#Adriana Rodríguez
dergarabedian · 2 years
Navidad con Bach-Collegium Buenos Aires
Navidad con Bach-Collegium Buenos Aires
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ilianazuleta · 16 days
Memoria gráfica de la presentación de mi libro en FILUNI
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Exposición "Post-It Re-presenta", Colectiva
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Conmemoración en el Congreso
Conmemora Congreso el 109 aniversario de la defensa heroica del Puerto de Veracruz Hoy más que nunca prevalece lo expresado por el Presidente de la República, “colaboración sí, intervencionismo no”, afirma el contralor interno, René Buenrostro Hernández. La LXVI Legislatura del estado, a través de su Contraloría Interna, realizó un acto cívico para conmemorar el 109 aniversario de la Gesta…
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jujuygrafico · 2 years
Obras y regularización: 25 años de sector de Barrio Malvinas
#SanSalvadordeJujuy | Obras y regularización: 25 años de sector de #BarrioMalvinas
En el marco del 25° aniversario del sector 28 de Septiembre del Barrio Malvinas, en el sur de la capital provincial, la Secretaría de Ordenamiento Territorial y Vivienda (SECOTyV) del Ministerio de Infraestructura, Servicios Públicos, Tierra y Vivienda acompañó a los vecinos en los festejos con la entrega de certificados de ocupación e inauguraciones de obras de servicios e infraestructura. La…
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viccookiesblog · 1 year
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Carolina Rojas Color: Red Brick
Petunia Rodríguez Color: Cinnamon
Liam Gómez Color: Naples Yellow
Adriana De Oliveira Color: Russian Green
Alberto Aoi Color: Klein Blue
Uriel López Color: Grape Purple
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Jérémie Grise Color: White, Gray and Black (Hechos el 2022 en celular // Made in 2022 on mobile)
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Otorga Agencia Moody’s a Tamaulipas calificación de alta calidad por reestructuración de dos créditos
Otorga Agencia Moody’s a Tamaulipas calificación de alta calidad por reestructuración de dos créditos Carlos Figueroa CIUDAD VICTORIA, Tam., 12 de septiembre .—  La secretaria de Finanzas de Tamaulipas, Adriana Lozano Rodríguez, dio a conocer que la Agencia Moody’s Local México ha otorgado las calificaciones AA+ y AA por el buen ejercicio realizado en la reestructuración de dos créditos del…
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Otorga Agencia Moody’s a Tamaulipas calificación de alta calidad por reestructuración de dos créditos
Otorga Agencia Moody’s a Tamaulipas calificación de alta calidad por reestructuración de dos créditos
Ciudad Victoria, Tamaulipas.-La secretaria de Finanzas de Tamaulipas, Adriana Lozano Rodríguez, dio a conocer que la Agencia Moody’s Local México ha otorgado las calificaciones AA+ y AA por el buen ejercicio realizado en la reestructuración de dos créditos del Gobierno del Estado. “Hemos sido evaluados por la plataforma Moody’s Local México, quien nos ha dado las calificaciones AA+ y AA; lo que…
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gamboagarcia · 8 days
Gracias de antemano por sus comentarios Escuelas públicas adeudan cerca de 2 mil mdp a Jmas: Nevárez "Si tratamos el agua con la demagogia que se ha tratado, nos vamos a quedar sin agua", expresó Sergio Nevárez Rodríguez Ciudad Juárez (ADN/Adriana Saucedo) Las escuelas públicas adeudan cerca de 2 mil millones de pesos a la Junta Municipal de Agua y Saneamiento, dio a conocer Sergio Nevárez Rodríguez, director ejecutivo. Ante la... Sigue leyendo: https://www.adiario.mx/estado/juarez/escuelas-publicas-adeudan-cerca-de-2-mil-mdp-a-jmas-nevarez/?feed_id=172791&_unique_id=66e270bfead4e
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sociedadnoticias · 27 days
Lotería Nacional emite billete conmemorativo de “Querétaro
El billete fue presentado por la secretaria de Turismo, Adriana Vega Vázquez Mellado, en compañía del director de la Lotería, Marco Antonio Mena Por Martín García | Reportero La titular de la Secretaría de Turismo del estado, Adriana Vega Vázquez Mellado, en compañía del director general de la Lotería Nacional para la Asistencia Pública, Marco Antonio Mena Rodríguez, develó el billete…
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10.08.2024 | Welcome to the world Adriana Rodríguez Magaña🧡
photo: SS Lazio via Instagram
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newstfionline · 2 months
Thursday, July 11, 2024
U.S. boosts support for Ukraine (BBC) President Biden opened NATO’s 75th anniversary summit on Tuesday by announcing more military aid for Ukraine. Mr Biden described Nato as a force for democracy, in contrast with "autocrats" who sought to "overturn global order". His remarks also portrayed support for Nato as a bipartisan issue in the US. His rival in the upcoming presidential election, former president Donald Trump, has been less steadfast in his commitment to Nato members, whom he criticised again during a campaign rally. For all Mr Biden's reassurance, allies such as the UK are already making contingency plans for a Trump victory in November.
