#Again please respect Miwa's decision
dokidoki-notesheet · 5 years
Dangan rebirth English adaption Death list and Cancelation
So apparently for legal reasons they had to stop doing dangan rebirth, I just want to say that you guys should respect this because they could've gotten into legal trouble if they hadn't caneclled DRRB's English adaption.
With this said here is the Death list, they shorted their names by first word of first name and last name.
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Also I feel like this stuff should be added here to, just to prevent anyone from getting in trouble.
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Incase you can't read it here's what it says:
"Does this mean all the videos are going to be deleted? Where am I going to watch it now?" No, Miwa has allowed us to keep it up. We are just not allowed to progress any further. This means that completing the chapter 2 trial is an impossibility. We apologize that it's going to end up on a cliffhanger like that, we're also disappointed. "What's going to happen to this server?" We plan to keep it up. We may be re-hauling it into another type of server you'll all still find common interest in, but we have not decided on that front. "What's going to happen to you guys? Is this the end for you all?" I cannot speak for everyone. Some of us are still grieving, some of us wish to take breaks, whether that be from fangan work, or even discord. As for myself, I plan on working on my own fangan. For some of us, this will not be the last of our work. But please, don't bank on things either way. If any of us move on to other things, and you are interested in seeing those, stick around, and hopefully you'll be able to see, whether it happens or not. "So who killed the chapter 2 victim? What's the death order? Who was the mastermind? Is X really dead? JUST FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, LET ME KNOW THE PLOT!" Dude. Chill. Read the announcement. We've already stated we don't know about revealing those things yet. Cool your heels.
"Can I take on the torch? I want to create chapters 3-6 of this, and finish it for you guys!" A nice thought, but no. If he's not letting us continue it, he's not letting you. Rebirth is sadly over for good. Fanart and such is totally fine, however!
   Again I please request you do not harass anyone for DRRB's english adaption's cancelelation they did this for a reason please respect that reason.
Now with this said, I wish the best for everyone that worked on the project and hope they can move forward with their heads high.
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we-rate-tmnt · 4 years
Haven't seen rottmnt yet, so I'll ask for karai! :D
Nice! Thanks for the ask, I’m going to put everything under the cut.
Okay, lets start with the first Karai (that I know of)
2003 Karai!
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I thought that she was a really neat character in the first few seasons, staying with her honor, helping out the turtles and I even thought she’d break off from the Shredder. She had a very contradictory personality and it’s so neat to see her change from being the character with honor and respect to going ‘alright I’m gonna be Shredder now’. It was a crazy change, but it made a lot of sense. My memories of the last three seasons are fuzzy but I don’t think she appeared too much in the last two. Overall, cool character, never was a fan of the headband and badass. 
Now let’s move on to the Karai I watched in third grade.
2012 Karai
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Sit down, this is gonna be long. 
Um pretty, amazing, gorgeous, fierce, well thought out, did I mention I had a HUGE crush on her when I was like 10. That aside, I think she’s my favorite version of Karai! In the first season, the cliche of her being Shredder’s daughter was I think less for ‘shock value’ and was a clear decision. Once it’s revealed that Shedder nabbed her from Splinter and was really Miwa, that solidifies the decision. The way they unveiled this was done with planning and delicacy. 
She’s rebellious, doesn’t care about good or evil as long as she has fun. But when it comes to the world potentially being destroyed or mutated or taken over, she realizes it’s seriousness and takes the turtles side on this, wanting to know more. They agree to a deal and when the turtles try to take out Shredder, she reveals that he’s her father. She’s not against the Shredder, she’s just noticing how trivial his revenge looks compared to the end of the world (like everyone EXCEPT the Shredder). 
In the finale (I think??), Shredder has told Splinter that ‘haha bitch I took away something important from you, ya know, your daughter.’ It’s frustrating and sad to know this as an audience while Karai continues to push them away. Then we get to the whole episode of Karai finding out that Splinter is her real father. The picture of her mother and Splinter is shown, Karai connects it all together and that Splinter didn’t kill her father, the Shredder did. 
She turns on the Shredder, but then tries to go back and avenge her mother and Splinter for everything Shredder has done to them and what he’s done to her. A reasonable reaction when you find out your ‘dad’ was manipulating you and tricking you into hunting down your real father. She gets captured and is used as bait to lure out Splinter and the turtles. And it works! A little too well, Karai gets mutated into A COOL ASS SNAKE WOW.
My memory gets fuzzy here but Karai saves Splinter when he looses his memory and is ‘dead’ the first time. The turtles find her and she says goodbye because the Shredder is hunting her and if she gets captured again, it’ll just cause more trouble for them.
And she was right. She gets captured and infected but a brain controlling worm. I don’t really care or remember this but this was another interesting decision the creators made. 
When the Shredder gets defeated right at the end of the space arc, she decides to rebuild the foot and bring honor back to her clan. Now, you could say that the Hamato clan was were she really belonged, but she had trained, lived and became part of the foot clan. She’s seen everything in it and knows that it needs to be cleansed of the Shredder’s influence. 
I really liked those episodes because she made an independent decision that was important to her and fit her character. It also led to emo Leo, Shinigami (another badass lady childhood crush) and some plot setup. 
I’m not going to go over the rest of the seasons, so I’m gonna add some more notes.
Her design is so appealing with the color scheme, shapes and little nuances here and there. They never explained how she not only could turn back into a human but had two tiny snake heads where her hand were??? The implication of her and Leo being romantic partners was just plain gross and I’m glad they laid off of it after awhile. 
Edit: Her voice actor was PERFECT, snarky, suave and an edge of intense, evil like-ness to her tone.
Now, for the Karai I know the least about...
IDW Karai
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She’s pretty and rocking those bangs but I don’t like how the Shredder uses her. She’s also SO DAMN INTENSE CHILL OUT FOR A MINUTE GIRL. Kinda funny in a ‘haha she’ll kill me’ way, like Rosa from Brooklyn 99. I hope I’ll have a better analysis of her later when I catch up on the comic.
And the nonexistent...
Rise Karai
Karai hasn’t turned up or even been mentioned in Rise, and I don’t think she will, at least in normal context. The Shredder isn’t really a villain, so she won’t be the normal ‘Shredders daughter/second in command.’ I think that the Foot Recruit is a sort of substitute for her so far, but I’d love to see what she would be in this series since her main connection to the turtles is Shredder. So no rating for this.
Fun fact: Karai means Spicy in Japanese.
Story time: My half-brother/uncle grew up with the 80′s cartoon so when he asked me who I had a crush on and I said Karai, he had no clue who it was. I said ‘well she’s Shredders daughter’ and he was like ‘wait wait wait so like, did Kraang and Shredder go out and adopt a kid or something???’ and I can’t stop thinking about it.
If you have anything to add on, please reblog or comment about it! 
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