#Adventure Buddies (AHiT Kids)
twilightprince101 · 5 years
Please can you share more headcannons with us so I can draw you more fanart. thanks
Apologies for not responding to this right away, guess I didn’t really see this in the inbox. I’ll gladly share some more HCs, but Banon. You should know. One of these days I’m gonna strike back with force 1,000 times stronger than the fanart you give me.
How the Drifters Joined
Each of the members in the Dimensional Drifters joined for different reasons. While sometimes we pick up temporary guests along for the ride for a short while, these guys all vowed to stick around for the long haul.
The Moomin Family: Perhaps the most lighthearted reason of the bunch; they all just want to explore! The Moomins themselves are no strangers when it comes to going on adventures. As for their friends back home, a special ability when it comes to my powers is that if anybody leaves their world, they can return at the exact moment they left. So they wouldn’t be missing too much by coming along. From time to time though they do get homesick, so they go back for short visits.
The Hat in Time crew: Everyone here joined for their own separate reasons:The Child Trio all decided to come along more or less for adventure as well, along with getting into various mischief together. Mustache Girl though, she joined for her own reasons (which won’t be explained... yet.)DJ Grooves was unfortunately in a rut with his movie business. While he was happy in his career, he had begun to run out of ideas, and after so much of getting 2nd in a two person race, he decided to join so he could find some excitement in his life again.Empress, despite having it big with her nyakuza clan, had begun to realize that she had to stop eventually in her clan. Whether due to unforseen circumstances or having an heir, she’d eventually no longer be the head of the clan. Along with the fact that she practically knew nothing else of what to do-as she had only known the metro for her own life-decided to take my offer and come along to show her just what lies outside of the underground she knew for so long.
The Nekojishi Trio: The case here is pretty much similar to how I set up their verse for self-ships. A lot of time has passed since Liao’s death and his spirit had been reincarnated, and with him surrounding a majority of their lives, they didn’t really know much about what to do and how to move forward. When offered a chance to join in, they all decided to take it-at first as a vacation from their duties as gods-but then decided to stay, as this lifestyle of always expecting something new every day was liberating to them. 
Morgana: The thing about infinite worlds is that while there are infinite of them, there are also infinite versions of different people as well. The Morgana we encountered was not the main one we know, but instead came from a sort of off-shoot universe where the Phantom Thieves never existed. He took on a majority of palaces solo, ending up getting major scrapes in the process. After we helped him out with a particularly dangerous palace, he thought it was comforting to be part of a group, and decided to join in.
The Spyro Squad: Probably the ones that stuck around the most, and are least-of-all likely to be leaving anytime soon. The Spyro world was the first one I ever traveled to, so while I got my bearings as a drifter they helped me get back on my feet.Elora was somebody who-upon being asked-agreed practically instantly. She had been working on reconstructing Avalar for a long time, and while helping her finish everything up, we slowly fell in love. I probably stayed in the Spyro world for the longest amount of time I’ve ever stayed in a world-over two years-and having already seen what all of the realms had to offer, she wanted to join me in exploring the multiverse together.Spyro, Lindar and Bubba all joined in a little while later. One day Elora was getting homesick while exploring so we ventured back to check up on everyone. Upon hearing the stories we had to share, all three insisted that they join us. Spyro because he wanted some more adventure and wanted to stick close to his friends, and both Lindar and Bubba because they were both practically my father figures at this point, so anywhere I went, they wanted to come with.
Definitely one of my longer posts, but I had this in my head for a while! Gave me a nice opportunity to write everything out. Hope your day is swell Banon, along with everyone else!
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ahatintimestorybook · 4 years
Sisters N Time Chap. 3
Hello again! Sorry for the delay for this chapter. I have so many AHIT stories to share with you all, and I keep putting this one in the back. Hopefully, I can work on this more often since now we're hitting the part of the AU, where the alternate stuff is happening so it should be a breeze from here on out.
