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sturns-est2003 · 9 days ago
this is weird but uhm
hi everyone *the fucking few ppl who follow me 😅* anyway. im thinking about becoming a writer here on this lovely app but i have 0 fucking clue where and how to get started *getting flashbacks of when i made this terrible edit acc on tiktok 😟* but yea if you guys *once again 11 ppl* have any suggestions let me know 😛
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lifeisashow3 · 14 days ago
Makes me sad every time
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gwenimaru · 1 month ago
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Doctor's Favourite.
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mescri-pt · 2 months ago
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𝙲𝚊𝚙. 𝚄́𝚗𝚒𝚌𝚘 (𝙾𝚗𝚎 𝚜𝚑𝚘𝚝) ୨ৎ
⟡— Hétero ☆— Agnst, romance? ♬— The night we met— Lord Huron ⚠— Morte, luto ♡— 1213 palavras
Era mais um dia comum que eu estava arrumada na sala esperando o meu namorado.
Ele sempre me chamava para sair, para fazer piqueniques pela manhã em belos jardins ou passeios de tarde no parque florido da cidade, em dias de folga, feriados, finais de semana e até em dias de semana comum que ele me levava para jantar, uma noite de cinema ou até mesmo vir para cuidar de mim, fazer meu cabelo, ficar deitado na cama assistindo filmes infantis enquanto fazia cafuné em mim ou jogos em que eu virávamos completos loucos e surtados torcendo com todo o nosso esforço.
Estava terminando de amarrar meu salto de amarração preto que é simplesmente meu xodó, até que alguém bateu na porta e eu falei da sala "pode entrar" já sabendo que seria ele.
Vi ele entrando na sala bem vestido, seu cabelo cacheado bem finalizado, sua pele negra bem cuidada e segurando um buquê das minhas flores favoritas, nossa, como eu amo esse homem.
Ele sempre me entregava flores e meus chocolates favoritos, nem que seja em uma daquelas segundas-feiras que ele vinha na minha casa antes que eu saísse para trabalhar, no momento que eu sempre estava de cabelo bagunçado, roupas desleixadas, com a cara suja, com expressão de sono ainda e com a escova de dentes na boca; ele sempre falava que eu estava linda, apesar disso. Ele falava que era péssimo com as palavras, mesmo me escrevendo as melhores poesias, falava que tinha receio de fazer algum planejamento errado e me deixar triste, mesmo pensando em cada momento e reparando em cada detalhe.
Ele me olhou com aquele sorriso perfeito de sempre e me falou o típico "boa noite, amor". Ele veio até mim e me deu um beijo, me entregou o buquê e se agachou para terminar de amarrar meus saltos.
Depois ele se levantou, me olhou e falou que eu estava mais bonita do que no dia anterior. Ele sempre me falava isso, mas eu não conseguia deixar de sorrir com tudo cafona que ele me falava.
Nós éramos cafonas, desde o início de tudo.
Eu me levantei e ele me levou até o carro dele segurando a minha mão. É como dizem, são pequenos gestos que fazem qualquer um se apaixonar de novo, de novo, de novo e de novo. E eu nunca vou me cansar de me apaixonar por ele todo dia, cada vez mais.
No caminho para o restaurante, ele estava dirigindo enquanto fazia carinho nas minhas pernas e falava sobre nossos próximos encontros.
Quando chegamos lá, ele estacionou o carro, me deu um selinho, saiu do carro, fez um contorno e abriu a porta para mim. Ele sempre falava para eu esperar porque, segundo ele, uma bela dama como eu não deveria ter esse trabalho.
Ele pegou a minha mão e eu saí do carro, quando ele fechou a porta e trancou o carro, ele se virou para mim e me deu outro selinho.
Eu amava o jeito que ele me tratava.
Nós entramos no restaurante, ele estava segurando a minha mão, como se eu fosse a coisa mais especial do mundo para ele.
Nos sentamos em uma mesa mais afastada e ele pediu o cardápio.
Começamos a conversar normalmente, enquanto ele estava com a mão dele em cima da minha.
