higuchi in Takasaki and guess where our bassist is from. Other famous Higuchis? How about Yutaka Higuchi the figure skater.
Yagami...the stage name of the drummer. He never writes this in kanji but I imagined that if he did, he would write it as 八神. Or did he write it like that once so that’s why I imagine it that way? Anyway, there’s many possible kanji variations and I was surprised that the most common way to write it is actually 谷上. (For me, I’m like is that Tanuye? Taniue? because I’m Okinawan and we have weird place names.)
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germanreich · 3 years ago
Guren guren guren
Title: In the Absence of the Demon
Disclaimer: This is a fan-made translation from Chinese translations! Please go easy and enlighten us on any mistakes or deviations from the original light novel. All credit goes to the original author and illustrators. - Hyaka and Kuro Shion
‘This is Ichinose Guren-sama.’
This was heard in one of the classroom of First Shibuya High School.
Until recently, everyone here should have been an enemy.
What greeted them originally was only scolding, ignoring and a cola bottle thrown from goodness knows where –
Opening the classroom door, there were a few students whispering in the corridor.
‘I heard he was selected as Kureto-sama’s direct subordinate.’
‘They say he was hiding his real strength, but was found out by Kureto-sama.’
‘He’s on good terms with Shinya-sama too, and his strength has even been acknowledged by those two from the Mito family and Goshi family.’
‘So which idiot said he was a rat from a bad family?!’
‘You said it yourself.’
‘No way! Stop joking!’
Guren himself, however, was ignoring those upsetting conversations. He sat at his desk, supporting his face with his hand and daydreaming. Evidently, he was lacking in sleep.
Overnight, he had been in the backseat of a car on the Tomei Expressway, bound for Tokyo via Aichi at 150 km per hour. During that time, his mind was fixated on what might happen in the future, and so he was unable to have a good sleep.
Guren squinted his eyes, half-asleep, and gazed out the window.
Although it could not be felt in this classroom with its excellent air-conditioning, outside it was so hot that the scenery seemed to be enveloped in a heat haze.
Today was the 20th of August.
For normal schools, it would be summer vacation, but in this school there were no such holidays.
According to the news, the temperature these few days had set a new high. Why was it so hot? If the heat persisted, it might lead to stored food going bad, but since the world was going to end this Christmas anyway, to worry about food going bad would be utterly meaningless.
‘…… Guren. Guren!’
Someone called his name.
But Guren did not notice and continued to look out the window.
The owner of the voice grew angry and forcefully rapped the table.
‘Hey, Ichinose Guren! Why are you ignoring my questions?’
Impatiently, Guren glanced towards the source of the noise. There stood a girl from his class.
Her most noticeable characteristics were her bright red hair, strong gaze and pale white skin.
This was the daughter of the prestigious Jujo family – Jujo Mito.
She continued to speak.
‘Every day, you don’t train and you always have this dazed, dumb attitude…… has the fame from being noticed by Kureto-sama made you so arrogant?’
‘…… Who’s arrogant?’
Guren countered, and Mito angrily replied.
‘I’m talking about you! Ichinose Guren. In class you act as there is no one around you, during physical education and spells class you don’t use your true strength. What on earth do you want!?’
Faced with these questions, Guren was troubled over how to answer. In the first place, the content covered in class here were already below his intellectual level. There was simply nothing worth learning.
However, everyone here was his enemy, so there was no need to let all his enemies see his true strength.
And so, every day, Guren acted lazy and pretended to be a half wit – but even if he explained all this she would definitely still not understand.
In the Hiiragi family, to have value or to be famous – in the eyes of the people here, this was something to be celebrated.
Hence, for Guren to become arrogant or proud was not surprising, for this was something that was worth feeling proud over.
So was it better to act out that happiness? However, be it his terrible attitude or hidden true strength, both had already been seen through by Kureto, so was it still necessary to hide everything to such a degree?
In the midst of pondering all these, unexpectedly –
A yawn leaked out of his mouth.
This angered Mito even more.
‘What kind of attitude is that?’
‘Your yelling is making my ears hurt.’
‘First of all, just now during physical training, I saw that you lost to a classmate in an instant…… How can this be? Your strength shouldn’t be so low!’
Guren shrugged.
‘No, I really do only have that much strength.’
She grew even more furious.
‘And that is exactly the kind of attitude that gives others a headache!’
‘Headache? Why? You have no reason to have a headache.’
Mito spoke intensely.
‘Of course I do! If you laze about, those from prestigious families who hang out with you will also be laughed at and shamed, haven’t you noticed?’
No wonder she was so angry.
In other words, being Kureto’s subordinate, Guren was now grouped with Jujo and Goshi, so if his bad attitude were to be seen, he would also drag down the reputations of the others.
Guren smiled and said.
‘Why do I have to be concerned about your reputation too?’
‘That is because…… We are all Kureto-sama’s subordinates, in future we will also be companions working together, so……’
However, Guren was no longer listening.
They were companions?
