#Agri Span
mcgregoragri · 7 months
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Getting The Right Cattle Housing Requirements For Calving
As commercial cattle farming operations battle volatile business climates, ensuring the well-being of the herd and ensuring herd health become top priorities—especially during critical periods, such as the calving season, that many farms are preparing to head into by March.
Discover how to conveniently identify the ideal cattle housing requirements of your farm for maximum returns and yields when heading into the calving season
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agrispan · 8 months
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Making Modern Livestock Housing Affordable | McGregor Agri
Agri Span™ is a new building for modern farming, combining flexibility and strength. Stocked for ultra-fast shipping and assembly. When you need it, the Agri Span™ will be ready.
Looking for robust and dependable modular structures that offer protection and high welfare livestock housing at affordable rates Explore our 0 finance offer.
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Shield Canopy™ | Zadaszenie kontenerowe firmy McGregor
Zadaszenie Shield Canopy to materiałowa konstrukcja rozpięta pomiędzy kontenerami transportowymi ISO, która pozwala na sprawne utworzenie zadaszonych przestrzeni przeznaczonych do przechowywania, na warsztat lub dla personelu. 
Solidne. Przenośne. Niezawodne. Montaż w zaledwie dwa dni. Shield Canopy™ to wiodące w branży zadaszenie kontenerowe – idealny budynek kreujący tymczasową, zadaszoną przestrzeń lub powierzchnie do długoterminowego przechowywania. Zostało ono zaprojektowane i jest produkowane przez firmę McGregor w taki sposób, aby było gotowe do natychmiastowej wysyłki, montażu i użycia. 
Zadaszenie Shield Canopy to elastyczna konstrukcja, która ma wiele zastosowań. To idealne rozwiązanie na stworzenie osłoniętego warsztatu do naprawy pojazdów, przemysłowych magazynów, utrzymywania w suchym pomieszczeniu produktów lub ochrony ludzi od warunków atmosferycznych.
Zadaszenie Shield Canopy to konstrukcja modułowa, co pozwala na wydłużenie już istniejącego dachu bez większego wysiłku przy obniżonych kosztach inwestycji. Jednostki konstrukcyjne mogą być powiązane z układem wieloboksowym, łączonym jeden nad drugim oraz ustawionym w sposób, który spełnia dane potrzeby.
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Guide to using modular storage canopies for weather protection during seasonal changes
As the seasons change, so do storage needs. Whether it’s weatherproof protection from the harsh winter snow or the scorching summer sun, modular canopies for industrial and commercial-grade storage offer a versatile and efficient option for businesses of all sizes.
Whether it’s protecting equipment, inventory, or assets such as vehicles, the need for reliable and adaptable storage spaces persists throughout the year and one such structure that is rapidly gaining popularity is shipping container canopies.
Industry-leading specimens of container canopies such as Shield Canopy from McGregor Structures are extremely robust and long-lasting, made from durable materials like galvanised steel frames and heavy-duty PVC-coated fabric roof sheets; they can be easily assembled, disassembled, relocated, and reconfigured to suit your changing needs.
These versatile and cost-effective structures offer not only shelter but also flexibility in usage, making them indispensable assets for all storage needs. In this guide, we’ll explore the intricacies of using modular storage canopies to their fullest potential, particularly focusing on how they can be optimised during seasonal changes.
Factors that make Shield Canopy the ideal modular storage structure for businesses
Premium materials and build quality: Manufactured with the best quality materials, Shield Canopy suits any prevailing weather conditions and harsh climates in your area. Optimal storage is ensured with heavy-duty PVC-coated fabric roof sheets for enhanced durability and weather resistance. establishing UV protection, waterproofing, and top-tier insulation properties.
Ventilation and airflow: Proper ventilation is crucial year-round to prevent moisture buildup and maintain optimal storage conditions. During warmer seasons, Shield Canopy ensures adequate airflow through its innovative canopy design. In colder months, it can be configured with roller shutters to minimise airflow and retain heat inside the storage area while still preventing condensation.
Structural integrity and durability: Easily standing up to wind loads rated at Beaufort 10, Shield Canopy enables businesses to prepare for inclement weather through its formidable structure that withstands high winds, heavy snow loads, or other environmental stressors. Its watertight seal, dynamic tensioning system, and secure structural clamping system bolster the canopy’s resilience, eliminating the risk of damage or collapse during extreme weather events.
Low maintenance requirements: Prolonging the lifespan and effectiveness of the Shield Canopy is achieved through affordable maintenance. The robust build is resistant to wear and tear, such as rips in the covering material or corrosion on the frame components. Routine maintenance such as the clearing of debris from the canopy’s roof and gutters periodically is recommended to prevent water buildup and maintain optimal functionality.
Utilising modular storage canopies for year-round sheltered protection
One of the primary advantages of modular canopies in storage applications is their suitability for year-round storage. Unlike fixed structures, such as warehouses or sheds, modular storage canopies offer the flexibility to adjust to seasonal changes effectively.
Get in touch with an expert from McGregor Structures to deploy the ideal modular storage canopies for year-round protection
Keep your materials dry and in prime condition with the most reliable container canopies manufactured to the highest production standards right here in the UK. 
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cognitivejustice · 2 months
Creating the world’s “greenest” highway in a desert city: URB city design
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Bagherian’s concept includes “water-sensitive landscape design” that includes native flora and drought-resistant plants suited to the arid climate, and soil mixed with zeolite, an absorbent crystal that aids water retention.
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These “passive techniques” are complemented with smart irrigation technology, he added, “which use real-time data to adjust watering schedules based on soil moisture levels, weather forecasts, and plant needs.”
Smart tech and solar-power
The autonomous solar-powered tram is just one aspect of the proposed highway’s transport system: above the tram line, a network of green areas, parks and overpasses would increase connectivity and walkability of the city, which is currently tough to navigate on foot.
The highway would also integrate smart technology, such as “internet of things” (IoT) sensors, to manage traffic and optimize energy use.
