#Adrien Agreste No Longer
buggachat · 1 year
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Part 178 of my bakery “enemies” au!
baking montage!
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xhanisai · 4 months
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close up:
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wield-the-mighty-pen · 5 months
Just to clarify, having a favorite side of the lovesquare is not- ‘this side is objectively better and more moral than all other sides’ or ‘this side is the only side worth shipping’
Having a favorite side of the lovesquare is loving and appreciating all sides of the lovesquare because they are all the same two people and just overall enjoying the lovesquare as a whole, but also having one particular side that makes your heart extra giddy whenever you see them and makes you especially excited to watch their scenes
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anna-scribbles · 9 months
thirteen update 🎄⭐️🤕🩸
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chapter 3: December
chapter summary:
“Has that been happening a lot?” Adrien asked quietly. “Your dad, getting sick like that?”
Felix’s eyes trailed slowly back over to him, face impassive.
“Me too. Well, with my maman, I mean.”
Felix’s eyes went wide, and he sat up quickly. He looked at Adrien, alarmed.
“Your mum?” He asked frantically. “Adrien, your mum’s been getting sick?”
It was snowing outside and Adrien couldn’t remember the English word for “exhausted.”
“Try again,” said his tutor, Mr. Ferrel, in bored English. Frown lines creased along his brow. “Tell me about your ambitions. Why don’t you tell me how you feel about your exciting modeling opportunities, Adrien?”
Big fluffy snowflakes kept getting stuck to the tall windows on the other side of his room, painting his periphery in white. He thought distantly of old winters when he was little, when he’d beg to go lay down in the snow and make angels.
“I have many ambitions,” Adrien began, trying to translate and conjugate the English verbs before they left his mouth. “I like to be a student because I like reading and learning new subjects. It is very interesting. Now, I spend many time modeling, so this is one of my ambitions too.”
His English lessons had doubled in length recently, ever since Adrien had made a fool of himself in last week’s Teen Vogue interview. When asked about school, he’d mentioned that he was studying two languages, and flubbed the bit of English he’d been prompted to demonstrate. Adrien didn’t mind the extra lessons so much—he really did like learning languages—but by the end of the three hours, his brain was always swimming in words.
“Much time modeling,” Mr. Ferrel corrected. “Or ‘a lot of.’ Not ‘many.’”
“Sorry,” Adrien responded. “I do much time modeling—”
“It’s ‘spend,’ not ‘do.’” Mr. Ferrel frowned. “‘Doing time,’ in English, makes it sound like you are in prison. I believe you are supposed to like modeling.”
“I like it.” Adrien’s cheeks burned. “I like spending a lot of time modeling—”
The door to his bedroom flew open, saving him from further embarrassment, and Adrien and Mr. Ferrel both turned their heads. Maman glided through the doorway like a glimmer of light. She was dressed casually, in simple black jeans and a thick white sweater, her golden hair braided loosely to the side. A bright smile lit up her face.
“Adrien, darling!” she cried. “Come downstairs, it’s time!”
read on ao3
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talulagrimm · 7 months
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robylovi · 6 months
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Bit I audibly SCREAMED at from chapter 8 of Two Virgin Losers by @literaphobe (GO READ IT, IT’S RLLY FUN)
+ the nerds in their jammies
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diadraws · 1 year
Would adult Adrien take estrogen with milk
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bad news for you about cats and milk
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duchi-nesten · 9 months
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Chapter 2 of @hannahmanderr's DPxML fic "The Prince, the Huntress, and the Camembert" just dropped and here's my art for it! <3
bonus valerie's real thoughts in that car
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Snake noir redesign.
The biggest issue with the original design was the baldness, especially since aspik was bald with the snake miraculous so chat should have tried to not be bald to throw off any suspicions for him being adrien.
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Besides giving him his hair back and making his mask black the main changes I made were to make him look more snakey since the cat theme comes through pretty strongly with only the ears and tail.
I added a scale texture to the more of the suite and made the torso look more like a snakes belly.
I also expanded the blue pieces on his forearms up to his biceps to look like snakes wrapping around his arms.
Finally I added a couple more small green accents to a few other parts of his costume to make it more cohesive ( tail and boots).
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kawaiichibiart · 3 months
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Okay, if I don't see some transgirl Adrien fanart/fanfics/HCs based off this ↑
I will fucking riot
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wisteriasymphony · 2 months
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Because we're the good guys! // Everything I do, I do for you // I am motivated chiefly by self-interest; Someone has to be.
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bittersweetresilience · 8 months
Sentitwin fake dating AU! I gotta know man
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i love the premise a lot, so i got overexcited and shared the entire outline. romantic tropes in platonic relationships... yes, please. also, a rare crack fic from me.
Adrien, in an effort to divert suspicions on his secret identity, pretends to be dating Chat Noir. This is sort of difficult to pull off, since he is in fact Chat Noir.
Enter Félix. Jazz hands.
Félix doesn't know Adrien is Chat Noir. Félix thinks Adrien is busy and he is supposed to be pretending to be him. Félix has no idea how romance works and completely sucks at fake dating. Chat Noir thinks this is absolutely hilarious and is having the time of his life poking fun at him.
After their first date Chat Noir fesses up to knowing Félix isn't Adrien. He says Adrien told him ahead of time and he just thought it'd be funny to tease him.