Kureto-sama’s subordinates, companions?
This was certainly fortunate, to be personally chosen by Kureto-sama to be one of his underlings.
This thought surfaced in his mind.
‘…… Haha.’
Guren laughed in a self-depreciating way, before yawning and continuing to support his head with his hand.
‘Hey Guren!’
Mito called.
The male sitting nearby began to laugh.
Hiiragi Shinya.
‘Come on, Mito-chan, don’t bug him anymore. It’s not like his laziness and disappointing attitude is anything new.’
Mito showed a respectful face to those of the Hiiragi family.
‘Ah, Shinya-sama. However……’
‘Anyway, to someone of his caliber, the curriculum taught at this school must be pointless. Right? Guren? Don’t you agree?’
When Guren ignored Shinya, Mito grew angry again.
‘Hey, you! How dare you ignore Shinya-sama’s words!’
Hearing this furious shout, the people outside started to whisper again.
‘Hey, looks like that rumor was true. He really is on good terms with Shinya-sama and that girl from the Jujo family.’
‘So, does that mean that rebellious Ichinose branch family has sworn allegiance to the Hiiragi family… to Kureto –sama?’
Hearing that voice,
Guren once more stared out the window and gently bit his lip.
In the past, the Ichinose family had been the most loyal to the Hiiragi family, and among the branch families had been the most prestigious and powerful.
But 500 years ago – they split with the Hiiragi family, and set up the religious sect ‘Mikado no Tsuki’.
With regard to the situation then, there were no exact reports, but the reason for this was something everyone knew well.
The lone reason, was simple a love story.
A heart-rending love story.
There had once been a beautiful Ichinose girl, the Hiiragi’s eldest and second sons both vied for her favor.
After a series of complicated events, the girl’s affection was successfully gained by the second son.
According to legend, the eldest son was unable to accept this reality.
Thus one night, the eldest son raped the girl, impregnated her and had the second son castrated.
After that, the eldest son had his own son, the girl and the second son cast out of the family.
The exiled second sun, together with the Ichinose girl, then set up the new religious sect ‘Mikado no Tsuki’.
However, their defeat was still apparent.
After all, when all was said and done, the eldest son was still heir to the Hiiragi family.
The one leading ‘Mikado no Oni’, was the heir to the Hiiragi family.
However, the eldest son did not destroy the organization set up by the second son and the Ichinose girl.
The reason for this, was to humiliate them.
So that the Ichinose girl who had not chosen him, and the younger brother who had betrayed him, would be laughed at and scorned for eternity.
He allowed them to live to suffer humiliation.
To allow their descendants to always bear the scorn of others.
Of course, the castrated second sun could not produce children with the girl.
Hence, the child born of the rape by the eldest son – the Hiiragi boy became the adopted son and heir of ‘Mikado no Tsuki’.
The second son was always scorned.
The girl was always scorned.
The two of them continued to deeply love the other. Yet everything other than this was taken away.
Everyone in the families scorned them.
Humiliated them.
This was the price of betrayal.
The price of betraying the Hiiragi family.
And so, everyone in the families became used to scorning the Ichinose family.
That was why the Ichinose were always rats.
From the moment they were born, they were dirty, smelly rats.
Only, after a long time, all this simply became urban legend.
To the new generation’s Guren and those of the Hiiragi family, this was no longer a topic of importance.
That was why Kureto could calmly issue orders to Guren. The eldest son of the Hiiragi family, had forgiven the Ichinose family.
While this could be seen as violating tradition, it was still a reasonable thing to do. Anyway, things like the ancestors’ love stories, no one really cared about.
Being the loner among the ten families comprising the Ichinose, Nii, Sanguu, Shijin, Goshi, Rikudou, Shichikai, Hakke, Kuki and Jujo, the Ichinose should be the strongest.
If that family would follow Kureto-sama today – this was important enough to be a significant topic of discussion.
It could also be due to his controlling nature that Kureto-sama took Guren under his wing.
Recess was coming to an end, class would resume soon.
Hence, Mito huffily returned to her seat.
As she did so, she was also teased by Goshi.
‘You really don’t learn, huh. Why bother with Guren? Or do you like him……’
‘Shut up!’
Goshi had only said halfway before he was slapped.
Goshi laughed.
However, the rest of the class dared not to laugh. They were afraid of the revenge that came from laughing at a member of the elite families.
And so, everyone could only show kind, sincere smiles.
In the end, whether it was Jujo or Goshi, they were both venerated by the others.
The teacher was already standing on the teacher’s platform. The fourth period of the day began.
This class was on the ways to counter and deal with Western magic, a topic in which Guren had little interest.
Shinya, sitting next to him, lightly tapped his shoulder.
‘Hey Guren.’
‘So noisy.’
‘Well, this is class. So try to speak softer, okay?’
‘That wasn’t what I meant.’
But Shinya pulled his chair closer, leaned on Guren and whispered in his ear.
‘…… If I’m speaking so softly, will I anger the teacher?’
