#Admission in Aerospace Engineering
nikhilamecet · 6 months
Aerospace Engineering admission can be through AME CET 2024, a national level common entrance exam. Aerospace Engineering colleges in India approved by All India Counseling for Technical Education (AICTE), Govt. of India. Admission in Aerospace engineering requires an admission process with some basic eligibility criteria that needs to be followed.
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vmaa123 · 11 days
Helicopter Maintenance Course: Admission Requirements
For those interested in enrolling in a helicopter maintenance course, VMAA provides a robust training program designed to equip students with essential skills for this specialized field. To gain admission, candidates must have completed their 10+2 education with Physics, Chemistry, and Mathematics. This requirement applies to our Aircraft Maintenance Engineering (AME) training course as well, ensuring that students are well-prepared for the technical aspects of helicopter maintenance. Additionally, candidates must pass a medical examination conducted by an MBBS-qualified doctor, confirming no physical disabilities or color blindness. For more details on the admission process and to explore our helicopter maintenance course, please visit our website.
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mvjceng · 1 year
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At MVJ College of Engineering, we take pride in our specialized programs, including B.Tech in Artificial Intelligence and Aerospace Engineering, which prepare students for the future of engineering. With a strong emphasis on research and innovation, our college offers numerous opportunities for engineering admission in Bangalore. Join us at MVJ College of Engineering and embark on an exciting journey towards a successful engineering career.
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By: Zack K. De Piero
Published: Dec 23, 2023
Looking for a job in today’s politicized job market?
Prepare to submit a résumé, cover letter, references — and a Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Statement: A page-long explanation of how you intend to bring those three seemingly benign principles into the workplace.
DEI statements have become standard practice in academia, but a tide might be turning: UNC and UMass Boston recently un-required mandatory DEI statements for student admission, employee recruitment and faculty promotion. 
Here’s hoping this sets an industry precedent — a step towards reining in DEI in every sector. 
When I taught at Penn State Abington from 2018-2022 as an English professor, their obsession with DEI created a hostile work environment teeming with discrimination.
Case in point: writing faculty were subjected to a video called “White Teachers are a Problem.”
After making my opposition known, I was retaliated against.
My perceived insubordination was branded on Affirmative Action Office notices, and I was sanctioned by HR as well as on my annual performance review. 
Penn State’s stance was clear: Blind loyalty is required by the DEI machine. 
The premier job board across academia, HigherEdJobs, shows how deeply entrenched compulsory left-think has become.
Whether you want to teach French at SUNY Oswego, Dance at Chapman, Soil Science and Nutrient Management at Colorado State, or Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering at Syracuse, your prospective employer will expect a DEI statement, so prepare to bend the knee. 
Even if you aspire to become the Beef Center Assistant Manager at Washington State University: Yep: DEI statement.
And these are just a few random examples posted since Thanksgiving.
It’s an epidemic. 
Make no mistake, the DEI machine has always been about toeing an ideological line — never any meaningful change.
Consider the case of Dr. Tabia Lee — a former faculty member of De Anza Community College in California.
While facilitating a “Decentering Whiteness” event featuring a BLM co-founder, Lee (who’s Black) made waves by allowing students to ask unscripted follow-up questions. For doing so, her tenure was sabotaged.
Despite being “diverse,” it turns out that Lee’s actual diversity didn’t gel with De Anza’s agenda.
A commitment to actual diversity requires respecting diverse viewpoints.
But wrong-think isn’t tolerated by the DEI Industrial Complex. 
Fortunately, federal law has something to say about that: neither De Anza nor Penn State has the authority to suppress Dr. Lee or my speech, nor can they discriminate on the basis of race.
That’s why she and I — supported by the nonpartisan group, the Foundation Against Intolerance & Racism — are bringing lawsuits against our former employers. 
Pull back this sacred academic curtain, and see the emperor’s new clothes for yourself.
In 2021, Pennsylvanian’s taxes and students’ tuition went towards workshops on microaggressions, intersectional feminism, anti-racism, and white privilege led by the Penn State Abington DEI grifters.
Its leader’s Juneteenth email directed white faculty and staff to “stop talking,” “find an accountability partner,” and “stop being afraid of your own internalized white supremacy.” 
Such DEI efforts ooze with divisiveness, so yes, DEI statements are clearly a form of compelled speech, and thus, a violation of First Amendment free speech protections.
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[ Dr. Tabia Lee says her tenure-track position at De Anza College in California was derailed after she failed to conform to DEI orthodoxy. ]
What’s worse, though, is the type of educational environment that DEI-ified initiatives create for students — and the culprit is the “E”: Equity. 
Here’s how “equity” played out in the misguided minds of my DEI-obsessed former colleagues. A former supervisor, who endorsed the view that “reverse racism isn’t racism,” also announced that “racist structures” exist “regardless of [anybody’s] good intentions” and that “racism is in the results if the results draw a color line.”
The apparent guiding subtext here: students should be graded on the basis of race so all achieve similar outcomes.