Metal Thieves Are Stripping America’s Cities (NYT) The 6th Street Bridge in Los Angeles is wired to glow with colorful lights celebrating the city’s spirit. But the bridge, known as the “Ribbon of Light,” goes dark at night now. So do stretches of the busy 405 freeway and dozens of street blocks across the city. And in Las Vegas and surrounding communities, more than 970,000 feet of electrical wiring, the equivalent of 184 miles, have gone missing from streetlights over the past two years. The lights are going out across American cities because thieves have been stripping copper wire out of thousands of streetlights and selling it to scrap metal recyclers for cash. The wiring typically fetches only a few hundred dollars, but blacked-out lights pose safety hazards to drivers and pedestrians, and are costing cities millions to repair. Metal theft has been an urban plague for decades, often rising alongside commodity prices. But the combination of the economic ills and social malaise lingering since the pandemic and soaring demand for metals, especially for copper, has brought this street crime to new levels.
Record-breaking heat suspected in at least 7 deaths as temperatures soar across U.S. (NBC News) The sweltering heat wave gripping parts of the U.S. has shattered heat records and sparked an air quality health advisory, and it is suspected of having contributed to at least seven deaths. More than 130 million people across the West, the East Coast, southeast Texas and South Florida were under heat alerts Tuesday, and a huge swath of the Western U.S. sweltered in “red flag” conditions because of the risk of wildfires. More than 1.5 million customers in Texas were still without power Wednesday afternoon, depriving many of air conditioning during the heat wave, 48 hours after Hurricane Beryl made landfall on the Gulf Coast.
They Fled Oppression at Home, but It Followed Them Abroad (NYT) The line outside the Venezuelan Consulate in Madrid stretched down the block. Pregnant women, families with small children, older people and those with disabilities arrived as early as 4 a.m.—five hours before the office opened—trying to register to vote in Venezuela’s highly anticipated presidential election. Adriana Rodríguez, 47, who left Venezuela in 2018, showed up at 8 a.m., two days in a row. Both times, she waited four hours before reaching the front of the line, only to be turned away, she said, always with the same explanation: “They could not register any more people.” With Venezuela’s authoritarian president, Nicolás Maduro, trailing badly in polls ahead of the July 28 vote, the government has imposed stringent rules making registering to vote nearly impossible for millions of Venezuelans living abroad, including in the United States, Spain and Latin American countries. Many left their homeland because of harsh economic and political conditions. As a result, the government’s tactics are tantamount to sweeping electoral fraud, election experts say, since as many as 25 percent of Venezuela’s eligible voters live outside the country, and a large number would most likely not vote for Mr. Maduro.
UK’s overflowing prisons present PM Starmer with early crisis (Reuters) The scale of the challenge facing Prime Minister Keir Starmer’s new government is writ large in Britain’s prisons, which are within weeks of being too full to accept new inmates, leaving the government with unpalatable and costly choices. Britain has western Europe’s highest rate of incarceration, according to the World Prison Brief database and faces a crisis after a new building programme failed to keep track with tougher sentencing laws that have fuelled a growing prison population. Already many prisons are housing two inmates in cells built for one.