Also thanks again for Reader Dragon for being my beta reader!!! You’re the best my dude!!!
Hat Kid threw the three Time Pieces in the vault and went over to her power panel and turned on saying her usual, “Boop.” as she did. Soon all the lights were on and Hat Kid sighed in relief seeing she finally had power on her ship. Hat Kid sighed as she slid down to enjoy the brightness of her ship, no more darkness.
“Finally, there is light!” She beamed. No longer she had to be stuck in a dark space ship, bumping into things just to get where she needed to go. Now, Hat Kid could finally enter her room again and lie down in bed after a long day.
Which is what she just did.
Hat Kid sighed in happiness lying down on her nice and comfy bed. Today was a long day, she lost all her Time Pieces, she met Mu and Molly, she- Hat Kid’s eyes widened. “The Time Pieces!” She shouted, jumping out of bed. Why was she relaxing in bed when all her Time Pieces were on the planet that are being held up by the Mafia or worse!
She ran out of her room and back to the main hub only to skid to a halt too late and crashed into Mu and Molly. The girls groaned as Hat Kid rubbed her head to see she crashed into her new friends. “ Mu and Molly sorry!” Hat Kid exclaimed. She got off her friends and helped them both up. “Are you two okay?”
“We’re fine!” Molly replied smiling ear to ear. Hat Kid sighed seeing the younger mustached girl was alright.
“What brought you two here?” Hat Kid asked, “and how did you guys get  on my ship?” She questioned knowing the sisters had no way of teleporting to her ship.
Mu ignored the 2nd question and only answered the first one, “We’re here because I’m here to teach you how we’re going to defeat the Mafia!” Mu explained beaming with pride. Hat Kid opened her mouth about to ask again how Mu and Molly were able to get on her ship, but Mu pushed Hat Kid towards the kitchen and sat her down. Molly sat down next to the hat child as Mu got started on her plan to take down the Mafia.
“Alright here is the plan how we're going to break into Mafia Headquarters, beat the Mafia Boss and claim your junk.” Mu started. Mu took some chalk and started to draw a bit of her plan as well as the Mafia being strangled by the three girls. This in turn made Hat Kid cover Molly’s eyes. “First we're going to strangle the Mafia. Choke them and watch them beg for mercy.” She explained rubbing her hands together evilly.
“Uh.. Mu…” Hat Kid tried to speak up.
“Wait. No.” Mu said. “Strangling is way too kind.” Mu erased the strangling drawing and drew another disturbing one. This time, Mu and Hat Kid punching the Mafia that blood? Or whatever was coming out of them, and Molly was there collecting the blood and eyeballs into a jar with a smile. This disturbed Hat Kid even more as she covered Molly’s eyes once again.
“This plan is even better!” Mu exclaimed. “We’re going to smash them! Turn them into mush! Then put the remains in a jar!” She explained. Mu flipped over the chalkboard and drew the jars filled with the Mafia’s remains as Mu, Hat, and Molly were selling them for money. “Then we sell them for pocket money, that will be the ultimate salt on the wound.”
Hat Kid leaned into Molly’s ear and whispered, “Is Mu always like this?” She asked.
“Yeah, but I’m used to it.” Molly replied. Hat Kid flinched hearing those words from a six year old and she wasn’t disturbed by it. Just what did these two sisters go through with the Mafia?
Mu was finished erasing the chalkboard and drew the Mafia’s base. “However, before we can turn the Mafia into mush we need to infiltrate their base and take down the Mafia Boss.” Mu explained as she drew a silly version of what appeared to be the Mafia Boss. “So how do we take down the Mafia Boss, exactly?” She asked.
“Fight him?” Hat Kid answered, which was the most obvious answer.
“Well we are going to fight him, but with what?” Mu asked again.
“My umbrella?”