Suppose you deflated the grades of Asian-Americans — a group that often disproportionately excels — much like Harvard deflated their acceptance rates until the Supreme Court put a stop to race-based admissions.
That’s somehow acceptable in the name of “equity?” Of course not, but disagree with enforced equity in education and in the eyes of antiracist activists, that makes you – you guessed it — a “racist.” 
Alternatively, performative equity could be achieved by inflating everybody’s grades — straight A’s all around! 
Harvard’s almost there: in 2020-2021, 80% of all grades were A’s, according to an October article in the Harvard Crimson. 
The road to equity is paved by the soft bigotry of low expectations.
And in a world where grit, labor, and integrity win the day, academia’s obsession with “equity” breeds a “survival of the weakest” mindset. 
Nevertheless, the DEI machine continues to reign supreme.
Over a five-year span, Ohio State’s DEI annual budget bloated to $20 million with nearly 200 DEI bureaucrats who cite the leftist scripture of Ibram X. Kendi and Robin DiAngelo.
But before we can enter their church, us natural-born sinners must repent by issuing performative DEI statements?
Yeah. No thanks.
Paradoxically, the more elite institutions obnoxiously virtue-signal their allegiance to DEI, the less committed they are to actual diversity and inclusion — and the more they obscure actual equality in the process. 
These institutions aren’t hiding what they’re doing.
Even in the throes of my lawsuit, Penn State Abington has doubled down on DEI: there’s now a sister office — the Office of Inclusive Excellence — complete with its own cabinet-level director. 
Folks: this isn’t going away unless you take action.
Here’s a start: if you’re ever asked to submit a DEI statement, don’t bend the knee to their “E” — Equity.
Reframe their game, and tell them how and why you stand up for the honorable “E”: Equality. 
Zack K. DePiero (Ph.D, M.Ed) teaches writing at Northampton Community College. 
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closetcasefabray · 2 years
I cried after the first season of The Owl House because I was just so happy for the queer kids growing up with these kinds of characters and showing all these kinds of love that help heal the world’s hurt. I cried because I didn’t have this growing up, but I felt like that little closeted gay kid again except it didn’t feel scary but normal and wholesome and safe.
Anyway this is what my brain has been dissociating to lately—Private/High School and College No-Magic AU:
* Because this is a kinda-real-world/no-magic au and I can imagine the Blight family in Connecticut (y’all the CHRISTMAS CARDS), all the Blights are blonde except Alador and Amity, but Amity dyes her hair blonde to look like the twins and her mother.
* Blight twins got into Yale early admission because they’re Blights and are assumed to take on Blight Industries once they complete schooling. Of course they’re both class president and vice president at Jonesborough Academy (Ed: “I’m here in case you die.” / Em: “You just don’t want to do as much work.”) and are captains of the school lacrosse, swim, and tennis teams. Ed enjoys claiming his senioritis is him “giving Em” the valedictorian spot. He’s still set to be the Salutatorian regardless of how much he actually slacks off. Em punches Ed whenever he says this though because she has a 4.2 because she filled any potential study halls with online coursework and took so many weight courses, she literally surpasses a 4.0.
* Amity doesn’t want to go to Yale but her parents went (as did her grandparents on her mother’s side—her Dad’s parents went to Columbia) and legacies are legacies.
* Odalia has a deep love for winning absolutely anything over an MIT or Harvard alum. Not to mention Odalia and Alador have donated hundreds of thousands (soon to surpass a million) to Yale’s mechanical engineering program, putting New Haven on the map for mechanical engineering and boosting their rankings—there’s a notable wing of the department named after them.
* Amity is on track for a mechanical engineering future like the rest of her family (Ed is more interested in the marketing of Blight Industries—like Odalia—so he’s likely minoring in business management/marketing or will pursue a masters), but she’s leaning toward biomechanical engineering and robotics—she wants to build things to help kids in pediatric care.
* Blight Industries however is focused on automotive and aerospace technologies and recently signed a contract with Tesla for a relatively small and very confidential project that, despite its supposed size, will bring the Blights up a tax bracket.
* Luz is a sophomore like the rest of the group and new to Jonesborough Academy. She maintains a good GPA but struggles with staying on task and tends to day dream but works really hard to keep good grades. Luz wants to study creative writing and literature and visual arts and… have fun? She just wants a good enough scholarship she can have fun for four years and hopefully find something she loves along the way.
* Willow obviously wants to study botany (archaeobotany). “Yale is my reach, but so are all the Ivy League schools.” Luz makes botany puns with Ivy League as often as possible.
* Gus loves theater and art, especially stage/set design—he also skipped a grade and was accepted into the Jonesborough Academy Arts program. His parents have already taken him for a campus tour of Carnegie Mellon. He’s also president of the D&D club.
* Eda is Luz’s Gen X auntie figure of course, and she owns the thrift shop in town. She also bartends on the side and takes the train from CT to New York regularly, where she used to live for 15 years. Lilith is of course head of the local historical society and is the history teacher at Jonesborough.