Guren turned with a face full of irritation.
Shinya was still smiling widely. In this school, there were no teachers who dared show wrath towards those who bore the Hiiragi name, Shinya was only saying this for fun.
Guren did not say a word. Shinya annoying him was also perfectly normal, there was no need to respond.
Yet Shinya did not seem to care and continued to whisper in his ear.
‘Tonight, <Hyakuya Sect> will come. So where shall we meet up?’
In this instant, Guren could not help the widening of his eyes.
His gaze locked onto Shinya.
This was not something that should be said in a school run by ‘Mikado no Oni’.
If they were to be overheard, they would immediately be arrested and tortured.
However, Shinya was still wearing his usual smile. Evidently, before saying these words he had already made untold preparations.
If so,
‘……Don’t scare me like that.’ Said Guren. Shinya grinned again.
‘That’s because it’s not good for you to always ignore people and even make Mito-chan angry.’
‘Stop joking around. I’m not interested in playing around with you.’
Guren said, directing a stern gaze at Shinya.
‘I’m not joking. I’m also not interesting in silly games.’
Guren stared at Shinya.
Shinya merely smiled and let Guren stare.
Guren had no inclination to trust Shinya.
Shinya had given him the piece of the chimaera called <Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse> that Mahiru had left behind, so to some extent he could be trusted, but if he let down his guard, he might be taken advantage of.
Therefore, it was necessary to act cautiously.
Guren did not reply.
Taking the initiative, Shinya placed a piece of paper on the table. On it was written the address for rendezvous that night.
Shinya had left his fingerprints on this paper. If Guren gave it to Kureto, the place where they were to meet the <Hyakuya Sect> would be ambushed by the Hiiragi family, and Shinya would also be killed that day.
In other words, Shinya had exposed his weakness to his opponent.
With a shocked expression, Guren asked.
‘…… Why do you trust me?’
Shinya smiled.
‘Why don’t you instead say that you’re amazed at my alertness.’
‘Because your face annoys me.’
‘Ahaha. Even though I look so friendly?’
‘Shut up.’
‘….. Anyway, you may know nothing about me, but I’ve always heard about you.’
‘Ever since I was young. From the time I first met Mahiru… Because, she always talks about you.’
Shinya said thus.
Guren smiled coldly.
‘Then, did you go mad with jealously? You really like Mahiru, right?’
In response, Shinya smiled lightly.
‘To be accurate, I have good feelings towards Hiiragi, but I don’t like her to that extent.’
‘But, I really am jealous of you.’
‘Huh? Why?’
‘I’ve always been imagining what you were like. I wondered about if you were to appear before me, which of us would be stronger, and what you looked like, etcetera.’
This made Guren remember.
When he first entered the school, Shinya launched a surprise attack on him.
Of course, even now he could not ascertain the truth of his words, but maybe to some extend he was trustworthy.
Even so.
Guren picked up the paper Shinya left on his table and slipped it into his pocket, taking care to preserve Shinya’s fingerprints on its surface.
This action that purposely preserved the fingerprints was noticed by Shinya, who smiled.
‘How prudent.’
‘To avoid the fate of the trash that is not street-smart and is disposed of.’
Hearing him say this, Shinya was a little upset, and said.
‘…… That self-pitying talk…… If it were Mahiru she would definitely put on an annoyed expression, why on earth does she like you?’
‘Maybe my face looks friendlier?’
When Guren said this, Shinya looked at him in apparent surprise.
‘…… Ha, hahaha.’
He laughed.
Guren cast his gaze outside the window.
The schoolyard, as expected, was filled with dry heat.
It was summer.
If this world were to end on Christmas day, this would be the last summer ever.
After class and club activities were over, the phone rang.
The caller ID read <Hiragi Kureto>.
The main candidate to be the Hiiragi heir, the student council president that no one in school could disobey.
After pressing the ‘Answer’ button, he heard the other’s voice.
‘No. Is there anything you need of me, Kureto-sama – that is how you should say it.’
‘Do you like oppressing your subordinates that much?’
‘Nah, just joking.’
‘Your jokes aren’t funny at all. Have you been spoilt so much by the higher-ups that your brain has also spoilt? (TN: Hurhur, pun intended)
‘Hahaha, do you want to die?’
‘I dare you to try. Do you think it’s such an easy feat?’
‘……No. But, you know, I really like that attitude of yours.’
‘Sigh~ What attitude do you like?’
‘Although your way of speaking is very sharp, when you cannot win against me you clearly recognize your own status; this attitude.’
Guren did not respond. Because this was a fact. Right now, he could not afford to be surrounded by enemies.
‘Mikado no Tsuki’ could not afford ‘Mikado no Oni’ as an enemy.
This was not a simple child’s fight. Even if he attained victory with his sword, it would be meaningless.
If the people he respected and treasured were labelled as criminals, even the pregnant would not be spared.
Just like 500 years ago.
The situation had not changed at all.
Mito and Goshi, who had finished packing and were ready to go home, walked over.