Mu giggled. “Wrong! With yarn!” She shouted. Hat Kid and Molly were both confused about how yarn will defeat the Mafia Boss. “You see yarn could craft more hats, and more hats mean more abilities.” Mu explained.
Hat Kid removed her hat and looked at it. This hat belonged to her father and it was passed down to her the day she left her planet and went on her own adventure. It wondered the hat child where her father got his hat and she might have the answer.
Mu pulled out a yarn and threw it to Hat Kid, who caught it. The yarn was red with a bit of white as Hat Kid examined the yarn. She grabbed her umbrella and threw the yarn up in the air and soon created a Sprint Hat. “Like this?” Hat Kid asked.
“Exactly! See your learning something new everyday Hat Kid!” Mu beamed nudging her new friend. Hat Kid chuckled and gave a small smile. Hat Kid looked at her newly made hat before putting it somewhere safe. “Okay, ready to go!?” Mu asked.
Hat Kid nodded, “Ready!” Hat Kid replied by putting her hand into a fist.
“I’m ready too!” Molly beamed raising her hand and jumping out of her seat.
Mu’s eyes widened as she put her hands on Molly’s arm. “Sorry Molly, but this is big kid stuff. You stay on the ship where it’s safe.” Mu explained.
Molly frowned, “but I want to go on you and Hat Kid’s adventures too.” She whined. Hat Kid looked at Mu giving her a look that hopefully would make the older Mustache girl change her mind.
Despite having a buddy, Mu still wouldn’t let Molly join her and Hat Kid. “Molly, I know you want to go, but I don’t want anything to happen to you. You remember what happened-“
Molly cut off her older sister, “I know that! I’ll be careful. I promise, please let me go! Please.” Molly was down on her knees, hands together begging to her older sister.
Mu sighed at her younger sister and turned to Hat Kid. “Think you can help me?” Mu asked.
Hat Kid shook her head. “Sorry I’m an only child.” She responded.
“Great.” Mu groaned. “Guess you’ll have to stick with us.” Even though Mu didn’t like it, she had no other choice.
Molly gasped and smiled in joy, stars sparkled in her eyes as she ran and tackled and hugged her big sister. Mu couldn’t breathe as her younger sister hugged her tight. “Oh thank you! Thank you!” She repeated smiling widely at her older sister.
“Anytime.” Mu said. “Just be careful and listen to what we say. Okay?” She asked.
“Okay!” Molly replied giving her older sister a salute.
With everything settled Hat Kid pointed her telescope towards Mafia Town trying to set her sights on the Mafia Base. “Why do you need a telescope?” Molly asked, confused.
“This telescope helps me pinpoint a location so we can land on the planet together.” Hat Kid explained. “If we just teleported we could end up in another part of the planet.”
“Oh okay.” Molly replied.
Hat Kid smiled when her telescope went into focus on the Mafia Base. “Perfect!” Hat Kid exclaimed. “You two ready?” She asked
“Ready!” The mustached sisters beamed at the same time. Soon Hat Kid and her new friends teleported back down to Mafia Town.
By now it was nighttime in Mafia Town, and many of the Mafia Goons were heading inside the building after a long day. They didn’t notice three young girls teleporting near the front of the entrance.
Hat Kid and Molly looked down at Mafia Town from the base and were surprised how high up they were. “It’s beautiful from up here!” Molly exclaimed.
“I know! This is a beautiful place to stargaze.” Hat Kid added looking up at the stars. From down there you wouldn’t see them with all the pollution from the Mafia’s deeds. From up on the Mafia’s base however, you can see the stars as far as the eye can’t see. Though Hat Kid was lucky as she flew and saw stars close up.
“Hey you two!” Mu spoke up, snapping her fingers. “We’re not here to relax, we're here to take down the Mafia, remember?” She reminded them.
Molly giggles rubbing the back of her head. “Sorry Mu.” She apologized. Mu in reply crossed her arms glaring at her little sister. “But the view from up here is amazing.” She sighed.