* Luz meets Eda because Eda’s vintage shop also has a weird used book selection and a section of witchy stuff she likes exploring. Also there’s a little cafe next door they both enjoy and they split the massive but delicious chocolate chunk cookie from there when Eda stays in CT on the weekend.
* Willow regularly volunteers after school to take care of the greenhouse and is part of the agricultural program at the school, and for “volunteer hours,” Luz, Boscha, Amity, and of course Gus (established friendship between Gus and Willow) show up. Boscha complains about the dirt and worms and when Willow tries to help, Boscha pretends to accidentally knock over a plant, breaking the pot. Luz stands up for Willow of course and Amity feels obligated to side with Boscha.
* Amity is Amity still so she’s furious with Luz for showing up and being all smart and charming and kind and—well, she can’t possibly risk her rightful place as Valedictorian.
* Amity briefly played rugby freshman year and made varsity, but she broke her clavicle halfway through the season and her mother made her quit the team. Odalia isn’t fond of the sport to begin with so she told Amity to find another extra curricular—Amity makes the soccer team sophomore year!
* There’s a classroom debate regarding some literary analysis and Amity is a cynic and takes a hyper-practical approach (she can’t show weakness) and Luz is the romantic and takes a more creative approach. Fists are slammed on desks. Very passionate exchange of words. Amity’s face gets red. Redder when Luz wins the debate.
* Gus, Willow, and Luz have a small slumber party and Willow explains how she used to be friends with Amity. Luz isn’t sure how to feel, but Willow just shrugs “Middle school was tough but at least I’m not afraid of my dads… Amity’s parents are… demanding.”
* Amity breaks her other clavicle in the first soccer game she plays of the season.
* Amity ends up being in a sling for 6 weeks and can’t play. Her mother makes her quit again and instead signs Amity up for debate team. Amity joins but also joins the robotics club. Her parents don’t really notice since they work so much and filled her schedule so much they assume she’s at one of several extra curriculars or getting in volunteer hours.
* Luz goes to the library after school one day and realizes Amity reads to kids there, and Luz can’t handle how cute Ami—THE KIDS are…
* Luz and Amity get paired together for a project—they meet at the library and Amity tries to say Luz doesn’t have to do anything and she’ll do the project herself, but Luz puts her foot down—“I know you don’t trust people to get things or do things as well as you, but don’t you ever get tired? Don’t you ever just… need some help? You can trust me. I wouldn’t let you down when I know how important this is to you—us, I mean.”
* Luz helps Amity carry her books while she’s got her arm in a sling between some classes, and at one point Gus and Willow join. Willow looks at the two of them talking and laughing even and then looks at Gus who can barely hide his reaction to the same realization.
* Amity has Luz over while her parents are away at a conference to work on their project. She has a tree fort (like the hideaway at the library in the series) that she can get to from the window of her bedroom—Alador made it when she was little. There Luz finds Amity’s Azura books and loses. her. shit. Amity tries to say, “I just liked them as a kid” and Ed & Em just APPEAR at the window to throw her under the bus, “So why do you read all of WarriorofReesesPieces fan fiction still???” And both Amity and Luz turn bright red. Amity mumbles something like “I thought I deleted my web history…” Amity has zero idea that Luz is her favorite fan fic writer.
* Boscha starts making fun of Willow in study hall and Amity shows up since her Anatomy and Physiology class got canceled and makes Boscha stop, deciding to sit with Luz, Gus, and Willow.
* Luz and Amity get an A on their project. There’s definitely the “WOOOO! TEAMWORK, BABY!” hug involved here.
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lcrissas · 2 years
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LARISSA  DOS  SANTOS  MACEDO  ,  better  known  as  LARI  ,  is  a  brazilian-american  travel  &  lifestyle  vlogger  and  pilot  .  macedo  became  known  for  documenting  their  work  travels  as  a  pilot  and  trademark   cinematic  editing  style  .
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BORN:  july  27,  1997  (  25  years  old  ) são  paulo  ,  brazil
HEIGHT:  05′08″
FULL  NAME:  larissa  dos  santos  macedo
PARENTS:  carla  dos  santos,  xavier  macedo
SIBLINGS:  marcos  dos  santos  macedo
EDUCATION:  massachusetts  institute  of  technology  (  b.a.  in  aerospace  engineering  )
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 larissa  dos  santos  macedo  was  born  on  july  27  ,  1997  in  são  paulo  ,  brazil  to  american  ambassador  xavier  macedo  and  his  wife  ,  carla  dos  santos  ,  who  was  a  flight  attendant  at  the  time  .  unfortunately  ,  macedo  notes  that  they  lost  their  mother  at  a  young  age  .  she  is  born  the  eldest  and  has  a  younger  brother  ,  marcos  dos  santos  macedo  .  
 macedo  started  pilot  training  in  2013  ,  at  the  age  of  16  .  by  21  ,  they  completed  their  mandatory  1500  hours  needed  for  a  license  .  she  also  obtained  her  helicopter  license  in  the  process  .  
 in  2015  ,  macedo  gained  admission  to  massachusetts  institute  of  technology  .  by  2019  ,  she  completes  her  studies  ,  graduating  with  a  degree  in  aerospace  engineering  .  she  often  talks  about  how  she  juggled  school  and  pilot  training  during  this  time  .
