#Admin talk
star-wars-radar · 2 months
Hey there! The quick and easy TLDR? I reblog fanworks every day and I love when people submit stuff I haven't seen. Under the cut is an FAQ (including instructions on how to submit fanworks or let me know if I reblogged stolen art). Please read before you send something! Here's links to the askbox and submit.
How does this work?
I track the tags for animations, coloring books, comics, commissions, cosplayers, dioramas, edits, icons, fanart, fanfic, fanmixes, fanvids, filk, gifs, merch, moodboards, podcasts, podfics, poetry, sculptures, and zines. When something new shows up in those tags, I add it to the queue!
Some fanworks aren't put in my tracked tags, or are posted to other sites, like AO3 or Instagram. You can submit links to them, and I'll add them to the queue with the rest. (Just a note: don't try to put them in the askbox! Links and media can only be submitted.)
If you know of an art form that's not mentioned here, I'd love to see it! Send me a link to its tag and I'll keep an eye out for new stuff.
Do you reblog XYZ?
Probably! If it's a fanwork, and it's related to Star Wars, I'll reblog it. Crossovers, fusions, AUs, translations, and non-English works are welcome. I reblog works that contain triggering content or are rated R/Mature/Explicit, and this is a proship blog, including master/padawan and clone/clone. Everything is tagged so it can be filtered out if you don't like it.
That means you're going to reblog some character/ship/trope/creator I don't like!
I don't give a shit.
But it's gross/immoral/hurts my feelings!
I still don't give a shit.
What's your tagging system?
Non-fanwork posts are tagged #admin talk and answered asks are tagged #ask. All fanworks are tagged with their type, as listed in the first question's answer. "#nsfw (violence)" and "#nsfw (sex)" are used for mature content. I tag triggers and am happy to expand my taglist, just send me an ask. Current trigger tags: abuse, death, flashing, sexual assault, and smoking.
Works are tagged with the creator's username. I tag the names of all the characters and relationships, and if a work is character-critical or part of a series. Relationships are tagged with character names in alphabetical order, using "&" for platonic and "/" for romantic. AUs are tagged with their type, and crossovers and fusions are tagged with their other fandom(s).
I also tag 'creature' for works with animals, 'droid' for works with droids, and 'ship' for works with spacecraft and vehicles. 'The Bad Batch', 'Jedi', and 'Rebel Alliance' are tagged for group-themed works. Original characters are tagged with their type: Chiss, clone, droid, Jedi, Mandalorian, Sith, Twi'lek, Wookiee, etc.
If a tag is missing or wrong, please let me know! I don't read or listen to everything I reblog, as I simply don't have the time or spoons. All written and audio works are tagged based on the OP's tags. Let me know the chapter (for written) or timestamp (for audio), and what should be tagged. Submit that with a link to my reblog.
How do I submit something?
First, please check the blog for everything tagged with that creator's name. It might already be here! If not, the rest of this answer will walk you through the submission process. Submit as much as you want!
There's a link at the top of this post to submit. You can also check beneath the blog's banner on mobile or desktop. To the right of the Ask link is a meatball menu (three dots in a row). Click or tap that, then 'Submit'. However you get to the submit page, you'll see this:
1 is the drop-down for post type. 2 is where tumblr will prompt you to put your name and email if you're not logged in. Do not put your real name. "N/A" or "nothing" will work for both fields. 3 is where you put a link to what you want to submit. You'll have to check the box by 4 (and do a captcha if you're not logged in) before hitting the Submit button.
Don't worry about providing the information that I tag with! I take the link and do all the formatting and tagging myself.
You might not see a work posted in the same day or week that you submitted it, due to the length of the queue. If you want to make sure that something gets shared, you can DM me or send an ask, to check if it's in the queue. Please don't resubmit unless I ask you to.
How do I tell you that you reblogged stolen/reposted/uncredited works?
Submit a link to what I reblogged with a link to the original artist's post. If you don't see the work removed in three days, feel free to follow up by sending a DM or ask. Please don't resubmit unless I ask you to.