Félix gets dropped off at the mansion. Whatever, he thinks. That's the end of it. He goes back into Adrien's bedroom, where the both of them have been staying. Adrien is coming out of the bathroom. He feigns a smile and asks how Félix's date went. Fine, Félix says. That's great, Adrien says. They stand in awkward silence for several minutes until Félix pretends to start reading.
Okay. Awkward. Sentitwins are actually fighting. But Adrien is in a pinch after he ran his mouth about Adrichat, and Félix loves his cousin. Come a few days Adrien says he's busy again and Félix agrees to keep fake dating.
Chat Noir and Félix hang out. Chat Noir and Félix hang out again. Chat Noir starts taking Félix to places he likes instead of torturing him. To Félix's surprise, he discovers Chat Noir is kind of tolerable. He even acknowledges why Adrien might be dating him. Meanwhile, Chat Noir is ecstatic. He gets to get away from the tension in the house and hang out with his cousin.
The secret identity suspicions fade away. But Chat Noir keeps coming around to hang out with Félix, and for some reason, Félix keeps agreeing to go on fake dates with him.
The two of them spend more and more time together. First they do things Félix wants to do. Then they do things Adrien always secretly wanted to do with him. Adrien is having a great time ignoring the fact that they're fighting at home and, as Chat Noir, bonding with him. Félix is lightening up to Chat Noir. Eventually he starts opening up about his childhood to him.
Félix now has one friend, which unlocks character development. He decides he should try to mend his relationship with his cousin. But Adrien is so happy about how things are going as Chat Noir that he keeps unintentionally blowing off Félix's olive branches to run away and transform and hang out with him.
Félix is getting kind of stressed out by this.
Chat Noir notices something is wrong, but he has no idea what. They keep hanging out, but Félix gets more and more quiet. Finally one night after Chat Noir drops him off, he breaks down and confesses he thinks he's ruined things and Adrien must hate him.
Okay. Awkward. Two seconds ago Chat Noir was feeling incredibly good about how close he was getting to Félix.
Chat Noir realizes he's lost the plot and forgotten that the whole time he was lying. He reassures Félix that Adrien loves him. Um, he knows because remember, he's dating Adrien. Adrien talks all the time about Félix. Adrien definitely misses him.
Félix takes some convincing, but he has come to trust Chat Noir, so he does appreciate this.
Chat Noir transforms back and stews in his guilt about tricking Félix into befriending him. He only dug himself a deeper hole by continuing to lie while comforting him. Félix is going to be so angry. Chat Noir has to tell him the truth. He gets in his head. It's cool, he can totally do this. He'll just have to plan the perfect day. He'll put Félix in a good mood and say and do all the right things and then he'll gently break it to him and they can be best friends again and forget about this.
Félix tries to talk to him as Adrien, and Adrien is trying to pay attention but he's distracted and doesn't notice when he says something he isn't supposed to know as Adrien.
The next day Félix stops Adrien by the door to their room. Adrien is rushing to finish preparations for the last fake date. Félix catches him by the hand and hugs him. Adrien hugs back, surprised, but then he skedaddles, which is okay, he justifies, because it's the last time, really. Félix will understand once he's explained everything.
Midway to the kitchen he realizes his finger is bare and wheels back into the bedroom, where Félix is holding his ring.
Okay. Awkward. He didn't get to explain anything.
He's expecting Félix to be angry, but Félix just starts laughing.
Of course you were always running out of the house. Of course you were always busy. Busy patting me on the shoulder and promising you loved me.
You're not mad at me? Adrien asks timidly. Oh, no, I'm furious, Félix says. But don't worry, you have a chance to make it up to me. Take me on whatever date you were planning as yourself and we'll see.
(wip ask game)
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“I’m not Jealous, I just wish I was in Luka’s place”
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Who’s gonna tell him
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anna-scribbles · 1 year
remember in the titan's curse when you first meet nico di angelo and he's this sweet excitable and sort of awkward kid. and then he finds out so many awful things about his life and his family in such a short period of time that it sort of breaks him and then he's not that sweet little kid anymore. okay now think about adrien agreste
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ninadove · 3 months
Ok! Your fox and the dog au!!! I love it and I’m obsessed. I have thoughts. I don’t know how quite word it but I’m gonna try my best. If I’ve connected the dots wrong…my bad.
First of all I love it. Like I don’t know much about it but I’m hooked. So what I’m gathering so far is the Mirzam is the fox. And I think the fox is Felix. Which is so interesting.
And the fox is based on illusions. I find this really interesting for 2 points. (I’m pretty sure you picked the name deliberately but if you didn’t it’s one hell of coincidence.)
1) Mirzam is an Arabic name roughly translating to ‘the Herald’ so like a guiding light. And the fox is based on illusions. Which tends to imply deceit. So I love that juxtaposition!!
Also 2) it pairs well with the dog miraculous!!! Mirzam is the second brightest star in Canis Major. Which like. Not only is there the dog miraculous but like implies that Mirzam will not shine as bright as Sirius (which I believe is the name of the miraculous holder of the dog [which ahhhhhh Sirius is the brightest star in Canis Major!!]) or that Mirzam will stick to the shadows while being a guiding light!! And like Mirzam will guide Sirius. (Or at least that what I’m extrapolating)
Anyway I just saw the name Mirzam and I was like ooh Arabic name got excited and kind of word vomited so if not very coherent that’s why.
[Holding your hands gently]
You are connecting so many dots right now. Like stars in the Canis Major constellation one might say
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monpetitchattriste · 1 year
Marinette could use Gabriel's charcoal remains as a way to heat up a stove and cook some bomb ass pancakes for Adrien
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