Goshi saw Guren and snickered.
‘Making a call right after school ends, could it be your girlfriend.’
Mito overheard this, and –
For some reason she stared at Guren.
Guren ignored her and continued to talk on his phone.
‘Anyway, what do you want?’
‘During lunch break tomorrow, come to the student council room.’
‘Haha, you don’t have the right to refuse. See you tomorrow.’
Before hearing the sound of Guren sticking out his tongue, Kureto ended the call.
Shinya, who was sitting beside him, lifted his head to ask.
‘My girlfriend.’
Hearing this, Mito rushed over.
‘…… Wait, wait a minute! You’re still in training, how could you engage in such leisure activities as dating?’
What on earth was this girl saying.
Guren stared at her with an irritated expression, before sighing and ignoring her. Mito was immediately angered and glared at him forcefully. Seeing this, Goshi burst out laughing for some reason.
Guren did not take notice and instead scooped up his bag and left his seat.
Behind him, Mito muttered angrily.
‘Why is he rushing off just because a girl called him? What rubbish.’
Hiding a smile, Shinya told Mito.
‘That call just now was from Kureto-nii.’
‘Eh? What, really?’
Shinya had overheard.
‘Are you going to the student council room now?’
Guren shook his head.
‘No, tomorrow, during lunch break.’
But hearing him say this, Mito was even more unsettled.
‘Wait, wait, you really talked to Kureto-sama like that? That question just now……’
‘How annoying.’
‘What annoying! Wait……’
To the sounds of Mito raging, Guren left the classroom. It seemed that Mito was not yet done ranting, so Guren bluntly closed the door.
In the corridor, Sayuri and Shigure were already waiting for him. They were now in the class just next dor.
‘Ah, ah, Guren-sama. We have been waiting for you!’
Shigure then spoke coldly.
‘Did those disreputable people from the Hiiragi family do anything to you today?’
Behind him was Mito who was complaining ‘Those who are disrespectful to Kureto-sama will blah blah blah’, now, in front of him was his aide who was calling the Hiiragi family disreputable.
Half wanting to burst out laughing, Guren resisted and replied.
‘Nothing at all. Just as usual.’
Sayuri still showed a worried expression.
‘What do you mean, as usual? Did someone throw a cola bottle at you?’
Shigure’s face immediately went cold.
‘If so, we must kill everyone in the Hiiragi family.’
From her uniform skirt, she pulled out a knife. She was serious.
But Sayuri did not notice this and spoke cheerfully as usual.
‘Oh yeah, Guren-sama! What do you want to eat? Whatever Guren-sama wants to eat, I can make it……’
‘Eh, again~?’
At this moment, the classroom door opened. Mito walked out and noticed Shigure’s cold glare.
‘Ah, Yukimi-san…… Such a scary expression, has something happened?’
‘No, nothing at all.’
‘Even so, it is better to speak of happy things here. As such, there are some things Yukimi-san should also tell Guren. With the disrespectful manner in which he treats Kureto-sama, right now Guren’s position is not very good.’
However, Shigure directed her cold glare at Mito and answered.
‘Guren-sama did not do anything wrong.’
‘Being his aide you always cover up for him……’
‘Outsiders have no right to criticize the master of my house. Your voice is very piercing, can you keep it down a little?’
And so Mito embarrassedly silenced herself, casting a silent plea for help towards Guren.
‘Why’re you looking at me?’
Guren said, which made her blush for no reason.
‘…… I, I only, I was only thinking for your sake……’
‘Don’t pry into others’ matters.’
Goshi walked out from behind Mito.
‘Alright, stop teasing Mito-chan. Today’s that day right? The day that everyone plays nice and goes to Guren’s house to play, right? So let’s all get along.’
But this was the first time Guren had heard of such a thing.
‘Huh? What’s up with that?’
Guren burst out. Grinning, Goshi explained.
‘Well~ you see, we’re all united as Kureto-sama’s subordinates, so sometimes we should get closer right?’
‘No, never heard of that.’
‘Yes. Okay. Since I have just come up with such a brilliant idea, let’s all go to Guren’s place.’
‘Stop kidding. That would obviously never happen.’
Unfortunately, yet another nuisance emerged from the classroom, this time it was Shinya who walked out.
‘What, what? Such an interesting idea. I also want to go~’
His expression filled with annoyance, Guren whipped around to leave.
‘What idiots. Let’s go.’
And so he left, which Shigure and Sayuri following.
However, Sayuri occasionally glanced back over her shoulder.
Hearing the sound of footsteps, Guren asked.
‘……Are those three following?’
‘…… Haa, those idiots really took it seriously.’
Shigure lifted her head to ask.
‘Should I destroy them?’
‘If you can even shake off Mito, that would be not bad already.’
‘…… That is true…… Uuu…… I am not strong enough, I am very sorry……’
‘No, forget it, I’m not angry or anything.’