Quando o cardápio chegou, ele pediu para eu escolher primeiro. Eu estava olhando o cardápio enquanto ele olhava para mim com aquele sorriso bobo de sempre.
— O que foi?— Eu perguntei quando abaixei o cardápio.
— Eu te amo— Ele disse com o mesmo sorriso de sempre.
Eu não conseguia deixar de sorrir.
— Eu também te amo.
Ele sempre foi romântico comigo, desde quando nós tínhamos 13 anos e éramos apenas amigos, começamos a namorar aos 15 e desde então ele nunca mudou o jeito de me tratar, mesmo quando tinha apenas algumas moedas no bolso e me levava na garupa da bicicleta antiga dele para tomarmos sorvete na praça.
Ele nunca precisou de dinheiro para ser meu namorado perfeito.
Nosso relacionamento estava durando até 11 anos, claro que a gente já planejou casar e ter filhos.
Pensamos em virar noivos no ano seguinte, quando tivéssemos 27, adotaríamos um filho e teríamos um bebê biológico e com 31 casaríamos. E sim, nós sabíamos que ficaríamos juntos até lá.
Nós estávamos no restaurante quando tudo de repente foi desaparecendo repentinamente, o toque dele se dissolveu em mim.
Eu acordei. Sozinha. Sem ele.
Eu já sabia que era tudo um sonho, ele não estava mais aqui, desde aquele dia.
O dia que um cara bêbado dirigindo em alta velocidade acertou o carro dele em uma curva fechada.
O dia realmente estava ruim, tudo nublado, todos pareciam infelizes, eu voltava para casa sentindo um sentimento estranho, até que me ligaram do hospital.
Em uma noite estávamos juntos, rindo, nos apaixonando de novo e no outro, ele tinha dado o último suspiro. Eu perdi ele de repente, enquanto o homem bêbado saiu com vida e com leves machucados.
Eu estava acostumada a acordar com a mesma notificação de "bom dia, minha princesa" e "Como você está? Dormiu bem? Já estou com saudades de você". E agora?
As flores do último encontro começaram a murchar, de repente os chocolates ao leite ficaram amargos, a aliança agora era um anel comum, as fotos na galeria viraram apenas lembranças na memória cheia do celular, as mensagens que eu nunca apaguei, só serviam para eu tentar fechar aquele vazio, as roupas dele que estavam na minha casa viraram roupas antigas, nosso retrato pegou poeira, nossa lista de sonhos que tínhamos certeza que alcançaríamos agora era só um papel de rabiscos.
Nossas músicas agora pareciam silenciosas, os filmes e desenhos que assistíamos perderam a graça, ele estava em todos os jogos que eu assistia, só que dessa vez não torcia do meu lado.
Agora nos meus dias livres, ao invés dele bater na minha porta com um buquê de flores escolhidas a dedo por ele falando que me amava, agora eu acordava em dias monótonos e ia até o túmulo dele.
Isso não traria ele de volta, mas me fazia pensar que ele estava do meu lado. 
Eu falava sobre os jogos, como foi meu dia, como estava o parque e como ele fazia falta.
Me fazia falta com o silêncio que antes eram risadas genuínas, me fazia falta nas noites de frio que costumava me abraçar, me fazia falta quando eu estava indo trabalhar e passava pelo parque que costumávamos andar de mãos dadas, me fazia falta em todos os dias que eu abria a caixa que eu guardava todas as cartas, poemas e presentes que ele mesmo fez, me fazia falta sempre que eu via um gato preto na rua, eram seus favoritos, me fazia falta enquanto em cozinhava e ele não estava me ajudando a cortar as cebolas porque não queria me ver chorar ou  abraçava minha cintura por trás enquanto eu estava na frente do fogão, me fazia falta quando eu terminava de pentear o cabelo e ele não estava lá para eu mexer nos cachinhos dele.
Cada vez que via um casal com filhos eu lembrava dos nossos sonhos, tínhamos pensado nos nomes, na decoração dos quartos, da nossa casa nova.
E agora? O que me restaria?