Mu rolled her eyes in response. “Come on. More time we rally up here the more we’re wasting time stopping the Mafia.” She groaned.
Molly frowned seeing her fun had abruptly ended. “Okay sis.” Molly sighed.  Mu took her hand as she took her near the entrance of the base. Hat Kid frowned and followed Mu and Molly inside the base.
Luckily, none of the Mafia stopped them or even spotted them. “Okay that was easy.” Mu whispered. “Alright, we got to find the key in order to get into the Mafia Boss’s room. Your junk must be there.” She explained.
Hat Kid gave a small glare that Mu was still calling her Time Pieces junk. However, she needed all the help she could get and wasn’t the time to get mad at Mu. “Got it.” Hat Kid whispered giving a nod.
“Molly you’ll stay with me.” Mu stated. “I don’t want you to be running off. Got it?”
“Got it.” Molly replied.
Mu smiled seeing her little sister understanding the plan. “Good.” She said. Mu looked from their hiding place and saw most of the Mafia were doing their own thing; eating, playing games or talking. “Okay, they're distracted, let’s go!” Mu whispered.
Hat Kid nodded and quietly ran past the Mafia and jumped up to one of the banisters to sneak up from the top then just stealth down below. Mu took Molly’s hand and they ran to another room.
Mu let go of Molly’s hand and went through everything in the room. “What are we looking for?” Molly asked.
“Anything we can use against the Mafia.” Mu answered. “A weapon, keys, anything to blackmail them. You know anything to take down an evil team.”
Molly nodded and went through a box and smiled seeing a long butcher knife. “Like this?” She asked. Mu turned towards her little sister and yelped seeing what her sister was carrying. Quickly, she ran towards her sister and snatched the knife from her.
“Yes, but this weapon is too dangerous for a squirt like you!” Mu shouted. She put the knife away and quickly looked inside the box to find something for Molly though most of the items in the box were mainly cooking utensils. Mu gave a disgusted sigh, “why is everything knives, forks, and,” she paused as she pulled out a rubber fish, “what in the world is this?” She questioned. The Mafia may be bad guys, but they were also idiots.
Molly gasped as she pulled out a frying pan. “I can use a frying pan!” She suggested. The young mustached girl started to swing the pan around making Mu duck down not to get hit, but the pan ended up knocking out a Mafia member. Molly stopped and turned to see the passed out Mafia goon on the ground as fishes swam on top of his head. “I think they found us.”
“Yep!” Mu replied, grabbing her little sister’s hand as they ran out of the room only to be blocked by a few Mafia goons.
“Look who came to join the Mafia’s party?” One Mafia goon laughed. Mu glared and Molly lifted her pan up ready to use it if they came close to them. “Did mustache girls have an invention to Mafia party?” He asked. Before Mu could respond, the Mafia goon continued, “No, well then Mafia knows how to kick out trespassers.” He then cracked his knuckles and walked closer to the girls.
Molly held up her frying pan, and jumped to slam the pan onto the Mafia goon, but the goon held on to her pan and brought the young girl close to his face. Molly gave an awkward laugh as she jumped off from the pan and landed on the ground.
“H-hey! Let me go!” Molly turned and gasped to see her older sister grabbed by none other than the Mafia Boss. Mu struggled to get out of the Mafia Boss’s grip, but the head honcho of the Mafia held the young girl by her hood tightly.
The Mafia Boss laughed and brought the young girl close to her. “Not today, Mustache Girl, you’ve been messing with my Mafia for the longest time.” He growled.
Mu growled back. “Only because you took our home!” She shouted back. The Mafia Boss growled raising his hand up and slapped the young girl in the face. Molly gasped and took a step back before running off to find Hat Kid and get her help. Mu shivered, her face had a red mark which gave the Mafia Boss an evil smirk.