Guren gently petted Shigure’s head, causing her to look at him in surprise. On her usually emotionless face, a dazed expression seemed to emerge.
Compared to this, the reaction from the side was much bigger. Sayuri’s face was filled with panic.
‘Ah! Ah! What was that just now! Shigure is so sneaky. Me too! I also want to be petted by Guren-sama!’
But Shigure grabbed and restrained Sayuri’s hand, saying.
‘…… No. Last time Sayuri confessed to Guren-sama and was petted, this time it’s my turn.’
‘Eh~ Yuki-chan is so sneaky. I also want to be petted.’
‘But, but.’
They argued so, but the two aides were already showing expressions of understanding.
When petting Shigure’s head earlier, Guren had slipped the paper Shinya had given him behind Shigure’s ear. On it was written the time and location of the meeting.
Hikarigaoka Park.
In front of the tennis practice courts.
This was the meeting with the <Hyakuya Sect>. Naturally, the name <Hyakuya Sect> was not written on this paper, but there would definitely be preparations to be made. Weapons had to be readied. Or perhaps they would have to move stealthily and not let anyone notice.
Shigure spoke.
‘Putting the jokes aside, today I need to take in the laundry, so I shall head back first. What about you, Sayuri?’
‘I need to go the supermarket. Today, everyone……’
She glanced back. Guren confirmed it.
‘Probably so. That bunch is very annoying, we can’t shake them off.’
‘I see. Then just to be on the safe side, I will prepare their shares too.’
As Sayuri said this, Goshi snuck over.
‘Ah, to be able to eat Sayuri-chan’s homemade cooking? I’m really looked forward to it.’
Sayuri answered his smile with a cold aura, before saying.
‘Then I shall prepare curry, Guren-sama.’
With this parting statement, she turned and quickly walked away with Shigure.
Seeing them leave, Goshi sped up to walk side by side with Guren.
‘…… Guren you really are sneaky~ to have two such cute girls serve as your aides.’
Shinya also walked side by side with Guren.
‘You could just ask your family for the same.’
‘Ah, Shinya-sama… Nah, I’m not as good as my younger brother. Actually, they don’t really think much of me……’
‘But now you are Kureto-nii’s subordinate.’
‘Oh yeah, that’s true. After that all my attendants’ attitudes towards me changed, but that immediate change is what’s repulsive…… It feels like my brother is also more nervous……’
The two people by Guren’s side chatted as they walked.
‘You’ve really made up your mind to come to my house?’
As Guren asked this, Goshi nodded.
‘Yeah. Can we?’
Shinya then smiled.
‘Ah, is it that? You’ve hidden many R-rated books in your house, so us visiting is a problem for you?
Actually, it was not because of hidden porn magazines that he felt trapped. Even if it were people from the Hiiragi family who came to check, they would still not find anything of significance.
Why did Goshi suddenly want to visit Guren’s home? Shinya had also taken notice of this issue.
No matter how you put it, today was the day that they might meet the <Hyakuya Sect>.
Was it possible that Kureto had found out about this –
That the meeting tomorrow afternoon in the student council room was just a cover, and that he actually knew that they were meeting the <Hyakuya Sect> today.
Guren directly interrogated Goshi.
‘…… Were you ordered by Kureto to keep surveillance on me?’
Shinya looked over at Guren and Goshi. Evidently, he had also been thinking about this.
Goshi shrugged.
‘Nope. I haven’t gotten any instructions from Kureto-sama.’
‘Then why do you suddenly want to come to my house?’
‘Because we are companions.’
‘We are also classmates, if this were a normal school, it would be the summer holidays now.’
‘It’s the time for everyone to play together. Right?’
However, Guren wore an expression of complete befuddlement and shook his head.
‘I have absolutely no idea what you’re talking about.’
Goshi laughed.
‘Really? Okay, the truth is that~ I got scolded by my parents yesterday.’
‘Parents? What did they say, that you have to gain as much of Kureto’s favor as the Ichinose?’
Goshi shook his head.
‘No, no, the opposite actually. They said that the Ichinose trash are still traitors and will soon be shunned again, so I should not associate with them so much.’
His parents certainly had foresight, thought Guren in his heart. However, it seemed that Goshi intended to ignore his parents’ criticism.
‘You should listen to your parents, or you’ll become bad.’
‘So what if I’m bad.’
‘You rebellious rascal.’
‘Haha, just like those who steal motorcycles for a joy ride? That also seems like a great activity for summer~’
‘Go die.’
Goshi laughed.
From the side, Shinya asked.
‘Does Goshi have a motorcycle licence?’
‘Ah, no. What about Shinya-sama?’
‘Me neither. But I can ride one during training.’
‘Ah, me too~ but it’s more fun to take the public’s possessions? I also want to ride a motorcycle bike.
Even as they conversed, they continued to follow Guren. Obviously, they planned to follow him home.
In the middle of Shinya and Goshi’s discussion of motorcycles, Mito spoke.
‘…… Can I, um, ask you something?’
It seemed that she also intended to follow Guren home.