Bagherian’s designs allow for 300-megawatt solar panels and a storage system to be embedded in the tracks, that would power the tram line, as well as generate clean energy for an estimated 130,000 homes.
And the green spaces — including parks and community gardens — would provide space for one million trees, which would also help cool the city and improve air quality.
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cool-moss · 4 months
An End
Your home had been many things. A refuelling station, arms depot, guard barracks, even a brief stint as a Deathwatch Watchtower. That had been a tense century or so for you. For now though, it lay abandoned, locked in a slowly decaying orbit of the planet below. You'd watched them build world spanning agri-complexes, only for those to succumb to the encroaching desert as vast amounts of food were shipped through your home, out to the wider galaxy. Then, you'd watched what could generously be called a spacecraft arrive, painting the system with colour as it tore itself free of the immaterium, only to fall gracelessly, plummetting and burning through the atmosphere. Trenches and defensive emplacements had been carved into the world with the same fervour as a fanatic would mark their skin, and you'd watched fires burn and war rage as millions of soldiers passed through your home. The aftermath of this had brought new life to the planet, a long starved world fed with blood.
When the behemoth entered the system then, you thought it fitting. You knew they would not come to defend it this time, a decimated population and almost no remaining infrastructure meant the world had been abandoned, and you, your home, and the planet below, would all be swept away at once. You'd watched them land, watched life be swept away like a great wave over the face of the planet, and watched the glow of the atmosphere fade as even that was siphoned away. You watched them dock at your home, a mote of surprise that they had not simply consumed it in its entirety - from all you had read, yours would not be the first station to meet such a fate. When the airlocks were breached, and instead of the little remaining atmosphere being sucked out, a new one was breathed in, one taken from the planet below, this mote turned to an ember. As the first creature stepped aboard, your pumps whirred and servos whined as you began to rouse yourself from your long, long watch. This was definitely not the fitting end you had expected, and maybe, just maybe, it was time for you to do more than just watch. After all, it's not every day a tyranid hive ship deposits a group of humans at your front door.
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elbiotipo · 2 years
Some details on the economics of my space opera universe:
There is no faster-than-light radio or communication. All communication is done by extremely fast courier ships that transport data. Even then, information can take weeks or even months to travel from one side of the galaxy to the other. There is no such thing as the internet (though there might have been in other times) if you want to communicate, you have to be there physically.
Individual planets do often have fast communication networks. Ironically, in a way, planetary living might feel faster than life in space.
The most important resources are Non-Newtonian Elements (NNEs), which is a broad category for elements, molecules, or other such structures that do not conform to the regular laws of physics. They are the ones that are able to stabilize aether currents to allow faster-than-light travel, to siphon dark energy to boil water use in industry, and build the frame for great megastructures. among so many other uses, many very esoteric and unknown but to the most especialized engineers.
NNEs are as a rule difficult to find and extract. They are located near black holes, in the atmosphere of brown dwarfs, beneath panthalassic worlds covered in water... And to process them you need complex machinery and supply chains, many involving other NNEs themselves.
As such, these industries are either on state hands, or in the hands of galaxy-spanning megacorporations. (I am speaking in mostly human terms here, other civilizations have different economic systems)
Early space colonies (I dislike the term but let's go with it) were self sufficient, created by generation ships that slowly roamed the galaxy, "seeding" colonies and then moving to the next. So these "old worlds" often have diverse, well established economies.
While my original idea was to make slower-than-light relativistic generation ships, now I'm thinking that perhaps those huge ships were the first to be able to have FTL (if painfully slow), only to later be replaced by smaller, faster ships
FTL space has a *terrain* to it. FTL flight is not even; you can sometimes ride currents to the other side of the Galaxy faster than neighboring stars. There are regions hard to navigate and fast aether currents that span the galaxy. Most of the oldest and well known worlds are located as strings of pearls in those trade routes; the ones in the junctions of the routes have been settled by milennia with long histories.
Sometimes, aether currents change, with the corresponding economic consequences...
This is an economically unequal galaxy. It's not the planets richest in NNEs who are superpowers, rather it's those who are able, for one reason or other, to control their trade or production. While at first the pace of space settlement was mostly equal, those *nations* who were able to control the big NNEs sources for one reason or other quickly set the economic field on their favor. They often are able to sustain high standards of living based on their economic (and political, social, cultural, sometimes military) power over other worlds.
Thus, worlds especialized in a single industry have appeared. Or rather, have been forced into the role. Dependency theory and all that. "Agri-worlds" supply the big ecumenopolises, worlds with luxury products are converted for max production, strip-mining (asteroid mining is the main industry, but some NNEs are only found in certain worlds)... And as such, these worlds mostly import their manufactured goods from elsewhere. And are often home to exploited populations.
Yes, this does lead to the rise of revolutionary and socialist (both in the *human* marxist sense and other alien variants) movements and states. These have to grapple with the facts of ensuring a fair distribution of resources in such a vast galaxy (even small polities have this problem), to which there have been many theorical and practical answers.
In fact, there does exist the dream of the Socialist Galactic Republic, but it seems far away, and currently, megacorporations and unfriendly states seem to have the upper hand. Not everywhere, though.
Meanwhile, the smaller or more remote worlds who are not a big part of this whole economic chain often depend in their merchant marines for trade. For smaller deliveries, private travel, and such, there are countless "free traders" with small indepedent ships that take care of those routes.
Technology is practical and little automated, designed to be simple so it can be used by as many diffrent species as possible. Spaceships look a lot like WWII planes rather than sleek shiny futuristic spaceships. On an aesthetic note, they are often very colorful. Even the largest mega-cargo ships are painted with the liveries of their company, and small free traders decorate their ships with grafitti. The interiors often have small trinkets and pieces of home, and very often, home is the spaceship itself. I fucking hate grey spaceships.
There's actually no large scale galaxy-spanning wars. Moving a warfleet from one end to the Galaxy is ludricously expensive, and invading and controlling a world of billions a titanic challenge. The main powers of course keep large defense fleets, since bombardments from orbit are easy (and tragically have happened with genocidal consequences).
