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aftermathfullversion · 1 month ago
電影 《驚爆封鎖線》-線上看完整版 免費(2024小鴨影音)
驚爆封鎖線線上看-小鴨影音免費完整版 ,免費高清線上看《驚爆封鎖線》電影、驚爆封鎖線線上看(2024台灣電影)。
《驚叫少女》喬舒亞約翰米勒執導,《天眼救援》羅素克洛、《阿凡達》山姆沃辛頓、《索命黃道帶》亞當戈德堡、《恐懼大街系列》芮安辛普金斯主演。 片長:95分 上映日期:2024/11/15
您可以免費享受最高質量的[Aftermath 2024]電影。線上看電影《驚爆封鎖線》的完整版。
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🔗⏩ 看电影 🎬 Aftermath 線上看
驚爆封鎖線線上看, 上映時間, 關於、劇情介紹。
美國票房:243萬(美金) 影片年份:2024 出 品 國:United States 出  品:Miramax 發 行 商:車庫娛樂 語  言:English 色  彩:color
落魄的資深演員安東尼(羅素克洛 飾)獲邀在一部驅魔恐怖片裡飾演神父,他將這次演出視為翻��的機會,結果卻頻頻表現出現各種失序行為,跟他關係疏遠的女兒李(芮安辛普金斯 飾)不確定父親是毒癮復發,或是被其他更邪惡的東西附身……。
驚爆封鎖線, 驚爆封鎖線線上看, 驚爆封鎖線線上看小鴨, 驚爆封鎖線免費線上看, 驚爆封鎖線線上看, 驚爆封鎖線2024電影, 驚爆封鎖線線上看完整版, Aftermath線上看
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sortaotaku · 5 years ago
Kyle ECB Story Translation
I hope everyone is safe and doing alright!
Hello~ I��m back! I haven’t abandoned my Tumblr blog. I have been away finishing papers, doing online exams and busy opting out of my university exchange program because of the pandemic. Afterwards I indulged myself in binge watching/reading Kimetsu no Yaiba and baking a whole bunch of different sweets. (Souffle pancakes, sakura cookies, cream puffs, milk buns, green tea sponge cake and all that good stuff) I also celebrated my 21st birthday on the 4th! (Before our favorite spicy hatter)
Here’s that ECB Kyle story from the Secret Message collection event (Ikerev TW) that I promised a LONG time ago. It’s the same event as the “Blossoming Romance” collection event that just ended I think. I’m pretty sure I have Jonah’s too so I can do that one too if anyone want me to.
I also did Edgar’s collection story: https://sortaotaku.tumblr.com/post/188554992898/ikerev-tw-secret-message-collection-event-story
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在一個吹拂著春天氣息 , 微風和緩又溫暖的下 
Under the gentle spring breeze, in the midst of the warmth of spring
我在醫務室工作的時候 , 看到擺在窗臺的一盆 花綻放了 。 
While working in the infirmary I noticed a potted plant placed by the window.
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( 我還以為醫務室裡種的都是香草和藥草之類 的呢 . . . . ) 
(And here I thought all the plants in the infirmary would be medicinal herbs)
Alice 「 凱爾 , 這是什麼花 ? 」 
Alice: Kyle, what’s this flower?
凱爾 「 是九重葛 , 終於開花了呀 。 」 
Kyle: It’s a bougainvillea. So it has finally bloomed huh?
Alice 「 好可愛的花呀 ! 顏色好鮮艶 . .
Alice: What a cute flower! The colour is so vibrant.
凱爾 「 你喜歡嗎 ? 」 
Kyle: Do you like it?
Alice 「 嗯 ! 但是這個是要用來入藥的嗎 ? 」 
Alice: Yeah! But is this going to be used for medicine?
凱爾 「 是呀 , 不過只用葉子 。 」 
Kyle: Yes, but only the leaves.
( 這樣呀 , 原來用不到花呀 。 ) 
(So that’s it. The flower won’t be used)
這鮮豔的花朵給簡樸的醫務室帶來了一絲明豔 的色彩 。 
The bright flowers gave the plain office some colour.
( 看來在醫務室擺些鮮花也挺不錯的呢 。 ) 
(It seems that keeping some flowers in infirmary is quite nice)
( 看到的人們也會有種治癒心靈的感覺 . . . 真 希望除了九重葛外 , 也能多裝飾一些其它花朵 呢 。 ) 
(Seeing the flowers may help lighten people up, I do hope that more flowers aside from the bougainvillea can be brought in.
—— 第二天 。 
~ The second day
I decorated the infirmary with vases filled with artificial flowers.
凱爾 「 這是什麼 ? 」 
Kyle: What’s this?
