#Ahit OC SkyScreamer
artblock-tm · 22 hours
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New banner :)
This melancholic yuri comes from the brilliant minds of me and my friend @cosmoknightchaos! That’s his OC, Skyscreamer :)
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cosmoknightchaos · 9 days
Hi:)) 🌹 and 🌙 for sky:)) but if there’s any spoilers then do any other oc I just wanna hear you ramble:)
🌹- What's this oc's biggest fear?
How many times do I have to say Sky's not a complex character before y'all believe me (/silly)
I don't really have an answer for this! Sky probably has pretty average fears. She's a bit scared of things she isn't familiar with, but she's also willing to learn, so they never scare her for long. I can definitely see her being afraid of bugs. Especially bees. If they existed in the Horizon.
🌙- Does this oc have any unusual hobbies?
Not really! Sky has fairly average hobbies- she's a gardener and an avid reader. Which, I suppose, are unusual compared to the hobbies of other Horizon dwellers, which include beating up children, cannibalism, getting stuck under rocks, and being homophobic.
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therealnoot · 1 year
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“ I’ve been lookin forwards t’ fightin you. I wish you good luck, chick, you’ll need it. “
Looks at current ahit tumblr action, looks away sweating.
this is completely unrelated to the fun stuff happening rn in the ahit community cough ahit-oc-competition cough
Anyways this goes with with a post by @cosmoknightchaos that I’ll be linking. Hiii bestie kiss kiss hug hug xoxo
Let it be known SkyScreamer belongs to bestie @cosmoknightchaos . I wonder how many times I can ping @cosmoknightchaos before tumblr bans m- BANNED
SkyScreamer vs Dysphoria. Casual fun friendly oc fighting. It’s not like one of them horribly died and trauma happened. Not at all.
Anyways, again, thanks for viewing my post! Don’t have a good day, have a GREAT day!! - Love, Noot.
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The Skyscreamer!
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belongs to @cosmoknightchaos
Sky is a resident of the Horizon, where she lives with her pet Roughpatch. She doesn't get many visitors, but when she does, she tries her best to protect them from the dangers of the Horizon and its other inhabitants. She's many things: A master magician (specializing in crystal magic), a gardener, a fighter against King Moonjumper (the crazy self-proclaimed ruler of the Horizon), and an adopted older sibling to Bow Kid and Mu. Most of all, she's determined, kind, good to trauma dump on, and willing to do whatever it takes to stop King Moonjumper and protect her world.
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cosmoknightchaos · 10 months
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This took me five hours. Click for higher quality
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cosmoknightchaos · 1 year
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First matchup is Elaine! They're poncho buddies :)
I LOVE Elaine's design. The way she looks like space in some parts, lining up with the classic dweller design while also having the minions' cloak is great design choice. The pins are ADORABLE RAAAA. And she ran a shop where she sold homemade clothing?? I love her. She's awesome.
Elaine belongs to @dustedrosedraws and the matchup is for @ahatintime-oc-competition! May the best win!
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cosmoknightchaos · 3 months
(coughs conspicuously). um. 🌹. for Sky. This is for science purposes. ahem.
🌹(Rose): What does your oc find attractive in other people? Are these traits found in their friends and/or romantic partners? Are they found in themselves?
Purely for science, ey?
Okay first of all before I actually answer this question. Sky's stance on romance as a concept is something I've been trying to figure out since her creation. I don't know how this part of her brain works. It is truly a mystery (<-Aroace who doesn't understand romance in the slightest)
From a platonic standpoint, Sky's looking for people who are similar to her. She likes having friends who see the world the same way she does. For as kind and understanding as she is, Sky's a low-empathy person. She struggles to see things from anything but her perspective- a perspective based more in facts and logic than emotions- and so she automatically likes people who agree with her more. I also believe, because of that, Sky likes folks who are less emotionally conflicted. Which isn't to say she can't handle emotional situations I say as I nervously glance at Act 5 but they're not her favourite thing. She's a reasonable person and she likes reasonable people.
From a romantic standpoint, I cannot stress enough how the stars fucking aligned with Skaide.
Sky is, first of all, really weird when it comes to her romantic orientation. She's probably asexual/demiromantic/panromantic, but I don't know for sure. I know that she experiences both infatuation and romantic interest, very easily confuses the two, and doesn't know the difference between a romantic and a platonic relationship. Sky's in love with the idea of romance more than she is in love, and it makes for incredibly doomed yuri potential.