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bowbownow96 · 3 months ago
Threads of Desire ♥️♠️🃏
(Hisoka x Reader)
(future smut)
(more plot than smut)
The rain painted silver streaks down your balcony window, each drop a tiny elegy, pooling into rivers that seemed to mourn alongside you. The moon hung low in the velvet night, its pale face veiled by drifting clouds, like it too couldn’t bear to watch. Three months had crawled by since your beloved Hisoka had vanished into the shadows of his mission. Three months of deafening silence and unanswered questions.
Your love for him was a tempest, wild and all consuming, but his? It was elusive, like smoke slipping through your fingers. He visited sometimes, short, un-loving visits, but they felt like ghosts of what once was. A hollow ache churned in your chest as your mind turned over a haunting thought, sharp and relentless, “Had he fallen? Or worse… had he simply chosen to leave me behind?” You thought to yourself as a faint but sharp tear trails down your soft skin.
You swallowed the lump in your throat as your gaze fell to the rain-soaked world below. The melancholy was suffocating, but even in its grip, you found beauty in the night, a darkness you had come to embrace, just as he once did. Summoning the last frayed thread of your resolve, you turned away from the window and trudged toward your bed. The night whispered secrets only the moon and shadows could understand, and you couldn’t shake the feeling that Hisoka, wherever he was, heard them too.
As you collapse onto the black silk sheets, exhaustion pulls you under like a relentless tide. The emptiness beside you gnaws at your soul. How could he sleep so soundly without you when your nights were a battlefield of yearning? Tears slip silently down your cheeks, leaving damp, glistening marks on your pillow as you tremble with the weight of your thoughts.
Sleep takes you reluctantly, but not peacefully. A sudden, sharp sensation brushes against your calf like ice slicing through the fog of your exhaustion. Your breath catches, and you bolt upright, a gasp on your lips,but the world goes dark before you can even make any means of it.
When you wake, disoriented and heavy limbed, you find yourself in a dimly lit room. Cards and scattered clothing litter the floor, some garments marked with dried blood. The air feels heavy, damp, and the hiss of a shower echoes through the stillness. Steam seeps from under the closed bathroom door like a creeping fog, and panic wells up in your chest. Heart racing, you scramble to your feet and start searching the room, frantic for answers or an escape.
Your breath hitches as a familiar sound; a low, dark chuckle cuts through the silence. It stops you cold. The voice that follows is unmistakable, smooth yet teasing, laced with bloodlust and power
The way he says your name sends a shiver down your spine. Your body freezes, your chest tightens, and tears spring to your eyes, blurring the already shadowed room. It feels like a dream, but too vivid, too sharp to be anything but real. The panic surges, flooding your veins with a cold, choking fear, and your legs give out beneath you. You crumple to the ground, gripping your chest as sobs break through the dam of your resolve.
Before you can fully succumb to despair, a pale hand emerges from the shadows, sliding into view. He kneels before you, impossibly close. Hisoka. His damp hair clings to his face, droplets of water trailing down his neck and disappearing into the loosely tied red towel hanging carelessly off his waist. His sharp, piercing eyes glint with a mixture of amusement and something deeper, something darker.
“Hm,” he murmurs, brushing a strand of hair from your face with unsettling tenderness. “I thought you were stronger than this…” His lips curl into a faint frown, though it lacks any true sorrow.
Your trembling hands reach out on instinct, finding their way to his shoulders. Without hesitation, you collapse against him, burying your face in the crook of his neck. The scent of him, wild and faintly metallic envelops you.
“Hisoka,” you whimper, your voice breaking under the weight of your anguish.
A low, rumbling sound escapes his throat, somewhere between a purr and a moan. “My darling,” he breathes, the words dripping with equal parts menace and affection. His arms slide around you, pulling you closer, and for the first time in months, you feel both relief and terror in his embrace.
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orbweaverspidergirl · 3 months ago
As They Watch from the Distance
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This is a part two for this post.
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Bruce Wayne:
When Bruce first met you, you were a toddler clinging onto his pants. He was dressed as Batman, and you, including other homeless people, were being taken into sex trafficking. He remembers how you came up, smiling and thanking the man for saving you. He caught himself picking you up, no matter how dirty you were. 