Hat Kid finally got the last key to enter the Mafia Boss’s room where her Time Pieces should be in. She smiled seeing the door right in front of her and she’ll be one step closer to collecting Time Pieces and heading back home. All she needed to do was put the key into the hole, turn it, unlock the door and…
“Hat Kid!” Molly screamed. Hat Kid paused and turned to see the younger mustached girl running towards her. She didn’t see Mu with her and the hat wearing child knew Mu was fighting off the Mafia or got captured once again by them.
“Molly? Where’s your sister?” Hat Kid asked.
“Taken...by...Mafia…” She replied, catching her breath.
Hat Kid groaned, frowning knowing now she had even bigger problems to handle. She heard a moan coming from Molly knowing she ran fast and was ready to pass out. Quickly, Hat Kid grabbed the girl before she could fall and lifted her to her back. “I got you.” She whispered. Hat Kid gave a small smile before glaring at the Mafia Boss’s door.
Using the key she unlocked the door and pushed it open to see two Mafia goons and their boss, who was sitting on his throne, waiting for Hat Kid.
“So you're the kid with the hat the Mafia were telling me about?” Mafia Boss spoke up.
Hat Kid had her hand on her umbrella ready to use it if the Mafia Boss if he or any of his goons would try to get close to her. “I am.” She replied. “Where’s Mu?”
The Mafia Boss laughed. “She’s fine. I’ll reassure you.” He said. Hat Kid glared at the boss. “However, you kid with the hat will not.” He got out of his chair and right behind him was a Time Piece. The Mafia Boss snapped his fingers and suddenly the lights went out. When the lights came back on Hat Kid saw she was on the stage with the Mafia as her audience.
Soon a spotlight shined on the Mafia Boss, “If you want it, we’ll have to settle it in true Mafia style.” He said, and then he attacked. Hat Kid. The hat wearing child dodged the man’s attacks, while holding Molly on her back. Hat Kid was dodging attacks, holding Molly tight, and hitting the Mafia Boss with her umbrella, the hat wearing child knew she was in for a tough fight.
The fight was everything Hat Kid wasn’t expecting. The Mafia Boss had electric supercharge attacks, spinning around like a top that she had to jump to avoid, sand bags ready to fall on top of her while a Mafia Goon was ready to ram into her, and to top it all off the Mafia Boss launched these spiky discs that Hat Kid had to miss before the Mafia Boss wanted to squish her himself. When Hat Kid had the chance, she gave the Mafia Boss a hit with her umbrella.
In the middle of the fight, Molly woke up from all the cheering and music. “W-what’s going on?” She asked.
“ULTRA CHARGE!” The Mafia Boss shouted.
“Ah!” Molly screamed as she saw the attack coming towards her, and was lifted in the air a few times. She looked in front of her and saw Hat Kid held her on her back as she was fighting the Mafia Boss. “Hat Kid!”
Hat Kid turned and saw Molly was awake, this in turn gave the Mafia Boss to launch another charge attack at the girls. The attack hit them and separated the two as the skid on the stage. The Mafia Boss laughed and soon from on top of the girls was Mu, tied up and dangling for her life. “I got your friend, and soon all three of you will perish.” He laughed.
Mu struggled to free herself from the ropes. “L-let go of me you psycho!” She shouted.
“Mu!” Molly and Hat Kid shouted. Mu stopped struggling and looked down at her best friend and little sister. She gasped seeing the two were in danger. Especially when the Mafia Boss tried to go after them till Hat Kid hit the man with her umbrella.
“Leave them alone you...you...brutes!” Mu shouted.
The Mafia Boss ignored Mu’s pleas and kept on fighting the girls. Hat Kid quickly pulled Molly aside where she could be safe. “Stay here, where you're safe.” Hat Kid said before running back on stage to see a large Mafia Ball coming towards her. The young girl froze as she stepped back as the Mafia ball got close to her.
“Hat Kid, hit him already!” Mu shouted.
