#Aelios Meadowlark
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finally finished the Meadowlark Family portraits doodles~ now to draw them as their Pokémon forms~
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Decided some doodles of Cersei and Dadtwo Aelios in poses from official art of Mew and Mewtwo would be fun, with color added and a ✨shiny✨ variation alt for each
Aelios' doesn't change much given his human genes from his hair influenced his fur color the most, but there's a difference with the parts it didn't affect lol
also for anyone noticing he has influences from both Mega Mewtwo forms, part of that is due to the nature of the DNA he used on himself and part is due to the procedure itself. It also means he'll never have a Mega form himself, just semblances of them in his Mewtwo form
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I think I mentioned in their initial sketch/WIP post that Cersei doesn't hear about her true nature from Aelios but from Giratina
the shock from this results in the shock finally wearing off her use of Transform. 10 years of a human disguise that aged and grew slowly and a bit painfully dissipating to show her true Mew self underneath
she, uh... doesn't take it well. kinda rightfully so. Aelios had kept her in the dark about this integral part of herself, and he wasn't the one to tell her the truth. however, he does feel remorse over this. immediately after he makes it clear he intended to tell her, but between him being kidnapped and her friends (Ash and the other protagonists), he was afraid her knowing would put her in danger, or result in others knowing which then put her in danger, so he held his tongue
and he forever beats himself up for that, because he knew it was going to hurt her and knew it was going to come out eventually. even after she forgives him and they act like father and daughter again (she never fully lets go of her learned human tendencies), he still laments and guilts himself over lying to her for a decade
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I am being extremely normal about this fictional family of science cats I've made up in my head
I don't think I've mentioned yet, Aelios had a wife! and, uh, will be getting a husband in the future
oh, and more family portraits but this time as their Pokémon forms
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Finished Cersei Meadowlark! Spunky lil thing who thought she was human for years before learning the truth (I'm getting to that)
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adoptive Dad Aelios Meadowlark, or Professor Meadowlark. despite keeping Cersei's true nature from even her for years, he really did and does mean well and when he realizes he screwed up, he tries to make up for it
(bonus under the cut, sorta spoilers for their whole story plot)
After enough times of being kidnapped or being forced to try and help capture his own daughter because despite not being recognized as one of the researchers who helped make her he's still a big name researcher now
and enough times of watching his daughter get hurt, hurt herself by accident, or worry herself half to death over him, Aelios decides to be stupid in a smart way with some leftover Mewtwo DNA because he's heard of Bill and other incidents where people become Pokémon aaaand
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yeah. it's a sensory overload at first for him and a huge adjustment to like. everything. plus him having been originally human means there's a few differences. but he'll get used to it and also be able to use Transform before too long so they can both still blend in
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