 He finds you again as Bruce Wayne and takes you in as his own. The media promoted it as ‘Bruce Wayne’s Kindness and Charity.’ He would like to believe that, but Bruce knows he’s selfish. He took you in because you reminded him of himself when he was young. He selfishly gave you his love, then ripped it away as you grew. 
He loved you, yet from a distance. You sometimes wished you didn’t love him as much as you do. You hated how much you loved your father’s love. It made his distance all the more unbearable and it made you hate yourself even more. You began to chase expectations he never meant to set, and eventually, you crashed. 
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Dick Grayson:
Dick often contemplates what led the two of you to become strangers. He grieves over the fact that he let you both become so distant with one another. He tried to bring himself to hate you when Bruce first brought you in. He saw you as a replacement, and that hurt him the most, but then, he watched you grow. You were just a kid caught up in a situation you couldn’t control. 
You were a sweet child, always clinging onto him and following him around the manor like a mini him. You adored your big brother, and he you. Eventually, he moved to Bludhaven, leaving you behind. You were happy for him, of course, but he changed and so did you. You were sick of giving all of your love yet never receiving it back. 
He misses you, but he’s too late. 
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Jason Todd:
Even after death, Jason loved and protected you. Though, it was always from a distance, just like Bruce. As children, Jason connected with you because of your similar backgrounds. You both knew struggle and that made your bond even stronger. While he was a teen and you were just a kid, you two were peas in a pod. He was your big brother, and he protected you from anything and everything.
Yet, he changed when he came back. He loved you, yes, but he hated Bruce more. Your big brother Jay became what he promised to protect you from. But he was proud of you. He just wished he said it before it was too late. 
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Tim Drake:
You were the first person who loved Tim. He was the same age as you, and the two of you grew closer because of that. He had no true friends and his parents weren’t a constant in his life, but you were. You stayed with him through thick and thin, and when people would compare him to Jason as a replacement, you were vicious. 
Tim stayed close with you even when the others grew away. He was the only one you could truly go to, and yet, he still left you behind. You knew he deserved love just as much as you did, but you just wished he didn’t forget you. It didn’t sting as much, not when it had already happened three times. 
Tim didn’t forget you; he reasoned, he just became clouded in being enough. You suppose you did too. 
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Damian Wayne:
Damian saw you beneath him. You were nothing but a rat desperate for crumbs, yet you never stopped trying to love him, even when the others disregarded you for him. He heard you at night sometimes, crying in your room. He wonders if your love overpowered your jealousy. It must have been because you kept trying. 
He thought you foolish, and yet, he thought of you as strong. You withheld the pain, even if the weight eventually crushed you.
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dryramengurl · 3 months ago
thinking about the fact that corvus and soren were obviously some of Zubeia's favriote humans cuz they cared for and protected her a lot, especially since they were the only ones who went looking for her after she went missing (asides from zym ofc)
and when they chased after claudia, they got transported MILES away
They didn't see her death but probably saw the flash when aaravos went boom and ultimately assumed they were ALL dead
Or, worse, they didn't see the flash and when the all reunited were like "where Zubeia?"
I am not ok.
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gwenimaru · 2 months ago
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C0DE : R0Z3 -Shadamy Agnst AU-
Amy Rose was transferred to the lab to be part of a project assigned by one of the professors who works with Gerald Robotnik.
She met Shadow on the way and became close friends with him. Developing a deep bond with him.
After a few months, Shadow had to be moved somewhere discreet to not get discovered by G.U.N (The Ark)
After their sad departure, Amy was assigned to a different professor.
But He has other intentions.
Without the prior knowledge of other scientists, He used Amy to experiment on one of his research. By manipulating her and reassuring her to stay close friends.
Eventually, the other scientists caught on what he was doing. But by now, It was already too late.
Amy had already physically and mentally altered, no longer the girl she was before. Her beserk state caused a massive outbreak that led to a bloodbath.