On the rare occasion she does catch genuine romantic feelings, her type is similar to her platonic type, with a few key differences. Since Sky has a fairly big "stage presence", she leans more towards less-noticeable people. Folks who don't make as grand of an entrance or don't speak quite as loud. Sky has a strong personality and having a more mellow partner evens it out a bit.
All of the words I know of to describe this next bit have negative connotations and that sucks because it's not what I want but I don't know what else to use. Sky likes folks who are opinionated and stubborn. Not in a loud way, but people who have their minds set. Who know what they want. Who aren't very conflicted. Or, who don't seem to be very conflicted. Folks who appear to have their issues under control. Even if said opinions don't fully align with Sky's, as long as they're not in direct opposition, she's willing to adapt her view to match which is a side effect of infatuation, where you want to change yourself to seem more appealing to your person of interest.
I'm going to be honest. I had a whole paragraph written here about how Sky's low-empathy view effects relationships that tied into the Skaide Breakup Arc and why Sky and Jaide are a doomed relationship and I reread it several times and you know what? It was very much out of character. Sky is, despite the low-empathy, very much capable of handling emotional situations and we see that on full display in Act 5. Sure, it's not her best skill, but she is willing to face that issue head-on and try her best to help. So I can confidently say that a lot of Sky's previous romantic experiences, especially the Skaide RP, were just a side effect of me not knowing how to characterize her yet.
But on that note, I still stand by my original comment from months ago that Skaide is a doomed yuri relationship. And I think that all boils down to the fact that, with Sky's low-empathy and experience in emotional conflict, she is a thousand times better at handling platonic experiences than romantic. She is good with having friends and dealing with those issues, but when it comes to romance, she has no fucking clue what to do. It is an unexplored part of her life, and in an attempt to make sense of it, she will always default to treating it like another friendship, regardless of how much she loves the other person. Skaide was doomed from the start because Sky has such a different view on what a romantic relationship is than Jaide does and those views probably aren't going to align. Ever. Skaide is always going to end in them remaining friends because that's the type of relationship Sky is comfortable having.
Now, is there a chance that, somewhere down the line, Sky realizes she loves Jaide enough to try and change that view? Hell yeah. But that's going to come after a lot of conflict and struggle and uncomfortableness. Because, in order for them to become a romantic relationship, Sky has to do the one thing she cannot stand and ignore her logic, ignore the reasoning she always fell back on, and use her emotions to change as a person. And then maybe there's a chance things will work out.
I'd like to finish this off by saying Sky is still in the development stage as a character. I have no idea if any of this will still be true in a couple months' time- Act 5 is Sky's act and I fully believe she's not going to escape development hell until it is finished. But I do know that this is where her character stands right now, and I have a good feeling that it won't change too much over the next few months.
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cosmoknightchaos · 1 year
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She's going to beat you to death
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cosmoknightchaos · 9 months
Hi hi I saw the thingy for the oc ask and do 15
(I tried to pick a good one 😼)
Fuck I have to think about my OCs now
15. An OC that's difficult to write/draw/rp
Sky! I hate writing her! I love her to death but girl needs to chill out. I worry constantly if I'm making her the right amount of complex where she's not bland but also not over the top, I worry about balancing her caring and her carful, I worry about every scene she's in because I feel constantly like she's too bland of a character. Ironically, she's hard to rp because I feel like I make her too complex. Girl help.
As for drawing, also Sky because I can never get her head to look right Paisley is a BITCH to draw. Their design is for the most part simple, but they're also part cyborg. Think Raiden Mgrr. The details are hell on earth.
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Paisley! I couldn't find any good images without the jacket, so unfortunately you don't get to see the hell that is the right side of their body. But the space around their eye should give you a good idea.
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cosmoknightchaos · 1 year
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VOTE FOR HER IN @ahatintime-oc-competition
And maybe best OC win!
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cosmoknightchaos · 9 months
Grabs you
Hiii I’m here to ask the silly questions for the oc ask thingy.
11. 20. 2.
The urge to ask half the super silly questions
It's okay!! We love silly questions!!
2. Your newest OC
I believe that would go to Tristen Kannaroe! The bitch himself. My most recent art of him is from October, though I think his concept was coined a bit earlier than that.