I still have more questions/want to tell you something/I like the nuance poll option.
No problem! My askbox is open to whatever you want to share, and anon is enabled. I aim to check the blog at least daily so I can reply to things fairly quickly. Please only DM me if you're checking whether I saw your submitted post!
This is a cool blog!
Thanks, I think so too :) It's my hope that having a 'one stop shop' for fanworks will help creators reach a wider audience. The best way to support them - and me! - is to reblog the stuff you like. Especially with some enthusiastic tags!
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spirk · 6 months
got two new tattooes today, i'm already contemplating another one and i'm thinking of a line tattoo of the oz'hesta ofc making them spock and kirks hands. im super pumped to plan it out
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darlenedanforth · 5 months
HIII I was super busy all day today but I'll be back around tomorrow to participate in sleepover stuff !!! Pls keep it going another day I wanna join in so bad !! - 🐝
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callmeklair · 11 months
happy birthday to me ✨
I'm so glad to meet you guys @its-irsaa-fyp @afra-blueraz @diabolik-art-blog @shuyui-nether and many others after entering Tumblr to meet with more people of this fandom here.
I'm so glad to meet you guys and have you here with me. 🥹🫶
and also thanks to Yui, my muse, my role model, my baby, my best girl, my girlfriend, my wife, my everything. I love you so much girl, your character inspires me so much. after going through all your routes, I started thinking from your viewpoint on situations and my brave woman you are awesome for being able to deal with all that yet standing up on your ground until the end.
please don't mind me, i decided to do this random appreciation post I met everyone this year because I'm really glad to meet you guys and to know you all. thank you so much for always supporting me 💞
ily all and will keep supporting you all ✨
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dailyfryes · 1 year
Jack the Ripper DLC: a rant
Alright well, I always said I was going to write a rant about the Jack the Ripper DLC and how nonsensical it is. Since my boyfriend is playing it for the first time and I’m watching him play it... yeah well here’s my rant: 
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I don’t even know how to begin this, there’s an endless amount of plot holes and I’ll probably forget a few things. 
Let’s just start with the beginning of the game, you play as Jack and literally murder a cop in plain view of the public. In fact Jack kills a lot of people in this game who aren’t just the canonical five. It’s absurd. Obviously I know it’s for a video game but it just seems too over the top, I feel like there would be a bigger outroar from the public and more newspaper articles. But anyway this is the smallest gripe for me.
I absolutely hate how this DLC has Jacob being too soft about Jack to kill him. You’re kidding me, right? Yes, I know Jacob has a soft spot for the disenfranchised, but this is his empire he has built in London all at risk. His position as a Master Assassin, and no doubt a Head Assassin at the London Headquarters, all at risk. His FAMILY at risk. As much as he might view Jack as a son, he would love his own son and wife (and perhaps other kids if he has others) far more than he would care for Jack. God, they don’t even mention his family (or Evie’s!!!! She’s even still referred to as Miss Frye???)! We know for a fact he has a son (at the very least) during this DLC as Lydia is born five years after. Since Jaocb becomes a grandfather at 46 he would’ve had a wife by the time he went to India with Evie, Henry and Jack - yet she’s not in the photo. (Let’s be real though: Ubisoft is crap at keeping up with timelines.) And, no, I do not believe it to be in his character to be unmarried or a man who sleeps around (it’s not in his character: he is very devotional, and it’s also pretty biphobic to characterise him as someone who just sleeps around). I would assume Jacob sent his family away from London, but no we don’t even get a mention of them, or Henry. AND even worse: the entire London Brotherhood just dips?????????????????? This makes me assume Jacob is the Head Assassin because why else would the disappear? Even so, since when were Assassins such cowards?? It’s literally one man. 