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✰  |  upcoming  projects:
✰  |  past  projects:
dive  bars  &  five  stars  |  tastemade  (  2022  )  ––  host
beauty  secrets  |  vogue  (  2021  )  ––  special  guest
what’s  in  my  bag  |  refinery29  (  2020  )  ––  special  guest
bon  appétit  test  kitchen  (  2020  )  ––  special  guest
travel  vs  baller  |  tastemade  (  2018  )  ––  guest  appearance
✰  |  recognition  &  awards:
streamy  awards  ––  creator  of  the  year  (  2021  )
shorty  awards  ––  vlogger  of  the  year  (  2021  )
youtube  creator  ––  diamond  (  2021  )
**  shorty  awards  ––  vlogger  of  the  year  (  2020  )
youtube  creator  ––  gold  (  2020  )
streamy  ––  breakout  creator  (  2019  )
youtube  creator  ––  silver  (  2019  )
youtube  creator  ––  bronze  (  2019  )
**  indicates  FINALIST  in  category
✰  |  brand  deals  &  endorsements:
rimowa  (  since  2020  )
ralph  lauren  (  since  2020  )
tag  heuer  (  since  2019  )
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fiame · 6 days
Apply In B. Tech Aerospace Engineering course
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FIAME invites talented students to join our B.Tech in Aerospace Engineering program. This course focuses on designing, building, and maintaining aircraft and spacecraft, with key subjects like aerodynamics and propulsion. Our modern facilities and experienced teachers are here to help you grow academically and professionally. Start your exciting career in aerospace with us.
To apply for the B.Tech in Aerospace Engineering at FIAME, Sonipat, make sure you meet the eligibility criteria. You need to have passed 10+2 with Physics, Chemistry, and Mathematics. The application process is simple: fill out the application form on the FIAME website, upload the required documents, and pay the application fee. You might also need to take an entrance exam or attend an interview. If you are successful, you will receive further instructions on how to complete your admission.
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mahindrauniversity · 10 days
The B Tech Mechatronics Engineering program at Mahindra University integrates mechanical, electrical, and computer engineering to design and create intelligent systems and products. Students gain hands-on experience and theoretical knowledge in robotics, automation, and control systems, preparing them for careers in diverse automotive, aerospace, and manufacturing industries. Visit our official website to learn more.
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amitynoida · 14 days
Aerospace Engineering Colleges In Delhi— Curriculum, Fees & More
Let’s be honest— we all wanted to fly an aircraft when we were kids. Seeing the jets flying in the sky always looked fascinating to us. But as we grew, our interests changed. Although there are still a few people who continued this dream, and now envision becoming an aerospace engineer.
If you are also one of those aspirants, then you have come to the right article, as in this article we are going to see – which is the best aerospace engineering college in India.
But before jumping to any conclusion and finding the right college, let’s understand what skills you require to become a successful aerospace engineer.
Must-Have Skills To Become An Aerospace Engineer
First things first, to become an aerospace engineer, you need a blend of technical and soft skills. Apart from basic skills like, Attention-to-detail, teamwork & strong analytical skills, you will need more skills. Here's a quick rundown of the major skills:
Mathematical Proficiency: You can't escape math in this field. Calculus, algebra, and trigonometry are your best friends. A solid understanding of these areas is essential.
Creativity and Innovation: Aerospace engineering isn't just about following established protocols. You'll often need to think outside the box to develop new solutions and designs.
Technical Expertise: Familiarity with CAD software, simulation tools, and other technical resources is necessary. Idea and information of the latest technological advancements in the field is also important.
Physical Stamina and Mental Agility: Sometimes, the work can be physically demanding and mentally exhausting. Being fit and mentally resilient helps you cope with the challenges.
The list of these skills goes on and on, although apart from skills, selecting the right college is crucial to embark on this wonderful journey.
Choosing The Best Aerospace Engineering Colleges In Delhi
Now that we’ve covered the skills, let’s talk about where you can nurture and develop these skills. Delhi, being a hub for education, has some top-notch institutions for aerospace engineering. But among the top 10 aerospace engineering colleges in India, one institution that shines as the No.1 private university is— Amity.
Program of Amity focuses on providing a blend of theoretical knowledge and practical skills. Courses include Aircraft Design, Spacecraft Technology, and Avionics; they also have state-of-the-art labs, research facilities and top-notch educators.
Talking about the annual fee for the engineering program at Amity, here’s a breakdown of sponsored and non-sponsored fees of aerospace engineering program at Amity University:
Program fee
(Rs. in Lakhs)
1st Year Non Sponsored Semester
1st Year Sponsored Semester Fee
To Sum Up!
In final words— picking the right college is a crucial step in your journey to becoming an aerospace engineer. There are a plethora of aerospace engineering colleges in Delhi, and each institution has its own unique strengths, so consider what aligns best with your career goals and personal preferences. Remember, the journey to the skies requires dedication, hard work, and a passion for innovation. So, gear up, get ready to take off, and make your aerospace engineering dreams a reality. If you are interested in checking out more about the aerospace engineering program at Amity, feel free to visit the official website. Admissions Open!