Horrified of what she's done, She escaped the burn down facility. Managing to hide away from G.U.N grasp.
(I will draw some scenes soon, but that gonna be another time :)
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insomniac4000 · 3 months ago
PLS WRITE MORE ANGSTT I LOVE IT (spefically Chris md)
It does work well for him! Any particular scenario? I'm so stumped for creativity right now
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mescri-pt · 2 months ago
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𝙲𝚊𝚙. 𝟹— 𝙵𝚕𝚘𝚛𝚎𝚜 (𝙵𝚒𝚗𝚊𝚕) ୨ৎ
❀— Capítulo anterior: Cap. 2— Por que ele? ⟡— WLW/Sáfico ☾— Como um amor adolescente daria certo em meio a um relacionamento abusivo? ☆— Agnst ♬— All I want— Kodaline ⚠— Luto ♡— 471 palavras
Eu senti que esse tempo todo eu só fui uma válvula de escape. Mas eu estava "bem" com isso, isso me fazia sentir amada ao menos por algumas horas.
Desde que éramos adolescentes, eu estava do lado dela, servindo de toda forma. Eu sempre soube que não me encaixaria com ela, mesmo com as recaídas.
A cada namorado dela, eu estava ali para servir de suporte. Apenas suporte momentâneo.
Sempre fomos amigas, mas ela nunca soube que eu queria mais do que isso, até porque, eu nunca tive coragem de falar. Até aquele dia, por impulso. O dia em que uma cena comum se repetia: Eu estava ajudando ela a cuidar dos machucados que o namorado dela fez nela.
Sempre nessas situações tínhamos a mesma conversa, mas eu praticamente falava com a parede. Eu falava tudo o que ela precisava escutar, tudo o que ela sabia que era verdade, para no final ela sempre falar que ele iria mudar.
Eu não entendia o que eu ainda estava fazendo ali, assim como eu sabia que ela também não fazia ideia do porquê continuava naquela relação.
Nem ela acreditava nas próprias palavras, todos sabiam que ele não mudaria. Ela insistia em falar que amava ele, enquanto só estava dependente por ameaças.
Ela não deixava eu falar com ele, não deixava eu denunciar, não deixava eu fazer nada para impedir. Segundo ela era coisa de casal e eu nunca entenderia.
Realmente, nunca entendi como alguém pode machucar outra pessoa dessa forma e continuar falando que ama. Realmente, nunca insistiria em um amor assim, ninguém nunca me bateria a troco de nada e era assim que eu queria que ela fosse. Realmente, ninguém nunca me quebraria e depois falaria que me amava. Realmente, ninguém falaria que me amava. Realmente, ninguém me amaria.
Apesar de tudo, eu não conseguia suportar ver ela falando de coisas superficiais que o namorado de merda dela fazia. Ela recebia o mínimo e achava um máximo.
Mesmo gostando dela, nunca insistiria que ela ficasse comigo, eu só queria que ela fosse feliz, sozinha ou com outra pessoa.
Ainda continuaria me entregando, só como amiga, como sempre foi, mas gostaria que ela encontrasse alguém melhor. Que lhe entregasse flores, já que ela gostava tanto, que lhe escrevesse cartas, porque ela achava romântico, levasse ela para passear, porque ela amava, tratasse ela como uma princesa, porque ela se sentia especial. Fazer tudo o que eu fazia para ver ela sorrindo.
Mas depois de tanto tempo, ela se livrou dele, para sempre. Eu pensava como eu estaria feliz a um tempo atrás se ela me falasse que tinha acabado. Mas agora era diferente.
Dessa vez eu entreguei flores para ela, não como eu queria. Coloquei no túmulo dela e fui embora, dessa vez realmente estava sozinha.
E esse realmente tinha sido o nosso fim.
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just-pauline · 3 months ago
Theme 7
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shiningstarwrites · 3 months ago
Iron Knuckles, Fragile Heart (Bittersweet Alternate Part 2)
Trigger Warnings: Emotional distress, references to physical injury, themes of self-doubt.