Jack having influence over London, that’s why the Assassins left. This makes no damn sense. It is insane to me the power that Jack has over people in this game. Even so, why would a strong Brotherhood just leave because of one guy and some gang members? These London Assassins are stupid! So, Jack kills the canonical five, which he and both we know aren’t actually prostitutes, they’re Assassins. And yet Jack and his lackeys have a vendetta against prostitutes? He’s working with Lady Owers? Why? Why the hell would she work with him (like yeah I know she does it because she doesn’t want him to kill her: but why is he even after her??? She’s not a bloody Assassin!), he’s supposed to be completely and utterly anonymous. Not just anonymous in the form of an alias, literally no one is supposed to know who this man is. How did he even approach her to work with him anyway? Why is he going after prostitutes when he only wants to kill and get revenge on Assassins? Jack the Ripper was a misogynist who targeted prostitutes because he hated women. He mutilated them because he hated women. This DLC Jack is just after a vendetta against Jacob and the Brotherhood, so while I understand why the Assassins used prostitution as a disguise, it makes no sense that Jack continues to go after regular prostitutes. The writers made it clear he wants revenge, only does Evie at one point hint at him perhaps being a misogynist (”Do you hurt women to prove you’re a man, Jack?”) - this just seems like a lazy throwaway line to try tie in with the fact the real Jack was a misogynist, but again, this is not why he [this DLC Jack] killed the canonical five. So, it makes so sense. Also, I’ve said this before but, Jacob has not had a thing with Nellie like some of you in this fandom believe. 
Influence over the Rooks in Whitechapel, this I guess could be more believable. I don’t know about y’all but by the time I finished the main game I was rich as hell from all the races and boat raids etc. And as a Master Assassin in London I imagine Jacob (and Evie) would’ve done quite well with themselves and would be able to afford to live in the richer areas of London (I’m thinking the Strand, personally). So, perhaps the Rooks from poorer areas like Whitechapel are feeling left behind, and perhaps could be swayed to go against Jacob. But then you get to the hulled out war ships. It’s littered in Rooks. There’s no way in hell Jack has all these Rooks and all the ones in Whitechapel/London City following him. Jack won’t even be paying them! You’re telling me not ONE of the Rooks on the hulled out ships thought, hey this is kind of messed up? No one out of the hundreds of Rooks said anything, ever? Also what even IS this hulled out war ship place about? This makes the LEAST amount of sense. So Jack, for sadistic reasons, is taking a lot of people prisoner, paying a hangman and other lackeys, to ferry out his prisoners (even the game doesn’t know why he chooses his prisoners asides from him being sick in the head), watch over them in the hulls, organise their murder and then dispose of the bodies? This is dozens upon dozens of people missing. Yet there’s no outcry in the newspapers. Nothing. Also, Evie quite literally lets some of the prisoners free, assuming they got out by boat before Jack got there, they would be telling everyone they were held prisoner by Jack (the game really doesn’t make it clear if they got out or not). Not only that but Evie just took a boat out there, does that mean anyone could just accidentally stumble across these ships? I assume if they did they’d die too: their families would report them missing. But the dumbest thing of all, Evie phones in to the London Police to let them know what is happening, so the police get sent to investigate. Jack then comes back and kills them all. So these policemen, dozens of them, are not going to return and the London Police will know about it. They will go to these ships again and see a massacre of prisoners and policemen, it’ll be big news. Nah, nothing about it is even brought up again. It’s the dumbest thing about this stupid DLC.
Also, Jack goes back to the Lambeth Asylum to get revenge and kill the nurse who abused him as a child, Evie literally says “Jack’s trail of death continues”. Again... how is this not news, how is this not one of the canonical murders? Oh, because it makes no sense. He kills so many non-Assassins, so many people beyond the canonical five, that it makes no sense there’s such an outcry about five women being murdered. It’s like the rest don’t matter. The thing is it’s hard to make a game about Jack the Ripper the way Ubisoft is trying to, there’s too much murder at every corner, but it’s expected in an AC game; it would be boring if you didn’t have anyone to fight. I would’ve preferred Jack to be some elusive target for the Assassins: something the Brotherhood hasn’t dealt with: normal people. Not an Assassin, nor a Templar. Even still, a Templar would’ve made more damn sense than Assassin. However, I feel like even I could write a better DLC with Jack being an Assassin that wasn’t as nonsensical as this. My boyfriend, who doesn’t like AC as much as me, even said this DLC made no sense plot-wise.  