Source: https://amity-university-delhincr.blogspot.com/2024/09/aerospace-engineering-colleges-in-delhi.html
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Study Engineering Abroad for Indian Students: A Comprehensive Guide
In today’s globalized world, engineering students have the unique opportunity to pursue their education beyond national borders. Studying engineering abroad not only opens doors to world-class education but also offers diverse cultural experiences, advanced research opportunities, and better career prospects. For Indian students, studying engineering abroad is becoming an increasingly attractive option.
This guide will provide essential information for Indian students looking to study engineering abroad, including top destinations, popular engineering courses in abroad, admission requirements, scholarships, and more.
Why Study Engineering Abroad?
1. Access to World-Class Institutions
Countries like the USA, UK, Germany, Australia, and Canada are home to some of the top engineering schools in the world. These institutions offer state-of-the-art facilities, cutting-edge research programs, and renowned faculty members, making them excellent places for Indian students to pursue engineering.
2. Exposure to Global Trends and Technologies
Engineering is a rapidly evolving field. Studying abroad provides exposure to the latest trends and technologies that are shaping industries worldwide. From AI and robotics to renewable energy and environmental engineering, students will have access to advanced tools and resources to stay ahead of the curve.
3. Cultural Immersion and Global Perspective
Living and studying in a foreign country allows students to immerse themselves in a different culture, improving communication skills and cultural sensitivity. These experiences are invaluable, as they help shape a global perspective—an asset in today’s international job market.
4. Better Career Opportunities
Many countries offer post-study work visas to international students, allowing them to gain work experience after graduation. This makes it easier for Indian students to secure employment abroad and, in some cases, even permanent residency.
Top Countries for Studying Engineering Abroad
1. United States
The USA is home to prestigious engineering schools such as MIT, Stanford, and Caltech. It offers a broad range of engineering disciplines, including aerospace, mechanical, civil, electrical, and computer engineering. The country is known for its innovative research and collaboration with industries.
Popular Engineering Courses in the USA:
Electrical Engineering
Computer Science and Engineering
Mechanical Engineering
Civil Engineering
Aerospace Engineering
2. Germany
Germany is renowned for its engineering programs, particularly in mechanical and automotive engineering. Many universities in Germany offer courses in English, and the country is known for its affordable or even free education in public institutions.
Popular Engineering Courses in Germany:
Mechanical Engineering
Automotive Engineering
Electrical Engineering
Chemical Engineering
3. Canada
Canada is an emerging destination for Indian students due to its high quality of education, affordable tuition fees, and welcoming immigration policies. Universities like the University of Toronto and the University of British Columbia are highly regarded in various engineering fields.
Popular Engineering Courses in Canada:
Software Engineering
Civil Engineering
Biomedical Engineering
Electrical Engineering
Petroleum Engineering
4. Australia
Australia offers top-tier education in engineering, with institutions like the University of Melbourne and the Australian National University leading the way. The country’s focus on research and development makes it an ideal destination for students interested in cutting-edge technologies.
Popular Engineering Courses in Australia:
Mining Engineering
Environmental Engineering
Electrical and Electronics Engineering
Chemical Engineering
Civil Engineering
5. United Kingdom
The UK is known for its well-rounded engineering programs, particularly in universities such as Imperial College London and the University of Cambridge. It also offers short-duration programs, which are attractive for students seeking quicker graduation timelines.
Popular Engineering Courses in the UK:
Mechanical Engineering
Electrical Engineering
Civil Engineering
Chemical Engineering
Aerospace Engineering
Popular Engineering Courses in Abroad
Indian students have a vast array of engineering courses in abroad to choose from. Here are some of the most popular options:
1. Mechanical Engineering
This is one of the most sought-after engineering disciplines. It involves the design, manufacturing, and maintenance of mechanical systems. Students can specialize in areas such as robotics, automotive, or aerospace engineering.
2. Electrical and Electronics Engineering
Electrical engineering focuses on the design, development, and maintenance of electrical systems and equipment. This field is essential for industries ranging from telecommunications to power generation.
3. Civil Engineering
Civil engineering is concerned with the design and construction of infrastructure such as roads, bridges, and buildings. Studying this course abroad can provide access to large-scale projects and innovative construction techniques.
4. Computer Science and Engineering
This discipline focuses on the development of software and hardware. With the growing importance of technology, this is one of the most in-demand courses, offering excellent career prospects worldwide.
5. Chemical Engineering
Chemical engineering involves the application of physical sciences (chemistry and physics) along with life sciences (biology, microbiology, and biochemistry) to produce chemicals, materials, and energy. Studying chemical engineering abroad provides access to state-of-the-art research in nanotechnology, pharmaceuticals, and energy.
Admission Requirements for Engineering Programs Abroad
To study engineering abroad, Indian students need to meet certain eligibility criteria:
1. Academic Requirements
Most universities require students to have completed their 12th standard with a strong background in science, particularly in subjects like physics, chemistry, and mathematics.