But there's lot of "police actions", anti-"piracy" (and often anti-revolutionary) patrols, guerrilla warfare, small scale skirmishes, showing the flag on trade routes... it's a whole different kind of warfare. If I had to say an equivalent, it's more like the ancient Mediterranean than any modern equivalent.
There's, as you can guess, no such thing as a "galactic empire" or republic or union or anything. There is a galactic "alliance" that sorts of keeps a semblance of international order (like the UN but very much weaker) and trade (often favoring the great powers) and supposedly, could coordinate actions against galactic threats.
(I am thinking in fact there might be a menace like rogue AIs or other stuff, in fact, there might be open war in some places, but that's still up in the air)
There is NO Universal Translator. If two different species meet, they have either to learn each other's language (that sometimes include visual, physical, olfactory, etc. elements, different sound frequencies) or agree in a "trade" language, and there are a few so widespread that most space-people understand it, but they are not universal. Inter-species communication is an industry on its own.
Even more, there's different languages in each civilization. Take the humans, for example. There's Tandar (from Standard) a very distant descedant of Mandarin with plenty of English and other borrowed vocabulary and a computer logical *system*, that is so widespread some people consider it to be the "human" language (and it's indeed one of the main "trade" languages, at least for visual and auditive species). But there are worlds with millions of humans who speak wholly different languages, with each world with its own dialects (and subdialects). These worlds have often been settled by generation ships, who have kept ancient human languages and dialects (like say, Kurdish, Tibetan, Rioplatense...) alive and often are different from the planetbound ones. And of course, there are many humans raised for generations in *alien* worlds, who speak languages with no relation at all with Mother Earth, and even find those alien and confusing.
And that's just humans. There are over four thousand and some spacefaring species on the Galaxy...
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samueldays · 2 years
Shared Universe Blunders interlude: WH40K, specifically
I shall indulge myself in giving an overview of Warhammer 40,000 for those unfamiliar with it. Skip to the readmore if you want:
A shithole future sci-fi setting where the closest thing to a 'main character' is the Imperium of Mankind, a violently militant caesaropapist xenophobic genocidal backward foot-shooting self-cannibalizing galaxy-spanning dominion, governing the majority of the human population. Their FTL travel relies on shortcuts through Space Hell and they perpetrate a thousand human sacrifices a day to keep the life support/stasis pod/space-lighthouse of the Emperor working. They would make excellent antagonists for any other setting, and they conveniently identify themselves as such by having skull insignias everywhere. They're the closest thing this galaxy has to (relative) "good guys" because the Imperium at least contains many baseline humans living ordinary lives, while some of the many worse enemies they're fighting are:
Lawful Evil Space Elves filled with arrogance, sneering, and a complete lack of concern for the lives of humans, playing the "last of their kind" and "dying race" tropes to the point where they'll sacrifice a million humans to save one Space Elf in a complicated gambit enabled by super precognition.
Chaotic Evil Space Elves whose souls are forfeit to the evil She-Who-Thirsts, but they can appease their dark goddess by constantly committing acts of torture-sacrifice on other people to prolong their own wicked existence.
Neutral Violent Space Orcs, here implemented as sentient psychic fungus bioweapons in humanoid form that are a holdover from a war between alien precursor races. Broadly similar to Saberhagen's Berserkers.
The God of Plague who is endlessly creative about inventing new kinds of plague and sending Plague Demons into the galaxy to spread these plagues to everyone (there are significant fantasy elements in this sci-fi)
WH40K, or just 40k, is a very cool shithole. It sometimes appears to be designed primarily around "how can we make the fights look Maximally Metal" so the box art features an eight-foot-tall augmented soldier in greebled power armor, slamming his chainsaw-lightsaber into the face of a spike-covered bug-eyed giant green alien menace.
The logistics of the chainsaw-lightsaber can be sorted out later, and don't think too hard about why future scifi people with spaceships are getting into melee combat.
40k is consistently inconsistent. The canon opening crawl describes the Imperium as "the cruelest regime imaginable"; the Chaotic Evil Space Elves who subsist on torture are obviously far more cruel.
The individual writers have a wiiiiide variety of vibes between "this is a necessary evil" (e.g. putting down soldiers exposed to corrupting infectious memes of the Chaos Gods), "this is an unnecessary evil" (putting down soldiers who heard about the Chaos Gods secondhand), "this is a stupid, counterproductive, really unnecessary evil", "this is not as evil as the rumors would have it", "this is an evil that the protagonist fixed", and sometimes "this is an evil that's just here because a lazy writer had to make Evil Quota".
That last one was raised to my attention by a recent thread on Sufficient Velocity which pointed out to me a canon description of Agri-Worlds and their creation posted on the 40k wiki:
In reality, life on an agri world is as unrelenting, back-breaking and monotonous as the vast majority of other Imperial vocations. There are no trees laden with glossy fruit, only kilometre after kilometre of hissing corn. There are no gentle strolls under the warming sun, only punishing work details in rad-suits, leaning into the dust-laden winds that howl around the equator with nothing to halt their rampage. Once the new arrivals have made planetfall and found this out, it is too late. Crew transports arrive on agri worlds full and leave empty. There is a saying among the indentured workers – you come for the soil, you end up part of it.
Why the fuck do the workers have to wear rad-suits? If the radiation is bad enough to hurt a worker on a shift, it's going to be several times worse to the corn growing there all day. Corn that people are supposed to eat. This in a highly xenophobic state that is extremely intolerant of any deviations from the Official Standard, and frequently executes humans for being "mutants". It is not going to put up with mutation in the planet-wide food supply.
Also, the work being "back-breaking" is stupid and contradictory to the rest of the setting at multiple levels, including:
The very same passage describes industrial machinery automating much of the process
Lifting heavy objects in particular is one of the first tasks to be automated because machines can lift heavier objects for longer times across larger distances
Workers have to eat and replacing them with machines means they're eating less of the food that is the planet's primary export which the people in charge are trying to maximize
This is a rare instance where naked greed, bureaucratic optimization, and compassion for the humans all happen to point in the same direction: Make A Machine Do It.