Side note: I would love to see how livid Evie and Jacob are at the pathetic London Assassins that come crawling back from their hiding holes. They left their stronghold, one of the most powerful cities in Europe, they left the citizens behind. Ugh. Obviously not all of them leave as Mary Jane Kelley is murdered on the Fryes’ birthday, but how could the majority of them leave their brothers and sisters behind to be murdered or to fend for themselves? Also, Jack’s motive being that his mother died... the dying mother trope is so overdone: think of BvS or Civil War. Yawn. Oh and Frederick put his head on the line by not revealing who Jack was - like think about it: he was hounded and deemed a failure by everyone. It’s a huge and unrealistic ask of Evie, in reality he would’ve exposed Jack but hey, we love Freddy. Freddy is the best associate confirmed. 
Oh and there’s some people in this fandom who believe Jacob lived in Whitechapel?? (Again he’s probably rich, so, LOL!) He obviously wants to be right in the middle of it: to try catch Jack. This is clearly temporary lodgings, and also a means to stay away form his family to keep them safe if Jacob hadn’t already sent them away by that point. I’ve even seen some talk about the photos on the wall there, like the one of a bride, those photos are copy and pasted all over this game, they mean nothing. Evie literally has them in her train cart in the main game.
Right now that’s all I can think about: I’m sure I left other points out. But please feel free to send me an ask if you want to keep talking, I love talking anything and everything about Syndicate. 
If you’ve read this far, thank you :) and sorry if there’s typos
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probablythevaria · 8 months
Ive been inactive on Tumblr for some time and been following this blog for so long and I'm so happy it's still here 🥹 khr has brought back so many great memories to me. The characters mean a lot to me and the show got me through tough times and this is one of my favorite fandom blogs. You do such a great job. I hope your life is as good as khr made you feel
Thank you so much! ♥ Even though there's technically only two admins still around we both really appreciate anyone who supported our work ♥
It's kind of crazy because I made this blog when I was, like, 18 maybe? I was honestly just a little baby writer and I've hopefully improved quite a bit by now since I'm about to be 27 (oh yeah this blog is OLD)
But, yeah- my life's been okay! And I'm still around on tumblr and always wanting to talk khr if anyone wanted to follow my actual blog which is @fictionallyattractive . I'd love to see how any one of our supporters was doing after all these years ♥
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spe!lance should not be in my coffee!
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imaginejamesandsirius · 8 months
Everyone welcome our newest member @starlitmusings! She wrote the latest fic we posted, check it out. She's new to prongsfoot, so be sure to make her feel welcome!
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ciaossu-imagines · 9 months
Hey did you get my pms? Hope you're well today
Hey there! So…I've been told by several of you lovely readers that you really appreciate how I'm always really kind to all of you and really understanding. And I try really hard to be kind, to make this a happy, peaceful, fun blog for you guys. And I'm really sorry for anyone I'm going to disappoint here because I'm not going to be as nice as I normally am.