‘…… Um, just now, you petted Yukimi-san’s head.’
‘Ah, that…… that……’
‘What about it?’
Mito was having trouble forcing the words out.
‘…… The two of you, uh, are going out?’
‘Uh, or is that even if you are not officially dating you would touch your subordinates so tenderly? Or unless, unless, even at night……’
‘What are you saying?’
‘To lay a hand on your subordinates who cannot disobey you, what kind of person are you……’
‘You’re really noisy.’
Guren let out a sigh and stopped listening.
This group of rascals, what were they up to since just now? Their inane chatter was just like that of normal school students. In the first place, to play with friends, this idea was something Guren could not understand. To gather at his house, what did they want?
Was it to play poker?
‘……Good grief.’
They walked out of school.
The weather was the usual oppressive heat.
There were still students training in school. This was the type of school it was. Even if the <Hyakuya Sect> attacked and decreased the school population, no one would stop to rest.
The order to lockdown all information had yet to be rescinded. Only the few in the higher ranks knew about their state of war with the <Hyakuya Sect>.
Even so, small conflicts were taking place unceasingly. Not just in Japan, but even in the branch organizations all over the world, fights were starting to take place.
Hence, to say that the headquarters of ‘Mikado no Oni’ in Shibuya was the most peaceful place left on earth might not be a lie.
Even the <Hyakuya Sect> could not easily lay siege to Shibuya.
However, this school with its concealed traitors was a different story.
As Guren looked around the school, he thought of all the things Mahiru had done.
About dyeing this school crimson with the blood of students, and the things he had done in his youth.
Mito noticed his distant gaze.
‘……Time passes really quickly, huh.’
Was Mito also comparing the schoolyard before her eyes to the scenes of that day?
The scenes of blood and corpses everywhere.
‘Yeah. That’s true.’
It seemed like he had made no progress forward at all, but time was already slipping away.
Mito spoke.
‘In this short time, I’ve already been saved by you twice.’
‘It was just luck.’
She laughed bitterly and lifted her head to gaze at Guren.
‘…… You said it was by luck, but wasn’t it because of it that you ended up grievously injured and comatose for a month?’
‘I was just careless. Furthermore, sleeping is my hobby.’
‘You’re always cracking jokes to change the subject…… But, Guren.’
Saying this, she gripped a small piece of the back of Guren’s shirt.
‘……I really want to show my gratefulness. So, I want to repay you.
‘Repayment, huh. Like how?’
‘…… Like, until the day Kureto-sama officially acknowledges you, and gives you the position of honor you deserve in ‘Mikado no Oni’, I will always support you.’
Nosing into affairs that were not hers – this is what Guren thought, but did not say aloud.
‘…… Furthermore, the current Guren, father would never accept……’
‘Nothing, just talking to myself.’
For some reason she stepped back shyly.
Guren really couldn’t understand her feelings.
He could not understand Goshi’s feelings either.
Why care about the Ichinose trash? Why support him? In Aiichi, the research on Kiju, that if discovered by the Hiiragi family would be severely punished, had already begun.
Yet this bunch of people trusted him so easily.
Companions? Friends? To gain position under Kureto? These kinds of words were too foolish.
It was just as Goshi’s parents had said, the traitorous Ichinose family that was rotten to the core, was too dangerous to get close to.
But even so they said they wanted to be friends. They said that they wanted to deepen their friendship as fellow subordinates of Kureto. It seemed that they did not suspect him as all, and were still innocent and happy in their roles as the young mistress and master that were coveted by their families.
Could he kill these two with his own hands?
Guren mulled over this in his head.
Because they were enemies, enemies of the Ichinose family, there would come a day when it had to end. When that time came, could he do it with his own two hands?
In Ueno he had not killed them. That should have been the time to do it, yet he could not. Whether or not this was the right thing to do, he had no idea. It was not a matter of principle. The point was that he should have acted, but he could not.
– I couldn’t do it.
This sentence reverberated in his head.
Once again he recalled Kureto’s words to him.
‘Although your way of speaking is very sharp, when you cannot win against me you clearly recognize your own position.’
Kureto had said this before.
But was it the truth?
His ambition was ultimately just empty talk, if Shigure and Sayuri were to be captured and held as hostages, would his ambition be so easy dispelled?
Or was it that he still held such an innocent way of thinking that he could not even kill Mito and Goshi?
If so, he should just discard his ambition. For he had already dragged in his comrades in the Ichinose.
The war had already begun.
It had already begun long ago.
Despite all this, Goshi exhibited no anxiety at all, and asked with a face filled with expectation.
‘Hey, is your place far away?’
‘If I say it’s far will you go home?’
‘No way.’
Guren sighed.
‘It’s not that far…….’ He replied tiredly.