But 40k writers have an idea that they're supposed to sprinkle some random cruelty in. Make the Imperium behave evilly. Make the Imperium put supervillains to shame with how vile it is. So the canon fills up with this sort of thing, where workers are made to suffer for no reason - not even the bad reason that the ruler is a sadist.
Another example of 40k's nonsense is the Commissars. Similar to the real-world political officers of the same name, they are officers outside the regular chain of command who attach themselves to units of the Imperial Guard and have the authority to execute Guardsmen for desertion, treason, cowardice, heresy, espionage, or any number of other reasons, without trial. The superficial propaganda cover for Commissars is roughly "I'll shoot the first man who runs" (still quite nasty) to avoid desertions, maintain discipline, and ensure that Guardsmen will stand and fight. The truth, 40k hints darkly, is Commissars are murderous assholes, abusing their power, shooting whoever looks at them funny, and the Guardsmen have no legal recourse to do anything about it.
Of course, "no legal recourse" isn't the same as "no recourse". Guardsmen have grenades. Considering the rate at which relatively well-disciplined American servicemen fragged their own officers, the broader history of "mutiny" before grenades were invented, and how 40k's Commissars come from outside the regular chain of command, sometimes even from another planet to the regiment they're attached to, 40k's Commissars should be getting fragged all the damn time. Frag the Commissar if he looks at you funny, the rest of your infantry bros will back you up against this murderous foreign brass-hat. After all, what's the worst that could happen -- death?
Which is perhaps why almost every individual Commissar featured in the 40k novels is better behaved than that. Commissars have a severe case of the OOTS Dark Elf joke.
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Warhammer 40k is like this a lot. The canon is contradictory all day every day. The Imperium is simultaneously colossally self-destructive and unsustainable, and several thousand years old. Every subfaction within the Imperium is the worst one, depending on the writer. Precognition is always a plothole in the making, and the Space Elves having had millions of years to refine their craft makes it worse, which the authors handle by casually ignoring it or saying "The future is clouded" as the plot demands.
Some of the problems are excused by saying that interstellar communication is unreliable and travel times are long so local culture can vary a lot from planet to planet, which is contradicted in turn by the Imperial Inquisition being well known and dreadfully intimidating by simply brandishing their sigil seemingly wherever they go, wielding near-absolute authority in the name of the Emperor - despite there being fewer Inquisitors than there are planets, and the Emperor has been in a coma for the last several millennia.
On top of that, a lot of the books and stories and lore are blatantly post hoc excuses for the merchandise that the main company sells.
It's a mess.
Some people might have tried to retcon it and impose a coherent vision on the setting. The Warhammer publishers instead did a bold tactical surrender: declare that all the books are simultaneously canon - in the sense of having been reported that way in-universe. It's all unreliable narrators, everywhere! :^D
Basically, if you can think of a way to fuck up a shared setting, 40k probably did it at some point, and then gave everyone a convenient excuse to selectively disregard whichever books they don't like.
This has resulted in a lot of people being Mad Online that other people are not disregarding the same set of books to form an interpretation of the Imperium.
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jessikaoidh · 6 days
Kā uz Paplašināt uz Life-span Jūsu Riepas: Būtiski un Svarīgi Padomus
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Tikpat labi koptu dārzs izrotājumu laika, jūsu riepas nepieciešams regulāri care zelt par ceļu, ja braukšanas ceļojot. Jūs var uzņemas riepu uzturēšana ir vienkārša, bet tur ir niansēts metodes, kas var ievērojami paplašinās to mūžs. No ikdienas novērtējumi uz apzinās braukšanas uzvedību, šīs izšķiroša idejas var veikt faktiskā starpība. Tātad, kādi ir labākais paņēmienus uz nodrošināt jūsu riepas piedāvā jums labi daudzi km iepriekš? Ļaujiet's check out uz izšķirošajiem elementiem, kas var saglabāt jūsu riepas rites efektīvi un droši.
Ikdienas Riepu Novērtējumi
Regulāri riepu novērtējumi ir kritiskās par saglabāt jūsu kravas,'s drošībai un performance. Uz garantija jūsu riepas paliek maksimālā stāvoklis problēma, pārbaudīt tām vismaz kad mēnesī un drīz ceļojumi. Sākums ar pārbaudīt out uz walk dziļums; izmantot uz penss eksāmena uz pārbaudīt, ja tas atbilst drošības kritēriji. Vieta dimetānnaftalīns uz uz solis ar Lincoln galvas uz leju. Ja jūs varat redzēt, katrs Lincoln galvas, tas ir laiks, lai new riepām.
Tālāk off, novērtēt riepas par jebkuru pamanāmiem zaudējumu, tādiem kā-griezumi, punkcijas vai izliekumus. Šie problēmas nevar neapdraud jūsu riepas godīgums un novest pie riepas pārplīšanu. nav nespēj atcerēties uz pārbaudīt sānu malas; tie ir ir kam plaisām un nobrāzumi. Ja jūs paziņojuma visu veidu neregulāra valkāt modeļus, tā varētu show neatbilstību vai apturēšanu jautājumus, kura nepieciešams , kas nodarbojas ar. Maksimizēt sava transportlīdzekļa drošību un drošību un efektivitāti, atlasot paļāvās Riepu Garaza par visu jūsu riepu apkopi un aizstādi prasībām, grāmata jūsu konsultācija tiešsaistē šodien!
Piemērotu Inflācijas Uzturēšana
Saglabāšanu atbilstošu riepu pieaugošo dzīves dārdzību ir izšķiroša par optimālā vehicle efficiency un nekaitīguma un drošības. Nepietiekami piepumpētām riepām var radīt palielinājusi rites pretestību, samazinātas gāzes lietderību, un nevienmērīga valkāt, kamēr pārāk piepumpētām riepām var radīt smaga ceļojumu un mazinājusies rokturis. Uz garantija jūsu riepas ir efektīvi sūknē uz augšu, pārbaudīt uz stresa vismaz ja mēnesī un drīz braucieni.