I have received your direct messages. I was sleeping because it was late at night when they came in Thursday night. So I wasn't able to read them until Friday morning before work. I then worked a full shift, as I do have a job that takes up quite a bit of my time, so I wasn't able to answer right away and honestly, I needed to take some time and think about how I wanted to reply to them because of things I'll cover later on. This came into my account around the time I was eating an early-ish supper on Saturday, so the messages hadn't even been sitting unanswered for very long, to be honest. As said, I work a job, volunteer with Mental Health, have to sleep and eat, have regular therapy appointments, have friends in real life I try to see in person or reply to their texts with some regularity (even though sometimes it can take me days or even a week to even answer friends texts) so I don't have as much online time available and what time I have online is largely spent lately writing the actual requests and posts for the blog (mostly in advance, and then finding the time to proof and then post them), clearing my inbox and draft folders. I've been honest and upfront always on this blog that I'm very much trash on replying to private messages and that it does take me a while to find the extra time, and social battery as I am an introvert and sometimes just can't find it in me to want to talk to people directly, to want to message back. On top of that, I had five other people waiting for replies to their direct messages to me that I hadn't replied to either at that point, now four of them, and some of their messages have honestly been sitting there for over a week. I am working on answering people back, but please respect the fact that it can take time and, maybe because of my neurodivergence, but reminders that the direct messages are there and hey, answer them because someone is waiting make me feel really pressured and stressed and definitely not eager to reply or talk to a person.
Now, since you brought this into a publicly answerable space by coming into the inbox, and because honestly, I've been really struggling with how to respond to your messages, I'm going to respond publicly, because most of it I would like to share with everyone who reads this blog. I mean no active disrespect to you by doing so, and will apologize in advance if you take it that way. Below is the private messages sent to me.
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First, I do want to say, I do see the compliments in the message. I really appreciate them, they're very kind words, I appreciate the time you took to write them and the fact that reading my posts inspires you to write as well. Thank you very much for every compliment written.
Now, we'll tackle the answers, and things I did want to say, not only to this person but to everyone, step by step. I'm really glad that this person, and many of the others who read my stuff, do see the amount of effort I put into each and every one of my posts. Especially with the AU's, for most of them I really do take at least a day or two, sometimes longer, to really think them out, build up the worlds, figure out how the characters would really translate to this newly built up world, how they'd interact with each other in it, how their relationships in canon can be translated over. For some AU's, I do go and do research to build the actual world…going to use the most recently posted AU here, the mall AU with Eyeshield 21. As mentioned in that post, I went and actually pulled up maps of a mall to consider all the potential stores and since Deimon was really the focus and I set them working at a Cabela's like store, I was like…I know I've been in a Cabela's but how are the stores laid out again, what are all the different sections in a Cabela's and not only did I go look on their website but I phoned a friend I'd been meaning to hang out with anyway and was like 'shopping date? Only thing I ask for stores is that we stop by a Cabela's and you don't make fun of the fact that I'm not going to buy anything, just want to walk the store haha'. With the AU's, the match-up's, the headcanon requests, I'll sometimes even get stuck on whether an idea in my head really matches up with the character and does truly feel right, so I either go watch clips of the character or research, see what trivia I can dig up to either double-check what I already know, or see if I missed anything. So you are right in that, yeah, there is a lot of effort put into my posts and my writing. And I am so, so, SO happy and not at all bothered by putting in that amount of effort. Writing these posts, coming up with the ideas, spinning everything out, it is fun for me, it is something I enjoy, so please don't think that I am complaining about that, just wanting to explain why I'm going to go the direction I am in this reply.
Plain out blanket rule on this blog - if you see something on here you love and you come up with story ideas, with additional headcanons, with something you want to write, draw, do anything creative with? Please, please feel free to do so and to share those things publicly if you are comfortable. I do ask that you give me or my post credit for inspiration, because that would be the polite thing to do and tagging me in it so I can see what you did and geek out and love up on it would make me very happy, but I will be able to shrug it off if you don't, with the only exception to this being The Ever Young, where I do demand credit at the very least because that is at least a year, if not more, of solid world building and character building on my side.
Honestly, even though the AU's and even some of the headcanon posts have given me serious story ideas and I would love to, and plan on, finding the time and creative energy to properly write them out, the fact of the matter is that as writers, based on that one idea, both me and someone else can write it as a story and our stories are honestly probably going to be drastically different, because we'll have different ideas, different views of characters and relationships, different styles and tones to our writing. And I get being inspired by others - I've never made it a secret that the delinquent!Shouhei fic I write and post on here is inspired by some absolutely brilliant and inspiring headcanons shoheiakagi (if you're a fan of K and not following them, please click the link and check them out because they are wonderful and I personally really love their blog and how they help keep the K fandom so alive and active) wrote on their blog and that without those, the fic wouldn't exist.