Translator’s comments
Hyaka: The history of the Ichinose and Hiiragi is so dark. Guren can also be very dark. Also, why is Guren so popular? First Mahiru, then Shinya, then Mito, not to mention Yuu-kun, Shigure and Sayuri…
K. Shion: Cos he is Guren that’s why. .__.
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hedgebelle · 4 years ago
Cultural References in “They Are Out There Saying”
It took me forever to compile it, but here it is! A brief explanation on all the references to Japanese culture I made in my JayDick Summer Exchange fic “They Are Out There Saying”.
When I got the prompt from @paperempires​ calling for the Batman Ninja verse, I was like, you want 16th century Japan? I SHALL DELIVER.
Ok, so first, let’s talk about geography.
Right now, Japan is divided into prefectures, but in the past there were provinces. Check out the map below.
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Green: Hida Province
Aka the province where this fanfic actually takes place. Nowadays the Hida-Takayama region in Gifu Prefecture.
Located there is the hidden village of the Bat Clan, the calligrapher's house, as well as real places briefly mentioned: Takayama city with its castle (ruins) and Tenshōji Temple (associated with True Pure Land school of Buddhism), and Shirakawa Village (diamond shape on the map).
Btw, Shirakawa Village is a UNESCO world heritage site and overall a lovely place. If you have a chance to visit it, please do. Here, check it out 😊.
Also, Hida is one of the two places in all of Japan where gneiss, a type of metamorphic rock, can be found. A piece of trivia I learned from my best friend (who might or might have not dared me to fit gneiss somewhere in the fanfic) 😉. The second place where gneiss can be found - again, true fact - are Oki Islands, the archipelago north of the Grand Izumo Shrine.
Dark red: Owari Province
Nowadays part of Aichi Prefecture.
According to the Batman Ninja (the version with Japanese voice over) Joker made himself a feudal lord of this province. Which is kinda interesting, seeing as Oda Nobunaga (1534-1582), one of the key players during the warring states period who started the unification of Japan, was a lord of that domain.
Located in Owari is also Alfred's teahouse 😊.
Yellow: Kai Province
Nowadays, it's Yamanashi Prefecture.
Penguin made himself a feudal lord of this domain. In Batman Ninja he really commanded penguins wearing samurai armour 😂.
Violet line: Tōkaidō Road
A tract that linked Kyoto, a seat of the emperor, and Edo (present day Tokyo), the seat of shogun.
So, traveling the Tōkaidō Road didn't become a thing until the 17th century ^^". But I figured, if castles can be weaponized in this verse, then I can send Jason down this road 😊.
On the side note, travelling the Tōkaidō Road became quite a subject in the culture of the Edo Period (1600-1868). For example, check out these famous ukiyo-e.
Star: the Grand Shrine of Izumo
Very much a real place. One of the three most important Shintō shrines in all of Japan. Worshipped there is Okuninushi no Okami, god of marriage. When praying in the Grand Shrine, a pilgrim is supposed to clap their hands four times, not just two like everywhere else. That's because in that Shrine one is not praying just for themselves, but for their destined partner too. 
The Grand Shrine is located in the Izumo Province - nowadays a part of Shimane Prefecture. 
*Even today Izumo is called a place where fates are being brought together 😉.
Circle: Mt Hiei
Again, a real place, located very close to Kyoto. The Enryakuji temple located on that mountain historically had big influence also due to the fact, it commanded its own army of warrior monks. Some further reading on them, if your interested, is here.
(Btw, the Enryakuji Temple is also a UNESCO world heritage site.)
It was emperor Shirakawa (1053-1129) who one said that the only things he does not have control over are the roll of dice, the waters in Kamo River and the warrior monks of the Enryakuji Temple.
*Kamo River flows through Kyoto.
Square: Inabayama Castle
Nowadays called Gifu Castle, located in Gifu City, Gifu Prefecture 😊. One of few castles built on top of a mountain.
Triangle: Mt Osore
A real place, considered one of the most sacred in all of Japan. A site of Bodaiji Temple. Due to the volcanic activity in the area, there's sulfur both in the air and in the lake right by the temple - hence its striking colour. Otherwise, the landscape is barren. 
It is said that Mt Osore matches the description of Buddhist hell, and holds the entrance to the afterlife. For some further, light reading check here.
If you think to yourself wooow that's a lot of references then fear not - there's more 😂.
Other references
Fuke Sect of Buddhism 
Monks of this sect, as a part of their practise, wore basket hats, played flute, and were on constant pilgrimage. 
Travel, however, used to be heavily restricted, so in exchange for a special travel permit, monks were asked to spy for the shogun. Also, ninja (and other people involved in espionage) were known to donn on the attire of a Fuke Sect monk. For that reason, monks were sometimes asked to play on their flutes to prove their identity.
In Batman Ninja Jason is operating undercover as one of those monks.
Check this, for some further reading.
Direction of the Demon’s Gate
It’s north-west. It was believed that demons and evil spirits enter through that direction, hence it was considered unlucky.
Rokuyō (lucky/unlucky days)
A circle of six days, three of which are thought to various degrees lucky, another three - to various degrees unlucky. The most unlucky one is called butsumetsu and apparently is meant to symbolise the day Budda died.