Sākt ar izvietojot uz piegādātājs's ieteicams riepu stresa, normāli , kas atrodas uz tag iekšpusē šoferis's durvīm vai īpašnieks's rokasgrāmata. pielietot a, komunikabls riepu stresa mēroga uz noteikt uz current spiediena. Ja lasīšanas ir mazāk nekā ieteicams, ietver gaisa līdz jums iegūt ar labi degree. Alternatīvi, ja tas ir pārāk dārgi, uzsākt dažiem gaisa līdz ir ideāls.
Riepu Virpošanas un tiesību aktu Saskaņošana
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Piemērotu riepu inflācijas nosaka posmā efektīvus riepu virpošanas un tiesību aktu saskaņošana, abas no kurām ir izšķiroša par arī valkā un ideāla apstrādi. Konsekventi rotējoši jūsu riepas palīdz dispersijas nodiluma vienveidīgi visā visu četras riepas, palielinot to mūžs. Parasti jums ir jārotē jūsu riepas katru 5,000 līdz 7,500 km, , bet sazinieties auto's īpašnieka rokasgrāmata par īpaši novirzīšana.
Kad tas nāk placement, tas ir svarīgs uz izpētīt to vismaz ik gadu vai tad, kad jums discover nevienlīdzīgu riepu nodiluma vai jūsu vehicle zīmēšanas vienā pusē. Neatbilstību nevar novest pie agri riepu nodilumu un negatīvi ietekme gāzes efektivitāti. Uz garantējam labot pozicionēšana ir eksperts speciālists veikt četru riteņu placement, kura izmaiņas visu 4 riteņiem uz veidotājs's prasības.
Stūres Prakses un Aprūpe
Bet tas var būt pievilcīgs vadīt boldy, savu braukšanas kārtība ievērojami ietekmē riepu ilgmūžība. Gluda, kontrolēta velocity un bremzēšanas nevar aizsargā pret nevajadzīgu valkāt uz jūsu riepas. Lido start un grūts apstājas ražo extreme berzes, rodas agri solis nodilumu un iespējams apdraudot nekaitīguma un drošības. Saglabāšanu nemainīgu ātrumu ir izšķiroša. Regulāri pārsniegšanu un quick palēnināšanos nevar producēt silts palielinājums, kura paātrina gumijas noārdīšanās. Mērķi vienmērīga kļūst pārāk; asu malām nevar iemesls neregulāra riepu nodilumu un stresa uz sānu malām.
Bieži izskatot jūsu riepu spiediena ir vēl viena izšķiroša ieradums. Nepietiekami piepumpētām riepām pieaugums rites pretestību, , kas ved uz lielāku valkāt likmes un minimizēta kurināmā efektivitāti. , No otras puses, pārmērīga inflācija var radīt a skarbāka braucienu un palielinājusi ievainojamību uz kaitējumu no ceļu bīstamību, riskiem un bīstamību. Jābūt uzmanīgiem jūsu slodzes arī. Dot pārmērīgi augsta svars var overstress riepas, izraisa tām nolietojas daudz ātrāk.
Galīgā domas
Ar ievērojot šos nepieciešams padomi, jūs varat garantija jūsu riepas nav vienkārši roll tomēr pārvietot, paplašinās to paredzamais dzīves ilgums un uzlabojot veicinot jūsu braukšanas pieredzi. Normāla pārbaudes un atbilstošu pieaugošo dzīves dārdzību ir jūsu tire labākie draugi, kamēr savlaicīgu rotāciju un positionings uzturēt valkāt līcis. Vienmērīgu braukšanas prakses ir kā vieglas breeze (brīze), samazināt spiediena. Ārstētu jūsu riepas ar rūpību un novērst pārslodze, un tās tiks iesniegt jums droši uz daudz braucieni un ceļojumi, jūdzi pēc jūdzes, piemēram, nelokāmo draudzenes par ceļu, ja braukšanas ceļojot.
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cathyjane · 6 days
cik uz Paplašinās uz Life-span Jūsu Riepas: Vital Padomus un ieteikumus
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Tāpat kā labi koptu pagalms uzplaukst pakāpeniski, jūsu riepas vajadzīgs konsekventu care plauktu par ceļu, ja braukšanas ceļojot. Jūs var domā riepu apkope ir vienkārša, tomēr tur ir niansēts metodes, kas var ievērojami pagarinātu to paredzamais dzīves ilgums. No normāla pārbaudes uz norūpējusies braukšanas uzvedību, šīs nepieciešams padomi var veikt īsta atšķirība. Tātad, kādi ir ļoti labākais paņēmienus uz garantija jūsu riepas piedāvā jums labi daudzi km iepriekš? Atļaut's check out uz galvenie elementi, kas var uzturēt jūsu riepas rites efektīvi un droši.
Regulāri Riepu Novērtējumi
Normāla riepu pārbaudes ir kritiskās par saglabāt jūsu kravas,'s drošības un performance. Uz nodrošināt jūsu riepas paliek maksimālā stāvoklis problēma, pārbaudīt tām vismaz kad mēnesī un beidzot ceļojumi. Sākums ar izskata uz protektora deepness; izmantot uz penss testa uz pārbaudīt, ja tas atbilst drošībai kritēriji. Insert dimetānnaftalīns uz uz walk ar Lincoln galvas uz leju. Ja jūs varat redzēt, visi Lincoln galvas, tas ir laiks, lai pavisam jaunu riepām.
Next, iepazīties riepas par jebkuru redzamiem zaudējumu, tādiem kā-griezumi, noplūžu vai izliekumus. Šie problēmas nevar neapdraud jūsu riepas godīgums un panāktu riepas pārplīšanu. Nav nolaidība uz pārbaudīt sānu malas; tie ir nepieciešams, lai ir kam plaisām un nobrāzumi. Ja jūs ievēro jebkura veida nevienmērīga valkāt modeļus, tā var ieteikt neatbilstību vai apturēšanu jautājumus, kura pieprasīt , kas nodarbojas ar. Nelietojiet bojātas riepas lēnām; rutīnas izbraukšana līdz Riepugaraza pašlaik un izbaudiet nepārspējamu pakalpojumu un premium riepas alternatīvas pielāgotas jūsu braukšanas prasībām.