This snapped Hat Kid out of her thoughts and with straightening up her top hat she ran and jumped, hitting the Mafia Boss in the back causing him to fall on his face.
Mu laughed, “Way to go Hat Kid!” She cheered.
Hat Kid looked up at the mustached girl and smiled giving a thumbs up. She then turned to see the Mafia Boss hadn't given up yet and glared at Hat Kid. “You're just another nuisance to the Mafia aren’t you.” He growled. Hat Kid braced herself holding the umbrella like a baseball bat. “Well I know what to do with a nuisance like you, and once you're through your little friends will be next.” He smirked and soon the yellow super charge attacks turned red. “MEGA CHARGE!” He yelled.
Hat Kid quickly double jumped the attacks as the mega charge kept coming towards her quickly. Once the attacks died down, the child hit the Mafia Boss a few times as his patterns of attacks were avoidable.
Mu struggled to free herself from the ropes, swinging back and forth hoping to break free. As she struggled she managed to free her left hand from the ropes. “Aha!” She beamed. Mu then tried to struggle her other hand out of the ropes, and was soon able to free herself and land on the Mafia Boss knocking him out.
Once the Mafia Boss was down the Time Piece he held was floating above as Hat Kid grabbed it with her hands. Molly smiled and cheered for Hat Kid, running up to her and gave her a hug. “Hat Kid you’re amazing!” She beamed.
Hat Kid blushed rubbing the back of her head. “It was nothing. I was...well you know.” She replied.
“Nothing?” Mu asked. ��You were amazing!” She exclaimed. Hat Kid blinked a bit and smiled at the older girl. Mu smiled and marched on stage cracking her knuckles. “Now who’s next?” She asked. The Mafia all looked at each other and ran out of the building in fear, knowing not to mess with Hat Kid or Mu.
Hat Kid smiled seeing the Time Piece glistening in her hands. Soon it was snatched again from her hands, and turned to see Mu was holding it, throwing it up and down. “So what are these for anyways? Are they rare collectibles for nerds?” She asked.
“N-no! Now please stop before you-” Hat Kid warned, but was cut off when the Time Piece landed on the ground. “Uh oh.” She whispered. Soon time rewind a few seconds, but the Time Piece was on the ground and Hat was shocked with what happened.
“Are they some sorta-” Mu paused realizing what just happened. “Wait what?” Mu looked down at the Time Piece and back at Hat Kid. She picked up the Time Piece and looked at Hat Kid in confusion. “Did you know about this?” She asked.
Hat Kid nodded as she took the Time Piece back. “This isn’t junk, Mu. These are Time Pieces. I use them as fuel for my ship or if the worst case happens travel backward or forward in time.” She explained.
“S-so you're a Time Traveler?” Molly asked.
“Eh, somewhat.” Hat Kid replied.
Mu absorbed everything she needed to know about her new friend. Not only was she an alien, but also a Time Traveling alien. “This is crazy! Do you realize what could be done with these?” She asked. Hat Kid was about to speak, but Mu cut her off, “We could make it so you were never punched in the face that one time. We could beat up the Mafia, travel back in time and beat them up again!” She explained.
“Mu.” Hat Kid tried to speak up, but Mu kept on rambling.
“Wait. We could make it so the Mafia never arrived on the island.” Mu suggested. Molly smiled and was about to agree with her older sisters before Mu suggested something else. “Wait. Wait! Even better we could be crime fighting time travelers!” Mu smiled at Hat Kid hoping she would agree with any of the ideas she suggested, but she was wrong.
With a sigh Hat Kid shook her head. “We can’t.” She told them.
Mu was confused. Her confusion then turned to anger. “This doesn’t make any sense. You have the power of time and you can’t use it to fight evil?” She asked.
Hat Kid shook her head. “They are dangerous to handle. We could make things worse on this island or rather someone else’s home.” She explained.