Alice 「 昨天那盆九重葛不是開花了嗎 ? 我覺得在醫 務室裡擺些花很不錯 。 」 
Alice: Didn’t the bougainvillea bloom yesterday? I thought that it would be nice to place some flowers in the infirmary.
凱爾 「 原來如此 , 但為什麼要擺人造花 ? 」 
Kyle: Oh so that’s it. Why artificial flowers?
Alice 「 我怕鮮花的花香會對醫務室的工作有影�� 。 」 
Alice: I was concerned the smell of flowers might negatively affect the work environment of the infirmary.
Alice 「 身體不舒服的時候 , 不能去聞太刺鼻的香味 吧 ? 」 
Alice: It probably wouldn’t be too good to smell something pungent while you’re sick right?
凱爾 「 妳 . . . 考慮得很周到嘛 。 」 
Kyle: Wow, you’ve thought a lot about this. (A/N meaning she is through and considerate)
凱爾一邊微笑著一邊用手輕輕摸了摸我的頭 。 
Kyle chuckled lightly and patted my head.
( 阿阿 , 被他稱讚了 。 ) 
(Yay, he praised me) (A/N Alice is such a cutie pie) 
他寬大的手掌帶來的觸感讓我感到十分高興 , 臉上不禁露出了笑容 。 
The feeling of his big hand made me exceedingly happy, a big smile appeared on my face. (A/N 十分高興 literal 10 minute happy, but meant as very happy)
凱爾 「 那個啊 , 今天晚上有空嗎 ? 」 
Kyle: So. Are you free tonight?
Alice 「 有空呀 , 是想約我去喝一杯嗎 ? 」 
Alice: Yes, I’m free. Did you want to invite me out for drinks?
凱爾 「 啊 , 不是的 . . . 有空的話 , 就到我房間來吧 。 」
Kyle: Um it’s not that, if you have free time then stop by my room then.
Alice 「 . . . 好的 。 」 
Alice: ... Sure.
( 凱爾居然會主動邀請我 , 真難得 。 ) 
(Kyle took the initiative and invited me over. How rare)
雖然不知道邀請的理由是什麼 . . . . 
Though I don’t have a clue as to why he’s inviting me over...
我一邊為這個約會暗自悸動 , 一邊開始了當天 的工作 . . . 
I secretly excitedly looked forward to this meeting as I started on the days work.
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( . . . 明明是對我發出了邀請 . . . ) 
(... Even though he was the one who invited me...)
一起在房間裡隨意喝了幾杯後 , 凱爾就直接在 床上睡著了 。 
After nonchalantly finishing a few drinks in his room together, Kyle collapsed onto his bed. (A/N ahaha same tho... I’m in the bad tolerance club too)
( 今天也很忙 , 看來是他真的很累了吧 . . . . ) 
(It was quite busy today, I guess he must be really tired...)
我也覺得有點睏 , 就鑽到凱爾身旁躺了下來 。 
I feel quite tired, I’ll just tuck myself in with Kyle and take a rest too. (A/N she said she’ll tunnel into where his body is. She wants to be the little spoon. A woman of good taste she is...)
( 凱爾 , 晚安 。 ) 
(Goodnight Kyle)
相互依偎傳遞而來的體溫非常舒適 , 我很快就 進入了夢鄉 . . . 
Because the warmth of his body snuggled against me felt very comfortable I quickly dozed off...
接著 , 在小憩片刻之後 . . . 
After the short rest...
隱約聽到了什麼聲音 , 我抬起沉重的眼簾 。 
After hearing a faint noise, I lifted my heavy eyelids.
( 凱爾 . . . . ? 他醒了嗎 ? ) 
(Kyle... did he wake up?)
我昏昏沉沉地思考著這些 , 並將頭轉向了他 
I drowsily tried to make sense of everything while turning to look at him.
凱爾 「 . . . 呢 ! 」 
Kyle: ...Guh!
Alice 「 凱 、 凱爾 . . . . ! ? 」 
Alice: K-Kyle?!
凱爾 「 . . . 搞什麼啊 , 明明就差一點了 。 」 
Kyle: ... What is this, just when I was almost... (A/N He’s asking what she is doing as if she’s messing around)
Alice 「 差一點是怎麼回事 . . . . ? 」 
Alice: What do you mean almost?
我看到凱爾的手上正握著盛開的九重葛 。 
I saw clenched in Kyle hand a fully bloomed bougainvillea.
凱爾 「 算了 , 先不要動喔 ? 」 
Kyle: Ah don’t think about it, don’t move kay?
Alice 「 嗯 , 好的 。 」 
Alice: Ah ok.
凱爾把手放到床頭板上 , 然後傾身探了過來 , 床褥在壓力下發出吱呀聲響 。 
Kyle planted his arm on the headboard, then lightly leaned over. The bed creaked under the weight. (A/N KYAAA BED KABEDON SOMEONE HELP ME!!! *fans self obnoxiously*)
( 唔 . . . ! ) 
( Ohhh my...!)