Labot Pieaugošo Dzīves Dārdzību Apkope
Uzturēšanu labot riepu inflācijas ir nepieciešams par teicami kravas, efficiency un nekaitīguma un drošības. Nepietiekami piepumpētām riepām var novest pie palielinājusi rites pretestību, minimizēta kurināmā efektivitāti, un nevienmērīga valkāt, kamēr pārāk piepumpētām riepām varētu radīt aptuvenu braucienu un samazina rokturis. Uz garantējam jūsu riepas ir efektīvi piepūstas, iepazīties uz stresa vismaz kad mēnesī un drīz braucieni.
Sākums ar izvietojot uz ražotāju's ieteicams riepu stresa, parasti , kas atrodas uz label iekšpusē vadītāja's durvīm vai īpašnieks's rokasgrāmata. Lietot cienījamu riepu spiediena mēroga uz izmērīt uz esošās spiediena. Ja lasīšanas ir mazāk nekā ieteicams, pievienot gaisa līdz jums sasniegt pareizi līmenis. , No otras puses, ja tas ir pārāk dārgi, uzsākt dažiem gaisa till ir ideāls.
Riepu Virpošanas un Placement
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Piemērotu riepu inflācijas komplekti posmā uzticams riepu rotācija un tiesību aktu saskaņošana, abas no kurām ir izšķiroša par arī valkā un teicami apstrādi. Konsekventi rotējoši jūsu riepas palīdz izplatīt nodiluma vienmērīgi pāri visu 4 riepas, uzlabojot veicinot to paredzamais dzīves ilgums. Parasti jums ir jārotē jūsu riepas katru 5,000 līdz 7,500 km, , bet sazinieties kravas,'s īpašnieks rokasgrāmata par īpaši priekšlikumus.
Kad tas nāk pozicionēšana, tas ir izšķiroša uz pārbaudīt to vismaz gadu, ik gadu vai tad, kad jums ievēro nevienmērīga riepu nodiluma vai jūsu auto velkot vienā pusē. Nelīdzsvarotību nevar novest pie priekšlaicīga riepu nodilumu un negatīvi ietekmes kurināmā lietderību. Uz garantējam atbilstošu placement ir speciālists pakalpojumu speciālists veikt četru riteņu pozicionēšana, kura readjusts visu 4 riteņiem uz veidotājs's prasības.
Vadītāja Kārtība un Aprūpe
Bet tas varētu būt pievilcīgs vadīt ļoti, savu braukšanas prakses ievērojami ietekmē riepu long life. Gluda, kontrolēta velocity un apstāšanās nevar aizsargā pret lieku valkāt uz jūsu riepas. Lido start un grūts aizveras radīt extreme berzes, rada agri walk nodilumu un potenciāli apdraudot drošības. Saglabāt stabils ātrumu ir ēteriskās. Bieži pārsniegšanu un quick palēninājums nevar producēt siltums palielinājums, kura palielina gumijas iznīcināšanas. Iet vienmērīga kļūst kā arī; asu malām nevar izveidot nevienmērīga riepu nodilumu un celma uz sānu malām.
regulāri pārbaudes jūsu riepu stresa ir papildu nepieciešams ieradums. Nepietiekami piepumpētām riepām palielināt rites pretestību, , kas ved uz lielāks valkāt cenas un minimizēta kurināmā lietderību. , No otras puses, pārmērīga inflācija var radīt a skarbāka pieredze un izvirzīja jutīgums uz kaitējumu no ceļu draudi. Jāpatur prātā jūsu daudz kā arī. Dot pārāk daudz svars var overstress riepas, izraisa tām nolietojas daudz ātrāk.
Ar šādus šos izšķiroša ieteikumi, jūs varat garantija jūsu riepas nav tikai roll bet pārvietot, paplašināt to paredzamais dzīves ilgums un uzlabojot veicinot jūsu braukšanas pieredzi. Normāla pārbaudes un labot inflācijas ir jūsu tire draugi, kamēr savlaicīgu rotāciju un izvietojumi saglabāt valkāt līcis. Vienmērīgu braukšanas kārtība ir kā vieglas breeze (brīze), samazināt stresa. Ārstētu jūsu riepas ar rūpību un novērst pārslodze, un tās tiks veikt jums droši uz neskaitāmas braucieni un ceļojumi, jūdzi pēc jūdzes, piemēram, 'steadfast paziņas par ceļu, ja braukšanas ceļojot.
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Safeguarding Your Farm: The Reliability of Metal Farm Buildings
Do you need a new building for your farm? Whether you’re planning to use it for storage or housing livestock, metal farm buildings can be an excellent choice. They are cost-effective, versatile, and durable — no wonder they’re the preferred choice for agribusinesses, ranchers, and farmers looking for reliable structures to protect their livelihood. Plus, these structures are typically prefabricated and engineered according to your specific requirements, so they are ready to assemble and erect when they arrive at your property.
But what exactly makes metal structures suitable for agriculture? Read on to discover how reliable metal farm buildings can be:
Structures that can withstand the elements
Prefabricated metal buildings are built to last, so you don’t have to worry about corrosion, termites, and extreme weather. High-grade steel resists rust and is a great material for building a long-lasting and sturdy barn. Plus, steel-framed agri buildings can withstand high winds, making them ideal for areas prone to hurricanes and storms. Reputable fabricators also deliver metal farm buildings that can handle heavy snow loads to prevent damage to your livestock, crops, or agricultural machinery and equipment.
Thanks to its high resistance to rot and pests, your metal farm building requires minimal maintenance and repairs down the road. This helps reduce your ongoing expenses and allows you to dedicate your resources to your agricultural business.
Protect your crops, livestock, and equipment.
Are you worried about extreme heat and cold harming your harvest, machinery, and animals? Metal buildings can be customized with energy efficiency in mind. They can accommodate any insulation solution to reduce utility bills and ensure optimum indoor temperatures to protect your assets.