Old unit of measurement. 1 ri ≈ 3.9 km ≈ 2.4 mi
Sexagenary cycle
A cycle of 60 years. It was traditionally used in China for time reckoning, and was known in other South-East Asian countries too.
For some further reading click here.
Golden leaf
Kaga Province (north-east of Hida; now part of Ishikawa Prefecture) is known as the biggest producer of golden leaf in all of Japan.
Zen Circle
On the photo below:
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It’s an important symbol in Zen Buddhism that stands for enlightenment, absolute, the void. In Japanese calligraphy and sumi-e (ink painting), drawing the circle is seen as an expression of absolute freedom of the mind that lets the body create. If it’s closed, it symbolises perfection. If not, it becomes an expression of wabi-sabi - a concept in Japanese aesthetics that translates to beauty of imperfection.
One of the fantastic creatures that appears in many Japanese folktales. Kappa is a water demon that (unsurprisingly) dwells in lakes and rivers. It is rather mean and known to cause mischief, but surprisingly enough - very fond of cucumbers.
Ogre (oni)
One of the fantastic creatures featured in Japanese folklore. Usually portrayed with red skin, horns, and a tall, hulking figure; as a concept somewhat similar to demons or devils, as they represent everything evil and harmful (and also, oni reside in the eight great hells). It was believed a human wicked beyond any redemption might turn into an ogre.
Haikai-no renga
A genre of linked verse poetry. It is made of 18 or 36 verses that alternatively have 17 (5-7-5) or 14 (7-7) syllables. It is less formal than an earlier genre, renga, and as such is supposed to be lighter, witty, comical even. There aren't as many rules dictating which verse is supposed to have a direct allusion to which, how many times and in which verses certain motives (like flowers, moon, seasons) can be mentioned. 
Still, the first verse is supposed to contain kigo, so a word or phrase that indicates the season - in the fanfic it’s May (rice planting season) which is classified as early summer in the old lunar calendar - or in some other clever way gives an allusion to the environment the poetry meeting took place in. The first verse is also supposed to be written by the guest of honour which is why Jason was asked to compose it 😊. Important is also the third verse, as that’s where the theme of the whole haikai-no renga is officially established. 
From the first verse of haikai-no renga evolved possibly the most recognisable form of Japanese poetry - haiku.
Lovers’ suicide
A suicide committed together at the same time by the lovers whose shared affection defied the rules of society and/or obligations to their families. Before commiting the act, they would usually pray to be reborn together on the same lotus flower in the Pure Land. 
Lovers’ suicide is a theme featured in plays for pupper theater bunraku, most prominently The Love Suicides at Sonezaki written by Chikamatsu Monzaemon.
Pure Land
In a nutshell: According to some schools of Buddhism in Japan, Pure Land where people can be reborn and practice pure version of Buddhism, thus are able to finally gain enlightenment (which is impossible when alive, because the practice in the land of the living is warped, impure).
Please, take my way too short explanation with a grain of salt. It might not seem that way, but I’m not all that knowledgeable about Buddhism ^^”.
Nenbutsu prayer
Practised in True Pure Land Buddhism. It’s basically a recitation of a short phrase that translates to “I take refuge in Buddha Amida”.
The bodhisattva associated with compassion.
Vengeful ghost
It was believed that a person who harboured a deep grudge or hatred in their last living moments towards those who had wronged them could become a vengeful spirit.
 *Hoichi the Earless - one of the traditional horror stories. In this story, vengeful ghosts (of the fallen Taira clan) want to take with them a blind monk because he beautifully plays on biwa (traditional instrument). Once his brethren realise the danger Hoichi is in, they paint his whole body in Buddhist sutra, safe for his ears. Because of that, when the ghosts appear again, Hoichi - safe for his ears - is invisible to them. Spoiler alert, the ghosts take Hoichi’s ears, thus the earless in the title. Check out here for some further reading.
Ten Virtues of Tea
Text attributed to a Buddhist monk Myōe (1173-1232. It lists all the properties of green tea beneficial to the human body and soul. 
Translation can be found here.
Portuguese firearms
Historically, the first Europeans Japanese people came in contact with were Potuguese traders. They introduced many European goods including firearms. 
On the unrelated note, the Potuguese in that time period were referred to as Nanbanjin (南蛮人) which translates to southern barbarians.
Eight great hells
...are the concept of hell in the traditional culture in a nutshell. The concept itself was heavily influenced by Buddhism. 
Further reading is available here.
Shinto wedding ceremony
While it incorporates many rites, the most core one (as far as I know) features the groom and the bride taking turns drinking sake (rice wine) from three cup, each slightly bigger than the other. When drinking, they are supposed to sip three times. 
In feudal times, wedding ceremonies started with an elaborate bridal procession to the groom’s house. There, the dowry would be presented, blessings would be given, and then the bride and groom would take turns drinking sake as described above. 
...Okay, I believe that’s it. Thank you for reading!
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