Is France governable? The budget is an early test (Reuters) Just a couple of weeks ago, France was under scrutiny over how it would plug the holes in its budget. Now the issue is whether the euro area’s second largest economy can muster a budget at all. What France does with its strained public finances will be an early test of whether it can still be governed after the hung parliament created by President Emmanuel Macron’s move to call snap elections. Financial markets, the European Commission and its euro zone partners are all watching closely. France is already way above its EU-mandated deficit limits. “A divided National Assembly will find it hard to agree on politically difficult spending cuts,” said Leo Barincou, senior economist at Oxford Economics, referring to France’s parliament.
Fed up with tourists, Barcelona protesters blast them with water guns (Washington Post) Thousands took to the streets of Barcelona over the weekend to protest overtourism, some armed with brightly colored water pistols that sent bewildered visitors fleeing restaurant patios, abandoning half-eaten meals. The protesters, who carried signs reading “Tourists go home,” say tourism has inflated the cost of living for Barcelonians, while the revenue from visitors hasn’t been fairly distributed across the city. As travel rebounds after the end of pandemic restrictions, the frustration in Spain reflects growing backlash against overtourism around the world.
Italy is a hotbed of volcanic activity (The Week) Italy’s Mount Etna and Mount Stromboli, two volcanoes only 180 km apart, have both erupted in recent days, spewing smoke and ash into the air. “Etna, one of the world’s most active volcanoes, has seen intense activity in recent days, lighting up the sky near the city of Catania, while Stromboli off the northern Sicilian coast has spilled lava into the sea,” said USA Today. However, these volcanoes only represent a fraction of the threat Italy faces. Italy has 12 volcanoes total, with nine still considered active, and the country is prone to earthquakes and other seismic activity. One of the most famous disasters resulting from this combination is the eruption of Mount Vesuvius, which destroyed the city of Pompeii in 79 A.D. Now scientists are worried an even bigger disaster could be on the horizon. “With 24 hidden underground craters, the Campi Flegrei, a so-called supervolcano, dwarfs the better-known Vesuvius,” said Politico. Since the summer of 2023, several small earthquakes have appeared in the region, causing concern around a potentially catastrophic future eruption. The last time the Campi Flegrei supervolcano erupted was 500 years ago, and the effects were widespread.
Another year of heat and floods in China (Washington Post) Three years after Zhengzhou was hit with China’s deadliest flash floods in decades, the central Chinese city was underwater once again. For over three hours on Monday afternoon, 9.21 inches of rain was dumped on this city of 13 million—and forced an all-out effort to prevent a repeat of 2021, when 300 died in a sudden deluge that flooded the subway and trapped people in submerged cars. China’s summer has begun with a massive emergency response effort in multiple provinces to prevent extreme weather, now routine, from turning into a political and humanitarian crisis for the ruling Communist Party. After last year’s record-breaking heat waves, June brought drought, floods and typhoons—sometimes quickly coming one after the other. Extreme heat delayed crop planting in eastern Shandong province weeks before it was hit with floods. Beijing has now made adapting to bouts of extreme weather a greater policy priority. Last week, weather officials issued an unusually direct warning about the country’s vulnerability to intensifying heat and rainfall worsened by climate change. Forecasts for the rest of July underscore a sense of urgency: Torrential rain is expected in 18 regions across the country. The government has sent in hundreds of soldiers, relocated tens of thousands of villagers, and allocated $200 million to aid disaster relief.
How Hezbollah is trying to counter Israel’s high-tech surveillance (Reuters) Coded messages. Landline phones. Pagers. Following the killing of senior commanders in targeted Israeli airstrikes, the Iran-backed Lebanese militant group, Hezbollah, has been using some low-tech strategies to try to evade its foe’s sophisticated surveillance technology, informed sources told Reuters. The sides have been trading fire since Hezbollah’s Palestinian ally in the Gaza Strip, Hamas, went to war with Israel in October. Tens of thousands of people have fled both sides of the border. Israeli strikes have killed more than 330 Hezbollah fighters and around 90 civilians in Lebanon, according to Reuters tallies. Israel says attacks from Lebanon have killed 21 soldiers and 10 civilians. Israel’s electronic eavesdropping—including hacking into cell phones and computers—is widely regarded as among the world’s most sophisticated. Hezbollah has learned from its losses and adapted its tactics in response, sources familiar with the group’s operations told Reuters. Cell phones, which can be used to track a user’s location, have been banned from the battlefield in favour of more old-fashioned communication means, including pagers and couriers who deliver verbal messages in person. In case conversations are overheard, code words are used for weapons and meeting sites. These are updated nearly daily and delivered to units via couriers.