Versatility for a growing farm
Over time, you might need to expand your barn to accommodate the needs of a growing business. Metal farm buildings come with clear-span or modular layouts to allow minimal to no interior columns, allowing endless options in width and length extensions. This flexibility also lets you maximize the interior space for storage and other requirements. These buildings can likewise accommodate larger doors to make it easier to move vehicles, equipment, and livestock.
Get a reliable metal farm building.
Armstrong Steel is the best place to order metal farm buildings. You can count on them to ensure that your building will be designed, fabricated, and delivered on time, no matter how simple or elaborate your design is. See samples of their agricultural steel buildings and request a quote at ArmstrongSteel.com. You may also call 1-800-345-4610.
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mcgregoragri · 11 months
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Affordable Modern Farming Livestock Housing | McGregor Agri
In the current financial climate, farmers are feeling the pressure. Rising costs and interest fees make it difficult for agricultural businesses to make major purchases. Committed to supporting British farmers, the McGregor Agri offers 0% finance* on AgriSpan. This offer allows customers to spread the cost of their Agrispan across 12 months while McGregor Group takes on the high-interest rates.
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agrispan · 11 months
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Formidable Shelter For Livestock | Agri Span | McGregor Agri
Agri Span™ Modern livestock housing that offers ultimate protection in the harshest of environments.
Station View Farm is a commercial sheep farm near Leven in Scotland. Owned and managed by John Lyle, this farm is home to many lambs every year, which keeps the farm busy throughout the season.
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adalidda · 23 days
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Sahel Agri-Sol’s Contract Farming Program for 2025
Sahel Agri-Sol, a pioneering Malian enterprise, is dedicated to facilitating access to premier agricultural goods from the Sahel and West African regions for discerning global consumers. Our mission is rooted in the principles of inclusive economic growth, striving to create sustainable pathways for agricultural communities while preserving their rich traditions and natural heritage.
Empowering Agricultural Communities
We believe that the future of agriculture in the Sahel and West Africa lies in the hands of those who have nurtured these lands for generations. Through close collaboration with agricultural cooperatives and producers, Sahel Agri-Sol ensures equitable compensation for their exceptional crops. By doing so, we foster prosperity and resilience within rural landscapes, enabling farmers to reinvest in their communities and contribute to the region's socio-economic development.
Our expertise spans a diverse array of Sahelian and West African products, including coffee, cashew nuts, sesame, soybeans, maize, and gum arabic. In addition to raw agricultural products, we specialize in value-added products derived from mangoes, maize, and cocoa. Our commitment to quality and sustainability extends to the exportation of high-value-added agricultural products such as shea butter, soybean flour, cassava flour, and maize flour, which have gained recognition in international markets.
Contract Farming Program 2025: A Call to Action
For the 2025 season, Sahel Agri-Sol is embarking on an ambitious initiative to source white sesame, maize, and sorghum from agricultural cooperatives across West Africa through our contract farming program. This program is designed to provide farmers with a stable and reliable market for their crops, ensuring that they receive fair compensation for their hard work and dedication.
We are seeking partnerships with cooperatives that can meet the following requirements:
White Sesame: Target price of 700,000 FCFA per tonne, with a minimum supply capacity of 100 tonnes per month.
Maize: Target price of 146,000 FCFA per tonne, with a minimum supply capacity of 500 tonnes per month.
Sorghum: Target price of 205,000 FCFA per tonne, with a minimum supply capacity of 500 tonnes per month.
The prices listed above are for pick-up at the cooperatives' warehouses, and we are committed to ensuring that all logistical arrangements are handled efficiently to minimize disruption to the farmers' operations.
Our Commitment to Partners
At Sahel Agri-Sol, we understand that farming is not just a livelihood but a way of life that deserves respect and support. Our contract farming program is built on a foundation of trust and mutual benefit. We offer our partners secure and timely payments, technical supervision to improve crop yields, and opportunities for growth and diversification. By working together, we can enhance the quality and quantity of agricultural produce in the region, ensuring that West African farmers remain competitive in the global market.
Furthermore, we are committed to the environmental sustainability of our operations. We encourage practices that protect soil health, water resources, and biodiversity, ensuring that future generations can continue to thrive in these lands. Through our partnership, cooperatives will have access to resources and expertise that will help them adopt sustainable farming practices, contributing to the long-term viability of agriculture in West Africa.
A Future of Shared Prosperity
Sahel Agri-Sol invites agricultural cooperatives to join us in this endeavor to enhance the prosperity and resilience of West Africa's agricultural sector. Our program is an exclusive opportunity for cooperatives, and we prioritize direct engagement with farmers to eliminate the inefficiencies and inequities often associated with intermediaries or traders. Together, we can build a future where West African agriculture flourishes, providing economic opportunities and food security for millions.
This is not just a business venture; it's a movement to empower the region's agricultural communities. By participating in our contract farming program, you are contributing to a vision of shared prosperity, where every farmer's contribution is recognized and rewarded. We look forward to building lasting partnerships that will shape the future of agriculture in West Africa.
At Sahel Agri-Sol, our commitment to fostering sustainable growth and development within West African agricultural communities is unwavering. Our contract farming program for 2025 is more than just a sourcing initiative; it is a testament to our belief in the power of collaboration and shared success. We invite agricultural cooperatives across West Africa to seize this opportunity to secure a brighter future for their members and the broader community. Let's work together to empower the future of West African agriculture and create a legacy of prosperity for generations to come.
To contact us:
Sahel Agri-Sol
Hamdallaye ACI 2 000,
« BAMA » building 5th floor APT 7
Phone: +223 20 22 75 77
Mobile:  +223 70 63 63 23, +223 65 45 38 38
WhatsApp/Telegram global marketing and sales : +223 90 99 1099
Web sites
English https://sahelagrisol.com/en
Français https://sahelagrisol.com/fr
Español https://sahelagrisol.com/es
简体中文 https://sahelagrisol.com/zh
عربي https://sahelagrisol.com/ar
Social media
Facebook https://www.facebook.com/sahelAgri-Sol
LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/company/sahel-agri-sol
Twitter @sahelagrisol https://twitter.com/sahelagrisol
YouTube https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCj40AYlzgTjvc27Q7h5gxcA
Sahel Agri-Sol, a pioneering Malian enterprise with office in Mali, Senegal and Ivory Coast, is dedicated to facilitating the access of premier agricultural goods from the Sahel and West African regions to discerning global consumers. Our foundation rests on the principles of inclusive economic growth, aiming to forge sustainable pathways for agricultural communities while safeguarding their traditions and natural heritage.