This particular person though? I'm not sure I love the idea of you taking my ideas and running with them for one very important reason, and maybe it's really mean and petty of me, but it's the reason text on that screengrab of the messages is highlighted. Please make no mistake - what I do on this blog, the headcanons, the AU's, the match-up…everything, really. This is all very, very VERY much writing, just as much so as writing fic. I've written, in my storied fandom career (which started on Quizilla, way back in 2002 guys, yes I am the cryptkeeper), short fic, long fic, roleplaying posts - both as an original character and as canon characters, comfort letters to people from their favourite characters, quizzes, choose your own adventure stories, and what you see posted on this blog and my former one polycanons. And I can absolutely guarantee you that they are all forms of writing, that they all can be extremely time-consuming and hard to write in their own ways, that they all take effort and creativity. To reduce what I do on this blog into 'not exactly writing'…to be honest, I struggled with whether to even answer the messages and how to do so because I do accept my neurodivergence means I might overreact to things at times and I wanted to give my brain time and space to really think on what you sent to see if I was potentially overreacting. But honestly, it's now Sunday, three days after the messages were sent and while I would have liked a little more time to process and think about this, this person seems to want a more immediate answer so… I might be overreacting and I might be being petty, but I am also stating my truth when I say that the way that was worded came off to me as so incredibly dismissive of my hard work on my posts and a little disrespectful of me as an actual writer, to the point where it really invalidated any compliments you did give.
Honestly, while I love each and every single one of you, my constant, lovely readers, and will terribly miss you (my heart will, honestly, ache a little over the loss and I will carry you lovelies in my heart and wish you well) I will ask, as I'm asking this person, that if you really honestly and truly hold the opinion that what I do here on the blog is 'not exactly writing', if you can't even give me that baseline of respect, then please unfollow me and please do not use the ideas that I, as a writer, come up with.
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bitethebulletau · 5 months
[admin here. I found out yesterday that buds had quit like two weeks ago. Don’t worry though, I’m still gonna run this blog. I also have a fanfic for this au up on A03, it currently only has two chapters, but I am currently working on the third one rn, it will definitely take time though due to motivation. I just wanted to give you guys a little update.]
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perish-song · 2 years
For those who didn't see the region is indeed the Orre region.
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eyelessdoll-y · 2 years
Merry christmas for yall!!!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️🙏🏻❤️🙏🏻🎄🎄🎄🎄
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rukiyui-fanblog · 2 years
Admin talk
Well, there is an important issue that needs to be said about this post. Dear friends, I must say that I never gave hate to the OCs. I just defended Yui against people who give her hates with their own OCs, and this made me get blamed for being a Yui fan. If you look at my following, you will see that I support many OCs. So please don't judge me. I love those OCs and I have never given them hate.
Stop blame me and my friends for the crime we didn't.
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joyfulsanctuary · 1 year
I have a huge soft spot for the chibi style I posted earlier today… I’d really like to continue practicing drawing some characters with it!! If you have any requests, please let me know! 🥰
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callmeklair · 11 months
Hey dear.... sorry to ask this but when we can read new chapter 😭. I'm impatiently waiting for it. As Shu has a big role now.
dw, it's okay, you can ask me anything. I don't feel pressured or anything if you guys ask me about an update or anything. it's alright with me 😭
Right I was inactive this week because my maths test series was going on for almost the whole week so I was busy with it. but I have two surprises planned for you guys 🙊
so just wait until tomorrow (⁠◠⁠‿⁠・⁠)⁠—⁠☆
and yes, Shu's role will start getting bigger in the upcoming chapters. prepare yourselves for some shin vs. shu
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dailyfryes · 1 year
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My cat Hades loves Jacob Frye, slay 💅🏻
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