The sharp tang of blood lingered in the air, mixing with the damp, metallic scent of Zaun. Vi’s boots echoed loudly against the cracked pavement as she sprinted through the maze of alleys, her breath coming in sharp bursts. The anonymous tip about the fight in the undercity had set her on edge immediately. She told herself it wasn’t you, that it couldn’t be, but the knot in her stomach twisted tighter with every step.
Please don’t let it be her, she prayed silently, even as a deeper, more certain part of her screamed otherwise.
When she rounded the corner and saw you slumped against the wall, battered but alive, her heart nearly stopped.
Your head tilted weakly at the sound of her voice. Through the haze of pain clouding your senses, you managed a faint smile. “Vi… you found me.”
She dropped to her knees beside you, her hands trembling as they hovered over your injuries, unsure where to start. “Of course I found you!” she snapped, her voice a mix of anger, fear, and overwhelming relief. “What the hell were you thinking?”
Her voice cracked, and her lips quivered as she fought back the tears welling in her eyes. “You could’ve—” The words caught in her throat, too painful to finish.
“I know,” you murmured weakly, leaning into her touch as she brushed a strand of hair from your face. “But you’re here now.”
Vi’s jaw clenched, and she dropped her head for a moment, exhaling sharply. “Damn right I’m here,” she muttered. “You’re not pulling a stunt like this again. Ever.”
A ghost of a chuckle escaped your lips, though it quickly turned into a wince of pain. “No promises.”
Her hands curled into fists at your words, but instead of snapping back, she let out a shaky breath. Without hesitation, she carefully scooped you into her arms.
“Vi, I can walk,” you protested, though your voice was weak and unconvincing.
“Shut up,” she said softly but firmly, her tone leaving no room for argument. “You’re hurt. Let me take care of you.”
You relented, resting your head against her chest as she carried you away. The steady thrum of her heartbeat was soothing, but it wasn’t enough to chase away the heavy cloud hanging over you.
By the time she kicked the door to her apartment open and set you down on the couch, the adrenaline had worn off completely, leaving you acutely aware of every bruise and cut. Vi disappeared briefly, returning with a first-aid kit.
“Let me see,” she muttered, her voice low as she knelt in front of you.
You sat silently as she cleaned your wounds, her touch uncharacteristically gentle. Her brows furrowed in concentration, her lips pressed in a thin line. She didn’t speak, but the tension radiating from her was palpable.
“You don’t have to do all this,” you said finally, breaking the silence. Your voice was hoarse, but the words carried a quiet conviction.
Vi froze for a moment, her hand hovering mid-air with a bandage. Slowly, she looked up at you, her blue eyes hard but glimmering with something raw. “Yes, I do,” she said, her voice steady but tinged with an edge of vulnerability.
Your gaze dropped, unable to meet hers. “I didn’t mean for this to happen,” you whispered. “I just… I thought I could handle it.”
“And look how that turned out,” she snapped, her frustration breaking through. But the second the words left her mouth, regret flashed across her face. She sighed, dragging a hand through her pink hair. “I’m sorry,” she said softly. “I just—seeing you like that…” Her voice trailed off, and she shook her head. “You scared the hell out of me, Y/N.”
“I didn’t mean to,” you murmured.
Vi sat back on her heels, her hands resting on her thighs as she studied you. “Then why?” she asked quietly. “Why would you put yourself in harm’s way like that?”
You hesitated, your fingers curling into the fabric of your pants. The answer was tangled in your mind, too complicated to unravel in a single moment. Finally, you sighed, the words slipping out before you could stop them.
“Sometimes it feels like… like I’m just slowing you down. Like you’d be better off without me.”
The silence that followed was deafening. You risked a glance at Vi, and the look on her face made your chest tighten. She looked like she’d been punched in the gut.
“Don’t,” she said finally, her voice low and trembling. “Don’t you dare say that again.”
Tears welled in your eyes, but you blinked them back, swallowing the lump in your throat. “It’s true,” you whispered.
“No, it’s not.” Vi’s voice was firm now, though it still carried an undercurrent of pain. She reached out, taking your hand in hers. “You don’t get it, do you? You’re everything to me. If I lost you…” She trailed off, shaking her head as her grip on your hand tightened. “I can’t lose you.”