What a war between Israel and Hezbollah could mean (NZZ) At the moment, Beirut holds few signs of impending war. The bars in the Lebanese capital are packed, and planes are landing at the airport with entire families of Lebanese exiles determined to spend the summer in their old homeland. But for weeks, Israel and Hezbollah, which have been firing increasingly fiercely at each other over the Israel-Lebanon border, have been moving toward open warfare. Facing each other on the border between the two countries are probably the most powerful war machines in the Middle East. On one side is Israel's army, with its ultramodern air force and soldiers who have been battle-hardened by months of fighting in Gaza. On the other is the Iranian-backed Shiite militia Hezbollah, whose fighters recently gained experience in Syria, and which has more missiles and drones than many European armies. An open war could cause devastating damage on both sides—especially if Hezbollah decides to use its massive arsenal of missiles and drones against Israel. Nobody knows exactly how many rockets the militia actually has at its disposal, but experts assume the number is more than 100,000. Hezbollah also has Soviet Scud missiles and a limited number of Iranian Fateh-110 precision missiles. These longer-range weapons could be used against military installations—but also against population centers, ports or airports.
At NATO summit, Gaza is the elephant in the room (Washington Post) Ukraine’s plight as it resists Russian invasion is the central focus of NATO leaders gathering in the U.S. capital this week. But behind NATO’s urgent deliberations over Ukraine looms another conflict. Since Oct. 7, Israel’s devastating campaign in Gaza has taken global attention away from the Russian invasion and inflamed passions about perceived Western hypocrisy. Many critics pointed to the gap between U.S. and European ire over Russia attacking Ukrainian hospitals and their relative quiescence as Israel repeatedly levels medical facilities and schools in its war against militant group Hamas. “It is very clearly hypocrisy, a double standard,” Numan Kurtulmus, speaker of the Turkish parliament, said. In just a span of months, the Israeli bombardments have produced more rubble in Gaza than in multiple years of war in Ukraine. The densely packed territory has been pulverized. Reconstruction, whenever it starts, will take decades. Most Gazans have been forced from their homes and a sprawling set of humanitarian crises prevails, including, per U.N. experts, a full-blown famine. “When Russia invaded Ukraine, the West led the global campaign of condemnation. It called for the world to denounce Russia in the name of human rights and international law,” wrote Indonesian President-elect Prabowo Subianto earlier this year. “Today, however, the same countries are allowing yet another bloody conflict, this time in Gaza.”
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ilianazuleta · 2 years
Memoria gráfica de la presentación de Trayectorias (Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz)
Memoria gráfica de la presentación de Trayectorias (Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz)
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thecubanartobserver · 2 years
Exposición “Post-it 8”, Colectiva
Exposición “Post-it 8”, Colectiva
Exposición Post-it 8 Artistas varios 16.10.2021 Galería Galiano Cada año el evento Post-It vuelve a dirigir los focos de atención hacia la generación más joven de las artes visuales cubanas. Tras su convocatoria -marcada por la situación epidemiológica- muchos artistas se volcaron a crear lo mejor para ganarse un “lugarcito en el parnaso” que es este evento dentro de las plataformas de…
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daisyherrera · 2 months
Vacaciones para la burocracia a punto de iniciar
La Burocracia de Tamaulipas Tomará Vacaciones a Partir del 22 de Julio, regresarán a la oficina hasta el 2 de agosto Ciudad Victoria, Tamaulipas. – La burocracia se irá de vacaciones a partir del próximo 22 de julio, según se publicó en el Periódico Oficial del Estado. Con la firma de la secretaria de Finanzas, Adriana Lozano Rodríguez, se publicó un acuerdo basado en los artículos 14 y 27 de la…
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noticlip · 3 months
Abogada falsa cobraba por dar información de expedientes del Ministerio Público
 Funcionarios del Cuerpo de Investigaciones Científicas, Penales y Criminalísticas (Cicpc) de la Delegación Municipal Libertador Simón Rodríguez, materializaron la detención de Adriana González (43), por usurpar funciones como abogada, en la parroquia La Candelaria, municipio Bolivariano Libertador, Caracas. Adriana captaba a personas que se encontraran necesitando asesoría legal alegando ser…
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