11. Would you consider yourself nice to your OCs?
Nervously glances at the Wtss cast
It depends! Certain characters I treat nicely while others I want to see burn alive. Entropy and Sky are probably the nicest I am to any of my OCs, with Paisley not far behind them. However, we also have characters like William Sonemeir (A scientist who developed advanced war technology and unbeknownst to him turned his dead son into a sentient war machine), Creator/Evan Sonemeir (Will's kid, died and reborn as a war machine), Kannaroe (Tortured for all eternity for simply following orders, though to be fair he does deserve it), and Flower.
I'd say for the most part I'm not nice to OCs, as the best characters are formed by putting them through hell and seeing how they survive. But for the most part I try to give happy endings and help characters move past the trauma I give them.
Except for Kannaroe and Flower. They don't get happy endings because I fucking hate them.
20. An OC regret
Not many! As mentioned on a previous ask, if I don't like anything about a character I'll rework them pretty quickly, so I tend to work out all regrets until I go back to liking the character again. I'd say my biggest regret right now is underutilizing Entropy and Kannaroe. Kannaroe moreso, since Ets has Rtth and a definite appearance in both side stories I plan to release as part of the Wtss Director's Cut, while Kannaroe got completely annexed and exists solely within my sketchbook and that one bit of Rtth. But they both have very good reasons for being underused, so I don't regret it that much.
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cosmoknightchaos · 10 months
Hey tad:))) if you’re doing the silly lil oc angst thingy then then uhm hide and hate for sky :))
Hide: What does your OC hide? Why do they hide it?
Believe it or not, Sky is a man of few secrets. She doesn't have much to hide, why would she? She knows not of a life outside of the Horizon (The most common secret that Horizon-dwellers keep is their previous life), and there's not many other secrets you can keep. Besides, she has no reason to! There's nothing she can really hide, besides keeping a few details of the Horizon's nature from Bow and Mu--details the kids will learn in due time.
If anything, Entropy is her biggest secret. Xey don't like details about xemself getting out, since xey have a reputation as an almighty fourth-dimensional deity to keep up. Sky is one of the few who know Entropy as Ets, the physical being instead of the idea, and both of them would like to keep it that way.
Hate: What does your OC hate? Why? How do they act towards the object of their hate?
King Moonjumper. Is this not obvious
Sky is irritated more than hateful. She's a neat and orderly person and is easily bothered when things don't go as planned or are messy. Side effect of The Author Has OCD. She's also a bit closed-minded: Sky doesn't understand how people feel this way instead of that, or have a negative opinion on something when she thinks the opposite. Very "If this person does then then every other person similar to them also does this".
Which circles around to her hatred of King. He is in every sense her polar opposite. Among the many other reasons she has to hate him, King has opposing views from her that he's very loud about. Mainly on how the Horizon (Sky's home) sucks and Entropy (who raised Sky) sucks and how he should be allowed to leave (which he can't because it would form a time anomaly). Not only does he have the wrong opinions, but he's very loud about it. And he doesn't ever do his research, because if he ever were to achieve his goals, it would cause a whole bunch of anomalies. He's loud, opinionated, and objectively incorrect, and Sky physically cannot understand how he doesn't get it. She understands it perfectly, why can't he?
Some other reasons she hates King are as followed: He's a bitch
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cosmoknightchaos · 1 year
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Where Time Stands Still: An A Hat in Time fanfiction by yours truly
(Details + Links beneath the cut!)
A missing timepiece. A mysterious time rift. A new world with friends and enemies, both new and old. A new chapter. An old legend. An ancient rage.
Two time bombs with immeasurable consequences are running out. It is a race to the timepiece to save lives.
She is up against a ticking clock.
Of course, in a world where time stands still, it can't be that hard, right?
Hey look! I write things!
WTSS is a project I've been working on for a month or two now. It's an AHIT story that takes place as the eighth chapter in Bow Kid's adventure, and features many cut characters along with some OCs and a lot of original lore! There's not really much to say that's not detailed in the story's intro, but if you're a fan of Mustache Girl angst, villainous Moonjumper, and traumatized/traumatizing children, or if you just really like Bow Kid, then this is the book for you!
You can read it:
Here on Wattpad
Here on AO3
So feel free to check it out!
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cosmoknightchaos · 1 year
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Local entity of the void takes down the monarchy 2023 colorized
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cosmoknightchaos · 1 year
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I uh. I don't really have an explanation for this one
Jaide belongs to @artblock-tm
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cosmoknightchaos · 1 year
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Pen fuckarounds featuring my brand-new Ahit OC! Her name is Sky and she won't hesitate to stab you <3
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