Her words broke something inside you. You wanted to believe her, to take comfort in her warmth and her unwavering presence, but the weight of your own insecurities was hard to shake.
“I’m happy you found me,” you said finally, your voice barely above a whisper. “But part of me wishes you didn’t. Part of me feels like I don’t deserve this. Deserve you.”
Vi’s jaw tightened, and she pulled you into her arms without a word, cradling you against her chest. “You’re wrong,” she murmured against your hair. “You deserve everything. And I’m not going to stop until you see that.”
You closed your eyes, letting her words wash over you. The doubt and the pain didn’t disappear, but in her arms, it felt a little more bearable.
For now, you were safe. You were loved. And while the shadows of your mind still lingered, Vi’s presence was enough to keep them at bay. At least for tonight.
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lychie28 · 4 months ago
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And thats the last of the comic part.
Previous page part2
If your still having a hard time understanding the situation, here's the words of them instead! Enjoy~
One day, Margot and Mikey prepare for a mission to retrieve Donnie's device from an abandoned government facility. They need it that will enhance the base.
(checking gear)
You ready, Margot? The informant said it's clear of Krang.
(grabbing supplies)
Let's go. We need that device.
They arrive, cautious but hopeful. Out of surprise an ambush appears by the Krang forces. Mikey fights fiercely, giving Margot time to find the device.
(grunting, fighting off Krang forces)
Find that device, Margot! I'll hold them off!
Margot scours the facility and finally locates the device. However, Mikey's magic is drained from the intense battle. They rush towards their escape pods, alas Mikey's pod in a wreck due to the battle.
(exhausted, looking at Margot)
Margot, take the device. You have to go!
(A sudden fearful look)
There's no way I'm letting that happen!
In a split moment, Margot left herself, shoving Mikey with the device into the only pod available. As they share a final kiss the pod departs suddenly, watching Margot being left behind surrounded by Krang creatures.
Mikey returns alone in the pod, devastated. Leo is the first to notice his arrival.
In relief as they returned but noticed the second pod not arriving. The pod opens, showing mikey exiting the pod.
Where's Margot?
Mikey falls of exhaustion, Leo caught him before he hits on the ground. He then carries his little brother to the lab where donnie resides. A few moments later, mikey dreamt that last moments when margot shoved him in the pod, he remembers the words margot said to him after they kissed, " Looks like I'll be going ahead Mikey, I love you and I'm sorry"
A few days later he, woke up. Mikey quietly walks towards to a door of an empty room, margots. Eyes in despair like a man lost something or someone he cherished and treasured in his heart....
Slowly he turns to see her smile on the picture with that, all tears broke falling on his face and kneels on the ground , he rips off the necklace and looks at margots ring. Mikey blames himself for not being strong enough to protect her, as he grieving her passing.
Leo finds mikey out of the bed and searches for him, worried he might be out there in the surface or something worse. Leo heard cries and mumbles on Margot's room, there he saw his little brother on the floor distraught and heartbroken of margots passing. He slowly held Mikey and said nothing, silence extends to the point mikey stops mumbling under leos embrace.
(Calming mikey down)
Hey mikey its Leo have you calm down now? Listen, you're not "weak" your the greatest mystic warrior anyone has ever seen, and if margot were here right now she'd be so sad to see you cry in her room.
Leo squeezed mikey gently reassuring he's not goin anywhere until Mikey is calm. After another silence, leo checks at mikey passed out still holding the ring of Margot on his hand. He brings Mikey back into the bed and waits for him to wake up.....
**The end**
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davidthecatperchance · 4 months ago
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The realisation Daisy had become the monster she was ever so afraid of. Never keen on her reflection as it reminds her of the years are pain, perhaps it would have been better if she took the leap.. Furthermore, god did it feel weird that she was fighting to stay alive and not fighting against it.
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yana-bananai · 4 months ago
what's a character you REALLY want someone to do
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gwenimaru · 2 months ago
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Would you?
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