2. Language Proficiency
Non-English-speaking countries may require proof of proficiency in the local language, but for English-speaking nations, tests such as TOEFL or IELTS are commonly required.
3. Entrance Exams
Some countries or universities require standardized test scores like the SAT or ACT (for undergraduate programs) and GRE (for postgraduate programs).
4. Statement of Purpose (SOP) and Letters of Recommendation (LORs)
Students must submit an SOP outlining their academic goals and motivations for studying abroad. LORs from teachers or professors are also required to support the application.
5. Visa Requirements
Students will need a student visa to study in most countries. Visa requirements vary, but generally, students must show proof of admission, financial stability, and insurance.
Scholarships for Indian Students
Studying abroad can be expensive, but various scholarships and financial aid options are available to Indian students. Some popular scholarships include:
Fulbright-Nehru Master's Fellowships (USA)
DAAD Scholarships (Germany)
Commonwealth Scholarships (UK)
Australian Awards Scholarships (Australia)
Vanier Canada Graduate Scholarships (Canada)
These scholarships cover tuition fees, living expenses, and sometimes even travel costs, making education abroad more accessible to Indian students.
Post-Study Work Opportunities
Many countries offer post-study work opportunities for international students, allowing them to gain valuable work experience. For example:
USA: Optional Practical Training (OPT) allows students to work for 12-36 months after graduation.
Canada: Post-Graduation Work Permit (PGWP) lets students work for up to three years.
Australia: The Temporary Graduate Visa allows students to work for up to four years, depending on the qualification.
Germany: Students can extend their residence permits for up to 18 months to seek employment.
For Indian students, pursuing an engineering degree abroad is not only a chance to receive world-class education but also to gain global exposure, expand career prospects, and build a network of international peers. With the right planning, choosing the right engineering courses in abroad and securing scholarships, Indian students can turn their dream of studying engineering abroad into reality.
By following the steps outlined in this guide, you’ll be well on your way to achieving academic success and a bright future in the global engineering landscape.
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nikhilamecet · 6 months
Aerospace Engineering admission can be through AME CET 2024, a national level common entrance exam. Aerospace Engineering colleges in India approved by All India Counseling for Technical Education (AICTE), Govt. of India. Admission in Aerospace engineering requires an admission process with some basic eligibility criteria that needs to be followed.
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vmaa123 · 11 days
Best Aerospace Engineering Programs: A Pathway to Excellence
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Are you searching for the best aerospace engineering programs to kickstart your career in aviation? VMAA offers comprehensive programs designed for future engineers. Candidates eligible for the program must have passed a minimum of 10+2 with Mathematics, Physics, and Chemistry, or hold a Diploma in Engineering or a BSc from a recognized institution. With VMAA’s commitment to quality education, you’ll be well-equipped to excel in the aerospace industry. For more details on admissions and programs, visit VMAA.
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mvjceng · 1 year
Research is an integral part of engineering education, driving innovation, and pushing the boundaries of knowledge. At MVJ College of Engineering (MVJCE), recognized as one of the top engineering colleges in Bangalore, research holds a position of utmost importance. In this blog, we will delve into the significance of research in engineering, and shed light on MVJCE's commitment to fostering a research culture among faculty members and students.
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divyabisht081 · 1 month
Tier 1 Engineering Colleges in India
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India is home to some of the world's most prestigious engineering institutions, renowned for their academic excellence, cutting-edge research, and outstanding placement records. These Tier-1 engineering colleges are the dream destinations for aspiring engineers across the country. This comprehensive guide will cover everything you need to know about these top institutions, including eligibility, fee structure, specializations offered, accreditations, campus life, admission processes, entrance exams, placements, return on investment (ROI), and course demand.
Top Tier-1 Engineering Colleges in India
Indian Institutes of Technology (IITs)
National Institutes of Technology (NITs)
Birla Institute of Technology and Science (BITS) Pilani
Indian Institute of Science (IISc) Bangalore
Delhi Technological University (DTU)
Vellore Institute of Technology (VIT)
Anna University, Chennai
Indian Institute of Information Technology (IIITs)
Manipal Institute of Technology (MIT)
Jadavpur University, Kolkata
Eligibility Criteria
To gain admission to Tier-1 engineering colleges in India, students must meet specific eligibility criteria:
Educational Qualification: Completion of 10+2 or equivalent with Physics, Chemistry, and Mathematics (PCM) as core subjects.
Minimum Marks: A minimum aggregate of 75% in 10+2 (relaxed for reserved categories) or top 20 percentile in respective boards.
Entrance Exams: Valid scores in national-level entrance exams like JEE Main, JEE Advanced, BITSAT, or state-level exams.
Fee Structure
The fee structure varies across different institutions:
IITs: Approx. INR 2-2.5 lakhs per annum.
NITs: Approx. INR 1.5-2 lakhs per annum.
BITS Pilani: Approx. INR 4 lakhs per annum.
IISc Bangalore: Approx. INR 30,000 per annum.