骨節分明的手指輕輕觸碰著頭髮 , 近在咫尺的 距離使我心跳加速 。 
His fingers gently touched my hair, the closeness caused my heart rate to increase. (A/N the descriptor added for his fingers is something like sharp/bony)
凱爾 「 . . . 真的很適合 。 」 
Kyle: It really suits you a lot.
凱爾用像是梳理般的動作撫摸我的髮絲 , 露出 無比柔和的眼神 。 
Kyle stroked my hair with comb-like motions while showing an extremely warm expression. (A/N soft, warm and/or gentle look)
Alice 「 欽 . . . . ? 」 
Alice: ....? (A/N it says “qin” but idk what that sound effect is supposed to mean)
我用手輕輕觸碰頭的一側 , 手指便碰到了花瓣 
I lightly ran my hand over the side of my head and my fingers brushed over flower petals.
( 這是 . . . . 九重葛 ? ) 
(This is... the bougainvillea?)
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凱爾 「 我看你好像很喜歡這種花 , 就想著如果早上 起來看到這個變成了自己的頭飾應該會很高興 。 」 
Kyle: I saw that you liked the flower a lot so I figured you might like it if you were to wake up to find that it became your hair ornament.
Alice 「 原來是這樣啊 . . . 凱爾 , 謝謝你 ! 」 
Alice: So it was was like that. Thank you Kyle!
凱爾 「 . . . 一笑起來就更般配了 , 真的好可愛��� 。 
Kyle: It suits you even more when you’re smiling. You’re so cute. (A/N dang son he’s such a smooth operator)
Alice 「 . . . . 唔 。 」 
Alice: .... Oh.
( 凱爾有時說話真的很坦白呢 . . . ) 
(Kyle can be so direct when he speaks sometimes) (A/N unfiltered/frank/honest)
But the cool way of speaking always seems to move me. (A/N strike at her heart)
每當這種時候 , 我都會覺得自己的全身心都被 他所俘虏了 。 
Every time this kind of situation happens, I feel as if my whole body and heart has been captured by him.
Alice 「 難道你 . . . 就是為了這件事 , 才邀請我到房 間來的 ? 」 
Alice: Could it be... Because of this matter... you invited me to your room?
凱爾 「 是呀 , 妳不是說花很漂亮啊什麼的 , 看起來 很高興嗎 ? 」 
Kyle: Yeah, didn’t you say the flower was pretty? You looked real happy.
( 原來他一直都有在注意我 。 ) 
(So he has really been paying close attention to me)
Alice 「 真高興 .… 」 
Alice: I’m so happy
凱爾 「 . . . . 是嗎 。 」 
Kyle: Is that so
凱爾低聲說著 , 用雙手緊緊地抱住了我 。 
Kyle said in a low voice as he embraced me tightly with both arms. (A/N low voice as in volume, he’s whispering)
Alice 「 凱 、 凱爾 . . . ? 」 
Alice: K-kyle?
凱爾 「 都怪妳總是擺出一副讓人忍不住抱緊妳的表 情 。 」 
Kyle: It’s your fault for always making an expression that make people can’t help but to want to hug you tightly.
( . . . 呃 , 被他這麼一說 . . . ) 
(... Ahh when he says it like that...)
他的低語讓我的臉頰發燙 。 
His voice made my cheeks hot. (A/N low whisper)
Kyle: Though it’s hard for me to show a cool face when I’m in front of you. (A/N show his cool and handsome side)
Kyle: But these kinds of times make me feel really fortunate, I really like it. (A/N 幸福 again! Meaning happiness, fulfillment and all that kind of stuff) 
Kyle: And so whether it be today or tomorrow or the day after that, I want to continue staying by your side.
Alice: Me too
He guided my hands down a little bit. My eyes met with Kyle’s loving gaze.
Alice: Kyle... let’s stay like this.
I wrapped my arms around Kyle’s neck and gave him a kiss
Alice 「.....唔。」
Alice: ...Oh
In response to the sweet feeling of the kiss, I breathed out softly. (A/N aftermath of the sweet atmosphere, soft pants. Something to that effect)
My heart keeps racing at Kyle’s cool words.
(Coolness that doesn’t need extra effort)
After the kiss, with a smile Kyle pressed his forehead onto mine.
Kyle: You’re making an expression that makes me want to hug you again.
Alice: Maybe?
Kyle: Hurry up and come here
Alice: Uhn (Yes)
I flew into his embrace (A/N she flew into him. Same tho Alice...)
Even though it was actually a pretty cool spring night but when the two of us were embracing it felt extremely warm.
I felt this feeling of happiness and smiled
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