#Ahsoka is like “get way from my girlfriend you pervert”
spacelesbiandisaster · 2 months
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Yeah, I think you made a very difficult de forget first impression Bo...
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sirloozelite · 4 years
I have finally come up with a prompt XD The Ghost Crew, Rex and Miara are hanging out with Kaesoka. Ahsoka and Kanan decide to have a sparring match and when they change, Kaeden only realises for the first time how ripped her girlfriend is. And Miara is mortified at her sister's ogling. Have fun XD
Oh boy. This will be fun. I’ve done something similar to this before in my Life and Times of Kaesoka, but I will give it another go. This will have to be set earlier on in Kaesoka’s relationship though if Kaeden doesn’t know how... ahem... ‘ripped’ Ahsoka is.  Also, for personal reasons, I’m gonna remove Rex from the equation. Too many characters as it was, plus I’m doubting him right now what with the chip business. I’ve replaced him with Kallus instead. Hope that’s ok. 
Kaeden: Holy! Kriff!
Hera: What?
Kaeden: Holy! Kriffing! Kriff!!!!!
Ezra: ... what’s with the swearing?
Kaeden sits with her mouth wide open, staring at Kanan and Ahsoka, who are currently locked in a heated spar under the boiling sun. Kanan has removed their top half, leaving his body exposed for all to see. Ahsoka meanwhile has stripped to a light tunic that covers her decency, but remains just as exposed as Kanan... especially in her arms.  
Miara: Oh for the love of.... really Kaeden???? Really????
Ezra: 0_0
Zeb: Ha! I get it now!
Sabine: Oh you poor poor soul Kaeden. 
Hera: See! I told you that you would enjoy the show Kaeden. 
Miara: Great! Just great! My sister has turned into some sort of ogling menace! I’m almost ashamed to say we are related!
Hera: Hey... what’s wrong with enjoying the display of physical prowess we have before us. I think even Kallus is enjoying the show!
Kallus: Am not! At least in the way you lot are!
Zeb: Then why are you blushing?
Kallus: 0_0
Ezra: Wait..... are we only watching this to.. admire their bodies?!
Sabine: Well duh! 
Ezra: ... EWWWWWW! That’s my Master you are ogling... and my secondary Master too! Ewwwwww! (Ezra turns around with a disgusted look on his face)
Sabine: XD
Hera: Oh Ezra... one day you will understand. 
Miara: Kaeden! For the love of all that is holy... stop already!!!!
Hera: Wow! Kaeden is enjoying the show more than I thought she would!
Miara: You think this is bad!? She was like this years ago on Raada too!!!! You’re a pervert when it comes to orange Togruta... aren’t you Kaeden?
Sabine: Oh let her have her fun. Not everyday we get to see two badass Force users beat the living kriff out of each other.
Ezra: How can you watch this Sabine?
Sabine: Hey... I am a Mandalorian. We live for combat. 
Zeb: Same here! I could learn a thing or two from this!
Hera: I bet Kaeden is learning quite a bit already. 
Miara: That’s it! I hearby disown you!
Meanwhile, with Kanan and Ahsoka
Ahsoka: What are they talking about over there?
Kanan: Honestly.... I’ve got a pretty good guess... especially if what the Force is telling me about Kaeden is true!
Ahsoka: Oh... what’s that?
Kanan: .... oh.... only that she is ogling your body and fantasising about the things you could do to her with it.... both in bed and not.
Ahsoka: 0_0   wait.... what?
Kanan uses Ahsoka’s distraction to trip her up
Ahsoka: Oof! Dirty move Caleb!
Kanan: I know!
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