However, Mu wasn’t hearing any of it. Molly, frightened over her sister’s anger, tried to walk up to her and calm her down. “M-mu. Listen to Hat Kid. S-she could be.”
“Quiet.” Mu snapped. Molly squeaked stepping back a bit. “If you're not going to use it to fight evil...then I will.” Hat Kid and Molly gasped.
“Mu, listen to me. You're making a big mistake if you do this!” Hat Kid warned.
Mu still didn’t listen. “I’m not going to let this island remain as Mafia Town! I’ll collect all the Time Pieces for myself. You have my word on it!” Mu growled pointing her finger at the hat wearing child. Hat was horrified shivering a bit over the fact that right then and now she had lost her first best friend. Mu put her hand down and grabbed Molly’s arm dragging her out of the theatre. “Let’s go Molly.”
Molly turned around and saw how sad Hat Kid was as she sat down on the stage holding the Time Piece in her hand. Quickly, Molly removed herself from her older sister and ran back to Hat Kid. “These Time Pieces are important to you, right?” Molly asked. Hat Kid looked up at the younger mustached girl and nodded. Then Molly said something that surprised both older girls, “Then I’ll help you get the Time Pieces!”
“What?!” Mu and Hat Kid shouted at the same time. The latter looked up at her former friend who looked ready to blow up in her face again.
“I don’t like going against you! Your cool Hat Kid, so let me help you!” Molly beamed.
Hat Kid smiled and ruffled the young girl’s head. It surprised her how different Molly was from her older sister. Though now it scared Hat for how tensed Mu was going to be seeing her little sister join her side then Mu’s.
“I hate to do this.” Mu whispered. With a sigh Mu walked back towards Hat and her sister. “I guess I have to stick with you then.” She groaned. “I can’t go against my little sister, and I no longer trust you with her so I’ll join you in collecting Time Pieces.” She explained. Hat Kid gave a small smile, but it quickly went back to a frown when Mu continued. “That doesn’t mean we’re friends. I just need to keep an eye on Molly and once all the Time Pieces are collected its goodbye. Okay.”
Hat Kid nodded. “Okay.” She replied quietly. Soon the three of them teleported to Hat Kid’s ship. The hat wearing child knowing this was going to be a tense adventure.
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twilightprince101 · 5 years
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This AU is just too cute, sorry for the spam of art but please share more when you’ve got time :) and have a nice day
>Me seeing someone genuinely like my AUs and making so much good art of it purely out of the kindness of their heart despite me never asking first 
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(Banon you are the reason I keep going rn I swear, you are a blessing on this earth)
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twilightprince101 · 5 years
You know what’s really fun? 
Coming up with angsty short story ideas for your favorite AU’s with F/O’s in them
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twilightprince101 · 5 years
You find a letter covered in glitter and cute drawings, from Hat Kid, Bow Kid and Mustache Girl. They all convey the same message, but worded differently-the message being they're glad to have you as an adventuring buddy and brother figure.
Kiddies!!! Thank ya so much!!
As much as people like to put emphasis on romantic F/O’s, platonic/familial F/O’s are just as important to me, so thank you for the letter!
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twilightprince101 · 5 years
Watch out fuckers, I’m a part time self ship blog now
That’s right. This blog, along with all the manic reblogging sprees, will be a part time self ship blog. Another bullet is added into the chamber of hyperfixations, and each day we spin it to see what pops out next.
Aside from adding in some new content, nothing much is gonna change. I’ll be posting headcanons about my F/O’s, reblogging stuff and tagging my F/O’s in them (AUs included) and… yeah. I’m mainly doing this for me, but if you guys wanna ask about my F/O’s and stuff, feel free to!
(I also updated my Carrd site for my AU’s, go check it out if you like!)
Anyways this post is also doubling as a gigantic tag dump for stuff, so I’ll be doing that.
Remember y’all, cringe culture is dead! Do what you love, even if someone thinks it’s stupid or silly! LOVE YOURSELF BABES!!!
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