Private Universities (VIT, Manipal): INR 2-5 lakhs per annum.
Scholarships and financial aid are available based on merit and economic need.
Specializations Offered
Tier-1 engineering colleges offer a wide range of specializations, including but not limited to:
Computer Science and Engineering (CSE)
Electrical and Electronics Engineering (EEE)
Mechanical Engineering
Civil Engineering
Chemical Engineering
Aerospace Engineering
Information Technology
Materials Science and Engineering
Environmental Engineering
College Accreditations
Accreditations ensure the quality and standards of education. Key accreditations include:
National Board of Accreditation (NBA)
National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC)
University Grants Commission (UGC)
All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE)
Campus Life
Tier-1 engineering colleges are known for their vibrant campus life, which includes:
State-of-the-Art Infrastructure: Advanced laboratories, research centers, libraries, and modern classrooms.
Hostel Facilities: Comfortable accommodations with amenities like Wi-Fi, dining, and recreational facilities.
Extracurricular Activities: A plethora of clubs, sports, cultural events, and tech fests.
Admission Process
The admission process typically involves:
Entrance Exam: Clearing national-level exams like JEE Main, JEE Advanced, BITSAT, or respective state-level exams.
Counseling: Participating in the counseling process based on entrance exam ranks.
Document Verification: Submission and verification of required documents.
Seat Allotment: Securing a seat in the preferred college and specialization.
Strengthen your Class 11 & 12 foundation: Focus on mastering science and mathematics concepts. Enroll in coaching institutes or online resources to supplement your learning.
Entrance Exams
Several entrance exams are conducted for admission to Tier-1 engineering colleges:
JEE Main: For admission to NITs, IIITs, and CFTIs.
JEE Advanced: For admission to IITs.
BITSAT: For admission to BITS Pilani campuses.
VITEEE: For admission to VIT.
SRMJEEE: For admission to SRM University.
Tier-1 engineering colleges in India boast excellent placement records:
On-Campus Recruitment: Top companies conduct recruitment drives on campus.
Internship Opportunities: Students are provided with internships in leading companies.
Career Counseling: Guidance for interviews, resume building, and skill enhancement.
Top Recruiters: Google, Microsoft, Amazon, Intel, TCS, Infosys, Wipro, L&T, and many more.
Return on Investment (ROI)
The ROI of a degree from a Tier-1 engineering college is high due to:
High Starting Salaries: Graduates secure lucrative job offers.
Career Growth: Opportunities for rapid career advancement.
Global Opportunities: Access to international job markets and higher studies.
Course Demand
The demand for engineering courses from Tier-1 colleges remains consistently high due to:
Technological Advancements: Continuous growth in tech and innovation sectors.
Diverse Career Options: Opportunities in IT, manufacturing, research, consulting, and more.
Global Recognition: Degrees from these institutions are recognized and valued worldwide.
Tier-1 engineering colleges in India offer an unparalleled blend of academic excellence, cutting-edge research, and robust placement opportunities. These institutions provide a solid foundation for aspiring engineers, equipping them with the skills and knowledge required to excel in a rapidly evolving technological landscape. Whether you aim to pursue higher studies, secure a high-paying job, or embark on entrepreneurial ventures, a degree from a Tier-1 engineering college in India can be your gateway to a successful career.
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darkmaga-retard · 1 month
I try my best to take a strictly realist approach to everything.
I have been catching up with things and ended up with watch three interviews that fall into that category.
Both Scott Ritter and Prof Marandi agree that Iran is trying to balance between the knowledge that any retaliatory move by Iran has the potential to escalate into a regional conflict with the collapse of the world economy whilst failure to act will emcourage Netanyahu to continue acting with impunity.
That, by any definition, is a conundrum which may explain why Iran has yet to act - something that is not to the liking of some of the keyboard warriors.
This is Prof. Sayed Mohammad Marandi interviewed just the other day.
Israel in TOTAL PANIC as Iran's Punishment for IDF will be Devastating w/ Prof. Mohammad Marandi
And Scott Ritter.
"It's Iran's MOVE and what happens next could be nuclear war" Fmr Marine Scott Ritter
I also highly recommend this excellent analysis by Dr. John Mearsheimer.
Here is another video from the same channel
Iron Dome failed to destroy even a single Iranian missile
TEHRAN, Aug. 10 (MNA) – Zionists have admitted that the Iron Dome was incapable of destroying even a single Iranian missile during Tehran's retaliatory attack on the Israeli regime in April, dubbed "Operation True Promise."
Moti Shefer, an Israeli space engineering expert has stressed that the Iron Dome is the biggest deception that the world has witnessed.
Israeli regime's air defense did not shoot down a single Iranian missile during Operation True Promise, despite it firing 500 missiles from the Iron Dome, according to him.
The Israeli military spokesman is either lying or is ignorant, Shefer added.
He further referred to the attacks by the Lebanese Hezbollah Resistance Movement, saying that the Hezbollah missiles had caused a great amount of damage and the Zionist officials have been unable to curb this situation.