Through close collaboration with agricultural cooperatives and producers across the Sahel and West Africa, we ensure equitable compensation for their exceptional crops, fostering prosperity and resilience within rural landscapes.
Photo: Maize (credit: Pixabay / Public domain)
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Asia and Oceania Turf Fertilizer Market Analysis, Size, Share, Growth, Trends, and Forecasts by 2031
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The Asia and Oceania Turf Fertilizer market stands as a vibrant testament to the agricultural dynamism within the region. Spanning the expansive landscapes of Asia and the picturesque islands of Oceania, this market encapsulates the essence of agricultural sustainability and the pursuit of lush greenery in both residential and commercial spaces.
𝐆𝐞𝐭 𝐚 𝐅𝐫𝐞𝐞 𝐒𝐚𝐦𝐩𝐥𝐞 𝐑𝐞𝐩𝐨𝐫𝐭:https://www.metastatinsight.com/request-sample/2563
Top Companies
ICL Group
Yara International
Zhengzhou Gaofu Fertilizer Co Ltd.
Wuhan Lvyin Chemical Co., Ltd.
Sustane Natural Fertilizer, Inc.
Plant Food Company, Inc.
JCAM AGRI. Co., Ltd.
Haifa Group
Daeyu Co. Ltd.
Daeji Development Co., Ltd.
Australand Agriculture
Coromandel International Limited
Indian Farmers Fertiliser Cooperative Limited (IFFCO)
National Fertilizers Limited
Rashtriya Chemicals & Fertilizers Ltd (RCF)
This unique market is characterized by its diversity, mirroring the rich tapestry of cultures, climates, and agricultural practices across the region. From the terraced rice fields of Southeast Asia to the sprawling golf courses of Australia, turf fertilizers play a pivotal role in fostering the growth and maintenance of vibrant, healthy lawns and turfs. The demand for turf fertilizers in this region is driven by a collective desire for aesthetically pleasing landscapes, be it for recreational spaces, sports fields, or private residences.
Access Full Report @https://www.metastatinsight.com/report/asia-and-oceania-turf-fertilizer-market/2563
The agricultural practices in Oceania, particularly in Australia and New Zealand, also contribute significantly to the demand for turf fertilizers. The continent's vast agricultural expanses, coupled with a strong sports culture, necessitate the use of turf fertilizers for maintaining sports fields and ensuring the lushness of playing surfaces. Additionally, the meticulous care given to golf courses in Australia adds to the demand for specialized turf fertilizers designed for golf turf management.
In the intricate web of the Asia and Oceania Turf Fertilizer market, the role of sustainable practices cannot be overlooked. With an increasing awareness of environmental impact, manufacturers are investing in research and development to create fertilizers that promote soil health, reduce water consumption, and minimize the use of harmful chemicals. This shift towards eco-friendly formulations aligns with the global movement towards sustainable agriculture and resonates with the environmentally conscious consumers in the region.
The Asia and Oceania Turf Fertilizer market is a thriving sector that encapsulates the diverse landscapes and agricultural practices of the region. From urban green spaces to vast agricultural expanses, turf fertilizers play a vital role in nurturing vibrant and healthy turfs. The industry's adaptability, coupled with a growing emphasis on sustainability, positions it as a crucial player in the ever-evolving agricultural landscape of Asia and Oceania.
Asia and Oceania Turf Fertilizer market is estimated to reach $3276.7 Million by 2031; growing at a CAGR of 3.9% from 2024 to 2031.
Contact Us:   
+1 214 613 5758
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namiotyrolnicze · 1 month
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Wielofunkcyjne namioty rolnicze | Agri Span | McGregor Agri
Namioty rolnicze Agri Span zostały zaprojektowane z uwzględnieniem standardów RSPCA, tworząc znakomite środowisko naturalne, wypełnione rozproszonym światłem, doskonałe do chowu zwierząt. Dostarczany przez ciąg dopływ powietrza powoduje jego swobodny przepływ, a tym samym niską wilgotność.  Agri Span zostało zaprojektowane i wyprodukowane przez firmę McGregor, w taki sposób aby było gotowe do natychmiastowej wysyłki oraz łatwego montażu. Agri Span chroni zwierzęta przed niekorzystnymi warunkami atmosferycznymi, zapewniając im czyste i suche środowisko. Jest ono przyjazne dla pracy, co nie tylko maksymalizuje tempo wzrostu, ale również usprawnia zarządzanie stadem. Firma McGregor zgromadziła 45 lat doświadczenia, dzięki czemu namioty rolnicze Agri Span są najlepszym dostępnym rozwiązaniem dla chowu inwentarza.
Modułowa konstrukcja namiotów rolniczych Agri Span pozwala na rozbudowę istniejącej już konstrukcji przy niewielkim wysiłku i przewidywalnych kosztach inwestycji. Jednostki konstrukcyjne można łączyć ze sobą w układ wieloboksowy co pozwala na ustawienie  ich w formacie dostosowanym do dużych ferm indyków lub całorocznego odchowu cieląt.
Agri Span zaprojektowano w taki sposób, aby można było je złożyć i przenieść w odpowiednie miejsce bez użycia elementu mocującego. Konstrukcja nadaje się do łatwego i szybkiego montażu. Proces instalacji jest łatwy i umożliwia przeniesienie namiotu na nowe miejsce.
Agri Span to solidne, nowoczesne schronienie dla zwierząt gospodarskich, które tworzy idealne środowisko dla cieląt, namioty rolnicze, owiec i drobiu.
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