In the early hours of April 14, the IRGC Aerospace Force launched tens of missiles and drones against military targets in the occupied territories in retaliation for the Israeli regime’s April 1 airstrike on the consular section of Iran’s embassy in Damascus.
In an interview with the Iranian daily ‘Iran’ in May, Commander of Khatam al-Anbia Headquarters Major General Gholam Ali Rashid gave details about the ‘True Promise Operation’ that the Iranian armed forces carried out against Israeli military targets.
General Rashid said only one division of the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps Aerospace Force was tasked with carrying out the operation, while even that single unit employed only 20 percent of its offensive power in the operation.
On the other side, the US, NATO, CENTCOM, and the Zionist regime had prepared 240 fighter jets, while various anti-missile air defense systems of the US warships in the Mediterranean Sea and the Red Sea, as well as the Zionist regime’s anti-missile systems, were on the alert, he said.
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Exploring the Best Engineering Colleges in Noida for Aspiring Engineers
Noida, a rapidly growing hub in the Delhi-NCR region, is known for its vibrant educational environment. With numerous engineering colleges in Noida, students have a plethora of options to choose from. This guide aims to help aspiring engineers make an informed decision about their higher education by highlighting the top engineering colleges in Noida, their specializations, campus facilities, and admission processes.
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Why Choose Noida for Engineering Studies?
Noida offers a unique blend of quality education, industry exposure, and vibrant campus life. Here are some reasons why students prefer pursuing engineering in Noida:
Proximity to Industry Hubs: Noida's close proximity to industrial and IT hubs provides students with ample internship and job opportunities.
Quality Education: The engineering colleges in Noida are known for their high academic standards and state-of-the-art infrastructure.
Experienced Faculty: Many colleges boast a highly qualified faculty with years of industry and teaching experience.
Modern Campus Facilities: Colleges offer excellent facilities including well-equipped labs, libraries, sports complexes, and hostels.
Top Engineering Colleges in Noida
1. Jaypee Institute of Information Technology (JIIT)
Jaypee Institute of Information Technology, established in 2001, is one of the leading engineering colleges in Noida. It offers undergraduate, postgraduate, and doctoral programs in various engineering disciplines.
Courses Offered: B.Tech, M.Tech, Ph.D.
Specializations: Computer Science, Electronics, Biotechnology, and more.
Campus Facilities: Modern classrooms, advanced laboratories, extensive library, and sports facilities.
Admission Process: Based on JEE Main scores and counseling.
2. Amity University
Amity University is a well-known name in the educational sector, offering a wide range of engineering programs. It stands out for its global curriculum and excellent placement records.
Courses Offered: B.Tech, M.Tech, Ph.D.
Specializations: Aerospace, Civil, Mechanical, Information Technology, and more.
Campus Facilities: High-tech labs, well-stocked libraries, on-campus accommodation, and recreation centers.
Admission Process: Admission through Amity JEE or JEE Main, followed by an interview.
3. Galgotias University
Galgotias University is another prominent institution among the engineering colleges in Noida. It is known for its industry-aligned curriculum and strong focus on research and development.
Courses Offered: B.Tech, M.Tech, Ph.D.
Specializations: Electrical, Mechanical, Civil, Electronics, and Communication.
Campus Facilities: Modern classrooms, research centers, libraries, sports facilities, and hostels.
Admission Process: Based on JEE Main scores and university entrance exams.
4. Sharda University
Sharda University offers a comprehensive range of engineering programs with an emphasis on practical knowledge and innovation. It is recognized for its diverse student community and international collaborations.
Courses Offered: B.Tech, M.Tech, Ph.D.
Specializations: Computer Science, Biotechnology, Mechanical, Civil, and more.
Campus Facilities: Advanced labs, library, sports complex, and on-campus housing.
Admission Process: JEE Main, SUAT (Sharda University Admission Test), or any other national entrance exam scores.
Choosing the Right Engineering College
When selecting an engineering college, consider the following factors:
Accreditation and Ranking: Ensure the college is accredited by recognized bodies like AICTE and is ranked well in national surveys.
Placement Records: Check the college's placement statistics and the companies that visit for campus recruitment.
Faculty and Research Opportunities: Look for colleges with experienced faculty and ample opportunities for research and development.
Campus Life: Consider the campus environment, student activities, and facilities offered.
Admission Tips for Engineering Aspirants
Prepare for Entrance Exams: Most engineering colleges in Noida accept JEE Main scores. Focus on your preparation to score well in these exams.
Stay Updated on Application Deadlines: Keep track of the application deadlines for different colleges and entrance exams.
Work on Your Interview Skills: Some colleges conduct interviews as part of the admission process. Practice your communication skills and technical knowledge.
Visit Campuses: If possible, visit the campuses to get a feel of the environment and facilities.
Choosing the right engineering college is a crucial step in shaping your career. With numerous options available among the engineering colleges in Noida, students can find a college that aligns with their academic goals and career aspirations. Remember to consider factors like accreditation, faculty, placement records, and campus facilities when making your decision. By doing so, you can ensure a rewarding and enriching engineering education experience.
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